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Planning: Planning is one of the most important management activities and is an ongoing effort throughout the life of the

project. Software project management begins with a set of activities that are collectively called Project Planning. Preliminary planning starts on day one even in the pre-project phase Project Planning Objectives The objective of software project planning is to provide a framework that enables the manager to make reasonable estimates of: Resources, Cost, and Schedule: These estimates are made within a limited time frame at the beginning of a software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses. In addition, estimates should attempt to define best case and worst-case scenarios so that project outcomes can be bounded. The software project planner must estimate following things before a project begins: 1. How much will it cost? 2. How long will it take? 3. How many people will it take? 4. What might go wrong? Project Planning Definition Software Project Management (CS615) What is it? Software project planning involves estimation - your attempt to determine how much money, how much effort, how many resources, and how much time it will take to build a specific software-based system or product. Who does it? Software Project Managers- Using information imported from customers and software engineers and software metrics data collected from past projects. It is advisable to generate your estimates using at least two different methods (as a cross check). Problem complexity and risk are considered before a final estimate is made. 4.3 Project Planning: Key Tasks 1. Set goal and scope 2. Select lifecycle 3. Set organization team form 4. Start team selection 5. Determine risks 6. Create WBS 7. Identify tasks 8. Estimate size 9. Estimate effort 10. Identify task dependencies 11. Assign resources 12. Schedule work 4.4 Project Management Process The software development management section, which describes the organization and resources that will be used to develop the product, should always be included. The management section discusses how the facilities will be organized to support the development effort. This is one of the sections that provide much of the detail needed to prepare the heart of the development plan, namely the development schedule. The schedule provides answers to two basic planning questions: what and when, while much of the remaining sections discuss how.

Software Project Management (CS615) The discussion in the how sections provides information on how the project will be organized, how risks will be handled, how reviews will be conducted, how standards will be applied, what development methodologies will be used, and how the product will be tested. It is usually best to leave the completion of the schedule section for last. The schedule, being dependent on most of the other sections, is the most sensitive part of the development plan. After a first draft of the development plan is ready, an initial development schedule can then be prepared. As we shall see, the schedule will then be further refined as the development plan goes through progressive iteration. Why is the system being developed? The answer to this question enables all parties to assess the validity of business reasons for the software work. Stated in another way, does the business purpose justify the expenditure of people, time and money? What will be done, by when? The answers to these questions help the team to establish a project schedule by identifying key project tasks and the milestones that are required by the customer. Who is responsible for a function? Earlier in this chapter, we noted that the role and responsibility of each member of the software team must be defined. The answer to this question helps accomplish this. Where they are organizationally located? Not all roles and responsibilities reside within the software team itself. The customer, users, and other stake" holders also have responsibilities. How will the job be done technically and managerially? Once product scope is established, a management and technical strategy for the project-must be defined. How much of each resource is needed? The answer to this question is derived by developing estimates based on answers to earlier questions. The definition phase focuses on what. That is, during definition, the software engineer attempts to identify what information is to be processed, what function and performance are desired, what system behavior can be expected, what interfaces are to be established, what design constraints exist, and what validation criteria are required to define a successful system. The key requirements of the system and the software are identified. Although the methods applied during the definition phase will vary depending on the software engineering paradigm (or combination of paradigms) that is applied, three major tasks will occur in some form: system or information engineering, software project planning and requirements analysis. The development phase focuses on how. That is, during development a software engineer attempts to define how data are to be structured, how function is to be implemented within a software architecture, how procedural details are to be 144 Software Project Management (CS615) implemented, how interfaces are to be characterized, how the design will be translated into a programming language (or nonprocedural language), and how testing will be performed. The methods applied during the development phase will vary, but three specific technical tasks should always occur: software design, code generation, and software testing. The support Phase focuses on Change associated with error correction, adaptations required as the software's environment evolves, and changes due to enhancements brought about by changing customer requirements. The support phase reapplies the steps of the definition and development phases but does so in the context of existing software. Four types of change are encountered during the support phase: 1. Correction Even with the best quality assurance activities, it is likely that the customer will uncover defects in the software. Corrective maintenance changes the software to correct defects. 2. Adaptation Over time, the original environment (e.g., CPU, operating system, business rules,

external product characteristics) for which the software was developed is likely to change. Adaptive maintenance results in modification I the software to accommodate changes to its external environment. 3. Enhancement As software is used, the customer/user will recognize additional functions that will provide benefit. Perfective maintenance extends the software beyond its original functional requirements. 4. Prevention Computer software deteriorates due to change, and because ( this, preventive maintenance, often called software reengineering, must be conducted to enable the software to serve the needs of its end users, in essence, preventive maintenance makes changes to computer programs so that they ca be more easily corrected, adapted, and enhanced. In addition to these support activities, the users of software require continuing support. In-house technical assistants, telephone-help desks, and applicationspecific Web sites are often implemented as part of the support phase. 4.5 Planning Puzzle Planning is one of the most important management activities and includes the preparation of good estimates, the maintenance of the development schedules and the efficient assignment of personnel. i. Scope Planning 145

Software Project Management (CS615) Scope planning is the process of progressively elaborating and documenting the project work (project scope) that produces the product of the project. ii. Risk Planning Risk management planning is the process of deciding how to approach and plan the risk management activities for a project. It is important to plan for the risk management processes that follow to ensure that the level, type, and visibility of risk management are commensurate with both the risk and importance of the project to the Organization. iii. Schedule Development Analyzing activity sequences, activity durations, and resource requirements to create the project schedule. iv. Cost Estimating Developing an approximation (estimate) of the costs of the resources required to complete project activities v. Project Control Project Control may be considered to be one of the continuous objectives for the project manager. As such he is responsible for taking remedial actions, within the defined terms of reference, to correct potential problems or taking risk avoidance measures. The prime objective is to protect the integrity of the project at all times. 4.6 Primary Planning Steps Once the scope of the project has been defined in the Terms of Reference, the project enters the detailed planning phase. This involves the creation of a: 1. Project Plan (outlining the activities, tasks, dependencies and timeframes) 2. Resource Plan (listing the labor, equipment and materials required) 3. Financial Plan (identifying the labor, equipment and materials costs) 4. Quality Plan (providing quality targets, assurance and control measures) 5. Risk Plan (highlighting potential risks and actions taken to mitigate them) 6. Acceptance Plan (listing the criteria to be met to gain customer acceptance) 7. Communications Plan (listing the information needed to inform stakeholders) 8. Procurement Plan (identifying products to be sourced from external suppliers). At this point the project has been planned in detail and is ready to be executed By this stage, the benefits and costs of the project have been clearly documented, the objectives and scope have been defined, the project team has been appointed and a formal project office environment established. It is now time to undertake detailed planning to ensure that the activities performed in the execution phase of the project are properly sequenced, resourced, executed and controlled. 146

Software Project Management (CS615) 1. Develop Project Plan The first step is to document the Project Plan. A 'Work Breakdown Structure' (WBS) is identified, which includes a hierarchical set of phases, activities and tasks to be undertaken on the project. After the WBS has been agreed, an assessment of the effort required to undertake the activities and tasks is made. The activities and tasks are sequenced, resources are allocated and a detailed project schedule is formed. This project schedule will become the primary tool for the Project Manager to assess the progress of the project. 2. Develop Resource Plan Immediately after the Project Plan is formed, it is necessary to allocate the resources required to undertake each of the activities and tasks within the Project Plan. Although general groups of resources may have already been allocated to the Project Plan, a detailed resource assessment is required to identify the: Types of resources (labor, equipment and materials) Total quantities of each resource type Roles, responsibilities and skill-sets of all human resources Items, purposes and specifications of all equipment resource Items and quantities of material resource A schedule is assembled for each type of resource so that the Project Manager can assess the resource allocation at each stage in the project. 3. Develop Financial Plan Similar to the Resource Plan, a Financial Plan is prepared to identify the quantity of money required for each stage in the project. The total cost of labor, equipment and materials is quantified and an expense schedule is defined which provides the Project Manager with an understanding of the forecast spending vs. the actual spending throughout the project. Preparing a detailed Financial Plan is extremely important as the project's success will depend on whether or not it is delivered within the 'time, cost and quality' estimates for this project. 4. Develop Quality Plan Meeting the quality expectations of the customer is critical to the success of the project. To ensure that the quality expectations are clearly defined and can reasonably be achieved, a Quality Plan is documented. The Quality Plan: Defines what quality means in terms of this project 147

Software Project Management (CS615) Lists clear and unambiguous quality targets for each deliverable. Each quality target provides a set of criteria and standards which must be achieved to meet the expectations of the customer Outlines a plan of activities which will assure the customer that the quality targets will be met (i.e. a Quality Assurance Plan) Identifies the techniques used to control the actual level of quality of each deliverable as it is built (i.e. a Quality Control Plan). Finally, it is important to review the quality not only of the deliverables produced by the project but also of the management processes which produce them. A summary of each of the management processes undertaken during the execution phase is identified, including Time, Cost, Quality, Change, Risk, Issue, Procurement, Acceptance and Communications Management. 5. Develop Risk Plan The foreseeable project risks are then documented within a Risk Plan and a set of actions to be taken formulated to both prevent each risk from occurring and reduce the impact of the risk should it eventuate. Developing a clear Risk Plan is an important activity within the planning phase as it is necessary to mitigate all critical project risks prior to entering the Execution phase of the project. 6. Develop Acceptance Plan The key to a successful project is gaining acceptance from the customer that each deliverable produced meets (or exceeds) his/her requirements. To clarify the criteria used to judge each deliverable for customer acceptance, an Acceptance Plan is produced. The Acceptance Plan provides the criteria for obtaining customer acceptance, a schedule of acceptance reviews within which customer acceptance will be sought and a summary of the process used to gain acceptance of each deliverable from the customer. 7. Develop Communications Plan Prior to the Execution phase, it is also necessary to identify how each of the stakeholders will be kept informed of the progress of the project. The Communications Plan identifies the types of information to be distributed, the methods of distributing information to stakeholders, the frequency of distribution and responsibilities of each person in the project team for distributing information regularly to stakeholders. 8. Develop Procurement Plan The last planning activity within the Planning phase is to identify the elements of the Project which will be acquired from external suppliers to the project. The Procurement Plan provides a detailed description of the Products (i.e. goods and services) to be procured from suppliers, the justification for procuring each 148

Software Project Management (CS615) product externally, as opposed to from within the business, and the schedule for procurement. It also references the process for the selection of a preferred supplier ("Tender Process") and the process for the actual order and delivery of the procured products ("Procurement Process"). 4.7 The Software Development Plan (SDP) The project development plan is one of the first formal documents produced by the project. Within this document, the project manager describes in detail: How the project will be developed? What resources will be required? How these resources will be used? The project development plan assures that the development of the project is well charted before the main development activities begin. In -addition to the basic development schedule, the plan addresses such issues as: The timely provision of equipment and tools so that they are available to developers when needed. The availability of staff to perform the development tasks in accordance with the schedule. Provision of contingency plans in the event that project risks materialize The designation .of duties within the development team, and the assignment of these duties to the team members. Preparing the project plan for a software project helps you ensure that the specified requirements and objectives are met successfully. It is a collation of all planning activities that have happened for a software project. This includes activities such as design and analysis, activity definition, risk planning, and cost estimation. To create the plan, you assess all planning activities, organizational policies regarding the creation of the project plan and assumption and constraints for the project. To implement the software project plan, you require management skills, such as leadership, communication, and problem solving, along with the basic knowledge about the software. You also need to ensure that the senior management bf the company has authorized work on the software project. Knowledge management techniques help you to make informed decision regarding the project plan. After the project plan is executed, you manage the changes to it in such a way that the performance measurement baselines are not impacted, To manage the project plan effectively you monitor the project plan, periodic performance status reports, and requests for change. The primary tool that you can use to control the changes in the project plan is the change control mechanism: This is a set of formal procedures for changing the project plan. 4.7.1 Software Development Plan (SDP) Information needs 149

Software Project Management (CS615) The Project Plan is a vital part of the project initiation stage. The plan should normally contain the following information: 1. Introduction and status of the plan 2. The authorisation procedures 3. Statement of project objectives 4. Statement of requirement 5. Deliverables in the project 6. A Work Breakdown Structure 7. The project milestones 8. The resource requirements 9. Interdependencies of work 10. The timetable of events 11. Staffing, organisation and responsibilities 12. Development methods and toolsets to be used 13. Source documentation 14. Resource and financial summary This information creates the generation of a Project Book (log). The log should be in a loose-leaf binder with clearly identified sections and version control exercised over the documentation sets. These logs are now often retained as computer file, which enables a greater level of security to be maintained over them and version control to be established as an automatic feature. 4.7.2 Software Development Plan (SDP) Steps/items required The contents of the project development plan may be adapted to the size of the project; it may be a large document or just a few pages. Table 1 presents an outline of some of the subjects covered in the project development plan. Not all subjects in Table 1 are applicable to all projects. For example, many projects do not administer their own budget. Some organizations have a financial officer responsible for the administration of project budgets. The interface with external sources is another area riot applicable to all projects. The term, external sources covers such activities as interfacing with subcontractors, vendors and representatives of the customer. Many standards have been produced for the project development plan. The formal structure or the project development plan document differs, depending on the actual documentation standard used. For example, the US DOD standard 2167 provides the option of describing the testing, configuration management and quality assurance plans in three separate documents. For large projects, this option can become a requirement. 150

Software Project Management (CS615) The IEEE standard 1058.1 describes what is referred to as the software project management plan, which is essentially the same as the project development plan. This standard is largely compatible with the 2167 project development plan, although it is significantly less detailed. This standard, too, provides the option of including configuration management and quality assurance plans, or of describing them in separate documents. The project development plan should be prepared as a standalone document, in the sense that it should be read and understood without the need to refer to other documents. A general overview of the project is therefore usually included in the first section of the document. References for additional detail, of course, should always be provided, including pointers to such documents as the project contract, the concept document or the market research analysis. 151

Software Project Management (CS615) Table 1: Software project development plan items 1. System overview 2. Software development management Project organization and resources Development facilities Project organizational structure Personnel 3. Schedule and milestones Scheduled activities Milestones and baselines Activity network diagrams System component source Budget administration Milestone payments Major budgetary expenditures Expenditure authorization procedure 4. Risk analysis 5. Security 6. Interface with external sources 7. Procedure for formal reviews 8. Corrective action process 9. Problem change report 10. Software engineering Standards and procedures Development methodology Development resources Personnel - qualifications and function 11. Testing procedure 12. Software configuration management 13 Software quality assurance 4.7.3 Inputs to SDP Project plan development uses the outputs of the other planning processes, including strategic planning, to create a consistent, coherent document that can be used to guide both project execution and project control. This process is almost always iterated several times. For example, the initial draft may include generic resource requirements and an undated sequence of activities while the subsequent versions of the plan will include specific resources and explicit dates. 1. Other planning outputs. All of the outputs of the planning processes in the other knowledge areas are inputs to developing the project plan. Other planning outputs include both base documents, such as the WBS, and the 152

Software Project Management (CS615) supporting detail. Many projects will also require application area-specific inputs (e.g., most major projects will require a cash-flow forecast). 2. Historical information. The available historical information (e.g., estimating data-bases, records of past project performance) should have been consulted during the other project planning processes. This information should also be available during project plan development to assist with verifying assumptions and assessing alternatives that are identified as part of this process. 3. Organizational policies. Any and all of the organizations involved in the project may have formal and informal policies whose effects must be considered. Organizational policies that typically must be considered include, but are not limited to: Quality management--process audits, continuous improvement targets Personnel administration--hiring and firing guidelines, employee performance reviews Financial controls--time reporting, required expenditure and disbursement reviews, accounting codes, and standard contract provisions. 4. Constraints. A constraint is an applicable restriction that will affect the performance of the project. For example, a predefined budget is a constraint that is highly likely to limit the team's options regarding scope, staffing, and schedule. When a project is performed under contract, contractual provisions will generally be constraints. 5. Assumptions. Assumptions are factors that, for planning purposes, are considered to be true, real, or certain. Assumptions affect all aspects of project planning, and are part of the progressive elaboration of the project. Project teams frequently identify, document, and validate assumptions as part of their planning process. For example, if the date that a key person will become available is uncertain, the team may assume a specific start date. Assumptions generally involve a degree of risk. 153

Table of Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction & Fundamentals Goals of Project management Project Dimensions, Software Development Lifecycle Cost Management, Project vs. Program Management, Project Success Project Managements nine Knowledge Areas Team leader, Project Organization, Organizational structure Project Execution Fundamentals Tracking Organizational Issues and Project Management Managing Processes: Project Plan, Managing Quality, Project Execution, Project Initiation 10. Project Execution: Product Implementation, Project Closedown 11. Problems in Software Projects, Process- related Problems 12. Product-related Problems, Technology-related problems 13. Requirements Management, Requirements analysis 14. Requirements Elicitation for Software 15. The Software Requirements Specification 16. Attributes of Software Design, Key Features of Design

17. Software Configuration Management Vs Software Maintenance 18. Quality Assurance Management, Quality Factors 19. Software Quality Assurance Activities 20. Software Process, PM Process Groups, Links, PM Phase interactions 21. Initiating Process: Inputs, Outputs, Tools and Techniques 22. Planning Process Tasks, Executing Process Tasks, Controlling Process Tasks 23. Project Planning Objectives, Primary Planning Steps 24. Tools and Techniques for SDP, Outputs from SDP, SDP Execution 25. PLANNING: Elements of SDP 26. Life cycle Models: Spiral Model, Statement of Requirement, Data Item Descriptions 27. Organizational Systems 28. ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING, Organizational Management Tools 29. Estimation - Concepts 30. Decomposition Techniques, Estimation Tools 31. Estimation Tools 32. Work Breakdown Structure 33. WBS- A Mandatory Management Tool 34. Characteristics of a High-Quality WBS 35. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 36. WBS- Major Steps, WBS Implementation, high level WBS tasks 37. Schedule: Scheduling Fundamentals 38. Scheduling Tools: GANTT CHARTS, PERT, CPM 39. Risk and Change Management: Risk Management Concepts 40. Risk & Change Management Concepts 41. Risk Management Process 42. Quality Concept, Producing quality software, Quality Control 43. Managing Tasks in Microsoft Project 2000 44. Commissioning & Migration

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