The Eye of Heru
The Eye of Heru
The Eye of Heru
'Ain means "Eye" and the eye to which it refers is the famous Eye of Heru which originally was the Eye of Ra. This "eye" refers to the awakening clairvoyance, the pineal gland and the ajna (Third Eye) chakra. 'Ain also means "fountain" and that symbolizes the endocrine system's (especially the pineal's) reaction to a fully activated Third Eye. When the pituitary is stimulated, it stimulates the pineal and vice-versa. Hormones such as melatonin then flow and those secretions are a "fountain" or cascade of chemicals which benefit all levels of being. Repeated stimulations and flows of endocrine secretions result in an "anointing" such that one becomes a messiah (anointed one). The 'Ain Soph Ur actually represents the Fountain/Eye ('Ain), the Wisdom (Soph) achieved from developing the Eye and the energy/light/ur necessary to bring this all about. Thy cakes shall come from the Utchat (Eye of Heru or Ra), thy ale shall come from the Utchat, and the offerings which shall appear to thee at the word upon earth [shall proceed] from the Utchat. - Pert chapter 125:44-46 The "ale" represents the secretions from the pineal after the ajna chakra (Utchat or Eye of Ra) is developed. The procedure for reaching waking trance states entails deep pranayama breathing. The meditator inhales three times the normal amount of breath. This breath becomes the fuel for igniting the kundalini and is graphically depicted by the 'Ain's extended belly. On the exhalation the lower abdomen is pulled in and up. The perineum is contracted. This is the yogic maha bhanda used by male yogis to forestall orgasm during sacred tantric rites. The breathing method places pressure on the pneumo-gastric nerve that has a reflex action in
the heart and the reptilian brain (the brain's waking center). This stabilizes the heart and awakens the meditator. The Egyptians called that procedure Min Ab en Aungkh em Maat or "keeping the heart stable to live truth." Dhu-l-Qarnain The Eye of Ra is made up of two energies that have been metaphorized as the goddesses Uatchet and Nekhebet. They are the electronegative and positive polarities of the kundalini circuit. In yoga they are the Ida and Pingala nadis that begin in the nostrils, crisscross at the forehead (Brow of Ra), enter into the left and right hemispheres of the brain and then crisscross down the spine forming the chakras at their points of intersection. One who has mastered the Uatchet/Nekhebet procedures and established the Utchet is, in esoteric Islam, called "Dhu-l-qarnain" or "possessor of the two horns." And they ask thee about Dhu-l-qarnain. Say: I will recite to you an account of him. Truly we established him in the land and granted him means of access to everything. So he followed a course. Until, when he reached the setting-place of the Sun, he found it going down into a black 'Ain. Quran - 18:83-86 The "two horns" symbolize the left and right sides of the Third Eye which, elsewhere, are called two lotus petals (Ha and Ksha), two goddesses, two hills, two angels and two thieves on the cross beside Jesus. By being "established in the land" is meant that the Utchat was developed and could create material results. For such an initiate, nothing is impossible. "We granted him means of access to everything." The "Sun" (solar kundalini force) is "going down." That refers to the beginning of descent of the force from the crown down to the 3rd Eye and then the rest of the Front Channel (Functional Channel) of the kundalini circuit. It (solar force) reached "a black eye" ('ain-in hami-at) that is usually translated "black sea." (Sea/ocean in Arabic is bahr). Melanin is a very dark, black chemical and it and melatonin fill the Utchat.
For behold, I am the nose of Neb-nefu (i.e., the lord of the air) [master of pranayama], Who giveth sustenance unto all mankind, on the day of the filling of the Utchat in Anu. Pert 25:18-19 Through special procedures, black melatonin and melanin are activated to fill the Utchat. This is why Dhu-l-quarnain saw the Sun entering a "black eye" in the Quran. The activated Utchat also can become very hot. The word "hami-at" means "hot" as well as "black." In Surch 19, the initiate Mary, mother of Jesus, is told to "eat and drink and cool the eye." (19.26) The Vision Screen Robert Bruce writes that when energy is regularly raised from the feet to the brow a vision screen will appear that affords clairvoyant tuning in to areas of interest. Deaf, Dumb and Blind In the Quran, a person who cannot hear psychically is considered deaf. One who cannot speak psychically is considered dumb (or who cannot properly employ mantras). And a non-clairvoyant is considered blind. Deaf, dumb and blind, so they return not. -Quran. 2:18 Mastery of the 'Ain brings awakening and sight. Meditation while mentally chanting "Om Ham Ksham" will assist in the 'Ain's development.