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Intel 8251 USART

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8251 USART and RS232C

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: List the advantages of serial communication over parallel communication Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication Define the terms simplex, half duplex, and full duplex and diagram their implementation in serial communication Describe how start and stop bits frame data for serial communication Compare the measures baud rate and bps (bits per second) Describe the RS232 standard Compare DTE (data terminal) versus DCE (data communication) equipment Describe the purpose of handshaking signals such as DTR, RTS, and CTS Describe the operation of a USART and use and 8251 IC 4/29/2011 Diwakar Yagyasen 2

Basics of Serial Communication

Microprocessors are based mostly on 8-bit registers. Thus, their fastest I/O is 8-bit parallel ports. But, wiring cost of a long distance communication is very expensive if you carry 8-wires. Remedy is to transfer data serially in bits instead of in bytes or words.
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Simplex vs Duplex
In Simplex Mode data flow is in one direction only. In Half Duplex Mode data flows in one direction, at a given time, A protocol and switches connect the devices both to receive and also to transmit.

In Full Duplex mode, transmitted data and received data goes simultaneously through two channels.


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Asynchronous vs Synchronous
How can the receiver get each data bit when it is delivered by the transmitter? In synchronous transmission an explicit clock signal describes the instants of valid data.
A single data bit is sent at each clock. Minimum three signal lines required for full duplex,

Receive-DATA, Transmit-DATA, and CLOCK. In asynchronous transmission clock is derived using apriory parameters and a start bit.
Transfer rate known, internal clock starts to pulse with the start bit, at the known transfer rate. Ony two signal lines required for full duplex

Receive-DATA and Transmit-DATA

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Start bit is required to synchronize the internal clock of receiver. Stop bit is required to test the clock frequency. Only DATA is transmitted, internal clock is

Asynchronous Transmission Start and Stop Bits


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Data Transfer Rate

Both devices shall know the data transfer rate of the communication to synchronize the internal clocks correctly. Data transfer rate is measured in BAUD
Baud = bit/second

(including start, stop, data, parity etc.)

kilo Baud = 1000 Baud. (not 1024 Baud) Mega Baud = 1000 000 Baud
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Baud Rate Calculations


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Packet transmission time


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UART 8251
A processor may transmit/receive data in serial format without any extra hardware.
But it costs to the processing time of the processor.

A UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) is a hardware device that shifts out data bits to transmit a data byte, and also shifts-in data bits to receive a data byte.
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8251 system bus connection


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8251 Clock Signals


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8251 Reset Sequence

8251 reset sequence is
write three successive zeros to control address to assure writing a reset to the command register. write command 40h to reset (reset chip)

After the reset, 8251 expects mode settings.

write the mode settings to control address

There after 8251 needs command settings.

write command for command settings.

Now the device is ready for transmit and receive operations

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