WhatIsOccultism TSRow
WhatIsOccultism TSRow
WhatIsOccultism TSRow
Subba Row
What Is Occultism?
by T. Subba Row
Published in 1905 in The Word
There is no difference between ancient and modern occultism. So far as I know all real "occultism" is founded on the same principles though the terms in which they have been expressed have varied in different ages. By occultism I understand that science, or rather wisdom, that gives a true and accurate explanation of the workings of the laws of nature, together with their application, throughout the universe. Since all truth is one, its teachings must necessarily accord with all the proved facts of science whether ancient or modern. It must further explain all the facts of history, or the laws that govern the relation of men to each other; all mythologies, and the relation in which man stands to the rest of the universe. It is, in fact, the science of the origin, destiny, and powers of the universe, and all things therein. The salient point of difference between occult and modern science is that the former works by using the forces and materials of nature in their natural condition, while the latter makes use of them in a limited and separated condition on the lowest plane of their manifestation. For instance, the occultist uses the invisible forces of nature themselves when he wishes to produce currents of heat, electricity, and the like, as elements in their higher and more spiritual forms, while the scientist is obliged to have recourse to materials as light, water, etc., and must first split these up, as they exist on the lowest material plane, into what are called primary substances before carrying out his experiments. The occultist looks upon all nature as a unity, and attributes all diversity to the fact that this unity is composed of manifestations on different planes, the perception of which planes depends on the development of the perceiver. He believes that the one law pervading all things is development by evolution, to an almost infinite degree, up to the original source of all evolution -- the divine Logos: hence that man, as we know him, is capable of almost infinite development.
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