Tor Organic Certification
Tor Organic Certification
Tor Organic Certification
Organic agriculture is a holistic system built upon natural ecological processes. It values the
welfare of both the producer and the consumer of organic food and fibre products, and is
committed to conserving natural resources for the benefit of all future generations. Healthy soil is
the prerequisite for healthy plants, animals and products. The maintenance of soil health by
ecologically sound means is at the heart of organic production systems.
Organic certification is achieved when an operator can demonstrate that they have achieved a
farming system that is compliant with the relevant sections of this Standard. Organic production
systems require an ongoing commitment to organic production practices.
The following activities will be taken by the service provider:
• Soil management
• Fertility management
• Soil erosion, with particular attention to active gully erosion and riparian areas
• Crop rotations
• Weed management
• Pest management
• Disease management
• Windbreaks and buffer zones
• Biodiversity
• Animal health
• Water management
• Post harvest management
• Documentation
Input Records
Harvest Records:
Sales Record:
Audit Trail:
Other Records: Operators keep a farm diary which records farm activities like soil
preparation, green manure, rotations, livestock records, equipment clean down records,
records of buffer zone harvests, and irrigation records.
G. Fill out the Application form in which all the questions on the
Management System against Organic Management Plan as per the standards of the
certifying agency and the country whose regulations have to fulfilled will be addressed.
H. Prepare the management of the farm for receiving the Inspector from
the Certificating Agency who will be visiting the farm during the pre-certification for an
initial inspection, at which time residue testing of soil and/or tissue samples will take place for
the first and subsequent inspections by the certifying agency
Time estimated:
Please calculate on the basis of field allowances and daily charges for short term consultancy and
airfare to Jhapa and motor vehicle travel to the farm premises.
Experts to be fielded
Dr. Krishna Ram Amatya who has been managing certified organic farming of essential oils
and has received extensive training on this subject
Mr. Basanta Raj Chitrakar