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Up Cctns Si RFP Volume I

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Crime & Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS)

E-Governance Mission Mode Project (MMP) of MHA, GoI

Request for Proposal

Volume I Scope of Services for State System Integrator

Uttar Pradesh
28th April 2011

UP Police Technical Services Uttar Pradesh

E-Governance Mission Mode Project: Crime & Criminals Tracking Network and Systems

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................ 5 1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 8 1.1 CCTNS BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... 8 1.1.1. CRIME AND CRIMINAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (CCIS) ................................................................. 8 1.1.2. COMMON INTEGRATED POLICE APPLICATION (CIPA) .................................................................. 9 1.1.3. NEED FOR CCTNS ............................................................................................................... 10 1.2 OVERVIEW OF CCTNS ......................................................................................................... 11 1.3 VISION AND OBJECTIVES OF CCTNS ....................................................................................... 12 1.4 DESIRED OUTCOMES OF CCTNS ............................................................................................ 13 1.5 BACKGROUND OF IT SYSTEMS IN UTTAR PRADESH POLICE ......................................................... 14 1.5.1. CRIME AND CRIMINALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (CCIS)............................................................. 14 1.5.2. COMMON INTEGRATED POLICE APPLICATION (CIPA) ................................................................ 15 1.5.3. MOTOR VEHICLE COORDINATION SYSTEM ............................................................................. 16 1.5.4. NOMINAL ROLL SYSTEM ....................................................................................................... 16 1.5.5. PERSONNEL INFORMATION SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 17 1.5.6. PORTRAIT BUILDING SYSTEM ................................................................................................ 17 1.5.7. UP POLICE PAY ROLL SYSTEM ............................................................................................... 18 1.5.8. UP POLICE PORTAL ............................................................................................................. 18 1.5.9. MISSING PERSONS & UNIDENTIFIED DEAD BODIES WEBSITE ...................................................... 19 1.5.10. FORTNIGHTLY CRIME REPORT (FCR) ..................................................................................... 19 1.5.11. FIRE ARM COORDINATION SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 20 1.6 GOALS OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) ....................................................................... 20 1.7 RFP ISSUING AUTHORITY ..................................................................................................... 22 1.8 STRUCTURE OF THE RFP ....................................................................................................... 23 2. IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK FOR CCTNS PROJECT .............................................................. 24 3. CORE APPLICATION SOFTWARE (CAS) .................................................................................... 25 4. GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................ 35 4.1 ORGANISATION STRUCTURE OF UP POLICE ............................................................................... 35 4.2 RANGE OFFICES .................................................................................................................. 45 4.3 DISTRICT OFFICES ................................................................................................................ 46 4.4 ADDITIONAL SP OFFICES ...................................................................................................... 47 4.5 CIRCLE OFFICES ................................................................................................................... 48 4.6 POLICE STATIONS ................................................................................................................ 49 4.7 OFFICES TO BE COVERED UNDER CCTNS IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................... 51 5. SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR SYSTEM INTEGRATOR ......................................................................... 54 5.1 PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT................................................................................. 55 5.1.1 SCOPE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................ 55 5.1.2 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION .................................................................................................. 56 5.2 PROCUREMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS .................................. 58
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5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 6 6.1

PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL .............................................................................................. 58 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT TOOL ................................................................................... 59 ISSUE TRACKER ................................................................................................................... 59 COMPLIANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS .............................................................................. 59 CONFIGURATION, CUSTOMIZATION AND EXTENSION TO CAS (STATE) .......................................... 60 GUIDELINES TO SYSTEM STUDY / DESIGN / RELEASE MANAGEMENT ............................................ 61 CONFIGURATION OF CAS (STATE) TO STATES REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 66 CUSTOMIZATION OF CAS (STATE) .......................................................................................... 66 EXTENSIONS TO CAS (STATE) ................................................................................................ 67 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF THE CAS (STATE) APPLICATION ENHANCEMENTS / EXTENSIONS .... 67 SUPPORT TO CAS PILOT BY CENTRAL SDA IN UP .................................................................... 68 DATA MIGRATION/ DIGITIZATION OF HISTORICAL DATA ............................................................. 68 SITE PREPARATION AND PROCUREMENT, DELIVERY, COMMISSIONING OF IT INFRASTRUCTURE AT POLICE STATIONS AND HIGHER OFFICES ................................................................................. 70 CAPACITY BUILDING, CHANGE MANAGEMENT, AND COMMUNICATION & AWARENESS .................. 78 CO-ORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT OF NETWORK CONNECTIVITY .............................................. 80 SETUP AND MANAGEMENT OF IT INFRASTRUCTURE AT THE DATA CENTER AND DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER ............................................................................................................................. 82 HANDHOLDING SUPPORT...................................................................................................... 90 SUPPORT TO ACCEPTANCE TESTING, AUDIT AND CERTIFICATION.................................................. 92 SCOPE OF SERVICES DURING POST-IMPLEMENTATION (OPERATION & MANAGEMENT) PHASE ......... 95 EXIT MANAGEMENT AND TRANSITION AT THE END OF CONTRACT PERIOD ................................... 107 IMPLEMENTATION AND ROLL-OUT PLAN ............................................................................... 109 PHASING STRATEGY FOR CCTNS ......................................................................................... 112

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Abbreviations Abbreviations ADGP ADDITIONAL SP CAS CB CID CCIS CCTNS CIPA CO DCRB DGP DIG DSP FIR GD GO GoI GRP HQ IGP Expanded Additional Director General of Police Additional Superintendent of Police Core application Software Crime Branch - Criminal Investigation Department Crime and Criminal Information System Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems Common Integrated Police Application Circle Officer District Crime Records Bureau Director General of Police Deputy Inspector General of Police Deputy Superintendent of Police First Information Report General Diary Gazetted Officer Government of India Government Railway Police Head Quarter Inspector General of Police

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Expanded Investigating Officer Indian Police Service Information Technology Ministry of Home Affairs Management Information Systems Mission Mode Project National Crime Records Bureau National e-Governance Plan Non-Gazetted Officer National Informatics Centre No Objection Certificate Operating System Personal Computer Police Headquarter Project Management Information System Public Prosecutor Provincial Police Services Police Station Request for Proposal Reserve Inspector Right To Information
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Abbreviations RTO SCRB SDA SHO SI SI SP STF SWAN UAT UPPTS UT Regional Transport Office


State Crime Records Bureau Software Development Agency Station House Officer Sub Inspector (Context: Police Organization related) System Integrator (Context: IT Services related) Superintendent of Police Special Task Force State Wide Area Network User Acceptance Testing Uttar Pradesh Police Technical Services Union Territory

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1. PROJECT INTRODUCTION 1.1 CCTNS BACKGROUND The Police department and its functioning is an extremely critical and important part of the State Administration in its responsibility to provide general services to the citizens and maintain law & order and security in the State. Availability of relevant and timely information is of utmost necessity in the operations of Police, particularly in investigation of crime and in tracking & detection of criminals. Police Organisations everywhere have been handling large amounts of information and huge volume of records pertaining to crime and criminals. Information Technology (IT) can play a very vital role in improving outcomes in the areas of Crime Investigation and Criminals Detection and other functioning of the Police Organisations, by facilitating easy recording, retrieval, analysis and sharing of the pile of Information. Quick and timely information availability about different facets of Police functions to the right functionaries can bring in a sea change both in Crime & Criminals handling and related Operations, as well as administrative processes. 1.1.1. CRIME AND CRIMINAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (CCIS) CCIS is an NCRB-driven program and was launched in 1990. CCIS was given for implementation to the State Police Forces. Since then, it has been implemented in 35 states and union territories and spans over 700 locations. Most of the state police headquarters and district headquarters are covered by CCIS and so are some of the 14,000+ police stations in the country. CCIS is primarily an initiative to create crime- and criminals-related database that can be used for crime monitoring by monitoring agencies such as National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), State Crime Records Bureaus (SCRB) and District Crime Records Bureaus (DCRBs) and to facilitate statistical analysis of crime and criminals related information with the States and monitoring agencies.

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CCIS data is used for publishing online reports such as Missing Persons report and is also used as the basis for online query facilities that are available through the NCRB website. In addition, it is also used by NCRB to publish an annual nation-wide Crime Report. CCIS was originally built on Unix OS and Ingres database, but has since been ported to Windows platform and has released its last three versions on Windows (the last release having taken place in September 2002). However, CCIS focuses exclusively in Crime and Criminals information and does not address the other aspects of Police functioning. CCIS software was more an application designed for supervisory officers at the office of the Superintendent of Police and above and, was not meant for the usage at Police Stations level. This was not designed to capture the GD (General Diary) routine, which is a mandatory requirement at the police station and other tasks. Even after improvements in the software of CCIS made during 2001-02 which enabled Multi-lingual support with web-based interface, it still did not cater to the requirements of the Police Station applications.

1.1.2. COMMON INTEGRATED POLICE APPLICATION (CIPA) A feature common to most of the early efforts has been a predominant focus on collection of data as required by the monitoring agencies and on specific functions such as records management, statistical analysis and office automation; rather than on police stations, which are the primary sources of crime- and criminals-related data generation. In order to provide an application that supports police station operations and the investigation process, and that is common across all states and union territories, MHA had conceptualized the Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) in 2004. It has been initiated as part of the Modernization of State Police Forces (MPF) scheme of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The aim of CIPA is to bring about computerization and automation in the functioning at the police station with a view to bringing in efficiency and transparency in various processes and functions at the police station level and improve service delivery to the citizens. Common Integrated Police Application (CIPA) started in the year 2004 after a detailed study thereof by a Subgroup of domain and technical experts. The pilot project was launched in
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Delhi in 2005. Computer hardware, software and technical assistance were provided to police stations. 20% police stations have been covered under CIPA wherein, at present, FIRs are being registered digitally and some events relating to investigations are also being captured. So far about 2,760 police stations, out of a total of 14,000+ police stations across the country, have been covered under the Scheme. CIPA is a stand-alone application developed to be installed in police stations and to support the crime investigation and prosecution functions. CIPA is a centrally managed application: an application core centrally developed and is installed in police station. Any state-specific customizations are evaluated and made on a need basis. The core focus of the CIPA application is the automation of police station operations. Its core functionality includes the following modules: (i) Registration Module (ii) Investigation Module (iii) Prosecution Module. There is also a Reporting module that addresses basic reporting needs. Benefits realized from CIPA include the ability to enter registration (FIR) details into the system and print out copies and the ability to create and manage police station registers on the system, etc. CIPA is built on client-server architecture on a NIC Linux platform using Java and PostgreSQL database. Over a period of time, at one level, it was felt that, at this pace, it would take many years before all police stations could be covered and, at another level, that a standalone system of this nature would have very limited utility. 1.1.3. NEED FOR CCTNS Keeping these aspects in mind, it was decided that there is a need for expanding the functional applications, widening the territorial spread, and building in networking capabilities in the system, both from the angle of Management Information Systems (MIS) requirements and storage, collation, analysis and transmission/sharing of crime and criminals related information at the police station, District, State and Central levels. In this background, the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) Scheme was conceived and incorporated in the Eleventh Five Year Plan.

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A need has been felt to adopt a holistic approach to address the requirements of the police, mainly with relation to functions in the police station. There is also a need to strengthen the citizen interfaces with the police. Interfaces need to be built with external agencies like courts, transport authorities, hospitals, and municipal authorities etc. to be able to share information between departments. Therefore, it becomes critical that information and communication technologies are made an integral part of policing in order to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Police Department. In order to realize the benefits of e-Governance fully, it is essential that a holistic approach is adopted that includes re-engineering and standardizing key functions of the police and creating a sustainable and secure mechanism for sharing critical crime information across all Police Formations. CCTNS has been conceptualized in response to the need for establishing a comprehensive e-Governance system in police stations across the country. The Ministry of Home Affairs has conceptualized the Crime & Criminals Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) project as a Mission Mode Project under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). This is an effort of the Government of India to modernize the police force giving top priority enhancing outcomes in the areas of Crime Investigation and detection of Criminals; in information gathering and its dissemination among various police Organizations and units across the country and in enhancing Citizen Services. 1.2 OVERVIEW OF CCTNS CCTNS aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policing through adoption of principles of e-Governance and creation of a nationwide networking infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled-state-of-the-art tracking system around investigation of crime and detection of criminals. It aims to create infrastructure and mechanism to provide the basis for evolution of an IT enabled stateofthe art workflow (Processes) automation system in a planned manner from Police Station level upwards and also provide public service delivery systems. It will not only automate police functions at police station and higher levels but will also create facilities and mechanism to provide public services like registration of online complaints, ascertaining the status of case registered at the police station, verification of persons etc. CCTNS will cover all the Police Stations in the States/UTs, and also the Circle offices, SubDivisions, District headquarters, Range headquarters, Zonal IG offices and State/UT
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headquarters. Necessary Hardware will be provided at all these locations including data centers at State/UT and National headquarters. All these locations will be networked by providing appropriate high-speed connectivity for data transfer and sharing of information amongst various stakeholders. 1.3 VISION AND OBJECTIVES OF CCTNS Vision: To transform the police force into a knowledge-based force and improve the delivery of citizen-centric services through enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the police stations by creating a platform for sharing crime and criminal information across the police stations in the country. The overall objective of the MMP is based on enhancing the operational efficiency and effectiveness of the police force in delivering the services. The broad objectives of the project are as follows: a) Improve Service Delivery to the Public Citizens should be able to access police services through multiple, transparent, and easily accessible channels in a citizen-friendly manner. The focus is not only to improve the current modes of the service delivery but also provide alternate modes such as internet for the public to communicate with the police. b) Provide Enhanced Tools for Law & Order Maintenance, Investigation, Crime Prevention, & Traffic Management

Law & Order Maintenance, Investigation, Crime Prevention, and Traffic Management are core components of policing work. Information technology can both enable and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the core activities of the police. Police should be provided with data amenable for easier and faster analysis in order to enable them to make better and informed decisions. c) Increase Operational Efficiency

Police should spend more time on the public facing functions. Information technology solutions should help in reducing the repetitive paperwork/records and making the backoffice functions more efficient.

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Create a platform for sharing crime & criminal information across the country

There is a critical need to create a platform for sharing crime and criminal information across police stations within and between the different states in order to increase the effectiveness in dealing with criminals across the state borders. 1.4 DESIRED OUTCOMES OF CCTNS The following are the expected benefits envisaged from successful implementation of the CCTNS: a) Benefits to Citizens i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Multiple channels to access services from police Simplified process for registering and tracking incidents, petitions and FIRs Simplified process for accessing general services such as requests for certificates, verifications, and permissions Simplified process for registering grievances against police Simplified process for tracking the progress of the case during trials Simplified access to view/report unclaimed/recovered vehicles and property Improved relationship management for victims and witnesses Faster and assured response from police to any emergency calls for assistance

b) Benefits to Police Department i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Enhanced tools for investigation Centralized crime and criminal information repository along with the criminal images and fingerprints with advanced search capabilities Enhanced ability to analyze crime patterns, modus operandi Enhanced ability to analyze accidents and other road incidents Faster turnaround time for the analysis results (crime and traffic) to reach the officers on the field Reduced workload of the police station back-office activities such as preparation of regular and ad-hoc reports and station records management Enhanced tools to optimize resource allocation for patrols, emergency response, petition enquiries, and other general duties

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viii) ix)

A collaborative knowledge-oriented environment where knowledge is shared across the different regions and units Better coordination and communication with external stakeholders through implementation of electronic information exchange systems

c) Benefits to Ministry of Home Affairs (NCRB) i) ii) iii) iv) Standardized means of capturing the crime and criminal data across the police stations in the country Faster and easier access to crime and criminal information across the country in a manner amenable for trend and pattern analysis Enhanced ability to detect crime patterns and modus operandi across the states and communicate to the state police departments for aiding in crime prevention The ability to respond faster and with greater accuracy to inquiries from the parliament, citizens and citizens groups; and to RTI queries.

1.5 BACKGROUND OF IT SYSTEMS IN UTTAR PRADESH POLICE Several initiatives have been introduced in the past in Uttar Pradesh State Police to leverage IT in police functioning. Some of these initiatives include centrally initiated programs such as the NCRB-led CCIS (Crime and Criminals Information System) and CIPA (Common Integrated Police Application). This section explores the details of the initiatives in Uttar Pradesh. 1.5.1. CRIME AND CRIMINALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (CCIS) S. No. CRIME AND CRIMINALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (CCIS) 1 Project Description CCIS was launched in Uttar Pradesh in the year 1997 and got operational in the year 2003. Currently, it is being used in SCRB and all DCRBs. CCIS is a standalone application; the data collected in different DCRB offices are shared with SCRB using CDs and pen drives. CCIS covers the 7 Integrated Investigation Forms. Operating System- Windows Front End- VB Back End- SQL

Technical Details

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3 4 5

Application Integration Data Migration Deployment

No Application Integration Yes SCRB & DCRB

1.5.2. COMMON INTEGRATED POLICE APPLICATION (CIPA) Uttar Pradesh has witnessed Phase I and II of CIPA implementation, phase I being launched on 1st July, 2007. A total of 577 Police Stations have received computing infrastructure in two phases of CIPA implementation (Phase I 137 PS; Phase II 440 PS). Funds for Phase III Hardware have been released by MHA and cover 401 Police Stations in Phase III. In the first phase, 6 Districts were provided with Hardware, CIPA Application and Training. A dedicated CIPA operator had been assigned at each of the 137 Police Stations where the application was commissioned. The CIPA Operator was trained on CIPA Software. Since UP Police was venturing first time into the computerization of records, it was decided to implement only the first module which was Registration. The numbers of PCs allotted in each Police Station were dependent upon the number of Investigating Officers at the Police Station and it varied between 3 and 5 PCs. In May 2009, the 2nd Phase of CIPA was launched in 21 more districts. In this phase a total of 440 Police stations were provided with the IT hardware, application and training. Five PCs were provided at each Police Station.. CIPA is built on client-server architecture on a NIC Linux platform using Java and PostgreSQL database. CIPA application is not fully operational. Out of six modules viz. Registration, Investigation, Prosecution, Daily Station Diary, Reporting and Information, only Registration module is in use. Also, the usage of CIPA has had many challenges due to lack of skilled manpower in many Police Stations. Further, the manual system of registration has continued in parallel at times due to breakdown in Computers or UPS and the scarcity of power. Site preparation was funded for all the police stations covered in CIPA Phase 1, 2, and 3. S. No. COMMON INTEGRATED POLICE APPLICATION (CIPA) 1 Project Description Uttar Pradesh has witnessed Phase I and II of CIPA implementation, phase I being launched on 1st July, 2007. In total 577 Police Stations had received
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computing infrastructure in two phases of CIPA implementation (Phase I 137 PS; Phase II 440 PS). 2 Technical Details Operating System-Linux Front end- Java Backend- Postgres SQL 3 4 5 Application Integration Data Migration Deployment No application integration by SI. Yes. Data migration to be done by SI. Police Stations (577) across State

1.5.3. MOTOR VEHICLE COORDINATION SYSTEM S. No. MOTOR VEHICLE COORDINATION SYSTEM 1 Project Description MVCS supports police department on managing information of lost/stolen/recovered vehicles along with vehicles involved in crime. This facilitates police personnel on cross verification of vehicles across the country and equips police to provide quick services to citizen. Windows based, Front End-VB, Back End-SQL No application integration Yes SCRB, Lucknow

2 3 4 5

Technical Details Application Integration Data Migration Deployment

1.5.4. NOMINAL ROLL SYSTEM S. No. NOMINAL ROLL SYSTEM 1 Project Description The Nominal Roll System was launched in Feb 2008. Main features are listed below:
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Its a web-enabled software used for retrieving bio-data of the non-gazetted police personals List of the selection/super-selection grade List of persons of the specific blood group List of the employees on the basis of
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rank/district/age /suspension etc. 2 3 4 5 Technical Details Application Integration Data Migration Deployment List of the employees posted at one Unit from a long duration List of the employees to be retired can be obtained

Web enabled, Front End- PHP, Backend : SQL None required. Yes. To be done by SI. Web based application accessible from all locations

1.5.5. PERSONNEL INFORMATION SYSTEM S. No. PERSONNEL INFORMATION SYSTEM 1 Project Description Implemented in 1986, Personal Information System is a standalone system with Windows OS. The basic features are: 2 3 4 5 Technical Details Application Integration Data Migration Deployment It stores the Personal Info of IPS/PPS officers posted in the state It stores the up to date details of transfer and posting of each and every IPS/PPS officer.

Windows based standalone application, Front End - VB, Backend : MS Access Not required. Yes. To be done by SI. UP Police Technical Services

1.5.6. PORTRAIT BUILDING SYSTEM S. No. POTRAIT BUILDING SYSTEM 1 Project Description This application has been designed by NCRB to acquire sketch of criminal or lost person so that department can
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track criminals or lost person according to the designed sketch. Portrait Building System is a standalone system on Windows OS. The basic features are: Making a sketch of the criminals by the computer with the help of the eye-witnesses. Shortlisting of the criminals with the help of the sketch Used as an evidence for the arrest.

375 Personnel have till date been trained on this software and over 1300 criminal portraits are available. 2 3 Technical Details Deployment Windows based application, Front End-VB, Back End-MS Access District Offices

1.5.7. UP POLICE PAY ROLL SYSTEM S. No. UP POLICE PAY ROLL SYSTEM 1 Project Description Pay Roll System provides automated salary calculation and generation of pay bills and different schedules along with pay slips. The application is windows based and is deployed at all police stations across the state. Windows based (decentralized application) District Offices

2 3

Technical Details Deployment

1.5.8. UP POLICE PORTAL S. No. UP POLICE Portal 1 Project Description UP Police Web Portal is complete informative and service portal towards police personnels, citizens, and Government departments. Portal has all the information of initiatives towards Police personnel, Citizens, and government. Portal has email interface for police personnel, complaint logging facility and directives for
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citizens. Portal consist all the information of posted IPS and Non IPS cadre officials, circulations of tenders, Traffic education, welfare activities, citizen rights, duty of citizens etc. 2 3 Technical Details Deployment Web based application, Front End-Asp, Back End-MS Access Across all locations

1.5.9. MISSING PERSONS & UNIDENTIFIED DEAD BODIES WEBSITE S. No. Missing Persons & Unidentified Dead Bodies Website 1 Project Description The website (www.upmissingpersons.in) was launched on 24-10-2007 by orders of High Court, Allahabad. Information obtained about every Missing Person/ Unidentified Dead Body is given a unique ID on the website. The website also has provision for uploading the scanned image of the Missing Person/ Unidentified Dead Body. The database is maintained by SCRB, Lucknow. As per the records, details of 17817 missing persons and 8570 dead bodies are posted at the website from 2007 to 2011. 2 3 Technical Details Deployment Hindi Unicode SCRB

1.5.10. FORTNIGHTLY CRIME REPORT (FCR) S. No. FCR 1 Project Description This application is based on Visual Basic and generates Fortnightly Crime Reports. The data generated through
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this application can be imported in a excel sheet which is further shared through CDs. 2 3 Technical Details Deployment Windows based, Front End-VB District Offices

1.5.11. FIRE ARM COORDINATION SYSTEM S. No. Fire Arms Coordination System 1 Project Description The application has been developed by NCRB to keep a record of stolen & recovered fire arms. The data is manually filled in forms at district and sent to SCRB for consolidation. The consolidated data is published at National Crime Record Bureau Website. The application is not web enabled. As per the records, around 737 arms were stolen and 990 arms were recovered during 2005 to 2010. 2 3 Technical Details Deployment Windows based application, Frontend: VB, Backend : MS Access SCRB

1.6 GOALS OF THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) The primary goal of this RFP is to solicit proposals from the interested bidders to be selected as the System Integrator (SI) for the State of UP through a competitive bidding process. This volume of RFP intends to bring out all the details with respect to the solution and other requirements that are deemed necessary to share with the potential bidders. The goals of RFP are further elaborated below: To seek proposals from potential bidders for providing the bundle of services in implementing and managing the CCTNS solution in the State. To understand from the bidders how they propose to meet the technical and operational requirements of CCTNS. To ascertain how potential bidders propose to deliver the services and sustain the demand and growth in the requirements.

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To ascertain from bidders on how they will ensure scalability and upgradeability of the infrastructure and solution proposed to be deployed. To understand from the bidders as to how they intend to innovate further on this service delivery model.

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1.7 RFP ISSUING AUTHORITY This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued by the Uttar Pradesh Police Technical Services (UPPTS) which is headed by the Additional Director General of Police, Technical Services, UP. State of UP (through CCTNS Apex Committee and Empowered Committee) shall be the final authority with respect to qualifying a bidder through this RFP. Their decision with regard to the choice of the SI who qualifies through this RFP shall be final and the State reserves the right to reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason. The State further reserves the right to negotiate with the selected agency to enhance the value through this project and to create a more amicable environment for the smooth execution of the project. Sl. No. 1 Item Project Title Description E-Governance Mission Mode Project on Crime & Criminal Tracking Network and Systems for UP Police UP Police Technical Services Shri Arun Kumar, Inspector General of Police UP Police Technical Services, Uttar Pradesh Contact Details 4th Floor, Jawahar Bhawan, Ashok Marg, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, PIN 226001 Phone: 0522 2286309 Fax: 0522 2286615 Email: tshq@up.nic.in

Project Initiator Details Department Contact Person

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1.8 STRUCTURE OF THE RFP The Request for Proposal or RFP (this document) for selection of State System Integrator (SI) is segregated into the following three volumes: Volume I: Scope of Services Volume I of RFP intends to bring out all the details with respect to functional and technical requirements along with details on scope of services required from the State System Integrator, implementation model, and non-functional requirements that UP Police Technical Services deems necessary to share with the potential bidders. Volume II: Commercial and Bidding Terms Volume II of the RFP details the General Terms & Conditions with respect to the bid process management including bid submission forms to be adopted for the proposed project. Volume III Draft Contract Volume III of the RFP details out the Draft Contract for the proposed engagement outlines the contractual, legal terms & conditions applicable for the proposed engagement. This is the Volume I of the RFP.

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2. IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK FOR CCTNS PROJECT CCTNS would be implemented in a way where the State will play a major role. CCTNS would be implemented in alignment with the NeGP principle of centralized planning and decentralized implementation. MHA and NCRB would play a key role in planning the program in collaboration with the Police leadership within States, in the development of a few core components and in monitoring and reviewing the program. However, the State would drive the planning and implementation of the project at the State level. The role of the Centre (MHA and NCRB) focuses primarily around planning, providing the core application software (CAS) which is to be configured, customized, enhanced and deployed in States, managing and monitoring the program at a higher level. States would drive the implementation at the State level and would continue to own the system after deployment. The implementation of CCTNS would be taking an integrated service delivery approach rather than that of procurement of hardware and software. In line with bundling of services concept, Uttar Pradesh will select one System Integrator (SI) who would be the single point of contact for the Uttar Pradesh Police for all the components of CCTNS. These components include the customization of Application (the changes made to the core application provided by MHA), hardware and associated services such as operation and maintenance, Capacity Building and Handholding, etc. Following broad level services are to be provided by the System Integrator: Program Planning and Management Configuration, Customization and Extension of CAS State and integration with CAS Center and External Agencies Site preparation at Police Station and Higher offices Infrastructure at Client locations IT infrastructure at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center Data migration and data digitization Migration of CIPA and CCIS enabled Police Stations / Higher offices to CCTNS Design, execution and management of Change Management Plan for project Capacity Building Handholding support Adherence to standards
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3. CORE APPLICATION SOFTWARE (CAS) The CCTNS application software will contain a core for the States that is common across all 35 States and UTs. The CCTNS Core Application Software (henceforth referred to as CAS) will be developed at NCRB and provided to States and UTs for deployment. Each State would customize the CAS according to their unique requirements and thereafter commission the same. States and UTs also have an option to develop and deploy additional applications over and above the customized CAS. The choice of such applications lies exclusively with the State. This section provides the details of the CAS (State) and CAS (Center) that will be developed by the Software Development Agency (SDA) at the Center. The details provided here should be read in conjunction with the RFP and the associated addendums issued by NCRB for the selection of the Software Development Agency for the Design, Development and Management of CCTNS Core Application Software (CAS). The CCTNS application software can be conceptualized as comprising different services that fall under two broad categories, CAS (Center) and CAS (State). CAS (Center) CAS (Centre) would cater to the functionality that is required at the GoI level (by MHA and NCRB). CAS (Centre) would enable NCRB to receive crime and criminals related data from States in order to organize it suitably to serve NCRBs requirements and to provide NCRB with the analysis and reporting abilities to meet their objective as the central level crime and criminals data repository of the nation. This would address the crime and criminals related information needs of MHA, NCRB, the Parliament, and central government ministries and agencies, citizens and citizen groups. CAS (Centre) also facilitates the flow of crime and criminal information on as needed basis. CAS (Centre) will be developed and deployed at NCRB. Also, CAS (Centre) is expected to interface with external agencies such as passports, transport authorities, etc. Overview of Services for CAS (Center) i) State-SCRB-NCRB Data Transfer and Management The service shall enable the NCRB to receive, transform, and collate the crime, criminal, and related data from States/UTs, to organize it suitably to serve NCRB requirements.
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Overview of Services for CAS (Center) ii) Crime and Criminal Reports The service shall enable authorized personnel to generate the reports and perform analysis on the central crime, criminals, and related data repository of the nation. iii) Crime and Criminal Records and Query Management The service shall enable the authorized personnel to view various registers and perform basic and advanced queries on the central crime, criminals, and related data repository of the nation. iv) Talaash Service The service will enable the user to search for missing persons across a central/ national database. v) Person of Interest The service will enable the user to search for persons of interest such as persons wanted on outstanding warrants, accused, charged habitual offenders, convicts, etc. across the national database. vi) Registered Vehicle and Vehicle of Interest Service The service will enable the user to search for registered vehicles and vehicles of interest such as, missing / stolen vehicles, abandoned / unclaimed vehicles, and vehicles involved in traffic incidents across the national database. vii) Publication Service This functionality will help the NCRB to publish the periodic crime reviews to the NCRB portal. viii) NCRB Citizen Interface The service shall enable the citizens to access/ search the NCRB National Database on the data (ex, Stolen Vehicles / Property, Missing Persons, etc.) that is approved to be made accessible to public. ix) NCRB Interface for RTI Due to the sensitivity of the information that pertains to national security and harmony, this service shall enable a limited and restricted access to the authorized external stakeholders to search the NCRB National Database, upon submission of any RTI requests. CAS (State) CAS (State) covers functionality that is central to the goals of CCTNS and is common to all States and UTs. It would focus primarily on functionality at police station with special
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emphasis on crime investigation and criminal detection. This part would be developed at NCRB and provided to the States and UTs for configuration, customization and enhancements / extensions. The State would determine the requirements for configuration, customization and enhancements/ extensions. The following are the main function blocks that would comprise CAS (State): Registration Investigation Prosecution Records Management Search and Basic Reporting

CAS (State) will also include the functionality required at Higher Offices such as State Police HQ, Range Offices, District HQ and SCRB. It is envisioned that CAS (State), once operational, will significantly enhance the outcomes in core police functions at Police Stations. It will do so primarily through its role- and eventorientation, that helps police personnel (playing different roles) in more effectively performing their core functions and that relieves police personnel from repetitive tasks that claim much of their time while returning low or no value. In order for CAS (State) to achieve the above goals, it is envisaged to meet the following requirements: It will lay special emphasis on the functions at police stations with focus on usability and ease of use of the application. It will be designed to provide clear and tangible value to key roles at the Police Station: specifically the SHO (Station House Officer), the IO (Investigation Officer) and the Station Writer. It will be event and role-driven. It will be content/forms-based, with customized forms based on requirements. It will be a flexible application system where actions on a case can be taken as required without rigid sequence / workflows. It will eliminate the need for duplicate and redundant entry of data, and the need for repetitive, manual report preparation , thus freeing valuable time and resources for the performance of core police functions It will be intelligent and help police perform their roles by providing alerts, highlighting key action areas, etc.

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It will provide the ability to view and exchange information amongst Police Stations, between Police Stations and other Police formations and with external entities including citizens. It will ensure that relevant reporting and data requirements of higher offices must be met at the State Data Centre/SCRB level and not percolate to the police station level. It will ensure central facilitation and coordination; however CAS (State) will be primarily driven and owned by States where States can configure and customize the CAS for their unique requirements without the intervention of the central entity.

Overview of Services in CAS (State) i. Citizens Portal Service This service shall enable Citizens to request services from Police through online petitions and track status of registered petitions and requests online. Citizens requests/services include passport verification services, general service petitions such as No Objection Certificate (NOC) for job, NOC for vehicle theft, NOC for lost cell phone/passport, Licenses for arms, processions etc. ii. Petition Management Service The service shall enable the police personnel to register and process the different kinds of general service petitions and complaints. iii. Unclaimed / Abandon Property Register Service The service shall enable the police personnel to record and maintain unclaimed/abandoned property registers and match unclaimed/ abandoned property with property in lost/stolen registers. iv. Complaint and FIR Management Service The service shall enable the police personnel to register and process the complaints (FIR for cognizable complaints, Non-Cognizable Report for non-cognizable, Complaint Report for genera complaints, etc.) reported by the public. v. PCR Call Interface and Management Service The service shall enable the police personnel to register and process the complaints as received through the Police Control Room through the Dial 100 emergency contact number. vi. Investigation Management Service The service shall enable the police personnel to process the complaints through capturing the details collected during the investigation process that are required for the investigation officer to prepare a final report.

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Overview of Services in CAS (State) vii. Court and Jail Interface and Prosecution Management Service The service shall enable the police personnel to interface with the courts and jails during the investigation process (for producing evidence, producing arrested, remand etc.) and during the trial process. viii. Crime and Criminal Records and Query Management Service The service shall enable the police personnel to view various registers and perform basic and advanced queries on the crime and criminal information. ix. Police Email and Messaging Service The service shall enable the police personnel to send / receive official as well as personal correspondence. x. Periodic Crime, Law and Order Reports and Review Dashboard Service The service shall enable the police personnel to view relevant reports and dashboards and to conduct periodic crime, and law & order reviews of the police station(s) under the officers jurisdiction. xi. Notification of Alerts, Important Events, Reminders and Activity Calendar or Task Services The service shall capture / generate the required alerts, important events, reminders, activity calendar and tasks. xii. State-SCRB-NCRB Data Transfer and Management Service The service shall enable the States to collate, transform and transfer the crime, criminal, and other related data from state to NCRB. xiii. State CAS Administration and Configuration Management Service The service shall enable the individual State to configure/ customize the application to suit to their unique requirements. xiv. User Help and Assistance Service The service shall enable the end user to view the help manuals of the application and in guiding the end user in using the application. xv. User Feedback Tracking and Resolution Service The service shall enable the police personnel in logging the issues/defects occurred while using the system. xvi. Activity Log Tracking and Audit Service The service shall capture the audit trail resulting from execution of a business process or system function.
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Overview of Services in CAS (State) xvii. User Access and Authorization Management Service The service shall enable the administrative user in setting the access privileges and will provide authentication and authorization functionality DEVELOPMENT OF CCTNS CORE APPLICATION SOFTWARE (CAS) CAS (Centre) and CAS (State) will be developed at NCRB under the overall guidance and supervision of MHA and NCRB. NCRB, on behalf of MHA, has engaged a professional software development agency (SDA) to design and develop CAS (Centre) and CAS (State) and offer associated services. The SDA would enhance and maintain CAS (Centre) and CAS (State) until the end of the engagement with NCRB and subsequent to that, CAS (Centre) and CAS (State) would be managed by NCRB under the guidance of NIC, DIT and MHA. CAS (State) would be built as a platform at NCRB addressing the core requirements of the Police Station to provide a basic framework to capture and process crime and criminal information at the police station while providing the States with the flexibility to build their state specific applications around it and in addition to it. CAS (State) will be provided to States for deployment. Each State would customize the CAS according to their unique requirements and thereafter commission the same. A bulk of the functionality would be added at States discretion and would be added as extensions to the CAS (State) by the System Integrators (SI) chosen by the States. In order to achieve the above stated goals of simultaneously ensuring consistency and standardization across States (where necessary and possible), and enabling States to meet their unique requirements, CAS will be built as a highly configurable and customizable application. CAS would therefore be a product-like application that could be centrally managed and at the same time customized to meet the unique requirements of the States and deployed in all States. In order to achieve the key CCTNS goal of facilitating the availability of real time information across police stations and between police stations and higher offices, CAS would be built as a web application. However, given the connectivity challenges faced in a number of police stations, especially rural police stations, the application must be built to work in police stations with low and/or unreliable connectivity. TECHNOLOGY STACK FOR CAS (State) AND CAS (CENTER) CAS (State) will be developed in two distinct technology stacks by the Software Development Agency at the Center. The details of the Technology Stacks are provided as an Annexure to
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this RFP. SI shall procure all necessary underlying solution components required to deploy CAS (State) solution for the State (Please Refer: Annexure 02 Technology Stacks for CAS (State) and CAS (Centre)). ROLE OF SOFTWARE DEVELOPING AGENCY (SDA) IN SUPPORTING CAS The SDA will provide Services for CAS (State) for a period of three (3) years followed by two optional one-year periods from the date of successful completion of the CAS (State) Certification. The decision on the two optional one-year periods will be taken in entirety by NCRB. During the contract period, the SDA shall offer the following services: Application Management Services for CAS (State) and CAS (Center) Technical Program Management of Implementation of CAS (State) for all 35 States/UTs throughout the duration of the engagement with NCRB/MHA.

Each of these activities is detailed out below: Application Management Services for CAS (State) and CAS (Center) The SDA shall provide Application Management services to the CAS (State) and CAS (Center). The application management services include the following: Provision of bug fixes, minor changes, error resolutions and minor enhancements. Minor enhancements (the usual run-of-the-mill enhancements and not the ones identified as part of Continuous Improvement). Change request management based on feedback from the users. Release Management; Version control of CAS (State) to be managed centrally, with state-specific configuration incorporated. Routine functional changes. Any changes to CAS code that may be required because of patches to licensed software being used (if any). Updating and maintenance of all project documents. SI shall be responsible for application management services and maintenance support for additional applications, customizations and extensions at the State.

All planned changes to the application, especially major enhancements and changes in functionality that are deviations from the signed-off FRS/SRS, shall be coordinated within established Change control processes to ensure that: Appropriate communication on change required has taken place. Proper approvals have been received from CAS Core Group/CTT/CPMU.
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Cost and effort estimate shall be mutually agreed upon between SDA and NCRB

The SDA will define the Software Change Management and version control process and obtain approval for the same from NCRB. For all proposed changes to the application, the SDA will prepare detailed documentation including proposed changes, impact on the system in terms of functional outcomes/additional features added to the system, etc. Technical Program Management of Implementation of CAS (State) After successful certification, the SDA will hand over the certified CAS (State) to States through NCRB. While NCRB will facilitate the transfer, the successful transfer of CAS to States on time is SDAs responsibility. During the period of CAS Solution Design and Development and the Operations and Maintenance phase following that, the SDA shall provide technical program management services in implementing CAS in States. Through the Technical Program Management, the SDA shall extend all the necessary support to the State SI and ensure that the SI successfully configures, customizes and deploys CAS (State) in States. The SDAs Technical Program Management responsibilities include but are not limited to: Preparation of technical manuals to enable the SI to configure, customize, enhance and deploy CAS in States; to be made available to SIs through the CAS online repository managed by the SDA. Preparation of CAS Implementation toolkits that comprehensively covers details on all the aspects of the CAS (State) and CAS (Centre) applications including but not limited to technical details of CAS, configuration, customization, and extension details, infrastructure sizing details, installation, commissioning, maintenance, infrastructure environment tuning, and performance tuning details that are required for the SI to successfully commission the CAS (State) application in the State, integrate CAS (State) with external agencies and third party solutions in the State and integrate CAS (State) with CAS (Centre) to seamless transfer the required data to NCRB. The implementation toolkit shall also include the following: o All completed and updated training and support material needed for customizing and deploying CAS o All completed and updated project documents including FRS, SRS, HLD, LLD and Test Plans o Relevant software assets/artifacts (including configuration utilities / tools, deployment scripts to SIs to deploy CAS (State) in States) o Relevant standards and design guidelines to the SI for customization, further enhancements, and integration of the application with external systems and third party components that will be implemented by the SI at the State.
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Conduct of direct knowledge transfer through monthly contact sessions at NCRB covering all State SIs during the contract period. During the contact sessions, the SDA shall conduct structured training sessions on the CAS Implementation Toolkit prepared by the SDA. Dedicated Points of Contact: Members of the SDAs team shall act as points of contacts for the State level SIs. The number of States serviced by each SDA contact person shall be determined in consultation between the CAS Core Group and the SDA. The point of contact will be responsible for addressing queries from an SI and in meeting SLA targets (in responding to States needs). Helpdesk Support: SDA shall provide Helpdesk support to the State SIs during customization, deployment and stabilization phases with 8 contact hours (during normal business hours of 10 AM to 6 PM), 6 days (Monday through Saturday, both included). The SDA shall deploy a team of at least 5 qualified and certified resources in NCRB to address the questions from the SIs. Deployment Scripts: The SDA shall develop the necessary deployment scripts to deploy CAS (State) in States and provide the same to State SIs. Data Migration Utility: The SDA shall develop a Data Migration Utility/application with all the formats and tools to load the data into the State databases. This will be provided to States and will enable the SIs to migrate data from legacy/paper based systems to the CAS databases. Language Localization Support: Proving interface in local languages is a key requirement of CAS (State). The SDA shall build CAS (State) with interfaces in English and Hindi; and also build CAS (State) in such a way that it can be configured for interfaces in other local languages at the State level by the SIs. In addition, the SDA shall assist the SIs in customizing CAS (State) to support local language interface and ensure the development of interface in local languages. Supporting the SI to ensure that the CAS (State) that is configured and customized by the SI in the State successfully passes the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) milestone. o Configuration of CAS (State) o Customization of CAS (State) o Data Migration of CAS (State) related data from the legacy systems and / or manual records to CAS (State) o Infrastructure Sizing related to CAS (State) o Commissioning and Deployment of CAS (State) o Infrastructure Environment Performance Tuning related to CAS (State) o Maintenance of CAS (State)

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o Integration of CAS (State) with external agency solutions o Integration of CAS (State) with additional solutions being integrated by the SI at the State. Seamless data exchange from CAS (State) to CAS (Centre) Troubleshooting, resolution and escalation with State SIs; and ownership of end-toend data exchange between the CAS (State) and CAS (Centre) needs to ensure seamless and real-time data exchange.

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4. GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE OF THE PROJECT 4.1 ORGANISATION STRUCTURE OF UP POLICE Uttar Pradesh Police (UPP) is the largest police force in the world working under a single command. The Uttar Pradesh Police was formed in 1861 when the Indian Police Act came to be operational. The Headquarters of the Uttar Pradesh Police is located in Allahabad. There are a total of 18 Police ranges in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Each range is headed by an officer of the rank of Inspector General of Police/ Deputy Inspector General of Police. A special Zone has been created to supervise the work of Meerut and Saharanpur. Each Police range is constituted of around 3 to 5 districts. There are totally 72 Police districts in the state. In each district the head of the Police is the Deputy Inspector General of Police/ Senior Superintendent of Police/ Superintendent of Police who is always an officer of the Indian Police Service. In discharge of his duties he is assisted by Additional Superintendents of Police (Addl. S.P.), Deputy Superintendents of Police (Dy. S.P.) who are officers of the Provincial Police Service/Uttar Pradesh State Police Service. The number of Addl. S.Ps and Dy. SPs varies with the size, population, police work or nature of police work in different districts. The number of Addl. S.Ps and Dy. S.Ps in districts like Lucknow, Kanpur Nagar, Agra, Varanasi, Meerut, and Allahabad is considerably more than other districts. Whereas in smaller districts like Baghpat, Kannauj, Mahoba, Chandauli the number of officers from state police service is relatively lesser. The number of Addl. SPs in larger / important districts go up to 5 in number and in smaller districts, it is usually 1 Addl. SP Office.

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Organisational structure of the UP Police is shown below Organisation Structure

Functions of Uttar Pradesh Police: Personnel / Karmik: The personnel department at the DGP office keeps records of the personnel files and service records. The functions of this branch include administration, selection, recruitment/ promotions / disciplinary legal case, accounts and welfare activities of Police Department. Crime Branch - Criminal Investigation Department (CBCID): CID is the branch that deals with criminal investigation of important cases which are transferred from the District Police to this unit by the State Government. This unit also has the Narcotics Cell that deals with Narcotics / Drugs related offences and crimes.

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State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB): SCRB gathers all statistical data about crime from all over the State and analyses the same. Carefully maintained data helps in furnishing a clue to the probable identity of the criminal. It keeps in constant touch with the National Crime Records Bureau and exchanges data. The SCRB is under the UP Police Technical Services which is working as a nodal agency for the work of computerization in Uttar Pradesh. The SCRB receives data in physical formats from the range offices and consolidates it in digital form and shares the information with NCRB through email/CDs. Public Grievances (Complaint): In this branch various complaints pertaining to police from all sources viz. President's Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office, Secretariat, Ministers, MP/ MLAs. National/ State Human Rights Commission, Women/ Minority Commission etc. are registered, enquired into and appropriate action is taken. Complaint against any police officer of the Uttar Pradesh Police may also be lodged here. Status of the complaint may be checked at any time by the complaint ID number. Government Railway Police: Government Railway Police (GRP) needs information to take care of the crimes and complaints related to the railways. This Branch of the State Police is involved in the investigation, detection and prosecution of the offences concerning the railways within the State of U.P. and also coordinates with the GRP of the adjoining States and the Railway Protection Force. This Branch also prepares a detailed statement of the crime situation and important happening related to its field of functioning annually. Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL): The Forensic Science Laboratory fulfills the forensic/ scientific requirements for investigation of criminal cases. FSL Units are expected to cater to the needs of all the districts in the State. An Explosive division was also sanctioned for undertaking the examination of exploded material. The collection of important clue materials from the scenes of crime is done for their examination in these laboratories. Apart from the FSL Headquarters in Lucknow, there are two laboratories one in Agra and other in Varanasi. Finger Printing Bureau (FPB): The records of finger prints of convicted persons are maintained in the Finger Print Bureau under specific schedule of offences. The records are stored in two categories- Ten digit Finger print records using Henry system of classification for personal identification and single digit records using Bartley system of classification for scene of crime print identification.

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Police Economic Offences Wing (EOW): The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) came into existence in 1970, as a part of CID. In 1977, it became a separate specialized investigation branch of U.P. Police. EOW conducts Investigation and Prosecution of cases of cheating, fraud and misappropriation of government money concerning the following departments: Forest, Excise Transport Agriculture Food and Civil Supplies Panchayati Raj Local Bodies Minor Irrigation Industries Sales Tax

Government can also entrust this agency with cases concerning other departments and private persons, depending upon the ramification of the economic offences committed. The EOW also collects intelligence regarding loss of Govt. Revenue and brings such cases to the knowledge of the Govt. for follow up action. EOW is headed by an ADG. This wing has five Sector offices out of which Lucknow and H.Q. Sector are located at Lucknow and one Sector each at Meerut, Kanpur and Varanasi. Each Sector is headed by a SP. A Special Cell to deal with cases of Non-Banking Finance Companies, Fake Currency, Cyber Crime and Copyright Act has also been established with the EOW since 2000. The Special Cell operates from the headquarters coordinates this work among the districts of U.P. as the nodal agency for fake currency / fake stamp papers / non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) etc. The EOW reports directly to the Gopan Dept. (Section-8 of Home dept.) and most cases are referred to the Organisation by this department. However, cases related to fake currency / fake stamp papers / NBFCs can also be referred directly by D.G.P., U.P. Anti-Corruption Organisation (ACO): Anti-Corruption Organisation takes up Enquiry, Investigation of following nature: 1. Corruption
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2. Extortion 3. Deliberate revengeful and harassing attitude of the Police Officer 4. Willful and mala fide use of special emergency powers with ulterior motive The power of Anti-Corruption Organisation extends to the collection of intelligence and laying of trap against the corrupt government servant on its own with regard to non Gazetted officers of police and others Govt. department. For Gazetted officers of all department previous, permissions of Government is required for laying traps.

Police Special Enquiries: Special Enquiries Cell was created vide Go No. 2407 / II-GA-512(4)73, dated 8.5.73 as part of DGP Head Quarters, UP Main thrust of this Organisation is to monitor atrocities cases on SCs/STs as enumerated in Untouchability Offences Act 1955 which was enlarged to cover many more offences in 1976, and it was titled as Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955. The SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 was notified on 12 September, 1989 and subsequently rules under this were made on 31.1.1995 which were duly accepted by the State Govt. of U.P. vide order No. 6736KHA / VI-4-95-661 G / TC dated 27.9.95. Special Enquiries Cell is headed by Addl. Director General of police w.e.f. 22.4.95. The Special Enquiries Cell is assigned the following Functions: Action on applications received from members of SC/ST against non SC/ST persons. To ensure prompt investigation of cases registered by members of SC/ST against non SC/ST persons. To ensure protection of members of S.C. /S.T. To ensure prompt action on complaints of unauthorised possession of land belonging to members of SC/ST. To enquire into news-items pertaining to Atrocities on SC/ST. To ensure action against Government Servants who neglect the interest of the members of SC/ST. To ensure that victims of Atrocities are given monetary help promptly.

Special Investigation Branch Cooperative (SIB Coop.): The Special Investigation Branch (Cooperative) was created in the year of 1971 vide G.O. No. Coop(kha)Deptt.No.3019/12C145/16/69 dated June 29th, 1971 to investigate the cases of misappropriation & embezzlement of Government funds in cooperative Departments. This was initiated because a large number of
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investigations pertaining to various cooperative societies were pending with District Police and the District Police did not have sufficient time to investigate such complicated & technical investigations. Thus the Government setup this branch and attached it with Crime Branch- CID, UP The limit and jurisdiction of the cases has been indicated vide G.O. No. 1249/12C-108/76 dated 29th July, 1997 and G.O. No. 7.49-2-108./76 dated 25th June, 2003. They are: The cases registered after the complete enquiry by cooperative department. The cases registered after the examination of special audit reports prepared by cooperative department. The cases registered by the SIB (Cooperative), CID,UP The cases which are sent by Govt. to SIB (Cooperative).

The HQ of SIB (Cooperative), UP is located at Lucknow and has nine regional offices situated at Lucknow, Bareilly, Agra, Jhansi, Meerut, Faizabad, Gorakhpur, Kanpur and Varanasi. Uttar Pradesh Vigilance: Vigilance Departments work involves keeping watch over public servants of doubtful integrity, gathering information, scrutinizing complaints against public servants about corruption, conducting enquiries / investigations and advising various Government Department / Agencies about matters related to corruption etc. It is a specialized agency to enquire / investigate into corruption and other related matters involving public servants. Special Task Force: The Special Task Force was created with the following purposes: 1. Collection of Intelligence about Mafia gangs and intelligence based action against such gangs. 2. Preparation of action plan and its execution against Disruptive Elements especially ISI agents 3. Actions against listed gangs in coordination with district police. 4. Effective actions against gang of dacoits especially inter-district gangs. 5. Effective action against inter district gangs of Organized criminals. Police Technical Services (UPPTS): Technical Services Directorate comprises Police Motor Transport Workshops, Police Computer Centre and Forensic Science Laboratories and State Crime Record Bureau. Technical Services Head Quarters has made substantial progress in modernization and systematization of units under its supervision.

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Special Investigation Team (SIT): Special Investigation Team is a multi-disciplinary investigating agency which can effectively enquire and investigate cases relating to influential persons and public servants who misuse their position and indulge in commission of irregularities of serious nature and economic offences. An enquiry / investigation can be entrusted to S.I.T. by Home Department, either on its own or regarding such matters which are referred by administrative heads of other departments. S.I.T. is required not only to enquire and investigate but also to monitor prosecution and other follow-up action relating to such cases, which are entrusted to it. In cases where departmental action is recommended as a result of investigation / enquiry by S.I.T., departmental action and other follow-up actions can also be monitored by S.I.T. Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS): ATS has been set up to beef up the security of the State in the wake of many terrorist activities in 2007. The ATS Head Quarters is in Lucknow. The ATS employs high-tech intelligence to monitor and prevent terrorist strikes.

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The following diagrams depict the Organisational structures of the various units in UP Police. DGP Headquarters UP Police Headquarters is located in two distinct locations. The Police Headquarters is located in Allahabad and the DGP Camp office is in the State capital Lucknow. The Police Headquarters in Allahabad is responsible for managing all HR, Administration and Procurement related functions and is headed by an ADG reporting into the DGP at Lucknow camp. The DGP Organisation set up is detailed below in the diagram Organisational set up at DGP headquarters is shown below

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Unit structure of the UP Police

For the purpose of CCTNS project, Special Units have been categorised into two types: Investigating Special Units Investigating Special Units are defined as those units where investigation work is done either on transfer from district police or by registration of cases suo moto. Supporting Special Units Supporting Special Units are defined as those units which support CCTNS modules in different ways. These are FSL, FPB, SCRB, Technical Services, Training Institutes, Traffic Directorate and Police HQ.

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Unit structure of the UP Police Investigating Special Units having multiple locations / sector offices

Unit structure of the UP Police Supporting Special Units having multiple locations / sector offices

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4.2 RANGE OFFICES The State is divided into 18 Police Ranges each under an Inspector General of Police/ Deputy Inspector General. Each Range consists of three or more districts. The Range office supervises the Districts that are under it. Organisational Set-up at the Range Office is shown below (hierarchy and function wise) -

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4.3 DISTRICT OFFICES The State of Uttar Pradesh has 72 District offices. Each district office is headed by Deputy Inspector General of Police/ Senior Superintendent of Police/ Superintendent of Police who is always an officer of the Indian Police Service. Further, the State has 6 GRP Districts. GRP is headed by ADG Railways. GRP has 2 Ranges Lucknow and Allahabad each headed by IG Railways. Each GRP District is headed by SPs. Also, GRP has 13 Circle Offices and 2 Staff Officers posted at Lucknow to assist the office of ADG Railways and the office of IG Railways.

Organisational Set-up at the District Office is shown below (function wise) -

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4.4 ADDITIONAL SP OFFICES The Additional SP Offices are headed by an Additional Superintendent of Police. The Additional SP Offices report into and assist the District DIG / SSP / SP in various functions. The number of Addl. SPs in larger / important districts go up to 5 in number and in smaller districts, it is usually 1 Addl. SP Office. There are 125 Additional SP Offices in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The responsibility of Addl. SPs may be geographical area wise for example, Rural, City/urban or it can be function wise for example Crime, Security, Traffic etc. Organisational Set-up at the Additional SP Office is shown below (function wise) -

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4.5 CIRCLE OFFICES The Police district is further sub-divided into Police Circles. A Police Circle is usually headed by an officer of the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police/Assistant SP. The officer heading the Police Circle is designated as the Circle Officer (C.O.) in the state of Uttar Pradesh. A Police Circle is usually constituted by 2 to 5 Police Stations. Each Police Station is headed by a Police Inspector/SI. Organisational Set-up at the Circle Office is shown below (function wise and hierarchy)

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4.6 POLICE STATIONS There are 1504 Police Stations in Uttar Pradesh. This includes 65 GRP Police Stations and 71 notified Mahila Thanas. Each Police Station is headed by a Police Inspector/SI. The officer in charge of a Police Station is designated as or called as the Station Officer (S.O.) or Station House Officer (S.H.O.). The SHO is of the rank of an Inspector. He is assisted by various Sub-Inspectors, Assistant Sub-Inspectors, Head-Constables, and Constables. In some cases, where there is no official of the rank of an Inspector, SI is given charge of the Station. There are also a number of Police Chowkis (Outposts) and Halkas that come under the Police Station. Chowkis can be a Reporting Chowki (Reporting Outpost) where an FIR can be registered. These outposts are notified as Reporting Outposts in the Gazette. There are 304 notified reporting outposts in Uttar Pradesh. A Halka is an internal arrangement of the Police Station to facilitate Law and Order in areas not defined under the Chowki. The Chowkis / Halkas are under the charge of a Sub-Inspector of Police or an Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police. The regular constabulary carries the bulk of normal beat policing and patrolling. Organisational Set-up at the Police Station is shown below -


Handling Petitions Registration of FIR General Services Traffic Regulation

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Emergency Response Crime Analysis No Emergency Response Beats and Community Patrols Policing Receiving Informants Information Village Area Campaigns Information Evidence Management Cash Escort Repeat Offender Checking



Custody Management

Prisoners Management

COURT & Execution of Trail Summons Management PROSECUTION

Disposal of Victim/ Recovered Witness Goods Relationship Management


Enforcement Legislation Records Management HR Administration


Various Bandobast Duties Store Management Grievance Redressal

Management Reports Duty & Accounts Allocation

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4.7 OFFICES TO BE COVERED UNDER CCTNS IMPLEMENTATION CCTNS will cover 2487 locations in Uttar Pradesh State including State Police Head Quarters, Range headquarters, District headquarters, Additional SP Offices, Circle offices, District Police Stations, District Police Control Rooms (72), City Control Rooms in 39 Districts, State Police Control Room, Investigating Special Units, Supporting Special Units, Government Railway Police, Training Institutions and District Training Centres.

Offices DGP Headquarters, Lucknow Other Head Quarters Police Headquarters, Allahabad UP Police Technical Services and UP Police Computer Centre, Lucknow GRP HQ, Lucknow IG Railways (GRP), Allahabad Special Task Force (STF) HQ, Lucknow CBCID HQ, Lucknow EOW HQ, Lucknow Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS), Lucknow Anti Corruption Organization (ACO), Lucknow Vigilance, Lucknow Finger Print Bureau (FPB), Lucknow Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Lucknow SCRB HQ Lucknow SIB-Cooperative, Lucknow Food Cell, Lucknow Special Enquiry, Lucknow Special Investigation Team (SIT), Lucknow Traffic Directorate, Lucknow Higher Offices Zone Office (UP NCR), Meerut

No. of Locations 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Range Offices; (Range Offices of Lucknow, Varanasi, Moradabad and Meerut) Range Offices (excluding Range Offices of Lucknow, Varanasi, Moradabad and Meerut)


SP Offices (excluding districts Lucknow, Ghazipur, Moradabad, Gautambudh Nagar and Varanasi) SP Offices Pilot Districts Lucknow, Ghazipur, Moradabad, Gautambudh Nagar and Varanasi SP Offices (GRP) Addl. SP Offices (excluding Additional SP Offices of Lucknow, Ghazipur, Moradabad, Gautambudh Nagar and Varanasi)


5 6 105

Addl. SP Offices; Hardware provided under CIPA funds CO Offices (excluding Circle Offices of Lucknow, Ghazipur, Moradabad, Gautambudh Nagar and Varanasi) CO Offices; Hardware provided under CIPA funds GRP Circle Offices Police Stations CIPA Phase I Police Stations CIPA Phase II Police Stations CIPA Phase III Police Stations Moradabad District Police Stations (H/w supplied under CIPA III) Non-CIPA Police Stations GRP Police Stations Special Unit Police Stations (CB-CID) Special Unit Police Stations (EOW) Special Unit Police Stations (ACO) Special Unit Police Stations (SIB) Special Unit Police Stations (Vigilance) Special Unit Police Stations (FSL) Reporting Outposts Reporting Outposts (ROPs)
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19 342 39 13 137 440 401 28 433 65 10 5 10 9 10 2 105

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Police Control Rooms PCRs - City Control Rooms PCRs - District Control Rooms State PCR Training Institutions Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Police Academy, Moradabad PTC / PTS / RTC / ATC RPCTC, U.P.Police Computer Center, Lucknow SCRB Training Centre, Lucknow DTC (A+) DTC (A) DTC (B) DTC (C) GRP District Training Centres Total Number of Locations No. of Sanctioned Police Personne

39 72 1 1 8 1 1 4 11 44 13 3 2487 3,79,140*

* The figure of 3, 79,140 is the sanctioned strength of UP police. The actual strength of UP Police is approximately 2 lakh personnel. Recruitment of police personnel is periodically undertaken to minimize the gap. The detailed list of Police Station and Higher offices is given as Annexure to this RFP (Please Refer: Annexure 01 Indicative List of locations for implementation of Hardware & Site Preparation)

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5. SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR SYSTEM INTEGRATOR The scope of the bundle of services to be offered by the SI to rollout CCTNS across the State of Uttar Pradesh includes the following: 1. Project planning and management 2. Procurement and Implementation of Project Management Tools 3. Configuration, Customization and Extension to CAS (State) i. Systems Study and assessment ii. Configuration of CAS (State) to States Requirements iii. Design and Implementation of customizations to CAS (State) including Citizen Portal, and Integration with Nominal Roll System and Personnel Management System and integration with CAS (Center) iv. Extensions to CAS (State) through design and Implementation of advanced/ additional Functionality Enhancements to CAS (State) Software such as Forensic Science System, Logistics Management System, Police Station Daily Duty Management System, SMS Gateway and Knowledge Repository v. Continuous Improvement of CAS (State) Application 4. Provide Support to central Software Development Agency for the pilot implementation of CAS in selected locations in UP 5. Data Migration/ digitization of historical Data 6. Site Preparation and Procurement, Delivery, Commissioning of IT Infrastructure at Police Stations and Higher Offices 7. Capacity building and Change Management 8. Co-ordination and management of network connectivity 9. Setup and management of IT infrastructure at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center 10. Handholding Support 11. Support to 3rd party acceptance testing, audit, and certification 12. Post Implementation (Operational and Maintenance) Services covering the following: i. Software maintenance and support services (including Maintenance of Current customized CAS (State) Software and Release Management of subsequent versions) for CAS (State) application to meet the desired Service Levels ii. Application customization support services iii. Warranty support for all the new hardware procured as part of this RFP iv. AMC support for Hardware v. Annual Technical Support (ATS) for all the licensed software

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Operations and maintenance services for the server and related infrastructure supplied and commissioned by the SI for the application at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center vii. Central Helpdesk from the State designated premises 13. Exit Management and Transition at the end of Contract Period The project will be managed out of State Nodal Officers office in UP Police Technical Services HQ, Lucknow. At all points in the execution of the project, key senior resources including the project manager must be based out of State Nodal Officers office. In implementing the above, the SI shall strictly adhere to the guidelines set by the MHA, NCRB, and State. 5.1 PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT The CCTNS project is a geographically spread initiative involving multiple stakeholders. Its implementation is complex and though its ultimate success depends on all the stakeholders, the role of SI is key and hence SI is required to design and implement a comprehensive and effective project management methodology together with efficient & reliable tools and structures. 5.1.1 SCOPE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT As part of the Project Management, SI shall be responsible for the following: a. The SI shall follow an industry standard of Project Management e.g. PMBOK or PRINCE2 b. Create an organized set of activities for the project with activities, timelines and resource plans c. Coordinate and collaborate with all stakeholders including the UPPTS, SPMU, CPMU and the SDA at center d. Establish and measure resource assignments and responsibilities e. Construct a project plan schedule including milestones f. Measure project baseline, deviations, deadlines, budget figures, and performance objectives g. Communicate the project plan to stakeholders with meaningful reports h. Detect problems and inconsistencies in the plan and take corrective actions i. During the project implementation the SI shall report to the SPMU / State Nodal Officer, on following items:


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i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Results accomplished during the period; Cumulative deviations to date from schedule of progress on milestones as specified in this RFP, the agreement and read with the agreed and finalized Project Plan; Corrective actions to be taken to return to planned schedule of progress; Proposed revision to planned schedule provided such revision is necessitated by reasons beyond the control of the SI; Other issues and outstanding problems, and actions proposed to be taken; Interventions which the SI expects to be made by the SPMU / State Nodal Officer or actions to be taken by the SPMU/ State Nodal Officer before the next reporting period

j. l.

Progress reports on a fortnightly basis Change control mechanism

k. Project quality assurance reports m. Issue Management to identify and track the issues that need attention and resolution from the State n. Scope Management to manage the scope and changes through a formal management and approval process o. Risk Management to identify and manage the risks that can hinder the project progress The Project plan prepared by the SI would be reviewed by the SPMU, State CCTNS Nodal Officer, and CCTNS Governance Committees in UP and approved by the Empowered Committee on the advice of the State Mission Team and State Project Management Unit. The SI would update and maintain the Project Plan throughout the duration of the engagement. All changes are to be reviewed and approved by the UP Police Technical Services and may require approval of MHA/ NCRB. 5.1.2 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION The SI shall create and maintain all project documents that would be passed on to State as deliverables as per the agreed project timelines. The documents created by the SI will be reviewed and approved by the Governance Structure Setup/ SPMU in the State. a. State Mission Team/ SPMU would also approve any changes required to these documents during the course of the project.
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b. State will finally sign-off on the documents on the recommendation of State Mission Team / SPMU / Empowered Committee. c. Where necessary, the SI shall update the documentation based on changes and submit a new version of the document to UPPTS. d. All project documents are to be submitted in bound hardcopy and in a softcopy/ CD format for archival by UPPTS. e. All project documents shall have a version number and major changes from the last submission shall be highlighted in the beginning of the revised documents. f. Documents and all artifacts generated by the project shall be kept in revision/ version controlled system with released documents accessible to UP Police Technical Services and working documents (read-only) accessible to SPMU and State Nodal Agency. g. Project documents include but are not limited to the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Detailed Project Plan Updated/vetted FRS SRS document CAS Configuration Plan HLD documents (including but not limited to) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. vi. Application architecture documents Use Cases ER diagrams and other data modeling documents Logical and physical database design Data dictionary and data definitions Application component design including component deployment views, control flows, etc.

LLD documents (including but not limited to) 1. Application flows and logic including pseudo code 2. GUI design (screen design, navigation, etc.) 3. CAS Customization design document

vii. viii. ix. x. xi.

All Test Plans Requirements Traceability Matrix Change Request Management and Capacity Building Plans SLA and Performance Monitoring Plan Training and Knowledge Transfer Plans

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Issue Logs

h. The SI shall submit a list of deliverables that they would submit based on the methodology they propose. The SI shall prepare the formats/templates for each of the deliverables upfront based upon industry standards and the same will be approved by State prior to its use for deliverables. i. j. All project documents are to be kept up-to-date during the course of the project. The SI shall maintain a log of the internal review of all the deliverables submitted. The logs shall be submitted to State Nodal Officer on request.

k. All project documentation shall conform to the highest standards of software engineering documentation. 5.2 PROCUREMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOLS The SI shall procure and commission the required infrastructure (software, servers) for Project Management Tool, Configuration Management Tool & Issue Tracker Tool and maintain the same through the duration of the project at UP Police Technical Services Headquarters. These tools along with the servers on which they are deployed will become property of the State and will be used by State even beyond the contract period. 5.2.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOOL To have an effective project management system in place, it is necessary for the SI to use a Project Management Information System (PMIS). The SI shall address at the minimum the following using PMIS: The SI shall keep the project plan and all related artifacts up-to-date during the course of the project. In order to help with the project management SI shall use a suitable standard, proven off-the-shelf project management tool (preferably with unrestricted redistribution licenses) The SI shall install the project management software at States premises right at the beginning of the project. The tool shall provide the dashboard view of the progress on project milestones by the Nodal Officer and other Supervisory Officers of CCTNS

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5.2.2 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT TOOL The SI shall keep all project documents up-to-date during the course of the project. In order to help with the version/configuration management for all documents (including source code and all other project artifacts), the SI shall use a suitable standard, proven off-the-shelf configuration management tool (preferably with unrestricted redistribution licenses). The SI shall install the configuration management software at UP Police designated premises right at the beginning of the project. 5.2.3 ISSUE TRACKER The SI shall employ a suitable and proven tool for tracking issues (preferably with unrestricted redistribution licenses) through the execution of the project. The SI shall install the Issue Tracking System at States premises to enable States users to access and use the same. The SI would setup an online repository on PMIS / Configuration Management Tool for providing centralized access to all project documents including manuals and other materials. The online repository would be maintained by the SI through the engagement period. The SI should ensure that the repository is built on appropriate security features such as role- and necessity-based access to documents. 5.2.4 COMPLIANCE WITH INDUSTRY STANDARDS Wherever feasible, any enhancement/ feature addition shall be designed following open standards, to the extent feasible and in line with overall system requirements set out in this RFP, in order to provide for good inter-operability with multiple platforms and minimize/ avoid any technology or technology provider lock-in. In addition to above, the proposed solution has to be based on and be compliant with industry standards (their latest versions as on date) wherever applicable. This will apply to all the aspects of solution including but not limited to design, development, security, installation, and testing. There are many standards that are indicated throughout this volume as well as summarized below. However the list below is just for reference and is not to be treated as exhaustive.

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Portal development Information access/transfer protocols Interoperability Photograph

W3C specifications SOAP, HTTP/HTTPS Web Services, Open standards; JPEG (minimum resolution of 640 x 480 pixels) TIFF (Resolution of 600 X 600 dpi) BioAPI 2.0 (ISO/IEC 19784-1:2005) Specification

Scanned documents Biometric framework

Finger print image and Minutiae Standard

ISO/IEC 19794-4:2005(E) & ISO 19794-2:2005(E)

Digital signature Document encryption Information Security IT Infrastructure management Service Managements Project Documentation

DSS Standards (RSA, DSA) PKCS specifications CCTNS system to be ISO 27001 certified ITIL / EITM specifications ISO 20000 specifications IEEE/ISO specifications for documentation

The SI shall adhere to the standards published by the Department of Information Technology, Government of India.

5.3 CONFIGURATION, CUSTOMIZATION AND EXTENSION TO CAS (STATE) In terms of functionality, CAS would cover those police functions that are central to the goals of the CCTNS project and are common across States/UTs. This includes core functions in the areas of Complaints/ Case Management, Police Station Efficiency and Analysis & Reporting. Therefore, CAS is being developed as a product-like application that could be centrally managed

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and at the same time customized to meet the unique requirements of the States/UTs and deployed in all States/UTs. CAS (State) contains functionalities that is common across all States/UTs. CAS (State) would be configured, customized, extended by the SI based on the unique requirements of the State and deployed at the State Data Centre. In order to ensure consistency between States/UTs and facilitate the exchange of crime and criminals related information between States/UTs and the Centre and between the States/UTs and NCRB would develop, own and maintain the CAS. The services that will be provided by the Software Development Agency (SDA) for the CAS (State) are articulated in Section 3 of this RFP. For the Functional Requirements and System Requirement Specifications of CAS (State) and CAS (Center) bidders may refer to Request for Proposal for Design, Development and Management of CCTNS Core Application Software (CAS) and the associated Addendums at the site: http://ncrb.nic.in/cctns.htm. In addition, the bidder shall also refer to the refined Functional Requirements Specifications and the System Requirements Specification developed by the Software Development Agency at NCRB.

5.3.1 GUIDELINES TO SYSTEM STUDY / DESIGN / RELEASE MANAGEMENT The SI shall conduct a detailed Systems Study before the design of the customizations, configurations & extensions. Guidelines for system study are given below. The SI shall carry out a detailed systems study to refine the Functional Requirements Specifications for the enhancements / extensions provided in this RFP and formulate the System Requirements Specifications (SRS). The SI shall also study CAS-State and CAS-Center being developed at NCRB. The SRS preparation shall take into account the BPR recommendations suggested by the NCRB. Bidders may access the BPR recommendations for CCTNS from the website of NCRB (http://ncrb.nic.in). The SI should also prepare a detailed document on the implementation of Customization, Configuration and Extension to CAS (State), Portal, SMS Gateway and other components as detailed in this RFP. The SI would also prepare a change/reference document based on changes or deviations from the base version of the CAS (State) with appropriate references to all the artifacts /documents provided by NCRB. 1. Conduct of System Study at selected locations to detail out the Configuration, Customization, and Extension Requirements. The locations for system study shall include a sample of various units and would be jointly decided with UPPTS during
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2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

implementation. In addition to the Police Stations and Higher Offices, the SI shall also study the sample of following units to detail out the configuration and customization requirements of CAS (State) with respect to those locations (HQ as well as the unit Police Stations). a. EOW, Lucknow (HQ and Police Stations) b. CBCID, Lucknow (HQ and Police Stations) c. Finger Print Bureau HQ, Lucknow d. Forensic Science Laboratory, Lucknow (HQ and Police Stations) e. Anti Terrorist Squad, Lucknow (HQ and Police Stations) f. ACO, Lucknow (HQ and Police Stations) g. SIB Cooperative, Lucknow (HQ and Police Stations) h. Food Cell HQ, Lucknow i. SIT, Lucknow j. Special Enquiry HQ, Lucknow k. Vigilance, Lucknow (HQ and Police Stations) l. State Crime Record Bureau, Lucknow m. PHQ, Allahabad Preparation of System Requirements Specifications (SRS) for additional functionalities and different integration points with CAS (Center). Preparation of the final CAS (State) enhancement implementation document with respect to extension, configuration, customization as per the requirement of UP Police. Preparation of the Solution Design including solution architecture, use cases identifying the additional solution components/ modifications to CAS (State) application. Solution Development and Customization and/or Configuration and Extension as required Development of MIS and other reports Formulation of test plans and test cases for additional functionalities and different integrations with external agencies including CAS (Center) Change/Reference document include all the changes or deviations from the base version of the CAS (State) Application provided to the SI. Testing of the configured solution (CAS) and additional functionalities.

Requirements Traceability Matrix The SI would ensure that developed solution is fully compliant with the requirements and specifications provided in this RFP such as functional, non-functional and technical requirements. a. For ensuring this, the SI shall prepare a Requirements Traceability Matrix on the basis of Functional Requirements Specifications (FRS), Non Functional Requirements
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Specification, and Technical Requirements provided by UPPTS (updated, expanded and fine-tuned by the SI as necessary) and the System Requirements Specifications (SRS) prepared by the SI. b. This matrix would keep track of the requirements and trace their compliance through different stages of the project including software design, coding, unit testing and acceptance testing. c. The Requirements Traceability Matrix would be a live document throughout the project, with the SI team updating the matrix at every stage to reflect the meeting of each specification at every stage. d. The Requirement Traceability Matrix would provide both forward and backward traceability. e. The traceability matrix should be used to determine gaps and complexity and shall be reviewed by SPMU and UPPTS as a decision making tool. Through the duration of the project, the State Mission Team will periodically review the Traceability Matrix with the SPMU. State Governance Structure would provide the final approval on the advice of the State Mission Team and SPMU once they are satisfied that all requirements are met. Creation of Test Plans Once the SRS is approved and design is started, the SI should prepare all necessary Test Plans (including test cases), i.e., functional and non-functional testing. Test cases for UAT would be developed in collaboration with domain experts identified at state headquarters. The Test Plans should specify any assistance required from State and should be followed upon by the SI. The SI should have the Test Plans reviewed and approved by the SPMU. UPPTS will sign off on the test plans on the advice of SPMU. High Level Design (HLD) Once the SRS is approved, the SI would complete the HLD and all HLD documents of the additional functionalities, integration with CAS Center and external agencies upon the approved SRS. The SI would prepare the HLD and have it reviewed and approved by the SPMU. UPPTS will sign off on the HLD documents on the advice of SPMU. Detailed (Low Level) Design (LLD) The LLD would interpret the approved HLD to help application development and would include detailed service descriptions and specifications, application logic (including pseudo code) and UI design (screen design and navigation). The preparation of test cases will also be completed
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during this stage. The SI would have the design documents reviewed and approved by the SPMU. UPPTS will sign off on the LLD documents upon the advice of SPMU. Application Development and Unit Testing The SI would develop the application in accordance with the approved requirements specifications and design specifications and according to the approved Project Plan; and carry out the Unit Testing of the application in accordance with the approved test plans. The SI shall consider the local language support and prepare necessary configuration files for CAS (State) and additional functionalities/modules developed. The SI would also implement the changes proposed in the Change/Reference document to CAS (State) and carry out a thorough regression testing includes running some of the previously executed scripts for the functionality from the traceability matrix created. Setup of Technical Environment The SI shall procure, setup and maintain the required software and the infrastructure for systems testing, functional testing and User Acceptance Testing where not available or not adequate; and training activities within UP Police designated premises; and for any other activities that may be carried out of State Headquarter premises such as issue management (Issue Tracker), document repository (configuration management tool), etc. Regression, Integration, System and Functional Testing After successful unit testing of all components, the SI would conduct full-fledged integration testing, system testing and functional testing in accordance with the approved Test Plans for the enhanced CAS (State) application, additional functionalities and also integration with CAS (Center) and external agencies. This would include exhaustive testing including functional testing, performance testing (including load and stress), scalability testing and security testing. Functional testing will be led by the SIs experts. A thorough regression testing should be conducted for those functionalities identified in Change/Reference document to provide a general assurance that no additional errors were cropped up in the process of addressing the customizations and/or Extensions. Making all necessary arrangements for testing including the preparation of test data, scripts if necessary and setup of test environment shall be the responsibility of the SI. The SI along with SPMU should take the responsibility in coordinating with NCRB and other external agencies for a smooth integration with CAS (Center).
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The SI shall also prepare and execute automated test scripts covering majority of the application functionality (current and new) for subsequent regression tests. Test Reports The SI shall create test reports from testing activities and submit to UPPTS/SPMU for validation Test Data Preparation The SI shall prepare the required test data and get it vetted by UPPTS/SPMU. The test data shall be comprehensive and address all scenarios identified in the test cases. The SI should also prepare the test data for all required integrations including CAS (Center) and external agencies. End-to-End Performance and Security Testing End-to-End Performance and Security testing of the Application to ensure that the application scales to the required number of users as per the service levels defined in this RFP. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Test Plans for UAT would be prepared by the SI in collaboration with the UPPTS /SPMU domain experts. The SI will plan all aspects of UAT (including the preparation of test data) and obtain required assistance from State Headquarters to ensure its success. UPPTS/SPMU will assemble representatives from different user groups based on inputs from the SI and would facilitate UAT. The SI would make the necessary changes to the application to ensure that CAS (State) successfully goes through UAT. Its mandatory for SI to incorporate/consider test cases as part of UAT test cases for those customized and/or extensions and/or configured functionalities identified from traceability matrix. SI shall implement robust development / quality / release management / change management / incident management processes as per the industry standards. Intensive Field Testing (Pilot Testing) Intensive Field Testing should be carried out for all the major releases with new functionality. After successful UAT, the new version (only for major release) must be rolled out in at least 1 district covering all Police Stations and Higher Offices for intensive field-testing for a period of four (4) weeks before being released across the State. Before the Intensive Field Testing of the new release, the SI shall train representative users from each of the police units on the new functionality. This will be an intense and brief training session of not more than a week. The
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new release must run without problems for a maximum period of four months in each of these police stations and SI shall incorporate the required changes (bug fixes, enhancements, feedback from end users after proper analysis) in the application before rolling out the new release across the State. Intensive field testing is applicable for the major functionality / new module releases if any. The roll out schedule for the regular enhancements will follow the standard roll-out plan as detailed in the Implementation and Roll-out strategy in Section 6 of this RFP. Objectives of Intensive Field Testing To ensure that the new release / functionality provides the envisaged value to the endusers and is well accepted by the end-user. To test on the field and ensure that new functionality is built to meet the functional requirements. To ensure intense interaction of with users to fine-tune critical aspects such as look and feel, navigation, usability and ease of use and data fields of the new functionality. 5.3.2 CONFIGURATION OF CAS (STATE) TO STATES REQUIREMENTS The SI shall configure CAS (State) to the requirements of UP including but not limited to: 1. Developing Local Language Interfaces and Support. While the CAS (State) will have a Hindi version of the User Interface, the SI will be responsible for any modifications to the labels as per the terminology of UP State Police. 2. Configuring CAS (State) for Police Stations, Higher Offices, and Special Units (EOW, CBCID, FPB, FSL, ATS, ACO, SIB-Cooperative, Food Cell, SIT, Special Enquiry, Vigilance, and SCRB) 3. Configuring users of the offices covered along with the roles 4. Configuration of the UI as required by the State 5. Configuration of the workflows as required by the State 6. Configuration of additional State and Local Laws as per Uttar Pradesh State Requirements The collection and validation of the data required for the configuration of the CAS (State) shall be the responsibility of the SI. 5.3.3 CUSTOMIZATION OF CAS (STATE) As part of Customization to CAS (State), SI shall 1. Additional data fields / forms (where required) for the State and Local Laws 2. Implementation of State Specific Forms, Registers, and Reports.
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3. Customization of CAS (State) Citizen Portal to the requirements of UP. 4. Integration with Nominal Roll System and Personnel Management System 5. Integration of customized and extended CAS (State) with CAS (Center) Please refer to Annexure 05 List of forms, registers and reports specific to UP for further details. Please refer to Annexure 04 Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS) for the detailed functional requirements for the Citizen Portal.

5.3.4 EXTENSIONS TO CAS (STATE) As part of Extensions to CAS (State), SI shall design and implement the following modules: 1. Forensic Science Module 2. Logistics Management Module 3. Police Station Daily Duty Management Module 4. SMS Gateway 5. Knowledge Repository Please refer to Annexure 04 Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS) for the detailed functional requirements for the CAS (State) Extensions.

5.3.5 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT OF THE CAS (STATE) APPLICATION ENHANCEMENTS / EXTENSIONS Focus on continuous improvement of CAS (State) Application is an important part of Application Management. The SI is expected to be the prime driver of continuous improvement during the application management phase. Based on their own domain expertise, research and user feedback, the SI shall propose ideas that significantly enhance SI and improve its effectiveness in meeting user needs and project goals. The improvements proposed as part of this Continuous Improvement initiative are expected to bring about significant changes that result in a quantum leap in meeting user needs and improving the outcomes in policing. Whether a proposed change forms part of Continuous Improvement or is a minor change that will have to be incorporated into the application as part of the Application Management Services will be determined by the UP Police Technical Services.

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5.4 SUPPORT TO CAS PILOT BY CENTRAL SDA IN UP The SDA is developing the CAS at NCRB and is expected to perform a Pilot of the CAS application in selected districts and divisions of UP. The final list of offices and dates of the CAS Pilot implementation shall be communicated to the SI upon finalization. The SI selected through this RFP shall deploy resources during the implementation of the Pilot to get a better understanding of the issues, problems and requirements in UP. The SI shall closely interact before, during and after the Pilot phase with the central SDA and with UPPTS. The SI shall deploy senior level resources to understand the requirements and issues including Senior Architects, Database Architects, Testing Leads, Integration Architects and programmers / engineers to support the successful execution of the CAS Pilot. The SI shall also share the outcomes and artefacts of the System study including SRS and other documents with the central SDA. The SI shall provide access to data, process and functions, servers and infrastructures and customization requirements with the SDA along with digitized or migrated data. Upon completion of the CAS Pilot, the SI shall create a report CAS Pilot Implementation and Evaluation Report. The report shall detail: Geographical scope and coverage of CAS Pilot List of Offices covered in CAS Pilot Pre-conditions for the implementation and rollout of CAS Pilot Status on connectivity and infrastructure including UPSDC and other infrastructure used in the Pilot Details of all the issued faced with respect to the implementation including issues related to application, customization, data usage & integration, network, data centre, DRC Issues related to non-functional requirements including availability, security, customizability, implementability, performance characteristics of the application, offline transactions etc. Changes to CAS based on the Pilot implementation Changes to SRS designed by SI based on the CAS Pilot Proposed changes to scope of work of SI and issues thereof, if any

5.5 DATA MIGRATION/ DIGITIZATION OF HISTORICAL DATA Objectives of Data Migration and Digitization In order to achieve the intended objectives of CCTNS such as Providing Enhanced Tools for Law & Order Maintenance, Investigation, Crime Prevention, and Traffic Management, Increase Operational Efficiency, and Creating a Platform for Sharing Crime and Criminal Data Across the
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Country, it is critical that the data that is currently available in various case files and registers maintained in the Police Station be migrated and captured as structured / parameterized data within the application. The structured legacy data in the application in a format amenable for easier search and analysis will provide value to the end users for conducting efficient searches, statistical analysis and generating comparative statements and other mandatory / ad-hoc returns and reports. Eventually, the crime/criminal related physical registers at the Police Stations and Higher Offices will be phased out and the legacy data available in the system will serve as the one-stop repository of crime and criminal information across the State. This will also enable the required returns reports (regular and ad-hoc), one of the most time consuming activities at the Police Stations, to be generated at the higher office where the report is required thereby eliminating the need for collection and collation of data at multiple offices. Scope of Data Migration and Digitization The scope of data migration and digitization shall include: 1. User Data for User Configuration 2. Crime/Criminal Related Data of Registered Mafia Information, Gang Information, History Sheets, Wanted / Rewarded Criminals, and Stolen/Lost/Abandoned Vehicles 3. Missing persons and unknown dead bodies data since 2007 The case data of IPC cases (1365784 cases) from 2001-2011 (both years included) and the case data of State Act cases excluding M/V act (686522 cases) from 2008-2011 (both years included). Details on Scope of Data Migration and Digitization are given as An Annexure to this RFP (Please Refer: Annexure 06 Data Migration and Digitization)

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Site preparation is an important pre-requisite for the installation and commissioning of IT hardware at the locations under CCTNS. Uttar Pradesh Police shall provide the necessary minimum constructed rooms/ space permanent construction/ prefabricated construction, to the SI. The SI would be responsible for conducting a site survey to identify the exact situation of the sites for ensuring site readiness for the institutionalization of the CCTNS infrastructure and commissioning of the same. The SI would prepare a site survey report detailing the current status of each site and the enhancements to be made at each site (s) based on the States requirement and the guidelines of MHA. SI would be responsible to prepare the client sites for setting up the necessary client site infrastructure. UP Police intends to have the computers spread out in the Police offices and they will not necessarily be in one room. State Government shall arrange for necessary clearances which shall enable the SI to undertake civil, electrical, and mechanical works including but not limiting to installation of electrical equipments, cable laying etc. at the respective sites. The Bidder is expected to quote charge for Site preparation per Police office considering the standard size of each Police Station and higher Office. They will vary between 5000 Sq. Ft. to 10,000 Sq. Ft. for DGP HQ and PHQ. Civil Construction work is out of SI scope. Site preparation at Police Stations & Higher Offices will include but not limited to: a. Setting up of Local area network (LAN cables, LAN ports, etc.) i. SI will be required to set of Local Area Network in Police Stations and Higher Offices. This would involve, but not limiting to laying down the structured cabling using CAT-6 UTP cable, crimping of cables, creation of patch panels, proper fixing of LAN cables in PVC conduits or raceways, provision of cords, connectors along with all the necessary accessories. ii. SI shall be responsible for testing and certifying the structured cabling at each location and finally commissioning the LAN by installing all the network components (active and passive) to fully support the functioning of CCTNS solution in the location. SI shall create LAN at each location such that the Service Levels as per the requirements are met.
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b. Provision of computer furniture for Police Stations c. Ensure adequate power points in adequate numbers with proper electric-earthling d. Earthing and electric cabling as required at the site e. In addition to the above, supply and fixing of furniture like computer tables and chairs shall be carried out to ensure successful site preparation and installation of CCTNS at every access location The locations for CCTNS are listed below and wherever Site Preparation is required is indicated in the table:


No. of Locations

Site Preparation

DGP Headquarters, Lucknow Other Head Quarters Police Headquarters, Allahabad UP Police Technical Services and UP Police Computer Centre, Lucknow GRP HQ, Lucknow IG Railways (GRP), Allahabad Special Task Force (STF) HQ, Lucknow CBCID HQ, Lucknow EOW HQ, Lucknow Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS), Lucknow Anti Corruption Organization (ACO), Lucknow Vigilance, Lucknow Finger Print Bureau (FPB), Lucknow Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Lucknow SCRB HQ Lucknow SIB-Cooperative, Lucknow Food Cell, Lucknow Special Enquiry, Lucknow Special Investigation Team (SIT), Lucknow Traffic Directorate, Lucknow
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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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Higher Offices Zone Office (UP NCR), Meerut Range Offices; (Range Offices of Lucknow, Varanasi, Moradabad and Meerut) Range Offices (excluding Range Offices of Lucknow, Varanasi, Moradabad and Meerut)

1 4

Yes Yes



SP Offices (excluding districts Lucknow, Ghazipur, Moradabad, Gautambudh Nagar and Varanasi) SP Offices Pilot Districts Lucknow, Ghazipur, Moradabad, Gautambudh Nagar and Varanasi SP Offices (GRP) Addl. SP Offices (excluding Additional SP Offices of Lucknow, Ghazipur, Moradabad, Gautambudh Nagar and Varanasi)



5 6 105

Yes Yes Yes

Addl. SP Offices; Hardware provided under CIPA funds CO Offices (excluding Circle Offices of Lucknow, Ghazipur, Moradabad, Gautambudh Nagar and Varanasi) CO Offices; Hardware provided under CIPA funds GRP Circle Offices Police Stations CIPA Phase I Police Stations CIPA Phase II Police Stations CIPA Phase III Police Stations Moradabad District Police Stations (H/w supplied under CIPA III) Non-CIPA Police Stations GRP Police Stations Special Unit Police Stations (CB-CID) Special Unit Police Stations (EOW) Special Unit Police Stations (ACO) Special Unit Police Stations (SIB) Special Unit Police Stations (Vigilance) Special Unit Police Stations (FSL)
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19 342 39 13 137 440 401 28 433 65 10 5 10 9 10 2

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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Reporting Outposts Reporting Outposts (ROPs) Police Control Rooms PCRs - District Control Rooms PCRs - City Control Rooms State PCR Training Institutions Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Police Academy, Moradabad PTC / PTS / RTC / ATC RPCTC, U.P.Police Computer Center, Lucknow SCRB Training Centre, Lucknow DTC (A+) DTC (A) DTC (B) DTC (C) GRP District Training Centres

105 72 39 1 1 8 1 1 4 11 44 13 3

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No

* Site Preparation would be required for only those Police Stations and Offices which are not covered under CIPA. In addition, SI is responsible for the procurement of adequate computer tables and chairs as part of the Site Preparation. Hardware Procurement, Delivery and Commissioning of IT Infrastructure at Police Stations and Higher Offices SI shall procure the CCTNS infrastructure required at the locations statewide. At each such location the following shall be carried out. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Supply of the hardware, software, networking equipment, UPS, DG set to the location as per the requirements Installation, Testing and Commissioning of UPS, DG-Set Physical Installation of Desktops, Printer, Scanner, /MFD, Switch- Connecting peripherals, devices, Plugging in Operating System Installation and Configuration Installation of Antivirus and other support software if any
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vi. vii. viii. ix.

Configuring the security at the desktops, switch and broadband connection routers Network and browser Configuration Test accessibility and functionality of CAS (State) application from the desktops Ensuring all the systems required are supplied, installed, configured, tested and commissioned and declaring the site to be operational. SI should submit a Site Operational Report which will mention that Site is ready for operation.

It shall be the responsibility of the Selected SI to bring all the installation equipment and tools required for the aforementioned all activities. In terms of procuring, installing and commissioning of the infrastructure required at each of the locations, statewide, following would be the responsibilities of the SI: a. The Selected SI shall be responsible for end-to-end implementation and shall quote and provide/supply; any items not included in the bill of materials but required for successful commissioning of the CCTNS project in the State, Uttar Pradesh Police shall not pay for any such items, which have not been quoted by the Selected SI in their bid but are required for successful completion of the project. b. The selected SI would be responsible for delivering the equipment to all the respective locations. c. The Selected SI shall supply all the installation material/ accessories/ consumables (E.g. screws, clamps, fasteners, ties anchors, supports, grounding strips, wires etc.) necessary for the installation and commissioning of all the systems. d. Selected SI shall be responsible for providing all the necessary support for undertaking the exercise of acceptance testing for IT Infrastructure provided at all the locations. Any equipment(s) found unaccepted by Uttar Pradesh Police during acceptance testing shall be replaced by new accepted equipment(s) at no additional cost to Uttar Pradesh Police. e. The selected SI has to prepare and submit a state wide delivery report including details of components supplied in each office. The delivery report would be validated and signoff would be provided by the Uttar Pradesh Police/ Project Nodal Officer assisted by SPMU/ State Mission Team.

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The Table below provides the list of the components to be procured, delivered and commissioned as part of Infrastructure at Police Stations and Higher Offices and also the list of items that are pre-existing (procured through CIPA funds) in those offices. The pre-existing items need to be provided for maintenance by the SI. Site Preparation requirement details are also part of this table

Hardware Procurement and Maintenance Requirements to be met by System Integrator

ITEMS Computers

To be procured by SI 4772

Existing to be maintained by SI 5786 0 1218 382 57 0 0 0 880 1191 1201 936 1064


10558 101 2451 505 1496 1741 1741 1741 2181 2486 3385 1521 2487 5226 5226
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UPS 1 KVA 101 UPS 2 KVA 1233 500 VA UPS 123 5 KVA Diesel Generator Set Fingerprint Reader Digital Camera 1741 Electronic Pen 1741 External HDD 1301 16 port unmanaged switch 1295 Multi-Functional Device 2184 Duplex Laser Printer 585 Site Preparation (Under the scope of SI) 1423 Table (4' x 2' x 2.5') 5226 Chair 5226 1439 1741

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Please refer: Annexure 07 Technical Specifications of IT infrastructure and Furniture at Police stations and higher offices. Indicative unit-wise hardware and software & licenses is given below:
Addl. SP Offices Special Unit PS PCR (City Control Room) PCR (District Control Room) SP Offices (including GRP SP Offices) Range Offices

CO Offices

Computers UPS Fingerprint Reader Digital Camera Electronic Pen External HDD 160 GB 16 port switch Multi Functional Device Duplex Laser Printer 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2/4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 50 10 0 0 0 0 4 50 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 5/10/20 1/2/6 0 0 0 0 1/2 1 0 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

0 0 0 0 1 1 0

3 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0


MS Windows 7 (Professional) MS Office 2010 (Standard) Client Antivirus Client Management System (EMS CAL) 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 2/4 1 2/4 2/4 4 4 4 4 50 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 5/10/20 5/10/20 5/10/20 5/10/20 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4

3 1 3 3

2 1 2 2

Note: 1. SI has to procure the licenses for Microsoft Windows 7 (Professional Edition) for all computers procured through this RFP and also for the existing computers which is 5786. 2. Microsoft Office 2010 (Standard Edition) licenses have to be procured for 1 Computer per Police Station. 3. Microsoft Office 2010 (Standard Edition) licenses have to be procured for all the Computers in all other Higher Offices.

Indicative Distribution of the hardware to the units / locations procured through this RFP is provided in Annexure 12: Indicative Distribution of the Client Side Hardware Procured through
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State PCR

Other HQ







5 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

5 5 5 5

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this RFP. The actual hardware at the locations will also include the items procured through CIPA funds directly by UPPTS. With respect to the existing hardware already deployed at CIPA Phase II and Phase III Police Stations and Higher Offices, the Bidder would be required to: a. Procure and install the compatible O/S and Anti Virus, to make it compatible for the CAS (State) application. b. Be a single point of contact for the department with the vendors providing the current AMC and report/route/track/close any reported issues on the existing hardware working with the AMC provider.

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5.7 CAPACITY BUILDING, CHANGE MANAGEMENT, AND COMMUNICATION & AWARENESS This section is based on a fair understanding of police functioning and police human processes. State specific requirements are defined through a comprehensive understanding and analysis of police functioning for the State. Uttar Pradesh Police has trained close to 10,000 personnel on Basic IT and other IT applications. The SI is required to design, build and execute and comprehensive Capacity Building and Change Management, Communication and Awareness plan for UP Police and execute the same as per the scope of work in this RFP. The requirements are illustrated in 3 broad heads:A. Change Management B. Communication and Awareness Generation C. Capacity Building For the purpose of CCTNS, the Police personnel is categorized into the following target stakeholder groups based on their influence and role in managing the change and making it successful. Please refer table below -

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Group Name Group I Group II Group III Group IV Group V Group VI

Officers Key Officers of the rank of SP and above in Lucknow Range DIG/IG, District Police Chief/Addl. SP/CO SHO/SO/SI/HC/Constables Special Unit PS and their HQ personnel Police Control Room Personnel General Public

A. Change Management

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SI shall help the State with complete Change Management exercise needed to make this project a success. It is required that if SI doesnt operate in the Change Management, Communication and Training domain then SI collaborates with/ hires services of a specialist agency who will be responsible for complete implementation of Change Management, Awareness and Communication as required as per the scope of this RFP. SI shall take lead in assisting State in implementing the change and State in turn shall provide all the necessary support for successful implementation of the change management plan developed by the SI. The SI shall proactively work with State to address the project needs and gain buy-in and involvement of all the stakeholders in achieving the change. During the whole exercise, stakeholders awareness, understanding and commitment to new ways of working should be raised. Stakeholders should also be encouraged, where appropriate, to contribute to or participate in the project to engender a joint sense of ownership. It is to be noted that SI is required to incorporate the cost of all resources required for design, execution and management of Change Management Plan for project, in its overall project cost. SI shall conduct Change Management workshops to build appreciation of change management and develop change leadership across the stakeholder groups. The detailed requirements are specified in Annexure 10: Change Management, Communication &
Awareness, and Capacity Building

B. Communication and Awareness

Communication and Awareness aims at engaging officers of the police force in two way interactive communications about the changes so that all individuals in the State police department understand the target vision and strategy for moving forward. The purpose of communication plan is to educate and involve all audience groups to build understanding and ownership of the CCTNS Project. The communication plan also ensures that the CAS (State) project provides relevant, accurate, consistent and timely project information to relevant stakeholders to promote and gain support for CCTNS Project. This plan provides a framework to manage and coordinate the wide variety of communications that take place during the project covering who will receive the communications, how the communications will be delivered,
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what information will be communicated, who communicates, and the frequency of the communications. The detailed requirements are specified in Annexure 10: Change Management, Communication & Awareness, and Capacity Building

C. Capacity Building
Capacity Building is a highly critical component of CCTNS. The objective of CCTNS Capacity Building (CB) initiatives is to equip the direct users and other stakeholders of CCTNS with the right skills, and knowledge to optimally use CCTNS and achieve its objectives in terms of enhancing outcomes in crime investigation, criminals tracking and other core police functions. Uttar Pradesh Police recognizes the significance of Capacity Building and has been imparting Basic and Advance level IT Training and training on other Police Applications that are in use today. More than 10,000 police personnel of various levels have been trained till date. SI holds the responsibility to further strengthen the Capacity Building initiative of UP Police. SI will be responsible for creation of a detailed and effective training strategy, user groups and classifications, training plan and guidelines, detailed training material, training program designed their delivery to the target groups. The main challenges to be addressed effectively by the SI are the geographically dispersed trainee base, wide variability in education and computer proficiency and minimal availability of time. The detailed requirements are specified in Annexure 10: Change Management, Communication & Awareness, and Capacity Building 5.8 CO-ORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT OF NETWORK CONNECTIVITY The Networking solution of CCTNS project shall be based on a Hybrid Model which will consist of UP State Wide Area Network (UPSWAN) operated by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) under SWAN scheme and Data network operated by BSNL which consists of Point to point leased lines, VPNoBB, WiMax, VSAT and MPLS technologies. BSNL shall be providing the Networking & Connectivity services along with Operations & Maintenance for all the locations implemented by BSNL in UP. BSNL shall also provide connectivity on MPLS VPN network for aggregated bandwidth at SDC (State Data Center) for the locations connected on VPNoBB,
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WiMax and VSAT network and also provide connectivity from SDC to Police Head quarters (PHQ) to the National Data Centre (NDC) of NCRB. Further BSNL shall provide MPLS VPN network for connecting SDC and Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC) of the UP. Note: The location of the State Disaster Recovery Site is tentatively finalized as Bengaluru. This shall be confirmed to the bidders/ selected vendor upon finalization during or after the RFP process. Scope of work for BSNL The details of scope of work of BSNL are as under: 1. Provisioning of 2Mbps Point to Point Lease Line (P2PLL) for locations to be connected with the nearest SWAN POP. This is likely to be augmented to 4Mbps. 2. Provisioning of WAN connectivity on VPNoBB/WiMax/VSAT for locations which are not feasible to be connected directly with the SWAN on P2PLL. 3. Provisioning of the Routers (at CCTNS site) and Modems for locations to be connected directly with SWAN and all other hardware and network infrastructure provided for VPNoBB/WiMax/VSAT connectivity. 4. Provisioning of Aggregated bandwidth on MPLS network at SDC for the locations connected on VPNoBB, WiMax and VSAT network. 5. Provisioning of MPLS connectivity between SDC and DRC. 6. Provisioning of MPLS connectivity between NDC and state SDCs 7. Maintaining the network including hardware supplied for minimum period of 5 years. Role of System Integrator The SI shall be responsible for setting up and maintenance of LAN at the designated offices. The following are the key responsibilities of the SI with respect to Networking and Connectivity. 1. Setting up of LAN at all locations for establishment and installation of networking and connectivity solution. 2. Coordination with the State Police Department and nominated officials of BSNL for Installation, Configuration, Testing and Commissioning of BSNLs 2Mbps Point to Point Leased Lines for connecting with SWAN, VPNoBB, WiMax, VSAT and MPLS links. 3. Coordination with BSNL for ensuring Operations and Maintenance of networking hardware to ensure compliance to the SLAs as offered by BSNL. 4. The SI will also be coordinating with BSNL and UPPTS for SLA Monitoring, Fault Reporting & Troubleshooting of the links for meeting the Service levels and Master Service Agreement. 5. The Police Stations and Higher Offices which are within the proximity of SWAN PoP (Point of Presence) will be connecting on LAN directly from SWAN PoP. The SI shall also
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coordinate with SWAN operator for Installation, Configuration, Testing and Commissioning of LAN connectivity for sites co-located within the SWAN PoP and LAN connectivity from SWAN NOC (Network Operation Centre) to the SDC. The SI shall be coordinating with SWAN operator for SLA Monitoring, Fault Reporting & Troubleshooting of the LAN links as per SWAN SLA. 6. SI shall also coordinate with State CCTNS Nodal Officer for finalizing Police stations lists for the connectivity options, issuing commissioning report for demand note/payment clearance, reporting SLA and providing for link status updates. Note: The process of finalization for signing of contract with BSNL as Service provider for CCTNS project is in progress and detailed guidelines on implementation of Networking and Connectivity will be sent by the Center which will be shared with the SI. Any further changes with respect to the scope regarding the network connectivity will be communicated to the SI.

5.9 SETUP AND MANAGEMENT OF IT INFRASTRUCTURE AT THE DATA CENTER AND DISASTER RECOVERY CENTER The SI shall provide system integration services to procure and commission the required software and infrastructure at the State Data Centre (SDC) and Disaster Recovery Centre, deploy the configured and customized CAS (State) and integrate with CAS (Centre) as provided in the functional scope. The SI shall be completely responsible for the sourcing, installation, commissioning, testing and certification of the necessary software licenses and infrastructure required to deploy the Solution at the State Data Centre and at the Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC). SI shall ensure that support and maintenance, performance and up-time levels are compliant with SLAs. SI shall coordinate with SDC in isolating the issues between solution stack and common infrastructure provided by SDC; and in ensuring that they are reported to concerned parties so that they are resolved in timely manner. To ensure redundancy requirements are met, SI shall ensure that infrastructure procured by the SI has redundancy built in. SI shall also provide descriptive Deployment Model, Diagrams and Details so that redundancy requirements for the common Data Center infrastructure can be addressed.

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The SI shall be responsible for the sizing of necessary hardware and determining the specifications of the same in order to meet the requirements of State. The SI shall ensure that the servers and storage are sized adequately and redundancy is built into the architecture that is required meet the service levels mentioned in the RFP. The SI is responsible for sizing the hardware to support the scalability and performance requirements of the solution. SI shall provide a Bill of Material that specifies all the hardware, software and any additional networking components of solution for the State Data Centre and DRC, in detail so as to facilitate sizing of common Data Centre and DRC infrastructure such as Racks, Power and Cooling, Bandwidth among other components. The common DC and DRC infrastructure shall be provided by State. SI shall also provide descriptive Deployment Model, Diagrams and other relevant design details. SI shall ensure that support and maintenance, performance and up-time levels are compliant with SLAs. SI shall ensure that effective Remote Management features exist in solution so that issues can be addressed by the SI in a timely and effective manner; and frequent visits to Data Centre /DRC can be avoided. After commissioning and testing of the entire system at State Data Center / DRC, the SI shall support the State in getting the system certified by a 3 rd party agency identified by State. Broad Overview of the User and Service Requirements The below table provides the user and service requirements. The detailed service levels to be met by the SI are provided as Annexure to this RFP (Please refer: Annexure 11 Service Levels) S.No 1 2 3 5 User and Service Requirements for CAS (State) excluding portal Expected / Envisaged Average Concurrent Users 2000 Peak Concurrent Users 6000 Average Transactions per second 8 Refer to table below on Storage Requirement per case (including Indicative Storage FIR/attachments/arrest card/charge sheet) Requirement General Requirements It is proposed to have the CAS application in high availability and clustering mode. The load on the application would be shared by redundant application and database servers via a load balancer. SI has

S. No. 1.

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2. 3. 4.

5. 6.





to configure the servers with load balancing in active active mode. The disaster recovery site shall have the replication of all the IT infrastructure of primary data centre At the DR site the storage should have 100% of the capacity of the Data centre site. The Application servers would be accessing the database from the backend in order to process the user / citizens queries/requests. The Database servers (RDBMS) would be hosted in higher security layer, comprising of components such as Firewall and Intrusion Prevention system The frequency of Data backup etc. would be finalized at a later stage The SI should also install, configure and commission the monitoring software for the CAS application and should be able to demonstrate the various performance parameters with respect to application availability, uptime & downtime of the server, Server utilization and other performance parameters. The SI should also configure the monitoring software covering all the features as mentioned in the technical specifications of the monitoring software. The SI shall install all the required clients on the application server, database servers and web server so as to integrate the monitoring software for obtaining the desired output No Products supplied under the RFP should be end of life. No IT equipment model should have been introduced in the market not later than 2 years back as on date of the bid submission All technical specifications, documentation generated during design, installation and commissioning phase shall be provided to the State. SI should design the storage solution keeping in mind the relevant requirement and its usage. The storage system should be scalable enough to handle future requirements. The SI should also adopt detailed system and data back-up processes and methodologies, using industry standard tools Indicative Storage Requirement This is an indicative size only and the SI is expected to estimate the size and provide the required storage Indicative size of one case file (which may include several images and text) that makes up the 7-IIF data and additional data in the registers = 1 MB
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2. 3. 4. 5.

Total Number of Cases in Uttar Pradesh in the last 10 years = 20,00,000 Total Number of years for which the data is stored in the State Servers = 15 years (Past Data for 10 years and future Data for 5 years) Approximate Storage Requirement at for Uttar Pradesh (case data and mail) = 5.00 TB usable Storage Requirement = 10 TB RAW

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CAS (State) Deployment Architecture at the SDC

Indicative Data Centre Architecture The SI is responsible for Procurement, Installation, Administration, Operation and Maintenance of the IT Infrastructure Components mentioned below at the Data Centre and Disaster Recover Center: Data Centre Components required for implementing CCTNS CAS (State) application at SDC Item Description Minimum Qty in DC Minimum Qty in DRC HARDWARE Internet Web Servers 2 1 Intranet Web Servers 2 1 Application Servers 4 1
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Item Description Minimum Qty in DC Database Servers 2 Mail Servers 2 Staging / Testing / Training Servers 3 Servers for Infrastructure Services (EMS, A/V, Archival, Backup S/W, 4 DNS, A/D..) SAN Storage with SAN Management 1 Software SAN Switches 2 Tape Library 1 Application Switches 2 Internal Firewalls 2 Server Load Balancer 2 Host Based Intrusion Prevention As Required System LAN Cabling As Required Network Racks / Server Racks As Required IP based KVM Switch As Required 8 Port KVM Switch As Required Blade Enclosure (Chassis) As required SOFTWARE Licenses for Deployment of CAS (State) Webserver As Required Application Server As Required Database As Required Operating System As Required Others As Required Reporting Engine As Required Email/Messaging As Required Search Engine As Required Portal Server As Required Workflow Engine As Required Rules Engine As Required Directory Services As Required DMS/CMS As Required Security As Required Identity Management As Required
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Minimum Qty in DRC 1 1 0 2

1 1 1 2 1 0 As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required
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Item Description Audit ETL Any Other Proposed SOFTWARE for Infrastructure Services EMS Backup Software Antivirus

Minimum Qty in DC As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required

Minimum Qty in DRC As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required As Required

SI shall procure EMS tool in the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center and configure the EMS tool to monitor / manage the entire enterprise wide application, infrastructure and network related components commissioned by the SI. The SI shall also deploy a backup software to periodically backup all data and software. The indicative specifications for the above components shall be provided in Annexure 08: Technical Specification for Data Centre IT Infrastructure CCTNS shall be hosted in a collocation model in the State Data Centre. CCTNS DR will be collocated at UPSDC DR Data Center. Note: The connectivity between the Data Centre in the State and the CAS (Centre) Data Centre & CAS (Centre) Disaster Recovery Centre at NCRB is not in the scope of the SI. The SDC is located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The DRC location shall be provided and finalized by the UP Police department. The following common Infrastructure will be available to the SI through the Data Centre Operator (DCO) at the SDC and DRC: 1. Open Racks 42U 2. Power and Cooling Systems 3. UPS systems for the Server Farm Area and other area 4. DG Sets 5. Bandwidth and Connectivity 6. Core and Access Switches 7. External Firewalls 8. Intrusion Prevention System 9. Fire Detection and Control Mechanism 10. Building Management System Components
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11. Network Operation Centre 12. Data Centre Facility Maintenance and Support Indicative Responsibility Matrix UPPTS: UP Police Technical Services / Ministry of Home Affairs / NCRB DCO: UP State Data Centre Operator / Data Centre Service Provider SI: System Integrator S. No Activity UPPTS DCO SI Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


12. 13.

Identification of Site for Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre Provision of Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Building Space Connectivity between the Data centre site and disaster recovery site Connectivity between States and Centre Provisioning of UPS Power at DC and DR site Availability of power and cooling and other facility Physical Security at DC and DR site Network Security Management Requirement analysis, sizing and capacity planning for CAS (State) at DC and DR site Procurement, Installation, and maintenance of Infrastructure and application for CAS (State) & providing related documentation to UPPTS Setting (installation, configuration, commissioning) of Disaster recovery with respect to supplied hardware Preparation of Backup policies, business continuity plan and other Policy documents Administration and management services of the infrastructure and application deployed by SI at SDC and DRC

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The System Integrator will provide one qualified and trained person per two police stations for a period of 1 year to handhold the staff in the police station and ensure that the staff in that police station / higher offices are able to use CAS (State) on their own by the end of the handholding period. Handholding support would be required only after the successful commissioning of CAS (State) application and the necessary infrastructure and completion of capacity building and change management initiatives in respective police stations / Higher Offices. Offices No. of Handholding Personnel per Office 1 for two Police Stations 1 for two Police Stations 2 per Special Unit (HQ) Duration Total number of personnel for the Offices

Police Stations (1504)

1 year


Special Units PS (46) Special Units (17) Higher Offices in Large Districts (Additional SP offices, Circle office, Range office, DCR, CCR (Large Districts: 15) Higher Offices in Smaller Districts (Additional SP offices, Circle office, Range office, DCR) (Smaller Districts: 57) PHQ office (1) DGP office (1)

1 year 1 year

23 34

2 per District

1 year


1 per District

1 year


1 1 Total

1 year 1 year

1 1 898

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The scope of the handholding personnel shall include but not limited to: a) Ensure that computers and other peripherals are in working condition b) Trouble shoot any local issues related to application, computers, peripherals, LAN, and connectivity c) Provide assistance to Police Staff on basic computer usage and MS office d) Provide assistance to Police Staff on any CAS (State) Application functional and usage issues e) Escalate any issues to Help desk or Point of contacts given if issue is not resolved within a stipulated time The Personnel will be deployed across state of Uttar Pradesh. However UP Police Technical Services reserves the right to change the location as per the needs of project.

General Guidelines for Handholding Personnel a) The SI shall provide proper initiation and training to the Handholding personnel including necessary training on Basic IT, CAS (State) Application and L0 support. b) The strength of service personals with their qualifications and experience background shall be furnished. Background verification may be carried out by UP Police Technical Services if necessary. c) The Handholding Personnel shall not be changed frequently and in case of such change, this shall be done only in consultation with the UP Police Technical Services. d) In Event of Handholding Personnel leaving the project during any time of the project, an equally qualified replacement should be provided before the earlier person leaves the project and the SI should ensure that the activities at police stations are carried out without any delay. e) The SI shall be solely responsible for the Salaries / Minimum wages, Bonus, Provident Fund, Gratuity, Family pension and contribution of E.S.I, service tax or any other statutory obligations towards the personnel including their welfare. The Proof of the same shall be submitted on request from UP Police Technical Services. f) The work and holiday Schedule of the personnel will comply Uttar Pradesh Government Holiday Rules and Regulations g) The SI shall completely manage the handholding personnel, their deployment and Human Resource issues. h) The SI shall be liable for any damage to premises or equipment due to the handholding personnel.

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i) SI shall replace any handholding personnel, upon request from UP Police Technical Services within 15 days. j) SI shall ensure proper attendance and reporting from the Handholding personnel and shall maintain a daily activity log for all personnel. k) One in five handholding personnel in adjacent location shall be designated as a team leader for advanced level support. The minimum qualifications and work experience required for personnel to be deployed by SI is given below: a) Graduate in any discipline b) Three years of experience in Technical Support/Training/Handholding c) Computer Certification (DOEACC O level etc.) d) Good knowledge of computer (MS Office, Word, Excel and Power Point, Linux) and Networking/LAN/Hardware functions e) Good Communication skill (oral as well as in written)



The primary goal of Acceptance Testing, Audit & Certification is to ensure that the system meets requirements, standards, and specifications as set out in this RFP and as needed to achieve the desired outcomes. The basic approach for this will be ensuring that the following are associated with clear and quantifiable metrics for accountability: 1. Functional requirements 2. Test cases, Requirements Mapping and traceability matrix 3. Infrastructure Compliance Review 4. Availability of Services in the defined locations 5. Performance and Scalability 6. Security / Digital Signatures 7. Manageability and Interoperability 8. SLA Reporting System 9. Project Documentation 10. Data Quality Review

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As part of Acceptance testing, audit and certification, performed through a third party agency, UP Police Technical Services shall review all aspects of project development and implementation covering software, hardware and networking including the processes relating to the design of solution architecture, design of systems and sub-systems, coding, testing, business process description, documentation, version control, change management, security, service oriented architecture, performance in relation to defined requirements, interoperability, scalability, availability and compliance with all the technical and functional requirements of the RFP and the agreement. Here it is important to mention that there may be two agencies selected by UP Police Technical Services, one for audit & certification of security and control aspect of the system and the other for audit & certification of overall application s/w. UP Police Technical Services will establish appropriate processes for notifying the SI of any deviations from defined requirements at the earliest instance after noticing the same to enable the SI to take corrective action. Such an involvement of the Acceptance Testing & Certification agencies, nominated by UP Police Technical Services, will not, however, absolve the SI of the fundamental responsibility of designing, developing, installing, testing and commissioning the various components of the project to deliver the services in perfect conformity with the SLAs. Following discusses the acceptance criteria to be adopted for system as mentioned above: 1. Functional Requirements Review The system developed/customized by SI shall be reviewed and verified by the agency against the Functional Requirements signed-off between UP Police Technical Services and SI. Any gaps, identified as a severe or critical in nature, shall be addressed by SI immediately prior to Go-live of the system. One of the key inputs for this testing shall be the traceability matrix to be developed by the SI for system. Apart from Traceability Matrix, agency may develop its own testing plans for validation of compliance of system against the defined requirements. The acceptance testing w.r.t. the functional requirements shall be performed by both independent third party agency (external audit) as well as the select internal department users (i.e. User Acceptance Testing). 2. Infrastructure Compliance Review Third party agency shall perform the Infrastructure Compliance Review to verify the conformity of the Infrastructure supplied by the SI against the requirements and specifications provided in the RFP and/or as proposed in the proposal submitted by SI. Compliance review shall not absolve SI from ensuring that proposed infrastructure meets the SLA requirements.

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3. Security Review The software developed/customized for system shall be audited by the agency from a security & controls perspective. Such audit shall also include the IT infrastructure and network deployed for system. Following are the broad activities to be performed by the Agency as part of Security Review. The security review shall subject the system for the following activities: a. Audit of Network, Server and Application security mechanisms b. Assessment of authentication mechanism provided in the application /components/ modules c. Assessment of data encryption mechanisms implemented for the solution d. Assessment of data access privileges, retention periods and archival mechanisms e. Server and Application security features incorporated etc. 4. Performance Performance is another key requirement for system and agency shall review the performance of the deployed solution against certain key parameters defined in SLA described in this RFP and/or agreement between UP Police Technical Services and SI. Such parameters include request-response time, work-flow processing time, concurrent sessions supported by the system, Time for recovery from failure, Disaster Recovery drill etc. The performance review also includes verification of scalability provisioned in the system for catering to the requirements of application volume growth in future. 5. Availability The system should be designed to remove all single point failures. Appropriate redundancy shall be built into all the critical components to provide the ability to recover from failures. The agency shall perform various tests including network, server, security, DC/DR fail-over tests to verify the availability of the services in case of component/location failures. The agency shall also verify the availability of services to all the users in the defined locations. 6. Manageability Review The agency shall verify the manageability of the system and its supporting infrastructure deployed using the Enterprise Management System (EMS) proposed by the SI. The manageability requirements such as remote monitoring, administration, configuration, inventory management, fault identification etc. shall have to be tested out. 7. SLA Reporting System SI shall design, implement/customize the Enterprise Management System (EMS) and shall develop any additional tools required to monitor the performance indicators listed under SLA
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prescribed in this RFP. The Acceptance Testing & Certification agency shall verify the accuracy and completeness of the information captured by the SLA monitoring system implemented by the SI and shall certify the same. The EMS deployed for system, based on SLAs, shall be configured to calculate the monthly payout by Government of Uttar Pradesh to SI. 8. Project Documentation The Agency shall review the project documents developed by SI including requirements, design, source code, installation, training and administration manuals, version control etc. Any issues/gaps identified by the Agency, in any of the above areas, shall be addressed to the complete satisfaction of UP Police Technical Services. 9. Data Quality The Agency shall perform the Data Quality Assessment for the Data digitized/ migrated by SI to the system. The errors/gaps identified during the Data Quality Assessment shall be addressed by SI before moving the data into production environment, which is a key mile stone for Go-live of the solution.



As part of the operations and maintenance services, the SI shall provide support for the software, hardware, and other infrastructure that are in the scope of this RFP. SI shall provide five (5) years of comprehensive support that includes: 1. Software maintenance and support services 2. Application functional support services 3. Warranty support for all the new hardware procured as part of this RFP 4. AMC support for Hardware a. Hardware augmented as part of this RFP b. Specific hardware required as per the RFP once the current AMC by the original vendor expires
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5. Annual Technical Support (ATS) for all the licensed software 6. Operations and maintenance services for the server and related infrastructure supplied and commissioned by the SI for the application at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center 7. Central Helpdesk from the State designated premises 8. Handholding Support for the end users at each of the locations including deployment of one competent person per two police stations for a period of one year to handhold the Police Station and Higher Office personnel after the CAS (State) application and the necessary infrastructure are successfully commissioned in the police stations and Higher Offices The services shall be rendered onsite from the State designated premises. To provide the support for the police stations, circle offices, district headquarters, ranges, state police headquarters and other locations across the State where the software, hardware, and other infrastructure will be rolled out, SI is expected to provide experienced and skilled personnel at each location. The SI shall develop a work plan for the knowledge sharing as per scope defined in this RFP for use in future phases of the project. Software Maintenance and Support Services As part of the software maintenance and support services SI shall provide: 1. The Software Maintenance and Support Services shall be provided for all current modules of CAS (State) application and the enhancements carried out by the SI as part of the scope of this RFP 2. The SI shall render both on-site and off-site maintenance and support services to the State at all the designated locations 3. Tuning of application, databases, third party softwares and any other components provided as part of the solution to optimize the performance 4. SI shall perform minor changes, bug fixes, error resolutions and minor enhancements that are incidental to proper and complete working of the application. 5. Minor enhancements (the usual run-of-the-mill enhancements) 6. Release Management for the interim releases of the application 7. Centralized version control of the application 8. Routine functional changes 9. Any changes to the application code that may be required because of patches to licensed software being used (if any). The SI shall migrate all current functionality to the new / enhanced version at no additional cost to state and any future upgrades, modifications or enhancements.
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10. Any changes to application code that may be required because of upgrades / patches to CAS (Center) if any 11. Updating and maintenance of all project documents 12. Change request management based on feedback from the users or the initiative of the SI. All planned changes to the application, especially major enhancements and changes in functionality that are deviations from the signed-off FRS/SRS, shall be coordinated within established Change control processes. 13. The SI will define the Software Change Management and version control process and obtain approval for the same from UP Police Technical Services. For all proposed changes to the application, the SI will prepare detailed documentation including proposed changes, impact on the system in terms of functional outcomes/additional features added to the system, etc.

Application Functional Support Services As part of the application functional support services SI shall provide: 1. The Application Functional Support Services shall be provided for all current modules of CAS (State) application and the enhancements carried out by the SI as part of the scope of this RFP. The SI shall render both on-site maintenance and support services. 2. Routine functional changes that include user and access management, creating new report formats, and configuration of reports. 3. SI shall provide user support in case of technical difficulties in use of the software, answering procedural questions, providing recovery and backup information, and any other requirement that may be incidental/ancillary to the complete usage of the application. 4. The SI shall perform user ID and group management services. 5. The SI shall maintain access controls to protect and limit access to the authorized End Users of the State. 6. The services shall include administrative support for user registration, creating and maintaining user profiles, granting user access and authorization, providing ongoing user password support, announcing and providing networking services for users and providing administrative support for print, file, directory and e-mail servers. 7. SI shall carry out the configuration of new police stations, new acts/sections, and any other configurable data entities in the system as required by the State

Warranty support for all the new hardware procured as part of this RFP
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As part of the warranty services SI shall provide: 1. SI shall provide a comprehensive warranty and on-site free service warranty for all the new hardware procured as part of this RFP 2. SI shall obtain the five year product warranty and five year onsite free service warranty on all licensed software, computer hardware and peripherals, networking equipment and other equipment from the OEMs. 3. SI shall provide the comprehensive manufacturer's warranty in respect of proper design, quality and workmanship of all hardware, equipment, accessories etc. covered by the RFP. SI must warrant all hardware, equipment, accessories, spare parts, software etc. procured and implemented as per this RFP against any manufacturing defects during the warranty period. 4. SI shall provide the performance warranty in respect of performance of the installed hardware and software to meet the performance requirements and service levels in the RFP. 5. SI is responsible for sizing and procuring the necessary hardware and software licenses as per the performance requirements provided in the RFP. During the warranty period SI shall replace or augment or procure higher-level new equipment or additional licenses at no additional cost to the State in case the procured hardware or software is not adequate to meet the service levels. 6. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): If during contract period, any equipment has a hardware failure on four or more occasions in a period of less than three months or six times in a period of less than twelve months, it shall be replaced by equivalent or higherlevel new equipment by the SI at no cost to State. However, if the new equipment supplied is priced lower than the price at which the original item was supplied, the differential cost should be refunded to State. For any delay in making available the replacement and repaired equipments for inspection, delivery of equipments or for commissioning of the systems or for acceptance tests / checks on per site basis, State reserves the right to charge a penalty. SI shall track and report observed Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) for Hardware. 7. During the warranty period SI shall maintain the systems and repair / replace at the installed site, at no charge to State, all defective components that are brought to the SI's notice. 8. The SI shall as far as possible repair the equipment at site.

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9. In case any hard disk drive of any server, SAN, or client machine is replaced during warranty / AMC the unserviceable HDD will be property of State and will not be returned to SI. 10. Warranty should not become void, if State buys, any other supplemental hardware from a third party and installs it within these machines under intimation to the SI. However, the warranty will not apply to such supplemental hardware items installed. 11. SI shall carry out Preventive Maintenance (PM), including cleaning of interior and exterior, of all hardware and testing for virus, if any, and should maintain proper records at each site for such PM. Failure to carry out such PM will be a breach of warranty and the warranty period will be extended by the period of delay in PM. PM envisages all activities require to be undertaken for good upkeep of hardware. It also includes the end user equipment or client side infrastructure. 12. SI shall monitor warranties to check adherence to preventive and repair maintenance terms and conditions. 13. SI shall ensure that the warranty complies with the agreed Technical Standards, Security Requirements, Operating Procedures, and Recovery Procedures. 14. SI shall have to stock and provide adequate onsite and offsite spare parts and spare component to ensure that the uptime commitment as per SLA is met. 15. Any component that is reported to be down on a given date should be either fully repaired or replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent configuration) within the time frame indicated in the Service Level Agreement (SLA). 16. SI shall develop and maintain an inventory database to include the registered hardware warranties.

AMC support for hardware acquired as per the RFP As part of the AMC services SI shall provide: 1. SI shall provide a comprehensive support for 5 years from the date of Go Live. 2. SI is responsible for sizing and augmenting the existing hardware and software licenses as per the performance requirements provided in the RFP. During the AMC period SI shall replace or augment or additional licenses at no additional cost to the State in case the augmented hardware or software is not adequate to meet the service levels 3. During the AMC period SI shall maintain the systems and repair / replace at the installed site, at no charge to State, all defective components that are brought to the SI's notice. 4. SI shall as far as possible repair the equipment at site.
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5. In case any hard disk drive of any server, SAN, or client machine is replaced during AMC the unserviceable HDD will be property of State and will not be returned to SI 6. AMC should not become void, if State buys, any other supplemental hardware from a third party and installs it within these machines under intimation to the SI. However, the AMC will not apply to such supplemental hardware items installed. 7. SI shall carry out Preventive Maintenance (PM), including cleaning of interior and exterior, of all hardware and testing for virus, if any, and should maintain proper records at each site for such PM. Failure to carry out such PM will be a breach of AMC and the AMC period will be extended by the period of delay in PM. 8. SI shall monitor AMC to check adherence to preventive and repair maintenance terms and conditions. 9. SI shall ensure that the AMC complies with the agreed Technical Standards, Security Requirements, Operating Procedures, and Recovery Procedures. 10. SI shall have to stock and provide adequate onsite and offsite spare parts and spare component to ensure that the uptime commitment as per SLA is met. 11. Any component that is reported to be down on a given date should be either fully repaired or replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent configuration) within the time frame indicated in the Service Level Agreement (SLA). 12. SI shall develop and maintain an inventory database to include the registered hardware AMCs. Annual Technical Support (ATS) for all the licensed software As part of the ATS services for all the licensed software SI shall provide: 1. SI shall maintain data regarding entitlement for software upgrades, enhancements, refreshes, replacements and maintenance. 2. If the Operating System or additional copies of Operating System are required to be installed / reinstalled / de-installed, the same should be done as part of ATS. 3. SI should carry out any requisite adjustments / changes in the configuration for implementing different versions of Application Software. 4. Updates/Upgrades/New releases/New versions. The SI shall provide from time to time the Updates/Upgrades/New releases/New versions of the software and operating systems as required. The SI should provide free upgrades, updates & patches of the software and tools to State as and when released by OEM. The SI will implement from time to time the
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Updates/Upgrades/New releases/New versions of the software and operating systems as required after necessary approvals from State about the same 5. SI shall provide and apply regular patches to the licensed software including the software, operating system, databases and other applications. 6. Software License Management. The SI shall provide for software license management and control. SI shall maintain data regarding entitlement for software upgrades, enhancements, refreshes, replacements, and maintenance. SI should perform periodic audits to measure license compliance against the number of valid End User software licenses consistent with the terms and conditions of site license agreements, volume purchase agreements, and other mutually agreed upon licensed software terms and conditions and report to State on any exceptions to SI terms and conditions, to the extent such exceptions are discovered 7. SI shall provide complete manufacturers technical support for all the licensed software problems and/or questions, technical guidance, defect and non-defect related issues. SI shall provide a single-point-of-contact for software support and provide licensed software support including but not limited to problem tracking, problem source identification, problem impact (severity) determination, bypass and recovery support, problem resolution, and management reporting. 8. The manufacturers technical support shall at a minimum include online technical support and telephone support during the States business hours (Business hours in State will be from 0830 hours to 2030 hours on all days (Mon-Sun)) with access for State and SI to the manufacturers technical support staff to provide a maximum of 4 hour response turnaround time. There should not be any limits on the number of incidents reported to the manufacturer. State shall have access to the online support and tools provided by the manufacturer. State shall also have 24x7 access to a variety of technical resources including the manufacturers knowledge base with complete collections of technical articles. 9. Software Distribution. SI shall formulate a distribution plan prior to rollout and distribute/install the licensed and tested software as per the plan 10. The ATS Services will cover, all product upgrades, modifications, and enhancements 11. The SI shall undertake regular preventive maintenance of the licensed software Operations and maintenance services for the server and related infrastructure supplied and commissioned by the SI for the application at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center

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As part of the Operations and maintenance support for the server and related infrastructure supplied and commissioned by the SI for the application at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center SI shall provide: 1. The scope of the services for overall IT infrastructure management as per ITIL framework shall include 365x24x7 on site Monitoring, Maintenance and Management of the server and related infrastructure supplied and commissioned by the SI for the application at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center. The business hours in State will be from 0830 hours to 2030 hours on all days (Mon-Sun). SI will plan these services accordingly. The SI shall provide the MIS reports for all the devices installed in the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center in format and media as mutually agreed with the State on a monthly basis. Whenever required by State, SI should be able to provide additional reports in a prespecified format. The indicative services as part of this support are as below: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) System Administration, Maintenance & Management Services Application Monitoring Services Network Management Services Backend Services (Mail, messaging, etc.) Storage Administration and Management Services IT Security Administration Services and Services for ISO 27001 and ISO 20000 compliance Backup and Restore Services

System Administration, Maintenance & Management Services The objective of this service is to support and maintain all the Systems and Servers provided as a part of this Contract, and shall include:(a) 365x24x7 monitoring and management of the servers in the DC and DRC. (b) Regular monitoring of all the applications hosted. (c) Operating System administration, including but not limited to management of users, processes, preventive maintenance and management of servers including updates, upgrades and patches to ensure that the system is properly updated. (d) Installation and Re-installation of the server and other hardware in the event of system crash/failures. (e) Regular analysis of events and logs generated in all the sub-systems including but not limited to servers, operating systems, security devices etc. to identify vulnerabilities. Necessary Action shall be taken by the SI in accordance with the results of the log analysis. Suitable mechanism has to be maintained for security and forensic related logs or as per requirement of other government regulations issued from time to time.
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(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

(k) (l) (m) (n)

Adoption of policies and procedure, compliances, guideline or international standard as defined by the State. Provide integration and user support on all supported servers, data storage systems, etc. Troubleshoot problems with web services, mail services, applications software, desktop/server relationship issues and overall aspects of a server environment. Problems shall be logged in at the Help Desk and resolved as per the SLAs defined. Manage and monitor server configuration, performance and activity of all servers. Performance optimization and reporting - Process and Memory Management, Monitoring CPU performance, Monitoring Memory performance, Monitoring Input/output performance, Monitoring Ethernet Traffic, etc. Prepare and keep up to date document containing configurations of all server, IT infrastructure etc. Hardening servers in line with security policies. Carry out the DC and DRC failure testing and half yearly BCP real drills. Perform Database Administration activities for Database. The SI agrees that all databases of the State will be administered as per standards and requirements. The service covers all the databases run on servers / SAN at DC and DRC including but not limited to:(i) Start-up and shutdown of databases. (ii) Daily / Weekly / Monthly backup of databases. (iii) Database recovery when required. (iv) Weekly database recovery checks. (v) Required logs maintenance as per policies of the State. (vi) Disaster recovery as per polices of the State. (vii) Documentation upkeep and records maintenance. (viii) User account management. (ix) Database problem resolution. (x) Performance tuning. (xi) Replication of Database from DC to DRC.

Application Monitoring Services The services to be provided by the SI for Application Monitoring shall include:(a) Web services. (b) Application server. (c) Database server. (d) Middleware.
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Other components.

Network Management Services SI shall ensure continuous operation and upkeep of the LAN & WAN infrastructure at the DC, DRC, and all the Police Stations and Higher Offices including all active and passive components. For overall functioning of the network connectivity, the SI shall be responsible to coordinate with Network Connectivity Providers team for WAN link related issues. The services to be provided for Network Management shall include:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Ensuring that the network is available 365x24x7 as per the prescribed SLAs. Attending to and resolving network failures and snags. Support and maintain the overall network infrastructure including but not limited to LAN passive components, routers, switches, and SAN switches etc. Configuration and backup of network devices including documentation of all configurations. 365x24x7 monitoring of the network to spot the problems immediately. Provide information on performance, including capacity utilization and error statistics for the network components. Test new Network applications and tools installations prior to general use to check compatibility with the existing LAN and WAN configuration. Establish, in conjunction with the State, a test and implementation plan prior to each application and tool installation. Identify and communicate to the State, any prerequisites (e.g., disk space, operating system, data backup) prior to licensed software and tools implementation and any post-install requirements (e.g., security, software support), or any updates to the configuration database. Provide a single-point-of-contact to WAN support personnel from State. The Network specialist representing the SI will respond to the initial request from State within standard service level objectives. Provide one copy of appropriate software operational documentation to State.



Backend Services (Mail, messaging, etc.) SI shall maintain and support all the backend services (mail, messaging, etc.) implemented that include Directory Services such as domain management, group management, user management, Database Services. The SI shall implement and effectively run the mailing service for the users of State.

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Storage Administration and Management Services The services to be provided by the SI shall include:(a) Identify key resources in the Storage solution. (b) Identify interconnects between key resources in the Storage solution. (c) Receive asynchronous notification that the configuration of the Storage solution has changed. (d) Identify the health of key resources in the Storage solution. (e) Identify the available performance of interconnects in the Storage solution. (f) Receive asynchronous notification that the performance of the Storage interconnect solution has changed. (g) Identify the zones being enforced in the Storage solution. (h) Create/delete and enable/disable zones in the Storage solution. (i) Identify the storage volumes in the Storage solution. (j) Create/delete/modify storage volumes in the Storage solution. (k) Identify the connectivity and access rights to Storage Volumes in the Storage solution. (l) Create/delete and enable/disable connectivity and access rights to Storage Volumes in the Storage solution. (m) Storage administration - facilitates the states in connecting to the Storage later and gives them access rights as required. IT Security Administration Services and Services for ISO 27001 and ISO 20000 compliance SI shall be responsible for operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving the Information Security Management System (ISMS) at the DC and DRC. SI shall implement and maintain the ISO 27001 standard. SI shall be responsible for implementation and maintenance of ISO 20000 standard to promote the adoption of an integrated process approach to effectively deliver the services. The services to be provided by the SI shall include:(a) Addressing the on-going needs of security management including, but not limited to, monitoring of various devices / tools such as firewall, intrusion detection, content filtering and blocking, virus protection, and vulnerability protection through implementation of proper patches and rules. (b) Maintaining an updated knowledge base of all the published security vulnerabilities and virus threats for related software. (c) Ensuring that patches/workarounds for identified vulnerabilities are patched/ blocked immediately.

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(e) (f)




Respond to security breaches or other security incidents and coordinate with respective OEM in case a new threat is observed to ensure that workaround / patch is made available for the same. Provide a well-designed identity management system, security of physical and digital assets, data and network security, backup and recovery etc. Maintenance and management of security devices, including, but not limited to maintaining firewall services to restrict network protocols and traffic, detecting intrusions or unauthorized access to networks, systems, services, applications or data, protecting email gateways, firewalls, servers, from viruses. Ensuring that the security policy maintained and draft various relevant , procedures , guidelines and other ISMS documents as per ISO 27001 standard and implement these procedure accordingly , these documents shall be maintained and updated as per the ISMS ISO 27001 requirement. A process must ensure the continuous improvement of all elements of the information and security management system. The ISO/IEC 27001 standard adopts the Plan-Do-Check-Act [PDCA] model as its basis and expects the model to be followed in an ISMS implementation. Suitable mechanism has to be adopted for maintaining the ISMS, forensic logs or other as required for compliance by the SI time to time.

Backup and Restore Services The services to be provided by SI shall include:(a) Backup of storage as per the defined policies. (b) Monitoring and enhancing the performance of scheduled backups, schedule regular testing of backups and ensuring adherence to related retention policies as defined by State. (c) Prompt execution of on-demand backups of volumes and files whenever required or in case of upgrades and configuration changes to the system. (d) Real-time monitoring, log maintenance and reporting of backup status on a regular basis. (e) Media management tasks, including, but not limited to, tagging, crossreferencing, storing, logging, testing, and vaulting in fire proof cabinets (onsite and offsite). (f) 365x24x7 support for file and volume restoration requests at the DC and DRC. Central Helpdesk from the State designated premises As part of the Centralized Helpdesk and Support for end users at each location SI shall provide:
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1. The service will be provided in the local language of the State. 2. The help desk service that will serve as a single point of contact for all ICT related incidents and service requests. The service will provide a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and also resolution of incidents. State requires the SI to provide Help Desk services to track and route requests for service and to assist end users in answering questions and resolving problems related to the software application, network, Data Center, Disaster Recovery Center, Client side infrastructure, and operating systems at all locations. It becomes the central collection point for contact and control of the problem, change, and service management processes. This includes both incident management and service request management. 3. SI shall provide a second level of support for application and technical support at police stations, circle offices, district headquarters, range offices, state police headquarters and other locations across the State where the software, hardware, and other infrastructure will be rolled out. This is further elaborated as handholding support services in the Scope of RFP. 4. For all the services of State within the scope of this RFP, SI shall provide the following integrated customer support and help. 5. Establish 16X6 Help Desk facility for reporting issues/ problems with the software, hardware and other infrastructure. 6. SI shall maintain and support to all client side infrastructure including hardware, networking components, and other peripherals. 7. SI shall provide maintenance of Hardware, including preventive, scheduled and predictive Hardware support, as well as repair and / or replacement activity after a problem has occurred. 8. SI shall provide functional support on the application components to the end users. 9. SI shall also provide system administration, maintenance and management services, LAN management services, and IT security administration services.



SI shall start the exit management and transition at least three month before the expiry of the Contract. SI shall provide the State with a recommended exit management plan detailing the transfer process that can be used by the State to ensure continuing provision of services throughout the transfer process and beyond.
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SI shall ensure successful knowledge transfer to ensure that the knowledge about the entire Information Technology System including but not limited to the applications, the design and operational characteristics of these systems are transferred to the States Project Team. SI shall design or propose any additions to the States Project team to manage the system. SI shall also undertake an analysis of the skill set requirement for the States Project team to manage system and carry out the required training & knowledge transfer. SI shall handover all the project artifacts and assets after updating all the necessary project documentation. SI shall design Standard Operating Procedures to manage system (including application and IT systems), document the same and train States Project team on the same.

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6 IMPLEMENTATION AND ROLL-OUT PLAN The project is divided into two phases namely, 1. Implementation Phase wherein the SI is expected to deliver the following services: a. Project planning and management b. Procurement and Implementation of Project Management Tools c. Configuration, Customization and Extension to CAS (State) d. Data Migration/ digitization of historical Data e. Site Preparation and Procurement, Delivery, Commissioning of IT Infrastructure at Police Stations and Higher Offices f. Capacity building and Change Management g. Co-ordination and management of network connectivity h. Setup and management of IT infrastructure at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center i. Handholding Support

2. Post Implementation Phase wherein the SI is expected to provide the Operations and Maintenance Services covering the below: a. Software maintenance and support services (including Maintenance of Current customized CAS (State) Software and Release Management of subsequent versions) for CAS (State) application to meet the desired Service Levels b. Application customization support services c. Warranty support for all the new hardware procured as part of this RFP d. AMC support for Hardware e. Annual Technical Support (ATS) for all the licensed software f. Operations and maintenance services for the server and related infrastructure supplied and commissioned by the SI for the application at the Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center g. Central Helpdesk from the State designated premises h. Some of the activities such as Handholding Support, Capacity Building, Change Management, and Awareness and Communication will continue beyond the implementation phase into the Operations and Maintenance phase.

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The various milestones during the implementation phase are as below: S. No. Milestones for the Implementation phase Timelines (T is the effective date of the Contract) T + 1 month T + 7 months

1. 2.

M1:Resource Mobilization M2: Completion of Configuration, Customization, and Enhancement of CAS (State) i. Project Plan
ii. Configuration, Customization, and Enhancement of CAS

(State) including Systems Study & Assessment, UAT Performance Testing & Intensive Field Testing
iii. Procure, Commission and maintain Project

Management, Configuration Management and Issue Tracker Tools

iv. Setup and management of IT infrastructure at the Data

Centre 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. M3: Pre Go Live Readiness 1 in the Phase I Districts M4: Go-Live

T+8 T+10 T+11 T+13 T+14 T+16

in the Phase I Districts

9. 10. 11. 12.

M5: Pre Go Live Readiness 1 in the Phase II Districts M6: Go-Live 2 in the Phase II Districts M7: Pre Go Live Readiness 1 in the Phase III Districts M8: Go-Live 2 in the Phase III Districts and Setup and management of IT infrastructure at the Disaster Recovery Centre M9: Pre Go Live Readiness 1 in the Phase IV Locations M10: Go-Live 2 in the Phase IV Locations M11: Go-Live 2 in all the remaining 10% of Police Stations / Higher Offices M12: Go-Live 2 in all the remaining Police Stations / Higher
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T+17 T+18 T+20 T+22

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Offices M13: Successful integration with CAS (Centre) and successful transfer of the data for three months in succession


1. Pre Go Live Readiness of Districts under Phase requires Completion and Acceptance of the following activities in at least 50% of the Police Stations / Higher Offices in each of the Districts targeted under the Phase Data Migration / Digitization Capacity Building Program covering the targeted personnel Change Management Initiatives covering the targeted personnel Site Preparation Delivery and Commissioning of Client Side Infrastructure Networking in consultation with the network connectivity provider for the State 2. Go-Live in the Phase requires Completion and Acceptance of the following activities in at least 85% of the Police Stations / Higher Offices in each of the Districts targeted under the Phase Data Migration / Digitization Capacity Building Program covering the targeted personnel Change Management Initiatives covering the targeted personnel Site Preparation Delivery and Commissioning of Client Side Infrastructure Networking in consultation with the network connectivity provider for the State Commission of the Configured, Customized, and Extended CAS (State) The PS / HO have completely migrated to the new application and the police station and the higher offices personnel are successfully conducting the intended functions through the application

The Operations and Maintenance services shall start after the completion of Milestone M2: Completion of Configuration, Customization, and Enhancement of CAS (State) and continue till 5 years from the completion of Milestone M10: Go-Live in the Phase IV Locations. During the course of the Implementation Phase, the SI has to provide the Post Implementation Services for the delivered services. In addition to the above, the SI is expected to provide support to central Software Development Agency for the pilot implementation of CAS in selected locations in UP.

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6.1 PHASING STRATEGY FOR CCTNS UP CCTNS will be implemented in 4 phases. The tentative number of locations for each phase are given below: Type of Office Police Headquarters Range District ASP Office Circle Police Stations District Police Control Room State Police Control Room CCR Special Unit PS Reporting Outposts Training Institutions District Training Centre (including three GRP District Training Centre) Other Headquarter Zone TOTAL Phase Phase Phase Phase I II III IV 1 3 3 9 28 90 3 1 3 0 6 11 75 3 0 236 0 7 34 47 174 661 34 0 12 0 39 0 0 0 0 1008 0 8 35 68 192 688 35 0 24 0 60 0 0 0 1 1111 0 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 52 0 0

Total 1 18 72 124 394 1504 72 1 39 52 105 11 75 18 1 2487

15 0 132

Note: 11 Training Institutes of the Police department and 75 District Training Centres including GRP are being provided computing infrastructure separately. Installation and commissioning of H/W at these locations are not part of this RFP. The hardware (computers) supplied in CIPA Phase II and III are to be re-utilized for CCTNS. Hence in effect the units / offices which would receive hardware (computers) during CCTNS implementation are given in the following table:Type of Office Police Stations (Complete Hardware) 65
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Phase I

Phase II 334

Phase III 214

Phase IV Total



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Type of Office Police Stations (Additional Hardware only) TOTAL

Phase I

Phase II 327 661

Phase III 474 688

Phase IV Total

25 90

0 0

826 1504

In the first phase, all police stations of 3 districts will be covered along with the Higher offices of the districts. This phase will also cover the Police HQ, Allahabad, DGP HQ, Lucknow, UP Police TS HQ, and SCRB, Lucknow. The 3 districts identified are Lucknow, Ghazipur and Moradabad. The 3 districts are chosen so as to gain a flavor of experience of three distinct characteristics - a Large district (Lucknow) where CIPA has been in usage from the 1 st phase of CIPA implementation in the state, a Small district (Ghazipur) where CIPA was implemented during the phase 2 of CIPA implementation in the state, and Moradabad where CIPA has not been implemented yet. The learning gained during the pilot in these 3 districts shall be leveraged to help the roll out across the state in subsequent phases. Phase 2 of the implementation strategy will include 7 Ranges of the remaining 15 ranges of the state. This will cover all the districts (34) of the 7 ranges including all Police stations, all Higher offices and District PCRs. Phase 3 of the implementation strategy will cover the remaining 8 Ranges. This will cover all the districts (35) of the 8 ranges including all Police stations, and all Higher offices and District PCRs Phase 4 would cover other unit HQs and their units referred to as Special Unit Police Stations. The details of the tentative Units / Offices to be covered in each are given in Annexure 03Implementation Plan Unit wise. The actual units/offices will be decided by UPPTS in discussion with the SI once the SI is on board. SI shall prepare a detailed phase-wise implementation plan covering all the scope of services and get the approval of the UP Technical Services before the start of implementation of each phase. Additional Guidelines for Rollout: 1. It is suggested that the solution be piloted in a few police stations in three districts as a part of extensive field testing and the feedback incorporated before rolling out across Uttar Pradesh.

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2. The rollout plan shall be defined date-wise, location-wise, module-wise and training completion and change management completion wise. 3. A detailed rollout checklist should be maintained for migrating application to production as well as for location readiness. 4. SI shall prepare a detailed roll-out plan for each of the Districts in the Phase and get the same approved by the State. SI is also responsible for conducting workshops for the key officers (State Mission Team, District Mission Team, and District Core Team) of the Districts for presenting the District-Wise roll-out plan and get the approval from the District Teams before getting the final approval of the State Nodal Officer. 5. The SI shall also provide the necessary assistance for the key officers (State Mission Team, District Mission Team, and District Core Team) of the Districts during the design and implementation of CCTNS in the State/UT. 6. One of the important factors that would determine the success of CCTNS implementation in Uttar Pradesh is the continuous availability of domain experts to the implementation team. SI shall put together a team of at least five (5) domain experts with a minimum of 10 years of experience in the State Police Department who will work on this project on a full time basis during the entire duration of the project.

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