Esab Dublex
Esab Dublex
Esab Dublex
To meet and exceed customer expectations, ESAB has been involved in intensive quality-improvement programmes backed by certification from internationally recognised independent quality assurance organisations. They include ISO certification for manufacturing and product certification from TV, Lloyds Register, DNV and many others. Most of ESAB stainless consumables are certified by at least one of these bodies.
Product data
Product name Description Classication Typical all weld metal chemical composition Mechanical properties
Rp0.2 660 MPa Rm 820 MPa A5 25% Charpy-V +20C 50 J Rp0.2 660 MPa Rm 840 MPa A5 25% Charpy-V +20C 50 J Rp0.2 650 MPa Rm 800 MPa A5 28% Charpy-V +20C 100 J -20C 85 J -40C 75 J -60C 65 J Rp0.2 700 MPa Rm 850 MPa A5 30% Charpy-V +20C 50 J Rp0.2 700 MPa Rm 900 MPa A5 28% Charpy-V +20C 90 J -40C 55 J -60C 45 J Rp0.2 600 Rm 760 MPa A5 30% Charpy-V +20 C >100 J Rp0.2 670 MPa Rm 850 MPa A5 28% Charpy-V +20C 80 J (MIG) +20C 150 J (TIG) Rp0.2 600 MPa Rm 760 MPa A5 33% Charpy-V -20C 50 J Rp0.2 600 MPa Rm 760 MPa A5 33% Charpy-V +20C 50 J -40C 35 J Rp0.2 710 MPa Rm 890 MPa A5 25% Charpy-V +20C 40 J -40C 27 J Rp0.2 630 MPa Rm 780 MPa A5 28% Charpy-V +20C 140 J -60C 80 J Rp0.2 626 MPa Rm 830 MPa A5 28% Charpy-V +20C 90 J Rp0.2 630 MPa Rm 830 MPa A5 28% Charpy-V +20C 140 J -60C 50 J
OK 67.50
Duplex acidrutile MMA stick electrode Duplex rutile MMA stick electrode Duplex basic MMA stick electrode
AWS A/SFA 5.4 E2209-17 EN1600 E 22 9 3 L R 32 AWS A/SFA 5.4 (E2209-16) EN1600 E 22 9 3 L R 12 AWS A/SFA 5.4 E2209-15 EN1600 E 22 9 3 LB 22
OK 67.53
OK 67.55
OK 68.53
Superduplex basic-rutile MMA stick electrode Superduplex basic MMA stick electrode
EN1600 E 25 10 4 L R 32
OK 68.55
EN 1600 E 25 9 4 L B 42
TV (opitional) DNV GL
OKTubrod 14.27
AWS A/SFA A5.22 E2209 T1-1 and T1-4 EN 12073 T 22 9 3 N L P M 2 T 22 9 3 N L P C 2 AWS A/SFA A5.22 E2209 T0-1 and T0-4 EN 12073 T 22 9 3 N L R M 3 T 22 9 3 N L R C 3 AWS A/SFA A5.22 E2553 T1-4
FN 30-45/ 30C/ 35
OKTubrod 14.37
FN 30-45/ 27.5-30C/ 36
OKTubrod 14.28
Superduplex rutile all positional ux-cored wire Basic ux/duplex solid wire for SAW welding
FN 30-45/ 60C/ 43
FN 30-50/ 27.5-30C/ 34
Basic Cr-alloying ux/super duplex solid wire for SAW welding Basic backing ux for one-sided welding of duplex stainless steel
*CPT= Critical Pitting Temperature (CPT) in ferric chloride, according to ASTM G48 Composition and property data are subject to change without notice.
Duplex chemical tankers
Todays, modern chemical tankers are highly sophisticated ships with the latest technology for safe cargo handling. The cargo range from crude chemicals to edible oils, fruit juices and even wine. Nowadays, most chemical cargo tanks are constructed of duplex stainless steel due to its good corrosion resistance and high strength. Several thousand tonnes of duplex stainless steel are used to build a mid-sized chemical tanker. It need to be joined using different welding processes, offering the shipyard the most productive and cost-effective solution. ESABs experience of this application dates back to the late 1980s when the first chemical tankers built of duplex were welded with our consumables. Today, ESAB is able to supply and support a wide product range that covers all the processes and materials for the production of chemical tankers.
Fabrication of a block section consisting of a tank cover with vertical corrugated walls in duplex stainless steel. The positional welding is performed with flux-cored wire OK Tubrod 14.27.
ONE-SIDED SAW-SINGLE WIRE One-sided SAW of 22 mm duplex steel with multi-pass single wire. All distances are given in mm.
ONE-SIDED SAW-TANDEM WIRE One-sided SAW of 22 mm duplex steel with multi-pass tandem wire.
Joint figuration suitable for the one-sided SAW of panels in duplex chemical tankers.
Weak points
Should not be used at working temperatures of more than approximately 250C. Above this temperature embrittlement can occur.
2 4
10 12
30 18
Nieq = Ni + 35 C + 20 N + 0.25 Cu
16 1 2 8 22 0 2 24 28 6
4 50 5
3 2
55 60 65 70 14 75 80 85 90 5 9 100
Creq = Cr + Mo + 0.7 Nb
Rules of thumb
Before welding
A slightly wider root gap and joint angle than those used for standard stainless steel should be used to obtain good penetration. Use ceramic backing to facilitate root pass welding. The joint and the adjacent base metal should be thoroughly cleaned. Only stainless brushes should be used for cleaning. Preheating is normally not recommended. Dry electrodes should always be used. ESAB can supply the duplex electrodes in ESAB VacPac which is an effective system for handling welding electrodes. Three package sizes are adapted to match consumption during a normal working shift. This eliminates costly re-drying procedures. strikes can act as initiation points for pitting corrosion and cracks. Maintain proper arc length and stick-out to avoid nitrogen pick-up. A correct root gas shield is important. Suitable backing gases are high-purity Ar and mixtures containing N 2 and H 2 . Excessive weaving should be avoided. It can result in an overly high heat input.
After welding
Thorough cleaning after welding is essential to obtain good corrosion resistance. All slag and oxide on and around the weld must be removed. Brushing should be done manually and only with stainless brushes. Rotating brushes can result in micro-crevices in the weld metal. Subsequent heat treatment is normally not needed. Duplex steels and weld metals can, however, be solution heat treated (see steel producers recommendations). Stress relieving should be avoided as this can cause embrittlement of the steel and the weld metal. The flame straightening of deformed plates can be used, if the recommended procedure from the steel supplier is followed.
During welding
The heat input should be related to the plate thickness and welding method. A heat input which is too low or too high should be avoided (see heat input recommendations). Avoid striking the arc outside the joint. Arc
Steel types
Lean and 22%Cr duplex grades
OK 67.50 OK 67.53 OK 67.55
OK Autrod 16.86
OK Tigrod 16.86
OK Tubrod 14.27 OK Tubrod 14.37
OK Flux 10.93/ OK Autrod 16.86
OK 68.53 OK 68.55 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK
OK Autrod 16.88
OK Tigrod 16.88
OK Tubrod 14.28
67.50 OK Autrod 16.86 OK Tigrod 16.86 67.51 OK Autrod 16.53* OK Tigrod 16.53* 67.53 OK Autrod 16.54* OK Tigrod 16.54* 67.65 67.60* 67.62* 67.70* 67.75*
OK Tubrod 14.27 OK Flux 10.93/ OK Tubrod 14.37 OK Autrod 16.86 OK Tubrod 14.22* OK Autrod 16.53* OK Autrod 16.54*
AUSTRIA ESAB Ges.m.b.H Vienna-Liesing Tel: +43 1 888 25 11 Fax: +43 1 888 25 11 85 BELGIUM S.A. ESAB N.V. Brussels Tel: +32 2 745 11 00 Fax: +32 2 726 80 05
ITALY ESAB Saldatura S.p.A. Mesero (Mi) Tel:+39 02 97 96 81 Fax:+39 02 97 28 91 81 THE NETHERLANDS ESAB Nederland B.V. Utrecht Tel: +31 30 248 59 22 Fax: +31 30 248 52 60 NORWAY AS ESAB Larvik Tel:+47 33 12 10 00 Fax:+47 33 11 52 03 POLAND ESAB Sp.z.o.o Warszaw Tel: +48 22 813 99 63 Fax: +48 22 813 98 81 PORTUGAL ESAB Lda Lisbon Tel: +351 1 837 1527 Fax: +351 1 859 1277 SLOVAKIA ESAB Slovakia s.r.o. Bratislava Tel:+421 7 44 88 24 26 Fax:+421 7 44 88 87 41 SPAIN ESAB Ibrica S.A. Alcobendas (Madrid) Tel: +34 91 623 11 00 Fax: +34 91 661 51 83 SWEDEN ESAB Sverige AB Gothenburg Tel:+46 31 50 95 00 Fax:+46 31 50 92 22 ESAB International AB Gothenburg Tel:+46 31 50 90 00 Fax:+46 31 50 93 60 SWITZERLAND ESAB AG Dietikon Tel: +41 1 741 25 25 Fax: +41 1 740 30 55
South America
ARGENTINA CONARCO Buenos Aires Tel: +54 11 4 753 4039 Fax: +54 11 4 753 6313 BRAZIL ESAB S.A. Contagem-MG Tel: +55 31 333 43 33 Fax: +55 31 361 31 51 MEXICO ESAB Mexico S.A. Monterrey Tel: +52 8 350 5959 Fax: +52 8 350 7554
SOUTH KOREA ESAB SeAH Corporation Kyung-Nam Tel:+82 551 2 89 81 11 Fax: +82 551 289 88 63 THAILAND ESAB (Thailand) Ltd Samutprakarn Tel: +66 2 393 60 62 Fax: +66 2 748 71 11 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ESAB Middle East Dubai Tel: +971 4 338 88 29 Fax: +971 4 338 87 29
THE CZECH REPUBLIC ESAB VAMBERK s.r.o. Prague Tel: +420 2 819 40 885 Fax: +420 2 819 40 120
Representative offices
BULGARIA ESAB Representative Office Sofia Tel/Fax: +359 2 974 42 88 EGYPT ESAB Egypt Dokki-Cairo Tel: +20 2 390 96 69 Fax: +20 2 393 32 13 ROMANIA ESAB Representative Office Bucharest Tel/Fax: +40 1 322 36 74 RUSSIA-CIS ESAB Representative Office Moscow Tel: +7 095 937 98 20 Fax: +7 095 937 95 80 ESAB Representative Office St Petersburg Tel: +7 812 325 43 62 Fax: +7 812 325 66 85
AUSTRALIA ESAB Australia Pty Ltd Ermington Tel: +61 2 9647 1232 Fax: +61 2 9748 1685 CHINA Shanghai ESAB A/P Shanghai Tel: +86 21 6539 7124 Fax: +86 21 6543 6622 INDIA ESAB India Ltd Calcutta Tel: +91 33 478 45 17 Fax: +91 33 468 18 80 INDONESIA P.T. Esabindo Pratama Jakarta Tel: +62 21 460 01 88 Fax: +62 21 461 29 29 MALAYSIA ESAB (Malaysia) Snd Bhd Selangor Tel: +60 3 703 36 15 Fax: +60 3 703 35 52 SINGAPORE ESAB Singapore Pte Ltd Singapore Tel: +65 861 43 22 Fax: +65 861 31 95 ESAB Asia/Pacific Pte Ltd Singapore Tel: +65 861 74 42 Fax: +65 863 08 39
FINLAND ESAB Oy Helsinki Tel: +358 9 547 761 Fax: +358 9 547 77 71
FRANCE ESAB France S.A. Cergy Pontoise Tel:+33 1 30 75 55 00 Fax:+33 1 30 75 55 24 GERMANY ESAB GmbH Solingen Tel: +49 212 298 0 Fax: +49 212 298 204
For addresses and phone numbers to our distributors in other countries, please visit our home page
GREAT BRITAIN ESAB Group (UK) Ltd Waltham Cross Tel: +44 1992 76 85 15 Fax: +44 1992 71 58 03 HUNGARY ESAB Kft Budapest Tel:+36 1 20 44 182 Fax:+36 1 20 44 186
ESAB AB Herkulesgatan 72, Box 8004 SE-402 77 Gothenburg, Sweden Phone +46 31 509 000, Fax +46 31 509 170 E-mail Web