Cast and Tractions
Cast and Tractions
Cast and Tractions
FUNCTIONAL CAST -affection of the shaft with callus formation. Allow flexion and extension of the upper extremity.
QUADRILATERAL CAST -Or ischial weight bearing cast -fx of the shaft of femur with callus formation
SHOULDER SPICA CAST -affection of the upper portion of the humerus and shoulder joint. 1 HIP SPICA CAST -Affection of the hip and femur
SINGLE HIP SPICA POSTERIOR MOLD -immobilize injuries and reconstructive surgeries of the pelvis, hip, joint, and areas of the knee infection, open wound and swelling.
DELVIT CAST affection of the proximal tibia fibula and allow flexion and extension of the knee.
DOUBLE HIP SPICA CAST -bilateral affection of the hip and femur
SHORT ARM CIRCULAR CAST -affection of the wrist and fingers LONG ARM CIRCULAR CAST -affection of the radius and ulna
BASKET CAST -to immobilize foot, knee and ankle while allowing wound for exposure.
CYLINDER CAST -fx of patella CYLINDER POSTERIOR MOLD -affection of the patella infection, open wound and swelling
PATELLAR TENDON BEARING CAST -ex. Shaft tibia fibula with callus formation
LONG LEG CIRCULAR CAST -fracture tibia fibula SHORT LEG CIRCULAR CAST -affection of the ankle and legs
MUNSTER CAST -affection of the radius ulna with callus formation allows extension and flexion of the elbow.
LONG ARM POSTERIOR MOLD -affections on radius ulna with infection, open wound and swelling. SHORT ARM POSTERIOR MOLD -affections of the wrist and fingers with infections and open wounds.
SHOULDER SPICA POSTERIOR MOLD -affection of the upper portion of the humerus and shoulder joint with infection, open wound and swelling LONG LEG POSTERIOR MOLD -affections of the tibia fibula with infection, open wounds. SHORT LEG POSTERIOR MOLD -affections of the ankle and toes with infections and open wounds
MENERVA CAST -affection of the upper portion of the humerus and shoulder joint with infection, open wound and swelling
BRACE CAST -affection of the end of femur and allows gradual flexion of the knee.
BOOT TRACTION ankle metatarsal fracture TRACTION SIDE ARM TRACTION -supracondylar fracture humerus shoulder
DUNLOP TRACTION -supracondylar fracture humerus 90-90 LOWER EXTREMITY TRACTION -displaced femoral fracture
HEAD HALTER TRACTION - cervical spine affection HALO PELVIC TRACTION -scoliosis
HEAD HALTER/PELVIC GIRDLE non-adhesive lumbar affection severe cervical sprain, cervical strain, torticollis, mild cervical trauma, potts dse.
BRYANT TRACTION -fracture of femur, injuries to the hip among children before 3 y/o; skin traction