Design of Sedimentation Tank (Primery)
Design of Sedimentation Tank (Primery)
Design of Sedimentation Tank (Primery)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Design DATA Avarage overflow from sadimentation tank water lost in desluging Design avarage flow Min. size of particle removal Efficiency of expected removal Nature of particle Specific gravity of particle Assume performance of tank Kinetic viscosity of water at 200C Gravitional accelration Detaintion period DESIGN A Vertical settling velocity of minimum size particle vs vs= g(Ss-1)d2/(18) Reynolds numbers Rn = (vsxd)/ vs m/sec 3.56E-04 Ss n g t ( good) m2/sec m/sec2 hour Q d Y/Y0 Cum/Hour % Cum/Hour mm % 336 2 343 0.02 75 Discrete & non flocculating 2.65 1/4 1.01E-06 9.81 4 As discharge at inlet of WTP Assumed As discharge of pump at intake well Assumed Assumed Assumed Assumed As per CPHEEO manual standard ( 1.01x10^-6) standard 3-4 hour as per CPHEEO manual
7.05E-03 7.05E-03 1
Hence stokes law is applicable and computed settling velocity is correct. B Surface over flow rates For ideal settling basin & complete removal of particle vs= vo( velocity of over flow) vo m/sec m/day 3.56E-04 3.08E+01
Due to short circuting. There is reduction in efficiency & decreas in surface over flow, to obtain surface over flow rates which would give expected removal efficiency of min. size particle in rea basin, using following relationship Y/Yo = 1-[1+n(vo/(Q/A))]-1/n vo/(Q/A) = 1/n[(1-Y/Yo)-n-1] vo/(Q/A) Q/A = vo/1.66 C Dimentions of tank A = Q/(Q/A) Width of basin Length of basin = A/B Depth required = Q*t/A D Check against resuspension of deposited particle V=[(8k/f)g(Ss-1)d]^0.5 Where K = 0.04 & f = 0.03 Vh=Q/BD B L D m/day 1.66 18.57
443.26 10.00 44.33 3.10 Existing basin is 10m wide, hence adopted Say 45m Depth available 3.50m
m m m
V Vh
m/sec m/sec
5.88E-02 3.08E-03
Reynolds numbers Rn = (vsxd)/ Rn 5.47E-01 Rn<1 TRUE Hence stokes law is applicable and computed settling velocity is correct. B Surface over flow rates For ideal settling basin & complete removal of particle vs= vo( velocity of over flow) vo m/sec m/day 6.91E-04 5.97E+01
Due to short circuting. There is reduction in efficiency & decreas in surface over flow, to obtain surface over flow rates which would give expected removal efficiency of min. size particle in rea basin, using following relationship Y/Yo = 1-[1+n(vo/(Q/A))]-1/n vo/(Q/A) = 1/n[(1-Y/Yo)-n-1] vo/(Q/A) Q/A = vo/1.66 C Dimentions of tank A = Q/(Q/A) Width of basin Length of basin = A/B Depth required = Q*t/A D Check against resuspension of deposited particle V=[(8k/f)g(Ss-1)d]^0.5 Where K = 0.04 & f = 0.03 Vh=Q/BD B L D m/day 1.98 30.12
273.32 10.00 27.33 3.14 Existing basin is 10m wide, hence adopted Say 30m Depth available 3.50m
m m m
V Vh
m/sec m/sec
1.29E-02 3.04E-03