Performance Based Bonus FAQ Sheet
Performance Based Bonus FAQ Sheet
Performance Based Bonus FAQ Sheet
Introduction to the Perf ormance-Based Incentive System (PBIS) f or National Government Agencies and Employees
What is PBIS?
T he Perf ormance-Based Incentive System (PBIS) is a new system of incentives f or government employees that is being introduced in FY 2012, per EO No. 80.[1] Under this new system, employees may receive two incentives: the Perf ormance-Based Bonus (PBB) and the Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI). T he PBB is a top-up bonus that is given to employees based on their perf ormance and contributions to the accomplishment of their Departments overall targets and commitments.[2] T his will be on top of the PEI current annual incentive distributed to employees across the board. T he amount available f or PEI bonuses will depend on savings incurred by the national government.
What is PBB?
T he PBB, which is the new bonus introduced via the PBIS, will be given to employees based on their contribution to the accomplishment of their Departments overall targets and commitments. Under the PBB, units of Departments will be ranked according to their perf ormance. T he personnel within these units shall also be ranked. T he ranking of units and personnel will be based on their actual perf ormance at the end of the year, as measured by verif iable, observable, credible, and sustainable indicators of perf ormance.
What is t he dif f erence bet ween PBB and t he bonuses current ly given t o nat ional government employees?
T he PBB is a new incentive given to government employees based on their perf ormance. T his is dif f erent f rom existing bonuses in government, which are given to employees across the board, regardless of their perf ormance. T he PBB was introduced by the Aquino Administration to reward and encourage exemplary perf ormance among public servants in national government. T he PBB, as introduced in 2012, is on top of the f ollowing bonuses currently provided to government employees: i. Mid-Year and Year-End Bonuses are the government equivalent of the 13th Month Pay of employees in the private sector. Like the 13th Month Pay, the total amount of the Mid-year and Year-end Bonuses are equivalent to their one months salary, depending on their rank and salary grade. T he Mid-year and Year-end Bonuses are given no earlier than May 1 and November 15, respectively. ii. T he Cash Gif t is an across-the-board bonus of P5,000 given to each employee of the national government. It is released in two tranches: at the middle and end of the year, together with the Mid-year and Year-end Bonuses.
iii. T he Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) Bonus, meanwhile, is provided to employees of government agencies where there is an accredited employees union, and where the agency and the union have entered into a Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA). T he CNA Bonus is f unded by savings f rom the agencys maintenance expenditure items identif ied in their CAN. An agency can raise these savings through cost cutting and productivity measuresidentif ied in their CNA. iv. T he PEI is an existing across-the-board bonus, given equally to government employees. Unlike the Midyear and Year-End Bonuses and Cash Gif ts, the amount given per employee is not f ixed. Instead, the amount depends on the level of savings incurred and authorized by the national government to f und the PEI. T hus, the amount per employee has varied through the years.
2. Does t his mean t hat employees will get less t his year t han t he amount given in 2011?
Since the PBB will be given on top of the PEI, only the underperf orming minority will be getting less, while the majority of perf orming employees will get the same amount as last years PEI. Employees who demonstrate exemplary perf ormance, on the other hand, will actually enjoy bigger bonuses. Assuming, f or example, that everyone achieves their respective targets, about 42.25 percent of employees will get a top-up PBB bonus of P5,000 in addition to their PEI of P5,000. T his adds up to P10,000, which is the same amount received by employees in 2011. Meanwhile, more than 50 percent of employees will receive bonuses higher than P10,000, since the PBB f or better perf ormers ranges f rom P7,000 to P35,000. T his way, exceptional perf ormers are given due recognition and reward, encouraging the rest of the bureaucracy to f ollow suit and aim f or exemplary public service.
perf ormance. For the PEI and PBBwhich now f all under PBIS starting 2012most government employees will receive the same or even much more that what they used to receive under the PEI in the previous years. We place this at 57 percent based on the approved distribution of the PBB, on the assumption that the agency meets the minimum perf ormance standard. Only the minority of underperf ormers will get less: a PEI of 5,000, which will be given across-the-board.
Is it f air f or government employees who will get less t han what t hey used t o get ?
For the longest time, good perf ormers in government received little to no recognition f or their hard work. Majority of them receive as much in bonuses as their coworkers who underperf orm or do not take responsibility f or their tasks. T hrough the PBIS, the Aquino administration seeks to f oster a culture of f airness and excellence in the bureaucracy, where good work is duly recognized, while poor output goes unrewarded.
Is t he PBB just a new name f or an addit ional Christ mas Bonus f or government employees?
No. T he PBB is not a holiday or Christmas Bonus. Instead, the PBB is based on an agency and employees actual perf ormance. It is theref ore a reward f or good perf ormance, not a gif t or entitlement. Because an agency and its employees are going to be assessed based on their actual perf ormance f rom January 1 to December 31, 2012, distributing the PBB will start in January of next year. However, agencies that have met at least 90 percent of their perf ormance targets by November 30, 2012 (see Section C) may have their actual perf ormance evaluated earlier. T his will allow f or the possible release of their employees PBB by end-December 2012.
Why do we need t he PBB when we already have all t hese ot her bonuses?
Under the status quo, bonuses are given unif ormly to all civil servants, regardless of their perf ormance. In some cases, this incentive system has even been abused. To remedy this, the Aquino administration sought to introduce a new system that will f ocus on service delivery and reward the best in the bureaucracy through incentives that correspond with the perf ormance of employees and their of f ices. In other words, having def inite rewards f or exemplary work can inspire public servants to perf orm better. T his can even motivate their co-workers in their own units to perf orm well, too. Altogether, such a system is designed to encourage improved perf ormance and better accountability, in line with ensuring the accomplishment of the Administrations priority development agenda. More importantly, however, the PBB seeks to transf orm the management of agency and employee perf ormance to f oster a culture of accountable public service, as well as produce concrete and visible improvements in the delivery of public goods and services. T he ultimate aim of the PBBbesides instituting a genuine meritocracy in Philippine governmentis to serve the Filipino public more ef f ectively and ef f iciently.
T he PBIS will be implemented in annual phases. FY 2012 is the pilot implementation year of the PBIS. What we intend to do in FY 2012 is to lay down the pre-conditions f or a successf ul PBIS, such as setting clear and reasonable perf ormance indicators and targets with the Departments. T his allows the government to make a credible PBB system as well as a reasonably good validation system. T he AO25 Task Force will support Departments during the pilot implementation year, especially with respect to laying down targets based on the Presidents priorities. FY 2013 shall be the Harmonization Phase, during which the Results-Based Perf ormance Management System (RBPMS; see Section D) will be put in place, together with a Strategic Perf ormance Management System (SPMS) prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. T hus, the guidelines on the PBB shall be updated to ref lect, harmonize, and implement the two systems. Departments will then be expected to submit an improved set of perf ormance targets and indicators. In FY 2014, we can already expect the alignment of the Department targets with its smallest operational units. In addition to the FY 2013 good governance conditions, two or three more conditions should be met. A gradual increase f rom the FY 2013 bonus is likewise expected. In FY 2015, the PBB should have reached the Institutionalization Phase. T he system will be f ully developed by this time, so that there is f ull alignment of Department targets with individual targets. In addition to the FY 2014 good governance conditions, two or three more conditions should be met. A gradual increase f rom the FY 2014 bonus is also expected.
Do agency heads have t he aut horit y t o redist ribut e t he PBB equally t o t heir employees?
No. T he PBB shall be given based on the perf ormance ranking of delivery units and the individuals within these units. Agency heads are not allowed to diverge f rom the objective system of perf ormance ranking under the PBIS. Otherwise, they def eat the very purpose of the PBIS.
PBIS Coverage
Which agencies and employees are covered by t he PBIS?
Regular, contractual, and casual of f icials and employees of Departments and Agencies of the National
Government who occupy plantilla positions, who have an employer-employee relationship with these Departments and Agencies, and who have been in government service f or at least f our (4) months as of November 30, 2012 may be covered by the PBIS. T he PBIS will be implemented in all Departments and Agencies of the National Government, State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Government-Owned or-Controlled Corporations (GOCCs). However, these institutions must f irst meet the eligibility criteria (see Section C) bef ore they can qualif y f or the grant of PBB under the PBS. For SUCs, the implementation shall be coordinated with the Commission on Higher Education. For GOCCs who are covered by the GOCC Governance Act of 2011 (Republic Act No. 10149), the implementation of PBIS shall be led by the Governance Commission f or GOCCs (GCG). GCG will issue separate guidelines f or the adoption of PBIS in GOCCs.
Are Congress, t he Judiciary and ot her const it ut ional of f ices covered by PBIS?
T he Congress, Judiciary, Constitutional Commissions and the Of f ice of the Ombudsman are encouraged to adopt the PBIS in line with the provisions in EO No. 80 and the guidelines issued by the AO 25 Inter-Agency Task Force. Of these Constitutional Of f ices, only the Civil Service Commission and the Commission on Audit have of f icially opted into the PBIS and may theref ore be eligible f or the grant of the PBB.
Will t hose employees who are not covered by t he PBIS st ill receive bonuses?
Under the current implementation, regular, casual and contractual of f icials and employees of National Government Departments and Agencies, particularly the Constitutional Of f ices, who have not opted to adopt the PBIS may still receive other bonuses, including PEI, but not the PBB.
iii. Rank eligible bureaus (delivery units) and the individuals within them; and iv. Submit accomplishment reports on time.
i. What are t he Good Governance Condit ions set by t he AO 25 Task Force f or f iscal year 2012?
For FY 2012, the AO 25 Task Force has set f our good governance conditions, with three under f inancial stewardship and one under internal process. T hese are: the establishment of a Transparency Seal; posting of bid notices and awards on the website of Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS); liquidation of all cash advances to of f icials and employees; and establishment of a Citizens Charter or its equivalent.
As stated in the rules of the Commission on Audit (COA), the liquidation of cash advances f or f oreign travels must be done within 60 days f rom travel, while the liquidation of cash advances f or domestic travel must be made within 30 days f rom travel. T he liquidation of cash advances f or special activities must be done within 30 days upon completion of the project or activity as provided f or in the liquidation authority. 1. Are cash advances given to local government units and other organizations covered by the Good Governance condition in FY 2012? No. For FY 2012, the Good Governance condition only covers the cash advances granted to national government of f icials and employees within the year f or the purpose of local and f oreign travel and special projects. 2. Are the outstanding cash advances due for liquidation since FY 2011 or before covered? No. For FY 2012, the liquidation of outstanding cash advances due since FY 2011 or bef ore is not yet included in the Good Governance condition. Nonetheless, COA requires Departments to liquidate such outstanding cash advances immediately.
vi. How will t he agencies compliance t o Good Governance condit ions be validat ed?
By November 30, 2012, Departments will be validated on their compliance with the Good Governance conditions. T his will be done through the submission of certif ications to be signed by the Head of their respective Departments or Agencies and other accountable of f icials. T he AO25 Task Force shall also validate if Departments and Agencies have complied with their online posting requirements (e.g. Transparency Seal, PhilGEPS). Oversight agencies may also conduct spot-checking.
v. What is STO?
ST O or Support to Operations ref ers to activities that provide technical and substantive support to the operations and projects of a Department or Agency. For PBB in FY 2012, Departments and Agencies are asked to identif y perf ormance indicators and targets f or these activities capturing the dimensions of quality and timeliness of services as specif ied by the Department Secretary.
f inancial and administrative services. For PBB in FY 2012, Departments and Agencies are asked to identif y perf ormance indicators and targets f or these activities capturing the dimensions of quality and timeliness of services.
viii. Are perf ormance t arget s lower t han FY 2011 accomplishment s accept able?
No. T he perf ormance targets of Departments and Agencies must be consistent with the FY 2012 budget approved by Congress and should not be lower than accomplishments in FY 2011.
How will t he perf ormance of bureaus or delivery unit s be evaluat ed and ranked?
Departments and Agencies shall submit their actual accomplishments of targetsas well as the accomplishments of their component bureaus or delivery units to the AO25 Task Force. Failure to meet any of the PBB eligibility criteria (see previous section f or details) within the deadline will render Departments and Agencies ineligible f or the PBB in FY 2012. Bureaus or delivery units will be f orced-ranked according to their accomplishment of targets and will be categorized under the f ollowing groups: Best Bureaus (top 10 percent of ranked bureaus), Better Bureaus (next 25 percent), Good Bureaus (remaining 50 to 65 percent) and Poor Bureaus (bureaus that f ailed to accomplish 90 percent of their targets).
At the same time, individual employees who receive a rating of Below Satisf actory under the annual Perf ormance Appraisal System of the Civil Service Commission will not receive any amount under the PBB. Meanwhile, employees in Poor Bureaus will not be eligible to receive any amount under the PBB, since their respective bureaus f ailed to meet the minimum perf ormance criteria.
T his Perf ormance-Based Bonus distribution matrix shows that the amount of the bonus that may be received by a qualif ied government employee is dependent on the perf ormance of the bureau and of the individual employee.
Can I appeal t he rat ing t hat I received f rom my supervisor? How and where can I f orward my complaint ?
Yes, an employee can question the rating that they receive as a result of the rankings. T he PBIS requires all departments and agencies to create grievance committees that will address possible questions or complaints by employees on their rankings. If a rating issue cannot be resolved within the agencys grievance committee, it may be escalated to the AO25 Task Force that will evaluate the complaint and resolve the issue, whether at the level of its Secretariat, Technical Working Group or Task Force Principals, as the case may be.
What is t he governance mechanism f or t he implement at ion of PBIS in every government depart ment and agency?
T he Department Secretaries or Heads of Agencies shall be responsible f or the implementation of the PBIS in their respective Departments or Agencies. To support the principals in the implementation of PBIS, Perf ormance Management Groups (PMGs) should be convened at every Department or Agency.
T he PBIS is a system that is a component of the Results-Based Perf ormance Management System (RBPMS), which is envisioned to be the single perf ormance management system f or the whole of the Executive Branch, in place of the multiple and disparate perf ormance management systems that are currently being implemented. T he Administrations plan to establish the RBPMS stems f rom Administrative Order No. 25, which seeks to rationalize, harmonize, streamline, simplif y, integrate, and unif y the perf ormance management systems and activities of oversight government agencies .
What is t he RBPMS?
RBPMS stands f or Results-based Perf ormance Management System, which utilizes the Five Key Result Areas set by the President, the Organizational Perf ormance Indicators Framework (OPIF) of the DBM and the PDP-Results Matrix (RM) of the NEDA as underlying f rameworks. T he RBPMS will incorporate a common set perf ormance scorecard, and at the same time, create an accurate, accessible, and up-to-date government-wide, sectoral, and organizational perf ormance inf ormation system. T he RBPMS shall likewise be used as basis f or determining entitlement to perf ormancebased allowances, incentives, or compensation of government personnel.