Everything Goes
Everything Goes
Everything Goes
Some evil creatures are out to destroy the world; others just want to make a buck. The black market is cutthroat enough, but when supernatural and alien items are on the block, someone innocent always gets hurt. A black marketeer named Bora Ghali has renovated an abandoned mine within a high mountain and turned it into the headquarters for her operations. So far, her organization has remained small, and no one has managed to procure much evidence against her. But all that is about to change. Can the heroes shut her down before her evil influence spreads all over the world?
By Owen K. C. Stephens
Everything Goes is a site-based adventure for four 15thlevel characters. Though not designed for any specific d20 MODERN campaign setting, Everything Goes features aliens, undead, psionics, magic, and high tech, so it isnt appropriate for campaigns that exclude these elements. However, its a handy vehicle for introducing one of these elements to a game that previously excluded it. For example, a d20 MODERN game that previously included undead and magic, but not psionics or aliens, could put ghost-hunters face-to-face with creatures from another planet via this adventure. You, the Game Master (GM), need a copy of the d20 MODERN Roleplaying Game to run this adventure. A copy of the d20 MODERN Menace Manual would also be helpful, but it is not required, since full statistics for all the creatures taken from it are provided with the adventure. To get started, print out the adventure (including the map of the Redoubt) and read it through. Specific maps for the various locations in the Redoubt arent necessary, since each area with contents is described in the text of the adventure. You can add as much or as little detail about each site as you wish. Familiarize yourself with the general history of the situation, the layout of the complex, its denizens and
their plans, and the descriptions of gardhyi, toxic sludge, whisperer in the dark, yeti, and festergogs from the d20 MODERN Menace Manual. Then make sure you are familiar with the rules for combat, movement, and cover from Chapter 5 of the d20 MODERN Roleplaying Game. The text that appears in shaded boxes should be read aloud or paraphrased for the players. Opponents statistics are provided in abbreviated form. communication are strictly forbidden. Auction purchases may be paid for by electronic bank transfer, bearer bonds, or gold, but not cash. Not only can nothing be bought with cash, but carrying it into the Redoubt is grounds for immediate expulsion because Bora Ghali has developed an unusual sensitivity to it (see her description in level 4). So far, Bora Ghali has been content to operate out of the Redoubt alone, but her finances and contacts have expanded so greatly that shes no longer satisfied with a single operation. Soon, shell be spreading her network across the globe, building multiple bases and hiring more agents and guards. All she needs is a little more money, which a few high-profile auctions at the Redoubt are sure to provide. In a matter of weeks, shell begin recruiting under-bosses for her new Redoubts on every continent, and soon afterward, the Black Mark will become a true supernatural mafia.
The Redoubt is an old gold mine that played out in the late 1800s. Abandoned for decades, it was purchased in the 1960s by a private individual who hoped to find a few veins of gemstones in its extensive network of tunnels. This hope never panned out, and the mine was again abandoned until Bora Ghali bought it in the late 1990s. After having it extensively remodeled, Bora named it the Redoubt and made it her home and the headquarters for the Black Mark, her auction company.
Bora Ghali
Bora Ghali is a vampire and a psychic. While growing up on the streets of the largest northwestern cities of the United States and Canada, she realized that nothing was more important to her than money, and that she had a talent for parting people from it. Her burning desire for cash led her down the wrong dark alley one night at a carnival in 1970, resulting in her death and rebirth as a vampire. It took Bora nearly a decade to overcome her vampire master and start unlife on her own terms. By then, she had already built a large network of supernatural contacts from the darker carnivals of the world and was ready to make her big move. Bora became a dealer in the supernatural, arcane, otherworldly, and rare. She found mystic and psychic artifacts from around the world, arranged their procurement by any means necessary, and sold them to the highest bidder. Her ability to move almost freely through human society made her the perfect middle man between the normal world and the creatures of Shadow. She amassed a small fortune by obtaining items from the horrid things hidden in the shadows for the fools who wanted to buy pieces of that world. As her business increased, she acquired a broad range of agents and allies, including an alien acolyte (Mr. Indigo), a group of yeti lumberjacks, a set of vomit fiends, and numerous human agents (mostly ex-criminals). With its diverse members, her organization can acquire a broad range of unique supernatural, alien, and occult items.
The heroes are called to investigate the Black Mark. Upon arrival at the Redoubt, they must find a way to sneak inside, then fight their way past the various employees, including the festergog security forces, the well-trained secretaries, the yeti lumberjacks, and Mr. Indigo, to reach Bora Ghalis inner sanctum. If they manage to slay her, they must then confiscate her goods, comb through her papers to discover her plans, and mop up the rest of her criminal organization.
Character Hooks
As GM, you know best how to involve your players and their characters in an adventure. You can use the following adventure hooks to spur your imagination, modifying them as necessary to make them appropriate for the characters interests. A buyer who has purchased an item from the Black Mark (pick anything from Warehouse 2 or 3) at an online auction hires the heroes to pick it up. Unfortunately, someone else has already offered Bora Ghali more money for the item. She has decided to get rid of the heroes so that she can claim they never showed up, then sell the object to the new bidder. A buyer desperately needs something the Black Mark has for sale, but since she cant afford to buy it, she hires the heroes to obtain it for her. This item may be the cure for a curse of some kind (perhaps even one a PC has been afflicted with), or any other item of considerable value that Bora Ghali offers. The increased interest in this item causes Bora Ghali to keep it in her own quarters. An old and experienced vampire slayer has been hunting Bora Ghali for years and has finally tracked her down to the Redoubt. He doesnt think he has what it takes to lay siege to such a stronghold, but he believes the heroes may. The vampire slayer could be an old friend or contact, or he might simply have heard about the heroes other exploits. Agents of a government group (possibly Department-7) have been watching Bora Ghali and are well aware of her
Everything the Black Mark has is for sale, generally via internet auction. For security reasons, however, purchases are never shipped. A buyer can either come to the Redoubt and pick up his purchase or pay for a personal courier to bring it to him. On rare occasions, items of great value are auctioned to a live group at the Redoubt (see level 5, below). Buyers may use proxies on such occasions, but no communication is allowed with the outside worldall cell phones, communication spells, telepaths, internet links, and other forms of
plans to expand. They dont have enough information to convince their superiors to make a strike, but they may have enough to convince the heroes to make one. (Because of the delicacy of their positions, the agents may deliver this information to the heroes anonymously). An old ally of the heroes sends them a note that hes investigating a black marketeer named Bora Ghali. He then disappears. His notes (provided gladly by his family) include a map to the Redoubt. If the heroes hurry, he may still be alive when they get there, held prisoner by Bora Ghali to provide her with blood for sustenance. While hiking through the wilderness or flying on a small private plane, the PCs get lost and crash land just as a storm moves in. The only possible refuge is the Redoubt. Bora Ghali lures the characters to the Redoubt, hoping either to recruit them into the Black Mark (if they have ruthless reputations) or to relieve them of some object that she wants to sell. If Everything Goes is used as a follow-up to last months adventure (Anything Goes), the PCs either learn that the etoile revenant bought some components for its infernal machine from the Black Mark, or that the design for the machine is being offered for sale by that organization. If the etoile revenant escaped, it may already be at the Redoubt, working for Bora Ghali to earn enough credit to build a new machine.
check can unearth more specific information, as detailed on the tables below. The hero gains all the information for check results equal to or lower than his own.
The Redoubt used to be a silver mine, but it was abandoned after a tunnel collapsed in the 1800s. It was converted to a luxury residence in the late 1990s. The area around the Redoubt is owned by a logging company called Black Planks. The company sells very little wood but has a reputation for being very hard on anyone caught trespassing on its land. The owner of the Redoubt, Bora Ghali, is almost never seen. She occasionally makes appearances at nightclubs but eschews all high-society functions. The Black Mark runs auctions to sell rare, and often illegal, objects. The auctions are usually held on an internet site that can be accessed only by special software (DC 35 Computer Use check to read the site without the software). No one is allowed to bring cash to the Redoubt. Doing so results in immediate expulsion and possibly a severe beating. All payments are made through gold or silver, credit, or bank transfer.
The Black Mark has hired numerous con men, thieves, and smugglers to work as secretaries and agents. All these employees have criminal records, and most have done time for violent crimes. Bora Ghali is an assumed name, which first appeared in the mid-1990s. The company that made the renovations to the old mine suffered heavy turnover, and many workers simply disappeared. The company went bankrupt shortly after the job was finished, and everyone who worked on the Redoubt is either missing or dead. Over the past few years, a few bodies of lost hikers have been recovered from the area near the Redoubt. The corpses had obviously been mauled, as if by a large bear, but they were devoid of most of their blood. Its possible to be invited to a auction at the Redoubt by showing an interest in the paranormal and flashing a lot of money around the seedier parts of nearby cities (DC 20 Bluff check and DC 25 Knowledge [streetwise] check earns an invitation).
Everything Goes is designed to be either a site-based adventure that the characters simply stumble into or the final, climactic confrontation with Bora Ghali if she has been a recurring villain in your campaign. Though it is set in a mountain range in northwestern America, you can easily move it to any relatively isolated area with at least one hill or mountain. Isolation is the key factor because a number of unusual creatures are crawling around the Redoubt, and their presence might otherwise cause PCs to wonder why no one has reported this place to the authorities. The adventure begins when the heroes decide to visit the Redoubt. If they wish to do some research on the place before departure, go to the Character Preparation section below. When they arrive, go to The Redoubt.
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Character Preparation
If the heroes have the time and inclination to research the Redoubt and the Black Mark, they can dig up a fair amount of information. Unless you want to create a major GM character for this purpose, they wont be able to find an eyewitness who has actually been to Bora Ghalis stronghold. But rumors and crackpot websites abound, and underground newspapers may also reveal important facts. Anyone who interrogates the residents of the towns near the Redoubt (which provide Bora with supplies) discovers that the place is a converted mine functioning as the headquarters of an underground auction group called the Black Mark (no check required). A Gather Information or Research
The Redoubt is accessible on foot by hiking over fairly difficult terrain. No local guides are willing to hike to the area around the Redoubt because too many people have been lost forever in that stretch of wooded mountains. A guide can be convinced to go there only with a successful DC 18
Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check. In no case is anyone willing to sit and wait for the heroes to finish their business. Anyone who agrees to take them to the Redoubt insists on simply showing them where it is and picking them up a set number of hours or days later. The main entrance can realistically be reached only via the ski lift (level 7) because there are no roads on the surface of the mountain. The slope is too steep and rocky for any land vehicle to traverse, and there are no cleared areas large enough to allow a plane or even a helicopter to land. The main entrance is 1,700 feet above the base of the mountain (DC 25 Climb check). A secretary automatically spots any climber and calls for the festergogs (see level 6) well before the intruder can reach the top. The festergogs begin firing their guns when their quarry comes within 100 feet of the mountaintop, calling for surrender. If the heroes drop their weapons and surrender, the festergogs take them into custody and hustle them off to Bora Ghali. Otherwise, they keep firing, fighting to the death in melee combat if they dont manage to kill the intruders with their weapons.
Random Encounters
The terrain around the Redoubt is lightly patrolled and full of preternatural creatures that have escaped the stronghold. As long as the heroes are within 10 miles of the place, they stand a good chance of running into trouble. Use the following table for outdoor random encounters. A moving group must check for an encounter every 2 hours during the day and every hour during the night. A stationary group must check for encounters every 6 hours during the day and every 3 hours at night. Once a particular random encounter has occurred, ignore it and roll again should it come up again in the same 24-hour period.
Interior Systems
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No encounter. Two yeti lumberjacks (see level 3), on patrol. An advanced toxic sludge (see level 1), looking for something to absorb. The whisperer in the dark (see level 2), which has sneaked out via the culvert from level 2. If the heroes do not fight it or drive it off, it retreats the same way, showing them an alternate route into the Redoubt. Mr. Indigo (see level 5) and two secretaries (see level 6). Mr. Indigo is taking one of the secretaries to be killed by the other as punishment for embezzling. If the heroes remain unobserved, the killing goes off without a hitch.
Once the heroes are inside the Redoubt, the GM should check for random encounters every half-hour. Each encounter can occur multiple times unless specified otherwise.
A communication system links the entire complex via intercom. Anyone may use this system to call anywhere else within the complex, though it is most often used to contact security in case of intruders. A security system protects the complex as well. Every piece of furniture in the complex is equipped with a button to sound the alarm. Furthermore, the hallways inside Bora Ghalis residence on level 4 are equipped with security cameras to detect intruders. The cameras feed into the security base in level 6, where they are monitored around the clock. The alarm sounds only in that room and Mr. Indigos office on level 5. Unless hes already dead, Mr. Indigo uses his innate clairvoyance to investigate any such alert and reports intruders to Ghali and her yeti bodyguards. The vomit fiends in level 6 respond to any alarm, arriving in 1d6 rounds.
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No encounter Two yeti lumberjacks (see level 3), on patrol A male and female secretary (see level 6) looking for privacy. (Reroll if indicated a second time.) Two vomit fiends (see level 6) on patrol. Bora Ghali (see level 4), looking for likely places to make more renovations. (Reroll if Bora Ghali has already been killed.)
The runoff is an old, hidden mineshaft that runs from a mountain cave to level 2. A DC 40 Search check is required to find this entrance without seeing the whisperer in the dark (see level 2) using it. An aluminum tube about 4 feet in diameter sticks out of the bottom of the mountain. Foul, gray liquid trickles slowly out of it, emptying into a large pool of sludge about 60 feet in diameter. Some oily material on the top constantly swirls and twists, forming spiral patterns that seem to be moving. The pool reeks of bleach, acids, and human waste. Between the waste products of yetis, undead, and fiends, and the materials washed off of arcane and paranormal objects while preparing them for sale, the sewage generated by the Redoubt is more than any septic system can handle. Instead of trying to manage the waste, Boras employees simply allow it to run into a culvert at the bottom of the mountain and leak into local water supply. Anyone entering via this culvert can bypass the security systems and guards that cover all the other entrances. Even so, however, the culvert is not a particularly safe route, since the sludge carries both disease and poisons. Furthermore, the horrid chemicals, magic mixtures,
The Redoubt itself has five levels (levels 2 through 6), each of which has the same floor plan. Level 2 is the lowest (just above the culvert at the base of the mountain), and level 6 is the highest (just under the ski lift). Each of the two elevators in the complex serves a different set of floorselevator 1 connects levels 2, 3, 5, and 6, and elevator 2 connects levels 3 and 4. Thus, both are needed to get to Bora Ghalis residence on level 4 (see level 3 for details).
The Redoubt can be accessed only from the runoff (level 1) and the main entrance (level 6) at the top of the mountain.
and unholy energies washed into the culvert have coalesced into vile life forms that attack any intruders. Disease: Anyone touching the sludge is exposed to the disease, which acts like a fast and powerful version of necrotizing faciitis. Advanced Necrotizing Faciitis: Contact; Fort DC 18; incubation period 1 day; initial damage 1d3 Con; secondary damage 1d3 Con). Anyone who takes Constitution damage from the disease must succeed on a second saving throw or 1 point of that damage becomes Constitution drain instead. Poison: Anyone wounded while in the sludge or while any of it remains on her person is exposed to a mixture of toxins that functions like curare poison.
Toxic Mixture: Injury; Fortitude negates; save DC 18; primary damage 2d4 Dex; secondary damage 2d4 Wis). Creatures: Three advanced toxic sludges live inside the culvert and feed off the waste of the Redoubt. Unable to climb up the shaft at the back of the culvert, they pose no threat to the complex itself, but they attack anyone entering the facility this way. Advanced Toxic Sludges (3): CR 12; Gargantuan ooze; HD 20d10+150; hp 260; Mas ; Init 3; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 10, touch 3, flat-footed 10 (4 size, 3 Dex, +7 natural); BAB +15; Grap +37; Atk +21 melee (2d8+15 plus 1d4 acid, slam); Full Atk +21/+16/+11 melee (2d8+15 plus 1d4 acid, slam); FS 20 ft. by 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SQ acid, blindsight, expansion, immunities,
improved grab, ooze, toxic fumes; AL none; SV Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +1; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 31, Dex 5, Con 22, Int , Wis 1, Cha 1. Skills: None. Feats: None. Acid (Ex): An advanced toxic sludges slam attack deals 1d4 points of acid damage in addition to the normal bludgeoning damage. Blindsight (Ex): An advanced toxic sludge is blind but can ascertain all creatures and objects within 40 feet just as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, all targets have total concealment with respect to the toxic sludge. Expansion (Ex): An advanced toxic sludge absorbs the bodies of creatures it has killed in battle. This process takes a number of rounds depending on the size of the corpse: Diminutive or smaller 1, Tiny 2, Small 4, Medium-size 8, Large 16, Huge 32, Gargantuan 64, Colossal 128. The sludge grows by 1 Hit Die for every 1d6 rounds it spends consuming bodies, to a maximum of 45 Hit Dice. Immunities (Ex): Advanced toxic sludges are immune to acid, electricity, and cold damage. If a cold attack deals damage equal to or greater than the advanced toxic sludges Constitution score, the creature is affected as though by a slow spell. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the advanced toxic sludge must hit an opponent at least one size category smaller than itself with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals slam damage each round that the hold is maintained, and it can constrict in the same round. Ooze: An advanced toxic sludge has the traits and immunities common to oozes. Toxic Fumes (Ex): Any creature that comes within 10 feet of an advanced toxic sludge must make a successful DC 26 Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of Strength damage. A new save must be made each round that a creature remains in contact with the sludge. Tactics: The advanced toxic sludges are mindless eating machines. They remain inanimate until they sense a target, then they drift slowly toward it. These creatures do not intentionally work together, but the activities of one quickly draw the attention of the other two. Development: Once the toxic sludges are dead, climbing up the pipe into the Redoubt is a fairly simple matter. The rough interior of the pipe allows a character to brace his back on one side and his feet on the other, so only a DC 10 Climb check is required to make progress. Level 2 lies 1,000 feet above. have obviously been moved around in this area, but theres no sign of activity now. In the shadows just beyond the bright circles of light streaming down from the ceiling stand a few crates. The air is still and stale, and nothing at all is moving. But somehow, it feels as though someone or something is watching. Everything currently for sale by the Black Mark is kept on this level, except for a few items that Bora Ghali has put in her quarters for safekeeping. Creature: This level is guarded by an incorporeal undead known as a whisperer in the dark. This creature is a conglomerate of the spirits of some miners who died in a cave-in sometime during the 1800s, and it haunts this level in remembrance of how those miners died. The creature occasionally wanders through the nearby countryside, but it never moves onto another level of the Redoubt because its irrationally afraid of being caught in another cave-in. Bora Ghali and the whisperer have a kind of agreementit guards her possessions and doesnt eat her workers, and she feeds it once or twice a year, which is more often than it fed before she arrived. Whisperer in the Dark: CR 12; Large undead (incorporeal); HD 11d12; hp 71; Mas ; Init +7; Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good); Defense 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (1 size, +3 Dex, +2 deflection); BAB +5; Grap ; Atk +7 melee (2d6 Con, incorporeal touch); Full Atk +7 melee (2d6 Con, incorporeal touch); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ daylight powerlessness, incorporeal, psionics, steal essence, turn resistance +2, undead, unnatural aura; AL chaos, evil; SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +9; AP 0; Rep +0; Str , Dex 16, Con , Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15. Skills: Concentration +8, Hide +9, Intimidate +12, Listen +12, Search +12, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12. Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Frightful Presence, Improved Initiative. Daylight Powerlessness (Ex): A whisperer in the dark is utterly powerless in natural sunlight and flees from it if possible. If caught in sunlight, it cannot attack and may make only one move or attack action each round. It cannot take full-round actions at all in this situation. Incorporeal Subtype (Su): A whisperer in the dark has no physical form and can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, or magic, though it has a 50% chance to ignore any damage from a corporeal source. The whisperer in the dark can pass through solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass through armor. The whisperer in the dark moves in complete silence and cannot be heard at all. Psionics (Sp): At willattraction, clairaudience/clairvoyance, concussion, detect psionics, suggestion. Manifester level 10th; save DC 10 + whisperer in the darks key ability modifier + power level. Steal Essence (Su): If a creature with an Intelligence score greater than 2 is slain by a whisperer in the dark, its essence is absorbed into the monsters consciousness within 1d4 rounds, though its physical body remains intact. Stealing a creatures essence grants the whisperer 12 temporary hit points, and a new screaming face resembling that of the absorbed creature appears permanently within the cloud.
This level is the storehouse for the Black Mark. Warehouse 2 (area 2A) and 3 (area 2C) are both located on this level. A drain in the center of area 2B connects with the pipe that leads to the runoff (level 1). Its quiet on this leveltoo quiet. The only sound that penetrates the stillness is the hum of the lights set into the stone ceiling. Straw and dirt cover the floor, and handcarts are scattered about. Brushes, buckets of water, and cleansers sit abandoned on tables, as though no one has made any effort to keep them tidy. Items
Turn Resistance (Su): A whisperer in the dark is treated as having +2 Hit Dice for the purpose of turn or rebuke attempts. Undead: A whisperer in the dark has the traits and immunities common to undead. Unnatural Aura (Su): A whisperer in the dark constantly projects an unnatural aura to a radius of 30 feet around itself. Both wild and domesticated animals can sense this aura and refuse to enter its area. If forced to come closer than 30 feet to the whisperer in the dark, they panic and remain panicked for as long as they are in the area. Tactics: The whisperer in the dark stays in area 2J most of the time, coming out only when it hears motion on level 2. A character can attempt a Bluff check to convince the creature that the group works for Bora Ghali, if desired. A +5 bonus applies to this check if the characters are wearing Black Mark uniforms. If they succeed in convincing the creature of their allegiance to Bora, it leaves them alone. Development: All the objects cached on this level are rare, and most are unique. The purchase DC for each is between 30 and 40, though they are so difficult to sell that each functions as only a +2 wealth windfall. Each item is padded with straw packing and stored in its own cargo crate, which bears a label giving cursory information about it. A random sampling of the items kept here is presented below. Feel free to add more of your own design if needed.
Worlds Oldest Fruitcake: This fruitcake, baked in 1776 in Philadelphia, was sent as a gift to the mayor of that city. It was never consumed, though a label noting the date of receipt was placed atop it. It is now the oldest fruitcake on record. Roman d20: This granite icosahedron, which dates back to the Roman Empire, is marked with twenty different runes. Its function is unknown. Vampire Hen Teeth: These sharp bits of white material are literally the hen teeth of a vampire chickena normal chicken that was infected by an El Chupacabras, or vampiric goat-sucker. DaVinci Portrait: This oil painting depicts the Renaissance Man in the same posture and with the same background as the Mona Lisa. It has no signature. Obsidian Skull: This human-sized skull of polished obsidian can be reliably dated to 7,500 BC. It was made by an artisan from a lost Atlantis-age civilization. The Complete Lost Works of Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706): This thick folio of music written by hand is attributed to the baroque composer. It includes Pachelbels Canon in D. The Hammer of Donar: A Nazi relic decorated with glowing swastikas, this enchanted hammer was once touted as the ancient magic weapon of the God of Thunder, though it was actually made by German mages in 1941. The hammer of Donar is a +3 magic weapon that functions like a metal baton. It deals an additional 1d6 points of electricity damage with each blow. Crate with Sarcophagus: This crate has been damaged by water and has begun to rot. The only words on the shipping label that are still legible enough to read are fragile and
White Star Line. Inside is an Egyptian sarcophagus that contains the mummy of an Egyptian mage. Anyone touching the mummy is cursed (DC 20 Will save to avoid, choose any curse from those given in the bestow curse spell description) until the mummy is returned to Egypt.
This level is called the exchange because anyone wishing to get to Bora Ghalis living quarters (level 4) must change elevators here. This level appears completely empty. No art decorates the walls, and no furniture relieves the stark hallways. The only sound is a sort of snuffling, like the sound a large bear might make. In a moment, a massive biped covered with shaggy white fur rounds the corner. Small, red eyes glare from beneath the two horns curving up from its forehead. It wears a red plaid shirt and a fur cap. Though incongruous this garb looks somehow right on the creature. In its massive, clawed hands, it carries an enormous chainsaw. This creature is one of the yeti lumberjacks that Bora employs as personal bodyguards. Four of them patrol the exchange at all times to intercept any intruders who might try to reach Boras living quarters. Since she hates the smell of wet yeti and doesnt want the creatures underfoot, she has them patrol one level up so that they can watch elevator 2, the only access to her quarters. She bought twenty-four yeti from a sideshow in India a few years ago, intending to turn them into trophies. But when she got them home, she discovered their love of cutting down trees and their usefulness as guards and decided to let them live. Now they serve as the lumber crew for her cover business (Black Plank Lumber) and also as her personal guard (separate from the fiendish security staff; see level 6). Her own twisted sense of humor prompted her to dress them in traditional lumberjack garb. Their bizarre appearance ensures that anyone who reports seeing them is discounted by the authorities as either a drunk or an idiot. Creatures: Four yeti lumberjacks patrol this level at all times. A new group takes over every 6 hours so that the guards can always be fresh and alert. Those not on patrol at any given time are out in the mountains, either sleeping or cutting down trees. Yeti Lumberjacks (Abominable Snowman Strong Hero 5) (4): CR 11; Huge monstrous humanoid (cold); HD 12d8+36 plus 5d8+15; hp 127; Mas 16; Init +0 (+0 Dex); Spd 40 ft.; Defense 22, touch 11, flat-footed 22 (2 size, +0 Dex, +7 natural, +3 class, +4 equipment); BAB +17; Grap +32; Atk +23 melee (2d4+11, claw) or +24 melee (3d8+11, chainsaw); Full Atk +23 melee (2d4+11, 2 claws) or +24/+19/+14/+9 melee (3d6+11, chainsaw); FS 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ cold subtype, constrict (2d4+15 plus 2d6 cold), darkvision 60 ft., improved grab; AL Bora Ghali; SV Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +10; AP 0; Rep +1; Str 26, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11. Skills: Climb +13, Hide +0 (+15 in snowy conditions), Move Silently +8, Speak Giant, Spot +4, Survival +12. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Blind-Fight, Power Attack, Track, Weapon Focus (chain saw).
Occupation: Blue Collar (class skills: Climb, Handle Animal, Intimidate). Talents (Strong Hero): Advanced melee smash, improved melee smash, melee smash. Cold Subtype (Ex): A yeti is immune to cold damage. It takes 50% more damage from fire attacks. Constrict (Ex): A yeti deals 2d4+15 points of bludgeoning damage plus 2d6 points of cold damage with a successful grapple check against a target at least one size category smaller than itself. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the yeti must hit an opponent at least one size category smaller than itself with its claw attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals claw damage each round that the hold is maintained, and it can constrict in the same round. Skill Bonus: The yetis white fur grants it a +15 species bonus on Hide checks made in snowy conditions. Possessions: Huge chainsaw, concealable vest. Tactics: When the heroes arrive, one yeti is in area 3B, and the rest are spaced fairly evenly throughout the rest of the level. As soon as they hear any loud noise (including a fight), all four yeti run to investigate it, arriving in 1 round. The yeti are fiercely loyal to Ghali and will happily die to protect her. Development: When the heroes have taken care of the yeti, they are free to explore this level. Elevator 2 connects this level with level 4, but its shaft has been blocked to prevent it from going to any other floor. Elevator 1 can stop at levels 2, 3, 5, and 6, but not at level 4, since the opening to that floor has been walled up. The yeti have a simple barracks here where they sleep during inclement weather. Area 3A is furnished with a minifridge, a hot plate, and twenty-four cots. Theres an absolutely filthy bathroom in area 3D. (Its been the maids day off for the past couple of years.)
The whole level is a single suite, lavishly appointed with expensive carpets, wall hangings, antique furniture, works of sculpture, and masterpiece oil paintings. Though the decorating scheme incorporates many different styles, the overall effect is one of tasteful, modern conservatism. Creatures: Bora Ghali is on this level when the heroes arrive. As soon as she hears the elevator, she knows something is wrong, since the yeti arent supposed to disturb her here. She ducks into a room (GMs choice) from which she can covertly watch to see who rounds the corner from the elevator. Bora Ghali (Female Human Vampire Fast Hero 4/ Battlemind 10): CR 16; Medium-size undead; HD 14d12; hp 96; Mas ; Init +6 (+6 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Defense* 34, touch 28, flat-footed 34 (+6 Dex, +6 natural, +12 class); BAB +11; Grap +16; Atk +18 melee (2d6+5, ultimate psi-blade); Full Atk +18/+13/+8 melee (2d6+5, psi-blade) or +16/+11/+6 melee (1d6+5 plus energy drain, slam) or +17/+12/+7 ranged; FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ blood drain, energy drain, damage reduction 15/wood, fast healing 5, gaseous form, cold resistance 20, darkvision 60 ft., electricity resistance 20, improved psi-blade, improved psychic shield, psi-blade, psychic shield**, turn resistance, ultimate psi-blade, undead, weaknesses; AL Evil; SV Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +6; AP 7; Rep +3; Str 20, Dex 22, Con , Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14. Skills: Balance +10, Computer Use +10, Concentration +10, Jump +11, Knowledge (current events) +10, Knowledge (pop culture) +7, Knowledge (streetwise) +14, Profession (trader) +18, Read/Write English, Speak Giant, Speak English, Speak Japanese, Tumble +20. Feats: Agile Riposte, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Heroic Surge, Mobility, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Finesse (psi-blade), Weapon Focus (psi-blade), Wild Talent (finger of fire). Occupation: Athlete (class skills: Climb, Jump, Tumble; bonus feat: Archaic Weapons Proficiency). Talents (Fast Hero): Evasion, uncanny dodge I. Power Points: 33 Battlemind Powers Known (4/3/3/2/1): 0detect psionics, finger of fire, valor, verve; 1stcombat precognition, fire bolt, vigor; 2ndcombat focus, combat prescience, concussion (DC 14); 3rdnegate psionics, whitefire; 4thnatural armor. Blood Drain (Ex): Bora can suck blood from a living victim with her fangs by making a successful grapple check. If she pins the foe, she drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of Constitution damage each round the pin is maintained. Cold Resistance (Ex): Bora ignores the first 20 points of cold damage from any cold-based attack. Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by Boras energy drain attack rises as a vampire loyal to her. The new vampire gains allegiances to Bora, evil, and chaos, in that order. All previous allegiances are lost permanently. The new vampire loses its allegiance to Bora only upon her destruction. Damage Reduction (Ex): Boras damage reduction doesnt work against wood. Darkvision (Ex): Bora has darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Electricity Resistance (Ex): Bora ignores the first 20 points of electricity damage from any electricity-based attack.
This whole level serves as Bora Ghalis home and her inner sanctum. Luxury permeates every inch of this level. Woodwork embellished with exquisitely carved molding covers the walls, and crystal light fixtures hang from the ceiling. Elegant tapestries hang beside oil paintings, and small sculptures stand here and there on end tables. The floor is made of polished hardwood and strewn with oriental rugs. The sound of classical music filters quietly from every corner, and a slight smell of incense drifts on the air. Doors made of dark hardwood, fitted with gold handles and hinges, stand open to reveal the contents of the various rooms. Richly upholstered chairs and divans done in deep red velvet and gold-inlaid wood are arranged to form comfortable sitting areas in most rooms, and bookcases filled with cloth-covered hardbacks provide easily accessible reading material. Several more modern amenities are present as well, including small refrigerators, mini-bars, and television sets. Small computers sit on end tables in every room, next to numerous phones. Clocks show the time locally, but also in London, Tokyo, and other international cities.
Energy Drain (Su): A living creature hit by Boras slam attack gains two negative levels. A creature killed by her energy drain attack rises as a vampire under her control. Fast Healing (Ex): Bora heals 5 points of damage each round so long as she has at least 1 hit point. If reduced to 0 hit points or lower, she automatically assumes gaseous form (see below) and attempts to escape. She must reach her coffin home (area 4D) within 2 hours or be destroyed. (She can travel up to 9 miles in 2 hours.) Once at rest in her coffin, her hit points rise to 1 hit point after 1 hour, after which she resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit points per round. Gaseous Form (Su): As a move action, Bora can become insubstantial, misty, and translucent. She gains damage reduction 20/wood in this form. Her armor (including natural armor) ceases to modify her Defense, though other modifiers (such as from Dexterity and size) still apply. She cannot attack or use supernatural abilities while in gaseous form. Turn Resistance (Ex): Bora has +4 turn resistance. Weaknesses (Su): Bora has fewer weaknesses than typical vampires do, though she also lacks some of their powers. Her only vampiric weaknesses are to inviolate sanctuaries and running water. Though a wooden stake cannot kill her, her damage reduction doesnt work against wood. She does not have domination, alternate form, children of the night, or spider climb. She also has an aversion to cash (paper money or coins currently used as legal currency anywhere in the world) and reacts to it as most vampires do to garlic. Inviolate Sanctuary: Bora cannot enter a privately owned residence unless invited in by the rightful owner or tenant. Running Water: Bora cannot cross running water, but she may be carried across. If immersed in running water, she loses one-third of her remaining hit points each round, until she is destroyed at the end of the third round. Possessions: None. *If immobilized, Defense drops to 16. **If psychic shield is active, Defense increases to 40. Tactics: If Bora encounters intruders in her chambers, shes likely to try negotiating with them before attacking. She is first and foremost a businesswoman, and if she can buy off foes at a reasonable price, shes happy to do so. If the heroes want some specific item in Boras possession, she offers to sell it to them at a reasonable price (a purchase DC of 23 to 38). She may even offer them employment, though she makes no bones about being ruthless, greedy, and evil. Whatever the results of the negotiations, Bora never seems nervous or worried. She is an incredibly dangerous melee combatant, and she knows it. She does not fear fighting and expects to be able to take on several foes at once. If she realizes that she is facing a powerful group, she uses the Heroic Surge feat to get her defenses and psi powers activated quickly. She begins with her psychic shield, then activates combat precognition followed by combat prescience. If an opportunity to hit multiple targets with her whitefire arises, she seizes it, but she always maintains at least 1 power point. Bora rarely needs to boost her defenses any higher, but if she is hit regularly, she uses Heroic Surge to activate her natural armor. Bora always applies her Dodge feat to the most dangerous foe who can attack her in melee so that she can make an attack with Agile Riposte when that foe misses her. She can easily use Tumble to get past foes and avoid being flanked,
but since shes immune to critical hits, shes more likely to trust her high Defense and make full attacks with her psiblade. When facing another psychic or a spellcaster, Bora moves in close to use her slam attack and its connected energy drain so as to reduce that enemys effective power. Should Bora realize that shes in trouble, she either makes a run for elevator 2 or calls for security. Since the communications system in the Redoubt is voice-activated, she can call as a free action while fighting. Such a call can be heard on levels 3, 5 and 6. The remaining yeti and vomit fiends, plus Mr. Indigo if he is still alive, arrive by elevator after 2d6 rounds. Development: Once the heroes have slain Bora Ghali, they are free to look around her quarters. The key is as follows.
4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 4I 4J
Meeting room Living room Private auction chamber Bedroom Office Office Luxury bathroom Home theater Dining room Kitchen
Bora keeps the important artifacts that she has hidden away in a locked cabinet (Disable Device DC 25) in her bedroom (area 4D). The details of Boras plans to expand the Black Mark can be found in area 4E (Search DC 20). Another four auctions should be enough to raise the capital she needs, and she already has them scheduled over the next 2 months. The papers in her desk include phony accounts and contacts with construction crews around the world. If the characters manage to steal these papers but leave Bora alive, they could set her plans back by up to a year. Alternatively, the papers can be used to funnel money into someone elses accounts (a wealth windfall of +4). Furthermore, anyone who manages to get away with all her papers gains a +4 circumstance bonus on any Knowledge (streetwise) check made in the next 6 months. After that, the information is too old to provide a bonus because the contacts have changed or moved.
This level is the nerve center of the Black Marks operations, as well as the living quarters of Bora Ghalis right-hand man, Mr. Indigo. This level is a strange mix of an old mine and an office. Harsh lights illuminate the rooms and corridors, revealing rock walls and a ceiling supported by wooden beams. A cheap blue carpet covers the floor, and several water coolers and vending machines are placed about the halls. At the end of the hall stands a table covered with platters of donuts. A counter marked free table offers a collection of used games, books, and previously viewed videos of bad movies. Murmuring can be heard coming from various rooms. The blinking blue light of computer screens shows through several open doors, and muted conversation in a number of languages is audible. A slight smell of sweat overlaid with harsh pine air freshener pervades the air.
5A. Restroom
This restroom is poorly maintained.
class, +6 equipment); BAB +9; Grap +10; Atk +10 melee (1d4+1, unarmed strike) or +16 ranged (2d6, Glock 17); Full Atk +10/+5 melee (1d4+1, unarmed strike) or +16/+11 ranged (2d6, Glock 17); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ call shadows, combat casting, psionics, rebuke magical beast, rebuke outsider, rebuke undead, spontaneous casting, trigger power (charm person, DC 13); AL Bora Ghali, evil; SV Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +14; AP 7; Rep +10; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 16. Skills: Bluff +12, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +11, Gather Information +12, Hide +13, Listen +17, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +12, Move Silently +9, Psicraft +8, Sense Motive +9, Speak English. Spellcraft +10. Feats: Alien Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light), Combat Expertise, Combat Martial Arts, Deceptive, Frightful Presence, Iron Will, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Stealthy, Renown. Occupation: Religious (class skills: Listen, Knowledge [theology and philosophy], Sense Motive). Talents (Charismatic Hero): Charm, favor. Telepath Powers: 0burst, daze (DC 12), finger of fire; 1st attraction (DC 13), charm person (DC 13), lesser mindlink. Manifester level 3rd. Acolyte Spells Prepared (6, 6, 5, 5, 3; save DC 13 + spell level): 0detect magical aura (3), light, read magic; 1stcure light wounds (2), magic weapon, remove fear, shield of faith (2); 2ndaid, cure moderate wounds, enhance ability, hold person, resist energy; 3rdbestow curse (2), cure serious wounds, dispel magic, prayer; 4thcure critical wounds, faiths fury (2). Automatic Languages: Mr. Indigo can read, write, and speak Gardhyi. Call Shadows (Sp): Three times per day as a free action, Mr. Indigo can create an aura of intense shadow in a 20-foot radius around himself. The effect lasts for 1 hour and does not move with him. A 2 penalty applies to all Spot and Search checks made within this area. Psionics (Sp): At willdetect psionics, missive, object reading, sensitivity to psychic impressions; 3/dayclairaudience/clairvoyance, inflict pain, mind probe. Manifester level 9th; save DC 10 + Mr. Indigos key ability modifier + power level. Possessions: Undercover vest (mastercraft +3), Glock 17 (mastercraft +3), laser sight, 85 rounds Glock ammo (in 10 box magazines), cell phone, notebook computer with cellular modem, night vision goggles, fake ID, gas mask, overcoat, business clothes. Tactics: If the heroes manage to take Mr. Indigo by surprise, he uses three of his four daily uses of Heroic Surge to activate aid, aura of faith, and prayer as quickly as possible. He saves the fourth use of this ability to heal himself. If he has time, he also uses magic weapon on his Glock and enhance ability on himself to boost his Dexterity score, thereby increasing both his AC and his ranged attack bonus. If Mr. Indigo manages to get all five of these spells up, his Defense goes up to 30, and his Glock attack bonus rises to +20/+15 (+21/+16 within 30 feet). Otherwise, as soon as he becomes aware of intruders on this level, Mr. Indigo tries to set off the security alarm, then hides until he can determine the intruders intentions. If they appear to pose a threat, he patches his cell phone into the
office intercom system and opens negotiations while taking the time to set up his personal defenses as above. He promises anything to get the heroes to surrender, but he plans on delivering nothing. Mr. Indigo avoids getting into a firefight if he can, since he prefers to use magic to defeat his foes. Should the situation degenerate into a fight at any time, he opens with faiths fury (using Heroic Surge to erect his defenses at the same time if necessary; see above). He targets his spells so that weakerlooking charactersparticularly those who appear to be psionic or spellcastersare in the center of the effects. He uses his innate call shadows ability either to conceal himself, or to darken an area and then move some distance away and hide in hopes of drawing foes toward the darkness. Mr. Indigo can also use his Frightful Presence feat (save DC 25) once per round as a free action on any opponents with 15 or fewer character levels. If pressed, he targets a character who appears to be holding her own in the midst of melee combat with bestow curse, choosing the 4 penalty on checks effect, then targets the same opponent with psionic charm person. As a last resort, he uses another bestow curse to lower an already wounded foes Wisdom, then targets her with his innate psionic inflict pain attacks, hoping to drop her and flee in the confusion. If possible, he heads for elevator 1 and goes to area 3, where he switches elevators and heads for Bora Ghalis rooms (level 4). Development: If Mr. Indigo captures any intruders, he takes them straight to Bora Ghali. Should the heroes gain control of this level, they must contend with any hostages who are still alive. All of these individuals readily answer any questions put to them. They understand that they work for the Black Mark, and they know that Mr. Indigo ranks above the supervisors, and that Bora Ghali is his boss and the owner of the company. They know they are selling occult and alien artifacts, though many of them believe these items to be fakes and think the heroes are there to bust the operation for fraud. They do not know that Mr. Indigo and Bora Ghali are anything other than human, and they know nothing of Boras plans to expand the operation. The documents and computer files on this floor are records of inventory, shipping, and transactions. The computer files are protected by a security program (Computer Use DC 20 to hack). If the heroes go through all this information, they can track where each item came from and to whom it was sold.
Atk +6 melee (1d3+1 nonlethal, unarmed strike) or +6 melee (1d6+1, metal baton); Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+1, metal baton) or +7 ranged (2d6, Ruger Service-Six); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; AL Bora Ghali; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +1; AP 0; Rep +1; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 15. Skills: Bluff +14, Diplomacy +10, Forgery +7, Gather Information +8, Hide +9, Investigate +4, Knowledge (business) +7, Knowledge (streetwise) +7, Read/Write English, Speak English. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Attentive, Deceptive, Low Profile, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapon Proficiency. Occupation: Criminal (class skills: Diplomacy, Hide). Possessions: Ruger Service-Six (.38S revolver with concealed carry holster), 50 rounds of .38 special ammunition, metal baton, light undercover shirt, fake ID, various personal possessions. Tactics: The secretaries do not frighten easily. If things turn ugly, they quickly activate the security alarm and then draw their weapons to defend themselves.
6B. Restroom
This restroom is maintained by the secretaries. It is clean and attractively decorated.
Level 6 is the main floor of the Redoubt. It is located at the top of the mountain. The rooms on this level are described below. Creatures: Six secretaries work on this level during normal working hours. All are well-paid experts hand-picked by either Bora Ghali or Mr. Indigo. Though they are not supernatural creatures, they are well aware of the nature of their employer and her operations. Secretaries (Tough Ordinary 5/Charismatic Ordinary 5) (6): CR 9; Medium-size humanoid; HD 5d10+10 plus 5d6+10; hp 65; Mas 15; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 19, touch 17, flatfooted 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +2 equipment); BAB +5; Grap +6;
6C. Auditorium
Bora holds her live auctions in this chamber. At one end is a raised platform equipped with a podium and a microphone. The rest of the room is ringed by tables, all of which are now empty. Seating for fifty occupies the remainder of the floor space.
6D. Accounting
A secretary manages the organizations money from this office. It contains a desk, filing cabinets, and a computer terminal.
6E. Customer Pickup
This chamber is where customer purchases from the live auctions are readied for pickup. It is currently unoccupied.
6F. Purchasing
The secretary who occupies this office handles the purchase of goods from various sources. The sources are coded, so the heroes can gain no information by hacking into this computer.
6G. Shipping
Items purchased via online auction and special order are prepared for pickup by couriers in this area. The room contains a long table, various crates, packing materials, and a computer. One secretary is presently working at the desk.
6H. Receiving
This room serves as the central receiving area for incoming goods. They are unpacked and inspected here, then sent to area 6I for cleaning. The secretary usually stationed here utilizes the computer terminal on the desk to enter each item into the inventory system.
Skills: Bluff +15, Climb +29, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (current events) +15, Knowledge (pop culture) +15, Knowledge (streetwise) +15, Listen +14, Read/Write Abyssal, Read/Write Draconic, Read/Write English, Read/Write Latin, Speak Abyssal, Speak Draconic, Speak English, Speak Latin, Spot +14, Survival +14. Feats: Frightful Presence, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Simple Weapon Proficiency. Possessions: HK G3, 50 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition. Tactics: If the alarm sounds or intruders are detected by the cameras on level 4, the vomit fiends all hasten to the scene and attack. Otherwise, they hide in this chamber so that visitors cannot see them. If intruders enter this chamber, the festergogs attack immediately and fight until dead. They use their guns first if they can, but they do not hesitate to close for melee as soon as possible. If they are clearly winning, they give their foes one (and only one) chance to surrender. Development: The festergogs take any foes they capture alive to Bora Ghali (level 4).
Conventional access to the Redoubt is by ski lift only. No roads lead up here, and the climb is too difficult for most people to attempt. The ski lift is operated by a secretary (see level 6) only when guests are expected. Figuring out how to operate the ski lift is easy enough (DC 10 Intelligence check), but its sudden movement alerts those in the Redoubt that someone is coming. In that case, four secretaries immediately go out to wait at the top of the ski lift. Each carries a radio linked to the security room (area 6J) so that they can call for help if a fight breaks out. The festergogs arrive in 1d6 rounds. Though using the ski lift to enter the complex is problematical, it makes a handy escape route for the heroes once their business here is finished.
If the heroes do not manage to kill Bora Ghali in this adventure, they have made an enemy for life. She abandons the Redoubt if she realizes that it has been penetrated, moving to a private penthouse in a nearby major city. She takes all her personnel with her except the whisperer in the dark, though she keeps the more exotic ones hidden from view. Once she has found a new headquarters, she goes back to her plans to expand the Black Mark into a larger and more powerful organization, though she may decide to deal with the heroes first, either by killing them or by recruiting them as employees. If Bora is slain but Mr. Indigo is not, he takes up her cause. Since he has no interest in money, he turns the Black Mark into a cult whose members venerate the power of black magic. He remains loyal to Boras memory, however, and tries to kill all those involved in her death. If both Bora and Mr. Indigo are gone, the Black Mark is effectively destroyed. The employees go their separate ways and bother the heroes no more.
REWARDS The heroes gain the standard experience and wealth awards
associated with the encounters in this adventure. In addition, you may wish to award bonus experience for any investigative work they did at the beginning of the adventure. Depending on how well they were able to piece the clues together themselves, investigation can be the equivalent of up to a CR 12 obstacle.
Design: Editing: Typesetting: Cartography: Creative Direction: Web Production: Web Development: Graphic Design: Owen K. C. Stephens Penny Williams Nancy Walker Rob Lazzaretti Christopher Perkins Julia Martin Mark A. Jindra Cynthia Fliege, Sean Glenn
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Owen Kirker Clifford Stephens was born in 1970 in Norman,
Oklahoma. He attended the TSR Writers Workshop held at the Wizards of the Coast Game Center in 1997 and moved to the Seattle area in 2000, after accepting a job as a Game Designer at Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Fourteen months later, he returned to Oklahoma with his wife and three cats to pick up his freelance writer/developer career. His credits include author and co-author credits on numerous Star Wars and EverQuest projects, as well as Bastards and Bloodlines from Green Ronin. He also has producer credits for various IDA products, including the Stand-Ins printable figures.
This d20System game uses mechanics developed for the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, and Peter Adkison. This game also uses mechanics developed for the Psionics Handbook by Bruce R. Cordell, the Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Game by Monte Cook and John Tynes, and the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker. d20 MODERN, D&D and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS are registered trademarks, and d20 and the d20 System logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. This Wizards of the Coast game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit <www.wizards.com/d20>. 2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.