A Project Report ON: Submitted by
A Project Report ON: Submitted by
A Project Report ON: Submitted by
partial fulfillment of the degree of bacthlor of computer science & application Mr.Pankaj Yadav
Submitted to
Under Guidance of
Miss Sarika Jain
submitted By
Neeraj baroliya Samadhiya Khare Vipul Amit soni Gaurav
SESSION (2010)
This is to certify that Singh Jameer And khan,Vipul khare
Studying in second year of Bachlor of Computer Application in the academic year 2010 has satisfactory completed project titled Stock Management System as a major project and Submitted a satisfactory report of it as a part requirement of degree of BCA of Dr.HariSingh Gour University Sagar (M.P.)
This is to certify that the project report entitled Stock Management System software submitted to the Institute of computer management for the DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & APPLICATION project work carried out by, neeraj Baroliya, Vipul Samadhiya, amit soni & Gaurav Khare.
Head of Date:
The object of a project assigned to us which is about a system named STOCK - MANGEMENT which has been computerized . This software is developed embodies the function and command of C programming language . The advantage of this software is to handle the STOCK MANGEMENT in an easier and rapid manner. This work is original and conducted at DCSA (UTD) sagar this project has not been submitted in part or full to this or any other diploma, degree or any other certificate. Name of Student Neeraj baroliya Vipul Samadhiya
We are extremely grateful to Mr.Pankaj Yadav & all the staff member of our college for their valuable guidance throughout the tenure of this project. We extend our sincere thanks to all faculties in our college. We extended our sincere thanks to all staff of Gyanveer Mahavidyalaya for giving us an opportunity to carry out the project work in their esteemed organization. We express our deep sense of regards of respected teachers, colleagues, friends and those who helped us directly and indirectly who has contributed in numerous ways to the development of our project. We also acknowledge our thanks to ( Head of the Department ) that gave us moral support and a chance to be a part of software world in the very beginning of our careers.
Aim of Project Need of Project Feasibility study Hardware requirement Operating system used Language used in c++ Entity relationship diagram (ERD) Data flowing diagrams(DFD) Table structure Input & output screens
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performed manually. Therefore lot of problems is management. Operations performed manually such as
1. 2. 3. 4.
Adding of new records. Modify records. Search records. Delete records. the above operations can be atomize it
Whenever we develop a project we look for their feasibility study we mainly concerned with the three types of study. If the given project is suitable as for as feasibility study concern then we continue the project development otherwise project development procedure is discontinues . now we will test the following three feasibility. (1) Technical Feasibility (2) Operational feasibility (3) Economic feasibility Technical feasibility: _- In this phase we see that whether hardware or software is available to develop the project or not. It also includes analysis of available resource and capability of the programmer. Since our group is developing a small project in C language. C is a portable language that can be found almost on every computer. It also required less computer hardware. Therefore our project is technically feasible.
Operational Feasibility: - In this phase we see that to develop the project skilled persons or programmer are available or not. We have leant the C language therefore we are able it take this responsibility. Hence our project is operational feasible. Economic Feasibility: - In this phase an organization looks for their budget ; that is whether it can pay hardware, software and project development cost or not. Since we are using minimum configuration of hardware and a general purpose language that can be found on every computer and also we are developing live project free of cost. Therefore our project develops economically feasible also.
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Processor- pantium 4
RAM- 512 MB
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. OS-Window-98 or . OS-DOS-6.2 . Language- C++ language Feature of windows: Windows allows you to open and run more then one program at a time .Each program runs in its own window, and you can simultaneously see more then one windows on the desktop .Managing these windows is handled by the program manager .You also use the program manager to setup programs and program groups so that you can run them by simply clicking on the respective icons. File management and disk management can be handled in a simple way through a windows program called the file manager . The file manager shows the directory structure and content in a way that is a simple and easy to understand .file operation such as copying, moving, deleting and renaming are easy to accomplish disk function can also be handled through the file manager. All printer related work is handled in a uniform way in windows you need to setup your printers just once with the required options and parameters all the program
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running on windows will use these setting print jobs from various program windows are handled through a common facilities called the printer manager. The environment is setup /modified using control panel program where you can decide on your fonts , mouse characteristic, and desktop look and feel . A powerful feature of window is its ability to copy information across program .This feature is in built as board program built to run on windows provide the user with command to use these feature. Windows application program have similar approaches to the users interface and toward the user of feature such as clip board and printing . A window user that is familiar with the working of one program on window is there fore able to quickly and intuitively learn to use a new program .
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Introduction to C++ Language C++ is an object-oriented programming language. C ++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murry Hill, New Jersey, USA, in the early eighties. C++ is a subset of C. The idea of C++ comes from the C increment operator ++, there by suggesting that C++ is an augmented (incremented) version of C. The three most important facilities that C++ adds on to C are classes, function to build overloading, large programs and with operator clarity, overloading. The object-oriented features in C++ allow programmers extensibility and ease of maintenance, incorporating the spirit and efficiency of C.
Appication of C++
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C++ is a versatile language for handling very large programs. It is suitable for virtually any programming task including development of editors, compilers, databases, communication systems and any complex reallife application systems. Since C++ allows us to create hierarchy-related objects, we can build special object-oriented libraries which can be used later by many programmers. While C++ is able to map the real-world problem properly, the C part of C++ gives the language the ability to get close to the machine-level details. C++ programs are easily maintainable and expandable. When a new feature needs to be implemented, it is very easy to add to the existing structure of an object. It is expected that C++ will replace C as a feneral-purpose language in the near future. A Sample of C++ Program Printing a String # include <iostream.h> Main ( ) { Cout << C++ is better C.; } //End of example //include header file //C++ Statement
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We have made our best effort to fulfill the assignment during the tenure of the project work. But it needs a lot of time, teamwork, management & planning to complete such projects. Though we have made quite a few developments, they are always providing or insisting on better alternatives. Although our system is capable enough to handle most of the function associated with any STOCK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM but still it requires a large amount of amendment & development to cope with the practical environment. In the fast changing world no system can be best solution to fulfill changing demands. Other than this system, many systems can be designed for satisfying similar requirement & many amendments can also be done in this system to gather more information.
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Data models are tools used in analysis to Describe the data requirements and assumptions in the system from a top-down perspective. They also set the stage for the design of Data bases later on in the SDLC. There are three basic elements in ER models: Entities are the things about which we seek information. Attributes are the data we collect about the entities. Relationships provide the structure needed to Draw information from multiple entities. Developing an ERD Developing an ERD requires an understanding of the System and its component. Before discussing the Procedure lets look at a narrative How do we start an ERD? 1.Define Entities these are usually nouns used in Descriptions of the system, in the discuss of business Rules or in documentation; identified in the narrative
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2.Define Relationships: these are usually verbs used indescriptios of the system or in discussion of the businessrules (entity-entity); 3.Add attributes to the relations; these are determined by the queries, and may also suggest new entities,e.g. grade; or they may suggest the need for keys or identifiers. Generally E-R Digrams require the use of the following Symbols:
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1.Entity Stock :
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2.Entity Stock
Stock Stock Quantity Quantity Sell Sell stock stock Stock_id Stock_id Stock Stock Price Price
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By using the relation entity diagram We shows the relation between 2 object. Suppose there are two files named Stock information & stock sail then we can represent the relation between both object using the digram.It is a graphical representation of the relation of 2 files.
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Stock Infofmation
Stock Price
Stock Quantity
Stock Price
Stock Sell
Stock Quantity
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Introduction The data flow diagram (DFD)is an OMT diagram that is Added to the UML uite when you activate the OMT module. WARNING : _Information specified the DFD will be lost during future upgrades. Purpose In OMT, you use DFD s to model what happens with data.You model the system as a network of process that transform and exchange data . The DFD s show the flow of data values their sources in Objects through the process that transform them to their destination in other objects. Values can include input values, Output values , and internal data stores. Control information is Shown only in the from of control flows. The following table lists the important elements of DFD s. Guidelines
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You can follow certain guidelines to daw meaningful DFD s. . Optional input flows do not exits. A process can perform Its function only if all its input flows are always Available. .You cannot assign the same data to output flows From the same process. If a process produce more than One data flow, and you can merge two flow into One. Decomosition To specify what a high level process does, break it down into Smaller units in more DFD s . A high-level process is an entire DFD . Each high-level process is decomposed into other Processes with data flows and data stores. Each decomposition Is a DFD in itself. You can continue to break down process Until you rach a level on which further decomposition seems Impossible or meaningless. The data flows of the opened process are connected in the new Diagram to the process related to the opened process. Vertices And the flows and objects connected to them, are transferred With the flows that ar connected to the decomposed process.
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