Physical Characteristics of Thermistor
Physical Characteristics of Thermistor
Physical Characteristics of Thermistor
EXPERIMENT E2: PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMISTOR OBJECTIVES In this experiment, you can learn about the physical characteristics of a thermistor and calculate the temperature coefficient [1]. THEORY A thermistor is a type of resistor. Its resistance varies with temperature. The word thermistor is a combination of words thermal and resistor. A thermistor is made of semiconductor material that exhibits a large change in resistivity proportional to a small change in temperature. The resistance of a thermistor depends on the temperature [1]. There are two types: PTC (positive temperature coefficient) and NTC (negative temperature coefficient). PTC: If the resistance increases with increasing temperature, the device is called PTC thermistor. PTC thermistors can be used as heating elements in small temperature controlled ovens. NTC: If the resistance decreases with increasing temperature, the device is called NTC thermistor. NTC thermistors are used as resistance thermometers in low temperature measurements of the order of 10 K. Thermistors are also commonly used in modern digital thermostats and to monitor the temperature of battery packs while charging [2]. Steinhart-Hart equation The Steinhart-Hart equation is a widely used for accurate temperature measurements:
( )
( )
where a, b and c are called the Steinhart-Hart parameters [3]. B parameter equation Resistance of the thermistor can also be characterized with the exponential function of temperature [2,3]:
( )
(2.2) 10
or (2.3) where is the resistance of thermistor at the temperature is the material constant. is essentially . the Steinhart Hart equation with (in ), is the resistance at
, and
If we arrange the Eq. (2.3) into a logarithmic form, we get a linear function of
( )
( )
The temperature dependence of the resistance of a thermistor is shown in Fig. (2.1.a). ( ) vs. is also given in Fig. (2.1.b). As it is clearly seen, ( ) is linearly dependent on . The slope of the straight line is .
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 1. Fill half the beaker with water. 2. Connect a multimeter (Ohmmeter) to a NTC resistor as shown in Fig. (2.2).
3. Measure the resistance of the thermistor and read the initial temperature from the thermometer. Record them on the table 2.1. 4. Turn on the heater. 5. Measure the resistance of the thermistor for each 5 oC increase of water temperature till 90 oC and record them on the table 2.1. 6. Plot a graph of 7. Plot a graph of versus (graph 2.1).
straight line. Find the slope of the curve that is the value of
8. Calculate the percentage error (see appendix) and Record it on the table 2.1.
25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
( )
( )
( )
BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] EC0221 Laboratory Manual, CHARACTERISTICS-OF-THERMISTOR. [2] Manual written by Doc. RNDr. D. Uhrkov, CSc fileadmin/user_upload/english/Fyzika/Thermistor.pdf. [3] Thermistor, 15