Merlin Spells s4
Merlin Spells s4
Merlin Spells s4
Merlin magically removes the spot from Arthur's shirt o (phonetic spelling) Fordwin wamm. o (possible spelling) Fordwin wamm. o Literal translation = Vanish/cleanse stain/spot/mark. o Possible meaning = Stain, vanish. Morgana uses powerful magic to perform the blood sacrifice that can tear the Veil between the worlds o (phonetic spelling) Eala leofu sweoster pm gastum befste ic pe. Alys pa peoster pe inne onwunap; ongunne dwolma! o (possible spelling) Eala leofu sweostor m gastum befste ic e. Alynne a eostre e inne onwuna; onginn dwolma! o Literal translation = Oh/alas dear/beloved/valued sister/nun the/that breath/soul/spirit/life (dative) fasten/fix/make safe/utilize I thee. Liberate/free/release/ the/that/those/when darkness thee dwelling/in/inside inhabits/remains; begin/attempt/endeavor/attack/assail chaos/darkness. o Possible meaning = Oh, dear sister, I entrust you to the spirits. Release the darkness that remains inside you; chaos, begin! Merlin creates a sphere of light on his hand o (phonetic spelling) Leoht. o (possible spelling) Leoht. o Literal translation = Light/daylight. o Possible meaning = Light. Merlin trying to drive away the Dorocha o (phonetic spelling) Fleoh nu on moras! o (possible spelling) Fleh nu on moras! o Literal translation = Fly now/behold on/at moors/morasses/swamps/hills/mountains. o Possible meaning = Now fly back to the swamps! Merlin setting the wood he had collected on fire o (phonetic spelling) Bael onbryne! o (possible spelling) Bl on bryne! o Literal translation = Fire/flame on/at burning/fire/flame. o Possible meaning = On burning fire!
Merlin setting a piece of wood on fire o (phonetic spelling) Bl onbryne! o (possible spelling) Bl on bryne! o Literal translation = Fire/flame on/at burning/fire/flame.
Morgana casts a stunning spell on Gwen and on two guards o (phonetic spelling) Hleap on bc! o (possible spelling) Hleap on bc! o Literal translation = Run/leap on/at back. o Possible meaning = Leap on your back! Merlin calling the dragon (note: this spell is in Homeric Greek; it is possible that it is incorrect, considering how it should be spelt in Ancient Greek alphabet) o (phonetic spelling) O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes! o (possible spelling) , ! o Literal translation = O dragon, now indeed I utter to you commands out of necessity! Merlin uses his dragonlord powers to send the wyverns away (note: this spell is in Homeric Greek and it hasn't been translated yet) o (phonetic spelling) S'enthend' apokhorein nun epitello-o-o! o Literal translation = I now enjoin you to depart from this place! Merlin knocks Arthur out with a stunning spell o (phonetic spelling) Forb fleoghe! o (possible spelling) For fleoge! o Literal translation = Forth/forward winged insect/fly. o Possible meaning = Fly forth!
Merlin transforming himself again into "Dragoon the Great" with an ageing spell o (phonetic spelling) Miht dagena, bepecce me. Adeaglie pisne gast min freondum ond min feondum. o (possible spelling) Miht dagan, beecce me. Adeada isne gast min freondum ond min feondum. o Literal translation = Power/might of days, cover/protect/conceal me. Fails/decays/dies/destroys/ becomes torpid and callous this breath/soul/spirit/life to my friends and enemies. o Possible meaning = Power of the days, conceal me. This spirit becomes torpid and callous to my friends and enemies. Morgana enchants a pendant to counteract the effects of a healing spell o (phonetic spelling) Seolforprd apringe winstra, apringe yfele, apringe wip ealle gode crfte! o (possible spelling) Seolfor rd aring winstre, aring yfele, aring wi ealle gode crfte! o Literal Translation = Silver thread crowd/press out/rush/break out left/left hand, rush evil/ill/wicked, rush towards/against all/each/every good skill/science/ability/talent. o Possible meaning = Silver thread, rush to the left-hand path; rush to evil; rush against every good skill. Dragoon's healing spell for Uther o (phonetic spelling) Efencume... tgdre, eala gastas crftige: gestricie pis lic forod. o (possible spelling) Efencume... tgdre, eala gastas crft ige: gestrice is lic forod.
Literal Translation = Come together/assemble together/convene/agree... together/united/at the same time, oh!/alas!/lo! souls/spirits/breaths/human beings might/courage/skill/ability your ("ige" indicates possession): knit together/mend this body/corpse broken/worn out/useless. o Possible meaning = Oh, spirits, assemble together your skill: mend this broken body. Dragoon knocks Arthur out with a stunning spell o (phonetic spelling) Hleap on bc! o (possible spelling) Hleap on bc! o Literal translation = Run/leap on/at back. o Possible meaning = Leap on your back!
Merlin cures King Arthur and the other Knights of the Round Table o (phonetic spelling) Ic pe purhhle pinu licsar! o (possible spelling) Ic e urhhle in licsare! o Literal translation = I thee heal thoroughly your wound/body wound/mortal wound. o Possible meaning = I heal you thoroughly from your mortal wound! Merlin protects himself from the poisonous smoke o (phonetic spelling) Prosm tohweorf! o (possible spelling) rosm tohweorfe! o Literal translation = Smoke/vapor/darkness go in different directions/part/separate! o Possible meaning = Smoke, be parted!
Morgana enchants Arthur's sword so that it would hold "the weight of a thousand ages" o (phonetic spelling) Efencume tgdre, eala gastas crft ige: ecg ahefigie; ahefigie mid pare swaernese pusenda geara; ofercum pone swurdboran. o (possible spelling) Efencume tgdre, eala gastas crft ige: ecg ahefigie; ahefigie mid re swrnesse usenda geara; ofercume one sweordboran. o Literal translation = Come together/assemble together/convene/agree together/united/at the same time, oh!/alas!/lo! souls/spirits/breaths/human beings might/courage/skill/ability your ("ige" indicates possession): sword make heavy/weigh down/burden; make heavy/weigh down/burden with the/that heaviness of a burden/weight (of) thousand years; overcome/subdue/conquer the/that swordman/swordbearer. o Possible meaning = Oh, spirits, assemble together your skills! Make the sword heavy; make it heavy with the weight of a thousand years; overcome the swordbearer. Merlin stops Derian's sword o (phonetic spelling) Ecg aetstande! o (possible spelling) Ecg tstande! o Literal translation = Sword stand still/stay.
Merlin causes the rocks to fall, saving Arthur from the bandits o (phonetic spelling) Gewicad ge stanas! o (possible spelling) Gewican ge stanas! o Literal translation = Give way/fail/depart/retire ye/or stones! o Possible meaning = Ye, stones, fall! Morgana cures Merlin's wound o (phonetic spelling) Ic de durhhle dinu licsar mid dam sundorcrft dre ealdan . Drycrft durhhle dina wunda on de geedstadolie! o (possible spelling) Ic e urhhle inu licsar mid am sundorcrft re ealdan . Drycrft urhhle ina wunda ond e geedstaolie! o Literal translation = I thee heal thoroughly thine wound/mortal wound with the/that special power the/that ancient/old oh!/alas! Witchcraft/magic/sorcery heals thoroughly your wounds and thee establish/strengthen/settle/fix! o Possible meaning = I heal you thoroughly from your wound with that special power that is ancient. Oh! Magic heals thoroughly your wounds and strengthens you! Morgana awakes the Fomorroh o (phonetic spelling) Astige du wyrm fah ond gedeowie dt mod disse deowes. Hine bind ond da heold ond awend hi ealle! o (possible spelling) Astige u wyrm fah ond geowe t mod isse eowes. Hine bind ond a heold ond awenda he ealle! o Literal translation = Rise/mount/ascend you reptile/serpent/snake/worm hostile and tame/oppress/enslave the/that heart/spirit this (of) servant. Him tie/bind/fasten/restrain and the/that/those/when hold/contain/restrain/possess/inhabit and avert/turn aside/remove/change/alter he completely/entirely/wholly! o Possible meaning = You, hostile serpent, rise and and enslave the mind of this servant. Bind him and possess him; he changes completely! Morgana blasts Dragoon away o (phonetic spelling) Ablinn du; forlt du nu! o (possible spelling) Ablinn u; forlte u nu! o Literal translation = Cease/leave off/desist you; let go/relinquish/surrender/leave you now! o Possible meaning = You, leave off; you, surrender now! Merlin, disguised as "Dragoon the Great", attacks Morgana with a stunning spell o (phonetic spelling) Forp fleoge! o (possible spelling) For fleoge! o Literal translation = Forth/forward winged insect/fly. o Possible meaning = Fly forth! Emrys uses his powerful magic to send a whirlwind against Morgana o (phonetic spelling) Ic her accigie nne windraes! Frbld waw! Windrs ungetermed: ge hier! Ic de bebeod mid ealle strangesse daet du geblawest ond syrmest strange! Gespurn peos haegtesse! o (possible spelling) Ic her aciege nne windrs! Frbld wawe! Windrs ungetermed: gehiere! Ic e bebiede mid ealle strangnesse t u geblwest ond sierest strange! Ge spurne eos hgtesse!
Literal translation = I here/in this place summon/call one storm of wind! Sudden blast of wind blow (of wind)! Storm of wind un-tearing/laceration not strong/infirm - ye/or obey/follow! I thee command/instruct with all/everything/entire strength/power/violence the/that you blow and plot/contrive/devise strongly/violently! Ye/or strike/strike against this fury/witch/pythoness! o Possible meaning = Here I summon a storm of wind! Sudden blast of wind, blow! You, strong and unstoppable storm of wind, obey! I command you with all my power to blow and devastate violently! Strike this witch! Merlin kills the Fomorroh with a fire spell o (phonetic spelling) Ontend disne wyrm pt he licge unastyred a butan ende! o (possible spelling) Ontende isne wyrm t he licge unastyred a butan ende! o Literal translation = Kindle/set fire to/inflame this reptile/serpent/snake/worm the/that he lies/fails unmoved always/ever/forever out of/without end. o Possible meaning = Kindle this serpent so that it will lie unmoved forever without end!
Alator makes a horse run away from the stables o (phonetic spelling) Ga on wuda! o (possible spelling) Ga on wuda! o Literal translation = Go/come/move on/at woods/forests/groves. o Possible meaning = Go to the woods! Alator puts a sleeping enchantment on Gaius o (phonetic spelling) Onslaep nu! o (possible spelling) Onslp nu! o Literal translation = Go to sleep/sleep lo/behold/come/now. o Possible meaning = Sleep now! Alator of the Catha uses the power of Fire to mentally torture Gaius, creating a ring of flames around him o (phonetic spelling) Lig-fyr onbrne swithe! o (possible spelling) Ligfyr onbrne swie! o Literal translation = Fire kindle/ignite/heat/inflame/burn strong/mighty/violent/severe. o Possible meaning = Mighty fire, burn! Gaius uses his magic to extinguish the fire o (phonetic spelling) Acwence tha blblysse! o (possible spelling) Acwence a blblyse! o Literal translation = Quench/extinguish/put out the/that/those/when blaze of a fire/funeral blaze. o Possible meaning = Extinguish this blaze! Alator strengthen his fire spell o (phonetic spelling) Fyr withere! o (possible spelling) Fyr wiere! o Literal translation = Fire resist/oppose/struggle against/provoke/be provoked. o Possible meaning = Fire, resist! Alator of the Catha uses his staff to strike Morgana with a stunning spell
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(phonetic spelling) Forp fleoge! (possible spelling) For fleoge! Literal translation = Forth/forward winged insect/fly. Possible meaning = Fly forth!
Merlin tries to heal the men that had been attacked by Lamia in Longstead o (phonetic spelling) Ic the thurhhle thinu licsar! o (possible spelling) Ic e urhhle in licsare! o Literal translation = I thee heal thoroughly your wound/body wound/mortal wound. o Possible meaning = I heal you thoroughly from your mortal wound! Merlin relights the torches that Lamia had put out with her magic, while leading the Knights to her lair o (phonetic spelling) Scin scir! o (possible spelling) Scin scire! o Literal translation = Shine upon/illuminate/flash/(noun) illusion/deceptive appearance make clear/declare/tell/make known/(adverb) brightl/clearly/mightily. o Possible meaning = Shine brightly! Merlin sends a flying sword against Lamia o (phonetic spelling) Thurhdrife hi ecg! o (possible spelling) urhdrif hie ecg! o Literal translation = Drive/push through/strike/pierce/perforate her/them sword/blade/weapon. o Possible meaning = Sword, pierce her! Merlin makes the ceiling fall on Lamia o (phonetic spelling) Feall hushefen! o (possible spelling) Feall hushefen! o Literal translation = Trap/pitfall/fall ceiling. o Possible meaning = Ceiling, fall!
Lancelot du Lac
Morgana casts a love spell on her bracelet o (phonetic spelling) Beclypp thinne idese tht heo hine lyste! o (possible spelling) Beclyppe inne idese t heo hine lyste! o Literal translation = Clasp/embrace/hold thine/your/strike against virgin/woman/wife/lady/queen the/that she him please/cause pleasure/desire. o Possible meaning = Clasp your woman so that she will desire him! Merlin enchants the magical circle to reveal Lancelot's true form o (phonetic spelling) Onluc tha sothan treow! o (possible spelling) Onluc a soan treow! o Literal translation = Unlock/open/reveal/disclose the/that sooth/very true/real truth/fidelity/faith/trust. o Possible meaning = Reveal the true fidelity! Merlin makes Lancelot drop his sword o (phonetic spelling) Ecg miss! o (possible spelling) Ecg misse!
Literal translation = Weapon/sword/blade miss/escape. Possible meaning = Lose the sword! Merlin frees Lancelot's spirit from Morgana's control o (phonetic spelling) Grith fstne mid thisse tintregedan sawole! o (possible spelling) Gri fstne mid isse tintregian sawle! o Literal translation = Truce/peace/protection fasten/fix/secure for with this tortured/tormented soul. o Possible meaning = Give peace to this tormented soul!
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Merlin distracts the guards by pushing a barrel o (phoentic spelling) Strangath bydenfaetu. o (possible spelling) Stranga bydenft. o Literal translation = Grows strong/prevails/moves with energy bushel/barrel. o Possible meaning = The barrel moves with energy. Merlin magically locks the grate o (phoentic spelling) Wyrth gatu faest! o (possible spelling) Wyr gatu fst! o Literal translation = Endowed with reason/intelligent/rational gates fast/fixed/firm/secure/closed. o Possible meaning = Intelligent and closed gates!
Morgana casts a spell to magically copy the plans to the siege tunnels of Camelot o (phoentic spelling) Writ thas gelicnesse ond afstna tha thm clute tha. o (possible spelling) Write s gelicnesse ond afstne a m clute a. o Literal translation = Incise/engrave/draw this/these likeness/form/figure/appearance and fix upon/fasten/make firm/strengthen the/that clout/patch/cloth/piece of metal/plate the/that/those/when. o Possible meaning = Incise this copy and fix it to the piece of cloth. Morgana turns Gwen into a deer by putting a glamour on her o (phoentic spelling) Nu bebeod ic the thaet thu ltest thine flcsclice gelicnysse. Wyrth deor! o (possible spelling) Nu bebiede ic e t u ltest ine flsc sclice gelic nysse. Wyr deor! o Literal translation = Now/behold command/enquire/offer I thee the/that you leave behind/remain/allow thine/thy flesh/body/carnal nature fleshy/carnal like/alike/similar (to) weariness/disgrace/dishonour/ shame/sorrow. Endowed with reason/intelligent/rational beast/wild animal/deer. o Possible meaning = Now I command you to leave behind your carnal body similar to sorrow. Intelligent deer! Merlin casts a healing spell on Gwen o (phoentic spelling) Ic haele thina throwunga. o (possible spelling) Ic hle ina rowunga. o Literal translation = I heal/cure/save thine/thy sufferings. o Possible meaning = I cure your sufferings.
Merlin blocks Helios' soldiers with fire from two torches o (phonetic spelling) Bael onbryne! o (possible spelling) Bl on bryne! o Literal translation = Fire/flame on/at burning/fire/flame. o Possible meaning = On burning fire! Merlin makes Arthur lose his will o (phoentic spelling) Mod wes craeftles. o (possible spelling) Mod ws crftleas. o Literal translation = Heart/mind/spirit/mood/temper was artless/unskilful/innocent/simple. o Possible meaning = The mind was simple. Morgana stuns Arthur, Merlin and the other fleeing knights in the woods o (phonetic spelling) Taefle! o (possible spelling) Tfle! o Literal translation = Given to dice-play/throw the dice. o Possible meaning = Throw [them like] dice! Morgana persuades a Nathair to torture Elyan o (phoentic spelling) Unmicel snacca, suge tha sothan... swilcnesse! o (possible spelling) Unmicel snaca, suge a soan... swilcnesse! o Literal translation = Little/small snake/serpent/reptile, suck the/that/those/when sooth/very true/real... quality/property/nature/state/condition. o Possible meaning = Little snake, suck his true nature! Merlin sets a cart on fire o (phonetic spelling) Bael onbryne! o (possible spelling) Bl on bryne! o Literal translation = Fire/flame on/at burning/fire/flame. o Possible meaning = On burning fire!
Merlin summons the Great Dragon to attack Agravaine and his men (note: this spell is in Homeric Greek and it hasn't been translated yet) o (phonetic spelling) O drakon, fthengomai au se kalon; su katerkheo deuro! o (possible spelling) , ; ! Merlin uses his Dragonlord powers to call Kilgharrah (note: this spell is in Homeric Greek; it is possible that it is incorrect, considering how it should be spelt in Ancient Greek alphabet) o (phonetic spelling) O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes! o (possible spelling) , ! o Literal translation = O dragon, now indeed I utter to you commands out of necessity! Merlin opens the gate
(phonetic spelling) Tospringe. (possible spelling) Tospringe. Literal translation = I spring apart/fly asunder/burst open. Possible meaning = Open quickly. Merlin is heard finishing his ageing spell o (phonetic spelling) [...] min freondum ond min feondum. o (possible spelling) [...] min freondum ond min feondum. o Literal translation = [...] to my friends and enemies. o Possible meaning = [...] to my friends and enemies. Merlin uses a poppet to put a curse upon Morgana, blocking her magical powers o (phonetic spelling) Ontend eallne thaes drycraeftes hire sawle! o (possible spelling) Ontende eallne s drycrftes hire sawle! o Literal translation = Kindle/set fire to/inflame all/every/whole/entire the/that (of) magic/witchcraft her (of) soul. o Possible meaning = Kindle all the magic of her soul! Morgana tries to cast a stunning spell (phonetic spelling) Hleap on baec! (possible spelling) Hleap on bc! Literal translation = Run/leap on/at back. Possible meaning = Leap on your back! Morgana tries again to cast a stunning spell, but her magic is blocked by Merlin's curse o (phonetic spelling) Hleap on baec! o (possible spelling) Hleap on bc! o Literal translation = Run/leap on/at back. o Possible meaning = Leap on your back!
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