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Date: 18/10/2011 Code: Product: CM18 Subject Software & Interface Specifications

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30/11/10 20/12/10

Modified: CM Option One Config (see 2.27.6) Get reader session short statistic upload (see 2.28.48) Get deatil of unfit classification of any notes (see 2.28.52) Modified: Download (see 2.33) Extended status (see 2.19) Machine identification (see 2.28.2) Set booking banknotes status (see Journal log (see 2.31) Modified: Get Cash Data (see 2.2) Get Cash Data logical (see 2.32.3) OSC Communication Port Test (see 2.28.59) Get Error Log & Unit Life Journal log (see 2.30) Get increase time control dispense amount (see 2.28.36) Journal log (see 2.31) Get Safe set-up (see 2.28.40) OSC Communication Port Test (see 2.28.59) Get denomination or multitype cassette (see 2.28.66) Added: Deposit counting facing all denomination (see 2.13) Deposit counting orientating all denomination (see 2.14) Fill CM Option Two Config (see 2.27.14) Get CM Option Two Config (see 2.28.29 ) Optional Device (see 2.38) Modified: LAN authorizaed address list fill (see Updated all command timeout Deleted: Transfer file from OSC Card memory Modified: Fill CM Option Two Config (see 2.27.14)










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1.1 Technical specifications....................................................................................................................................8 1.2 Controller...........................................................................................................................................................8 1.3 Electrical Interface............................................................................................................................................9 1.4 Communication Protocol DIN66348 (Standard protocol)..........................................................................10 1.5 Communication Protocol LAN_PROT (Simplified protocol).....................................................................12 2.1. Open..................................................................................................................................................................14 2.2. GetCashData....................................................................................................................................................16 2.3. GetCashData logical........................................................................................................................................17 2.4. Deposit...............................................................................................................................................................18 2.5. Deposit in counting mode block .....................................................................................................................21 2.6. Deposit sorting one denomination..................................................................................................................23 2.7. Deposit forced (only one note) .......................................................................................................................24 2.8. Deposit fitness sorting ....................................................................................................................................25 2.9. Deposit fitness face sorting ............................................................................................................................26 2.10. Deposit denomination sorting .....................................................................................................................27 2.11. Deposit counting fit batch ............................................................................................................................28 2.12. Deposit counting fit/unfit batch ...................................................................................................................29 2.13. Deposit counting facing all denomination ..................................................................................................30 2.14. Deposit counting orientating all denomination ..........................................................................................30 2.15. Undo/Accept/View list deposit ...................................................................................................................31 2.16. Withdrawal.....................................................................................................................................................32 2.17. Close ...............................................................................................................................................................33 2.18. Alarm & Command Block ........................................................................................................................33 2.18.1. Silent Alarm ...........................................................................................................................................33 2.18.2. Temporary Command Block (Time Lock) ...........................................................................................34 2.18.3. Keycode Command Block (Keycode Lock) .........................................................................................34 2.18.4. Temporary Open Door ...........................................................................................................................35 2.18.5. OPTIONAL Alarm1 ..............................................................................................................................35 2.19. Extended-status .............................................................................................................................................36 2.20. Version ...........................................................................................................................................................37 2.21. Key-code Change .........................................................................................................................................38


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2.22. Assign cassette ...............................................................................................................................................39 2.23. Init cassette.....................................................................................................................................................40 2.24. Empty cassette................................................................................................................................................41 2.25. Get Config ......................................................................................................................................................42 2.26. Set Config .......................................................................................................................................................43 2.27. Fill command .................................................................................................................................................44 2.27.1. Date and Time transfer..............................................................................................................................44 2.27.2. Service Transfer........................................................................................................................................45 2.27.3. Write Data & Time clock..........................................................................................................................45 2.27.4. Fill CM Config..........................................................................................................................................46 2.27.5. Fill CM Option Config .............................................................................................................................47 2.27.6. Fill CM Option One Config .....................................................................................................................48 2.27.7. Fill CM Unit identification.......................................................................................................................49 2.27.8. Fill CM Cassette number..........................................................................................................................49 2.27.9. Power On Transfer....................................................................................................................................49 2.27.10. Fill withdrawal bundle size .................................................................................................................50 2.27.11. Fill increase time control dispense amount .........................................................................................50 2.27.12. Fill counting bundle size .....................................................................................................................50 2.27.13. Fill LAN type communication protocol ...............................................................................................51 2.27.14. Fill CM Option Two Config..................................................................................................................51 .............................................................................................................................................................................51 2.27.15. Photo Sensor Write.................................................................................................................................52 2.28. Test command................................................................................................................................................53 2.28.1. Unit Cover Test.........................................................................................................................................53 2.28.2. Unit identification.....................................................................................................................................54 2.28.3. Recovery mode identification [NOT AVAILABLE]................................................54 2.28.4. Feeder reject..............................................................................................................................................55 2.28.5. Suspend recovery ................................................55 2.28.6. Re-activate recovery ............................................................................................55 2.28.7. Force reset ....................................................................................................56 2.28.8. Unit Cover Test & Extern Button State....................................................................................................56 2.28.9. Read Data & Time clock Safe Controller..............................................................................................57 2.28.10. Unit output side note............................................................................................................................58 2.28.11. Multidenomination cassette detail.......................................................................................................58 2.28.12. Machine identification ........................................................................................................................59 2.28.13. Overflow or Unfit cassette detail.........................................................................................................60 2.28.14. Get CM Config....................................................................................................................................60 2.28.15. Init Journal LOG....................................................................................................................................61 2.28.16. Get delay class ...................................................................................................................................61 2.28.17. Get periodic operating hour.................................................................................................................61 2.28.18. Get A-periodic operating hour.............................................................................................................62 2.28.19. Get CM Option Config........................................................................................................................62 2.28.20. Get CM Option One Config.................................................................................................................63 2.28.21. Unit Output UNFIT Note.....................................................................................................................63 2.28.22. Unit Safe UNFIT Note..........................................................................................................................63 2.28.23. Detail NATION cassette......................................................................................................................64 2.28.24. Unit UNFIT note details ......................................................................................................................64 ...........................................................................................................................................................................64 2.28.25. Unit COUNTERFEIT & SUSPECT note details .................................................................................65 2.28.26. Unit SUSPECT note details.................................................................................................................65 2.28.27. Get firmware complete suite ...............................................................................................................66 2.28.28. Host connection monitor......................................................................................................................66 2.28.29. Get CM Option Two Config................................................................................................................66

2.28.30. 2.28.31. 2.28.32. 2.28.33. 2.28.34. 2.28.35. 2.28.36. 2.28.37. 2.28.38. 2.28.39. 2.28.40. 2.28.41. 2.28.42. 2.28.43. 2.28.44. 2.28.45. 2.28.46. 2.28.47. 2.28.48. 2.28.49. 2.28.50. 2.28.51. 2.28.52. 2.28.53. 2.28.54. 2.28.55. 2.28.56. 2.28.57. 2.28.58. 2.28.59. 2.28.60. 2.28.61. 2.28.62. 2.28.63. 2.28.64. 2.28.65. 2.28.66.

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Photo Sensor Adjust.............................................................................................................................67 Photo Sensor Read...............................................................................................................................67 Get CM Cassette number....................................................................................................................68 Get shift center banknote on output slot.............................................................................................68 Set shift center banknote on output slot..............................................................................................68 Get withdrawal bundle size ................................................................................................................69 Get increase time control dispense amount .......................................................................................69 Get counting bundle size ...................................................................................................................69 Get LAN type communication protocol ...........................................................................................70 Session Control....................................................................................................................................70 Get Safe Set-up....................................................................................................................................71 Clear Tracks [NOT AVAILABLE]............................................72 Tracks Clean [NOT AVAILABLE]............................................72 Read Data & Time Clock Safe Controller ..........................................................................................73 Controller module name......................................................................................................................73 Module identification ..........................................................................................................................74 Identifier control..................................................................................................................................75 Get identifier bank for download.........................................................................................................75 Get reader session short statistic upload ............................................................................................76 Get identifier number of active banks ................................................................................................76 Get identifier bank configurations.......................................................................................................77 Get all identifier references..................................................................................................................77 Get detail of unfit classification of any notes ...................................................................................78 Get identifier active bank for download............................................................................................79 Get identifier Flash-DSP associations ..............................................................................................79 Currency flash unistall.........................................................................................................................80 Get MAC Address................................................................................................................................80 Get LAN configuration parameters ....................................................................................................81 Get authorized IP/MAC addresses ......................................................................................................81 OSC Communication Port Test...........................................................................................................82 OSC Memory Interface Test................................................................................................................82 OSC LCD & Touch Screen Test..........................................................................................................83 OSC Lamps & Buttons Test................................................................................................................83 OSC Audio Test...................................................................................................................................83 OSC Communication PortId Test........................................................................................................84 Cassette control....................................................................................................................................84 Get denomination on multi type cassette ...........................................................................................85

2.29. Utility Commands .........................................................................................................................................86 2.29.1. Switch USB\RS232 protocol from standard to simplified or vice versa................................................86 2.30. Get Error Log & Unit Life ...........................................................................................................................87 2.31. Journal LOG ................................................................................................................................................92 2.31.1. Get Journal LOG Info...............................................................................................................................98 2.31.2. Get Journal LOG record............................................................................................................................98 2.31.3. Fill Journal LOG string.............................................................................................................................99 2.32. Module Fill ...................................................................................................................................................100 2.32.1. Module CM18 fill command..................................................................................................................100 CM18 serial number fill...................................................................................................................100 CM18 fill delay class ...........................................................................................................101 CM18 log on operator......................................................................................................................102 CM18 log off operator.....................................................................................................................102 Get cash balance operator................................................................................................................102 Get operator.....................................................................................................................................103 Get user ...........................................................................................................................................103 Add operator....................................................................................................................................104 Add User .........................................................................................................................................104


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Page 6 Del operator...................................................................................................................................105 Del User ........................................................................................................................................105 Buzzer BEEP.................................................................................................................................106 Extended Warning module [NOT AVAILABLE]......................................106 Set booking banknotes ..................................................................................................................107 Del booking banknotes..................................................................................................................107 Get booking banknotes..................................................................................................................108 Get ALL booking banknotes..........................................................................................................108 Get operator cash data detail UNFIT or OVERFLOW.................................................................109 Get operator cash data detail MULTIDENOMINATION.............................................................109 Get booking banknotes Ext............................................................................................................110 Set booking banknotes status ........................................................................................................111 Execute booking banknotes .........................................................................................................111 Logical banknote transfer ............................................................................................................112 Get status logical banknote transfer .............................................................................................113 Set enable/disable cassette ...........................................................................................................113 2.32.2. Module Reader fill command.................................................................................................................114 Reader serial number fill..................................................................................................................114 Set identifier bank............................................................................................................................114 Set identifier number of active banks..............................................................................................114 Set bank config register...................................................................................................................115 Set identifier bank configurations....................................................................................................115 2.32.3. Module Safe Controller fill command....................................................................................................116 Safe Controller serial number fill....................................................................................................116 2.32.4. Module Cassette fill command...............................................................................................................116 Cassette serial number fill................................................................................................................116 Set denomination on multi type cassette ........................................................................................117 2.32.5. CM18 Mac Address fill..........................................................................................................................117 Mac Address serial number fill........................................................................................................117 2.32.6. CM18 LAN Parameter fill......................................................................................................................118 LAN Parameter fill .........................................................................................................................118 Mac Address serial number fill from Controller Serial Number.....................................................118 LAN authorized addresses list fill ...................................................................................................119 2.32.7. CM18 operating hour fill........................................................................................................................119 Fill periodic operating hour.............................................................................................................119 Fill A-periodic operating hour.........................................................................................................121 2.33. Download .....................................................................................................................................................122 2.33.1. Install Controller (Higher controller) firmware .....................................................................................122 2.33.2. Install Reader firmware ..........................................................................................................................123 2.33.3. Install Safe (Lower Controller) firmware ..............................................................................................123 2.33.4. Install FPGA firmware ...........................................................................................................................123 2.33.5. Install Reader Reference ........................................................................................................................123 2.33.6. Install Cassette firmware ........................................................................................................................124 2.33.7. Install Multi-Cassette firmware .............................................................................................................124 2.33.8. Execute file on OSCard memory ...........................................................................................................126 2.33.9. Init transfer .............................................................................................................................................126 2.33.10. Set download directory.......................................................................................................................126 2.33.11. Reset download directory ...................................................................................................................126 2.34. Transfer file to OSC Card memory ..........................................................................................................127 2.34.1. Get data reader information ...................................................................................................................129 2.35. RS232 Parameter.........................................................................................................................................130 2.35.1. Temporary change baud rate...................................................................................................................130 2.36. Transparent On...........................................................................................................................................131 2.37. Transparent Off...........................................................................................................................................131


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2.38. OPTIONAL DEVICES...............................................................................................................................132 2.38.1. LOCK SAFE...........................................................................................................................................132 Init...................................................................................................................................................132 Get channel description....................................................................................................................132 Get cassette number.........................................................................................................................133 Open one cassette.............................................................................................................................133 Fill cassette description....................................................................................................................134 Fill cassette number.........................................................................................................................134 3.1. Nation Mode...................................................................................................................................................135 3.2. Safe configuration..........................................................................................................................................135 3.3. Deposit operation...........................................................................................................................................137 3.4. Withdrawal operation...................................................................................................................................139 3.5. Alarm configuration on controller board....................................................................................................140 4.1. Reply Code Table...........................................................................................................................................141 4.2. General conditions.........................................................................................................................................141 4.3. Operating conditions.....................................................................................................................................142 4.4. Operating errors............................................................................................................................................143 4.5. Failures ...........................................................................................................................................................144 4.6. Reply code present in the ERROR LOG ............................................................................145

4.7. Internal Reply Code.......................................................................................................................................148 4.8. Extended reply codes.....................................................................................................................................149 4.8.1. Feeder unit .............................................................................................................................................149 4.8.2. Controller HIGH unit (TRANSPARENT MODE 2)............................................................................150 4.8.3. Controller LOW unit (TRANSPARENT MODE 1)...........................................................................151 4.8.4. Note Reader unit (TRANSPARENT MODE 3)..................................................................................152 4.8.5. Cassette unit AH (TRANSPARENT MODE 4D)...........................................................................153 5.1. Value code ......................................................................................................................................................154 5.2. Currency code................................................................................................................................................154


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1.1 Technical specifications

External interface(HOST_1 & HOST_2) USB interface LAN interface Internal communication from OSC to Real Time Controller(MC19) Internal communication line from Real Time Controller(MC19) to Reader SEF (RS12) Internal communication line from Real Time Controller(MC19) to Safe Controller(SC19) Internal communication line from Safe Controller(SC19) to Cassette(CR37) Serial RS232 38400 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit Serial RS232 38400 baud, 8 bit , no parity , 1 stop bit Serial RS232 9600 baud, 8 bit , no parity , 1 stop bit

Serial RS232 19200 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 2 stop bit

Serial RS485 Half-duplex ,19200 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 2 stop bit

1.2 Controller
This module controls the slave modules via the RS232 (Lower Controller & Reader SEF_FIT) internal interface. It also provide a direct control of some hardware circuitry such as the horizontal and vertical transport , the shiftactuator, output and cassette sorting , note counting etc. The functions are shared in tasks : Host-interface task : interface arbitration, syntax control, command decoding ,protocol-control. Each process (cmd sequence) is related at one operator code and side.

Execution & control task : execute the command procedure controlling slave-modules(by RS232 interface)and internal driving circuitry. In operating every banknote is controlled from beginning to end of its motion to insure a good job and immediate stop in case of jam. Hardware interrupt task : A command procedure can activate different timer interrupt to activate the electromechanical components directly connected to this board.

Handling of two separate V24(RS232C) host interface. Host-master / controller-slave communication logic. The controller provides a reply sequence after every command execution. The cash can be totally shared or separate for the two operators. A non-volatile program-memory allows to update micro code & set-up via host serial interface. Service-command allow to communicate directly with the slave-module via host serial-interface for test and maintenance


1.3 Electrical Interface

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The host is master and the controller is slave . CM18 controller cannot originate commands but only answer to external ones . The host-interfaces are standard RS232C serial interface with the following parameters : baud-rate mode data-bit stop-bit parity number protocol : : : : : : : 9600 baud full-duplex 8 bit 1 bit none 2 (one for each operator) DIN66348 data link protocol

The setting is the same for both host-interfaces . In case two serial interface are used , an host-command can arrive from both connectors; the cmd-response will be sent on the same interface the command came in . If a communication problem happens during a procedure, the controller restart on the same serial channel . CM18 control RS232 DTR (Data Terminal Ready) Power OFF Power ON Power OFF



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1.4 Communication Protocol DIN66348 (Standard protocol)

The protocol control procedure DIN 66348 is used to provide a secure communication between host and controller. The procedure is bi-directional, which means that the host can act as sender or receiver. The unit will act as a sender only when replying to the host. This procedure consists of tree different phases : Phase Host/Unit (Sender) Unit/Host (Receiver) Time-out Condition if Timeout occurs

1) Request to send

ENQ DLE 0 or NAK 3 sec Command not valid Back to phase 1 as above as above as above

2) Data transfer

STX 1 Text ETB/ETX BCC DLE 1 or NAK STX 0 Text ETB/ETX BCC DLE 0 or NAK 3 sec 3 sec 3 sec

3) Terminal


Request to send
This is the procedure to start the communication between Host and Unit, it can be used by either of them and the other one must reply according to the following table. Host ENQ Target reply NAK DLE 0 ENQ Others Time out Description Busy Ready Conflict, the target is still trying to send back some reply or info related to a previous command. The host must go back the receive mode and link by sending DLE 0 Ignored Retry connection twice or send EOT and return to Idle mode

When the unit is sending a string back to the host and a time out occurs(from host) , the unit in sending ENQ for n. 3 times (at 30 sec. Intervals) and then after 30 seconds the unit sends EOT and returns to idle state and pending reply string is lost.

Data transfer
If the reply is "ready" the data transfer phase will start. The first message block has number '1' and must be acknowledged by DLE '1'. The sequence of block numbers is then : '0' , '1' , '0' , etc. The acknowledgment always has the same number as the message . Use "ETX" instead of "ETB" on the end of the last block . Host STX n Text ETB/ETX BCC Target reply NAK DLE n Time out Description Negative acknowledge, repeat block Positive acknowledge, send next block n = 0 or 1 according to the one received Recovery, wait for two more time-outs and if no reply arrives, send EOT and return to Idle-mode Overview

Terminal phase

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If the number of text-bytes is over 80 it is necessary to divide the text in more blocks .

ENQ(05h)= enquire DLE(10h)= data link escape ACK(06h)= acknowledge NAK(15h)= not acknowledge STX(02h)= start of text ETB(17h)= end of transmission block ETX(03h)= end of text BCC(ddh)= Block Check Chars is the binary sum(module 2) of bit 0 to bit 6 of all chars in the block excluding STX up and including ETB(or ETX) . BCC parity-bit is always even. Example of the function to evaluate the BCC BCC Buffer OutBuffer LenSnd //*control character //*output buffer sent to the dispenser //*integer containing the buffers length

//* The first transmission character (STX) is not used to calculate the BCC value //* Buffer = STX O,1,L,123456,ETX OutBuffer [0] = Buffer [0] for (index = 1; index < LenSnd; index++ { OutBuffer [index] = Buffer [index]; bcc = bcc + Buffer [index]; } bcc = bcc & 0x7F; Outbuffer [index++] = bcc;

Text(207Fh)= all text have to be in ASCII-chars (control byte are <20h).



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1.5 Communication Protocol LAN_PROT (Simplified protocol)

The procedure is bi-directional, which means that the host can act as sender or receiver. The unit will act as a sender only when replying to the host. This procedure consists of one phase: Phase Data transfer HOST (Sender) STX Text ETX BCC EOT STX Text ETB ETX BCC EOT NAK STX(02h)= start of text ETX(03h)= end of text EOT(04h) = end of transfer NAK(15h)= not acknowledge BCC(ddh) = Block Check Chars of bit 0 to bit 6 of all chars in the block excluding EOT. Example of the function to evaluate the BCC bcc buffer LenSnd // control character // output buffer sent to the dispenser // integer containing the buffers length Correct phase If BCC or Text errors Unit (Receiver) Description

// The last transmission character (EOT) is not used to calculate the BCC value // Buffer = STXO,1,L,123456,ETX bcc = 0; for (index = 0; index < LenSnd; index++) { bcc = bcc + Buffer [index]; } bcc = bcc & 0x7F; The communication between host and device takes place in accordance to TCP/IP protocol specifications (as defined by IETF RFC793). Ten (10) ports are reserved to user applications for communicating with the device. These ports are numbered from port 8000 through port 8009, inclusive. These ten user ports may be opened concurrently. An eleventh port is also available - port 8100 - that is reserved for special purposes such as file transfer when performing device firmware download. This port is identified as the service port. Communication through the service port must be initiated by a specific command sent to any one of the ten user ports



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Command handling

The protocol task which controls the two serial interfaces, once installed at power on, remains active on both channels all the time. As soon as one of two host-interfaces generate an interrupt, the CM18 reserves that channel for communication and sets the other one in Busy mode. The command received is checked for syntax and context and an immediate answer is given in case of error. If the command is accepted, the execution task is activated and the reply message is sent at the end of the job. The first parameter of each command is a sequential number which goes from 1 to 9 . The same number is echoed on the answer and can be used to relate the Host request to the CM18 reply in case of missing synchronism. The Host should not send more than one command to the CM18 before receiving a reply. For a reliable a secure sharing of the unit we suggest the following sequence:

Left operator

CM18 RS 232 L

CM18 RS 232 R

Right operator

Customer transaction Open CM18 - Left side OK Get Cash Data Send Total Cash Amount Deposit/Withdrawal Execute operation Deposit/Withdrawal Execute operation Close communication OK End of transaction OK Busy Busy Busy Busy

Customer transaction

Open CM18 -Right side Open CM18 -Right side Open CM18 -Right side Open CM18 -Right side Open CM18 -Right side Get Cash Data Send Total Cash Amount Deposit/Withdrawal Execute operation Close communication OK End of transaction


2.1. Open

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The Open command is used to establish a link between the Host and the CM18. The user and the relative password must be specified in order to define the side to be used for ejecting the bank/notes and which cassettes can be used by the operator. At least one cassette should match the password. cmd: reply: where: n s code rc sequential number (19) User (AT) access-code (6 ASCII-chars) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 Ok 2 Software error 4 The CM18 is busy during reset or already open to the other side or LCD MENU active. 65 No cassettes with a matching key code 66 No cassettes enable for that side All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) 2 Book one side for 1 minute (optional) 3 Cancel book side (optional) 1 sec

O,n,s,code[,opt] O,n,s,rc

opt T-out

Ex. 1: Define the user to work Host: O,1,L,123456 CM: O,1,L,1 Ex. 2: Book one user before send command Open Host: O,1,L,123456,2 CM: O,1,L,1 Ex. 3: Cancel book one user after send command Open with book the same user Host: O,1,L,123456,3 CM: O,1,L,1



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In the following examples all the cassettes have the same key-code and they are enabled for left and right. Time Host 1 CM18 RS 232 Connect. To Host1 O,1,L,1 O,1,R,123456 O,1,R,4 O,2,L,123456 O,2,L,4 O,2,L,123456 O,2,L,1 C,3,L C,3,L,1 O,3,R,123456 O,3,R,1 C,4,R C,4,R,1 O,5,L,123456 O,5,L,1 CM18 RS 232 Connect. to Host2 Host 2

To T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15


The example shows that although the two lines can be used from any operator (L,R), once the CM18 is connected to one operator on line A , line B goes in the Error/Busy condition until the close command on line A.


2.2. GetCashData

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With this command it is possible to have information regarding the cassettes enabled to the user specified. The operator will be able to know: how many cassettes are enabled to his side, the note denomination for each cassette, the number of notes contained in every cassette and the average number of notes that can still be loaded. cmd: reply: where: n s rc Sequential number(19) User (AT) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 67 = Wrong side All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Note-id(4 ASCII-byte) Bank note number(13 decimal-ASCII ie:1,45,254) Cassette free-capacity(13 dec.-ASCII ie: 420,53,3) Cassette(1 ASCII-byte 'A''H') Enable switch : Y for enable N for disable O for Switched off* X, for not present 1 sec

G,n,s G,n,s,rc,[n.id,nnn,rrr,c,e] * 8

n.id nnn rrr c e


NOTE: A cassette can be programmed with more than one denomination of the same value. In that case the forth character of the denomination will be set as *.(i.e. EUCA+EUCT = EUC*) and the Note number will be the total number of notes in the cassette. If the reply to the GetCashData command contains two or more record of the same denomination, it means that there are two or more cassettes with the same denomination. The command will be executed also when the unit is in error condition *A cassette is signaled as switched off (Enable switch : O) only if it was prior enabled for the side, otherwise the disable condition (Enable switch : N) is replied.



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GetCashData logical

This command is like GetCashData physical but visualized logical cash (-62000 to +62000). To initialize logical note number is necessary to do a Init cassette command (see 2.23) cmd: reply: where: n s rc Sequential number(19) User (at) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 67 = Wrong side All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Note-id(4 ASCII-byte) Logical bank note number (15 decimal-ASCII ie: 10, -61908) Cassette free-capacity(13 dec.-ASCII ie: 10,420) Cassette(1 ASCII-byte 'A''H') Enable switch : Y for enable N for disable O for Switched off* X for not present 1 sec

G,n,s G,n,s,rc,[n.id,nnn,rrr,c,e]*8

n.id nnn rrr c e


*A cassette is signaled as switched off (Enable switch : O) only if it was prior enabled for the side, otherwise the disable condition (Enable switch : N) is replied. In order to clear unbalanced situation on a cassette a Init cassette command (see 2.23) has to be executed on the unbalanced cassette. Example: G,1,r G,1,r,1,EUCA,-150,300,A,Y,EUDA,55,,B,,C,,D,,E,,F,,G,,H,


2.4. Deposit

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This command activates the deposit procedure in the following sequence: check the input and output trays for banknote feed in the notes one by one and reject the double feed notes to the front slot start the recognition process and define a target for each bank note The target can be: the safe if the bank note is recognized and programmed in one of the cassettes the operator side exit slot if cassettes full or denomination not present in safe or UNFIT banknotes if enabled and cassette of UNFIT not present in safe in reject slot in any other case (banknotes reject, suspect, refused, not manage). The deposit operation will automatically stop after 200 notes. In order to have a better handling on deposits with cassette sets in nation mode, on the answer of the command always every cassette denominations are replied to the Host (see Application note 3.3 3.1). cmd: where: n s m sequential number(19) User (AT) Deposit Mode (see Note 1) 0 = sorting using nation activated or nation specified in denomination 3 = counting mode standard FIT e UNFIT 6 = sorting using nation specified in denomination 10 = counting mode FIT 11 = counting mode one denomination 12 = counting mode one denomination FIT only 13 = counting mode COUNTERFEIT & SUSPECT 15 = counting mode standard FIT e UNFIT with Cover Open denomination


n.id reply: where: rc

D,n,s,rc,aaa,rrr,uuu,[n.id,nnn], ,[n.id,nnn]
reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 67 = Wrong side 9 = Note on right output 10 = Note on left output 11 = Note on front output All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) (13-decimal ASCII) total of notes deposit in safe (with m = 0, 1, 6) total of accepted FIT & UNFIT note (with m = 3,15) total of accepted FIT note (with m =10) total of denomin. Specific FIT & UNFIT (with m = 11) total of denomin. Specific FIT (with m = 12) total of COUNTERFEIT & SUSPECT banknote (with m = 13) (13-decimal ASCII) total of notes on output slot (with m = 0, 1, 6) also UNFIT if the cassette is not present and use UNFIT is enabled





Date: 18/10/2011 Code: Product: CM18 Subject Software & Interface Specifications total of cycle of reject : reject, counterfeit, suspect, refused (with m = 3,15) total of cycle of reject : reject, counterfeit, suspect, refused, UNFIT (with m =10) total of other banknotes not specified and cycle of reject : reject, counterfeit, suspect, refused (with m = 11) total of UNFIT banknotes, other banknotes not specified and cycle of reject : reject, counterfeit, suspect, refused (with m = 12) total of FIT&UNFIT banknotes and cycle of reject : reject, refused (with m = 13) (13-decimal ASCII) total of cycle of reject : reject, counterfeit, suspect, refused, (with m = 0, 1, 6) total of suspect & counterfeit (with m = 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15) Deposited-note(nnn) by denomination(n.id) (Es. 'EUIA,100') Min 60 sec Max 300 sec (with special clean enable)

Page 19


[n.id,nnn] T-out Note 1:

There are seven different types of deposit. Mode 0 Mode 3 Standard deposit in SAFE using nation activated or nation specified in denomination(the same like mode 6). This mode is only used for counting notes standard. The notes are all directed to the Output (FIT and UNFIT) and Reject (not Recognized, Suspect, Counterfeit) compartment. The reply sent to the host will contain the number of notes for each denomination. Its developed only for old compatibility but its better to use mode 0 with specified denomination in field n.id. This mode is used when on the CM18 are present cassette with different nation. For example: EURO for first 4 cassette and CANADA for the other 4 cassette so on the Reader the reference denomination are EURO in bank 1 and CANADA in bank 2. With this mode the CM18 accept only the denomination specified in n.id(denomination for example EU00 is valid only the first two characters) and select automatically the bank on the reader.

Mode 6

Mode 10 This mode is only used for counting notes FIT (FIT only). The notes are all directed to the Output (FIT) and Reject (not Recognized, Suspect, Counterfeit and UNFIT) compartment. The reply sent to the host will contain the number of notes for each denomination. Mode 11 This mode is only used for counting notes of a specific banknotes (for example only EUCA 5 EURO). The specifics notes are all directed to the Output (FIT and UNFIT) and Reject (all other notes, not Recognized, Suspect, Counterfeit) compartment. The reply sent to the host will contain the number of notes for specific denomination Mode 12 This mode is only used for counting notes of a specific banknotes (for example only EUCA 5 EURO) FIT (FIT only). The specifics notes are all directed to the Output (FIT only) and Reject (UNFIT specific notes, all other notes, not Recognized, Suspect, Counterfeit) compartment. The reply sent to the host will contain the number of notes for specific denomination Mode 13 This mode is only used for counting COUNTERFEIT & SUSPECT banknotes. These specifics notes are all directed to the Output and Reject (FIT&UNFIT banknotes, not Recognized) compartment. The reply sent to the host will contain the number of notes for each denomination COUNTERFEIT & SUSPECT.



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Mode 15 This mode is only used for counting notes standard with cover open. The notes are all directed to the Output (FIT and UNFIT) and Reject (not Recognized, Suspect, Counterfeit) compartment. The reply sent to the host will contain the number of notes for each denomination. Examples of deposit operations: CM18 programmed for EUROS - Eight cassettes enabled to both operator as follows: Cassette A = EUCA (5 Euro) Cassette C = EUEA (20 Euro) Cassette E = EUGA (50 Euro) Cassette G = EUHA (100 Euro) HOST D,1,L,0,0000 D,1,L,1,23,0,2,EUCA,10,EUDA,10, EUEA,0,EUEA,0,EUGA,3, EUGA,0,EUHA,0,EUHA,0, EUIA,0,EUJA,0 CM18 Cass. B = EUDA (10 Euro) Cass. D = EUEA (20 Euro) Cass. F = EUGA (50 Euro) Cass. H = EUHA (100 Euro) Description 25 notes on the input tray(Mixed) Reply code = 1 (ok) Notes in safe = 23 Number of reject operations = 2 Deposited notes = N.10 EUCA (5 Euro) N.10 EUDA (10 Euro) N. 3 EUGA (50 Euro) 100 notes on the input tray (50 EUEA,50 EUGA) OK, all bank notes directed to output slot

D,4,L,3,0000 D,4,L,1,100,0,0,EUEA,50,EUGA,50



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Deposit in counting mode block

This command is only used for counting block of notes. The notes are all directed to exit compartment. The reply sent to the host will contain the number of notes for each denomination. In case of an reject banknote or in case of JAM the procedure will stop and the reply will tell how many notes at the end of the bundle have not been recognized. cmd: reply: where: n s num_bn mode command sequential number (19) User (AT) Number of bundle feed notes: from 1 to 100: number of notes 0: max number of notes (100) 0: START COUNTING: Start a new counting transaction 1: CONTINUE COUNTING: Continue the previous counting transaction (valid only if the user send this mode after mode=0 the first time) 2: FULL COUNTING: Start a new counting transaction, feed all the notes in the feed input slot, splitting the notes in bundles (according to the num_bn parameter) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Total of accepted notes Total of cycle of reject : reject, counterfeit, suspect, refused Total of suspect & counterfeit notes Counting-note(nnn) by denomionation (n,id)

D,n,s,5,0000,mode,num_bn D,n,s,rc,aaa,rrr,uuu,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]

rc aaa rrr uuu [n.id,nnn]

START COUNTING (mode = 0) The CM18 feed the number of notes specified by the parameter num_bn. The answer will reply the detailed of the counted notes during the session. COUNTINUE COUNTING (mode = 1) The CM18 feed the number of notes specified by the parameter num_bn. The answer will reply the detailed of the counted notes during the session added to the previous counting mode block command. FULL COUNTING (mode = 2) The CM18 feed all the notes in the feeder input slot, splitting the notes in bundles according to the num_bn parameter. The notes are counted to the num_bn parameter value then the CM stops waiting until the notes are removed from the output slot. When the output slot is free the CM start to feed the next bundle. The answer will reply the detailed of all the counted bundles during the session.


Example 1: A bundle of notes: 5 EURO: 100 EURO: 500 EURO:

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50 notes 50 notes 100 notes

Put the bundle in the Feeder input slot Execute a START COUNTING: Cmd: D,1,L,5,0000,0,100

The CM18 feed the first 100 notes, if no jam occurs the answer will be: Answ: D,1,L,64,100,0,0,EUCA,50,EUHA,50 The reply code 64 means that there are notes in the feeder input slot and the transaction has to be completed. The CONTINUE COUNTING command has to be executed in order do complete the transaction. Cmd: D,1,L,5,0000,1,100

The CM18 feed 100 notes, if no jam occurs the answer will be the detail of the Start Counting command plus the detail of the Continue Counting command Answ: D,1,L,1,200,0,0,EUCA,50,EUHA,50,EUJA,100 Example 2: Bundle of notes: 5 EURO: 20 EURO: 100 EURO: 500 EURO:

50 notes 20 notes 50 notes 100 notes

Put the bundle in the Feeder input slot Execute a FULL COUNTING: Cmd: D,1,L,5,0000,2,100

The CM18 feed the first 100 notes, then stop waiting until the notes are removed from the output exit slot. During the waiting the following message are displayed on the console: BANKNOTE ON RIGHT (or LEFT) OUTPUT PICK UP NOTE ON RIGHT (or LEFT) EXIT SLOT and an acoustic signal on the console buzzer is sent. When the operator free the output slots the CM18 start to feed the next bundle of notes and so on, until the Feeder Input slots and the output exit slot are free. If no jam occurs the answer will be the detail of all the counted notes Answ: D,1,L,1,220,0,0,EUCA,50,EUDA,20,EUHA,50,EUJA,100



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Deposit sorting one denomination

It executes the sorting of the note in input, put the fit note in output slot, the unfit in safe in the cassette configured for the specific denomination, counterfeit or suspect in reject slot. It stop when max_fit is reached in output slot or when there are no more input note cmd: reply: where: n s mode command sequential number (19) User (AT) 0: START In this case the output & reject slot must be free and the first FIT banknote feeded is take as model for counting 1: CONTINUE In this case the reject slot must be free and the denomination specified by n.id parameter is take as model for counting Denomination, valid only if mode = 1, otherwise must be 0000 max number of FIT note in output slot reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Number of fit notes in output slot Total of unfit notes in safe in the cassette configured for the specific denomination Total of cycle of reject: counterfeit, reject, suspect notes, fit wrong denomination with n.id 0000 and feeder reject in reject slot Total of suspect and counterfeit notes in reject slot Counting note(nnn) by denomination (n,id) of the first note entered (mode=0), or of the denomination specified (mode=1) Number of note deposited in the cassette configured for the specific denomination Cass. B = EUDA (10 Euro) Cass. D = EUGA (50 Euro) Cass. F = EUIA (200 Euro) Cass. H = EU-- (100 Euro)

D,n,s,7,n.id, mode,max_fit D,n,s,rc,aaa,rrr,uuu,fff,n.id,nnn,nn1,,nn8

n.id max_fit rc aaa rrr uuu fff n.id,nnn nn1..nn8 Example: Cassette A = EUCA (5 Euro) Cassette C = EUEA (20 Euro) Cassette E = EUHA (100 Euro) Cassette G = EUJA (500 Euro)

Note in input slot: 1 EUCA fit, 1 EUEA unfit, 2 EUCA counterfeit (first note EUCA) Host: D,1,L,7,0000,0,3 CM: D,1,L,1,1,1,2,2,EUCA,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 To continue counting of EUCA Host: D,1,L,7,EUCA,1,2 CM: D,1,L,2,2,0,0,EUCA,2 Note in input slot: 1 EUCA, 2 EUEA, 2 EUCA, 3 EUDA all fit



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Deposit forced (only one note)

Force the deposit of one banknote in safe. cmd:

D,n,s,9,n.id,mode D,n,s,1,n.id* D,n,s,rc,aaa,rrr,uuu,nn1,,nn8

n s mode command sequential number (19) User (AT) 0: send one banknote on a cassette with single denomination (only BCE_OK, BCE_COUNTERFEIT and BCE_SUSPECT category of banknotes) 1: send one banknote on a Unfit Cassette or MultiUnfit Cassette (only BCE_OK, BCE_COUNTERFEIT and BCE_SUSPECT category of banknotes) 2: send one banknote on a specified single denomination cassette (not verify answer of identifier) Denomination, valid only if mode = 2, otherwise must be 0000 Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Total of notes deposited in safe Total of refused notes, in output slot Total of cycle of reject Number of note deposited in safe of any cassette

reply: where:

n.id rc aaa rrr uuu nn1..nn8 Cass. A EUCA Cass. C EUEA Cass. E EUHA Cass. G EUJA

Cass. B EUDA Cass. D EUGA Cass. F EUIA Cass. H EU--

Example1: send one banknote on a cassette with single denomination Input slot one banknote EUEA counterfeit Host: D,1,L,9,0000,0 CM: D,1,L,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0 Example2: send one banknote on a Unfit Cassette or MultiUnfit Cassette Input slot one banknote EUEA counterfeit Host: D,2,L,9,0000,1 CM: D,2,L,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 Example3: Input slot one banknote EUCA counterfeit Host: D,3,L,9, EUCA,2 CM: D,3,L,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

* the same of D,n,s,9,n.id,2



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Deposit fitness sorting

These commands are used for FITNESS SORTING and is useful to separate fit notes from unfit, counterfeit, reject and suspect notes. During the deposit the FIT notes are put in output slot and all others notes are put in reject slot cmd:

D, n, s, 20, 0000 D, n, s, 21, 0000 D, n, s, rc, aaa, rrr, uuu, [n.id,nnn],, [n.id,nnn]
n s rc aaa rrr uuu [n.id,nnn] Command sequential number (19) User (AT) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Number of FIT notes in output slot Total of cycle of reject: unfit, counterfeit, reject, suspect notes and feeder reject in reject slot Total of suspect and counterfeit notes in reject slot Deposited-note(nnn) in output slot

reply: where:

Example: Host: CM: Host: CM: Host: CM: Input slot 2 EUCA 3 EUJA 5 EUHA 1 EUDA all FIT D,1,L,20,0000 D,1,L,1,11,0,0, EUCA,2, EUJA,3, EUHA,5,EUDA,1 D,2,L,21,0000 D,1,L,1,11,0,0, EUCA,2, EUJA,3, EUHA,5,EUDA,1 Input slot 2 EUCA fit 3 EUJA fit 5 EUHA unfit 1 EUDA counterfeit D,1,L,20,0000 D,1,L,1,5,6,1, EUCA,2, EUJA,3



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Deposit fitness face sorting

These commands are used for FITNESS FACE SORTING and is useful to separate fit notes with a specific face from fit with wrong face, unfit, counterfeit, reject and suspect notes. During the deposit the FIT notes with valid face (the first note feeded) are put in output slot and all others notes are put in the reject slot cmd:

D, n, s, 22, 0000 D, n, s, 23, 0000 D, n, s, rc, aaa, rrr, uuu, [n.id,nnn],, [n.id,nnn]
n s rc aaa rrr uuu [n.id,nnn] command sequential number (19) User (AT) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Number of FIT notes with FACE valid in output slot Total of cycle of reject: fit wrong face,unfit, counterfeit, reject, suspect notes and feeder reject in reject slot Total of suspect and counterfeit notes in reject slot Deposited-note(nnn) in output slot

reply: where:

Example: Input slot 75 banknote fit of EUEA mixed on all face and 25 EUDA fit all the same face Host: D,3,L,22,0000 CM: D,3,L,1,100,41,0, EUEA,34,EUDA,25 Host: CM: D,4,L,23,0000 D,3,L,1,100,41,0, EUEA,34,EUDA,25



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Deposit denomination sorting

These commands are used for DENOMINATION SORTING. During the deposit, the notes equal to the specified reference note are put in output slot and all others notes are put in the reject slot cmd:

D, n, s, 24, ref_note D, n, s, 25, ref_note D, n, s, rc, aaa, rrr, uuu, [n.id,nnn]

n s ref_mode rc aaa rrr uuu [n.id,nnn] command sequential number (19) User (AT) 0000 = take first valid feeded banknote as model for counting den = denomination to sort (ex. EUCA) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Number of fit/unfit notes valid in output slot Total of cycle of reject: fit wrong with wrong reference, counterfeit, reject, suspect notes and feeder reject in reject slot Total of suspect and counterfeit notes in reject slot Deposited-note(nnn) in output slot

reply: where:

Example: Input slot 74 banknotes FIT of EUEA mixed on all face, 1 banknotes counterfeit of EUIA, 1 reject banknote, 3 banknotes of EUCA. The first banknote is EUEA Host: D,1,L,24,0000 CM: D,1,L,1,74,4,1, EUEA,74 Input slot 1 banknote FIT of AKCT mixed on all face, 1 banknotes counterfeit of EUEA, 8 reject banknote. The first banknote is AKCT Host: D,2,L,25,0000 CM: D,2,L,1,1,9,1,AKCT,1



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Deposit counting fit batch

This command is used for deposit counting fit batch. During the deposit, the notes fit equal to the specified reference note are put in output all others notes are put in the reject slot. It stop when bundle size is reached in output slot or when there are no more input note or the reject slot is full (100 notes). cmd: reply: where: command sequential number (19) User (AT) 0: START In this case the output & reject slot must be free and the first banknote (BCE_OK, BCE_FALSE, BCE_SUSPECT) feeded is take as model for counting 1: CONTINUE In this case the reject slot must be free and the denomination specified by n.id parameter is take as model for counting n.id Denomination, valid only if mode = 1, otherwise must be 0000 bundle_size Max number of FIT note in output slot (1200) rc Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) aaa Number of fit notes in output slot rrr Total of cycle of reject: fit wrong with different reference, counterfeit, reject, suspect notes and feeder reject in reject slot uuu Total of suspect and counterfeit notes in reject slot n.id Identify the denomination of the first note feeded (BCE_OK,BCE_FALSE,BCE_SUSPECT) nnn Number of fit notes in output slot Example: Target: make a batch of 30 EUCA note Note in input slot: 18 EUCA fit, 2 EUEA unfit, 2 EUCA counterfeit (first note EUCA) Host: D,1,L,26,0000,0,30 CM: D,1,L,1,18,4,2,EUCA,18 To continue counting of EUCA Host: D,1,L,26,EUCA,1,12 CM: D,1,L,1,12,7,0,EUCA,12 Note in input slot: 10 EUCA, 2 EUEA, 2 EUCA, 3 EUDA 30 EUCA all fit n s mode

D,n,s,26,n.id, mode,bundle_size D,n,s,rc,aaa,rrr,uuu,n.id,nnn

Output: 30 EUCA fit in output slot 7 notes in reject slot and 28 in input slot



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Deposit counting fit/unfit batch

This command is used for deposit counting fit/unfit batch. During the deposit, the notes fit equal to the specified reference note are put in output slot and all others notes are put in the reject slot. It stop when bundle size is reached in output slot or when there are no more input note or the reject slot is full (100 notes). cmd: reply: where: command sequential number (19) User (AT) 0: START In this case the output & reject slot must be free and the first banknote (BCE_OK, BCE_FALSE, BCE_SUSPECT) banknote feeded is take as model for counting 1: CONTINUE In this case the reject slot must be free and the denomination specified by n.id parameter is take as model for counting n.id Denomination, valid only if mode = 1, otherwise must be 0000 bundle_size Max number of FIT/UNFIT note in output slot (1200) rc Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) aaa Number of fit notes in output slot rrr Total of cycle of reject: fit/unfit wrong with different reference, counterfeit, reject, suspect notes and feeder reject in reject slot uuu Total of suspect and counterfeit notes in reject slot n.id,nnn Counting note(nnn) by denomination (n,id) of the first note entered (mode=0), or of the denomination specified (mode=1) Example: Target: make a batch of 30 EUCA fit/unfit note Note in input slot: 18 EUCA fit, 2 EUEA unfit, 2 EUCA counterfeit, 2 EUCA unfit (first note EUCA) Host: D,1,L,27,0000,0,30 CM: D,1,L,1,20,4,2,EUCA,20 To continue counting of EUCA Host: D,1,L,27,EUCA,1,10 CM: D,1,L,1,10,38,0,EUCA,10 Note in input slot: 10 EUCA, 2 EUEA, 2 EUCA, 3 EUDA 30 EUCA all fit n s mode

D,n,s,27,n.id, mode,bundle_size D,n,s,rc,aaa,rrr,uuu,n.id,nnn

Output: 30 EUCA fit in output slot 7 notes in reject slot and 28 in input slot



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Deposit counting facing all denomination

This command is used for FACE SORTING and is useful to sort notes with a specific face up or down. During the deposit the first note feeded is take as model for counting: the notes of all denomination with face equals to the first note fed are are put in output slot and all others notes are put in the reject slot (uncluding suspect, counterfeit, feeder reject,unknown) cmd: reply: where: n s rc aaa rrr uuu [n.id,nnn] command sequential number (19) User (AT) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Number of notes with FACE valid in output slot Total of cycle of reject: fit wrong face, counterfeit, reject, suspect notes and feeder reject in reject slot Total of suspect and counterfeit notes in reject slot Deposited-note(nnn) in output slot

D, n, s, 28, 0000 D, n, s, rc, aaa, rrr, uuu, [n.id,nnn],, [n.id,nnn]


Deposit counting orientating all denomination

This command is used for ORIENTATING SORTING and is useful to separate notes with a specific face 0 or 1 or 2 or 3. During the deposit the first note feeded is take as model for counting: the notes of all denomination with fspecific face equals to the first note fed are are put in output slot and all others notes are put in the reject slot (uncluding suspect, counterfeit, feeder reject,unknown) cmd: reply: where: n s rc aaa rrr uuu [n.id,nnn] command sequential number (19) User (AT) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) All error condition (See reply code table 4.1) Number of FIT notes with FACE valid in output slot Total of cycle of reject: fit wrong face, counterfeit, reject, suspect notes and feeder reject in reject slot Total of suspect and counterfeit notes in reject slot Deposited-note(nnn) in output slot

D, n, s, 29, 0000 D, n, s, rc, aaa, rrr, uuu, [n.id,nnn],, [n.id,nnn]



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Undo/Accept/View list deposit

With this command it is possible to cancel the deposits done until that moment or to accept them or to verify the amount of undo deposit. cmd: reply: where: n s sequential number (19) User (AT) 0 UNDO DEPOSIT: cancel the deposits done until that moment like one or more withdrawal operations 1 ACCEPT DEPOSIT: accept all the deposits operations done until that moment so its not possible to execute undo deposit 2 VIEW LIST DEPOSIT: view the list of all banknotes that are included in the undo deposit at that moment reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) note(nnn) by denomination (n.id) (Es.:EUCA,10) See Withdrawal command (see 2.16 )

U,n,s,mode U,n,s,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]


rc [n.id,nnn] T-out


2.16. Withdrawal

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This command delivers to the operator exit slot the requested number of notes for each specific denomination, according to delay class, if enabled. If the cassette does not have enough notes the delivery will stop with the Denomination Empty warning. This command can also be used to activate the Alarm relays by sending as n.id,nnn the values 9999,000. Is possible to request the number of notes directly from a specified cassette: TARGET MODE. The notes are withdrawn only from the specified target. cmd: where:

n s [n.id,nnn] sequential number(19) User (AT) note requested by DENOMINATION (Es: 'EUIA,10,EUEA,5,EUCA,7') or note requested by TARGET (Es: AAAA, 132)

reply: where:

rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 67 = Wrong side 68 = Request not withdrawing,due to delay class All other error conditions (See reply code table 4.1) Num. of notes in output by denomination(ie:'ITKN,9') or by target (Es: AAAA, 155) nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code Min 112 sec Max 800 sec (with special clean enable) The value is to be considered for cassette



NOTES: If a problem occurs during the withdrawal operation (i.e. Jam in the safe) the motor will stop and the number of notes in the exit slot could be different from the requested number.


2.17. Close

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This command will close the operator work session and remove the other serial channel from the busy status. cmd: reply: where: n s rc T-out sequential number(19) User (AT) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 sec**

C,n,s C,n,s,rc

** If the command is executed during the unit initialization (recovery cycle) the reply sequence will be sent at the end of the mechanical operation. T-out in standard recovery: 60 seconds T-out in automatic jam clearance: 120 seconds The command is executed only when the reply code is Ok.

2.18. 2.18.1.

Alarm & Command Block Silent Alarm

This command allows the operator to switch ON/OFF the Alarm Relay, which is normally connected to the remote alarm station. The operation will be executed without making any noise. cmd: reply: where: n m rc T-out sequential number(19) 0 Set alarm OFF 1 Set alarm ON reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 sec

B,n,m B,n,rc



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Temporary Command Block (Time Lock)

With this command it is possible to have a temporary lock of the unit, causing the reject of all the other commands for a period of time defined by parameter tt (Min. 5 min., Max 30 min.). The Lock time is counted only when power is on and during this period the reply code will be 98 for all the commands including the transparent ones. If the unit is switched off before the tt time has expired, at next power on , the Lock time will start from the beginning. cmd: reply: where: n tt sequential number(19) Lock time tt <= 5 lock time = 5 minutes tt >=30 lock time = 30 minutes 5 < tt < 30 lock time = tt minutes reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 sec

B,n,2,tt B,n,rc

rc T-out


Keycode Command Block (Keycode Lock)

With this command it is possible, using a password, to lock the unit causing the reject of all the other commands. To reset the lock condition the lock off command with the correct key code has to be sent. cmd: reply: where: n m pwd rc T-out sequential number(19) 3 = Lock on 4 = Lock off Keycode Access (6 ASCII-chars) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 sec

B,n,m,pwd B,n,rc



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Temporary Open Door

With this command it is possible to have a temporary unlock of the unit safe, only if allarm1 is handling like open safe door (see 2.27.4), for a period of time defined by parameter tt (Min. 1 minutes, Max 30 minutes) and it is possible to define an optional period of time before start Door time defined by parameter tw (Min. 0 minutes, Max 50 minutes). The Door time is counted only when power is on and only if operator side is VOID (not LEFT or RIGHT) or in case of JAM of CM18. During this period the reply code will be 4 for all the commands including the transparent ones. If the unit is switched off before the tt time has expired, at next power on , the Door time is lost. cmd: reply: where: n tt sequential number(19) Door time tt >=30 Door time = 30 minutes 1 < tt < 30 Door time = tt minutes Door wait time (Optional) 0 or not present = 0 minutes tw >=50 Door wait time = 50 min. 0 < tw < 50 Door wait time = tw min. reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 sec

B,n,5,tt[,tw] B,n,rc


rc T-out



With this command it is possible to manage ALARM1. If you want to use this command the user dont want to manage TEMPORARY OPEN DOOR and ANTISISMIC ALARM. cmd: reply: where: n all_st rc T-out sequential number(19) 0 = Alarm_1 OFF 1 = Alarm_1 On reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 sec

B, n, 6, all_st B, n, rc



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Using this command it is possible to have a detailed information regarding the status of every module. This command can also be sent in an error condition since no previous Open is required. No status-code is returned for missing modules. We recommend to use this command in the Service menu of the application software. Refer to the extended reply code tables at the end of this manual for detailed description. cmd: reply: where: n rc 1st 2st 3st Ast Bst Cst Dst Est Fst Gst Hst T-out sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)) Feeder status es.121 Controller status es. 240 Reader status es. 317 Cassette A status see example below Cassette B status Cassette C status Cassette D status Cassette E status Cassette F status Cassette G status Cassette H status 1 sec

E,n E,n,rc[,1st,2st,3st,Ast,Bst,Cst, Dst ,Est ,Fst ,Gst Hst]

Note: If the Power-ON reset cycle is halted by an error , the information of the extended status command might not be fully compiled , due to a missing reply of some modules. Example 1 : Deposit command with a Feeder Jam (reply code = 16) the Extended Status could be: cmd: reply:

E,1 E,1,16,121,240,340,A40,B05,C04,I00,E00,X00,G40,H00
The cassette is not present The cassette is present but doesn t reply

The cassette is present but it has been switched off and the cassette logical address match the physical position

The status X40 on a cassette means that the cassette is present but one of the electrical interface lines may be defected.



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Example 2: Recovery cycle with a safe mismatch, the Extended Status could be: cmd: reply:

E,1 E,1,30,121,240,340,A40,B05,C04,D40,I0A,X00,G40,H00
The cassette is present but it has been switched off and the cassette logical address doesnt match the physical position The cassette is present but doesnt reply The cassette is not present



Use this command to get the firmware release and version of each single module. cmd: reply: where: a module address '0'(30h) CM18 peripheral 0 = controller compatibility versus modules* 1 = Feeder(for compatibility) 2 = Real Time Controller module 3 = Identifier module 4 = Safe controller module 5 = FPGA 6 = Operating System Card module xDLL AH = cassette AH reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) (4 ASCII-byte) Es: '1_00' (4 ASCII-byte) Es: '0035' 1 sec

V,n,a V,n,rc,ver,rel

rc ver rel T-out

* The controller compatibility versus each module is organized as follows: V,1,0 V,1,1,0000,xywz Where : x y w z is the compatibility level versus the Feeder module (i..e A,B,C) is the compatibility level versus the Reader module (i..e A,B,C) Reserved is the compatibility level versus the Cassette (AH) module (i..e A,B,C)



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Key-code Change

The CM18 default code is '123456' any customer can change this code using the following command . cmd: reply: where: n s t old-code new-code rc T-out sequential number(19) User (AT) target-cassette (AH) old key-code (6 ASCII-chars 0x200x7f ) new key-code (6 ASCII-chars 0x200x7f ) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 sec

K,n,s,t,old-code,new-code K,n,s,t,rc



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Assign cassette

This command initializes the cassette logical address according to the physical positions . cmd: reply: where: n rc ms sequential number(19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) message (1/2 decimal-ASCII) 0 = OK 18 = cassette AH not empty 1118 = cassette AH cmd failed 7 sec

A,n A,n,rc,ms


Use this command when a cassette is replaced or moved from one position to another. At every power-on the CM18 performs the reset cycle for all the cassettes and control the logical to physical coherence. In case of mismatch, after a second reset cycle the Out of Service status is forced automatically. If the cassettes are empty, the Assign command will automatically restore the OK status. If the cassettes are not empty the command will fail. The Extended Status command will display the cassettes logical address in the position order: i.e.:Ext. status rx= 140,240,340,A05,D05,C05,B05,E05,F05,G05,H05,I05,J05 It means that in position B there is cassette D and viceversa. At this time you can decide to exchange again the cassette B and D or send the Assign cmd . Only the physical-empty cassettes will change their setting . After this command its necessary to check the Set-up of the machine .


2.23. Init cassette

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When the Note counter of a cassette does not match the physical status of the same one, after the complete withdrawal, the init cassette command has to be used in order to avoid the mismatching. (If some notes are manually removed after a cassette jam, the init command can be used to reset the cassette and initialize the logical note counter). For both user_name CASH BALANCE OPERATOR is set to zero if this command is correctly executed (reply code rc 1 message ms 0). cmd: reply: where: n s n.id code inote sequential number(19) User (AT) Denomination to initialize (Es: EUCA) or Cassette to initialize (Es: AAAA) Cassette key-code (Optional) 0 or not present = Init cassette command, withdrawn notes are not replied 1 = Init cassette command, withdrawn notes are replied reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Message(1 dec.-ASCII) 0 = Ok, 1,3,5 = reserved, 2= cassette not present 4= wrong code, 6= denomination not empty inote parameter = 1 Number of withdrawn notes 112 sec The value is to be considered for cassette

I,n,s,n.id,code[,inote] I,n,s,n.id,rc,ms[,nnn]

rc ms

nnn T-out

The following table describes how the INIT command works in the four possible situations. Note counter 0 =0 0 =0 Physical status Empty = Empty = Empty Empty Action taken None - Rc = 70, ms = 6 Set note counter = 10, Withdraw 10 notes, if the physical status is empty at the end of the operation ,the reply code is OK Same as above Same as above

* *

* Normal operating condition Wrong condition Note: If the target for the Init command is a denomination the init will work simultaneously on every cassette programmed with the specified denomination (Es: I, 1, L, EUCA, 123456). If more than one cassette is programmed with the same denomination and only one of the cassettes has to be initialized, it will be useful to use the init cmd specifying the cassette to init (Es: I, 1, L, AAAA, 123456). If a jam occurs during the cash-out in init command an error log record is recorded as jammed withdrawal operation.



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Empty cassette

With this command it is possible to empty a cassette specifying the number of notes in each bundle. The requested number of notes is delivered to the operator exit notes until the cassette is empty, on the end of each withdrawal operation an acoustic signal is given out in order to force the operator to remove the bundle from the output exit slot. The bundle notes requested should not exceed the 200 notes, otherwise the command will not be accepted. For both user_name CASH BALANCE OPERATOR is set to zero if this command is correctly executed (reply code rc 1 message ms 0).

cmd: reply: where:

I,n,s,cas.id,code,2,bundle_num I,n,s,cas.id,rc,ms,physical_nnn,logical_nnn
n s cas.id code bundle_num rc ms sequential number(19) User (AT) Cassette to empty (AAAA, BBBB GGGG) Cassette key-code Number of notes for each bundle (max 200) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Message(1 dec.-ASCII) 0 = Ok 1,3,5 = reserved 2= cassette not present 4= wrong code 6= denomination not empty Number of notes physically paid out (1/3 dec.-ASCII Number of notes according to the cassette counter before empting (1/3 dec.ASCII) Min 112 sec Max 800 sec (with special clean enable) The value is to be considered for cassette

Physical_nnn Logical_nnn T-out


2.25. Get Config

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This command is used to read the complete set-up of the unit for the specified side. cmd: reply:

R,n,s,bank R,n,s,rc,ms,a.id,b.id,c.id,d.id,e.id,f.id,g.id,h.id,i.id,j.id [,n.id,vvvv,hhh,ge,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j]*12]

where: n s bank sequential number(19) User (AT) Reader channel bank number: 0 or not specified = bank 1, channel 112 1 = bank 1, channel 1324 2 = bank 1, channel 2532 3 = bank 2, channel 112 4 = bank 2, channel 1324 5 = bank 2, channel 2532 In case of Multicurrency: 6 = bank 3, channel 112 7 = bank 3, channel 1324 8 = bank 3, channel 2532 9 = bank 4, channel 112 10 = bank 4, channel 1324 11 = bank 4, channel 2532 reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 60 = Safe out of service Message (1 dec.-ASCII) 0,10,20 = Ok 1,11,21 = Denomination not present/wrong dimension 2,12,32 = Cassette not present Cass.'a' denomination(4 ASCII-byte). Cass.'g' denomination (4 ASCII-byte). Identifier-denomination(4 ASCII-byte) Data-version(4 ASCII-byte) Denomination-height (in mm. 13 ASCII-byte) Denomination general-enable('N'=disabled/'Y'=enabled) AH cassette assigned('N'=disabled/'Y'=enabled) 2 sec



a.id,,j.id n.id vvvv hhh ge aj T-out


2.26. Set Config

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This command is used to assign an identifier-denomination to one or more cassette and/or enable/disable the denomination or the single cassette . cmd: reply: where: n s n.id e t rc sequential number (19) User (AT) denomination (4 ASCII-chars) enable flag ('N'=disabled/'Y'= enabled) enable-target ('3'= identifier/'AJ' = cassette) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 65 = Wrong pwd 69 = Cassette not present 70 = Cassette not empty 71 = Denomination not present Message 0= Ok 1= Denomination not-present 2= Cassette not present 3= Different value for the same cassette 4= Wrong key code 7 sec*each denomination

S,n,s,[n.id,e,t], ..., [ ] S,n,s,rc,ms



EXAMPLES(for side 'R' with denomination EUCA): disable banknote EUCA on identifier: enable banknote EUCA on identifier : enable bank note EUCA on cassette 'A' (right side): disable bank note EUCA on cassette 'A' (right side): S,1,R,EUCA,N,3 S,2,R,EUCA,Y,3 S,3,R,EUCA,Y,A S,4,R,EUCA,N,A


2.27. Fill command

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With this command it is possible to transfer data or information from the host PC to the unit. cmd: where: n m .. sequential number (19) Fill type (0255) Data/info to be transferred *


* The data field can change in size and number according to the data type specified in parameter m.


Date and Time transfer

This command will give the date and time info to the device. The information will be stored in one error log record at the power off , allowing the service people to have a more detailed control over the unit work load. This command adjust only month, day, hour and minute of Data & Time clock cmd: reply: where: n mm dd hh pp rc sequential number (19) Month (0112) day (0131) Hour (01 24) Minutes (00 59) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,0,mm,dd,hh,pp F,n,0,rc

The new error-log will also store the time (hours, minutes) on the extended record of each error during deposit or withdrawal, so it is advisable to transfer the time before each Deposit or Withdrawal operation. Note: Its advisable to use the new write data and time clock (see 2.27.3)



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Service Transfer

This command gives data to the device. The information are stored in one Error Log record (reply code in Error Log596). cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) nn1nnb Hexadecimal data. (two hex ASCII) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,2,nn1,nn2,nn3,nn4,nn5,nn6,nn7,nn8,nn9,nna,nnb F,n,2,rc


Write Data & Time clock

The CM18 controller has got a time keeper component on board. This command has to be used to initialize the time keeper components. cmd: reply: where: n rc [cc] ss pp hh ww dd mm yy sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Control register (sign bit5 , calibration value bit4bit0 ) optional parameter (two hex ASCII) Seconds (0059) (two hex ASCII) Minute (0059) (two hex ASCII) Hour (0023) ) (two hex ASCII) Day of week (01 = Monday 07 = Sunday) (two hex ASCII) Day of month (0131) (two hex ASCII) Month (0112) (two hex ASCII) Year (0099) (two hex ASCII)

F,n,4,[cc,]ss,pp,hh,ww,dd,mm,yy F,n,4,rc



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Fill CM Config

With this command it is possible to configure some functionality parameters on the CM cmd: reply: where: n nnnn Sequential number (19) 4 hex digit, bit oriented notation: 0x0001 = view date & time on display 0x0002 = reserved 0x0004 = reserved 0x0008 = reserved 0x0010 = reserved 0x0020 = reserved 0x0040 = balanced cassette handling 0x0080 = allarm1 handling 0x0100 = use delay class dispensing 0x0200 = reserved 0x0400 = data & time on display in format AM and PM 0x0800 = use UNFIT in SAFE 0x1000 = reserved 0x2000 = reserved 0x4000 = reserved 0x8000 = enable JOURNAL LOG reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,7,nnnn F,n,7,rc

rc nnnn detailed description:

View Date and Time on display (Bit: 0x0001) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled, the controller shows date and time on display Balanced cassette handling (Bit 0x0040)[1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled, the controller handles the cassettes in Balanced Mode. If the same denomination is programmed on two or more different cassettes, on a deposit command the controller stores the banknotes on the cassettes with fewer notes. Allarm1 handling (Bit 0x0080) [1: set to one - 0: set to zero] If this bit is set to one allarm1 is enabled for open safe door for more detail see 2.18.3 If this bit is set to zero allarm1 is enabled for every time the Power goes ON(+36) Use delay class dispensing (Bit: 0x0100) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled, the controller during withdrawal use delay class dispensing Data & time on display in format AM and PM (Bit: 0x0400) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled view mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM or PM (example: 01 December 2004 12/01/04 11:00:30 AM) Use UNFIT in Safe (Bit: 0x0800) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled Controller verify information about UNFIT get from the reader. If UNFIT cassette is present then notes goes in SAFE in that specific cassette (for example: cassette with denomination EU--) otherwise goes on output slot Enable JOURNAL LOG (0x8000) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled than automatically journal log stored on flash board of controller.



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Fill CM Option Config

With this command it is possible to configure some functionality parameters on the CM and to see yours effects is necessary to switch off and on the machine. cmd: reply: where: n nnnn Sequential number (19) 4 hex digit, bit oriented notation: 0x0001 = special clean without control 0x0002 = reserved 0x0004 = reserved 0x0008 = special alarm mode 0x0010 = identify STD/SIMPLIFIED protocol 0x0020 = execute CLOSE command also in JAM 0x0040 = reserved 0x0080 = reserved 0x0100 = reserved 0x0200 = reserved 0x0400 = reserved 0x0800 = reserved 0x1000 = reserved 0x2000 = reserved 0x4000 = reserved 0x8000 = reserved reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,8,nnnn F,n,8,rc

rc nnnn detailed description:

Special clean without control (Bit: 0x0001) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled, the controller clean some error automatically Special alarm mode (Bit: 0x0008) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled the CM18 handles the alarms in a different way: to handle the safe door mechanism or to handle the internal button to the safe. Identify STD/SIMPLIFIED protocol communication (Bit: 0x0010) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled, the communication protocol is simplified. Execute CLOSE command also in JAM (Bit: 0x0020) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] If enabled the CLOSE command is performed also when the CM18 is in Jam status, otherwise the CLOSE command is not performed and the Jam code is replied.



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Fill CM Option One Config

With this command it is possible to configure some functionality parameters on the CM and to see yours effects is necessary to switch off and on the machine. cmd: reply: where: n nnnn Sequential number (19) 4 hex digit, bit oriented notation: 0x0001 = reserved 0x0002 = reserved 0x0004 = reserved 0x0008 = Impac. 0mm on cassette CR37 in SET_CFG 0x0010 = reserved 0x0020 = reserved 0x0040 = reserved 0x0080 = Dont remove cass. jam when special clean without control ena 0x0100 = reserved 0x0200 = reserved 0x0400 = reserved 0x0800 = Timeout connect/disconnect LAN 0x1000 = Enable time control dispense amount (TCDA) 0x2000 = reserved 0x4000 = Enable booking open by external button 0x8000 = reserved reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,9,nnnn F,n,9,rc

rc nnnn detailed description:

Use gap 0mm on cassette CR37 in SET_CFG (Bit 0x0008) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] Enable gap 0mm on cassette CR37 and CR62 during SET CONFIG if all notes the user want to set in that cassette have the same height Dont remove cass. jam when special clean without control ena Enabling this option, when happen CASSETTE AH JAM, if special clean without control is enabled to remove this JAM is necessary to use traditional mode (open & close safe and cassettes). Timeout connect/disconnect LAN (Bit 0x0800) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] When the communication protocol is LAN, enabling this option, the unit waiting for a time of 30 sec after connection. If after this time, the host does not sending anything the unit make a disconnect. Enable time control dispense amount (TCDA) (Bit 0x1000) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] Enable the time control dispense amount. This is possible if the delay class dispensing are enable. Enable Booking open by external button (Bit 0x4000) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] Enabling this option the unit handles the External Button. The external button are used to reserve temporary the unit for the side/user.



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Fill CM Unit identification

With this command it is possible to set the identification code of the device. cmd: reply: where: n CMxx rc Sequential number (19) Possible values are: CM20 CM18 reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,10,CMxx F,n,10,rc


Fill CM Cassette number

With this command it is possible to set the number of the cassettes of the device. cmd: reply: where: n num_cas Sequential number (19) Possible values are: 6 8 10 reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,11,num_cas F,n,11,rc



Power On Transfer

With this command a Statistic Record (Reply Code 595) and a Power on Transfer record (Reply 600) are recorded. cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,12 F,n,12,rc



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Fill withdrawal bundle size

With this command it is possible to set the number of banknotes in output slot during a withdrawal operation (the default is 200) cmd: reply: where: n Sequential number (19) num_notes Possible values are: >= 50 <= 200 rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,15,num_notes F,n,15,rc


Fill increase time control dispense amount

With this command it is possible to set the increase time control dispense amount. cmd: reply: where: n Sequential number (19) incr_amount Increase time control dispense amount (max value 255) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,17,incr_amount F,n,17,rc


Fill counting bundle size

With this command it is possible to set the number of banknotes in output slot during a counting operation (the default is 200) cmd: reply: where: n Sequential number (19) num_notes Possible values are: >= 1 <= 200 rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,18,num_notes F,n,18,rc



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Fill LAN type communication protocol

With this command it is possible to set the type of LAN communication protocol cmd: reply: where: n type Sequential number (19) Type of communication protocol 0 Simplified 1 SSL 2 IPSEC reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,20,type F,n,20,rc



Fill CM Option Two Config

With this command it is possible to configure some functionality parameters on the CM and to see yours effects is necessary to switch off and on the machine. cmd: reply: where: n nnnn Sequential number (19) 8 hex digit, bit oriented notation: 0x00000001 = Safe CEN40 bit 0x00000002 = Handling polymer banknotes bit 0x00000003 0x80000000 = reserved reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

F,n,23,nnnnnnnn F,n, 23,rc

rc nnnn detailed description:

SAFE CEN40 (Bit 0x00000001) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] Enable Safe CEN40 otherwise safe UL/CEN25 HANDLING POLYMER BANKNOTES (Bit 0x00000002) [1: Enable - 0: Disable ] In case of to long banknote on FSHIFT, enabling this option, the controller set an UPPER TRACK JAM otherwise the bankonte goes on reject slot.


cmd: reply: where:

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Photo Sensor Write

F,n,60,ph_id,ph_val F,n,60,rc
Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 0 = PHOTO_IN_CENTER 1 = PHOTO_IN_LEFT 2 = PHOTO_HMAX 3 = PHOTO_FEED 4 = PHOTO_C1 5 = PHOTO_SHIFT 6 = PHOTO_INQ 7 = PHOTO_COUNT 8 = PHOTO_OUT 9 = PHOTO_C3 10 = PHOTO_C4A 11 = PHOTO_C4B 12 = PHOTO_REJ 13 = PHOTO_CASH_LEFT 14 = PHOTO_CASH_RIGHT ph_val Value to write n rc ph_id



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Test command

With this group of commands it is possible to execute different tests/actions on the unit. The structure of the sent command is always the same but the reply can have different fields according to the type of test required. cmd where: n t sequential number (19) target module 0 = General for the Unit 1 = Feeder module 2 = Controller 3 = Reader device 4 = Optional 6 = OSC AH = Cassette AH test type (0255)



Unit Cover Test

Check the status of all the unit covers/door/input/output slots, such as Safe door, top cover, input slot, etc. cmd: reply: where: n rc Sa Ca Co Fe In Re Ls Rs Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Safe door 0 = closed Cassette tray 0 = closed Cover open 0 = closed Feeder open 0 = closed Input slot 0 = empty Reject slot 0 = empty Left slot 0 = empty Right slot 0 = empty

T,n,0,0 T,n,0,0,rc,Sa,Ca,Co,Fe,In,Re,Ls,Rs

1 = open 1 = open 1 = open 1 = open 1 = not empty 1 = not empty 1 = not empty 1 = not empty



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Unit identification

With this command it is possible to get the identification code of the device serial protocol. cmd: reply: where: n rc CMxx sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Protocol Interface CM25 or CM27

T,n,0,1 T,n,0,1,rc,CMxx


Recovery mode identification


With this command it is possible to get the type of cassette jam recovery. cmd: reply: where: n rc st sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Type of recovery Y : new recovery enable N : new recovery disable

T,n,0,2 T,n,0,2,rc,st



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Feeder reject

With this command it is possible to get the feeder rejects, sorted by types of reject action on the last deposit operation. cmd: reply:

T, n, 0, 4 T,n,0,4,rc,nrf_0,nrr_0,nrr_1,nrr_2,nrr_3,nrr_4,nrr_5, nrr_6,nrr_7,nrr_8
n rc nrf_0 nrr_0,,nrr_8 sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Number of feeder reject due to excessive rate Reserved for future use



Suspend recovery

This command suspends the recovery cycle. In case of jam the recovery cycle isn t performed after the removal of the jam by the operator. The re-activate recovery command must be executed in order to perform the recovery cycle (see 2.28.6) cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,5 T,n,0,5,rc


Re-activate recovery

This command resumes the recovery cycle suspended with the suspend recovery command (see 2.28.5) cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,6 T,n,0,6,rc


2.28.7. Force reset

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This command simulate a power off/power on of the machine (after the reply) cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,7 T,n,0,7,rc


Unit Cover Test & Extern Button State

Check the status of all the unit covers/door/input/output slots, such as Safe door, top cover, input slot, Left extern button of CMCONS, Right extern button of CMCONS. cmd: reply: where: n rc Sa Ca Co Fe In Re Ls Rs Pl Pr Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Safe door Cassette tray Cover open Feeder open Input slot Reject slot Left slot Right slot Left external book button/side Right external book button/side

T,n,0,8 T,n,0,8,rc,Sa,Ca,Co,Fe,In,Re,Ls,Rs,Pl,Pr

0 = closed 0 = closed 0 = closed 0 = closed 0 = empty 0 = empty 0 = empty 0 = empty 0 = off 0 = off

1 = open 1 = open 1 = open 1 = open 1 = not empty 1 = not empty 1 = not empty 1 = not empty 1 = light 1 = light

With left & right extern button (if available) is possible to book the relative side. The length of booking is 1 minute. During this period of time if OPEN command is sent from other side the relative reply code is BUSY (04).



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Read Data & Time clock Safe Controller

Using this command it is possible to read the time clock safe controller cmd: reply: where: n rc cc ss pp hh ww dd mm yy sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Control register (sign bit5 , calibration value bit4bit0 ) example 00 (two hex ASCII) Seconds (0059) (two hex ASCII) Minute (0059) (two hex ASCII) Hour (0023) ) (two hex ASCII) Day of week (01 = Monday 07 = Sunday) (two hex ASCII) Day of month (0131) (two hex ASCII) Month (0112) (two hex ASCII) Year (0099) (two hex ASCII)

T,n,0,10 T,n,0,10,rc,cc,ss,pp,hh,ww,dd,mm,yy

The command to inizialize this clock is the same using for the system clock F,n,4,[cc,]ss,pp,hh,ww,dd,mm,yy



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Unit output side note

If a denomination becomes full during a deposit, the recognized banknotes are rejected on the output slot. Using this command it is possible to know the number of notes present on Left or Right output after a deposit, sorted by denomination. cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) [n.id,nnn] Num. of notes present by denomination (ie:EUCA,9) nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code

T,n,0,11 T,n,0,11,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]


Multidenomination cassette detail

With this command it is possible to know the numbers of notes sorted by denomination stored into a cassette Nation Mode programmed (Multidenomination i.e. EU**, EU##, EU*-) (for more detail see 3.1). This command is valid only with one cassette set in Multidenomination. cmd: reply: where: n Sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) [n.id,nnn] Denomination and number of notes stored in the cassette (ie:EUJA,9) nnn = 1/3 dec-ASCII If the logical detail doesnt match the cassette counter a Reply Count Error (50) is replied to the host, in order to solve the count mismatching an EMPTY COMMAND has to be used. (see 2.242.24) Example: HOST: CM: Example: HOST: CM: The cassette F is programmed as EURO Multidenomination (EU**). 2 EUJA notes and 5 EUHA notes are stored into F T,1,0,12 T,1,0,12,1,AAAA, BBBB, CCCC, DDDD, EEEE, EU**, GGGG, HHHH, EUJA,2, EUHA,5 The cassette F is programmed as EURO Unfit (EU--). To use cassette F for EURO Unfit (EU--) is necessary to enable bit Use UNFIT in Safe 1 EUCA note and 7 EUHA notes are stored into F T,1,0,12 T,1,0,12,1,AAAA, BBBB, CCCC, DDDD, EEEE, EU--, GGGG, HHHH, EUCA,1, EUHA,7

T,n,0,12 T,n,0,12,rc,AAAA,BBBB, ,HHHH[,n.id,nnn][,n.id,nnn]



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Machine identification

With this command it is possible to know the machine name cmd: reply: where: n rc name Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) CM name (4 ASCII char) where: Ascii 1 CM type: T : Tower model U: Under table model Ascii 2 Banknote identifier type S : short edge recognition Ascii 3 Number of recycling cassette Ascii 4 Number of non-recycling cassette Module compatibility software (4 ASCII char) Module compatibility hardware (4 ASCII char) Module Serial Number (12 ASCII char)

T,n,0,13 T,n,0,13,rc,name,comp_sw,comp_hw,serial_num

comp_sw comp_hw serial_num

Example: A CM18 Controller will reply to a machine identification command: CM answer: T, n, 0, 13, USA0, F000, 0H0B, 0CP18-678456 It means: U (Under table model) S (Short edge identifier) A (10 recycling cassette)* 0 (0 non recycling cassette) * the reply of the number of recycling cassette is A to distinguish it from the CM14 model



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Overflow or Unfit cassette detail

With this command it is possible to know the numbers of notes sorted by denomination stored into a cassette Nation Mode programmed (Overflow i.e. EU++ or Unfit i.e. EU--) (for more detail see 3.1). This command is valid only with one cassette set in Overflow or Unfit. cmd: reply: where: n 0 14 rc [n.id,nnn] sequential number (19) Target module 0 Test type 14 reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Denomination and number of notes stored in the cassette (ie:EUJA,9) nnn = 1/3 dec-ASCII

T,n,0,14 T,n,0,14,rc,AAAA, BBBB, , HHHH [,n.id,nnn][,n.id,nnn]

If the logical detail doesnt match the cassette counter a Reply Count Error (50) is replied to the host, in order to solve the count mismatching an Empty command has to be used. (see 2.24) Example: HOST: CM: The cassette C is programmed as EURO Overflow (EU++). 2 EUCA notes and 5 EUHA notes are stored into C T,1,0,14 T,1,0,14,101,AAAA,BBBB,EU++,DDDD,EEEE,FFFF,GGGG,HHHH,EUCA,2,EUHA,5


Get CM Config

With this command it is possible to get some functionality parameters on the CM cmd: reply: where: n nnnn rc Sequential number (19) 4 hex digit, bit oriented notation: (detailed description: see 2.27.4) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,15 T,n,0,15,rc,nnnn



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Init Journal LOG

This command is used to initialize JOURNAL LOG data area erasing all the stored records cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T, n, 0, 17 T, n, 0, 17, rc


Get delay class

With this command it is possible to get delay class on the CM. cmd: reply: where: n Sequential number (19) fd factor multiplication (1099) amount The amount is in about a hundred unit (ie: if amount = 1 the real value is 1 * 100 = 100) delay Delay in seconds for this class rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,21 T,n,0,21,rc,fd,(amount,delay)*10


Get periodic operating hour

With this command is possible to get the periodic operating hour filled to the CM cmd: reply:

T,n,0,22,day T,n,0,22,rc,day,hour1,min1,hour2,min2,lunch_hour1, lunch_min1,lunch2_hour,lunch2_min

n rc day hour1 min1 hour2 min2 lunch1_hour lunch1_min lunch2_hour lunch2_min sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Day of the week (17) 1 Monday7 Sunday Switch on time (Hour) (0023) Switch on time (Minutes) (0059) Switch off time (Hour) (0023) Switch off time (Minutes) (0059) Lunch Break on time (Hour) (0023) Lunch Break on time (Minutes) (0059) Lunch Break off time (Hour) (0023) Lunch Break off time (Minutes) (0059)




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Get A-periodic operating hour

With this command is possible to get the A-periodic operating hour filled to the CM. cmd: reply:

T,n,0,25,day,month,year T,n,0,25,rc,day,month,year,hour1,min1,hour2,min2, lunch_hour1,lunch_min1,lunch2_hour,lunch2_min

n rc day month year sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Day of month (131) Month (112) Year (098) ie: 09 = 2009 00 = the periodic operating hour is valid for always time. Switch on time (Hour) (0023) Switch on time (Minutes) (0059) Switch off time (Hour) (0023) Switch off time (Minutes) (0059) Lunch Break on time (Hour) (0023) Lunch Break on time (Minutes) (0059) Lunch Break off time (Hour) (0023) Lunch Break off time (Minutes) (0059)


hour1 min1 hour2 min2 lunch1_hour lunch1_min lunch2_hour lunch2_min


Get CM Option Config

With this command it is possible to get some functionality parameters on the CM cmd: reply: where: n xxxx rc Sequential number (19) 4 hex digit, bit oriented notation: (detailed description: see 2.27.5) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,28 T,n,0,28,rc,xxxx



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Get CM Option One Config

With this command it is possible to get some functionality parameters on the CM cmd: reply: where: n xxxx rc Sequential number (19) 4 hex digit, bit oriented notation: (detailed description: see 2.27.6) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,32 T,n,0,32,rc,xxxx


Unit Output UNFIT Note

With this command it is possible to know detail of unfit notes present on the output slot during last deposit transaction. cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) [n.id,nnn] Num. of notes present by denomination (ie:EUGA,9) nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code

T,n,0,33 T,n,0,33,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]


Unit Safe UNFIT Note

With this command it is possible to know detail of unfit notes deposited in safe during last deposit transaction. cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) [n.id,nnn] Num. of notes present by denomination (ie:EUIA,9) nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code

T,n,0,34 T,n,0,34,rc,[n.id,nnn], ,[n.id,nnn]



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Detail NATION cassette

With this command it is possible to know detail of notes present in NATION (Multidenomination, Unfit, Overflow) cassette. cmd: reply: where: n rc na.id [s] [n.id,nnn] sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Nation identification(EU**) or cassette target (AAAA) User (AT) Num. of notes present by denomination (ie:EUCA,9) nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code

T,n,0,35,na.id,[s] T,n,0,35,rc,[n.id,nnn], ,[n.id,nnn]

If a optional parameter s is present it is possible to know detail of notes of the user specified parameter


Unit UNFIT note details

With this command it is possible to know detail of unfit notes of last deposit transaction. cmd: reply: where: n Sequential number (19) [n.id,nnn] Denomination and number of notes (ie:EUJA,9) nnn = 1/3 dec-ASCII rc Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,36 T,n,0,36,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]



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Unit COUNTERFEIT & SUSPECT note details

With this command is possible to know the detail of counterfeit and suspect notes of the last deposit transaction, sorted by denomination of reader. cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) [n.id,nnn] Num. of notes present by denomination (ie:EUDA,9) nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code

T,n,0,37 T,n,0,37,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]


Unit SUSPECT note details

With this command it is possible to know detail of suspect notes present on the output slot during last deposit transaction. cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) [n.id,nnn] Num. of notes present by denomination (ie:EUJA,9) nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code

T,n,0,38 T,n,0,38,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]



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Get firmware complete suite

With this command is possible to get the name of the firmware complete suite loaded on the unit The Suite name is composed by: Controller suite version_release+Reader version_release+Cassettes version_release The command checks the firmware installed on each single module comparing it with the suite descriptor stored in the unit. When a module firmware doesn't match with the firmware expected, the related module field "version_release" is forced to xxxx_xxxx in the answer. cmd: reply: where: sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 2 = Software error (module firmware doesnt match) suite_name Name of the suite
(es. SUITE_1_00_0008_1_04_HF82_1_00_B028 or SUITE_1_00_008_XXXX_XXXX_1_00_B028 if the version of reader doesnt match)

T,n,0,44 T,n,0,44,rc,suite_name
n rc


Host connection monitor

With this command is possible to enable the handling of host connection monitor. cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK

T,n,0,48 T,n,0,48,rc


Get CM Option Two Config

With this command it is possible to get some functionality parameters on the CM cmd: reply: where: n nnnnnnnn rc Sequential number (19) 8 hex digit, bit oriented notation: (detailed description: see 2.27.4) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,49 T,n,0,49,rc,nnnnnnnn


cmd: reply: where: n rc ph_id

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Photo Sensor Adjust

T,n,0,60,0,ph_id T,n,0,60,0,rc
Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 0 = all photo sensor 1 = only photo sensor upper part 2 = only photo sensor lower part 10 = PHOTO_IN_CENTER 11 = PHOTO_IN_LEFT 12 = PHOTO_HMAX 13 = PHOTO_FEED 14 = PHOTO_C1 15 = PHOTO_SHIFT 16 = PHOTO_INQ 17 = PHOTO_COUNT 18 = PHOTO_OUT 19 = PHOTO_C3 20 = PHOTO_C4A 21 = PHOTO_C4B 22 = PHOTO_REJ 30 = PHOTO_CASH_LEFT 31 = PHOTO_CASH_RIGHT

cmd: reply:

Photo Sensor Read

T,n,0,60,1 T,n,0,60,1,rc, ph_incenter,ph_inleft,ph_hmax,ph_feed,ph_c1, ph_shift,ph_inq,ph_count,ph_out,ph_c3,ph_c4a,ph_c4b,ph_rej, ph_res1,ph_res2,ph_res3, ph_res4, ph_res5, ph_res6,ph_res7, ph_cashleft,ph_cashright,ph_res8,.ph_res25

n rc ph1_val phn_val Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 40 byte (sensor values)




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Get CM Cassette number

With this command it is possible to get the number of the configured cassettes of the device. cmd: reply: where: n num_cas rc Sequential number (19) Number of configured cassettes reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,0,61 T,n,0,61,rc,num_cas


Get shift center banknote on output slot

With this command it is possible to get the centering value of the banknote on output slot. cmd: reply:

T,n,0,63, 0 T,n,0,63,0, rc,value

where: n rc value sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) centering value


Set shift center banknote on output slot

With this command it is possible to set the centering value of the banknote on output slot cmd: reply: where: n rc value sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) centering value between the range 55 78 (default 65)

T,n,0,63, 1,value T,n,0,63,1,rc



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Get withdrawal bundle size

With this command it is possible to get the number of banknote on output slot during the operation of withdrawal cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) num_notes Number of setting notes

T,n,0,66 T,n,0,66,rc,num_notes


Get increase time control dispense amount

With this command it is possible to get the increase time control dispense amount cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Incr_amount Increase time control dispense amount

T,n,0,68 T,n,0,68,rc,incr_amount


Get counting bundle size

With this command it is possible to get the number banknote on output slot during the operation of counting cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) num_notes Number of setting notes

T,n,0,71 T,n,0,71,rc,num_notes



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Get LAN type communication protocol

With this command it is possible to get the type of LAN communication protocol cmd: reply: where: n rc type sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Type of communication protocol 0 Simplified 1 SSL 2 IPSEC

T,n,0,74 T,n,0,74,rc,type


Session Control

This command is used to establish a link between the Host and the CM18. The user (AT) and the relative password must be specified in order to define the side to be used for ejecting the bank/notes, which cassettes can be used by the operator and to get the safe configuration. At least one cassette should match the password. cmd: reply: where: n s pwd rc c e o st n.id nnn rrr sequential number (19) User (AT) Password (6 ASCII-chars) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Cassette (A J) Side enable (Y = enabled N = disabled) Switch off status (0: OFF 1: ON) Cassette status Denomination Notes number Cassette free capacity

T,n,2,1,s,pwd T,n,2,1,rc,s[,c,e,o,st,n.id,nnn,rrr]*8

This command has to be considered as an ADVANCED OPEN.



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Get Safe Set-up

This command does NOT open a new session between the Host and the CM18. The operator will be able to know: which cassettes are enabled to the specified side and the specified password, which cassette has been switched-off, the cassette status, the note denomination for each cassette, the number of notes contained in every cassette, the average number of notes that can still be loaded. The information of all the cassette electronically connected in the safe are replied. The command will be executed also when the unit is in error condition. cmd: reply: where: n s pwd rc c e o st n.id nnn rrr T-out sequential number (19) User (AT or at) Password (6 ASCII-chars) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Cassette (A H) Side enable (Y = enabled N = disabled) Switch off status (0 : off 1 : on) Cassette status Denomination Notes number Cassette free capacity 1 Sec

T,n,2,2,s,pwd T,n,2,2,rc,s[,c,e,o,st,n.id,nnn,rrr]*8

This command has to be considered as an ADVANCED GET CASH DATA. If the parameter side (s) is a an lowercase (at) , the notes number (nnnn) show the logical cash (-62000 to +62000).



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Clear Tracks


With this command it is possible to clean the lower track when one of this JAM happens: 4047 MISSING NOTE ON CASSETTE AH during deposit operation 20 LOWER TRACK JAM in withdrawal operation 2229 CASSETTE AH JAM with cassette status 21hex, 23hex, 24hex in deposit operation or 1Chex, 1Dhex in withdrawal operation This command it is possible to send only all error list are composed of error cleanable with special clean otherwise return the relative JAM not cleanable. cmd: reply: where: n bn_in_low rc sequential number (19) Numbers of banknotes present in output slot after clean lower track reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,2,3 T,n,2,3,rc,bn_in_low

The answer of this command arrived only at the end of recovery phase.


Tracks Clean


With this command it is possible to confirm the clean of the lower track is executed correctly. The user must send this command after the command CLEAR TRACKS is executed correctly and remove all banknotes from lower track. cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,2,4 T,n,2,4,rc

The answer of this command is immediate.



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Read Data & Time Clock Safe Controller

Using this command it is possible to read the SAFE CONTROLLER time keeper data & time clock cmd: reply: where: n rc ss pp hh ww dd mm yy sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Seconds (0059) (two hex ASCII) Minute (0059) (two hex ASCII) Hour (0023) ) (two hex ASCII) Day of week (01 = Monday 07 = Sunday) (two hex ASCII) Day of month (0131) (two hex ASCII) Month (0112) (two hex ASCII) Year (0099) (two hex ASCII)

T,n,2,5 T,n,2,5,rc,ss,pp,hh,ww,dd,mm,yy

The command to setting this time clock is F,n,4,[cc,]ss,pp,hh,ww,dd,mm,yy


Controller module name

With this command it is possible to know the controller name cmd: reply: where: n rc t name ver rel serial_num Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Optional target CM name (4 ASCII char) MC19 t=0 (or not present) : Controller Version APPLICATION t=1 : Controller Version BOOT LOADER (4 ASCII char) t=0 (or not present) : Controller Release APPLICATION t=1 : Controller Release BOOT LOADER (4 ASCII char) Module Serial Number (12 ASCII char)

T,n,2,13[,t] T,n,2,13,rc,name,ver,rel,serial_num



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Module identification

With this command it is possible to know the module name, firmware release, firmware version and the serial number cmd: reply: where: n rc t Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) optional target t=0 to 4 if module = 3 t=0 to 5 if module = 6 Module id: 3 Reader 4 Safe Controller 6 OSC A-J Cassettes Module name (4 ASCII char) Module Firmware Version (4 ASCII char) module = 3 & t=0 (or not present) : Reader Version HOST module = 3 & t=1 : Reader Version DSP module = 3 & t=2 : Reader Version FPGA module = 3 & t=3 : Reader Version TAPE module = 3 & t=4 : Reader Version MAG module = 6 & t=0 (or not present) : Pack Version module = 6 & t=1 : BootLoader Version module = 6 & t=2 : WinCE Version module = 6 & t=3 : Dll Version module = 6 & t=4 : Application Version module = 6 & t=5 : Controller Suite Version Module Firmware Release (4 ASCII char) module = 3 & t=0 (or not present) : Reader Release HOST module = 3 & t=1 : Reader Release DSP module = 3 & t=2 : Reader Release FPGA module = 3 & t=3 : Reader Release TAPE module = 3 & t=4 : Reader Release MAG rel module = 6 & t=0 (or not present) : Pack Release module = 6 & t=1 : BootLoader Release module = 6 & t=2 : WinCE Release module = 6 & t=3 : Dll Release module = 6 & t=4 : Application Release module = 6 & t=5: Controller Suite Release Module Serial Number (12 ASCII char)

T,n,module,13[,t] T,n,module,13,rc,name,ver,rel,serial_num







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Identifier control

With this command it is possible to get the actual channel configuration of the reader. cmd: reply: where: n rc ch max ch act. Examples: T,n,3,0,1,64,32 T,n,3,0,19 sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Maximum number of identifier channel. Number of Identifier channel in use.

T,n,3,0 T,n,3,0,rc,ch max,ch act

64 ch reader, 32 ch in use CM18 in Cross Point Jam


Get identifier bank for download

With this command it is possible to get the bank configuration on the reader cmd: reply: where: n rc banname numban ena sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Name of bank 2 first ASCII char of currency code (for example: EURO codeEUR banname use EU) Number of bank (for example: 0) Indicate if bank enabled Y or disabled N

T,n,3,1 T,n,3,1,rc,[banname,numban,ena,],



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Get reader session short statistic upload

With this command it is possible to get the reader rejects, sorted by types of reject action on the last deposit operation. cmd: reply:

T,n,3,2 T,n,3,2,rc,nProcessed,nAccept, nRefused, nCounterfeit, nSuspect, nClsf, nIrd, nMag, nFormat, nUnfit, nOverrun, nDisableChain, nUv, nExtremeFit, res4, res5
n rc nProcessed nAccept nRefused nCounterfeit nSuspect nClsf nIrd nMag nFormat nUnfit nOverrun nDisableChain nUv nExtremeFit res4res5 sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Number of processed notes Number of accepted notes (FIT & UNFIT) Number of refused notes Number of notes considered counterfeit Number of notes considered suspect Number of notes that fail Classification check a first Number of notes that fail Infrared check a first Number of notes that fail Magnetic check a first Number of notes that fail Format check a first (width, height, thickness) Number of notes BCE_OK but UNFIT Number of notes that fail Overrun check a first Number of notes refused due Disable Chain Number of notes that fail UV check a first Number of notes that fail Extreme Fit check a first Reserved for future use



Get identifier number of active banks

With this command it is possible to get the number of active banks configured on the reader cmd: reply: where: n rc act_bnk sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Active bank(s) on the reader: 0 = Single currency mode 14 = Multicurrency mode > 4 = Single currency mode

T,n,3,3 T,n,3,3,rc,act_bnk



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Get identifier bank configurations

This command is used only with reader set in MULTICURRENCY mode and it is possible to get the bank configuration in use on the reader (for setting see Set identifier bank configuration cmd: reply: where: n rc banname_use ena n_bank sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Name of bank in use 2 first ASCII char of currency code (for example: EURO codeEUR banname_use EU) Indicate if bank enabled Y or disabled N Number of repetitions of [banname_use, ena] = 2 if single currency = 4 if muticurrency

T,n,3,4 T,n,3,4,rc,[banname_use,ena,]*n_bank


Get all identifier references

With this command it is possible to get all the references of the readers memory. cmd: reply:

T,n,3,5 T,n,3,5,rc,[ref_name,ref_ver,BankID], [ref_name,ref_ver,BankID],

n rc ref_name ref_ver BankID sequential number (19) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Name of reference, 2 first ASCII char (for example: EURO refname_use EU) Version of reference (for example: 0006) Reference bank number (015)




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Get detail of unfit classification of any notes

With this command it is possible to obtain the causal of unfit banknotes found in last deposit operation. N.B.: one banknote could fail more than one fitness check. cmd: reply:

T,n,3,6,note_num_id T,n,3,6,rc,bn_id,c_S,c_G,c_T,c_U,c_D,c_F,c_C,c_Ct, c_Gr, c_St, c_Dy,res0,res1,res2,res3,res4

n note_num_id rc sequential number (19) Progressive unfit note number request reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = Ok 71 = Denomination not present others see reply code table 4.1 denomination of requested banknote detail (ex. EUCA) Soiling test (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Grid check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Tape check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) De-inked check with UV (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Dog ears corner check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Format check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Contrast check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Closed tears check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Graffitti check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Stain check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Dye check (0 = OK/Fit, 1 = Fail/Unfit) Reserved for future use


bn_id c_S c_G c_T c_U c_D c_F c_C c_Ct c_Gr c_St c_Dy res0res4 Command Example:

A deposit operation is completed with success, and 3 banknotes results unfit (in cassette or in output slot). To request details: Cmd: T,1,3,6,1 give me the 1st unfit banknote found by identifier Reply: T,1,3,6,1,EUDA,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 10 unfit for failing tape and dog ears check Cmd: T,1,3,6,2 give me the 2nd unfit banknote found by identifier Reply: T,1,3,6,1,EUHA,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 100 unfit for failing soling and format check Cmd: T,1,3,6,3 give me the 3rd unfit banknote found by identifier Reply: T,1,3,6,1,EUJA,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 500 unfit for failing de-inked check Cmd: T,1,3,6,4 give me the 4th unfit banknote found by identifier Reply: T,1,3,6,71,0000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 4th banknote wasnt unfit The note_num_id is progressive : 1 for first unfit banknote found, 2 for second, 3 for third, ecc. ; Note_num_id value cant be equal to 0 (zero) and cant be more high than 200;



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Get identifier active bank for download

With this command it is possible to get the bank configuration in use for download.. cmd: reply:

T,n,3,8 T,n,3,8,rc,[ref_bnk_name,bnk_num,ena], [ref_bnk_name,bnk_num,ena],

n rc ref_bnk_name bnk_num ena sequential number (19) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 2 first ASCII char of reference name Number of bank Indicate if bank enabled Y or disabled N for download



Get identifier Flash-DSP associations

With this command it is possible to get the associations between readers flash-memory and active banks. This command works only on machine with RS15. cmd: reply: where: n rc dsp#0 dsp#1 dsp#2 dsp#3 sequential number (19) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Number of flash reference loaded on dsp slot 0 Number of flash reference loaded on dsp slot 1 Number of flash reference loaded on dsp slot 2 Number of flash reference loaded on dsp slot 3

T,n,3,9 T,n,3,9,rc,dsp#0,dsp#1,dsp#2,dsp#3



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Currency flash unistall

With this command it is possible to delete one currency on the flash only the Reader is not in SINGLE CURRENCY mode and if the Reader is in MULTI CURRENCY mode the relative bank is not set in DSP_SLOT. cmd: reply: where: n n_bankId rc Sequential number (19) Bank to delete (0 15) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,3,10,n_bankId T,n,3,10, rc


Get MAC Address

With this command it is possible to know the MAC Address serial number cmd: reply: where: n rc serial_num Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) MAC Address Serial Number (12 ASCII char)

T,n,6,14 T,n,6,14,rc,serial_num



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Get LAN configuration parameters

With this command it is possible get the LAN configuration parameters cmd: reply: where: n Sequential number (19) param_to_read It identifies the parameter to read: 1=DHCP 2=IP address 3=Subnet mask 4=Gateway 5=Device name 6=Device description 7=Primary DNS 8=Secondary DNS 9=Primary WINS 10=Secondary WINS rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) param_value Value of parameter

T,n,6,15,param_to_read T,n,6,15,rc,[param_value]


Get authorized IP/MAC addresses

With this command it is possible get the addresses list authorized to connect to the CM device cmd: reply: where: n addr_type rc num_of_addr addr_list Sequential number (19) Type of address: 1 = IP address 2 = MAC address reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Number of addresses hold in the list (IP or MAC) List of authorized addresses (IP or MAC). Each address is separated by a comma (,)

T,n,6,17,addr_type T,n,6,17,rc,[num_of_addr,addr_list]



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Page 82

OSC Communication Port Test

With this command it is possible to test a specified interface port. cmd: reply: where: n Port Sequential number (19) Communication Port id: 1 COM1 2 COM2 3 COM3 4 COM4 5 COM5 reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = Test OK 3 = Sintax Error 901 = The port is in use by the host 906 = Test failed: the number bytes read are different from the number of bytes written 931= Test failed : the bytes read are different from the number of bytes written

T,n,6,60,1,Port T,n,6,60,rc



OSC Memory Interface Test

With this command it is possible to test a specified memory interface. cmd: reply: where: n Mem Sequential number (19) Memory Interface id: 1 SD Memory Card 11 USB host 2 Thumb Memory 12 USB host 1 Reader Module reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,6,60,2,Mem T,n,6,60,rc


A file named thumb.txt must be present on thumb memory, and a a file named reader.txt must be present on reader module in order the test pass.



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OSC LCD & Touch Screen Test

With this command it is possible to test the display and the touch screen. This command neeeds the operator interaction. The LCD-image with 3 squared-area of 3 different color (R,G,B) appears in a random sequence : the operator has to touch in 10 sec. always the sequence R G B. cmd: reply: where: n rc Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,6,60,3 T,n,6,60,rc


OSC Lamps & Buttons Test

With this command it is possible to test the 2 Lamps and 2 Buttons. This command needs the operator interaction. cmd: reply: where: n rc Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,6,60,4 T,n,6,60,rc


OSC Audio Test

With this command it is possible to test the audio channel . This command needs the operator follow display instructions. cmd: reply: where: n rc Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

T,n,6,60,5 T,n,6,60,rc



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OSC Communication PortId Test

With this command it is possible to get information about the OSC communication port in use. cmd: reply: where: n rc Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Communication Port id: 1 COM1 2 COM2 3 COM3 10 USB Host 1 (1582 Device Port 1) 11 USB Host 2 (1582 Device Port 2) 12 USB Host 3 (1761 Device Port 1)

T,n,6,60,6 T,n,6,60,rc, PortId



Cassette control

Using this command it is possible to switch off/on a single cassette which is not working properly, in order to continue using the rest of the machine. cmd: reply: where: n c o rc T-out Examples: T,n,A,0 T,n,B,0 T,n,A,1 sequential number (19) target cassette AH Enable switch 0 = switch OFF 1 = switch ON reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 sec**

T,n,c,o T,n,c,o,rc

Switch Off cassette A Switch Off cassette B Switch On cassette A

A cassette which has been switched OFF will appear on the Extended Status cmd as I00. The switch ON/OFF command will always be followed by a reset procedure(like at Power ON) in order to check the cassette functionality. The switch ON/OFF command will also reset the Open command closing the previous session, ** If the command is executed during the unit initialization (recovery cycle) the reply sequence will be sent at the end of the mechanical operation. T-out in standard recovery: 60 seconds T-out in automatic jam clearance: 120 seconds



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Get denomination on multi type cassette

Using this command is possible to know the denomination of the banknote emissions that have been assigned to the multitype specific cassette (ddd#), multi denomination specific cassette (d*#) and multi nation specific cassette (####) cmd: reply: where: n cas_id rc sequential number (19) Cassette id A H' reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 69 = Cassette not present 71 = No one denomination enable Denomination (ex: GBCA) Max 128

T,n,cas_id,2 T,n,cas_id,2,rc, n.id, .. , n.id




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Page 86

Utility Commands

With this group of commands it is possible to use different utilities on the unit. The structure of the sent command is always the same but the reply can have different fields according to the type of utility required. cmd where: n t sequential number (19) target module 0 = General for the Unit 1 = Feeder module 2 = Controller 3 = Reader device 4 = Safe 6 = OSC AH = Cassette AH utility type (0255)



Switch USB\RS232 protocol from standard to simplified or vice versa

Using this command it is possible to switch USB\RS232 protocol from standard to simplified or vice versa and return to previous protocol state without reset the unit. cmd: reply: where: n 6 m sequential number (19) OSC Switch protocol: 0 Return to previous state 1 Switch to simplified protocol 2 Switch to standard protocol reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

u,n,6,m u,n,6,m,rc

rc Examples: u,n,6,1 u,n,6,2 u,n,6,0

Switch USB\RS232 protocol to simplified. Switch USB\RS232 protocol to standard. Switch USB\RS232 protocol to previous state.

All USB\RS232 protocol switch commands dont require unit reset and they are permanent at next machine restart.



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Page 87

Get Error Log & Unit Life

This command is used to read the errors occurred to the CM18 and the life of the unit expressed in number of notes. cmd: reply:

H,n,nnnn H,n,rc,nnnn,life_num,l,op,rc1,F1,F2,F3,F4,FA,FB,FC,FD, FE,FF,FG,FH,FI,FJ

n Nnnn sequential number(19) error number (0000,00018192,UUUU,IIII,SSSS) nnnn = 0000 Reply the unit life. The command ends after the unit life nnnn = UUUU Reply the last error stored in error-log nnnn = I I I I (Init) Erase all data stored nnnn = SSSS Reply last valid service record (596) stored in error-log reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 3 = Syntax Error 73 = Record not present number of input bank notes (max 11 CRT) during: a) the whole life (nnnn =0) b) when the error occurred (nnnn = 00018192) or Time + number of cash out notes from last Power off if the record is an extended deposit or withdrawal (The time info is automatic)*** User (AT) or power off sign (O) or Extended sign: + for deposit - for withdrawal P for previous error , Module identification (1,2,3,A,,H) type of operation (D,W,I), power off sign (O), target cassette if extended withdrawal, sensor status if extended deposit, for previous error (P), first crt ASCII info for module for record info SW (581) or for record info HW (580) High level reply code (related to the record num.) or Feeder counted notes if related to an exten.+/-) Status the feeder module or Shift counter or second crt info HW & SW module Status the Controller module or number of unknown notes (FCNTX) or third info HW & SW module Status the Reader module or Cash counter or fourth info HW & SW module Status the Safe module or Cash counter of fifth info HW & SW module Status the cassette AJ or N.of notes IN/OUT from the same cassette or others info HW & SW module 5 sec





rc1 F1 F2 F3 F4 FAFJ T-Out

The error log information is stored in the flash memory on the controller board, no extra device is required for this feature. ***The Time + withdrawal notes information (always available) related to an extended error record can be arranged in one of the following cases: 1) Time available: 93000056, (time 9:30 With.life 56) 123012345 (time 12:30-With.life 12345) 185600056, (time 18:56-With life 56) 70104567 (time 7:01-With.life 4567)



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Structure of the two records related to an error during a deposit operation

Rec. Life-in Operator Op.Id Reply Feed Contr Read Safe num. num. side code Cas A Module status Cas Cas Cas Cas B C D E Cas F Cas G Cas H Cas Cas I J

40 42037
















Module operation count (hexadecimal notation) Rec. Time Lifeout Dep Res Feed Fshift Fcnt Fcash num num Op. FC3 Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas Cas A B C D E F G H I J

41 16:35 00000
















Structure of the two records related to an error during a withdrawal operation

Rec. Life-in Operator Op. Reply Feed Contr Read Safe num. num. side Id code Cas A Cas B Module status Cas Cas Cas C D E Cas F Cas G Cas H Cas I Cas J



W 306















Module operation count (hexadecimal notation) Rec. Time Lifeout With. Cass. Feed Fshift Fcnt Fcash FC3 Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas Cas num num Op. In use A B C D E F G H I J

43 16:44 00067














00 00

Structure of the two records related to an init operation

Rec. Life-in Operator Op. Reply Feed Contr Read Safe num. num. side Id code Cas A Cas B Module status Cas Cas Cas C D E Cas F Cas G Cas H Cas I Cas J


















Module operation count (hexadecimal notation) Rec. Time Lifeout With. Cass. Feed Fshift Fcnt Fcash FC3 Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas Cas num num Op. In use A B C D E F G H I J

45 16:58 00067














00 00

On power off the CM18 saves in error log two different types of record: A Statistic Record (Reply Code 595) A the Power off record (Reply 599) Statistic deposit record (Reply 595) or download record (before download FW Controller REAL TIME)
Rec. num. Lifeout num. Id Id Reply Feeder Reader Out code Reject Reject Slot num num Module life-in percentage (%) since last power-off Rej Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas Slot A In B In C In D In E In F In G In H In I In Cas J In


530 O O 595













Power-on record (Reply 599) or download record (after download FW Controller REAL TIME)
Pending error list Record Life-in num. Num Id Id Reply Err 1 Err 2 Err 3 Err 4 Err 5 Err 6 Err 7 Err 8 Err 9 year code da month hour y min


42809 O O 599

















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Simulation of POWER OFF at midnight (Reply 600) like POWER OFF

Pending error list Record Life-in num. Num Id Id Reply Err 1 Err 2 Err 3 Err 4 Err 5 Err 6 Err 7 Err 8 Err 9 year day month hour min code


42809 O O 600















On safe open the CM18 saves in error log a safe-open record (Reply 597):
Pending error list Record Life-in num. Num Id Id Reply Err 1 Err 2 Err 3 Err 4 Err 5 Err 6 Err 7 Err 8 Err 9 year day code month hour min


45708 O O 597















On CM lock command the CM18 saves a lock record in error-log (Reply 598)
Record num. Life-in num Id Id Reply code Lock type Lock st dd mo hh mm Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res

35 Lock type

41892 O
















Lock st dd mo hh mm Res

00 TIME LOCK 01 PWD LOCK 02 SW ALARM (Alarm 0) 03 OPEN DOOR (Alarm 1) 04 SYSTEM LOCKED (Alarm 3) 05 SAFE LOCKED (Alarm 4) 00 ALARM OFF 01 ALARM ON day of activation/de-activation month of activation/de-activation hour of activation/de-activation minute of activation/de-activation reserved for future use

On Service Fill Command the CM18 saves a SERVICE record in error-log (Reply 596) xx is a hexadecimal value (0x00 0xFF)
Record num. Life-in num Id Id Reply code Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res


44708 O
















This record is related every error happen during recovery phase (594)
Rec. Life-in Id Id Reply Feed Contr Read Safe Cas. num. num. code st st st st st. A Cas. st. B Cas. st. C Cas. st. D Cas. st. E Cas. st. F Cas. Cas. st. G st. H Cas. st. I Cas. st. J


53037 O O
















If a cassette is moved from its position during POWER ON while the safe was opened a record 601 is recorded:
Rec. Time Life- Id Id Reply Feed Contr Read Safe Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. Cas. num. out code st st st st st. A st. B st. C st. D st. E st. F st. G st. H st. I num. Cas. st. J

25 14:43 530 O O 601

















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These records are an example of information module HW & SW about cassette E and all information HW(S11 S00 are related of SERIAL NUMBER) and all information SW (RL3RL0 are related of RELEASE FW, VR3 VR0 are related of VERSION FW, and BN3BN0 are present only in cassettes module and are related of note denomination) are in ASCII-Character
Rec. Res Id. SN11 Reply SN10 SN09 SN08 SN07 SN06 SN05 SN04 SN03 SN02 SN01 SN00 Res Num. mod code Res Res

20 21

0 0



580 581
Reply code



7 A

E 1











Rec. Res Id. Num. mod

BN3 Reply BN2 code













Rec. Res Id. Num. mod

22 23

0 0

6 2


Reply code















Rec. Res Id. Num. mod


If one kind of special clean is enabled in the Errror Log is written the record 583. The byte Pul.Id describe what kind of special clean is used to remove some jam: equal to 0 indicates special clean without control, equal to 1 indicates special clean with Display (GUI) and Pul. Id equal to 2 indicate special clean with commands. The field Fcnt Cnt indicates banknotes counting during recovery cycle from photo count plus banknotes on output slot, while Fcash Cnt indicates banknotes present in low track when happen operation in jam.
Record Num. Life-in Id Id Reply code Pul. id Fcnt Cnt Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Fcash Cnt Res Res Res



O O 583















In case of jam "Cassette out of service" the CM18 execute an automatic recovery and only if this jam happen in deposit during transit of banknote in one cassette, in the Error Log is is written the 583 with the byte Pul.Id equal to 4. These records describe the configuration of controller and reader (584) Example of controller configuration
Rec. num. Life-in num. Id. Index Reply Conf Conf Opt Mod code High Low Conf High Opt Conf Low Opt One Conf High Opt Opt Opt Opt One Two Two Two Conf Conf Conf Conf Low High Upper Lower Middle Middle Opt Res Res Res Res Two Conf Low

45 Where:













01 00 00 00


Id. Mod Index Conf High Conf Low OptConf High OptConf Low OptOneConf High OptOneConf Low OptTwoConf High OptTwoConfUpperMiddle OptTwoConf LowerMiddle OptTwoConf Low

Identify module (2 = controller) Type configuration (00) Define High part of word of FILL CM CONFIG Define Low part of word of FILL CM CONFIG Define High part of word of FILL CM OPTION CONFIG Define Low part of word of FILL CM OPTION CONFIG Define High part of word of FILL CM OPTION ONE CONFIG Define Low part of word of FILL CM OPTION ONE CONFIG Define High part of double word of FILL CM OPTION TWO CONFIG Define Upper Middle part of double word of FILL CM OPTION TWO CONFIG Define Lower Middle part of word of FILL CM OPTION TWO CONFIG Define Low part of of double word of FILL CM OPTION TWO CONFIG



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Example of reader configuration

Rec. Life-in num. num. Id. Mod Index Reply Type Mode Bank Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res code

48 Where: Id. Mod Index Type Mode Bank


















Identify module (3 = reader) Type configuration (00) Reader Type (3 RS12) Mode of working ( 1 Single Currency, 2 Multicurrency) Number of active bank (0,1,2,3,4)


2.31. Journal LOG

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Page 92

The following commands are recorded in the log: SET DATE & TIME DEPOSIT NORMAL (in SAFE) WITHDRAWAL EMPTY CASSETTE INIT CASSETTE FILL JOURNAL LOG string (service operation) Reading the Journal Log is possible to trace all the cash operation performed by the CM 18 on both side. The Journal Log is stored in the SD Card if is enable the bit configuration Enable Journal Log (detailed description: see 2.25.4)

Record_text Description
The replied record text include two different group of data: An Header part that report the date and time informations of the stored operation. A Data record part that report the cash information about the stored operation Header Data Record

The date and time data of the stored operation are replied in the header part of the answer. See the following table Contents Fields Number Command code Side Lenght (ASCII char) 2 2 1 Description/Examples Number of fields in the answer (all the fields are divided by the commands) Stored Operation code (see table below) Stored Operation User A T X: No User @: Application Stored Operation day Stored Operation month Stored Operation year Stored Operation Hour Stored Operation Minutes Stored Operation Seconds User Name

Day Month Year Hour Minutes Seconds User Name Command code :

2 2 2 2 2 2 9

each command is identified using a specific numerical code. According to the following table Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Command Set Date and Time Normal Deposit Reserved Withdrawal Empty Cassette Service fill Init Cassette


Data Record

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In the data record are stored all the information regarding the recorded operation. The data are described in the table below Set Date and Time Contents Header Old Date Lenght (ASCII char) 26 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Description/Examples (See Header table) Day (131) Month (112) Year (0099) Hour (023) Minutes (0059) Seconds (0059) Day (131) Month (112) Year (0099) Hour (023) Minutes (0059) Seconds (0059)

New Date

dd mo yy hh mm ss dd mo yy hh mm ss

Command Example: Cmd: J,1,1,0004 Reply: J,1,1,1,0004,21,01,X,01,01,00,10,11,35,000000000,01,01,00,10,11,35,02,09,05,10,15,00 Header


Deposit Normal (in Safe) Contents Header Rc Feed_rej Read_rej Bn_id_A Bn_num_A Bn_id_B Bn_num_B Bn_id_C Bn_num_C Bn_id_D Bn_num_D Bn_id_E Bn_num_E Bn_id_F Bn_num_F Bn_id_G Bn_num_G Bn_id_H Bn_num_H

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Lenght (ASCII char) 26 2 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3

Description/Examples (See Header table) Deposit Reply Code Number of Feeder reject Number of Reader Reject Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes stored in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes stored in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes stored in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes stored in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes stored in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes stored in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes stored in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes stored in the cassette Ex: 152

Command Example Cmd: J,2,1,0005 Reply: J,2,1,1,0005,28,02,L,02,09,05,10,11,35,000000000, 01,00,01,EUCA,001,EUDA,002,EUEA,003,EUHA,004,EUIA,005,EUJA,006,EU++,007, CHDA,008


Withdrawal Contents Header Rc Bn_id_A Bn_num_A Bn_id_B Bn_num_B Bn_id_C Bn_num_C Bn_id_D Bn_num_D Bn_id_E Bn_num_E Bn_id_F Bn_num_F Bn_id_G Bn_num_G Bn_id_H Bn_num_H

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Page 95

Lenght (ASCII char) 26 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3

Description/Examples (See Header table) Withdrawal Reply Code Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: AAAA Number of notes withdrawn in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes withdrawn in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes withdrawn in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes withdrawn in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes withdrawn in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes withdrawn in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes withdrawn in the cassette Ex: 152 Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Number of notes withdrawn in the cassette Ex: 152

Command Example: Cmd: J,4,1,0005

Reply: J,4,1,1,0005,26,04,L,02,09,05,10,11,35,000000000, 01,EUCA,001,EUDA,002,EUEA,003,EUHA,004,EUIA,005,EUJA,006,EU++,007,CHDA,008


Empty Cassette Contents Header Rc Cass_id Bn_id Log_cas_cnt Phy_bn_out Command Example: Cmd: J,5,1,0006

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Lenght (ASCII char) 26 2 1 4 3 3

Description/Examples (See Header table) Empty cassette reply code Target cassette (A H) Cassette involved in empty command Ex: AAAA Logical cassette counter before empty cassette command Ex: 152 Notes paid out physically from the cassette Ex: 153

Reply: J,5,1,1,0006,14,05,L,02,09,05,10,11,35,000000000,01,A,AAAA,550,549 (The cassette counter is greater than that the real number of notes stored in the cassette)

Init Cassette The init cassette command can be performed specifying the denomination to initialize (Normal mode) or the cassette to initialize (Target mode). In the Normal mode the init cassette is performed on all the cassette configured for the specified denomination. In the Target mode the init cassette is performed on the specified cassette. Contents Header Rc Cass_id Bn_id Log_cas_cnt Phy_bn_out ... Cass_id Bn_id Log_cas_cnt Phy_bn_out Lenght (ASCII char) 26 2 1 4 3 3 ... 1 4 3 3 Description/Examples (See Header table) Init Cassette Reply Code Cassette involved in the Init Cassette command (A H) Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Logical cassette counter before empty cassette command Ex: 152 Notes paid out physically from the cassette Ex: 153 ... Cassette involved in the Init Cassette command (A H) Bn Denomination stored in the cassette. Ex: EUCA Logical cassette counter before empty cassette command Ex: 152 Notes paid out physically from the cassette Ex: 153


Command Example:

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Normal Mode: The command can involve more than one cassette. It happens when a denomination to init is configured on two or more cassette. (Example denomination EUCA on cassettes A and H) Cmd: J,6,1,0007

Reply: J,6,1,1,0007,18,07,L,02,10,05,10,11,35,000000000,01,A,EUCA,550,549,H,EUCA,10,9 Target Mode: The command involve only the specified cassette. Cmd: J,5,1,0006

Reply: J,5,1,1,0006,14,07,L,02,09,05,10,11,35,000000000,01,A,EUCA,550,549 Service Record Contents Header Service Text Command Example: Cmd: J,8,1,0008 Reply: J,8,1,1,0008,10,06,L,05,09,02,10,11,35,0000000000, System updated on 03.09.05 Lenght (ASCII char) 26 40 (Max) Description/Examples (See Header table) Text filled in the journal log by the service / User



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Page 98

Get Journal LOG Info

Using this command is possible to get various data concerning the journal log. Then these data can be used to read the journal log with the Get Journal LOG line command. cmd: reply: where: n Mode sequential number (19) 0 general info (all journal) in this case the paremeter between dd1 and mm2 can be optional 1 day range (the records stored on Start Date) in this case the paremeter between dd2 and mm2 can be optional 2 desired range (all records stored from Start Date to End Date) Day (1 31) Month (1 12) Year (0 99) Hour (0 24) Minutes (0 59) Day (1 31) Month (1 12) Year (0 99) Hour (0 24) Minutes (0 59) First index record of required range Last index record of required range Reply-code

J, n, 0, mode, dd1, mo1, yy1, hh1, mm1, dd2, mo2, yy2, hh2, mm2 J, n, 0, rc, first, last

Start Date

End Date

dd1 mo1 yy1 hh1 mm1 dd2 mo2 yy2 hh2 mm2

First Last rc


Get Journal LOG record

Using this command is possible to get a Journal Log record. cmd: reply: where: n n_record Record_Text * the first record has index one sequential number (19) Record index in the Journal Log* Stored Operation data

J, n, 1, n_record J, n, 1, rc, n_ record, record_text



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Fill Journal LOG string

Using this command is possible to fill some text in the log. Typically is used to describe a service operation on the machine. Special characters are not accepted (Example: , , , , , is, , ).

cmd: reply: where:

J, n, 2, text J, n, 2, rc
n text rc sequential number (19) Service Text to fill (Max 40 ASCII chars) Reply-code (12 ASCII chars)

Command Example: Cmd: J,n,2,Service 00123 Controller sensors adjust

Reply: J,n,2,rc


2.32. Module Fill

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Page 100

This command is used to fill: information , data or configuration parameters to the module. cmd: where: n Target sequential number (19) module address: '0'(30h) CM18 peripheral 1 = Module feeder 2 = Module controller 3 = Module identifier 48 = reserved (option) AJ = Module cassettes AJ T = Periodic



Module CM18 fill command CM18 serial number fill

This command is used to fill the serial number to the machine stored in controller. cmd: reply: where: n serial_num rc sequential number (19) Module serial number (12 ASCII char) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,0,0,serial_num Z,n,0,0,rc



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CM18 fill delay class

This command is used to fill the delay class to the machine stored in controller. cmd: reply: where: n fd amount delay rc sequential number (19) factor multiplication (1099) The amount is in about a hundred unit (example: if amount = 1 the real value is 1 * 100 = 100) Delay in seconds for this class (065535) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,0,2,fd,(amount,delay) * 10 Z,n,0,2,rc

Notes: The first class (1) is necessary to set the amount for no delay (example amount10 delay0, up of amount of 1000 units of value there is no delay) The number of class is always ten (10). If the number of class is less than ten(10) is necessary to duplicate the last valid class insert with the same value for the other class. It is very important to insert amount from less to higher from class 1 to class 10 The factor multiplication delay is reserved for future use Look this example: Class id 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Amount 1000 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 Delay (s) 0 15 30 60 120 180 180 180 180 180 Description Up of amount of 1000 units of value there is no delay Between 1000 and 10000 units of value the delay is 15 sec Between 10001 and 20000 units of value the delay is 30 Between 20001 and 30000 units of value the delay is 60 sec Between 30001 and 40000 units of value the delay is 120 sec Between 40001 and 50000 units of value the delay is 180 sec Above 50001 units the delays is always 180 sec See above See above See above See above



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CM18 log on operator

This command must be sent to the CM, before DEPOSIT, INIT CASSETTE and WITHDRAWAL, when the user want to use CASH BALANCE OPERATOR (describe the number of banknotes input in and output from any cassette) for a specified user_name. cmd: reply: where: n rc user_name sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name

Z, n, 0, 3, user_name, 1 Z, n, 0, 3, rc log off operator

This command must be sent to the CM, after DEPOSIT, INIT CASSETTE and WITHDRAWAL, when the user want to remove the use of CASH BALANCE OPERATOR (describe the number of banknotes input in and output from any cassette) for a specified user_name. cmd: reply: where: n rc user_name sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name

Z, n, 0, 3, user_name, 2 Z, n, 0, 3, rc cash balance operator

With this command it is possible to know all banknotes DEPOSIT and WITHDRAWAL for any cassette for a specified user_name. cmd: reply: where: sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name 0 view cash balance 1 view cash balance & init cash balance AinHin Deposit banknote for a user_name for this cassette (AH) AoutHout Withdrawal banknote for a user_name for this cassette (AH) Overview n rc user_name flg

Z, n, 0, 4, user_name, flg Z, n, 0, 4, rc, Ain, Aout, Bin, Bout,, Hin, Hout

cashpro operator

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With this command it is possible to know all user_name that are enabled to use CASH BALANCE OPERATOR on CM18. The maximum number of user_name is two. cmd: reply: where: n rc n_user user_name1 user_name2 sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) number of user_name 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name1 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name2

Z, n, 0, 5 Z, n, 0, 5, rc, n_user, user_name1, user_name2 user
With this command it is possible to know information related a specified user cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 3 = Syntax error 65 = Wrong pwd 73 = User not present User (A) Password (6 ASCII-chars) 10 ASCII CHAR that define user Side (L/R) Enable cassette (Y for enable, N for disable) (10 ASCII-chars) User_level (U user /S supervisor)

Z, n, 0, 5,user_id,pwd Z, n, 0, 5, rc, login,side,cas_ena,user_level

user_id pwd login side cas_ena user_level


cashpro operator

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With this command it is possible to insert one new user_name that is enabled to use CASH BALANCE OPERATOR on CM18. cmd: reply: where: n rc user_name sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name

Z,n,0,6,user_name Z,n,0,6,rc User
With this command it is possible to add a new user (max 20). It is possible to create only user type user and not supervisor. cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 3 = Syntax error 70 = User alreadyt present 10 ASCII CHAR that define user User (A) Password (6 ASCII-chars) Side (L/R) Enable cassette (Y for enable, N for disable) (10 ASCII-chars) User_level (U user /S supervisor)

Z, n, 0, 6,login,user_id,pwd,side,cas_ena,user_level Z, n, 0, 6, rc

login user_id pwd side cas_ena user_level



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Del operator

With this command it is possible to delete one user_name that is enabled to use CASH BALANCE OPERATOR on CM18. cmd: reply: where: n rc user_name sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name

Z,n,0,7,user_name Z,n,0,7,rc

Del User

With this command it is possible to delete a user. cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 3 = Syntax error 65 = Wrong pwd 73 = User not present 10 ASCII CHAR that define user User (A) Password (6 ASCII-chars)

Z, n, 0, 7,login,user_id,pwd Z, n, 0, 7, rc

login user_id pwd



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Buzzer BEEP

With this command is possible to execute some acoustic signal with CMCONS. cmd: reply: where: n rc n_beep sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) number of BEEP (min. 1 max 5)

Z,n,0,8,n_beep Z,n,0,8,rc

Extended Warning module


With this command it is possible to know some warning about module. cmd: reply: where: n rc [nxx] sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Info module (3 hex ASCII) 1 chr = module address 2,3 chr = info code

Z,n,0,9 Z,n,0,9,rc,[nxx],,[nxx]

Example: If the operator use SPECIAL CLEANING and cassette A have wrong value of cassette counter then: HOST: CM: Z,1,0,9 Z,1,0,9,1,140,240,340,A50,B40,C40,D40,E40,F40,G40,H40



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Set booking banknotes

With this command it is possible to book some notes to withdrawal. cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 4 = not possible to book during recovery phase 14 = not possible to book, amount not available 67 = wrong side 68 = not possible to book, too much booking 71 = denomination not present in safe User identification (max 10 ASCII) Operation identification (0 withdrawal, 1 empty) Index identification (029) Denomination (ex: EUCA) or target (ex. AAAA) Number of notes (065535) Seconds (0059) (two hex ASCII) Minute (0059) (two hex ASCII) Hour (0023) ) (two hex ASCII) Day of month (0131) (two hex ASCII) Month (0112) (two hex ASCII) Year (0099) (two hex ASCII)

Z,n,0,11,id_user,id_op,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn] Z,n,0,11,rc,id_user,index,ss,pp,hh,dd,mm,yy


id_user id_op index n.id nnn ss pp hh dd mm yy

In case of empty booking (id_op = 1) the denomination (parameter n.id) must be by target and the number of notes (nnn) isnt significant because lamount is not controlled and the waiting time is calculated based on the cash data.

Del booking banknotes

With this command it is possible to delete booking banknotes to withdrawal. cmd: reply: where: n rc id_user index sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 4 = not possible to book during recovery phase 65 = id_user not valid 68 = not possible to book 73 = booking record not present User identification (max 10 ASCII) Index identification (029)

Z,n,0,12,id_user, index Z,n,0,12,rc



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Get booking banknotes

With this command it is possible to get booking banknotes to withdrawal for a specific user and index. cmd: reply: where: n rc id_user id_op index n.id nnn sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 4 = not possible to book during recovery phase 65 = id_user not valid 68 = not possible to book 73 = booking record not present User identification (max 10 ASCII) Operation identification (0 withdrawal, 1 empty) Index identification (029) Denomination (ex: EUCA) Number of notes (065535)

Z,n,0,13, index Z,n,0,13,rc,index,id_user,id_op,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]

Get ALL booking banknotes

With this command it is possible to get all booking banknotes to withdrawal. cmd: reply: where: n rc n.id nnn sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 4 = not possible to book during recovery phase 14 = not banknote booking Denomination (ex: EUCA) Number of notes (065535)

Z,n,0,14 Z,n,0,14,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]



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Get operator cash data detail UNFIT or OVERFLOW

With this command it is possible get detail of UNFIT or OVERFLOW banknotes of selected operators deposits. Before using this command, it is necessary to do a init cassette command on cassette: ex.: I, 1, L,EU--, 123456

cmd: reply: where:

Z,n,0,15,user_name Z,n,0,15,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]
n rc user_name n.id nnn sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name Denomination (ex: EUCA) Number of notes (065535)

Get operator cash data detail MULTIDENOMINATION

With this command it is possible get detail of MULTIDENOMINATION banknotes of selected operators deposits. Before using this command, it is necessary to do a init cassette command on cassette: ex.: I, 1, L,EU**, 123456

cmd: reply: where:

Z,n,0,16,user_name Z,n,0,16,rc,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn]
n rc user_name n.id nnn sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 10 ASCII CHAR that define user_name Denomination (ex: EUCA) Number of notes (065535)



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Get booking banknotes Ext

With this command it is possible to get fetailed informations for a specifies booking banknotes cmd: reply:

Z,n,0,18, index Z,n,0,18,rc, index,id_user,id_op,[n.id,nnn],,[n.id,nnn], ss,pp,hh,dd,mm,yy,status,side

n rc index id_user id_op n.id nnn ss pp hh dd mm yy status sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 4 = not possible to book during recovery phase 65 = id_user not valid 68 = not possible to book 73 = booking record not present Index identification (029) User identification (max 10 ASCII) Operation identification (0 withdrawal, 1 empty) Denomination (ex: EUCA) Number of notes (065535) Seconds (0059) (two hex ASCII) Minute (0059) (two hex ASCII) Hour (0023) ) (two hex ASCII) Day of month (0131) (two hex ASCII) Month (0112) (two hex ASCII) Year (0099) (two hex ASCII) Status of the booking: 1: INSERTED 2: ACTIVE 3: CLEARED 4: EXPIRED 5: DELETED Side from which the booking has been issued





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Set booking banknotes status

With this command it is possible to set the status of a booking banknotes. cmd: reply: where: n rc index status sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 73 = booking record not present Index identification (029) New status of the booking: 1: INSERTED 2: ACTIVE 3: CLEARED 4: EXPIRED 5: DELETED Previous status

Z,n,0,19,index,status Z,n,0,19,rc,prevstatus


Execute booking banknotes

With this command it is possible to withdrawal the booking banknotes. cmd:

Z,n,0,20,id_user, index

in case of withdrawal booking

reply: where: n sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 4 = not possible to book during recovery phase 65 = id_user not valid 68 = not possible to book 73 = booking record not present 75 = booking not in ACTIVE status User identification (max 10 ASCII) Index identification (029) Cassette involved (by denomination i.e EUCA or target i.e AAAA) Num. of notes withdrawed nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code Min 112 sec Max 800 sec (with special clean enable)



id_user index n.id nnn T-out


In case of empty booking
reply: where: n

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Z,n,0,20,rc,[n.id,phy_nnn,n.id,log_nnn],....,[n.id,phy_nnn,n.id, log_nnn]
sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 4 = not possible to book during recovery phase 65 = id_user not valid 68 = not possible to book 73 = booking record not present 75 = booking not in ACTIVE status User identification (max 10 ASCII) Index identification (029) Cassette involved (by target i.e AAAA) Number of physically note paid out nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code Cassette involved (by target i.e AAAA) Logical cassette counter before execute booking banknote nnn = from 1 to 3 decimal ASCII code Min 112 sec Max 800 sec (with special clean enable)


id_user index n.id phy_nnn n.id log_nnn


Logical banknote transfer

With this command it is possible to execute a logical transfer of banknote from an user to another. cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 65 = user_name not valid 68 = the operation is not possible 73 = no user logged or, in mode 1, nothing to deposit 0: banknotes are virtually withrawed from the user logged on, and virtually deposited to user_name_dst 1: banknotes are virtually deposited to the user_name_dst 2: banknotes are virtually withrawed from the user_name_dst ASCII CHAR that define the user_name that receive the transfer (max 10 CHAR) Cassette involved in the transfer (AAAA, BBBB ) The parameter is not valid in mode 1 Number of notes to be transferred (065535) The parameter is not valid in mode 1

Z,n,0,25,mode,user_name_dst,[cas.id,num],......,[cas.id,num] Z,n,0,25,rc, [cas.id,num],......,[cas.id,num]

mode user_name_dst cas.id num



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Get status logical banknote transfer

With this command it is possible to know if there is a pending operation of logical bankonote transfer. cmd: reply: where: n rc user_name_src user_name_dst cas.id num sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 73 = no operation pending ASCII CHAR identifies the user_name thay performed the operation of transfer (max 10 CHAR) ASCII CHAR identifies the user_name that receive the transfer (max 10 CHAR) Cassette involved in the transfer (AAAA, BBBB ) Number of notes to be transferred (065535)

Z,n,0,26 Z,n,0,26,rc,user_name_src,user_name_dst,[cas.id,num],..,[cas.id,num]

Set enable/disable cassette

With this command it is possible to enable or disable each cassette for the user open cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 3 = Sintax error 66 = cassette no enable for the open 67 = wrong side 10 ASCII CHAR that identifies the enable/disable of each cassette (example: YYYYNNYYYY in this case the cassette E and F are disable)

Z,n,0,27,cassette_state Z,n,0,27,rc




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Module Reader fill command Reader serial number fill

This command is used to fill the serial number to the bank note identifier. cmd: reply: where: n serial_num rc sequential number (19) Module serial number (12 ASCII char) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,3,0,serial_num Z,n,3,0,rc

Set identifier bank

This command is used to select the bank of note identifier with which you want to work. cmd: reply: where: n bank_num rc sequential number (19) Number of bank (015) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,3,1,bank_num Z,n,3,1,rc

Set identifier number of active banks

This command is used to select the number of active banks of note identifier that will work concurrently (if you want to work in SINGLE CURRENCY bank_to_act must be equal to zero (0) or more than 4 and if you want to work in MULTICURRENCY bank_to_act must be from 1 to 4). To know the number of active bank see command Get identifier number of active banks 2.28.49. cmd: reply: where: n sequential number (19) bank_to_act Number of bank that you want to activate rc reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,3,2,bank_to_act Z,n,3,2,rc



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Set bank config register

This command is used to select the references that will be stored on the reader (only used in MULTICURRENCY mode). To know all the references bank numbers, see command Get all identifier references at 2.28.51 cmd: reply: where: n DSP_slot bankId rc sequential number (19) Destination of reader memory (03) Reference bank number (015) Reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,3,3,DSP_slot,bankId Z,n,3,3,rc

Set identifier bank configurations

This command is used to temporary enable/disable references. The parameters must be ordered as configuration get by command Get identifier bank configurations see 2.28.50. Default values are 1 (enabled). On every power on, the controller load default values. cmd:

Z,n,3,4,DSP1_Ref_ena,DSP2_Ref_ena, DSP3_Ref_ena,DSP4_Ref_ena Z,n,3,4,rc

n DSP1_Ref_ena DSP2_Ref_ena DSP3_Ref_ena DSP4_Ref_ena rc sequential number (19) Reference n 1 1: enabled / 0: disabled Reference n 2 1: enabled / 0: disabled Reference n 3 1: enabled / 0: disabled Reference n 4 1: enabled / 0: disabled reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

reply: where:



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Module Safe Controller fill command Safe Controller serial number fill

This command is used to fill the serial number stored in the Safe Controller module. cmd: reply: where: n serial_num rc sequential number (19) Module serial number (12 ASCII char) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,4,0,serial_num Z,n,4,0,rc


Module Cassette fill command Cassette serial number fill

This command is used to fill the serial number of the cassettes. cmd: reply: where: n cas_id serial_num code rc sequential number (19) Cassette id A H' Module serial number (12 ASCII char) access-code (6 ASCII char) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,cas_id,0,serial_num,code Z,n,cas_id,0,rc



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Set denomination on multi type cassette

Using this command is possible to set the denomination of the banknote emissions for multi type specific cassette (ddd#), multi denomination specific cassette (d*#) and multi nation specific cassette (####) cmd:

Z,n,cas_id,1, n.id, .. , n.id Z,n,cas_id,1,rc

n cas_id rc sequential number (19) Cassette id A H' reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = OK 65 = Wrong pwd 69 = Cassette not present 70 = Cassette not empty 71 = Denomination not present Denomination (ex: EUCA) Max 128

reply: where:

n.id Example

Setting multitype specific cassette on cassette 'A' (left side): Setting detail denomination for this cassette



CM18 Mac Address fill Mac Address serial number fill

This command is used to fill the Mac Address. cmd: reply: where: n serial_num rc sequential number (19) MAC ADDRESS serial number (12 ASCII char) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,6,14,serial_num Z,n,6,14,rc



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CM18 LAN Parameter fill LAN Parameter fill

This command is used to set the parameter of the LAN communication. cmd: reply: where: n ParamId sequential number (19) It identifies the parameter to fill: 1 =DHCP 2 =IP address 3 =Subnet mask 4 =Gateway 5 =Device name 6 =Device description 7 =Primary DNS 8 =Secondary DNS 9 =Primary WINS 10=Secondary WINS Value to insert (i.e. to set DHCP, set ParamVal to 1, to reset DHCP, set ParamVal to 0) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,6,15,ParamId,ParamVal Z,n,6,15,rc

ParamVal rc

Mac Address serial number fill from Controller Serial Number

This command is used to fill the Mac Address. cmd: reply: where: n serial_num rc sequential number (19) The MACADDRES will be: 000E7281NNNN (last 4 N from right) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,6,16,CCCCWWYNNNNN Z,n,6,16,rc



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LAN authorized addresses list fill

This command is used to fill the authorized addresses list. Its possible to enter a list up to a maximun of 10 IP addresses and 10 MAC addresses cmd: reply: where: n op_type sequential number (19) Operation type: 1=insert an address 2=delete an address 3=delete all addresses (all IP or all MAC) Type of address: 1=IP address 2=MAC address Address to insert or to delete. If op_type=3, this parameter is not required. The IP address form is dot decimal (i.e. while MAC address form is six group of two hex digit separated by hypens(-) (i.e. 00-13-8F-AD-11-BE) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Z,n,6,17,op_type,addr_type,[addr] Z,n,6,17,rc

addr_type addr



CM18 operating hour fill Fill periodic operating hour

This command is used to fill the Periodic Operating Hour. The machine can work only during the specified period. cmd:

Z,n,T,0,day,hour1,min1,hour2,min2,lunch_hour1,lunch_min1, lunch2_hour,lunch2_min Z,n,T,0,rc

n rc day hour1 min1 hour2 min2 lunch1_hour lunch1_min lunch2_hour lunch2_min sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Day of the week (17) 1Monday 7Sunday Switch on time (Hour) (0023) Switch on time (Minutes) (0059) Switch off time (Hour) (0023) Switch off time (Minutes) (0059) Lunch Break on time (Hour) (0023) Lunch Break on time (Minutes) (0059) Lunch Break off time (Hour) (0023) Lunch Break off time (Minutes) (0059)

reply: where:



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N.B. If the lunch break is not provided, the parameters start and end of lunch hour break must be sets as the end time work



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Fill A-periodic operating hour

This command is used to fill the A-Periodic Operating Hour. The machine can work only during the specified period. The A-periodic operating hours are defined for a specific date. If the year is 00, the periodic operating hour is valid for always time. The periodic operating hours are ignored if the A-periodic operating hours are defined for that date. cmd:

Z,n,T,3,day,month,year,hour1,min1,hour2,min2, lunch_hour1,lunch_min1,lunch2_hour,lunch2_min Z,n,T,3,rc

n rc day month year hour1 min1 hour2 min2 lunch1_hour lunch1_min lunch2_hour lunch2_min sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) Day of month (131) Month (112) 1January 12December Year (es: 2003 = 03) Switch on time (Hour) (0023) Switch on time (Minutes) (0059) Switch off time (Hour) (0023) Switch off time (Minutes) (0059) Lunch Break on time (Hour) (0023) Lunch Break on time (Minutes) (0059) Lunch Break off time (Hour) (0023) Lunch Break off time (Minutes) (0059)

reply: where:


2.33. Download

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With this command it is possible to load a new denomination on the reader or a new FW-release on the controller, or to write/read file to/from OSC. cmd: reply: where: t target('2'=controller / '3'=identifier/4=safe / 5 = FPGA / 6= OSCard / 7= identifier reference / 'A''H' cassette) mode 'L' = load firmware (no parms) 'F' = load firmware from file E = execute file on device memory I = init transfer directory S = set download directory X = reset download directory W = transfer file to device memory R = transfer file from device memory Used with mode = F, W , R Used with mode = F, W, R, E Used with mode = R Used with mode = R as note (*) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 35 sec

L,n,t,a,p1,p2,p3,p4,(Intel hex-file) L,n,rc

p1 p2 p3 p4 Intel hex-file rc T-out


Install Controller (Higher controller) firmware

With this download command it is possible to install the controller firmware Application. cmd: cmd: reply:

L,n,2,L, , , , , (Intel hex-file) L,n,2,F, , , , , (Intel hex-filename) L,n,rc



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Install Reader firmware

With this download command it is possible to install the Reader firmware (Host FW, DSP FW, FPGA FW). cmd: cmd: reply:

L,n,3,L, , , , , (Intel hex-file) L,n,3,F, , , , , (Intel hex-filename) L,n,rc

Install Safe (Lower Controller) firmware


With this download command it is possible to install the Lower Controller firmware on the Safe module. cmd: cmd: reply:

L,n,4,L, , , , , (Intel hex-file) L,n,4,F, , , , , (Intel hex-filename) L,n,rc

Install FPGA firmware


With this download command it is possible to install the FPGA firmware. cmd: cmd: reply:

L,n,5,L, , , , , (Intel hex-file) L,n,5,F, , , , , (Intel hex-filename) L,n,rc

Install Reader Reference


With this download command it is possible to install the Reference on the Reader. cmd: cmd: reply:

L,n,3,L, , , , , (Intel hex-file) L,n,7,F, , , , , (Intel hex-filename) L,n,rc



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Install Cassette firmware

With this download command it is possible to install the Cassette AH firmware. cmd: cmd: reply:

L,n,Cas,L, , , , , (Intel hex-file) L,n,Cas,F, , , , , (Intel hex-filename) L,n,rc

Cas is the Cassette involved in the download (AH)



Install Multi-Cassette firmware

With this download command is possible to install the Cassette AH firmware at the same time. cmd: cmd: reply:

L, n, W, L, t1, --------, , , (Intel hex-file) L, n, W, F, t1, --------, , , (Intel hex-filename) L, n, rc

t1 is the target Cassette(s) involved in the download (A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H). If you dont want to install firmware on a specified cassette, the missing target must be substituted with - character.


Ex.: Install firmware on all cassettes (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H): Cmd: L,0,W,L,ABCDEFGH,--------,,,(Intel hex-file)/( Intel hex-filename)

Ex.: Install firmware on cassette A,C,E,G: Cmd: L,0,W,L,ACEG----,--------,,,(intel hex-file)/(intel hex-filename)

Ex.: Install firmware on cassette F,H: Cmd: NOTE: Description of Intel-hex file format. (*)Intel-hex format: ':' 'nn' 'aaaa' '00' 'dd....dd' 'cb' = record-mark chars = record length (2 hex-ASCII) = address (4 hex-ASCII) = record type('00' data / '01' end of record / 'FF' comment) = data in hex-ASCII = checksum excluding itself and record-mark (2 hex-ASCII) L,0,W,L,FH------,--------,,,(intel hex-file)/(intel hex-filename)



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:20C040001CB1551EC61C1EB1801CC70155D51CB1AA1CC70155D51CAF1A061C61F8FF1C0958 20h data-bytes, C040h starting address, 00 record type data 1C09 data in hex ASCII 58 checksum excluding itself and record-mark :020000020000FC page 0 Flash low :020000FF0000FF change sector page 1 Flash :00000001FF end of file Example of some rows of INTEL HEX-file for download controller firmware :020000020000FC :20C040001CB1551EC61C1EB1801CC70155D51CB1AA1CC70155D51CAF1A061C61F8FF1C0958 :20C060000C1C65AA2A1CB1551EC61C1EAC0F1C61F0FF1CAF1A061E0A011E801E1CB01C0F31 Example of download sequence for controller firmware:
Host: CM: Host: CM: Host: CM: L,1,2,L,,,,,:020000020000FC L,1,1 L,2,2,L,,,,,:20C040001CB1551EC61C1EB1801CC70155D51CB1AA1CC70155D51CAF1A061C61F8FF1C0958 L,2,1 L,3,2,L,,,,,:20C060000C1C65AA2A1CB1551EC61C1EAC0F1C61F0FF1CAF1A061E0A011E801E1CB01C0F31 L,3,1




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Execute file on OSCard memory

With this download command it is possible to execute a file on the device memory. cmd: reply: where:

L,n,6,E,m,(FileName), , , L,n,rc
m FileName 0: Download OSC forced 1: Check version and download OSC (Only used to download OSC with CMUpgrade.exe) Name of the file that will be executed on device


Init transfer

With this command it is possible to create or clear FW SUITE directory used to transfer files with command Transfer file to OSC Card memory or to check configuration files version. cmd: reply: where:

L,n,6,I,m , , , , FileName L,n,rc

m FileName 8: Init SUITE FW directory 9: Check FILM version 10: Check IMG version Directory or file name


Set download directory

With this command it is possible to set FW SUITE directory used to read files to install modules FW with dedicated download commands or to execute file on OSCard memory (see command Execute file on OSCard memory). cmd: reply: where:

L,n,6,S,m , , , , Dir_Name L,n,rc

m Dir_Name 8: Set SUITE FW directory Directory name


Reset download directory

With this command it is possible to reset FW SUITE directory used to read files to install modules FW with dedicated download commands (see command Set download directory). cmd: reply:

L,n,6,X, , , , , L,n,rc



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Transfer file to OSC Card memory

With this download command it is possible to transfer a file from the PC to the device memory. cmd: reply: where: 0 : Cancel file 1 : Data transfer Es. : data = 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 The file on the device will contain 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 2 : Data transfer + Bin conversion (The data will be converted from Ascii to bin) Es.: Data = 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 The file on the device will contain 0x01 0x23 0x45 4: End transfer OK with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 5: End transfer FAIL with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 6: Abort transfer file with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 7: Data block transfer with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 8: Init SUITE file transfer with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 9: Init FILM file transfer with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 10: Init IMAGE file transfer with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 11: Init LANGUAGEfile transfer with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 12: Init REFERENCE file transfer with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 13: Init SKIN file transfer with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol 14: Init GUI file transfer with LAN or USB\RS232 simplified protocol is the name of the file that will be deleted,updated on the device This parameter is valid from m = 8 to m = 14 Is the number of byte to transfer (size in byte of the file) This parameter is only valid with: - From m = 8 to m = 14 and the value must be the transfer block size (Max 16KB with USB simplified protocol, 1KB with RS232 simplified protocol or 0 with LAN protocol). N.B. Its necessary to configure serial baud rate to 115200 to use max transfer block size to 1KB with RS232 simplified protocol. With m=7 is the data of the file to be transfered (Ascii and Binary Format). Maximum len is 16384 (16KB) with USB simplified protocol and 1024 (1KB) with RS232 simplified protocol. With all other parameters is the data of the file to be transfered (Ascii Format). Maximum len is 1024. N.B parameter not valid with m = 4, m = 5, m = 6 and from m = 8 to m = 14 Command Sequence sample (Text File): 1. L,2,6,W,1,/TEMP/PIPPO.TXT,,,TEXT1 L,2,1 2. L,3,6,W,1,/TEMP/PIPPO.TXT,,,TEXT2 L,3,1 3. L,4,6,W,1,/TEMP/PIPPO.TXT,,,TEXT3 L,4,1 4. . To delete the file Overview

L,n,6,W,m,(FileName),p3,p4,[(FileData)] L,n,rc

FileName p3




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L,1,6,W,0,/TEMP/PIPPO.TXT,,, Command Sequence sample (Bin File): 1. L,2,6,W,2,/TEMP/PIPPO.BIN,,,data0 L,2,1 2. L,3,6,W,2,/TEMP/PIPPO.BIN,,,data1 L,3,1 3. L,4,6,W,2,/TEMP/PIPPO.BIN,,,data2 L,4,1 4. .. To delete the file L,1,6,W,0,/TEMP/PIPPO.BIN,,, To transfer a GUI file from the PC to the device memory through the LAN protocol, the command must be send to the PORT address 8101 (address fixed), while the file must be send to the PORT address 8100 (address fixed). Command Sequence sample (Bin File protocol LAN): 1. L,1,6,W,14,/TEMP/PIPPO.BIN,274625,0 L,1,1 2. File transfer es. C:\TRACE.TXT Port 8101 Port 8100

To transfer a SKIN file from the PC to the device memory through the USB simplified or RS232 simplified protocol, the command must be send to the USB or RS232 port. During download is not possible to send other commands. Command Sequence sample (Bin File protocol USB simplified): 1. L,1,6,W,13,SKIN_1,274625,16384 L,1,1 2. L,1,6,W,7,,,,Block_Data L,1,1 3. L,1,6,W,6,,,, L,1,1 To abort file download during transfer data

To transfer a complete suite from the PC to the device memory through the USB simplified or RS232 simplified protocol, the command must be send to the USB or RS232 port. During download is not possible to send other commands. Command Sequence sample (Bin File protocol USB simplified): 1. L,1,6,I,8,,,,Suite_Name (see command Init transfer suite) L,1,1 2. L,1,6,W,8,File_1.BIN,274625,16384 L,1,1 3. L,1,6,W,7,,,,Block_Data L,1,1 .. 4. L,1,6,W,8,File_2.BIN,44444,16384 L,1,1 5. L,1,6,W,7,,,,Block_Data L,1,1 .. 6. L,1,6,W,4,,,, (L,1,6,W,5,,,, to end transfer in FAIL condition) L,1,1



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Get data reader information

With this download command it is possible, after a deposit command with a false or suspect banknote, to get some data reader information type the bitmap of serial number, the magnetic map or all the fingerprint This command work only in simplified protocol (RS232 or USB) cmd: reply: where: type n_finger Type of request data 0 : serial number 1 : magnetic map 2.: all fingerprint Number of banknote Size of the data request.(bytes) Typically the values are: 4800 byte for the serial number 6000 byte for the magnetic map 8192 bytes for all the fingerprint Number of block to read. It is possible to read the information by block, but it is advisable to read the entire information at once. Typically the values is 1 Size block to read.( size_image/ n_block rounded n 1024bytes) If the n_block parameter is 1 this value must be: 5120 byte for the serial number 6144 byte for the magnetic map 8192 bytes for all the fingerprint Bytes read

L,n,6,D,type,n_finger,size_image,n_block,size_block L,n,rc,size_image,..data..




Data Example Host: O,1,L,123456 CM: O,1,L,1 Host: D,2,L,0,0000 CM: D,2,L,1,29,0,2,EUDA,29 Host: L,3,6,D,0,0,4800,1,5120 CM: L,3,1,4800,.. data...

Open Deposit : 29 bn accepted and 2 false or suspect Request of serial number map of the first banknote



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RS232 Parameter

Reserved to service.


Temporary change baud rate

Using this command it is possible to change temporarily the baud rate of serial interface 1&2. The baud rate standard setting (9600 bps) is restored ONLY on the following event: 1) After a power-off / power-on sequences 2) On the end of a successfully firmware application download cmd: reply: where: n baud rc Examples: N,n,0,38400 sequential number (19) Baud rate 9600 (default), 19200, 38400 57600, 115200 reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

N,n,0,baud N,n,0,rc

Set baud rate to 38400.



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Transparent On

Reserved to service. When the transparent is active, there is no control from the master board over the data sent and received, so any wrong use of this mode can damage the settings, data or even the hardware of the CM18. With this command it is possible to communicate directly to an internal module(including controller extended function). cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number(19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

X,n X,n,rc

During transparent mode no protocol is required . The transparent mode is allowed only on one serial interface at once. All the data (in hex-ASCII) from host are sent in binary to internal interface. All the response in binary will be sent back to the host in hex-ASCII . Do not power off the unit in transparent mode. Use always the transparent off command to close the service transparent session. 2.37. Transparent Off

Reserved to service . With this command the mode return from transparent to normal-mode . The received bytes are interpreted and execute from the controller . cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number(19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars)

Y,n Y,n,rc


2.38. 2.38.1.

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Here are the commands for the management of PREMA Lock Safe EK 1500 and Koval EK 1500.


With this command it is possible to initialize Lock Safe. cmd: reply: where: n rc Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = ok 3 = Syntax 66 = Lock Safe not initialized and save is not allowed 982 = Error creating LOCK SAFE configuration file 983 = Error writing LOCK SAFE configuration file Initialize/Store flag (1 ASCII Char) 0 : Init LOCK SAFE configuration 1 : Save LOCK SAFE configuration

T,n,0,19,flg T,n,0,19,rc


Get channel description

With this command it is possible to get Lock Safe channel description. cmd: reply: where: Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = ok 3 = Syntax 67 = Wrong side 73 = Record not present (channel not configured) side Side (L-R) channel Channel number (031). Every operator have 32 configurable channels. cur_code Currency code (5 ASCII char) ls_cas Lock Safe cassette associated to channel cur_descr Currency description (10 ASCII char) n rc

T,n,0,20,side,channel T,n,0,20,rc,side,channel,cur_code,ls_cass,cur_descr



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Get cassette number

With this command it is possible to get Lock Safe cassette number. cmd: reply: where: n rc cass_number Sequential number (19) reply-code (12 ASCII-chars) 1 = ok Lock Safe cassette number (17)

T,n,0,26 T,n,0,26,rc,cass_number

Open one cassette

With this command it is possible to open one Lock Safe cassette. cmd: reply: where: n rc Sequential number (19) reply-code (13 ASCII-chars) 1= ok 2= Low level controller busy 3 = Syntax 8 = Cassette already opened 67 = Wrong side 69 = Cassette number not valid 71 = Cassette not present 98 = CM locked 901 = Open COM Communication Error 907 = Communication timeout (Lock Safe not present) Side (L-R) Lock Safe cassette number to open

T,n,0,27,side,cass_num T,n,0,27,rc

side cass_num



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Fill cassette description

This command is used to fill Lock Safe cassette description. cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (13 ASCII-chars) 1 = ok 3 = Syntax 13 = Denomination full (there are not channels available) 67 = Wrong side 69 = Cassette number not valid 982 = Error creating LOCK SAFE configuration file 983 = Error writing LOCK SAFE configuration file Side (L-R) Currency code (5 ASCII char) Lock Safe cassette (17) Currency description (10 ASCII char)

Z,n,S,0,side,cur_code,ls_cas,cur_descr Z,n,S,0,rc

side cur_code ls_cas cur_descr

N.B. One new channel is associated to every Lock Safe cassette configured (every operator have 32 configurable channels).

Fill cassette number

This command is used to fill Lock Safe cassette number. cmd: reply: where: n rc sequential number (19) reply-code (13 ASCII-chars) 1 = ok 3 = Syntax 69 = Cassette number not valid 982 = Error creating LOCK SAFE configuration file 983 = Error writing LOCK SAFE configuration file Lock Safe cassette number (17)

Z,n,S,1,cass_number Z,n,S,1,rc




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Nation Mode

A cassette can be programmed to store every denomination of a specific nation. The nation mode can work in two different way: 1. Multidenomination mode 2. Unfit mode 3. Overflow mode 4. False & suspect mode 5. Multination mode On a cassette programmed to work in MultiDenomination mode the third and the forth character of the denomination are set as * (i.e. all EURO denomination: EU**) or in Unfit mode the third and the forth character of the denomination are set as - (i.e. all EURO denomination: EU--) On a cassette programmed to work in Overflow mode the third and the forth character of the denomination are set as + (i.e. all EURO denomination: EU++) On a cassette programmed to work in MultiDenomination + Overflow + Unfit mode, the third and the forth character of the denomination are set as # (i.e. all EURO denomination: EU##) On a cassette programmed to work in MultiNation mode, all the four character of the denomination are set as * (i.e. denomination: ****)


Safe configuration

A cassette can be programmed to Nation Mode only if its empty. A cassette programmed in nation mode (i.e. EU** or EU-- or EU++ or EU## or EU?? or ****) and not empty cannot be set for one single denomination. Some example in the following safe configuration: 107 notes EUCA(5) set in cassette A side enabled: left 000 notes EUDA (10) set in cassette B side enabled: left and right 095 notes EUEA (20) set in cassette C side enabled: right 024 notes EUEA (20) set in cassette D side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUHA (100) set in cassette E side enabled: none 237 notes EUIA (200) set in cassette F side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUJA (500) set in cassette G side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUCA (5) set in cassette H side enabled: left and right Old Cassette Set-Up Cass. N.id Num Side . A EUCA 107 L A EU** 107 L B EUDA 0 L+R B EU** 0 L+R C EUEA 95 R D EUJA 24 L+R E EUHA 0 N Setting command S, 1, L, EU**, Y, A S, 1, L, EUDA, Y, A S, 1, L, EU**, Y, B S, 1, L, EUEA, Y, B S, 1, R, IT**, N, C S, 1, R, EU++, Y, D S, 1, R, EU++, Y, E Reply code 70 : Denomination not Empty 70 : Denomination not Empty 1 : OK 1 : OK 70 : Denomination not Empty 70 : Denomination not Empty 1 : OK New Cassette Set-up Cass. N.id Num Side . A EUCA 107 L A EU** 107 L B EU** 0 L+R B EUEA 0 L+R C EUEA 95 R D EUJA 24 L+R E EU++ 0 R

Each of the 10 cassettes (AH) can be programmed as Nation mode Multidenominations or Unfit or Overflow Multination . Its advisable to program at most one cassette to Multidenomination or Unfit mode and one cassette to Overflow mode in order to have the better handling of the safe. A cassette programmed as Multidenomination mode (i.e. EU**) will only accept banknotes that are not programmed in another cassette as single denomination. A cassette programmed as Unfit mode in alternative to Multidenomination (i.e. EU--) will accept all banknotes (if enable unfit note handling see 2.27.4) whose quality is deemed to be insufficient for further use in the cash cycle. Overview


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A cassette programmed as Overflow mode (i.e. EU++) will accept all banknotes of the specified nation. If during a deposit a cassette with a single denomination (i.e. EUDA) becomes full, the banknote will be accepted only on a cassette programmed as Overflow (i.e. EU++). (see Deposit Operation 3.3) If during a deposit a cassette programmed as Multidenomination Mode (i.e. EU**) becomes full, the banknotes will be accepted on a cassette programmed as Overflow (i.e. EU++)



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Deposit operation

The deposit sequence will work as follows: For each banknote which is recognized from the reader, the controller (scanning from the cassette A to cassette H) will look for a cassette programmed with that specific denomination (i.e. EUEA), then for a cassette programmed as multitype (i.e. EUE*), then, if the single denomination is not found on a cassette, the controller will look for a cassette programmed as Multidenomination (i.e. EU**), otherwise if the single denomination is found on a cassette but the cassette is full the controller will look for a cassette programmed as Overflow (i.e. EU++). Example 1: Unit programmed as: 000 notes EUCA (5) set in cassette A side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUDA (10) set in cassette B side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUEA (20) set in cassette C side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUGA (50) set in cassette D side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUGA (50) set in cassette E side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUHA (100) set in cassette F side enabled: left and right 000 notes EU** (200, 500)set in cassette G side enabled: left and right 000 notes CA++ (all Canadian $) set in cassette H side enabled: left and right Bank 1 EURO () denomination and Bank 2 CANADA ($) denomination and bank 1 is activated Deposit normal of n.2 EUEA banknotes HOST: CM: D,1,L,0,0000 D,1,L,1,2,0,0,EUCA,0,EUDA,0,EUEA,2,EUGA,0,EUGA,0,EUHA,0,EU**,0,CA++,0

Deposit normal of n.3 EUCA, n.5 EUGA, n.2 EUHA, n.6 EUJA, n.4 EUIA banknotes HOST: CM: D,1,L,0,0000 D,1,L,1,20,0,0,EUCA,3,EUDA,0,EUEA,0,EUGA,5,EUGA,0,EUHA,2,EU**,10,CA++,0, EUIA,4,EUJA,6

The first section of the answer is related to the physical cassette: EUCA,3,EUDA,0,EUEA,0,EUGA,5,EUGA,0,EUHA,2,EU**,10,CA++,0, Fixed data structure (8 couples) related to the physical cassette position (from the cassette A to the cassette H) The second section of the answer is related to the detail of the notes stored in the Nation Cassette (i.e. EU** or CA++) during the deposit operation EUIA,4,EUJA,6 data fields present only in case of notes directed to a Nation cassette (Multidenomination or Overflow)

The total number of deposited banknotes is the sum of fixed data fields (First section). The total amount of the deposit operation is the sum between the single currency data fields (Second section) and the fixed data fields (First section) [excluding Nation EU** and CA++]. If a deposit operation has to be annulled, the relative Undo withdrawal must be related only to the fixed data field (First Section). The order sequence of the Nation detail denominations in the first section fields is related to the sequence of the reference channels on the banknote reader device.



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Example 2: Unit programmed as: 000 notes EUCA (5) set in cassette A side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUDA (10) set in cassette B side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUEA (20) set in cassette C side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUGA (50) set in cassette D side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUHA (100) set in cassette E side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUIA (200) set in cassette F side enabled: left and right 000 notes EU-- (Unfit ) set in cassette G side enabled: left and right 000 notes CA++ (all Canadian $) set in cassette H side enabled: left and right Bank 1 EURO () denomination and Bank 2 CANADA ($) denomination and is activated bank 1 Deposit normal of n.2 EUCA (Unfit) banknotes Bank 1 is activated HOST: CM: D,1,L,0,0000 D,1,L,1,2,0,0,EUCA,0,EUDA,0,EUEA,0,EUGA,0,EUHA,0,EUIA,0,EU--,2,CA++,0 EUCA,2

Deposit nation of n.1 CAGB, n.1 CADC, n.1 CAEC banknotes Bank 1 is activated HOST: CM: Now bank 2 is activated Deposit nation of n.4 EUCA (5) banknotes Bank 2 is activated HOST: CM: Bank 1 is activated D,1,L,6,EU00 D,1,L,1,4,0,0,EUCA,4,EUDA,0,EUEA,0,EUGA,0,EUHA,0,EUIA,0,EU--,0,0000,0 D,1,L,0,CA00 D,1,L,1,3,0,0,0000,0,0000,0,0000,0,0000,0,0000,0,0000,0,0000,0,CA++,3, CAGB,1,CADC,1,CAEC,1



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Withdrawal operation

This operation will be handled as before specifying the requesting denomination and the number of banknotes. There is no difference for the unit if the application requesting single or multi denomination. The controller (scanning from the cassette H to cassette A) search the requested notes first in cassette programmed with that specific denomination (i.e. EUEA), then for a cassette programmed as multitype (i.e. EUE*). Example: Unit programmed as: 010 notes EUCA (5) set in cassette A side enabled: left and right 037 notes EUDA (10) set in cassette B side enabled: left and right 015 notes EUEA (50) set in cassette C side enabled: left and right 010 notes EUE* (50 all version of reference) set in cassette D side enabled: left and right 030 notes EU** (20,100) set in cassette E side enabled: left and right 020 notes EUIA (200) set in cassette F side enabled: left and right 012 notes EUJA (500)set in cassette G side enabled: left and right 000 notes EUCA (5) set in cassette H side enabled: left and right Example of withdrawal of 10 EUCA HOST: W,1,L,EUCA,10 CM: W,1,L,14,EUCA,10 The controller get the notes from cassette A. Example of withdrawal of 10 EU** HOST: W,1,L,EU**,10 CM: W,1,L,1,EU**,10 The controller gets the notes from cassette E. Of course there is no information related to the value of 10 banknotes, which means that withdrawal directed to a multidenomination cassette has to be only used in case of Deposit Undo or for an Empty cassette. Example of withdrawal of 20 EUE* HOST: W,1,L,EUE*,20 CM: W,1,L,14,EUE*,10 The controller gets notes from the cassette D. Example of withdrawal of 20 EUEA HOST: W,1,L,EUEA,20 CM: W,1,L,14,EUEA,20 The controller gets 15 notes first from cassette C then 5 notes from cassette D.



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Alarm configuration on controller board

Alarm description SW ALARM ANTISISMIC / OPEN DOOR (configurable with command see 2.27.4) SYSTEM LOCK (configurable with command see 2.27.4) UNLOCK DOOR with key present into SAFE SAFE LOCKED (power off +36V in SAFE if hardware connection)

Alarm id Direction ALARM0 Output ALARM1 Output ALARM3 Input ALARM3 Input ALARM4 Input



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Reply Code Table

The FW program which runs the CM18 replies to each Host command with a specific Reply Code according to the status of the CM18. The following paragraphs will describe each reply code, the area of the CM18 involved, the possible cause and the action to take.

Code 1 4 5 6 7 8 30

General conditions
Description OK Busy Cover open Safe open Feeder open Cassette Unlocked Out of service Area SW SW Upper Cover Safe door Feeder Safe module All Cause and action taken The requested command cannot be executed The upper cover is open (Forced condition after any error in the upper mechanical track). The safe door is open The feeder is open. There are not locked cassettes If one of the operating errors of the previous table is not removed by the operator and the subsequent cleaning procedure, the CM18 goes Out of service. The same thing can occur at power on if one of the modules does not reply or is not working. To exit this status, power off the CM18 . The feeder or the identifier is not working. It is possible anyway to withdrawal the money Safe module (LOCO) doesnt reply on the RS232 line to master controller (MACO). To exit this status, power off the CM18 .

31 60 98

Deposit out of service Safe Out of service CM LOCKED

Feeder Identifier Safe module All

Code 2 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

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Operating conditions
Description SW error Syntax error Note on right output Note on left output Note on front output No input note Denomination full Denomination empty Note on Feeder input Wrong Key No Cassette Enable Wrong side Req. Over limit Cass. not pres. C/n.id not empty n.id not present No journal Record not present Wrong FW Booking not in ACTIVE status Area Module SW Right output Left output Feeder reject out Feeder Cassettes Cassettes Feeder All/contr. All All Withdraw. Cause and action taken Problem during download about FLASH memory or not answer with that module Syntax error in the Host command. Check the command sequence Notes are detected on the right output compartment. Notes are detected on the left output compartment. Notes are detected on the reject compartment of the feeder. No input notes are detected on the feeder input slot after a deposit command. All the cassettes programmed with the specific denomination are full. All the cassettes programmed with the specific denomination are empty. Note left on the feeder input tray at the end of a deposit command The key code used is wrong There are no cassette enable with reference to the operator side used The operator side used in the cmd is not correct The number of requested notes(Withdrawal cmd) exceeds the 200 The cassette is not present The cassette or denomination is not empty The denomination is not present The electronic journal optional kit is not present or not working The journal record is not present in the specific area range FW in download is not compatible The request booking is noy in ACTIVE status

E. Journal E. Journal Booking

Code 16 17

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Operating errors
Description Feeder jam Identify unit jam Upper track jam Area Feeder Identifier Cause and action taken An error is detected during the feeding cycle. The feeder open condition is activated. Open the feeder, remove the notes , close and restart. The note is jammed inside the unit or its transition time exceeds the limits. The cover open status is activated. Open the note reader, remove the jammed note, check the conditions of the internal surfaces, close and restart. The note does not reach the F-SHIFT sensor within the specified time. More than two notes are detected in the path. The Cover open status is activated. Open the upper cover, remove the jammed notes, close, wait for the cleaning procedure, collect the notes conveyed to the output compartment and restart. The note does not reach the destination path on time. The Cover open status is activated. Same procedure as above. During a deposit operation an imbalance is detected between the number of notes in a specific cassette and the number of diverted commands directed to the same cassette. During a withdrawal operation the number of notes in the path is not correct or the note transition time exceeds the limit. Open the safe, open the cassette trays, check all the note paths , if necessary remove the cassette and check the note position or try to send a SPECIAL CLEAN. The note transition time from Fcash to Foutx exceeds the limits. The cover open status is activated. Open the cover and lift the two frames over the cross point area, remove the jammed notes, check for any visible obstacles, close and restart. Check also that the notes are not torn or do not have holes. The cassette photo sensors detect a wrong transition time. Power off the CM18, open the safe and the tray with the cassette causing the error or try to send a SPECIAL CLEAN. When one or more notes are manually removed from the cassette the cassette note counter will be wrong. The number of Sorter Off operations directed to the cassette is greater than the number of notes arrived in the same cassette. The note can be at the bottom of the safe or in a different cassette. Power off the CM18, open the safe and the tray with the cassette causing the error or try to send a SPECIAL CLEAN. Check and undo the latest operation


Upper track

19 20

Cross point jam Lower track jam

Cross point Safe


Output track jam

Output track area

22 29

Cassette AH jam

Cassette AH

40 47

Missing note on cassette A H

Cassettes or Safe track

Code 15 32 -39 48 49 50

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Description Missfeeding Cassette out of service AH Internal Comm. Error Note overflow Count error Area Feeder Cassettes AJ ALL Bank note Reader All Cause and action taken The thickness sensor does not detect any input note after more feeding cycles. Check the input notes position and repeat the command. One of the cassettes doesnt reply on the 485 line Check the connection and if necessary replace the electronic board Internal serial error (not longer used), Feeder wrong status, Reader Comm Error, Safe Comm Error, Safe Failure The note reader does not define a target for the note in transit within the limit. The cover open status is activated. Open the cover check the notes in the path, close and restart. At the end of a withdrawal operation the delivered notes do not match the requested ones.

Code 103 104 105 106

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Reply code present in the ERROR LOG

Description Cover open Safe open Feeder open Out of service Area Upper Cover Safe door Feeder All Cause and action taken The upper cover is open The safe door is open The feeder is open. If one of the operating errors of the previous table is not removed by the operator and the subsequent cleaning procedure, the CM18 goes Out of service. The same thing can occur at power on if one of the modules does not reply or is not working. To exit this status, power off the CM18 . The feeder or the identifier is not working. It is possible anyway to withdrawal the money An error is detected during the feeding cycle. The feeder open condition is activated. Open the feeder, remove the notes , close and restart. The note is jammed inside the unit or its transition time exceeds the limits. The cover open status is activated. Open the note reader, remove the jammed note, check the conditions of the internal surfaces, close and restart. The note does not reach the F-SHIFT sensor within the specified time. More than two notes are detected in the path. The Cover open status is activated. Open the upper cover, remove the jammed notes, close, wait for the cleaning procedure, collect the notes conveyed to the output compartment and restart. The note does not reach the destination path on time. The Cover open status is activated. Same procedure as above. During a deposit operation an imbalance is detected between the number of notes in a specific cassette and the number of diverted commands directed to the same cassette. During a withdrawal operation the number of notes in the path is not correct or the note transition time exceeds the limit. Open the safe, open the cassette trays, check all the note paths , if necessary remove the cassette and check the note position or try to send a SPECIAL CLEAN. The note transition time from Fcash to Foutx exceeds the limits. The cover open status is activated. Open the cover and lift the two frames over the cross point area, remove the jammed notes, check for any visible obstacles, close and restart. Check also that the notes are not torn or do not have holes. The cassette photo sensors detect a wrong transition time. Power off the CM18, open the safe and the tray with the cassette causing the error or try to send a SPECIAL CLEAN. When one or more notes are manually removed from the cassette the cassette note counter will be wrong. Reserved for future use The number of Sorter Off operations directed to the cassette is greater than the number of notes arrived in the same cassette.

107 301 302

Deposit out of service Feeder jam Identify unit jam Upper track jam

Feeder Identifier Feeder Identifier


Upper track

304 305

Cross point jam Lower track jam

Cross point Safe


Output track jam

Output track area

307 316

Cassette AJ jam

Cassette AJ

317318 319 328

Reserved Missing note on Cassettes or Safe

cassette A J 329318 401 402 -411 412413

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Reserved Missfeeding Cassette out of service AJ Feeder Cassettes AJ Reserved

The note can be at the bottom of the safe or in a different cassette. Power off the CM18, open the safe and the tray with the cassette causing the error or try to send a SPECIAL CLEAN. Check and undo the latest operation Reserved for future use The thickness sensor does not detect any input note after more feeding cycles. Check the input notes position and repeat the command. One of the cassettes doesnt reply on the 485 line Check the connection and if necessary replace the electronic board Reserved for future use

414 415 416 417 418 419 420 580 581 583 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 Internal Comm. Error Note overflow Count error Feeder Wrong status Reader Comm Error Safe Comm Error Safe Failure Info ModuleHW Info ModuleSW Special clean record Error in recovery Statistic record Service record Safe Open record Lock record Power On record Power On Transfer Moved cassette

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ALL Bank note Reader All Feeder Reader Safe Safe All All All All All All All All All All All

Internal serial error (not longer used) The note reader does not define a target for the note in transit within the limit. The cover open status is activated. Open the cover check the notes in the path, close and restart. At the end of a withdrawal operation the delivered notes do not match the requested ones. Wrong reply code on FEEDER RS232 problem from Banknote reader to Controller REAL TIME RS232 problem from Lower Controller to Controller REAL TIME Safe Failure Information module HW Information module SW Record the special clean function Error occurred in recovery phase Statistic at power off Record the data defined on Service Fill command Record the safe open condition Record the lock status Record the Power On

Record the movement of a cassette

Code 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 911 912 913 914 921 922 923 924 931 932 941 961 962 981 982 983 984 985 987 988 989 990 998 999

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Internal Reply Code

Description Open COM Communication Error Close COM Communication Error Set COM Communication Error COM Communication Error Write COM Error Read COM Error COM Timeout COM Communication Buffer Error COM Communication Wait Error Open LAN Communication Error Close LAN Communication Error Write LAN Error Read LAN Error BCC Error Sequence Error NAK Error Lenght Error Test fail Timeout on test Low level controller communication Error Collision Error on FPGA FPGA Download Error Download in progress Create File Error Write File Error Read File Error Open File Error Read File error ErrLog File Error InfoLog File Error UserLog File Error Memory Allocation Error System Error Area All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All Test Test All All All All ErrorLog/Download file/UserInfo ErrorLog/Download file/UserInfo ErrorLog/Download file/UserInfo Download file/ Download from file Download from file ErrorLog Info Log User Log Download All Cause and action taken Error opening COM port Error closing COM Port Error setting parameters on COM port Error on Communication on COM port Error sending byte on COM port Error reading byte on COM port Timeout in Communication on COM port Communication Buffer Oveflow Error on waits for an event to occur on COM port Error opening LAN Error closing LAN Error sending byte on LAN Error reading byte on LAN BCC Error Sequence Error NAK Error Lenght Error Test fail Timeout on test Error in OSC/RTC communication Error Writing/Reading FPGA Error on FPGA Action Download is in progress Error creating file Error writing file Error reading file Error opening file Error reading file Error managing ErrorLog file Error managing InfoLog File Error managing UserLog File Error allocating memory System Error


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Extended reply codes

In addition to the high level reply codes described in the previous pages, it possible to get more information related to the status of a specific module with the Extended Status command.


Feeder unit

Its not possible to view status in TRANSPARENT mode because is included in REAL TIME Controller.
Hex code 01 02-03 04 06-0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D-3F 40 41 Name Idle Missfeeding Jam1 Jam2 Jam3 Jam4 Jam5 Jam6 Jam7 Jam8 Jam9 Jam10 Jam11 Jam12 Jam13 OK Busy Description The device is in Post Reset status Reserved The notes on the input slot cannot be feed Reserved Photo FEED1 Busy Photo FEED1 Tout Align cycle KO Pressor CLOSE operation KO Pressor HOME operation KO Photo INH Busy (Bn in INPUT too HIGH) Photo FEED2 Busy Photo FEED2 Tout Photo INH & Photo FEED1 busy Photo INH & Photo FEED2 busy Photo INH & Photo FEED1 & Photo FEED2 busy Photo INC_HIGH or INL_HIGH busy (only with special INPUT BIN) before close pressor in deposit Photo INC_HIGH or INL_HIGH busy (only with special INPUT BIN) after close pressor in deposit Reserved Command correctly executed Busy (a command is already in execution)

Hex code 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

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Controller HIGH unit (TRANSPARENT MODE 2)

Name Reserved Not Ready Push home error Inq OVR Shift OVR Cash OVR Safe OVR L.T. Num. Jam L.T. Time Out Feed-Shift Time Out Track 1 Jam Feed CNT Jam Bn NOT ON FC3 Bn NOT ON FC4 Bn on FCASH Bn on FTINQ Fshift T.O. Bn ON FCNTX (Deposit) Bn NOT on FCNTX (Deposit) Bn NOT on FTINQ Reserved MDE JAM 1 MDE JAM 2 Fcash Tout Unexpected Bn on Fcash Bn ON FCNTX (Withdrawal) Bn NOT ON FCNTX (Withdrawal) Photo 4 Photo 3 Cass. A CNT JAM Cass. B CNT JAM Cass. C CNT JAM Cass. D CNT JAM Cass. E CNT JAM Cass. F CNT JAM Cass. G CNT JAM Cass. H CNT JAM Cass. I CNT JAM Cass. J CNT JAM Description

Controller Real time idle mode Problems home pusher Set-up error B/note arrived on FTINQ without a target B/note arrived on FSHIFT without a target B/note arrived on FCASH without a target Problem with target in SAFE module Lower track Jam - Too many notes in the track Lower track Time out - one of the b/notes in transit is too slow Time out from Feeder to FSHIFT Too many notes in the Upper track The shift counter is greater than the feed counter B/note coming from the FSHIFT (Deposit) not arriving under FC3 within the specified time. B/note coming from the FC3 (Deposit) not arriving under FC4 within the specified time. B/note jammed at the entrance of the cross point area B/note jammed at the entrance of the cross point area B/note jammed in the FSHIFT area B/note directed to the operator side exit slot, under FCNT at the wrong time. B/note directed to the operator side exit slot, not arriving under FCNT within the specified time. B/note directed to the safe, not arriving under FTINQ within the specified time The MDE motor home command failed Unexpected b/note of FCNT B/note jammed in the FCASH area Unexpected b/note on FCASH (Withdrawal) B/note coming from the safe area (Withdrawal) under FCNT at the wrong time. B/note coming from the safe area (Withdrawal) not arriving under FCNT within the specified time. B/note jammed in curve 4 (near reject output) B/note jammed in curve 3 The number of Sorter Off operations directed to the cassette is greater from the number of notes arrived in the same cassette. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above

Hex code 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 - 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 30 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 40 41 60

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Controller LOW unit (TRANSPARENT MODE 1)

Name Reserved Not Ready Syntax Error Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Eshift to cash Timeout Reserved Cash Timeout Cass. A CNT JAM Cass. B CNT JAM Cass. C CNT JAM Cass. D CNT JAM Cass. E CNT JAM Cass. F CNT JAM Cass. G CNT JAM Cass. H CNT JAM Cass. I CNT JAM Cass. J CNT JAM Reserved Cass. A JAM Cass. B JAM Cass. C JAM Cass. D JAM Cass. E JAM Cass. F JAM Cass. G JAM Cass. H JAM Cass. I JAM Cass. J JAM Reserved Cass. A Fail Cass. B Fail Cass. C Fail Cass. D Fail Cass. E Fail Cass. F Fail Cass. G Fail Cass. H Fail Cass. I Fail Cass. J Fail Reserved Safe open Boot dll end Boot fla err Wrong FW Boot CRC ko Boot CMD Unx OK Busy Boot OK Description

Controller board internal error Command syntax not valid

Timeout from photo shift to photo cash Timeout on photo cash The number of Sorter Off operations directed to the cassette is more great than number of notes arrived in the same cassette. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Cassette A JAM Cassette B JAM Cassette C JAM Cassette D JAM Cassette E JAM Cassette F JAM Cassette G JAM Cassette H JAM Cassette I JAM Cassette J JAM Cassette A failure Cassette B failure Cassette C failure Cassette D failure Cassette E failure Cassette F failure Cassette G failure Cassette H failure Cassette I failure Cassette J failure The safe door was been opened during deposit cycle The download has been correctly performed (boot mode) A flash error happens during download (boot mode) The firmware is not valid Found invalid CRC during download (boot mode) An unexpected command has been received during download (boot mode)

Boot mode

Hex code 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 0A 0C 0F 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 1C 1D 1F 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 2A 2C 2F 30 31 32 33 40 41 Area Soft ERROR Soft ERROR Soft ERROR Hard ERROR Soft ERROR Soft ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Soft ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Soft ERROR Soft ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Soft ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Hard ERROR Soft ERROR Unit ready Unit busy

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Note Reader unit (TRANSPARENT MODE 3)

Description Syntax error cmd not allowed Serial timeout error Download error Shadow RAM error DSP timeout error DSP busy error Image memory error DSP SPT error DSP/XIL error Invalid or not compatible REF RAM error on HOST FLASH write error INPUT SENSOR err OPT SENSOR error UV calibration error CIS Simmetry error INVALID KEY error DSP PROG error Power error REF LOADING error Lazy note error Note under sens error FPGA PROG err HOST checksum error DSP checksum error FPGA CKSUM error SPT checksum error RIFE checksum error Speed error TAPE sensor error TAPE link error MAG link error MAG sensor error Strobes error Module OK Module busy

Hex code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08-0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E1F 20 21 22 23 24 25-27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E-2F 30 31 32 33 34-37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 6F Name O.O.S. SYNTAX ERROR JAM FULL EMPTY MISSMATCHING JAM O.O.S. O.O.S. O.O.S. O.O.S. O.O.S. O.O.S. O.O.S. O.O.S. JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM JAM OK Busy Busy2 UNITNT

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Cassette unit AH (TRANSPARENT MODE 4D)

Description IDLE (post reset ) Wrong command Generic Jam Cassette full Cassette empty The setting of the cassette does not match the physical position Abort Reserved Eeprom error Sorter out of service Cassette with wrong address Wrong note counter External ram error Start test not complete Pinch roller malfunction Flash error FOTIN not free ( Dark ) before a CASH OUT operation FOTOUT not free ( Dark ) before a CASH OUT operation FOTIN Light to Dark transition Time Out CASH OUT operation FOTOUT Light to Dark transition Time Out CASH OUT operation FOTIN Dark to Light transition Time Out CASH OUT operation FOTOUT Dark to Light transition Time Out CASH OUT operation Reserved FOTOUT Light to Dark transition Time Out CASH IN operation FOTOUT Dark to Light transition Time Out CASH IN operation Reserved FOTIN Light to Dark transition Time Out CASH IN operation FOTIN Dark to Light transition Time Out CASH IN operation Reserved Preset operation Time Out No note or black foil is detected Reserved Home In operation Dark-to-Light transition Time Out ( Photo Empty) FOTOUT remains Drak at the end of preset operation FOTIN remains Drak at the end of preset operation FOTOUT Light to Dark trasition Time Out Preset/Home command Reserved Full count over 10. More than 10 notes are inserted after the full status FOTIN Dark to Light transition Time Out Preset/Home command FOTOUT Dark to Light transition Time Out Preset/Home command Full detection Time Out Reverse home command Reserved FOUT too low value FOUT too high value FOTIN too low value FOTIN too high value FW in download is not compatible B/note to short Rate too high during deposit operation Reserved Operation correctly executed The unit is BUSY The unit is BUSY Unaspected interupt


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Banknote code description

Currency Code (2 first character of ISO code) Value code (See table below) Bank note type

A= B= C= D= E= Examples:

Value code
1 2 5 10 20 F= G= H= I= J= 25 50 100 200 500 K= L= M= N= O= 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 P= Q= R= S= T= 50000 100000 250 200000 250000 U= V= W= X= Y= 500000 1000000 2000000 5000000 10000000

USDA means US$ 10, bank note type A NLFN means NLG25, bank note type N


Currency code
CODE ARS AUD ATS BHD BYB BEF BRL CAD CLP RMB CYP CZK CRD DKK FIM FRF DEM COUNTRIES Great Britain Greece* Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland* Israel Italy* Japan Kuwait Luxembourg* Malaysia Malta Mauritania Netherlands* CODE GBP GRD HKD HUF ISK INR IDR EIP ILS ITL JPY KWD LUF MYR MTL MRO NLG COUNTRIES New Zealand Norway Oman Poland Portugal* Qatar Rep. of Korea Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain* Sweden Switzerland CODE NZD NOK OMR PLZ PTE QAR KRW ROL RUR SAR SGD SKK SIT ZAR ESP SEK CHF COUNTRIES Syria Taiwan Thailand Turkey Ukraine USA Yugoslavia CODE SYP TWD THB TRL UAK USD YUM

COUNTRIES Argentina Australia Austria* Bahrain Belarus Belgium* Brazil Canada Chile China Cyprus Czech Croatia Denmark Finland* France* Germany*

* Europe


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