Lawsuit Against Equifax
Lawsuit Against Equifax
Lawsuit Against Equifax
FILED l N~ ~E p '~r~FFICE
V. §
I = Q -9 -- G V - 016 8
Defendant. §
COMES NOW the Plaintiff, Selena Brown (hereinafter "Plaintiff'), prose, and
for her causes of action against Defendant Equifax Information Services, LLC
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doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Georgia
with its office and princ ipal place of business located at 1. 550 Peachtree
1391(b) .
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9 . Plaintiff has spent over two years and more than $532 trying to bring
10. After two years of gathering information and documentation Plaintiff has
the identity thief s e-mail account (which was fraudulently opened under
zero fraudulent names, zero fraudulent phone numbers and only a few
fraudulent inquiries .
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13 . On June 20, 2007, Plaintiff asked Equifax if her credit file contained
16. The identity thief worked at Equifax for almost a full year before the real
Atlanta that the identity thief did not have access to sensitive information .
18, The identity thief is not available to confirm Equifax's statement because
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(Plaintiff's Exhibit C) .
21 . . Plaintiffs dispute letter never ment ioned a request for a security freeze .
24. On July 12, 2006, at 2 :18 p.m ., Plaintiff obtained her annual free credit
report from Equifax via a federally mandated and secure website with
26 . At 5 : ]. 1 p.m. on that very same day and just three hours after Plaintiffs
initial contact with Equifax, an identity thief called Scana Energy and
. . . . i
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28. On July 13, 2006, the very next day, the identity thief attempted to
(hereinafter "WFNNB").
and then deleted it on December 5, 2006, along with six other fraudulent
32. Plaintiff had received four different credit reports from Equifax between
34. All of the deleted information had been suppressed/concealed since July
2006 (five months) and all of it was directly related to the identityy thief .
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35. On August 11, 2006, Plaintiff called Equifax and requested that her last
name be corrected . Plaintiff was still unaware at this point that her
37 . On that very same day at 6 :14 p.m . and again seven minutes later at 6 :21
information since July 2006, yet this identity thief coincidentally chose
40 . There were only two people who knew that a credit report was about to
to the identity thief and Equifax the Plaintiff had a private mailbox .
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42. Also on August 11, 2006, the identity thief fraudulently obtained
44. Therefore, on August 11, 2006, after Plaintiff had called Equifax and
45 . The very next day, August 12, 2006, the identity thief fraudulently
disputed 12 hard inquiries (not soft inquiries) and three charge accounts
he/she had fraudulently obtained credit reports from both credit bureaus .
49 . The identity thief chose to call (allegedly) Equifax even though he/she
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50. Therefore, the identity thief was somehow able to get through Equifax's
number and then d ispute a total of 15 items without a credit ' report.
(2) receive responses back from all 15 creditors ; (3) delete 12 hard
inquiries, not soft inquiries, based on the responses from each creditor ;
(4) review Plaintiffs credit file to ensure all disputes had been addressed ;
(5) generate three separate credit reports based on the 12 hard inquiry
deletions and (6) mail those three separate credit reports to Plaintiff .
August 14, 2006, the very same day of the alleged "phone call" from the
identity thief.
53 . Equifax did not give Plaintiff the same speedy service that was given to
however, she only disputed three hard inquiries (HSBC Retail, Wal-Mart
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55 . Plaintiff then called on a Friday, January l9, 2007, and disputed only two
resolve an average of only two disputes for Plaintiff, yet Equifax took
less than eight hours to resolve 15 disputes (seven times -as many) for the
57. On August 25, 2008, Plaintiff contacted Ms Anna Holland at the Target
Fraud Division . She stated that Target had not received any type of
14, 2006, after quickly deleting 12 hard inquiries for the identity thief
60. Plaintiff never received those three credit reports ; however, Plaintiff did
receive the other 18 credit reports, 14 letters and six PS Forms 3811
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61 . Plaintiff has also received 115 separate pieces of mail related to her
62 . Therefore, Plaintiff has received every single document that she has
call" from the identity thief. This anomaly is alsoo highly suspicious .
63 . On June 22 , 2007, Plainti ff called Equifax and requested that they mail
65 . That very same day, Equifax allegedly mailed four credit reports to
66. Equifax mailed only one credit report, #6317015115, to Plaintiff s correct
67. Plaintiff had not requested #6317015115 and it had absolutely nothing to
68 . Equifax then mailed (allegedly) the three credit reports that Plaintiff had
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69. There was one, and only one, address of any type reporting in Plaintiffs
70. There is no logical explanation for Equifax's actions on June 22, 2007 .
2008 ; July 21, 2008 ; August 11, 2008 and August 25, 2008) Plaintiff has
72. One credit report, #6226017229, was finally produced in February 2008
74. On August 30, 2006, Plaintiff had attempted to obtain her TransUnion and
kept receiving error messages stating that she had already obtained them .
75. The identity thief had actually obtained both credit reports on August 11
76. Plaintiff was still unaware of her identity theft on August 30, 2006 ;
however, the error messages raised red flags for possible identity theft .
77. On September 19, 2006, Plaintiff froze her credit files as a precaution due
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78 . The identity thief had been able to open 15 fraudulent accounts in just two
79. Four of the accounts (Dell, Target, Cingular Wireless and Scana Energy)
had been opened using 1024 Noble Vines Dr #4, Clarkston, GA 30021
81 . All seven of the inquiries were performed via Equifax (Plaintiff s previous
83 . Equifax's own website states that current and previous addresses in the
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Fraud Division . Ms Holland stated that Target had actually reported both
86. All four of the credit bureaus correctly reported the fraudulent accounts .
87. Experian also reported five fraudulent addresses, two fraudulent names
and one fraudulent phone number (Plaintiff's Exhibits U-1 and U-2) .
88. TransUnion reported , three fraudulent addresses and one fraudulent phone
89. Innovis reported one fraudulent address and one fraudulent phone number
90. TransUnion, Experian and Innovis all reported the same fraudulent
address, 1024 Noble Vines Dr #4, Clarkston, GA 30021, and the same
([404] . 296-4431) and two fraudulent names for five months and then
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93 . At all times pertinent hereto, Equifax was acting by and through its
agents, servants and/or employees who were acting within the course and
dutyy was a direct and proximate cause in bringing about Plaintiffs actual
damages, including but not limited to, emotional distress, insomnia and
economic damages .
forth herein.
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Plaintiff s file .
report .
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Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages, including but not
110 . Plaintiff has suffered mental distress and insomnia due to indisputable
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111 . The identity thief that Equifax hired in 2006 did not need personal access
112 . At all times pertinent hereto, the conduct of Equifax, as well as that of its
willful and was done with either the desire to harm Plaintiff and/or with
the knowledge that their actions would very likely harm Plaintiff .
Equifax and any other credit reporting agency from engaging in such
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e. Such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper .
Respectfully Submitted,