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Extension of Group Theory To Reactors of Finite Size: 22.05 Reactor Physics - Part Nineteen

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05 Reactor Physics – Part Nineteen

Extension of Group Theory to Reactors of Finite Size1

1. Background:

We reviewed group theory with the objective of being able to calculate φ(r , E) .
Thus far, we have determined the energy behavior of the flux by applying the
group method to an infinite homogeneous medium. We now extend the approach
first to reactors of finite size and then to reactors of multiple regions. The former
might be a bare (unreflected) slab. The latter might be a core with a moderator
designed so that both sit in a tank that is surrounded by a reflector. Thus, our
design is becoming realistic in terms of an actual operating reactor.

2. Review of Neutron Current:

The treatment of reactors of finite size requires treatment of neutron leakage.

This is done by developing the concept of a neutron current and showing that
leakage is given by the divergence of that current. See Parts 9 and 10 of these
notes. We review the principal concepts here:

ƒ The net current density J (r, E) is the maximum over all orientations of a
unit surface at r of the net number of neutrons with energies between E
and E + dE crossing that unit surface per second, the direction of the
vector being the direction of this maximum net flow

≡ J (r, E)dE

The units of J (r, E) are neutrons per unit energy per cm2 per sec.

ƒ Once J (r, E) , which is the net current through one particular unit surface
(namely the one oriented so that this net flow is a maximum), is known,
the net current through any surface at r can be obtained. Thus, if r is a
vector normal to dS, we have

Net current (neutrons per unit energy per sec) through n dS

Material in this section follows that of Henry, pp. 130-138. Portions that are verbatim are indicated by

= J (r, E) ⋅ n dS

ƒ We then use Gauss’s law to convert the surface integral to one over
volume. Thus, the total rate at which neutrons are lost from a volume
element dV per unit energy is:

= ∇ ⋅ J (r, E) dV dE

3. Fundamental Neutron Balance Condition:

“For a reactor in a steady-state critical condition the rate at which neutrons leak
out of dV dE must equal the rate at which they are removed by interaction with
the material in dV (i.e., by absorption and scattering-out). The physical statement
that leakage equals production less removal then becomes:

∇ ⋅ J (r, E ) dV dE = ∑ χ j (E )dV dE ∫ ν j Σ fj (r, E ′)Φ (r, E ′) dE ′
j 0

+ dV dE ∫ Σ s (r, E ′ → E )Φ (r, E ′)dE ′ − Σ t (r, E )Φ (r, E ) dV dE


∞⎡ ⎤
∇ ⋅ J (r, E) + Σ t (r, E)Φ (r, E) = ∫ ⎢∑ χ j (E)ν j Σ fj (r, E ′) + Σ s (r, E ′ → E)⎥Φ (r, E ′)dE ′
⎣j ⎦

Where, for this general, heterogeneous, finite assembly, the cross sections, flux
density, and current density are all expressed as functions of both energy and
position. (Note: The summation over the lower case j is to cover all isotopes.)
This equation is rigorous for the external-source-free, steady-state condition. We
have made no approximations in deriving it other than those inherent in the basic
expressions for reaction rates. Thus, if we could obtain Φ (r , E ) without
approximation, it would be possible to compute the power level at all locations in
a critical reactor with an accuracy limited only by the reliability of the nuclear
data. Unfortunately, since the equation contains J as well as Φ , it cannot be
solved for either of these functions without making use of some second equation
relating them.” (Henry, p. 120)

4. Fick’s Law:

“As might be expected, the best that can done to relate J to Φ without actually
finding a solution for N(r,Ω,E) is an approximation. Fortunately, there turns out
to be a rather accurate approximation that is quite satisfactory for many reactor-

design calculations. It is called Fick’s Law, and it relates J (r, E) to ∇Φ (r , E ) by
the equation:

J (r , E) = − D(r , E)∇Φ (r , E)

Where D (r , E) is called the diffusion constant.” (Henry, p. 121) It is given by

D(r , E) =
3[Σ t (r , E) − μ 0 Σ s (r , E)]

Where μ0 is the cosine of the scattering angle in the laboratory system. Fick’s
law is valid within weakly absorbing media. It fails at surfaces where material
properties change abruptly and in the presence of strong absorbers.”

5. Continuous Energy Diffusion Equation:

Substitution of the Fick’s Law relation into the fundamental neutron balance
equation yields an equation for Φ (r, E) , the scalar-flux density:

− ∇ ⋅ D(r, E ) ∇Φ (r, E ) + Σ t (r , E )Φ (r, E )

∞⎡ ⎤
= ∫ ⎢∑ χ j (E )ν j Σ fj (r, E ′) + Σ s (r, E ′ → E ) ⎥Φ (r, E ′)dE ′
⎣j ⎦

It is this equation that we will now try to solve using group theory. The
conditions imposed on the solution include that:

ƒ Φ (r , E ) be real and non-negative.

ƒ Φ (r , E ) be a continuous function of r within the reactor.

ƒ The component n ⋅ J (r, E ) of the net current across an internal surface

separating two different materials be continuous. (Note: D(r, E) is not
continuous between two different media. Neither is ∇Φ (r , E ) . The
requirement is on (D(r , E)) (n ⋅ ∇Φ(r, E) ) .)

ƒ Φ (r , E ) go to zero at the extrapolation distance.

The solution of this equation requires that we simultaneously solve for both the
energy and the spatial dependence of the flux. This is a major challenge and the
approach taken is often iterative in that one solves for the energy dependence in

an infinite media of the same composition as the actual reactor, defines group
constants using that energy dependence, and then solves for the spatial
dependence. The result is then checked to see if the assumed energy dependence
was valid.

6. Solution of Diffusion Equation for a Bare, Homogeneous Core:

This is the simplest case that can be considered. It is also one that was addressed
earlier using one-velocity theory where the neutrons were all assumed to be of a
single uniform energy. Here, we explicitly retain the energy dependence.

Homogeneity implies that the concentrations of the materials are uniform. Thus,
the material properties which are the macroscopic cross-sections and the diffusion
constant are independent of r. Thus, the continuous energy diffusion equation

∞ ⎡1 ⎤
− D(E ) ∇ 2 Φ (r, E ) + Σ t (E )Φ (r , E ) = ∫ ⎢ χ(E )νΣ f (E ′) + Σ s (E ′ → E )⎥Φ (r, E ′)dE ′
0 ⎣λ ⎦

Next we assume that Φ (r , E ) is separable and can be written as:

Φ (r , E ) = R (r ) Ψ ( E )

We can do this because the problem involves one region and hence can be
described by a single spatial and a single energy function. This separability
approach will not work for a multi-region reactor because then we would be
requiring one energy function to be viable in multiple regions. To continue,
substitute the above into the homogeneous diffusion equation and separate terms.

∇ 2 R (r ) ∞ ⎡1 ⎤
− D( E ) Ψ ( E ) + Σ t (E)Ψ (E) = ∫ ⎢ χ(E)νΣ f (E ′) + Σ s (E ′ → E)⎥Ψ (E ′)dE ′
R (r ) 0 λ
⎣ ⎦


∇ 2 R (r ) Σ (E) 1 ∞ ⎡1 ⎤

R (r )
=− t + ∫
D( E ) D ( E ) Ψ ( E ) ⎣ λ
0 ⎢ χ(E)νΣ f (E ′) + Σ s (E ′ → E)⎥Ψ (E ′)dE ′

“This result states that a function of r alone (the left side) equals a function of E
alone (the right side), a situation which can be true only if both functions equal
the same constant. We call this constant B2r and expect, on physical grounds, that
B2r will be real (although it may be negative).” (Henry, p. 131) On physical terms,

this equation states that geometrical considerations (left side) balance material
conditions (right side). It follows that the separability assumption can be valid
only if

∇ 2 R (r ) = − B 2r R (r )

Let us apply this result to a bare slab that is infinite in the y and z directions and
finite in the x direction. Thus,

∇ 2 R ( x ) = −B2x R ( x )

The general solution for R(x) is:

R ( x ) = C1 sin B x x + C 2 cos B x x

Where C1 and C2 are constants. Further assume that the slab extends in width
from x=0 to x=L. Also assume that the extrapolation distance is small compared
to L. Hence, R ( x ) = 0 at x=0 and at x=L. From this requirement we conclude
that C2=0.

The next requirement is that sin B x x equal zero at both x=0 and x=L for all
values of Bx . Thus,

B x ≡ B xn = nπ / L for n = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ...

The only solution which is non-trivial and has no negative components is n=1.
Thus, we obtain

R ( x ) = C1 sin B x1x

⎛ πx ⎞
= C1 sin ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠

So, now we have the spatial component of the solution. We substitute this back
into the original equation to obtain an equation in energy. Thus,

∞ ⎡1 ⎤
D(E )B 2x1 Ψ (E ) + Σ t (E )Ψ (E ) = ∫ ⎢ χ(E )νΣ f (E ′) + Σ s (E ′ → E ) ⎥Ψ (E ′)dE ′
0 λ
⎣ ⎦

This relation is identical in form to the infinite, homogeneous medium equation

that was developed in Part 15 of these notes. The only difference is the presence

of the D(E)B 2x1 term. However, this term has the same behavior as Σ t (E) . So, if
we replace Σ t (E) by (D( E )B 2x1 + Σ t (E ) ) we obtain the same result for Ψ ( E ) .

To solve the problem using the group theory approach, we define a group
diffusion constant as:

∫E gg -1 D(E )Ψ (E )dE
Dg ≡ E
∫E gg -1 Ψ (E )dE

and obtain a group equation of the form:

(Dg B2x1 + Σ tg )Ψg = g∑G′ =1 ⎡⎢⎣ λ1 χ′g νΣ fg′ + Σ gg′ ⎤⎥⎦Ψg′ (g = 1, 2, ….G)

“Solution of these equations gives us an excellent approximation for the energy

part Ψ ( E ) of the solution Φ (r, E ) = R (r)Ψ (E) . It also gives us the value of λ
(the “eigenvalue”) required if this solution is to be positive for all energy groups.
If λ turns out to be unity, the theory is predicting that the particular slab reactor
being analyzed will be critical. If λ is not unity, we can determine what must be
done to make the system critical. For example, if solution of the critical
determinant associated with the above equation yields a value of λ greater than
unity, we know from our earlier discussion that the reactor will be supercritical.
We may then search for the critical conditions by decreasing the fuel loading,
increasing a control poison, or increasing the leakage out of the reactor (i.e.,
decreasing Lx and hence increase D(E) B 2x1 .” (Henry p. 134)

The final solution is then:

Φ ( x , E ) = C1Ψ (E ) sin B x1x = C1Ψ (E ) sin

Where the constant C is found by specifying a power level and integrating over
the core volume.

7. Non-Leakage Probability:

The above group equation can be summed over all groups and then solved for λ.
The result is:

∑Gg =1 νΣ fg Ψg
λ ≡ k eff =
[ 2
∑Gg =1 D g B x1 + Σ ag Ψg

1 ∑Gg =1 νΣ fg Ψg
[ ]
1 + ∑Gg =1 D g Ψg / ∑Gg =1 Σ ag Ψg B 2x1 ∑Gg =1 Σ ag Ψg

( )
The quantity on the right νΣ fg Ψg / Σ ag Ψg is k∞. Thus, we have

k eff = (1 − PL )k ∞

where PL is defined as the leakage probability and (1- PL ) is the non-leakage probability.
Thus, PL for a slab is:

∞ ∞
] 2
0 D( E ) Ψ ( E )dE / ∫0 Σ a ( E ) Ψ ( E )dE B x1
PL ≡
[ ]
1 + ∫0∞ D(E ) Ψ (E )dE / ∫0∞ Σ a (E ) Ψ (E )dE B 2x1

“As would be expected, the leakage probability PL increases as Bx1 (≡ π / L) increases (i.e.,
as the core thickness L decreases). It also increases as Σ a (E ) decreases and as D(E)
increases (and thus as Σ tr (E) decreases). Decreases in either Σ a (E ) or Σ tr (E) permit
neutrons to move further between interactions, and this leads to a greater probability that
they will leak out of the reactor before an interaction can occur.” (Henry, p. 145)

8. Summary

“To sum up the situation for the finite homogeneous reactor: the solution the continuous-
energy diffusion equation for a bare, homogeneous reactor is

Φ (r , E ) = R (r ) Ψ ( E ),

Where R (r ) is the one everywhere-positive solution of

∇ 2 R (r ) = − Br2 R (r )

R (r ) being the shape of the flux and Br2 , the geometrical buckling (often simply called
the buckling), being a number that depends on the geometry and dimensions of the
reactor, and where the spectrum function Ψ ( E ) is the solution of

[D(E)B 2
] ∫
∞ ⎡1 ⎤
r + Σ t (E ) Ψ ( E ) = 0 ⎢ χ( E )νΣ f ( E ′) + Σ s ( E ′ → E ) ⎥Ψ ( E ′)
⎣λ ⎦

A sequence of steps for calculating the criticality of a bare core is as follows:

1. From the dimensions and geometry (assuming it is simple) obtain B r2 and R(r)
using the formulas given in the attached Table. (Note that for the bare core the spatial
shape of the flux depends only on the geometry and not on the material constituents.)

2. Knowing B r2 , solve for λ and Ψ ( E ) .

3. If λ ≠ 1 , so that the reactor is not predicted to be critical, alter whatever parameter

is adjustable (fuel loading, control-poison concentrations, size – i.e., Br2 ) until λ=1.

For a large, bare, homogeneous reactor for which the leakage probability PL is less than
about 5 percent, the accuracy with which keff (i.e., λ) can be computed by this procedure
(assuming cross-sections are known) is better than a few tenths of a percent. Thus, for
the large, bare, homogeneous core, errors in predicting criticality due to nuclear data will
almost always outweigh errors inherent in the use of the diffusion-theory
approximations.” (Henry pp. 136-138)

From Henry, A. F. Nuclear Reactor Analysis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1975.
Courtesy of MIT Press. Used with permission.

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