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Afghanistan's Transboundary Water Resources: Regional Dimensions

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The document discusses transboundary water issues between Afghanistan and neighbouring countries and presents details regarding four major shared river basins. It also outlines recommendations for improving water management and avoiding conflicts over these resources.

The four major river basins shared between Afghanistan and its neighbours are: the Kabul River Basin, the Helmand River Basin, the Amu Darya Basin and the Harirud-Murghab River Basin.

Experts have highlighted the importance of fostering development in a manner sensitive to regional tensions over shared water resources. They recommend a better understanding of hydro-meteorology, establishing transparent confidence-building frameworks, and creating supreme regional water management mechanisms.

C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y



Afghanistans Transboundary Water Resources: Regional Dimensions

July 2011 Comprehensive Information on Complex Crises

Rainer Gonzalez Palau Infrastructure Knowledge Manager


This document discusses transboundary water issues between Afghanistan and neighbouring countries and presents salient details regarding four major shared river basins. Further information is available at www.cimicweb.org. Hyperlinks to source material are highlighted in blue and underlined in the text.

n March 2001, Kofi Annan, then the United Nations Secretary-General, stated that fierce competition for fresh water may well become a source of conflict and wars in the future. Statements such as this proved contentious. While some argued that water-related conflicts were near at hand as a result of climate change, population growth and weak water resource management, others noted that, during the last 50 years, international cooperation concerning water had increased significantly. While not attempting to take a position on this longstanding academic debate, this report seeks to outline the current transboundary water challenges facing Afghanistan and to present their implications for development and regional cooperation. Of the 261 international basins featured worldwide by the the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database, four are shared between Afghanistan and its neighbours: the Kabul River Basin (part of the greater Indus River Basin), the Helmand River Basin, the Amu Darya Basin and the Harirud-Murghab River Basin (Figure 1). Despite the fact that the country shares the aforementioned four transnational river basins with five countries Turkmenistan, Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Afghanistan has only one existing bilateral treaty, a sixty-year-old agreement with Iran concerning the Helmand River.

Figure 1. The Four International Basins Shared by Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries

Source: Afghanistan Watershed Atlas; the Northern basin is located entirely within Afghanistan and is not discussed in this report.



Monthly Report: Afghanistan s Transboundary Water Resources: Regional Dimensions

Water-related disputes in Central Asia are increasingly recognised by policymakers and members of the international community. In February 2011 the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee released a report entitled Avoiding Water Wars: Water Scarcity and Central Asias Growing Importance for Stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The report recommended guidelines for preventing disputes over shared water resources. Similarly, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) warned in 2008 that water scarcity and the management of transboundary water resources were challenges to stability in Afghanistan and the region. The NUPI report notes that skirmishes between Afghan and Iranian forces have occurred in western Afghanistan over water-related development projects in Afghanistan. Indeed, Pakistani and Iranian officials have both raised concerns that infrastructure developments in Afghanistan would negatively affect their countries water security; such concerns were focused upon the Kabul River Basin, the Helmand River Basin and the Harirud-Murghab River basins. The most relevant incidents are illustrated in the Figure 2.

Figure 2. Relevant Incidents in the International Basins Shared by Afghanistan

April 2010: Afghan Police accuse Iran of attempting to halt the construction works of the Salma Dam. The Indian-funded dam will reduce the flow of water to Iran.

October 2009: Hundreds of Afghans protested in Kabul, claiming that Iran is stealing their water resources.

June 2011: Concerns in Pakistan arose after the announcement by the Afghan government that India would provide assistance in building 12 dams in the Kabul River Basin. Many in Pakistan were reportedly concerned that the projects would give India control over Pakistans access to water resources, reports Dawn.

April 2011: After a visit to the border town of Hirmand, Irans Minister of Foreign Affairs declared that the government will pursue the Iranian share of the Helmand River water.

April 2011: A dispute over water resources led to a skirmish between Afghan and Iranian border forces. The fighting began when Iranian border police crossed into Afghanistan in order to release water from a 30 km irrigation canal, known as the Sikhzar canal.

Source: Modified map from the Afghanistan Information Management Systems.

The remainder of this report is divided into three sections. Firstly, the origins of transboundary water management conflicts in Central and South Asia are reviewed. Secondly, the report outlines the four critical international basins that Afghanistan shares with neighbouring countries. Thirdly, the report describes recommendations which experts have made for improving water management and avoiding conflict over transboundary water resources.

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Monthly Report: Afghanistan s Transboundary Water Resources: Regional Dimensions

Origins of Transboundary Water Disputes

The World Water Council (WWC) recently released a report entitled A New Water Politics that warns of the challenges posed by current and future strains on freshwater resources worldwide. High population growth rates in developing countries combined with an increase in the per capita water use in developed countries has reduced rivers flows and allowed saltwater to seep into freshwater systems. The WWC predicts a 50% increase in water demand across all economic sectors worldwide until 2050, which would further exacerbate competition over water resources. Therefore, as freshwater become scarce, disputes over the remaining resource could become more common and significant. Disputes over water resources can take place either between countries or within states. There are 261 international river basins covering 46% of the planets land, 19 of them shared by five or more states. As Juha I. Uitto and Alfred M. Duda illustrate in Management of transboundary water resources, international water basins are regulated and managed by different authorities and are often subject to numerous international agreements, including bilateral and multinational treaties, which are interpreted in differing ways. In other cases, they note, transboundary water systems may simply not be regulated. The aforementioned report by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee identifies three main causes that can act as a driver of tensions in the region: (i) demand of water for agricultural uses; (ii) flood control and water demand for energy generation; and (iii) climate change. Each of these is addressed in turn below. Water Demand for Agricultural Uses Irrigation accounts for 70% of freshwater use worldwide. Experts indicate that water use for agriculture is likely to increase as farmers seek to increase per hectare crop yields in order to maximise profits and feed growing populations. Special crop varieties that require high levels of irrigation water are increasingly being introduced in order to maximise yields, and farmers are increasingly relying upon fertilisers to also improve yields. Hence, as the United Nations remarks in the World Water Development Report, the result has been greater water usage and increased water contamination from chemical fertilisers. International organisations suggest that such dynamics will increasingly affect Afghanistan as the countrys agricultural sector further develops. According to the World Bank, agriculture accounts for 50% of Afghanistans licit GDP, with only 40% of agricultural land currently being irrigated. Increased irrigation and per hectare crop yields are a major priority for the Afghan government and international community, a fact which will likely require increased water demands and usage in the future. Since 2001, the international community has funded several irrigation projects across Afghanistan. Many of these interventions are framed under the 2007 Water Sector Strategy which aims at improving, rehabilitating and reestablishing previously irrigated areas. However, the ecological, economic and political impacts downstream have reportedly not been fully considered despite the transboundary nature of the countrys freshwater systems, reports NUPI. On a related point, Afghanistans Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) notes that it is vital for new irrigation initiatives to focus on capacity building amongst farmers, who often lack the technical expertise and knowledge to use water efficiently. As the aforementioned report from the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee highlights, this is particularly a concern in the Amu Darya River Basin, where Soviet-era collective farms were divided into small plots of land. Under the Soviet system, farmers could rely on centralised and technically proficient irrigation water management, a fact which changed when the collective farms were broken apart (to some degree). The result was not only a decline in yields but also the degradation of irrigation infrastructure and the decreasingly efficient use of water resources.1

Nothing in this paragraph should be construed as suggesting that land reform processes in Central Asia were primarily negative or unnecessary. While they did result in a loss of efficiency, research suggests that land reform often had economic and legal benefits for farmers in the region. See, for instance, the International Crisis Group (ICG) report, The Curse of Cotton, and Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Central Asia by Ramesh Deshpande.

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Monthly Report: Afghanistan s Transboundary Water Resources: Regional Dimensions

Flood Control and Water Demand for Energy Generation Flood control efforts and hydroelectric power generation, both of which are priorities in Afghanistan, commonly require the construction of infrastructure and a resulting diminution of water supply. Large dams, for instance, can affect an entire water basin. The most common upstream effects may be the flooding of inhabited areas, siltation, deforestation and salinisation. Downstream effects may be severe changes to the floodplain, river flow, water quality, timing and temperature as well as alterations in the fish population and reductions of the silt carried necessary for keeping the river balance.2 As the aforementioned NUPI report highlights, Central Asia has particularly been embroiled in debates over how much water should be dedicated to agriculture and how much should go towards energy generation. Such debates often ensue given the need for water at differing times during the year. Energy needs in the region are high in the winter, though releasing water resources at this time would deprive them from farmers, whose water needs are greatest in the summer. Climate Change and Environmental Pollution Effects on Water Scarcity in Central and South Asia Climate change has reportedly exacerbated concerns over the utilisation and sharing of transboundary water resources. The main concerns in Central and South Asia are the rates at which glaciers melt. As several sources, including the report Regional Water Intelligence Report Central Asia, highlight, glaciers in Afghanistan decreased by 50% to 70% during the 20th century. While shrinking glaciers increase water supply in the short term, the depletion of freshwater from glaciers reduces the water supply in the long term. Furthermore, environmental pollution reduces the quality of water resources, rendering them becoming unsuitable for agriculture or water supply. According to the UNDP, Central Asia water quality has drastically deteriorated since the 1960s. This is particularly alarming for the Aral Sea Basin (Amu Darya River is part of it) where 15% of the river flow is extremely polluted water coming from industries and urban areas. Mineralization in the lower part of the river has doubled, and currently water is not suitable for drinking.

The Four International Basins Shared by Afghanistan

The aforementioned US Senate Foreign Relations Committee report notes that as long as water demands increases and water availability decreases, water will more commonly be viewed as an issue of national security for countries around the world. Such a perception reportedly has the ability to complicate relations between waterdependent countries, as is the case in Afghanistan. As research by NUPI illustrates, relations between Afghanistan and its neighbours have been historically complex. Accordingly, it is important to understand the main sources of friction within the four international basins shared by Afghanistan and its neighbours. These are addressed below. Kabul River Basin (part of the Indus River Basin) Riparian states: Afghanistan and Pakistan Total area of the basin: 76,908 km2 Population living in the basin3: 7,184,974 people Population density: 93 persons/km2

Treaties: The only applicable treaty was signed between Afghanistan and the British in 1921. The treaty references to the whole Indus basin and focuses solely on water quantity issues.

If the reader is interested in further insights regarding upstream and downstream impacts of dams, see Ecosystems Impacts of Large Dams. 3 The source of Population Living in the Basin, Population Density and Area of the Basin, for the Kabul River Basin, the Helmand River Basin, the Harirud-Murghab Rivers Basin and the Amu Darya Basin is Making the Most of Afghanistan Rivers.

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Monthly Report: Afghanistan s Transboundary Water Resources: Regional Dimensions

Potential challenges:

With the assistance of India, the Afghan government is planning to build 12 dams along the Kabul River, which is crucial for agriculture, water supply, energy generation and sanitation purposes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The planned dam construction will have an impact on the water flow reaching Pakistan. The absence of waste and wastewater-treatment procedures in populated areas, primarily the city of Kabul, is another potential challenge. As a result of the lack of treatment facilities, the river is carrying large amounts of diluted and floating pollutants. The water quality is well below international drinking standards. The lack of essential hydrological data and technological capacity in Afghanistan makes it difficult to monitor water use and to hence implement or enforce any water-distribution agreements which are reached.

Current status: Afghanistan and Pakistan have been unable to reach a water management/sharing agreement after several attempts. The World Bank is currently leading an initiative to establish an agreement that will focus on the Kabul River Basin by creating the Kabul River Basin Management Commission modelled after the 1960 Pakistan-India Permanent Indus Commission, which is considered by many to have been successful in avoiding water-based disputes. The World Bank is also aiming to enhance institutional capacity on the Afghan side in order to improve the sharing of hydro-meteorological data and the use of hydrologic, hydraulic and economic models. The overall cost of the project is estimated at USD 8 million, and the participation of other organisations such as South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI), the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), and the Climate Change Adaptation Fund (CCAD) is expected. Helmand River Basin Riparian states: Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan Total area of the basin: 353,400 km2 Population living in the basin: 7,800,000 people Population density: 22 persons/km2

Treaties: In 1950 Afghanistan and Iran created the Helmand River Delta Commission in order to establish technical criteria for sharing the Helmand Rivers water. One year later, both countries rejected the recommendations put forward by the commission, thus blunting its effectiveness and influence. However, in 1973 Afghanistan and Iran signed a bilateral treaty that guaranteed an allocation of 26 cubic meters per second to downstream Iran. Potential challenges:

As a result of significant political and regime changes in Afghanistan and Iran in the 1970s and subsequent wars in both countries, the bilateral treaty has barely been applied, and disputes over the terms of agreement persist. Iran did not compensate Afghanistan for the overuse of water resources as stipulated in the treaty. Additionally, Afghanistan has accused Iran of violating its national sovereignty by excavating channels which divert water from the Helmand River. Until the fall of the Taliban regime, Afghanistan did not have the capacity and technology to exploit the water resources of the Helmand River. During the past decade, the Afghan side of the Helmand River Basin has been flooded by new irrigation infrastructure funded by the international community. These will have significant impacts on the downstream water flow to Iran. The lack of historical monitoring stations to measure and establish surface and groundwater flows on both sides of the border also poses challenges with regards to water management and sharing. Lake Hamun, which is located on the Iranian side of the border, is the only water source for drinking and a major driver of economic activity for more than one million Iranians in Sistian province. The lakes water level has declined, and the area has experienced seasonal droughts, thus harming the ecosystem and

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undermining livelihoods for Iranians in the area. Due to the sub-optimal management of water resources and the resulting decline in water supply on the Afghan side, an increasing number of farmers choose to cultivate opium poppies rather than more waterintensive, licit crops.

Current status: Soon after the fall of the Taliban regime, both Iran and Afghanistan expressed their willingness to address the disputes over water resources in the Helmand River Basin in several bilateral meetings and conversations. Afghanistan committed itself to releasing more water downstream to Iran despite the fact that Iran had been using the 75% of Helmand River water, according to the Afghanistan Times. According to Stimson Centre, a think tank, Irans official policy is to pursue an agreement under a comprehensive, cooperative framework which addresses flood and drought control, political stability and regional economic development. In fact, relevant ministers from Iran and Afghanistan, as well as Tajikistan, are working together in order to establish a supreme regional water council. Furthermore, Afghanistan and Iran have cooperated together with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), UNDP and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). However, as the Stimson Centre report highlights, discussions over water-sharing face major political obstacles. Afghanistan has accused Iran of working with the Taliban in order to attack water-related infrastructure projects in western Afghanistan which would impinge upon Irans access to water. Harirud-Murghab River Basin Riparian states: Afghanistan, Turkmenistan (Murghab and Harirud) and Iran (only Harirud) Total area of the basin: 61,000 km2 (Murghab) and 92,600 km2 (Harirud) Population living in the basin: (Murghab) and 5,020,000 (Harirud) 1,060,000

Population density: 17 persons/km2 (Murghab) and 54 persons/km2 (Harirud)

Treaties: Afghanistan has not established direct agreements concerning the Harirud-Murghab River Basin either with Turkmenistan or with Iran. However, the Harirud-Murghab Basin forms part of the wider Amu Darya Basin, which is the subject of several regional frameworks (see below). Such agreements could be interpreted as having implications for the Harirud-Murghab Basin. Potential challenges:

As with the Helmand River Basin, irrigation and infrastructure is being constructed in the Afghan side of the Harirud River. These developments will impact downstream water flow. One of the most conflictive is the construction of Salma Dam, which Afghanistan has accused Iran of attempting to sabotage. The Harirud Basin feeds the reservoir at Doosti Dam, which is the main water source for the city of Mashhad in northern Iran. Upstream water demand in Herat and other urban areas in western Afghanistan is also expected to increase in the coming years.

Current status: The three countries have expressed their readiness to cooperate trilaterally. However, consensus has not yet been reached, and neither Turkmenistan nor Iran consulted Afghanistan before starting construction of the Dostluk Dam.

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Amu Darya River Basin (part of the Aral Sea Basin) Riparian states: Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan Total area of the basin: 309,000 km2 Population living in the basin: 15,564,000 people Population density: 50 persons/km2

Treaties: The existing agreements signed by Afghanistan with the Soviet Union focus solely on the river as an international boundary; these date from 1873, 1946, 1958 and 1978. Afghanistan has not signed any treaty establishing water quantity and quality parameters, thought it has agreed to a protocol that includes provisions concerning join management of the river and its tributaries. Central Asian countries and the international community have set up several cooperation frameworks, including the following: the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia (ICWC), the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Basin Management Authorities, the Interstate Council on the Problems of Aral Sea Basin and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS). Potential challenges:

Approximately 92% of the water demand in the Amu Darya basin is for irrigation. Any alteration upstream, such as the construction of more irrigation infrastructure or dams, will critically impact agriculture in downstream areas. The need for water for different purposes at different times of year (e.g., for energy in the winter and irrigation in the summer) also poses major challenges. Northern Afghanistan is seen as having a potential for agriculture and irrigation development. However, development of irrigation infrastructure in this area will have subsequent impacts on water flows in downstream areas. Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan do not have diversified sources of water, being highly reliant on the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya (for Uzbekistan). Hence, they have a vital stake in water management agreements and development in northern Afghanistan. Pollution from industry and urban areas along the whole length of the Amu Darya is exacerbated by a lack of waste and wastewater facilities.

Current status: Afghanistan is the second largest source of water for the Amu Darya River. However, despite international concerns about the shrinking Aral Sea, no successful steps have been undertaken to integrate Afghanistan into the existing or new regional frameworks.

Framework Towards Effective and Sustainable Transboundary Water Resources Management

Afghanistan is withdrawing less water than it has legally been allocated by international agreements from transboundary rivers. However, the ecosystems of the downstream countries are already experiencing significant pressures. As economic development and the construction of new infrastructure in Afghanistan progresses, such pressures will likely increase. Accordingly, experts have highlighted the importance of fostering development in a manner which is sensitive to regional tensions over shared water resources (Figure 3).

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Figure 3. Framework Towards Effective Transboundary Water Resources Management REGIONAL APPROACH International community focusing on regional rather than national strategies at the basin level
Improvement of the hydro-meteorological knowledge base in Afghanistan and in the region Establishment of a formal confidence-building framework to share water policies between Afghanistan, its neighbours and the donor community Launch multilateral dialogues and establish regional water management mechanisms

Gather Benchmark Data Focus on Water Demand Management Institutional Capacity-Building

Sources: Adapted from findings and recommendations in the following publications: Avoiding Water Wars: Water Scarcity and Central Asias Growing Importance for Stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan; Making the Most of Afghanistans River Basins: Opportunities for Regional Cooperation: Enhancing Security in Afghanistan and Central Asia through Regional Cooperation on Water; and Management of Transboundary Water Resources: Lessons from International Cooperation for Conflict Prevention.

Thus far the international community and states in the region have primarily, though not exclusively, focused on countries as individual units rather than implementing region-wide strategies in the water resources management sector. The EastWest Institute advocates for a shift in order to focus on a regional approach at the basin level. Such engagement, experts have noted, should be based on the following: (i) a better understanding of the hydrometeorological dynamics; (ii) the establishment of transparent confidence-building frameworks between the different involved stakeholders; and (iii) the creation of supreme regional water management mechanisms. According to the previously discussed report from the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, there is a need to provide national and regional authorities with better resources and capacity, particularly regarding data collection and analysis.

The Civil-Military Fusion Centre (CFC) is an information and knowledge management organisation focused on improving civilmilitary interaction, facilitating information sharing and enhancing situational awareness through the CimicWeb portal and our weekly and monthly publications. CFC products are based upon and link to open-source information from a wide variety of organisations, research centres and media sources. However, the CFC does not endorse and cannot necessarily guarantee the accuracy or objectivity of these sources. CFC publications are independently produced by Knowledge Managers and do not reflect NATO or ISAF policies or positions of any other organisation.

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