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Recapitulare Timpuri Engleza

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2. Marcel and Andr 3.

We perfect continuous)

friends of mine for more than 10 years. (to be, present perfect) for more than two hours now. Can't we have a rest now. (to climb, present face to the ground. (to lie, past continuous) marvellous ? (they taste, simple present, question) in the park when the rain started pouring down on us. (to picnic, past continuous) why they don't take measures. (never understand, present perfect)

4. A bomb exploded nearby. Luckily, I 5. Belgian chocolates. 6. We 7. I 8. I

of her last night. (to dream, simple past) steeply yesterday afternoon. (to rise, simple past)

9. The Dow Jones 10.

Peter about this deal ? (you tell, simple past, question)

Formation of tenses (2) Gap-Fill Exercise

Supply a correct tense and complete the following sentences. 1. I to John when I told the meeting about our current problem. (to refer, past continuous) 2. You 3. As I 4. She , haven't you ? (to sunbathe, present perfect continuous) before, we can't go on like this. (to mention, present perfect) in from Rome. (just fly, present perfect) . (to cry, past perfect continuous)

6. When I came in I could see she 7. What 9. I wish Carla

the last couple of hours? (you do, present perfect continuous, question) off her engagement with Wim. (not break off, past perfect)

Complete each of the following sentences. 3. He 4. The children 5. It 6. Tim to be ready by 12.30, but I'm sure he won't make it. (to promise, past perfect) for 3 hours now. They should be able to sing one song. (to practise, perfect continuous) heavily when we got married. (to rain, past continuous) coffee on his new clothes this morning. (to spill, simple past)

7. When I took another look I realized the shirt 8. The sun 9. I

in the laundry. (to shrink, past perfect)

in the east. (to rise, simple present)

across a bag of magic powder in my life, Katrien ! (never come across, present perfect) 10. a lot as a child ? (he cry, simple past, question) to Italy two years ago. (go, simple past) there five times. (be, present perfect) that. (not know, simple past) the leaning tower of Pisa. (examine, to go there last year. (you not cancel our holiday. (must, simple past)

4. No, I 5. I 6. I

7. When I last went to Italy, a team of scientists past continuous) 8. Tuscany is a particularly beautiful region. plan, past perfect) 9. True, but my mother-in-law fell ill and we

Choose the appropriate tense: present, past, perfect, past perfect; simple and continuous I (see) Bill this morning, but I (not see) him since. have seen, haven't seen saw, haven't seen saw, didn't see have seen, didn't see had seen, haven't seen My father just (finish) primary school when the war (break) out just finished, broke has just finished, broke just finished, was breaking had just finished, broke had just finished, was breaking You (type) all morning, but you only (do) three letters ! have been typing, have only done were typing, only did

typed, only did have typed, have only done had been typing, have only done It just isn't fair: while I (work) as a waiter last month, my friends (lie) on the beach worked, lied was working, lied have been working, lied worked, were lying was working, were lying It's very annoying: he always (brag) about his rafting adventure.I (do) the same, twice already, but I don't make such a fuss! always brags, have done has always bragged, did is always bragging, have done has always been bragging, did was always bragging, have done Oh, that's the MGf Tim (buy) second-hand. How much (pay) for it? bought, did he pay bought, has he payed has bought, did he pay has bought, has he payed has bought, does he pay The reason why I (prefer) a yew hedge here because it (provide) a beautiful setting for my herbaceous border plants. preferred, provides preferred, is providing have preferred, provides prefer, provided

preferred, has provided I can see by the paint on your face that you (paint). You (finish) ? were painting, have you finished have been painting, have you finished are painting, have you fished were painting, did you finish have painted, have you finished Unfortunately, she (find) out that he secretly (buy) her what she (long) for all her life: a ticket to a Rolling Stones concert. found, bought, had longed for found ,had bought, was longing for had found, bought, had been longing for found, had bought, had been longing for found, bought, had been longing for You (know) that he says that he never (lie) in all his entire life ? Do you know, lied Do you know, had never lied Do you know, never lies Do you know, was never lying Do you know, has never lied Choose the appropriate tense: simple present perfect or simple past I (know) Carl since I (be) a little child. have known, have been have known, was knew, have been knew, was ... you (see) Annemie today ? I (see) her this morning but I (not see) her since.

Did you see... I saw ... I didn't see... Did you see... I have seen ... I haven't seen... Have you seen ... I have seen... I didn't see ... Have you seen ... I saw ... I haven't seen ... Have you seen ... I saw ... I haven't seen ... Since last year traffic (double). It (increase) from 25 cars per minute in 1997 to 50 now. doubled, increased doubled, has increased has doubled, increased has doubled, has increased is doubling, increased Helen (work) so hard today that she (have) no time to play her weekly game of tennis. worked, had worked, has had has worked, has had has worked, had had worked, had We (spend) most of the time working on the project. April 1997 (be) work, no play! have spend, was have spent, was have spent, has been spent, was spent, has been Gracious me, I (lose) my passport. How am I supposed to get out of the country now ? lost have lost -

The sun was shining. We quickly (check) all the locks and (drive) off. checked, have driven have checked, drove have checked, have driven have checked, have drived checked, drove My late grandfather never (see) the sea. never saw has never seen My uncle George never (see) the sea. I (hear) him make plans last week though. never saw, heard never saw, have heard has never seen, heard has never seen, have heard has never seen, have heared Morse always (refuse) to be called by his first name. His best friend once (call) him 'Endeavour' though. has always refused, called has always refused, has called always refused, called always refused, has called always has refused, called

Present perfect simple or progressive (continuous)

Click on the correct answer. 1 I .... these tenses for three weeks now. Do you think I have made any progress. have practised have been practising 2 She ... about me, hasn't she. I can just feel it. has gossiped has been gossiping 3 Helen ... me you are seriously ill. Why didn't you tell me yourself. has told has been telling 4 Our company .... its turnover over the past six months. has doubled has been doubling 5 .... Your breath smells awful. Have you smoked? Have you been smoking? 6 I .... at this menu for ages now and I still .... yet. have stared, haven't been deciding have stared, haven't decided have been staring, haven't decided 7 Pope John Paul II .... more than 90 countries. has visited has been visiting 8 I .... her to be extra careful when opening the car door. I'm not really

surprised to hear that she knocked down a pedestrian. have often told have often been telling 9 I .... paperwork all day. In all, I guess I ... about 65 letters. have done, have signed have been doing, have signed have done, have been signing 10 With this last sentence you ... the exercise. have finished have been finishing

Present perfect simple and progressive (continuous)

Complete the following sentences with a suitable tense for the verbs put between brackets. Choose either a present perfect simple (e.g. have worked) or a present perfect progressive (e.g. have been working). 1. George (to dig) holes in the ground for more than two hours now and he still (not find) a mole. 2. Research 3. I 4. I 5. They 6. Scientists anything yet. 7. I 000 km. 8. The meeting (to show) that most internet surfers are women. (to know) her all these years and never ever have I been bored with her company. (to plant) three new trees in my garden this morning. (never ask) me if I had the right qualifications. (to do) research on that illness but still (to use) this car intensively for the past 10 years, it (not find) (to run) about 200

(to decide) to give the project one more month to prove itself.

Put the verbs in the tenses that are indicated.

1. She came in and turned off the tv. My favourite programme (just, to begin, past perfect simple). 2. . (you, not realise, simple present) that we .. (to accomplish) something extraordinary? 3. We .. (to wait, present perfect continuous) for this opportunity for more than 10 years. 4. They gently (to lay, simple past) down the lifeless body on the cold stone. 5. I (to hear, simple past) it on the radio while I . (to have dinner, past continuous) with my family. 6. (you, not consider, simple present) going to the police? 7. (you, to meet, simple past) anybody interesting at the party? 8. If I .. (to know, past perfect simple) that things were going to turn out the way they did, I would never have joined the company. 9. We (to show, present perfect simple) our shareholders that we can outperform the market. 10. .. (you, already to ring, present perfect simple) Mr Peters to sort out that problem with the delivery? 11. I .. (to try, present perfect continuous) all morning. I .. (just, to hang up, past perfect simple) when the door . (to burst, simple past) open and Mr Peters himself (to walk, simple past) into the room. 12. He said that his company (to hit, past perfect simple, passive) hard by the fact that we .. (not deliver, past perfect simple) on time. 13. (he not know, simple past) that we .. (to deal with, past perfect continuous) with a go-slow for more than 2 weeks ?

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