Comparatie IFRS HGB
Comparatie IFRS HGB
Comparatie IFRS HGB
Scurt comparaie ntre reglementri contabile romneti i IFRS cu comentarii privind particularitile HGB unde este cazul Informatiile de mai jos sint interpretari teoretice provenite din experienta noastra practica. Nu se doresc a fi o colectie exhaustiva a tuturor diferentelor si nu genereaza obligatii si raspunderi legale In general contabilitatea romneasc s-a apropiat de Directivele Europene si IFRS in ultimii ani. Diferentele sint mult reduse acum decit inainte de anul 2000 Contabilitatea romneasc este in principal fiscala. Multe principii contabile nu sunt corect aplicate de companii pentru ca nu au semnificatie fiscala; din acelai motiv, acestea nu sint impuse de autoritati. Cele mai multe ajustari de audit corecteaza acest gen de erori, care nu reprezinta diferente intre sistemul contabil romnesc i IFRS trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa
Generaliti The information below is the result of our theoretical research and practical experience. It is not intended to be a thorough review of differences and it is in no way binding. In general, the Romanian accounting has moved closer Principii towards EU Directives and IFRS each year. The distance is much reduced now than in the past The Romanian accounting is primarily tax-oriented. Many Aspecte fiscale accounting principles are not followed by companies as they have no tax significance; they are also not enforced by authorities from the same reason. Most of Audit adjustments are correcting such types of misstatements, which do not represent differences between RO and IFRS as systems
Tax lens
Past data
Date istorice truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document Presentation Income statement, Balance Sheet, Notes, have a Prezentarea and Disclosure different format than those required by IFRS. Much of the informaiilor IFRS restatement work deals with presentation format and disclosures. Usually a Group Reporting package is applicable under IFRS Consolidation truncated in the public version. Contact us for the and goodwill complete document Group balances There is inconsistent balance sheet structure with regards to Group accounts as they are required to be disclosed in an incomplete way. A separate note is required. Substance over truncated in the public version. Contact us for the form complete document
Bilantul contabil, contul de profit i pierdere i notele explicative au un format diferit de cel cerut de IFRS. De aceea, cea mai mare parte a efortului de retratare la IFRS se refer la formatul de prezentare. In mod obinuit, se solicit un pachet de raportare la nivelul Grupului conform IFRS. Consolidare si trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru fond comercial versiunea completa Solduri de Grup Structura formatului de bilan romanesc este incoerenta din punctul de vedere al soldurilor si tranzactiilor cu Grupul pentru c prezentarea acestora se face n mod incomplet. Este necesar o not explicativ separat. Prevalenta economicului asupra juridicului trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa
Legal requirements
In general the format requirements for certain registers Cerine legale and accounting documents is very strict and results in noncompliance penalties. There are numerous statements to be submitted and due to excessive formalism, the accounting amount of work required is considerably higher than in the West. The chart of accounts is mandatory at synthetic level and there is liberty on analytic accounts only.
In general, exist reglementri foarte stricte privind formatul anumitor registre sau documente contabile iar nerespectarea acestora determin aplicarea unor amenzi. Exist numeroase declaraii care trebuie depuse la autoritatea fiscal care, datorit formalismului excesiv, presupun un volum mai mare de munc pentru functia contabila dect n Europa de Vest. Este obligatorie respectarea planului de conturi la nivelul conturilor sintetice i se acord libertate n folosirea conturilor analitice.
truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document The Romanian format does not disclose transactions; it just discloses total netted movements in the year; fir IFRS it should be completely reperformed in the IFRS way
trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Formatul romnesc nu prezint informaii privind tranzaciile cu capitaluri proprii; se prezint doar totalul rulajului anual; pentru raportarea IFRS, situatia modificarilor in capitaluri trebuie refacuta
Brief comparison between Romanian GAAP and IFRS with comments on HGB particularities where applicable Long term assets Fixed assets truncated in the public version. Contact us for the revaluations complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document The Romanian law establishes a clear minimum value (1800 RON) as recognition criteria for a fixed asset
Scurt comparaie ntre reglementri contabile romneti i IFRS cu comentarii privind particularitile HGB unde este cazul Active imobilizate Reevaluarea trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru mijloacelor fixe versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Legislatia romaneasca stabileste clar un plafon peste care bunurile sint considerate mijloace fixe. (1800 RON)
Although the principles related to cost capitalization are consistent with IFRS, in practice there is likelyood to capitalize repair-maintenance costs as it is encouraged by the tax authorities Depreciation method Presentation truncated in the public version. Contact us for the Metoda de complete document amortizare Some assets are presented as vehicles whilst they are in Prezentare reality equipment (a drawback in the fixed assets chart for moving parts of certain industrial equipment)
Desi principiile privind capitalizarea costurilor sint in acord cu IFRS, in practica exist posibilitatea de capitaliza a costuri de reparatii-ntreinere pentru c aceast practic este ncurajat de autoritile fiscale. trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Unele active sunt prezentare n situaiile financiare ca i vehicule dei n realitate, ele reprezint echipamente (un neajuns al catalogului de echipamente cu elemente mobile ale anumitor echipamente industriale) Exist posibilitatea de a ntrerupe, temporar, calculul amortizrii pentru activele care nu sunt utilizate (n conservare). Acest lucru este susceptibil sa supraevalueze aceste active, dei n realitate, este necesar reducerea valorii acestora prin ajustari de valoare. Nu exist o metod definit privind calculele de determinare a ajustrilor de valoare, ca impairmentul din IFRS. trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa
There is an option to temporarily interrupt depreciation of Conservarea idle assets (conservation). This is likely to overstate such assets whilst in reality they should be impaired. There is no method specification on the impairment calculations
Set-up costs truncated in the public version. Contact us for the capitalized complete document R&D capitalized truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document Goodwill Leases Investment Subsidies truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document
Cheltuieli de constituire Cheltuieli de cercetare i dezvoltare Fondul comercial Contracte de leasing Subventii pentru investitii
Brief comparison between Romanian GAAP and IFRS with comments on HGB particularities where applicable Inventories Biological assets Assets held for sale Valuation of finished goods truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document
Scurt comparaie ntre reglementri contabile romneti i IFRS cu comentarii privind particularitile HGB unde este cazul Stocuri Active biologice trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Active deinute trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru pentru a fi versiunea completa vndute Evaluarea produselor finite trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Modificarea costurilor de achiziie nu poate genera modificri retroactive n evaluarea stocului de materii prime (la societati care aplica standardul contabil german am constatat astfel de ajustri retroactive)
Valuation of raw Changes on purchase costs cannot generate retro-active Evaluarea materials changes in valuation of raw materials in stock. (in materiilor prime companies reporting under HGB we noted such adjustments) Stock in transit, truncated in the public version. Contact us for the revenue complete document recognition, accruals LIFO LIFO method is recognized in Romania although it is rejected by IFRS. Small truncated in the public version. Contact us for the inventories complete document Receivables Payables Cash, Loans, truncated in the public version. Contact us for the Payables, complete document Receivables in foreign exchange
Stoc in tranzit, trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru recunoaterea versiunea completa veniturilor i datorii angajate LIFO Gestiunea LIFO a stocurilor este recunoscuta in Romania desi IFRS nu o mai recunoaste ca metoda. Obiecte de trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru inventar versiunea completa Creante - Datorii Numerar, trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru credite, datorii versiunea completa n valuta
Long term There is no balance sheet position for long term Creante/datorii Nu exista pozitie bilantiera pentru creante comerciale pe receivables/pay receivables. pe termen lung termen lung. ables There is no specification of discounting for long term Nu exista specificata metoda de discountare a creantelor receivables or payables in order to distinguish the sau datoriilor pe termen lung pentru a distinge efectul financial effect. financiar. Often, Group financing is disguised under commercial Adesea, finantarea de Grup este deghizata prin creditare financing (long term commercial payables accounted for comerciala (creante sau datorii pe termen lung as short term) prezentate ca fiind pe termen scurt). Prepayments Equities Revaluation reserves Result appropriation truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document Avansuri Capital propriu Rezerve din reevaluare Distribuirea rezultatului trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa
Brief comparison between Romanian GAAP and IFRS with comments on HGB particularities where applicable Retained earnings There is a requirement to change the retained earnings in case of errors discovered for the past, whilst under IFRS this happenes only for substantial matters defined as fundamental errors. As a consequence, many small changes can occurr in the statutory retained earnings when under IFRS there should be stability of retained earnings. there are often differences in classification of reserves between RO and IFRS system. Under IFRS there are different captions between capital reserves, revenue reserves, tax free reserves and taxable reserves. In Romanian system, there is less such precision in classification; their tax base is followed up in a tax register. truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document
Scurt comparaie ntre reglementri contabile romneti i IFRS cu comentarii privind particularitile HGB unde este cazul Rezultat reportat Exista reglementarea de a rectifica rezultatul reportat cind se identifica erori in trecut, in timp ce in IFRS acest lucru se intimpla doar daca eroarea este substantiala (definita ca eroare fundamentala in IAS8). Drept consecinta, multe mici modificari pot aparea in rezultatul reportat romanesc in timp ce in IFRS trebuie mentinuta continuitatea rezultatului reportat Exista adesea diferente in clasificarea rezervelor intre sistemele romanesc si IFRS. In IFRS exista pozitii precise: rezerve de capital, rezerve din profit, rezerve taxabile si rezerve taxate. In sistemul romanesc exista mai putina precizie in aceste clasificari, insa valoarea fiscala a rezervelor se urmareste intr-un caiet.
Rezerve pentru trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru conversia din versiunea completa valuta sau translatare
Other liabilities and assets Alte active i datorii Deferred tax in RO, it used to be specified in the law between 2003- Impozit amnat in RO, a fost specificat in norme intre 2003-2005 iar din 2005, and from 2006 in an incomplete way (liabilities are 2006 in mod incomplet (se inregistreaza doar datoriile, recognized, but the assets not). Since 2009 deferred tax nu si creantele de impozit aminat). Din 2009 s-a eliminat. was eliminated. Sub IFRS sint calcule si divulgari complexe (de exemplu, Under IFRS there are complex calculations and valoarea fiscala distinct pe fiecare element bilantier) care disclosures (i.e. the accounting vs. tax values of all in bilantul romanesc nu sint cerute. balance sheet items) which are not specified as HGB inregistreaza doar datoriile nu si creantele. requirements in the Romanian financial statements. HGB books the deferred tax liability and not the asset.
truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document There is no specification on how to disclose or calculate discounted present value of future rent income or expense on long term rent contracts. There is just obligation to record off-balance sheet account for rented assets.
trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Nu este specificata metodologia de calcul actualizat al valorii prezente a contractelor de chirie pe termen lung. Exista doar obligatia de a figura activele luate cu chirie intr-un cont extrabilantier.
Income statement Contul de profit i pierdere Turnover Cifra de afaceri trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document versiunea completa Foreign See the above two comments for te P&L effect of foreign Cursurile A se vedea mai sus doua comentarii privind reevaluarile exchange exchange and related revaluations. valutare valutelor. The FX effect is in the financial result in the Romanian Efectul valutar este in rezultatul financiar in sistemul books as well as in IFRS; under HGB and in the romanesc ca si in IFRS; la societatile care aplica HGB si Reporting packages of internatinoal Groups that report in anumite pachete de raportare de Grupuri care aplica under IFRS, the forex effect caused by other things than IFRS, efectul valutar din alte cauze decit creditele, este loans, it is sometimes presented as within the operational uneori prezentat ca parte din rezultatul operational. result. Sistemul HGB este foarte amanuntit in distinctia intre The HGB is keen in distinguishing between realized FX efect valutar realizat din tranzactii (tatschlich), si efect effect (from transactions; tatschlich) and unrealised cauzat de reevaluari la final de perioada (stichtag) (from period end revaluations; stichtag). Provisions Cost of sales truncated in the public version. Contact us for the Provizioane complete document The structure of the Romanian Income Statement does Costul bunurilor not identify the Cost of Goods Sold as defined by IFRS. vndute The separation between COGS, other operational expenses, selling, G&A expenses, is disclosed in a note, without having clear principles on distinguishing classification as COGS vs. the other positions. This is left to the comany's accounting policies. truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document Marja bruta trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Structura Contului de Profit si Pierderi nu identifica Costul Vinzarilor asa cum este definit de IFRS. Separarea intre costul vinzarilor, alte cheltuieli operationale, cheltuieli general administrative si de vinzari este prezentata intr-o nota, fara a avea normate principii privind incadrarea in COGS versus celelalte. Acest lucru este lasat in seama politicilor contabile ale firmei. trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa
Gross Margin
Brief comparison between Romanian GAAP and IFRS with comments on HGB particularities where applicable Fake incompliance with IFRS Below there are some important areas where Romanian GAAP is in principle in line with IFRS, however companies seldom apply them correctly, causing fake differences between statutory and IFR systems
Scurt comparaie ntre reglementri contabile romneti i IFRS cu comentarii privind particularitile HGB unde este cazul False Se prezinta mai jos aspecte importante unde neconformitati standardele romanesti sint in principiu in acord cu cu IFRS IFRS dar societatile arareori le aplica in mod corect rezultind false diferente intre sistemele statutar si IFRS Provizioanele de garantii acordate se accepta cind metoda este dovedita statistic. Nu se specifica metodologii dar in mod uzual se accepta politicile de Grup. Fiscal, recunoasterea este limitata de prevederile contractuale trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Principiile de calculatie a costurilor sint sanatoase in Romania. Se accepta metodologii de la calcul global de diferente de pret per total firma, pina la sisteme de precizie la nivel de cost actual pe produs. Exista cerinta ca lunar sa se efectueze contabilizarea la costuri actuale, la finite si productia in curs. Societatile care au sisteme complexe de calcul nu reusesc sa efectueze calcule atit de frecvent si se expun penalizarilor. De aceea solutiile mai simple (diferente de pret la nivel de total firma) sint recomandabile.
Warranty provisions
Warranty provisions are accepted when their method is Garanii statistically proven. No method is specified but usually acordate Group policies are accepted. Taxwise, the recognition is limited to contractual terms. Creante truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document Costing principles are healthy in Romania. Methods are Calculaie accepted from absorption calculations at company level, costuri to complex actual costing updates. There is a requirement to monthly update the actual valuation of finished goods and work in progress. Companies having complex systems are unable to perform so frequent calculations and they are open to penalties. Therefore simpler solutions (comapny-level absorption calculations) are more recommended.
Receivables Costing
Contabilitatea trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru de versiunea completa angajamente si separatia exercitiilor n Romnia, se folosete, aproape ntotdeauna, sistemul inventarului permanent (la achiziie, bunurile se nregistreaz n stoc i se trec pe cheltuieli n momentul emiterii bonului de consum; inventarierea se realizeaz, de regul, o dat pe an). n Europa de Vest, sistemul cel mai folosit este inventarul intermitent (la achiziie, bunurile sunt trecute direct pe cheltuieli iar stocul se constat la sfritul lunii, cnd se realizeaz inventarierea). Totui, aceste aspecte nu constituie diferenta fata de IFRS. Este vorba doar de practici fundamental diferite (inventarul permanent este neuzual in Vest, iar inventarul interminent este neuzual in Romnia). Problema apare la reconcilierile intercompany, unde partenerii straini din Grup se asteapta sa gaseasca in Romania pe cheltuieli achizitiile de stocuri de la Grup, ceea ce nu se intimpla niciodata.
The accounting for inventories is nearly always the Sistemul de perpetual inventory (at acquisition the stock is recorded contabilizare a as inventory and it is expensed when a consumption note inventarierii is issued; inventory acounts are usually once per year) whilst in the West, the commmon system is intermitent inventory (at acquisition they are directly expensed and stock is recorded at the month end's inventory count) However this is not against IFRS; it is just unusual for the Western companies as well as the intermitent system is unusual for Romania. The problem occurs in the intercompany reconciliations: the foreign partners expect to find in the Romanian books on expenses, the inventory acquisitions from the Group, which is never the case.
Depreciation life:
The principle of flexibly reassessing the asset's economic Durata de life is missing; once set, the depreciation life is difficult to amortizare modify except by a certified valuer's report. There are tax restrictions to lives outside the legal range.
In contabilitatea romneasc, lipseste principiul remasurarii in mod flexibil a duratei economice ramase a activelor; dup stabilirea duratei utile (normate), este dificil de modificat durata de amortizare, cu exceptia unui raport emis de evaluator autorizat. Exist restricii fiscale privind folosirea unor durate n afara limitelor prevzute de lege. trunchiat in versiunea publica. Contactati-ne pentru versiunea completa Teoretic se despart registrul amortizarilor fiscale de registrul amortizarilor contabile, iar restrictiile se refera la amortizarile fiscale, insa in practica putine societati aplica aceasta libertate
truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document In theory the tax depreciation register is separated from the accounting depreciation register, and the restrictions refer to the tax depreciation, but in practice few companies do apply this liberty. Used fixed assets truncated in the public version. Contact us for the complete document MF second hand