Please E-Mail
to Delta Lima 2 Yankie Echo Oscar @ Queen Romeo Papa 4 Uniform .Delta Echo
Caution mortal danger: The following circuit operates at a mains voltage of 230
Vac. Because of rectification some of the components conduct dc voltage of
more than 322 V. Work has to be carried out only if the circuit is disconnected
from the mains and de-energized. Note that capacitors located to the primary
side can be charged with high voltage for several seconds even after switching
of the mains voltage.
The major disadvantages of usual linear power supplies are high power
dissipation, the size and the appropriated weight. When looking for an alternative
solution, I decided to use a switch mode power supply (SMPS). The efficiency of
such power supplies is around 70 % to 90 % at a power density of 0.2 W / cm³.
Because homebrewing was out of the question due to lack of time, I tried the
modification of a PC switch mode power supply. The later are mass-produced
goods and available for less than 50 DM.
Depending on the PC model, these are rated anywhere between 150 and 240 W.
For supplying socket 7 main boards they have four different output voltages of +5
V, +12 V, -12 V and -5 V. They are mainly primary switching power supplies with
power switches arranged in a half-bridge configuration. The outputs can drive the
usual 20 A (+5 V), 8 A (+12 V) and 0,5 A (-12 V, -5 V). At approx. 205 W output
power and a typical efficiency of 75 % this means a dissipation of only 68 W. I
had acquired an unbranded PC power supply, measuring 140 x 100 x 50 mm (W,
D, H) and weighing 350 g. Most power supply units are designed according to
the same principle (half-bridge configuration) and hence the following described
modification should be applicable also to power supplies from other producers.
After switching on the mains voltage the circuit operates for a short duration as a
free-running oscillator. This behavior is caused by a feedback winding at the
output transformer T2. As soon as the auxiliary voltage Uaux is present the pulse
width modulator IC TL494CN from Texas-Instruments takes over the control
function and synchronizes the "oscillator".
The error amplifier in the TL494 compares the voltage at the +5 V output (actual
value) with a reference voltage (set value), calculates the analogue control
variable according to the PI algorithm and adjusts the pulse width modulator (see
Fig. 6). The modulator sends alternate pulses to the driver transistors Q5 and
Q6. The pulse duration is reverse proportional to the control variable rating.
Increasing loading on the +5 V output makes for wider pulses, lighter loading
causes narrower pulses. As there is a finite minimum pulse width, a minimum
load of 0.1 A is required. Without this load the power supply may be destroyed.
The switching frequency is approx. 33 kHz as usual for PC power supplies. It is
defined by a resistor and a capacitor located at pin 5 and 6 of IC1.
Fig. 3: Primary side mains filter, rectifier, power switches and drivers
Monitoring Circuit
Several protection circuits are included in the original power supply. Excessive
primary current due to a very high secondary current leads to a high alternating
voltage at the T3 output. If this voltage is above a fixed threshold the TL494 stops
immediately generating cyclically pulses and changes to the intermitted mode (on
/ off). The circuit and the load are protected likewise against over-voltage at the
+5 V output or short-circuit at the -12 V and -5 V outputs. Switching off is
executed via H-signal to the IC1 protection input (pin 4) too.
If you see a KA7500 or IR3MO2 PWM regulator IC on the board, each one is a
pin compatible second source to the TL494CN. IC3 is a dual comparator from
LM339 type. Some power supplies are not equipped with this IC, but with a two
transistor discrete monitoring circuit, offering the same functionality.
A simple and clear structure of the secondary rectification was achieved after
"stripping" and "reconstruction".
The part of the circuit responsible for regulation and monitoring has to be
modified at three places. Arrange additional components free standing onto the
component side of the PCB.
The areas marked with dotted frames, show the modified or additional
components that are necessary for 13.8 V output voltage.
Further Modifications
Phase 1: These tests have to be carried out at a low DC supply voltage in order
to avoid component destruction in case of possible errors. The 13.8 V output is
loaded with a 12 V / 50 W car headlight bulb and a 15 V / 1 A lab power supply is
connected to GND and Uaux. The TL494 IC gets its operating voltage and
generates control pulses with maximum pulse duration. Check the signals at Q5
and Q6.
Phase 2: During the second test phase the galvanic isolated primary side of the
circuit is supplied by the lab supply too. For this purpose make a short cable link
between Uaux and U+ as well as between GND and U-. The PWM controller tries
to offer 13.8 V at the output at maximum pulse duration. The later cannot be
successful due to the low 15 Vdc input voltage and the present transformer ratio.
With an oscilloscope measured signals at the measuring points TP1 (emitter Q1
against emitter Q2) and TP2 (cathode D5 against GND) must look like as shown
in figure 7.
If everything is all right up to now, one can proceed with the exciting test at 230
Vac. The laboratory power supply, the 48 V transformer, the measuring
instruments and all provisional cable links attached for the test etc. must
obviously be removed. The car bulb are further needed as a load and for the
functional checks. If after applying of the 230 Vac mains voltage the lamps light
up brightly, the output voltage amounts to 13.8 V and no undefined noises or
smells are noticeable one has won the first round. If a non recognizable error has
passed the pre-testing the two switching transistors and copper tracks say good-
bye with a more or less loud bang.
For the following load test some high power resistors with resistance 1 Ohm and
sufficent power rating are required. The current flowing with this load should not
cause excessive heating of the rectifier diode and the switching transistors during
a 5 minutes test periode.
Operation Experience
The modified board was permanently installed in the speaker cabinet SP120 that
matches my transceiver. The mains lead exit from its back, which also carries the
DC terminals, an on-off switch, the additional mains filter and a small 12 V
blower. A green LED power-on indicator was inserted in the front panel into a 5
mm hole drill. I had installed the small blower just in case, but found it
superfluous; at the low duty cycle of CW and SSB, none of the components is
getting hot. The power supply has been used for several years and has given no
Fig. 8: Modified power supply board in the SP120 speaker cabinet
I would be grateful for a professional translation or correction of the following text. Please E-Mail
to Delta Lima 2 Yankie Echo Oscar @ Queen Romeo Papa 4 Uniform .Delta Echo
Caution mortal danger: The following circuit operates at a mains voltage of 230
Vac. Because of rectification some of the components conduct dc voltage of
more than 322 V. Work has to be carried out only if the circuit is disconnected
from the mains and de-energized. Note that capacitors located to the primary
side can be charged with high voltage for several seconds even after switching
of the mains voltage.
Power switches
As power switches FETs were used due to their short rise and fall times and the
easy, component-saving driver circuit. If one is content with switching times of
100 ns, a small driver transformer and two gate resistances are sufficient for
triggering the FETs. Re-dimensioning of the secondary winding for the supply of
the gate voltage is not to be gone around unfortunately. The single turn and 2 x 8
turns must be removed from transformer Tr4. Instead of this 2 x 16 turns (bifilar)
have to be applied. With a winding ratio of 16 : 26 and a 20 Vs control signal from
IC1 the FETs gate voltage is up to 10 V high. With this voltage one achieves the
indicated FETs Ron of 0,75 ohms and thus very small conduction losses.
Dynamic (switching) losses at 50 kHz and the before mentioned switching times
assume negligible. The PWM IC drives enough current for fast on /off switching
the FETs. Increasing the switching frequency from before 33 kHz (PC power
supply) to 50 kHz (new power supply) allows to transfer more energy via the
transformer. You can not increase the latter with a given transformer whatever
you like, since the transformer is usable for a certain frequency range only.
Attempts showed that the transformer can cope with the factor 1.5 without
problems (overheating).
Control circuit
After switching on the 230 Vac mains voltage an auxiliary voltage is available
from the small 50 Hz transformer Tr1 for starting up the PWM controller SG3525.
The P acting operation amplifiers in the SG3525 compares a portion of the 13,8
output voltage (actual value) with the internal +5,1 V reference voltage (set value)
and forms from it the correction variable for the pulse width modulator. The
modulator sends alternate control pulses via its two outputs to the transformer
Tr4. The pulse duration is reciprocal to the correcting variable. Increased loading
to the +13.8 V output makes for wider pulses, lighter loading causes narrower
pulses. The switching frequency of the power switches is 50 kHz. For higher
frequencies the FETs are usable but not the magnetic components that were
taken over by the PC power supply. The oscillator frequency is determined by the
components attached to pin 5 and 6. R14 determines the dead time, which is
absolutely necessary to avoid two switching transistors conduct at the same time.
Due to the not present storage time for FETs a very small value could be set.
With 1 us deadtime and 20 us period duration the FETs can theoretically lead
current for 95 % of the time and thus deliver energy to the output. Charging C13
after switching on causes a soft start with narrow pulse first and wider control
pulses afterwards. Terminal (a) of the driver transformer Tr4 remains free. Only
one half (26 t) of the primary turns (b - c) and the 16 turns of the secondary
winding are sufficient to form the necessary ratio of 0,6.
Monitoring functions
Two protection circuits are included in the new power supply. The transformer Tr2
is used as current detector and produces at R16 a voltage that is proportional to
the current flow through the power switches. If the voltage at the shutdown pin 10
exceeds the limit value adjustable with P1, the control IC switches off
immediately and restarts after a short duration. The reason for this is usually a
too high current at the secondary side of the power transformer, caused by a
short-circuit or an overload to the output. The load and the circuit itself are
likewise protected from overvoltage at the Vo output. The SG3525 switches off at
Vo > 15 V. Note: Both protection circuits are ineffective if the slider of P1 is
adjusted to Gnd potential.
Synchronous rectifier
The following circuit avoids this disadvantage, since the body diodes do not
operate in the reverse mode. The free wheeling diode D3 takes over choke
current since it has a substantially smaller forward on voltage Uf compared to the
FETs body diode. D3 is from Schottky type and is arranged before the choke Dr2.
The diode does not have a storage charge and thus switching on/off is extremely
fast combined with low losses. It was removed once for by way of trial. The FETs
heat sink warmed up thereupon by around +10 °C, although the body diode of
the used IRFZ44 has already a very good trr (reverse recovery time) of 47 ns.
With a typical duty cycle of 57 % the losses in the two FETs make together 3.6
W. The free wheeling diode D3 is conducting for the remaining time and
produces 4.6 W. Less than 8.2 W can only be attained, if one replaces the free
wheeling diode also by a FET. Since triggering this FET is more complex than
from VT3 and VT4, I did without this measure. A second reason is that with mains
undervoltage or high output current the switch-on time of VT3/4 and not the
switch-on time of D3 rise.
Fig. 4: Synchronous rectifier
For the power supply assembly a glass epoxy circuit board with the dimensions
82 x 122 mm is needed. One should not use another material. It applies to fasten
relatively heavy components and realize copper tracks that are able to carry high
current. The components for regulation and monitoring are mounted on a small
strip board. Sorry, but I was too lazy to design a PCB layout for this circuit part.
Fig.5: PCB layout (1:1) and assembly
Before using the transformers it has to be checked exactly whether the size,
number of layers, wire size, number of turns and phasing correspond to the
specification in the drawing and the photos. If doubts exist in the matching, the
transformers should better not be used.
Fig. 8: PC transformers and modifications
Heat sinks
At the heat sinks is nothing special. They are manufactured from an approx. 1
mm thick aluminum plate. VT1 and VT2 are to be fastened isolated on the first
heat sink. The FETs may not have a electrical connection against each other and
against the heat sink. With professional assembling of the transistors touching
the heat sink is without danger. On the secondary side it is somewhat simpler.
VT3, VT4 and D3 carry no dangerous voltage and need thus no isolation for this
reason. Because of the FETs case and the Schottky diodes case have the same
potential, there is no objection against mounting all three components directly
onto the second heat sink. It is to be made certain however that there is not
electrical connection between the heat sink itself and the power supply housing
or electrical components.
The grey marked cells indicate the components, which can be taken over by a
PC power supply. The electrical data must be compared before using them and
the indicated modifications have to be executed.
I urgently advise against immediate connection to 230 Vac. Testing of the new
power supply should take place in several test phases for safety reasons and for
the avoidance of component destruction. The high voltage causes an immediate
destruction of the components in the case of an error in the circuit.
Phase 1:The first test applies to the PWM-IC and the power switch control. For
running the PWM-IC a lab power supply adjusted to 24 Vdc must be attached to
Gnd and the positive plate of C7 (Vx). After switching on the the IC generates
sharply rising and falling control pulses with maximum pulse duration at the
output pins 11 and 14. With an oscilloscope measured signals at the gate of VT2
(VT1) must look like the one shown in figure 9. It is very important that the
signals have the indicated shape, voltage and frequency. The signals at the gates
must be further in opposite phase against each other. Otherwise, both FETs
would conduct at the same time and produce a short-circuit when later applying
supply voltage .
Phase 2: Now, connect three car light bulbs (12 V / 21 W) to the 13,8 V output
terminals. A 48 V / 1 A mains transformer feeds the S.M.P.S. via the L1 and N
terminal with a galvanical isolated Ac voltage. The + 24 Vdc lab supply is still
connected during this test. 60 Vdc at C3 / C4 is in Europe defined as a non-
dangerous voltage rate. At this voltage rate the switching transistors can start
operating and one can perform test without danger. For measurements with a
dual-channel oscilloscope Gnd from the secondary section has to be connected
temporary to the (Y) test point of the primary section with a wire link. The bulbs
glow at Vout = 4,3 Vdc if everything is right. Rectification is executed by the FETs
body diodes only, because the VT3 and VT4 gate-source voltage is not high
enough to switch on the FET. The PWM controller tries to offer 13,8 V at the
output at maximum pulse duration. The later cannot be successful due to the low
60 Vdc input voltage and the present transformer ratio.
Fig. 10: Voltage at test point (X) against (Y) und cathode D3 against Gnd
Phase 3: If everything is all right up to now, one can proceed with the exciting
test at 230 Vac. The laboratory power supply, the 48 V transformer, the
measuring instruments and all provisional cable links attached for the test etc.
must obviously be removed. The three car bulbs are further needed as a load
and for the functional checks. If after applying of the 230 Vac mains voltage the
lamps light up brightly, the output voltage amounts to 13.8 V and no undefined
noises or smells are noticeable one has won the first round. If a non recognizable
error has passed the pre-testing the two switching transistors and copper tracks
say good-bye with a more or less loud bang. With 5,7 A the duty cycle D = tp /
T = 5 us / 10 us is approximately 50 %.
Phase 4: For the following load test a dummy load is needed that can handle up
to 300 W. Because such high power resistors are not laying in the junk box and
purchasing them is very expensive, I took instead a 50 m a ring installation cable
(3 x 1.5 mm2) . An individual wire has a resistance 0.6 ohms and can dissipate
the mentioned watts without problems. Depending upon interconnection of the
three wires, load resistances of 0,6 / 1,2 and 1.8 ohms are realizable. By the
ampmeter impedance, including the appropriate measuring wires positioned in
series, the resistance value increases by approx. 0.1 ohms. At Vo = 13,8 V the
following table indicates the power output Po and the current Io as a function of
the loading.
Experience during the PC power supply modification have shown that the filtering
on the PCB is not sufficient for amateur radio application. A pre-arranged general
purpose mains filter and a home made Pi filter direct to the 13,8 V output are
used for improved RF noise reduction. To favor of the control loop stability the PI
filter voltage drop is not eliminated. Output voltage changes of several ten
millivolts at load changes have no importance for running a 100 W transceiver.
The additional filter have to be mounted inside the S.M.P.S. case very close to
the cable inlet and outlet.
Operation experiences
Sum 25,2