R12 OPM Quality PDF
R12 OPM Quality PDF
R12 OPM Quality PDF
June 2006
Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management User's Guide, Release 12 Part No. B31152-01 Copyright 2003, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Richard Persen The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose. If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs. The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party. Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Setting Up
Setting Up in Other Applications............................................................................................. 2-1 Setting Up Quality Tests........................................................................................................... 2-4 Setting Up Test Classes............................................................................................................. 2-4 Finding Test Classes.................................................................................................................. 2-5 Setting Up Test Groups............................................................................................................. 2-6 Setting Up Test Units................................................................................................................ 2-7 Finding Test Units..................................................................................................................... 2-8 Setting Up Sampling Plans....................................................................................................... 2-9 Finding Sampling Plans.......................................................................................................... 2-12 Setting Up Parameters............................................................................................................. 2-13
Requirements............................................................................................................................ 3-1 Entering Test Methods.............................................................................................................. 3-3 Finding Test Methods............................................................................................................... 3-5 Understanding Tests................................................................................................................. 3-6 Entering Tests.......................................................................................................................... 3-10 Entering Customer Display Information................................................................................ 3-14 Entering Experimental Error................................................................................................... 3-15 Finding Tests........................................................................................................................... 3-19
Requirements............................................................................................................................ 4-2 Understanding Specifications................................................................................................... 4-4 Using Lot UOM Conversions Based on Quality Results......................................................... 4-9 Understanding the Status Approval Workflow..................................................................... 4-12 Adding and Editing Status Codes........................................................................................... 4-15 Entering Status Details............................................................................................................ 4-19 Finding a Status Code............................................................................................................. 4-20 Understanding Specification Version Control....................................................................... 4-21 Entering a Specification.......................................................................................................... 4-22 Copying a Specification.......................................................................................................... 4-32 Finding an Item Specification................................................................................................. 4-33 Entering an Item Specification Validity Rule........................................................................ 4-34 Displaying the Item Specification Validity Rules Summary.................................................4-45 Entering a Monitoring Specification Validity Rule............................................................... 4-49 Displaying the Monitoring Specification Validity Rules Summary..................................... 4-52 Displaying Specification Summaries from the Navigator..................................................... 4-53
Requirements............................................................................................................................ 5-1 Understanding Sampling.......................................................................................................... 5-3 Entering Item Samples............................................................................................................ 5-15 Entering Monitoring Samples................................................................................................. 5-35 Finding Samples...................................................................................................................... 5-41 Displaying Sample Groups..................................................................................................... 5-44 Displaying Sample Summaries from the Navigator.............................................................. 5-49 Displaying the Samples Summary Window.......................................................................... 5-52
Requirements............................................................................................................................ 6-1 Understanding Results.............................................................................................................. 6-4 Entering Results...................................................................................................................... 6-14 Selecting Samples and Tests for Mass Results Entry............................................................. 6-26 Using the Mass Results Entry Window.................................................................................. 6-29 Displaying Test Details from Mass Results Entry................................................................. 6-31 Displaying Experimental Errors from Mass Results Entry.................................................... 6-32 Finding Samples from the Results Window...........................................................................6-33 Compositing Test Results....................................................................................................... 6-34 Viewing Samples for Composited Results............................................................................. 6-36 Adding Tests to Composited Results..................................................................................... 6-39 Comparing Specifications....................................................................................................... 6-41 Finding Samples for Specification Comparison.................................................................... 6-46 Changing Quality Disposition................................................................................................ 6-47 Associating Results to Another Sample................................................................................. 6-53
Stability Studies
Requirements............................................................................................................................ 8-2 Understanding Stability Studies.............................................................................................. 8-4 Example of a Stability Program for Product X.......................................................................... 8-6 Managing the Stability Study Lifecycle................................................................................... 8-7 Setting Up for a Stability Study............................................................................................ 8-8
Planning a Stability Study.................................................................................................... 8-9 Performing Initial Sampling and Testing........................................................................... 8-10 Approving a Stability Study Plan...................................................................................... 8-11 Launching a Stability Study............................................................................................... 8-13 Performing Stability Study Testing.................................................................................... 8-13 Evaluating a Stability Study............................................................................................... 8-13 Understanding the Stability Study Change Status Workflow...............................................8-14 Creating Test Interval Plans.................................................................................................... 8-16 Generating a Series of Testing Periods...................................................................................8-20 Finding Test Interval Plans..................................................................................................... 8-21 Creating a Storage Condition Plan......................................................................................... 8-22 Finding Storage Condition Plans............................................................................................ 8-24 Defining Storage Packages..................................................................................................... 8-24 Finding Storage Packages....................................................................................................... 8-25 Creating and Managing a Stability Study.............................................................................. 8-26 Finding Stability Studies........................................................................................................ 8-31 Assigning Stability Study Material Sources.......................................................................... 8-33 Editing Stability Study Variants............................................................................................. 8-35 Finding Stability Study Variants............................................................................................ 8-42 Editing Variant Time Points................................................................................................... 8-43
OPM Quality Sample Disposition Workflow....................................................................... D-25 OPM Quality Composite Results Workflow......................................................................... D-27 OPM Quality Sample Group Disposition Workflow............................................................ D-28 OPM Quality Spec Status Change Approval Workflow....................................................... D-30 OPM Quality Spec Customer Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow............... D-32 OPM Quality Spec Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow............... D-33 OPM Quality Spec Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow................. D-35 OPM Quality Spec WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow........................ D-37 OPM Quality Spec Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow............ D-38 OPM Quality Sample Group Rejection Workflow................................................................D-40 OPM Quality Stability Study Change Status Workflow.......................................................D-42 OPM Quality Stability Study Lot Sample Workflow............................................................D-45 OPM Quality Stability Study Batch Creation Workflow...................................................... D-47 OPM Quality Stability Study Testing Workflow.................................................................. D-48 OPM Quality Stability Study Time Point Test Workflow.................................................... D-50 OPM Quality UOM Conversion Workflow........................................................................... D-53 Approval Management Engine (AME) Approval Matrix...................................................... D-56
Glossary Index
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Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management User's Guide, Release 12
Part No. B31152-01
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12 of the Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management User's Guide. This guide assumes that you have working knowledge of your business area's processes, tools, principles, and customary practices. It also assumes that you are familiar with Oracle Process Manufacturing. If you have never used Oracle Process Manufacturing, we suggest you attend one or more of the Oracle Process Manufacturing training classes available through Oracle University. See Related Information Sources on page xiii for more Oracle Applications product information.
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/ .
1 Understanding Quality Management
This topic provides the fundamentals of Quality Management. It presents the basic tasks, responsibilities, and process flow required to manage the quality of a product. An introduction to process quality management concepts, and the impact that quality has on other applications is provided.
2 Setting Up
This topic explains how to set up quality responsibilities, action codes, grades, test classes, test units, sampling plans, and process quality parameters.
3 Tests
This topic explains the fundamentals of quality tests. It provides the processes to enter or find test methods, gives a concise explanation of test data types, and explains how to enter tests, customized customer display information, and experimental error.
4 Specifications
This topic explains the basic concepts of quality specifications. You are shown how to enter and find specifications and their associated specification validity rules for both item and monitoring specifications. Specification summaries available from the Quality Workbench navigator are described.
5 Samples
This topic includes procedures for entering and finding item samples and monitoring samples. Procedures for displaying sample groups and displaying sample summaries on the navigator are also provided.
6 Results
This topic provides an overview of quality results, including the process for entering them. You are shown how to composite test results, compare specifications, change quality disposition, and manage expired lots.
7 Reports and Inquiries
This topic explains several preformatted reports that assist you in identifying items that need quality attention. Reports display results obtained from quality test samples taken
from inventory, customers, suppliers, and production. A Certificate of Analysis or Certificate of Conformance report provides documentation that the items produced or shipped comply with test procedures and quality specifications prescribed by the customer. A sample storage inquiry helps you determine the physical storage subinventory and locator for each sample.
8 Stability Studies
This topic provides procedures for creating and managing stability studies including when they are performed, and what essential guidelines exist for stability testing programs. The topic also provides an overview of the stability study lifecycle management, including the creation of test interval plans and the creation of a storage condition plan. You are given guidance on the creation and management of a stability study, including the assignment of its material sources, editing stability study variants and time points, and defining its storage packages.
A Quality Management Navigator Paths B Quality Management Responsibilities C Quality Management Business Rules D Quality Management Workflows
This topic introduces you to the concept of a workflow process and refers you to the documentation that fully explains Oracle workflows. It presents an understanding of the OPM Quality Management workflows, how to set them up, how to start them, and how to use the Quality windows.
E Oracle E-Record Events in Quality Management
OPM Quality Management supports the acquisition of electronic signatures on electronic records. Electronic documentation replaces paper with a seamless interface of business activities that improves manufacturing throughput and enhances the overall quality of operations in the supply chain. The following provides information for online and deferred events that are e-record and e-signature enabled in the OPM Quality Management application. A brief discussion of each event is provided. Refer to the Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide for details on setting up the events and approvals
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of your Oracle Applications data. Oracle Applications Concepts This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the Oracle Applications architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics, giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the installation and configuration choices that may be available. Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle Applications implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Oracle Applications product data. This guide also provides information on creating custom reports on flexfields data. Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide This guide covers the design-time and run-time aspects of personalizing applications built with Oracle Application Framework. Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading Oracle Applications. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry out a fresh installation of Oracle Applications Release 12, or as part of an upgrade from Release 11i to Release 12. The book also describes the steps needed to install the technology stack components only, for the special situations where this is applicable. Oracle Application Server Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide This guide covers the use of OracleAS Adapter in developing integrations between Oracle applications and trading partners. Please note that this guide is in the Oracle Application Server 10g ( Documentation Library. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set This documentation set provides planning and reference information for the Oracle Applications System Administrator. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide Configuration contains information on system configuration steps, including defining concurrent programs and managers, enabling Oracle Applications Manager features, and setting up printers and online help. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance provides information for frequent tasks such as monitoring your system with Oracle Applications Manager, managing concurrent managers and reports, using diagnostic utilities, managing profile options, and using alerts. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security describes User Management, data security, function security, auditing, and security configurations. Oracle Applications User's Guide This guide explains how to navigate, enter data, query, and run reports using the user
interface (UI) of Oracle Applications. This guide also includes information on setting user profiles, as well as running and reviewing concurrent requests. Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide This guide describes the functionality of Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the necessary setup steps in order for Oracle Applications to conduct business with trading partners through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also contains how to run extract programs for outbound transactions, import programs for inbound transactions, and the relevant reports. Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Implementation Guide This guide describes implementation details, highlights additional setups for trading partner, code conversion, and Oracle Applications as well as provides the architecture guidelines for transaction interface files. This guide also contains troubleshooting information and how to customize EDI transactions. Oracle Report Manager User's Guide Oracle Report Manager is an online report distribution system that provides a secure and centralized location to produce and manage point-in-time reports. Oracle Report Manager users can be either report producers or report consumers. Use this guide for information on setting up and using Oracle Report Manager. Oracle iSetup User Guide This guide describes how to use Oracle iSetup to migrate data between different instances of the Oracle E-Business Suite and generate reports. It also includes configuration information, instance mapping, and seeded templates used for data migration. Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any product that includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how to manage workflow processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager, how to monitor the progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer notifications sent to workflow users. Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize existing Oracle Applications-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how to define and customize business events and event subscriptions. Oracle Workflow User's Guide This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes. Oracle Workflow API Reference This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access Oracle Workflow.
Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide This guide describes Oracle XML Gateway functionality and each component of the Oracle XML Gateway architecture, including Message Designer, Oracle XML Gateway Setup, Execution Engine, Message Queues, and Oracle Transport Agent. The integrations with Oracle Workflow Business Event System and the Business-to-Business transactions are also addressed in this guide. Oracle XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety of business needs. Using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat as the design tool, you can create pixel-perfect reports from the Oracle E-Business Suite. Use this guide to design your report layouts. Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that merges XML data with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs to meet a variety of business needs. Outputs include: PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF, and eText (for EDI and EFT transactions). Oracle XML Publisher can be used to generate reports based on existing E-Business Suite report data, or you can use Oracle XML Publisher's data extraction engine to build your own queries. Oracle XML Publisher also provides a robust set of APIs to manage delivery of your reports via e-mail, fax, secure FTP, printer, WebDav, and more. This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle XML Publisher as well as how to use the Application Programming Interface to build custom solutions. Guides Related to This Product Oracle Process Manufacturing Cost Management User's Guide The Oracle Process Manufacturing Cost Management application is used by cost accountants to capture and review the manufacturing costs incurred in their process manufacturing businesses. The guide describes how to set up and use this application. Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution User's Guide The Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution application lets you track firm planned orders and production batches from incoming materials through finished goods. Seamlessly integrated to the Product Development application, Process Execution lets you convert firm planned orders to single or multiple production batches, allocate ingredients, record actual ingredient usage, and then complete and close production batches. Production inquiries and preformatted reports help you optimize inventory costs while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction with on-time delivery of high quality products. The Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution User's Guide presents overviews of the tasks and responsibilities for the Production Supervisor and the Production Operator. It provides prerequisite setup in other applications, and details the windows, features, and functionality of the application.
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development User's Guide The Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development application provides features to manage formula, routing, recipe, and validity rule development within process manufacturing operations. Use it to manage multiple laboratory organizations and support varying product lines throughout the enterprise. Characterize and simulate the technical properties of ingredients and their effects on formula performance and cost. Simulate and optimize formulations before beginning expensive laboratory test batches. Product Development coordinates each development function to provide a rapid, enterprise-wide implementation of new products in your plants. The guide describes how to set up and use this application. Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management User's Guide The Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management application provides features to test material sampled from inventory, production, or receipts from external suppliers. The application lets you enter specifications and control their use throughout the enterprise. Customized workflows and electronic recordkeeping automate plans for sampling, testing, and result processing. Compare specifications to assist in regrading items, and match customer specifications. Aggregate test results and print statistical assessments on quality certificates. Run stability testing with unrivaled ease. Several preformatted reports and inquiries help manage quality testing and reporting. The guide describes how to set up and use this application. System Administration User's Guide Much of the System Administration duties are performed at the Oracle Applications level, and are therefore described in the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide. The Oracle Process Manufacturing System Administration User's Guide provides information on the few tasks that are specific to Oracle Process Manufacturing. It offers information on performing Oracle Process Manufacturing file purge and archive, and maintaining such things as responsibilities, units of measure, and organizations. Regulatory Management User's Guide Oracle Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management provides solutions for document management that help meet the FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and other international regulatory compliance requirements. Regulatory information management is facilitated by use of electronic signatures. Manage hazard communications by collaborating with Oracle partners to dispatch safety documents, attached printed documentation sets such as the MSDS to shipments, and set up workflows to manage documentation revisions, approvals, and transmittals. The Oracle Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management User's Guide provides the information to set up and use the application. Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing Oracle Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for Process Manufacturing provides a seamless integration to product development and process execution applications for rapid deployment and tracking of procedures, work instruction tasks, and batch records. Set up and manage material dispensing operations and produce electronic batch records interactively with full electronic signature control, nonconformance
management, and label printing routines. The Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide delivers the information to set up and use the application. API User's Guides Public Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are available for use with different Oracle Process Manufacturing applications. APIs pass information into and out of the application tables, thereby bypassing the user interface. Use of these APIs is documented in separately available documentation. Oracle Engineering User's Guide This guide enables your engineers to utilize the features of Oracle Engineering to quickly introduce and manage new designs into production. Specifically, this guide details how to quickly and accurately define the resources, materials and processes necessary to implement changes in product design. Oracle Inventory User's Guide This guide describes how to define items and item information, perform receiving and inventory transactions, maintain cost control, plan items, perform cycle counting and physical inventories, and set up Oracle Inventory. Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide This guide describes how to create various bills of material to maximize efficiency, improve quality and lower cost for the most sophisticated manufacturing environments. By detailing integrated product structures and processes, flexible product and process definition, and configuration management, this guide enables you to manage product details within and across multiple manufacturing sites. Oracle Work in Process User's Guide This guide describes how Oracle Work in Process provides a complete production management system. Specifically this guide describes how discrete, repetitive, assemble toorder, project, flow, and mixed manufacturing environments are supported. Oracle Quality User's Guide This guide describes how Oracle Quality can be used to meet your quality data collection and analysis needs. This guide also explains how Oracle Quality interfaces with other Oracle Manufacturing applications to provide a closed loop quality control system. Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide This guide describes how to set up Oracle Shipping to process and plan your trips, stops and deliveries, ship confirmation, query shipments, determine freight cost and charges to meet your business needs. Oracle Purchasing User's Guide This guide describes how to create and approve purchasing documents, including requisitions, different types of purchase orders, quotations, RFQs, and receipts. This
guide also describes how to manage your supply base through agreements, sourcing rules and approved supplier lists. In addition, this guide explains how you can automatically create purchasing documents based on business rules through integration with Oracle Workflow technology, which automates many of the key procurement processes. Oracle interMedia User's Guide and Reference This user guide and reference provides information about Oracle interMedia. This product enables Oracle9i to store, manage, and retrieve geographic location information, images, audio, video, or other heterogeneous media data in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information. Oracle Trading Community Architecture Data Quality Management uses interMedia indexes to facilitate search and matching. Oracle SelfService Web Applications Implementation Guide This manual contains detailed information about the overview and architecture and setup of Oracle SelfService Web Applications. It also contains an overview of and procedures for using the Web Applications Dictionary. Installation and System Administration Oracle Applications Concepts This guide provides an introduction to the concepts, features, technology stack, architecture, and terminology for Oracle Applications Release 11i. It provides a useful first book to read before an installation of Oracle Applications. This guide also introduces the concepts behind Applications-wide features such as Business Intelligence (BIS), languages and character sets, and Self-Service Web Applications. Installing Oracle Applications This guide provides instructions for managing the installation of Oracle Applications products. In Release 11i, much of the installation process is handled using Oracle Rapid Install, which minimizes the time to install Oracle Applications and the Oracle technology stack by automating many of the required steps. This guide contains instructions for using Oracle Rapid Install and lists the tasks you need to perform to finish your installation. You should use this guide in conjunction with individual product user guides and implementation guides. Upgrading Oracle Applications Refer to this guide if you are upgrading your Oracle Applications Release 10.7 or Release 11.0 products to Release 11i. This guide describes the upgrade process and lists database and product-specific upgrade tasks. You must be either at Release 10.7 (NCA, SmartClient, or character mode) or Release 11.0, to upgrade to Release 11i. You cannot upgrade to Release 11i directly from releases prior to 10.7. "About" Document For information about implementation and user documentation, instructions for applying patches, new and changed setup steps, and descriptions of software updates, refer to the "About" document for your product. "About" documents are available on
OracleMetaLink for most products beginning with Release 11.5.8. Maintaining Oracle Applications Use this guide to help you run the various AD utilities, such as AutoUpgrade, AutoPatch, AD Administration, AD Controller, AD Relink, License Manager, and others. It contains how-to steps, screenshots, and other information that you need to run the AD utilities. This guide also provides information on maintaining the Oracle applications file system and database. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide This guide provides planning and reference information for the Oracle Applications System Administrator. It contains information on how to define security, customize menus and online help, and manage concurrent processing. Oracle Alert User's Guide This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of your Oracle Applications data. Oracle Applications Developer's Guide This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle Applications development staff and describes the Oracle Application Object Library components that are needed to implement the Oracle Applications user interface described in the Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. This manual also provides information to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that the forms integrate with Oracle Applications. Oracle Applications User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle Applications development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle Applications products and how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle Forms. Other Implementation Documentation Oracle Applications Product Update Notes Use this guide as a reference for upgrading an installation of Oracle Applications. It provides a history of the changes to individual Oracle Applications products between Release 11.0 and Release 11i. It includes new features, enhancements, and changes made to database objects, profile options, and seed data for this interval. Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any Oracle Applications product that includes workflow-enabled processes, as well as how to monitor the progress of runtime workflow processes. Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize existing Oracle Applications-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how to define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide This guide describes how Oracle Applications users can view and respond to workflow notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes. Oracle Workflow API Reference This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access Oracle Workflow. Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide This guide provides flexfields planning, setup and reference information for the Oracle E-Records implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Oracle Applications product data. This guide also provides information on creating custom reports on flexfields data. Oracle eTechnical Reference Manuals Each eTechnical Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of database tables, forms, reports, and programs for a specific Oracle Applications product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applications, integrate Oracle Applications data with non-Oracle applications, and write custom reports for Oracle Applications products. Oracle eTRM is available on Oracle Metalink. Oracle Applications Message Manual This manual describes all Oracle Applications messages. This manual is available in HTML format on the documentation CD-ROM for Release 11i.
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for integration with any system, application, or business partner. The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using an Oracle Applications form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle Applications data using anything other than Oracle Applications, you may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle Applications. When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, Oracle Applications automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle Applications also keeps track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a record of changes.
Understanding Quality Management
This topic provides the fundamentals of Quality Management. It presents the basic tasks, responsibilities, and process flow required to manage the quality of a product. An introduction to process quality management concepts, and the impact that quality has on other applications is provided. This chapter covers the following topics: About This Guide About Quality Management Tasks and Responsibilities Process Flow Understanding the Interface to Other Applications Understanding Navigation Using the Navigator Find Window
OPM Product Development, OPM Process Execution, Oracle Receivables, Oracle Order Management, OPM Order Fulfillment, and Oracle Purchasing. Prerequisite setup of actions, grades, reasons, and material status in Oracle Inventory. Setup of test classes, test units, sampling plans, and process quality parameters. Discussions of test methods and tests. This includes entering test methods, understanding tests, and entering test data. Additional discussions include customizing customer-specific quality certificate information, and defining experimental error action zones for tests. Discussions of item specifications, monitoring specifications, and their validity rules. This includes procedures for entry of base and overlay item specifications and monitoring specifications, the status approval process, editing and adding status codes, copying a specification, implementing specification version control, managing optional tests, creating samples automatically, and entry of item specification validity rules and monitoring specification validity rules. Discussions of samples. This includes information on the sampling process, entering item samples and monitoring samples, displaying sample groups, and displaying sample summaries from the Navigator. Procedures for retaining, archiving, and reserving samples are presented with business rules governing them. Discussions of results. This includes information on entering results, editing results, completing receiving inspection based on sample results, and how to prevent the completion of a batch step until acceptable results are recorded and approved. The process for selecting samples and tests for mass results entry is described. The procedures for compositing tests results and adding tests to composited results are presented. The procedures for viewing UOM conversions history and recommending interim lot UOM conversions are discussed. The specification comparison feature determines how closely a set of results meets the requirements of the comparison specification. Procedures for changing quality disposition and managing expired lots are presented. Requirements and procedures for associating results to other sample are presented. Several preformatted reports and inquiries help manage quality testing, analysis, and reporting. Appendixes provide navigator paths, specification matching business rules, workflows, and e-signature and e-record information.
Depending on your system security profile, it is possible that you do not have access to all of the windows and functions described in this guide. If you do not see a menu option described, and you need to access it, then contact your system administrator.
The aim is to identify methods to turn unpredictable manufacturing events into well characterized manufacturing capabilities. Process control begins with understanding process capability. Knowing how to improve the manufacturing process helps everyone in the supply chain. One of the aims of total quality management is to design quality into products. The overall aim of quality inspection is to ensure material conformance to specification in inventory, production, shipping, and receiving operations.
Communicating Quality Consistently Consistency is essential to uniform quality communications. By using common test methods, sampling plans, and decimal precision for reports, the supply chain benefits from a standardized approach to quality testing. Agreeing to Quality Capabilities The specification serves as a written agreement on the conformance of a material to a predefined level of acceptance. OPM Quality Management uses the specification and the specification validity rule to manage the inspection sampling. From the laboratory batch to the full production run, the specification validity rule controls the use of the specification in the supply chain. Workflows reduce the specification and validity rule approval process to a series of defined steps that are managed by the application. Ensuring Proper Sample Collection and Processing The coordination of sampling throughout the supply chain is often complex and error prone. OPM Quality Management controls the sampling process through workflow notifications to create and process samples. The application monitors business events that require sampling, and optionally updates inventory to reflect material sampled. Using this transaction event-based approach, each of the quality inspection points are coordinated. From material receipt, through batch step release, the sample is traced by source, priority, and disposition. Ensuring Proper Result Reporting From result entry to result evaluation, OPM Quality Management coordinates the appropriate capture of electronic signatures for electronic results records. The application composites results and compares specifications on analyzed samples for efficient quality grade assignment and customer specification matching.
View specifications throughout the supply chain. Formulator Process Engineer Production Operator Production Supervisor Quality Manager Quality Technician Inventory application Order Management application Process Operations Administrator
Create specification validity rules for inventory, work in process, customer, or supplier use. Formulator Process Engineer
Quality Manager
Sample materials. Formulator Process Engineer Quality Technician Quality Manager Production Supervisor Production Operator Process Operations Administrator
Report results. Quality Technician Quality Manager Formulator Process Engineer Production Supervisor Production Operator Process Operations Administrator
Quality Technician Quality Manager Formulator Process Engineer Production Supervisor Production Operator
Run reports and inquiries. Quality Technician Quality Manager Formulator Process Engineer Production Supervisor Production Operator Process Operations Administrator
Process Flow
The following provides a suggested process flow for setting up and running Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Management.
Set up responsibilities for Quality Manager, Quality Technician, Workflow Administrator Event Manager, Workflow, Approvals Management Business Analyst, and ERES Adminstrator. Required.
Oracle Inventory Set up process quality-enabled items, test kits, lots, item attributes, unit of measure conversions, and item lot conversions. Required. Set up subinventories and locators. Set up actions, grades, reasons, and material status Configure the allowed transactions for the Quality Sample Issue transaction type Set up item retest and expiration dates and notifications Set up lot retest and expiration dates and notifications Set up organizations including quality laboratories
Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Product Development Set up formulas, routings, operations, and recipes. Set up quality laboratory equipment or instruments as plant resources. Set up a sample as a formula byproduct. Required if controlling batch step completion based on results. Set up organizations as plants or research and development laboratories as required.
OPM Process Execution Create batches to define spec validity rules and manually create samples. Optional. Batch creation automatically triggers automatic sample creation. Verify sample byproduct on batches for sampling WIP steps.
Oracle Receivables Set up customers. Set up ship to locations. Set up bill locations.
Oracle Purchasing Set up suppliers. Set up test providers as suppliers, supplier sites, and purchase orders. Set up purchase orders having an inspection receipt routing.
Oracle Quality Set up collection elements. Set up collection plans. Set up collection triggers.
Set up sample creation approval. Set up results entry approval. Set up results evaluation approval. Set up sample disposition approval. Set up sample group approval based on the last sample and composite results or both.
Set up appropriate workflow notifications. Refer to the "Understanding OPM Quality Management Workflows" topic in "Appendix C" for additional information.
Review results. Optional. Change the sample disposition. Required. Change the sample group disposition. Required. Change material status and grade. Optional.
Compare Specifications
Specifications comparison for results is performed in the Quality Manager responsibility: Retrieve sample results and find a specification for comparison. Optional. Add tests from the comparison specification to the results set. Optional. Change the comparison specification to the current specification. Optional.
workflow notification is sent for taking lab samples based on an OPM Quality Management supplier specification validity rule. Create a sample against the receipt and receipt line without specifying a lot number. The acceptability of the supplier sample results displays in context with the collection plan results and the accepted and rejected quantities are either delivered into inventory or put on hold for further action.
Understanding Navigation
The following information is a summary of more detailed discussions found in the Oracle Applications User's Guide.
hierarchy. The Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Management application uses Data Organizer tabs to group specifications and samples. Refer to the "Identifying Nodes and Tabs on the Navigator" topic for specific nodes and tabs used in OPM Quality Management. Summary Views Summary views provide the highest level of business information and only display information. When you select an unexpanded, higher level node on the Data Organizer, the summary view also lists the contents of the container in a multirecord block. Detail Views Detail views let you display and edit information. To navigate the application from the workbench: The following is a typical flow through the Quality Management application:
1. 2. 3.
Log on to your assigned responsibility. Choose Quality Workbench from the Navigator menu. Select the tab that contains the object type of interest. Click Specifications, and select the Show Active Specs indicator to display only approved specifications and specification validity rules. Deselect the indicator to show all specifications and specification validity rules. Click Samples, and select the Show Active Samples indicator to display only pending or in-progress samples. Deselect the indicator to show all samples, regardless of their disposition.
Select the appropriate View By field. This field presents records sorted and grouped by the selection you make. Use one of the following methods to find the appropriate folder: Expand or collapse entries in the hierarchical Data Organizer. Use the Find feature to retrieve the appropriate object from the results. Save the objects in a Personal or Public folder for future reference in the Data Organizer.
Use one of the following methods to show the detailed view of a selected object: Select the object in the Summary View and click the desired button. Double-click the object in the Data Organizer until you reach the terminal or leaf object.
7. 8.
Perform actions on selected objects that you have permission to edit. Navigate from detailed view to other related windows.
Selecting the Specifications Tab The following lists some of the typical elements displayed on the navigator when you display active specifications on the Quality Workbench in the View By Specification mode. The numbers reference each of the nodes and tabs depicted in the graphic that follows this discussion. Click nodes that are marked with a plus (+) sign to expand them. 1 is the Show Active Specs indicator. When you select Show Active Specs, the navigator only displays those specifications that are active. Active specifications have a status of Approved for Laboratory Use or Approved for General Use. 2 is the View By box. You can display the list by Specifications, Customer, Supplier, Item, Owner Organization, or Status. 3 is the Specifications tab. Select it to display all available quality specifications for the organizations you can access. 4 is the Samples tab. Select it to display available quality samples. 5 is the specification name. Click it to display the Specification Summary window. This window is discussed in the "Displaying Specifications Summaries from the Navigator" topic. 6 is the specification version, owner organization, item, revision, and status. Click it to display the Specifications window. This window is discussed in the "Entering a Specification" topic. 7 is the Tests node. Select it to display the Specifications window. This window is discussed in the "Entering a Specification" topic. Expand this node to view the list of tests on the specification. 8 is the Customer Validity Rules node. Select it to display the Validity Rules Summary for Item Spec window. Information displayed includes the Customer, Order, effective date From, and Specification Validity Rule Status. This window is
discussed in the "Displaying the Item Specification Validity Rules Summary" topic. 9 is the Inventory Validity Rules node. Select it to display the Validity Rules Summary for Item Spec window. This expanded node displays the list of inventory specification validity rules. This window is discussed in the "Displaying the Item Specification Validity Rules Summary" topic. 10 is the list of each of the inventory specification validity rules. The information displayed after each validity rule is comma-delimited, and corresponds to each row of information displayed on the Validity Rules Summary for Item Spec window. For example, Organization, Subinventory, Locator, Lot, effective date From, and Validity Rule Status. 11 is the Supplier Validity Rules node. Select it to display the Validity Rules Summary for Item Spec window. Information displayed includes the Supplier, effective date From, and Validity Rule Status. This window is discussed in the "Displaying the Item Specification Validity Rules Summary" topic. 12 is the WIP Validity Rules node. Select it to display the Validity Rules Summary for Item Spec window. This window is discussed in the "Displaying the Item Specification Validity Rules Summary" topic. 13 is the list of each of the WIP validity rules. The information displayed after each validity rule is comma-delimited, and corresponds to each row of information displayed on the Validity Rules Summary for Item Spec window. This information displayed includes the Organization, Batch, (Recipe,Version), effective date From, and Validity Rule Status. 14 is the next active version of the specification version, owner organization, item, revision, and status. 15 is the next active specification.
The following graphic illustrates the previously described nodes and tabs in the navigator window when the Specifications tab is selected:
Selecting the Samples Tab The following lists some of the typical elements displayed on the navigator when you display active samples on the Quality Workbench in the View By Organization mode. You can view the samples for organizations that your responsibility can access. The numbers reference each of the nodes and tabs depicted in the graphic that follows this discussion. 1 is the Show Active Samples indicator. When you select Show Active Samples, the navigator only displays those samples that are active. Active samples have a disposition of Pending or In Progress. 2 is the View By box. You can display the list by Organization, Item, Disposition, Test, Test Class, Test Method, or Laboratory. 3 is the Specifications tab. Select it to display all available quality specifications.
4 is the Samples tab. Select it to display available quality samples for those organizations that your responsibility can access. 5 is the Samples By Organization node. Expand it to display all the organizations that your responsibility can access. 6 is an Organization node. Expand it to display all samples in the organization. If you select Show Active Samples, then only the active samples are displayed. 7 is a Sample node. Information displayed includes Sample, Item, Revision, Lot, and Disposition. Select it to display the sample in the Item Samples window. 8 is the Results node. Select it to display the Results window for the sample. Expand it to display all tests assigned to the sample. 9 is the results set for the sample. Select it to display the Results window. You must be a valid user in the laboratory associated to a test in order to enter test results, or to add tests to a sample with a disposition of Pending or In Progress. 10 is the next Organization node.
Displaying the Samples Summary window: Display the Samples Summary window for an item by selecting View By Item, and then select the item. Refer to the "Displaying the Samples Summary from the Navigator" topic for a complete discussion of this feature. Displaying the Item Samples window: Display the Item Samples window for each sample by expanding the node and selecting an individual sample. The following graphic illustrates the previously described nodes and tabs in the Quality Management workbench window when the Samples tab display:
Samples based on: Item, to view a list of samples based on item displayed in ascending alphanumeric order Disposition, to view a list of samples based on sample disposition displayed in ascending alphanumeric order Test, to view a list of samples based on test displayed in ascending alphanumeric order Test Class, to view a list of samples based on test class displayed in ascending alphanumeric order Test Method, to view a list of samples based on test method displayed in ascending alphanumeric order Laboratory, to view a list of samples based on laboratory displayed in ascending alphanumeric order
Once a view is generated, the criteria or output can be saved for future use in the Personal or Public Shortcuts. Click a node to display a summary window.
Navigate to the Find Samples window on the navigator. Enter one or more search criteria on the Standard, Source, or Advanced tabs.
3. 4.
Enter the Sample organization and sample number. Select sample Disposition as: Retain when the sample is reserved and put in storage. Typically, results do not exist for a sample with this disposition. Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. In Progress when at least one result exists for the sample, but testing is not yet complete. Complete when testing of all required tests and all additional tests is complete. Accept when sample testing is complete, and results are in-specification. Accept With Variance when sample testing is complete, and at least one result is in the experimental error region or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver has accepted this with variance. Reject when sample testing is complete, and results are not acceptable, or out-of-specification. Cancel when the sample is canceled.
5. 6.
Enter Item as the item sampled. Select the sample Source as: Customer Inventory Supplier Stability Study
7. 8. 9.
Enter Parent Lot as the item parent lot number. Enter Lot as the item lot number. Enter Laboratory as the laboratory where the sample is sent for analysis.
10. Enter Date Drawn as the date the sample was taken. This must be entered in the
format DD-MMM-YYYY.
Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements. Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing. High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.
12. Enter Specification as the specification name and version associated to the sample
entered. Source
13. Enter any of these additional criteria when Source is selected as Customer, Supplier,
Inventory, or WIP: Customer Name Operating Unit Ship To Order Line Subinventory Locator Supplier Supplier Site Purchase Order Line Receipt Line Batch Recipe Formula Line
14. In an advanced search of samples, select Item as:
This selection functions with the Condition field and the Value field to define a custom search. You can enter any number of individual criteria to narrow your search.
15. Select Condition as:
Equals to find targets equal to the specified Value entered. Greater than to find targets greater than the specified Value entered. Less than to find targets less than the specified Value entered. Greater thanor equal to to find targets greater than or equal to the specified Value entered. Less than or equal to find targets less than or equal to the specified Value entered. Like to find targets similar to the information specified using the wildcard %. For example, if you specify the Item as Sample, select the Condition Like and enter FORM%, then you find each target product that contains entries with the letters FORM.
16. Enter the Value for the appropriate condition selected. 17. Click Find. The window displays the results of the search.
18. Select the drill-down indicator next to the row you want to display the details of the
Navigate to the Find Specifications window on the navigator. Enter one or more search criteria on the Standard, Validity Rule Type, or Advanced tabs.
3. 4. 5.
Enter Specification as the name for the specification. Enter Version as the version for the specification. Select Specification Status for the specification to find as: New to indicate that the specification is new. Request Approval for Laboratory Use to indicate that an approval is requested for using the laboratory specification. Revise for Laboratory Use to indicate that a revision is requested for using the laboratory specification. Approved for Laboratory Use to indicate that the specification is approved for laboratory use. Request Approval for General Use to indicate that a request was made to approve the specification for general use. Revise for General Use to indicate that a request was made to revise the specification for general use. Approved for General Use to indicate that the specification is approved for general use. On Hold to indicate that the specification is on hold. Frozen to indicate the specification is frozen. Obsolete/Archived to indicate that the specification is no longer approved for use and is obsoleted, archived, or both.
Enter Item as the item code for the material being specified as it is listed on the Item Master. The item must be set up as process quality-enabled in the Item Master.
Enter Grade as the grade for the item lot. Enter Owner Organization as the owner organization of the specification. Enter Owner as the owner of the specification.
Customer, Supplier, Inventory, or Production: Organization Status Customer Name Operating Unit Ship To Order Line Parent Lot Lot Subinventory Locator Supplier Supplier Site
Purchase Order Line Batch Recipe Formula Line Routing Step Operation Charge
12. In an advanced search of specifications, select Item as:
Equals to find targets equal to the specified Value entered. Greater than to find targets greater than the specified Value entered. Less than to find targets less than the specified Value entered. Greater thanor equal to to find targets greater than or equal to the specified Value entered. Less than or equal to to find targets less than or equal to the specified Value entered.
Like to find targets similar to the information specified using the wildcard %. For example, if you specify the Item as Sample, select the Condition Like, and enter FORM%, then you find each target product that contains entries with the letters FORM.
This selection functions with the Condition field and the Value field to define a custom search. You can enter any number of individual criteria to narrow your search.
14. Enter the Value for the appropriate condition selected. 15. Click Find. The window displays the results of the search. 16. Select the drill-down indicator next to the row you want to display the details of the
Setting Up
This topic explains how to set up quality responsibilities, action codes, grades, test classes, test units, sampling plans, and process quality parameters. This chapter covers the following topics: Setting Up in Other Applications Setting Up Quality Tests Setting Up Test Classes Finding Test Classes Setting Up Test Groups Setting Up Test Units Finding Test Units Setting Up Sampling Plans Finding Sampling Plans Setting Up Parameters
Setting Up 2-1
Status and Grade control on the Item Master Expiration date, retest date, and retest interval Action and reason codes
Setting Up Grades
The Maintain Grades window lets you set up grades and view all existing grades in Oracle Inventory. Grade is a characteristic of an item lot and is usually a combination of inventory and quality attributes. Items must be lot and grade-controlled to enter grades for them. The process of assigning a grade to a lot provides a standardized means of describing its marketability. Grades are often based on criteria such as color, physical size, weight, or appearance. If a lot grade changes on a locator-controlled item, then assign the item to a new locator manually. The Find Grades dialog box lets you search for grades by grade code, description, or marked for deletion. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information on setting up and finding grades.
Setting Up Material
With material status, Oracle Inventory lets you identify the use of lot-controlled material in production, order processing, or shipping. Once it is determined that a sample does not meet quality specifications or has failed quality tests, change the status of the sample lot for certain purposes in production or shipping. The first step is to define each Material Status and its associated permissions. After you perform quality tests, change the status of lots that do not meet quality specifications in order to prevent them from being sold or used for production. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for a complete description of setting up material status.
Setting Up 2-3
Setting Up Grades
The Maintain Grades window lets you set up grades and view all existing grades in Oracle Inventory. Grade is a characteristic of an item lot and is usually a combination of inventory and quality attributes. Items must be lot and grade-controlled in order to enter grades for them. The process of assigning a grade to a lot provides a standardized means of describing its marketability. Grades are often based on criteria such as color, physical size, weight, or appearance. If a lot grade changes on a locator-controlled item, then you need to assign the item to a new locator manually. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information on setting up grades. The Find Grades dialog box lets you search for grades by grade code, description, or marked for deletion. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information on finding grades.
CHEMICAL, a test class containing test measurements of pH, sugar content, or water content PROTEIN, a test class containing test measurements of total protein, albumin, and globulin. MICROBIO, a test class containing test measurements of bacterial, fungal, or viral components ENTERICS, a test class containing tests for enteropathogens PHYSICAL, a test class containing test measurements of specific gravity, hardness, or visual opacity DISSOLVE, a test class containing measurements for various materials to dissolve
Analyze all tests performed and group them into meaningful classes. Develop a list of test classes and descriptions.
Navigate to the Test Classes window. Enter a code for the test Class. Required. Enter a Description for the test class. Required. Save the window. Refer to "Setting Up Test Groups" for detailed information on test grouping.
Enter a test class.
Setting Up 2-5
Navigate to the Find Test Classes dialog box. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Class code Description of the class
Select Marked for Deletion as: Yes to find test classes that are marked for deletion. No to find test classes that are not marked for deletion. Leave this field blank if you do not want to limit your search based on whether a test class is marked for deletion.
Click Find. The Test Classes window displays the results of the search.
To create a new test class from the Find Test Classes dialog box:
1. 2.
Click New. The Test Classes window displays. Create a new test class as described in "Setting Up Test Classes."
Perform all required setup procedures. Enter tests.
Navigate to the Test Classes window. Enter a Test Class. Enter a Description for the test class. Select the Test Group indicator to treat the test class as a test group.
Navigate to the Tests window. Enter a test as described in "Entering Tests." Select the desired test class with a previously defined Test Group indicator. Enter Ordering as the sequence number for the test to appear in the list of tests in the test group. Tests are listed in ascending order. If you plan to add tests before 10, then sequence the list beginning at 10.
Analyze all tests performed and identify their reporting units. Develop a list of units and a description for each one.
Setting Up 2-7
Navigate to the Test Units window. Enter a code for the test Unit. Required. Enter a Description of the test unit. Required. Save the window.
Enter a test unit.
Navigate to the Find Test Units dialog box. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Unit code Description of the unit
Select Marked for Deletion as: Yes to find test units that are marked for deletion. No to find test units that are not marked for deletion. Leave this field blank if you do not want to limit your search based on whether a test unit is marked for deletion.
Click Find. The TestUnits window displays the results of the search.
To create a new test unit from the Find Test Units dialog box:
Quantity-based Sampling Rate Quantity-based sampling is entered in a valid inventory UOM. To take one sample every 1,000 kilograms produced, enter: Count = 1 Per = 1000 kg
Fixed Number of Samples to Take Fixed number sampling is entered for a batch, batch step, or receipt. To take three samples per receipt, enter: Count = 3
Setting Up 2-9
Per = 1 Receipt
To take two samples of 10.0 grams for every five batches produced, the sampling plan is entered as: Count = 2 Quantity = 10.000000000 UOM = GRAM Frequency Type = Fixed Number Per = 5 Batch
Percentage of Samples to Take Percentage-based sampling frequency applies to the amount of product produced, or the amount of item delivered. To sample 20% of a delivery, enter: Count = 1 Per = 20 Percent Amount of Product Produced
Set up inventory item units of measure for the material requiring sampling inspection.
Navigate to the Sampling Plan window. Enter the Name for the sampling plan. Required.
Required Samples
Enter the Count as the number of samples to take at each instance of the frequency entered. You do not have to enter this field. You can specify the sampling plan in terms of reserved or archived samples to be taken. Enter Quantity and UOM as the sample size, or the amount of material needed to take a sample from the material requiring inspection. This is expressed in the primary inventory unit of measure as defined in Oracle Inventory. Required. Enter the Frequency Type as previously described: Time Based to indicate time-based sampling in hours, minutes, days, weeks, months, or years. Quantity Based to indicate quantity-based sampling in a valid inventory UOM. Enter the sample UOM. Fixed Number to indicate fixed number sampling for a batch, batch step, or receipt. Percent to indicate sampling by percentage of product produced, or percentage of item delivered.
Enter Per as the frequency period. Count, Frequency Type, and Frequency Period or Per fields work together to define the number of repetitions for sampling. Depending on the entry you make in the Frequency Type field, do one of the following: For time based sampling, select Hours, Minutes, Days, Weeks, Months, or Years. For quantity based sampling, enter a valid inventory UOM. For fixed number sampling, select Batch, Batch Step, or Receipt. For percent sampling, select Amount of item delivered or Amount of product produced.
Reserved Samples
Enter Count as the number of samples to take at each instance of the frequency entered.
Setting Up 2-11
11. UOM displays the unit of measure for the sample size. This defaults from the
13. Enter the Quantity of sample for the archived sample. 14. UOM displays the unit of measure for the sample size. This defaults from the
Enter a sampling plan.
Navigate to the Find Sampling Plans dialog box. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Name of the sampling plan Frequency Type of the sampling plan as Time Based, Quantity Based, Fixed, or Percent
Select Marked for Deletion as: Yes to find sampling plans that are marked for deletion. No to find sampling plans that are not marked for deletion. Leave this field blank if you do not want to limit your search based on whether a sampling plan is marked for deletion.
Click Find. The Sampling Plan window displays the results of the search.
To create a new sampling plan from the Find Sampling Plans dialog box:
1. 2.
Click New. The Sampling Plan window displays. Create a new sampling plan as described in "Setting Up Sampling Plans."
Setting Up Parameters
The Process Quality Parameters window lets you set up system defaults to enforce quality management business rules for a specific organization. This window serves as a default template that is typically defined at the time of implementation by a system administrator and may be updated later. Following are windows and options that are configurable on other Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Management windows: Validity Rules for Item Spec window Control Batch Step Status Control Lot Attributes In-Specification Status Out-of-Specification Status Update Inventory Quantity Lot Optional Delayed Lot Entry
When you select an inventory transaction reason code on this window, only display those reason codes that you were granted permission to access. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information on reason code.
Set up organizations as process-enabled. Set up quality action codes in Oracle Inventory to assign them to retest and
Setting Up 2-13
resample actions. Set up reason codes in Oracle Inventory for the inventory transaction for samples. Set up material statuses in Oracle Inventory for in-specification and out-of-specification statuses.
Navigate to the Process Quality Parameters window. Enter the desired default process-enabled inventory Organization. Organization Type
Select Organization Type as Quality Laboratory to designate the organization as a quality laboratory where the sample is analyzed. Plant is selected if an organization is defined as a plant organization in OPM Product Development. This field is display only. Laboratory is selected if an organization is defined as a research and development laboratory organization in OPM Product Development. This field is display only.
Note: Quality Laboratory is used to designate the organization as a
quality laboratory where the sample is analyzed. Laboratory is selected if an organization is defined as a research or lab organization in OPM Product Development.
Select Version Control as: Yes to activate full version control for specifications. Changes made to an unapproved specification require a new version. No to specify that specification version control is not active for specifications. You can make changes to an existing unapproved specification without changing it version. Optional to specify that version control is discretionary for specifications. Create a new version when you update an existing unapproved version.
Select Exact Spec Match if a specification must be an exact match based on the sample source or inventory selection criteria. Deselect to enable the application to retrieve the specification that best matches this criteria based on the specification matching hierarchy. For detailed information refer to "Specification Matching
Enter a Retest Action for samples. Retest actions are set up in Oracle Inventory. Enter a Resample Action for samples. Resample actions are set up in Oracle Inventory.
Select Create Samples Automatically to enable automatic sample creation on the Specification Validity Rules window for an Inventory, WIP, or Supplier sample type. Select Lot Optional to bypass the entry of a lot number while creating a sample against a lot-controlled item. Deselect to require a lot to be entered on a sample.
10. Select Delayed Lot Entry to require the entry of a lot number when assigning the
final disposition for a supplier, inventory, or WIP sample. Deselect to make the entry of a lot optional when assigning the final sample disposition. Delayed Lot Entry is available only if Lot Optional is selected. Refer to "Delaying the Entry of Lot Numbers" for additional information.
11. Select Control Batch Step Status to indicate that you want quality test results to
control the completion of batch steps. The batch step quality status of whether sampling and results are required is reflected at the batch step level. Only in-specification results permit a batch step to complete. Inventory Updates
12. Enter an inventory Transaction Reason code. This previously defined reason code
is used for the sample inventory transaction, when a sample record is created and Update Inventory Quantity is selected.
13. Select Update Inventory Quantity to enforce an inventory transaction for drawing
grade, and hold date based on the test result of samples in a sample group.
15. Enter the default In-Spec Status to update the material status when in-specification
results are entered. The sample group has a disposition of Accept and Control Lot Attributes is selected.
16. Enter the default Out-of-Spec Status to update the material status when
out-of-specification results are entered. The sample group has a disposition of Reject and Control Lot Attributes is selected.
Setting Up 2-15
17. Select Manual Spec Selection to override the default specification and select an
alternate specification on the Item Samples window. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to the most generic match. For detailed information, refer to "Specification Matching Business Rules" in Appendix B. Deselect to use the default specification only.
18. Select Consider Optional Tests Results for optional tests that display on the
specification and results records to contribute to the final disposition of the sample. Deselect to exclude optional test results when assigning a final sample disposition. For example, a new test which is measured over time does not factor into sample dispositions until its test limits are formalized based on the results collected. The Consider Optional Tests Results option is specific to a specification validity rule organization and is enforced for all item specifications in which the test is used. If an optional test result is used, then its result evaluation is factored into the possible sample dispositions. An out-of-specification result for an optional test only permits the sample disposition to change to Accept with Variance, Reject, or Cancel.
19. Select the Account to use for deducting inventory for samples creation.The Account
Automatic for the system to automatically generate the sample number when creating a sample Manual to manually enter the sample number
21. If the Assignment Type you select is Manual, then enter Last Assigned as the
starting number for the automatic generation of samples. This field is disabled if Assignment Type is Manual. Results Applications Programming Interface Decimal Precision
22. Select one of the following for Applications Programming Interface Decimal
Precision: Round to round decimals for the data imported by the Applications Programming Interface Truncate to truncate decimals for the data imported by the Applications Programming Interface. If a test or specification is defined with a decimal precision that is less than the default of nine places and the numeric results are
imported using an Applications Program Interface (API), then the numeric results are rounded as indicated by this entry.
Automatic to automatically generate the sample number when creating a sample Manual to manually enter the sample number
24. Enter Last Assigned as the starting number for the automatic generation of
samples, if the Assignment Type is Manual. This field is disabled if Assignment Type is Automatic.
25. Save.
Setting Up 2-17
This topic explains the fundamentals of quality tests. It provides the processes to enter or find test methods, gives a concise explanation of test data types, and explains how to enter tests, customized customer display information, and experimental error. This chapter covers the following topics: Requirements Entering Test Methods Finding Test Methods Understanding Tests Entering Tests Entering Customer Display Information Entering Experimental Error Finding Tests
Following are some requirements that customers have for tests in Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Management.
Can a separate test be entered that calculates one or more tests performed on a sample?
Yes. Use the expression test data type to build a mathematical expression to reference the results of other numeric-based tests. Build Mathematical Expressions in a Test Format Enter arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, /, (), exponents, constants, or any valid SQL operator to build an Expression test data type. Calculate the results of the Expression test after you enter results for all tests referenced in it. In case of replicated tests, the
Tests 3-1
latest result of the referenced test is used. An Expression test can be added to a result set on an as needed basis if all of the referenced tests already exist in the result set. Decimal precision and experimental error regions and actions can be defined for an Expression test.
In order to interpret a test result, you need to know not only the test, but the method that was used to run it. A test method is associated to a test on the Tests window. For quality laboratory management and scheduling purposes, you need to know which instruments are scheduled for testing, and test time duration on these resources.
List all test methods to enter. Set up quality testing instruments as resources. Identify any instrument-test dependencies. For example, a standard is only run on a specific instrument to test calibration. Set up test kit organizations as quality laboratories, test kit items, and inventory units of measure for the material to test in Oracle Inventory.
Navigate to the Test Methods window. Enter the test Method code. Required.
Tests 3-3
3. 4.
Enter a brief Description of the test method Required. Enter the test Qty of material required for the test. If the test is passive, and does not require a physical sample quantity, then leave this field blank. For example, determining the color of a lot by visual methods may not require the removal of a physical sample. Select the test quantity UOM for the test method. Required if you enter a test quantity. Enter the desired Stored Precision for the result. You can override the stored precision using the Tests window. Duration
Enter the test method duration as the total time to perform the test in the Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds fields. If the test is sent to an external laboratory, then enter the total test turnaround time. Enter the required number of test replicates in the Replicate field. Required. Select a test kit Organization from the list of quality laboratory organizations that your responsibility can access. The organization must be defined as a Quality Laboratory.
8. 9.
10. Select the Test Kit item. Test kit items are process quality-enabled items defined in
Oracle Inventory. Test kit items display based on the test kit organization you select. If you do not select an organization, then this field is disabled.
11. Enter Resource as the instrument to use for the test method. 12. Save the window.
Query the test method to duplicate. Choose New from the File menu. Choose Duplicate, then choose Record Above from the Edit menu. The record in the row is copied. Enter a new Method, and make any necessary changes to other fields. Save the window.
4. 5.
Choose Mark for Purge from the Actions menu. The record is marked for deletion. Save the window.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays. Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
2. 3.
Enter a test method.
Navigate to the Find Test Methods dialog box. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Method code Description of the method Resource used for the test method
Select Marked for Purge as: Yes if you want find test methods that are marked for deletion. No if you do not want to find test methods that are marked for deletion. Leave this field blank if you do not want to limit your search based on whether a test method is marked for deletion.
Tests 3-5
To create a new test method code from the Find Test Methods dialog box:
1. 2.
Click New. The Test Methods window displays. Create a new test method as described in the "Entering Test Method Codes" topic.
Understanding Tests
A test helps determine a quality characteristic or attribute of an item or lot. Test data type refers to the data type or format expected for the test result. Following are the test data types you can set up:
Non-Validated Test
Enter a test code and description. Test results for the Non-Validated test data type are free-form text. This entry does not require validation. Results for items or lots cannot fail this test data type.
The test minimum is A2. The test maximum is D2. The specification minimum is A1. The specification maximum is D1.
Sequence 1 2 3 4 Value A2 A1 D1 D2
A specification against a Text Range test data type refers to a subset of this list of values as acceptable results. When you enter results, the application validates the value entered by looking up the corresponding sequence number in order to evaluate whether the results are within the acceptable range of the test or the specification.
Tests 3-7
Subranges Cannot Overlap Numbers used for a minimum or a maximum cannot be repeated for a specific test code. This allows for the less than or equal to condition and the greater than or equal to condition observed at the ends of ranges. It also allows for holes in ranges. In the previous example, 10 is used for the maximum of the first subrange. It cannot, however, be used for the minimum of the next subrange. When 10 is entered in as the maximum, of a subrange, the next minimum has a default minimum of 10.001. Display Text Can Be Repeated Display text does not have to be unique for each subrange. This helps in situations where results below a certain number or above a certain number display RESULT OUTSIDE THE DETECTION LIMIT. Enter Single Numbers or a Range of Numbers You can enter a single number rather than a range of numbers as a result. Each number in the list is associated to display text. If the numeric result is within the minimum and maximum values, then the result is associated to the specified display text. The Results window displays both the numeric result and equivalent display text. To enter a single number, enter it as both a minimum and maximum value.
Expression Test
The Expression test data type lets you enter a mathematical expression to calculate test results. The application uses the results from other Numeric Range tests and constants, and applies a mathematical expression to calculate a result. You can save an expression type test that is based on a combination of other numeric-based tests. Use Valid Arithmetic Operators and Mathematical Functions Valid arithmetic operators are: +, -, *, /, and any SQL operators such as SQRT("A") and ABS("B"). Define the decimal precision of an Expression test data type. Change arithmetic operators, mathematical functions, and other tests used in the expression until the time that the Expression test is used in a specification. Once it is used in the specification, you cannot update it.
Business Rules Followed in Expression Test Data Types The following summarizes the business rules for Expression test data types: You can define experimental error for an Expression test data type. Tests that are referenced in the Expression test must be either Numeric Range or Numeric Range with Display Text, and not marked for deletion. Test codes that are referenced in an Expression test must be enclosed within double quotation marks. For example, FAHRENHEIT is a valid test code for entry in an Expression test, if the test for Fahrenheit is a defined test. Referenced tests must have lower test sequence numbers than the Expression test. Decimal precision defaults from the test method. Specification target, minimum, and maximum follow the same rules as for other numeric-based tests. The expression is calculated at result time when all referenced tests have a result entered in the result set. In cases of replicated or repeated tests that are referenced in the Expression test, the most recent result of the referenced test is used. Expression tests can only be added to a result set on an as needed basis if any and all of the referenced tests already exist in the result set. Expression tests are calculated regardless of whether the tests they reference pass or fail their individual specifications. You can save an expression type test that is based on a combination of other numeric-based tests. Some expressions can be calculated before all referenced tests are complete using the SQL command NR1. Also, if referenced test results are edited, expressions can be recalculated.
Entering Arithmetic Operators and Mathematical Functions To enter arithmetic operators, put quotation marks around the names of component Numeric Range tests used in the expression. Operands in the expression are enclosed within double quotation marks. Tests A and B are two Numeric Range test codes: To add the two tests, enter "A"+"B" To subtract the two tests, enter "A"-"B" To multiply the two tests, enter "A"*"B"
Tests 3-9
Tests C and D are two Numeric Range tests: To take the square root of test C, enter SQRT("C"). If you use the POWER function, then enter POWER("C",(1/2)) To take the cube root of test D, enter POWER("D",(1/3)) To calculate an expression without the result of test D, enter NVL("D",0)
Example of Entering an Expression Test To enter an Expression test data type for calculation of Density, define the mathematical expression for Density, which is by definition, Density = Mass/Volume. Define tests for Mass and Volume. Define an Expression type test for Density. Enter "Mass"/"Volume" in the Expression field. Enter other appropriate fields for the Expression test.
Entering Tests
The Tests window lets you define tests that become part of a specification, or that are added on an impromptu basis for sample analysis. Refer to the "Understanding Test Data Types" topic for details on the test data types you can enter on this window. You can use flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Enter test methods and test units. Enter test classes to group specific tests into meaningful sets. Enter instruments to track them as resources. Enter quality action codes to assign them to experimental error regions for tests. Enter customers in Oracle Receivables to define customer-specific test information for reporting purposes.
Navigate to the Tests window. Enter a Test code for the test. For example, CHLORIDE. Required. Enter a Description for this test code. For example, Chloride in mEq/L. Required.
Enter the Class code for this test data type. A description of the test class displays in the unlabeled field. Ordering is the sequence of the test as it appears in a test group. Refer to "Setting Up Test Groups" for detailed information. Enter the test Method. For example, Ion-Specific Electrode. Test Method entry is described in the "Entering Test Methods" topic. Required. Select one of the following as test DataType: Non-Validated if you do not want test results to cause the item or lot to be rejected. Enter a test code and description. Test results are recorded for future evaluation against the test value. Test results from this test data type do not cause an item or lot to be rejected. Non-validated results do not prevent a step from completing. Numeric Range if you want an item or lot falling outside a specified range to be rejected. Enter a test code, description, and range of possible values. List of Test Values if you want an item or lot to match an entry in a specific list of values. Enter a test code, description, and a list of valid test values for the test. Text Range if you want an item or lot to match an entry in an ordered list, and a particular specification to restrict the acceptable entries to a subset of the list by specifying the limits of the subset. Enter a test code, description, and a list of valid values. The entries you make are sequenced automatically. Numeric Range with Display Text if you want subsets of a numeric range to display text values. Enter a test code, description, subranges, and corresponding text values. Make the range open-ended by not making an entry in the minimum of the first subrange or the maximum of the last subrange. Expression if you want to enter a mathematical expression for calculation of test results. Only those tests with numeric data types can be referenced. These are Numeric Range and Numeric Range with Display Text. For example, to calculate density, you define tests for mass and volume, since density equals mass divided by volume. Required. Depending on selection of test data type, the remaining fields on the window vary. For example, if you select Numeric Range, then the Range fields are editable. If you select List of Specifications, then the Value and Description fields are editable.
Enter the test Unit code for the test. For example, enter mEq for milliequivalents.
Tests 3-11
The description of the unit displays. Required for all test data types except Non-Validated.
Enter the test Priority as Low, Normal, or High. Test priority determines the order a test displays on a worklist. Test priority is defined initially at the Test level. It can be overridden at the Specification level. A System Administrator can add to the seeded list of values for test priority using the lookup functionality.
10. Replicate displays the number of test replicates for this test. It defaults from the
value entered on the Test Methods window. Enter this field if you have not defined a test method for this test. Values
11. Enter the fields as described for the test data type selected:
For a Non-Validated test data type, you cannot enter data in this panel. For a Numeric Range test data type, enter the lower limit of the Range in the first field. Enter the upper limit of the range in the next field. You define the target value in the specification. For example, pH has a test range of 0 to 14, but an item could have a pH specification range of 4.2 to 6.7. The Seq field displays the sequence number of each value listed. For a List of Test Values test data type, enter each possible Value required for item or lot characteristic state. Define the target value in the specification. Enter one value and description per line. For example, the value list could include RED, BLUE, and CLEAR, but an item could have a value specification of RED. The Seq field displays the sequence number of each value listed. For a Text Range test data type, enter a Value and text Description. Enter values in the order you want. The text description represents the text to assign to each of the sequenced values. The Seq field displays the sequence number of each value listed. For a Numeric Range with Display Text test data type: Enter the minimum value for the interval in the Min field. Leave the first Min field blank for an open-ended test range. This field is automatically entered for each interval in the range after the first subrange. Required if it is not the first subrange. Enter the maximum value for the interval in the Max field. When you enter a maximum value and tab to the next field, the Min field automatically displays the next Min value. Leave the last Max field blank for an open-ended test range. Required if it is not the last subrange. Enter the text to Display when a test value is within the interval specified by the minimum and maximum values entered for the row.
The Seq field displays the sequence number of each value listed. For Expression test data types: Enter the expression in the Expression field. Refer to the "Understanding Test Data Types" topic for guidance on entering an expression. To enter a test to reference in the expression, click Test and select the test code from the LOV. The test displays with double-quotation marks around it. Enter the appropriate arithmetic and mathematical operators outside the double quotation marks. Enter any SQL-compatible expression. For example, to take the cube root of a test named EXAMPLE, click Test, select "EXAMPLE". Enter the following mathematical operators: POWER("EXAMPLE",(1/3)).
12. Enter the Stored Precision as the number of decimals stored and displayed for this
test. The default value is entered on the Test Methods window. Required if the test entered is a Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, or an Expression type test.
13. Enter the Report Precision as the number of decimals to report on the Certificate of
Analysis for this test. Values entered on the Customer Display window for a particular test override this information. The precision entered must be less than or equal to the value entered in the Display Decimal Precision field. Required if the test entered is a Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, or an Expression type test.
14. For Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, and Expressiontest data
types to click Experimental Error to display the Experimental Error window. Define an experimental error region that is calculated from either a percentage of the entire test range, or from a number representing the tolerance around the specification minimum or maximum. Values entered default to the test when it is added to a specification.
15. Click Customer Display to display the Customer Display window where you can
enter an optional customized set of test-specific information used to run a report on this test for specific customers.
16. Save the window.
To insert a new row in a List of Test Values, Text Range, or Numeric Range with Display Text test:
You can only insert a new row for these test data types if the test is not already used in a specification and has results entered for it.
Position the cursor on the row directly above where you want to insert the row. For
Tests 3-13
example, to insert a row between the second and third entries in the list, position the cursor at the second entry.
Choose New from the File menu. A new blank row inserts directly below the row selected. Enter new values. Save the window.
3. 4.
Choose Test Methods from the Actions menu. The Test Methods window displays. Enter the new test method as described in the "Entering Test Methods" topic.
Choose Mark for Purge from the Actions menu. The record is marked for deletion. Once a test is marked for deletion, you cannot edit it. Save the window.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph dialog box displays. Make appropriate text changes. Save.
2. 3.
To edit text in a List of Test Values, Text Range, or Numeric Range with Display Text test:
1. 2. 3.
Position the cursor on the record to edit in the Values tab. Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
test-specific information used when you run a report for specific customers. Display this dialog box from the Tests window where a specific test is entered or maintained. This information includes a test alias label that prints on customer-specific quality certificates, and the decimal precision to show for test results.
Enter the test to customize with customer-specific information.
Navigate to theCustomer Display dialog box. Enter a Customer previously defined in Oracle Receivables. Number displays the customer account number that corresponds to the customer entered. Enter a label or customer alias name for the test to Display on all reports generated. This field overrides the test name when it displays on a customer-specific quality certificate. Enter Report Precision to use for the customer. Enter the preference for decimal precision for numeric results printed on a quality certificate. The report precision defined here overrides the precision entered on the Tests window. You can only enter this field for Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, and Expression test data types for a customer-specific quality certificate. Click OK to navigate back to the Tests window.
Tests 3-15
error displays when the specification is validated. Experimental error is defined for any combination of regions: Experimental error region below the specification minimum = Specification Minimum - Number or, Specification Minimum - (Percentage * Test Range) Experimental error region above the specification minimum = Specification Minimum + Number or, Specification Minimum + (Percentage * Test Range) Experimental error region below the specification maximum = Specification Maximum - Number or, Specification Maximum - (Percentage * Test Range) Experimental error region above the specification maximum = Specification Maximum + Number or, Specification Maximum + (Percentage * Test Range)
The experimental error regions below the Specification Minimum and above the Specification Maximum can overlap with the out-of-specification regions. The following is a specific example of a Numeric Range test data type: Test data type is Numeric Range. Test range C is from 0 to 14. Test minimum at point A is 0. Test maximum at point B is 14. Test error type is number. Item specification range F is from 8 to 12. Specification minimum at point D is 8. Specification maximum at point E is 12. When a test error of plus or minus 1 is applied: Specification minimum - test error at point G is 7. Specification minimum + test error at point H is 9. Specification maximum - test error at point I is 11. Specification maximum + test error at point J is 13.
The following is an assessment of values: Values less than 7 and greater than 13 are outside the specification, as shown by
ranges K1 and K2. Values ranging from: 7 to 8 are outside the specification, but within the experimental error region, as shown by range L. 12 to 13 are outside the specification, but within the experimental error region, as shown by range M. 8 to 9 are within the specification, but also within the experimental error region, as shown by range N. 11 to 12 are within the specification, but also within the experimental error region, as shown by range O. 9 to 11 are within-specification, as shown by range P.
The following graphic depicts the previously described points, ranges, and values using the specific example of a Numeric Range test data type:
Tests 3-17
Guide for detailed information on setting up action codes. You can use flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Define action codes in Oracle Inventory. Enter a test that requires entry of experimental error.
Navigate to the Experimental Error window. Select the Error Type: Percent to indicate the specification value for calculating the experimental error regions is a percent. Number to indicate the specification value for calculating experimental error regions is a number. Required.
Enter one or more of the following fields: Below Specification Min to define the percentage or number to use in calculating the experimental error region below the specification minimum. Enter the beginning of the action zone at the low end of the specification. Above Specification Min to define the percentage or number to use in calculating the experimental error region above the specification minimum. Enter the end of the zone of the action zone at the low end of the specification. Below Specification Max to define the percentage or number to use in calculating the experimental error region below the specification maximum. Enter the beginning of the action zone at the high end of the specification. Above Specification Max to define the percentage or number to use in calculating the experimental error region above the specification maximum. Enter the end of the action zone at the high end of the specification.
Enter the appropriate Action code to associate with the experimental error region. The Action Description field displays the action associated with the code entered. Optionally, press Reset to reset the values to those displayed when you originally
Click OK to return to the Tests window. Example of Entering Experimental Error A test has a range of 0 to 200. The test has an experimental error of plus or minus two percent of the specification minimum. Two percent is four points on either side of the specification minimum. If results are inside this action zone, then the individual performing the test must repeat it, and alert the individual requesting the test or owner of the sample. The action RTAO is defined to indicate Retest and Alert Owner. In this case, select Percent as Error Type, enter 2 in the Below Specification Min field, and enter 2 in the Above Specification Min field. Enter RTAO in the Action field to indicate that you want to retest the sample and alert the sample owner. After you click OK and save the window, the experimental error and action is applied to the database. In the Specifications window, you can override the test numbers or add percentages for an action zone around the specification maximum. The specification minimum for this example is 90, the specification maximum is 170, and the test default experimental error is plus or minus two percent. Enter a result of 91. This is within the action zone which ranges from 86 to 94. The application displays a warning on the appropriate Results window with the action code and action code description.
Finding Tests
The Find Tests dialog box lets you find tests by class, method, data type, test unit, priority, or if they are marked for deletion. You can use flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Enter a test.
To find a test:
1. 2.
Navigate to the Find Tests dialog box. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Test code Class code for the test data type
Tests 3-19
Method for the test Data Type for the test Unit as test unit for the test Priority for the test as High, Low, or Normal
Select Marked for Deletion as: Yes to find tests that are marked for deletion. No not to find tests that are marked for deletion. Leave this field blank to not limit your search based on whether a test is marked for deletion.
Click Find. The Test window displays the results of the search.
Click New. The Tests window displays. Create a new test as described in the "Entering Tests" topic. Save the window.
This topic explains the basic concepts of quality specifications. You are shown how to enter and find specifications and their associated specification validity rules for both item and monitoring specifications. Specification summaries available from the Quality Workbench navigator are described. This chapter covers the following topics: Requirements Understanding Specifications Using Lot UOM Conversions Based on Quality Results Understanding the Status Approval Workflow Adding and Editing Status Codes Entering Status Details Finding a Status Code Understanding Specification Version Control Entering a Specification Copying a Specification Finding an Item Specification Entering an Item Specification Validity Rule Displaying the Item Specification Validity Rules Summary Entering a Monitoring Specification Validity Rule Displaying the Monitoring Specification Validity Rules Summary Displaying Specification Summaries from the Navigator
Specifications 4-1
Following are some requirements that were addressed in defining and managing specifications in Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Management.
Can several item specifications with the same set of tests, but different ranges be set up?
Yes. Define the specification for an item and grade to distinguish specifications with the same test requirements, but different limits or targets. Use base and overlay specification functionality to refine a series of specifications. Enter the Item Grade on a Specification The entry of grade to grade-controlled item specifications facilitates the regrading of materials sampled and improves specification matching capabilities. Define several specifications for grade-controlled items. Compare results to these different specifications and change lot attributes under the appropriate circumstances. Use the overlay specification functionality to refine a series of specifications for an item as related to a base specification.
Is there a way to set up a test that needs to be performed several times on a sample?
Yes. Define the test replicate on the specification as the number of times the test needs to run. Specify the Number of Test Replicates for a Test on a Specification To simplify data entry, test replicates are specified to denote the number of times a test should be performed on an instrument against the same sample. For example, if a test should be repeated three times on a sample, then the test can be defined on a single line of the specification record with a test replicate of three. The application adds result lines on the results record corresponding to the number of replicates specified on the applicable specification. For composite results and specification matching functionality, the result with the latest result date, acceptable value, and highest test replicate number is used.
marked as optional are not considered when selecting available inventory that matches the customer specification. Results of these tests are not included in the compositing of results. However, if results are entered for optional tests, then they can be included in the results set when assigning a final sample disposition of Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. Optional tests are not considered when updating the sample disposition, or material status and grade. They cannot be used to control batch step status based on quality results. Use the Consider Optional Tests Results parameter in the Process Quality Parameters window to configure whether an optional test that appears on the specification and results records contributes to the final disposition of the sample. Refer to "Setting Up Parameters" for details. For example, a new test is measured over time but does not factor into sample dispositions until its test limits are formalized based on the results collected. If an optional test result must be used, then its result evaluation follows the existing business rules to change sample disposition. An out-of-specification result for an optional test only permits the sample disposition to change to Accept with Variance, Reject, or Cancel.
Specifications 4-3
The item specification validity rule provides the specific information for how and when an item specification version applies to inventory, process execution, order management, and receiving operations. The item specification validity rule controls the: Intended use of the specification, including inventory, WIP, customer, or supplier Certificate of Analysis or Certificate of Conformance requirements at invoice, at shipment, or from supplier Associated sampling plan Inventory update for the sample quantity Batch step completion based on quality sampling and results Lot attributes update with default in-specification and out-of-specification material statuses, with the exception of the WIP item specification validity rule
Understanding Specifications
Specifications state the quality conformance requirements for materials, such as an item or a lot, or for environmental conditions, such as a resource or a subinventory locator.
Item Specifications
Item specifications identify a target or ideal result for each quality test performed by listing test requirements that specify these characteristics or attributes. When you complete the initial quality setup, then combine tests and test methods to design specifications. The specifications entered are used to compare against actual test results from samples taken. For range-validated tests, define theminimum and maximum acceptable range values for the test as well as the out-of-specification action to perform when a test fails. View or update a specification only if your responsibility is associated with the specification owner organization. From the owner organization, you can copy a specification with the status Approved for General Use to one or more organizations associated with your responsibility.
Monitoring Specifications
Create a specification for a set of calibration tests on a resource or locator. A resource can be an instrument in a quality laboratory, or a piece of equipment in a plant. View the scheduled tests for this specification in context with the sample load for an instrument. Monitoring specifications are used to list the acceptable conditions for each variant storage condition in a stability study. When you create a monitoring specification, the Item and Grade fields on the Specifications window cannot be entered.
Specifications 4-5
such as retesting. Experimental error is defined initially at the test level for Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, and Expression test data types only. The Experimental Error region is calculated from either a percentage of the entire test range or from a number representing the tolerance around the specification minimum or maximum. Experimental error regions must not overlap or have gaps with respect to the specification limits or the target. If they do, then an error displays when the specification is validated. Associate an action code to each of the experimental error regions for a test. If no experimental error regions are defined for a test, then action codes cannot be assigned. Override the experimental error values and actions defaulting from the test definition at the specification level. When you enter a result that is within the experimental error region, the application displays a warning message with the associated experimental error region action code. If a result falls within an experimental error region that is also outside the specification limits, then the experimental error action code takes precedence over any out-of-specification action that is predefined on the specification. Refer to "Entering Experimental Error" for more information.
Specifications 4-7
specification comparison. Refer to the Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development User's Guide for detailed information on item substitution
The monitoring specification is used primary for controlling the environmental conditions in a stability study, but it is not limited to this functionality. Create and use monitoring specifications for other resources or locators to assess as part of your quality operations in the supply chain.
Accessing Specification Matching from Oracle Order Management You can view the matching customer specifications in Oracle Order Management from the Sales Order Allocations window or from the Oracle Inventory Transact Process Move Orders window using the Manual Allocate option. The Quality Match field on the Available Inventory tab of these windows displays the level at which the specification matching results correspond to the customer specifications for the line item selected. If a result corresponds to the entry on the Quality Match field, then one of these values displays: Acceptable (Yes) Unacceptable (No) Not Applicable (Blank)
Click Review Spec to display the specification, specification version, and customer specification validity rule associated to the selected line item. Click Review Results to display results associated to the selected line item. Refer to Using Oracle Order Management with Process Inventory for more information on these applications. Refer to "OPM Product Analysis Workbook" in the Oracle Business Intelligence System User's Guide for more information on customer specification matching based on the Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Order Fulfillment application.
Specifications 4-9
Lot1 of item ABC is received, and the protein concentration determined by quality testing is: 1 mL = 0.13 PCU The actual potency of the lot is 0.03 PCU greater than the standard protein concentration for the item. It is useful to create a precise lot UOM conversion for item ABC Lot1 so that 1 mL = 0.13 PCU. If several samples are taken for the same lot and the results are composited, then the average composite result becomes the conversion factor. Lot UOM conversions from quality results are proposed when a sample group disposition changes to Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. The UOM Conversion tab on the Quality Change Disposition window displays lot UOM conversions derived from sample group results. Accept the recommended conversions, or reject them. After an e-signature is processed for the sample disposition change, the Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality UOM Conversion workflow sends a notification with the UOM conversion information to each of the defined workflow roles. In this notification, a link is created to the Oracle Inventory Lot Specific Conversions window that displays the proposed conversion. Transactions and inventory balances can be updated based on the recommended lot-specific UOM conversions. The lot UOM conversions are performed based on acceptance of the proposed conversions in OPM Quality Management. When this process is complete, close out the workflow notification.
Create inventory parent lots and lots. Set up the OPM Quality UOM Conversion workflow.
Decide which item lot UOM conversions are dependent on quality results. You can only apply UOM conversions to items that are lot controlled. From UOM = X * To UOM, where X is the result value, and the From UOM and To UOM are UOMs that are specified on specification test. The From UOM defaults to the primary UOM of the item. You can select a different From UOM. For example, mL is entered as ML in the application. A UOM conversion is desired for item ABC, lot LOT1 for protein concentration between the ML UOM and the Protein Concentration Unit (PCU) based on quality results. The From UOM is ML and the To UOM is PCU. The base UOM for volume is L and 1L = 1000 ML.
Create the tests to generate lot UOM conversion recommendations based on quality results. For example, create a numeric test, Protein Concentration%, with a test unit of %, since the concentration is recorded as a percentage. Create an expression test called
Protein Concentration Expression with a test unit of PCU_TEST. The expression for this is (Protein Concentration %) /100. This expression is created to obtain the 1ML = X PCU conversion where X is the result value.
Create the desired specification. Add tests to the specification and select the Calculate UOM Conversion next to the conversion tests. Specify the From UOM and To UOM for the conversion for the test. The From UOM displays the primary UOM for the item. Specify the To UOM for the conversion. The To UOM cannot belong to the same UOM class as the From UOM. Two test lines that belong to a single specification can reference the To UOMs that belong to the same UOM Class. For example, the tests Protein Concentration % and Protein Concentration Expression to specification Spec1 for item ABC and lot LOT1. Select the Calculate UOM Conversion indicator for test Protein Concentration Expression, and enter the From UOM as ML and a To UOM as PCU.
4. 5.
Save and approve the specification. Create and approve a specification validity rule that applies to the desired lot.
Record samples and results for all tests saved on the item specification created in the previous setup task. For example, create the sample PR1 00093. There is one sample in the sample group for item ABC, lot LOT1 using the specification Spec1. Enter the results for the sample PR1 00093 as follows:
Test Test Unit Result Auto UOM Conv Indicator N/A From UOM To UOM
10/100 = 0.1
2. 3.
Navigate to the Quality Change Disposition window. Change the sample group disposition to Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject.
Specifications 4-11
Click the UOM Conversion tab. The application enters all data displayed on this tab: If at least one test on the specification has the Calculate UOM indicator selected If the Change Disposition To field displays Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject If the sample group source is Inventory or Supplier Data appears on this tab even when test results are out-of-specification. If a lot UOM conversion already exists for the lot, then the current conversion between the UOM class of the base UOM and the UOM class of the To UOM is displayed below the new proposed conversion.
Select the Recommend indicator next to the desired UOM conversions. If this indicator is not selected, then the proposed conversion is not used in inventory. Click OK to change the disposition of the sample group. Provide an e-signature for the disposition change if one is required. Receive the OPM Quality UOM Conversion workflow notification. Click the UOM Conversion link to the Oracle Inventory Lot Specific Conversions window, and save to create the conversions.
6. 7. 8. 9.
Once workflows are set up and operating, each workflow is activated by changing the Status of a specification from New to any of the other available status.
Upon creation, by default, the Status for a specification or validity rule is assigned as New. If you choose Change Status from the Actions menu and then select Approved for Laboratory Use, then the workflow changes Status to Request Approval for Laboratory Use. Once approved, Status changes to Approved for Laboratory Use. If you choose Change Status from the Actions menu and then select Approved for General Use, then the workflow changes Status to Request Approval for General Use. Once approved, Status changes to Approved for General Use. Assign the Status as Obsolete or Archived. An Approved for Laboratory Use status are assigned these statuses: On Hold Obsolete Archived
4. 5.
An Approved for General Use status are assigned these statuses: On Hold Frozen Obsolete Archived
A Pending Approval for Laboratory status or a Pending Approval for General Use status are assigned these statuses: Obsolete
Specifications 4-13
Specification validity rules that: Fail the approval of Pending Approval for Laboratory Use Status are assigned Revise for Laboratory Use. Fail the approval of Request Approval for General Use Status are assigned the Revise for General Use.
The following depicts the previously described workflows for versions of specifications and specification validity rules:
Specifications 4-15
working properly. Stability studies have a preseeded status approval workflow. Refer to the "OPM Quality Stability Study Change Status Workflow" topic in Appendix C for additional information on these customized status codes. You can use folders and flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Read the "Understanding the Status Approval Workflow"topic.
Navigate to the Status Codes window. Choose New from the File menu. A new row displays. Enter a new Status Code. The number you enter is sorted into ascending order with the other status codes when you save and reopen the Status Codes window. Codes entered between two predefined codes, such as 101 to 199, or 201 to 299 are included in the workflow associated with the predefined status code with the same first digit. For example, if you enter the code 110, then it becomes part of the workflow associated to code 100. If you enter a code number 699, then it becomes part of the workflow associated to code 600. Predefined status codes display in a table at the end of this task. Required.
4. 5. 6.
Enter a Description for the status code. Required. Enter the information to display on the Status field in the Meaning field. Required. Enable Version determines whether the status code entered is set up for version control. Any modification made to a specification or a specification validity rule while it is set to the status entered in the Meaning field initiates or bypasses activation of a new version depending on the selection you make here, and the value entered for the specification version control profile option. Select Enable Version if you want the status code to enable version control when a modification is made to a specification or specification validity rule. The specification version control profile option must be set to Yes or Optional. Deselect Enable Version if you want the status code to bypass version control when a modification is made to a specification or specification validity rule.
Click Details to enter Status Details as described in the "Entering Status Details" topic. The following are required predefined status codes:
Code 100 Meaning New Description Can make changes at any time, assuming security access is granted. Submitted for approval of use in the laboratory. Approval has failed and rework is required. Can be used in laboratory. Submitted for final approval. Approval has failed and rework is required. Can be used for production batches and cost rollups. Cannot be used until status is changed. Enable Version Yes
Approved for Laboratory Use Request Approval for General Use Revise for General Use
On Hold
Specifications 4-17
Code 900
Meaning Frozen
Description Prevents further changes to specification, specification validity rule, and any dependent data. Both specification and specification validity rule can still be used. Can no longer be used unless status is changed.
Enable Version No
Navigate to the Status Codes window. Edit the following fields as required: Description to change the explanation of the status code. Meaning to change the information that displays on the Status field in the application.
Enable Version determines whether the status code entered is set up for version control. Any modification made to a specification or a specification validity rule while it is set to the status entered in the Meaning field initiates or bypasses activation of a new version depending on the selection you make here, and the value you select for Version Control in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Enable Version if you want the status code to enable version control when a modification is made to a specification or specification validity rule. The Version Control indicator in the Process Quality Parameters window must be set to Yes or Optional. Deselect Enable Version if you want the status code to bypass version control when a modification is made to a specification or specification validity rule.
4. 5.
Click Details. The Status Details window displays. Edit the following fields as required:
Target Status to change the code that appears as the destination status on the Quality Change Status window. Required. Rework Status to change the destination for the listed status code when it is not accepted and must be reworked. Pending Status to change the destination of the listed status code when it enters the approval workflow, and is pending approval.
Edit the Workflow Indicator by selecting: Enable or Disable Workflow to indicate that the fields listed in the row enable or disable the workflow. Workflow Approval to indicate that the fields listed in the row require workflow approval. No Workflow Approval to indicate that the fields listed in the row do not require workflow approval. Required.
7. 8.
Navigate to the Status Details window. Enter a Target Status for the new status code. This code appears as the destination status on the Quality Change Status window. Enter several destinations for each status code. They must be entered on separate lines. Required. Optionally, enter a Rework Status. This code defines the destination for the listed status code when it is not accepted and must be reworked.
Specifications 4-19
Optionally, enter a Pending Status. This code defines a destination of the listed status code when it enters the approval workflow and is pending approval. Select one of the following as Workflow Indicator: Enable or Disable Workflow to indicate that the fields listed in the row enable or disable the workflow. Workflow Approval to indicate that the fields listed in the row require workflow approval. No Workflow Approval to indicate that the fields listed in the row do not require workflow approval. Required.
6. 7.
Navigate to the Find Status Codes dialog box. Enter one or more of the following fields to narrow your search: Status Type as Specifications or Stability Study. Status Code to find a specific code number. Description to find a specific status code description. Enable Version determines whether the status code entered is set up for version control. Any modification made to a specification or specification validity rule while it is set to the status entered in the Meaning field initiates or bypasses activation of a new version depending on the selection you make here and the value you select for Version Control in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Enable Version to find the status codes that enable version control when a modification is made to a specification or specification validity rule. Clear Enable Version to find the status codes that bypass version control when
a modification is made to a specification or specification validity rule. Mark For Deletion lets you find status codes with the status: Yes indicating the status code has been marked for purge No indicating that the status code has been undeleted.
3. 4. 5.
Click Find to display the results of your query. Click the down arrow to display all status codes that were found. Click New to enter a new status code. The Status Codes window displays.
These decisions are made at the organization level with proper assignment of User Responsibilities. Status must be Approved for General Use for version control to be active. All other statuses do not require that a new version be created each time a change is made. Version control does not validate the fields on a specification header. These fields cannot be changed once a specification is saved. A new specification must be created in order to change these fields, whether or not version control is used. Version control does not take the Status field into account when determining whether a new version should be created. This is also true for Mark for Purge and Undelete functions.
Specifications 4-21
Optional to indicate that version control is optional. You can create a new version if a change is made to the existing version.
You can set version control to an appropriate level of activation. It is recommended to set version control initially to Optional. You are notified when you attempt to save changes. The setting of these options is based on your individual business requirements.
Entering a Specification
The Specifications window lets you define, view, or edit a quality specification. The window associates tests, targets, actions for results, and certificate formatting options with Specification Validity Rules to create usable, valid quality specifications. You can enter an item specification or a monitoring type specification. Select a context organization that your responsibility can access using the Organizations window.
Workflow Procedures
Refer to "Appendix C" for additional information on workflow procedures.
Define tests, test methods, and sampling plan. Set up the process quality parameters using the Process Quality Parameters window. Select an organization that your responsibility can access using the Organizations window.
Navigate to the Specifications window. Enter Spec as the name for the specification. Required. Enter a Version for the specification. Required. After entering all relevant information and saving the specification with the default Status of New, return to this window to change specification status by choosing Change Status from the Actions menu. Depending on whether the status approval workflows are enabled, a different set of statuses is available. Select a Status for the specification you are entering from one of the following: Approved for Laboratory Use to indicate that the specification is approved for laboratory use. Approved for General Use to indicate that the specification is approved for use in work in process. Obsolete/Archived to indicate that the specification is no longer approved for use and is obsoleted, archived, or both.
Specifications 4-23
If the status approval workflows are enabled when you select: Approved for Laboratory Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for Laboratory Use until all approvers have accepted the specification, then its Status changes to Approved for Laboratory Use. Approval for General Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for General Use until all approvers have accepted the specification, then its Status changes to Approved for General Use.
5. 6.
Enter a brief Description of the specification. Required. Select Spec Type as: Item to enter a specification for a process quality-enabled inventory item. Monitoring to enter a specification to monitor an environmental condition.
Do not select the Overlay indicator. This ensures you enter a base specification. Refer to the "To create an overlay specification" task for the procedure to create an overlay specification. Base Spec displays the base specification. Version displays the version of the base specification.
8. 9.
10. Enter the Item code for the material being specified as listed on the Item Master.
The item must be associated with the context inventory organization and set up as process quality-enabled in the Item Master. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information. The item description displays. Required if the Spec Type is Item. You cannot enter an item for a Monitoring type specification.
11. Enter the item Revision for revision-controlled items. 12. Enter a Grade. If the item is lot-controlled and grade-controlled, then the grade on
this specification is used to update the grade of a lot. You cannot enter a grade for a Monitoring type specification.
13. The Owner Organization defaults from the context organization and displays your
default organization. You can designate an organization as the owner organization for many specifications.
14. The Owner of this specification displays. Change this entry to anyone who has
15. Enter Seq as the sequence of the test in the specification. This field populates with
an integer number beginning with 10. Each test added increases the number displayed in this field by 10. Required.
16. Enter the Class code for this test. This field defaults from the test entered. You
20. The Exclude indicator is selected when the test listed in the row is eliminated from
an overlay specification. If you are entering an overlay specification, select the indicator to exclude a test, or deselect the indicator to include a test from the overlay specification.
21. The Modify indicator is selected to amend data on the test line. The base data is
protected from modification until the indicator is selected. If the Modify indicator is disabled, then data on the test line reverts to its original base state, and is protected from updates. You can only select this indicator when the test listed in the row is derived from the base specification.
22. Enter the specification Target value for the test code. Depending on the test data
type, the specification target may or may not be validated. For example, For Non-Validated test data types, the specification target is not validated. Any entry is accepted in this field, including a blank. For Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, or Text Range test data types, enter a value within the specification limits as defined in the Minimum and Maximum fields. Tighten the specification limits for a test by entering new values in the Minimum and Maximum fields to replace the default values of the test range. For List of Test Values test data types, enter a valid value from the list of values available for the test. For Expression test data types, enter a value within the calculated expression test specification limits.
23. Enter the specification Minimum value that is acceptable to meet specification
Specifications 4-25
requirements, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field defaults from the Tests window.
24. Enter the specification Maximum value that is acceptable to meet specification
requirements, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, or Text Range, or Expression. This field defaults from the Tests window.
25. Unit displays the default quality unit of measure for the test entered. This field
priority of a test, and used to sort tests listed in a specification. Test priority is defined initially at the test level. You can override it here at the specification level.
30. Select Optional if the test is not required for the specification. You can indicate that
a Result Set is complete even if an optional test is incomplete. Use Consider Optional Tests Results in the Process Quality Parameters window to configure whether an optional test that displays on the specification and results records contributes to the final disposition of the sample. See: "Setting Up Process Quality Parameters"
31. Select Lot Retest/Expiry to indicate whether this test is required for lot retesting or
Seq displays the sequence of the test in the specification. This field populates with a number beginning with 10. Each test added increases the number displayed in this field by 10. Required. Class code displays the class for this test data type. This field defaults from the Tests window. Test displays the test code for this specification. Required.
33. Enter the Out of Spec Action as the action to take if the result of the test falls
outside the specification range. This action displays a message window on the Results window.
34. Description displays a brief explanation of the action entered. 35. Enter one of the following in the Interval field, depending on how you implement
action codes in Oracle Inventory: Enter the number of days between the expiration date and the date that the action must be taken. Enter the number of days after the failed quality test date that the action must be taken.
36. Error Type displays the type of numerical or percentage Experimental Error
associated with a numeric-based test. This defaults from the Tests window.
37. Calculate UOM Conversion functions with the From UOM and To UOM fields to
convert the item primary UOM to a desired To UOM: Select Calculate UOM to use the test result as an item lot conversion in Oracle Inventory. Deselect Calculate UOM if you do not want the result value for this test to be used as an item lot conversion in the Oracle Inventory .
Note: Calculate UOM Conversion is disabled if the Spec Type is
38. The From UOM field displays the specification item in its primary UOM. You can
differ from the From UOM class and other UOM classes used on tests that belong to the specification. Required if the Calculate UOM Conversion indicator is selected. Refer to the "Using Lot UOM Conversions Based on Quality Results" topic for an example of the OPM Quality Management UOM conversion process.
40. The following fields are entered on a test-specific basis on the Experimental Error
window: Below Minimum displays the percentage or number to be used in calculating the experimental error region below the specification minimum. This is the beginning of the action zone at the low end of the specification. Below Minimum Action displays the Action code associated with the Below
Specifications 4-27
Minimum experimental error region. Above Minimum displays the percentage or number to be used in calculating the experimental error region above the specification minimum. This is the end of the action zone at the low end of the specification. Above Minimum Action displays the Action code associated with the Above Minimum experimental error region. Below Maximum displays the percentage or number to use in calculating the experimental error region below the specification maximum. This is the beginning of the action zone at the high end of the specification. Below Maximum Action displays the Action code associated with the Below Maximum experimental error region. Above Maximum displays the percentage or number to use in calculating the experimental error region above the specification maximum. This is the end of the action zone at the high end of the specification. Above Maximum displays the Action code associated with the Above Maximum experimental error region.
41. The following fields display the values entered on the Targets tab:
Seq displays the sequence of the test in the specification. This field populates with a number beginning with 10. Each test added increases the number in this field by 10. Required. Class code displays the class for this test data type. This field defaults from the Tests window. Test displays the test code for this specification. Required.
42. Alias displays an alternate name for the test. This field defaults from the Tests
43. Select Print Spec to print the specification target, minimum, and maximum values
for this test on quality certificates. Deselect if you do not want to print these values on quality certificates.
44. Select Print Result to print the result of this test on quality certificates. Deselect if
specification target, minimum, maximum, and test result. This value defaults from the value entered on the Tests window. Required.
46. Enter ReportPrecision as the number of decimals to print on quality certificates for
the specification target, minimum, maximum, and test result. This value defaults from the value entered on the Tests window. Required. Planning
47. The following fields display the values entered on the Targets tab:
Seq displays the sequence of the test in the specification. This field populates with a number beginning with 10. Each test added increases the number in this field by 10. Required. Class code displays the class for this test data type. This field defaults from the Tests window. Test displays the test code for this specification. Required.
48. The following fields function as a single entry for the test expiration time:
Enter Test Expiration Days as the number of days allowable for the test to run after the sample is drawn. Enter Test Expiration Hours as the number of hours allowable for the test to run after the sample is drawn. Enter Test Expiration Minutes as the number of minutes allowable for the test to run after the sample is drawn. Enter TestExpiration Seconds as the number of seconds allowable for the test to run after the sample is drawn. For example, if a test expiration is 1 day, 6 hours, and 30 minutes after the sample is drawn, enter: 1 in the Test Expiration Days field 6 in the Test Expiration Hours field 30 in the Test Expiration Minutes field
Click Validity Rules. The Validity Rules Summary for Item Spec window
Specifications 4-29
2. 3.
Click New to create a new validity rule. Enter appropriate information on the window. Refer to the "Entering Specification Validity Rules" topic for additional information. Save the window.
Choose Duplicate, then choose Record Above from the Edit menu. All fields are copied. Choose Record Above from the Edit menu. All fields are copied. Enter a new Name, Version, and changes to other fields. Save the window.
2. 3. 4.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays. Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
2. 3.
Select the desired test. Choose Tests from the Actions menu. The Tests window displays for the selected test.
Enter the required specification header information for an item specification or a monitoring specification.
2. 3.
Select the Overlay indicator. Select the Base Spec and Version with a status of Approved for Lab Use or Approved for General Use to generate the overlay specification. The Tests region of the window displays all data copied from the selected base specification. The From Base indicator is cleared if a test line was not derived from the base specification. Select the Exclude indicator to exclude a test from the overlay specification. Select the Modify indicator to modify other applicable fields in the row. If you select this field, then depending on the test type, enter each of the fields in the row to modify. Select the next Seq to add a test to the overlay specification. Enter all necessary test information. Save the window. Create a specification validity rule. Refer to the "Entering Specification Validity Rules" topic for additional information.
4. 5.
7. 8.
Enter the required specification header information for a monitoring specification. Select Spec Type as Monitoring. Enter all necessary test information for the monitoring specification as discussed in the "To enter a base specification" task. Save the window. Create a monitoring specification validity rule. Refer to the "Entering a Monitoring Specification Validity Rule" topic for additional information.
4. 5.
Navigate to the Specifications window. Query the desired specification to assign a test group. Choose Add Test Group from the Actions menu. The Test Group window displays. Add tests to a specification that has a status of New, Revise For General Use, or Revise For Lab Use. If the flexfield for specification tests is mandatory, then you cannot use this option.
Specifications 4-31
Query the desired Test Group as the test class that is also group enabled. The window displays all tests included in that test group. Ordering is the sequence of the test in the group as entered on the Tests window. Test is the name of the test entered. Description is the description of the test code. Data Type is the test data type as described in "Understanding Tests." Qty is the amount of material required for the test. This defaults from the test quantity specified for the test method. UOM is the unit of measure for the test quantity defined in the test method.
Select Include to indicate the tests in the group to be copied to the specification. The Include indicator is disabled for tests that were previously added to the specification. To include an additional test replicate on the specification, increase the replicate by one. Click OK. Selected tests are added to the specification. Save your work.
6. 7.
Copying a Specification
You can copy a specification to one or more local organizations that are different from the owning organization. After the specification is copied, the local organization becomes the owner organization and you can make changes to the copied specification locally. If overlay specifications are associated to the copied specification, then they are copied along with the selected base specification. The Copy Specification menu option is enabled if the status of the specification is Approved for General Use.
To copy a specification:
1. 2.
Navigate to the Specifications window. Choose Copy Specification from the Actions menu. The Copy Spec window displays. Owner Organization defaults from the Specifications window and displays the owner organization of the source specification. Specification displays the source specification name.
Enter the local inventory organizations to which you are copying the specification in the Organization fields. Specification displays the specification name of the copied specification. The owner organization name to which it is copied to is appended to the specification name. If you edit the default specification name, ensure that it is unique. The Version defaults to 1. You can edit the version. Click Copy to save a copy of the specification to each local organization you specify.
8. 9.
Enter an item specification or a monitoring specification.
To find a specification:
1. 2.
Navigate to the Find Specifications dialog box. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Spec code entered for the specification Version number of the specification Spec Type as Item or Monitoring
Select Overlay to find overlay specifications of a specific base specification, and leave the Base Spec field blank to find all overlay specifications. Deselect Overlay to exclude overlay specifications from the search. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Base Spec as a specific base specification
Specifications 4-33
Base Spec Version as a specific base specification version Status as the specification status Item code as the item code for the material being specified as it is listed on the Item Master. The item must be set up as process quality-enabled. Revision as the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled Grade as the assigned to the item listed in the specification Owner Organization as the owner organization entered for the specification Owner as the owner of the specification
Select Marked for Deletion as: Yes if you want find specifications that are marked for deletion. No to exclude specifications that are marked for deletion. Leave this field blank to limit your search based on whether a specification is marked for deletion.
Click Find. The Specifications window displays the results of the search.
Click New. The Specifications window displays. Create a new specification as described in the "Entering a Specification" topic. Save your work.
Enter and save a specification. Optionally, enter a sampling plan.
Navigate to the Item Spec Validity Rules Summary window. Click New. Spec displays the specification name. This defaults from the Specifications window. Version displays the specification version. Item displays the item code for which you are creating the specification validity rule. The item must be set up as process quality-enabled in the Item Master in Oracle Inventory. If the item is an engineering item, then the organization must be process-enabled and set up as a research and development lab. Revision displays the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Grade displays the grade associated to the item on the specification, if the item is grade-controlled. Spec Status displays the status of the specification used in the validity rule. Specification status is discussed in "Entering a Specification." Click one of the following to create a validity rule for the item and optional grade entered: Inventory to create a specification validity rule for inventoried item. Proceed to step 10.
6. 7.
Specifications 4-35
WIP to create a specification validity rule for work in process (WIP). Proceed to step 23. Customer to create a specification validity rule for a customer. Proceed to step 34. Supplier to create a specification validity rule for a supplier. Proceed to step 45.
10. Organization displays the default process-enabled organization for the validity
11. After entering all relevant information and saving the validity rule with the default
Validity Rule Status of New, return to this window to change specification status by choosing Change Status from the Actions menu. Depending on whether status approval workflows are enabled, a different set of statuses is available. Select a Status for the specification you are entering: Approved for Laboratory Use to indicate that the validity rule is approved for laboratory use. Approved for General Use to indicate that the validity rule is approved for use in work in process. Obsolete/Archived to indicate that the validity rule is no longer approved for use and is obsoleted, archived, or both. If status approval workflows are enabled, when you select: Approved for Laboratory Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for Laboratory Use until all approvers accept the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for Laboratory Use. Approval for General Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for General Use until all approvers accept the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for General Use.
12. Enter the Parent Lot for the specification validity rule to apply to all lots of the
parent lot. Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for detailed information on sampling parent lots.
13. Enter the Lot for the specification validity rule to apply to a specific lot. Leave the
indicate that the specification validity rule is applicable to all subinventories within the organization.
15. Enter a Locator to create this specification validity rule for a particular locator of the
specified subinventory. Leave this field blank to indicate that the validity rule is applicable to all locators within the subinventory. Control
16. The following controls default from the process quality parameters configured by
the inventory organization: Create Samples Automatically to enable automatic sample creation. This defaults from the Process Quality Parameters window. Deselect to disable automatic sample creation using this validity rule. Update Inventory Quantity to enforce an inventory transaction for drawing the sample quantity and to decrease inventory by the sample amounts taken for testing. Update Inventory Quantity defaults from the process quality parameters for the organization specified. The item must be transactable in the inventory organization. This indicator is not enabled if the item is serial controlled. Control Lot Attributes to control lot status, grade, and hold date based on the final disposition of the sample group. This indicator defaults from the process quality parameter for the organization specified. Specify the In-Spec and Out-Spec material statuses. Select Lot Optional on Sample to skip the entry of a lot during sample creation for a lot-controlled item. Deselect this selection to require a lot to be entered on a sample. Select Delayed Lot Entry if Lot Optional On Sample is selected to enable the entry of a lot during the final disposition of a sample. Deselect to prevent a lot from being entered during the final disposition of a sample. If you enter a lot number during sample creation, then the lot cannot be changed when assigning the sample disposition.
Enter From as the starting date and time for the validity rule. This defaults to the current system date and time. The To date indicates the date and time the validity rule is no longer effective. Leave this field blank until you stop this validity rule from being effective.
Specifications 4-37
Certificate of Analysis to generate a certificate of analysis when this validity rule is selected. Certificate of Conformance to generate a certificate of conformance when this validity rule is selected. When you select the certificate type, choose any of the following to indicate at which stage the certificate is generated or required: Select Invoice to generate it at invoice time. Select Shipment to generate it when the item is shipped. Select Supplier if the certificate is required when the item is received from a supplier.
19. Enter the Name of the Sampling Plan to associate to this validity rule. If the sample
quantity defined on the sampling plan is not greater than or equal to the sum of the planned test quantities on the specification, then a warning message displays. The following fields display when a sampling plan is specified: Count displays the number of samples to take at each instance of the sampling frequency entered. Quantity and UOM indicate the sample size, or the amount of material and its inventory unit of measure. Per indicates the sampling frequency period. Count, Frequency Type, and Frequency Period or Per fields work together to define the number of repetitions for sampling.
21. Select a process-enabled inventory Organization. The organization is defined as a
Plant or research and development Laboratory organization. If the item is an engineering item, then the organization must be defined as a research and development laboratory.
22. After entering all relevant information and saving the validity rule with the default
Validity Rule Status of New, return to this window to change specification status by choosing Change Status from the Actions menu. Depending on whether status approval workflows are enabled, a different set of statuses is available. Select a Status for the specification you are entering from one of the following: Approved for Laboratory Use to indicate that the validity rule is approved for
laboratory use. Approved for General Use to indicate that the validity rule is approved for use in work in process. Obsolete/Archived to indicate that the validity rule is no longer approved for use and is obsoleted, archived, or both. If status approval workflows are enabled, when you select: Approved for Laboratory Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for Laboratory Use until all approvers accept the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for Laboratory Use. Approval for General Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for General Use until all approvers accept the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for General Use.
If status approval workflows are enabled, when you select: Approved for Laboratory Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for Laboratory Use until all approvers accept the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for Laboratory Use. Approval for General Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for General Use until all approvers accept the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for General Use.
23. Enter the Batch number for which this validity rule is applicable. If you enter a
valid batch number, then the following fields display with batch-specific information: Recipe indicates the recipe and Version used in the batch. Formula indicates the formula and Version used in the batch. Formula Line indicates the line in the formula controlled by this validity rule. The formula line Type displays. Routing indicates the routing associated to the recipe and Version used in the batch. Operation indicates the operation controlled by this validity rule and its Version. If a batch number is not entered, then enter a recipe, formula and version, formula line, routing, or operation and version.
Specifications 4-39
24. Enter Step and Charge on a new WIP specification validity rule, for the sample
from a WIP source with the specified step or charge can get the specification for this validity rule.
25. Control indicates what to affect with this validity rule. The following controls
default from the process quality parameters configured by the inventory organization: Create Samples Automatically to enable automatic sample creation. This defaults from the Process Quality Parameters window. Deselect to disable automatic sample creation using this validity rule. Update Inventory Quantity to decrease inventory by the sample amounts taken for testing. This indicator defaults from the process quality parameters for the organization specified. This is disabled if the item is serial controlled. Control Batch Step Status to control the batch step status for the selected validity rule. Control Lot Attributes to control lot status, grade, and hold date based on the final disposition of the sample group. This defaults from the process quality parameters for the organization. Specify In-Spec and Out-Spec material statuses.
26. Select Lot Optional on Sample to require a lot to be entered for a sample of a
lot-controlled item. Deselect if you do not want to require a lot to be entered on a sample for a lot-controlled item. This defaults from the Process Quality Parameters window.
27. If Lot Optional On Sample is selected, then Delayed Lot Entry is available. This
field defaults from the selection in the Process Quality Parameters window. Update this field if the item specification validity rule status is changed to Approved, Frozen, or Obsoleted/Archived. If Delayed Lot Entry is selected, then the samples created must have lot entered after sample creation. If you enter a lot number during sample creation, then the lot is used to choose a sample group and it cannot be changed.
28. To define Effective Dates for this validity rule:
Enter From as the starting date and time for the validity rule. This defaults to the current system date and time.
The To date indicates the date and time the validity rule is no longer effective. Leave this field blank until stop this validity rule from being effective.
Certificate of Analysis to generate a certificate of analysis when this validity rule is selected. Certificate of Conformance to generate a certificate of conformance when this validity rule is selected. When you select the certificate type, choose any of the following to indicate at which stage the certificate is generated or required. Select Invoice to generate it at invoice time. Select Shipment to generate it when the item is shipped. Select Supplier if the certificate is required when the item is received from a supplier.
30. Enter the Name of the Sampling Plan to associate to this validity rule. If the sample
quantity is not greater than or equal to the sum of the planned test quantities on the specification, then a warning message displays. The following fields display when a sampling plan is specified: Count displays the number of samples to take at each instance of the frequency entered. Quantity and UOM indicate the sample size, or the amount of material. Per indicates the frequency period. Count, Frequency Type, and Frequency Period or Per fields work together to define the number of repetitions for sampling.
32. Organization displays the default organization for the validity rule. 33. After entering all relevant information and saving the validity rule with the default
Validity Rule Status of New, return to this window to change specification status by choosing Change Status from the Actions menu. Depending on whether status approval workflows are enabled, a different set of statuses is available. Select a Status for the specification you are entering from one of the following:
Specifications 4-41
Approved for Laboratory Use to indicate that the validity rule is approved for laboratory use. Approved for General Use to indicate that the validity rule is approved for use in work in process. Obsolete/Archived to indicate that the validity rule is no longer approved for use and is obsoleted, archived, or both.
If status approval workflows are enabled, when you select: Approved for Laboratory Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for Laboratory Use until all approvers have accepted the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for Laboratory Use. Approval for General Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for General Use until all approvers have accepted the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for General Use.
34. Enter the Customer number for which the specification validity rule is applicable.
35. Enter the Operating Unit to narrow the selection of a customer ship-to-location or
unit in the Oracle Order Management application. This field only displays when an order is specified.
39. Line displays the sales order lines associated to the entry made in the Order field. 40. Control indicates what to affect with this validity rule. Select Lot Optional on
Sample if you do want to require a lot to be entered on sample of a lot-controlled item.Deselect this selection if you do not want to require a lot to be entered on a sample for a lot-controlled item. This defaults from the Process Quality Parameters window.
41. To define Effective Dates for this validity rule:
Enter From as the starting date and time for the validity rule. This defaults to the current system date and time.
The To date indicates the date and time the validity rule is no longer effective. Leave this field blank until you need to stop this validity rule from being effective.
Certificate of Analysis if you want a certificate of analysis when this validity rule is selected. Certificate of Conformance if you want a certificate of conformance when this validity rule is selected.
When you select the certificate type, choose one or more of the following to indicate at which stage the certificate is generated or required. Select Invoice to generate it at invoice time. Select Shipment to generate it when the item is shipped. Select Supplier if the certificate is required when the item is received from a supplier.
43. Enter the Name of the Sampling Plan to associate to this validity rule. If the sample
quantity is not greater than or equal to the sum of the planned test quantities on the specification, then a warning message displays. The following fields display when a sampling plan is specified: Count displays the number of samples to take at each instance of the frequency entered. Quantity and UOM indicate the sample size, or the amount of material. Per indicates the frequency period. Count, Frequency Type, and Frequency Period or Per fields to define the number of repetitions for sampling.
45. Select a process-enabled inventory Organization. Required. 46. After entering all relevant information and saving the validity rule with the default
Validity Rule Status of New, return to this window to change specification status by choosing Change Status from the Actions menu. Depending on whether status approval workflows are enabled, a different set of statuses is available. Select a Status for the specification you are entering from one of the following:
Specifications 4-43
Approved for Laboratory Use to indicate that the validity rule is approved for laboratory use. Approved for General Use to indicate that the validity rule is approved for use in work in process. Obsolete/Archived to indicate that the validity rule is no longer approved for use and is obsoleted, archived, or both.
If status approval workflows are enabled, when you select: Approved for Laboratory Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for Laboratory Use until all approvers accept the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for Laboratory Use. Approval for General Use, then Status changes to Request Approval for General Use until all approvers accept the validity rule, then its Status changes to Approved for General Use.
47. Enter the Supplier code for whom this validity rule is effective. Required. The
52. Control indicates what to affect with this validity rule. The following controls
default from the process quality parameters configured by the inventory organization. Select: Create Samples Automatically to enable automatic sample creation. This defaults from the Process Quality Parameters window. Deselect this selection to disable automatic sample creation using this validity rule. Update Inventory Quantity to decrease inventory by the sample amounts taken for testing. This indicator defaults from the process quality parameters for the organization specified. Control Lot Attributes to control lot status, grade, and hold date based on the final disposition of the sample group. This indicator defaults from the process quality parameters for the organization specified. Specify In-Spec and
lot-controlled item. Deselect this selection if you do not want to require a lot to be entered on a sample for a lot-controlled item. This defaults from the Process Quality Parameters window.
54. If Lot Optional On Sample is selected, then Delayed Lot Entry is available. This
defaults from the selection on the Process Quality Parameters window. Update the indicator when the item specification validity rule status is changed to Approved, Frozen, or Obsoleted/Archived. If you select Delayed Lot Entry, then samples created must have lot number entered after sample creation. If the lot number is entered during sample creation, then the lot is used to choose a sample group and it cannot be changed.
55. Enter the Name of the Sampling Plan to associate to this validity rule. If the sample
quantity is not greater than or equal to the sum of the planned test quantities on the specification, then a warning message displays. The following fields display when a sampling plan is specified: Count displays the number of samples to take at each instance of the frequency entered. Quantity and UOM indicate the sample size, or the amount of material. Per indicates the frequency period. Count, Frequency Type, and Frequency Period or Per fields to define the number of repetitions for sampling.
Navigate to the Item Spec Validity RulesSummary window. The specification name and version display in the window title. Spec displays the specification name. This defaults from the Specifications window.
Specifications 4-45
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Version displays the specification version. Item displays the item code for the item specification. Revision displays the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Grade displays the default grade for the item, if the item is grade-controlled. Spec Status displays the status of the item specification validity rule. The following fields are display only: Organization displays the default organization for the specification validity rule. This defaults from the Process Quality Parameters window. Specification Type is the type of specification that is associated to the validity rule: Inventory for inventoried items WIP for work in process materials Customer for customer items Supplier for vendor items
Deleted displays Yes if the specification validity rule is marked for deletion, or No if it is not marked for deletion. Spec Validity Rule Status is the status of the specification validity rule. Start Date is the effective start date and time for the selected validity rule. End Date is the effective end date and time for the selected validity rule. If this field is blank, then the validity rule in effect. Parent Lot is the parent lot associated to the selected validity rule, if the item is child lot-controlled. The field applies to specification validity rule for the inventory specification type. Lot is the lot associated to the selected validity rule, if the item is lot-controlled. This field applies to specification validity rules for the inventory specification type. Subinventory is the specific subinventory associated to the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the inventory specification type.
Locator is the locator of the item associated to the selected validity rule if the item or subinventory has locator control. This field applies to specification validity rules for the inventory specification type. Update Inventory Quantity indicates whether the selected validity rule is set to decrease inventory by the sample amounts taken for testing. Control Lot Attributes indicates whether the selected validity rule controls lot status based on the disposition of the sample. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP specification type. In-Spec Lot Status is the default material lot status for results that are within specification limits for the selected validity rule. Out-of-Spec Lot Status is the material lot status for results that are outside of specification limits for the selected validity rule. Control Batch Step Status indicates whether the validity rule controls the batch step status for the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP specification type. Lot Optional On Sample indicates whether entry of a lot number is required when a sample is taken. If this field is selected, then entry of the lot number entry at sampling is optional. If Lot Optional On Sample is not selected, then a lot number must be entered when a sample is taken. Certificate Type indicates whether the validity rule prints a Certificate of Analysis or a Certificate of Conformance for the selected validity rule. Certificate Type at Invoice indicates whether the certificate type selected is generated at invoice time for the selected validity rule. Certificate Type at Shipment indicates whether the certificate type selected is generated when the item is shipped for the selected validity rule. Certificate Type from Supplier indicates whether the certificate type selected is generated when the item is received from a supplier for the selected validity rule. Batch is the batch associated to the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP specification type. Recipe is the recipe used in the batch associated to the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP specification type. Recipe Version is the recipe version used in the batch associated to the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP
Specifications 4-47
specification type. Formula is the formula used in the batch and the Formula Version for the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP specification type. Routing is the routing and Routing Version associated to the recipe used in the batch for the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP specification type. Step is the batch step associated to the routing for the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP specification type. Operation is the operation and Operation Version controlled by the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the WIP specification type. Charge is the charge associated to the routing for the selected validity rule. Order is the purchase order number for the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the supplier specification type. Order Line is the purchase order line number for the selected validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the supplier specification type. Ship-To-Location is the location for the specified customer and operating unit for the selected specification validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the supplier specification type. PO is the purchase order number, and purchase order type for the selected specification validity rule. This field applies to specification validity rules for the supplier specification type. PO Line is the purchase order line number for which the selected validity rule is effective. This field applies to specification validity rules for the supplier specification type. Supplier is the supplier for which the selected validity rule is effective. This field applies to specification validity rules for the supplier specification type. Site is the supplier site for which the selected validity rule is effective. This field applies to specification validity rules for the supplier specification type.
Click the drill-down indicator next to a validity rule to display the Specification Validity Rules window.
Select the validity rule to edit in the Item Spec Validity Rules Summary window. Click Edit. Make appropriate edits. Save the window.
Enter and save a monitoring specification. Optionally, enter a sampling plan.
Specifications 4-49
2. 3. 4. 5.
Click New. Specification displays the monitoring specification name. Spec Status displays the approval status of the monitoring specification. Select Rule Type as: Resource to create a validity rule for a resource such as a refrigerator, environmental chamber. If you select this field, then enter information in the Resource region. Location to create a validity rule for a location such as a subinventory and locator. If you select this field, then enter information in the Location region.
Spec Validity Rule Status indicates the status of the monitoring specification validity rule. Change the status of the validity rule after you enter and save all the following information. Enter the following information in the Resource region for a resource validity rule: Name as the name of the generic resource for the validity rule. Resource Organization as the inventory organization where the monitoring specification validity rule applies. Instance as the specific instance of the resource in the resource organization where the validity rule is defined.
Select the following information in the Location region for a locator validity rule: Organization as the process-enabled inventory organization associated to the locator validity rule. Subinventory as the subinventory of the specified organization to which the specification validity rule applies. Locator from the list of locators associated with the subinventory you select. Locator is the subinventory locator where the specification validity rule applies if the subinventory exists for the locator.
In the Effective Dates region, enter: From as the start date for the monitoring specification validity rule. Required. To as the end date for the monitoring specification validity rule. Leave this field blank if there is no end date for the monitoring specification validity rule.
Name as the name of the sampling plan. Count as the number of samples to take at each instance of the frequency entered. Required. Qty as and UOM as the sample size, or the amount of material needed to take a sample from the material requiring inspection. This is expressed in the primary inventory unit of measure. Required. Per as the frequency period. Count, Frequency Type, and Frequency Period or Per fields to define the number of repetitions for sampling.
11. Save the window. 12. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu to change the status of the validity
Query the desired monitoring specification validity rule. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu. Make appropriate changes. Save the window.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
Specifications 4-51
Choose E-Record Details from the Actions menu. The E-Record Generic Query displays if this option is available in your application. Refer to "Appendix D" for information on e-records.
Enter and save a monitoring specification validity rule.
Navigate to the Monitoring Spec Validity Rules Summary. The specification name and version display in the window title. The following fields are display only: Specification displays the monitoring specification name. Spec Status displays the approval status of the monitoring specification. Organization displays the organization associated to the validity rule type displayed. Rule Type displays the rule entered for the monitoring specification as Physical Location or Resource. Deleted displays Yes if the monitoring specification validity rule is marked for deletion, or No if it is not marked for deletion. Spec Validity Rule Status displays the current status of the monitoring specification validity rule. Start Date displays the effective start date for the monitoring specification
validity rule. End Date displays the end date for the monitoring specification validity rule, if one was entered.
If the rule type entered is for a resource monitoring specification, then: Resource displays the generic resource for the monitoring specification validity rule. Instance displays the specific resource for the monitoring specification validity rule.
If the rule type entered is for a location monitoring specification, then: Subinventory displays the subinventory where the specification validity rule applies. Locator displays the locator in the subinventory where the specification validity rule applies if the subinventory is locator controlled.
Sampling Plan displays the current monitoring specification sampling plan, if one is entered. Close the window.
Enter and save specifications. Enter and save specification validity rules.
Specifications 4-53
Select Show Active Specs to display only those specifications that are active, where specification statuses are either Approved for Lab Use, or Approved for General Use. Deselect this indicator to display all specifications. Select View By: Specifications to display an alphanumeric sort of specifications. Expand the Specifications node. Select the desired specification node to display the Specification Summary window. Drill down to tests, customer validity rules, and inventory validity rules. Customer to sort specifications by customer. Expand the desired customer node. Select each unexpanded specification node to display the Specification By Item window. Drill down to individual specifications, Tests, and Customer Validity Rules. Supplier to sort specifications by supplier. Expand the Specifications By Supplier node. Expand the desired supplier node. Select each unexpanded specification node to display the Specification By Item window. Drill down to individual specifications, Tests, and Supplier Validity Rules. Item to sort specifications by item. Select the unexpanded item to display the Specifications by Item window. Expand the item node to display the Specification Summary window for the item. Drill down to individual tests, customer validity rules, and inventory validity rules. Owner Organization to sort the specifications by owner organization. Select the unexpanded Specifications By Status node to display the Specifications By Status window. Drill down to individual specifications, tests, customer validity rules, inventory validity rules, supplier validity rules, and WIP validity rules. Status to display the Specifications By Status window.
Note: Views are restricted to the organizations that your
The following fields are display only on the Specification By Customer, Supplier, Item, Owner Organization, or Status, and Specification Summary windows: Specification displays the name of the specification. Version displays the specification version. Description displays a brief description of the specification. Owner Organization displays the owner organization.
Item displays the code for the material specified as it is listed on the Item Master. Item Revision displays the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Status displays the status defined by the specification.
Specifications 4-55
This topic includes procedures for entering and finding item samples and monitoring samples. Procedures for displaying sample groups and displaying sample summaries on the navigator are also provided. This chapter covers the following topics: Requirements Understanding Sampling Entering Item Samples Entering Monitoring Samples Finding Samples Displaying Sample Groups Displaying Sample Summaries from the Navigator Displaying the Samples Summary Window
Following are some requirements that customers have for samples in Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Management.
Samples 5-1
that is set up prior to creating specifications and taking samples. Use the sampling plan with the Sample Creation Notification workflow. Use automatic sample creation when a lot is yielded to simplify data entry of production sampling in high volume production environments, or at various points in the supply chain.
Can I reserve a sample in case of sample breakage, leakage in transit to a testing facility, or future quality audits?
Yes. If you experience sample breakage, leakage, or spoiling during transit to a testing facility, then retain a reserve sample until testing is complete. For quality audits, retain an archive sample for future testing. Reserve a Physical Sample without Testing Sometimes samples break or leak in transit to the testing facility. If you need the insurance of a replacement sample, then take an extra sample and mark it as Retain or Reserve. You can select reserve sample material during testing of the original sample. Create a Retain As Archive sample. If future testing is required, then change the disposition of this sample to Pending and send it for testing.
Can I indicate which samples are designated for lot retesting purposes?
Yes. Select the Lot Retest/Expiry indicator for a sample when retesting an expired lot. Samples are marked appropriately to trace them in the storage subinventory if you need to retest the same material periodically. Set the Lot Retest/Expiry Indicator to Indicate the Purpose of Retesting The Lot Retest indicator is included on the Sample record to identify the purpose of retest as a lot retest or expiration test. A notification can be sent to create a sample based on lot retesting or lot expiration requirements.
taken for quality testing purposes using the Sample Storage Summary inquiry. Track Sample Quantities and Storage Locators Track remaining sample quantities on the Samples Summary window based on the actual test quantities recorded. Use the Sample Storage Summary inquiry to track the physical storage subinventory and locator for all your samples.
Understanding Sampling
Acceptance sampling supports quality inspection of materials during various points in the supply chain. This includes sample collection at events such as receiving, batch creation, batch step release, production yield, and lot expiration. Sampling inspection also occurs for material received from suppliers, for work in process material, for inventory, for specific customers, and for shipments. Samples are also created as part of a stability study for a particular item. You can take multiple samples from the same source, and their collective disposition can be used to control and update other processes in the supply chain. Samples can be taken to monitor environmental conditions of locators or resources used for material storage. Refer to "Setting Up Sampling Plans" for a discussion of the sampling plan. Samples are sent to a quality laboratory organization for testing. The organization must be process-enabled and defined a Quality Laboratory in the Process Quality Parameters window. For detailed information on inventory organizations, refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide. If an item substitution affects the quality specifications required for a batch, then you can change the specification association for a sample during sample creation or specification comparison. Refer to the Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development User's Guide for detailed information on item substitution.
Samples 5-3
When a specification is associated to a sample, some data from the sampling plan defaults into the sample record: Sample quantity Number of samples required
The application can create required, archive, and reserve sample record types. When samples are taken physically, you can update the planned sample records with details that include the actual sample quantity taken, date drawn, and sample expiration date. Responsibilities: Workflow Administrator Event Manager, AME Application Administrator, Quality Manager Setting up for automatic sample creation: Set the process quality parameter for sample Assignment Type to Automatic for automatic document numbering of samples in the creation organization. Required. Enable the business event that triggers automatic sample creation. Required. Set up the quality workflow for notification of planned samples created by the system. Optional. Define a sampling plan. Required.
To use automatic sample creation: Create an item specification with a specification validity rule that has Create Samples Automatically enabled and a sampling plan associated. Trigger the business event, for example, create inventory, create a batch, release a batch step, receive into a receiving locator or inventory. Open the workflow notification or query the sample group though the Quality Workbench, Samples Summary, or Sample Groups window to view the planned samples created by the application. Take physical samples by changing the sample disposition from Planned to Pending or Retain. Enter the actual sample quantity and date drawn.
Sample Creation Notification Workflow is Not Activated Determine the material to sample. This includes items that require retesting and items that require evaluation of their expiration date. Refer to "Reports and Inquiries" for reports to run that assist in this process. When the Sample Creation Notification workflow is not enabled, create a sample directly using the Item Samples window.
Samples 5-5
disposition, the lot is specified, so that quality-driven updates to the lot status, grade, hold date, reason code, and the recommended lot-specific unit of measure conversions can occur simultaneously. For WIP and Supplier samples, the lot must belong to the batch or receipt specified at the time of sampling. After the lot number is entered at disposition time, it displays in all the sample records within the sample group for genealogy purposes. Setting Up for Delayed Lot Entry The Delayed Lot Entry indicator is available when Lot Optional on Sample is selected in the Process Quality Parameters window or the Validity Rules for Item Spec window. Select Delayed Lot Entry to permit the entry of a lot number only when the sample is assigned a final disposition of Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. Deselect to permit the entry of a lot number only at sample creation for supplier, inventory, or WIP sources. Prerequisite Select Lot Optional on Samples and Delayed Lot Entry in the Process Quality Parameters window and in he applicable specification validity rule. To delay the entry of a lot numbers on a sample:
Create a sample without entering a lot number. The Lot field is protected after you save the sample. Enter and evaluate results. Assign a final sample group disposition and enter the following: Lot number, to update all sample records in the sample group. Lot update information, including requirements for status, grade, hold date, and the UOM conversion recommendation. Lot number and appropriate lot update information displays for all the samples in the sample group. If the sample group has a single sample, then update the sample to a final disposition to enter the lot number. Otherwise, composite results before you assign a final sample group disposition and enter the lot number.
2. 3.
Responsibilities Formulator, Process Engineer, Production Supervisor, Quality Manager Prerequisites Configure the Process Quality Parameter for Inventory Transaction Reason. Set up an item for the material to sample from the batch.
Create a formula by entering the item to sample as a byproduct formula line: Set the byproduct quantity equal to the quantity you plan to take as a sample. Set the Yield Type to Manual, and the Byproduct Type to Sample.
2. 3. 4.
Change the status of the formula to Approved for General Use. Create a recipe that contains the formula. Create a recipe validity rule for the recipe and the organization in which you will run the batch. Change the status of the recipe and the status of the recipe validity rule to Approved for General Use. Create and approve a specification for the item. Create and approve a WIP specification validity rule, specifying the recipe, formula, and formula line at which the sample byproduct is yielded. Ensure that the Update Inventory Quantity indicator is selected Create a batch from the recipe. If the Sample Creation Notification workflow is enabled, then the system prompts for the creation of the WIP sample when the batch is created. Release the batch.
6. 7.
10. Create a sample for the item in the batch. An inventory transaction is created for the
byproduct line in the batch. If the Sample Creation Notification workflow is not enabled, then use the Get Spec function to tie the sample record to the applicable WIP Specification Validity Rule for the sample byproduct line in the batch.
Terminating Batches
When a batch is terminated, the sample creation workflow notifications that are open
Samples 5-7
are canceled. Manage any samples that are created against the batch.
Grouping Samples
Samples that originate from the same source or business event can be grouped together as a sample group so that the composite of their results can be reported or used to control inventory, production, receiving, shipping, and allocation processes. If samples are not created using the workflow, then they can still be grouped by the Get Spec function that associates the same specification and version to these samples. Refer to "Appendix B" for the hierarchies used. The specification validity rule for this specification and version identifies the sampling plan where the required sample count is number of samples required in the sample group. When a new sample and sample group are created and a sampling plan is not specified in the specification validity rule, then the number of samples required in the sample group (and reflected in the sample record) is one. By default, when you click Get Spec or save the sample record the application groups samples associated to the same specification and version until the sample group has a final disposition. For example, if the sampling plan requires three samples, then the first sample record has a sample instance of one of the three samples required. Each time a sample is added to a sample group, the total samples required increases by one, and each new instance is numbered appropriately in the series. When you use the Get Spec function, you can also create a new sample group instead of adding the new sample to an existing sample group. The Get Spec function retrieves item specifications for item samples and monitoring specifications for monitoring samples. You can continue to add samples to a sample group while the sample group disposition is Pending, In Progress, or Complete. Samples with a disposition of Complete revert to In Progress when you add a test.
Change from Pending to: Cancel Retain prior to the sample being saved.
Change from Retain to: Pending in anticipation of sample analysis.. Cancel to terminate analysis
Samples 5-9
Change from In Progress to: Accept with Variance if results are recorded, and at least one result is in an experimental error region, or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver must accept this variance. Reject if results are recorded and at least one is not acceptable. Cancel to terminate additional analysis.
Change from Complete to: Accept if results are recorded and acceptable, and sample results are within the limits of the specification. Accept with Variance if results are recorded, and at least one result is in an experimental error region, or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver must accept this variance. Reject if results are recorded and at least one is not acceptable. Cancel to terminate additional analysis.
Change from Accept to: Accept with Variance if results are recorded, and at least one result is in an experimental error region, or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver must accept this variance. Reject if results are recorded and at least one is not acceptable. Cancel to terminate additional analysis.
Change from Accept with Variance to: Reject if results are recorded and at least one is not acceptable. Cancel to terminate additional analysis.
Samples 5-11
To use archive samples: Create an item sample retained as an archive sample. Associate it to a specification with a sampling plan. Optional. Query the archive sample, change the sample disposition to Pending, and optionally, schedule tests from the associated specification upon request for investigation. Perform tests, enter results, and change sample disposition when the analysis is complete.
Reserve Samples This type of retained sample is set aside as additional inventory from the same sample source. A reserve sample is used as a backup supply of additional testing material when one or more tests are repeated due to instrumentation problems or reagent failure. Its quantity is consumed when the original sample for standard quality testing is insufficient to complete all required testing. A reserve sample remains in the Retain sample disposition and can only be changed to a disposition of Cancel. This supports the recording of results that are performed against a reserve sample, but reported against the original sample for standard quality testing. Requirements for setting up reserve samples: Set up document numbering assignment type for samples in the creation organization where samples are taken. Required. Define a sampling plan. Optional. Create and approve item specifications and specification validity rules. Optional.
To use reserve samples: Create item samples in the same sample group as a required sample, and retain an additional sample as the reserve sample. Optionally, associate these samples to a specification with a sampling plan. Enter results against the required sample. When the remaining sample quantity of the required sample is insufficient for continuing analysis, select the reserve sample for the test where an additional testing quantity is needed, and enter results. Change the sample disposition of the required sample when analysis is complete.
These system-generated item samples are automatically associated to a stability study as identified by the sample source fields. You cannot create stability samples manually through the Samples window.
Samples 5-13
sample group are affected. If the lot number changes across samples, then create separate sample groups that correspond to each lot. The Lot field is not available on the Item Samples window after you save the sample. Enter the lot number when you change the sample group to a final disposition of Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. Changing to a final sample group disposition controls several updates to inventory lot attributes. Receiving or in-process inspection results also reflect the quality characteristics of the material inventoried. Therefore, you can enter the lot number simultaneously with updates to its lot attributes such as lot status, grade, hold date, and reason code and the recommended lot-specific unit of measure conversions. The lot entered must belong to the receipt or batch identified on the supplier or WIP sample record. The specification matching logic associated to the Get Spec button is based on the sample source information entered when you create a new sample. If a lot is not entered on a new sample record, then it is not included as specification matching criteria.
Create a sample without entering a lot number. The Lot field is protected after you save the sample. Enter and evaluate results. Assign a final sample group disposition and enter the following: Lot number, to update all sample records in the sample group Lot update information, including requirements for status, grade, hold date, and the UOM conversion recommendation Lot number and appropriate lot update information displays for all the samples in the sample group. If the sample group has a single sample, then update the sample to a final disposition to enter the lot number.
Quality Change Disposition Window Lot is required if: You access this window from the Composite Results window for a sample group or from the Item Samples window if the sample is the only sample in the sample group. The Source field is Supplier, Inventory, or WIP for the sample or sample group. The item is process quality-enabled and lot-controlled. There is no lot specified on the sample or sample group, and Lot Optional on Sample is selected.
Delayed Lot Entry is selected for the supplier, inventory or WIP specification validity rule associated to the sample. The current disposition is changed to a final disposition of Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. An error message displays if the lot is entered and the sample disposition is not updated.
A sample or sample group can represent the quality characteristics of a single lot or multiple lots, indicated by specifying a parent lot only. For samples against a particular lot, the final sample group disposition can update lot attributes such as material status and grade for the lot specified. For samples against a parent lot only, the lot attributes update can apply to all lots one level below the parent lot.
However, you can query a sample with the Stability Study source from this window. Refer to the "Stability Studies" topic for additional information. You cannot create monitoring sample from this window. Refer to the "Entering Monitoring Samples" topic for additional information.
Using the Item Samples Window with Sample Creation Notification Workflow Activated
A sample group is created by a transaction event such as a receiving transaction, or an inventory transaction. If the Item Samples window is accessed from the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Item Samples window displays the following information: Organization Specification Name, Version, and Grade Source data, depending on where the sample is created
Samples 5-15
Item and Item Revision Date Drawn Default for Update Inventory Quantity box, based on the Specification Validity Rule Priority as Normal Disposition as Planned or Pending
If a sampling plan is associated to the specification validity rule in effect, then Retain As, Sample Quantity, Sample Quantity UOM , and Samples Required fields also default in the Item Samples window. Enter the following information: Sample Number, unless automatic sample numbering is enabled Sample Description Parent Lot Lot, unless defaults are available from the sample group Lot Retest Quality Laboratory External ID Storage Organization Storage Subinventory Storage Locator
Using the Item Samples Window with Sample Creation Notification Workflow Inactivated
When you create a sample without using a workflow notification, the Item Samples window displays the following information: Disposition is Pending Source defaults to Inventory Update Inventory Quantity box is cleared Sample Priority defaults to Normal
Sample, unless automatic sample numbering is enabled Sample Description defaults from the item entered Retain As an Archive, Reserve, or required sample Source data, based on where the sample is created Lot for lot-controlled items unless marked Optional on the Process Quality Parameters window Quantity UOM Date Drawn, which defaults to the current date and time
Set up a quality lab organization where sample testing is performed. Set up Process Quality Parameters for required indicators and configurations including Exact Spec Match, Update Inventory Quantity, Lot Optional, Manual Spec Selection, Create Samples Automatically, Delayed Lot Entry, Control Batch Step Status, Inventory Transaction Reason, Update Inventory Quantity, Control Lot Attributes, In-Spec Status, Out-of-Spec Status, and Consider Optional Test Results in the Process Quality Parameters window. Set up document numbering for automatic or manual sample numbering in the organization where you take samples in the Process Quality Parameters window. Enter tests, and optionally create an approved specification and specification validity rule for sampling. Optionally, enter a sampling plan. Optionally, set up and activate the Sample Creation Notification workflow.
Samples 5-17
Navigate to the ItemSamples window. The process-enabled organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Required. Enter the Disposition as the sample status: Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken. Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition. Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition. Cancel when the sample is canceled. Required. Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.
Enter a Description for the sample. If you do not enter a description, then the item description defaults from the item entered. If Retainis the disposition, then enter Retain As to indicate whether the sample type is an Archive, Reserve, or required sample. Enter Item as the process quality-enabled item sampled. A description of the item displays. Required. Enter the item Revision.If the item is not revision-controlled, then this field is disabled. Required. Enter a Priority for the sample as: Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements. Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing. High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.
11. Select the restricted or nonrestricted Locator if the subinventory and item are
transactions of an item to or from a subinventory specified in a list you define using the Item/Subinventory Information window in Oracle Inventory. Restricted locators indicate whether to restrict a transaction of the item to or from a locator specified in the list you define using the Item/Subinventory Information window in Oracle Inventory. You cannot restrict locators unless you also restrict subinventories.
12. Enter the sample item Parent Lot, if the item is child lot-controlled. Refer to
"Understanding Parent Lots and Lots" for detailed information on parent lots and lots.
13. Enter the sample item Lot code. Edit this field if the item entered is child
lot-controlled. Lot is not required if marked as optional for samples on the Process Quality Parameters window.
14. Lot Retest is selected if the sample is taken for lot retesting. If the Lot Expiry/Retest
using the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Get Spec function is disabled. If a sample source field (Lot, Subinventory, or Locator) is changed, then the Spec, Version, and Grade fields are cleared. You can also save a sample without having a specification associated to it.
18. Click Get Spec to associate a specification for this sample. The Specification
Samples 5-19
Use Default displays the specification, version, and grade with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. The specification match depends on the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. Deselect if a specification does not need an exact match. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in "Appendix B". Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. If Manual Spec Selection is enabled in the Process Quality Parameters window, then select Use Alternate. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.
Note: If there is an existing sample group that matches the sample
source and specification selected, then the Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required fields display. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.
20. Click OK to continue. The Spec, Version, and Grade display for the specification
selected. Identity
21. Enter the Quality Laboratory as the inventory organization where the sample is
tested. Quantities
22. The Update Inventory Quantity indicator is selected when the sample transaction
updates the amount of sample in inventory. When you enter a specification, Update Inventory Quantity is set to the value on the specification validity rule.
23. Enter the sample Quantity in its inventory UOM. This is the item primary UOM, or
another UOM with a valid conversion.The value defaults from the quantity entered on any associated sampling plan. Required.
24. Remaining Quantity displays the balance of sample remaining after the actual test
quantities are deducted at the time of result entry. UOM displays the unit of
for testing by the quality laboratory. This date defaults from the stability study.
27. Enter Received as the date and time the sample was received for testing by the
quality laboratory.
28. EnterRequired as the date and time when the sample analysis must be completed. 29. Enter Expired as the date and time when the sample expires.
Sample Group
30. The following fields for the sample group are display only:
Sample Instance is the sample iteration with respect to the total number of samples in the sample group based on the samples taken. Samples Taken is the total number of samples already taken for the sample group. Samples Required is the total number of samples required in the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement.
31. Enter External ID as an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. For
example, if the sample is recorded on another test database, then enter the sample ID recorded on the external system.
32. Select a Storage Organization as the inventory organization where the sample is
33. Enter Storage Subinventory as the subinventory where the remaining sample
quantity is stored. The description of the storage subinventory displays. If the item is restricted, then the storage subinventory is restricted. Query item samples by storage subinventory and locator using the Sample Storage Summary inquiry.
34. Enter a Storage Locator for the sample. If the sample storage locator is:
Restricted, then a valid locator must be entered for the specified storage subinventory. The LOV displays valid locators for the Storage Subinventory entered.
Samples 5-21
Non-restricted, then you do not have to specify a valid locator for the specified storage subinventory. Enter a storage locator in this field; however there is no LOV. This field is protected from entry if the storage subinventory does not exist for the locator. If a Storage Subinventory is entered, then this field is required.
Note: Restricted subinventories indicate whether to restrict
transactions of an item to or from a subinventory specified in a list you define using the Item/Subinventory Information window in Oracle Inventory. Restricted locators indicate whether to restrict a transaction of the item to or from a locator specified in the list you define using the Item/Subinventory Information window in Oracle Inventory. You cannot restrict locators unless you also restrict subinventories.
35. Enter the Sampler as a code for the individual who withdrew the sample. The name
of the individual appears in the field next to this code. This field defaults to the current user.
Note: If you intend to set up workflow and Oracle E-Records
events against samples, then do not enter Sampler, Sample Approver, or Inventory Approver. Refer to "Appendix D" for additional information.
36. Enter the Sample Approver as the individual who is responsible to approve the
37. Enter the Inventory Approver as the individual who can approve the item to
Composite Results tab is enabled. The following fields are display only: Specification indicates the specification name used for the composite results. Version indicates the specification version used for the composite results. Grade indicates the grade defined by the specification displayed. Validity Rule Use indicates the type of validity rule in use to composite the results.
Date Composited indicates the date and time the composite results were saved. Disposition indicates the disposition of the sample based on the composite results.
39. Click View to display the Composite Results window for this sample.
Spec Disposition
40. If the specification associated to the sample was replaced through specification
comparison, then the history of sample dispositions against each specification displays. The following fields are display only: Specification indicates the specification name associated to the sample. Version indicates the specification version. Grade indicates the grade assigned to the specification displayed. Disposition indicates the disposition of the sample with respect to the specification displayed. Validity RuleUse indicates the type of specification validity rule used. Control Lot Attributes indicates if a lot status, and optionally a grade is dependent on the specification displayed.
41. Enter Comments for the sample. 42. Save the window.
Navigate to the ItemSamples window. The context organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Use automatic sample numbering for samples generated in a stability study. Required. Enter the Disposition as the sample status: Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken.
Samples 5-23
Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition. Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition. Cancel when the sample is canceled. Required. Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.
Enter a Description for the sample. If you do not enter a description, then the item description defaults from the item entered. If Retainis the disposition, then enter Retain As to indicate whether the sample type is an Archive, or Reserve sample. Enter the Item as the process quality-enabled item sampled. A description of the item entered displays. Required. Enter the item Revision. If the item is not revision-controlled, then this field is disabled. Required. Enter a Priority for the sample as: Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements. Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing. High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.
10. Enter Batch as the batch number for the WIP sample.
If the sample is created through the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the following defaults as the sample source: Batch number Batch step, if applicable Recipe number and version Formula number and version Routing number and version
Operation number and version If the sample is created manually, then one of the following is required for the sample source: Batch number, if the sample is created in a plant or lab organization. Recipe number and version, if the sample is created in a lab organization.
Note: If a batch is specified, then the material detail line is
11. Enter the Line as the line sequence for the item listed in the batch or formula. 12. Type defaults from the material or formula line entered, and indicates the type of
controlled. Locator control is defined at the organization, subinventory, or item level, in that order.
17. Enter the sample item Parent Lot code if the item is child lot-controlled. Refer to
"Understanding Parent Lots and Lots" for detailed information on parent lots and lots.
18. Enter the sample item Lot code. Edit this field if the item specified is lot-controlled.
If Lot Optional On Samples is selected on the specification validity rule associated to the sample or if you enter a parent lot, then Lot is not required.
19. Enter the Recipe and version if the sample is created in a lab organization and a
then routing and routing version default from the batch. If a valid recipe is entered, then the routing associated to the recipe displays. You cannot change these fields.
22. Operation displays the operation and version associated to the routing and step
Samples 5-25
displayed. These fields are blank if a routing and step are not entered.
Note: If the sample was previously associated to a specification
using the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Get Spec function is disabled. You can also save a sample without having a specification associated to it.
23. Click Get Spec to associate a specification for this sample. The Specification
Use Default displays the specification, version, and grade with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. This depends on the value entered for the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. If a specification does not need an exact match, then deselect. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in "Appendix B." Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.
Note: The Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required
fields display if there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.
25. Click OK to continue. The specification Name, Version, and Grade display for the
specification selected.
Note: The Identity, Storage, Approvers, Composite Results, Spec
Disposition, and Comments tabs have the same field definitions as those that appear in the "To enter an inventory sample" task. Refer to that task for this information.
Navigate to the ItemSamples window. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Required. Enter the Disposition as the sample status: Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken. Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition. Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition. Cancel when the sample is canceled. Required. Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.
Enter a Description for the sample. If you do not enter a description, then the item description defaults from the item entered. If Retainis the disposition, then enter Retain As to indicate whether the sample type is an Archive or Reserve sample. Enter Item as the process quality-enabled item sampled. A description of the item entered displays. Required. Enter the item Revision. If the item is not revision-controlled, then this field is disabled. Required. Enter a Priority for the sample as: Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements. Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing. High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.
Samples 5-27
10. Enter the Supplier number. Required. 11. Enter the Operating Unit corresponding to the supplier site. The operating unit
must have an Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) fiscal policy to indicate that it is used for process manufacturing.
12. Enter the Supplier Site as the supplier site code that appears on the corresponding
purchase order.
13. If the sample is associated to a purchase order, then enter the PONumber and Line
14. If the sample is associated to a receipt, then enter the Receipt number and receipt
Line number.
15. Enter the receiving Subinventory and Locator for the material. 16. Enter the sample item Parent Lot code if the item is child lot-controlled. Refer to
"Understanding Parent Lots and Lots" for detailed information on parent lots and lots.
17. Enter the sample item Lot code. Edit this field if the item you specified is
lot-controlled. If Lot Optional On Samples is selected on the specification validity rule associated to the sample, then Lot is not required .
18. Enter the Supplier Lot number.
using the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Get Spec function is disabled. If any sample source fields (Lot, Subinventory, or Locator) are changed, then the Spec, Version, and Grade fields are cleared. You can also save a sample without having a specification associated to it.
19. Click Get Spec to associate a specification for this sample. The Specification
Use Default displays the specification, version, and grade with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. This depends on the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. If a specification does not need an exact match, then deselect. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in Appendix B.
Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.
Note: If there is an existing sample group that matches the sample
source and specification selected, then the Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required fields display. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.
21. Click OK to continue. The specification Name, Version, and Grade display for the
specification selected.
Note: The Identity, Storage, Approvers, Composite Results, Spec
Disposition, and Comments tabs have the same field definitions as those that appear in the "To enter an inventory sample" task. Refer to that task for this information.
Navigate to the ItemSamples window. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Use automatic sample numbering for samples generated in a stability study. Required. Enter the Disposition as the sample status: Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken. Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition. Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition.
Samples 5-29
Cancel when the sample is canceled. Required. Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.
Enter a Description for the sample. If you do not enter a description, then the item description defaults from the item entered. If Retainis the disposition, then enter Retain As to indicate whether the sample type is an Archive, or Reserve sample. Enter Item as the process quality-enabled item sampled. A description of the item entered displays. Required. Enter the item Revision, if the item is revision-controlled. If the item is not revision-controlled, then this field is disabled. Required. Enter a Priority for the sample as: Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements. Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing. High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.
10. Enter the Customer name. Required. 11. Enter the Operating Unit corresponding to the ship-to or bill-to location. The
operating unit must have an OPM fiscal policy to indicate that it is used for Process Manufacturing.
12. Enter one or both of the following fields only if you enter an operating unit:
Ship-To to indicate the ship-to location for the specified customer and operating unit. Order to indicate the order number. If you enter an order number, then Type displays the sales order type code from those set up for the operating unit in the Oracle Order Management application. If you did not enter an operating unit, then leave both of these fields blank.
13. Enter the Line associated to the order. 14. Enter the sample item Parent Lot code if the item is child lot-controlled. Refer to
"Understanding Parent Lots and Lots" for detailed information on parent lots and lots.
15. Enter the sample item Lot code. If the item you specified is lot-controlled, then edit
this field. If Lot Optional On Samples is selected on the specification validity rule associated to the sample, then Lot is not required.
Note: If the sample was previously associated to a specification
using the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Get Spec function is disabled. You can also save a sample without having a specification associated to it.
16. Click Get Spec to associate a specification for this sample. The Specification
Use Default displays the specification, version, and grade with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. This depends on the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. Deselect if a specification does not need an exact match. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in Appendix B. Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.
Note: The Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required
fields display if there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.
18. Click OK to continue. The Spec, Version, and Grade display for the specification
Note: The Identity, Storage, Approvers, Composite Results, Spec
Samples 5-31
Disposition, and Comments tabs have the same field definitions as those that appear in the "To enter an inventory sample" task. Refer to that task for this information.
Navigate to the Variants window. Query the stability Study with the desired sample. Select the variant Num that has the sample to view. Click Time Points. Select the Time Interval that has the sample to view. Click Samples. Select the sample to view. Click View Sample. The Item Samples window displays the desired variant time point sample.
Disposition displays the sample status or disposition as: Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken. Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition. In Progress when at least one result exists for the sample, but testing is not yet complete. Complete when testing of all required tests and all additional tests is complete. Accept when sample testing is complete, and results are in-specification.
Accept With Variance when sample testing is complete, and at least one result is in the experimental error region or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver has accepted this with variance. Reject when sample testing is complete, and results are not acceptable, or out-of-specification. Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition. Cancel when the sample is canceled.
Description displays a description of the time point sample for the sample. Retain As indicates whether the sample type is an Archive, Reserve, or required sample. Item displays the process quality-enabled item sampled and its description. Revision displays the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Source is Stability Study. Study is the organization and study number. Variant displays the variant sampled. Time Point displays the variant time point sampled. Scheduled displays the date and time the sample is scheduled for testing.
Note: The Identity, Approvers, Composite Results, Spec
Disposition, and Comments tabs have the same field definitions as those that appear in the "To enter an inventory sample" task. Refer to that task for this information.
11. The following fields are display only:
Storage Organization displays the process quality-enabled inventory organization where the stability study sample is stored. Storage Subinventory displays the storage subinventory for the variant time point sample.
Samples 5-33
Storage Locator displays the variant time point sample. Resource displays the storage resource specified on the storage condition plan for the variant time point sample. Instance displays the specific resource instance identified for the storage condition specified in the monitoring specification for the variant time point sample.
To edit text:
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays. Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
2. 3.
To compare specifications:
Click Spec Comparison to compare specifications. Refer to "Specification Comparison" for additional information.
Choose Change Disposition from the Actions menu. Enter the new sample disposition. If the current sample completes testing for the entire sample group, then you can enter these additional fields if the Control Lot Attributes indicator is selected on the specification validity rule: Enter Change Lot Status To as the new or revised lot status. Enter Change Grade To as the new or revised grade. Enter Reason Code as a valid reason code for the change.
Enter Hold Date as the new or revised lot hold release date.
Select the recommended test results to store the lot-specific UOM conversion factors if Calculate UOM Conversion is selected on tests from the associated specification. Refer to "Using Lot UOM Conversions Based on Quality Results" for additional information. Save the window.
Query the sample with the disposition Retain. Change the sample disposition to Pending. For Retain As Archive samples, optionally select Schedule Spec Tests to assign tests from the associated specification upon request for investigation. For Retain As Archive samples, the disposition remains as Retain and you cannot change it to Pending. Reserve samples can be selected for additional test quantities when testing against a required sample.
Navigate to the Results window to enter results for the sample when they become available. Refer to "Understanding Retained, Archive, and Reserve Samples" for detailed information.
Samples 5-35
Organization, resource, resource instance to monitor a specific storage resource that needs to maintain a defined quality environment. For example, define the resource CHAMBER, and the resource instance SERIALNUM-1000 to identify the specific environmental chamber used in a stability study. Monitoring samples cannot have a disposition of Retained.
Set up a quality lab organization where sample testing is performed. Optionally, select Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Enter tests, and create an approved specification and specification validity rule for sampling. Set up document numbering for the organization in which you take samples using Assignment Type in the Process Quality Parameters window. Optionally, enter a sampling plan.
Navigate to the Monitoring Samples window. The context organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Required. Enter the Disposition as the sample status or disposition as: Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken. Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition. Cancel when the sample is canceled. Required. Refer to the "Understanding Sampling" topic for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.
4. 5.
Enter a Description for the monitoring sample. Select the sample Source as Physical Location. Required.
Enter a Priority for the sample as: Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements. Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing. High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.
7. 8. 9.
Enter the Subinventory for the monitoring sample. Enter the Locator in the subinventory for the monitoring sample. Click Get Spec to retrieve the specification for this sample. The Specification Association dialog box displays.
Use Default displays the specification and version with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. This depends on the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. If a specification does not need an exact match, then deselect. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in "Appendix B". Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.
Note: The Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required
fields display if there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.
11. Click OK to continue. 12. Name displays the effective default specification that best matches the sample
Samples 5-37
14. Enter the Quality Laboratory as the organization where the sample is tested.
15. Enter Drawn as the date and time the sample was taken. This field defaults to the
18. Enter External ID as an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. For
example, if the sample is recorded on another test database, then enter the sample ID recorded on the external system. Comments
19. Enter Comments for the sample. 20. Save the window.
Navigate to the Monitoring Samples window. The context organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Required. Enter the Disposition as the sample status: Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken. Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition. Cancel when the sample is canceled. Required. Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.
5. 6. 7.
Select the sample Source as Resource. Required. Enter the Resource for the monitoring sample. Enter the resource Instance for the monitoring sample. Refer to the Oracle Process Manufacturing Planning user's guides for detailed information on entering resource information linked to the resource instance that identifies it.
Enter a Priority for the sample as: Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements. Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing. High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.
Click Get Spec to retrieve the specification for this sample. The Specification Association dialog box displays.
Use Default displays the specification and version having a specification validity rule that best matches the sample source information entered. This match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in "Appendix B." Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.
Note: The Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required
fields display if there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.
11. Click OK to continue. 12. Name displays the effective default specification that best matches the sample
Samples 5-39
14. Select the Quality Laboratory as the organization where the sample is tested.
15. Enter Drawn as the date and time the sample was taken. Defaults to the current
18. Enter External ID as an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. For
example, if the sample is recorded on another test database, then enter the sample ID recorded on the external system. This field is for informational purposes only. Comments
19. Enter Comments for the sample. 20. Save the window.
To edit text:
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays. Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
2. 3.
Choose Change Disposition from the Actions menu. Enter the new sample disposition. Save the window.
Finding Samples
The Find Samples dialog box lets you find a sample by item, revision, parent lot, lot, disposition, priority, source, date and time drawn, specification, grade, quality laboratory, storage subinventory and locator, or external ID.
Enter and save a sample.
Navigate to the Find Samples dialog box. The process-enabled context organization displays in the window title. Select an organization using the Organizations window. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Sample code as the combination of the three-letter organization code and sample document number. Item code as the process quality-enabled item associated to the sample. Revision as the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Parent Lot as the sample parent lot, if the item is child lot-controlled. Lot as the sample lot, if the item is lot-controlled. Disposition of the sample as Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, Reject, Retain, or Cancel. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample disposition in the search.
Samples 5-41
Retain As to indicate whether the item sample was retained as an Archive or Reserve sample. Priority of the sample as Normal, Low, or High. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample priority in the search.
Select one of the following as sample Source: Customer to indicate that the sample source is for a customer sample. Enter Customer, Operating Unit, Customer Location, and Line. Inventory to indicate that the sample source is for an inventory sample. Enter Subinventory and Locator. Supplier to indicate that the sample source is for a supplier sample. Enter Supplier, Supplier Site, Operating Unit, Supplier Lot, Purchase Order number and Line, and Receipt and Line. Stability Study to indicate that the sample source is for a stability study sample. Enter Study Name, Variant, Time Point, Scheduled, and Date Retrieved. WIP to indicate that the sample source is for a work in process sample. Enter Batch, Recipe and its Version, Routing and its Version, Step, Charge, Operation and its Version, and Formula and its Version. The fields listed in this step for each source type are described in the "Entering Samples" topic.
To narrow the search to a specific time interval that samples were drawn: Enter the Date Drawn From field as the starting date and time for the search. Enter the To field as the ending date and time for the search.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Enter the Specification, its Version, and an optional Grade for the search. Enter the Quality Laboratory for sample processing. Enter the Storage Organization for the sample. Enter the Storage Subinventory for the sample. Enter the Storage Locator for the sample.
10. Enter the External ID for the sample. 11. Select Marked for Deletion Yes to find samples that are marked for deletion. Select
No to find samples that are not marked for deletion. If you do not want to limit your search based on whether a sample is marked for deletion, then leave this field blank.
12. Click Find. The ItemSamples window displays the results of the search.
Navigate to the Find Samples dialog box. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Sample code as the combination of the three-letter organization code and sample document number. Disposition of the sample as Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, Reject, Retain, or Cancel. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample disposition in the search. Priority of the sample as Normal, Low, or High. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample priority in the search.
Select one of the following as sample Source: Physical Location to indicate that the sample source is for a locator sample. Enter the Subinventory and Locator. Resource to indicate that the sample source is for a resource sample. Enter the Resource and Resource Instance. The fields listed in this step for each source type are described in the "Entering Samples" topic.
To narrow the search to a specific time interval that samples were drawn: Enter the Date Drawn From field as the starting date and time for the search. Enter the To field as the ending date and time for the search.
5. 6. 7.
Enter the Specification and its Version. Enter the Quality Laboratory for sample processing. Enter Storage Organization as the process quality-enabled inventory organization where the physical location or resource monitoring sample is stored. Enter the Storage Subinventory for the sample.
Samples 5-43
10. Enter the External ID for the sample. 11. Select Marked for Deletion as Yes to find samples that are marked for deletion.
Select No to find samples that are not marked for deletion. If you do not want to limit your search based on whether a sample is marked for deletion, then leave this field blank.: Yes to find samples that are marked for deletion. No to find samples that are not marked for deletion. Leave this field blank if you do not want to limit your search based on whether a sample is marked for deletion.
12. Click Find. The MonitoringSamples window displays the results of the search.
Click New. The MonitoringSamples window displays. Create a new sample as described in the "Entering Samples" topic.
Create samples. Complete testing and enter results for the samples.
Navigate to the Sample Groups window. The Find Sample Groups dialog box displays. The context organization displays in the window title. Select an organization using the Organizations window. Enter any of the following to narrow your search:
Sample as the sample number. Item as the item number sampled. Revision as the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Parent lot as the parent lot number of the item sampled. Lot as the lot number sampled, if the item is lot-controlled. Source
Click Find. The following fields are display only on the Sample Groups window: Source indicates whether the sample source is Customer, Inventory, Locator, Resource, Supplier, Stability Study, or WIP. Creation Date indicates the date and time of sample group creation. Item indicates the process quality-enabled item sampled and its Description. Revision indicates the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Parent Lot indicates the parent lot number of the item sampled, if the item is child lot-controlled. Lot indicates the lot number sampled, if the item is lot-controlled. Disposition indicates the sample group disposition as Planned, Retain, Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. Samples Required indicates the total number of samples required in the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement. Taken indicates the total number of samples taken for the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement. Lot Retest indicates selected if the sample group is taken for lot retesting. This defaults from the Lot Expiry/Retest Notification workflow if it is used. Archived Taken indicates the total number of archived samples taken. Reserved Taken indicates the total number of reserved samples taken.
The following fields are display only for a customer sample source:
Samples 5-45
CustomerName indicates the name of the customer. Operating Unit indicates the operating unit. Order indicates the order number. Line indicates the order line number. Customer Location indicates a ship-to or bill-to location.
The following fields are display only for an inventory sample source: Subinventory is the inventory subinventory code. Locator is the inventory locator code.
The following fields are display only for a physical location monitoring sample source: Subinventory indicates the subinventory for the monitoring sample. Locator indicates the locator in the subinventory for the monitoring sample.
The following fields are display only for a resource monitoring sample source: Resource indicates the resource for the monitoring sample. Instance indicates the specific instance for the monitoring sample.
The following fields are display only for a supplier sample source: Supplier is the supplier code. Supplier Site indicates the supplier site number. Operating Unit indicates the operating unit. Supplier Lot indicates the supplier lot number. Purchase Order indicates the purchase order number. Line indicates the purchase order line. Receipt is the receipt number. Line is the receipt line number.
The following fields are display only for a stability study sample source:
Study indicates the stability study name. Variant indicates the variant for the sample group. Time Point indicates the time point tested for the sample group. Schedule DateFrom indicates the scheduled start date and time for drawing the sample group based on the stability study scheduled start date. Schedule Date To indicates the scheduled date and time for drawing the sample group based on the stability study scheduled end date.
10. The following fields are display only for a WIP sample source:
Batch indicates the batch document number. Recipe indicates the recipe used in the batch and its Version. Routing indicates the routing that is associated to the recipe used in the batch and its Version. Step indicates the step number in the batch. Charge indicates the charge number in the step. Operation indicates the operation in the routing and its Version.
Select the Sample Group to add a sample. Click Add Sample. The Item Samples or the Monitoring Samples window displays, depending on the sample source. Refer to the "Entering Samples" topic for more information on creating a sample. Save the window.
3. 4.
Select the Sample Group that has the sample. Click View Samples. Scroll through the samples to view the sample details.
Samples 5-47
Select the Sample Group to composite, or that has existing composite results to view. Click Composite Results. Refer to "Compositing Test Results" for information on compositing a results set. Save the window.
2. 3. 4.
Choose Find from the View menu. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Sample Item Revision Parent lot Lot Source
Click Find.
Select the sample group that has the samples to process. Click Mass Results. The Test and Description display for each test. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters results. Defaults to your current organization. Required. Enter the ResultDate as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group.
Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the sample group.
Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test results for all samples selected. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types.
Enter and save samples.
Navigate to the Quality Workbench. Select Show Active Samples to display only those samples that are active. Active samples are defined as those samples that have a disposition of Pending or In Progress. Deselect this indicator to display item samples with all sample dispositions. Select View ByOrganization, Item, Disposition, Test, Test Class, Test Method, or Laboratory to sort samples by organization, item, disposition, test, test class, test method, or laboratory. Expand the node, and select the desired Samples By... window. Drill down to item samples and results. The following fields are display only on the Samples By... windows: Sample displays the sample number. Mass Results Entry indicates whether you can enter mass results for the sample group. Item displays the code for the material being specified as it is listed on the Item Master in Oracle Inventory. The item must be set up as process quality-enabled.
4. 5. 6.
Samples 5-49
Date Drawn displays the date and time the sample was taken. Revision displays the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Disposition displays the sample disposition as: Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. In Progress when at least one result exists for the sample, but testing is not yet complete. Complete when testing of all required tests and all additional tests is complete. Accept when sample testing is complete, and results are in-specification. Reject when sample testing is complete, and results are not acceptable, or out-of-specification. Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition.
Retain As indicates whether the sample type is an Archive, Reserve, or required sample. Source displays Customer, Inventory, Monitoring, Supplier, Stability Study, or WIP to indicate the sample source. Parent Lot displays the sample parent lot, if the item is child lot-controlled. Lot displays the sample lot. Specification displays the item specification. Specification Version displays the item specification version. Grade displays the grade associated to the item specification. Sample Quantity displays the sample quantity taken. Sample UOM displays the inventory unit of measure for the sample. Remaining Quantity displays the quantity of the sample remaining from the original sample quantity taken. Laboratory Organization displays the quality laboratory that analyzes the
sample. External ID displays an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. For example, if the sample is recorded on another test database. Source Comment displays the origin of the material sampled in addition to the sample source. Expiration Date displays the sample expiration date and time. Storage Organization displays the organization where the sample is stored. Storage Subinventory displays the subinventory where the sample is stored. Storage Locator displays the restricted or non-restricted storage locator for the sample. Sampler displays the code for the individual that withdrew the sample. Sample Instance displays the sample iteration with respect to the total number of samples in the sample group based on the applicable sampling plan. Samples Required displays the total number of samples required in the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement. Samples Taken displays the total number of samples already taken for the sample group. The position of this sample is indicated. Lot Retest indicates whether the sample group is taken for lot retesting. This defaults from the Lot Expiry/Retest Notification workflow if it is used.
7. 8.
Click View Sample to display the Item Samples window for the selected sample. Click Create Sample to display the Item Samples window where you can create a new sample. Click Results to display the Results window.
To select samples for mass entry from the Samples By... windows:
Select Show Active Samples to display only those samples that are active. Active samples are defined as those samples that have a disposition of Pending or In Progress. Deselect this indicator to display item samples with all sample dispositions. Select View ByOrganization, Item, Disposition, Test, Test Class, Test Method, or
Samples 5-51
Laboratory to sort samples by organization, item, disposition, test, test class, test method, or laboratory.
3. 4.
Expand the Samples By... node, and select the desired sample or sample group. Click Mass Results Entry next to all samples that you want to select for entry of mass results. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types. Click Mass Results Entry to display the Mass Results Entry Test Selection window. The Test and Description display for each test. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters results. Defaults to your current organization. Required. Enter the ResultDate as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group. Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the sample group. Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test results for all samples selected. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types.
Enter and save samples.
Navigate to the Samples Summary window. The context organization displays in the window title. The following information is display only: Organization Sample Sample Description
Click Mass Results Entry to display the Mass Results Entry Test Selection window. After selecting appropriate tests, click Mass ResultsEntry to display the Mass Results Entry window where you can enter test results. The following fields are display only: Item is the process quality-enabled item sampled. Revision is the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Item Description is the description on the Item Master. Sample Description is the description of the sample. Date Drawn is the date and time the sample was drawn. Disposition is the current sample disposition. Retain As indicates whether the sample type is an Archive, Reserve, or required sample. Source is the sample source. Parent Lot is the sample item parent lot code, if the item is child lot-controlled. Lot is the sample item lot code. Specification is the specification associated to the sample. Specification Version is the specification version. Grade displays the grade associated to the item specification. Sample Quantity displays the sample quantity taken. Sample UOM displays the inventory unit of measure for the sample. Remaining Quantity displays the quantity of sample remaining from the original sample quantity taken. Laboratory Organization displays the quality laboratory that analyzes the sample. External ID displays an alternate or cross-reference code for the variant time point sample if the sample is recorded on another test database. Source Comment displays the origin of the material sampled in addition to the sample source.
Samples 5-53
Expiration Date displays the sample expiration date and time. Storage Organization displays the storage organization for the sample. Storage Subinventory displays the storage subinventory for the sample. Storage Subinventory displays the storage subinventory for the sample. Storage Locator displays the restricted or non--restricted storage locator for the sample. Sampler displays the code for the individual that withdrew the sample. Sample Instance displays the sample iteration with respect to the total number of samples in the sample group based on the applicable sampling plan. Samples Required displays the total number of samples required in the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement. Samples Taken displays the total number of samples already taken for the sample group. The position of this sample is indicated. Lot Retest is selected if the sample group is taken for lot retesting. This defaults from the Lot Expiry/Retest Notification workflow if it is used.
Note: Additional fields displayed on the window depend on the
sample source, and are the same as the source information described in "Entering Item Samples." Refer to this topic for field definitions.
Select the sample group that has the samples to process. Click Mass Results Entry. The Test and Description display for each test. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters results. Defaults to your current organization. Required. Enter the ResultDate as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group. Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the sample group.
Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test results for all samples selected.
Samples 5-55
This topic provides an overview of quality results, including the process for entering them. You are shown how to composite test results, compare specifications, change quality disposition, and manage expired lots. This chapter covers the following topics: Requirements Understanding Results Entering Results Selecting Samples and Tests for Mass Results Entry Using the Mass Results Entry Window Displaying Test Details from Mass Results Entry Displaying Experimental Errors from Mass Results Entry Finding Samples from the Results Window Compositing Test Results Viewing Samples for Composited Results Adding Tests to Composited Results Comparing Specifications Finding Samples for Specification Comparison Changing Quality Disposition Associating Results to Another Sample
Following are some requirements that customers have for results in Quality Management.
Results 6-1
The Mode statistic is determined for List of Values and Text Range test types as the most frequently occurring result value. A user-definable value is enterable for Non-Validated test types. This capability also provides options to exclude a sample or result, resample, or retest in order to derive the composite results set. You can save a new Results record that corresponds with the final set of composited results for an item and lot. The Certificate of Analysis prints the result average for each required numeric-based test that is not marked as optional on the specification.
Results 6-3
Understanding Results
Quality results serve as the basis for measuring actual material characteristics against expected quality records, and for assigning follow-up actions to be taken throughout the supply chain. Results are logged against an individual sample, where scheduled tests are driven by the specification and additional impromptu tests can be added to the sample analysis. After a technician enters results, a Quality Manager has the option to evaluate the results set against targets and limits to determine the sample disposition based on whether the results are acceptable. The collective disposition of samples in a
sample group can be used by the application for material lot usage decisions in production and inventory. Composite results and specification comparison capabilities also assist in result interpretation.
Entering a Result
To enter test results, your responsibility must have access to the quality laboratory. You can enter results by accessing the Samples Summary window from the following: Quality Manager and Quality Technician menus Product Development application, including these windows: Formula Details Process Operation Details Activities Process Routing Details Recipe Details
You can edit previously entered result values when the sample has a disposition of In
Results 6-5
Progress or Complete.
After entering a result, you can change the Evaluation field on the Results window from: Accept to Void Accept with Variance to Reject or Void
Reject to Accept with Variance or Void Experimental Error to: Accept, if the result is within specification limits Accept with Variance, if the result is outside specification limits Reject Cancel Void
Results 6-7
can be reported on a Certificate of Analysis when results are composited. The mean, median, high, low, range, standard deviation, and mode of numeric results are calculated statistics for numeric results. Text range results display the high, low, and mode values. You can enter text as the composite result for non-validated tests. If a test is replicated, then the most recent result replicate is included in the composited calculation. If a test is part of the specification that is tied to the sample and the sample group, then the composite result is evaluated automatically against the specification, and the specification information is displayed. Impromptu tests are displayed in the composite results set without specification information. You can exclude individual sample results from the calculation statistics for a test, add a test, exclude a sample, or add a sample to the composite results set. Archive and reserve samples are not included in the composite results set. You can view results associated with a parent sample in context with composite results, however these results do not contribute to the calculated statistics.
Comparing Specifications
You can compare results for an analyzed sample to another item specification with a status of Approved in a specific process-enabled inventory organization. The sample may already have an association with a current specification where results were evaluated against its limits to determine if they are in-specification. A comparison specification is selected for a side by side comparison of two specifications evaluated against the samples results. Tests from the comparison specification can be added to a results set to initiate additional testing. You can make the comparison specification the current specification applied to the sample so that a new sample disposition can be recorded against the new specification, if the new specification is approved for laboratory use or for general use. You cannot compare specifications for a monitoring sample, because you should not replace the specification tied to a monitoring sample. Similarly, you should not retrieve stability samples from the Specification Comparison window. Any changes to a stability study or stability study sample for time point testing must be tracked within the stability study functionality, and not through the Specification Comparison window.
Retesting Samples
In the case of retesting, where a previously performed test is added to the sample again, the replicate number on the Results window increases each time a test is added to the results set. For example, a test is usually run only once on a sample. The test is performed and a result is entered. If something occurs in the laboratory that requires the test to be run again, then you can add the same test to the results set again. The test appears on the Results window with a value 2 displayed in the Replicate field. You enter the repeated test result.
To prevent a batch step from completing until acceptable quality results are approved:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Create a formula. Change the status of the formula to Approved for General Use. Create a routing. Change the status of the routing to Approved for General Use. Create a recipe that contains the formula and routing. Create a recipe validity rule for the recipe and the plant to produce the batch. Change the status of the recipe and the status of the recipe validity rule to Approved for General Use. Create and approve a specification for the product of the formula. Create and approve a WIP specification validity rule, specifying the recipe, routing, or both, and routing step, or batch and batch step if these are already created. Ensure the Control Batch Step Status indicator is selected.
8. 9.
Results 6-9
From the Batch Steps window, the Batch Step Quality Status indicates Sample Required. With the Production Sample Creation Notification workflow enabled, the application sends a notification for the creation of a WIP sample when the batch is created.
12. Release the batch step. 13. Create a sample from the open notification for the Sample Creation Notification
workflow. You are not able to complete the batch step at this point, since no results are entered.
14. Enter and save results. If the sample group disposition for the batch step is Accept
or Accept with Variance, then the Batch Step Quality Status is updated to Results In Spec, and you can complete the step.
15. Complete the batch step. If the batch step quality status does not reflect Results In
Spec, then a message asking for override appears. Refer to "Removing the Override Control of Batch Step Completion" for additional information. Excluding the Override Control of Batch Step Completion Designated responsibilities can override the control of batch step completion despite the quality inspection requirement. The overriding of batch step completion privilege is granted to the menu associated to a responsibility. For example, the Production Supervisor menu can be granted this privilege. Exclude this override function from this responsibility by using the System Administrator responsibility.
1. 2.
Navigate to Application and choose Responsibility. Query the appropriate responsibility name. For example, query Production Supervisor. On the retrieved record, add the menu exclusion for the function Batch Steps:Complete without QC . Save the record. This removes the override capability from the menu associated with this responsibility. When you try to complete a batch step, and results are not entered or in specification, then an error message displays.
Controlling Updates to Lot Status, Grade, and Hold Date Based on Quality Test Results
This feature helps determine material usage based on updates to lot status, grade, and hold date that are driven from quality results. An inventory, supplier, and WIP
specification validity rule can control the update of lot status depending on whether results are in or out-of-specification for all samples in a sample group. A sample disposition that is marked Accept or Accept with Variance is in-specification. A sample disposition that is marked Reject is out-of-specification. For samples against a particular lot, the final sample group disposition can update lot attributes such as material status and grade for the lot specified. For samples against a parent lot only, the lot attributes update can apply to all lots one level below the parent lot. Responsibility Quality Manager Prerequisites Enable the Control Lot Attributes indicator. Specify the default In-Specification and Out-of-Specification Lot Statuses. Disable the Lot Optional on Samples indicator on the Process Quality Parameters window and in an inventory or supplier specification validity rule. Configure the Process Quality Parameter for Inventory Transaction Reason.
To update the status and grade of the sampled lot, perform the following:
1. 2.
Create and approve a specification for the item or lot. Create and approve an inventory or supplier specification validity rule. Ensure the Control Lot Attributes indicator is selected. The In-Specification Lot Status and Out-of-Specification Lot Status defaults if previously defined on the Process Quality Parameters window. Deselect the Lot Optional on Samples indicator so that updates can be enforced on a lot. Create a sample. If the Sample Creation Notification workflow is not enabled, then you can use the Get Spec function to associate the sample record to the applicable specification validity rule. The lot number is required to update the lot status based on in-specification or out-of-specification results, lot grade, and hot hold release date.
4. 5.
Enter and save results for the sample. Repeat the sample creation, results entry, and evaluation process if there are several samples to be taken from a single source.
Results 6-11
When testing is complete for all samples required, specify or confirm the new lot status, grade, and hold date at the same time as you change the sample group disposition. If all samples in the sample group have the disposition of Accept, then the lot status defaults to In-Specification. If any of the samples have the disposition of Reject, then an Out-of-Specification lot status defaults into the Change Disposition window. This quality-driven lot status update affects all subinventories and locators of the lot.
the data collection at the receiving inspection. Mandatory collection elements must be entered or defaulted to save the inspection results.
Responsibilities Quality Inspector, Quality Manager, Quality Technician, System Administrator, and Purchasing Super User Prerequisites Oracle Quality Configure the QA:PO Inspection profile option to Oracle Quality. Optionally, define a collection element for the Sample Group Disposition Description: Planned, Retain, Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, and Reject. Define and enable an inspection collection plan using the template OPM Receiving Inspection Collection Plan. Copy the following as Mandatory, Enabled and Displayed collection elements:
PO Number (read only) Line (read only) PO Shipment (read only) PO Receipt (read only) Item Quantity UOM Sample Disposition Code (read only) Inspection Result Transaction Date Add an additional collection element for the Sample Group Disposition Description defined as a Mandatory, Enabled, Displayed, and Read Only collection element. Modify the description for this collection element according to translation needs. Associate the copied collection plan with the Receiving Inspection collection transaction. Optionally, define a specification requiring an inspection for the item and supplier. Refer to "Purchasing Data Collection" in the Oracle Quality User's Guide for detailed information on receiving inspections.
OPM Quality Management Define an approved item specification validity rule and supplier specification validity rule with Lot Optional on Samples set to Yes.
Refer to "Specifications" for detailed information on entering a specification and item specification validity rule. Approvals Management Engine (AME) Enable the Process PO Receipt Creates business event and the OPM Quality Sample Creation subscriber workflow using the Workflow Administrator Event Manager. Define an AME rule and approvers for the Process Quality Receiving Transaction Sample Creation transaction using the Approvals Management Business Analyst responsibility.
Refer to the Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide and "Appendix C" for detailed information on setting up and using OPM Quality Management workflows. Oracle Purchasing Set up receiving options for receipt routing of the organization to Inspection Required.
Results 6-13
If sampling is required for the receipt, then receive the workflow notification to take a sample. Create the supplier sample. Perform tests per the specification. Enter results and assign evaluations and actions. Assign a final sample disposition. If multiple samples are taken, then enter and composite their results and assign a final sample group disposition. Query the receipt. Enter the quantity received and the destination location. Receiving inspection is required for this receipt. Select Inspection. The appropriate collection plan is retrieved.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
10. Select the appropriate specification, if applicable. 11. Enter quality results in the collection plan. The sample group disposition for the
Entering Results
The Results window lets a Quality Technician enter results for samples. For samples that are associated to a specification and version, a list of tests from the specification is provided for entry of results. You can add a test to the results set if this function is included in your responsibility. You can edit previously entered result values when the sample has a disposition of Pending, In Progress, or Complete. The application validates the result against the test range or valid test values unless the test is non-validated or guaranteed by the manufacturer. It also validates the result against the specification range if the test is part of the specification. If the result falls into an action zone for experimental error, then an operator message displays when you try to save the result. When you enter results without a specification tied to the sample, certain business rules driven by a specification and the specification validity rule cannot be enforced. You can also select Guaranteed by Manufacturer for each result. A Quality Manager reviews results based on their conformance to specification as determined by the application. The manager can assign an evaluation of Accept, Accept
with Variance, Reject, Cancel, or Void, and a follow-up action for each result. You can access the Composite Results window from this window to aggregate results of multiple samples in a sample group. Also access the Specification Comparison window to compare results to other specifications.
Results 6-15
Unlike the optional test result, a Guaranteed by Manufacturer test result is a required test that is needed to fulfill specification requirements. There are no results recorded for tests that are guaranteed by their manufacturers. The Quality Manager accepts the blank Guaranteed by Manufacturer result, the In Spec test indicator remains cleared, and the result can be assigned an evaluation of Accept with Variance. If no result is reported for one of the referenced manufacturer-guaranteed tests, then Expression test calculations remain the same. Results are not reported for tests that are guaranteed by a manufacturer, so composite results statistics for the sample group do not include them. Manufacturer guaranteed test results appear with a blank result on the View Samples by Test window and the result is omitted from calculating the number of tests included in composite results.
Optionally, set up Process Quality Parameters for action codes to resample and retest. Set up quality laboratory organizations, and associate the appropriate samples and testers. Optionally, set up the process quality parameters Quality Laboratory and Consider Optional Tests Results in the Process Quality Parameters window. Enter a specification and a specification validity rule with a status of Approved for Laboratory Use or Approved for General Use. Enter a sample. Optionally, set up testers as application users. Optionally, set up test kits as items and lots. Optionally, set up test providers as suppliers. Optionally, set up action codes in Oracle Inventory for assigning follow-up quality actions after results are evaluated. Optionally, set up and activate the Testing Notification workflow.
that your responsibility can access using the Organizations window. The Find Samples window displays.
Query the Sample by sample number, disposition, item, item revision, lot, or marked for deletion. The sample number consists of the organization code and the document number. The sample description displays. Sample access is enforced at the test result level. Composited indicates that results for the sample are aggregated with other samples from the same sample group. Composited does not display when results are not aggregated. Disposition indicates the disposition of the sample as: Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. Default. In Progress when at least one result exists for the sample, but testing is not yet complete. Complete when testing of all required tests and all additional tests is complete and result evaluations are assigned. Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition. Change the disposition to Pending before results entry. Planned when the sample is scheduled for testing. Change the disposition to Pending before results entry.
5. 6.
Spec indicates the specification and Version associated to the sample. Remaining Sample Qty displays the unused portion of the sample quantity with its UOM. Item indicates the item code for the material sampled. Item defaults from the sample and must be set up as process quality-enabled in the Item Master. This field is blank for a monitoring sample. Revision indicates the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Parent Lot displays if the testing is done on a specific parent lot.
8. 9.
10. Lot displays if the testing is done on a specific lot . 11. Batch organization and document number display only for a WIP sample.
Results 6-17
12. Seq indicates the sequence of the test in the specification. This field defaults from
the specification used when the sample was created. You can only edit this field when you add a new test. You cannot duplicate a sequence number within the same test set for different tests. Required.
13. Test is the predefined test code. This defaults from the specification used when the
sample was created. You can duplicate a test within the same results set if you have appropriate access. For example, if retesting is required, then an additional test needs to be added.
14. Test Method indicates the test method used for the selected test, and it defaults
from the specification. If there is no specification, then this field defaults from the test definition.
15. Replicate is the number of times the test is repeated. There are several result entries
that correspond to the number of test replicates defined on a specification. If a test replicate is not specified for the test, then the field defaults to 1. Required.
16. Enter the Result for the test. You can select from the LOV for List of Test Values
and Text Range test data types. The result entered must be within the test minimum and maximum ranges for Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, or Text Range test data types, or it must be in the list of valid values for the List of Test Values test data type. You cannot edit this field for the Expression test data type. You must have access to the laboratory assigned to the test in order to enter results. Result entry is optional for guaranteed by manufacturer tests.
17. Test Unit indicates the quality test unit of measure for the selected test. 18. Enter Actual Result Date as the date and time the result was recorded. You can use
the LOV to select a date and time from the Calendar window. This field defaults to the system date and time. This date cannot be in the future, or prior to the system minimum date.
19. Parent Sample displays the parent or source sample if results are associated from
another sample.
20. Target is the expected value to meet specification requirements if the test data type
is Non-Validated, Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field defaults from the Specifications window.
21. Minimum is the minimum acceptable value to meet specification requirements, if
the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field defaults from the Specifications window.
22. Maximum is the maximum acceptable value to meet specification requirements, if
the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field defaults from the Specifications window.
23. Priority indicates the test priority. This defaults from the specification or the test
definition. Test priority identifies the relative priority of the test among the tests listed in the specification.
24. Planned Result Date displays the date planned for result entry. This is calculated
by adding the test duration from the test method to the sample date drawn.
25. Test Alias displays an alternate name for the test. This field defaults from the
Specifications window.
26. Test Class displays an alternate name for the test. This field defaults from the test
27. Test Data Type is the test type defined on the Tests window. 28. Test Description is a brief description of the selected test. 29. Test By Date displays the date that the test must be completed. This is calculated by
adding the test expiration time from the specification (in days, hours, minutes, and seconds) to the sample date drawn.
30. Test Unit Description is a description of the unit of measure used for reporting test
results. Internal
31. Seq indicates the sequence of the test in the specification. This field defaults from
the specification used when the sample was created. You can only edit this field when you add a new test. You cannot duplicate a sequence number within the same test set for different tests. Required.
32. Test is the predefined test code. This defaults from the specification used when the
sample was created. You can duplicate a test within the same results set if you have appropriate access. For example, if retesting is required, then an additional test needs to be added.
33. Enter Laboratory as the process quality-enabled organization where the test is
performed You must have access to this laboratory to enter results. This field defaults to the quality laboratory organization specified at the time of sample creation. Required.
34. Enter the Tester as the person performing the test. The tester can be different from
the individual who enters results. The field defaults to the current user.
35. Enter the Reserve Sample when the remaining sample quantity is insufficient to
Results 6-19
complete the selected test. The reserve sample must belong to the same sample group as the original sample queried. If a reserve sample is entered, then the actual test quantity is consumed from this sample.
36. Planned Test Qty displays the test quantity defined on the specification, or the test
quantity that defaults from the test method. This is the quantity needed to perform the test.
37. Enter the Actual Test Qty as the quantity of sample used to perform the test. This
field defaults from the planned test quantity. You can edit this field after result entry. When you save your work, the actual test quantity is subtracted from the remaining quantity of the sample selected.
38. Test Qty UOM displays the unit of measure for the test method. This UOM must be
required to perform the test. The item must be a part of the same inventory organization as the quality laboratory of the test on the sample.
40. Enter the Test Kit Lot as the test kit lot number. This entry ensures traceability to
reagent lots if results require investigation. This field is only available if you enter a test kit item.
41. Test Method Resource displays the instrument defined for the test method
performing the test. This defaults from the defined test method resource.
43. Planned Resource Instance displays the resource instance that is planned to be
the specification used when the sample was created. You can only edit this field when you add a new test. You cannot duplicate a sequence number within the same test set for different tests. Required.
47. Test is the predefined test code. This defaults from the specification used when the
sample was created. You can duplicate a test within the same results set if you have
appropriate access. For example, if retesting is required, then an additional test needs to be added.
48. Enter the Test Provider as the supplier who performs the test. The LOV provides
50. Seq indicates the sequence of the test in the specification. This field defaults from
the specification used when the sample was created. You can only edit this field when you add a new test. You cannot duplicate a sequence number within the same test set for different tests.
51. Test is the predefined test code. This defaults from the specification used when the
sample was created. You can duplicate a test within the same results set if you have appropriate access. For example, if retesting is required, then an additional test needs to be added.
52. Replicate displays the test repetition number. 53. Result is the result for the selected test. You can select from the LOV for List of Test
Values and Text Range test data types. The result entered must be within the test minimum and maximum ranges for Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, or Text Range test data types, or it must be in the list of valid values for the List of Test Values or Text Range test data types. You cannot edit this field for the Expression test data type.
54. Test Alias displays an alternate name for the test. This field defaults from the
Specifications window.
55. Test Class displays an alternate name for the test. This field defaults from the test
specification, and is: Selected if the result conforms to the specification requirement for the test. Cleared if the result does not meet the specification requirement, the test is a non-validated test data type, or the test is not part of the specification. The In Spec indicators for test results that have an evaluation of Void or Cancel do not contribute to determining the disposition of the sample. For example, a sample has three tests, T1, T2, and T3. Tests T1 and T2 are in-specification, and
Results 6-21
have evaluations of Accept. Test T3 test is out-of-specification, and has an evaluation of Accept with Variance. The sample for these tests cannot have disposition of Accept at this point. However, if the evaluation of Test T3 is changed to Void or Cancel, then the sample can have a disposition of Accept. Cleared for tests results that are guaranteed by the manufacturer.
Accept to confirm that the result meets the specification requirement. Accept with Variance if the result falls within an experimental error region, but is considered acceptable. Guaranteed by Manufacturer if the manufacturer guarantees that the test result meets or exceeds customer specifications. Actual test results are not entered when you use this evaluation. Reject to reject the result for the test. Experimental Error displays if the result falls within the experimental error regions for the test. Change the evaluation to another selection. Refer to the "Entering Experimental Error" topic for an explanation of experimental error. Cancel when the test is canceled. Void to indicate that the test result is not reported due to a test result processing failure. The result cannot be reported because the test method itself failed. Refer to the "Understanding Results" topic for a complete discussion of the business rules associated to this field.
59. Action displays the action code set up in Oracle Inventory that is associated to the
experimental error region, or the out-of-specification region for the test result. Select an action if there is no default from the specification.
60. Optional is selected when the test is not required for the specification. You can
is Non-Validated, Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field defaults from the Specifications window.
62. Minimum is the minimum acceptable value to meet specification requirements, if
the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field defaults from the Specifications window.
the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field defaults from the Specifications window.
64. Priority indicates the test priority. This defaults from the specification or the test
definition. Test priority identifies the relative priority of the test among the tests listed in the specification.
65. Actual Result Date indicates the date and time for this result. 66. Print Additional Test on COA is selected when an additional test is included on
To edit a result:
You can edit previously entered result values when the sample disposition is In Progress, Pending, or Complete.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Navigate to the Results window. Query for an existing sample with the sample disposition In Progress or Complete. Edit the Result in the desired test line. Enter the Result Date. Select the Evaluation if there is no default. Select the Action if there is no default.
To access the Allow Edit Results function: Make corrections to test results anytime before assigning a final sample disposition. The edit results feature is enabled when the user responsibility has access to the Allow Edit Results function (GMD_ ALLOW_EDIT_RESULT). Changes to saved results are permitted only while the sample disposition is In Progress or Complete. The Quality Manager can correct result entry errors before finalizing the sample disposition.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window
Results 6-23
2. 3.
Choose Samples from the Actions menu. The corresponding Item Samples or Monitoring Samples window displays for the selected results set. Refer to "Entering Samples" for information on samples. Close the window.
2. 3.
Place the cursor on the desired test line. Choose Tests from the Actions menu. Refer to the "Entering Tests" topic for information on tests.
Place the cursor on the desired test line. Choose Test Methods from the Actions menu. Refer to the " Entering Test Methods" topic for information on test methods. Close the window.
Choose Specifications from the Actions menu. Refer to the "Entering a Specification" topic for information on specifications. Close the window.
To add tests:
2. 3. 4.
Choose Add Tests from the Actions menu. Enter a Test Class to narrow the list of tests. Select the Test to add. The list of tests available is not limited to those tests listed on the specification. Test Qty displays the planned test quantity defined on the specification or test method in its Test Qty UOM. If the test is not part of the specification, then you can edit this field. Click Add to add the selected test to the results set.
Query the desired result set to assign a test group. Choose Add Test Group from the Actions menu. You can add tests to a results set that has a sample disposition of Pending, In Progress, or Complete. Query the desired Test Class. The window displays all tests included in that test class. Ordering is the sequence of the test in the group as entered on the Tests window. Test is the name of the test entered. Description is the description of the test code. Data Type is the test data type as described in "Understanding Tests." Qty is the planned amount of material required for the test. If the test is passive and does not require a physical sample quantity, then leave this field blank. UOM is the unit of measure for the test quantity defined in the test method.
4. 5. 6.
Select Include to copy to the tests in the group to be copied to the results. Click OK. Selected tests are added to the results. Save your work.
Results 6-25
2. 3. 4.
Refer to "Changing Quality Disposition." Select a new disposition for the sample. Click OK to save changes.
Choose Composite Results from the Actions menu. Refer to the "Compositing Test Results" topic for information on compositing test results.
Choose Specification Comparison from the Actions menu. Refer to the "Comparing Specifications" topic for information on comparing specifications.
Choose Results Association from the Actions menu. Query the parent sample, select, and review results retrieved. Click OK to associate the parent sample results selected to the current sample results record. Close the window. Refer to "Associating Results to Another Sample" for detailed information.
Place the cursor on the desired test line that has a result association to a parent sample. Choose Parent Sample from the Actions menu.
window by selecting a set of samples and tests prior to mass results entry. Select samples from either the Sample Groups window or Samples By... window. You can select item, monitoring, or stability samples with a disposition of Pending, In Progress, or Complete. You can use folders with this window.
Enter and save one or more samples that require multiple results to enter.
To select samples and tests for mass entry from the Sample Groups window:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Navigate to the Sample Groups window. Select the sample group that has the samples to process. Click Mass Results. The Mass Results Entry Test Selection window displays. The Test and Description display for each test. You can select up to 20 tests assigned to samples at a time. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters results. Defaults to the current user. Required. Enter the Result Date as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group. Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the sample group. Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test results for all samples selected. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types.
To select samples and tests for mass entry from the Samples By... windows:
1. 2.
Navigate to the Quality Workbench. Select Show Active Samples to display only those samples that are active. Active samples are defined as those samples that have a disposition of Pending or In Progress. Deselect this indicator to display item samples with all sample dispositions. Select View ByOrganization, Item, Disposition, Test, Test Class, Test Method, or Laboratory to sort samples by organization, item, disposition, test, test class, test
Results 6-27
method, or laboratory.
Expand the Samples By... node, and select the desired top-level node that contains multiple samples. The appropriate Samples By... window displays. Click Mass Results Entry next to all samples to select for entry of mass results. Click Mass Results Entry to display the Mass Results Entry Test Selection window. The Test and Description display for each test. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters the test result. Defaults to the current user. Required. Enter the ResultDate as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group. Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the samples. You can select up to 20 tests assigned to samples at a time.
5. 6.
10. Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test
results for all samples selected. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types.
To select samples and tests for mass entry from the Samples Summary window:
1. 2. 3.
Navigate to the Samples Summary window. Select the sample group that has the samples to process. Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry Test Selection window displays. The Test and Description display for each test. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters the test result. Defaults to the current user. Required. Enter the Result Date as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group. Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the sample group. You can select up to 20 tests assigned to samples at a time. Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test results for all samples selected. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types.
Create samples and assign a specification or add tests. Select samples for mass results entry from the Sample Groups or Samples By... windows.
Results 6-29
Select tests for mass results entry from the Mass Results Test Selection window.
Navigate to the Mass Results Entry window. The following fields are display only: Sample is the combination of the three-letter organization code hyphenated with the sample number. Replicate is the replicate number for the test listed.
Enter the test result for each test replicate. If the cell is disabled from result entry, then the test is not assigned to the sample or your responsibility does not have the privilege to access the laboratory organization. If a result was previously entered for the sample and test combination, then it appears with the Tester and Result Date in the array, and it cannot be edited.
Click Test Details to display the Test Details window to view detailed information for the current test and sample. Click Experimental Error to display the Experimental Errors window to review any results that fall into an experimental error region and the associated action code assigned by the specification or test definition. Save your work.
information for the current test and sample. Refer to "Displaying Test Details from Mass Results Entry" for additional information.
Enter and save tests. Enter and save samples. Use the Mass Results Entry window to enter sample test results.
Navigate to the Test Details window. The following fields are display only: Sample Description is the description for the sample. Item is the process quality-enabled item associated to the sample. Revision is the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Parent Lot is the parent lot number. This displays if the item is child lot-controlled. Lot is the sample lot. Subinventory is the subinventory code for the sample if its source is either inventory or locator. Locator is the locator code for the subinventory if the sample source is either inventory or locator. Resource is the resource for the sample if its source is resource. Test Method is test method assigned to the test.
Results 6-31
Test Unit is the unit of measure used for reporting test results. Test Quantity is the planned quantity of material required for testing. This field defaults from the test method or specification. UOM displays as the inventory UOM for the planned quantity. Batch is the batch number for a WIP sample. Optional is selected if the test is marked as optional on the specification. Otherwise, the test is required. Display Label is the text displayed for a Numeric Range with Display Text test type. Expression is the mathematical expression used to calculate an expression test type.
Click Close.
Enter and save tests. Enter and save test samples. Use the Mass Results Entry window to enter test results.
Navigate to the Experimental Errors window. The following fields are display only: Sample is the combination of the three-letter organization code hyphenated with the sample number. Test is the code for the test in the current specification.
Replicate is the replicate number for the test. The replicate corresponds to the number of times the test is assigned or added to the sample. Result is the test result entered on the Mass Results Entry window. ActionCode is the action code associated to the experimental error region for the test result.
Enter and save a sample.
Navigate to the Find Samples dialog box. The context organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Sample as the sample number. Disposition of the sample as Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, Reject, or Cancel. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample disposition in the search. Item as the process quality-enabled item associated to the sample. The item description displays. Revision as the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Lot for the item associated to the sample.
Select Marked for Deletion as: Yes to find samples that are marked for deletion. No to find samples that are not marked for deletion. Leave this field blank if you do not want to limit your search based on whether a sample is marked for deletion.
Results 6-33
Click Find. The Results window displays the first sample that matches the search criteria.
Enter results.
Navigate to theSample Groups window. Select the row of the sample group to composite. Each row begins with a Source, followed by the Item and Description. Click Composite Results. The Composite Results window displays. The following fields describe the sample group, and are display only: Sample Taken indicates the number of samples taken for the event. Disposition indicates the disposition of the composite results set for the current specification associated to the sample group. Item indicates the process quality-enabled item code for the material sampled. Revision indicates the item revision. Parent Lot displays the parent lot number, if the item is child lot-controlled.
3. 4.
Lot displays the lot number, if the item is lot-controlled. Specification displays the specification name. Version displays the specification version.
The following fields describe each composite result row, and are display only: Test indicates each test performed on the item listed. Mean indicates the arithmetic mean of the results composited. Median indicates the median value of the results composited. Mode indicates the most frequently occurring value of the results composited. If no value occurs more frequently than any other, then no value displays. Low indicates the lowest result value of the results composited. High indicates the highest result value of the results composited. Range indicates the range of values for the results composited. For numeric based tests, this is the high result value minus the low result value. Deviation indicates the standard deviation of the results composited. Tests Used indicates the number of test results that comprise the statistics. The number of tests used is equal to or less than the total number of result records used to composite the test.
6. 7.
Enter the Non-Validated Result for the Non-Validated test data type. The following fields are display only: In-Spec indicates that the composite result is in-specification. Total Tests indicates the total number of test results available for composite results. Associated Resultindicates that the composite result row reflects results associated from a parent sample group. Report Precision indicates the reporting decimal precision for the test according to the specification. Unit indicates the quality test unit of measure for the selected test. Test Method indicates the test method code for the test.
Results 6-35
8. 9.
Test Data Type indicates the test data type. Test Description indicates a brief description of the test.
Select Accept to accept the test results. Click Save Composite to save the composited results.
Select the row of the sample group to view. Click Composite Results. You can composite results as described in steps 4 to 6 of the previous task. Click Save Composite to save the composited results.
Select the row in the sample event or sample group. Click View Samples to display the samples used to composite results for the selected test. Refer to the "Viewing Samples for Composited Results" topic to view the samples for a composited test. You can exclude samples from the composite result set and recalculate the statistics displayed on this window.
Click Add Sample to add a sample to the sample group. Refer to the "Entering Samples" topic for more information on creating samples. Save the window.
comprise the composited results for a specific test. You can exclude samples, and recalculate the statistics displayed on this window. You can use flexfields and attachments with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Enter and save samples. Enter and save results. Create and save composite results for the sample group.
Navigate to the Sample Groups window. Select the row of the desired sample group. Click Composite Results. Click View Samples. The View Samples For Test window displays. The sample organization displays in the window title. The following fields are display only for each selected test: Target indicates the specification target. This field displays only if a target was defined, and the test is part of the current specification tied to the sample. Minimum indicates the specification minimum, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field displays only if the test is part of the current specification tied to the sample. Maximum indicates the specification maximum, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field displays only if the test is part of the current specification tied to the sample. Test Method indicates the test method code for the test. Unit indicates the quality test unit of measure specified at the test level for the selected test. Test Data Type indicates the test data type entered for the test.
The following fields list the samples that comprise the composite result for each selected test:
Results 6-37
Sample indicates the combination of the three-letter organization code and the sample number. Result indicates the test result for the sample.
7. 8.
Click Exclude to exclude the sample from the composited result for the test. The following fields are display only: Result Date indicates the date and time the result was entered. Tester indicates the person performing the test. The tester can be different from the individual who enters results. Parent Sample indicates the the combination of the three-letter organization code and the parent or source sample number, if one exists. The parent sample can belong to an organization that is different from the sample organization. Disposition indicates the disposition for the sample as Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept With Variance, Reject, or Cancel. Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for a complete explanation of sample disposition. Reserve Sample indicates the retained sample for reserve use that is used to perform the test. Test quantities are consumed from this sample.
The following fields describe each selected test, result, and sample, and are display only: Description indicates a description of the sample. Source indicates the source of the sample as Customer, Inventory, Physical Location, Resource, Supplier, Stability Study, or WIP.
10. The following fields are display only and summarize the statistics of results that are
not excluded from the composite: Mean indicates the arithmetic mean of the results composited. Median indicates the median value of the results composited. Mode indicates the mode value of the results composited. Low indicates the lowest result of the results composited. High indicates the highest result for the test in results composited.
Range indicates the range of values for results composited. For numeric based tests, this is the high result minus the low result. Deviation indicates the standard deviation of the results composited. Tests Used indicates the number of test results that comprise the statistics. The number of tests used is equal to or less than the total number of result records used to composite the test. Total Tests indicates the total number of tests used to composite the results.
Select or deselect Exclude. Click Recalculate. The statistics displayed recalculate according to the changes made. Click OK.
Enter tests. Enter a specification. Enter samples. Enter test results. Composite test results.
Results 6-39
Navigate to the Sample Groups window. Select the row of the desired sample group. Click Composite Results. The Composite Results window displays. The context organization displays in the window title. Click Add Tests. The Add Tests window displays. Enter the Test to add. The test Description displays. Required. Enter the Test Qty as the planned quantity of material required to perform this test. Test Qty UOM displays the unit of measure in Oracle Inventory for the test method. This UOM must be convertible to the primary UOM for the item. Select Include to add the test to the selected sample. The following fields are display only: Sample is the combination of the three-letter organization code and the sample number. Disposition indicates the disposition of the sample as Pending, In Progress, Accept, Accept with Variance, Complete, Cancel, or Reject. Description indicates a description of the sample. Source indicates the source of the sample as Inventory, WIP, Customer, or Supplier. Target indicates the specification target. This field displays only if a target was defined, and the test is part of the current specification tied to the sample. Display indicates the display text for the specification target for the test, if the test type is Numeric Range with Display Text. Minimum indicates the specification minimum, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field displays only if the test is part of the current specification tied to the sample. Display indicates the display text for the specification minimum for the test, if the test type is Numeric Range with Display Text. Maximum indicates the specification maximum, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. This field displays only if the test is part of the current specification tied to the sample. Display indicates the display text for the specification maximum for the test, if
4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
the test type is Numeric Range with Display Text. Unit indicates the quality test unit of measure specified at the test level for the selected test. Method indicates the test method entered for the test. Test Data Type indicates the test data type entered for the test. Expression indicates the expression used for the Expression type test.
Click Add.
Comparing Specifications
The Specification Comparison window lets you compare the current specification associated to the specific sample with a comparison specification that has a status of Approved in a specific process-enabled inventory organization to determine how closely the results set meets the comparison specification. These comparisons are useful for: Evaluating material conformance with a customer specification to determine if the current results also meet customer requirements. It is possible to add tests to the results set for this purpose. Regrading an item that has failed current specification requirements for a specific grade. For example, if the results do not meet grade A, you can compare specifications for grade B and determine if the results meet that grade. If they do meet grade B requirements, then you can reassign the material to grade B. It is possible to add tests to the results set to meet the new grade requirements for the comparison specification.
The results evaluated against the current specification are displayed when you access the Specification Comparison window from the Item Samples or Results windows, since appropriate information about the sample and sample group is available. The specification comparison functionality does not apply to retained, monitoring, or stability study samples. The current specification must have a status of Approved for Laboratory Use or Approved for General Use. With the current specification displayed for an item, you can select a comparison specification using the LOV in the Spec field of the Comparison Specification. A comparison displays. If no specification is tied to the sample and its results, then you can select a comparison specification using the Spec LOV. You have the following options: If the comparison specification is Approved for General Use, then you can review
Results 6-41
acceptability of test results, add additional tests to meet the testing requirements for the current specification, or save the comparison specification as the current specification for the sample. When you save the comparison and the sample disposition is Accept or Accept with Variance, the application saves the Comparison Specification with a sample disposition of Complete. If the sample disposition against the current specification is not Accept or Accept with Variance, and you attempt to save the comparison, then the application asks you if you want to make the comparison specification the driving specification for the sample and sample group. If you enter Yes, then the application saves the comparison specification with any tests added, and it sets the sample disposition accordingly. If you enter No, then the application does not set the sample disposition, and the comparison is not saved.
You can use flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Enter tests. Enter specifications. Enter samples. Enter results against samples.
Navigate to the Specification Comparison window. The context organization displays in the window title. The Find Sample dialog box displays. Query the Sample to use for specification comparison using the Find Samples window. Required. Disposition indicates the disposition of the sample as: Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. Default. In Progress when at least one result exists for the sample, but testing is not yet complete. Complete when testing of all required tests and all additional tests is complete.
Accept when sample testing is complete, and results are in-specification. Accept With Variance when sample testing is complete, and at least one result is in the experimental error region or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver has accepted this with variance. Reject when sample testing is complete, and results are not acceptable, or out-of-specification. Cancel when the sample is canceled.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Item displays the process quality-enabled item associated to the sample. Revision displays the item revision. Parent Lot displays the parent lot number if specified on the sample. Lot displays the lot number if specified on the sample. Click Find. Enter Spec as the comparison specification for reviewing results in the Comparison Specification section. You can select the LOV for the Spec field to find a specification based on grade, or an Inventory, WIP, Customer, or Supplier Specification Validity Rule. The following fields are display only: Version indicates the version of the comparison specification. Grade indicates the item grade for the comparison specification. Status indicates the status of the comparison specification and version.
Current Specification
10. The following fields are display only:
Spec indicates the current specification associated to the sample. Required. Version indicates the current specification version. Grade indicates the item grade for the current specification. Status indicates the status of the current specification. Test indicates the code for the test in the current specification. Result indicates the latest result replicate for the selected test for the current specification. The result must be within the test minimum and maximum
Results 6-43
ranges for Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, or Expression test data types, or it must be in the list of valid values for the List of Test Values or Text Range test data types. Target indicates the target for the current specification for the selected test. Min indicates the specification minimum for the current specification, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. Max indicates the specification maximum for the current specification, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. In Spec is selected if the result is within the specification minimum and maximum or in conformance with the current specification. In Spec is cleared, if the result in outside the specification minimum and maximum or the test is not part of the specification.
Comparison Specification
11. The following fields are display only:
Target indicates the target for the comparison specification, if defined, for the selected test. Min indicates the specification minimum for the comparison specification, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. Max indicates the specification maximum for the comparison specification, if the test data type is Numeric Range, Numeric Range with Display Text, Text Range, or Expression. In Spec is selected if the result is within the specification minimum and maximum or in conformance with the comparison specification. In Spec is cleared, if the result in outside the specification minimum and maximum or the test is not part of the comparison specification.
12. Description is the test description. 13. Type is the test data type. 14. Unit is the test unit for the test. 15. Method is the test method.
16. Class is the class code for the test data type.
Click Use Comparison Spec. The comparison specification becomes the current specification, and the sample disposition is reset to Complete. If tests are added, then the disposition is set to In Progress. You have the options to: Select a new comparison specification. Select a new comparison specification and add tests to the results set. Change the disposition based on the new specification to Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject.
Click Add Tests. The tests from the comparison specification that are not part of the current specification are added to the end of the results set. If workflow is enabled, then required test notifications are sent. Save the window.
2. 3.
Results 6-45
To change disposition:
Choose Change Disposition from the Actions menu. Refer to the "Changing Quality Disposition" topic for information on changing the disposition of a sample.
Enter and save a specification. Enter and save samples. Enter and save results for samples.
Navigate to the Find Samples dialog box. The context organization displays in the window title. Enter any of the following to narrow your search: Sample as the sample number. Item as the item sampled. Revision as the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Parent Lot as the parent lot sampled. Lot as the lot sampled. Disposition as Pending, In Progress, Accept, Accept with Variance, Complete, Cancel, or Reject. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample disposition in the search.
A sample or sample group can represent the quality characteristics of a single lot or multiple lots, indicated by specifying a parent lot only. For samples against a particular lot, the final sample group disposition can update lot attributes such as material status and grade for the lot specified. For samples against a parent lot only, the lot attributes update can apply to all lots one level below the parent lot. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information.
Results 6-47
Accept with Variance if all results are recorded, and at least one result is in an experimental error region, or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver must accept this variance. Reject if all results are recorded and at least one is not acceptable.
Changes from In Progress to: Complete if required results are recorded and assigned a result evaluation. Accept if all results are recorded and acceptable, and sample results are within the limits of the specification. Accept with Variance if all results are recorded, and at least one result is in an experimental error region, or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver must accept this variance. Reject if all results are recorded and at least one is not acceptable.
Changes from Complete to: Accept if all results are recorded and acceptable, and sample results are within the limits of the specification. Accept with Variance if all results are recorded, and at least one result is in an experimental error region, or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver must accept this variance. Reject if all results are recorded and at least one is not acceptable.
Change from Retain to Pending, or Cancel Change from In Progress to Complete, or Cancel Change from Complete to:
considered when determining the sample disposition. For detailed information on how guaranteed and optional tests are used in determining the sample disposition, refer to "Managing Optional Tests without Results" and "Assigning Guaranteed by Manufacturer Results."
Results 6-49
Change from In Progress to Accept, Accept with Variance, Reject, or Cancel. Change from Complete to Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject.
a reason code on this window, your responsibility must have security enabled for STSI and GRDI document types.
Enter and save a sample. Optionally, enter results against the sample.
Navigate to the Quality Change Disposition dialog box. The following fields are display only: Sample indicates sample number as a combination of the three-letter organization code and the sample number. This field is blank for a sample group. Item indicates the process quality-enabled item sampled. Revision indicates the item revision. Parent Lot indicates the parent lot sampled. Lot indicates the lot sampled. Spec displays the specification, if one is associated to a sample, and the specification Version.
3. 4. 5.
Current Disposition displays the present disposition of the sample. Retain As displays the sample type as Archive or Reserve sample. Enter Change Disposition To as: Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet
Results 6-51
recorded. This is the default disposition. In Progress when at least one result exists for the sample, but testing is not yet complete. Complete when testing of all required tests and all additional tests is complete. Accept when sample testing is complete, and results are in-specification. Accept With Variance when sample testing is complete, and at least one result is in the experimental error region or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver has accepted this with variance. Reject when sample testing is complete, and results are not acceptable, or out-of-specification. Retain when the sample is reserved and put in storage. Typically, results do not exist for a sample with this disposition. Cancel when the sample is canceled. Required.
Select Schedule Specification Tests when you are changing an archive sample from a disposition of Retain to Pending. Select this indicator to add all tests listed on the associated specification to the Results window. Deselect this indicator to add tests directly to the sample on the Results window.
7. 8.
Change Lot Status From displays the current status of the lot. Enter Change Lot Status To as the new lot status. This field defaults to the Lot Status or the Out-of-Spec Lot Status that is defined on the specification validity rule if the Control Lot Attributes indicator is selected. Change Grade From displays the current lot grade.
10. Enter Change Lot Grade To as the new lot grade. This field defaults to the grade
specified on the associated specification if the Control Lot Attributes indicator is selected on the specification validity rule.
11. Enter a Reason Code for a lot status change, grade change, or both. This defaults
from the Process Quality Parameters window, and is restricted by reason code security.
12. Enter a Hold Date when the lot is released from quality hold for inspection. This
date defaults from the Item Lots window in the Oracle Inventory application, and can be changed to reflect the expedition or delay in testing. UOM Conversions
13. Select Recommend to indicate that you approve the displayed UOM conversion
factor to be stored and sent for consideration as the item lot UOM conversion. Deselect this indicator to indicate that you do not want the conversion to be sent to Oracle Inventory.
14. Test displays the test used to process the conversion. This can be a numeric or an
expression test. Refer to the "Using Lot UOM Conversions Based on Quality Results" topic for an explanation of how this test is entered and how it is used in the UOM conversion process.
15. From UOM displays the item primary UOM on the specification. Each of the
conversions corresponds to a test on the specification where the Calculate UOM Conversion indicator is selected, the result value is entered, and the result status is not Cancel or Void. For example, the From UOM is in kilograms which is defined as a Mass unit of measure type. The base unit of measure for Mass is pounds.
16. Current conversion displays the value of the existing lot UOM conversion for the
item lot between the item primary UOM and the To UOM (the unit of measure to convert to). If this conversion exists, it must be converted to the item primary UOM and the To UOM since conversions are stored in the base units.
17. Replicate displays the test replicate number. 18. Proposed conversion displays the test result or proposed value of the existing lot
UOM conversion for the item. The result for the specification test is used to calculate the UOM conversion.
19. To UOM displays the unit of measure to convert to as specified in the test listed in
the specification. For example, the To UOM is in liters which is defined as a Volume unit of measure type. The base unit of measure for Volume is gallons.
20. Proposed Conversion in Base UOM is Item Base UOM (first field) equal to the
calculated conversion factor (second field) multiplied by the base To UOM (third field). For example, one pound equals X gallons, where X is the calculated conversion factor. The second line is the inverse conversion.
21. Click OK.
Results 6-53
sample, to a child (target) item sample. You can associate results for a sample or sample group. This process prevents redundant data entry, and it maintains an association to the parent test result or parent composited test result. One of the benefits of results association is to leverage intermediate results for finished goods reporting. In the results association process, all test results that are common to the parent and child sample or sample groups are associated. Parent sample or sample group results can be associated repeatedly in several other child samples or child sample groups. You cannot undo a result association after the child sample results are saved. If you make a mistake in associating a result, then you can delete the child sample, or void the result that was inherited through the association. After results are associated to the child sample, you can review them and add new tests or replicates as required. Enter results for these additions and save your work. Generate a Certificate of Analysis based on the revised child sample. Associated results appear on the Quality Workbench indicating the parent sample number. Tests with inherited results do not initiate Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Test Workflow Notifications, and do not contribute to the composite result statistics when the child sample results are aggregated.
Create the parent sample. Enter and save test results for the parent sample. The parent sample must have a disposition of Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. Create the child sample, and change its disposition to Pending.
Navigate to the Results window. Query the child Sample. Choose Result Association from the Actions menu. The Result Association window displays. Select any of following fields to find a parent sample: Organization is the organization of the sample. Item is the sample item and its description. Parent Lot is the optional sample parent lot. Lot is the optional sample lot.
Enter Source as the source of the parent sample: Customer indicates that the sample source is from a customer. Inventory indicates that the sample source is from inventory. Supplier indicates that sample source is from a supplier. WIP indicates that the sample source is from work in process.
Select the desired Parent Sample group based on the selection criteria. Required. The Organization, Creation Date, and disposition of the sample group is retrieved.
7. 8.
Select Text to include text associated from the parent sample to the child sample. Select Flexfield to include the flexfield associated from the parent sample to the child sample. Select Attachment to include the attachment associated from the parent sample to the child sample.
Result Association
10. The following fields are display only:
Test displays the predefined test code for each result. Parent Replicate is blank because a composite result is used. Result displays the composite test result from the parent sample group. Result Date displays the date the result was entered on the parent sample. Child Replicate displays the replicate number for the result in the child sample.
11. Select the test record. 12. Click OK to associate the parent sample results to the child sample.
Navigate to the Composite Results window. Query the child Sample Group. Choose Result Association from the Actions menu. The Result Association
Results 6-55
window displays.
Query any of following fields to find a parent sample group: Organization is the organization of the sample. Item is the process quality-enabled sample item and its description. Parent Lot is the optional sample parent lot. Lot is the optional sample lot.
Enter Source as the source of the parent sample group: Customer indicates that the sample group is from a customer. Inventory indicates that the sample source is from inventory. Supplier indicates that sample source is from a supplier. WIP indicates that the sample source is from work in process.
Select the desired Parent Sample based on the selection criteria entered. Required.
Select Text to include text associated from the parent sample group to the child sample group. Select Flexfield to include the flexfield associated from the parent sample group to the child sample group. Select Attachment to include the attachment associated from the parent sample group to the child sample group.
Result Association
10. The following fields are display only:
Test displays the predefined test code for each result. Parent Replicate displays the highest acceptable replicate of the most recent result for the parent sample. Result displays the test result. Result Date displays the date the result was saved. Child Replicate is blank because a composite result is used.
Organization is the organization where the sample is drawn. Sample is the combination of the three-letter organization code hyphenated with the sample number.
13. Click OK to associate the composited results to the target sample group.
Place the cursor on the desired test line that has a result association to a parent sample. Choose Parent Sample from the Actions menu. The Samples window displays the parent sample for the associated result. Close the window.
Results 6-57
Reports and Inquiries
This topic explains several preformatted reports that assist you in identifying items that need quality attention. Reports display results obtained from quality test samples taken from inventory, customers, suppliers, and production. A Certificate of Analysis or Certificate of Conformance report provides documentation that the items produced or shipped comply with test procedures and quality specifications prescribed by the customer. A sample storage inquiry helps you determine the physical storage subinventory and locator for each sample. This chapter covers the following topics: Requirements Running the Item/Location Required Analysis Report Item/Location Required Analysis Report Description Running the Item/Location Test Results Report Item/Location Test Results Report Description Running the Customer/Supplier Test Results Report Customer/Supplier Test Results Report Description Running the Production Test Results Report Production Test Results Report Description Running the Certificate of Analysis or Conformance Report Certificate of Analysis or Conformance Report Description Making a Sample Storage Summary Inquiry Finding a Sample Storage Summary Generating Sample Labels
Following are some requirements that customers have for reports in Quality Management.
Can inventory test results be identified separately from other test results?
Yes. Use the Item/Location Test Results report to display the results obtained from quality samples taken against inventory in a selected organization.
Can production sample test results be viewed while material is being processed?
Yes. Use the Production Test Results report to display the test results for production samples for a selected organization.
Does the application offer both Certificate of Analysis and Certificate of Conformance reports?
Yes. Use the Certificate of Analysis/Conformance report to provide verification that the process quality-enabled items produced or shipped comply with test procedures and quality specifications prescribed by the customer.
evaluation of their expiration dating. The report lists the items and locators that need attention, the date the attention is required, and the action to take. There must be a specification with an inventory specification validity rule or each item and lot combination for the item to appear on the report. You can select inventory from specific subinventories by lot status. You can include expired items, and those that require retesting and items that will expire or require retesting in the future. An expired lot must contain inventory to appear on the report.
Navigate to the Submit Request window. Enter Item/Location Required Analysis Report in the Name field. Enter any of the following fields to narrow the scope of the report: Organization is the process-enabled inventory organization that your responsibility can access. Required. From Subinventory is the subinventory starting point for the report. To Subinventory is the subinventory ending point for the report. This defaults to the From Subinventory. From Status is the starting material status to include on the report. To Status is the ending material status to include on the report. This defaults to the From Status. Expired Items includes inventory items that expired. Retest Items includes inventory items that require retesting. Future Expire displays items that expire within a specified number of days from the current date and time. If you select Yes, then enter the specific number of days in the Expire Within field. If you select No, or leave this field blank, then do not make an entry in the Expire Within field. Future Retest displays items that require retesting within a specified number of days from the current date and time. If you select Yes, then enter the specific number of days in the Retest Within field. If you select No, or leave this field blank, then do not make an entry in the Retest Within field. Exclusive Test excludes inventory already tested within a specified number of days from the current date and time. If you select Yes, then enter the specific number of days in the Exclusive Within field. If you select No, or leave this field blank, then do not make an entry in the Exclusive Within field.
4. 5.
Click OK. Complete the fields on the Submit Request window and click Submit. View or print the report.
Navigate to the Submit Request window. Enter Item/Location Test Results Report in the Name field. Enter Organization as any valid organization you have privileges to access. Required. Enter any of the following fields to narrow the scope of the report: From Sample is the starting sample number for the report. To Sample is the ending sample number for the report. From Item is the starting item code for the report. The item must be process-enabled. To Item is the ending item code for the report. The item must be process-enabled. From Lot is the starting lot for the report. To Lot is the ending lot for the report. From Subinventory is the starting subinventory for the report. To Subinventory is the ending subinventory for the report. From Locator is the starting locator for the report. To Locator is the ending locator for the report. From Result Date is the starting result date for the report. The date defaults to the current date and time. To Result Date is the ending result date for the report. The date defaults to the current date and time.
Note: From Result Date and To Result Date display the system
date as the default. If you enter additional selection criteria such as From Sample, To Sample, From Item, or To Item, then the selection criteria must coincide with the From Result Date and the To Result Date to generate a meaningful report.
All Results to include all results on the report, including those that are not in the specification. Most Recent Final to include only one result with the most recent result date for each test and exclude any results that are not in the specification from appearing on the report.
Select the appropriate Print Condition to include the Edit Text associated to the Specifications and Results windows from the following options: None to prevent the printing of specification text and result text on the report. Result Text to print result text on the report. specification text is not printed. Spec Text to print specification text on the report. Result text is not printed. Spec Text/Result Text to print both specification text and result text.
5. 6.
Click OK. The Submit Request window displays. Complete the fields on the Submit Request window and click Submit. View or print the report.
Minimum is the specification minimum value defined for the test. Maximum is the specification maximum value defined for the test. Target Display is the display label for the specification target for Numeric Range with Display Text test type. Min Display is the display label for the specification minimum for Numeric Range with Display Text test type. Max Display is the display label for the specification maximum for Numeric Range with Display Text test type. Effective From is the starting effective date for the specification validity rule. Effective Thru is the ending effective date for the specification validity rule. Target Text is text associated to the specification used. Result is the test result. Unit is the quality unit of measure for the result. Result Date is the date the result was recorded. Accept indicates whether the result is accepted or not. COA indicates whether to print the Certificate of Analysis. Sample Number indicates the sample number corresponding to the result displayed. Quantity is the sample quantity. UOM is the inventory unit of measure for the sample. Sample Date is the date the sample was created. In Spec whether the result is in-or out-of-specification. Result Text is text associated with the results entered.
Navigate to the Submit Request window. Enter Customer/Supplier Test Results Report in the Name field. Select the Report Type to indicate the type of test results report: Customer for a customer report. Supplier for a supplier report.
Enter any of the following fields to narrow the scope of the report: From Customer/Supplier is the starting customer or supplier number. To Customer/Supplier is the ending customer or supplier number. Organization ID is the process-enabled organization.Required. From Item is the starting item code for the report. The item must be process quality-enabled. To Item is the ending item code for the report. The item must be process quality-enabled. From Lot is the starting lot for the report. To Lot is the ending lot for the report. From Result Date is the starting result date for the report. The date defaults to the current date and time. To Result Date is the ending result date for the report. The date defaults to the current date and time. From Sample is the starting sample for the report. To Sample is the ending sample for the report. Select one of the following to Include results as follows: All Results to include all results on the report, including those that are not in the specification. Most Recent Final to include only one result with the most recent result date for each test and exclude any results that are not in the specification from appearing on the report.
Select the appropriate Print Condition to include the Edit Text associated to the Specifications and Results windows from the following options: None to prevent the printing of specification text and result text on the report. Result Text to print result text on the report. specification text is not printed. Spec Text to print specification text on the report. Result text is not printed. Spec Text/Result Text to print both specification text and result text.
5. 6.
Click OK. The Submit Request window displays. Complete the fields on the Submit Request window and click Submit. View or print the report.
Effective Thru is the ending effective date for the specification validity rule. Target Text is text associated to the specification used. Result is the test result. Unit is the quality unit of measure for the result. Result Date is the date the result was recorded. Accept indicates whether the result is accepted. COA indicates whether the Certificate of Analysis is required. Sample Number indicates the sample number corresponding to the result displayed. Quantity is the sample quantity. UOM is the inventory unit of measure for the sample. Sample Date is the date the sample was created. In-Spec indicates whether the result is in-or out-of-specification. Result Text is text associated with the results entered.
Navigate to the Submit Request window. Enter Production Test Results Report in the Name field. Enter any of the following fields to narrow the scope of the report: From Sample is the starting sample for the report. To Sample is the ending sample for the report. From Batch is the starting batch for the report. To Batch is the ending batch for the report.
From Formula is the starting formula for the report. To Formula is the ending formula for the report. From Formula Version is the starting formula version for the report. To Formula Version is the ending formula version for the report. From Routing is the starting routing for the report. To Routing is the ending routing for the report. From Routing Version is the starting routing version for the report. To Routing Version is the ending routing version for the report. From Routing Step Number is the starting routing step number for the report. To Routing Step Number is the ending routing step number for the report. From Operation is the starting operation for the report. To Operation is the ending operation for the report. Organization is the process-enabled organization for the report. From Item is the starting process quality-enabled item for the report. To Item is the ending process quality-enabled item for the report. From Lot is the starting lot for the report, if the item is lot-controlled. To Lot is the ending lot for the report, if the item is lot-controlled. From Result Date is the starting result date for the report. The date defaults to the current date and time. To Result Date is the ending result date for the report. The date defaults to the current date and time. Select one of the following to Include results as follows: All Results to include all results on the report, including those not in the specification. Most Recent Final to include only one result with the most recent result date for each test and exclude any results not in the specification from appearing on the report.
Select the appropriate Print Condition to include the Edit Text associated to the Specifications and Results windows from the following options: None to prevent the printing of specification text and result text on the report. Result Text to print result text on the report. Specification text is not printed. Spec Text to print specification text on the report. Result text is not printed. Spec Text to print specification text on the report. Result text is not printed.
4. 5.
Click OK. Complete the fields on the Submit Request window and click Submit. View or print the report.
Subinventory is the subinventory of the item sampled. Locator is the locator in the subinventory where the item was sampled, if the subinventory exists for the locator. Test is the test name from the specification. Target is the specification target for the test. Unit is the quality unit of measure for the test. Minimum is the specification minimum value defined for the test. Maximum is the specification maximum value defined for the test. Target Display is the display label for the specification target for Numeric Range with Display Text test type. Min Display is the display label for the specification minimum for Numeric Range with Display Text test type. Max Display is the display label for the specification maximum. Effective From is the starting effective date for the specification validity rule for Numeric Range with Display Text test type. Effective Thru is the ending effective date for the specification validity rule. Target Text is text associated to the specification used. Result is the test result. Unit is the quality unit of measure for the result. Result Date is the date the result was recorded. Accept indicates whether the result is accepted. COA indicates whether the Certificate of Analysis is required. Sample Number indicates the sample number corresponding to the result displayed. Quantity is the sample quantity. UOM is the inventory unit of measure for the sample. Sample Date is the date the sample was created.
Appropriate selection criteria are entered on the Certificate of Analysis Report window. Print Additional Test on Certificate of Analysis is selected on the Results window.
As you enter data in the following fields, some of the fields fill automatically. This occurs in cases where a specific order, shipment, item, or lot is identified from the data supplied. Enter at least one of the following additional parameters to run the report: Organization is the sample organization. You can retrieve and print the report if your responsibility has the privilege to access this organization. Item is the process quality-enabled item sampled. A brief description displays. Revision is the item revision. Lot is the lot number. A brief description displays. Subinventory is the subinventory code. Locator is the subinventory locator code. Operating Unit is the operating unit. Order Number is the number of the sales order that contains the item. Customer is the customer order number. The customer name entered on the sales order detail line displays if it is available. Order Number is the number of the sales order that contains the item. Delivery is the delivery number.
Select one of the following to print the report. Specification and result text that is added through the Edit Text feature on the Actions menu of the Specifications or Results windows appears only if the appropriate Print Text Options are selected on the Certificate of Analysis Report Parameters window: No Text to suppress printing the Edit Text. All Text to include Specification and result text. Specification Text Only to include only specification text.
Print Options
Enter the number of Copies to print. To view the report, enter 0, and a hard copy is not generated. Enter the name of a Printer. Style displays the default report style. Click OK.
5. 6.
Choose Requests from the View menu. Select All My Requests. Click Find. Select the current record indicator next to the requested Certificate of Analysis report to view. Make sure that the report phase is completed. Click View Output. The output defaults to a *.pdf file, but can be changed by the System Administrator.
then this field displays the scheduled shipment date. Item displays the process quality-enabled item sampled and a brief description. Revision is the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Lot is the lot sampled, if the item is lot-controlled. Quantity Ordered (Qty1) is the quantity and unit of measure ordered. UOM is the primary unit of measure for the quantity ordered. Secondary Qty is the number of items ordered in the secondary unit of measure, if the item is dual unit of measure controlled. UOM is the secondary unit of measure for the quantity ordered. Quantity Shipped (Qty1) is the quantity and unit of measure shipped. UOM is the primary unit of measure for the quantity shipped. Qty2 is the number of items shipped in the secondary unit of measure, if the item is dual unit of measure controlled. UOM2 is the secondary unit of measure for the quantity shipped. Test/Method displays the test name, test method, and description on which the result or specification is based. The test alias appears if it is defined for the test or for a specific customer. Result is the result value. Numeric results are rounded according to the decimal precision defined on the specification. The text equivalent displays for the Numeric Range with Display Text test data type. This information displays on the Certificate of Analysis, but it does not appear on the Certificate of Conformance. Target values for tests without a minimum and maximum appear in the Minimum column. Min is the specification minimum value defined for the test. Max is the specification maximum value defined for the test. Test Unit is the quality unit of measure for the target. Specifications Text is any Edit Text associated with the current specification when Specification Text Only or All Text are selected as Print Text Options. Result Text is any Edit Text associated with the current Result when Result Text Only or All Text are selected as Print Text Options.
Navigate to the Sample Storage Summary window. Select a process-enabled organization from the Organizations window. The context organization or owner organization displays in the window title. The samples for the organization display. The following fields are display only: Storage Organization is the context organization, which is also the storage organization of the sample. Storage Subinventory is the storage subinventory of the sample. This defaults to the supply subinventory for the item defined in the sample organization. Storage Locator is the storage locator of the sample if it is locator-controlled. Item is the process quality-enabled inventory item sampled and a brief description. Revision is the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Parent Lot is the parent lot number specified on the sample. Lot is the lot number specified on the sample. Sample is the sample number of the sample tested. Remaining Qty is the sample quantity that remains after the test is performed. UOM is the unit of measure in Oracle Inventory for the sample quantity. Sample Date is the date drawn for the sample. Disposition is the sample disposition. Retain As is the sample type, which is Archive, Reserve, or required.
Source is the type of material source (Inventory, WIP, Customer, and Supplier) where the sample is taken. Comment is the comments for the sample.
Navigate to the Find Sample Storage Summary window. The context organization displays in the window title. Enter any of the following criteria to narrow your search: Storage Organization as the context organization, which is also the storage organization of the sample. Storage Subinventory as the storage subinventory of the sample. Storage Locator as the storage locator of the sample. Item as the process quality-enabled inventory item sampled. Revision as the item revision. Parent Lot as the parent lot number specified on the sample. Lot as lot number specified on the sample. Sample as the sample number. Disposition as the sample status. Retain As as the sample type, which is Archive, Reserve, or required sample. Source as the type of material source (Inventory, WIP, Customer, and Supplier) where the sample is taken.
Click Find to view the samples storage summary for the context organization.
can load into a generic form processor or documentation template designer to make commercial labels for samples. Enter a character to delimit the alphanumeric output.
Enter samples.
Navigate to the Submit Request window. Enter Sample Label Generation in the Name field. Enter the Organization Code. Enter the starting sample number in the Sample Number From Range and the ending sample number in the Sample Number To Range to generate a set of consecutive labels. Enter an ASCII character as File Delimiter. Click OK. Complete the fields on the Submit Request window and click Submit.
5. 6. 7.
Choose Requests from the View menu. Select All My Requests, and click Find. Select the current record indicator next to the requested Sample Label Generation report to view. Make sure that the report phase is completed. Click View Output. The output defaults to a specified file type. Your System Administrator can change this file type for purposes of submitting the character delimited flat file output to a generic form processor. The organization code, sample number, and sample description are included with the other listed character-delimited flat file output. The following is an example of the report output for the sample label generator:
ORGN_CODE,SAMPLE NO,SAMPLE DESC,SAMPLE QTY,SAMPLE UOM,RETAIN AS,PRIORITY,SOURCE,SUBINV ENTORY,LOCATOR,PARENT LOT NUMBER, LOT NO,QC LAB ORGN,DATE DRAWN,EXPIRATION DATE,LOT RE TEST IND,STORAGE SUBINVENTORY,STORAGE LOCATOR,RESOURCES,RESOURCE INSTANCE,SAMPLE INSTA NCE,PLANT CODE,BATCH NO,FORMULA NO,FORMULA VERS,OPRN NO,OPRN VERS,RECIPE NO,RECIPE VER SION,ROUTING NO,ROUTING VERS,CUSTOMER NAME,OPERATING UNIT,SHIP TO SITE,ORDER TYPE ,ORD ER NO ,LINE NO ,SUPPLIER CODE ,SUPPLIER NAME ,SUPPLIER SITE ,PO NUMBER ,PO LINE NUMBER ,RECIEPT NUMBER ,RECIEPT LINE NUMBER STABILITY STUDY ORGN ,STABILTY STUDY NO ,ITEM SPEC ,ITEM SPEC VERS ,STORAGE SPEC ,STORAGE_SPEC_VERSION ,VARIANT NUMBER TIME INTERVAL NAME,SCHEDULED START DATE, "PR1","100094","Variant: 1 Time Point: 1 Sample","1","KGM","","vsk","","Normal","Stabl ity Study","","","","","PR1","29-AUG-05","","","","","","","","1"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ""PR1","000002 ","VSK-ITEM","9","86F","1","1","Day-1","30-AUG-05", "PR1","100095","Variant: 1 Time Point: 1 Sample","1","KGM","","vsk","","Normal","Stab ility Study","","","","","PR1","29-AUG-05","","","","","","","","1"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ""PR1","000002 ","VSK-ITEM","9","86F","1","1","Day-2","31-AUG-05", "PR1","100096","Variant: 1 Time Point: 1 Sample","1","KGM","","vsk","","Normal","Stab ility Study","","","","","PR1","29-AUG-05","","","","","","","","1"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ""PR1","000002 ","VSK-ITEM","9","86F","1","1","Day-3","01-SEP-05", "PR1","100097","Variant: 1 Time Point: 1 Sample","1","KGM","","vsk","","Normal","Stab ility Study","","","","","PR1","29-AUG-05","","","","","","","","1"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ""PR1","000002 ","VSK-ITEM","9","86F","1","1","Day-4","02-SEP-05",
Stability Studies
This topic provides procedures for creating and managing stability studies including when they are performed, and what essential guidelines exist for stability testing programs. The topic also provides an overview of the stability study lifecycle management, including the creation of test interval plans and the creation of a storage condition plan. You are given guidance on the creation and management of a stability study, including the assignment of its material sources, editing stability study variants and time points, and defining its storage packages. This chapter covers the following topics: Requirements Understanding Stability Studies Example of a Stability Program for Product X Managing the Stability Study Lifecycle Understanding the Stability Study Change Status Workflow Creating Test Interval Plans Generating a Series of Testing Periods Finding Test Interval Plans Creating a Storage Condition Plan Finding Storage Condition Plans Defining Storage Packages Finding Storage Packages Creating and Managing a Stability Study Finding Stability Studies Assigning Stability Study Material Sources Editing Stability Study Variants
Following are some requirements addressed in defining and managing stability testing in Quality Management.
Does the Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) stability studies capability adhere to the regulatory recommendations for a written testing program?
Yes. The stability study functionality is designed to assess the stability characteristics of products, and helps you evaluate product storage conditions and expiration dating. By supplying a repository for the collection and processing of this information, OPM stability studies assists in the documentation of a written testing program. Use the Oracle attachments functionality to link written materials to the stability study. Use the Stability Study Window as a Launch Pad for the Entire Study The Stability Study window lets you enter preliminary information about the study including its document number, description, and storage condition plan. Display the status of the study, the master item specification used to evaluate product performance, the laboratory organization conducting the study, and the owner of the study. Display additional information, including the number of variant material sources, storage conditions investigated, and packaging configurations investigated in the study. Once the study is launched, you can monitor all the dates associated to the study. At the completion of the study, the Stability Study window lets you enter recommendations for shelf life and storage specification for the material tested. Use Oracle attachments to link written materials to the stability study.
Can sample size and test intervals be set up to evaluate the statistical criteria for each separate attribute?
Yes. Each of the statistical variables for the stability study can be set up to evaluate the effects of sample size, test interval, and the impact of environmental variables on each individual variant in the stability study. Create a Test Interval Plan, Storage Condition Plan, and Variants The Test Interval Plan window lets you simulate, evaluate, and select test intervals for the study to help you plan for statistical evaluations of study data. Use the Storage Condition Plans window to structure a set of storage conditions to apply to a study. Each storage condition includes a monitoring specification for the environmental chamber and the test interval plan. The application creates a variant for each storage condition, sample material source, and storage package combination. Edit these variants on the Variant window.
Does OPM help identify that reliable, meaningful, and specific test methods were used in the stability study?
Yes. Test reliability is assessed through standard procedures that document test performance. These measures include test sensitivity, test specificity, and test linearity. Set up specifications for each test referencing a test method. By comparing the results of these individual tests to accepted reference tests, you can assess the correlation to these methods as a measure of test accuracy. Trace Results Back to Test Methods OPM Quality Management lets you trace a test result directly to the tester and test method used. The traceability of test method attributes includes the quantity of material required, the instrument used to perform the test, the number of replicates used, the identification of the test kit, the duration of the test, and the decimal precision of the result. Enter realistic test targets and acceptable ranges of test performance that meet or exceed the performance of accepted reference test methods by setting up specifications for each test performed. By incorporating control materials in each test run, monitor test performance. Use control materials to evaluate correlation to reference test method performance as an assessment of test accuracy.
Can an adequate number of batches of each product be tested in a single study to determine an appropriate expiration date?
Yes. Determine the acceptable number of batches to evaluate in the study. Records of all data for expiration dating is maintained in a single referenced study for rapid retrieval and analysis.
Use the Material Source Field to Define Materials to Test The required number of source materials is defined on the Stability Study window. Identify the item, lot, and batches that become the basis for the stability study. Source materials can exist in inventory, or can be requested from production for the study.
Can accelerated stability studies be run simultaneously with materials in the recommended storage conditions?
Yes. Set up the recommended storage condition variants in parallel to the accelerated studies. Evaluate basic stability information on the components, products, and container closure systems. Use this information to support tentative expiration dates when the full shelf life studies are not yet available. This indicative information helps you initiate long-term studies such as clinical investigations. Use Storage Condition Plan and Variants to Deliver Both Standard and Accelerated Stability Testing Create a robust storage condition plan that includes both the standard and accelerated environmental storage conditions for materials to test in the stability study. Variants can then be tested in all specified environments simultaneously to deliver both standard and accelerated stability study test results.
guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP). The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) provides compliance guidelines for drugs and medical devices. The International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) is a consortium of regulatory authorities from Europe, Japan, the United States, and experts from the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. This group discusses scientific and technical aspects of product registration. The ICH makes recommendations on the interpretation and application of technical guidelines and requirements for product registration. Section 211.166 of the FDA guidelines requires companies who produce finished pharmaceutical products to have a written stability program. The results of this program are used in determining appropriate storage conditions and product expiration dating. This guideline specifies what to include in a stability program. The following summarizes some of the essentials presented in this guideline: A written testing program designed to assess the stability characteristics of drug products. The results of this stability testing program used in determining appropriate drug product storage conditions and expiration dating. The written program must be followed, and it must include: Sample size and test intervals based on statistical criteria for each attribute examined to assure valid estimates of stability. Storage conditions for samples retained for testing. Reliable, meaningful, and specific test methods. Testing of the drug product in the same container closure system in which the drug product is marketed. Testing of drug products for reconstitution at the time of dispensing as directed in the labeling as well as after they are reconstituted. Testing of an adequate number of batches of each drug product to determine an appropriate expiration date. Records of this data must be maintained. Accelerated studies, combined with basic stability information on the components, drug products, and container closure system, is used to support tentative expiration dates provided full shelf life studies are not available and are being conducted. Where data from accelerated studies are used to project a tentative expiration date that is beyond a date supported by actual shelf life studies. There must be stability studies conducted, including drug product testing at appropriate intervals, until the tentative expiration date is verified or the appropriate expiration date determined.
Stability Study Protocol A - Measure of Active Ingredients Under Controlled Room Temperature and Humidity
There are two testing procedures to run: Within-lot stability at 25 deg C/30% RH - Batch 1, Lot X A typical monitoring specification can be set up for temperature and humidity as follows: The temperature range is -10 deg C to 100 deg C. The target for a monitoring specification is 25 deg C, with a minimum of 24 deg C, and a maximum of 26 deg C. The humidity range is 0% RH to 100% RH. The target for a monitoring specification is 30% RH, with a minimum of 29% RH, and a maximum of 31% RH.
Between-lot stability at 25 deg C/30% RH - Batch 2, Lot Y, Batch 3, Lot Z. Use the same monitoring specification that was designed for within-lot stability testing.
60 deg C/75% RH
Between-lot stability at specified ICH conditions for - Batch 2, Lot Y, Batch 3, Lot Z 25 deg C/40% RH 25 deg C/60% RH 30 deg C/35% RH 30 deg C/60% RH 40 deg C/20% RH 40 deg C/75% RH 60 deg C/20% RH 60 deg C/75% RH
Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Management stability studies let you create both simple and robust stability studies. The stability study owner remains in full control of the variants created for each time point, and monitors the progress of the study through workflow notifications. The workflow and Oracle E-Records events associated with the stability study document critical decisions to support the written study program.
Setting Up for a Stability Study Planning a Stability Study Performing Initial Sampling and Testing Approving a Stability Study Plan Launching a Stability Study Performing Stability Study Testing Evaluating a Stability Study
Step 2: Create monitoring specifications. Create specifications to define the environmental monitoring criteria for the storage conditions. These are called monitoring specifications. A monitoring or nonitem specification must be created to include tests that support each required storage condition detail such as ambient temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. Assign tests to the monitoring specifications. Create a specification validity rule to specify the resource or physical location to monitor. Step 3: Create a storage condition plan. Create the required set of storage conditions. These conditions include a unique combination of temperature and relative humidity measurements that differentiate testing conditions for a stability study. The storage conditions created require the environmental monitoring of a defined equipment resource such as a refrigerator or a subinventory locator in a particular storage organization. The planned and actual storage condition parameters must be monitored for each storage condition combination. For example, 30 deg C/60% RH requires the monitoring of both the 30 deg C refrigeration and 60% RH ambient moisture content.
Define the two components of a storage condition plan: A monitoring specification to define the details of the storage condition for each one of the variants in the stability study A test interval plan to define testing time points by indicating the test intervals for each variant in the stability study
Step 4: Create the storage packages. Decide on the package to use for the container closure system for the product to test in a particular organization. Create a storage package configuration. Step 5: Create base and overlay item specifications for the stability study. Create base and overlay item specifications that contain the tests you use in stability testing. These are usually based on the product release specifications which are a combination of physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological tests and acceptance criteria that determine the suitability of a product at the time of its release. The base specification serves as the default item specification when you create the stability study. You can associate the overlay specifications to time points when the stability testing requirements vary from the base specification. Step 6: Set up for sample numbering. Set up document numbering using the Samples tab in the Process Quality Parameters window for the organization where you plan to perform the sampling. Step 7: Set up for stability study numbering. Set up document numbering using the Stability Studies tab in the Process Quality Parameters window for the stability study organization.
Study name to record a unique identifier for the stability study entity Protocol to enter as part of the study description to capture the purpose of the stability study Study start, notification lead time, testing grace period, and completion dates to define the beginning and end dates for study Study owner for subsequent approvals and notifications Study approval process with status control. Stability study status controls sample pull and testing notifications, and specifies how all associated samples are consumed, allocated, or used for testing in the study
Refer to the "Creating and Managing a Stability Study" topic for more information on creating a stability study. Step 2: Assign storage condition plan to the stability study. Assign the storage condition plan to the stability study. This plan consists of the monitoring specification that provides the details of the storage condition for each one of the variants in the stability study, and a test interval plan that defines the testing time points. Step 3: Identify source materials to be used in the stability study. Identify the item, lot, and batches that serve as the basis for the stability study. The source material can already exist in a material source inventory organization as lots or it can be selected, or requested as batch. Batches can be initial production batches for a new formulation, or a portion of routine production batches pulled for stability testing. This information includes the item, lot, batch number, date of manufacture or product yield date, sample quantity and UOM, recipe, recipe version used, and sample quantity. Step 4: Plan stability study variants and time points. Plan all variant storage conditions for each time point sample or sample group. Variants are defined by the unique combination of the stability study storage condition in a storage organization, the test interval plan, the package, and material source. Specify the default item specification, number of stability samples per time point, and the number of retained samples for the variant. You can configure the default item specification for the variant to select an overlay specification for a time point.
must be allocated or reserved as inventory for use only in the stability study. Material must be physically stored in a subinventory, locator, and container, or moved directly from the manufacturing floor to a staging area where initial testing is performed. Samples used in stability studies reflect inventory consumption and sample movement into storage subinventory locators to manage environmental variants. An initial stability sample can be retained, or moved into a storage subinventory and locator. Step 2: Test initial samples and assign sample disposition. Define the test criteria to perform for the initial stability sample. If an approved, prerelease, laboratory specification exists for the material, then use that specification. If an approved production specification exists for the product, then use it for the initial sample testing. The selected sample specification must be entered as the master item specification defined in the stability study. The outcome of these tests determines whether an item lot or batch is used for continuing the stability study. Initial sampling and testing must indicate acceptable source material before the stability study is launched. Step 3: Select the initial sample group to associate initial samples with material sources. Associate the initial samples with a material source by selecting the appropriate sample group. Only initial sample groups with a disposition of Accept or Accept with Variance are listed. Make this association prior to launching the stability study.
These system-generated item samples are automatically associated to a stability study as identified by the sample source fields. You cannot create stability samples manually through the Samples window.
If the material source is requested as a batch, then the appropriate workflow initiates for batch and sample creation. Prior to launching the stability study, specify a lot on the Material Sources window. Step 2: Schedule variant and time point testing. The application generates the schedule dates for all the testing time points based on the stability study scheduled start date. A sample group is generated for each testing time point to permit the assignment of a final disposition to each point. Step 3: Finalize acceptable material sources. Finalize the availability and acceptability of the lots for every material source listed on the Material Sources window. Specify the lot for any batch requested to produce as a material source. Enter material source organization as the inventory organization where the sample material is produced. Prior to launching the stability study, each material source must have an acceptable initial sample group. If you cannot finalize all material sources at this time, then finalize them before you launch the stability study. Step 4: Generate testing time point labels. The Testing Time Point Label Generation report produces a pdf file. For each testing time point, the report produces the name of the stability study, variant, testing time point, sample number, time point scheduled date, and sample quantity. You can generate this report for: All testing time points for variants of a stability study All testing time points for an individual variant A specific time point for an individual variant
Regenerate the report for a specific variant time point if you add a time point to a variant during the study. Step 5: Put sample materials in storage packages and place them into variant storage conditions. If packaging is specified for the variant, then put the sample material for each variant time point in individual packages. If labels were generated, then apply them to the sample storage package. Place the materials in the defined variant storage conditions in the specified storage organization. Update the storage date of stability samples for each variant. Step 6: Verify sufficient stability sample quantities. Determine that there are sufficient sample materials to conduct the stability study. The total sample quantity must be validated to determine if there is sufficient quantity of material for each variant time point sample. This validation ensures there is sufficient material to complete the required analysis. Positive material identification is essential to a fully traceable stability study.
Step 1: Complete stability study time point testing. The Stability Study disposition is complete when the scheduled testing time points have a final disposition required to perform the stability study analysis. The stability study owner determines testing is complete when all scheduled testing time points variants have a final disposition, or when a sufficient number of testing time points have a rejected disposition for a specific variant, in which case it would be unnecessary to continue testing. Step 2: Review test result data. The stability study owner reviews all test result data. Step 3: Determine whether additional testing is required. The stability study owner determines whether additional testing is required for any of the time points in the study. Step 4: Conclude the stability study. The stability study owner concludes the stability study by: Changing the status of the stability study to Completed Entering a study end date Entering the recommended shelf life derived from the results of tests performed on variants in the study that met the item specification Entering the recommended storage conditions derived from the monitoring specification used for the variants in the study that met the item specification
Step 5: Communicate the results of the stability study. The stability study owner communicates the results of the stability study to appropriate individuals within the supply chain.
Set up the workflow. Contact a system administrator if you are not sure this is set
up. Enable the workflow. Enable the Stability Study Change Status workflow by setting it up in the System Administration application. The workflow is activated initially by changing the status of a stability study from New to Request Approval of Stability Study Plan.
Choose Stability Study Plan Approved from the Actions menu to submit the stability study plan for approval. The status displays as Request Approval of Stability Study Plan. If the stability study plan is approved, then the status changes to Stability Study Plan Approved. Proceed to step 2. If the stability study plan is rejected, then the status changes to Revise Stability Study Plan. Repeat this step.
Choose Launch Approved from the Actions menu to submit the stability study for launch. The status displays as Request Approval to Launch. If the stability study launch is approved, then the status changes to Launch Approved. Proceed to step 3. If the stability study launch is rejected, then the status changes to Revise Launch. Repeat this step.
3. 4. 5.
Choose In Progress from the Actions menu to perform stability study testing, . Choose Completed from the Actions menu to complete the stability study, . Choose Canceled from the Actions menu to cancel the stability study at Stability Study Plan Approved, Launch Approved, or In Progress. The status displays: Request Approval to Cancel from Approved Plan if the stability study plan is approved, but not yet launched. Request Approval to Cancel From Approved Launch if the stability study has an approved launch, but is not yet in progress. Request Approval to Cancel From In Progress if the stability study is in progress.
Use the Generate Test Intervals dialog box to enter a series of periods by defining a total duration and a frequency to repeat each period. The interval periods are resorted in ascending order by the simulated date when you save your work. Refer to the "Generating a Series of Testing Periods" topic for more information. You can use flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Determine the baseline plan for all test intervals. Identify the plan variations for different testing frequencies.
Navigate to the Test Interval Plan window. Enter a name for the Test Interval Plan. Required. Enter a Description of the base test interval plan. Required. Do not select Overlay for the entry of a base test interval plan. Duration displays a simulated measure of the total duration of the test interval plan after the interval periods are entered and saved. Simulation Start Date is a baseline time when testing is required for the period if the stability study variant starts on the date displayed. This field defaults to the current system date with the time truncated to the hour for a new record. This tool helps you simulate actual dates for planning purposes. Required.
Interval Period
Enter a Period as the name of the period. For example, enter MONTH-1 to indicate a period that is one month. When the Generate Test Intervals dialog box is used to enter periods, then this field has a period name prefix added to each interval period generated in the list. Required. Enter the following fields to define an exact time point when testing is required from the start date. Each of the time intervals calculated from the start represent the sum of years, months, weeks, days, and hours from the simulation start date as follows: Enter Years as the number of years from the simulation start date. Enter Months as the number of months from the simulation start date. Enter Weeks as the number of weeks from the simulation start date. Enter Days as the number of days from the simulation start date. Enter Hours as the number of hours from the simulation start date.
For example, to define a period that is 1 year, 3 months, and 15 days from the
simulation start date, enter a period name such as 1YR-3MO-15DA, and enter 1 in the Years field, 3 in the Months field, and 15 in the Days field.
Simulated Date displays the simulated calendar date and time for the period.
10. From Base indicates that the period displayed is from the base test interval plan.
Enter a name for the overlay Test Interval Plan. Required. Enter a Description for the overlay test interval plan. Required. Select Overlay. Required. Enter the Base Test Interval Plan to use for the overlay test interval plan. Duration displays the simulated measure of the total duration for the overlay test interval plan. Simulation Start Date is a baseline time when testing is required for the period if the stability study variant starts on the date displayed. This field defaults to the current system date with the time truncated to the hour for a new record. This tool simulates actual dates for planning purposes. Required. Periods for the base test interval plan are marked with the From Base indicator. Exclude can only be selected or cleared if the period displayed is from a base test interval plan. This lets you keep the period in the test interval plan. Select to include or exclude the period in any variant created using the overlay test interval plan. The Years, Months, Weeks, Days, and Hours fields display only if the time point is derived from the base test interval plan. These fields display the specified time period from the simulation start date. You can enter these fields for interval periods that are added to this overlay test interval plan.
7. 8.
10. Simulated Date displays the simulated calendar date and time for the period.
Click the Add Row window control icon. Enter a new interval period from the scheduled start date. Save your work.
You can adjust these periods once they are generated. These conventions distribute test interval periods uniformly for the study.
1. 2.
Navigate to the Setup Test Intervals dialog box. Enter Frequency as the number of times to repeat a period in the defined duration. Select the Frequency Unit as Year, Month, Week, Day, or Hour. For example, for a frequency of three months, enter 3 and select Month. Required. Enter Duration as the total of time to divide into periods. Select the Duration Unit as Year, Month, Week, Day, or Hour. For example, for a duration of 2 years, enter 2 and select Year. Enter the Period Name Prefix as the interval period name to append as a prefix to each period listed. Click OK.
The series of periods defined by the frequency and duration display on the Test Interval Plan window. For example, if you enter Test as the Period Name Prefix, assign a Frequency of 2 months, and a Duration of 1 year, then the window displays six rows of periods: Test-1, Test-2, Test-3, Test-4, Test-5, and Test-6.
Generate the first sequence of periods. Save the Time Interval Plan. Generate the next contiguous sequence of periods. Save the Time Interval Plan.
Navigate to the Find Test Interval Plans dialog box. Make no entries to find all test intervals plans. Enter any of the following parameters to narrow the search: Test Interval Plan as the name of test interval plan. Base Test Interval Plan as the name of the base test interval plan.
3. 4.
Marked for Deletion to determine all test interval plans marked for purge.
You can use folders and flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Identify the storage condition requirements for the stability study. Optionally, define the storage organization, resource and resource instance, or subinventory and locator that provide and maintain the required storage conditions. Create a monitoring specification for each of the storage conditions. Create a monitoring specification validity rule for each of the storage conditions. Create a test interval plan.
Navigate to the Storage Condition Plan window. Enter the Storage Condition Plan name. Required.
3. 4.
Enter a Description for the storage condition plan. Required. Base Test Interval Plan displays the default base test interval plan. Select any appropriate base test interval plan from the LOV. You cannot select an overlay test interval plan. Required. Duration displays the total duration of the base test interval plan.
Storage Details
Enter the Spec Name and Spec Version for each storage detail. The monitoring specification lists the tests, test targets, minimums, and maximums for the environmental condition required by the specified storage condition. Each monitoring specification entered here cannot have a status of Obsolete or On Hold. Select Storage Organization as a process-enabled inventory organization. Required if you enter Subinventory and Locator. Enter either a Resource or a Storage Subinventory and Locator combination: Resource that meets the requirements for the storage condition. For example, enter a refrigerator that can meet the requirements for the monitoring specification. You can enter a generic resource that can be reassigned later on in the stability study. Storage Subinventory and a Locator, if the subinventory exists for the locator, that meets the requirements for the storage condition.
Test Interval Plan displays the default base test interval plan. You can select an overlay test interval plan that is associated to the base test interval plan to override the default.
10. Duration is the default from the test interval plan. 11. Save the window.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays. Make appropriate text changes.
Enter and save storage condition plans.
Navigate to the Find Storage Condition Plans dialog box. Make no entries to find all storage condition plans. Enter any of the following parameters to narrow the search: Storage Plan Name as the name of a storage condition plan to find. Base Test Interval Plan as the name of the base test interval plan associated to storage condition plans. Deleted as those storage condition plans marked for purge.
Click Find.
Enter a packaging formula if there are multiple components to the storage package, or container closure system.
Navigate to the Storage Packages window. Enter the package Name. For example, enter one package as Glass Vial Closure and another package as Plastic Vial Closure. You can define multiple storage packages when the stability study evaluates material in different container closure systems. Required. Select Organization as a process-enabled organization. Select one of the following: Item as the package material in which stability samples are stored. The item Description displays. The item is the container closure system. Select the item Rev, if the item is revision-controlled. This field is disabled if the item is not revision-controlled in Oracle Inventory. Enter the packaging Formula and its Version.This represents the bill of materials for a container closure system. The product of the formula is the packaging configuration for stability sample storage.
3. 4.
Enter Qty as the quantity of material required for each testing time point sample in its UOM. This represents the total quantity of sample in the storage package. If you change the UOM, then the UOM entered must be convertible to the primary UOM for the item. Required.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays. Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
2. 3.
Enter and save storage packages.
Navigate to the Find Storage Package dialog box. Make no entries to find all storage packages. Enter any of the following parameters to narrow the search: Package is the package name. Organization is the process-enabled organization. Item is the package material in which stability samples are stored. Rev is the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Formula is the bill of materials for the container closure system. The product of the formula is the packaging configuration for stability sample storage.
Select Yes to find Deleted storage packages that meet the criteria entered, or select No to find current storage packages that meet the criteria entered. Click Find.
See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Set up document numbering for the organization that owns the stability study by selecting the stability study Assignment Type as Manual or Automatic in the Process Quality Parameters window. Create a storage condition plan. Create a master item specification for stability testing. Identify at least one material source for the stability study. Identify at least one storage package for the stability study. Enable the stability study workflows as described in "Appendix C."
Navigate to the Stability Study window. The stability study owner organization or the context organization displays in the window title. Select a different context organization using the Organizations window. Enter Study as the stability study number if you select the stability study document numbering Assignment Type as Manual in the Process Quality Parameters window. If you select the Assignment Type as Automatic, then this field is protected. The stability study number is automatically assigned and displays when you save the window. Enter a Description for the stability study. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu of the Stability Study window to change the stability study status, after entering all relevant information, and saving the stability study with the default Status of New. The Status Approval workflow must be enabled for stability study approval. You can request the following actions in the order presented from the Actions menu: Approved Launch to launch the stability study. Canceled to initiate the stability study cancellation process. The response to this change depends on the status of the current stability study. It can be canceled from an approved plan, an approved launch, or an in progress study. Refer to the "OPM Quality Stability Study Change Status Workflow" topic in "Appendix C" for an explanation of the stability study workflow statuses.
3. 4.
Enter the Storage Condition Plan to use for the stability study. Refer to the "Creating a Storage Condition Plan" topic for more information on how to structure a plan for the storage conditions. Required.
Enter the Item as the material tested in the stability study. The item can be an engineering item, but it must be active and lot-controlled. The initial sample material tested must be the same as the item entered here. The item must be set up as process quality-enabled in the Item Master. The item Description displays as it appears on the Item Master. Required. Enter the item Revision, if the item is revision-controlled. Required. This field is disabled if the item is not revision-controlled in Oracle Inventory. Enter the Master Item Spec as the item specification containing the list of tests performed throughout the entire stability study. The Version displays. The Master Item Spec must be a base specification, and it must have a status of: Approved for Lab Use, for a laboratory item such as an engineering item Approved for General Use, for a production item This specification serves as the default item specification when variants are loaded initially. Required.
10. Enter the Owner of the stability study. This field defaults to the user who creates
the stability study. The user must be associated with the stability study lab organization. The individual who creates the stability study can specify the owner. Required.
11. Enter the Notification Lead Time as the amount of advance notice you need prior
to each scheduled testing time point using the OPM Stability Study Time Point Scheduling Notification workflow. For example, if a testing time point is scheduled for March 15, and you enter a 3-day notification lead time, you are notified of the scheduled time point on March 12. The notification lead time applies to all time points for all variants.
12. Enter Testing Grace Period as the lag time that can be added to each scheduled
time point to create a window of opportunity for testing the item. If testing is not done within this testing grace period, then the Stability Study Late Time Point Scheduling Notification starts to notify appropriate individuals that testing is late.
The testing grace period applies to all time points for all variants. Variant
13. Enter Material Sources as the required number of material sources for the stability
study. This entry must be a whole positive integer greater than zero. The default for this field is 1 and is updated based on the number of lots or recipes identified as material sources for the stability study. Identify the item, lot, and batches that serve as the basis for the stability study. Required.
14. Storage Conditions displays the number of storage conditions required by the
stability study. This field defaults from the number of storage conditions defined for the storage condition plan entered for the stability study.
15. Enter Packages as the number of packaging configurations that you plan to use to
build the stability study. A minimum of one packaging configuration is required. If you plan to study more than one packaging configuration, then enter the total number of packages. For example, if you plan to study an amber vial and clear glass vial closure system, enter 2 because these are two separate packaging configurations.
16. Count displays the actual number of variants created.
17. Enter the Scheduled Start date for the stability study. This date cannot be changed
after the stability study has a status of Stability Study Plan Approved. This scheduled start date is used to calculate the scheduled end date. Variants created by the application use the scheduled start date as the variant start date unless the material source has a yield date. Required.
18. Scheduled End date is calculated by adding the longest time point identified across
all the time intervals in the storage condition plan to the scheduled start date. You can only change this date until the stability study is approved. Required.
19. Revised Start date displays a revision to the Scheduled Start date. You can only
enter this field after the stability study has reached a status of Stability Study Plan Approved, but does not yet have a status of Approved for Launch. This revised start date is used to calculate the revised end date.
20. Revised End date displays the revision to the scheduled end date based on the
Progress and defaults to the system date. The stability study can only reach this status when the: Required number of initial samples for each material source have a disposition
of Accepted or Accepted with Variance Required number of variants are created Stability study has a status of Approved for Launch
22. Actual End date displays the date the stability study has a status of Completed.
23. Recommended Shelf Life displays the recommended shelf life for the item tested in
the stability study. Enter this field when the stability study has a status of Completed. Enter a recommended shelf life in years, months, weeks, days, or hours.
24. Recommended Storage Spec displays the ideal storage condition for the item tested
in the stability study by entering the recommended storage specification and Version for the material. Enter this field when the stability study has a status of Completed.
25. Save your work to create a stability study with the status of New. 26. Assign material sources as described in the "Assigning Stability Study Material
Sources" topic.
27. Choose Change Status from the Actions menu to select appropriate statuses. 28. Edit variants as described in the "Editing Variants for the Stability Study" topic.
Identify the item, lot, and batches to serve as the basis for the stability study as described in the "Planning a Stability Study" topic. Query the stability study to assign material sources. Click Material Source. Refer to the "Assigning Stability Study Material Sources" topic for additional information.
2. 3.
Identify the unique combinations of the stability study storage conditions, the test interval plan, and the package. Query the stability study to edit variants. Click Variants. Refer to the "Editing Variants for the Stability Study" topic for
2. 3.
additional information.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays. Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
2. 3.
Choose Change Status from the Actions menu. Select the desired status. Save the window.
Enter and save stability studies.
Navigate to the Find Stability Studies dialog box. Make no entries to find all stability studies. Enter any of the following parameters to narrow the search: Enter Study as the stability study number. Select Status as: New to find stability studies created, but not yet approved. Request Approval of Stability Study Plan to find stability studies submitted for the stability study plan approval process using the workflow. Revise Stability Study Plan to find stability studies under revision for stability study plan approval. Stability Study Plan Approved to find stability studies that have an approved stability study plan. Request Approval to Launch to find stability studies submitted for stability study launch approval using the workflow. Revise Launch Request to find stability studies under revision for stability study launch approval. Launch Approved to find stability studies that have an approved stability study launch. In Progress to find stability studies in-progress. Request Approval to Cancel to find stability studies submitted for stability study cancellation before the stability study plan is approved. Request Approval to Cancel From Approved Plan to find stability studies submitted for stability study cancellation when the study has a status of Stability Study Plan Approved. Request Approval to Cancel From Approved Launch to find stability studies submitted for the stability study cancellation when the study has a status of Launch Approved. Request Approval to Cancel From In Progress to find stability studies submitted for stability study cancellation when the study has a status of In Progress.
3. 4.
Canceled to find stability studies that are canceled. Completed to find stability studies that are completed.
Item as the material tested in the stability study. Revision as the item revision. Quality Lab as the inventory organization defined as a quality laboratory. Owner as the individual responsible for the stability study.
Click Find. Press the down arrow to display each study that was found.
You can use folders and flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Create and save a stability study. Identify material sources to use in the stability study.
Navigate to the Material Sources window. The stability study owner organization and the status display in the window title. Enter Organization as the process-enabled material source inventory organization where the sample material is produced. The organization must be defined as either a plant or a research and development laboratory. If the item is an engineering item, then the organization must be defined as a laboratory organization. If the material is not yet produced, then this is the organization that is assigned to produce the material. If you leave this field blank, then specify the recipe and version for the material source. Enter the Batch number. Specify the organization before you can enter this field. The batch status must be WIP or Completed. Select a batch that contains a stability study item identified as a product or byproduct. Enter the Lot when material already exists in inventory. You can update this field after the source material is produced by the specified recipe and recipe version. Specify the organization before you enter this field. Required if Batch is entered. Enter the Recipe as the recipe to use when the source material is planned for the stability study. There must be an active recipe validity rule for the material source organization. Enter the Recipe Version as the version of the recipe to use when the source material is planned for the stability study. If you leave this field blank, then indicate any version of the recipe can be used to produce the material. Yield Date displays the date that the specified lot is yielded from the specified batch. Sample Qty displays the total sample quantity required for stability testing of each material source identified in the item primary UOM. Sample Qty UOM displays the UOM of the sample quantity.
10. Initial Sample Group Associated is selected if a sample group is associated to the
Choose Calculate Sample Quantity from the Actions menu. The Sample Qty field displays an updated sample quantity for the selected material source. Evaluate sample quantity to make certain there is sufficient material to complete the stability study.
Choose Select Initial Sample Group from the Actions menu. A list of sample groups with a disposition of Accept or Accept with Variance for the selected material source display. Select the desired initial sample group. Click OK.
2. 3.
Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays. Make appropriate text changes. Save the window.
2. 3.
A specific storage package. You can set up a stability study for several storage packages, however at least one package is required.
Delete or add variants until the stability study plan is approved. Resources or locators identified for variant storage conditions can also be replaced if they do not meet environmental monitoring requirements.
Creating Variants
Each row on the Variant window represents an individual material source, storage condition, and storage package combination. Based on the variant count for a new stability study, the application creates a variant for each of these combinations. It is assumed that stability study sample material from each source is stored in each storage condition and storage package combination for the specified duration. Sample material from a batch is stored at one or several storage conditions in a process-enabled inventory storage organization, depending on the scope of the stability study.
Planning Variants
Plan or edit variants once material sources are defined. However, changes to the number of acceptable material sources can affect the number of planned variants before a stability study plan is approved. Add, edit, or delete variants until the stability study plan is approved. Once the stability study is in progress, you can only edit the variant end date, or replace the resource or physical location for a storage condition. You can use folders and flexfields with this window. See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide
Define base and overlay item specifications for stability testing. Define the storage organization, resource and resource instance, or storage subinventory and storage locator that provide and maintain the required storage conditions. Define at least one storage package. Create a stability study.
Navigate to the Variant window. The context organization displays in the window title. Select a different context organization using the Organizations window. Query the stability Study to enter variants.
The following fields are display only: Item displays the material tested in the stability study. The item description displays as it appears on the Item Master. Revision displays the item revision. Variant Count displays the total number of variants for the stability study. Each time you add or delete a variant, this number displays the current number of variants saved.
Num displays a unique variant number generated by the application in a series with increments of one. When a new variant is added, a material source is required for the record entered. You cannot delete a numbered row once the stability study plan is approved. The variant number remains, and it is not reused. However, the particular variant is no longer valid. Required. Enter Default Spec as the item specification for the variant, and the specification Default Spec Version. These fields default from the master item specification entered on the Stability Study window. If an overlay specification exists for the master item specification, then you can enter the overlay specification. The default item specification applies to all time points for a variant. You can also configure it more specifically on the Time Points window. Required. Enter Start Date as the default start date from the material source yield date. This changes to the scheduled start date of the stability study when the stability study has a status of New. Enter End Date as the default end date of the stability study. Enter Samples Per Time Point as the default number of samples for each time point that is associated to the variant selected. The default is one sample per time point. Enter Retained Samples as the number of samples retained for a variant in the eventuality that unscheduled testing is required. The default value is zero. You can assign retained samples for a variant at a specific time point on the Variant Time Points window.
7. 8.
Material Source
10. The following fields are display only:
Num displays a unique variant number generated by the application in a series with increments of one. When a new variant is added, a material source is required for the record entered. You cannot delete a numbered row once the stability study plan is approved. The variant number remains, and it is not reused. However, the particular variant is no longer valid. Required. Organization displays the material source organization where the sample material is produced. This defaults from the Material Sources window and is a process-enabled inventory organization. Batch displays the batch document number where the stability study item is identified as a product or byproduct. Recipe displays the recipe to use when the source material is requested for the stability study, and the Recipe Version. Lot displays the lot for a stability study material source.
Storage Condition
11. The following fields are display only:
Num displays a unique variant number generated by the application in a series with increments of one. When a new variant is added, a material source is required for the record entered. You cannot delete a numbered row once the stability study plan is approved. The variant number remains, and it is not reused. However, the particular variant is no longer valid. Required. Storage Spec displays the monitoring specification and Storage Spec Version for a storage condition that defaults from the storage condition plan. Organization displays the process-enabled inventory organization that stores the sample. This defines the storage subinventory and storage locator or resource and resource instance. Resource displays the storage resource specified on the storage condition plan. You can override this entry. For example, enter a refrigerator that meets the requirements for the monitoring specification if the default resource cannot meet this requirement. This field defaults from the storage condition plan. Resource Instance displays a specific resource instance identified for the storage condition specified in the monitoring specification. For example, this field can display a specific environmental chamber. Subinventory displays a subinventory that meets the storage condition requirements for the variant. This field defaults from the storage condition plan.
Locator displays the subinventory locator if the subinventory exists for the locator. This field defaults from the storage condition plan.
12. Enter the Storage Date that samples are placed in the variant storage condition.
This date can also represent the date the resource or locator for a storage condition is modified after the start of the stability study. You can reenter this field after the stability study plan is approved and launched until samples are put in the variant storage condition. Package
13. Num displays a unique variant number generated by the application in a series
with increments of one. When a new variant is added, a material source is required for the record entered. You cannot delete a numbered row once the stability study plan is approved. The variant number remains, and it is not reused. However, the particular variant is no longer valid. Required.
14. Enter a valid Package as the selected storage package used to store the variant of
storage package.
16. Item displays the item for the storage package. 17. Revision displays the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled. 18. Enter Sample Quantity as the quantity of sample for each variant and the Sample
Quantity UOM. These fields default from the Storage Packages window. You can reenter them for each variant. Required.
19. Save the window.
To add a variant:
Query the Study. Status must be New or Revise Stability Study Plan to edit variants. Select a row to add a variant. Variants insert below the row selected. Choose New from the File menu. Select the material source from the Material Source dialog box. Required. Click OK.
2. 3. 4. 5.
To delete a variant:
Query the Study. Status must be New or Revise Stability Study Plan to edit variants. Select the variant to delete. Choose Delete from the Edit menu. All time points associated to the selected variant are deleted. Save the window.
2. 3.
Select the variant. Click Time Points. Refer to the "Editing Variant Time Points" topic for more information.
Select the variant. Choose View Storage Spec Samples from the Actions menu.
From Storage Conditions display the current: Process-enabled Storage Organization,which is the inventory organization of the stability study variant. Resource that meets the requirements for the storage condition. This defaults initially from the storage condition plan, but you can override it. Instance of a specific resource identified for the storage condition specified in the monitoring specification. Subinventory that meets the requirements for the storage condition. This defaults initially from the storage condition plan, but you can override it. Locator in the subinventory that meets the requirements for the storage condition, if the subinventory exists for the locator. Start Date as the date when samples are placed in the variant storage condition, resource, or locator. This date reflects modifications to the start of the stability study. End Date as the date when samples are removed from the variant storage condition, resource, or locator. When you save the window, this field updates to reflect the start date entered for the To Storage Condition.
Enter a To Storage Condition for a resource and resource instance, or for a subinventory and locator to change the current value displayed. Following is a list of conditions you can enter: Storage Organization as the process-enabled inventory organization of the stability study variant. Required. Resource that meets the requirements for the storage condition. When you enter a new resource, the resource instance field is cleared if an instance was entered previously. Instance that meets the storage condition specified in the monitoring specification. Subinventory that meets the requirements for the storage condition. Locator that meets the requirements for the storage condition, if the subinventory exists for the locator. Start Date when samples are placed in the variant storage condition.
Choose View Storage History from the Actions menu. The View Storage History dialog box displays the history of the Storage Organization, Resource, Instance, Subinventory, Locator, Start Date, and End Date replacements or the variant. Review the history.
Select the variant. Choose Assign Sample to Time Point from the Actions menu Variant Num defaults from the Variant window. Source Time Point displays the current time interval of the retained sample. This field is blank when selecting a retained sample from the variant. Enter the Sample No to assign to the target time point. The organization code for the sample defaults to the sample organization identified for the material source. Target Time Point displays the time interval the retained sample is assigned to. Click OK.
6. 7.
Navigate to the Find Variants dialog box. Make no entries to find all variants. Enter any of the following parameters to narrow the search: Study as the name of the stability study. Status as the status of the stability study. Refer to the "Finding Stability Studies" topic for a complete explanation of stability study status. Item as the material tested in the stability study. The item can be an engineering item, but it must be active. The item Description displays as it appears on the
Item Master.
Click Find.
Define base and overlay item specifications for stability testing. Create a stability study and variants.
Navigate to the Time Point window. Time Interval displays the time interval from the variant's test interval plan that defines a testing time point. Enter SpecName as the item specification number and Spec Version used to test sample material at the testing time point. This field displays the default item specification for the variant. You can select an overlay specification. The following fields are display only: Scheduled Date displays the date the testing for the time point needs to be scheduled. This date calculated by adding the time point interval to the variant start date.
Actual Date displays the actual date the testing for the time point was done. You can enter and modify this field when the stability study is in progress.
Enter Samples Per Time Point as the required number of samples for the testing time point. This field defaults from the Samples Per Time Point field entered on the Variants window. Disposition displays the disposition of the testing time point sample group.
Select the time interval to insert the new time point. Status must be New or Revise Stability Study Plan. Choose New from the File menu. Enter the Time Interval name, Spec Name, Version, Scheduled Date, and Samples Per Time Point for testing the new time point. Save the window.
2. 3.
Select the time interval to insert the new time point. Status must be Revise Stability Study Plan. Choose New from the File menu. Enter the Time Interval name, Spec Name, Version, Scheduled Date, and Samples Per Time Point for testing the new time point. Assign the sample to the time point. Save the window.
2. 3.
4. 5.
Drill down to individual item samples to view information about each one of them.
Select the new testing time point. Choose Assign Sample to Time Point from the Actions menu. Variant defaults from the Variants window. Enter a Source Time Point, or leave this field blank for the application to select a retained sample from the variant. Enter the Sample to assign to the new testing time point. The organization code for the sample defaults to the same organization identified for the material source. Target Time Point displays the time interval for the new testing time point created, and cannot be edited. Click OK.
Select the testing time point to move the sample to. Choose Assign Sample to Time Point from the Actions menu. Variant defaults from the Variant window. Enter Source Time Point as the testing time point to move the sample from. Enter the Sample assigned to the new testing time point. The organization code for the sample defaults to the same organization identified for the material source. Target Time Point displays testing time point selected and cannot be edited. Click OK.
6. 7.
Quality Management Navigator Paths
Composite Results
Customer Display
Path Quality Manager:Reports:Other Reports:Run Quality Manager:Setup:Tests:click Experimental Error Quality Manager:Samples:Sample Groups:select desired sample group:click Mass Results:Mass Results Entry Test Selection:select appropriate tests:click Mass Results Entry:click Experimental Errors Quality Manager:Setup:Actions:View:Find... Quality Manager:Setup:Grades:View:Find... Quality Manager:Samples:Sample Groups:View:Find... Quality Manager:Samples:Item Samples:View:Find... Quality Manager:Results:Results:View:Find Quality Manager:Results: Specification Comparison:View:Find Quality Manager:Quality Workbench:click the Samples tab:View:Find Quality Manager:Setup:Sampling Plans:View:Find Quality Manager:Inquiries:Sample Storage:View:Find Quality Manager:Specifications:Specifications:View:Fi nd Quality Manager:Quality Workbench:click the Specifications tab:View:Find
Experimental Errors
Find Samples (from Results window) Find Samples (from Specification Comparison window) Find Samples (from the Quality Workbench navigator) Find Sampling Plans
Path Quality Manager:Stability Study:Stability Study:View:Find... Quality Manager:Stability Study:Stability Study:View:Find:find the desired stability study:click Variants:View:Find Quality Manager:Setup:Status Codes:View:Find Quality Manager:Stability Study:Setup:Storage Condition Plan:View:Find Quality Manager:Stability Study:Setup:Storage Package:View:Find... Quality Manager:Setup:Process Quality Parameters:View:Find Quality Manager:Setup:Test Classes:View:Find Quality Manager:Stability Study:Setup:Test Interval Plan:View:Find Quality Manager:Setup:Test Methods:View:Find... Quality Manager:Setup:Test Units:View:Find... Quality Manager:Setup:Tests:View:Find... Quality Manager:Stability Study:Stability Study:click Variants:View:Find... Quality Manager:Samples:Item Samples Quality Manager:Reports:Other Reports:Run Quality Manager:Reports:Other Reports:Run
Find Variants
Item Samples Item/Location Required Analysis Report Item/Location Test Results Report
Window Item Lots Maintain Actions Maintain Grades Mass Results Entry
Path Quality Manager:Inquiries:Lot Genealogy Quality Manager:Setup:Actions Quality Manager:Setup:Grades Quality Manager:Samples:Sample Groups:select desired sample group:click Mass Results Entry:Mass Results Entry Test Selection:select appropriate tests:click Mass Results Entry Quality Manager: Samples:Sample Groups:click View Samples:Samples Summary:click Mass Results Entry:Mass Results Entry Test Selection:select appropriate tests:click Mass Results Entry
Quality Manager:Samples:Sample Groups:select desired sample group:click Mass Results Entry Quality Manager:Quality Workbench:select Show Active Samples:select appropriate View By...:expand Samples By...:select desired sample group:Samples By...:click Mass Results Entry Quality Manager: Samples:Sample Groups:click View Samples:Samples Summary:click Mass Results Entry
Material Sources
Quality Manager:Stability Study:Stability Study:query the desired stability study:click Material Sources Quality Manager:Samples:Monitoring Samples Quality Manager:Other:Change Organization Quality Manager:Setup:Process Quality Parameters
Monitoring Samples
Path Quality Manager:Reports:Other Reports:Run Quality Manager:Samples:Item Samples:query a sample:Actions:Change Disposition Quality Manager:Results:Results:query a result:Actions:Change Disposition Quality Manager:Results:Results:query a result:Actions:Composite Results:Actions:Change Disposition
Quality Manager:Quality Workbench Quality Manager:Results:Results Quality Manager:Results:Results:Find Samples:Actions:Result Association Quality Manager:Samples:Sample Groups Quality Manager:Reports:Other Reports:Run Quality Manager:Inquiries:Sample Storage Quality Manager:Quality Workbench:click Samples tab:select View By...:expand Samples By... node:expand desired node:click desired object Quality Manager:Samples:Sample Groups:click View Samples Quality Manager:Setup:Sampling Plans Quality Manager:Results:Specification Comparison Quality Manager:Quality Workbench:select View By Specifications:expand Specifications node:click specification Quality Manager:Specifications:Specifications
Sample Groups Sample Label Generation Sample Storage Summary Samples By...
Samples Summary
Specification Summary
Path Quality Manager:Stability Study:Setup:Test Interval Plan:Actions:Generate Mass Intervals Quality Manager:Stability Study:Stability Study Quality Manager:Setup:Status Codes Quality Manager:Setup:Status Codes:click Details Quality Manager:Stability Study:Setup:Storage Condition Plan Quality Manager:Stability Study:Setup:Storage Package Quality Manager:Setup:Test Classes Quality Manager:Stability Study:Setup:Test Interval Plan Quality Manager:Setup:Test Methods Quality Manager:Setup:Test Units Quality Manager:Setup:Tests Quality Manager:Stability Study:Variants and Time Points:click Time Points Quality Manager:Specifications:View:Find...:select Spec Type as Item:click Find:select the desired specification:click Validity Rules:select a validity rule:click Edit Quality Manager:Specifications:View:Find...:select Spec Type as Monitor:click Find:select the desired monitoring specification:click Validity Rules:select a validity rule:click Edit
Stability Study
Storage Packages
Path Quality Manager:Specifications:query specification:click Validity Rules Quality Manager:Specifications:View:Find...:select Spec Type as Monitor:click Find:select the desired monitoring specification:click Validity Rules. Edit to edit an existing monitoring specification, or click New to enter a new monitoring specification Quality Manager:Stability Study:Variants and Time Points Quality Manager:Stability Study:Variants and Time Points:select the desired variant:click Time Points Quality Manager:Samples:Sample Groups:click Composite Results:click View Samples
Time Point
Quality Management Responsibilities
Refer to the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide and Oracle Common Application Components Implementation Guide for detailed information on setting up responsibilities.
Quality Management Business Rules
Item Specification Matching The following discussions pertain to item specification matching: Local and Global Specification Searches To match a specification with a specific sample, the Samples window uses the base hierarchy. Local specifications are searched before global specifications at each level of the specification matching hierarchy. Item and Item Revision in Specification Matching Item and item revision are considered in customer, inventory, supplier, and WIP specification matching. Grade Control in Specification Matching Specifications with no grade specified are searched for items that are not grade-controlled. For grade-controlled items, specification matching searches for a given grade. If the grade is specified, then it is used in the search, otherwise item specifications with no grade are used.
If the grade is not specified, then the lot-specific grade is used first, followed by item default grade, and finally the global grade is used. If a grade is not found, then the application searches for a specification with no grade specified for the closest match. These rules apply to all specification matching hierarchies for inventory, WIP, customer, and supplier. Customer Specification Matching To match a specification with a customer sample, the Samples window uses the base hierarchy and considers local versus global specifications. While matching a customer sample, if the customer specification is not found based on the following hierarchical criteria, then the application searches for an inventory specification. If the grade is specified, then it is used in the search, otherwise item specifications with no grade are used. If grade is not specified, then item specifications with no grade are used in the search. Item and Item Revision are considered. The search hierarchy is:
Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line ID Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line ID Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Order Number Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Order Number Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To Location
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To Location 11. Local Organization + Customer 12. Global Organization + Customer
Specification Matching from the Pick Lots Window To find a customer specification from the Select Available Inventory window, the specification matching feature uses the base hierarchy and considers local versus global
versus other organization-specific specifications. The Select Available Inventory window searches only for a customer specification. It does not search for an inventory specification if the customer specification is not found. If the grade is specified, then it is used in the search, otherwise item specifications with no grade are used. Item and Item Revision are considered. The search hierarchy is:
Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line ID Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line ID Other Organizations + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line ID Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line Other Organizations + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number + Order Line Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number Other Organizations + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To + Order Number
7. 8. 9.
10. Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Order Number 11. Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Order Number 12. Other Organizations + Customer + Operating Unit + Order Number 13. Local Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To Location 14. Global Organization + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To Location 15. Other Organizations + Customer + Operating Unit + Ship-To Location 16. Local Organization + Customer 17. Global Organization + Customer 18. Other Organizations + Customer
Inventory Specification Matching To find an inventory specification, the specification matching feature uses the base hierarchy and considers local versus global versus other plant-specific specifications. Item and Item Revision are considered. If the grade is specified, then it is used in the search, otherwise item specifications with no grade are searched. If the grade is not specified and the item is grade-controlled, then the item with no grade is used in the search. The following is the hierarchy used by the inventory specification matching program:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Local Organization + Parent Lot + Lot + Subinventory + Locator Local Organization + Parent Lot + Lot + Subinventory Local Organization + Parent Lot + Lot Global Organization + Parent Lot + Lot Local Organization + Parent Lot + Lot + Subinventory + Locator Local Organization + Parent Lot + Lot + Subinventory Local Organization + Parent Lot + Lot Global Organization + Parent Lot + Lot Local Organization + Subinventory + Locator
10. Local Organization + Subinventory 11. Local Organization + Item 12. Global Organization + Item
Supplier Specification Matching To find a supplier specification, the specification matching feature uses the base hierarchy and considers local versus global versus other plant-specific specifications. If no supplier specification is found that matches a supplier sample, then the application searches for a matching inventory specification. Item and Item Revision are considered. If the grade is specified, then it is used in the search, otherwise item specifications with no grade are used. If grade is not specified, then item specifications with no grade are searched. The following is the hierarchy used by the supplier specification matching program.
1. 2.
Local Organization + Supplier + Supplier Site + PO Number + PO Line Number Global Organization + Supplier + Supplier Site + PO Number + PO Line Number
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Local Organization + Supplier + Supplier Site + PO Number Global Organization + Supplier + Supplier Site + PO Number Local Organization + Supplier + Supplier Site Global Organization + Supplier + Supplier Site Local Organization + Supplier Global Organization + Supplier
WIP Specification Matching To find a WIP specification, the specification matching feature uses the base hierarchy and considers local versus global versus other plant-specific specifications. If no WIP specification is found that matches a WIP sample, then the application searches for a matching inventory specification. WIP specifications are searched using the following priorities:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Charge Step Routing + Version Routing Formula Line Formula + Version Formula Recipe + Version Recipe
Based on the previous search priorities, a routing takes precedence over a formula, recipe, batch, or operation. When a recipe is defined, the formula and optional routing are associated to it. When a batch is defined from a recipe, a formula and optional routing are associated to it.
If the grade is specified, then it is used in the search, otherwise item specifications with no grade are used. If the grade is not specified and the item is grade-controlled, then the item with no grade is used in the search. Item and Item Revision are considered. The WIP specification matching program uses the inventory specification matching program as the base hierarchy and searches based on the previous priorities as follows:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Local Organization + Lot + Subinventory + Locator Global Organization + Lot + Subinventory + Locator Local Organization + Lot + Subinventory + Locator Global Organization + Lot + Subinventory + Locator Local Organization + Lot + Subinventory Global Organization + Lot + Subinventory Local Organization + Lot + Subinventory Global Organization + Lot + Subinventory Local Organization + Lot
10. Global Organization + Lot 11. Local Organization + Lot 12. Global Organization + Lot 13. Local Organization + Subinventory + Locator 14. Global Organization + Subinventory + Locator 15. Local Organization + Subinventory 16. Global Organization + Subinventory 17. Local Organization + Item 18. Global Organization + Item
Monitoring Specification Matching Monitoring specifications are created for resources or locators that you need to assess as part of your quality operations in the supply chain. The following is the hierarchy used by the monitoring specification matching program.
Quality Management Workflows
This topic introduces you to the concept of a workflow process and refers you to the documentation that fully explains Oracle workflows. It presents an understanding of the OPM Quality Management workflows, how to set them up, how to start them, and how to use the Quality windows. This appendix covers the following topics: Basic Business Needs Technical Overview Understanding Workflow Processes Understanding OPM Quality Management Workflows Setting Up OPM Quality Management Workflows Using OPM Quality Management Workflows OPM Quality Sample Creation Workflow OPM Quality Test Workflow OPM Quality Sample Disposition Workflow OPM Quality Composite Results Workflow OPM Quality Sample Group Disposition Workflow OPM Quality Spec Status Change Approval Workflow OPM Quality Spec Customer Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow OPM Quality Spec Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow OPM Quality Spec Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow OPM Quality Spec WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow OPM Quality Spec Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow OPM Quality Sample Group Rejection Workflow OPM Quality Stability Study Change Status Workflow
OPM Quality Stability Study Lot Sample Workflow OPM Quality Stability Study Batch Creation Workflow OPM Quality Stability Study Testing Workflow OPM Quality Stability Study Time Point Test Workflow OPM Quality UOM Conversion Workflow Approval Management Engine (AME) Approval Matrix
Process Execution Batch Creation Batch Step Creation Batch Step Release
Quality Management Sample Creation Sample Disposition and Sample Group Disposition Testing Request Compositing Results
Specification Status Change Approval Specification Validity Rule Status Change Approval Customer, Inventory, Supplier, WIP, and Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval Stability Study Status Change Lot Sampling Batch Creation Testing Time Point Testing Lot Retesting Item UOM Conversion
Technical Overview
OPM Quality Management workflows use two major components: Oracle Workflow Oracle Workflow Business Event Systems
The design uses the Oracle Workflow Business Event System to define an event and associate it with a subscription to the business event. The subscription initiates a workflow to perform any needed database changes, notifications, or other requirements. Events and subscriptions can be enabled or disabled by the customer as needed using the business event system. A customer can add a new subscription to an event to perform customized functionality or features.
Workflow Business Event System XML Gateway Oracle Approval Management Engine (AME) Workflow Notification Subsystem Workflow Automatic Notification Processing
initiated when testing of all the samples in a sampling event (based on the number of samples required by the sampling plan) is complete and each sample has a final sample disposition. The notification provides a link to the Composite Results window, where information about the sampling event is populated. Spec Status Change Approval Notification The Spec Status Change Approval Notification workflow notifies the contact person when the specification status has changed. The workflow is activated for processing the status change. Typically, workflow approval is activated for status changes to Approved for Lab Use and Approved for General Use. The other statuses can be processed without requiring workflow approval. Spec Customer Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification The Spec Customer Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification workflow notifies the contact person when the customer specification validity rule status has changed. The workflow is activated for processing the status change. Typically, workflow approval is activated for status changes to Approved for Lab Use and Approved for General Use. The other statuses can be processed without requiring workflow approval. Spec Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification The Spec Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification workflow notifies the contact person when the inventory specification validity rule status has changed. The workflow is activated for processing the status change. Typically, workflow approval is activated for status changes to Approved for Lab Use and Approved for General Use. The other statuses can be processed without requiring workflow approval. Spec Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification The Spec Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification workflow notifies the contact person when the supplier specification validity rule status has changed. The workflow is activated for processing the status change. Typically, workflow approval is activated for status changes to Approved for Lab Use and Approved for General Use. The other statuses can be processed without requiring workflow approval. Spec WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification The Spec WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification workflow notifies the contact person when the WIP specification validity rule status has changed. The workflow is activated for processing the status change. Typically, workflow approval is activated for status changes to Approved for Lab Use and Approved for General Use. The other statuses can be processed without requiring workflow approval. Spec Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow The Spec Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification workflow
notifies the contact person when the monitoring specification validity rule status has changed. The workflow is activated for processing the status change. Typically, workflow approval is activated for status changes to Approved for Lab Use and Approved for General Use. The other statuses can be processed without requiring workflow approval. Sample Group Rejection Notification The Sample Group Rejection Notification workflow notifies the contact person that either a monitoring sample group, or a stability study time point sample group is rejected. Stability Study Change Status Notification The Stability Study Change Status Notification workflow notifies the study owner of status changes in the stability study. The process of changing status from New to a status of Completed involves a series of workflow notifications. Oracle E-Records operates with this workflow to enforce the stability study status control business rules. The cancellation of a stability study is also controlled by the workflow. Stability Study Lot Sample Notification When the stability study is approved, and specific lots of the item to be tested exist, then the Stability Study Lot Sample Notification workflow notifies the stability study contact person to obtain samples for all required material sources. In the notification, the contact person is designated to draw and store the specified samples, and to update the sample records accordingly. Stability Study Batch Creation Notification When the stability study is approved, and specific lots of the item to be tested do not exist, then the Stability Study Batch Creation Notification workflow notifies the stability study contact person to request that a batch be created for the study. The notification is sent only if the batch is a material source. Stability Study Testing The Stability Study Testing workflow is a master workflow that governs the Stability Study Time Point Scheduling Notification workflow, and the Stability Study Late Time Point Scheduling Notification workflow. This workflow runs as a background process to monitor for any time point test that requires a workflow notification, or a late workflow notification. The workflow raises the appropriate event for either scheduled or late time point tests. If the stability study is canceled or the scheduled time point testing date changes, then a workflow API manages the situation. The sample group disposition is changed from a status of retained to a status of pending, and the sample pull dates are updated. Stability Study Time Point Scheduling Notification The Stability Study Time Point Scheduling Notification workflow notifies you to pull
samples for time point testing. The notification considers the required lead time, and it requests you to change the disposition of a time point sample from Retained to Pending. When the sample disposition is changed to Pending, tests are scheduled. If the test is not performed within the grace period, then the OPM Quality Stability Study Testing master workflow raises a separate event that indicates the test is overdue. Stability Study Late Time Point Scheduling Notification The Stability Study Late Time Point Scheduling Notification workflow notifies you that a test is overdue. The notification considers the required grace period, and uses the OPM Quality Stability Study Testing master workflow to raise a separate event to indicate the test is late. Quality UOM Conversion Notification The Quality UOM Conversion Notification workflow notifies the contact person that a recommended UOM conversion exists. A link to the Item Lot Inter-class Unit of Measure Conversion window in the Oracle Inventory application is provided. This link does not operate unless a lot number is assigned.
OPM Quality Spec Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval OPM Quality Sample Group Rejection OPM Quality Stability Study Change Status OPM Quality Stability Study Lot Sample OPM Quality Stability Study Batch Creation OPM Quality Stability Study Testing OPM Quality Stability Study Time Point Scheduling OPM Quality Stability Study Late Time Point Scheduling OPM Quality UOM Conversion
Raising an Event from PL/SQL Raising an event can be done from PL/SQL code or within a workflow. Raising events must be done before commit statements or when something has occurred. When raising an event, parameters can be sent to the event for use by the workflow. The parameters are defined as a set of name/value pairs. These name/values are used as the attribute name/values of the workflow associated with the subscription for the specific event being raised. Events Use the Workflow Administrator to configure the seeded event subscription for the prebuilt inbound message if necessary. Using the Workflow Administrator, add an event that can be raised from the PL/SQL code. This event can be due to an inventory transaction, item receiving or production, shipment picklot, etc. Each business event is identified by a short name followed by a description. The event is referenced by the event short name across the framework and outside the framework. You need to know the event short name in order to call the API. The event is defined using the SSWA responsibility Workflow Administrator Web Applications. The owner tag of the business event is the application short name, such as GMD. Refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide for details on configuring a workflow event. Subscriptions Use the Workflow Administrator to add a subscription that subscribes to the event as defined earlier. This subscription is associated with a specific workflow. For example, an inventory transaction can raise an event where a subscriber to that event initiates the Sample Creation workflow.
A subscription can be added to a defined local business event. The phase of the subscription determines if the subscription is synchronous or not. Phase values less than 100 are synchronous; all others asynchronous. There can be multiple subscriptions to the same business event with different functionality. A workflow can be associated with a subscription. The Workflow Quality Manager events should have the second subscriber disabled. This enables the Quality workflow notifications to function as expected with respect to samples and sample dispositions. Workflow Workflows can be associated with a subscription. In the case of OPM Quality Management, a subscription for an event initiates a workflow execution. Workflows control notifications for sample creation, sample disposition, and sample rejection. Workflows also control notifications for specification status and specification validity rule status. Workflows monitor and execute all aspects of the stability study including notifications for study status change, lot sampling, batch creation, time point testing. If time point testing is not performed within a scheduled grace period, then workflow issues a late time point test notification.
OPM Quality Stability Study Change Status OPM Quality Stability Study Lot Sample OPM Quality Stability Study Batch Creation OPM Quality Stability Study Testing OPM Quality Stability Study Time Point Test OPM Quality UOM Conversion
Description Item ID Item Quantity1 Quantity2 UOM1 UOM2 Lot ID Lot Number Subinventory Locator Grade Trans Type
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person, requesting that a sample be taken. The body of the notification for inventory transaction follows:
You have been designated to create a sample or samples based on the inventory transaction described below: Transaction Details Document Type: &DOC_TYPE Document Description: &DOC_DESC Document No: &DOCUMENT_NO Organization Code: &ORGN_CODE
Item: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Parent Lot Number: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO Quantity: &TRANS_QTY UOM: &TRANS_UOM Dual Quantity: &ITEM_QTY2 Dual UOM: &ITEM_UOM2 Sampling Plan: &SAMPLING_PLAN Click Forms to launch the Samples window. Enter the sample and save. The Notifications window is displayed again and you can click OK to respond to the notice.
OPM Purchase Order Receipt Created Event This business event is triggered from the receipt transaction for an item that has the inspection required indicator enabled on the item master. The receiving transaction process flow is:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Receive against a purchase order line. Receive material into a receiving locator. Quality Receiving event is raised. An applicable specification is retrieved. Send a notification to create a sample. Sample is created. Send a notification to perform tests. Testing is performed and completed.
10. Sample Group Disposition is assigned. 11. Go to the Receiving Transaction window to record accepted or rejected quantities
and deliver material to inventory. Event Name oracle.apps.gml.po.receipt.created Event Key and Attribute rcv_transactions.transaction_id Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Sample Creation Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Receiving Transaction Sample Creation Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter ORG SUB_ORG ITEM_ID ITEM_NO TRANS_QTY1 TRANS_QTY_UOM1 TRANS_QTY2 TRANS_QTY_UOM2 LINE_TYPE Description Inventory Organization Sub inventory Item ID Item Quantity1 UOM1 Quantity2 UOM2 Only products and byproducts
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person, requesting that a sample be taken. The body of the notification for receiving transaction follows:
You are designated to create a sample or samples based on the receiving transaction described below: Transaction Details Organization Code: &ORGN_CODE Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Receipt: &RECEIPT_NO Purchase Order No: &PURCHASE_NO Supplier Number: &SUPPLIER_NO Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Parent Lot Number: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO Qty: &TRANS_QTY
OPM Receiving into Inventory Event This business event is triggered from the receipt transaction into a specific lot for an item that has the inspection required indicator enabled on the item master. The receiving transaction process flow is:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Receive against a purchase order line. Receive material into a lot inventory locator. Quality Receiving event is raised. An applicable specification is retrieved. Send a notification to create a sample. Sample is created. Send a notification to perform tests. Testing is performed and completed. Sample Disposition is assigned.
10. Sample Group Disposition is assigned. 11. Go to the Receiving Transaction window to record accepted or rejected quantities
and deliver material to inventory. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.po.receipt.inventory Event Key and Attribute rcv_transaction_interface.transaction_id Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Sample Creation Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Receiving into Inventory
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person, requesting that a sample be taken. The body of the notification for receiving transaction follows:
You are designated to create a sample for the receiving transaction described below: Transaction Details Organization Code: &ORGN_CODE Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY - &ORGN_NAME
Locator: &LOCATOR Receipt: &RECEIPT_NO Purchase Order No: &PO_NUMBER Supplier Number: &SUPPLIER Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC1 Parent Lot Number: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO Qty: &TRANS_QTY UOM: &TRANS_UOM Sampling Plan: &SAMPLING_PLAN Click Forms to launch the Samples window. Enter the sample and save. The Notifications window is displayed again and you can click OK to respond to the notice.
OPM Batch Created and OPM Batch Step Created Events When a batch or batch step is created, an event is raised to initiate the OPM Quality Sample Creation workflow. This workflow sends a notification to a contact person informing that a new batch or batch step is created and sampling is required. This includes the samples required for the batch or batch step. At the release of each step (operation), when the batch step quality status is Sample Required, the OPM Quality Sample Creation workflow is initiated to inform the contact person to take a sample of the production item. This notification includes a link to the Samples window. Event Name Event Key and Attribute GME_BATCH_HEADER.BATCH_ID oracle.apps.gme.batch.created oracle.apps.gme.batchstep.created oracle.apps.gme.bstep.rel.wf
Subscriber Workflow
Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name Process Quality Production Transaction Sample Creation Process Quality Production Transaction Sample Creation
Batch Step
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person, requesting that a Sample be taken. The body of the notification for the production transaction follows:
You have been designated to create a sample or samples based on the production transaction described below: Transaction Details Organization Code: &ORGN_CODE Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Batch No: &BATCH_ NO Batch Step: &BATCH_ STEP_NO Recipe: &RECIPE_ NO - &ORGN_NAME
Formula: &FORMULA_ NO Item: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_LOCATOR Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Sampling Plan: &SAMPLING_PLAN Click Forms to launch the Samples window. Enter the sample and save. The Notifications window is displayed again and you can click OK to respond to the notice.
Oracle Inventory Lot Expiry Date Changed Event This business event is initiated by reaching the expiration date for an item lot. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.lotexpiry Event Key and Attribute IC_LOTS_MST.ITEM_ID||'-'||IC_LOTS_MST.LOT_ID ORGANIZATION_ID - INVENTORY_ITEM_ID - LOT_NUMBER Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Sample Creation Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Lot Expiry Sample Creation Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter ITEM_ID LOT_ID LOT_NO GRADE EXPIRE_DATE Description Item ID Lot ID Lot Number Grade Expiration Date
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person, requesting that a Sample be taken. The body of the notification for Lot expiration transaction follows:
You are designated to create a sample for the lot expiry transaction described below Transaction Details: Transaction Details Organization: &ORGN_CODE - &ORGN_NAME
Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC1
Parent Lot Number: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO UOM: &TRANS_UOM Dual UOM: &ITEM_UOM2 Expiry Date: &EXPIRY_DATE Sampling Plan: &SAMPLING_PLAN
Run the Inventory Date Notification concurrent program in Oracle Inventory to either send a notification to manually or automatically create samples based on lot retest or lot expiry. The concurrent request can launch the Lot and Serial Date Notification workflow, which raises the business events for reaching the lot retest or expiry date. The Inventory Date Notification concurrent request searches for item lots that are process quality-enabled in a process-enabled inventory organization. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information on the concurrent request parameters. Oracle Inventory Lot Retest Date Change Event This business event is initiated by reaching the retest date for an item lot. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.lotretest Event Key and Attribute IC_LOTS_MST.ITEM_ID||'-'||IC_LOTS_MST.LOT_ID
Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Sample Creation Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Lot Retest Sample Creation Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter ITEM_ID LOT_ID LOT_NO GRADE RETEST_DATE Description Item ID Lot ID Lot Number Grade Retest Date
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person, requesting that a Sample be taken. The body of the notification for lot retest transaction follows:
You are designated to create a sample for the lotretest transaction described below Transaction Details:
Transaction Details Organization Code: &ORG Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC1 Parent Lot Number: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO UOM: &TRANS_UOM
Dual UOM: &ITEM_UOM2 Retest Date: &RETEST_DATE Sampling Plan: &SAMPLING_PLAN Click Forms to launch the Samples window. Enter the sample and save. The Notifications window is displayed again and you can click OK to respond to the notice.
Run the Inventory Date Notification concurrent program in Oracle Inventory to either send a notification to manually or automatically create samples based on lot retest or lot expiry. The concurrent request can launch the Lot and Serial Date Notification workflow, which raises the business events for reaching the lot retest or expiry date. The Inventory Date Notification concurrent request searches for item lots that are process quality-enabled in a process-enabled inventory organization. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information on the concurrent request parameters. Subscriber Workflow There is a fork in the workflow. The notification is sent to the person defined in AME for the workflow's contact. The control parameter list is: Event Type Inventory Organization Inventory Item Subinventory Locator
A contact person can be defined using at least one of the control parameters. The workflow resolves the role to at least a single user.
Sample is created. The tester defined for each test is retrieved from AME. The tests are grouped by the tester defined in AME. Sends a notification to each tester with the list of the tests they need to conduct. The
notification includes a link to the Forms window where the results can be entered. The purpose of this workflow is to find the testers and send notification for testing a particular sample. In the case of a sample creation, the sample information is identified. In the retest or additional testing scenarios, the test is known. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.performtest Event Key and Attribute GMD_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Perform Quality Test Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Perform Test Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter SAMPLE_ID SAMPLING_NO TEST_ID Description Sample ID Sample Number Test ID
Subscriber Workflow This workflow is spawned through the creation of sample and a specific specification for an item. This function finds the notifier associated with the test from AME. The control parameters are: Lab Item Test Class Test Test Method
A contact person can be defined using at least one of the control parameters. The role associated with this test is resolved to at least a single user. Test Request Notification The workflow sends a notification soliciting a response about the result of the tests.
You have been designated to perform the following test on the sample. Sample Details Laboratory Organization: &QC_LAB_ORGN_CODE Sample Number: &SAMPLE_NO Sample Description: &SAMPLE_DESC Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Item UOM: &ITEM_UOM Parent Lot: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Test Details ------Test Code: &TEST_CODE Test Description: &TEST_DESC Test Class: &TEST_CLASS Test Method: TEST_METHOD_CODE Test Method Description: &TEST_METHOD_DESC Test Replication: &TEST_REPLICATE Test Equipment: &RESOURCES Planned Resource: &PLANNED_RESOURCE Planned Result Date: &PLANNED_RESULT_DATE Test By Date: &TEST_BY_DATE
Click on the form to launch the Results window and enter the results. After saving the result, in the Notification screen, click OK to respond to the notice.
All required tests have results. An event for the sample disposition is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to the contact person as defined in AME, along with the sample information.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.sample.disposition Event Key and Attribute GMD_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Sample, Sample Group Disposition, and Composite Results Creation Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Sample Disposition Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter SAMPLE_ID SAMPLING_EVENT_ID RECOMMENDED_DISP Description Sample ID Sampling Event ID Recommended Target Disposition
Subscriber Workflow This function finds the approver associated with the sample from AME. The control parameters are: QC Lab Org Item
A contact person can be defined using at least one of the control parameters. The role associated with this test is resolved to at least a single user. Sample Approval Notifications You receive a notification soliciting a response about sample approval.
You have been designated to assign a disposition to the sample as described below. Item Details Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Parent Lot Number: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO Sample Details --------------------------------Sample Number: &SAMPLE_NO Sample Source: &SAMPLE_SOURCE Sample Description: &SAMPLE_DESC Specification: &SPECIFICATION Sample Plan: &SAMPLE_PLAN Sample Disposition: &SAMPLE_DISPOSITION Click Forms to launch the Samples window. After saving the result you will come back to the Notification screen where you may Click the OK button to respond to the notice.
All samples of a sampling event have a final sample disposition. An event for the composite results is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the sampling event information.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.compositeresults Event Key and Attribute GMD_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_EVENT_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Sample, Sample Group Disposition, and Composite Results Creation Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Sample Composite Results Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter SAMPLING_EVENT_ID Description Sampling Event ID
Subscriber Workflow This function finds the notifier associated with the composite result from AME. The control parameters list is: Org Item
A contact person can be defined using at least one of the control parameters. The role associated with this test is resolved to at least a single user. Composite Results Notifications You receive a notification soliciting a response about sample composite.
You have been designated to composite results for the sample described below. Organization: &ORG Item: &ITEM_NO Description: &ITEM_DESC1 Parent Lot: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot: &LOT_NO Sample Plan Name: &SAMPLE_PLAN Samples Taken: &SAMPLES_TAKEN Spec Name: &SPEC_NAME Click Forms to launch the Composite Results window. After saving the result you will come back to the Notification screen where you may Click the OK button to respond to the notice.
All sample dispositions have been changed from testing to accept, accept with variance, reject, or cancel. An event for the sampling disposition is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the sampling event information.
2. 3. 4.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.samplingevent.disposition Event Key and Attribute GMD_SAMPLES.SAMPLE_EVENT_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Sample, Sample Group Disposition, and Composite Results Creation Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Sample Group Disposition Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter SAMPLING_EVENT_ID RECOMMENDED_DISP CURRENT_DISP Description Sampling Event ID Recommended Target Disposition Current Target Disposition
Subscriber Workflow This function finds the notifier associated with the sampling event approval from AME. The control parameters list is: Org Item
A contact person can be defined using at least one of the control parameters. The role associated with this test is resolved to at least a single user. Sample Group Disposition Notification You receive a notification soliciting a response about sample event disposition.
You have been designated to assign a disposition to the sampling event as described below. Recommended Disposition: Item: &ITEM_NO
Description: &ITEM_DESC1 Parent Lot: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot: &LOT_NO Sample Plan: &SAMPLE_PLAN Spec Name: &SPEC_NAME Click Forms to launch the Sample Groups window. After saving the result you will come back to the Notification screen where you may Click the OK button to respond to the notice.
A specification is status is changed. An event for the specification status change is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the sampling event information.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.sts Event Key and Attribute GMD_SPECIFICATIONS.SPEC_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Spec Status Change Approval Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Spec Status Change Approval Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person indicating that a specification needs approval.
&REQUESTER has requested a spec status change Spec Name: &SPEC_NAME Spec Version: &SPEC_VRS Spec Description: &DESCRIPTION Spec Status: &SPEC_STATUS Spec Type: &SPEC_TYPE Overlay: &OVERLAY Base Spec: &BASE_SPEC Item: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &DESCRIPTION Grade: &GRADE Owner Organization: &OWNER_ORGN_CODE Owner Organization Name: &OWNER_NAME Current Status: &SPEC_STATUS Change Status To: &TARGET_STATUS_DESC Please click Approve to approve or Reject to reject.
Refer to the "Understanding the Status Approval Workflow" topic for a complete discussion of changing status of specification validity rules. The basic process for initiating the OPM Quality Spec Validity Rule Status Change Approval workflow is:
1. 2. 3. 4.
A specification validity rule status is changed. An event for the specification validity rule status change is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the sampling event information.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.svr.cus.sts Event Key and Attribute GMD_CUSTOMER_SPEC_VRS. SPEC_VR_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Customer Spec Validity Rule Status Change Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Customer Validity Rule Status Change Approval Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter CUST_NAME ITEM_NO Description Customer Name Item
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person indicating a request to approve a customer validity rule.
&REQUESTER has requested a spec validity rule status change
Spec Name: &SPEC_NAME Spec Version: &SPEC_VRS Spec Description: &DESCRIPTION Spec Status: &SPEC_STATUS Spec Type: &SPEC_TYPE Overlay: &OVERLAY Item No: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Grade: &GRADE Owner Organization: &OWNER_ORGN_CODE Owner Organization Name: &OWNER_ORGN_NAME Spec Validity Rule Status: &SPEC_VR_STATUS Parent Lot: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot: &LOT_NUMBER Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Resource: &RESOURCE Requestor: &REQUESTOR Current Status: &START_STATUS_DESC Change Status To: &TARGET_STATUS_DESC Please click Approve to approve or click Reject to reject.
OPM Quality Spec Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow
Refer to the "Understanding the Status Approval Workflow" topic for a complete discussion of changing status of specification validity rules. The basic process for initiating the OPM Quality Spec Validity Rule Status Change Approval workflow is:
1. 2.
A specification validity rule status is changed. An event for the specification validity rule status change is raised.
3. 4.
Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the sampling event information.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.svr.inv.sts Event Key and Attribute GMD_INVENTORY_SPEC_VRS. SPEC_VR_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Inventory Spec Validity Rule Status Change Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter ITEM_NO Description Item
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person indicating a request to approve an inventory validity rule.
&REQUESTER has requested a spec validity rule status change Spec Name: &SPEC_NAME Spec Version: &SPEC_VRS Spec Status: &SPEC_STATUS Source Type: &SOURCE_TYPE Item No: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Grade: &GRADE
Owner Organization Name: &OWNER_ORGN_NAME Spec Validity Rule Status: &SPEC_VR_STATUS Parent Lot: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot: &LOT_NUMBER Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Resource: &RESOURCE Requester: &REQUESTER Current Status: &START_STATUS_DESC Change Status To: &TARGET_STATUS_DESC Please click Approve to approve or click Reject to reject.
OPM Quality Spec Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow
Refer to the "Understanding the Status Approval Workflow" topic for a complete discussion of changing status of specification validity rules. The basic process for initiating the OPM Quality Spec Validity Rule Status Change Approval workflow is:
1. 2. 3. 4.
A specification validity rule status is changed. An event for the specification validity rule status change is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the sampling event information.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.svr.sup.sts Event Key and Attribute GMD_SUPPLIER_SPEC_VRS. SPEC_VR_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Supplier Spec Validity Rule Status Change
Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter SUPP_NAME ITEM_NO Description Supplier Name Item
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person indicating a request to approve a supplier validity rule.
&REQUESTER has requested a spec validity rule status change Spec Name: &SPEC_NAME Spec Version: &SPEC_VRS Spec Status: &SPEC_STATUS Source Type: &SOURCE TYPE Item No: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Grade: &GRADE Owner Organization: &OWNER_ORGN_CODE Owner Organization Name: &OWNER_ORGN_NAME Spec Validity Rule Status: &SPEC_VR_STATUS Parent Lot: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot: &LOT_NUMBER Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Resource: &RESOURCE Requester: &REQUESTER
Current Status: &START_STATUS_DESC Change Status To: &TARGET_STATUS_DESC Please click Approve to approve or click Reject to reject.
OPM Quality Spec WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow
Refer to the "Understanding the Status Approval Workflow" topic for a complete discussion of changing status of specification validity rules. The basic process for initiating the OPM Quality Spec Validity Rule Status Change Approval workflow is:
1. 2. 3. 4.
A specification validity rule status is changed. An event for the specification validity rule status change is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the sampling event information.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.svr.wip.sts Event Key and Attribute GMD_WIP_SPEC_VRS. SPEC_VR_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality WIP Spec Validity Rule Status Change Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter RECIPE ITEM_NO Description Recipe Item
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person indicating a request to approve
OPM Quality Spec Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow
Refer to the "Understanding the Status Approval Workflow" topic for a complete discussion of changing status of specification validity rules. The basic process for initiating the OPM Quality Spec Validity Rule Status Change Approval workflow is:
1. 2. 3. 4.
A specification validity rule status is changed. An event for the specification validity rule status change is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the
sampling event information. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.svr.mon.sts Event Key and Attribute GMD_MONITORING_SPEC_VRS. SPEC_VR_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Monitoring Spec Validity Rule Status Change Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter ORG Description Organization
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person indicating a request to approve a WIP validity rule.
&REQUESTER has requested a spec validity rule status change Spec Name: &SPEC_NAME Spec Version: &SPEC_VRS Spec Status: &SPEC_STATUS Source Type: &SOURCE TYPE Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Grade: &GRADE
Owner Organization: &OWNER_ORGN_CODE Owner Organization Name: &OWNER_ORGN_NAME Spec Validity Rule Status: &SPEC_VR_STATUS Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Resource: &RESOURCE Requestor: &REQUESTOR Current Status: &START_STATUS_DESC Change Status To: &TARGET_STATUS_DESC Please click Approve to approve or click Reject to reject.
Sample group dispositions are changed from complete to reject. An event for the sampling disposition is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the sampling event information.
OPM Quality Sample Group Rejection The Sample Group Rejection Notification notifies the contact person that either a monitoring sample group, or a stability study time point sample group is rejected. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.rej Event Key and Attribute SAMPLING_EVENT_ID
Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Sample Group Rejection Workflow Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality Sample Rejection Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter SUBINVENTORY RESOURCE Description Subinventory Resource
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person indicating that a sample group is rejected. In the case of Resource/Locator:
The following sample disposition has been rejected Resource Details Resource: &RESOURCE Resource Instance: &RESOURCE_INST Description: &RESOURCE_DESC Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Click on the form to open the Sample Groups window.
Item: &ITEM_NO Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Click on the form to open the Sample Groups window.
A stability study is created with an initial status of New, depending on the default value assigned to GMA: New for the STBL document type. An event for change status is raised. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the change status event information.
2. 3. 4.
OPM Quality Stability Study Change Status Event This business event is triggered from the Change Status dialog box accessed from the Actions menu on the Stability Study window. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.ss.csts Event Key and Attribute SS_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: Quality Stability Study Change Status Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: GMDQM_STABILITY_CSTS Process Quality Stability Study Status Change
Request Notification You receive a notification about the requested change of status for the stability study. The body of that request is:
&REQUESTER has requested a change status for the following Stability Study Owner Organization: &ORG Stability Study Name: &SS_NAME Stability Study Description: &SS_DESC Start Status Description: &START_STATUS_DESC Target Status Description: &TARGET_STATUS_DESC Storage Plan: &STORAGE_PLAN Item No: &ITEM_NO Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Base Spec: &BASE_SPEC Lab Org: &LAB_ORGN Notification Time: &NOTIFY_TIME Grace Time: &GRACE_TIME Sched Start Date: &SCHED_START_DATE Sched End Date: &SCHED_END_DATE
Revised Start Date: &REVISED_START_DATE Revised End Date: &REVISED_END_DATE Actual Start Date: &ACTUAL_START_DATE Actual End Date: &ACTUAL_END_DATE Owner: &OWNER
Preseeded Stability Study Statuses The following table lists each of the preseeded stability study statuses, a description of the status as it appears in the workflow notification process, whether status can be updated, and the listed status type:
Status 100 200 Description New Request Approval of Stability Study Plan Revise Stability Study Plan Stability Study Plan Approved Request Approval to Launch Revise Launch Request Launch Approved In Progress Request Approval to Cancel Updateable? Yes No Status Type 100 200
Yes No No
Status 940
Description Request Approval to Cancel From Approved Plan Request Approval to Cancel From Approved Launch Request Approval to Cancel from In Progress Canceled Completed
Updateable? Yes
1000 1100
No No
1000 1100
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person designating them to draw and store the listed samples, and to update the sample records accordingly. The body of the notification follows:
The following sample records have been created after the approval of the Sample Source Stability Study. You are designated to take an initial sample to qualify as a material source from this Stability Study: Study: &STUDY Study Description: &STUDY_DESC Status: &STATUS Organization: &ORG Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Parent Lot: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO Variant Material Source Batch: &BATCH_ NO Recipe: &RECIPE_ NO Recipe Version: &RECIPE VERSION Variant Storage condition Storage Spec: &STORAGE_SPEC
Storage Spec Version: &STGE_SPEC_VER Resource: &RESOURCE Storage Subinventory: &STORAGE_SUBINVENTORY Storage Locator: &STORAGE LOCATOR Variant Package Package: &PACKAGE Formula: &FORMULA_ NO Formula Version: &FORMULA_VERSION Sample Quantity/UOM: &SAMPLE_QTY/&SAMPLE_UOM Click Forms to open the Source Variants window. The notification window is displayed again and you can click OK to repsond to the notice.
Request Notification The workflow sends a notification to the contact person designating them to create a batch. The body of the notification follows:
You are designated for creation of a batch as material source of a stability study. The details are as follows: Organization: &ORG Study: &STUDY Study Description: &STUDY_DESC Status: &STATUS Study Date: &STUDY_DATE Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Plant: &PLANT Recipe: &RECIPE Recipe Version: &RECIPE VERSION Sample Qty: &SAMPLE_QTY Sample UOM: &SAMPLE_UOM Please enter the Batch Number in the Material Sources Screen
The workflow is the background process for the stability study, and it checks continuously for any time point test requiring a workflow notification (oracle.apps.gmd.qm.ss.tp) or a late workflow notification (oracle.apps.gmd.qm.ss.tplt). In each instance, it raises an appropriate event. Scheduling the Workflow Background Process Schedule the Workflow Background Process concurrent program to run hourly, or at an interval that is compatible with your stability study time point testing design.
1. 2.
Navigate to the Submit Request window. Enter Name as Workflow Background Process. The Parameters dialog box displays. Select Item Type as OPM Quality Stability Study Testing. Select Process Deferred as Yes. Select Process Timeout as Yes. Click OK. Click Schedule... in the At these Times... region. The Schedule dialog box displays. Select Periodically in the Run the Job... region. Enter Start At as the date and time to begin the stability study testing. This field defaults to the system date and time.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. Leave End At blank to run the process indefinitely, or enter an appropriate time
The time point testing workflow is triggered so that a notification is sent to a user at a time set by the stability study lead time. If the test is not performed within the grace period, then a late notification is raised as a separate event. If the stability study is canceled or a date changes, then the wf_engine.abort workflow API is called using the combination of item_type, the eight character name of the workflow, and item_key the key used for identifying the workflow. Sample group disposition is changed from a status of Retained to a status of Pending.
Sample pull dates on the are updated. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.ss.test Event Key and Attribute SS_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Stability Study Testing Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: GMDQM_STABILITY_PARENTTEST Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter OWNER_ORGN_CODE ITEM_NO Description Lab Organization Code Item
OPM Quality Stability Study Time Point Test Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: GMDQM_STABILITY_TEST Process Quality Stability Study Testing Timepoint Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter OWNER_ORGN_CODE ITEM_NO Description Lab Organization Code Item
Request Notification
You are designated to draw and store these samples and update the sample records accordingly: Organization: &ORG Study: &STUDY Study Description: &STUDY_DESC Status: &STATUS Study Date: &STUDY_DATE Time Name: &TIME_NAME Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Variant No: &VARIANT_NO Storage Spec: &STORAGE_SPEC Storage Spec Version: &STGE_SPEC_VER Sample Qty: &SAMPLE_QTY Resource: &RESOURCE Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY
Locator: &LOCATOR Sample Number: &SAMPLE_NO Sample Qty: &SAMPLE_QTY Click Forms to launch the MultiRow Samples window. After saving the result you will come back to the Notification screen where you may Click the OK button to respond to the notice.
The Stability Study Late Time Point Test Notification notifies you that a test is overdue. The notification considers the required grace period, and uses the OPM Quality Stability Study Testing master workflow to raise a separate event to indicate the test is late. Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.ss.tplt Event Key and Attribute TIMEPOINT_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: OPM Quality Stability Study Late Time Point Test Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: GMDQM_STABILITY_LATETEST Process Quality Stability Study Testing Timepoint Late Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter OWNER_ORGN_CODE ITEM_NO Description Lab Organization Code Item
Request Notification
Late Time Point Testing of a Stability Study You have been designated to pull the stability study variant time point testing as described below. Organization: &ORG
Study: &STUDY Study Description: &STUDY_DESC Status: &STATUS Study Date: &STUDY_DATE Time Name: &TIME_NAME Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Item Description: &ITEM_DESC Variant No: &VARIANT_NO Storage Spec: &STORAGE_SPEC Storage Spec Version: &STGE_SPEC_VER Sample Qty: &SAMPLE_QTY Resource: &RESOURCE Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR Sample Number: &SAMPLE_NO Sample Qty: &SAMPLE_QTY Click Forms to launch the MultiRow Samples window. After saving the result you will come back to the Notification screen where you may click the OK button to respond to the notice.
The basic process for initiating the OPM Quality UOM Conversion workflow is:
Record samples and results for all tests saved on the specification created in setting up for the unit of measure conversion process. Refer to the "Using Lot UOM Conversions Based on Quality Results" topic for a complete discussion of this process. Change the sample group disposition to Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. An event for change status is raised. Workflow sends notification to contact person as defined in AME, along with the UOM conversion event information. Select the UOM Conversion tab on the Change Disposition window. The application enters all data displayed on this tab: If at least one test on the specification has the Calculate UOM indicator selected If the Change Disposition To field displays Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject If the sample group source is Inventory or Supplier Data appears on this tab even when test results are out-of-specification. If a lot UOM conversion already exists for the lot, then the current conversion between the UOM class of the base UOM and the UOM class of the To UOM is displayed below the new proposed conversion.
2. 3. 4.
Select the Recommend indicator next to the desired UOM conversions. If this indicator is not selected, then the proposed conversion is not used in inventory. Click OK to change the disposition of the sample group. Subscriber for the event initiates the workflow. Provide an eSignature for the disposition change if one is required.
7. 8. 9.
10. Receive the OPM Quality UOM Conversion workflow notification. 11. Click the UOM Conversion link to the Oracle Inventory Lot Inter-class Unit of
OPM Quality UOM Conversion This business event is triggered from the Change Disposition window.
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.uomconv.csts Event Key and Attribute EVENT_SPEC_DISP_ID Subscriber Subscriber Workflow: Quality UOM Conversion Oracle Approval Management Transaction Name: Process Quality UOM Conversion Recommended Attributes for Approval Configuration
Parameter ORGN_CODE Description Organization
Request Notification You receive a notification about the UOM conversion. The body of that request is:
There has been a recommendation for Item Lot UOM Conversion. Source: &SOURCE Samples Taken: &SAMPLES_TAKEN Samples Group Disposition: &SAMPLE_GRP_DISP Item Number: &ITEM_NO Item Revision: &ITEM_REVISION Parent Lot: &PARENT_LOT_NUMBER Lot Number: &LOT_NO Organization: &ORG Subinventory: &SUBINVENTORY Locator: &LOCATOR
Supplier: &SUPPLIER Supplier Lot: &SUPPLIER_LOT PO Number: &PO_NUMBER PO Line Num: &PO_LINE_NO Receipt Num: &RECEIPT_NO Receipt Line No: &RECEIPT_LINE_NO Spec: &SPEC Spec Version: &SPEC_VERSION Test Name: &TEST_NAME Conversion: &CONVERSION Please open the Lot Inter-class Unit of Measure Conversion window Link in order to approve the Lot UOM Conversions, form Link: ICCNVED
Your responsibility must have access to the Lot Inter-class Unit of Measure Conversion window in order to approve the Lot UOM Conversions.
which derives the values of the attributes for a given transaction. You define approval groups that are associated to the rule in AME. Defining AME Conditions Define conditions in AME using the attributes. For example, the Lab is OPME. Defining eSignature Rules Define rules in AME using the conditions. For example, the Rule for Plant Code is used with a specific approval list. If the plant code is OPME, then the approval list defined in AME is used.
Oracle E-Record Events in Quality Management
OPM Quality Management supports the acquisition of electronic signatures on electronic records. Electronic documentation replaces paper with a seamless interface of business activities that improves manufacturing throughput and enhances the overall quality of operations in the supply chain. The following provides information for online and deferred events that are e-record and e-signature enabled in the OPM Quality Management application. A brief discussion of each event is provided. Refer to the Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide for details on setting up the events and approvals This appendix covers the following topics: Events Subscriptions Approval Matrix Approval of Quality Specification Samples Creation Results Sample and Sample Group Disposition Stability Study Change Status
The following table lists the events that are e-record and e-signature enabled for OPM Quality Management:
Event Process Quality Specifications Event Process Quality Inventory Validity Rule Specifications Event Process Quality WIP Validity Rule Specifications Event Process Quality Customer Validity Rule Specifications Event Process Quality Supplier Validity Rule Specifications Event Process Quality Monitoring Validity Rule Specifications Event Process Quality Sample Creation Event Process Quality Results Entry Event Process Quality Results Evaluation Process Quality Sample Disposition Process Quality Sample Event Disposition Process Quality Sample Event Disposition Composite Process Quality Stability Study Change Status
Owner Name
Owner Tag
oracle.apps.g md.qm.spec
ERES Event for Specifications in OPM Quality ERES Event for Inventory Specifications Validity Rule in OPM Quality ERES Event for WIP Specifications Validity Rule in OPM Quality ERES Event for Customer Specifications Validity Rule in OPM Quality ERES Event for Supplier Specifications Validity Rule in OPM Quality ERES Event for Monitoring Validity Rule
Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development
Owner Name
Owner Tag
Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturin g Product Development
ERES Event for Mass Results Entry in OPM Quality ERES Event for Results Evaluation in OPM Quality
oracle.apps.g md.qm.rslt.ev al
oracle.apps.g md.qm.evt.di sp
Owner Name
Owner Tag
oracle.apps.g md.qm.ss.ecst s
Note: It is recommended that the user entering the mass results data be
the one signing for the event. In order to accomplish this, the following AME attributes must have the appropriate values:
approval Group.
Event Key
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.inv oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.wip oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.cus oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.sup Event Key Spec_id Spec_vr_id Spec_vr_id Spec_vr_id Spec_vr_id
Event Name oracle.apps.gmd.qm.spec.vr.mon oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.entry oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.mentry oracle.apps.gmd.qm.rslt.eval oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.disp oracle.apps.gmd.qm.evt.dispcom oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.crea oracle.apps.gmd.qm.smpl.disp oracle.apps.gmd.qm.ss.ecsts
Event Key Spec_vr_id Sample_id-update_instance_id-spec_id Sample_id-update_instance_id-spec_id Sample_id-update_instance_id-spec_id Event_spec_disp_id Event_spec_disp_id Sample_id Event_spec_disp_id-sample_id SS_Id
Source Type Local Event Filter oracle.apps .gmd.qm.s pec Phase Status Rule Data Rule Function EDR_UTIL. WF_RULE _FUNCTIO N EDR_UTIL. WF_RULE _FUNCTIO N EDR_UTIL. WF_RULE _FUNCTIO N Priority
Rule Data
Rule Data
Approval Matrix
Transaction Type
Oracle Application Transaction Type ID Transaction Type Description GMD ERES Specifications Event Line Item Id Query String N/A
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s pec
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s pec.vr.inv
GMD ERES Inventory Validity Rule Specifications Event GMD ERES WIP Validity Rule Specifications Event GMD ERES Customer Validity Rule Specifications Event
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s pec.vr.wip
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s pec.vr.cus
Oracle Application
Transaction Type ID
Transaction Type Description GMD ERES Supplier Validity Rule Specifications Event GMD ERES Monitoring Validity Rule Specifications Event GMD ERES Sample Creation Event
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s pec.vr.sup
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s pec.vr.mon
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s mpl.crea
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.r slt.mentry
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.r slt.entry
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.r slt.eval
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s mpl.disp
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.e vt.disp
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.e vt.dispcom
GMD ERES Sample Group Disposition Composite GMD ERES Stability Study Change Status
oracle.apps.gmd.qm.s s.ecsts
Transaction Attributes
Approval attributes are seeded for these events. You can define the attributes and use them in the rules as per the implementation instructions.
Mandatory Attributes
Name ALLOW_DELET ING_RULE_GE NERATED_APP ROVERS Attribute Type boolean Description Whether to let the calling application (or its end users) delete approvers generated by the rules. Whether to allow requestors to approve their own transactions (when the rules do so). Whether to require that at least one rule apply to each transaction. The date that determines which rules are active. Static Usage Yes Usage False
Static Usage No
Usage Select ame_util.version DateToString(CR EATION_DATE) from gme_batch_head er where batch_id=:transa ctionId
Business-group ID in which transaction occurred. Org ID in which transaction occurred. Person ID of person initiating transaction. User ID of person initiating transaction.
Description Whether to require that the same line item satisfy all line-item conditions in a given rule. The transaction's workflow item key. The transaction's Workflow item type. Whether to let the calling application (or its end users) delete approvers generated by the rules.
Usage False
Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Grade Tests Summary Seq, Test, Test Method, Replicate, Unit, Target, Min, Max
Tests Details Test Seq, Test Class, Test, Test Description, Test Method, Test Data Type, From Base, Exclude, Modify, Spec Target, Spec Min, Spec Max, Test Min, Test Max, Test Unit, Expression, Test Qty, Test Qty UOM, Test Replicate, Test Priority, Optional Test, Lot Retest/Expiry Test, Out-of-Spec Action, Out-of-Spec Action Description, Out-of-Spec Action Interval, Calculate UOM Conversion, From UOM, To UOM, Experimental Error Type, Below Min, Below Min Action, Above Min, Above Min Action, Below Max, Below Max Action, Above Max, Above Max Action, Test Alias, Print Specification, Print Result, Display Decimal Precision, Report Decimal Precision
E-record for Customer Validity Rule Status Change Approval Data on the signoff can include: Spec, Spec Version, Spec Status, Organization Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Grade Validity Rule Status, Customer, Operating Unit, Ship To Location Order Number, Order Type, Order Line Effective From Date, Effective To Date, Certificate Type, Required at Shipment, Required at Invoice, Required at Supplier, Lot Optional on Sample
E-record for Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval Data on the signoff can include: Spec, Spec Version, Spec Status Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Grade Organization, Supplier, Supplier Name, Operating Unit, Validity Rule Status Site, PO Number, PO Line, Effective From Date, Effective To Date, Certificate Type, Required from Shipment, Required at Invoice, Required from Supplier, Lot Optional on Sample, Delayed Lot Entry Create Samples Automatically, Update Inventory Quantity, Control Lot Attributes,
In-Spec, Out-of-Spec E-record for Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval Data on the signoff can include: Spec, Spec Version, Spec Status Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Grade Organization, Validity Rule Status, Parent Lot, Lot, Subinventory, Locator Effective From Date, Effective To Date, Certificate Type, Required at Shipment, Required at Invoice, Required from Supplier, Lot Optional on Sample, Delayed Lot Entry Create Samples Automatically, Update Inventory Qty, Control Lot Attributes, In-Spec, Out-of-Spec
E-record for WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval Data on the signoff can include: Spec, Spec Version, Spec Status Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Grade Organization, Validity Rule Status, Batch, Recipe, Formula, Formula Line, Routing, Step, Operation Effective From Date, Effective To Date, Certificate Type, Required at Shipment, Required at Invoice, Required from Supplier, Lot Optional on Sample, Delayed Lot Entry Create Samples Automatically, Update Inventory Qty, Control Batch Step Status, Control Lot Attributes, In-Spec, Out-of-Spec
E-record for Monitoring Specification Validity Rule Status Change Approval Data on the signoff can include: Spec Name, Spec Version, Spec Status, Rule Type Validity Rule Status, Organization, Resource, Resource Instance, Subinventory, Locator Effective From Date, Effective To Date
Samples Creation
The Samples Creation e-record is sent when you try to approve a sample. The e-record provides all information about sample identification, including its priority, source, quality laboratory, sample dates, the specification tied to it, and any sampling plan information. E-record for Sample Creation Data on the signoff for samples creation can include: Sample Number, Description, Disposition, Retain As, Priority Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Source, Source Comments Parent Lot, Lot, Subinventory, Locator Customer, Operating Unit, Ship To Location, Order Number, Order Type, Order Line Batch, Recipe, Version, Formula, Version Formula Line, Routing, Version, Step, Charge, Operation Version Supplier, Supplier Name, Site, PO Number, PO Line, Receipt Number, Receipt Line Quality Laboratory, Date Drawn, Expiration Date, Lot Retest Sample, Update Inventory Quantity, Sample Qty, Sample Qty UOM, Storage Subinventory, Storage Locator, Samples Occurrence, Specification Count, Spec Name, Spec Version, Grade
Quality results entry and evaluation can also require e-signature and e-record support. After results are entered and evaluation during a session, upon saving the results, the e-signature event is raised by the window and the appropriate signoffs take place online. If all the necessary signatures cannot be fulfilled at this time, then the results cannot be committed to the database. Results for all listed tests do not have to be entered in order for the e-signature event to be raised; if one or more test results are entered and saved, then e-signature is required. If more results are entered and evaluated in subsequent sessions, then e-signature is required at that time. E-record for Results Entry Data on the signoff for results entry includes: Organization, Sample Number, Description, Sample Disposition, Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Grade, Parent Lot, Lot Spec Name, Spec Version
Results Summary Seq, Test, Replicate, Result, Unit, Result Date, Deleted
Results Details Test Sequence, Test, Test Description, Test Class, Test Method, Test Replicate, Result, Test Data Type, Test unit, Result Date, Test Min, Test Max, Test Priority, Display Label, Expression, Lot Optional, Lot Retest, Quality Laboratory, Tester, Reserve Sample, Planned Test Qty, Actual Test Qty, Actual Test UOM, Test Kit Item, Test Kit Lot, Test Provider, Deleted, Spec Target, Spec Min, Spec Max
E-record for Mass Results Entry Data on the signoff for mass results entry includes: Test, Test Description, Test Class, Test Method, Test Data Type, Expression Samples Used Organization, Sample Number, Replicate, Result, Test Unit, Result Date, Tester E-record for Results Evaluation Data on the signoff for results evaluation includes: Organization, Sample Number, Description, Sample Disposition, Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Grade, Parent Lot, Lot, Spec Name, Spec Version Results Summary Seq, Test, Replicate, Result, Unit, Result Date, Deleted Results Details Test Sequence, Test, Test Description, Test Alias, Test Class, Test Method, Test Replicate, Result, Test unit, Test Data Type, Result Date, Parent Sample, Test Min, Test Max, Test Priority, Display Label, Expression, Lot Optional, Lot Retest, In-Spec, Evaluation, Action, Quality Laboratory, Tester, Reserve Sample, Planned Test Qty, Actual Test Qty, Acual Test UOM, Test Kit Item, Test Kit Lot, Test Provider, Deleted, Spec Target, Spec Min, Spec Max
sample group disposition being accepted. If a sample group is not accepted, then these programs do not consider the sample group. Therefore, it is important that the sample group Disposition field is updated. E-record for Sample Disposition Data on the signoff for sample disposition change includes: Organization, Sample Number, Sample Description, Disposition, Priority Item, Item Revision, Item Description, Source, Source Comments Parent Lot, Lot, Subinventory, Locator Customer, Operating Unit, Ship To Location, Order, Order Type, Order Line Batch, Step, Charge, Recipe, Version, Formula, Version, Formula Line, Routing, Version, Operation, Version Supplier, Supplier Name, Operating Unit, Site, PO Number, PO Line, Receipt Number, Receipt Line Quality Laboratory, Update Inventory Qty, Sample Qty, Sample Qty UOM Date Drawn, Expiration Date, Samples Instance, Lot Retest Sample, Samples Taken, Storage Subinventory, Storage Locator Spec Name, Spec Version Results Summary Seq, Test, Replicate, Result, Unit, Result Date, Evaluation Results Details Test Sequence, Test, Test Description, Test Class, Test Method, Test Replicate, Test Data Type, Result, Test Unit, Result Date, Test Target, Test Min, Test Max, Display Label, Expression, Test Priority, Lot Optional, Lot Retest, Spec Target, Spec Min, Spec Max, In-Spec, Evaluation, Action, Quality Laboratory, Tester, Planned Test Qty, Actual Test Qty, Test Qty UOM, Test Kit Item, Test Kit Lot, Test Provider E-record for Sample Group Disposition Data on the signoff for sample group disposition change includes: From Disposition, To Disposition, Item, Item Revision, Item Description, From Grade, To Grade Parent Lot, Lot, Subinventory, Locator Customer, Operating Unit, Ship To Location, Order, Order Type, Order Line
Batch, Recipe, Version, Formula, Version, Formula Line, Routing, Version, Step, Charge, Operation, Version Supplier, Supplier Name, Operating Unit, Site, PO Number, PO Line, Receipt Number, Receipt Line Samples Taken, Samples Required, Samples Type Samples Summary Sample Number, Disposition, Date Drawn
Results Summary Sample, Seq, Test, Replicate, Result, Unit, Result Date, Evaluation
Results Details Sample, Test Sequence, Test, Test Description, Test Class, Test Method, Test Replicate, Test Priority, Test Data Type, Result, Test Unit, Result Date, Display Label, Expression, In-Spec, Evaluation, Action, Quality Laboratory, Tester, Test Kit Item, Test Kit Lot, Test Provider, Spec Target, Spec Min, Spec Max
E-record for Sample Disposition Composite Change Disposition Data on the signoff for sample disposition composite change disposition includes: From Disposition, To Disposition, Item, Item Revision, Item Description, From Grade, To Grade Parent Lot, Lot, Subinventory, Locator Customer, Operating Unit, Ship To Location, Order, Order Type, Order Line Batch, Recipe, Version, Formula, Version, Formula Line, Routing, Version, Step, Charge, Operation, Version Supplier, Supplier Name, Operating Unit, Site, PO Number, PO Line, Receipt Number, Receipt Line Update Inventory Qty, Control Batch Step Status, Control Lot Attributes, In-Spec Lot Status, Out-of-Spec Lot Status, Hold Date Samples Taken, Samples Required Samples Summary Org, Sample Number, Disposition, Date Drawn
Variant Storage Condition Organization, Storage Spec, Storage Spec Version, Resource, Subinventory, Locator, Storage Date
Variant Timepoints Time Interval, Spec, Spec Version, Scheduled Date, Actual Date, Samples Required, Disposition, Time Interval, Spec, Spec Version, Scheduled Date, Actual Date, Samples Required, Disposition
Action User defined message displayed to identify the need for and type of quality related action to be taken when a lot expires, or its results are not in conformance with quality requirements. Examples of actions are: quarantine, retest, resample, and hold. Assay See Test. Assay Type See Test Data Type. Assay Units See Test Units. Business Event An event that is of interest to customers or business teams. For example, the movement of inventory to a subinventory is a business event. Certificate of Analysis Also, COA. Documentation issued to a customer, or for internal records, indicating the quality tests performed and results reported for item lots shipped. Certificate of Conformance Also, CoC. Documentation provided by a supplier or manufacturer that indicates the supplies or services meet the specified requirements. In this application, the Certificate of Conformance lets the process manufacturer to certify shipments that meet certain quality specifications where results are not printed in the document. Charge One full load that can be accommodated in a single pass through the equipment. In a process manufacturing plant, the capacity of a step may be predetermined by the capacity of the equipment used in that step. For example, a mixing tank that has a
maximum capacity of 1000 gallons overflows if more is added. The maximum capacity determines the total number of charges that are required to process the ingredients required for a batch. A batch size of 5000 gallons requires five charges at 1000 gallons each when the maximum capacity of the mixing tank if 1000 gallons. CoA See Certificate of Analysis. CoC See Certificate of Conformance. Decimal Precision The number of decimal places that are displayed for numeric data. This ranges from zero to nine decimal places, and it determines how the application manages the rounding of significant figures. A decimal number that is five or higher rounds up, while decimal numbers below five round down. Disposition The status of a sample or sample group with respect to analysis. Context Organization The inventory organization that serves as the framework for the data entered or displayed. E-Records and e-signatures To satisfy signoff requirements in regulated industries, electronic signatures are obtained before changes to records become accessible throughout the supply chain. Management configures where and when these signatures are collected by using an electronic record framework. If a signature is required, then an e-signature window displays. Application users are restricted from moving on to the next logical step or status until all required e-signatures are entered. Event Subscription Typically perform any or all of the following: Run custom PL/SQL code. Send the business event to a predefined workflow. Use Oracle Advanced Queuing for asynchronous messaging.
Refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide for details on subscribing to a workflow event.
Experimental Error The error observed defines a region of uncertainty around specification limits for a test that usually requires an action. These action zones can be defined for numeric-based tests. Expiration Date Date or time window beyond which an item or lot expires and becomes unusable. This is defined as part of the item master and lot master in OPM. Frequency Period Defines the basis of frequency for a sampling plan in terms of hours, batches, lots, and kilograms produced. This corresponds to the frequency count. Frequency Type Identifies the type of sampling plan frequency as: Time-based Quantity-based Fixed Number Percent
Grade Combinations of quality attributes that are defined for lot-controlled items. Also, the fitness of an item to preset attributes. For example, diamonds have color and clarity grades as measures of their quality. ICH In stability studies. International Conference on Harmonisation. Instrument A resource that is linked to a test method so that test results can be traced to the equipment used in the analysis. Inventory Organization The plant where batches are produced. Also, the organization that holds the inventory at specified locations. Contains subinventories and locators. Item Revision A particular version of an item.
Item Sample See Sample. Locator A specific physical area within a subinventory such as a row, aisle, bin, or shelf where the item is stored. Locator Control A technique for enforcing the use of locators during a material transaction that is set at the inventory organization, subinventory, or item level. Lot A unit used to group quantities of a specific item when subquantities have slightly different characteristics. Lot Status Defined in the Oracle Inventory application. Assigned to one or more lots to indicate if the lots are nettable for planning, or usable for sales, production, or shipping. Monitoring Sample See Sample. Oracle Workflow A complete workflow management system that supports business process definition, automation, and integration. This technology routes information based on user defined business rules. Notification activities deliver messages to you through e-mail or a notification web page that is accessible using any browser. Parent Lot A quantity of an item that shares the same specifications or contains one or more receipts from the same vendor. Genealogically, each parent lot can be divided into child lots, previously sublots, which reflect the characteristics selected for the items within the parent lot. Process Quality Parameters A default set of organization-specific controls or options that determines how OPM Quality Management functions. Quality Laboratory Process-enabled inventory organization where a sample is tested. Represented as a process-enabled lab inventory organization.
Quality Workbench A navigator with nodes that you can expand to display groups of individual database objects. Lower level nodes, and the objects they contain, are indented to indicate that they belong to these higher level nodes. The terminal node in a branch is called a leaf node. The workbench has a data organizer that groups objects on separate tabs. Each tab has a unique icon and its own hierarchy. The Quality Management application uses tabs to group specifications and samples. When you select an unexpanded, higher level node on the data organizer, a summary view lists the contents of the container. Result Outcome of a quality test performed on an item or lot. Results may not be the expected results as defined in the specification. This can be used to determine that an item or lot is unsuitable to be sold or used. Retest Date In stability studies. The date after which samples of the drug substance must be examined to ensure that the material is still in compliance with the specification and thus suitable for use in the manufacture of a given drug product. Retest Period In stability studies. The period of time during which the drug substance is expected to remain within its specification and, therefore, can be used in the manufacture of a given drug product, provided that the drug substance has been stored under the defined conditions. After this period, a batch of drug substance destined for use in the manufacture of a drug product must be retested for compliance with the specification and then used immediately. A batch of drug substance can be retested multiple times and a different portion of the batch used after each retest, as long as it continues to comply with the specification. For most biotechnological or biological substances known to be labile, it is more appropriate to establish a shelf life than a retest period. The same may be true for certain antibiotics. RH Relative humidity. Sample Portion of a lot selected to be tested. Results of tests are used to estimate the characteristics of the entire lot. The application distinguishes between an item sample and a monitoring sample. The item sample can be a physical sample with a source from inventory, WIP, a customer, or a supplier. The monitoring sample is typically a virtual sample from an instrument or other measurement device that monitors equipment such as an environmental chamber. For example, temperature and humidity readings can be monitoring samples.
Sample Group Also, Sampling Event. Comprised of one or more samples that share a common sample source, item, and lot are tied to the same business event such as receiving, inventory transfer, batch, and expired lot. Sample Quantity Total amount of material drawn for inspection, and required for all anticipated tests. It is measured in the inventory unit of measure for the item sampled. The sample quantity can include sufficient material for possible retesting. Sample Source Identified as the origin of the sample. For example, the material, resource, locator, or stability study. Sampling Event See Sample Group. Sampling Plan Identifies how much and how often sampling must occur. Shelf Life In stability studies. The time period during which a product is expected to remain within the approved shelf life specification, provided that it is stored under the conditions defined on the container label. Specification, Item A clear, complete, and accurate statement of the quality acceptance criteria for a material, and of the procedure to determine if the requirements are met. A quality specification includes a set of tests. In stability studies. Limits of acceptability derived from the profile of the material as used in the preclinical and clinical batches. Specification, Monitoring In stability studies. A specification that defines the details of the storage condition for one of the variants of a stability study. These conditions can include, but are not limited to, the temperature, humidity, and pressure of the storage condition. Specification Validity Rule Includes specific information on how and when an item or monitoring specification version applies to inventory, process execution, order management, receiving operations, resources, or locators.
Stability Study Stability Studies analyze a predefined set of tests at prescribed intervals for various parameters. These may include testing of the active ingredient, measurement of known degradation products, dissolution time, appearance, and other physicochemical criteria. Long term, accelerated, and intermediate studies undertaken on batches according to a prescribed stability protocol to establish or confirm the retest period of a drug substance or the shelf life of a drug product. Storage Condition In stability studies. A set of environmental conditions to maintain a climate-controlled storage facility. The length of the studies and the storage conditions are required to cover the conditions of the item's storage, shipment, and subsequent use. Storage Locator A restricted or non-restricted subinventory locator where samples are stored. Storage Organization Process-enabled inventory organization where a sample is stored. Storage Package In stability studies. Refers to the containers in which sample material is stored for stability testing. The packages must be the same as, or it must simulate the actual packaging used for storage and distribution of the finished product. Storage Subinventory A validated or non-validated subinventory where samples are stored. Subinventory A subdivision of an inventory organization that represents either a physical area or a logical grouping of items, such as a storeroom, damaged inventory, or receiving dock. Test Previously, Assay. A generic term for the analysis of the physical and chemical properties of a sample. For example, you can perform a test for chloride using commercially available titrimetric or amperometric test methods. Test Class A grouping of tests based on a common set of meaningful characteristics. Test Data Type Previously, Assay Type. Categorizes the type of data expected for a test. Numeric and
text based data types are available in the application. Test Kit Material used in preparing or running a test. For example, a reagent used in a chemical test. Test Method Identifies how a test is performed. For example, a test method refers to a standard American Society for Testing and Materials, or ASTM protocol for measuring the property of a material. Test Procedures and Test Criteria In stability studies. The testing covers those features susceptible to change during storage and likely to influence quality, safety, and efficacy. Test Quantity The amount of material required for a particular test method and instrument, expressed in the inventory unit of measure. Test Replicate An iteration of a test that is repeated on the same sample. Test Units Previously Assay Units. Unit of measure for quality tests. For example, pH. Test units of measure often differ from inventory units of measure. Testing Frequency In stability studies. Frequency of testing sufficient to establish the stability characteristics of the item. Testing under long term conditions typically is every three months, over the first year, every six months over the second year and then annually. Validity Rule See Specification Validity Rule. Variant In stability studies. The storage condition for a time point sample defined by a unique combination of the material source, stability study storage condition, test interval plan, and optional storage package. WIP See Work in Process.
accelerated stability testing, 8-4 acceptable values, 3-6 acceptance sampling, 5-3 account, 2-16 action codes, 2-4 action codes , 2-2 action codes setup, 2-2 active specifications, 1-16 actual test quantity, 6-20 Add Tests window, 6-39 ADJI, 2-13 aliquots, in sampling, 5-11 application setup, 1-7 Approval Matrix, E-8 archive samples, 5-11 arithmetic operators, in Expression test, 3-8, 3-9 audit trail, in version control, 4-21 available inventory, in Oracle Order Management, 4-9
certificate formatting, 4-22 Certificate of Analysis, 4-4, 6-3, 6-8, 7Certificate of Analysis Report window, 7-16 Certificate of Conformance, 4-4, 7certification certificate of analysis, 7-14 certificate of conformanceCertificate of AnalysisCertificate of Analysis or Certificate of Conformance, 7-14 certification of tests, 7-14 cGMP, 8-5 classes, in test data type, 2-4 code, status, 4-17 collaborative analysis, in test grouping, 2-6 components, navigation, 1-13 Composite Results Notification, D-4 Composite Results window, 6-15, 6-34 conditions, specifying in search and replace, 1-23, 1-26 conformance to specification, 1-3 consider optional tests results, 2-16 Consider Optional Tests Results, 4-2, 4-3 Consider Optional Tests Results , 4-26 control batch step status, 2-15 control batch step status, use of WIP specification validity rule, 6-9 Control lot attributes, 2-15 control lot attributes , 4-40 Control Lot Attributes indicator, 6-11 converting UOMs, 4-9
base specification, 4-5, 4-22 batch creation, sampling in, 5-4 batch step, preventing completion of, 6-9 batch step completion and quality test results, 112 batch step release, 1-4 batch step release, and quality sampling, 1-12 batch termination, 5-4 batch update, using sample quantity, 1-12
convert test units, 2-7 copy a specification, 4-32 copy specification, 4-5 count, in sampling plan, 2-9 Create Samples Automatically, 2-15 Customer Display dialog box, 3-14 Customer Test Results report, 2-4 Customer Validity Rules node, 1-16
data types, in tests, 3-6 delayed lot entry, 2-15 Delayed Lot Entry indicator, 5-13 detail views, 1-14 display, hierarchical, 1-13 document types, 2-13
Find Sample Storage Summary window, 7-20 Find Samples window, 1-20 Find Sampling Plans dialog box, 2-12 Find Specifications dialog box, 4-33 Find Specifications window, 1-20 Find Stability Studies dialog box, 8-31 Find Status Codes dialog box, 4-20 Find Storage Condition Plans dialog box, 8-24 Find Test Classes dialog box, 2-5 Find Test Interval Plans dialog box, 8-21 Find Test Methods dialog box, 3-5 Find Tests dialog box, 3-19 Find Test Units dialog box, 2-8 Find Variants dialog box, 8-42 fixed number sampling, 2-9 frequency of sampling, 2-9 frequency type, in sampling plan, 2-9
editing results, 6-23 electronic results, 1-4 electronic signatures, 1-4 environmental conditions, 4-8 environmental monitoring, 8-8 environmental variables, in stability testing, 8-2 exact specification match, 2-15 Exact Spec Match , 5-20 experimental error, 4-7 region, 3- , 3-18 rules, 3-16 Experimental Errors window, 6-32 expiration date, 2-2, 5-8 expiration dating, 8-4 expired lots, managing, 1-13 expressions, evaluating partial, 6-7 expressions, in quality testing, 3-2 Expression test, 3-8 example of entering, 3-10 test unit conversion, 2-7 Expression test type, 3-2
Generate Test Intervals dialog box, 8-20 generic resources, 3-2 Glossary, Glossary-1 GMD Include Optional Tests in Sample Disposition, 6-15 Good Manufacturing Practice, 8-5 grade, 2-2 grade, updating, 1-12 grades , 2-4 grades setup, 2-2 GRDI, 2-13 Group Enabled indicator, 2-7 grouping tests, 2-6
hierarchical display, 1-13 hierarchy, of navigator, 1-14
inquiries , B-1 In-Spec status, 2-15 inspection, receiving, 1-13 inspection points, 1-4 instruments, used in quality testing, 3-3 instrument scheduling, 3-3
failures, in process behavior, 1-3 FDA, 8-5 find a sample storage summary, 7-20 Find Samples dialog box, 5-41, 6-33, 6-46
inventory adjustment, 1-12 inventory organization , 5-3 Inventory Validity Rules node, 1-16 item, 4-35 Item/Location Required Analysis report, 7-3 item attributes, 2-1 item revision, 4-24 items, 2-1 item samples, system-generated, 5-13 Item Samples window, 1-18, 5-15 Item Specifications, 4-4 item substitution, 4-8, 5-3 item units of measure, 2-10
navigation components, 1-13 navigator, 1-13 nodes, 1-13 nonconforming material, 1-3 Non-Validated test, 3-6 notification window, in workflow, 5-4 Numeric Range test, 3-6 Numeric Range with Display Text test, 3-7
open-ended ranges, in numeric range tests, 3-7 operating unit, 4-44, 5-28 OPM Product Analysis Workbook, 4-9 OPM Quality Management, 6-13 OPM Quality Sample Creation workflow, D-10 OPM Quality Spec Customer Validity Rule Status Change approval workflow, D-32 OPM Quality Spec Inventory Validity Rule Status Change approval workflow, D-33 OPM Quality Spec Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change approval workflow, D-38 OPM Quality Spec Supplier Validity Rule Status Change approval workflow, D-35 OPM Quality Spec Validity Rule Status Change Approval workflow, 4-12 OPM Quality Spec WIP Validity Rule Status Change approval workflow, D-37 OPM Quality Stability Study Change Status workflow, 8-14 OPM Quality Stability Study Lot Sample workflow, D-45 OPM Quality UOM Conversion workflow, 4-10 Oracle Approval Management Engine (AME), D4 Oracle Business Intelligence System, in Order Fulfillment specification matching, 4-9 Oracle E-Records, 1-9 Oracle Inventory, related to quality, D-2 Oracle Inventory application, 1-8 Oracle Order Management, 1-9 Oracle Order Management, in specification matching, 4-8 Oracle Purchasing, 1-9, 6-13 Oracle Quality, 1-9, 6-12 Oracle Receivables, 1-8 Oracle Workflow, D-3
laboratory, 2-14 leaf node, 1-13 List of Test Values test, 3-6 locator, 5-19 locator, in monitoring specification, 4-8 lot attributes, 4-7 lot expiration, management of, 1-13 lot expiration date, 5-8 Lot Optional, 2-15 Lot Retest/Expiry indicator, 4-3 lot-specific unit of measure conversion, 4-9
managing results, 2-4 Manual Allocate, 2-3 Manual Spec Selection, 2-16 Mass Results Entry Test Selection window, 6-27 Mass Results Entry window, 6-30 material attribute, 4-6 material source organization, 8-12 Material Sources window, 8-33 material status, updating, 1-12 mathematical expressions, in quality testing, 3-2 mathematical functions, in Expression test, 3-8 Mode statistic, 6-3 Monitoring Samples window, 5-35 monitoring specification, 4-7, 4-22 Monitoring Specifications, 4-5
Oracle Workflow Business Event Systems, D-3 organization, 5-43 organization, quality laboratory, 5-3 organization type, 2-14 Other applications setup, 2-1 Out-of-spec status, 2-15 overlay specification, 4-5, 4-22 owner organization , 4-24
parent lot, 4-36, 5-15, 5-25, 5-31, 6-47 percentage-based sampling, 2-10 period, in sampling plan, 2-9 Personal folder, 1-14 PL/SQL NVL function, 6-7 planned test quantity, 6-20 plant, 2-14 potency, 4-6 precision, in reports, 3-15 preventing batch step completion, 6-9 Print Additional Test on COA, option, 6-23 Process Execution, related to quality, D-2 Process Execution application, 1-8 process flow, in quality management, 1-7 process loss, 1-12 Process Quality Parameters window, 2-13, 4-23, 5-6, 5-13 Process Quality Parameters window , 2-3 Product Development application, 1-8 Public folder, 1-14
quality sampling, 1-12 quality specifications status change approval workflow, D-30 Quality Technician, B-1 quality testing, 1-4 Quality tests setup, 2-4 quality test units, 2-7 quality test workflow, D-23 Quality UOM Conversion Notification, D-7 Quality Workbench, 1-14 quantity-based sampling, 2-9
reason code, 2-2 reason code , 2-15 reason code access setup, 2-3 receiving inspection, 1-13 receiving inspection result, 6-12 referential integrity, 3-3 report precision, 3-15 reports, B-1 Certificate of Analysis, 7-14 Certificate of Conformance, 7-14 Customer/Vendor Test Results, 7-7 Item/Location Test Results, 7-4 Production Test Results, 7-10 Sample Label Generation, 7-21 resample action, 2-15 reserve sample, 5-12 resource, in monitoring specification, 4-8 responsibilities, B-1 Result Association window, 6-54 results, managing, 2-4 result statistics, 6-3 Results window, 6-14, 6-33, B-1 retained sample, 5-11, 5-12 retest action, 2-15 retest date , 2-2 retest interval, 2-2 retest process, 6-3 revision, 5-18, 5-24 Revision, 4-35, 5-30
quality attributes for items setup, 2-2 quality certificate, 4-8 Quality Change Disposition dialog box, 6-47 Quality Change Disposition window , 2-3 Quality composite results workflow, D-27 quality grade, 1-4 quality improvement, 1-3 quality inspection, 5-3 quality laboratory, 2-14, 5-3 quality laboratory organization, 5-3 Quality Management Responsibilities, B-1 Quality Manager, B-1 quality requirements, 1-3 Quality sample disposition workflow, D-25
sample collection, 5-3
inspection, 5-3 supplier, 5-3 sample approval management engine, D-56 Sample Creation Notification, D-4 Sample Creation Notification Workflow, 2-9, 5-4 sample disposition, 1-21, 5-11, 5-11 Sample Disposition Notification, D-4 sample expiration date, 5-8 sample group disposition, 5-9 Sample Group Disposition Notification, D-4 Sample group disposition workflow, D-28 Sample Group Rejection Notification, D-6 sample group rejection workflow, D-40 Sample Groups window, 5-44, B-1 Sample Label Generation report, 7-21 samples, impact of batch termination, 5-4 Samples By... windows, 5-49 Samples Summary window, 1-18, 5-52 Samples tab, 1-15 Sample Storage Summary window, 7-19 Samples window, 5-5 sampling fixed number, 2-9 percentage-based, 2-10 quantity-based, 2-9 time-based, 2-9 sampling frequency, 2-9 sampling methodologies, 5-4 sampling plan, 1-12 sampling plan, definition, 2-10 Sampling Plan window, 2-9 sampling process, 1-4 scheduling tests, 3-3 security profile access setup, 2-3 Select Available Inventory window, 2-3 sequencing tests, 2-6 Setting Up Quality Responsibilities, B-1 setup, in other applications, 1-7 set up material status, 2-3 shelf life, in stability testing, 8-4, 8-5 Show Active Samples indicator, 1-17 Show Active Specs indicator, 1-15 Spec Customer Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification, D-5 specification, 3-7 stability studies, 8-9 updating inventory quantity, 5-16
Specification Comparison window, 6-41 specification limits, 3-15 specification matching, 1-4, 4-2 specification matching procedure, 4-8 specification matching setup, 2-4 specification maximum, 3-16 specification minimum, 3-16 Specifications tab, 1-15 Specification Summary window, 4-53 Specifications window, 3-19, 4-22 specification validity rules, 1-4, 2-10, 4-7, 4-12, 5-4 , 8-14 specification validity rule status, 1-16 Specification Validity Rules window, 4-22 Spec Inventory Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification, D-5 Spec Monitoring Validity Rule Status Change Approval Workflow, D-5 Spec Status Change Approval Notification, D-5 Spec Supplier Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification, D-5 Spec WIP Validity Rule Status Change Approval Notification, D-5 stability studies, 1-11, 8-4 accelerated testing, 8-4 additional testing, 8-14 attachment usage, 8-2 completion, 8-14 concluding the study, 8-14 container closure systems, 8-3 expiration dating, 8-3 FDA, 8-5 guidelines from FDA, 8-5 ICH conditions, 8-7 initial sampling material, 8-11 inventory organization, 8-9 item, 8-9 item revision, 8-9 launch, 8-13 lifecycle, 8-7 master item specification, 8-9 monitoring specification, 8-13 owner, 8-10 packaging, 8-12 pull samples for testing, 8-13 relative humidity, 8-8 results, communication of, 8-14
sample protocols, 8-6 sample size, 8-5 scheduled dates, 8-12 setup, 8-8 storage condition plan, 8-10 storage condition recommendation, 8-4 storage conditions, 8-5 storage package, 8-12 temperature, 8-8 test accuracy, 8-3 testing grace period, 8-10 testing program, 8-2 testing time points, 8-13 test interval plan, 8-16 test linearity, 8-3 test methods, 8-5 test reliability, 8-3 test sensitivity, 8-3 test specificity, 8-3 workflow, 8-13 Stability Study Batch Creation Notification, D-6 stability study batch creation workflow, D-47 Stability Study Change Status Notification, D-6 Stability Study Late Time Point Scheduling Notification, D-7 Stability Study Lot Sample Notification, D-6 stability study sample records, 5-13 stability study status change workflow, D-42 Stability Study Testing, D-6 stability study testing workflow, D-48 Stability Study Time Point Scheduling Notification, D-6 stability study time point test workflow, D-50 Stability Study window, 8-2, 8-26 status , 2-2 Status Approval Workflow, 4-12 disabling, 4-15 understanding, 4-13 status codes, 4-13 status codes, in status control, 4-17 Status Codes window, 4-16 Status Details window, 4-19 storage condition, 8-8 storage condition parameters, 8-8 storage condition plan, 8-8, 8-10 Storage Condition Plans window, 8-22 storage conditions, 8-8
storage organization, 8-23 Storage Packages window, 8-24 storage requirements, in stability studies, 8-4 STSI, 2-13 subinventory, 4-37 Subscriptions, E-6 summary views, 1-14 supplier samples, 5-3 supply chain, sampling, 5-3 system security profile, 1-2
targetexperimental errorregionexperimental error region., 3-15 terminated batch, impact on samples taken, 5-4 terminated batches, 5-35 terminating batches, 5-8 test dependencies, 3-3 test, certification, 7-14 test class creating test groups, 2-6 Test Classes window, 2-4 test data type, 3-6 test definition, 3-2 Test Details window, 6-31 testing, quality, 1-4 testing, stability, 8-4 testing instruments, 3-3 Testing Notification, D-4 Testing Time Point Label Generation report, 8-12 testing time points, 8-8 test interval plan, 8-8, 8-10 Test Interval Plan window, 8-16 test method adding edit text, 3-5 duplication, 3-4 purging, 3-5 test method, attributes of, 3-3 Test Methods window, 3-3 test range, 3-6 test result, interpreting, 3-3 tests Expression, 3-8 List of Test Values, 3-6 Non-Validated, 3-6
Numeric Range, 3-6 Numeric Range with Display Text, 3-7 scheduling, 3-3 Text Range, 3-6 Tests node, 1-15 test-specific attributes, 3-3 Tests window, 3-10, 3-15 test unit, 2-8, 3-6 test units, converting, 2-7 test units, quality, 2-7 Test Units window, 2-7, 2-8 Text Range test, 3-6 time-based sampling, 2-9 time points, 8-8 tolerance, in experimental error, 3-16 tool palette, 1-13 Transact Move Orders , 2-3
wildcard, use in search and replace, 1-23, 1-27 WIP specification validity rule, use of, 6-9 WIP Validity Rules, 1-16 workflow Status Approval, 4-12 Workflow Automatic Notification Processing, D4 Workflow Notification Subsystem, D-4
XML Gateway, D-4
U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 8-5 unit of measure conversions, 2-1 UOM conversion, 4-9 UOM conversion workflow, D-53 update inventory quantity, 2-15, 4-7
validity rule, 1-4 validity rules, 1-16 validity rules, specification, 4-12, 8-14 Validity Rules for Item Specifications window, 56, 5-13 Validity Rules for Item Spec window, 2-9 Validity Rules for Monitoring Spec window, 4-49 Validity Rules Summary for Item Spec window, 4-45 Validity Rules Summary for Monitoring Spec window, 4-52 variants, 8-8 Variant Time Points window, 8-43 Variant window, 8-35 version control, 2-14 Version Control, 4-18 Specification Version Control, 4-21 version control, specifications, 4-21 View By functionality, 1-14 View Samples For Test window, 6-37