Mp3 Format Disks: Playable On Mp3-Capable CD Players, Most DVD Players or Pcs
Mp3 Format Disks: Playable On Mp3-Capable CD Players, Most DVD Players or Pcs
Mp3 Format Disks: Playable On Mp3-Capable CD Players, Most DVD Players or Pcs
(7 Hrs)
OA Freedom From Bondage Retreat, Salt Lake City, UT June 24-26, 1983 What I Was Like, What Happened, What I Am Like Now Step Zero The Essence of the Steps The Costs of Addiction; The School of Life; Zen and the God of My Understanding; Steps 8, 9, and 10; A Better Sense of Pacing; Zen and the Art of Archery; Sexuality; Finding Soulmates Finding the Gold Mine; Happy People; A Program That Works; The New AA Poison; The Disappearing Monkeys; Lineage; Carrying the Message; SA Controversy A Neurotic Persons Life; Taking Life As It Comes; The Concept of Selfless Service Recordings from the SA/S-Anon International Convention, St. Louis, MO July 7-9, 2006 Happy, Joyous and Free - Marlene G. & Dave T. (42:51) Growing in Willingness Larry (63:30) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Fear (But Were Afraid To Ask) - Fr. Paul L. (58:40) Growing In Humility Mitch (50:57) How Recovery Sets Me Free - Nancy & Dave (59:01) Surrendering a Judging Spirit - SA Breakout Meeting (53:50) Detaching With Love - S-Anon Breakout Meeting (53:46) The joy of Service SA Breakout Meeting (51:41) Recovery Through Unity S-Anon Breakout Meeting (43:35)
MP3-005: There Is a Solution: The Simple Kit of Spiritual Tools Laid at Our Feet [SA/S-Anon International Convention, San Diego, CA Jan 9-11, 2004] (14 Hrs)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Panel: How I Use the Tools of Recovery, Unity & Service Shirley S, Braun J & Gary (53:27) Panel: Powerlessness Over Lust / Loss of Control / Loss of Choice Mike, Dave, Sean R (56:17) Panel: Lust Kills Charlie & Kevin (48:00) Panel: My Life is Unmanageable- Drunk or Sober Matt & Tom (56:04) Panel: Came to Believe John & Betty (52:43) Panel: Fourth Step Inventory Dixie, Dave & Gary (47:03) Panel: Anatomy of a Relapse Patrick & Jason [Note: Edited to remove an incomplete share] (49:13) Panel: Rejoining the Human Race; Giving and Receiving 5th Steps Jim, John & Richard (55:46) Panel: Forgiving the Unforgivable Bob, Rich & John (58:36) Panel: Quit Playing God My Life Run on Self-Will Steven, Brian & Dave (56:59) Panel: Step 10: Continuing to Watch Dianne, Brian & Betty (32:01) Panel: Working With Others Sponsorship Mark, Dave & Bill (57:11) Panel: Overcoming Lust and Temptation Judy, Brian & John (57:07) Breakout Meeting: Making the List Repairing the Damage (52:17) Panel: Prayer and Meditation Tools To Improve Conscious Contact Gordon, Perry & Svee (56:05) Panel: Entirely Ready Humbly Asked Allan, Mark & David (55:31)
Highlights from "The Promises" SA/S-Anon International Conference in Regina July 11-13, 1997 1. The Promises - Chuck J. & Gene J. (48:38) 2. Promises 1 and 2 - Tom H. & Dave T. (45:12) 3. Promises 1 and 2 - Cecile T. & Maria G. (31:59) 4. Sponsorship - Vaughn W. & Tom B. (46:06) 5. Promises 3 and 4 - David M. & Jesse L. (5213) 6. Gays and Lesbians In Recovery - Chadwick B. (65:32) 7. Couples - Kurt & Susan R.; LoRee & Rob G. (64:31) 8. Promises 5-8 - LoRee G. & Dennis B. (41:01) 9. The Old-Timers - Bernie M. & Gordon D. (46:10) 10. Loss of Long-Term Sobriety - Francis H. & Larry E. (48:54) 11. Are These Extravagant Promises? - Bruce J. & Pam S. (49:28) 12. Promises 9-12 - Katherine D. (25:01) SA/S-Anon International Conventions, July 15-17, 2011 Portland, OR 01 Opening Session - Jary K & David M 67:02 02 Working a Program Together - A Couples Meeting 53:09 03 Sober Mind, Body and Spirit - Gerry 55:57 04 What It Was Like, What Happend and What It's Like Now - Sylvia J & Nancy A 71:20 05 Transforming My Mess To a Message - Gayla 32:29 06 'It Ain't Rocket Scientry' - Robert M 38:02 07 Gratitude and Sobriety 51:45 08 Boundaries In All Our Relationships 55:51 09 SA International - Nicholas 48:03 10 Getting Rid of Pornography - Gavin & Steve 52:08 11 Intimacy Without Lust - Jerome 52:22 12 Out Of the Problem; Into the Solution - Mike & Dimitri 51:42
(Approx. 6 Hours)
Recordings from The 2011 Alberta SA/S-Anon Fall Retreat & other Edmonton events 1. Between My Ears Harvey A CD Edit: 76:46 5. Tears In My Ears Nancy A. 64:25 2. Between My Ears Harvey A Unedited: 92:36 6. Forgiveness Harvey A. 72:40
54:14 27:16
7. My Neighbor the Sex Addict - Joe & Bernadette M. 46:19 8. Panel: Question Jar 78:11
1 A Personal Story - Sean A. (78:26) 2 John 'the Indian' - John V. (69:15) 3 Thanks For My Miracle - Marty J. (62:35) 4 How It Worked For Me - Jim D. (46:53) 5 How It Works (1 of 2) - Sean A. (74:24)
6 Recovery: The 1st 4 Steps (2 of 2) - Sean A. (54:44) 7 The Alcoholic Doctor - Graeme C. (48:23) 8 Living the Program - Lew F. (79:01) 9 Willingness to Change: An open AA Meeting in Stettler, 1994 (49:30) 8 The Three Sides of the Triangle - Earl H. (62:27) 9 My Worst Fear - David L. (79:14) 10 Wino Joe - Joe L. (66:27) 11 One More Round - Don C. (65:50) 12 Growth-Spirit - Chuck C. (41:04) 13 A Family of Alcoholics - Madalyn B. (47:40) 14 The Alcoholic Son of Alcoholics - Bill C. (66:28) 15 Experience, Strength and Hope - Frannie S. (66:38
1. Working the Traditions Libby & Terry (57:59) 2. Panel - Staying Sober On the Road (55:10) 3. Rigorous Honesty - Harvey A (63:57) 4. Panel - Sober, But Still Ecaping and Numbing Out (56:33) 5. Sexaholism and the Family - 3 Points of View (59:46) 6. Panel - Ten Years of Discovering the Principles (56:26) 7. Fly Now. Pay Later - Tom (46:01) 8. Staying In Recovery - Luc & Kim (34:25) 9. Growing Up With the Disease - Marcia (58:42) 10. Self-Honesty - An S-Anon Men's Meeting (54:31)
11. S-Anon Panel - Sexaholism, A Family Disease (57:52) 12. Gratitude - Simon (46:47) 13. Single and Working the S-Anon Program - Lexi (55:34) 14. A Lifetime of Sex Addiction: The Story of Harvey A. (64:21) 15. Dealing With Rage #1: I Can Be Louder Than You (54:35) 16. Dealing With Rage #2: Passive Aggressive Doormat (55:27) 17. In-to-me-see (Intimacy (40:17) 18. Control vs. Indifference (48:40) 19: Applying Tradition One In Our Daily Lives (48:51)
1. Sex Addiction 101: A Primer Sharon OHara (76:40) 2. Internet Pornography: The Crack Cocaine of Sex Addiction Rob Weiss (78:22) 3. Person + Trauma + Co-addictions = Sex Addiction: It All Adds Up Maureen Canning (76:50) 4. Finding Healing From Sex Addiction Frank L (77:05) 5. An Evening With the Master - Dr. Patrick Carnes (71:44)
16 Making the Wrongs Right - Steps Four through Ten 17 Step Four 18 Step Five 19 Steps Six & Seven 20 Steps Eight & Nine 21 Step Ten 22 Step Eleven 23 Step Twelve 24 Overcoming Lust & Temptation Pt 1 25 Overcoming Lust & Temptation Pt 2 26 A Vision For You 27 The Fellowship of Sobriety 28 Starting a New SA Group 29 Meetings - How They Work 30 The Sobriety Definition
MP3-021: The Happiest People in the World Jesse L (Approx 5 Hrs) MP3-022: The Spiritual Side Jesse L. (Approx. 5 Hrs)
The late Jesse L. of Bozeman, MT (The Bozeman Hammer), speaking at the Beyond Sobriety: The Spiritual Part Conference in Wickliffe, Ohio April 20, 1996.
(6 Hours)
Jan 11-13, 1991
Trusting God - Harvey A & Gene J Relations With Self and Others - Bruce J, Jim E & Vickie R Experience, Strength & Hope (S-Anon) - Rhonda K & Jennefer S Learning To Trust God - John W, Mike & Patricia S Re-creating Family Relationships In Recovery - Kurt R & Bonnie T There Is A Solution (S-Anon) - Carol C, Elaine W, Phyllis G, Judy G, Nancy A
4 The Face of Sex Addiction [with Patrick Carnes] (39:56) 5 Eleventh Step Meditations [with Stephen Halpern] (40:27)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Recovery Continues Jesse L. & Harvey A. (71:33) Relapse Prevention Panel Judson G, Christophe L & Kirk K (56:10) ResentmentLust Connection Panel Terry M, Cindy B & Terry S (51:30) Sponsorship Panel Margo C, Harry B, Hugh, Jesse L et al (51:15) Family Relations Panel Paul, Leigh. Art & Rose (56:50) Sober Dating Panel David H, Paul T, Kurt R & Gwen W (51:34) Surrender David M (25:09) Dealing With Lust Sylvia J. (24:27) Switching Addictions Panel Ted, Lilliana, & John V (48:59) Boundaries Panel Tricia S., Bill P. & Jim E. (52:54) 11. Singles in Recovery Panel Leslie W, Jessica & Jerry (54:41) 12. Promises Panel Katherine D, Vaughn W, Ed G & Dan B (54:07)
(13 Hrs)
8 I Was Home - Shirley S (19:05) 9 Living In the Solution-Single In SA - Dan & Lilliana (71:36) 10 Panel-Recovery From Same Sex Lust - Gary, Nancy & Fenner (39:49) 11 Letting Go - Dan N (39:44) 12 Eight Symptoms of a Life Run On Self - Gary & Doreen (37:53) 13 SACC-To the Prisoner Still Suffering - Wlliam,Tom, Gary & Allan (49:03) 14 Parenting-Then and Now - William, Art & Shirley (31:34) 15 Panel-The Miracle of Recovery - Dave T, Gene & Sylvia J (57:41) 16 SA's New Beginning - Roy K (51:04)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Two Sides Of the Same Coin (48:51) Panel: Step 10 Brad M, David A, Mark & Chuck (47:56) A Spiritual Awakening [Step 11] (47:44] Panel: Step 12 - Service (53:55) A Lifetime of Sex Addiction Harvey A (64:21
SA / S-Anon International Convention, Nashville, TN Jan 6-8, 2006
S-Anon Newcomers Panel: Two Sides Of the Same Coin Debbie, Pam, Rhonda & Gerry (68:26) Why Do I Have To Surrender? (Disease Concepts of Alcoholism) Lee T. (74:58) Panel: Sponsorship What Works For Us Jesse L, Roy K, Sylvia J, Jonathan P & Jerry R (79:10) We Came To Believe Dave B & Lee T. (42:42) SA/S-Anon Panel: Intimacy, Abstinence and Sober Dating (79:53) Old-Timers Perspective: Steps 4-7 Sal M, Michael H & Jim C (72:36) Celebrating Ten Years of S-Anon Recovery Gerry P & Gene J (40:09) SA/S-Anon Panel: Amends to Children (79:10) Old-Timers Perspective: Steps 8 and 9 (63:01) S-Anon: The Nitty-Gritty Stuff Sylvia J & Linda M (44:01) SA Workshop: Practicing These Principles: Steps 10-12 Jesse L (74:03) Principles of Recovery: The Narrow Road - Roy K (72:31)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Panel: Building Up To a Slip - Francis, Pat & Bert (43:02) Breakout Meeting: Healing My Resentments (56:27) Breakout Meeting: True Love? Or Relationship Addiction (49:15) Breakout Meeting: Old-Timers (55:49) The Traditions: Who Needs Them? Dan B & Harvey A (42:42) Workshop on Check Meetings: Asking For Help (41:53) Breakout Meeitng: Love or Lust - Marital Abstinence for Mutual Detox (45:13) Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Roy K (69:57) Carrying the Message Mike C & Marlene L (46:27)
SA & S-Anon International Conference, Rochester, NY Jan 14-16, 1994
13. Recovery From Internet Triggers Mark P. (54:40) 14. My Chorus of Recovery Barbara (43:50) How To Get Progressive Victory Lawrence A (52:05)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Discarding Materials and Triggers Steve (56:55) God Forgave; Do I Forgive Myself? Adrian (56:29) Recovery and Relations With Co-Workers Bob M (53:22) Creating Positive Thoughts #1 Mike S (58:57) Creating Positive Thoughts #2 Mike S (60:20) Recovery From Porn Larry (55:20) Filling the Holes to Become Whole Steven P (53:22) Ongoing Recovery and Maintennce Harvey A (59:55) Recovering On Family Vacations Mike C (55:01) Recovery From Online Pickups Bernadette K (29:27) The Goal: A Spiritual Awakening Mark (58:08) How To Get Progressive Victory Harvey A (56:33) Panel: How Do I Surrender Eric, Steven, Henry & Nicholas (51:55) Same-Sex Meetings Scott R (48:39) Recovery and Sobriety In the Computer Age Braun (56:22)
(Approx. 10 Hours)
Tools For Travel: Staying Sober On the Road Dave T (52:18) Relations With Other Addicts Chip (56:16) Mending the Hurt Braun (57:48) Attitude of Gratitude Eric (52:28) Sobriety in S-Anon: What It Means To Me S-Anon Breakout Meeting (48:27) Step One; Powerlessness S-Anon Breakout Meeting (28:04) Recovering While In a Relationship - S-Anon Breakout Meeting (54:56) Resentment and Anger - S-Anon Breakout Meeting (46:26) Twelfth Tradition Anonymity - S-Anon Breakout Meeting (51:03) Step Three: Turning It Over S-Anon Breakout Meeting (54:04) Healing and Forgiveness S-Anon Breakout Meeting (50:20) Open Communication An S-Anon Couples Meeting (65:23) Tools For Traveling An S-Anon Workshop (58:13) Closing Session (74:43)
(Approx. 5 Hours)
Edmonton Area SA & S-Anon Spring Retreat May 23-25, 2008 Retreat Speakers
Why Im Here Brian R 46:55 A Sense Of Self Phil C 28:01 The Promises Hugh S [24:58 I Knew I Was Home Richard 21:02
SA & S-Anon International Conference, Chicago, IL July 12-14, 1996
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Step 4 Workshop Tom 52:00 The Solution Dave, Tim & Dan B 58:48 The Other Twelve Traditions Sue [S-Anon] 37:28 S-Anon Sponsorship Panel Deb, Pam & Jackie 56:53 Panel: Singles In SA Joe W, Mike D & Margo C 56:19 Friendships and Dating In Recovery Deb & Stu [S-Anon] 58:10 Workshop: TV, Films and the Internet Roy K [48:19 How To Start An S-Anon Meeting Rhonda 68:44 Rage and Anger Marty 46:35 Panel: Chronic Slipping Gary, Bob & Mike 59:19
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Opie, Merritt, BC 1998 [69:42] Joanna K, Vancouver 1999 [59:07] Harold R, Edmonton 1999 [45:48] Ruby M, Vancouver 1999 (Al-Anon) [48:33] Chantelle, Edmonton 1999 (Al-Ateen) [20:55] Keith D, California 1999 [79:27] Note: Profanity and off-colour material Milton M, Vancouver 1999 [68:25] Iris B, St Albert 1999 [52:46] Lew F, Chilliwack, 2003 [68:14] Note: Some off-colour material
(Approx. 9 Hours)
July 11-13, 2008
Humble Service: Giving and Receiving Tom G. (24:27) Step 12: I Cant Keep It Unless I Give It Away Roger S. (48:26) Simplicity In Sponsorship: The Steps As a Guide Ron F. (50:35) Fostering a Culture of Sponsorship Bob & Art (53:20) Single and Sober in SA Doug V. (58:11) Panel: The Sobriety Definition Ted, Jerry, Jay & Henry (57:37) Step Zero: Action Is the Key Jack S. (46:12) The Four Abolutes: Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness, Love Rich & George (53:41) Welcome Home Will [SA] & Deb [S-Anon] (41:29) Long-Time Membership With Little or No Sobriety Bob K. (59:01) Steps 1, 2 & 3: A Thorough Start Luc B. & Peter N. (55:42) Isolated SAs: Options For Action Anonymous Woman (52:48) Love and Service: Doing What Isnt Natural Mike S. (45:05)
(Approx. 10 Hours)
July 11-13, 2008
11. 12.
Meetings, Meetings, Meetings Rich D (52:35 Sponsor Boot Camp Mike S (59:20) SA Literature, CDs and Tapes that Help Step Work Mike G David M (43:38) The Internet: Challenges in Everyday Life Chad F (59:22) Living In a Positive Sobriety Paul F & Marty C (55:03) The Gifts of Sobriety: The 12 Promises Glenn & Jack (50:54) Work All 12 Steps, Not Just the 12th Paul S, Peg V & George Z (54:35) Surrendering My Will: Willingness To Be Sponsored Chip (54:48) An Incomplete Step One Leads to Chronic Slipping Peter H (53:22) Daily Gifts: Working Step Ten Rich B & Ralph D (51:41) Acceptance Takes Many Forms Jay, Rich & Howard (58:46) SAs Under 30: Special Challenges Mike & Joe (52:54)
(Approx. 9 Hours)
July 11-13, 2008
10. 11.
Steps 4 and 5: Relief From the Bondage of Self Bill & Tom (54:24) Steps 8 and 9: Righting Wrongs Aryanna & Marla (51:52) SA Traditions and Service Dan B & Jay (43:28) SA Today A Business Meeting (46:03) Keynote SA Speaker: Doing It My Way Chip (45:50) Sponsorship Jack S (55:20) Intimacy: Into Me See Dave D & John H (54:37) The Hook: Two-Dimensional Fantasy Tom (40:51) Surrender Through Prayer and Meditation: Stel 11 Bernadette (54:57) Maintaining Boundaries in Helping Professions Jay and Henry (57:51) Embracing the Newcomer Jack (47:53)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Where Do I Fit In: Homosexuals in SA Henry (59:33) Steps 6 & 7: Take Away My Difficulties Steve (51:19) Progressive Emotional Sobriety Jay L & Keith (56:59) Akrons Experience, Strength and Hope Bob K, Jack S, Mary M, Steve K & George Z (72:13) Patience With Recovery S-Anon Breakout Meeting (56:20) Panel: S-Anon History and Traditions (63:06) Being Single In S-Anon Breakout Meeting (40:35) Marriage As a Coupleship Mike [SA] & Sue [S-Anon] (55:47) All My Sexaholics Linda (42:56) S-Anon Workshop: What Is Emotional Sobriety Sandy (54:52) The Family in Recovery S-Anon Breakout Meeting (50:13)
Northwest Regional Spring Retreat, Turner, OR Nov 7-9, 2008
Creating a Culture of Sponsorship Ed & Priscilla [55:15] Acceptance Francis H [58:32) Newcomers Welcome Maria C, Patrick & Shondelle [54:58) Resentment & the 4th Step Kirby [59:12] Serenity Al [58:17] One of Us Had To Get Well Donna (S-Anon) & her husband (SA) [67:07] Newcomers: Getting Started Robert & 4 sponsees [55:34] How To Be a Sponsor Rita & Mike [59:14] What Is Sex With Self Harvey A & Mike C [66:43] Overcoming Fetishes Bernadette [58:10] Getting Started Into Action Glenn J, Malcolm M & Matt S [59:21] Starting a New Group Eric H & Ned O [60:06] 13. Lust-Free Marriage Dennis R [57:33]
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Newcomers: The Sobriety Definition - Mike & Laurence Sober Dating Rob K & Marla Luncheon S-Anon Speakers Robin M & Norman Intimacy Without Sex Or Lust Dave Womens Traditions Meeting Margo & Steve Amends: Indirect & Living Jim, John B & Michael T
Enjoying Life in S-Anon Roberta Adult Children of Sexaholics Kimberley Single In S-Anon Julie This Thing Called Intimacy 2 Couples Dangers of Drifting What Does My Disease Look Like? Steps 4 & 5 Deb G S-Anon Keys to Recovery Pearly Steps 6 & 7 Sandy Detaching With Love Lynne Steps 8 & 9 [S-Anon] Unidentified Woman Surrender [S-Anon] Erin Gifts Of the Moment [S-Anon] Stella Tools For Relationships Libby, Jim, Sue & Mike Boundaries [S-Anon] Nancy, Nancy A & Kate Steps 10, 11 & 12 Mary D 17. Steps 1, 2 & 3 Janet & Riesa (poor, noisy audio)
49:14 52:33 49:27 58:20 35:29 43:28 38:58 38:51 38:10 39:44 36:47 42:13 43:53 59:49 53:29 59:49 51:06
1. Opening Session - Margaret [S-Anon] & Chad C [SA] 58:14 2. Joy Of Hope In Recovery - Breakout Meeting 12:02 3. Can't Keep It Unless You Give It Away - Eric S 55:11 4. Panel: Belief In the Power of God - Allan, Cameron & Brett 57:53 5. Freedom From Bondage Of Self - Dimitri 52:47 6. Panel: The Joy of Making Amends - John, Marie & Dimitri 59:55 7. Panel: Surrendering to God's Will For Our Life - John, L.B. & Russell 61:13 8. Old-Timers' Panel: Growing In Wisdom - Terry, Lawrence M & David M 59:59 9. Couples Meeting: Making Our Higher Power Our Priority - Ginger & Tom 58:12 10. Fetishes and Other Shameful Secrets - Bernadette 54:22 11. Serenity In Our Relationships - Kate [SA] & Carolyn S [s-Anon] 53:46 12. Recovery and Computer Use at Work - Farley H, George & Steve 51:41
1. Our Real Purpose is Service - Geoff, Eric S & John B 54:47 2. Serenity Through Trusting God - Brett, Maria & Vince 57:53 3. Maintaining Spiritual Fitness - Lill G 42:46 4. Stick With the Winners - Chris 39:47 5. Wisdom - The 'New' Old-Timers: Jim M, Tom K, Bill S, Tom C, Priscilla & Nicholas 56:34 6. Couples Meeting: Communicating Without Destroying Each Other - Mike & Sue 62:07 7. Letting Go Of Old Ideas - Ned O 50:31 [See note] 8. The Gifts Of the S-Anon Program - Shelley 27:38 9. Serenity Through The Promises - Todd 38:27 10. Family Recovery - Eileen [S-Anon] & Kerry [SA] 69:04 11. The Sexaholic Man of God - John 30:12 12. Learning to Love Myself - Unidentified S-Anon 21.07 13. Living With Intimacy - Geoff 51:40 14. Living With Disturbing Thoughts - Ned O 58:55
01 Opening Session - Dimitri P. [SA] & Stella N. [S-Anon] 57:58 02 Sponsorship: Getting Started/Relapse Prevention - Terry & Doug 57:24 03 Steps 1-3 - David M 53:17 04 Sponsorship: Setting Boundaries in Recovery - Jim D & Tom G 51:21 05 Honesty: Recovery From Self-Deception - Lawrence, Farley H 48:46 06 Couples Speaker Meeting - Mike & Amy H 56:12 07 Sponsorship: Willing To Go To Any Lengths / Technology - Paul & Pete 60:08 08 Rebuiilding A Sexual Relationship - Jim M & Mike C 58:09 09 Help For the Sponsor /Meeting Mike C & Tom 59:24 10 Disclosure In Marriage & Other Relationships - Gary & Pete 54:15 11 Intimacy Without Lust in Marriage - Harry & Art 55:00 12 Steps 6 & 7 - Paul M & Harvey A 57:21 13 Sweet Hope - Harvey A, Debbie C & Mike C 65:27
01 A Culture Of Sobriety - Terry & Pete 62:24 02 Steps 8 and 9 - Mitch & Rich K 59:24 03 Sponsorship: Questions and Answers - Mike C & Harvey A 63;55 04 Steps 10, 11 and 12 - Dave 48:53 05 S-Anon Steps 4 and 5 - Roberta 49:31 06 S-Anon Steps 6 and 7 - Joy 44:33 07 Open Panel: Talking To My Kids - Kate, Jim D & Carolyn 50:05 08 S-Anon Steps 8 & 9 - Barbara 52:16 09 S-Anon Step 10 - Linda 30:14 10 Finding an S-Anon Sponsor; Being A Sponsee - Frances 46:55 11 S-Anon Step 11 - Nancy 51:31 12 Forgiveness - Roberta 47:43 13 S-Anon Step 12 - Lexi 27:56
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Opening Session: Lawrence E. (S-Anon) 25:58 2. Opening Session: Penny F. (SA) 49:57 3. S-Anon: My Gift To Me Sue S 53:31 4. Moving Forward in Recovery (incomplete) Mike S. (SA) 46:04 Questions, Questions, Questions - Long-term Sobriety Panel: Mike S, Farley H, Penny F. (SA); Susan K, & Cathy O. (SA/S-Anon) 77:50 Spiritual Action Retreat, Mar , 2010 6. Susans Story (From chastity to serial monogamy and back) Susan K (SA) 57:02
01 All About Lust - with Tandra, Steve & Jackie L (1984) 02 Freedom From Lust (1993) 03 We Ain't Saints - with Sylvia J & Mike C (1994) 04 Sponsorship-What Works For Us - Jesse, Roy, Sylvia, Jonathat & Jerry 05 A Talk to the Newcomer (1995) 06 Keep Coming Back - with Robin M, Harry B & Linda McD [S-Anon] (1995) 07 Practicing These Principles (1995) 08 Recovery Continues - with Harvey A(1997) 09 Sponsorship Panel - with Margo C, Harry B, Hugh & others (1997) 10 Promises Three and Four - with David M (1997) 11 Lust (undated)
01 Preface 02 Forward To the First Edition 03 Forward To the Second Edition 04 The Doctor's Opinion 05 Chapter 1: Bill's Story 06 Chapter 2: There Is a Solution 07 Chapter 3: More About Alcoholism 08 Chapter 4: We Agnostics
09 Chapter 5: How It Works 10 Chapter 6: Into Action 11 Chapter 7: Working With Others 12 Chapter 8: To Wives 13 Chapter 9: The Family Afterward 14 Chapter 10: To Employers 15 Chapter 11: A Vision For You 16 Dr. Bob's Nightmare