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International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology Research (IJCSEITR) ISSN 2249-6831 Vol.

3, Issue 1, Mar 2013, 233-238 TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.


PRATIK GITE & SANJAY THAKUR Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lord Krishna College and Technology, Indore, India

Researchers and engineers are making efforts to design and implement a high secure, efficient and reliable network for next generation. One of the efforts that are well known in this direction is known as MANET (mobile ad hoc network). MANET is much popular and area of interest for researchers due to their ad hoc nature and self- organizing capability. But this nature of network produces or introduces some security issues. In this paper we provide a brief analysis and behavior of the different security issues and their properties. Additionally we provide the main source where these problems are arises.

KEYWORDS: Properties, Effects, MANET, Security, Ad Hoc Nature INTRODUCTION

A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a network that is composition of mobile nodes. With the mobility of nodes they are mainly described by the absence of any centralized or fixed network coordinator in the network infrastructure, which makes any node in the network act as a potential router. MANETs are also characterized by a dynamic, random and rapidly changing topology. This makes the classical routing algorithms fail to perform correctly, since they are not robust enough to accommodate such a changing environment. Consequently, more and more research is being conducted to find optimal routing algorithms that would be able to accommodate for such networks. In MANETs, communication between mobile nodes always requires routing over multi-hop paths because of their moving nodes. Since no infrastructure exists and node mobility may cause frequent link failure, it is a great challenge to design an effective and adaptive routing protocol. Many restrictions should be well considered, such as limited power and bandwidth. Security has become a primary concern in order to provide protected communication between mobile nodes in a hostile environment and the ultimate goal of the security solutions for MANETs is to provide security services such as Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Non-Repudiation and Authentication, Authorization and Anonymity. Confidentiality ensures that Secret information or data is never disclosed to unauthorized devices. Integrity tells that a received message is not corrupted. Availability permits the survivability of network services despite Denial-of-Service attacks. Non-repudiation ensures that the sender of a message cannot deny having sent the message. Authentication enables a node to ensure the identity of the Peer node it is communicating with. Authorization is a process in which an entity is issued a credential, which specifies the privileges and permissions it has and cannot be falsified, by the certificate authority. Anonymity ensures that the information used to identify the owner or the current user of the node should default be kept private and not be distributed by the node itself or the System Software. In this part of the given paper we discuss the basic need of the security in MANET environment. in next section of our paper we discuss the different security attacks formed in the MANET and their main domain of challenges.


Pratik Gite & Sanjay Thakur

Different Kinds of Attack in MANET In any network design or any system design performance is the main area of concern additionally security in data and network is one of the main goal to achieve for a good and adoptable architecture design. in this paper we focus on the security issues and their main reason by which they form in any network. here below given a list of various kinds of attacks which is frequently form in the MANET. Black Hole Attack: A Black hole is formed during the week routing infrastructure. When a malicious node joins the network this problem arises. This node falsely replies for route requests without having an active route to the destination and exploits the Routing Protocol to advertise itself as having a good and valid path to a destination node. actually in AODV routing for find the path between source and sink RREQ packets are flood and all the path replies with RREP packets if malicious node RREP is arrive first then the requester node suppose the provided information is correct and reply with the data packets.

Figure 1 As shown in Fig 1, a malicious node tries to become an element of an active route which is reply first, if there is a chance and it has bad intention of disrupting data packets being sent to the destination node or obstructing the route discovery process. Wormhole Attacks: In a wormhole attack more than one malicious nodes are join the network and according to the nodes they are connected thorough high speed data buses by which they promises to send data from source to sink, the formation of attack is driven as a malicious node can record packets at one location in the network and tunnel them to another location through a private network shared with a colluding malicious node. Wormhole attack can be done with one node also, but generally two or more attackers connect via a link called wormhole link. Wormhole attack is of three types: Closed Wormhole, Half Open Wormhole, and Open Wormhole.

Figure 2

Different Security Issues over MANET


DoS and Flooding: the DOS and flooding attacks are the most frequent attacks that are formed. these attacks are depends upon the packets that flood during communication. In Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack, an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing information or services.

Figure 3 By targeting client computer and its network connection, or the computers and network of the sites client is trying to use, an attacker may be able to prevent the client from accessing email, websites, online accounts, or other services that rely on the affected computer. The most common and obvious type of DoS attack occurs when an attacker floods a network with information as shown in Fig 3., the server can only process a certain number of requests at once, so if an attacker overloads the server with requests, it can't process the legitimate request. Eavesdropping: Eavesdropping is another kind of attack that usually happens in the Mobile Ad hoc Networks and is shown in Fig 4 for this attack the routing nature is responsible for the attack. The goal of eavesdropping is to obtain some confidential information that should be kept secret during the communication. This confidential information may include the location, public key, private key or even ass words of the nodes. Because such data are very important to the security state of the nodes, it should be kept away from unauthorized access. this unauthorized access Network Eavesdropping or network sniffing is a network layer attack consisting of capturing packets from the network transmitted by others' computers and reading the data content in search of sensitive information like passwords, session tokens, or any kind of confidential information. The attack could be done using tools called network sniffers. These tools collect packets on the network and, depending on the quality of the tool, analyze the collected data like protocol decoders or stream reassembling.

Figure 4


Pratik Gite & Sanjay Thakur

Rushing: When a neighbor of the target receives the rushed REQUEST from the attacker, it forwards that REQUEST,

Figure 5 and will not forward any further REQUESTs from this Route Discovery. When non-attacking REQUESTs arrive later at these nodes, they will discard these legitimate REQUESTs as shown in Fig 5. Grayhole Attacks: A Gray hole attack is much similar to the two attack black hole and worm hole attack. in this attack nodes forward all packets to certain nodes but may drop packets coming from or destined to specific nodes as shown in Fig 6. In this type of attack, node may behave maliciously for some time but later on it behaves absolutely normally. This type of attacks is more difficult compared to black hole attack.

Figure 6 Impersonation: An Act whereby one Entity assumes the identity and privileges of another Entity without restrictions and without any indication visible to the recipients of the impersonator's calls that delicately has taken place as shown in Fig 7.

Figure 7

Different Security Issues over MANET


From the above discussion we found that the most of the attacks in the MANET is formed during the routing mistakes or from the authentication and un-authorization gaps. in the next section we discuss the problem that are responsible for forming these attacks.

In any network infrastructure the routing algorithms and routing strategy provide the key or main role. Here we discuss some routing protocols and the infrastructures gap that is responsible for these attacks. Here we provide a small table by which we analysis the problem in attacks.

Attack Gray hole Black hole Worm hole DOS

Formed by Routing Routing Routing Routing

By the above given table we can easily conclude that the most of the problem is found during the routing of the data packets over network. Another main reason of the attacks is there is a gap between the dynamic infrastructures of the MANET.

MANET is defined by the self-organizing and infrastructure less network organization. Where no centralize authority is available and all nodes are independently follow the routine of mobility. Due to absence of the centralize authority the attacker easily join the network and perform the malicious activity. beyond this gap to overcome this fault or problem various trust based security architecture are proposed for MANET but most of them are theoretical efforts of designers or the performance issues with the architecture. Thus they are not completely adaptable for the MANET infrastructure.

This protocol is frequently used in the MANET network design and analysis of the performance of the system. the major gap in this protocol it is not updatable and at the time of requirement this protocol is active and make effort for route discovery. During this it can be adopt or automatically join the malicious node.

The advance version of this routing protocol is used as the AODV. this routing is a table driven routing protocol in this protocol system keep the routing and path information from all time and it is updated at each route discover. But due to mobility sometimes this is fails to provide the correct information and again route discovery is performed. In the above section we can see both kinds of routing algorithms table driven and without table driven routing protocols. The main problems are listed below In on demand routing strategy we can save battery power and energy consumption during the data transfer but we can easily join the malicious nodes in the network. In on demand routing when required than a path is discovered thus it is good for links which is brake during its mobility model.


Pratik Gite & Sanjay Thakur

In table driven routing we can allow nodes and keep the path information but during update rapidly can consumes the node energy rapidly

The nodes with low energy or in sleep mode may not participate in route discovery process. Due to the above problems we can conclude the effects and reaching in the domain of enhancing and exploring

the domain of routing protocols and their methodology.

In this paper our main goal to analyze and make review of traditional security issues in the network formation. Additionally we recover that the actual problem is belongs to the attack formation and where they effect in the communication. In future we decide to work with the routing algorithm and performance analysis during the attacks and normal conditions. According to these reviews we propose an adoptable way to find a high performance, robust and secure routing protocol.

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