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Design of Experiments: There Are Many Books That Address Experimental Design and Present Facto

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Design of Experiments

It is quite obvious by now that the quality of the parameter estimates that

have been obtained with any of the previously described techniques ultimately depends on "how good" the data at hand is. It is thus very important, when we do have the option, to design our experiments in such a way so that the information content of the data is the highest possible. Generally speaking, there are two approaches to experimental design: (1) factorial design and (2) sequential design. In sequential experimental design we attempt to satisfy one of the following two objectives: (i) estimate the parameters as accurately as possible or (ii) discriminate

among several rival models and select the best one. In this chapter we briefly discuss the design of preliminary experiments (factorial designs), and then we focus

our attention on the sequential experimental design where we examine algebraic and ODE models separately.

There are many books that address experimental design and present factorial experimental design in detail (for example Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery (1997) or Design of Experiments by Anderson and McLean

(1974)). As engineers, we are faced quite often with the need to design a set of
preliminary experiments for a process that very little or essentially no information is available.

Factorial design, and in particular 2 designs, represent a generally sound strategy. The independent variables (also called factors in experimental design) are assigned two values (a high and a low value) and experiments are conducted in all

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Chapter 12

possible combinations of the independent variables (also called treatments). These experiments are easy to design and if the levels are chosen appropriately very valuable information about the model can be gathered. For example, if we have two independent variables (x, and x2) the following four (22) experiments can be readily designed: Run Independent Variables

1 2 3 4

(xrLow, x2-Low) (x,-Low, x2-High) (x r High, x2-Low) (x,-High, x 2 -High)

If we have three independent variables to vary, the complete 2J factorial design corresponds to the following 8 experiments:
Run Independent Variables (X]-Low, x2-Low, x3-Low) (X]-Low, x2-Low, x3-High) (xrLow, x2-High, x3-Low) (x,-High, x2-Low, x3-Low) (xrLow, x2-High, x3-High) (xj-High, x2-Low, x3-High) (xj-High, x 2 -High, x3-Low) (x r High, x2-High, x3-High)

These designs are extremely powerful (from a statistical point of view) if we do not have a mathematical model of the system under investigation and we simply wish to establish the effect of each of these three independent variables (or their interaction) on the measured response variables. This is rarely the case in engineering. Most of the time we do have some form of a mathematical model (simple or complex) that has several unknown parameters that we wish to estimate. In these cases the above designs are very straightforward to implement; however, the information may be inadequate if the mathematical model is nonlinear and comprised of several unknown parameters. In such cases, multilevel factorial designs (for example, 3k or 4k designs) may be more appropriate. A typical 32 design for the case of two independent variables (X] and x2) that each can assume three values (Low, Medium and High) takes the form:
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Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Independent Variables (xrLow, x2-Low) (xrLow, x 2 -Medium) (\i-Low, x2-High) (xpMedium, x2-Low) (xj-Medium, X2-Medium) (x r Medium, x2-High) (x,-High, x2-Low) (x,-High, x2-Medium) (x.-High, x 2 -High)

The above experimental design constitute an excellent set of "preliminary experiments" for nonlinear models with several unknown parameters. Based on the analysis of these experiments we obtain estimates of the unknown parameters that we can use to design subsequent experiments in a rational manner taking advantage of all information gathered up to that point.

Let us assume that N experiments have been conducted up to now and given an estimate of the parameter vector based on the experiments performed up to now, we wish to design the next experiment so that we maximize the information that shall be obtained. In other words, the problem we are attempting to solve is:
What are the best conditions to perform the next experiment so that the variance of the estimated parameters is minimized?

Let us consider the case of an algebraic equation model (i.e., y = f(x,k)). The problem can be restated as "find the best experimental conditions (i.e., X N+] ) where the next experiment should be performed so that the variance of the parameters is minimized." It was shown earlier that if N experiments have been performed, the covariance matrix of the parameters is estimated by COF(k) = 6;? A'1 where O2-1)

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and where Gj is the sensitivity coefficients matrix, (3f/3k)j, for the ith experiment and QJ is a suitably selected weighting matrix based on the distribution of the errors in the measurement of the response variables. Obviously, the sensitivity ma-

trix GJ is only a function of Xj and the current estimate of k. If for a moment we assume that the next experiment at conditions x NTl has been performed, the new matrix A would be:

= ^G, Q,G, + G N + ] Q N + i G N + ] = A + G N + 1 Q N + ] G N + 1





and the resulting parameter covariance matrix would be

COV(\C) =6^"]"'


The implication here is that if the parameter values do not change significantly from their current estimates when the additional measurements are included in the estimation, we can quantify the effect of each additional experiment before it has been carried out! Hence, we can search all over the operability region (i.e., over all the potential values of x N+1 ) to find the best conditions for the next experiment. The operability region is defined as the set of the feasible experimental conditions and can usually be adequately represented by a small number of grid points. The size and form of the operability region is dictated by the feasibility of attaining these conditions. For example, the thermodynamic equilibrium surface at a given experimental temperature limits the potential values of the partial pressure of butene, butadiene and hydrogen (the three independent variables) in a butene dehydrogenation reactor (Dumez and Froment, 1976). Next, we shall discuss the actual optimal ity criteria that can be used in determining the conditions for the next experiment.
12.2.1 The Volume Design Criterion

If we do not have any particular preference for a specific parameter or a particular subset of the parameter vector, we can minimize the variance of all parameters simultaneously by minimizing the volume of the joint 95% confidence region. Obviously a small joint confidence region is highly desirable. Minimization of the volume of the ellipsoid
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[k-k*]V e w [k-k*]= p62 fp a (N+1)m _ p


is equivalent to maximization of det(Anevl) which in turn is equivalent to maximization of the product

FI = X^.-.Xp (12.6)

where X,, i=l,...,p are the eigenvalues of matrix Ancw. Using any eigenvalue decomposition routine for real symmetric matrices, we can calculate the eigenvalues and hence, the determinant of A"ew for each potential value of x N+1 in the operability region. The conditions that yield the maximum value for <5?e/(Anew) should be used to conduct the next experiment.

12.2.2 The Shape Design Criterion

In certain occasions the volume criterion is not appropriate. In particular when we have an ill-conditioned problem, use of the volume criterion results in an elongated ellipsoid (like a cucumber) for the joint confidence region that has a small volume; however, the variance of the individual parameters can be very high. We can determine the shape of the joint confidence region by examining the con c/(A) which is equal to 'kmaAnm and represents the ratio of the principal axes of the ellipsoid. In this case, it is best to choose the experimental conditions which will yield the minimum length for the largest principal axis of the ellipsoid. This is equivalent to
maximization of X,nin
Again, we can determine the condition number and X^,, of matrix Anew using any eigenvalue decomposition routine that computes the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix and use the conditions (xN+1) that correspond to a maximum of

When the parameters differ by several orders of magnitude between them, the joint confidence region will have a long and narrow shape even if the parameter estimation problem is well-posed. To avoid unnecessary use of the shape criterion, instead of investigating the properties of matrix A given by Equation 12.2, it is better to use the normalized form of matrix A given below (Kalogerakis and
Luus, 1984) as A R .

AR = K Y G j Q j G j K


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Chapter 12

where K=<&7g-(ki,k2,...,kp). Therefore, Anew should be determined from


A or

= K
new old

K + KGN+]QN+]GN+i K


= A

+ KG^+1QN+1GN+1K



Essentially this is equivalent to using (ofj/<3kj)kj instead of (Sf/dkj) for the sensitivity coefficients. By this transformation the sensitivity coefficients are normalized with respect to the parameters and hence, the covariance matrix calculated using Equation 12.4 yields the standard deviation of each parameter as a percentage of its current value.
12.2.3 Implementation Steps

Based on the material presented up to now the steps that need to be followed
to design the next experiment for the precise estimation of the model parameters is

given below:
Step 1. Perform a series of initial experiments (based on a factorial design) to obtain initial estimates for the parameters and their covariance matrix. Step 2. For each grid point of the operability region, compute the sensitivity
coefficients and generate Anew given by Equation 12.9. Step 3. Perform an eigenvalue decomposition of matrix Anew to determine its condition number, determinant and X^,,. Step 4. Select the experimental conditions that correspond to a maximum

det(Anev") or maximum X^,, when the volume or the shape criterion is used respectively. The computed condition number indicates whether the volume or the shape criterion is the most appropriate to use. Step 5. Perform the experiment at the selected experimental conditions. Step 6. Based on the additional measurement of the response variables, estimate the parameter vector and its covariance matrix. Step 7. If the obtained accuracy is satisfactory, stop; else go back to Step 2 and select the conditions for an additional experiment.
In general, the search for the optimal X N+I is made all over the operability region. Experience has shown however, that the best conditions are always found on the boundary of the operability region (Froment and Bischoff, 1990). This simplification can significantly reduce the computational effort required to determine the best experimental conditions for the next experiment.
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Design of Experiments




Based on alternative assumptions about the mechanism of the process under investigation, one often comes up with a set of alternative mathematical models that could potentially describe the behavior of the system. Of course, it is expected that only one of them is the correct model and the rest should prove to be inadequate under certain operating conditions. Let us assume that we have conducted a set of preliminary experiments and we have fitted several rival models that could potentially describe the system. The problem we are attempting to solve is:
What are the best conditions to perform the next experiment so that with the additional information we will maximize our ability to discriminate among the rival models?

Let us assume that we have r rival models


that could potentially describe the behavior of the system. Practically this means that if we perform a model adequacy test (as described in Chapter 11) based on the experimental data at hand, none of the these models gets rejected. Therefore, we must perform additional experiments in an attempt to determine which one of the rival models is the correct one by rejecting all the rest.
Obviously, it is very important that the next experiment has maximum discriminating power. Let us illustrate this point with a very simple example where simple common sense arguments can lead us to a satisfactory design. Assume that

we have the following two rival single-response models, each with two parameters and one independent variable:

Model 1:

y ( 1 ) = k | 1 ) x + k^ 1)
y (2) = k f } e k l

(12.1 la)

Model 2:

(12. lib)

Design of the next experiment simply means selection of the best value of x

for the next run. Let us assume that based on information up to now, we have estimated the parameters in each of the two rival models and computed their predicted response shown in Figure 12.1. It is apparent that if the current parameter estimates will not change significantly, both models will be able to fit satisfactoCopyright 2001 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


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rily data taken in the vicinity of x2 or x4 where the predicted response of the two

models is about the same. On the other hand, if we conduct the next experiment
near x5, only one of the two models will most likely be able to fit it satisfactorily. The vicinity of x5 as shown in Figure 12.1, corresponds to the area of the operability region (defined as the interval [xmin, xmax]) where the divergence between the

two models is maximized.


Figure 12.1

The two rival models can describe equally well data taken near x2 andx4, whereas data taken near x/ or x3 or particularly xs will have a high discriminating power.

12.3.1 The Divergence Design Criterion

If the structure of the models is more complex and we have more than one independent variable or we have more than two rival models, selection of the best experimental conditions may not be as obvious as in the above example. A straightforward design to obtain the best experimental conditions is based on the divergence criterion. Hunter and Reimer (1965) proposed the simple Divergence criterion that can readily be extended to multi-response situations. In general, if we have performed N experiments; the experimental conditions X N ^, for the next one are obtained by maximizing the weighted Divergence between the rival models, defined as
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ZZy ( i )

) a) T


y G) ]


where r is the number of the rival models and Q is a user-supplied weighting matrix. The role of Q is to normalize the contribution of the response variables that may be of a different order of magnitude (e.g., the elements of the output vector, y, could be comprised of the process temperature in degrees K, pressure in Pa and
concentration as mole fraction). Box and Hill (1967) proposed a criterion that incorporates the uncertainties associated with model predictions. For two rival single-response models the proposed divergence expression takes the form,
- 2 s.2 (,1 -e,2) : -2 Y 2 - 2 s .


-y ( '

1 o +d
2 2

' o -l-Oc.2


where a is the variance of the experimental error in the measurement (obtained

through replicate experiments) and o E j , o g 2 are the variance of y as calculated based on models 1 and 2 respectively. /> 0jl is the prior probability (based on the N experiments already performed) of model 1 being the correct model. Similarly, P0>2 is the prior probability of model 2. Box and Hill (1967) expressed the adequacy in terms of posterior probabilities. The latter serve as prior probabilities for the design of the next experiment. Buzzi-Ferraris et al, (1983, 1984) proposed the use of a more powerful statistic for the discrimination among rival models; however, computationally it is more intensive as it requires the calculation of the sensitivity coefficients at each grid point of the operability region. Thus, the simple divergence criterion of Hunter and Reimer (1965) appears to be the most attractive.
12.3.2 Model Adequacy Tests for Model Discrimination

Once the new experiment has been conducted, all models are tested for adequacy. Depending on our knowledge of oj: we may perform a x,2~test, an F-test or

Bartlett's x~-test (when a~ is completely unknown). The first two tests have been
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discussed previously in Chapter 11 as Cases I and II. Bartlett's X2-test is presented

Case 111: Ba rtlett' s x2-test

Let us assume that o g ( i s the estimate of a^ from the ith model. The associated degrees of freedom for the ith model are denoted with (d.f)j and are equal to the total number of measurements minus the number of parameters that appear in the ith model. The idea is that the minimum sum of squares of residuals divided by the appropriate degrees of freedom is an unbiased estimate of the experimental error variance only for the correct mathematical model. All other estimates based
on the other models are biased due to lack of fit. Hence, one simply needs to examine the homogeneity of the estimated variances by the rival models. Namely,

Bartlett's %2-test is based on testing the hypothesis

//, :

o s l = a E 2 =o s ,3 =... = o e r
notallofthe oj? (i=l,...,r) are equal.

with a user-selected level of significance (usually a=0.01 or a=0.05 is employed).

The above hypothesis is tested using an x,2-test. Namely,






Reject// 0

where X v = r - i i - a 's obtained from the tables and Xdata 's computed from the data as follows: First, we generate the pooled variance, a p ,


which contains lack of fit, and then we compute Xj ata from

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Xda,a =



When the hypothesis Ho is rejected, we drop the model with the highest

d E j and we repeat the test with one less model. We keep on removing models until H0 cannot be rejected any more. These models are now used in the determination of the overall divergence for the determination of the experimental conditions for the next experiment. Although all the underlying assumptions (local linearity, statistical independence, etc.) are rarely satisfied, Bartlett's j(2-test procedure has been found adequate in both simulated and experimental applications (Dumez et al, 1977; Froment, 1975). However, it should be emphasized that only the y^-test and the F-test are true model adequacy tests. Consequently, they may eliminate all rival models if none of them is truly adequate. On the other hand, Bartlett's y?-tesl does not guarantee that the retained model is truly adequate. It simply suggests that it is the best one among a set of inadequate models!
12.3.3 Implementation Steps for Model Discrimination

Based on the material presented above, the implementation steps to design the next experiment for the discrimination among r rival model are: Step 1. Perform a series of initial experiments (based on a factorial design) to obtain initial estimates for the parameters and their covariance matrix for each of the r rival models. Step 2. For each grid point of the operability region, compute the Weighted Divergence, D, given by Equation 12.12. In the computations we consider only the models which are adequate at the present time (not all the rival models). Step 3. Select the experimental conditions that correspond to a maximum D. Step 4. Perform the experiment at the selected experimental conditions. Step 5. Based on the new measurement of the response variables, estimate the parameter vector and its covariance matrix for all rival models. Step 6. Perform the appropriate model adequacy test (x2-test, F-test or Bartlett's x. -test) for all rival models (just in case one of the models
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was rejected prematurely). If more than one model remains adequate,

go back to Step 2 to select the conditions for another experiment.

The idea behind the computation of the Divergence only among adequate models in Step 2, is to base the decision for the next experiment on the models that

are still competing. Models that have been found inadequate should not be included in the divergence computations. However, once the new data point becomes available it is good practice to update the parameter estimates for all models (adequate or inadequate ones). Practice has shown that under conditions of high experimental errors, as additional information becomes available some models may become adequate again!

Let us now turn our attention to systems described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Namely, the mathematical model is of the form,
f(x(t),u, k) ; x(t0) = x0 (12.16)



= Cx(t)


where k=[k],k 2 ,...,k p ] T is a p-dimensional vector of unknown parameters; x=[x h x 2 ,...,x n ] r is an n-dimensional vector of state variables; x 0 =[x 10 ,x 2 o,...,x n o] T is an n-dimensional vector of initial conditions for the state variables and u=[u 1 ,U2,...,u r ] T is an r-dimensional vector of manipulated variables which are normally set by the operator/experimentalist. Design of the next experiment in this case requires the following: (i) (ii) (iii) Selection of the initial conditions, x0. Selection of the sampling rate and the final time. Selection of the manipulated variables, u, which could be kept either constant or even be optimally manipulated over time.

The sequential experimental design can be made either for precise parameter estimation or for model discrimination purposes. 12.4.1 Selection of Optimal Sampling Interval and Initial State for Precise Parameter Estimation The optimality criteria based on which the conditions for the next experiment are determined are the same for dynamic and algebraic systems. However, for a dynamic system we determine the conditions not just of the next measureCopyright 2001 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Design of Experiments


ment but rather the conditions under which a complete experimental run will be

carried out. For precise parameter estimation we examine the determinant and the eigenvalues of matrix Anevv,

A" = Aold + K



where N P is the number of data points to be collected, K=diag(kl,k2,...,kp), G(t) is the parameter sensitivity matrix, (3xT/<3k)T and matrix Ao!d is our usual matrix A of the normal equations based on the experimental runs performed up to now. If the number of runs is N R and the number of data points gathered in each run is NP, Aold is of the form,
NR GT(ti)CTQCG(ti) K (12.19)

k old

Our selection of the initial state, x0, and the value of the manipulated variables vector, u(t) determine a particular experiment. Here we shall assume that the input variables u(t) are kept constant throughout an experimental run. Therefore, the operability region is defined as a closed region in the [xo,],x0,2,...xo.n. U[ u 2 ,...,u r ] T -space. Due to physical constraints these independent variables are limited to a very narrow range, and hence, the operability region can usually be described with a small number of grid points. In addition to the selection of the experimental conditions for the next experiment (i.e., selection of the best grid point in the operability region according to the volume or the shape criterion), the sampling rate and the final time must also be specified. In general, it is expected that for each particular experiment there is a corresponding optimal time interval over which the measurements should be obtained. Furthermore, given the total number of data points (Np) that will be gathered (i.e., for a given experimental effort) there is a corresponding optimal sampling rate which should be employed.
I. Time Interval Determination

The main consideration for the choice of the most appropriate time interval is the availability of parameter sensitivity information. Kalogerakis and Luus (1984) proposed to choose the time interval over which the output vector (measured variables) is most sensitive to the parameters. In order to obtain a measure of the available sensitivity information with respect to time, they proposed the use of
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the Information Index introduced earlier by Kalogerakis and Luus (1983b). The information index for parameter k, is defined as

where Q is a suitably chosen weighting matrix. As indicated by Equation 12.20, the scalar Ij(t) is simply a weighted sum of squares of the sensitivity coefficients of the output vector with respect to parameter kj at time t. Hence, I/t) can be viewed as an index measuring the overall sensitivity of the output vector with respect to parameter kj at time t. Using Equation 12.17 and the definition of the parameter sensitivity matrix, the above equation becomes Ij(t) = k J 5 j T G T (t)C T QCG(t)5 j k J ; j=l,...,p (12.21)

where 8, is a p-dimensional vector with 1 in the jth element and zeros elsewhere. The procedure for the selection of the most appropriate time interval requires the integration of the state and sensitivity equations and the computation of Ij(t), j=l,...,p at each grid point of the operability region. Next by plotting I/t), j=l,...,p versus time (preferably on a log scale) the time interval [t!,tNp] where the information indices are excited and become large in magnitude is determined. This is the time period over which measurements of the output vector should be obtained.


Sampling Rate Determination

Once the best time interval has been obtained, the sampling times within this interval should be obtained. Let us assume that a total number of N P data points are to be obtained during the run. In general, the selected sampling rate should be small compared to the governing time constants of the system. However, for highly nonlinear systems where the governing time constants may change significantly over time, it is difficult to determine an appropriate constant sampling rate. The same difficulty arises when the system is governed by a set of stiff differential equations. By considering several numerical examples, Kalogerakis and Luus (1984) found that if Np is relatively large, in order to cover the entire time interval of interest it is practical to choose t?, t 3 ,...,t Np .| by a log-linear interpolation between t, (ti>0) and t Np , namely,
tN Np-l


; i=l,2,...,N P -2


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When ti and t Np do not differ significantly (i.e., more than one order of magnitude), the proposed measurement scheme reduces practically to choosing a constant sampling rate. If, on the other hand, t t and tXp differ by several orders of magnitude, use of the log-linear interpolation formula ensures that sensitivity information is gathered from widely different parts of the transient response covering a wide range of time scales. The steps that should be followed to determine the best grid point in the operability region for precise parameter estimation of a dynamic system are given below: Step 1. Compute the Information Indices, Ij(t), j-l,...,p at each grid point of the operability region.. Step 2. By plotting Ij(t), j=l,...,p versus time determine the optimal time interval [t],tNp] for each grid point. Step 3. Determine the sampling times t2, t 3 ,... using Equation 12.22 for each

grid point. Step 4. Integrate the state and sensitivity equations and compute matrix Anew. Step 5. Using the desired optimality criterion (volume or shape), determine the best experimental conditions for the next experiment.
III. Simplification of the Procedure

The above procedure can be modified somewhat to minimize the overall computational effort. For example, during the computation of the Information Indices in Step 1, matrix Anew can also be computed and thus an early estimate of the best grid point can be established. In addition, as is the case with algebraic systems, the optimum conditions are expected to lie on the boundary of the operability region. Thus, in Steps 2, 3 and 4 the investigation can be restricted only to the grid points which lie on the boundary surface indicated by the preliminary estimate. As a result the computation effort can be kept fairly small. Another significant simplification of the above procedure is the use of constant sampling rate when t|, t Np are within one or two orders of magnitude and use of this sampling rate uniformly for all grid points of the operability region. Essentially, we use the information indices to see whether the chosen sampling rate is adequate for all grid points of the operability region. If a constant sampling rate is not appropriate because of widely different time constants, a convenient simplification is the use of two sampling rates: a fast one for the beginning of the experiment followed by the slow sampling rate when the fast dynamics have died out. The selection of the fast sampling rate is more difficult and should be guided by the Information Indices and satisfy the constraints imposed by the physical limitations of the employed measuring devices. Kalogerakis and Luus (1983b) have shown that if the Information Indices suggest
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that there is available sensitivity information for all the parameters during the slow

dynamics, we may not need to employ a fast sampling rate.

12.4.2 Selection of Optimal Sampling Interval and Initial State for Model Discrimination

If instead of precise parameter estimation, we are designing experiments for model discrimination, the best grid point of the operability region is chosen by maximizing the overall divergence, defined for dynamic systems as
Np r

i)^1^,)] Qkcto-y^tj)] (12.23)



Again we consider that u is kept constant throughout an experimental run. The design procedure is the same as for algebraic systems. Of course, the time interval and sampling times must also be specified. In this case, our selection should be based on what is appropriate for all competing models, since the information gathered from these experiments will also be used to estimate more precisely the parameters in each model. Again the information index for each parameter and for each model can be used to guide us to select an overall suitable sampling rate.
12.4.3 Determination of Optimal Inputs for Precise Parameter Estimation and Model Discrimination

As mentioned previously, the independent variables which determine a particular experiment and are set by the experimentalist are the initial state, x0 and the vector of the manipulated variables (also known as control input), u. In the previous section we considered the case where u is kept constant throughout an experimental run. The case where u is allowed to vary as a function of time constitutes the problem of optimal inputs. In general, it is expected that by allowing some or all of the manipulated variables to change over time, a greater amount of information will be gathered from a run. The design of optimal inputs has been studied only for the one-parameter model case. This is fairly straightforward since maximization of the determinant of the (1x1) matrix, Anew, is trivial and the optimal control problem reduces to maximization of the integral (or better summation) of the sensitivity coefficient squared. In a similar fashion, researchers have also looked at maximizing the sensitivity of one parameter out of all the unknown parameters present in a dynamic model. Murray and Reiff (1984) showed that the use of an optimally selected square wave for the input variables can offer considerable improvement in parameter estimation. Of course, it should be noted that the use of constant inputs is often
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more attractive to the experimentalist, mainly because of the ease of experimentation. In addition, the mathematical model representing the physical system may remain simpler if the inputs are kept constant. For example, when experiments are designed for the estimation of kinetic parameters, the incorporation of the energy equation can be avoided if the experiments are carried out isothermally. For precise parameter estimation, we need to solve several optimal control problems each corresponding to a grid point of the operability region. The operability region is defined now by the potential values of the initial state (x0). A particular optimal control problem can be formulated as follows,
Given the governing differential equations (the model) and the initial conditions, x0, determine the optimal inputs, u(t), so that the determinant (for the volume criterion) or the smallest eigenvalue (for the shape criterion) of matrix Anew (given by Equation 12.18) is maximized.

Obviously this optimal control problem is not a typical "textbook problem". It is not even clear whether the optimal solution can be readily computed. As a result, one should consider suboptimal solutions. One such design was proposed by Murray and Reiff (1984) where they used an optimally selected square wave for the input variables. Instead of computing an optimal profile for u(t), they simply investigated the magnitude and frequency of the square wave, for precise parameter estimation purposes. It should be also kept in mind that the physical constraints often limit the values of the manipulated variables to a very narrow range which suggests that the optimal solution will most likely be bang-bang. The use of time stages of varying lengths in iterative dynamic programming (Luus, 2000) may indeed provide a computationally acceptable solution. Actually, such an approach may prove to be feasible particularly for model discrimination purposes. In model discrimination we seek the optimal inputs, u(t), that will maximize the overall divergence among r rival models given by Equation 12.23. The original optimal control problem can also be simplified (by reducing its dimensionality) by partitioning the manipulated variables u(t) into two groups U] and u2. One group HI could be kept constant throughout the experiment and hence, the optimal inputs for subgroup u2(t) are only determined. Kalogerakis (1984) following the approach of Murray and Reiff (1984) suggested the use of a square wave for u(t) whose frequency is optimally chosen for model discrimination purposes. The rationale behind this suggestion is based on the fact that the optimal control policy is expected to be bang-bang. Thus, instead of attempting to determine the optimal switching times, one simply assumes a square wave and optimally selects its period by maximizing the divergence among the r rival models.
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12.5.1 Consecutive Chemical Reactions

As an example for precise parameter estimation of dynamic systems we consider the simple consecutive chemical reactions in a batch reactor used by Hosten and Emig (1975) and Kalogerakis and Luus (1984) for the evaluation of sequential experimental design procedures of dynamic systems. The reactions are



where both steps are irreversible and kinetically of first order. The governing differential equations are



= k, exp\-X]-k3ex/?- x22 ; x 2 (0) = 0 J 2 ' ( TJ ' ^ T '


where X j and x2 are the concentrations of A and 5 (g/) and T is the reaction temperature (K). For simplicity it is assumed that the reaction is carried out isother-

mally, so that there is no need to add the energy equation. Both state variables X) and x2 are assumed to be measured and the standard error in the measurement (ae) in both variables is equal to 0.02 (g/L). Consequently the statistically correct choice for the weighting matrix Q is the identity matrix. The experimental conditions which can be set by the operator are the initial concentrations of A and B and the reaction temperature T. For simplicity the initial concentration of B is assumed to be zero, i.e., we always start with pure A. The operability region is shown in Figure 12.2 on the x0.i-T plane where x0.i takes values from 1 to 4 g/L and T from 370 to 430 K. Let us now assume that two preliminary experiments were performed at the grid points (1, 370) and (4, 430) yielding the following estimates for the parameters: k, = 0.61175x10", k2 = 10000, k3 = 0.62155xl0 8 and Ic, = 7500 from 20 measurements taken with a constant sampling rate in the interval 0 to 10 h. With these preliminary parameter values the objective is to determine the best experimental conditions for the next run.

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Design of Experiments


430 415 400 385 370

Figure. 12.2 The operabilily region for the consecutive chemical reactions example [reprinted from the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering with permission].

For comparison purposes, we first determine the best grid point in the operability region using the same final time and constant sampling rate for all feasible experiments. To show the importance of the final time (or better the time interval) several values in the range 1 to 40 h were used and the results are shown in Table 12.1. A total of 20 data points were used and the best grid point was selected based on the volume criterion. As seen, the results depend heavily on the chosen final time. Furthermore, cases 4 and 5 or 6 and 7 show that for the same grid point the chosen final time has a strong effect on cfe/(Anevv) and hence, there must be indeed an optimal choice for the final time for each grid point in the operability region. This observed dependence can be readily explained by examining the behavior of the Information Indices. For example it is seen in Figure 12.3 that most of the available sensitivity information is available in the time interval 0.03 to 2 h for the grid point (4, 430). Therefore, when the final time was increased other grid point gave better results (i.e., a higher value for Je/(A"ew)). On the other hand, as seen in Figure 12.4, most of the sensitivity information is available in the interval 2 to 40 h for the grid point (4, 370). Hence, only when the final time was increased to 12 h or more was this grid point selected as the best. The above results indicate the need to assign to each grid point an appropriate time interval over which the measurements will be made. The information index provides the means to locate this time interval so that the maximum amount of information is gathered from each experiment.
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Chapter 12

Next by employing the volume criterion, the best grid point in the operability region was determined using the time intervals indicated by the information indices and the log-linear formula for the selection of the sampling times. A total of 20, 40 and 80 data points were used and the results are shown in Table 12.2. As

seen, the grid point (4, 370) was consistently selected as best. At this point it is worthwhile making a couple of comments about the Information Index. One can readily see from Figures 12.3 and 12.4 that the steady state values of the Information Indices are zero for this example. This simply means that the steady state values of the state variables do not depend on the parameters. This is expected as both reactions are irreversible and hence, regardless of their rate, at steady state all of component A and B must be converted to C. From the same figures it is also seen that the normalized information indices of k, and k2, as well as k3 and k4, overlap completely. This behavior is also not surprising since the experiments have been conducted isothermally and hence the product k\exp(-k2/1~) behaves as one parameter which implies that (dxj/dk]) and (<3xj/dk2) and consequently I](t) and I2(t) differ only by a constant factor. Finally, it is pointed out that the time interval determined by the Information Indices is subject to experimental constraints. For example, it may not be possible to collect data as early as suggested by the Information Indices. If kt in this example was 100 times larger, i.e., k] = 0.61175xl0 10 , the experimentalist could be unable to start collecting data from 0.004 h (i.e., 1.5 sec) as the Information
Indices would indicate for grid point (4, 430) shown in Figure 12.5.

Table 12.1 Consecutive Chemical Reactions: Effect of Final Time on the Selection of the Best Grid Point Using the Volume Criterion

Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Final Time (h) 1 2 4

Best Grid
Point (4, 430) (4,415) (4, 400) (4, 385) (4, 385) (4, 370) (4, 370)

ofe?(Anew) 3.801xl0 4 4.235xl0 4 7.178xl0 4 7.642x1 04 1.055xl0 5

6 8 12 40

1.083xl0 5 1.788xl0 5

Source: Kalogerakis and Luus (1984).

Copyright 2001 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC




C:> P P P

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Copyright 2001 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC


P I| s


to oo to 01

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(-U ^



Chapter 12

Table 12.2 Consecutive Chemical Reactions: Selection of the Best Grid

Point Based on the Volume Criterion and Through the Use of the Information Index
No. of

Standard deviation (%)

A, 0.0171 0.0173 0.0174
1.476xl0 5 5.831xl0 5 2.316xl0 6 k, 15.14 15.06 15.02 k2 0.562 0.558 0.556 k3 8.044 7.513 7.236

data points 20 40 80

0.414 0.380 0.362

Best grid point for all cases: (4, 370). Source: Kalogerakis and Luus (1984).

i ,u

/ ! 11,12

/ I

g 0.6
IT |

/ \y I \ ' I / i / ; i b, u /'


/ hmax = 4.32
\/ I2max = 2.34x10=


i /

/ /

l3max = 2.16 Umax = 6.58x1 02



\ I 1 ! 1




1 1! 1

1 1 ft






\ i >. i 1 1 1 i MI 10 I01 1 D2

Figure 12.5

Information indices versus time for the grid point (4, 430) with Parameter k/ 100 Times Larger [reprinted from the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering with permission].

Finally when the selected experiment has been performed, the parameter estimates will be updated based on the new information and the predicted parameter variances will probably be somewhat different since our estimate of the
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Design of Experiments


parameter values will most likely be different. If the variance of the estimated parameters is acceptable we stop, or else we go back and design another experiment.

12.5.2 Fed-batch Bio reactor

As a second example let us consider the fed-batch bioreactor used by Kalogerakis and Luus (1984) to illustrate sequential experimental design methods for dynamic systems. The governing differential equations are (Lim et al., 1977):
1 z


1k i + x7

-D X ) - k 4 X ]

; Xi(0) = x O I


dt ~


D ( c F - x 2 ) ; x 2 (0) = 0.01


where Xi and x2 are the biomass and limiting substrate (glucose) concentrations

(g/L) in the bioreactor, CF is the substrate concentration in the feed stream (g/L) and D is the dilution factor (/?"') defined as the feed flowrate over the volume of the liquid phase in the bioreactor. The dilution factor is kept constant with respect to time to allow x, and x2 to reach steady state values while the volume in the bioreactor increases exponentially (Lim et al., 1977). It is assumed that both state variables Xi and x2 are measured with respect to time and that the standard experimental error (oe) is 0.1 (g/L) for both variables. The independent variables that determine a particular experiment are (i) the inoculation density (initial biomass concentration in the bioreactor), x0.i, with range 1 to 10 g/L, (ii) the dilution factor, D, with range 0.05 to 0.20 h~' and (iii) the substrate concentration in the feed, CF, with range 5 to 35 g/L. In this case the operability region can be visualized as a rectangular prism in the 3-dimensional XO.I-D-C F - space as seen in Figure 12.6. A grid of four points in each variable has been used. Let us now assume that from a preliminary experiment performed at x0.i = 7 g/L, D = 0.lOh~' and CF = 25 g/L it was found that k, = 0.31, k2 = 0.18, k3 = 0.55 and 1<4 = 0.05 from 20 measurements taken at a constant sampling rate in the interval 0 to 20 /?. Using Equation 12.1, the standard deviation (%), also known as coefficient of variation, was computed and found to be 49.86, 111.4, 8.526 and 27.75 for k,, k2, k3 and 1<4 respectively. With these preliminary parameter estimates, the conditions of the next experiment will be determined so that the uncertainty in the parameter estimates is minimized.

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Chapter 12



CF (g/L)
Figure 12.6 Fed-batch Bioreactor: Operability Region [reprinted from the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering with permission].

Table 12.3 Fed-batch Bioreactor: Effect of Final Time on the Selection of the Best Grid Point Using the Volume Criterion

Case 1 2 ^> j

Final Time (h)

20 40 80

Best Grid
Point (7, 0.20, 35) (4,0.15,35) (1,0.20,35)

1.06xl0 8 1.46xl09 2.87xl0 9

Source: Kalogerakis and Luus (1984).

For comparison purposes we first determine the best grid point in the operability region using the same final time and constant sampling rate for all feasible
experiments. In Table 1 the best experimental conditions are shown chosen by the

volume criterion when as final time 20, 40 or 80 h is used. A total of 20 data points is used in all experiments. As seen, the selected conditions depend on our choice of the final time. Again, this observed dependence can be readily explained by examining the behavior of the information indices. For example in Figure 12.7 it is shown
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that most of the available sensitivity information for grid point (1, 0.20, 35) is in the interval 25 to 75 h. Consequently when as final time 20 or 40 h is used, other grid points in the operability region gave better results. On the other hand, it is seen in Figure 12.8 that 20 h as final time is sufficient to capture most of the available sensitivity information (although 35 h would be the best choice) for the grid

point (7, 0.20, 35). By allowing the final time to be 80 h no significant improvement in the results is expected.

llmax = 1.647x10 5

I 2 max = 2.334x10 1

bmax = 6.609x102


Umax = 3.920x10 3


0.20 000


6 8 10 2 TIME (h)

4 6 8 I0 1

4 6 8 I02

Figure 12.7

Fed-batch Bioreactor: Information indices versus time for the

grid point (I, 0.20, 35) [reprinted from the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering with permission].

To illustrate the usefulness of the Information Index in determining the best

time interval, let us consider the grid point (1, 0.20, 35). From Figure 12.7 we deduce that the best time interval is 25 to 75 h. In Table 12.4 the standard deviation

of each parameter is shown for 7 different time intervals. From cases 1 to 4 it is seen that that measurements taken before 25 h do not contribute significantly in the reduction of the uncertainty in the parameter estimates. From case 4 to 7 it is seen that it is preferable to obtain data points within [25, 75] rather than after the steady state has been reached and the Information Indices have leveled off. Measurements taken after 75 h provide information only about the steady state behavior
of the system.

The above results indicate again the need to assign to each grid point a different time interval over which the measurements of the output vector should be made. The Information Index can provide the means to determine this time interval. It is particularly useful when we have completely different time scales as shown by the Information Indices (shown in Figure 12.9) for the grid point (4,
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Chapter 12

0.25, 35). The log-linear interpolation for the determination of the sampling times
is very useful in such cases.

limax = 1.133x10
I 2ma x = 1.179X10 1

I 3m ax = 4.941 X10 2



Figure 12.8

Fed-batch Bioreactor: Information indices versus time for the

grid point (7, 0.20, 35) [reprinted from the Canadian Journal
of Chemical Engineering with permission].

Table 12.4 Fed-batch Bioreactor: Standard Deviation of Parameter Estimates Versus Time Interval Used for the Grid Point (1, 0.20, 35)

Case 1 2 -> j 4 5 6 1

[0.01 ,75] [1, 75] [15, 75] [25, 75] [25, 150] [50, 150] [60, 150]

Number of Data points 155 75 30 20 20 20 20


Standard Deviation (%) k2 k3 k4

1 917 1 919 1 967 2 092 2 316 4 057 1 051 1 052 1 072 1 130 1 202 2 053

4 972 4 972 5 065 5 065 .836 4 626 .956 5 262 3.316 278.3 279.5
.702 .704 .737



Source: Kalogerakis and Luus (1984).

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Design of Experiments


6 8 10 2 T I M E (h)

4 6 8 10'

Figure 12.9

Fed-batch Bioreactor: Information indices versus time for the

grid point (4, 0.25, 35) [reprinted from the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering with permission].

Table 12.5 Fed-batch Bioreactor: Selection of the Best Grid Point Based on the Volume Criterion and Use of the Information Index

No. of data points 20 40 80

Standard deviation (/o)

0.709 1.405 2.816

6.61xl0 9 1.07x10" 1.74xl0 12

1.836 1.302 0.920

5.065 3.647 2.574

2.092 1.481 1.046

k4 11.30 8.020 5.667

Best grid point for all cases: (1, 0.20, 35).

Source: Kalogerakis and Luus (1984).

Employing the volume criterion, the best grid point in the operability re-

gion was determined using the Information Indices. A total of 20, 40 and 80 data points were used and the results are shown in Table 12.5 The condition number of matrix Anew can be used to indicate which of the optimization criteria (volume or shape) is more appropriate. In this example the
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Chapter 12

condition number is rather large (-10 ) and hence, the shape criterion in expected to yield better results. Indeed, by using the shape criterion the condition number was reduced approximately by two orders of magnitude and the overall results are improved as shown in Table 12.6. As seen, the uncertainty in k h k3 and let was decreased while the uncertainty in k2 was increased somewhat. The Information Indices for the selected grid point (4, 0.15, 35) are shown in Figure 12.10.

Table 12.6 Fed-batch bioreactor: Selection of the Best Grid Point Based on the Shape Criterion and Use of the Information Index

No. of data points 20 40 80

Standard Deviation (%)

1.408 2.782 5.604

4.71xl0 8 7.56xl0 9 1.22x10"

0.954 0.674 0.477

k2 8.357 5.943 4.189

1.175 0.831 0.587


5.248 3.717 2.628

Best grid point for all cases: (4, 0.15, 35). Source: Kalogerakis and Luus (1984).

i.oo - o.so
llmax = 7.330x103


I2max -


Ismax = 4.444x10 2

Umax 0.40 o

= 1.353x102

N 0.20 0.00


6 8 10

6 8 10

6 8 10

TIME (h)

Figure 12.10

Feel-batch Bioreactor: Information indices versus time for the grid point (4, 0.15, 35) [reprinted from the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering with permission].

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Design of Experiments


It is interesting to note that by using both design criteria, the selected best grid points lie on the boundary of the operability region. This was also observed in the previous example. The same has also been observed for systems described by algebraic equations (Rippin et al, 1980).

12.5.3 Chemostat Growth Kinetics

As a third example let us consider the growth kinetics in a chemostat used by Kalogerakis (1984) to evaluate sequential design procedures for model discrimination in dynamic systems. We consider the following four kinetic models for biomass growth and substrate utilization in the continuous baker's yeast fermentation.
Model 1 (Monod kinetics with constant specific death rate)
k x

l 2


-> + x-

-D x -


dx 2 ~dT
Model 2


-x, + D(cF-x2)


(Contois kinetics with constant specific death rate)

dt I
k 2x

i + X2 lx2

-D jx, - k 4 x ,


Model 3


x, + D(c F - x 2 )


(Linear specific growth rate)

dx, _ , -D)x, - k 3 x .

dt dx 2 ~dT


-X! + D(c F - x 2 )


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Chapter 12

Model 4

(Monod kinetics with constant maintenance energy)


= l dt Vk2+x2 j

D x


dx^ _ dt




In the above DDEs, X] and x2 represent the biomass and substrate concentration in the chemostat, CF is the substrate concentration in the feed stream (g/L) and D is the dilution factor (h~') defined as the feed flowrate over the volume of the liquid phase in the chemostat. It is assumed that both state variables, x, and x2 are observed. The experimental conditions that can be set by the operator are the initial conditions x^O) and x2(0), and the manipulated variables (control inputs) U](t)=D and u2(t)=cF. The range of the manipulated variables is 0.05 < D < 0.20 (ff1) and 5 < CF < 35 (g/L). For simplicity, it is assumed that the initial substrate concentration in the chemostat, x2(0), is always 0.01 g/L. The initial biomass concentration (inoculation) is assumed to take values in the range 1 to 10 g/L, i.e., 1 < x,(0) < 10 We have several options in terms of designing the next experiment that will have the maximum discriminating power among all the above four rival models:

Consider both inputs as constants (i.e., D and CF are kept constant throughout the run). In this case we have a 3-dimensional operability region (X](0), D, CF) that can be visualized as a rectangular prism. The best grid point is selected by maximizing the weighted divergence given by Equation 12.23. (ii) Consider one input constant and the other one able to vary with respect to time. For example, we can allow the feed concentration to vary optimally with respect to time. The operability region is now a rectangular region on the (x,(0)-D)-plane. For each grid point of the operability region we can solve the optimal control problem and determine the optimal input sequence (cF(t)) that will maximize the divergence given by Equation 12.23. We can greatly simplify the problem by searching for the optimal period of a square wave sequence for CF. (iii) Consider both inputs variables (D and CF) able to vary with respect to time. In this case the operability region is the one dimensional segment on the x,(0) - axis. Namely for each grid point (for example, x,(0) could take the values 1 , 4, 7 & 1 0 g/L) we solve the optimal control problem whereby we determine the optimal time sequence for the dilution factor
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Design of Experiments


(D) and the feed concentration (CF) by maximizing the weighted divergence given by Equation 12.23. Again, the optimal control problem can be greatly simplified by considering square waves for both input variables with optimally selected periods.

Let us illustrate the methodology by consider cases (i) and (ii). We assume that from a preliminary experiment or from some other prior information we have the following parameter estimates for each model: Model 1: Model 2: Model 3: Model 4: k(1) = [0.30, 0.25, 0.56, 0.02]1' k(2) = [0.30, 0.03, 0.55, 0.03]T k (3) = [0.12, 0.56, 0.02]T k(4) = [0.30, 0.25, 0.56, 0.02]T

Using as final time 72 h and a constant sampling rate of 0.75 h, the best grid point in the operability region was determined assuming constant inputs. The grid point (1, 0.20, 35) was found as best and the corresponding value of the weighted divergence was D=71759. On the other hand, if we assume that CF can change with time as a square wave, while dilution factor is kept constant throughout the run, we find as best the grid point (xi(0), D) = (1, 0.20) and an optimal period of 27 h when CF is allowed to change as a square wave. In this case a maximum weighted divergence of D=84080 was computed. The dependence of the weighted divergence on the switching period of the input variable (CF) is shown for the grid points (1, 0.15) and (1, 0.20) in Figures 12.11 and 12.12 respectively. The ability of the sequential design to discriminate among the rival models should be examined as a function of the standard error in the measurements (oe). For this reason, artificial data were generated by integrating the governing ODEs for Model 1 with "true" parameter values k^O.31, k2=0.18, k3=0.55 and krO.03 and by adding noise to the noise free data. The error terms are taken from independent normal distributions with zero mean and constant standard deviation (OE). In Tables 12.7 and 12.8 the results of the ^-adequacy test (here aE is assumed to be known) and Bartlett's ^-adequacy test (here OE is assumed to be unknown) are shown for both designed experiments (constant inputs and square wave for cF(t)). As seen in Tables 12.7 and 12.8 when ac is in the range 0.001 to 0.2 g/L the experiment with the square wave input has a higher discriminating power. As expected the )f-test is overall more powerful since oe is assumed to be known. For the design of subsequent experiments, we proceed in a similar fashion; however, in the weighted divergence only the models that still remain adequate are included.

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Chapter 12

<U U

2> <L>






Period (h)
Figure 1 2. 11 Chemostat kinetics: Weighted divergence as a function of
square wave frequency for c/.-ftj at the grid point (I, 0. 15).

0) U







Period (h)
Figure 12.12 Chemostat kinetics: Weighted divergence as a function of square wave frequency for c/.-(t) at the grid point (I, 0.20).

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Design of Experiments


Table 12.7

Chemostat Kinetics: Results from Model Adequacy Tests Assuming at. is Known (x2-test) Performed at a=0.01 Level of Significance
Constant Inputs Model Model 2 3 A R A R R R R R R R R R R R R R



Model 1 A

Model 4 A

Model 1 A

Square Wave Input Model Model Model 2 3 4 A R A


0.2 0.1
0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.001



Note: R = model is rejected, A = model remains adequate. Source: Kalogerakis (1984).

Table 12.8

Chemostat Kinetics: Results from Model Adequacy Tests Assuming fff: is Unknown (Bartlett's %-tesi) Performed at a=0.01 Level of Significance



Model 1 A A A A

Constant Inputs Model Model o 2 3 R A


Model 4 A

Model 1 A

Square Wave Input Model Model Model 2 3 4 1 A R A


0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.001







R A Note: R = model is rejected, A = model remains adequate. Source: Kalogerakis (1984).

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