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Reflection On Child Development

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Reflection Carrying out the study on a childs profile is very interesting for me.

I have learnt a lot of thing from the activities that I had done with my cousin. Her name is Shyalini binti Mushidi. She is nine years old and study in SK. Dato Musa, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak. During the school holidays, my partner, Syuhaidah and I had conducted some activities to observe her cognitive and language development. Since she is a primary school student, she is quite playful during the activities. The activities that we had planned for her are to observe the aspects of seriation, classification, transitivity, reversibility and conservation. We chose some methods that were easily understood by a nine years old child. The first activity is used to examine her understand on reversibility where we used water-beaker experiment. As we started the first activity, I felt very excited because this is my first time doing such thing. It was fun to ask her and listened to her answer. Besides, I also felt nervous because I do not know what to expect from a nine-year-old child. She might answer the question or talked about other thing. However, we managed to complete the task. What did I learn from her? At first, it seemed hard for her to differentiate the amount of water in two different cups but she tried her best to focus on the water and could answer my question well. As a student, I learned that I should stay focus in my study. No matter how hard the situation is, I should not easily give up and keep trying because there is a will, there is a way. Other than that, as a teacher I learned that, being a teacher needs a lot of patience. You cannot simply judge your student as a dumb when they cannot answer the question for the first time. You should motivate them instead. Say nice words such as Good try, Good girl or It is okay. You can try again. These would encourage the students to give their best on answering the questions. Next, I have learnt that a young child would easily understand a concept when she experienced the concept herself. From my observation, Shyalini cognitive level on conservation of weight is better when she rolled the clay by herself. She knew that both clay had the same weight even the shape had changed. However, when I rolled the clay and gave it to her to measure the weight, she took time to differentiate their weight. Thus, it means that experiences help the child to have a better understanding on the concept of weight or other things in life. As a future teacher, I learned that the

class that will be conducted should be student- centered, which means the students learn more by themselves rather than being feed by the teachers. In independent learning, the students can experience many things with their friends at school such as playing football during Physical Education class. If the teacher teaches his students to play football using a textbook in a class without playing at the field, his students will not understand him. They cannot play football, as they have not experience it yet. Hence, this shows that experience is very important in order to convey messages or deliver the knowledge. Besides that, I learned that an adult is not always right and should have listen to a child too. There is one time when I said something wrongly during the experiment. It should be a glass but I said a bottle. Then, my subject, Shyalini indirectly corrected me. As an early adult, I admitted my mistake and thanked her for correcting me. We learn from a mistake even from a small kid. As a student, I have learnt that correcting others, including our teacher is not a bad thing. It is just a learning process that we gone through our life. Furthermore, as a future teacher, I learned that a student should be given the opportunities to share their thought in the class. The teachers should encourage them to give feedback during the class session so that they will know the students understanding on the topic discussed. It will be perfect as both the teacher and students give and take during the teaching and learning process. Other than that, I also have learnt that in a pair or group work, cooperation is the most important aspect that all the group members must have. Without cooperation, a simple work would turn into a chaos. For me, my partner, Syuhaidah bt. Mohd. Salim has given an excellent cooperation to me. She never makes a decision without consulting me. Sometimes, we cannot meet each other due to our own schedule, but we found other alternatives to discuss and share opinions about our project. We used phone call, social network ( Facebook) and texting (SMS). It works for both of us and finally we can produce a good video on childs cognitive and language development. On top of that, I learned that in any pair or group works, respecting others is also important. When the group members give an opinion, we should listen and give comments on that. Each individual should not be selfish and condemning others. When giving any comments, the comment must be a

constructive comment, not a destructive comment. Only then, it will help in completing the task given. As conclusion, carrying out the study on a childs profile has helped me a lot in developing my own knowledge. I got to know different childs development theories besides a new experience on conducting such experiments. I feel very proud of myself as I can complete the task given with my partner and others help on time. It would be hard for me to work on this project without their help. Hence, I would like to thank my friends who have helped me throughout the study and I hope that this small study will benefit me in present as a student and in future, as a teacher.

(1010 words)

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