Assignment 8 Answers Math 130 Linear Algebra
Assignment 8 Answers Math 130 Linear Algebra
Assignment 8 Answers Math 130 Linear Algebra
D Joyce, Fall 2012 Exercises from section 2.2, page 84, exercises 1, 2a-d; and from section 2.3, page 96, exercises 1af&h-j, 12, 19, 20. See the back of the textbook for exercises that arent answered here. Section 2.2, 1. True/false. For these V and W are nite-dimensional spaces with ordered bases and , respectively, and T, U : V W are linear transformations. a. For any scalar a, aT + U is a linear trasformation from V to W . True. Yes, the linear transformations V W form a vector space. b. [T ] = [U ] . True. Yes, indeed, a linear transformation is determined by the standard basis that represents it. c. If m = dim(V ) and n = dim(W ), then [T ] is an m n matrix. False. The standard matrix that represents a linear transformation from an mdimensional space to an n-dimensional space is an n m matrix, not a m n matrix. d. [T + U ] = [T ] + [U ] . True. Yes, matrix addition is dened so that it corresponds to adding linear transformations. e. L(V, W ) is a vector space. True. Yes, thats what part a above proves. f. L(V, W ) = L(W, V ). False. Theyre not equal since a linear transformation V W is not same thing as a linear transformation W V , but theres something about them that makes them similar in some way. For instance, if m = dim(V ) and n = dim(W ), then theyre both mndimensional spaces, so theyre isomorphic. 1
Section 2.3, 1. True/false. For these, V , W , and Z are vectors spaces with ordered bases , , and , respectively; T : V W and U : W Z are linear transformations; and A and B are matrices. a. [U T ] = [T ] [U ] . False. Instead, [U T ] = [U ] [T ] , that is to say, matrix multiplication is dened to correspond to composition of linear transformations. b. [T (v)] = [T ] [v] for all v V . True. This is the reason why we use column vectors to represent coordinates of vectors. c. [U (w)] = [U ] [w] . False. This doesnt even make sense. You cant take -coordinates of U (w) because U (w) belongs to Z, not to W . Also [U ] doesnt make sense because U is not a linear transformation V W but a linear transformation W Z. d. [IV ] = I. True. IV is the identity transformation V V . [IV ] is a shorthand notation for [IV ] which we can use because the domain and codomain of IV are the same. This statement says that the matrix for an identity transformation is the identity matrix. e. [T 2 ] = ([T ] )2 . False. This doesnt make sense because you cant even compose T with itself. Youd need V to be the same as W . f. A2 = I implies that A = I or A = I. False. Its false even when A is a square matrix where A2 makes sense. There are other matrices whose squares are the identity matrix, for example, any matrix that represents a reection transformation in the plane. Transformations, or matrices, whose squares are the identity are important ones called involutions. g. T = LA for some matrix A. False. Our text uses LA to denote the transformation F n F n represented by the matrix A. If V is not of the form F n or W is not of the form F n , then T is not LA for any matrix A. (You could, however, extend the notation a little bit to make it work by including the bases and , and then it would work.) h. A2 = O implies that A = O where O is the zero matrix. False. Its false even when A is
a square matrix where A2 makes sense. Take for b. Prove that if U T is onto, then U is onto. Must example any 2 2 upper triangular matrix. T also be onto? A square matrix A for which some power An Proof. When U T is onto, then every element z equals O is called a nilpotent matrix. Z is of the form z = U T (v) for some v V . That i. LA+B = LA + LB . True. This says the lin- means its of the form z = U (w) where w = T (v) ear transformation represented by the sum of two is an element of W . Therefore, U is onto. q.e.d. matrices is the sum of the linear transformations The other transformation T doesnt have to be represented by the two matrices. Its another way ont when U T is. The example in part a works here, of saying that matrix addition is dened to corre- too. spond to addition of linear transformations. c. Prove that if U and T are one-to-one and onto, j. If A is square and Aij = ij for all i and j, then so is U T . then A = I. True. Recall that ij is 1 if i = j but Claim. If U and T are both one-to-one, then 0 otherwise. The equation says that A has entries so is U T . If v = v , then since T is one-to1 1 down the main diagonal and 0s elsewhere. one, T (v1 ) = T (v1 ), and since U is one-to-one, U T (v1 ) = U T (v1 ). 12. Let V , W , and A be vector spaces, and let Claim. If U and T are both onto, then so is U T . T : V W and U : W Z be linear. Every vector z Z is of the form U (w) for some a. Prove that if U T is one-to-one, then T is one- w W , but w is of the form T (v) for some v V . Therefore z = U (w) = T U (v). Thus U T is onto. to-one. Must U also be one-to-one? These proofs are sometimes called diagram chasIts enough that T and U be any functions. You ing proofs, since your chasing the elements around dont need them to be linear transformations for the conclusions to be true. In fact, you might have the commutative diagram drawn above. seen this same exercise in calculus or precalculus. It helps to draw a commutative diagram to keep 19. For an incidence matrix A with related matrix track of things. B dened by Bij = 1 if i is related to j and j is T related to i, and Bij = 0 otherwise. Prove that i - W V belongs to a clique if and only if (B 3 )ii > 0. @ @ Recall that an incidence matrix is a square maU @ trix in which every entry is 0 or 1, and the diagonal UT @ R @ ? entries are all 0s. Also recall that a clique is a collecZ tion of three or more nodes each of which is related to the other two. Proof. If T werent one-to-one, then T (v1 ) would Note that in B 3 an entry Bii is the double sumequal T (v2 ) for some two distinct vectors v1 and mation Bij Bjk Bki . Since all the entries of v1 , and so U T (v1 ) would equal U T (v2 ), hence U T j k would not be one-to-one. The contrapositive of that B are either 0 or 1, the only way that Bii can be statement is therefor also proved, that is, if U T is nonzero is if there are indices j and k where Bij = 1, one-to-one, so is T . q.e.d. Bjk = 1, and Bki = 1. That means i is related to j, The other transformation U doesnt have to be one-to-one when U T is. For example, if T is the inclusion 1 : R R R, and U is the projection 1 : R R R, then U T is the identity function on R, so its one-to-one, but U isnt one-to-one. 2 j is related to k, and k is related to i. Since B was dened in such a way to make it a symmetric matrix, therefore we also have that j is related to i, k is related to j, and i is related to j. Also, since the diagonal entries have to be 0, since Bij , Bjk , and
Bki are nonzero, therefore i = j, j = k, and k = i. The diagonal entries are in rows 1,3, and 4, and Thus, i is in the 3-element clique {i, j, k}. q.e.d. those three indices form a clique. 20. Use exercise 19 to determine the cliques in the relations corresponding to the following incidence matrices. 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 a. 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 First symmetrize the matrix as described in the beginning of exercise 19 to get 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Then cube that to get 0 2 0 3 Math 130 Home Page at
2 0 1 0
0 1 0 2
3 0 2 0
The diagonal entries of this matrix are all 0, so there are no cliques at all. 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 b. 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 First symmetrize the matrix to get 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Then cube that to get 2 0 1 1
0 0 0 0
3 0 2 1
3 0 1 2 3