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Sector Specific Commitments Sector or Sub-Sector Limitations On Market Access Limitations On National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes

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Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes


02.C. Telecommunication

Public local, domestic long 1) 2) None, other than 1) 2) None Conditional upon passage and
distance and international - traffic shall be routed through a coming into force of all
services: gateway in Thailand operated by a necessary new communication
supplier duly licensed; acts, commencing from the
a. Voice telephone services year of 2006, Thailand will
b. Telex services - the provision of concerned introduce into its Schedule of
c. Telegraph services services shall be agreed by the Specific Commitments on
d. Facsimile services supplier duly licensed of both ends. public telecommunication
services its treatment on the
subjects relating to competitive
safeguards, interconnection,
universal service, public
availability of licensing criteria,
separation of regulatory and
operational functions, and the
allocation and use of scarce

3) Conditional upon passage and coming 3) Conditional upon passage and coming into
into force of all necessary new force of all necessary new communication
communication acts, commencing acts, commencing from the year of 2006,
from the year of 2006, Thailand will Thailand will introduce the national
introduce the market access elements treatment elements as contained in those
as contained in those acts into the acts into the relevant parts of its Schedule
relevant parts of its Schedule of of Specific Commitments relating to the
Specific Commitments relating to the supply of public telecommunication
supply of public telecommunication services.

4) Unbound as indicated in the 4) Unbound as indicated in the horizontal

horizontal section. section.
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
j) Data base access services 1) 1.1 Service providers must use public 1) None
(part of CPC 7523) telecommunication network under
national telecommunication

1.2 Radio application service is

subject to frequency availability.

2) None 2) None
3) a) Shall be a Thai registered company 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
with foreign equity participation not participation does not exceed 40 per cent
exceeding 40 per cent of the
registered capital and the number of
foreign shareholders must not exceed
40 per cent of the total number of
shareholders of the company

b) Such company shall be permitted

under the built-transferred-operated

c) Must use public telecommunication

network under national
telecommunication authorities

4) As indicated in the horizontal section 4) None

n) On-line information 1) 1.1 Services providers must use 1) None

and/or data processing telecommunication network under
services national telecommunication
(part of CPC 843) authorities;

1.2 Radio application service is

subject to frequency availability

2) None 2) None
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
3) a) Shall be a Thai registered company 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
with foreign equity participation not participation does not exceed 40 per cent
exceeding 40 per cent of the
registered capital and the number of
foreign shareholders must not exceed
40 per cent of the total number of
shareholders of the company

b) Such company shall be permitted

under the built-transferred-operated

c) Must use public telecommunication

network under national
telecommunication authorities

4) As indicated in the horizontal section 4) None

02.C.o. Other
Telecommunication Services

o) Other 1) Unbound 1) Unbound

equipment sales services
(part of CPC 75420)

2) None 2) None
3) None other than that indicated in the 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
horizontal section participation does not exceed 49 per cent

4) a) As indicated in the horizontal 4) None


b) Unbound for civil engineer

Telecommunications 1) Unbound 1) Unbound

consulting services
(CPC 75440)

2) None 2) None
3) None other than that indicated in the 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
horizontal section participation does not exceed 49 per cent

4) a) As indicated in the horizontal 4) None


b) Unbound for civil engineer

Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
Videotex 1) 1.1 Service providers must use public 1) None
(part of CPC 75299) telecommunication network under
national telecommunication *2) This condition will be applied for at
authorities; least 10 years.

1.2 Radio application service is

subject to frequency availability

2) None 2) None
3) a) Shall be a Thai registered company 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
with foreign equity participation not participation does not exceed 40 per cent
exceeding 40 per cent of the
registered capital and the number of
foreign shareholders must not exceed
40 per cent of the total number of
shareholders of the company

b) Such company shall be permitted

under the built-transferred-operated
concept by national
telecommunication authorities *2

c) Must use public telecommunication

network under national
telecommunication authorities

d) Selection of service providers shall

be based on open tender

4) As indicated in the horizontal section 4) None

Teleconference 1) 1.1 Service providers must use public 1) None *3) This condition will be applied for at
(part of CPC 75292) telecommunication network under least 10 years.
national telecommunication
1.2 Radio application service is
subject to frequency availability

2) None 2) None
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
3) a) Shall be a Thai registered company 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
with foreign equity participation not participation does not exceed 40 per cent
exceeding 40 per cent of the
registered capital and the number of
foreign shareholders must not exceed
40 per cent of the total number of
shareholders of the company

b) Such company shall be permitted

under the built-transferred-operated
concept by national
telecommunication authorities *3

c) Must use public telecommunication

network under national
telecommunication authorities

d) Selection of service providers shall

be based on open tender

4) As indicated in the horizontal section 4) None

02.C. Telecommunication

Domestic leased circuits 1) 1.1 Service providers must use public 1) None *4) This condition will be applied for at
(part of CPC 75299) telecommunication network under least 10 years.
national telecommunication

1.2 Radio application service is

subject to frequency availability

2) None 2) None
Modes of supply : 1)Cross-border supply 2)Consumption abroad 3)Commercial presence 4)Presence of natural persons
Sector or Sub-sector Limitations on Market Access Limitations on National Treatment Additional Commitments Notes
3) a) Shall be a Thai registered company 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
with foreign equity participation not participation does not exceed 40 per cent
exceeding 40 per cent of the
registered capital and the number of
foreign shareholders must not exceed
40 per cent of the total number of
shareholders of the company

b) Such company shall be permitted

under the built-transferred-operated
concept by national
telecommunication authorities *4

c) Must use public telecommunication

network under national
telecommunication authorities

d) Selection of service providers shall

be based on open tender

4) As indicated in the horizontal section 4) None

02.D. Audiovisual Services

a) Film/video production 1) Unbound 1) Unbound
and distribution services
excluding promotion or
advertising services
(CPC 96112+96113)

2) None 2) None
3) None other than that indicated in the 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
horizontal section participation does not exceed 49 per cent

4) As indicated in the horizontal section 4) None

c) Radio/television services 1) Unbound 1) Unbound

only for production of
radio/TV programmes
(CPC 96131+96132)

2) None 2) None
3) None other than that indicated in the 3) No limitations as long as foreign equity
horizontal section participation does not exceed 49 per cent

4) As indicated in the horizontal section 4) None

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