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Budget: Budgeting Process

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The key takeaways from the document are that budgets are important planning tools in organizations and different types of functional budgets like sales budget, production budget, purchase budget and expenditure budgets are discussed.

The different types of budgets discussed are sales budget, production budget, purchase budget, expenditure budgets, cash budget, master budget, zero base budget and flexible budget.

Sales variance measures the difference between actual and budgeted sales. Sales price variance captures the difference due to price changes and sales volume variance captures the difference due to quantity changes. Formulas to calculate each are given.

Management Science-II Prof. R.



• Budgets are important tools of profit planning, are similar to the broader
system of planning in an organization.

• Planning involves the specification of the objectives that the organization

will pursue and the fundamental policies that will enable the organization
to achieve the predetermined goals.

Budgeting Process
The Planning/ Budgeting process involves four stages.
They are:

• objective determination stage

• goal determination stages
• strategy formulation stage
• budget preparation stage

Objective Determination Stage

The first stage is setting the ‘Objectives’ which are defined as the

‘broad and long- range desired state or position in the future’.

They are motivational or directional in nature and are expressed in

Qualitative terms.

Goal Determination Stage

The second stage is specifying the goals.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

The term goal represents targets, specific in quantitative terms to be

achieved in a specific period of time. The timing of introducing new

products, purchase of new plant and machinery and expected rate

of return are examples of time and quantity oriented goals.

Strategy Formulation Stage

The next step involves laying down the strategies.

Strategies denote specific methods or courses of action to achieve

the goals, for instance, promotion of sales through price reduction
or aggressive advertisement and so on.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Budget Responsibilities

Types Of Budget

• Sales Budget
• Production Budget
• Purchase Budget
• Expenditure Budgets
• Cash Budget
• Master Budget
• Zero Base Budget
• Flexible Budget

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Sales Budget
Sales budget is a functional budget. The product wise as well as regional break

up of sales estimates are incorporated in the sales budget. The sales budget

begins with the previous year actual and incorporates the likely changes

Sales Budget – Example

Budget (current Budget Actual (Previous

Area Product
month) (Previous month) month)

Qty. Price Amount Qty. Price Amount Qty. Price Amount

North K1 6000 30 180000 5000 30 150000 5750 30 172500

K2 3250 15 48750 3000 15 45000 3500 15 52500

Total 9250 228750 8000 195000 9250 225500

South K1 1500 30 45000 0 0 0 0 0 0

K2 6500 15 97500 6000 15 90000 6250 15 93750

Total 8000 172500 6000 90000 6250 93750

Production Budget
The production budget is prepared based on the sales estimate incorporated in

the sales budget. The adjustments with respect to the opening and closing stock

positions that are policy decisions of the business are then made to prepare the

production budget.

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Production Budget – Example

Particulars July August September October November December Total

Sales 1100 1100 1700 1900 2500 2300 10600

550 850 950 1250 1150 1000 5750
1650 1950 2650 3150 3650 3300 16350
550 550 850 950 1250 1150 5300

Production 1100 1400 1800 2200 2400 2150 11050

Purchase Budget

The purchase budget is another functional budget that estimates the

purchase requirement of materials utilized in the production process. The

purchase budget is based on the production budget and the standard material

consumption requirement for the production estimates.

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Purchase Budget-Example

Particulars Material A Material B

Qty. Price Qty. Price

Consumption during the year 108000 2 1620000 3

Desired closing stock 13000 2 15000 3

121000 178000

Expected stock at commencement 12000 1.5 15000 1.5

Materials to be purchased 109000 2 163000 2

Expenditure Budgets

Expenditure budgets may be drafted as fixed / flexible budgets. A fixed budget is

one which is prepared keeping in mind one level of activity. It is defined as one

which is designed to remain unchanged irrespective of the level of activity


In contrast, flexible budget is one which is designed to change in relation

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

to the level of activity attained. Flexible budgets are prepared where the nature

of business is such that it is difficult to predict the demand/sale of goods.

Expenditure Budget – Example

Cost Fixed
Particulars Flexible Budget
behaviour Budget
Capacity 100% 70% 110%
Hours 5000 3500 5500
Wages Variable 2000 1400 2200
Repairs Semi-variable 300 205 370
Rent Fixed 350 350 350
Power Semi-variable 1180 875 1280
Supplies Variable 1200 840 1320
Supervision Semi-variable 950 600 950

Depreciation Semi-variable 650 650 820

Administration Fixed 80 80 80

Selling Semi-variable 150 120 170

Total cost 6860 5120 7545
Hourly rates 1.37 1.46 1.37

Cash Budget
A cash budget consolidates all the cash inflows and outflows for the business.

The cash budget is also a functional budget. The cash budget helps the business

to plan the project purchases as well as to provide for the loan requirements. The

cash budgets also help in defining the repayment plans for short and long term

loans of the business.

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

The cash budget is based upon the business policy of holding a certain amount

as cash. This is the desired opening cash balance for the business. Accordingly,

the cash budget forecasts the loan requirements or short term investments that

are to be made with excess cash at any specific time.

Cash Budget-Example
Particulars April May June Total
Opening Balance 6000 3950 3000 6000
Sales 14650 15650 16650 46950
Dividend income 1000 1000
Vehicle advance 9000 9000
Total balance 20650 28600 20650 62950
Creditors (materials) 9600 9000 9200 27800
Salary 3150 3500 3900 10550
Overheads 1950 2100 2250 6300
Plant Installment 2000 2000 2000 6000
Preference dividend 10000 10000
Advance income tax 2000 2000
Total Payments 26700 16600 19350 62650
Closing Balance 3950 3000 300 300

Master Budget
The overall or master budget summarizes the other functional budgets.

Consolidating the functional budgets, an

income and expenditure budget and budgeted balance sheet are prepared. The

master budget is usually a one-year budget expressing the expected asset

position and capital and liability positions for the projected year.

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Master Budget – Income Statement

January February March Total

Sales 12000 15000 10000 37000

Less: cost of goods sold 5000 7000 4300 16300

Factory overheads 2000 2000 2000 6000

Administrative overheads 1000 1000 1000 3000

Selling overheads 500 600 400 1500

Net profit 3500 4400 2300 10200

Master Budget-Balance Sheet

Particulars March Total

January February
Capital 80000 80000 100000 100000
Reserves 15000 17000 18000 18000
Long term borrowings 40000 50000 70000 70000
Total 135000 147000 188000 188000
Fixed assets 86000 93000 120000 120000
current assets 63000 87000 91000 91000
Less:current liabilities 14000 33000 23000 23000
Working capital 49000 54000 68000 68000
Total assets 135000 147000 188000 188000

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Zero Base Budget

An illustration of a long term budget is the Zero base budget. Zero Base

Budgeting process looks at requirements/ plans anew each year irrespective of

project continuity. These are necessarily long term project budgets.

Variance Analysis
A Variance results from the comparison of the actual with the budgets /

standards / forecasts.

A budget is a comprehensive financial plan giving the quantitative details for

achieving the financial & operational goals on an organization.


Standards are expected cost to be incurred under normal efficient operating



Forecasts are projected data arrived at using historical data patterns of

quantitative indicators.

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Variance Analysis

Types Of Variances

• Material variances

• Labor variances

• Overhead variances

• Sales variances

• Margin variances

Material Cost Variance

• Material cost variance represents the difference between the actual
material value and standard material value for a given output.
• The formula for the measurement of material cost variance (MCV) will be:

• MCV = (SP x SQ) - ( AP x AQ)

Where: SP-Standard price, SQ-Standard quantity,

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

• AP-Actual price, AQ-Actual quantity.

Material Price And Usage Variances

• Material price variance captures that part of cost variance which is due to
the difference in price per unit of materials. The formula for the
measurement of material price variance (MPV) will be:

MPV = (SP - AP) x AQ.

• Material usage variance is that part of cost variance which is due to the
difference in the utilization of material quantity. The formula for the
measurement of material usage variance (MUV) will be:

MUV = (SQ - AQ) x SP.

Where: SP-Standard price, SQ-Standard quantity,

AP-Actual price, AQ-Actual quantity.

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Material Variance

Material Variance-Example

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Labor Variance

Labor cost variance represents the difference between the actual labor cost paid

and standard labor cost for a given output.

The formula for the measurement of labor cost variance (LCV) will be:

LCV = (SR x SH) - ( AR x AH)

Where: SR-Standard rate, SH-Standard hours,

AR-Actual rate, AH-Actual hours.

Labor Rate And Efficiency Variances

Labor rate variance captures that part of cost variance which is due to the
difference in wage rate of labor. The formula for the measurement of labor rate
variance (LRV) will be:

LRV = (SR - AR) x AH.

Labor efficiency variance measures that part of cost variance which is due to the
difference in the efficient performance of labor. The formula for the measurement
of labor efficiency variance (LEV) will be:

LEV = (SH - AH) x SR.

Where: SR-Standard rate, SH-Standard hours,

AR-Actual rate, AH-Actual hours.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Labor Variance

Overhead Variance
• Overhead variance represents the difference between the actual overhead
cost incurred and standard overhead cost for a given output.
• The formula for the measurement of overhead variance (OV) will be:

OV = (Standard overheads) - (Actual overheads)

• Variable overhead variance captures that part of variance which is directly

related to production.

Variable And Fixed Overhead Variances

Variable overhead variance measures the overheads that could be identified as

varying with the output. The formula for the measurement of variable overhead

variance (VOV) will be:

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

VOV = (Standard variable overheads - Actual

variable overheads).

Fixed overhead variance measures that part of overhead variance which does

not alter in a given time context.

The formula for the measurement of fixed overhead variance (FOV) will be:

FOV = (Standard fixed overhead - Actual fixed


Overhead Variance

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Fixed And Variable Overhead Variance –Example

• Fixed overheads: Budgeted Rs.3,000; Actual Rs.3,000
• Variable overheads: Budget Rs.1,500; Actual Rs. 3,000
• Output: Budgeted 3,000 units; Actual 2,500 units

Variable Overhead Variance (Vov)

• Variable overhead variance = (Standard variable overhead -
Actual variable overhead)

VOV = (SVO - AVO) = (2500 x (1500/3000) –

= Rs.1,750

Fixed Overhead Variance (FOV)

• Fixed overhead variance = (standard fixed overhead - actual

fixed overhead)

FOV = (SOV - AOV) = (2500 x [3000/3000] –

= Rs.500 unfavorable.

• Total Overhead Variance = VOV + FOV = Rs.2,250 unfavorable.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Sales Variance

• Sales variance represents the difference between the actual sales

incurred and standard sales.

• The formula for the measurement of sales variance (SLV) will be:

SLV = (BU x BP) - (AU x AP)

where BU-Budgeted units, BP-Budgeted price,

• AU-Actual units, AP-Actual price.

Sales Price And Volume Variances

Sales price variance captures that part of variance which is directly related to

product price. The formula for the measurement of sales price variance (SPV)

will be:

SPV = (BP - AP) x AU.

Sales volume variance measures that part of sales value variance which relates

to the quantity of units sold. The formula for the measurement of sales volume

variance (SVV) will be:

SVV = (BU - AU) x BP.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Where BU-Budgeted units, BP-Budgeted price, AU-Actual units, AP-Actual


Sales Variance

Sales Variance-Example

Budgeted Actual

Qty. Price Value Price Value
Qty. (Units)
(Units) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)

PEE 3,000 2 6,000 2,000 3 6,000

TEE 2,000 3 6,000 4,000 2 8,000

5,000 12,000 6,000 14,000

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Sales Variance-Example
• Sales variance = (BU X BP) - (AU X AP)
Product PEE = (3,000 X 2) - (2,000 X 3) = 0
Product TEE = (2,000 X 3) - (4,000 x 2) = 2,000 (F)
Total (SLV) = Rs.2,000 (F)
• Sales price variance = (SP - AP) X AU
Product PEE = (2 - 3) X 2,000 = 2,000 (F)
Product TEE = (3 - 2) X 4,000 = 4,000 (UF)
Total (SPV) = Rs.2,000 (UF)
• Sales volume variance = (SU - AU) X SP
Product PEE = (3,000 - 2,000) X 2 = 2,000(UF)
Product TEE = (2,000 - 4,000) X 3 = 6,000 (F)
Total (SVV) = Rs.4,000 (F)

Total Sales variance (SLV) = SPV + SVV = Rs.2,000 (F)

Margin Variance
• Margin variance represents the difference between the actual profit
incurred and standard profit.

• The formula for the measurement of margin variance (MV) will be:

MV = (BU x BPR) - (AU x APR)

where: BU-Budgeted units, BPR-Budgeted Profits,

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

AU-Actual Units, APR-Actual profits.

Margin Rate And Volume Variances

Margin rate variance captures that part of margin variance which is directly

related to product price. The formula for the measurement of margin rate

variance (MRV) will be:

MRV = (BPR - APR) x AU.

Margin volume variance measures that part of margin variance which

relates to the quantity of units sold. The formula for the measurement of margin

volume variance (MVV) will be:

MVV = (BU - AU) x BPR.

Where: BU-Budgeted units, BPR-Budgeted Profits,

AU-Actual Units, APR-Actual profits.

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

Margin Variance-Example

Budget Sales Actual Sales

Qty. Qty.
Price (Rs.) Price (Rs.)
(Units) (Units)

ESS 3,000 40 per unit 5,000 50 per unit

BEE 5,000 20 per unit 4,000 15 per unit

Margin Variance-Example

• Margin variance (MV) = (BU X BPR) - (AU X APR)

Product ESS = (3,000 X 5) - (5,000 X 15) = 60,000 (F)
Product BEE = (5,000 X 8) - (4,000 X 3) = 28,000 (UF)
Total (MV) = Rs.32,000 (F)

• Margin price variance (MPV)= (BPR - APR) x AU

Product ESS = (40 - 50) X 5,000 = 50,000 (F)
Product BEE = (20 - 15) X 4,000 = 20,000 (UF)
Total (MPV) = Rs.30,000 (F)

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Management Science-II Prof. R.Madumathi

• Margin volume variance (MVV)= (BU - AU) X BPR

Product ESS = (3,000 - 5,000) X 5 = 10,000 (F)
Product BEE = (5,000 - 4,000) X 8 = 8,000 (UF)
Total (MVV) = Rs.2,000 (F)

• Total Margin variance (MV) = MPV + MVV = Rs.32,000 (F)

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