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Processor Centric Specication and Modeling of MPSoCs Using ArchC

Cristiano Araujo, Edna Barros cca2,ensb@cin.ufpe.br Informatics Center (CIn) Federal University of Pernambuco Cidade Universitaria 50740-540 Recife PE, Brazil Rodolfo Azevedo, Guido Araujo rodolfo,guido@ic.unicamp.br Computer Systems Laboratory University of Campinas Cidade Universitaria Zeferino Vaz Po. Box 6176, Campinas-SP, Brazil

Abstract In this paper is presented a processor centric approach for the modeling and simulation of multi-processors platforms for SoC (MPSoC). It describes how the ArchC architecture description language has been extended to allow the description of multi-processors platforms. It is shown that with minor eorts the designer can model the processors and the platform in a unied environment. Together with the language extensions, it is also presented the acsys tool. It generates executable simulators of the platform at dierent abstraction levels. The advantages of this approach are more exibility as designers can easily integrate and congure the processors and the platform in a single environment; and faster design space exploration as the simulation scheme for the platform is generated automatically.


Embedded systems are specied to optimally run a single embedded application. Shared memory multi-processor systems-on-chips (MPSoCs) have been widely used in today high performance embedded systems, such as network processors and multimedia processors. They combine the advantages of data processing parallelism of multi-processors and the high level integration of systems-on- chip . The MPSoC performance is not only determined by the capacity of the node processors (e.g. CPU speed, cache size, etc.), but it is also limited by the interconnect network that con-nects the processors and memories. Design and optimization of such interconnect network are critical for MPSoC performance, and modeling and analysis mechanisms of MPSoCs at an early design phase are mandatory for decreasing the time to market. In order to be support the design space exploration at an early design phase, the application should be mapped into a multi-processor platform model, which should support analysis of functional and non-functional requirements of the application. The simulation of multi-processors platforms is not a trivial task. Instruction Set Simulators (ISS) for the processors must be integrated in order to simulate the programs running in each processor. It is also necessary synchronize these simulators in accordance with the communication protocols implemented by the interconnection structure of the system. Validation of these components is critical as they dene most of the functional and non-functional requirements of the system. Traditional approaches use encapsulation of third party ISS as components of the system [PPB02, cow03, CBG+ 02]. One problem that arises from component based approaches is that the design space for the designers is normally constrained. In most cases a small set of processors is available and in some just a family of processors. This is specially critical when the processors at disposal do not meet the requeriments for the design.

In this paper is presented a processor centric approach for the modeling and simulation of MPSoCs. It is proposed the extension of the ArchC architecture description language to make it suitable a high abstraction level mechanism for modeling multi-processor platforms. The platform is modeled similarly as its processor architectures. Together with the language extension, a tool has been developed that takes the platform description and generates executable simulation schemes for the platform at two dierent abstraction levels: functional and RTL. The benets from this approach are the gain in productivity and a more ecient design space exploration. The rst benet comes from the automatic generation of the simulation scheme, while the second is the result of integrating processor and platform modeling in the same environment and using the same language. The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Multi-processors platform modeling and simulation are discussed in section 2. In section 3 are reviewed the related works. The ArchC language is introduced in section 4. The proposed approach is described in section 5. A case study is given in section 6. Finally, some conclusions and future developments are discussed in section 7.

Multi-processor Platform Simulation

Multi-processors platform simulation presents its own nuances and particularities that are depicted in the platform example of gure 1. First, it is necessary to integrate an instruction set simulator (ISS) for each processor instance in the platform. Dierent ISSs can be used depending on the design space exploration done by the designer. In the example of gure 1 two dierent RISC processors could be used: MIPS or SPARC; while three instances of the 8051 microcontroller, that has a CISC architecture, are being used. The embedded application running on a multi-processor platform is composed of concurrent tasks that run on the processors and communicate using the interconnection structure protocol of the platform. The ISSs must be synchronized to run in parallel and also to implement the interconnection protocol of the platform. That means read and write instructions (memory mapped IO) and IO instructions, that use special registers, executed in the simulator, must make use of the platform protocol. It is also necessary to dene how the addresses issued to the interconnection structure protocol will be decoded. The decoding logic determines the address ranges for each slave component connected to the bus.
ISSs Embedded Application


8051 (CISC) reg mem

8051 (CISC) reg mem

Bus Protocol

decodification logic

protocol logic





8051 (CISC)

Slave Devices

Figure 1: A multi-processor platform model

The implementation of a simulation model for multi-processor platform simulation described above is not a trivial task. The rst diculty is to nd the proper ISSs for the processors. The ISSs can be obtained basically from three sources: stand alone simulators, third party components and created by ADL based tools. Stand alone simulators are programs designed to run executable code compiled to a target architecture. The problem in using these ISSs is that two applications need to run in parallel, the platform simulator and the ISS. This results in complicated ad hoc schemes that are dicult to handle. A third party component ISS is a processor simulator normally described in some hardware description language and distributed as is by its creator. The most common are described in VHDL/Verilog and recently in SystemC. In this case it is necessary to create one wrapper around the component and add it to the platform model. When the platform simulator is the same as the processor component the integration task is easier. On the contrary, it is also necessary to implement the communication between the platform and the HDL simulator. The third alternative, makes use of an ADL based tool to generate a component from a processor architecture description. The component is then used as a third party simulator. In this case the designer has more exibility to modify the processor or even to build new ones. Most of the platform simulation environments use the rst and second approaches. The consequence is a reduced set of processors available. Others use some ADL languages that allows the modications in the processors but that are limited to some families. Finally, in cases like the ConvergenSC/Lisatek suite [cow03], a platform simulation and a processor development tools are used together.

Related Work

ConvergenSC [cow03] is a tool for platform based design for generic application domains. It comes with a model library that includes ARM and MIPS processor models and also bus models like AMBA. For processors that are not in the library, designers must create them separately using the LISATek product family [HKN + 01] and use them as components. STepNP [PPB02] is a platform exploration tool for the design of Network Processor Units (NPUs). In STepNP designers are restricted to a pre-dened set of processors. They can choose from ARM, PowerPC and DLX simulators. STepNP developers are also planning to include Xtensa [ten03] and LISATek [HKN+ 01] processor models. In the Component Based Design methodology [CBG + 02, Nic02] the processor simulators are wrapped in components. In this approach an ad hoc wrapper generation scheme is build and the conguration parameters for the processors instanciation are dened. In a second phase the designers set the conguration parameters values in order to construct the platform simulation scheme. EXPRESSION [HGG+ 99] is an architecture description language that is suited for the description of dierent types of architectures: VLIW, ASIP, DSP and conventional processor architectures like RISC. Functional, cycle accurate and compiled simulation simulators can be generated from an EXPRESSION description. Despite being a powerful ADL, EXPRESSION based simulators are basically used for the processor toolkit generation and not for describing multi-processors platforms.

ArchC Language

ArchC [RJA+ 04] is an architecture description language, initially conceived for processor architecture description, which aims to facilitate and accelerate processor description. Combined with enough expression power to model several classes of architectures (RISC, CISC, DSPs, etc) ArchC allows users to fast explore a new ISA by automatically generating software tools like

assemblers and simulators, which is mandatory in the system-level design scenario. It has been conceived to have a synthax similar to the SystemC language. The key dierence is that is has constructs that make it easier to model processor architectures. A processor architecture description in ArchC is divided in two parts. The Instruction Set Architecture (AC_ISA) description, which includes details about instruction formats, size and names, as well as all information necessary to decoding and to execute the instruction behavior. A detailed discussion on the AC_ISA description can be found in [SRA04]. The Architecture Resources (AC_ARCH) description species the storage devices, pipeline stages and memory hierarchy of the processor. One example of resource description is given in gure 2. It is characterized by the AC_ARCH declaration followed by the processor type name, sparcv8. Then is declared the memory hierarchy composed of one 5Mb cache (DM); two register banks (RG and RB) with 8 and 256 registers respectively; and two internal registers (PSR and Y). The word size of the sparcv8, 32 bits, is dened by the ac_wordsize declaration. In the ARCH_CTOR declaration are dened the le where the ISA is described (sparcv8 isa.ac) and the endianness, in this case big endian, of the processor. The lines marked with (EXTENSION) are discussed in section 5.1.
1: AC_ARCH(sparcv8){ 2: //!Memory hierarchy 3: ac_cache DM:5242880; 4: ac_regbank RG:8; 5: ac_regbank RB:256; 6: ac_reg PSR; 7: ac_reg Y; 8: 9: //! Processor Architecture word size 10: ac_wordsize 32; 11: //!Protocol port declaration (EXTENSION) 12: ac_protocol<OCP, MASTER> OCP_BUS(32, 32); 13: 14: ARCH_CTOR(sparcv8){ 15: //! ISA description 16: ac_isa("sparcv8_isa.ac"); 17: //!Processor endianness 18: set_endian("big"); 19: //!connection declaration (EXTENSION) 20: DM.bindsTo(OCP_BUS); 21: 22: //!Memory map declarations (EXTENSION) 23: DM.set_range(0x0, 0x500000); 24: OCP_BUS.set_range(0x500001, 0xa00000); 25: }; 26: };

Figure 2: AC ARCH description and architecture extensions

The Proposed Approach

This work proposes a processor centric approach for the modeling and simulation of multiprocessors platforms. The approach is based on the extension of the ArchC language discussed previously to support descriptions of multi-processor platforms. And, on the automatic generation of the platform simulator. The phases for describing a platform by using the proposed approach are depicted in gure 3. In the processor development phase the designer describes the processor architectures in ArchC. The objective is to validate the processor architecture by simulation. The result of this phase is an ISS that can perform compiled or interpreted simulation. The compilation of a processor

description in ArchC by the acsim tool results in SystemC code that represents an interpreted simulation ISS. However, using the accsim tool, it results in code for a compiled simulation ISS. A more detailed discussion on processor description and simulator performance can be found in [BARA04].
I) Processor Development
processor desc.





II) Functional validation of the platform

embedded application

acsys functional param



functional simulator

platform desc. functional bus/device lib


III) Non Functional validation of the platform

embedded application

acsys RTL param



RTL simulator


RTL bus/device lib

Figure 3: ArchC modeling and simulation ow The objective of the second phase, functional validation of the platform, is to rapidly validate the functionality of the embedded application running on the platform. The designer provides the platform description, also in ArchC, and reuses the previously validated processor descriptions. These are then passed as input to the acsys tool with the functional option set. By taking the processors and platform descriptions, and the functional description of the bus and device in the library, the execution of acsys results in SystemC description of the complete platform for simulation. This SystemC code is compiled using a C++ compiler like gcc resulting in an executable simulator of the platform. When executing the simulator the embedded application is executed generating analysis results. Once the functional requirements of the platform have been validated, the third phase can be started for the validation of non-functional requeriments. In the current version our tool supports performance analysis. An strategy for power analysis is also under development, concerning the platform specication. This phase is quite similar to the previous one. The same processors and platform descriptions are used. The dierences are on the bus and device library that is composed of components with RTL interfaces; and on the analysis step that takes in consideration the performance of the system regarding the interconnection structure protocol. The result of this phase is the generation of an executable simulator of the platform where a RTL model of the interconnection structure is used. The platform simulator (for the platform showed in gure 1) is depicted in gure 4. The entire simulation scheme is implemented in SystemC 2.0. SystemC code for each ISS is auto-

matically generated. The integration of the ISSs is done through the use of protocol ports and protocol connections. Protocol ports are master or slave ports that supports the desired protocol. Currently based on OCP-IP protocol ports are being supported. A protocol connection links one master to one slave port. It is used to connect master ports of the processors to slave ports in the interconnection structure or devices. For instance, in gure 4 the protocol master port of P1 is connected to the slave port of the high performance serial bus. Depending on the selected abstraction level (when executing the acsys) funcional or RTL communication can be implemented. The functional implementation of communication does not consider time information as depicted in the lower left part of gure 4. On the other hand, a RTL implementation of the communication is cycle and pin-accurate (see the lower right part of the gure, which shows the basic OCP-IP signals). The synchronization of the ISSs with the interconnection structure protocol is performed through read/write operations on the storage components. The protocol adapter (PA) converts the read/write requests to one storage element, like the memory DM, into read/write requests on the protocol port. The protocol adapter takes care of protocol, endianness and data width conversions.
8051 ISS

SystemC 2.0

P2 M OCPIP protocol connection S

P3 M

P4 M

S High Performance Serial Bus

S OCPIP master port OCPIP slave port

M OCPIP slave port

M OCPIP master port

M read/write

S MEM memory device

S DISPLAY display device


Figure 4: A platform simulator model based on SystemC


Describing the processor in multi-processor platform

The standard ArchC language supports the description and implementation of a stand alone processor simulator. In order to support the automatic integration and synchronization of the ISS in a multi-processor simulation scheme it is was necessary to extend the ArchC language to support the processor connection with external protocols. This has been achieved by extending the language with the ac protocol declaration. Using the ac protocol declaration the designer declares master or slave ports that support the external protocol. A protocol port is dened by the following 5-tuple < t, d, n, aw, dw, s >. The parameter t determines the type of the protocol supported by the port. The second, d determine the direction of the port that can be master or slave. Parameter n represents the name of the protocol port and the parameter, aw is the width of the address bus of the port. The parameter dw determines the width of the data bus of the port. The last parameter s is the number of

protocol ports of that type. The protocol port declaration can be seen in line 12 of Figure 2. It declares one master port which is OCP-IP protocol [OCP02]. The port has an address and data bus width of 32 bits. The protocol port declaration simply denes that the processor has one or more protocol ports. The bindsTo declaration is an extension that species which storage element of the memory hierarchy will be connected to the processor port (in the case of memory mapped I/O). Line 20 of Figure 2 shows one example of such binding. In this case the cache memory DM is connected to the OCP BUS protocol port implementing a memory mapped IO access. The use of the bindsTo statement just connects the memory and protocol port. It is now necessary to dene the addresses range used for I/O. The set range statement is used to dene the memory map of the processor. This declaration is used in the case a storage element is binded to a protocol port. It determines the address ranges that are accepted by the storage element and by the protocol port. Lines 23 and 24 of Figure 2 declare that address in the range (0x00000000,0x05000000) are recognized by the memory DM while address in the range (0x0500001, 0x0a00000) are accepted by the protocol port OCP BUS. The memory map for a component can be composed of several address ranges, i.e, the designer can use the set range declaration multiple times for a single storage element or protocol port.


Describing the complete platform

In order to support the description of a complete platform, the ArchC language has been extended with a set of new specication mechanisms. The extension should support the reuse of processor descriptions, and should be able to model the platform in an similar way as the ArchC language (similar syntax) in order to make easier its use by the designer. Structural Declarations One extension to the language is the include declaration. It has been conceived with two goals. One, support the reuse, as is, of the processor architectures descriptions in ArchC. The second goal was to provide support to the use of busses and devices in a library as shown in gure 3. Examples of include declarations can be seen in lines 1-5 of gure 5. The rst two lines are including the AC ARCH les for the sparcv8 and 8051 descriptions while the other two lines declare the interconnection structure (OCPSerial) and device (OCPSlaveMem). The platform itself is modeled using the AC_SYSTEM declaration. This declaration has similar syntax to the AC ARCH declaration for processors. AC_SYSTEM is a composed declaration divided in two parts. The rst part is used to declare the instances of the platform components and includes the declarations for processors instances, as well as busses and for devices instances. The processor and device instantiations are similar and follow a similar syntax than the protocol port declaration in the processor description. Processor instantiation is represented by the ac_processor declaration followed by the processor type and instances names separated by commas. Examples of the ac_processor declarations can be seen in lines 12 and 13 of gure 5. The rst statement declares a sparcv8 processor named P1. The following statement declares three instances of the i8051 processor. Device instantiation is done in the same way, but using the ac device declaration. Line 19 declares a memory of type OCPSlaveMem. Using the ac system bus statement the designer can declare interconnection structure instances. The declaration specify the bus type, instances names and the width of the address and data types supported by the bus. An example of system bus declaration can be seen in line 16 of Figure 5. There is declared an OCPSerial bus type whose instance is named BUS. Its address and data width are 32 bits.

1://! Processors, display and bus types 2:#include "sparcv8.ac" 3:#include "i8051.ac" 4:#include "OCPSerial.ac" 5:#include "OCPSlaveMem.ac" 6: 7: 8: AC_SYSTEM(platform) { 9: //Master port 10: ac_protocol<OCP> OCP_BUS(32, 32); 11: 12: ac_processor<sparcv8> P1; 13: ac_processor<i8051> P2, P3, P4; 14: 15: //Bus declaration 16: ac_system_bus<OCPSerial> BUS(32,32); 17: 18: //Device instance declaration 19: ac_device<OCPSlaveMem> MEM; 20: 21: SYSTEM_CTOR(platform) { 22: 23: P1.OCP_BUS.bindsTo(BUS); 24: P2.bindsTo(BUS); 25: P3.bindsTo(BUS); 26: P4.bindsTo(BUS); 27: BUS.bindsTo(MEM); 28: 29: //Memory map 30: MEM.set_range(0x600000, 0xA00000); 31: OCP_BUS.set_range(0xA00001, 0xB00000); 32: 33: //Sets abi support 34: sparcv8.set_abi(); 35: 36: //Loading applications 37: P1.load_obj("control"); 38: P2.load("fibonacci"); 39: P3.load("crc16"); 40: P4.load("bubblesort"); 41: }; 42: };

Figure 5: AC SYSTEM and include declarations The second part of the AC SYSTEM declaration, delimited by the SYSTEM CTOR keyword, is used to build the platform. It has a similar syntax than the AC CTOR part of the processor description, which species the connection of memory hierarchy in the processor. The connection of the components is performed with the same bindsTo statement used in the AC ARCH declaration. Despite having a similar syntax, the semantics of the this statement is master connects to slave. The master connects to the slave in one of two ways: by expliciting the port to be connected or implicitly (only one port). In the explicit form the designer must state the port of the master and slave devices that are being connected. This is necessary when one or both of the master or slaves have more than one protocol port. One example of an explicit connection is given at line 23 of Figure 5. The port OCP BUS of the architecture instance P1 is connected explicitly to the BUS. Examples of implicit connections are given at lines 24 to 27 of Figure 5. Behavioral Declarations The declarations discussed above are used for specifying the structure of the platform. The behavioral declarations are used to describe how the platform will behave. There are three types of behavioral declarations: set_range, load and load_obj. The set_range declaration is used to dene how the decoding logic of the interconnection

structure will decode the addresses issued by the masters elements. Using set_range the designer informs in a simple way, the address ranges for each slave in the system. He/she does not have to take care on how the interconnection structure will implement the decodication of the addresses. The set_range has a similar syntax and semantics than the memory map declaration used for the memory hierarchy of the platform. Line 30 of gure 5 shows an example of memory map using set range. Any address in the range (0x600000, 0xA00000) will be decoded to the memory MEM. The embedded application is composed of executable code for each one of the processors in the system. The mapping of the embedded application is performed using the other two behavioral declarations. The load_obj declarations allows the designer to map directly binary code to the chosen processor. Using load it is possible to map executable code in the ArchC hexadecimal format. Lines 36-40 of gure 5 show the mapping of the embedded application, composed of one executable code in binary format and three in hexadecimal format, to the processors in the platform. Bus and Device Declarations The AC BUS declaration is used to dene the interface of the interconnection structures of the platform. In the example of Figure 6 the bus OCPSerial is declared. The bus has the following OCP-IP compliant ports, one instance of a master port and two instances of a slave port. As the parameters in the protocol port declaration are literals, the bus address and data ports are parameterized. The implementation of the each declared protocol should be available in a library.
1: AC_BUS(OCPSerial) { 2: ac_protocol<OCP, MASTER> m_port(aw,dw) : 1; 3: ac_protocol<OCP, SLAVE> s_port(aw,dw) : 2; 4: };

Figure 6: AC BUS declaration

Similarly, AC DEVICE declaration states that there is a SystemC module that implements the interface declared. In the example of Figure 7 is declared the OCPSlaveMem device. In this case, however, the parameters of the protocol port are integer values, which means that the device can only be connected to an OCP channel with 32 bits of address and data widths.
1: AC_DEVICE(OCPSlaveMem) { 2: ac_protocol<OCP, SLAVE> s_port(32,32); 3: };

Figure 7: AC DEVICE declaration


Simulator Generation

The acsys tool has been developed that takes the platform description in ArchC and generates a SystemC simulation model of the platform. Using a simple command line, the designer can generate code of the platform with the communication at two dierent abstraction levels: functional and RTL. The functional implementation is based on the SystemC OCP channel model provided provided by the OCP-IP consortium [OI04]. Using this channel it is possible to one master and one slave component to exchange information that is parameterizable in the data and address types. The main advantage of this type of channel is that they are timeless and provide a much better performance during simulation. The fact that it is timeless is also its weakness. Using this type of channel the designer can validate the functionality of the application running on the

platform but cannot identify synchronization problems or evaluate communication performance. It is also possible to generate communication at RTL level. The usage of the acsys tool is quite simple. It is a command line tool that takes three arguments. The rst one is the name of the ArchC le containing the platform description. The second argument determines the abstraction level of the communication protocols ports of the platform. It can assume the values direct or rtl The last argument determines whether or not the system will generate trace les for the protocols. The usage of acsystem is shown below: 1 > acsystem input le [-p[abstraction level ag]] [-tp]


The platform of gure 4 has been modeled and compiled using the extensions to the language and the acsys tool. The sparcv8 processor and platform descriptions are shown in gures 2 and 5 respectively. The results are summarized in table 1. As it can be seen the modeling eort is minor. The description of the structure of the sparcv8 and 8051 processors costs 20 and 15 lines of code respectively. The descriptions of the instruction set architecture for the processors have 1582 lines of code for the sparcv8 and 3902 lines for the 8051 processor. The platform description itself is done by writting aproximately thirty lines of code. This includes structural and behavioral information. In order to use the components in the library, the les containing the AC BUS and AC DEVICE declarations have to be added. But again, the eort to write them just once is minimum and results in a total of seven lines of code. It is also important to note that another important benet is that it is not necessary to make any change in the platform or processor descriptions during the validation of non-functional requirements of the platform. It is only necessary to call the acsys with the -prtl ag set. The compilation time for any version, functional or rtl, of the platform using acsys takes less than a second in a pentium IV machine. Table 1: modeling eort SPARCV8 description 20 lines SPARCV8 instructions 1582 lines 8051 description 15 lines 8051 instructions 3902 lines platform description 35 lines OCPSlaveMem description 3 lines OCPSerial description 4 lines code changed for RTL 0 lines ArchC compilation time 1sec

The platform simulator has been used to run four simple applications. The rst running on the sparcv8 processor controls the other three running on the 8051 microcontrollers. When the three microcontrollers nish the execution of their task they communicate with the sparcv8 that halts the system. The purpose of the application was to validate the communication betweeen the four processors. One characteristic of the application is that it enforces the intensive use of the bus. The objective is make the processors dispute the control of the bus and make the conicts apparent in order to show the importance of the two abstraction levels used for communication. We have modeled the platform using two dierent interconnection structures. The rst implements a xed priority scheme for the processors connected to the bus. In case of intensive communication it does not guarantee that all processors take control of the bus. The

second interconnection structure implements a dynamic priority scheme that guarantees that all the processor can take control of the bus. Table 2 shows the simulation times for the two variations of the platform. The embedded application has work ne on the two variations of the platform using functional simulation. But when using RTL simulation it has shown that version v1 of the serial protocol is not suitable because the application does not work. This has happened due to bus conicts that are not properly handled by this version of the protocol. Table 2 also shows the impact of the RTL interconnection structure in the simulation performance. This impact has been approximately of 20 times for the embedded application used, using version v2 of the serial protocol. It is clear from the results the importance of having the functional and RTL abstraction levels for communication. The rst is used to validate the behavior of the application quickly, as it runs 20 times faster than the RTL version. On the other the conicts on the interconnection structure can only be identied using the RTL version of the protocol. Table 2: comm. level functional RTL functional RTL simulation protocol v1 v1 v2 v2 times behavior OK failed OK OK

master sparcv8 sparcv8 sparcv8 sparcv8

time (s) 22 (s) 22 (s) 567 (s)

In table 3 are given the number of instructions executed per second using functional simulations. The results show that the four processors run about 90K instructions/sec giving a total of aproximately 360k instructions/sec. With this simulation speed designers can validate applications of a reasonable size at an acceptable amount of time. Table 3: platform functional simulation performance instance type #instructions performance(Kinstr/s) P1 sparcv8 1842709 87.00 P2 8051 1897748 90.00 P3 8051 1897748 90.00 P4 8051 1897748 90.00 total 7535953 360.00


In this paper has been presented a processor centric approach for the modeling and simulation of multi-processor platforms. The ArchC ADL has been extended to support MPSoCs modeling without disguring the language. The results shown that the modeling eort is minimum and presents the advantage is that processor and platform are modeled in a unied environment. It has also been described the acsys tool that generates SystemC simulators at the functional and RTL levels from the platform description. The great advantage of the acsys tool is that the designer does not need to make any change on the platform description to obtain the simulators. It hides all the simulation scheme details from the designer that just have to set command line options for the tool. Simulation results have also shown the impact of RTL simulation performance and on nding errors in the platform.

As further steps we are working on more elaborate analysis tools for the simulator. The objective will be to get in depth information about the communication over the interconnection structure of the platform. This will help the designers to decide what parts of the platform should be modied in case the requirements are not met.

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