UbD Lesson Plan
UbD Lesson Plan
UbD Lesson Plan
The following lesson plan is part of a 9 week unit titled Heros for my 7th grade Language Arts class. The extended text for this unit is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. This lesson is the introduction to this novel and will be the pre-reading activity. It should be completed in one class period.
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Language Arts
Grade Level
Time Frame
9 weeks
Students will understand that: The central idea and themes of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. What point of view the novel is written from and how the author uses that point of view to develop the story and its characters. The time period in which the novel takes place, and the various gangs or groups that were popular in that time period and their conflicts. Related Misconceptions: Ones social class determines everything about your life and future. People in different social classes cannot understand each other or get along. The higher your social class, the better your life.
Essential Questions
Topical Questions: 1. What is the central idea and 1. What is meant by central idea ortheme of The Outsiders? theme when referring to a novel? 2. Who are the groups in the novel 2. What is social class and how and why do they have conflict? does it affect ones life? 3. How did the time period affect 3. What time period is this novel the characters of the novel, and is set in and who were important fig- life different today? ures of that time? 4. What point of view is the novel written? Overarching Questions:
Students will know: Themes of The Outsiders are: bridging the gap between social classes, honor among the lawless, and the treacherousness of male/female relationships.
Students will be able to: Understand what central idea, themes, and point of view are in a novel and how to find them. Tell what social class means and the specific classes found in this novel.
The Outsiders is written from Ponyboys point of view, therefore we Discuss the possible conflicts we must read critically realizing the might find in this novel. story will be skewed to one side. Social class can affect ones daily life and outlook on life, but regardless of social class all people have struggles and commonalities.