The document discusses the size and operations of the online pornography industry. It describes how many pornography websites are run as a side business by ordinary people. While some sites are highly profitable, most operators only earn a modest income. The essay also covers some of the challenges faced by the industry, such as credit card fraud and lack of access to traditional business services.
The document discusses the size and operations of the online pornography industry. It describes how many pornography websites are run as a side business by ordinary people. While some sites are highly profitable, most operators only earn a modest income. The essay also covers some of the challenges faced by the industry, such as credit card fraud and lack of access to traditional business services.
The document discusses the size and operations of the online pornography industry. It describes how many pornography websites are run as a side business by ordinary people. While some sites are highly profitable, most operators only earn a modest income. The essay also covers some of the challenges faced by the industry, such as credit card fraud and lack of access to traditional business services.
The document discusses the size and operations of the online pornography industry. It describes how many pornography websites are run as a side business by ordinary people. While some sites are highly profitable, most operators only earn a modest income. The essay also covers some of the challenges faced by the industry, such as credit card fraud and lack of access to traditional business services.
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A close look at the Web's dirty little secret
By Heinz Bulos y day, lrancis Lugenio ,not his real name,, a sel-conessed geek, works as an I1 proessional, a respectable job as any. In his ree time, he helps update Manyakdotcom, a \eb site synonymous to online Pinoy porn - both constantly criticized and widely isited.
In 1998, he, along with some riends, set up Manyakdotcom, partly out o boredom and partly out o rustration oer the lack o lilipina nude celebrity sites back then. Money wasn`t een a actor, though the site continues to make a air amount o money, at least by local standards. le`s not a greedy bastard` and surely, he wouldn`t want to be called a pornographer. Manyakdotcom is but one o the estimated million adult entertainment sites out there ,more conseratie numbers peg it at 40,000,. Lugenio, in act, is a typical porn site operator: a Net- say, young proessional as ar remoed rom the real porn industry as you or me, operating as a sideline an adult site that is making a ew thousand dollars a month in reenues. And with no qualms about what he does and yet coy about reealing his identity. ize matters 1he size o the online sex industry is astounding, een i you consider the most conseratie igures. 1he industry itsel is so dierse, ranging rom sot pornography to outright prostitution. 1he much darker side o the online sex industry is hardly documented, but numbers or Internet porn - the much larger sector - are more aailable. According to Datamonitor, \eb surers spent >1.4 billion on cyberporn in 1999 - a bit more than books - and is orecasted to grow to >3 billion in 2003. 1hat`s about 8 o the >18 billion reenues rom e- commerce, based on a lorrester Research report. \ith proit margins at a hety 30 or more, the online adult entertainment industry is making around >900 million a year, net.
Site traic is as staggering. Nielsen,,NetRatings reported that 1.5 million surers isited porn sites in January 2000 alone. 1he top adult site,, had more unique isitors than, CDNow, or was a time in the early history o the \eb in the mid- nineties when 90 o all sites were adult- oriented.
At least hal o Internet traic is or adult sites, but according to the Adult Chamber o Commerce, the igure is more like 0 percent. 1his may be too high or some, but sex` has consistently been one o the top search keywords. Asia`s or instance counted sex` along with MP3` as its top searches. Sex` was number one in all its portals ,Malaysia, Indonesia, and 1hailand,, except in the Philippines, where it ranked second to "Joyce Jimenez," a local sex siren.
Dirty Big Secret here are two types o porn sites: commercial and hobby sites. lobby sites are put up by people out o admiration - or lust - or certain lollywood and porn celebrities. 1hey usually hae amateurish designs, contains B S 1 a smattering o photos taken rom other sites or scanned rom magazines, and are obiously ree ,with an obligatory below 18` warning,.
Commercial sites rake in the moolah. 1hey come in two categories: pay and ree sites. Pay sites require membership ees while ree sites earn rom adertising, that is, adertising rom pay sites. lor eery click on an adertising banner, ree sites earn a ew cents, either a ixed ee or a commission. 1hat`s why webmasters o ree sites plead to their isitors to click on banners or support.
Pay sites make money by getting isitors to pay subscription ees in exchange or quality and quantity not oered by ree sites. 1wo other reenue sources or adult sites are ads rom traditional adertisers ,although it`s more likely the ads come rom online casinos, phone-sex operators, and other porn sites, and sale o adult- oriented merchandise, such as ideos and sex toys.
1he serious money still comes rom click-throughs", much sought-ater by any kind o adertiser but more so by porn adertisers. 1he primary objectie is to get isitors to click on a banner then sign him or her up or a subscription. Pay sites entice isitors to pay membership ees. lree sites usually partner with an adult eriication serice like AdultCheck, partly to preent minors rom entering but mainly to get sex-stared adults to sign up or a password, rom which the ree sites receie a commission.
I you bumped into a site that appears to be just a bunch o adult banner ads, that`s what you call a click-through armer. \ou don`t actually get to iew any nude photos, except or a ew ree samples, the idea is to get you to click the banners. Many o these sites eature a top list o adult sites, this indicates the sites that generated the most traic deliered to other sites. It`s all about links and reerrals. Len links to competitors.
Aside rom click-throughs, a more exclusie ariant is a partnership agreement between sites. Instead o earning commissions rom click-throughs, partners who reer isitors get a percentage rom the irst month`s subscription.
It does sound easy to make money, though only a ew really make hundreds o thousands or een millions. Most porn site operators earn around >1,000 to >2,000 a month, still not chump change.
It`s also not diicult to put up a porn site. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge o l1ML can borrow` photos rom other adult sites and hae them hosted on a site that does not prohibit them.
1here are starter kits that come in CD- ROMs, containing photos and ideo clips, that costs just >200, sold by the likes o American Sex Inc. ,cheapskates can get pirated ersions or P100 rom any sotware store`,. Do-it yoursel exhibitionists can buy a >100 \ebcam and just take their clothes o. Some companies like 1iarra Corporation can do the whole thing or you - a complete site with photos, banners, and ideo eeds ranging rom >3,500 to >35,000.
Adult Designs is more aordable, charging >800 or a basic site with six pages and 50 photos. \ou pay extra or domain name registration and hosting, which will cost you a couple hundred dollars more.
Another alternatie is to buy an existing site with an established name and site traic. lor example, All lree Sex Pics, which took 140,000 isitors a month and >3,000 in gross reenues, sold or a little less than >25,000.
1he bad and the ugly he low barrier to entry is a double- edged sword or Larry llynt wannabes. On one hand, it`s easy to get started. On the other hand, since it`s easy to get started, anyone can just come in. \ith an eer-increasing supply and a inite leel o demand, there`s only so much porn you can take.
And with prepackaged sites and CD- ROMs, there`s only so much of tbe .ave orv. I you wonder i you`e seen that Pamela Anderson spread beore, you wondered right.
1he intense competition and cookie-cutter content hae orced many pay sites to drop subscription ees, and some operators to drop rom the industry or good.
Others, under pressure to distinguish themseles, push the boundaries o porn, oering an increasing number o hard- core pornography, including those not inoling humans.
1his has naturally caused concern, een panic, among preachers, parents, and, o course, politicians. Much has been written in the media about pedophiles and sex pererts on the Net, mail-order brides, and hard-core porn. Len the sotest o porn is cause or alarm or conseratie groups, especially since they are easily accessible by children.
Perhaps this is a primary reason why lilipino-operated porn sites hae not really lourished. 1here`s the stigma and the intense pressure rom a highly- conseratie, albeit hypocrital, society. Aside rom Manyakdotcom, a handul o Pinoy celebrity porn sites are known, namely Rear Impact, Sexiest Pinay Celebrities, Pinay Pic Peek, and Peke Pics. 1hey may get the attention but they`re tame by porn standards. Operators o lilipina mail-order brides ,personals`, and hard-core porn eaturing lilipina nude models are more aplenty ,mostly operated by oreigners less concerned with local sensibilities,, rom the staid- sounding lilipino Girls to the more poetic, S&M-themed \hite Ropes on a Dark Beauty. eature 200,000 photos and 1,500 ideos. lor >19.95 a year using Cyberage, you can iew and participating sites. Cyberage and AdultCheck lists about 40 lilipina porn sites each.
Problems o the online porn industry are o course not restricted to politicians, religious groups, and cause-oriented organizations. 1he bigger headaches or them currently are not moral- or legal- related, but strictly business.
lirst, there is rampant credit card raud. A isitor will sign in as a member then call his issuing credit card company, deny the purchase, and do a chargeback.
1hen there is access to capital and credit. Banks and credit companies in the U.S. are hesitant to raise credit limits. It`s highly doubtul local inancial institutions will een accept a merchant operating an adult site. Len at the height o the dot- com boom, inestors in the U.S. were not too keen in inusing equity in the adult entertainment sector.
1hey also hae to contend with ly-by- night operators, including adertisers who disappear ater signing up some members and not paying sites that reerred their isitors, suracing later under a new name. 1 1here are also those who manuacture clicks, ripping o adertisers.
But the problems that aect end consumers hae to do with the dirty tricks played by adult webmasters. Since the name o the game is click-throughs, unethical porn operators, particularly ree sites that lie o pay sites do whateer means possible to increase traic and manipulate clicks to earn money. lor instance, there is the so-called hot- linking. 1his inoles the notorious pop- up windows that open new ones as you close them as well links that go nowhere, going around in circles. 1hen there is blind-linking. 1his inoles registering a hit on a click-through program without actually leaing the original site.
1here`s also the annoying exit console. 1his is a pop-up window that has seeral banners which appears when a isitor exits the page, bringing him back to the original site. 1his looping trap is called circle jerking.
1here`s the so-called illegal link syntax, or alse adertising, wherein sites put up banners with reerences to hard-core behaior to entice isitors.
Some o these sites do not een hae content, just a bunch o links, most i which are links back to them, thus increasing their site stats. More and more, it becomes diicult to ind actual porn online, as lusty surers are tricked into just clicking on links endlessly until they gie up.
Boogie Sites
Porn sites, or as they preer to be called, adult entertainment sites, are just the tip o the iceberg. Celebrity nude sites like Manyakdotcom are popular but are in the outer ringes o the industry. 1hey may still be cause or alarm -- een porn operators agree adult sites should be o- limits to children -- and there may be copyright and priacy issues inoled. But they`re not the real problem.
\hat`s more rightening is the underground online sex business --
Sidebar: How Sex Shapes 1echnology t`s true that necessity is the mother o inention. But there are only two things that drie the adoption o technology: sex and games, with the latter a distant second. lere are a ew technologies drien to commercial success by the sex industry.
1CR. 1he porn industry was the irst to adopt this new medium to widely distribute its products. Up to 1983, X-rated ideos accounted or 5 o all rentals and sales o ideotapes, now down to 25.
Pa,errier A third o pay-per-iew cable 1V reenues come rom the our major adult channels.
Pbove .e Phone sex is a >2 billion a year industry.
itv One o the earliest moies was an 1896 stag ilm. 1he American porno ilm industry was thriing by the 1920s.
Mivitet Beore the Internet, the lrench were using a proprietary online serice in the I early 1980s called Minitel. One o the most popular applications was sending X- rated messages to a point that they oerloaded the system.
CDROM Adult CD-ROM titles looded the market, promising an interactie, multimedia experience, the irst being Virtual Valerie. About 20 o the consumer CD-ROM market is controlled by porn producers.
treavivg riaeo ava avaio Porn site operators perected ull- streaming ideo and audio on the \eb.
covverce \hereas surers were hesitant to purchase online using their credit cards, they were more than willing to gie their credit card numbers to adult sites. And this helped deeloped e-commerce.
1erificatiov ava regi.tratiov .,.tev. Adult sites pioneered cryptographically authenticated password registration systems that preent minors rom accessing their sites. 1hey also ound a solution to stolen passwords.
!eb grabic. ava covre..iov tecbviqve. Porn site producers are on the cutting- edge in compression technologies or \eb graphics and ideos to ensure quick downloading on dial-up modems.
Pa,vevt .,.tev. Seth \arshasky, online porn king, recently launched Interund linancial Serices as an easier and aster alternatie to credit card payments.
earcb evgive. Adult sites are notorious or manipulating search engines, showing up at the top o the lists o results, een or non-porn related searches.
Sidebar: Manyak Master ew lilipino sites can be considered a classic in the sense o pioneering and enduring. \hile hardly anyone would acknowledge it, Manyakdotcom is a true classic. \e talked to its webmaster, illiied by some and hailed by others. 1. \hen did you put up Manyakdotcom I put up the site ,in 1998, when I was ery bored. A bunch o riends and I were playing around, suring the Net and trying to look or lilipina nude celebrity sites. \e wanted to see pics o such actresses like Rosanna Roces, Maria Isabel Lopez, Anna Marie Gutierrez and other beautiul lilipina women. 1o our surprise, most o what we ound back then were mail-order bride sites and nothing at all about the celebs that we all know and loe. It made us think that i this is how lilipinas are known to the world, then we should try to change that and show eerybody on the Net the wonderul women that we hae. Our objectie is actually ery noble!
2. \hat made you think o putting it up I want to make it clear right now that I didn't do this or the money. It actually started out as a ree site, but quickly ound out that adding eatures to it costs money. \e had to igure out a way to recoup some o it. Beliee me, i we could ind a way to make it a ree site we would. \e're not the greedy bastards that some o you might think!
3. Are you making money rom the site I so, how much a month It makes a decent amount o money, but it luctuates a lot. At our peak, the site was grossing about >3,000 a month. 1his was during the time that the Senate made a big uss about nudity on the Net. Right now, it aerages around >1,000 a month. But i you actor in the costs o web hosting, l bandwidth charges, and other miscellaneous stu, it comes out to like >200 a month, which isn't a really big deal.
4. low does one make money rom an adult site 1here are seeral ways. I hae chatted with seeral other adult webmasters who make upwards o >10,000 to >20,000 a month, net. I can think o three ways to earn money rom these sites: a. 1he easiest way is to sell ad space, but this doesn't generate as much reenue as it used to. b. Another way is to hook up with an adult eriication serice, such as AdultCheck. 1hey are in the business o selling passwords to adult sites that are ailiated with them, or a ee. 1hey are a good deal because their passwords gie you access to all o their member sites, meaning i you buy a password or ManyakDotCom, you buy a password or the other thousands o member sites as well. 1he catch is that they get a commission or each signup, which is about 30, i I'm not mistaken. 1he adantage o this is that you do not hae to worry about credit eriication, collection, and password maintenance because eerything is run o their backend systems. c. Another way is to host your own membership. 1his is only or sites that expect the most amount o traic and igure that their signups can handle all the costs associated with it ,credit-card ericiation, bandwidth, webhosting, serers, etc.,. Most o the high-end sites do this, and they also make the most money.
5. \hat`s your site traic Site hits aerages around 10,000 per day, with about 4,000 to 5,000 unique isitors. So or the month, that would be around 300,000 hits. Most o the traic comes rom the US ,around 40,, ollowed by long Kong. lits rom the Philippines come in ith.
6. low much time, money and eort do you spend monthly to operate the site About 1 to 2 hours a day to check and respond to e-mail. About 8 hours a month to actually maintain the site. I also hae a partner that spends a lot o time designing and redesigning the site. As or money, like I said, about >800 a month. In terms o eort, not as much as I used to. My partner basically handles a lot o the updating now.
. \hat's your day job I am an I1 proessional - I am a geek and proud o it!
8. Do your riends and amily know about this \eah, they do know about it.
9. \hat's their reaction My amily was appalled by it at irst, but then they igured it's really none o their business. A lot o my riends think it's cool and loe the website.
10. lae you been harrassed or criticized by certain groups larrassed, not really anything that I gie any notice. Criticized, constantly. I hae receied e-mails rom seeral actresses ,or at least they claim to be, that I eature on the website. I just say "yeah, right...". Unless they can really proe that they are who they say they are, I don't gie a rat's ass. I also receied an e-mail a ew years back claiming that she worked or Senator Miriam Santiago and that there were plans to ile a class-action suit against me. My reaction to that "And monkeys ly out my butt!". 1he only criticism that I really listen to is rom the isitors o the site. I eel that they are the ones that understand what I'm trying to do.