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In a jungle, there lived a lion by the name of Bhasuraka.

He was very powerful and used to kill the animals indiscriminately. One day, all the antelopes, boars, buffaloes, hares and the rest went together to the lion and said, "Master, why do you persist in killing so many of us everyday so unnecessarily, when one animal would satisfy your hunger? Please come to an understanding with us. From today onward we promise to send to your lair, one animal everyday for your food, if in return you guarantee that we shall be able to wander about unmolested in the jungle. In this way, you will have no trouble maintaining yourself and we will not be killed so indiscriminately." When he had finished listening to this, the lion said, "It 's very true, what you say, but if I don't receive one animal everyday, I shall eat everyone of you," Accordingly, everyday they drew lots, sent one animal to the lion and roamed in the jungle, unafraid. On day it was the hare's turn. Forced by the other animals, he made his way to the lion, slowly and very much against his will. On the way, the hare was considering how he might kill the lion, when he came to a well. He leapt up on the edge and saw his reflection in the water. At this, he thought to himself, "Now I know a way that won't fail. I'll deceive the lion and make him fall into the well." And purposely the hare went over even more slowly to the lion. By the time the hare reached the lion, the sun was setting. The lion was in a fury because he had been kept waiting. He licked his lips hungrily and said to himself, "The first thing I'll do tomorrow is to kill all those animals." While he was thinking thus, the hare slowly approached the lion and bowed before him. The lion flared up and began to shout at him, "You miserable creature! First you are too small and secondly you are so late. Well, for this, I'm going to kill you immediately and I'll kill the rest of you in the jungle tomorrow morning." "Master," replied the hare very humbly, "it is not my fault nor the fault of the other animals. Please listen and I will explain." "Hurry up and tell me before I crush you," said the lion. "Well," said the hare, "today it fell to my lot to come to you. Because I am small, they sent four other hares with me. On the way, a huge lion came out of the den and roared,, "Ho! You! Where are you going? Your end has come. Call upon your chosen deity!"

And I said "Sir, we are all going to our master, the lion at the appointed time to fulfill our promise to send everyday a few animals to him for his food." And he said, "Who is this lion? I'm the master of the jungle! You should fulfill your promises only to me. This lion is an imposter! I shall hold four of you hares as hostages while you (meaning me) go and challenge him to a trial of strength with me. Whoever turns out to be stronger, deserves to be king of the jungle and only he shall eat all the hares." "And so," continued the hare, "I have come to you as he ordered me to. That is why I am late. Now do as you think best." When he heard this, the lion said, "Friend, if this is true, then take me to this pretender immediately so that I can pour out on him all my rage against you and then I shall be quiet." "Master!" said the hare." It is the truth but this lion stays in a stronghold It is difficult to attack someone who is hiding in a stronghold." When the lion heard this he said, "Friend !He may have hidden himself in his stronghold but just show him to me and I will kill him.". " Indeed," said the hare," but I have seen him. He is very strong. It would be unwise of you to approach him without finding out exactly what his strength is." "That is not your concern" said the lion." just take me to him." "Very well then" said the hare, "come with me." The hare went ahead so as to lead the lion to the well. When they reached the well, the hare said to the lion, "My Lord! Who can withstand your power! The imposter has seen you coming and has hidden himself in his stronghold." And the hare pointed out the well. The foolish lion saw his reflection in the water and imagined that it was his enemy. He roared fearfully and at once his roar was doubly re-echoed from the well. Furious at the other lion, he leapt in upon him and was drowned. Very pleased with himself, the hare went back to the jungle and told the other animals what had happened. They showered him with praise and all lived happily ever after. The wise indeed say : Deceive the wicked and kill them without mercy."

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