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Image Storing in MYSQL

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Government Engineering College, Hassan 573 201 Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum

Seminar on

Storing Images in MySQL Database


Under the Guidance of

Mr.Raghu.M.EB.E.M.T ech.
Associate Professor Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Govt.Engneering College, Hassan

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Govt. Engineering College, Hassan Feburuary 2013

Government Engineering College, Hassan 573 201 Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum

Certied that the Seminar titled Storing Images in MySQL Database is a bonade work carried out by Rakshith.A.C (4GH09CS034) of the Student in partial fulllment for the award of Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Engineering during the year 201213. It is certied that the Seminar topic Storing images in MySQL Database has been reported and presented satisfactorily. The report has been approved as it satises the academic requirements in respect of Technical seminar work prescribed for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree.

Guide Mr.Raghu.M.E Associate Professor Dept.of CS & E GEC, Hassan 573 201

Coordinator Mr.Raghu.M.E Associate Professor Dept.of CS & E GEC, Hassan 573 201

Head of the Department Dr.K.C.Ravishankar Professor and Head Dept.of CS & E GEC, Hassan 573 201

Acknowledgement - At the outset I express my most sincere grateful thanks to my Seminar Guide, Mr.Raghu.M.E,Associate Professor, Department of CS & E,GECH, for his continous support and advice not only during the course of my seminar but also during the period of our stay in GECH. I express my gratitude to Dr. K. C. Ravishankar, Professor and Head, Department of CS & E,GECH for his encouragement and support throughout my work. I wish to express my thanks to beloved Dr. Karisiddappa, Principal, GECH for encouragement throughout my studies. I wish to express my thanks to beloved Mr.Annaiah.H,Assistant Professor,Department of CS & E,GECH for encouragement throughout my seminar. Finally I express my gratitude to all teaching and non-teaching sta of Dept. of CSE, Fellow classmates and my parents for their timely support and suggestions.


Table of Contents
Table of Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 1.1 ADVANTAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 DISADVANTAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 VPN TYPES 2.1 REMOTE ACCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 SITE-TO-SITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 TUNELLING 3.1 PRIVATE NETWORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 OUTSOURCE A PRIVATE SITE . . . . . . . . . 3.3 SHARE AN OUTSOURCED SITE . . . . . . . . 3.4 OUTSOURCE A PRIVATE ACCESS SERVER . 3.5 SHARE AN OUTSOURCED ACCESS SERVER 3.6 STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 RFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 INTERNET DRAFTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 FIREWALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 ENCRYPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.11 IPSEC PROTOCOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.12 IPSEC FAVOURING FOR A SECURE SYSTEM 3.13 AAA SERVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 HOW IT WORKS 5 Applications 5.1 Site-to-Site VPNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Site-to-Site VPNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii ii iv 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 16 16 16

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Remote Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Industries That May Use a VPN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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This seminar is an introduction to using the blob column data type in MySQL. The concept is introduced by familiarising users with storing images in a MySQL table. Denitely a controversial topic in PHP-land, but at least knowing how to do it will help you make a decision on whether or not its for you. This argument continues to rage and many lives have been lost trying to prove that this is a Bad Idea. The facts are, this method of binary storage is very successful and has many advantages over lesystem storage. Some advantages are: Referential integrity,Ease of backup,Saving of Inodes,Easy categorisation,Central point of operations. Many of the sayers will have you believe that storing of images or other binary data creates too much overhead. A large database can be stored on a RAW partition and in fact be faster as it has no lesystem overhead to contend with. Some would say that access is slow when SELECTing from the database.The three methods of access for an image:Access image from le,Store image in lesystem and store the url in the database,Store the image in the database.


Chapter 1 Introduction
The world has changed a lot in the last couple of decades.Instead of simply dealing with local or regional concerns, many businesses now have to think about global markets and logistics. Many companies have facilities spread out across the country or around the world, and there is one thing that all of them need: A way to maintain fast, secure and reliable communications wherever their oces are.Until fairly recently, this has meant the use of leased lines to maintain a wide area network (WAN). Leased lines, ranging from ISDN (integrated services digital network, 128 Kbps) to OC3 (Optical Carrier-3, 155 Mbps) ber, provided a company with a way to expand its private network beyond its immediate geographic area. A WAN had obvious advantages over a public network like the Internet when it came to reliability, performance and security. But maintaining a WAN, particularly when using leased lines, can become quite expensive and often rises in cost as the distance between the oces increases. As the popularity of the Internet grew, businesses turned to it as a means of extending their own networks. First came intranets, which are password-protected sites designed for use only by company employees A simple VPN model is shown below.



The primary advantage of a VPN is that it cut cost.Compared to the traditional WAN,VPN are a cheap way to build global networks,It partially eliminates the modem banks,access server,phone lines and other types of hardware organizations must install to provide remote access to traditional private networks.To connect two far ung networks,all that is the dedicated link or backbone between these two networks.Since the Internet is a public network,cost are shared by all Internet users,resulting in low access cost. 1


Chapter 1

Another advantage is that network expansion becomes a function of how quickly one can get a leased data connection to the nearest ISP.For the sharing of networked resources by business partners is facilitated since the question of incompatible system is already addressed in the Internet.Remote entry by authorized users with Internet access is possible. A well-designed VPN can benet a company by the following factors.Extend geographic connectivity;Improve security; Reduce operational costs versus traditional WAN; Reduce transit time and transportation costs for remote users; Improve productivity; Simplify network topology; Provide global networking opportunities; Provide telecommuter support; Provide broadband networking compatibility and Security. And forall practical purposes a VPN is a transparent as a traditional WAN.Whatever can be done on a WAN can be done and a VPN



If the level of security provided is insucient,then it can be hazardeous.Since VPN is connected to the public network-Internet,it is prone to be hacked.Though all the network have some basic security-user authentication thru password verication that prevents such access,they are often insucient. Therefore two key security issues are protecting the network from breaking and also protecting the integrity of data being transmitted and validate the identity of the user over the Internet.This can be achieved by using a combination of encryption, host authentication and protocol tunneling.

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Chapter 2 VPN TYPES

We all know WAN is simply the collection of local area networks,each located in geographically diverse locations connected to each other to form a single network. Leased lines which were initially used though forms a private network,it ought to be expensive.But VPN,using the power of the public medium,it helped to create a private connection called tunnel to switch data from one geographical location to the other. A VPN provides network to network or remote user to network connectivity via the encrypted tunnel.Datas must be encapsulated in a IP packet before it can be sent across a VPN.Network users use various encryption and authentication schemes to provide security. Some VPN require specialized hardware,while some may require specialized software or some both that adds VPN capabilities to rewall,server or router. Since VPN depends critically on the Internet,ISP becomes drivers of VPN technology.Therefore organization using VPN becomes dependent on the ISP.If ISP faces bandwidth limitation or technical diculties,the VPN will also face the same. VPN can be of following types: REMOTE ACCESS SITE TO SITE



Also called a virtual private dial-up network (VPDN), this is a user-to-LAN connection used by a company that has employees who need to connect to the private network from various remote locations. Typically, a corporation that wishes to set up a large remoteaccess VPN will outsource to an enterprise service provider (ESP). The ESP sets up a network access server (NAS) and provides the remote users with desktop client software for their computers. The telecommuters can then dial a toll-free number to reach the NAS and use their VPN client software to access the corporate network. 3


Chapter 2

A good example of a company that needs a remote-access VPN would be a large rm with hundreds of sales people in the eld. Remote-access VPNs permit secure, encrypted connections between a companys private network and remote users through a third-party service provider.



Through the use of dedicated equipment and large-scale encryption, a company can connect multiple xed sites over a public network such as the Internet. Site-to-site VPNs can be either: Intranet-based - If a company has one or more remote locations that they wish to join in a single private network, they can create an intranet VPN to connect LAN to LAN. Extranet-based - When a company has a close relationship with another company (for example, a partner, supplier or customer), they can build an extranet VPN that connects LAN to LAN, and that allows all of the various companies to work in a shared environment. The following is the examples of the three types of VPN.

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Virtual Private Network protect tunelled data through a combination of encryption,mutual host authentication and protocol tunelling.One of the most basic method of protecting transmitted data is encryption.This involves scrambling the transmitted data using mathematical formula,so that even though the data transmission may be intercepted, it cannot be recovered without the correct key. Encryption can be either hardware enabled through network devices like routers or through software.While in the case of software,encryption takes place when you correct through the tunneling protocol like PTTP,in the case of router encryption it is performed on the y. One of the biggest diculty encountered over the Internet is identifying the person or a computer at the other end of the wire.This is addressed by the authentication,a process where the two hosts verify eachother.This can be done through the X.2509 standard digital certicate which exchanges electronic signatures between the two parties.This electronic signature is then veried by a trust third party,usually a public-certifying authority or the companys own certicate server. Alternatively,the host can also verify each other using protocols like Secure Shell(SSH).In this case the hosts exchange two keys,a host key and a server key.The receiving computer compares the host key with the keys inthe database. If the keys checks out,the computer at the other end is validated as a genuine case.The PC then generates a session key using the host an the server key which is used to encrypt data transmission between the two computers.To ensure a high level of protection,the server key is changed on an hourly basis. Finally there is a protocol tunneling.When data is transmitted on a network in the form of packets,the header-which gives information on the packet source,destination and number of packets transmitted- is in text format.The information can be used by hackers to gain access to either the system or the data being transmitted.Protocol tunneling takes data packets,encrypts them and then encapsulates them again in another clear 5


Chapter 3

text packet.This ensures that even if data transmission is intercepted the original header information is not available.Once these packets reach their destination,a router equipped with encryption and decryption capabilities decrypts the packet restoring the original data packets.



The too old trend or large companies to have own fully private dial in networks(completely with modem banks,access servers and technical service personnel deployed at each company sites is being reversed as the presence of Internet access site makes it attractive to use the resources oered by the Internet service providers(ISP).Such outsourcing allows employees to dial-in to an access server at a nearby ISP site and send packets over the Internet router for delivery to their Co. home networks.The very router vendor who provide VPN tunnels between permanent Co. sites are also competing for the stage to provide VPN tunnels for dial-in users as well.But they are handicapped in the solution they can oer because they model tunnels as router-to-router constructs though theres no router at the user end.If these vendors are to have a share in the outsourcing of a companys dial-in service,this has to be achieved using one of the following models: Outsource a private site Share an outsourced site Outsource a private access server Share an access server



A company desiring to outsource its access responsibility can ask an ISP to manage a site for it.ISPs themselves generally put their own dial-up equipment in the locations are termed as points of presence(POP).Under this model,a company may enter into a contract with the ISP to establish private POPs for its employees.This really moves the companys private dial-up equipment to the site which is managed by the ISP. If the resources of a POP are dedicated to a single company,then the POP is not dierent from a remote company site,and therefore the same routing equipment used at the companys headquarters can be used at the POP.Since the site is private,all packets at the site can be in the clear.Tunnels only run between the router at the POP and the router at the companys headquarters. This approach ooads the access responsibility to the ISP, but it is likely to be more expensive than any other option because equipment cost are not shared.It has the further
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disadvantage that it require private facilities at as many POP as needed to provide local access to employees. Such an arrangement also locks employees. Finally, an ISP has to manage a list of authorized user name and password on behalf of the company to help control access to the private site.All this necessitates that a very close relationship exists between the outsourcing company and the ISP for this model to succeed.In this model,if the company employees want to simultaneously access company and Internet resources,they tunnel to the company ,and then venture out to the Internet as though they were initiating contact from their place of work.



This model is an extension of the previous one in that a number of companies enter into a contract with an ISP to avail of the latters access service not privately, but in a shared manner. The major benet, of course. is the resulting cost saving for the outsourcing company. In this model, we presume that each company using the shared site provides a router to tunnel its private trac back to its headquarters. If the equipment at the POP is not dedicated to a single company, the shared access server and LAN element need to be trusted, since company packets will be vulnerable on their way to and from the companys dedicated router. Such packets are exposed to ISP personnel at the site, and are subject to routing misadventures that expose them more generally to the entire Internet, and in particular to other companies who have their own encrypting routers on the POPs shared LAN. If access servers are shared then user and password databases will be co-mingled at the site, and the access server software will have to be careful enough to direct all packets from a given dial-in port to the one and only one tunneling router. If packets go through the wrong tunnel, They will end up at the wrong headquarters. In this model, users cannot go through their tunnel to work, and then on to the Internet without running the risk that their return packets will be routed back through a wrong tunnel. This means that an Internet access all tunneling routers at the site are exposed to an arbitrary Internet packet trac. This makes security considerations a major issue for outsourcing companies, and hence this model is not workable in many scenarios.



The previous models are not very attractive in that they are expensive, restrictive, and in some cases not very secure. They treat the ISP as a trusted extension of the outsourcing company. Though site outsourcing may make sense in certain situations, it is not likely
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to become a common practice. Site outsourcing may not be favoured by router vendors, except when they can sell a bunch of new routers to ISPs. All this brings us to another approach. Instead of beginning the tunnel at the site router on behalf of all access servers with the ISP, it should be possible to begin a tunnel at each access server. This way, packets received at a dial-in port can be encrypted and encapsulated, and thus enter the tunnel before leaving the server so that they are never in the clear on the ISP LAN. Placing the tunnel function in the access server is such a compelling improvement over the earlier two models that it has received a focalattention of all vendors. It has also provided the impetus for many new or proposed standards that may oer a multivendor interoperability for server-router tunnels. This model assumes that an outsourcing company asks an ISP to deploy some access servers at each POP, and dedicate them for the companys employees. The phone numbers of these dedicated resources are made available only to company personnel. Of course, the ISP must know employee names and passwords so as to guard access to these servers, but if the servers are eectively protected, the company does not have to worry about uses on other servers getting into one of their tunnels. Under this scheme, new codes are required for both access servers and the HQ (headquarters) router. This is because, among other things, there is more than one tunnel from all ISP sites. The router itself becomes just another dial-in server, having logical ports in place of physical ports. Each tunnel terminates at one of the routers logical ports, and from there the de-encapsulated, decrypted packets are gated on to the company LAN. To distinguish such a logical access server from routers, an increasingly popular term home gateway is being used. Almost all of these server-to-home gateway tunneling schemes are direct outgrowths of ubiquitous PPP (point-to point protocol) schemes used for exchanging packets between desktops and access servers over telephone lines. In tunneling schemes, the access server and the home gateway assume the roles played in PPP by the dialing desktop and the dialedaccess server respectively. Tunnel protocols allow for the user name and password originally collected by the ISP to be forwarded to the home gateway so that the company can perform user authentication if it wants to. However, the access server must not only perform the new tunnel functions, but also IPX and Appletalk encapsulation functions (these funny packets must be handled on the PPP link with the user. but are encapsulated in IP packets so that they never hit the ISP LAK). Also the company itself must worry about providing full service desktop software to all its employees as before. It is possible for employees to have two dierent accounts with the ISP so that they can alternately receive tunnel, or clear Internet service. Current approaches do not oer a way to support both tunnelled and clear trac services simultaneously.
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Because the new access servers are able to establish tunnels on behalf of each dial-in port, there is no reason why each tunnel cannot go to a dierent home gateway. Home gateways can be selected on the basis of user identity as authenticated by the ISP, and so tunnels from a single access server can go to dierent companies at the same time. Economy apart, this functionality is not necessarily any better than the prior scheme, and may be inferior in many ways. For example. in this model, company authentication data does need to be held by the ISP, and access servers need to be trusted more than ever before. In additionuntil tunneling protocols are truly interoperable, it may not be possiblefor access serves from vendor A to talk to home gateways from vendor B. This implies many constraints for ISPs in the deployment of servers and allocation of phone numbers, modem types, etc chapterVPN PROTOCOLS The term VPN has taken on many dierent meanings in recent years. VPNC has a white paper about VPN technologies (PDF format) that describes many of the terms used in the VPN market today. In specic, it dierentiates between secure VPNs and trusted VPNs, which are two very dierent technologies. For secure VPNs, the technologies that VPNC supports are IPsec with encryption L2TP inside of IPsec For trusted VPNs, the technologies that VPNC supports are: MPLS with constrained distribution of routing information. IPsec is by far the most dominant protocol for secure VPNs. L2TP running under IPsec has a much smaller but signicant deployment. For trusted VPNs, the market is split on the two MPLS-based protocols.



The various VPN protocols are dened by a large number of standards and recommendations that are codied by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). There are many avors of IETF standards, recommendations, statements of common practice, and so on. Some of the protocols used in IPsec are full IETF standards; however, the others are often useful and stable enough to be treated as standard by people writing IPsec software. Neither of the trusted VPN technologies are IETF standards yet, although there
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is a great deal of work being done on them to get them to become standards.



The IETF codies the decisions it comes to in documents called Requests For Comments. These are almost universally called by their acronym RFCs. Many RFCs are the standards on which the Internet is formed. The level of standardization that an RFC reaches is determined not only by how good the RFC is, but by how widely it is implemented and tested. Some RFCs are not solid standards, but they nonetheless document technologies that are of great value to the Internet and thus should be used as guidelines for implementing VPNs. For the purpose of dening VPNs, any protocol that has become an IETF Request For Comments (RFC) document can be treated as some what of a standard. Certainly, any IPsec-related RFC that has been deemed to be on the IETF standards track should certainly be considered a standard.



Before a document becomes an RFC, it starts out as an Internet Draft (often called IDs or I-Ds). IDs are rough drafts, and are sometimes created for no other benet than to tell the Internet world what the author is thinking. On the other hand, there is often very good information in some IDs, particularly those that cover revisions to current standards. Some Internet Drafts go along for years, but are then dropped or abandoned; others get on a fast track to becoming RFCs, although this is rare. Internet Drafts are given names when they rst appear; if they become RFCs, the I-D name disappears and an RFC number is assigned. It should be emphasized here that it is unwise to make any programming decisions based on information in Internet Drafts. Most IDs go through many rounds of revisions, and some rounds make wholesale changes in the protocols described in a draft. Further, many IDs are simply abandoned after discussion reveals major aws in the reasoning that lead to the draft. That being said, it is worthwhile to know which IDs pertain to areas of interest. The following is a list of the IDs that are related to Internet mail. Some of these drafts will likely become RFCs in the months or years to come, possibly with heavy revision; some will be merged with other drafts; others will be abandoned. chapterVPN SECURITY
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A VPN uses several methods for keeping your connection and data secure:



A rewall provides a strong barrier between your private network and the Internet. You can set rewalls to restrict the number of open ports, what type of packets are passed through and which protocols are allowed through. Some VPN products, such as Ciscos 1700 routers, can be upgraded to include rewall capabilities by running the appropriate Cisco IOS on them. You should already have a good rewall in place before you implement a VPN, but a rewall can also be used to terminate the VPN sessions. If you have been using the Internet for any length of time, and especially if you work at a larger company and browse the Web while you are at work, you have probably use rewall. For example, you often hear people in companies say things like, I cant use that site because they wont let it through the rewall.If you have a fast Internet connection into your home (either a DSL connection or a cable modem), you may have found yourself hearing about rewalls for your home network as well. It turns out that a small home network has many of the same security issues that a large corporate network does. You can use a rewall to protect your home network and family from oensive Web sites and potential hackers.

Basically, a rewall is a barrier to keep destructive forces away from your property. In fact, thats why its called a rewall. Its job is similar to a physical rewall that keeps a re from spreading from one area to the next.



This is the process of taking all the data that one computer is sending to another and encoding it into a form that only the other computer will be able to decode. Most computer encryption systems belong in one of two categories: Symmetric-key encryption Public-key encryption In symmetric-key encryption, each computer has a secret key (code) that it can use to encrypt a packet of information before it is sent over the network to another computer. Symmetric-key requires that you know which computers will be talking to each other so you can install the key on each one. Symmetric-key encryption is essentially the same as a secret code that each of the two computers must know in order to decode the
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information. The code provides the key to decoding the message.For example: You create a coded message to send to a friend in which each letter is substituted with the letter that is two down from it in the alphabet. So A becomes C, and B becomes D. You have already told a trusted friend that the code is Shift by 2. Your friend gets the message and decodes it. Anyone else who sees the message will see only nonsense. The sending computer encrypts the document with a symmetric key, then encrypts the symmetric key with the public key of the receiving computer. The receiving computer uses its private key to decode the symmetric key. It then uses the symmetric key to decode the document. Public-key encryption uses a combination of a private key and a public key. The private key is known only to your computer, while the public key is given by your computer to any computer that wants to communicate securely with it. To decode an encrypted message, a computer must use the public key, provided by the originating computer, and its own private key. A very popular public-key encryption utility is called Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), which allows you to encrypt almost anything. You can nd out more about PGP at the PGP site.





Internet Protocol Security Protocol (IPSec) provides enhanced security features such as better encryption algorithms and more comprehensive authentication. IPSec has two encryption modes: tunnel and transport. Tunnel encrypts the header and the payload of each packet ginwhile transport only encrypts the payload. Only systems that are IPSec compliant can take advantage of this protocol. Also, all devices must use a common key and the rewalls of each network must have very similar security policies set up. IPSec can encrypt data between various devices, such as: Router to router Firewall to router PC to router PC to server

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Chapter 3



AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) servers are used for more secure access in a remote-access VPN environment. When a request to establish a session comes in from a dial-up client, the request is proxied to the AAA server. AAA then checks the following: Who you are (authentication) What you are allowed to do (authorization) What you actually do (accounting) The accounting information is especially useful for tracking client use for security auditing, billing or reporting purposes.

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Chapter 4 HOW IT WORKS

To make use of the VPN, the remote users workstation must have the VPN client software installed. A rewall sits between a remote users workstation or client and the host network or server. When connection to the corporate network is attempted, the VPN client software will rst connect to the VPN server by means of a tunneling protocol. After the remote computer has been successfully authenticated, a secure connection (secret tunnel) between it and the VPN server will then be formed as all subsequent data being exchanged through this tunnel will be encrypted at the sending end and correspondingly decrypted at the receiving end of the tunnel. As such, the network tunnel between them, even though established through the un-trusted Internet, is still considered secure enough that the remote computer can be trusted by local computers on the corporate LAN. In short, you connect to the Internet through your ISP. The VPN client software on your computer initiates a connection with the VPN server. The VPN server encrypts the data on the connection so it cannot be read by others while it is in transit. The VPN server decrypts the data and passes it on to other servers and resources. For better security, many VPN client programs can be congured to require that all IP trac must pass through the tunnel while the VPN is active. From the users standpoint, this means that while the VPN client is active, all access outside their employers secure network must pass through the same rewall as would be the case while physically connected to the oce ethernet. This reduces the risk that an attacker might gain access to the secured network. Such security is important because other computers local to the network on which the client computer is operating may not be fully trusted. Even with a home network that is protected from the outside internet by a rewall, people who share a home may be simultaneously working for dierent employers over their respective VPN connections from the shared home network. Each employer would therefore want to ensure their proprietary data is kept secure, even if another computer in the local network gets infected with malware. And if a travelling employee uses a VPN clientfrom a Wi-Fi access point in a public place, such security is even more important. However, 14


Chapter 4

the use of IPX/SPX is one way users might still be able to access local resources.

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Chapter 5 Applications
5.1 Site-to-Site VPNs

Large-scale encryption between multiple xed sites such as remote oces and central oces Network trac is sent over the branch oce Internet connection This saves the company hardware and management expenses


Site-to-Site VPNs


Remote Access

Encrypted connections between mobile or remote users and their corporate networks Remote user can make a local call to an ISP, as opposed to a long distance call to the corporate remote access server. Ideal for a telecommuter or mobile sales people. VPN allows mobile workers telecommuters to take advantage of broadband connectivity. i.e. DSL, Cable


Industries That May Use a VPN

Healthcare: enables the transferring of condential patient information within the medical facilities health care provider Manufacturing: allow suppliers to view inventory allow clients to purchase online safely 16


Chapter 5

Retail: able to securely transfer sales data or customer info between stores the headquarters Banking/Financial: enables account information to be transferred safely within departments branches General Business: communication between remote employees can be securely exchanged

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As the cost of setting up the global network is prohibitively costly for small and medium sized business,Virtual private network oers cheap way to build WAN.The problems accomplished by VPN concerns security and performance. The standardization of VPN technology will lead to its wide spread use among network users A virtual private network (VPN) allows the provisioning of private network services for an organization or organizations over a public or shared infrastructure such as the Internet or service provider backbone network. The shared service provider backbone network is known as the VPN backbone and is used to transport trac for multiple VPNs, as well as possibly non-VPN trac. VPN provides you a secure channel between your local computer and a computer at the remote location. The network user can access this from any part of the world provided internet connection and accessibility to the resources is available.


[1] Ramez Elmasri,ShamKant B.Navathe,Fundamental Database System,AddisonWesley,2009. [2] Navathe.S,An initative approaches to Database,Pearson,2002. [3] Ramez Elmasri,Navathe.S,Sashidhar.N,Database System,Pearson,2002. http://www.mysql.co.in http://www.xampp.co.in [4] Rastogi, B. K. and. Jaiswal, R. K. An introduction to MySQL -Addison Wisley-1999. [5] http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/xampp http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/mysql http://forums.mysql.com/


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