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IP Assignment

(1)Give a single intensity transformation function for spreading the

intensities of an image so the lowest intensity is 0 and the
highest is L-1

(2) In some applications it is useful to model the histogram of the

input images as Gaussian probability density functions (PDF) of
(r −m)2
1 −
the form p r (r ) = e 2σ 2

2 ∏σ
Where m and σ are the mean and standard deviation of Gaussian
PDF. What is the transformation function you would use for
histogram equalization?

(3)Show that subtracting the Laplacian from an image is

proportional to unsharp masking

(4) Laplacian with –8 in the center yields sharper results than the
one with –4 in the center. Explain in detail.

(5)Consider a 3x3 spatial mask that averages the four closest

neighbors of point (x,y), but excludes the point itself from the
(a) Find the equivalent filter, H(u,v) in the frequency domain
(b)(b) Show that the result is low pass filter

(6) (a) Compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the discrete
function f(x,y) =1 .
(b) Compute the DFT of the discrete image function f(x, y) = sin (2Π

(7) A continuous Gaussian low pass filter in the continuous

( µ 2 +ν 2 )
frequency domain has transfer function H ( µ ,ν ) = Ae − 2σ 2 . Show
that corresponding filter in spatial domain is
2 2 2 2
h(t , z ) = A2Π σ 2 e −2 Π σ ( t + z )

(8) Explain what would happen in binary erosion and dilation if the
structuring element is a single point valued 1. Give the reasons
for your answer.
(9) A Binary image contains straight lines oriented horizontally,
vertically, at 450, and at -450. Give a set of 3x3 masks that can
be used to detect 1-pixel breaks in these lines. Assume that the
intensities of lines and background are 1 and 0, respectively.

(10)The image function f(x, y) = 4Cos2 (2x+2y) is to be sampled

such that one can reconstruct the function from its samples
without any errors. Suggest a sampling scheme. Is your sampling
scheme optimal?

(11)Sketch the impulse function φ(x,y) = δ(x+y-1)

(12)A 4x4 gray scale original image passes through following spatial
linear shift invariant filters, resulting in filtered images. Use zero
padding while computing along borders
(a) Compute Filtered image 1
(b) Compute Filtered image 2

1 1 8 6 0 1 0 0 1 0
2 0 0 0 0 - 2 -
1 8 6 4 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0
8 6 4 2 ½
6 4 2 0 1/2
Original Image Filter 1 Filter 2

(13) Draw the color gamut of CMY in the Rn Gn Bn chromaticity

diagram. Hint: The color pure cyan has coordinates (1, 0, 0) in
the CMY color coordinate system.

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