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Accident Identification

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The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS was originally intended for military applications, but in the 1980s, the government made the system available for civilian use. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. There are no subscription fees or setup charges to use GPS. GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit signal information to earth. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the user's exact location. Essentially, the GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time difference tells the GPS receiver how far away the satellite is. Now, with distance measurements from a few more satellites, the receiver can determine the user's position and display it on the unit's electronic map. The project consists of a microcontroller which is interfaced with the Gps module, gsm modem and a vibration sensor. for fetching the data from the Gps module. Once the microcontroller senses the strong vibration, it assumes an accident. From the instance of vibration it starts an alarm. For a time period say approx 15 to 25 seconds. If the peoples are safe they should press a emergency switch to stop the alarm. If none of the people fails to press the switch within the specified time. The controller assumes it as an emergency and starts the gsm modem sending the latitude and longitude information to the specified mobile number, by fetching the information from the Gps. The data from the Gps module is obtained at a baud rate of 19200 BPS. With a specified format with various unwanted and mixed strings of data. The microcontroller reads the required data and eliminates the unwanted data. Thus the data fetched is only the latitude, longitude and is displayed in LCD for our reference. A typical data from the Gps module will be of the following format; anyway we are not using all the data from the module, the following is just an example.

P Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation: ACCIDENT IDENTIFICATION USING GPS AND INTIMATIONS THROUGH GSM BY RAJU K K (4GH08EC033) PRASANNA A V (4GH08EC029) MADHUSUDAN H N (4GH08EC022) SANTHOSH N BHARADWAJ (4GH08EC040) Under the guidance of Mrs. PALLAVI H.V. B.E., M.TECH., Assistant professor DEPT OF E & C GEC.HASSAN-573 201 PowerPoint Presentation: CONTENTS ABSTRACT LITERATURE SURVEY INTRODUCTION BLOCK DIAGRAM -TRANSMITTER SECTION -RECEIVER SECTION DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION APPLICATIONS ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES FUTURE ENHANCEMENT CONCLUSION PROJECT SCHDULE PowerPoint Presentation: The main intention of this project is to find the accident spot at any place and intimate it to a mbulance through the GPS and GSM networks with VIDEO RECORDING. The GPS based vehicle accident identification module contains vibration sensor , GSM module and a GPS modem connected to the microcontroller. Global System for Mobiles (GSM) technology is used to establish cellular connection. GPS is used to trace the position of the vehicle . ABSTRACT PowerPoint Presentation: LITERATURE SURVEY Satellite Communication-Timothy. Pratt and C.W.Bostain - John Wiley and Sons. Cellular and Mobile Communications-William. C. Lee http :// www.ndted.org/EducationResources/piezotransducers.html http :// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_supply. http://talkingelectronics.com/projects/OP-AMP/OP-AMP-1.html

PowerPoint Presentation: INTRODUCTION Now-a-days, it has become very difficult to know that an accident has occurred and to locate the position where it has happened. PowerPoint Presentation: In previous there was no system of identification and intimation regarding the accidents. Later on the SMS services began for intimation purpose. In this proposed system, GPS and GSM helps for intimation and identification of place. PowerPoint Presentation: BLOCK DIAGRAM Transmitter section PowerPoint Presentation: RECEIVER SECTION GSM receiver PC PowerPoint Presentation: POWER SUPPLY Power supply is a reference to a source of electrical power. Linear mode power supply is used in this project. I C 7805 VIBRATION SENSOR This circuit is constructed with Piezo electric plate. Operational amplifier. 555 IC timer. PowerPoint Presentation: MICROCONTROLLER: PIC 16F877A Features 32 Programmable I / O Lines Three 16 bit Timer / Counters. Eight Interrupt Sources. PowerPoint Presentation: LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY In our project, the LCD used to display the status and position of the vehicle. The number to which the position of the vehicle is to be delivered , also displays on the LCD such that changes can be made if necessary. PowerPoint Presentation: DPDT RELAY DP means that is double pole , so it switches both sides of the circuit. DT means that double through , rather than just turning on and off, it switches from one set of wires to another. PowerPoint Presentation: GPS MODULE The GPS module ProGin SR-87 series is used. Main Features High performance receiver tracks up to 20 satellites. The module communicates with application system via RS232 with NMEA-0183 protocol. GPS receiver provides three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus the time. PowerPoint Presentation: GSM MODEM The GSM network is used to provide communication from one place to other. AT commands are used to provide communication. The AT commands specifies the GSM technology and are related to SMS service. PowerPoint Presentation: WORKING OF THE PROJECT When an accident occurs ,the Piezo electric plate gives electrical signal to micro controller. Micro controller switches GPS and GSM networks by using DPDT switch. GPS receiver takes the latitude and longitude through the antenna. GSM transmitter sends this information to control system PowerPoint Presentation: From control system the location value read by the GPS (i.e., Latitude and Longitude where accident has occurred ) is sent to nearest Police station , hospital , and any stored relative number. When this location value is given in Google Map , the exact accident spot is furnished . Also micro camera switched ON automatically when vibration sensor senses the accident and starts to record the video of accident spot PowerPoint Presentation: IMPLEMENATION The proposed system can be implemented by interconnecting the system to the automobile. Tracking system consisting of GPS,GSM & MICROCONTROLLER. PowerPoint Presentation: APPLICATIONS To minimize the deaths and the severe conditions due to accidents the GPS and GSM technologies are used where the immediate action would be take place by the ambulance/police service which might reduces the severity.

PowerPoint Presentation: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES The vehicle which has undergone to an accident can be identified by using tracking technology without any delay. The immediate medication will be provided to the accident victims in the remote areas. PowerPoint Presentation: DISADVANTAGES In some places where there is no provision of GSM networks it is difficult for communication. PowerPoint Presentation: FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS The recorded video can be sent to the nearest Police station or hospital or it can be directly uploaded to the internet. PowerPoint Presentation: CONCLUSION: To minimize the deaths and the severe conditions due to accidents the GPS and GSM technologies are used where immediate action would be take place by the ambulance/police service which might reduces the severity. PowerPoint Presentation: DATES OF WORK DONE BASED ON PROJECT WORK JANUARY 1 st 2012 TO JANUARY 30 th 2012 LITERATURE SURVEY FEBRUARY 1 st 2012 TO FEBRUARY 29 th 2012 HARDWARE OBSERVATION S MARCH 2012 TO APRIL 2012 SOFTWARE ANALYSIS AND CODING MAY 10 th 2012 COMPLETION OF PROJECT AND REPORT SUBMISSION PROJECT SCHEDULE PowerPoint Presentation: THANK YOU

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