The Focus: President Ponders
The Focus: President Ponders
The Focus: President Ponders
in education.
are encouraging members to join in the celebration. Registration forms may be found on Alpha Delta States website or in The Voice. I have copies available as well that you may pick up at the next meeting. If you are free the weekend of April 12-14, please consider attending some of the celebration. Connie Leatherman will be initiated on Saturday, April 13. It would be nice to have active members there to welcome her into the organization. Sincerely, Jackie
President Ponders
Dear Members, I hope this newsletter finds everyone safe and well. The holiday frenzy is over. Hopefully the winter weather will leave soon. I, for one, am looking forward to spring. Warmer temperatures, flowers, and outdoor activities seem very inviting. All of our chapter forms and reports are completed and sent. Alpha Delta State is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary in April. They
Tuesday, March 5, 2013 Howard U.M. Church, Findlay * * * * * Monday, April 1, 2013 Bascom U.M. Church * * * * * April 12-14, 2013 STATE CONVENTION, Columbus 75th Anniversary * * * * * Tuesday, May 7, 2013 Arcadia U.M. Church * * * * * Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Wesley U. M. Church, Fostoria * * * * * Monday, October 7, 2013 Salem U.M. Church, Findlay
Remember our local scholarship money is available. All paperwork must be turned in by the September 3 meeting. We have moneyyou just need to use it to your advantage. Fannie Dauterman is the chairperson; other committee members are listed on page 22 in your program book. Contact them with your questions!
Every once in a while a person comes into your life and you immediately have a connection. I looked forward to our meetings because Henrietta Hayes would be there. It didnt matter where the meeting was heldshe didnt miss until recently when her health began to fail. For me it was sad not to see her smile and not to hear her latest ventures. She was pivotal in the restoration of the little Red Schoolhouse, and as resident school marm she told the history in a most entertaining manner. Henrietta was also very involved with the Hancock County Historical Museum which made her the perfect candidate as our historian. She saw to it that our history could be housed at the Hancock County Museum, and she was devoted to maintaining our history. Henrietta joined Delta Kappa Gamma in 1972a forty-year member. She was actively involved in many organizationsCollege First Church of God, Greater Findlay Emmaus, AAUW, UF Town and Campus, Triad, life member of HCRTA and NEA, to name a few. She was awarded the People Who Make a Difference award by the Hancock Historical Museum and received the C. Robert Baker Distinguished Educator award in 1983. I am sure in Annie Blantons mind, Henrietta would be the epitome of the woman educator that she wanted when she began Delta Kappa Gamma.
Have you put Monday, April 1, and Tuesday, May 7, on your calendar? At our April meeting in Bascom you will learn the fascinating history of Meadowbrook Park told by Wayne Hoover. In May, Andrea Beck, the young lady we supported, will report on her time in the Peace Corp as we gather in Arcadia to recognize DKG Founders. Both of these programs will be very interesting.
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State President Oneita Lizotte (mother-in-law of Nancy and grandmother of Jackie) addressed members of Alpha Sigma and Nu chapters at their Founders Day luncheon at the Fostoria Country Club in 1963. She urged members to keep your inner fires banked that you may keep your spark burning.
Reported in the Fostoria Review Times May 23, 1963
July 28Aug. 1, 2014 Now is the time for planning your opportunity to meet sister educators from around the world. Indianapolis is practically in our backyard. Economically speaking it should be a reasonable expenditure. Put it on your calendar, and maybe we can get a car load or two to go international!
Were you busy recruiting new members? If so you got your nominees paperwork to Nondace by March 1 or will bring it to the March meeting. Remember a vital organization must continue to grow.
Congratulations . . .
. . . President Jackie! You have done a great job this year. Thank you for stepping up and taking on this position of leadership. We are also grateful that Mom Nancy agreed to become your right hand girl!
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
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