Supersaver - No, Booking and Receipt
Supersaver - No, Booking and Receipt
Supersaver - No, Booking and Receipt, booking and receipt. Order Number: JXoHAQ Booking Number: Sabre: JYPNSF - 2012-
You are traveling with electronic tickets. Ple ase bring this docum e nt toge the r with your valid passport for trave l. Always che ck that all inform ation m atche s your orde r. C ontact Supe rSave r im m e diate ly if the re is anything that is incorre ct. It is im portant that you che ck your e -m ail from us is not stoppe d in the spam filte r on your m ail, whe n all com m unication from us via e -m ail.
A irline SAS
6:30 p.m . 2:20 p.m . on June 8 3:20 p.m . 4:05 p.m . on June 8 on June 8
SQ 319
Singapore Airline s
SQ 960
Singapore Airline s
Please note that the journey continues with a new date. If accommodation is required this is done for its own account and accommodation will be in Singapore. Singapore Singapore Te rm inal 3 C ope nhage n, 1:10 July De nm ark Te rm inal 3 3 9:20 July 3 7:50 July 3 SQ 352 Singapore Airline s
10:30 on July 3
Last name Supriyadi First name R ick y Agus Passenger type Adult A llowance 1 X 20k g Price 3667, Tax 3610, Total 7277, -
7277 -
Name of the ticket whe n you orde r, we use the initial of your give n first nam e and last nam e all of your e le ctronic tick e t. All of your spe cifie d nam e passe d on to the airline in accordance with applicable safe ty re quire m e nts. If you have any , and in your nam e will autom atically conve rt the se to inte rnational standards; AE, O E and AA. Name That A ppears on the ticket W he n book ing, we use the first of all of your give n nam e s and all Surnam e s O n Your e le ctronic tick e t. All of your nam e s State d Have Be e n Passe d on to the airline s in accordance with e x isting se curity R e gulations. If you garde n , , and in your nam e , this has Be e n C onve rte d to inte rnational aviation standards for UE, AA, AE or O E. Important information about your flight , you, the custom e r is re sponsible to che ck your flight tim e s on both the outward and re turn journe y. Visit to che ck your curre nt flight tim e s. You log in using your last nam e and book ing num be r. Do not use , and whe n you write your nam e . For e x am ple : S R ENSEN is Soe re nse n, Ak e rlund Ak e rlund and will be Ste r Ste r. ( = AE, E = O E and = AA)
Payment Summary
Flight, O slo - Jak arta - O slo Account or C re dit C ard TOTA L Inc VAT PA ID Paym e nt Me thod: C re dit C ard / C re dit C ard 7277, 141, 7418, 0, 7418, -
Passport and visa / transit visa R e m e m be r to bring your passport and any visa / transit visa whe n trave ling. If you have not alre ady done so, you should che ck your curre nt passport and visa / transit visa for the country you are visiting. Both the e m bassy and the airline you are trave ling with. For com ple te inform ation, we re com m e nd that you visit MFA's we bsite by clicking here " W he re you will find inform ation and contact de tails of e m bassie s and consulate s. Baggage Information The baggage we ight spe cifie d by the re se rvation is the m ax im um allowe d we ight for che ck e d baggage . Man is re sponsible for inve stigating the e x act storage conditions for both cabin and hold baggage dire ctly with the re spe ctive airline s. Other
5/4/12, booking and receipt. Order Number: JXoHAQ Booking Number: Sabre: JYPNSF - 2012-
Other If you wish to cance l, the re is som e thing wrong in your book ing confirm ation and your de parture tim e be fore our ne x t phone tim e , ple ase contact dire ctly with the airline , hote l or car re ntal com pany. Marco Polo Trave l Ltd is shown as the paye e on your state m e nt. Supe rSave r disclaim s liability to any and all costs re late d to involuntary stays, transportation, by change of airport and sim ilar situations. Te rm s and C onditions and othe r inform ation can be found at www.supe rsave W he n orde ring trip / re turn tick e t, it is not possible to abstain from the first part of the journe y to only use the re turn journe y. Doing this whole trip is cance le d by the airline and the re is no re fund of the tick e t cost. W e at Supe rSave r wish you / you a good journe y.
Address information
Supe rSave r / Marco Polo Trave l A / S PO Box 1238 Vik a 0110 O slo re gistration num be r: 985 711 259 To se nd m ail use the contact form , click here " or call 815 59 598 C ustom e r se rvice phone is ope n e ve ry we e k day be twe e n 0930-1130 and 1330-1530. If you want to call us you will find our phone num be r and hours during all points of contact form .