wtn09 Bullmore
wtn09 Bullmore
wtn09 Bullmore
Conservative approaches to the prediction of noise immissions from wind farms reduce the risk of compliance failure. However, overly conservative approaches introduce the risk of not capturing the true energy generating capacity of a given wind farm site. Unlike other forms of development, conservative planning of wind farms cannot be offset by increased mitigation without incurring such lost energy generating potential. The large scale of modern wind farms means that seemingly small conservatisms in the prediction of noise immission levels can translate to substantial lost development opportunities. A worst case assessment methodology assumes that a receiver is located downwind of every turbine, all turbines experience the same wind conditions as the first upwind turbine, the ground acts as a hard reflective surface, and all turbines are emitting sound power greater than test levels. Minimal reductions, if any, are factored for the excess attenuation provided by the atmosphere and barrier effects. In practice, all these factors are unlikely to transpire simultaneously. To gauge the pessimism of this approach, several campaigns of long term measurements were carried out near operational wind farms and compared to noise levels predicted using several techniques. Initial results were presented previously; this paper presents further results and analysis and discusses the opportunities for more realistic prediction techniques. The paper then continues to discuss the potential impact that the use of more realistic prediction techniques may have on increasing the potential generating capacity of wind farm sites.
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It is common practice in many countries to control the noise impact of proposed wind farm developments by setting limits for the maximum level of noise that may occur at surrounding noise sensitive receptor locations. An important distinction in this practice is that the test of compliance in some countries may be based on predicted noise levels alone, whilst in others the test is based on the actual noise levels that occur in practice, as demonstrated by measurements. The latter method offers benefits for regulators in that there is a definitive limit for the noise that may occur in practice. However, measurement based compliance places the onus on developers and their advisors to plan and design wind farms in a way that adequately addresses the risk of a failed compliance test and the subsequent power generation losses that could be incurred to address the failure. The prediction of wind farm noise immission levels (i.e. the noise occurring at the receiver location, in contrast to the emission level that defines the sound power output of the sources) is therefore an integral element of the planning process for measurement based noise compliance regimes. However, prediction of environmental noise immissions from wind farms is influenced by a range of variables. This means that choices have to be made in the calculation parameters adopted for these variables in any assessment, and these choices can have a significant bearing on the outcome results. The propagation of environmental noise immissions, and therefore its prediction, is influenced by a number of variables. This is evident in the measured noise levels observed around wind farms. Such noise levels tend to show a relatively wide range of temporal variation, even under relatively stable downwind propagation conditions. The key focus of a prediction exercise is usually the upper noise level that will occur under such downwind conditions, for which the following factors must be addressed: the turbine sound power and any associated uncertainties; the source height; the receiver height; the wind speed experienced by the turbine rotors, how this may vary across the rotor diameter, how it may vary between individual turbines across a multiturbine site, and how these variations relate to reference wind speeds derived at other heights or locations; the wind direction, and the range of angles to the direct line between the source and receiver for which downwind conditions are considered to occur, along with the portion of an expansive site that can simultaneously lie within these angles; temperature and humidity; the terrain profile with respect to intervening ground height and noise screening features; the ground characteristics of the surrounding area and any regional or seasonally varying changes to its composition; the selection of noise index adopted to quantify the calculated noise immission levels (LAeq, LA90, LA50, etc.).
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These variables, and the manner in which they are accounted for, will impact on the likelihood of the predicted noise immission levels being higher or lower than the actual immissions that occur in practice. Understanding the nature of these factors to enable informed selection of prediction input parameters is therefore vitally important for designers and developers alike if they are to make truly informed selections of their noise prediction methodologies and likewise the relevant input parameters for their selected methodology. Ultimately, there will be a trade-off of considerations, which will need to strike the appropriate balance between the potential generating capacity losses of conservative approaches and the compliance risks of more optimistic approaches. In most instances, environmental noise predictions are made on the basis of established engineering methods such as ISO 9613[1]. The use of these methods has been supported by various studies such as the EU Joule report[2] which found that such methods offered a robust means of estimating downwind noise levels that would not generally be exceeded in practice, and generally offered a margin of conservatism depending on the choices made regarding input parameters. However, despite the relative simplicity of such prediction methods (when compared to advanced numerical or analytic methods), informed choices still need to be made on a site by site basis. Experience suggests, however, that these choices can have a significant effect on the outcome findings of individual noise assessments and thus can often become the focus of considerable dispute between developers/designers and other interested parties. Previous papers[3] produced by Hoare Lea Acoustics highlighted the effect that seemingly minor assessment choices can have: differences of less than 3 dB(A) can translate in effect into large differences in the potential generating capacity of individual wind farm sites, which has implications for national-scale wind energy potential. To provide an improved basis for making noise prediction choices, Hoare Lea Acoustics have carried out noise monitoring exercises around a number of UK wind farm sites for the purpose of comparing predicted and actual noise immission levels. A key element of this investigation was to compare predicted noise levels that are derived from techniques that are normally used during the design phase of a wind farm with the actual immission levels that occur in practice. This investigation has considered predicted and measured turbine noise levels that occur for the wind speed experienced at the turbine rotors, thus focussing the analysis on sound power and propagation effects by limiting the influence of uncertainties related to reference wind speeds and wind shear. This paper presents the findings of the measurements and analysis completed to date and sets out the requirements of any further studies.
Site Descriptions
For commercial reasons, it is not possible to disclose the full details of the wind farms chosen for this study, and thus the following general descriptions are provided. All three sites (A, B and C) were located in rural areas and comprise wind farms with more than 20 turbines. The turbines in all three cases were two speed active stall regulated machines rated at over 2 MW generating capacity per machine, with hub heights of 60 to 70 meters.
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Site A
The wind farm is located on a relatively high plateau characterised by moderately undulating terrain and minimal vegetation. Ground conditions were a mix of partly grassland and mainly peat bog, but given the undulation, the land was not prone to complete saturation. In addition, ground conditions were effectively frozen for the most part of the measurements because of low ambient temperatures.
Site B
The wind farm is located in reasonably flat terrain with minimal vegetation. The ground surrounding the wind farm was almost entirely composed of peat bog. These ground characteristics, coupled with the very high rainfall in the area, meant that the ground is believed to have been totally water logged for the entire duration of the survey, thus providing effectively hard ground propagation conditions.
Site C
The terrain was lightly undulating but effectively flat in acoustic terms, and ground conditions were a mix of grassland and flooded areas. Minimal vegetation was present in the immediate surroundings of the turbines, but large areas of forestry were located further away.
Survey Description
At each site, automated Type 1 sound logging meters (SLMs) were positioned at varying distances from the nearest turbine, with an installed microphone height of approximately 1.5 m above ground. For all sites, the SLMs were set to log continuous periods of 10 minute noise levels, recording statistical and equivalent noise level parameters. The internal clocks on the SLMs were synchronised with the wind farm control system. All systems were calibrated on deployment, during interim data collection and following collection from site, no significant drifts in sensitivity were found (typically below 0.5 dB(A)). Supplementary non-acoustic data was obtained from the Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) System of each wind farm for the operation of the turbines and met mast during the period of noise monitoring. The SCADA data provided the following information: date/time at the end of each 10 minute period; primary wind speed from the turbine nacelle (mean); turbine power output (kW) (mean); turbine rotor speed (min/mean/max); turbine nacelle orientation (mean); met mast wind speeds at hub height (mean); met mast wind direction at hub height (mean); rainfall indication;
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temperature and humidity (not used in the present assessment but effects to be studied).
Site A
3 sound level meters were positioned to the northwest of the wind farm at distances ranging from 415 m to 920 m. The equipment comprised Svantek SVAN949 logging SLMs housed in environmental enclosures with battery power. The enclosures have an integral pole to provide a mounting for the microphone and windshield system. A two layer windshield system was used to reduce wind induced noise on the microphone. The primary windshield and rain protection were provided by a 01dB BAP21 outdoor microphone adaptor which enclosed the standard microphone and pre-amplifier. The secondary windshield was custom made from open cell foam approximately 25 mm thickness formed as a domed cylinder 170 mm diameter and 300 mm high. A lower disc of 40 mm thick open cell foam formed total enclosure of primary windshield. The outer windshields were custom designed following the guidance given in the report Noise Measurements in Windy Conditions[4]. The report indicates that the insertion loss of this type of windshield assembly is likely to be less than 1 dB between 50 Hz and 5 kHz. The positioning of the meters was largely driven by practical access constraints. A total measurement period of approximately 47 days was obtained at this site.
Site B
5 sound level meters were positioned along a single line directed just to the west of north. The alignment of this array of meters was chosen for the availability of stable ground conditions and to avoid local streams to the north east of the site which would have been sufficient to contaminate the measurements with water flow noise. The measurement distances were 101 m, 270 m, 466 m and 754 m. The equipment was the same as that used at Site A. A total measurement period of approximately 34 days was obtained at the 100 m location and more than 57 days at the other locations. Whilst the northwest positioning of the meters for both sites A and B was out of the direct down-wind line according to the prevailing UK south westerly wind direction, it offered a broader mix of wind directions to be acquired enabling both downwind and crosswind noise propagation conditions to be investigated.
Site C
At site C, five sound level meters were positioned along two lines directed to the North and North-East, at distances of 100 m to 820 m from the closest turbine, in recognition of prevailing wind directions and site constraints such as streams and forestry. Individual positions surrounding the site, at distances of 700 m to 1000 m were also installed. In addition to the Svantek SLMs, systems based on RION NL-31 SLMs in similar enclosures were used, and the microphones equipped with large diameter windshields. To reduce uncertainties due to ground absorption effects and help characterise the effective noise emissions of the sources, the closest position consisted of a microphone installation on a circular hard board with a double hemispherical wind-
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shield arrangement, following the guidance of IEC 61400-11[5] for turbine sound power certification. In addition, several other individual positions were located at varying distances around the wind farm. A total of approximately 2 months measurement data was obtained.
The first element of the data analysis was to correlate the measured noise level information with the prevailing wind conditions. At the design stage of a wind farm, predictions would normally be based on a single reference free condition wind speed value which is taken to be experienced simultaneously by all wind turbines (with the exception of very large sites where more than one reference may be used). Thus, for this study, it was initially chosen to relate the measured noise levels to a single wind speed and direction representation for the site. Generally, this information was acquired from the site meteorological masts. However, at Site B, it was known that under certain directions, the reference meteorological masts would be downwind of the wind farm and the wind speed measurement would therefore be influenced by the wind farms presence. For these directions, the wind speed was taken from turbine locations that were upwind of the remainder of the site. The wind speed data at the turbines were deduced from the nacelle anemometer readings, subsequently corrected to free-flow conditions (using site-specific nacelle corrections supplied by the site operators). In all instances, the wind speed reference for the correlation related to hub height wind speeds. Due to differing client requirements for sites, the wind speed data was either corrected to 10m wind speed heights assuming reference roughness conditions (z=0.05) (Sites A and C), or raw hub height wind speed data was referenced (Site B). The correlated noise and wind speed data were then filtered to eliminate any periods in which rainfall was indicated to have occurred, or during the times when service personnel were known to have been near the sound level meters. At site A, additional data filtering comprised reduction of the data set to wind directions from 90 to 200 degrees to provide a 110 degree wide arc of downwind propagation conditions (required to encompass the distributed measurement locations). At Site B and C, data filtering resulted in the production of two datasets for downwind angle ranges +/-15 degrees from directly downwind and +/-45 degrees from directly downwind. The former angle range is specified in the relevant turbine sound power output standard (BS EN 61400 Part 11:2003[5]) whilst the latter represents an extended range often regarded as still representing downwind conditions (although downwind propagation can ultimately occur for wider angles due to the range of wind speeds considered for wind farm sound propagation). An additional dataset was also formed for wind directions within +/-45 degrees of directly upwind conditions for the nearest turbine and the measurement line. In addition, the study focussed on the periods in which all turbines were generating in high speed mode.
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For each of these correlated 10 minute records, predicted noise levels were generated using the ISO 9613 prediction methodology according to the following parameters: source height equal to hub height; receiver height equal to 4 m and free-field conditions; 10 degrees Celsius and 70% relative humidity; flat and level ground cover for two separate conditions: G = 0 and G = 0.5 (for source, middle, and receiver ground) to consider hard and mixed ground cover conditions, according to site-specific considerations; turbine sound power data provided by the manufacturers and measured according to BS EN IEC 61400 Part 11:2003[5], excluding any margin for test uncertainty or manufacturers warranties (i.e. raw measurement turbine noise levels). The turbine sound power data was converted to hub height wind speeds (assuming reference ground roughness of 0.05 m) and plotted to obtain a 3rd order polynomial best fit curve. This curve was then used to obtain the sound power value for non-integer wind speeds when required; the subtraction of 2 dB(A) to correct for the use of the LA90 rather than LAeq index, according to ETSU-R-97[6]. This assumption was found to be consistent with the analysis of the measured data.
The predictions are first made without inclusion of any margin for test uncertainty or manufactures warranties. It is common practice for manufacturers to add approximately 2 dB, although actual values may be considerably different to this according to commercial factors. The IEC 61400-11 standard requires an estimate of the test uncertainty to be presented along with the determined turbine sound power, and reported values tend to be less than 2 dB.
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The predicted immission levels, excluding any margin for uncertainty, generally exceed measured levels; the margin above typical, average immission levels is approximately 3 dB(A). The addition of a further 2 dB(A) sound power uncertainty margin would then correspond to a significant over-estimate of typical immission levels. Furthermore, background ambient levels have likely influenced the measurement to some extent; this aspect is discussed in more detail for site B below.
Location 3 (Wind Directions 90 to 200 Only) 60
L90 dB(A)
Figure 1 - Comparison of Site A measured (grey) and predicted (red) noise levels at measurement location 3 only.
Site B
It was more straightforward for this site to directly compare the 4 different measurement locations, situated at increasing distance from the wind farm. The group of charts presented in Figures 2a to 2d relate purely to the Site B measurements, with associated noise immission predictions presented for a single prediction methodology, which is based on hard ground cover (ISO 9613 G=0 for the source, middle and receiver ground). This is because site observations indicated the soil to be almost totally submerged by ground and surface water for which G=0 would be expected to be the appropriate ground characterisation. A single reference free-field wind speed for each ten minute period is assumed to occur at all of the turbines The indicated upwind measurements for all four sites are the +/-45 degree upwind measurements taken from the furthest position (where upwind noise levels are more likely to relate to background noise levels). The indicated downwind measurements are for the +/-15 degrees angle only. Comparison of the results for the four separate measurement locations indicates the following:
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The upwind and downwind measurements show a very clear noise level difference which supports the view that downwind measurements have been strongly influenced, if not controlled by, the wind farms emissions. At the furthest location, the difference between the downwind measurement trend line and the general trend of the upwind values is around 6 to 7 dB(A). Previous studies such as the EU Joule project[2] have indicated differences between upwind and downwind turbine noise levels of the order of 10 dB(A) to 15 dB(A) at distant locations. The observation of a lower difference at the furthest position may indicate that either the 10 dB(A) to 15 dB(A) reduction has not been realised at this site, or more likely, that the background noise is dominating the upwind measurements, thus limiting the observed difference. At all locations, the predicted immissions trend line generally exceeds (by up to approximately 1 dB(A) at the nearest measurement location) or just equals the downwind measured data trend line. The exact background noise level influence at each measurement location for each 10 minute period cannot be known. It is however likely that the background noise level may have contributed 1 dB(A) or more to the total measured noise levels at the furthest location. The margin between actual turbine contribution and the predicted immission levels will therefore be greater than indicated by the total measurement comparison represented in the charts. At hub height wind speeds up to approximately 12 m/s, the margin between the prediction trend line and measurement trend line is relatively constant for increasing wind speed at each site. At higher wind speeds, the prediction and measurement trend lines diverge at each site, with the predictions showing an increasing margin above the measured noise levels. Subsequent results discussed later tend to suggest this is due to the increased significance of wind speed variations across the wind farm at higher wind speeds. The margin between the prediction trend line and measurement trend line tends to progressively decrease with increasing distance from the turbines. The most obvious potential cause of this effect is the increasing influence of background noise at increasing distance. However, another important consideration is the changing angle between the turbines and the measurement locations relative to the wind direction with increasing distance from the turbines. As the receiver location approaches the turbine locations it becomes increasing unlikely that the receiver location could lie downwind of every turbine simultaneously. This means that some turbines at peripheral positions may contribute less than the directly downwind propagation assumed in the prediction. At increasing distance, this effect is reduced, and the turbines located at the periphery of the site will then increasingly contribute to the total wind farm noise level (i.e. a greater portion of the turbines at the wind farm site will be propagating sound under conditions closer to direct downwind propagation).
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Site B - Measurement Location 1 (100 m) 60 Measured Predicted 55 Upwind (45) Poly. (Predicted) Poly. (Measured)
Total LA90 Noise Levels (dB)
Site B - Measurement Location 2 (270 m) 60 Measured Predicted 55 Upwind (45) Poly. (Predicted) Poly. (Measured)
Total LA90 Noise Levels (dB)
Sample analysis group set to compare Site B measured and predicted noise levels at the 4 measurement distances. All downwind angles restricted to +/-15 degrees. Predicted noise levels based on a single site wind speed reference and G = 0.
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Site B - Measurement Location 3 (466 m) 60 Measured Predicted 55 Upwind (45) Poly. (Predicted) Poly. (Measured)
Total LA90 Noise Levels (dB)
Site B - Measurement Location 4 (754 m) 60 Measured Predicted 55 Upwind (45) Poly. (Predicted) Poly. (Measured)
Total LA90 Noise Levels (dB)
Figure 2 (c & d): Sample analysis group set to compare Site B measured and predicted noise levels at the 4 measurement distances. All downwind angles restricted to +/-15 degrees. Predicted noise levels based on a single site wind speed reference and G = 0.
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The group of charts presented in Figures 3a and 3b relate only to measurement location 4 (754 m) of Site B. The 2 charts for this location present +/-45 degrees downwind conditions, and differ in terms of the wind speed reference used for the predictions: initially a single wind speed reference as presented in figure 2, but then modifying the predictions to account for the actual wind speed seen by each individual turbine in each 10 minute period. Comparison of the results indicates that: o Expansion of the range of downwind angles from +/-15 degrees to +/-45 degrees indicates the predictions exceed the total measured noise levels by a slightly greater margin for the widened downwind angle. This may be due to the increased number of data samples offering a better representation of the true relationship between measurements and predictions. Alternatively, this may indicate that the contribution of the dominant/nearest turbines to the measured levels is progressively reduced as the wind direction moves away from directly downwind conditions and this effect is not represented in the predictions. o The predictions made on the basis of the individual wind speed experienced by each turbine rather than a single site wind speed reference indicate immission levels which no longer diverge from the measurement trend line at higher wind speeds. This tends to suggest that the margin of conservatism demonstrated at higher wind speeds is strongly related to the reduced level of wind seen by the nearest turbines to the measurement location which may be due to sheltering and/or wake effects of upwind turbines. To investigate this further, a statistical analysis of the difference between the single wind speed reference and the wind speed of each of the turbines indicated the following key figures: o Mean difference = -0.5 m/s o Maximum decrease = -5.1 m/s o Standard deviation of differences = 1.2 m/s o Maximum increase = 4.3 m/s
[Values shown are derived from the individual turbine specific wind speeds minus the single site reference wind speed. A negative number indicates the reference wind speed is overestimating the wind speed at each individual turbines.]
A wind speed changes of the order of 0.5 m/s would correspond to a 0.4dB difference in the sound emissions of the turbines. The values above are averages, but immission levels are dominated by the closest turbines which are also the most shielded in down-wind conditions. The scatter of the predicted data also appears closer to that of the measurement data when using the variable wind speed reference, which suggests this effect could be a significant source of the variability observed in practice. o Although the predictions appear to match with measurements at the most distant location, the latter were likely influenced by background noise to a certain degree. If the typical upwind measured noise levels are taken as an estimate of the background levels, this influence would then equate to an increase of 1 dB to 2 dB. The true margin between predictions and measurements would then be similar to the margin observed at closer locations. The further addition of a 2 dB(A) uncertainty margin would then correspond to a significant over-estimate of typical immission levels.
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Site B - Measurement Location 4 (754 m) 60 Measured Predicted 55 Upwind (45) Poly. (Predicted) Poly. (Measured) 50
Total LA90 Noise Level (dB)
Figure 3a: Comparison of Site B measured and predicted noise levels at measurement location 4 only. All downwind angles restricted to +/-45 degrees. Predicted noise levels based on a single site wind speed reference and G = 0.
Site B - Measurement Location 4 (754 m) 60 Measured Predicted 55 Upwind (45) Poly. (Predicted) Poly. (Measured) 50
Total LA90 Noise Level (dB)
Figure 3b:
Comparison of Site B measured and predicted noise levels at measurement location 4 only. All downwind angles restricted to +/-45 degrees. Predicted noise levels based on turbine specific wind speeds and G = 0.
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Site C
The prediction methodology for this site was based on a mixed ground cover (ISO 9613 G=0.5 for the source, middle and receiver ground) based on site observations described above. The results obtained for site A and B suggest that adding a 2 dB uncertainty margin, typical of the commercial warranty margin used for some turbine models, to the raw tested sound power values, is likely to lead to an over-estimate of actual turbine noise immission levels. The stated test uncertainty, as required by the relevant IEC 61400-11 standard, has therefore been referenced instead. For the turbines installed at site C, the predictions were made by using the measured sound power data and adding the corresponding stated uncertainty value of 1 dB. Figure 4 shows the noise levels measured at position 1, situated 100 m from to the closest turbine on a reflective board. At this position, the influence of background noise levels is minimal. However, comparisons with predictions at this location were complicated by the proximity of the measurement location to the turbines which makes it unlikely it could lie downwind of every turbine simultaneously. The effect of the wind speed variations across the site (described below) was also identified as significant.
65 60 55 50
Noise Level L90 dB(A)
Figure 4: Levels measured at site C, position 1. Green points correspond to high-speed operation of the site, and purple points to some turbines operating at low-speed or not at all.
The 2-speed pattern of operation of the turbine installed at site C is clearly apparent in Figure 4, with the turbines operating in a lower speed in lighter wind, and a higher fixed speed (with corresponding louder noise emissions) in stronger winds. Intermediate levels correspond to times where only part of the site was operating in a high-speed mode. In the remainder of the analysis, this region of high-speed operation was the focus of the study, in order to obtain the highest signal-to-noise
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ratio. In particular, it is expected that the region where turbines have switched to high-speed operation while wind speeds remain moderate will correspond to the least background-affected measurements. Figures 5a and 5b display the levels measured at the two locations situated respectively 450 and 750 m from the closest turbine, along the North-East line. Similar general observations can be made as were made for site B, above. Compared to the latter site, the more distant measurement locations of site C were situated close to forestry and vegetation which created higher wind-related background noise levels, affecting the measurements; it was not possible to operate site shutdowns to characterise more precisely the background noise levels, but figure 5b indicates that the margin between noise levels measured in upwind and downwind conditions is low. Comparing figures 5a and 5b, it is apparent that the margin between raw measured values and predictions is constant over the windspeed range in the first case, but increases in the second: this suggests that this increased margin is not related to changes in the noise source but in backgroundrelated effects. Therefore, in both cases the turbine immission noise levels are thought to be close or lower than the predictions. The exact background noise level influence at each measurement location for each 10 minute period cannot be known. It is however likely that the background noise level may have contributed approximately 1 dB(A) to the total noise levels measured at location 3 (750 m distance). In addition, historical background data measured in nearby locations suggests that the background levels measured in downwind conditions were marginally higher, because of site-specific effects, suggesting that the background levels described above are underestimated to some extent. Figures 6a and 6b display a similar comparison for the measurements made at positions 4 and 5, which were situated respectively 700 and 820 m from the closest turbine. Similar observations can be made as for locations 2 and 3 above.
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65 60 55 50
Noise Level L90 dB(A)
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 Wind Speed at 10m (m/s) 9 10 11 12 Measured (turbine + background) Predicted turbine (G=0.5) Poly. (Measured (turbine + background))
Figure 5a:
Levels Comparison of Site C measured and predicted noise levels at measurement location 2 (450 m distance). All downwind angles restricted to +/-45 degrees. Predicted noise levels based on a single site wind speed reference and G = 0.5.
65 60 55 50
Noise Level L90 dB(A)
45 40 35 30
Figure 5b:
Levels Comparison of Site C measured and predicted noise levels at measurement location 3 (750 m distance). Downwind and upwind angles restricted to +/-45 degrees. Predicted noise levels based on a single site wind speed reference and G = 0.5. The low margin above background levels suggests that actual turbine noise levels will be closer to the predictions.
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65 60 55 50
Noise Level L90 dB(A)
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 Wind Speed at 10m (m/s) 9 10 11 12 Measured (turbine + background) Predicted turbine (G=0.5) Poly. (Measured (turbine + background))
Figure 6a:
Levels Comparison of Site C measured and predicted noise levels at measurement location 4 (700 m distance). All downwind angles restricted to +/-45 degrees. Predicted noise levels based on a single site wind speed reference and G = 0.5.
65 60 55 50
Noise Level L90 dB(A)
Figure 6b:
Levels Comparison of Site C measured and predicted noise levels at measurement location 5 (820 m distance). All downwind angles restricted to +/-45 degrees. Predicted noise levels based on a single site wind speed reference and G = 0.5.
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Noise levels were also measured at several positions surrounding the site, at distances of 700 to 1000 m: for these locations, complexities due to the influence of background noise levels hindered the interpretation of the results, but observations were generally consistent with the comments made above. Finally, observations could be made for site C in terms of the difference between the single wind speed reference and the wind speed of each of the turbines, with the following results: o Mean difference = -0.4 m/s o Maximum decrease = -8.9 m/s o Standard deviation of differences = 1.4 m/s o Maximum increase = 7.8 m/s Figure 7 demonstrates the trend that the reduction in effective wind speeds between the upwind and downwind extremities of the wind farm site tends to be higher with increasing wind speeds. These observations are similar to those made for site B.
Difference between upwind and downind turbine
Figure 7:
Difference between the wind speed measured at hub height (standardised to 10 m) between the most upwind and the most downwind turbine at site C, over a period of approximately 3 months. A negative number indicates that the downwind wind speed is lower.
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The results of the study of noise emissions from large operating wind-farm sites have supported the view that engineering methods such as ISO 9613 offer a robust means of determining the upper turbine immission levels that may occur in practice under favourable, downwind propagation conditions. Detailed analyses made to date of completed large-scale measurement studies illustrate the extent of conservatism that may be inherent to certain prediction methods and choices. Our studies also illustrate the difficulties encountered in noise immission measurements, and in particular evaluating the measurement contribution directly attributable to turbine immissions alone and defining a relevant wind speed reference. Measurements made closer to the source can help in evaluating the different contributions within the measurements. Predictions using relatively conservative methods tend to equal or exceed total measured noise levels in practice. In particular, the addition of relatively high uncertainty margins corresponding to the use of commercial warranted sound power, as well as the choice of pessimistic propagation parameters, both have the propensity to result in significant design conservatism. Whilst these conservatisms may seem numerically small, and will be of limited significance subjectively, the consequences in power generating losses can be substantial. The results are in line with recommendations for best practice in wind farm noise predictions as recently set out by several practitioners in the field in the UK[7]. Whilst certain choices of parameters have been found to be effective in practice, further detailed studies would be required to determine exact propagation effects occurring. The findings have also shown that the assumption of a single wind speed reference for all turbines that form a large wind farm site may overestimate the actual wind speed seen by each individual turbine. This is particularly the case for the turbines nearest to a location of interest which may be partly shielded by the furthest upwind turbines which experience uninterrupted (by the wind farm) and higher wind speed conditions. This means that a single wind speed reference will likely overestimate the sound emissions of the turbines nearest to a location of interest. This effect appears to be most significant at higher wind speeds for the sites studied. In summary, better knowledge of the relationship between predicted and actual noise immission levels has the potential to reduce un-necessary conservatism and enable substantially enhanced generating capacity during the design phase of a wind farm. This requires that careful account is taken of the specifics of each site under consideration and that compatible design choices are made to avoid cumulative pessimism which may be unlikely to simultaneously occur in practice. Further study works would be beneficial to identify in more detail and in isolation the influence of different ground conditions, of more complex terrains profiles, and other types of turbines such as variable speed machines. Further study of directional propagation effects would be beneficial given their relevance to large wind farm site and cumulative impacts.
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[1] ISO 9613-2 Acoustics Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors Part 2: General method of calculation, International Standards Organisation, ISO 9613-2, 1996. [2] JOR3-CT95-0091 Development of a Wind farm Noise Propagation Prediction Model, Bass J H, Bullmore A J, Sloth E, Final Report for EU Contract JOR3-CT95-0051, 1998. [3] Wind Farm Noise Predictions - The Risks of Conservatism, J. Adcock, A. Bullmore, M. Jiggins and M. Cand, Second International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise, Lyon, France, September 2007 [4] ETSU W/13/00386/REP Noise Measurements in Windy Conditions, Davis R A, Lower MC, 1996 [5] BS EN IEC 61400 Part 11:2003. Wind turbine generator systems - Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques. British Standards Institute. [6] The Assessment and Rating of Noise from Wind Farms - ETSU-R-97. The Working Group on Noise from Wind Turbines. September 1996. [7] Prediction and Assessment of Wind Turbine Noise - agreement about relevant factors for noise assessment from wind energy projects, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics (Acoustics Bulletin), Vol34, No 2, March/April 2009, pp3537; Bowdler, Bullmore, Davis, Hayes, Jiggins, Leventhall, McKenzie.
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