Curtin Singapore Application
Curtin Singapore Application
Curtin Singapore Application
This application form is for students applying to study onshore at Curtin Singapore
Personal details
__________________ Title __________________________________________________ Given names _________________________________________________ Family name
On all official documentation your name will appear as Given name/s, family name - if this is not how your name appears in your passport or birth certificate please print your name as it appears on these documents. Curtin student ID
(if previously a Curtin/WAIT student)
If your name has changed since you were last enrolled, please print previous name.
(e.g. Accounting)
To help us better evaluate our marketing strategies, please indicate how you first heard about the course you are applying for. Prospectus Website Newspaper Advertisement Exhibition/fairs Agent Friend/relative
GCE O level
Would you like to apply for an English language course? EAP IELTS IAE GE
Note: Having made this selection, you will receive a package from Navitas English Singapore.
Personal address (Address in home country. A post office box number is NOT acceptable).
Number and street Suburb/town State Country Mailing address Post/zip code
Medical/disability needs
The information below is used to assist the University in monitoring, supporting and improving services to students with medical/ disability requirements. Disclosing this information will not affect your admission to the University. Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition which may affect your studies? Please indicate the type/s of disability Hearing Vision Learning Medical Y Mobility N Other Y N
Would you like to receive information on support services, equipment and facilities available that may assist you?
Educational qualifications
Please provide details of all formal studies that you have completed and those that you are currently undertaking. You are required to supply an original or certified* copy of your academic award/s and transcript/s for all tertiary studies except those undertaken at Curtin/WAIT. Academic records must contain an explanation of grading system descriptions. Name of qualification (e.g. A level / Diploma in Business) Institution/School/University (e.g. Raffles Junior College) Year enrolled (e.g. 1992) Year completed (e.g. 1995 or not completed) Date results expected (if applicable)
Employment details
Submission of supplementary information to your postgraduate application varies across courses. Applicants are advised to refer to the application guidelines and submit relevant supporting documentation. Guidelines and supplementary forms are available from: futurestudents/ Employer/Company Name Address Post/zip code Contact Name Position title and brief description of your duties Telephone
(To be completed if applying for a postgraduate course where work experience is an entry requirement).
Agents stamp
Privacy statement
At Curtin University, the privacy of our students, staff and the people we deal with is very important to us. Much of the information that the University collects in order to provide the services that it does, is personal information. For details of how the University will use, disclose and protect your personal information please contact Curtin Singapore admissions.
Privacy statement
At Curtin Singapore, the privacy of our students, staff and the people we deal with is very important to us. Much of the information that Curtin Singapore collects in order to provide the services that it does, is personal information. For details of how Curtin Singapore will use, disclose and protect your personal information please contact Curtin Singapore admissions.