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Sowing The Seeds of Destruction PT 1

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With Rockefeller family funding, the Green Revolution laid the groundwork for the Gene Revolution, allowing

a handful of Anglo-American agribusiness giants to gain worldwide control of the food supply. Part 1 of 2

F. William (Bill) Engdahl is a leading researcher, economist and analyst of the New World Order who has written on issues of energy, politics and economics for over 30 years. He is also a frequent speaker at international conferences and is a distinguished research associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, where he's a regular contributor. He is author of A Century of War: AngloAmerican Oil Politics and the New World Order (Pluto Press, 2004) and Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation (Global Research, 2007; see http://globalresearch.ca/books/SoD.html), which is the subject of this review article. He can be contacted by email at info@engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net. Stephen Lendman

by Stephen Lendman
January 2008 A Review of Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl Email: lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net Blogsite: http://www.sjlendman.blogspot.com

Genetically Engineered Foods: An Experiment on the Masses n 2003, Jeffrey Smith's Seeds of Deception was published. It exposes the dangers of untested and unregulated genetically engineered or modified (GE/GM) foods that most people in the USA eat every day with no knowledge of the potential health risks. Efforts to inform the public have been quashed, and reliable science has been buried. Consider what happened to the world's leading lectins and plant genetic modification expert, UK-based Arpd Pusztai. He was vilified and fired from his research position at Scotland's Rowett Research Institute for publishing industry-unfriendly data that he was commissioned to produce on the safety of GM foods. His Rowett Research study was the first ever independent one conducted on them anywhere. He undertook it, believing in their promise, but became alarmed by his findings. His results were startling and have implications for humans eating genetically engineered/modified foods. Pusztai found that rats fed GM potatoes had smaller livers, hearts, testicles and brains, as well as damaged immune systems; they showed structural changes in their white blood cells, making them more vulnerable to infection and disease compared to other rats fed non-GM potatoes. It got worse. Thymus and spleen damage showed up, as did enlarged tissues, including the pancreas and intestines. There were cases of liver atrophy as well as significant proliferation of stomach and intestinal cells that could be a sign of greater future risk of cancer. Equally alarming was that all this happened after only 10 days of testing, and the changes persisted after 110 daysthat's the human equivalent of 10 years. GM foods today saturate our diet, particularly in the USA. Over 80 per cent of all processed foods sold in supermarkets contain them. Other GM foods include grains like rice, corn and wheat; legumes like soybeans (and a range of soy products); vegetable oils; soft drinks; salad dressings; vegetables and fruits; dairy products including eggs; meat and other animal products; and even infant formula. There's also a vast array of hidden additives and ingredients in processed foods (such as in tomato sauce, ice cream and peanut butter). They're unrevealed to consumers because such labelling is prohibited yet the more of these foods that we eat, the greater the potential threat to our health. Today, we're all lab rats in an uncontrolled, unregulated, mass human experiment, the results of which are as yet unknown. The risks from it are beyond measure, and it will take many years to discover them. Once GM seeds are introduced to an area, the genie is out of the bottle for keeps. Despite the enormous risks, however, Washington and growing numbers of governments around the world in parts of the UK, Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa now allow these products to be grown in their soil or imported. They're produced and sold to consumers because agribusiness giants like Monsanto, DuPont, Dow AgriSciences
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Bush executive order assured it, ruling that GMO plants and foods are "substantially equivalent" to ordinary ones of the same variety like corn, wheat or rice. This established the principle of "substantial equivalence" as the "lynchpin of the whole GMO revolution". It was pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo but was now law, and Engdahl equates it to a potentially biologically catastrophic "Andromeda strain"but no longer science fiction. Monsanto chose milk as its first GMO product, genetically manipulated it with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) and marketed it under the trade name Posilac. In 1993, the Clinton-era FDA declared it safe and approved it for sale before any consumer-use information was available. It's now sold in every US state and promoted as a way that cows can produce up to 30 per cent more milk. Problems, however, soon appeared. Farmers reported their stock burned out up to two years sooner than usual, serious infections developed and some animals couldn't walk. Other problems included the udder inflammation mastitis as well as deformed calves being born. The information was suppressed and rBGH milk is unlabelled, so there's no way consumers can know. They also weren't told Washington Launches the Gene Revolution Engdahl explains that the science of "biological and genetic that this hormone causes leukaemia and tumours in rats, and that a modification of plants and other life-forms" first came out of US European Commission committee concluded that humans research labs in the 1970s. The drinking rBGH milk risk breast and Reagan administration was determined prostate cancers. The European to make America dominant in this Union thus banned the product, but emerging field, and the biotech the US did not. Despite clear safety This established the principle of agribusiness industry was especially issues, the FDA failed to act and it favoured. Companies in the early allows hazardous milk to be sold "substantial equivalence" 1980s raced to develop GMO plants, below the radar. It was just the as the "lynchpin of the whole livestock and GMO-based animal beginning. drugs. Washington made it easy for GMO revolution". It was them with an unregulated, businessData Manipulation pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo friendly climate that has persisted ever Engdahl reviews the Pusztai affair, since under Republicans and the toll it took on his health, and the but was now law... Democrats alike. modest vindication he finally Leading the effort to develop received. Pusztai was already out of GMOs is a company with a "long a job when in 1999 the 300-year-old record of fraud, cover-up, bribery", British Royal Society attacked him, deceit and disdain for the public interest: Monsanto. Its first claiming that his research was "flawed in many aspects of design, product was saccharin, which was later proved to be a carcinogen. execution and analysis and that no conclusions should be drawn It then got into chemicals, plastics and became notorious for from it". This criticism had no basis in fact, and the attack was Agent Orange that was used to defoliate Vietnamese jungles in made because Pusztai's bombshell threatened to derail Britain's the 1960s and 1970s and exposed hundreds of thousands of hugely profitable GMO industry and do the same thing to its US civilians and troops to deadly dioxin, one of the most toxic of all counterpart. known compounds. As for Pusztai, after five years, several heart attacks and a Along with others in the industry, Monsanto is accused of being ruined career, he finally learned what had happened after he a shameless polluter. It has a history of secretly dumping some of announced his findings. Monsanto was the culprit. The company the most lethal substances known into water and soil and getting complained to US president Bill Clinton who, in turn, alerted the away with it. Today on its website, however, the company ignores British prime minister Tony Blair. Pusztai's findings had to be its record and calls itself "an agricultural company [applying] quashed and he had to be discredited for his discoveries. He was innovation and technology to help farmers around the world be nonetheless able to reply with the help of the highly respected successful, produce healthier foods, better animal feeds and more British scientific journal, The Lancet. In spite of Royal Society fiber, while also reducing agriculture's impact on our threats against Pusztai, the editor published his article but at a environment". Engdahl proves otherwise in his thorough research. cost. After publication, the society and the biotech industry In spite of its past, Monsanto and other GMO giants got attacked The Lancet for its action. It was a further shameless act. unregulated free rein in the 1980s and especially after George H. As a footnote, Pusztai now lectures around the world on his W. Bush became president in 1989. His administration opened GMO research and is a consultant to start-up groups researching "Pandora's box" so that no "unnecessary regulations would the health effects of these foods. Along with him and his wife, his hamper them". Thereafter, "not one single new regulatory law co-author, Professor Stanley Ewen, also suffered. He lost his governing biotech or GMO products was passed then or later position at the University of Aberdeen, and Engdahl notes that the [despite all the] unknown risks and possible health dangers". practice of suppressing unwanted truths and punishing In a totally unfettered marketplace, foxes now guard the whistleblowers is the rule, not the exception. Industry demands henhouse because the system was made self-regulatory. An elder are powerful, especially when they affect the bottom line.
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and Cargill have enormous clout to demand it and a potent partner supporting themthe US government and its agencies, including the Departments of Agriculture and State, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and even the defence establishment. The World Trade Organization's (WTO's) trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) patent rules also back them, along with industry-friendly WTO rulings like the 7 February 2006 one. The WTO favoured a US challenge against European GMO (genetically modified organisms) regulatory policies in spite of strong consumer sentiment against these foods and ingredients on the continent. It also violated the Biosafety Protocol that should let nations regulate these products in the public interestbut it doesn't because WTO trade rules sabotaged it. Nonetheless, anti-GMO activism persists, consumers still have a say and there are hundreds of GMO-free zones around the world, including in the US. All this, and more, is needed to take on the agribusiness giants that so far have everything going their way.

The Blair government went even further. It commissioned the private firm Grainseed to conduct a three-year study to prove the safety of GMO food. London's Observer newspaper later got hold of UK Ministry of Agriculture documents which showed that the tests were rigged and produced "some strange science". At least one Grainseed researcher manipulated the data to "make certain seeds in the trials appear to perform better than they really did". Nonetheless, the Ministry recommended a GMO corn variety be certified, and the Blair government issued a new code of conduct under which "any employee of a state-funded research institute who dared to speak out on findings into GMO plants could face dismissal, be sued for breach of contract or face a court injunction". In other words, whistleblowing was now illegal, even if public health was at stake. Nothing would be allowed to stop the agribusiness juggernaut from proceeding unimpeded.

The Rockefeller Plan for Agribusiness In the Cold War era, food became a strategic weapon by masquerading as "Food for Peace". It was a cover for US agricultural interests to engineer the transformation of family farming into global agribusiness, with food the tool and small farmers eliminated so their land could be Readers used most effectively. Domination of world the type of future agriculture was to be "one of the central Drastic Population Reduction pillars of post-war Washington policy, along In the midst of a worldwide drought and a that Kissinger had in with [controlling] world oil markets and stockmarket collapse, consider Kissinger's mind when he said non-communist world defense sales". The April 1974 classified memo. National defining 1973 event was a world food crisis. Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM in 1970: The shortage of grain staples, along with 200) was shaped by Rockefeller interests and "Control oil and the first of two 1970s oil shocks, aimed to adopt a "world population advanced a "significant new plan of action" for drastic global you control nations; Washington policy turn". Oil and population control, i.e., reduction. The control food and grains were rising threefold to fourfold US led the effort, making birth control in price at a time when the US was the in developing countries a prerequisite you control the world's largest food surplus producer for US aid. Engdahl sums it up in blunt people". with the most power over prices and terms: "if these inferior races get in the supply. It was an ideal time for a new way of our securing ample, cheap raw alliance between US-based grainmaterials, then we must find ways to get trading companies and the government. rid of them". The Nazis also aimed big It "laid the groundwork for the later and sought control. Population culling gene revolution". or "eugenics" was part of their scheme Enter what Engdahl calls the "great to target "inferior" races to preserve the train robbery", with Henry Kissinger the "superior" one. culprit. He decided that US agriculture Kissinger's scheme of "simpler policy was "too important to be left in the hands of the Agriculture contraceptive methods through bio-medical research" almost Department", so he took control of it himself. Readers will know sounds like DuPont's old slogan, "Better things for better living the type of future that Kissinger had in mind when he said in 1970: through chemistry". Later on, DuPont dropped "through "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control chemistry" as evidence mounted on the toxic effects of chemicals, the people". The world desperately needed grain, America had the and a changing company in 1999 began using a new slogan, "The greatest supply, and the scheme was to use this power to "radically Miracles of Science", in its advertising. change world food markets and food trade". The big winners were NSSM 200 was tied to the agribusiness agenda that began with grain traders like Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) and the 1950s and 1960s "Green Revolution" to control food Continental Grain; they were helped by Kissinger's "new food production in targeted Latin American, Asian and African diplomacy [to create] a global agriculture market for the first time". countries. Kissinger's plan had two aims: securing new US grain Food would "reward friends and punish enemies", and ties bet w e e n markets and controlling population, with 13 "unlucky" countries Washington and business lay at the heart of the strategy. chosen including India, Brazil, Nigeria, Mexico and Indonesia. The global food market was being reorganised, corporate Exploiting their resources depended on instituting drastic interests were favoured, political advantage was exploited and the population reductions to reduce home-grown demand. groundwork was laid for the 1990s "gene revolution". The scheme was ugly and was pure Kissinger. It recommended Rockefeller interests, including the Rockefeller Foundation, were forced population control and other measures to ensure US to play the decisive role as events unfolded over the next two strategic aims. Kissinger wanted global numbers reduced by 500
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decades. This reorganisation began under President Richard Nixon as the cornerstone of his farm policy; free trade was the mantra, corporate grain traders were the beneficiaries, and family farms had to go so that agribusiness giants could take over. Bankrupting family farms was the plan to remove an "excess [of] human resources". Engdahl calls it a "thinly veiled form of food imperialism" as part of a scheme for the US to become "the world granary". The family farm was to become the "factory farm" and agriculture was to become "agribusiness", dominated by a few corporate giants with incestuous ties to Washington. Dollar devaluation was also part of the scheme under Nixon's New Economic Plan (NEP), which included closing the gold window in 1971 to let the currency float freely. Developing nations were targeted as well with the idea that they forget about being food-self-sufficient in grains and beef, rely on America for key commodities and concentrate instead on small fruits, sugar and vegetables for export. Earned foreign exchange could then buy US imports and repay International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank loans that create a never-ending cycle of debt slavery. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was also used, as was later the WTO with rules written by corporations to suit their own bottom-line interests. will know

million by the year 2000 and argued for doubling the 10 million believed they had the right to decide who lived or died. annual death rate to 20 million thereafter. Engdahl calls it Powerful figures as well as leading American business families "genocide", according to the strict definition of the 1948 UN were behind the effort. So were notables in the UK, then and Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of earlier, such as Winston Churchill and John Maynard Keynes. Genocide statute that defines this crime legally. Kissinger is guilty Alan Gregg, the Rockefeller Foundation Medical Division chief under it for wanting to withhold food aid to "people who can't or for 34 years, said that "people pollute, so eliminate pollution by won't control their population growth"in other words, if they eliminating [undesirable] people". He compared city slums to won't do it, we'll do it for them. The strategy included fertility cancerous tumours and called them "offensive to decency and control, called "family planning", that was linked to the availability beauty". Better to remove them and cleanse the landscape. of key resources. Rockefeller family members backed the plan; This was Rockefeller Foundation policy, and it is "key to Kissinger was their "hired hand" and he was well rewarded for his understanding [its later efforts] in the revolution in biotechnology efforts, e.g., he was kept from being prosecuted where he's wanted and plant genetics". The foundation's mission from inception was as a war criminal and could be arrested overseas. to "[cull] the herd, or systematically [reduce] populations of Besides his better-known crimes, consider what Kissinger did 'inferior breeds'". The problem for supremacists is that too many to poor Brazilian women through a policy of mass sterilisation of a lesser element spells trouble when they demand more of what under NSSM 200. After 14 years of the program, the Brazilian the privileged want for themselves. Solution: remove them, Health Ministry discovered shocking reports using anything from birth control and of an estimated 44 per cent of all Brazilian sterilisation to starvation and wars of women between ages 14 and 55 being extermination. permanently sterilised. Organisations like JD III was right in step with this thinking. the International Planned Parenthood He was nurtured on Malthusian Federation and Family Health International pseudoscience and embraced the dogma. In were involved, and USAID directed the 1931 he joined the family foundation, where American program. USAID has a long, disturbing he was influenced by eugenicists like agribusiness history of backing US imperialism, yet it Raymond Fosdick and Frederick Osborn, claims on its website that it extends "a both of whom were founding members of the would later get helping hand to those people overseas American Eugenics Society. In 1952 he used involved through struggling to make a better life, recover[ing] his own funds to found the New Yorkbased from a disaster or striving to live in a free and Population Council, at which he promoted a policy of global democratic country". openly racist studies on overpopulation food control. Even more disturbing is that an estimated dangers. Over the next 25 years, the council 90 per cent of Brazilian women of spent US$173 million on global Food is power. African descent were sterilised in a population reduction and became the When used to cull nation with a black population second world's most influential organisation only to Nigeria's. Powerful figures promoting these supremacist ideas. the population, backed the scheme, but most influential However, it avoided the term it's a weapon of were the Rockefellers, with John D. III "eugenics" because of its Nazi having the most clout on population association and instead used language mass destruction. policy. In 1969, Nixon appointed him like "birth control", "family planning" head of the Commission on Population and "free choice"; it was all the same. Growth and the American Future. The Before World War II, Rockefeller commission's earlier work laid the associate and foundation board member ground for Kissinger's NSSM 200 and Frederick Osborn enthusiastically its policy of extermination through supported Nazi eugenics experiments subterfuge. that led to mass exterminations which were later vilified. Back then, he believed eugenics was the "most important experiment that has The Brotherhood of Death Long before Kissinger (and his assistant, Brent Scowcroft) ever been tried", and later he wrote a book, The Future of Human made population reduction official US foreign policy, the Heredity (1968), with "eugenics" in the subtitle. He stated that Rockefellers were experimenting on humans. JD III led the women could be convinced to reduce their births voluntarily and effort. In the 1950s, while Nelson was exploiting cheap Puerto he began substituting the term "genetics" for the now out-of-favour Rican labour in New York and on the island, brother JD III was "eugenics". conducting mass sterilisation experiments on Puerto Rican During the Cold War, population culling drew supporters that women. By the mid-1960s, Puerto Rico's Public Health included the cream of corporate America. They backed private Department estimated the toll: one-third or more of unsuspecting population reduction initiatives like Margaret Sanger's poor women of child-bearing age had been permanently sterilised. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). The major JD III expressed his views in a 1961 UN Food and Agriculture media also spread the notion that "over-population in developing Organization (FAO) lecture: "To my mind, population growth [and countries leads to hunger and more poverty [which, in turn, its reduction] is second only to control of atomic weapons as the becomes] the fertile breeding ground" for international paramount problem of the day". He meant, of course, reducing communism. American agribusiness would later get involved unwanted parts of the population to preserve valuable resources for through a policy of global food control. Food is power. When the privileged. He was also influenced by eugenicists, race used to cull the population, it's a weapon of mass destruction. theorists and Malthusians at the Rockefeller Foundation who Consider the current situation with the UN FAO reporting
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From the 1930s, Nelson Rockefeller had significant Latin American interests, especially in areas of oil and banking. In the early 1940s, he sought new opportunities and along with brother Laurance bought vast amounts of cheap, high-quality farmland so the family could get into agriculturebut it wasn't for family farming: the Rockefellers wanted global monopolies, and their scheme was to do in agriculture what the family patriarch had done in oil, along with using food and agricultural technologies as Cold War weapons. By 1954, the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, known as PL 480 or "Food for Peace", established surplus food as a US foreign policy tool. Nelson used his considerable influence on the State Department because every postwar department secretary, from 1952 through 1979, had ties to the family through its foundation: namely, John Foster Dulles, Dean Rusk, Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance. These men supported Rockefeller views on private business and knew that the family saw agriculture the way it saw oilas commodities to be "traded, controlled, [and] made scarce or plentiful" to suit the foreign policy goals of dominant corporations controlling their trade. The family got into agriculture in 1947 when Nelson founded the International Basic Economy Corporation (IBEC). Through it, he introduced "mass-scale agribusiness in countries where US dollars The Subterfuge of "Food for Peace" American elites in the late 1930s began planning an American could buy huge influence in the 1950s and 1960s". Nelson then century in the postwar worlda Pax Americana ("American allied with grain-trading giant Cargill in Brazil, where they began Peace") to succeed the fading British developing hybrid corn seed varieties Empire. The New Yorkbased with big plans for them. They would Council on Foreign Relations War make the country "the world's third and Peace Studies group led the largest producer of [these] crop[s] after This marriage masqueraded effort, financed by Rockefeller the US and China". It was part of the Foundation money. As Engdahl puts Rockefellers' "Green Revolution" that as "free market efficiency, it, they'd be paid back later by the late 1950s "was rapidly modernization [and] feeding "thousands-fold". First, though, becoming a strategic US economic America had to achieve world strategy alongside oil and military a malnourished world". dominance militarily and hardware". In fact, it was nothing economically. Latin America was the beginning of The US business establishment a food production revolution with big of the sort. envisioned a "Grand Area" to aims: to control the "basic necessities encompass most of the world outside of the majority of the world's the communist bloc. To exploit it, population". With agribusiness in the they hid their imperial designs 1990s, it was "the perfect partner for beneath a "liberal and benevolent garb" by defining themselves as the introduction...of genetically engineered food crops or GMO "selfless advocates of freedom for colonial peoples [and] the plants". This marriage masqueraded as "free market efficiency, enemy of imperialism". They would also "champion world peace modernization [and] feeding a malnourished world". In fact, it through multinational control". Sound familiar? was nothing of the sort. It cleverly hid "the boldest coup over the Like today, it was just subterfuge for their real aims that were destiny of entire nations ever attempted". pursued under the banner of the United Nations, the new Bretton Woods framework, the IMF, the World Bank and the GATT. Agribusiness Goes Global They were established for one purpose: to integrate the The "Green Revolution began in Mexico and spread across developing world into the US-dominated Global North so its Latin America during the 1950s and 1960s". It was then wealth could be transferred to powerful business interests, mostly introduced in Asia, especially in India. It was at a time when in the US. The Rockefeller family led the effort, the four brothers Americans claimed that their aim was to help the world through were involved, and Nelson and David were the prime movers. free-market efficiency. It was all one way, from them to us, so While JD III was plotting depopulation and racial purity schemes, that corporate investors could profit. It gave US chemical giants Nelson was working "the other side of the fence...as a forwardand major grain traders new markets for their products. looking international businessman" in the 1950s and 1960s. Agribusiness was going global, and Rockefeller interests were in Preaching greater efficiency and production in targeted countries, he the vanguard helping industry globalisation take shape. in fact schemed to open world markets for unrestricted US grain Nelson worked with his brother, JD III, who in 1953 set up his imports. This became the "Green Revolution". N e l s o n own Agricultural Development Council. They shared a common concentrated on Latin America. During WWII, he coordinated US goal: "cartelization of world agriculture and food supplies under intelligence and covert operations there, and those efforts laid the their corporate hegemony". At its heart, it aimed to introduce groundwork for postwar family interests. They were tied to the modern agricultural techniques to increase crop yields under the region's military because friendly strongmen are the type of leaders false claim of wanting to reduce hunger. The same seduction was preferred in order to guarantee a favourable business climate. later used to promote the "gene revolution", with Rockefeller
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sharply higher food prices along with severe shortages and warning that this condition is extreme, unprecedented and threatens billions of people with hunger and starvation. Prices were up 40 per cent in 2007, after a nine per cent rise in 2006, which forced developing states to pay 25 per cent more for imported food and be unable to afford enough of it. The FAO cites various explanations for the problem, including growing demand, higher fuel and transportation costs, commodity speculation, the use of corn for ethanol production (taking onethird of the harvest, which is more than what's exported for food) and extreme weather, while ignoring the above implications: the power of agribusiness to manipulate supply for greater profits and "cull the herd" in targeted Third World countries. Affected nations are poor, and the FAO lists 20 in Africa, nine in Asia, six in Latin America and two in Eastern Europe that in total represent 850 million endangered people now suffering from chronic hunger and related poverty. They depend on imports, and their diets rely heavily on the types of produce that agribusiness controlswheat, corn, rice and soybeans. If current prices stay high and shortages persist, millions will diemaybe by design.

interests and the same agribusiness giants backing it. From early in the 1970s, agribusiness producers controlled US In the 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson also used food as a food supplies but soon they would go global on a scale without weapon. He wanted recipient nations to agree to administration precedent. The goal: to make "staggering profits" by "restructur[ing] and Rockefeller preconditions that population control and opening the way Americans grew food to feed themselves and the world". their markets to US industry were part of the deal. It also Ronald Reagan continued Carter's policy and let the top four or five involved training developing-world agricultural scientists and monopoly players control it. It led to an unprecedented agronomists in the latest production concepts so they could apply "concentration and transformation of American agriculture", with them at home. This "carefully constructed network later proved independent family farmers driven off their land through forced sales crucial" to the Rockefeller strategy to "spread the use of and bankruptcies so that "more efficient" agribusiness giants could genetically engineered crops around the world", helped along with move in with "factory farms". The remaining small producers USAID funding and CIA mischief. became virtual serfs as "contract farmers". America's landscape was "Green Revolution" tactics were painful and took a devastating toll changing, with people trampled on for the sake of profits. on peasant farmers, destroying their livelihoods and forcing them into Engdahl explains the gradual process of "wholesale merger[s] shantytown slums. These people, desperate to survive and easy prey and consolidation...of American food production...into giant for any way to do it, provided cheap, exploitable labour. corporate global concentrations" with familiar names: Cargill, The "Revolution" also harmed the land. Monocultural practices Archer Daniels Midland, Smithfield Foods and ConAgra. As they displace diversity, destroy soil fertility and decrease crop yields over grew bigger, so did their bottom lines, with annual equity returns time. The indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides can eventually rising from 13 per cent in 1993 to 23 per cent in 1999. cause serious health problems. Engdahl quotes an analyst who called Hundreds of thousands of small farmers lost out; their numbers the "Green Revolution" a "chemical revolution" that developing dropped by 300,000 from 1979 to 1998. It was even worse for hog states couldn't afford. This revolution began the process of debt farmers, with a drop from 600,000 to 157,000 in the same period, enslavement from IMF, World Bank so that three per cent of producers and private bank loans. Large could control 50 per cent of the landowners could afford the latter; market. The social costs were This "carefully constructed small farmers couldn't, and as a result staggering (and continue to be), as network later proved crucial" to were often bankrupted. That, of "entire rural communities collapsed course, was the whole idea. and rural towns became ghost towns". the Rockefeller strategy to "spread Consider the consequences. By 2004: The "Green Revolution" was based the use of genetically engineered on the "proliferation of new hybrid the four largest beef packers seeds in developing markets"seeds controlled 84 per cent of steer and crops around the world", helped that characteristically lack reproductive heifer slaughter: Tyson, Cargill, Swift along with USAID funding capacity. Declining yields meant and National Beef Packing; farmers had to buy seeds every year four giants controlled 64 per cent of and CIA mischief. from large multinational producers that hog production: Smithfield Foods, control their parental seed lines in Tyson, Swift and Hormel Foods; house. A handful of company giants three companies controlled 71 per held patents on them and used them to lay the groundwork for the cent of soybean crushing: Cargill, ADM and Bunge; later GMO revolution. Their scheme soon became evident: three giants controlled 63 per cent of all flour milling; traditional crops had to give way to high-yield varieties (HYV) of five companies controlled 90 per cent of the global grain trade; hybrid wheat, corn and rice, with major chemical inputs. four other companies controlled 89 per cent of the breakfast Initially, growth rates were impressive but they didn't last for cereal marketKellogg, General Mills, Kraft Foods and Quaker long. In countries like India, agricultural output slowed down and Oats; fell into decline. They were the losers so that agribusiness giants Cargill, having acquired Continental Grain in 1998, controlled 40 could exploit large new markets for their chemicals, machinery per cent of national grain elevator capacity; and other product inputs. It was the beginning of "agribusiness", four large agrichemical/seed giants controlled over 75 per cent of and it went hand in hand with the "Green Revolution" strategy the nation's seed corn sales and 60 per cent of it for soybeans, while that would later embrace plant genetic alterations. also having the largest share of the agricultural chemical market: Two Harvard Business School professors were involved early Monsanto, Novartis, Dow Chemical and DuPont; on: John Davis and Ray Goldberg. They teamed up with Russian six companies controlled three-fourths of the global pesticides economist Wassily Leontief, got funding from the Rockefeller market; and Ford foundations and initiated a four-decade revolution to Monsanto and DuPont controlled 60 per cent of the US corn and dominate the food industry. It was based on "vertical soybean seed marketall of it patented GMO seeds. integration", of the kind that Congress outlawed after giant In addition: conglomerates and trusts like Standard Oil used them to 10 large food retailers controlled $649 billion in global sales in monopolise entire sectors of key industries and crush competition. 2002, and the top 30 food retailers accounted for one-third of global This vertical integration was revived under President Jimmy grocery sales. Carter, a Trilateral Commission founding member, and disguised as "deregulation" to dismantle "decades of carefully constructed... Continued next issue... health, food safety and consumer protection laws". These laws would now give way under this new wave of industry-friendly About the Author/Reviewer: vertical integration. A propaganda campaign claimed that Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached by government was the problem, that it encroached too much on our email at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. Visit his blogsite at lives and had to be rolled back for greater personal "freedom". sjlendman.blogspot.com.
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