Usage of Word Salaf
Usage of Word Salaf
Usage of Word Salaf
Aisha reported: We, the wives of Allaahs Prophet , were with him (during his last illness) and none was absent there from that Fatima, who walked after the style of Allaahs Messenger , came there, and when he saw her he welcomed her saying: You are welcome, my daughter. He then made her sit on his right side or on his left side. Then he said something secretly to her and she wept bitterly and when he found her (plunged) in grief he said to her something secretly for the second time and she laughed. I (Aisha) said to her: Allaahs Messenger has singled you amongst the women (of the family) for talking (to you something secretly) and you wept. When Allaahs Messenger recovered from illness, I said to her. What did Allaahs Messenger say to you? Thereupon she said: I am not going to disclose the secret of Allaahs Messenger ( .) When Allaahs Messenger died, I said to her: I adjure you by the right that I have upon you that you should narrate to me what Allaahs Messenger said to you. She said: Yes, now I can do that (so listen to it). When he talked to me secretly for the first time he informed me that Gabriel was in the habit of reciting the Quran along with him once or twice every year, but this year it had been twice and so he perceived his death quite near, so fear Allaah and be patient (and he told me) that he would be a befitting SALAF (forerunner) for me and so I wept as you saw me. And when he saw me in grief he talked to me secretly for the second time and said: Fatima, are you not pleased that you should be at the head of the believing women or the head of this Umma? I laughed and it was that laughter which you saw. [Sahih Muslim, The Virtues of the Companions (Book 31), CHAPTER: THE MERITS OF FATIMA, DAUGHTER OF ALLAAH'S APOSTLE (SALLALLAAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM), No. 6004] Narrated Aisha: He added, But this year he (referring to Gabriel due to hadith in Sahih Muslim above) reviewed it with me twice, and therefore I think that my time of death has approached. So, be afraid of Allah, and be patient, for I am the best SALAF (predecessor) for you (in the Hereafter). Fatima added, So I wept as you (Aisha) witnessed. And when the Prophet saw me in this sorrowful state, he confided the second secret to me saying, O Fatima! Will you not be pleased that you will be chief of all the believing women (or chief of the women of this nation i.e. my followers?) [Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, The Book of Asking Permission, No. 5885]
has affirmed, and believe in what He, The Lord, the Most Majestic, has informed us with. ['Aqeedatus-Salaf as'haabul-Hadeeth - The Creed of the (Pious) Predecessors & the People of Hadeeth, Chapter 5 : Allaah Istiwaa over his throne, point 22]
distance of such and such He continued until he mentioned: And above that is the Throne. And Allaah, the One free of all defects, is above that. This and what is similar to it is from what the SALAF, may Allaah have mercy of them, have unanimously agreed upon reporting and accepting. And we do not incline towards rejecting it, or toward distorting its meaning (taweel), or towards making comparisons to it, nor towards likening it. [Lumut-ul-Itiqaad (Sufficiency in Creed) of Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisee, Chapter/Section: Mentioning Some of the Ahaadeeth of Allaah's Attributes, points 18 19]
and their students who followed them in goodness, and it is rare for these later generations to produce one of these types of people [Madarij al-Salikin (1/223)]
the people had several conflicting opinions over its meaning. However, we follow the way that our SALAF (righteous predecessors) took in this regard, such as Malik, AlAwzai, Ath-Thawri, Al-Layth bin Sad, Ash-Shafii, Ahmad, Ishaq bin Rahwayh and the rest of the scholars of Islam, in past and present times. Surely, we accept the apparent meaning of, Al-Istawa, without discussing its true essence, equating it (with the attributes of the creation), or altering or denying it (in any way or form). And his tafsir of: The Most [Surah Ta-Ha (20):5] Gracious Istawa the Throne
discussion concerning this has already preceded in Surat Al-Araf, so there is no need to repeat it here. The safest path to take in understanding this, is the way of the SALAF (predecessors). Their way was to accept that which has been reported concerning this from the Book and the Sunnah without describing it, reinterpreting it, resembling it to creation, rejecting it, or comparing it to attributes of the creatures. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Section:The Qur'an is a Reminder and a Revelation from Allah]
* That the SALAF used to keep away from riyaa and anything that might lead to it * The profound knowledge of the SALAF [Kitab at-Tauheed, Chapter: The one who fulfils tawhid enters paradise without reckoning]
Posted: December 17, 20 10 in Tags: ahl ul-hadith, ahlus sunnah wal-jamaah, firqatun najiyah, salaf, salafi, saved sect, sunni
S alaf
2 Votes SOURCE : The following questions are answered and addressed:
What or who is Salaf? What is Salafiyyah? Who is a Salafi? Is it another party/group? What is the call of Dawatus-Salafiyyah? Allaah Has Named us Muslims, So Why Ascribe Ourselves to the Salaf? So Who Are Ahl ul-Hadith?
It is the way of following the Salaf, in creed/belief, speech and actions, regardless of time or location. It is to understand and implement the religion as was understood and implemented by the Salaf. Following it exactly to the best of ones ability, and to beware and refrain from that which opposes it.
The person who ascribes and adheres to the way of the Salaf. Just like the one born in a certain country is called the countryman of that country, due to his ascription to it. In other words the person who says I am one who ascribes myself to the way of
Salafus-Saalih, who are the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam & his Sahaabah, the Taabieen, and the Tabaaat-Taabieen in creed, speech and actions. It should be noted that a mere claim is not sufficient to establish the proof that one adheres to it.
No it is NOT a party from among the parties, regardless of what people may claim. It is only an ascription to the Salafus-Saalih and their methodology, and calling to this noble methodology. It has NO Imaam, except for Abul-Qaasim Muhammad ibn Abdillaah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam. Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan was asked, Is Salafiyyah a hizb (party) from amongst the parties. And is ascribing to them (i.e. the Salafis) a blameworthy thing? To which he replied, As-Salafiyyah (i.e. the Salafis) is the Saved Sect, and they are Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaaah. It is not a hizb (party) from amongst the various parties, those which are called parties today. Rather they are the Jamaaah, the Jamaaah upon the Sunnah and upon the Deen (religion). They are Ahl us-Sunnah walJamaaah. The Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, There will not cease to be a group from my Ummah manifest and upon the truth not being harmed by those who forsake them neither by those who oppose them and he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also said, And this Ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of them in the Hellfire but one. They said, which one is this O Messenger of Allaah? He replied, They are those who are upon what I and my companions are upon today. Hence Salafiyyah is a group of people (i.e. the Salafi s) upon the madhhab of the Salaf, upon what the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and his companions were upon and it is not a hizb from amongst the contemporary groups present today. Rather it is the very old Jamaaah, from the time of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) which inherits (this way) and continues, and which never ceases to be upon the manifest truth until the establishment of the Hour, as he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) has informed (us). (Cassette: at-Tahdheer min al-Bidah second cassette, delivered as a lecture in Hawtah Sadeer, 1416H).
Shaikh al-Albaani: When it is said to you, What is your madhhab, what is your reply? Questioner: A Muslim. Shaikh al-Albaani: This is not sufficient!. Questioner: Allaah has named us Muslims and he recited the saying of Allaah Most High, He is the one who has called you Muslims beforehand. (al-Hajj 22:78) Shaikh al-Albaani: This would be a correct answer if we were in the very first times (of Islaam) before the sects had appeared and spread. But if we were to ask, now, any Muslim from any of these sects with which we differ on account of aqeedah, his answer would not be any different to this word. All of them the Shiite Rafidi, the Khaariji, the Nusayri Alawi would say, I am a Muslim. Hence, this is not sufficient in these days. Questioner: In that case I say, I am a Muslim upon the Book and the Sunnah. Shaikh al-Albaani: This is not sufficient either. Questioner: Why? Shaikh al-Albaani: Do you find any of those whom we have just mentioned by way of example saying, I am a Muslim who is not upon the Book and the Sunnah? Who is the one who says, I am not upon the Book and the Sunnah?At this point the Shaikh then began to explain in detail the importance of being upon the Book and the Sunnah in light of the understanding of the Salaf us-Saalih Questioner: In that case I am a Muslim upon the Book and the Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us-Saalih. Shaikh al-Albaani: When a person asks you about your madhhab, is this what you will say to him? Questioner: Yes. Shaikh al-Albaani: What is your view that we shorten this phrase in the language, since the best words are those that are few but indicated the desired intent, so we say, Salafi? End of quotation. Hence, the point is that naming with Muslim or Sunni is not enough, since everyone will claim that. And Imaam al-Albaani emphasised the importance of the truth being distinguished from the falsehood from the point of view of the basis of manhaj and aqidah, and that is taking from the Salaf us-Saalih, as opposed to the
various sects and groups whose understandings are based upon those of their mentors and leaders and not that of the Salaf, fundamentally.
They are the most staunch in distancing themselves from opposing the command of the Messenger and the most distant from fitnah. They are those who make their constitution:But no, by your Lord! They can have no faith, until they make you (O Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam)) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept them with full submission. [4] They are those who give to the Quraan and the Sunnah their true worth and give it the honour and veneration it deserves, giving priority to them over all the statements of mankind, and give precedence to their guidance over the guidance of all the people, and they judge by them in all affairs with complete pleasure, with chests which are expanded and free of restraint or constriction, and they submit to Allaah and His Messenger (with) a complete submission in their aqeedah and their worship and their dealings. They are those concerning whom the statement of Allaah holds true:The only saying of the faithful believers when they are called to Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) to judge between them, is that they say, We hear and we obey, and such are the prosperous ones.[5] They after all of the Comapanions and at the head of them the rightly guided Caliphs are the leaders of the taabieen and at the head of them: Saeed ibn alMusayyib (d. 90H), Urwah ibn Zubair (d. 94H), Alee ibn al-Hussain Zain alAabideen (d. 93H), Muhammad ibn Hanafiya (d. 80H), Ubaydullaah ibn Abdillaah ibn Utbah ibn Masood (d. 94H or later), Saleem ibn Abdillaah ibn Umar (d. 106H), Qaasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abee Bakr as-Sadeeq (d. 106H), al-Hasan al-Basree (d. 110H), Muhammad ibn Sireen (d. 110H), Umar ibn Abdul-Azeez (d. 101H) and Muhammad ibn Shihaab az-Zuhree (d. 125H). Then the Atbaaat-Taabieen and at the head of them: Imaam Maalik (d. 179H), alAwzaaee (d. 157H), Sufiyaan ibn Saeed ath-Thawree (d. 161H), Sufyaan ibn Uyayna (d.198H), Ismaaeel ibn Ubya (d. 193H), Layth ibn Sad (d. 175H) and Aboo Haneefah an-Numaan (d. 150H). Then those who followed them and at the head of them: Abdullaah ibn al-Mubaarak (d. 181H), Wakee ibn al-Jarraah (d. 197H), the Imaam Muhammad ibn Idrees ashShaafiee (d. 204H), Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Mahdee (d. 198H), Yahya ibn Saeed alQataan (d.198H) and Afaan ibn Muslim (d. 219H). Then their students who followed them in this methodology, and at the head of them: the Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241H), Yahya ibn Maeen (d. 233H) and Alee ibn al-Madeenee (d. 234H). Then their students like al-Bukhaaree (d. 256H), Muslim (d. 261H), Abee Haatim (d. 277H), Abee Zara (Aboo Zurah?) (d. 264H), Aboo Daawood (d. 275H), atTirmidhee (d. 279H) and an-Nasaaee (d. 303H).
Then those who proceeded in their way in the generations that preceded them, like Ibn Jareer (at-Tabaree?) (d. 310H), Ibn Khuzaymah (d. 311H), ad-Daaraqutnee (d. 385H) in his time, al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d. 463H) and Ibn Abdul-Barr anNiwaaree (d. 463H). And Abdul-Ghanee al-Maqdasee (d. 620H), Ibn Salaah (d. 643H), Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H), al-Mizzee (d. 743H), adh-Dhahabee (d. 748H), Ibn Katheer (d. 774H) and their contemporaries who lived in their time and those who came after them, and followed their footsteps in holding on to the Book and the Sunnah up until the present day. These are who I mean by Ahlul-Hadeeth.
NOTES [1] Hadeeth saheeh, collected by Muslim (3/1523), Ahmad (5/278-279), Aboo Dawood (3/4), Tirmidhee (4/420), Ibn Maajah (1/4-5), Haakim (4/449-450), atTabaraanee in Mujam al-Kabeer (7643) and Aboo Daawood at-Tayaalisi (p. 94, no. 689). Authenticated by al-Albaanee in As-Saheehah (270-1955).