High Power Class D Audio Power Amplifier Using IR2011S
High Power Class D Audio Power Amplifier Using IR2011S
High Power Class D Audio Power Amplifier Using IR2011S
High Power Class D Audio Power Amplifier using IR2011S
Complete Analog Input Class D Audio Power Amplifier 500W + 500W Peak Stereo (2CH) Output THD+N=0.008% @1kHz, 100W, 4 High Efficiency 93% @350W, 1kHz, 4 Simple Self Oscillating Half-Bridge Topology Includes all Local House-keeping Power Supplies Protection Functions Wide Operating Supply Voltage Range 25 ~ 60V Immune to Power Supply Fluctuations
The IRAUDAMP1 is an example of a simple complete class D audio power amplifier design using the IR2011S, high speed high voltage gate driver IC. The design contains protection functions and house keeping power supplies for ease of use. This reference design is intended to demonstrate how to use the IR2011S, implement protection circuits, and design an optimum PCB layout.
Vcc=50V, RL = 4 unless otherwise noted.
Output Stage Topology Modulator IR Devices Used Switching Frequency Rated Output Power
Half Bridge Self Oscillating, 2nd order Sigma-Delta Modulation, Analog Input IR2011S Gate Driver IRFB23N15D MOSFET 400kHz (Adjustable) 250W + 250W 350W + 350W 370W + 370W (Peak Power) 500W + 500W (Peak Power) 0.008% 93% 115dB 200 3Hz ~ 40kHz (-3dB) 100dB 80dB 4
THD+N Efficiency S/N Damping Factor Frequency Response Channel Separation Minimum Load Impedance Power Supply
No signal 1kHz, THD=1.0% 1kHz, THD=10% 1kHz, THD=1.0%, 60V 1kHz, THD=10%, 60V 1kHz, 100W, AES-17 LPF 1kHz, 350W, Class D stage IHF-A Weighted, BW=20kHz 8, 1KHz 100Hz 10kHz
50V, (operational 25V ~ 60V) Quiescent Current +75mA, -125mA Dimensions 4.0(W) x 5.5(D) x 1.5(H) Note: Specifications are typical and not guaranteed.
Connection Diagram
A typical test setup is shown in Fig.1.
Fig.1 Test Setup Pin Description J1 CH-1 IN J2 CH-2 IN J3 POWER J5 CH-1 OUT J6 CH-2 OUT Analog input for CH-1 Analog input for CH-2 Positive and negative supply Output for CH-1 Output for CH-2
Power-on Procedure
1. Apply 50V at the same time 2. Apply audio signal Note: Improper power on procedure could result start up failure.
Power-off Procedure
1. Remove audio input signal 2. Turn off 50V at the same time
Resetting Protection
1. 2. 3. 4. Turn off 50V at the same time Wait until supply voltage drops to less than 5V Apply 50V at the same time Apply audio signal
Power Supply
The IRAUDAMP1 requires a pair of symmetric dual power supplies ranging from 25V to 60V. A regulated power supply is preferable for performance measurements, but not always necessary. The bus capacitor, C38-41 on the board along with high frequency bypass C31, C32, C35, and C36; are designed to take care only of the high frequency ripple current components from the switching action. A set of bus capacitors having enough capacitance to handle the audio ripple current must be placed outside the board if an unregulated power supply is used.
Bus Pumping
Since the IRAUDAMP1 is a half bridge configuration, the bus pumping phenomenon occurs when the amplifier outputs low frequency signal is below 100Hz. The bus pumping phenomenon is unavoidable; significant bus voltage fluctuations caused by a reverse energy flow coming back to the power supply from the class D amplifier. This might cause an unacceptable instablility condition in the feedback system of a power supply. The bus pumping becomes worse in the following conditions. - lower the output frequency - lower the load impedance - higher the output voltage - smaller the bus capacitance in bus capacitors If the bus voltage become too high or too low, the IRAUDAMP1 will shutdown the switching operation, and remain in the off condition until resetting the protection using the method described above. One of the easiest countermeasures is to drive both of the channels out of phase so that the reverse energy from one channel is consumed by the other, and does not return to the power supply.
Load Impedance
The IRAUDAMP1 is designed for a load impedance of 4 and larger. The frequency response will have a small peak at the corner frequency of the output LC LPF if the loading impedance is higher than 4. The IRAUDAMP1 is stable with capacitive loading, however, it should be realized that the frequency response will be degraded by a heavy capacitive loading of more than 0.1F.
Thermal Considerations
The IRAUDAMP1 unitlizes a relatively thick aluminum block heatsink for peak power output handling capabilities. It can handle continuous 1/8 of the rated power, which is generally considered to be a normal operating condition in safety standards, for a considerable length of time such as one hour. The size of the heatsink, however, is not sufficient to handle continuous rated power. Fig.2 shows the relationship between total power dissipation and temperature rise at equilibrium. If testing requires running conditions with continuous power a higher than 1/8 of the rated power, then, attach extensions to the top of the heatsink using three M4 screw taps prepared for this purpose. Please note that the heatsink is electrically connected to the GND pin.
60.00 Ta=25 degC Heatsink Temperature Delta (C) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00
Functional Description
Feed back
Integrator LT1220
Comparator 74HC04
Self Oscillating PWM modulator The IRAUDAMP1 class D audio power amplifier is based on a self oscillating type PWM modulator for the lowest component count and a robust design. This topology is basically an analog version of a 2nd order sigma delta modulation having a class D switching stage inside the loop. The benefit of the sigma delta modulation in comparison to the carrier signal based modulator is that all the error in the audible frequency range is shifted away into the inaudible upper frequency range by nature of its operation, and it can apply a sufficient amount of correction. Another important benefit of the selfoscillating modulator is that it will cease operation if something interrupts the oscillating sequences. This is generally beneficial in a class D application because it makes the amplifier more robust.
Looking at CH-1 as an example, OP amp U1 forms a front end 2nd order integrator with C17 & C18. This integrator receives a rectangular waveform from the class D switching stage and outputs a quadratic oscillatory waveform as a carrier signal. To create the modulated PWM, the input signal shifts the average value of this quadratic waveform, through R10, so that the duty varies according to the instantaneous value of the analog input signal. The level shift transistor Q1 converts the carrier signal from a voltage form into a current form and sends it to the logic gates sitting on the negative DC bus via the level shift resistor R44, which conerts the signal back into a voltage form. The signal is then quantized by the threshold of the CMOS inverter gate U2. The PWM signal out of the inverter is split into two signals, with opposite polarity, one for high side MOSFET drive signal, the other for the low side MOSFET drive signal. The dual AND gates of U4 are used to implement the shutdown function, a high shutdown signal will ensure the outputs of the AND gates are low which in turn ensures the inputs to the gate driver are low.
Under normal conditions the SD signal is low and the drive signal are passed directly through the AND gates to the IR2011S gate driver. The IR2011 drives two IRFB23N15D MOSFETs in the power stage to provide the amplified Digital PWM waveform. The amplified analog output is recreated by demodulating the amplified PWM . This is done by means of the LC Low Pass Filter formed by L1 and C51, which filters out the class D switching signal .
Switching Frequency
The self oscillating frequency is determined by the total delay time inside the loop. The following parameters affect the frequency. - Delay time in logic circuits - The gate driver propagation delay - MOSFET switching speed - Integration time constant in the front end integrator, e.g. R1, R23, R26, C17, and C18 for CH-1. - Supply Voltages
Gate Driver
The IRAUDAMP1 uses the IR2011S gate driver IC which is suitable for high speed, high speed switching applications up to 200V. In this design, the difference between ton and toff is used to generate a dead-time (a blanking time in between the on state of the two MOSFETs). Because of this, there is no gate timing adjustment on the board.
Startup Circuit
A self oscillating scheme contains class D switching stage that requires a start-up triggering signal to charge the high side bootstrap capacitor . The starter circuits, Q9 and Q10, detect the rising edge of Vcc and turn the low side MOSFETs on for about 200mS to charge the bootstrap capacitors C23 and C24, then release the loop allowing the oscillation to start.
The IRAUDAMP1 includes protection features for overvoltage (OVP), overcurrent (OCP), and DC current protection. All of the protection uses OR logic so that any of the protection features when activated will disengage the output relay to cut off the load and protect the speakers. OCP and OVP functions are latched, DC protection is unlatched. To reset the protection, the bus voltage has to be reset to zero volts before re-applying power. The protection circuitry will also shutdown the amplifier if a fault condition is detected.
Typical Performance
Vcc=50V, RL = 4 unless otherwise noted.
International Rectifier A-A FREQUENCY RESPONSE 02/25/04 10:06:24
International Rectifier A-A CROSSTALK or SEPARATION vs FREQUENCY 02/25/04 17:05:17
+2 +0 -2 d B V -4 -6
-8 -10 20
2k Hz
Sweep 1 1 2 2
Trace 1 2 1 2
Thick 1 1 1 1
International Rectifier
02/27/04 18:39:45
International Rectifier
1 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02
02/25/04 11:17:24
1 % 0.1 %
0.001 100m
5 W
Sweep 1 2 3 4 5
Trace 1 1 1 1 1
Thick 2 2 2 2 2
Data Anlr.THD+N Ratio Anlr.THD+N Ratio Anlr.THD+N Ratio Anlr.THD+N Ratio Anlr.THD+N Ratio
International Rectifier
+0 -20 -40 d B r A -100 -120 -140 10 20 50 -60 -80
02/25/04 18:11:00
International Rectifier
+0 -20 -40 d B r A -100 -120 -140 -60 -80
02/25/04 18:08:39
500 Hz
500 Hz
Sweep 1
Trace 1
Color Blue
Thick 1
Axis Left
Sweep 1
Trace 1
Color Blue
Thick 1
Axis Left
A-A FFT.at2
A-A FFT.at2
(b) 20nS/div, Rising Edge (c) 20nS/div, Falling Edge Fig.13 Switching Waveform at Output Node (TP5)
Distortion Waveform
Schematic Diagrams
Schematic Diagrams
Bill of Materials
Inductor Spec
Part number: NPT0104 Inductance: 18uH Rated Current: 10A Core: T106-2, Micrometals Wire: AWG18, magnet wire # of Turns: 37 Finish: Varnished Mechanical Dimensions:
(1.1) (0.15)
PCB layout
Functional Allocation
Mechanical Drawings
A. OCP Trip Level
The trip level for CH-1 is given by
where VBE=550mV for Ta=25 C In order to provide a flexibile trip level, 50m of Rs is chosen. This is sensitive enough to sense a low trip level of 11A peak with R84 removed. As an initial setting, R35 and R84 are set to provide a trip level of 20A peak, which is large enough to have a loading of 370W (THD=1%) into 4 or 500W (THD=10%). The peak current does not increase as power goes higher when THD hits 1%. This is because only the rms value can increase as the peak value is limited by the DC bus voltage. Peak load current IPEAK for the given output power Pout is
I PEAK = 2
B. Voltage Gain
The voltage gain is set to be 18dB, which requires 3.4Vrms input to obtain 100W into 8 ohm. The voltage gain can be changed by modifying the value of R10 (CH-1) and R15(CH-2). One thing that should be noted when these resistance values are changed is that the lower corner frequency formed by the input coupling capacitors C3 and C4 are also changed. C3 and C4 may have to be increased when the gain is increased in order to maintain the low end frequency characteristic. The corner frequency is given by
fc LOW =
1 [Hz] 2 R10 C 3
Please also note that the gain can be lowered if the source impedance is not negligibly low compared to R10 / R15.