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Users Guide

The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2011. SAS/IML

9.3 Users Guide. Cary, NC:

SAS Institute Inc.

9.3 Users Guide

Copyright 2011, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA
ISBN 978-1-60764-913-7
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Chapter 1. Whats New in SAS/IML 9.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2. Introduction to SAS/IML Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 3. Understanding the SAS/IML Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 4. Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter 5. Working with Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Chapter 6. Programming Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Chapter 7. Working with SAS Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Chapter 8. File Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Chapter 9. General Statistics Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Chapter 10. Submitting SAS Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Chapter 11. Calling Functions in the R Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Chapter 12. Robust Regression Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Chapter 13. Time Series Analysis and Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Chapter 14. Nonlinear Optimization Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Chapter 15. Graphics Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Chapter 16. Window and Display Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Chapter 17. Storage Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Chapter 18. Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML Statements . . . . . . . . . 461
Chapter 19. Wavelet Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Chapter 20. Genetic Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Chapter 21. Sparse Matrix Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Chapter 22. Further Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Chapter 23. Language Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
Chapter 24. Module Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065
Subject Index 1083
Syntax Index 1093
Chapter 1
Whats New in SAS/IML 9.3
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Calling SAS Procedures from PROC IML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Calling R Functions from PROC IML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
New Functions and Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ALLCOMB Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ALLPERM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
BIN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
CORR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
COV Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
COUNTN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
COUNTMISS Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
COUNTUNIQUE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CUPROD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
DIF Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ELEMENT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
FULL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
LAG Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
MEAN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PROD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
QNTL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
RANCOMB Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
RANGE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
RANPERM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
SHAPECOL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
SQRVECH Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
STD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
SPARSE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
TABULATE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
VAR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
VECH Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Changes to the IMLMLIB Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Documentation Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 ! Chapter 1: Whats New in SAS/IML 9.3
SAS/IML 9.3 includes two new features that are related to calling other languages from within the IML
v calling SAS procedures and DATA steps from PROC IML
v calling functions in the R statistical programming language from PROC IML
In addition, SAS/IML 9.3 provides several new functions and subroutines.
Calling SAS Procedures from PROC IML
SAS/IML 9.3 supports the SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements. These statements delimit a block of
statements that are sent to another language for processing.
The SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements enable you to call SAS procedures and DATA steps without
leaving the IML procedure. This feature has been very popular in SAS/IML Studio since it was introduced
in 2002. The feature is now available in PROC IML.
You can use SAS data sets to transfer data between SAS/IML matrices and SAS procedures. SAS procedures
require that data be in a SAS data set.
Calling R Functions from PROC IML
The SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements also provide an interface to the R statistical programming
language, so that you can submit R statements from within your SAS/IML program. To submit statements
to R, specify the R option in the SUBMIT statement.
You can transfer data from SAS/IML matrices and SAS data sets into R matrices and R data frames, and
vice versa. Specically, the following subroutines are available to transfer data from a SAS format into an
R format:
Table 1.1 Transferring from a SAS Source to an R Destination
Subroutine SAS Source R Destination
ExportDataSetToR SAS data set R data frame
ExportMatrixToR SAS/IML matrix R matrix
In addition, the following subroutines are available to transfer data from an R format into a SAS format:
New Functions and Subroutines ! 3
Table 1.2 Transferring from an R Source to a SAS Destination
Subroutine R Source SAS Destination
ImportDataSetFromR R expression SAS data set
ImportMatrixFromR R expression SAS/IML matrix
In Table 1.2, an R expression can be the name of a data frame, the name of a matrix, or an expression that
results in either of these data structures.
New Functions and Subroutines
ALLCOMB Function
The ALLCOMB function generates all combinations of n elements taken k at a time.
ALLPERM Function
The ALLPERM function generates all permutations of n elements
BIN Function
The BIN function divides numeric values into a set of disjoint intervals called bins. The BIN function
indicates which elements are contained in each bin.
CORR Function
The CORR function computes a sample correlation matrix for data. The function supports Pearsons
product-moment correlations, Hoeffdings D statistics, Kendalls tau-b coefcients, and Spearmans cor-
relation coefcients based on the ranks of the variables. The function supports two different methods for
dealing with missing values in the data.
4 ! Chapter 1: Whats New in SAS/IML 9.3
COV Function
The COV function computes a sample variance-covariance matrix for data. The function supports two
different methods for dealing with missing values in the data.
COUNTN Function
The COUNTN function counts the number of nonmissing values in a matrix.
The COUNTMISS function counts the number of missing values in a matrix.
The COUNTUNIQUE function counts the number of unique values in a matrix.
CUPROD Function
The CUPROD function computes the cumulative product of elements in a matrix.
DIF Function
The DIF function computes the differences between data values and one or more lagged (shifted) values for
time series data.
ELEMENT Function
The ELEMENT function returns a matrix that indicates which elements of one matrix are also elements of
a second matrix.
FULL Function ! 5
FULL Function
The FULL function converts a matrix stored in a sparse format into a matrix stored in a dense format. See
the SPARSE function for a description of how sparse matrices are stored.
LAG Function
The LAG function computes one or more lagged (shifted) values for time series data.
MEAN Function
The MEANfunction computes a sample mean of data. The function can compute arithmetic means, trimmed
means, and Winsorized means.
PROD Function
The PROD function computes the product of elements in one or more matrices.
The QNTL subroutine computes sample quantiles for data.
RANCOMB Function
The RANCOMB function returns random combinations of n elements taken k at a time.
RANGE Function
The RANGE function returns the range of values for a set of matrices.
6 ! Chapter 1: Whats New in SAS/IML 9.3
RANPERM Function
The RANPERM function returns random permutations of n elements.
The SHAPECOL function reshapes and repeats values by columns.
SQRVECH Function
The SQRVECH function converts a symmetric matrix which is stored columnwise to a square matrix.
STD Function
The STD function computes a sample standard deviation for each column of a data matrix.
SPARSE Function
The SPARSE function converts a matrix that contains many zeros into a matrix stored in a sparse format
which suitable for use with the ITSOLVER subroutine or the SOLVELIN subroutine.
The TABULATE subroutine counts the number of elements in each of the unique categories of the argument.
VAR Function
The VAR function computes a sample variance for each column of a data matrix.
VECH Function ! 7
VECH Function
The VECH function creates a vector from the columns of the lower triangular elements of a matrix.
Changes to the IMLMLIB Library
The CORRmodule has been removed from the IMLMLIB library. In its place is the built-in CORR function.
The MEDIAN, QUARTILE, and STANDARD modules now support missing values in the data argument.
Documentation Enhancements
The rst six chapters of the SAS/IML Users Guide have been completely rewritten in order to provide new
users with a gentle introduction to the SAS/IML language. Two new chapters have been written:
v Chapter 10, Submitting SAS Statements, describes how to call SAS procedures from within PROC
v Chapter 11, Calling Functions in the R Language, describes how to call R functions from within
Chapter 2
Introduction to SAS/IML Software
Overview of SAS/IML Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Highlights of SAS/IML Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
An Introductory SAS/IML Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
PROC IML Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Conventions Used in This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Typographical Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Output of Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Overview of SAS/IML Software
SAS/IML software gives you access to a powerful and exible programming language in a dynamic, inter-
active environment. The acronym IML stands for interactive matrix language.
The fundamental object of the language is a data matrix. You can use SAS/IML software interactively (at
the statement level) to see results immediately, or you can submit blocks of statements or an entire program.
You can also encapsulate a series of statements by dening a module; you can call the module later to
execute all of the statements in the module.
SAS/IML software is powerful. SAS/IML software enables you to concentrate on solving problems because
necessary (but distracting) activities such as memory allocation and dimensioning of matrices are performed
automatically. You can use built-in operators and call routines to perform complex tasks in numerical linear
algebra such as matrix inversion or the computation of eigenvalues. You can dene your own functions and
subroutines by using SAS/IML modules. You can perform operations on a single value or take advantage of
matrix operators to perform operations on an entire data matrix. For example, the following statement adds
1 to every element of the matrix x, regardless of the dimensions of x:
x = x+1;
The SAS/IML language contains statements that enable you to manage data. You can read, create, and
update SAS data sets in SAS/IML software without using the DATA step. For example, the following
statement reads a SAS data set to obtain phone numbers for all individuals whose last name begins with
read all var{phone} where(lastname=:"Smith");
The result is phone, a vector of phone numbers.
10 ! Chapter 2: Introduction to SAS/IML Software
Highlights of SAS/IML Software
SAS/IML provides a high-level programming language.
You can program easily and efciently with the many features for arithmetic and character expressions in
SAS/IML software. You can access a wide variety of built-in functions and subroutines designed to make
your programming fast, easy, and efcient. Because SAS/IML software is part of the SAS System, you can
access SAS data sets or external les with an extensive set of data processing commands for data input and
output, and you can edit existing SAS data sets or create new ones.
SAS/IML software has a complete set of control statements, such as DO/END, START/FINISH, iterative
DO, IF-THEN/ELSE, GOTO, LINK, PAUSE, and STOP, giving you all of the commands necessary for
execution control and program modularization. See the section Control Statements on page 20 for details.
SAS/IML software operates on matrices.
Functions and statements in most programming languages manipulate and compare a single data element.
However, the fundamental data element in SAS/IML software is the matrix, a two-dimensional (row
column) array of numeric or character values.
SAS/IML software possesses a powerful vocabulary of operators.
You can access built-in matrix operations that require calls to math-library subroutines in other languages.
You can access many matrix operators, functions, and subroutines.
SAS/IML software uses operators that apply to entire matrices.
You can add elements of the matrices A and B with the expression A+B. You can perform matrix multiplica-
tion with the expression A
B and perform elementwise multiplication with the expression A#B.
SAS/IML software is interactive.
You can execute SAS/IML statements one at a time and see the results immediately, or you can submit
blocks of statements or an entire program. You can also dene a module that encapsulates a series of
statements. You can interact with an executing module by using the PAUSE statement, which enables you
to enter additional statements before continuing execution.
SAS/IML software is dynamic.
You do not need to declare, dimension, or allocate storage for a data matrix. SAS/IML software does this
automatically. You can change the dimension or type of a matrix at any time. You can open multiple les
or access many libraries. You can reset options or replace modules at any time.
An Introductory SAS/IML Program ! 11
SAS/IML software processes data.
You can read observations from a SAS data set. You can create either multiple vectors (one for each variable
in the data set) or a single matrix that contains a column for each data set variable. You can create a new
SAS data set, or you can edit or append observations to an existing SAS data set.
An Introductory SAS/IML Program
This section presents a simple introductory SAS/IML program that implements a numerical algorithm that
estimates the square root of a number, accurate to three decimal places. The following statements dene a
function module named MySqrt that performs the calculations:
proc iml; /
begin IML session
start MySqrt(x); /
begin module
y = 1; /
initialize y
do until(w<1e-3); /
begin DO loop
z = y; /
set z=y
y = 0.5#(z+x/z); /
estimate square root
w = abs(y-z); /
compute change in estimate
end; /
end DO loop
return(y); /
return approximation
finish; /
end module
You can call the MySqrt module to estimate the square root of several numbers given in a matrix literal
(enclosed in braces) and print the results:
t = MySqrt({3,4,7,9}); /
call function MySqrt
s = sqrt({3,4,7,9}); /
compare with true values
diff = t - s; /
compute differences
print t s diff; /
print matrices
Figure 2.1 Approximate Square Roots
t s diff
1.7320508 1.7320508 0
2 2 2.22E-15
2.6457513 2.6457513 4.678E-11
3 3 1.397E-9
12 ! Chapter 2: Introduction to SAS/IML Software
PROC IML Statement
<SAS/IML language statements > ;
You can specify the following options in the PROC IML statement:
species the size of memory, in kilobytes, that is allocated to the PROC IML symbol space.
species the size of memory, in kilobytes, that is allocated to the PROC IML workspace.
If you do not specify any options, PROC IML uses host-dependent defaults. In general, you do not need to
be concerned with the details of memory usage because memory allocation is done automatically. However,
see the section Memory and Workspace on page 537 for special situations.
Conventions Used in This Book
Typographical Conventions
This book uses several type styles for presenting information. The following list explains the meaning of
the typographical conventions used in this book:
text is the standard type style used for most text.
FUNCTION is used for the name of SAS/IML functions, subroutines, and statements when
they appear in the text. This convention is also used for SAS statements and
options. However, you can enter these elements in your own SAS programs in
lowercase, uppercase, or a mixture of the two.
SYNTAX is used in the Syntax sections initial lists of SAS statements and options.
argument is used for option values that must be supplied by the user in the syntax deni-
VariableName is used for the names of variables and data sets when they appear in the text.
LibName is used for the names of SAS librefs (such as Sasuser) when they appear in the
bold is used to refer to mathematical matrices and vectors such as in the equation
y = Ax.
Output of Examples ! 13
Code is used to refer to SAS/IML matrices, vectors, and expressions in the SAS/IML
language such as the expression y = A
x. This convention is also used for ex-
ample code. In most cases, this book uses lowercase type for SAS/IML state-
italic is used for terms that are dened in the text, for emphasis, and for references to
Output of Examples
This documentation contains many short examples that illustrate how to use the SAS/IML language. Many
examples end with a PRINT statement; the output for these examples appears immediately after the program
Chapter 3
Understanding the SAS/IML Language
Dening a Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Matrix Names and Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Matrix Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Matrix Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Creating Matrices from Matrix Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Scalar Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Numeric Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Character Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Repetition Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Reassigning Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Assignment Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Types of Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Control Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
CALL Statements and Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Command Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Missing Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Dening a Matrix
A matrix is the fundamental structure in the SAS/IML language. A matrix is a two-dimensional array of
numeric or character values. Matrices are useful for working with data and have the following properties:
v Matrices can be either numeric or character. Elements of a numeric matrix are double-precision
values. Elements of a character matrix are character strings of equal length.
v The name of a matrix must be a valid SAS name.
v Matrices have dimensions dened by the number of rows and columns.
v Matrices can contain elements that have missing values (see the section Missing Values on page 26).
16 ! Chapter 3: Understanding the SAS/IML Language
The dimensions of a matrix are dened by the number of rows and columns. An n matrix has n
elements arranged in n rows and columns. The following nomenclature is standard in this book:
v 1 1 matrices are called scalars.
v 1 matrices are called row vectors.
v n 1 matrices are called column vectors.
v The type of a matrix is numeric if its elements are numbers; the type is character if its elements
are character strings. A matrix that has not been assigned values has an undened type.
Matrix Names and Literals
Matrix Names
The name of a matrix must be a valid SAS name: a character string that contains between 1 and 32 charac-
ters, begins with a letter or underscore, and contains only letters, numbers, and underscores. You associate
a name with a matrix when you create or dene the matrix. A matrix name exists independently of values.
This means that you can change the values associated with a particular matrix name, change the dimension
of the matrix, or even change its type (numeric or character).
Matrix Literals
A matrix literal is an enumeration of the values of a matrix. For example, {1,2,3} is a numeric matrix with
three elements. A matrix literal can have a single element (a scalar), or it can be an array of many elements.
The matrix can be numeric or character. The dimensions of the matrix are automatically determined by the
way you punctuate the values.
Use curly braces ({ }) to enclose the values of a matrix. Within the braces, values must be either all numeric
or all character. Use commas to separate the rows. If you specify multiple rows, all rows must have the
same number of elements.
You can specify any of the following types of elements:
v a number. You can specify numbers with or without decimal points, and in standard or scientic
notation. For example, 5, 3.14, or 1E-5.
v a period (.), which represents a missing numeric value.
v a number in brackets ([ ]), which represents a repetition factor.
Creating Matrices from Matrix Literals ! 17
v a character string. Character strings can be enclosed in single quotes (') or double quotes ("), but they
do not need to have quotes. Quotes are required when there are no enclosing braces or when you want
to preserve case, special characters, or blanks in the string. Special characters include the following:
?, =, *, :, (, ), {, and }.
If the string has embedded quotes, you must double them, as shown in the following statements:
w1 = "I said, ""Don't fall!""";
w2 = 'I said, "Don''t fall!"';
Creating Matrices from Matrix Literals
You can create a matrix by using matrix literals: simply list the element values inside of curly braces. You
can also create a matrix by calling a function, a subroutine, or an assignment statement. The following
sections present some simple examples of matrix literals. For more information about matrix literals, see
Chapter 5, Working with Matrices.
Scalar Literals
The following example statements dene scalars as literals. These examples are simple assignment state-
ments with a matrix name on the left-hand side of the equal sign and a value on the right-hand side. Notice
that you do not need to use braces when there is only one element.
a = 12;
a = . ;
a = 'hi there';
a = "Hello";
Numeric Literals
To specify a matrix literal with multiple elements, enclose the elements in braces. Use commas to separate
the rows of a matrix. For example, the following statements assign and print matrices of various dimensions:
x = {1 . 3 4 5 6}; /
1 x 6 row vector
y = {1,2,3,4}; /
4 x 1 column vector
z = 3#y; /
3 times the vector y
w = {1 2, 3 4, 5 6}; /
3 x 2 matrix
print x, y z w;
18 ! Chapter 3: Understanding the SAS/IML Language
Figure 3.1 Matrices Created from Numeric Literals
1 . 3 4 5 6
y z w
1 3 1 2
2 6 3 4
3 9 5 6
4 12
Character Literals
You can dene a character matrix literal by specifying character strings between braces. If you do not place
quotes around the strings, all characters are converted to uppercase. You can use either single or double
quotes to preserve case and to specify strings that contain blanks or special characters. For character matrix
literals, the length of the elements is determined by the longest element. Shorter strings are padded on the
right with blanks. For example, the following statements dene and print two 1 2 character matrices with
string length 4 (the length of the longer string):
a = { abc defg}; /
no quotes; uppercase
b = {'abc' 'DEFG'}; /
quotes; case preserved
print a, b;
Figure 3.2 Matrices Created from Character Literals
abc DEFG
Repetition Factors
A repetition factor can be placed in brackets before a literal element to have the element repeated. For
example, the following two statements are equivalent:
answer = {[2] 'Yes', [2] 'No'};
answer = {'Yes' 'Yes', 'No' 'No'};
Reassigning Values ! 19
Reassigning Values
You can assign new values to a matrix at any time. The following statements create a 2 3 numeric matrix
named a, then redene a to be a 1 3 character matrix:
a = {1 2 3, 6 5 4};
a = {'Sales' 'Marketing' 'Administration'};
Assignment Statements
Assignment statements create matrices by evaluating expressions and assigning the results. The expressions
can be composed of operators (for example, matrix multiplication) or functions that operate on matrices (for
example, matrix inversion). The resulting matrices automatically acquire appropriate characteristics and
values. Assignment statements have the general form result = expression where result is the name of the
new matrix and expression is an expression that is evaluated.
Functions as Expressions
You can create matrices as a result of a function call. Scalar functions such as LOG or SQRT operate on
each element of a matrix, whereas matrix functions such as INV or RANK operate on the entire matrix. The
following statements are examples of function calls:
a = sqrt(b); /
elementwise square root
y = inv(x); /
matrix inversion
r = rank(x); /
ranks (order) of elements
The SQRT function assigns each element of a the square root of the corresponding element of b. The INV
function computes the inverse matrix of x and assigns the results to y. The RANK function creates a matrix
r with elements that are the ranks of the corresponding elements of x.
Operators within Expressions
Three types of operators can be used in assignment statement expressions. The matrices on which an
operator acts must have types and dimensions that are conformable to the operation. For example, matrix
multiplication requires that the number of columns of the left-hand matrix be equal to the number of rows
of the right-hand matrix.
The three types of operators are as follows:
v Prex operators are placed in front of an operand (-A).
v Binary operators are placed between operands (A
v Postx operators are placed after an operand (A
20 ! Chapter 3: Understanding the SAS/IML Language
All operators can work on scalars, vectors, or matrices, provided that the operation makes sense. For
example, you can add a scalar to a matrix or divide a matrix by a scalar. The following statement is an
example of using operators in an assignment statement:
y = x#(x>0);
This assignment statement creates a matrix y in which each negative element of the matrix x is replaced
with zero. The statement actually contains two expressions that are evaluated. The expression x>0 is an
operation that compares each element of x to zero and creates a temporary matrix of results; an element of
the temporary matrix is 1 when the corresponding element of x is positive, and 0 otherwise. The original
matrix x is then multiplied elementwise by the temporary matrix, resulting in the matrix y.
See Chapter 23, Language Reference, for a complete listing and explanation of operators.
Types of Statements
Statements in the SAS/IML language can be classied into three general categories:
Control statements
direct the ow of execution. For example, the IF-THEN/ELSE statement conditionally controls state-
ment execution.
Functions and CALL statements
perform special tasks or user-dened operations. For example, the statement CALL EIGEN computes
eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Command statements
perform special processing, such as setting options, displaying windows, and handling input and
output. For example, the MATTRIB statement associates matrix characteristics with matrix names.
Control Statements
The SAS/IML language has statements that control program execution. You can use control statements to
direct the execution of your program and to dene DO groups and modules. Some control statements are
shown in the following table:
Functions ! 21
Table 3.1 Control Statements
Statement Description
DO, END Species a group of statements
Iterative DO, END Denes an iteration loop
GOTO, LINK Species the next program statement to be executed
IF-THEN/ELSE Conditionally routes execution
PAUSE Instructs a module to pause during execution
QUIT Exits from the IML procedure
RESUME Instructs a module to resume execution
RETURN Returns from a LINK statement or module
RUN Executes a module
START, FINISH Denes a module
STOP, ABORT Stops the execution of an IML program
See Chapter 6, Programming Statements, for more information about control statements.
The general form of a function is result = FUNCTION(arguments) where arguments is a list of matrix
names, matrix literals, or expressions. Functions always return a single matrix, whereas subroutines can
return multiple matrices or no matrices at all. If a function returns a character matrix, the matrix to hold the
result is allocated with a string length equal to the longest element, and all shorter elements are padded on
the right with blanks.
Categories of Functions
Many functions fall into one of the following general categories:
scalar functions
operate on each element of the matrix argument. For example, the ABS function returns a matrix with
elements that are the absolute values of the corresponding elements of the argument matrix.
matrix inquiry functions
return information about a matrix. For example, the ANY function returns a value of 1 if any of the
elements of the argument matrix are nonzero.
summary functions
return summary statistics based on all elements of the matrix argument. For example, the SSQ func-
tion returns the sum of squares of all elements of the argument matrix.
matrix reshaping functions
manipulate the matrix argument and returns a reshaped matrix. For example, the DIAG function
returns a diagonal matrix with values and dimensions that are determined by the argument matrix.
22 ! Chapter 3: Understanding the SAS/IML Language
linear algebraic functions
perform matrix algebraic operations on the argument. For example, the TRACE function returns the
trace of the argument matrix.
statistical functions
perform statistical operations on the matrix argument. For example, the RANK function returns a
matrix that contains the ranks of the argument matrix.
The SAS/IML language also provides functions in the following general categories:
v matrix sorting and BY-group processing
v numerical linear algebra
v optimization
v random number generation
v time series analysis
v wavelet analysis
See the section Statements, Functions, and Subroutines by Category on page 551 for a complete listing of
SAS/IML functions.
Exceptions to the SAS DATA Step
The SAS/IML language supports most functions that are supported in the SAS DATA step. These func-
tions almost always accept matrix arguments and usually act elementwise so that the result has the same
dimension as the argument. See the section Base SAS Functions Accessible from SAS/IML Software on
page 1044 for a list of these functions and also a small list of functions that are not supported by SAS/IML
software or that behave differently than their Base SAS counterparts.
The SAS/IML random number functions UNIFORM and NORMAL are built-in functions that produce the
same streams as the RANUNI and RANNOR functions, respectively, of the DATA step. For example, you
can use the following statement to create a 10 1 vector of random numbers:
x = uniform(repeat(0,10,1));
SAS/IML software does not support the OF clause of the SAS DATA step. For example, the following
statement cannot be interpreted in SAS/IML software:
a = mean(of x1-x10); /
invalid in the SAS/IML language
The term x1-x10 would be interpreted as subtraction of the two matrix arguments rather than its DATA step
meaning, the variables X1 through X10.
CALL Statements and Subroutines ! 23
CALL Statements and Subroutines
Subroutines (also called CALL statements) perform calculations, operations, or interact with the SAS
sytem. CALL statements are often used in place of functions when the operation returns multiple results or,
in some cases, no result. The general form of the CALL statement is
CALL SUBROUTINE (arguments) ;
where arguments can be a list of matrix names, matrix literals, or expressions. If you specify several
arguments, use commas to separate them. When using output arguments that are computed by a subroutine,
always use variable names instead of expressions or literals.
Creating Matrices with CALL Statements
Matrices are created whenever a CALL statement returns one or more result matrices. For example, the fol-
lowing statement returns two matrices (vectors), val and vec, that contain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
respectively, of the matrix A:
call eigen(val,vec,A);
You can program your own subroutine by using the START and FINISH statements to dene a module. You
can then execute the module with a CALL or RUN statement. For example, the following statements dene
a module named MyMod which returns matrices that contain the square root and log of each element of the
argument matrix:
start MyMod(a,b,c);
run MyMod(S,L,{1 2 4 9});
Execution of the module statements creates matrices S and L which contain the square roots and natural
logs, respectively, of the elements of the third argument.
Interacting with the SAS System
You can use CALL statements to manage SAS data sets or to access the PROC IML graphics system. For
example, the following statement deletes the SAS data set named MyData:
call delete(MyData);
The following statements activate the graphics system and produce a crude scatter plot:
x = 0:100;
y = 50 + 50
call gstart; /
activate the graphics system
call gopen; /
open a new graphics segment
call gpoint(x,y); /
plot the points
call gshow; /
display the graph
call gclose; /
close the graphics segment
24 ! Chapter 3: Understanding the SAS/IML Language
SAS/IML Studio, which is distributed as part of SAS/IML software, contains graphics that are easier to
use and more powerful than the older GSTART/GCLOSE graphics in PROC IML. See the SAS/IML Studio
Users Guide for a description of the graphs in SAS/IML Studio.
Command Statements
Command statements are used to perform specic system actions, such as storing and loading matrices and
modules, or to perform special data processing requests. The following table lists some commands and the
actions they perform.
Table 3.2 Command Statements
Statement Description
FREE Frees memory associated with a matrix
LOAD Loads a matrix or module from a storage library
MATTRIB Associates printing attributes with matrices
PRINT Prints a matrix or message
RESET Sets various system options
REMOVE Removes a matrix or module from library storage
SHOW Displays system information
STORE Stores a matrix or module in the storage library
These commands play an important role in SAS/IML software. You can use them to control information
displayed about matrices, symbols, or modules.
If a certain computation requires almost all of the memory on your computer, you can use commands to
store extraneous matrices in the storage library, free the matrices of their values, and reload them later when
you need them again. For example, the following statements dene several matrices:
proc iml;
a = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9};
b = {2 2 2};
show names;
Figure 3.3 List of Symbols in RAM
------ ------ ------ ---- ------
a 3 3 num 8
b 1 3 num 8
Number of symbols = 2 (includes those without values)
Suppose that you want to compute a quantity that does not involve the a matrix or the b matrix. You can
store a and b in a library storage with the STORE command, and release the space with the FREE command.
Command Statements ! 25
To list the matrices and modules in library storage, use the SHOW STORAGE command (or the STORAGE
function), as shown in the following statements:
store a b; /
store the matrices
show storage; /
make sure the matrices are saved
free a b; /
free the RAM
The output from the SHOW STORAGE statement (see Figure 3.4) indicates that there are two matrices in
storage. (There are no modules in storage for this example.)
Figure 3.4 List of Symbols in Storage
Contents of storage library = WORK.IMLSTOR
You can load these matrices from the storage library into RAM with the LOAD command, as shown in the
following statement:
load a b;
See Chapter 17, Storage Features, for more details about storing modules and matrices.
Data Management Commands
SAS/IML software has many commands that enable you to manage your SAS data sets from within the
SAS/IML environment. These data management commands operate on SAS data sets. There are also
commands for accessing external les. The following table lists some commands and the actions they
26 ! Chapter 3: Understanding the SAS/IML Language
Table 3.3 Data Management Statements
Statement Description
APPEND Adds records to an output SAS data set
CLOSE Closes a SAS data set
CREATE Creates a new SAS data set
DELETE Deletes records in an output SAS data set
EDIT Reads from or writes to an existing SAS data set
FIND Finds records that satisfy some condition
LIST Lists records
PURGE Purges records marked for deletion
READ Reads records from a SAS data set into IML matrices
SETIN Sets a SAS data set to be the input data set
SETOUT Sets a SAS data set to be the output data set
SORT Sorts a SAS data set
USE Opens an existing SAS data set for reading
These commands can be used to perform data management. For example, you can read observations from
a SAS data set into a target matrix with the USE or EDIT command. You can edit a SAS data set and
append or delete records. If you have a matrix of values, you can output the values to a SAS data set with
the APPEND command. See Chapter 7, Working with SAS Data Sets, and Chapter 8, File Access, for
more information about these commands.
Missing Values
With SAS/IML software, a numeric element can have a special value called a missing value, which indicates
that the value is unknown or unspecied. Such missing values are coded, for logical comparison purposes,
in the bit pattern of very large negative numbers. A numeric matrix can have any mixture of missing
and nonmissing values. A matrix with missing values should not be confused with an empty or unvalued
matrixthat is, a matrix with zero rows and zero columns.
In matrix literals, a numeric missing value is specied as a single period (.). In data processing operations
that involve a SAS data set, you can append or delete missing values. All operations that move values also
move missing values.
However, for efciency reasons, SAS/IML software does not support missing values in most matrix oper-
ations and functions. For example, matrix multiplication of a matrix with missing values is not supported.
Furthermore, many linear algebraic operations are not mathematically dened for a matrix with missing
values. For example, the inverse of a matrix with missing values is meaningless.
See Chapter 5, Working with Matrices, and Chapter 22, Further Notes, for more details about missing
Summary ! 27
This chapter introduced the fundamentals of the SAS/IML language, including the basic data element, the
matrix. You learned several ways to create matrices: assignment statements, matrix literals, and CALL
statements that return matrix results.
The chapter also introduced various types of programming statements: commands, control statements, iter-
ative statements, module denitions, functions, and subroutines.
Chapter 4, Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression, offers an introductory tutorial that demonstrates
how to use SAS/IML software for statistical computations.
Chapter 4
Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression
Overview of Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Example: Solving a System of Linear Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
A Module for Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Orthogonal Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Plotting Regression Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Low-Resolution Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
SAS/IML Studio Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Overview of Linear Regression
You can use SAS/IML software to solve mathematical problems or implement new statistical techniques and
algorithms. Formulas and matrix equations are easily translated in the SAS/IML language. For example, if
X is a data matrix and Y is a vector of observed responses, then you might be interested in the solution, b,
to the matrix equation Xb = Y. In statistics, the data matrices that arise often have more rows than columns
and so an exact solution to the linear system is impossible to nd. Instead, the statistician often solves a
related equation: X
Xb = X
Y. The following mathematical formula expresses the solution vector in
terms of the data matrix and the observed responses:
b = (X
This mathematical formula can be translated into the following SAS/IML statement:
b = inv(X`
Y; /
least squares estimates
This assignment statement uses a built-in function (INV) and matrix operators (transpose and matrix multi-
plication). It is mathematically equivalent to (but less efcient than) the following alternative statement:
b = solve(X`
X, X`
Y); /
more efficient computation
If a statistical method has not been implemented directly in a SAS procedure, you might be able to program
it by using the SAS/IML language. The most commonly used mathematical and matrix operations are built
directly into the language, so programs that require many statements in other languages require only a few
SAS/IML statements.
30 ! Chapter 4: Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression
Example: Solving a System of Linear Equations
Because the syntax of the SAS/IML language is similar to the notation used in linear algebra, it is of-
ten possible to directly translate mathematical methods from matrix-algebraic expressions into executable
SAS/IML statements. For example, consider the problem of solving three simultaneous equations:
= 8
= 2
= 9
These equations can be written in matrix form as
3 1 2
2 2 3
4 1 4
and can be expressed symbolically as
Ax = c
where A is the matrix of coefcients for the linear system. Because A is nonsingular, the system has a
solution given by
x = A
This example solves this linear system of equations.
1 Dene the matrices A and c. Both of these matrices are input as matrix literals; that is, you type the row
and column values as discussed in Chapter 3, Understanding the SAS/IML Language.
proc iml;
a = {3 -1 2,
2 -2 3,
4 1 -4};
c = {8, 2, 9};
2 Solve the equation by using the built-in INV function and the matrix multiplication operator. The INV
function returns the inverse of a square matrix and
is the operator for matrix multiplication. Conse-
quently, the solution is computed as follows:
x = inv(a)
print x;
A Module for Linear Regression ! 31
Figure 4.1 The Solution of a Linear System of Equations
3 Equivalently, you can solve the linear system by using the more efcient SOLVE function, as shown in
the following statement:
x = solve(a, c);
After SAS/IML executes the statements, the rows of the vector x contain the .
. .
, and .
values that solve
the linear system.
You can end PROC IML by using the QUIT statement:
A Module for Linear Regression
The linear systems that arise naturally in statistics are usually overconstrained, meaning that the X matrix
has more rows than columns and that an exact solution to the linear system is impossible to nd. Instead,
the statistician assumes a linear model of the form
y = Xb e
where y is the vector of responses, X is a design matrix, and b is a vector of unknown parameters that are
estimated by minimizing the sum of squares of e, the error or residual term.
The following example illustrates some programming techniques by using SAS/IML statements to perform
linear regression. (The example module does not replace regression procedures such as the REG procedure,
which are more efcient for regressions and offer a multitude of diagnostic options.)
Suppose you have response data y measured at ve values of the independent variable X and you want to
perform a quadratic regression. In this case, you can dene the design matrix X and the data vector y as
proc iml;
x = {1 1 1,
1 2 4,
1 3 9,
1 4 16,
1 5 25};
y = {1, 5, 9, 23, 36};
You can compute the least squares estimate of b by using the following statement:
32 ! Chapter 4: Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression
b = inv(x`
print b;
Figure 4.2 Parameter Estimates
The predicted values are found by multiplying the data matrix and the parameter estimates; the residuals are
the differences between actual and predicted responses, as shown in the following statements:
yhat = x
r = y-yhat;
print yhat r;
Figure 4.3 Predicted and Residual Values
yhat r
1.2 -0.2
4 1
10.8 -1.8
21.6 1.4
36.4 -0.4
To estimate the variance of the responses, calculate the sum of squared errors (SSE), the error degrees of
freedom (DFE), and the mean squared error (MSE) as follows:
sse = ssq(r);
dfe = nrow(x)-ncol(x);
mse = sse/dfe;
print sse dfe mse;
Figure 4.4 Statistics for a Linear Model
sse dfe mse
6.4 2 3.2
Notice that in computing the degrees of freedom, you use the function NCOL to return the number of
columns of X and the function NROW to return the number of rows.
Now suppose you want to solve the problem repeatedly on new data. To do this, you can dene a module.
Modules begin with a START statement and end with a FINISH statement, with the program statements in
between. The following statements dene a module named Regress to perform linear regression:
A Module for Linear Regression ! 33
start Regress; /
begins module
xpxi = inv(x`
x); /
inverse of X'X
beta = xpxi
y); /
parameter estimate
yhat = x
beta; /
predicted values
resid = y-yhat; /
sse = ssq(resid); /
n = nrow(x); /
sample size
dfe = nrow(x)-ncol(x); /
error DF
mse = sse/dfe; /
cssy = ssq(y-sum(y)/n); /
corrected total SS
rsquare = (cssy-sse)/cssy; /
print ,"Regression Results", sse dfe mse rsquare;
stdb = sqrt(vecdiag(xpxi)
mse); /
std of estimates
t = beta/stdb; /
parameter t tests
prob = 1-probf(t#t,1,dfe); /
print ,"Parameter Estimates",, beta stdb t prob;
print ,y yhat resid;
finish Regress; /
ends module
Assuming that the matrices x and y are dened, you can run the Regress module as follows:
run Regress; /
executes module
Figure 4.5 The Results of a Regression Module
Regression Results
sse dfe mse rsquare
6.4 2 3.2 0.9923518
Parameter Estimates
beta stdb t prob
2.4 3.8366652 0.6255432 0.5954801
-3.2 2.923794 -1.094468 0.387969
2 0.4780914 4.1833001 0.0526691
y yhat resid
1 1.2 -0.2
5 4 1
9 10.8 -1.8
23 21.6 1.4
36 36.4 -0.4
34 ! Chapter 4: Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression
Orthogonal Regression
In the previous section, you ran a module that computes parameter estimates and statistics for a linear
regression model. All of the matrices used in the Regress module are global variables because the Regress
module does not have any arguments. Consequently, you can use those matrices in additional calculations.
Suppose you want to correlate the parameter estimates. To do this, you can calculate the covariance of the
estimates, then scale the covariance into a correlation matrix with values of 1 on the diagonal. You can
perform these operations by using the following statements:
reset print; /
turns on auto printing
covb = xpxi
mse; /
covariance of estimates
s = 1/sqrt(vecdiag(covb)); /
standard errors
corrb = diag(s)
diag(s); /
correlation of estimates
The RESET PRINT statement causes the IML procedure to print the result of each assignment statement, as
shown in Figure 4.6. The covariance matrix of the estimates is contained in the covb matrix. The vector s
contains the standard errors of the parameter estimates and is used to compute the correlation matrix of the
estimates (corrb). These statistics are shown in Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6 Covariance and Correlation Matrices for Estimates
Regression Results
sse dfe mse rsquare
6.4 2 3.2 0.9923518
Parameter Estimates
beta stdb t prob
2.4 3.8366652 0.6255432 0.5954801
-3.2 2.923794 -1.094468 0.387969
2 0.4780914 4.1833001 0.0526691
y yhat resid
1 1.2 -0.2
5 4 1
9 10.8 -1.8
23 21.6 1.4
36 36.4 -0.4
covb 3 rows 3 cols (numeric)
14.72 -10.56 1.6
-10.56 8.5485714 -1.371429
1.6 -1.371429 0.2285714
s 3 rows 1 col (numeric)
Orthogonal Regression ! 35
Figure 4.6 continued
corrb 3 rows 3 cols (numeric)
1 -0.941376 0.8722784
-0.941376 1 -0.981105
0.8722784 -0.981105 1
You can also use the Regress module to carry out an orthogonalized regression version of the previous
polynomial regression. In general, the columns of X are not orthogonal. You can use the ORPOL function
to generate orthogonal polynomials for the regression. Using them provides greater computing accuracy and
reduced computing times. When you use orthogonal polynomial regression, you can expect the statistics of
t to be the same and expect the estimates to be more stable and uncorrelated.
To perform an orthogonal regression on the data, you must rst create a vector that contains the values of
the independent variable ., which is the second column of the design matrix X. Then, use the ORPOL
function to generate orthogonal second degree polynomials. You can perform these operations by using the
following statements:
x1 = x[,2]; /
data = second column of X
x = orpol(x1, 2); /
generates orthogonal polynomials
reset noprint; /
turns off auto printing
run Regress; /
runs Regress module
reset print; /
turns on auto printing
covb = xpxi
s = 1 / sqrt(vecdiag(covb));
corrb = diag(s)
reset noprint;
Figure 4.7 Covariance and Correlation Matrices for Estimates
x1 5 rows 1 col (numeric)
x 5 rows 3 cols (numeric)
0.4472136 -0.632456 0.5345225
0.4472136 -0.316228 -0.267261
0.4472136 1.755E-17 -0.534522
0.4472136 0.3162278 -0.267261
0.4472136 0.6324555 0.5345225
Regression Results
36 ! Chapter 4: Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression
Figure 4.7 continued
sse dfe mse rsquare
6.4 2 3.2 0.9923518
Parameter Estimates
beta stdb t prob
33.093806 1.7888544 18.5 0.0029091
27.828043 1.7888544 15.556349 0.0041068
7.4833148 1.7888544 4.1833001 0.0526691
y yhat resid
1 1.2 -0.2
5 4 1
9 10.8 -1.8
23 21.6 1.4
36 36.4 -0.4
covb 3 rows 3 cols (numeric)
3.2 0 0
0 3.2 0
0 0 3.2
s 3 rows 1 col (numeric)
corrb 3 rows 3 cols (numeric)
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
For these data, the off-diagonal values of the corrb matrix are displayed as zeros. For some analyses
you might nd that certain matrix elements are very close to zero but not exactly zero because of the
computations of oating-point arithmetic. You can use the RESET FUZZ option to control whether small
values are printed as zeros.
Plotting Regression Results
SAS/IML software includes SAS/IML Studio, a environment for developing SAS/IML programs. SAS/IML
Studio includes high-level statistical graphics such as scatter plots, histograms, and bar charts. You can use
Low-Resolution Plots ! 37
the SAS/IML Studio graphical user interface (GUI) to create graphs, or you can create and modify graphics
by writing programs. The GUI is described in the SAS/IML Studio Users Guide. See SAS/IML Studio for
SAS/STAT Users for an introduction to programming in SAS/IML Studio.
You can also produce high-resolution graphics by using the GXYPLOT module in the IMLMLIB library;
see Chapter 24, Module Library. Also see Chapter 15, Graphics Examples, for more information about
high-resolution graphics.
You can create some simple plots in PROC IML by using the PGRAF subroutine which produces low-
resolution scatter plots.
Low-Resolution Plots
You can continue the example of this chapter by using the PGRAF subroutine to create a low-resolution
The following statements plot the residual values versus the explanatory variable:
xy = x1 || resid;
reset linesize=78 pagesize=20;
call pgraf(xy,'r','x','Residuals','Plot of Residuals');
The rst statement creates a matrix by using the horizontal concatenation operator (||) to concatenate x1
with resid. The two-column matrix xy contains the pairs of points that the PGRAF subroutine plots. The
PGRAF call produces the desired plot, as shown in Figure 4.8.
Figure 4.8 Residual Plot from the PGRAF Subroutine
Plot of Residuals
2 +
R |
e | r
s | r
i |
d |
u 0 +
a | r r
l |
s |
| r
-2 +
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
38 ! Chapter 4: Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression
The arguments to PGRAF are as follows:
v an n 2 matrix that contains the pairs of points
v a plotting symbol
v a label for the X axis
v a label for the Y axis
v a title for the plot
You can also plot the predicted values y against x. You can create a matrix (say, xyh) that contains the points
to plot by concatenating x1 with yhat. The PGRAF subroutine plots the points, as shown in the following
statements. The resulting plot is shown in Figure 4.9.
xyh = x1 || yhat;
call pgraf(xyh,'
','x','Predicted','Plot of Predicted Values');
Figure 4.9 Predicted Value Plot from the PGRAF Subroutine
Plot of Predicted Values
40 +
P |
r |
e |
d |
i |
c 20 +
t |
e |
d |
0 +
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
You can also use the PGRAF subroutine to create a low-resolution plot of the predicted and observed values
plotted against the explanatory variable, as shown in the following statements:
n = nrow(x1); /
number of observations
newxy = (x1//x1) || (y//yhat); /
observed followed by predicted
label = repeat('y',n,1) // repeat('p',n,1);/
'y' followed by 'p'
call pgraf(newxy,label,'x','y','Scatter Plot with Regression Line' );
The NROW function returns the number of rows of x1. The example creates a matrix newxy, which contains
the pairs of all observed values, followed by the pairs of predicted values. (Notice that you need to use both
the horizontal concatenation operator (||) and the vertical concatenation operator (//).) The matrix label
contains the character label for each point: a y for each observed point and a p for each predicted point.
SAS/IML Studio Graphics ! 39
Finally, the PGRAF subroutine plots the observed and predicted values by using the corresponding symbols,
as shown in Figure 4.9.
For several points in Figure 4.8, the observed and predicted values are too close together to be distinguish-
able in the low-resolution plot.
Figure 4.10 Plot of Predicted and Observed Values
Scatter Plot with Regression Line
40 +
| y
y | y
20 + p
| y
| y
| p
0 + y
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
SAS/IML Studio Graphics
If you develop your SAS/IML programs in SAS/IML Studio, you can use high-level statistical graphics. For
example, the following statements create three scatter plots that duplicate the low-resolution plots created in
the previous section. Two of the plots are shown in Figure 4.11. The main steps in the program are indicated
by numbered comments; these steps are explained in the list that follows the program.
x = {1 1 1, 1 2 4, 1 3 9, 1 4 16, 1 5 25}; /
y = {1, 5, 9, 23, 36};
x1 = x[,2]; /
data = second column of X
x = orpol(x1,2); /
generates orthogonal polynomials
run Regress; /
runs the Regress module
declare DataObject dobj; /
dobj = DataObject.Create("Reg", /
{"x" "y" "Residuals" "Predicted"},
x1 || y || resid || yhat);
declare ScatterPlot p1, p2, p3;
p1 = ScatterPlot.Create(dobj, "x", "Residuals"); /
p1.SetTitleText("Plot of Residuals", true);
40 ! Chapter 4: Tutorial: A Module for Linear Regression
p2 = ScatterPlot.Create(dobj, "x", "Predicted"); /
p2.SetTitleText("Plot of Predicted Values", true);
p3 = ScatterPlot.Create(dobj, "x", "y"); /
p3.SetTitleText("Scatter Plot with Regression Line", true);
p3.DrawLine(x1,yhat); /
To completely understand this program, you should read SAS/IML Studio for SAS/STAT Users. The follow-
ing list describes the main steps of the program:
1. Use SAS/IML to create the data and run the Regress module.
2. Specify that the dobj variable is an object of the DataObject class. SAS/IML Studio extends the
SAS/IML language by adding object-oriented programming techniques.
3. Create an object of the DataObject class from SAS/IML vectors.
4. Create a scatter plot of the residuals versus the values of the explanatory variable.
5. Create a scatter plot of the predicted values versus the values of the explanatory variable.
6. Create a scatter plot of the observed responses versus the values of the explanatory variable.
7. Overlay a line for the predicted values.
Figure 4.11 Graphs Created by SAS/IML Studio
Chapter 5
Working with Matrices
Overview of Working with Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Entering Data as Matrix Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Scalars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Matrices with Multiple Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Using Assignment Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Simple Assignment Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Functions That Generate Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Index Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Using Matrix Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Compound Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Elementwise Binary Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Subscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Subscript Reduction Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Displaying Matrices with Row and Column Headings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
The AUTONAME Option in the RESET Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
The ROWNAME= and COLNAME= Options in the PRINT Statement . . . . . . . . 62
The MATTRIB Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
More about Missing Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Overview of Working with Matrices
SAS/IML software provides many ways to create matrices. You can create matrices by doing any of the
v entering data as a matrix literal
v using assignment statements
v using functions that generate matrices
v creating submatrices from existing matrices with subscripts
42 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
v using SAS data sets (see Chapter 7, Working with SAS Data Sets, for more information)
Chapter 3, Understanding the SAS/IML Language, describes some of these techniques.
After you dene matrices, you have access to many operators and functions for forming matrix expressions.
These operators and functions facilitate programming and enable you to refer to submatrices. This chapter
describes how to work with matrices in the SAS/IML language.
Entering Data as Matrix Literals
The simplest way to create a matrix is to dene a matrix literal by entering the matrix elements. A matrix
literal can contain numeric or character data. A matrix literal can be a single element (called a scalar), a
single row of data (called a row vector), a single column of data (called a column vector), or a rectangular
array of data (called a matrix). The dimension of a matrix is given by its number of rows and columns. An
n matrix has n rows and columns.
Scalars are matrices that have only one element. You can dene a scalar by typing the matrix name on the
left side of an assignment statement and its value on the right side. The following statements create and
display several examples of scalar literals:
proc iml;
x = 12;
y = 12.34;
z = .;
a = 'Hello';
b = "Hi there";
print x y z a b;
The output is displayed in Figure 5.1. Notice that you need to use either single quotes (') or double quotes
(") when dening a character literal. Using quotes preserves the case and embedded blanks of the literal. It
is also always correct to enclose data values within braces ({ }).
Figure 5.1 Examples of Scalar Quantities
x y z a b
12 12.34 . Hello Hi there
Matrices with Multiple Elements ! 43
Matrices with Multiple Elements
To enter a matrix having multiple elements, use braces ({ }) to enclose the data values. If the matrix has
multiple rows, use commas to separate them. Inside the braces, all elements must be either numeric or
character. You cannot have a mixture of data types within a matrix. Each row must have the same number
of elements.
For example, suppose you have one week of data on daily coffee consumption (cups per day) for four people
in your ofce. Create a 4 5 matrix called coffee with each persons consumption represented by a row
of the matrix and each day represented by a column. The following statements use the RESET PRINT
command so that the result of each assignment statement is displayed automatically:
proc iml;
reset print;
coffee = {4 2 2 3 2,
3 3 1 2 1,
2 1 0 2 1,
5 4 4 3 4};
Figure 5.2 A 4 5 Matrix
coffee 4 rows 5 cols (numeric)
4 2 2 3 2
3 3 1 2 1
2 1 0 2 1
5 4 4 3 4
Next, you can create a character matrix called names with rows that contains the names of the coffee drinkers
in your ofce. Notice in Figure 5.3 that if you do not use quotes, characters are converted to uppercase.
names = {Jenny, Linda, Jim, Samuel};
Figure 5.3 A Column Vector of Names
names 4 rows 1 col (character, size 6)
Notice that RESET PRINT statement produces output that includes the name of the matrix, its dimensions,
its type, and (when the type is character) the element size of the matrix. The element size represents the
length of each string, and it is determined by the length of the longest string.
Next display the coffee matrix using the elements of names as row names by specifying the ROWNAME=
option in the PRINT statement:
44 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
print coffee[rowname=names];
Figure 5.4 Rows of a Matrix Labeled by a Vector
JENNY 4 2 2 3 2
LINDA 3 3 1 2 1
JIM 2 1 0 2 1
SAMUEL 5 4 4 3 4
Using Assignment Statements
Assignment statements create matrices by evaluating expressions and assigning the results to a matrix. The
expressions can be composed of operators (for example, the matrix addition operator (+)), functions (for ex-
ample, the INV function), and subscripts. Assignment statements have the general form result = expression
where result is the name of the new matrix and expression is an expression that is evaluated. The resulting
matrix automatically acquires the appropriate dimension, type, and value. Details about writing expressions
are described in the section Using Matrix Expressions on page 50.
Simple Assignment Statements
Simple assignment statements involve an equation that has a matrix name on the left side and either an
expression or a function that generates a matrix on the right side.
Suppose that you want to generate some statistics for the weekly coffee data. If a cup of coffee costs 30
cents, then you can create a matrix with the daily expenses, dayCost, by multiplying the per-cup cost with
the matrix coffee. You can turn off the automatic printing so that you can customize the output with
the ROWNAME=, FORMAT=, and LABEL= options in the PRINT statement, as shown in the following
reset noprint;
dayCost = 0.30 # coffee; /
elementwise multiplication
print dayCost[rowname=names format=8.2 label="Daily totals"];
Figure 5.5 Daily Cost for Each Employee
Daily totals
JENNY 1.20 0.60 0.60 0.90 0.60
LINDA 0.90 0.90 0.30 0.60 0.30
JIM 0.60 0.30 0.00 0.60 0.30
SAMUEL 1.50 1.20 1.20 0.90 1.20
Functions That Generate Matrices ! 45
You can calculate the weekly total cost for each person by using the matrix multiplication operator (*).
First create a 5 1 vector of ones. This vector sums the daily costs for each person when multiplied with
the coffee matrix. (A more efcient way to do this is by using subscript reduction operators, which are
discussed in Using Matrix Expressions on page 50.) The following statements performthe multiplication:
ones = {1,1,1,1,1};
weektot = dayCost
ones; /
matrix-vector multiplication
print weektot[rowname=names format=8.2 label="Weekly totals"];
Figure 5.6 Weekly Total for Each Employee
Weekly totals
JENNY 3.90
LINDA 3.00
JIM 1.80
You might want to calculate the average number of cups consumed per day in the ofce. You can use the
SUM function, which returns the sum of all elements of a matrix, to nd the total number of cups consumed
in the ofce. Then divide the total by 5, the number of days. The number of days is also the number
of columns in the coffee matrix, which you can determine by using the NCOL function. The following
statements perform this calculation:
grandtot = sum(coffee);
average = grandtot / ncol(coffee);
print grandtot[label="Total number of cups"],
average[label="Daily average"];
Figure 5.7 Total and Average Number of Cups for the Ofce
Total number of cups
Daily average
Functions That Generate Matrices
SAS/IML software has many useful built-in functions that generate matrices. For example, the J function
creates a matrix with a given dimension and specied element value. You can use this function to initialize
a matrix to a predetermined size. Here are several functions that generate matrices:
BLOCK creates a block-diagonal matrix
DESIGNF creates a full-rank design matrix
I creates an identity matrix
46 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
J creates a matrix of a given dimension
REPEAT creates a new matrix by repeating elements of the argument matrix
SHAPE shapes a new matrix from the argument
The sections that follow illustrate the functions that generate matrices. The output of each example is
generated automatically by using the RESET PRINT statement:
reset print;
The BLOCK Function
The BLOCK function has the following general form:
BLOCK (matrix1,<matrix2,. . . ,matrix15>) ;
The BLOCK function creates a block-diagonal matrix from the argument matrices. For example, the fol-
lowing statements form a block-diagonal matrix:
a = {1 1, 1 1};
b = {2 2, 2 2};
c = block(a,b);
Figure 5.8 A Block-Diagonal Matrix
c 4 rows 4 cols (numeric)
1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0
0 0 2 2
0 0 2 2
The J Function
The J function has the following general form:
J (nrow <,ncol <,value>>) ;
It creates a matrix that has nrow rows, ncol columns, and all elements equal to value. The ncol and value
arguments are optional; if they are not specied, default values are used. In many statistical applications, it
is helpful to be able to create a row (or column) vector of ones. (You did so to calculate coffee totals in the
previous section.) You can do this with the J function. For example, the following statement creates a 5 1
column vector of ones:
ones = j(5,1,1);
Functions That Generate Matrices ! 47
Figure 5.9 A Vector of Ones
ones 5 rows 1 col (numeric)
The I Function
The I function creates an identity matrix of a given size. It has the following general form:
I (dimension) ;
where dimension gives the number of rows. For example, the following statement creates a 3 3 identity
I3 = I(3);
Figure 5.10 An Identity Matrix
I3 3 rows 3 cols (numeric)
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
The DESIGNF Function
The DESIGNF function generates a full-rank design matrix, which is useful in calculating ANOVA tables.
It has the following general form:
DESIGNF (column-vector) ;
For example, the following statement creates a full-rank design matrix for a one-way ANOVA, where the
treatment factor has three levels and there are n
= 3, n
= 2, and n
= 2 observations at the factor levels:
d = designf({1,1,1,2,2,3,3});
Figure 5.11 A Design Matrix
d 7 rows 2 cols (numeric)
48 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
Figure 5.11 continued
1 0
1 0
1 0
0 1
0 1
-1 -1
-1 -1
The REPEAT Function
The REPEAT function creates a new matrix by repeating elements of the argument matrix. It has the
following syntax:
REPEAT (matrix, nrow, ncol) ;
The function repeats matrix a total of nrow ncol times. The argument is repeated nrow times in the vertical
direction and ncol times in the horizontal direction. For example, the following statement creates a 4 6
x = {1 2, 3 4};
r = repeat(x, 2, 3);
Figure 5.12 A Matrix of Repeated Values
r 4 rows 6 cols (numeric)
1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4
1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4
The SHAPE Function
The SHAPE function creates a new matrix by reshaping an argument matrix. It has the following general
SHAPE (matrix, nrow <,ncol <,pad-value>>) ;
The ncol and pad-value arguments are optional; if they are not specied, default values are used. The
following statement uses the SHAPE function to create a 3 3 matrix that contains the values 99 and 33.
The function cycles back and repeats values to ll in the matrix when no pad-value is given.
aa = shape({99 33, 33 99}, 3, 3);
Figure 5.13 A Matrix of Repeated Values
aa 3 rows 3 cols (numeric)
Index Vectors ! 49
Figure 5.13 continued
99 33 33
99 99 33
33 99 99
Alternatively, you can specify a value for pad-value that is used for lling in the matrix:
bb = shape({99 33, 33 99}, 3, 3, 0);
Figure 5.14 A Matrix Padded with Zeroes
bb 3 rows 3 cols (numeric)
99 33 33
99 0 0
0 0 0
The SHAPE function cycles through the argument matrix elements in row-major order and lls in the matrix
with zeros after the rst cycle through the argument matrix.
Index Vectors
You can create a row vector by using the index operator (:). The following statements show that you can use
the index operator to count up, count down, or to create a vector of character values with numerical sufxes:
r = 1:5;
s = 10:6;
t = 'abc1':'abc5';
Figure 5.15 Row Vectors Created with the Index Operator
r 1 row 5 cols (numeric)
1 2 3 4 5
s 1 row 5 cols (numeric)
10 9 8 7 6
t 1 row 5 cols (character, size 4)
abc1 abc2 abc3 abc4 abc5
50 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
To create a vector based on an increment other than 1, use the DO function. For example, if you want a
vector that ranges from 1 to 1 by 0.5, use the following statement:
u = do(-1,1,.5);
Figure 5.16 Row Vector Created with the DO Function
u 1 row 5 cols (numeric)
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Using Matrix Expressions
A matrix expression is a sequence of names, literals, operators, and functions that perform some calcula-
tion, evaluate some condition, or manipulate values. Matrix expressions can appear on either side of an
assignment statement.
Operators used in matrix expressions fall into three general categories:
Prex operators are placed in front of operands. For example, -A uses the sign reversal prex operator
() in front of the matrix A to reverse the sign of each element of A.
Binary operators are placed between operands. For example, A + B uses the addition binary operator
(+) between matrices A and B to add corresponding elements of the matrices.
Postx operators are placed after an operand. For example, A uses the transpose postx operator (`)
after the matrix A to transpose the matrix.
Matrix operators are described in detail in Chapter 23, Language Reference.
Table 5.1 shows the precedence of matrix operators in the SAS/IML language.
Table 5.1 Operator Precedence
Priority Group Operators
I (highest) ` subscripts (prex) ## **
II * # <> >< / @
IV [ // :
V < <= > >= = =
VI &
VII (lowest) |
Compound Expressions ! 51
Compound Expressions
With SAS/IML software, you can write compound expressions that involve several matrix operators and
operands. For example, the following statements are valid matrix assignment statements:
a = x+y+z;
a = x+y
a = (-x)#(y-z);
The rules for evaluating compound expressions are as follows:
v Evaluation follows the order of operator precedence, as described in Table 5.1. Group I has the highest
priority; that is, Group I operators are evaluated rst. Group II operators are evaluated after Group I
operators, and so forth. Consider the following statement:
a = x+y
This statement rst multiplies matrices y and z since the * operator (Group II) has higher precedence
than the + operator (Group III). It then adds the result of this multiplication to the matrix x and assigns
the new matrix to a.
v If neighboring operators in an expression have equal precedence, the expression is evaluated from left
to right, except for the Group I operators. Consider the following statement:
a = x/y/z;
This statement rst divides each element of matrix x by the corresponding element of matrix y. Then,
using the result of this division, it divides each element of the resulting matrix by the corresponding
element of matrix z. The operators in Group I, described in Table 5.1, are evaluated from right to left.
For example, the following expression is evaluated as (X
When multiple prex or postx operators are juxtaposed, precedence is determined by their order
from inside to outside.
For example, the following expression is evaluated as (A`)i. |:
v All expressions enclosed in parentheses are evaluated rst, using the two preceding rules. Consider
the following statement:
a = x/(y/z);
This statement is evaluated by rst dividing elements of y by the elements of z, then dividing this
result into x.
52 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
Elementwise Binary Operators
Elementwise binary operators produce a result matrix from element-by-element operations on two argument
Table 5.2 lists the elementwise binary operators.
Table 5.2 Elementwise Binary Operators
Operator Description
Addition; string concatenation
# Elementwise multiplication
## Elementwise power
, Division
<> Element maximum
>< Element minimum
| Logical OR
& Logical AND
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
= Not equal to
= Equal to
For example, consider the following two matrices:
A =
2 2
3 4
. B =
4 5
1 0
The addition operator () adds corresponding matrix elements, as follows:
A B is
6 7
4 4
The elementwise multiplication operator (#) multiplies corresponding elements, as follows:
A#B is
8 10
3 0
The elementwise power operator (##) raises elements to powers, as follows:
A##2 is
4 4
9 16
Subscripts ! 53
The element maximum operator (<>) compares corresponding elements and chooses the larger, as follows:
A <> B is
4 5
3 4
The less than or equal to operator (<=) returns a 1 if an element of A is less than or equal to the corre-
sponding element of B, and returns a 0 otherwise:
A <= B is
1 1
0 0
All operators can work on scalars, vectors, or matrices, provided that the operation makes sense. For
example, you can add a scalar to a matrix or divide a matrix by a scalar. For example, the following
statement replaces each negative element of the matrix x with 0:
y = x#(x>0);
The expression x>0 is an operation that compares each element of x to (scalar) zero and creates a temporary
matrix of results; an element of the temporary matrix is 1 when the corresponding element of x is positive,
and 0 otherwise. The original matrix x is then multiplied elementwise by the temporary matrix, resulting in
the matrix y. To fully understand the intermediate calculations, you can use the RESET statement with the
PRINTALL option to have the temporary result matrices displayed.
Subscripts are special postx operators placed in square brackets ([ ]) after a matrix operand. Subscript
operations have the general form operand[row,column] where
operand is usually a matrix name, but it can also be an expression or literal.
row refers to a scalar or vector expression that selects one or more rows from the operand.
column refers to a scalar or vector expression that selects one or more columns from the operand.
You can use subscripts to do any of the following:
v refer to a single element of a matrix
v refer to an entire row or column of a matrix
v refer to any submatrix contained within a matrix
v perform a reduction across rows or columns of a matrix. A reduction is a statistical operation (often a
sum or mean) applied to the rows or to the columns of a matrix.
In expressions, subscripts have the same (high) precedence as the transpose postx operator (`). When both
row and column subscripts are used, they are separated by a comma. If a matrix has row or column names
associated with it from a MATTRIB or READ statement, then the corresponding row or column subscript
can also be a character matrix whose elements match the names of the rows or columns to be selected.
54 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
Selecting a Single Element
You can select a single element of a matrix in several ways. You can use two subscripts (row, column) to
refer to its location, or you can use one subscript to index the elements in row-major order.
For example, for the coffee example used previously in this chapter, there are several ways to nd the
element that corresponds to the number of cups that Samuel drank on Monday.
First, you can refer to the element by row and column location. In this case, you want the fourth row and
rst column. The following statements extract the datum and place it in the matrix c41:
coffee={4 2 2 3 2, 3 3 1 2 1, 2 1 0 2 1, 5 4 4 3 4};
names={Jenny, Linda, Jim, Samuel};
print coffee[rowname=names];
c41 = coffee[4,1];
print c41;
Figure 5.17 Datum Extracted from a Matrix
JENNY 4 2 2 3 2
LINDA 3 3 1 2 1
JIM 2 1 0 2 1
SAMUEL 5 4 4 3 4
You can also use row and column names, which can be assigned with an MATTRIB statement as follows:
mattrib coffee rowname=names
colname={'MON' 'TUE' 'WED' 'THU' 'FRI'};
cSamMon = coffee['SAMUEL','MON'];
print cSamMon;
Figure 5.18 Datum Extracted from a Matrix with Assigned Attributes
You can also look for the element by enumerating the elements of the matrix in row-major order. In this
case, you refer to this element as the sixteenth element of coffee:
c16 = coffee[16];
print c16;
Subscripts ! 55
Figure 5.19 Datum Extracted from a Matrix by Specifying the Element Number
Selecting a Row or Column
To refer to an entire row of a matrix, specify the subscript for the row but omit the subscript for the column.
For example, to refer to the row of the coffee matrix that corresponds to Jim, you can specify the submatrix
that consists of the third row and all columns. The following statements extract and print this submatrix:
jim = coffee[3,];
print jim;
Alternately, you can use the row names assigned by the MATTRIB statement. Both results are shown in
Figure 5.20.
jim2 = coffee['JIM',];
print jim2;
Figure 5.20 Row Extracted from a Matrix
2 1 0 2 1
2 1 0 2 1
If you want to extract the data for Friday, you can specify the subscript for the fth column. You omit the
row subscript to indicate that the operation applies to all rows. The following statements extract and print
this submatrix:
friday = coffee[,5];
print friday;
Figure 5.21 Column Extracted from a Matrix
Alternatively, you could also index by the column name as follows:
friday = coffee[,'FRI'];
56 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
You refer to a submatrix by specifying the rows and columns that determine the submatrix. For example,
to create the submatrix of coffee that consists of the rst and third rows and the second, third, and fth
columns, use the following statements:
submat1 = coffee[{1 3}, {2 3 5}];
print submat1;
Figure 5.22 Submatrix Extracted from a Matrix
2 2 2
1 0 1
The rst vector, {1 3}, selects the rows and the second vector, {2 3 5}, selects the columns. Alternately,
you can create the vectors of indices and use them to extract the submatrix, as shown in following state-
rows = {1 3};
cols = {2 3 5};
submat1 = coffee[rows,cols];
You can also use the row and column names:
rows = {'JENNY' 'JIM'};
cols = {'TUE' 'WED' 'FRI'};
submat1 = coffee[rows, cols];
You can use index vectors generated by the index creation operator (:) in subscripts to refer to successive
rows or columns. For example, the following statements extract the rst three rows and last three columns
of coffee:
submat2 = coffee[1:3, 3:5];
print submat2;
Figure 5.23 Submatrix of Contiguous Rows and Columns
2 3 2
1 2 1
0 2 1
Selecting Multiple Elements
All SAS/IML matrices are stored in row-major order. This means that you can index multiple elements of a
matrix by listing the position of the elements in an n matrix. The elements in the rst row have positions
Subscripts ! 57
1 through , the elements in the second row have positions 1 through 2, and the elements in the last
row have positions (n 1) 1 through n.
For example, in the coffee data discussed previously, you might be interested in nding occurrences for
which some person (on some day) drank more than two cups of coffee. The LOC function is useful for
creating an index vector for a matrix that satises some condition. The following statement uses the LOC
function to nd the data that satisfy the desired criterion:
h = loc(coffee > 2);
print h;
Figure 5.24 Indices That Correspond to a Criterion
ROW1 1 4 6 7 16
ROW1 17 18 19 20
The row vector h contains indices of the coffee matrix that satisfy the criterion. If you want to nd the
number of cups of coffee consumed on these occasions, you need to subscript the coffee matrix with the
indices, as shown in the following statements:
cups = coffee[h];
print cups;
Figure 5.25 Values That Correspond to a Criterion
Notice that SAS/IML software returns a column vector when a matrix is subscripted by a single array of
indices. This might surprise you, but clearly the cups matrix cannot be the same shape as the coffee matrix
since it contains a different number of elements. Therefore, the only reasonable alternative is to return either
a row vector or a column vector. Either would be a valid choice; SAS/IML software returns a column vector.
Even if the original matrix is a row vector, the subscripted matrix will be a column vector, as the following
example shows:
58 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
v = {-1 2 5 -2 7}; /
v is a row vector
v2 = v[{1 3 5}]; /
v2 is a column vector
print v2;
Figure 5.26 Column Vector of Extracted Values
If you want to index into a row vector and you want the resulting variable also to be a row vector, then use
the following technique:
v3 = v[ ,{1 3 5}]; /
Select columns. Note the comma.
print v3;
Figure 5.27 Row Vector of Extracted Values
-1 5 7
Subscripted Assignment
You can assign values into a matrix by using subscripts to refer to the element or submatrix. In this type of
assignment, the subscripts appear on the left side of the equal sign. For example, to assign the value 4 in
the rst row, second column of coffee, use subscripts to refer to the appropriate element in an assignment
statement, as shown in the following statements and in Figure 5.27:
coffee[1,2] = 4;
print coffee;
To change the values in the last column of coffee to zeros, use the following statements:
coffee[,5] = {0,0,0,0}; /
alternatively: coffee[,5] = 0;
print coffee;
Figure 5.28 Matrices after Assigning Values to Elements
4 4 2 3 2
3 3 1 2 1
2 1 0 2 1
5 4 4 3 4
Subscript Reduction Operators ! 59
Figure 5.28 continued
4 4 2 3 0
3 3 1 2 0
2 1 0 2 0
5 4 4 3 0
In the next example, you locate the negative elements of a matrix and set these elements to zero. (This
can be useful in situations where negative elements might indicate errors.) The LOC function is useful for
creating an index vector for a matrix that satises some criterion. The following statements use the LOC
function to nd and replace the negative elements of the matrix T:
t = {3 2 -1,
6 -4 3,
2 2 2 };
i = loc(t<0);
print i;
t[i] = 0;
print t;
Figure 5.29 Results of Finding and Replacing Negative Values
3 5
3 2 0
6 0 3
2 2 2
Subscripts can also contain expressions. For example, the previous example could have been written as
t[loc(t<0)] = 0;
If you use a noninteger value as a subscript, only the integer portion is used. Using a subscript value less
than one or greater than the dimension of the matrix results in an error.
Subscript Reduction Operators
A reduction operator is a statistical operation (for example, a sum or a mean) that returns a matrix of a
smaller dimension. Reduction operators are often encountered in frequency tables: the marginal frequencies
represent the sum of the frequencies across rows or down columns.
60 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
In SAS/IML software, you can use reduction operators in place of values for subscripts to get reductions
across all rows or columns. Table 5.3 lists operators for subscript reduction.
Table 5.3 Subscript Reduction Operators
Operator Description
# Multiplication
<> Maximum
>< Minimum
<:> Index of maximum
>:< Index of minimum
: Mean
## Sum of squares
For example, to get row sums of a matrix X, you can sum across the columns with the syntax X[,+].
Omitting the rst subscript species that the operator apply to all rows. The second subscript (+) species
that summation reduction take place across the columns. The elements in each row are added, and the new
matrix consists of one column that contains the row sums.
To give a specic example, consider the coffee data from earlier in the chapter. The following statements
use the summation reduction operator to compute the sums for each row:
coffee={4 2 2 3 2, 3 3 1 2 1, 2 1 0 2 1, 5 4 4 3 4};
names={Jenny, Linda, Jim, Samuel};
mattrib coffee rowname=names colname={'MON' 'TUE' 'WED' 'THU' 'FRI'};
Total = coffee[,+];
print coffee Total;
Figure 5.30 Summation across Columns to Find the Row Sums
coffee MON TUE WED THU FRI Total
JENNY 4 2 2 3 2 13
LINDA 3 3 1 2 1 10
JIM 2 1 0 2 1 6
SAMUEL 5 4 4 3 4 20
You can use these reduction operators to reduce the dimensions of rows, columns, or both. When both rows
and columns are reduced, row reduction is done rst.
For example, the expression A. <>| results in the maximum (<>) of the column sums ().
You can repeat reduction operators. To get the sum of the row maxima, use the expression
A. <>|. |, or, equivalently, A. <>||.
A subscript such as A{2 3]. | rst selects the second and third rows of A and then nds the row sums of
that submatrix.
Displaying Matrices with Row and Column Headings ! 61
The following examples demonstrate how to use the operators for subscript reduction. Consider the follow-
ing matrix:
A =
0 1 2
5 4 3
7 6 8
The following statements are true:
A{2 3]. | is
(row sums for rows 2 and 3)
A. <>| is
(maximum of column sums)
A<>. | is
(sum of column maxima)
A. ><|. | is
(sum of row minima)
A. <:>| is
(indices of row maxima)
A>:<. | is
1 1 1
(indices of column minima)
A:| is
(mean of all elements)
Displaying Matrices with Row and Column Headings
You can customize the way matrices are displayed with the AUTONAME option, with the ROWNAME=
and COLNAME= options, or with the MATTRIB statement.
The AUTONAME Option in the RESET Statement
You can use the RESET statement with the AUTONAME option to automatically display row and column
headings. If your matrix has n rows and columns, the row headings are ROW1 to ROWn and the column
headings are COL1 to COL. For example, the following statements produce the subsequent matrix:
coffee={4 2 2 3 2, 3 3 1 2 1, 2 1 0 2 1, 5 4 4 3 4};
reset autoname;
print coffee;
62 ! Chapter 5: Working with Matrices
Figure 5.31 Result of the AUTONAME Option
ROW1 4 2 2 3 2
ROW2 3 3 1 2 1
ROW3 2 1 0 2 1
ROW4 5 4 4 3 4
The ROWNAME= and COLNAME= Options in the PRINT Statement
You can specify your own row and column headings. The easiest way is to create vectors that contain the
headings and then display the matrix by using the ROWNAME= and COLNAME= options in the PRINT
statement. For example, the following statements display row names and column names for a matrix:
names={Jenny, Linda, Jim, Samuel};
days={Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri};
mattrib coffee rowname=names colname=days;
print coffee;
Figure 5.32 Result of the ROWNAME= and COLNAME= Options
JENNY 4 2 2 3 2
LINDA 3 3 1 2 1
JIM 2 1 0 2 1
SAMUEL 5 4 4 3 4
The MATTRIB Statement
The MATTRIB statement associates printing characteristics with matrices. You can use the MATTRIB
statement to display coffee with row and column headings. In addition, you can format the displayed
numeric output and assign a label to the matrix name. The following example shows how to customize your
displayed output:
mattrib coffee rowname=names
label='Weekly Coffee'
print coffee;
More about Missing Values ! 63
Figure 5.33 Result of the MATTRIB Statement
Weekly Coffee
JENNY 4 2 2 3 2
LINDA 3 3 1 2 1
JIM 2 1 0 2 1
SAMUEL 5 4 4 3 4
More about Missing Values
Missing values in matrices are discussed in Chapter 3, Understanding the SAS/IML Language. You should
carefully read that chapter and Chapter 22, Further Notes, so that you are aware of the way SAS/IML soft-
ware handles missing values. The following examples showhowmissing values are handled for elementwise
operations and for subscript reduction operators.
Consider the following two matrices X and Y:
X =
1 2 .
. 5 6
7 . 9
Y =
4 . 2
2 1 3
6 . 5
The following operations handle missing values in matrices:
Matrix addition: X Y is
5 . .
. 6 9
13 . 14
Elementwise multiplication: X#Y is
4 . .
. 5 18
42 . 45
Subscript reduction: X. | is
8 7 15
Chapter 6
Programming Statements
Overview of Programming Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Selection Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Compound Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Iteration Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Jump Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Statements That Dene and Execute Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Dening and Executing a Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Understanding Symbol Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Modules with No Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Modules with Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Nesting Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Understanding Argument Passing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Storing and Loading Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Termination Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
PAUSE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
STOP Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
ABORT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
QUIT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Overview of Programming Statements
The SAS/IML programming language has control statements that enable you to control the path of execution
in a program. The control statements in the SAS/IML language are similar to the corresponding statements
in the SAS DATA step. This chapter describes the following concepts:
v selection statements
v compound statements
v iteration statements
v jump statements
66 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
v statements that dene and execute modules
v termination statements
Selection Statements
Selection statemements choose one of several control paths in a program. The SAS/IML language supports
the IF-THEN and the IF-THEN/ELSE statements. You can use an IF-THEN statement to test an expression
and to conditionally perform an operation. You can also optionally specify an ELSE statement. The general
form of the IF-THEN/ELSE statement is as follows:
IF expression THEN statement1 ;
ELSE statement2 ;
The expression is evaluated rst. If the value of expression is true (which means nonzero and nonmissing),
the THEN statement is executed. If the value of expression is false (which means zero or missing), the
ELSE statement (if present) is executed. If an ELSE statement is not present, control passes to the next
statement in the program.
The expression in an IF-THEN statement is often a comparison, as in the following example:
a = {17 22, 13 10};
if max(a)<20 then
p = 1;
else p = 0;
The IF clause evaluates the expression max(a)<20. If all values of the matrix a are less than 20, p is set to
1. Otherwise, p is set to 0. For the given values of a, the IF condition is false, since a[1,2] is not less than
You can nest IF-THEN statements within the clauses of other IF-THEN or ELSE statements. Any number
of nesting levels is allowed. The following is an example of nested IF-THEN statements:
w = 0;
if n>0 then
if x>y then w = x;
else w = y;
There is an ambiguity associated with the previous statements. Is the ELSE statement associated with the
rst IF-THEN statement or the second? As the indenting indicates, an ELSE statement is associated with
the closest previous IF-THEN statement. (If you want the ELSE statement to be associated with the rst
IF-THEN statement, you need to use a DO group, as described in the next section.)
When the condition to be evaluated is a matrix expression, the result of the evaluation is a temporary matrix
of zeros, ones, and possibly missing values. If all values of the result matrix are nonzero and nonmissing,
the condition is true; if any element in the result matrix is zero or missing, the condition is false. This
evaluation is equivalent to using the ALL function. For example, the following two statements produce the
same result:
Compound Statements ! 67
if x<y then statement;
if all(x<y) then statement;
If you are testing whether at least one element in x is less than the corresponding element in y, use the ANY
function, as shown in the following statement:
if any(x<y) then statement;
Compound Statements
Several statements can be grouped together into a compound statement (also called a block or a DO group).
You use a DO statement to dene the beginning of a DO group and an END statement to dene the end. DO
groups have two principal uses:
v to group a set of statements so that they are executed as a unit
v to group a set of statements for a conditional (IF-THEN/ELSE) clause
DO groups have the following general form:
DO ;
statements ;
As with IF-THEN/ELSE statements, you can nest DO groups to any number of levels. The following is an
example of nested DO groups:
It is a good programming convention to indent the statements in DO groups as shown, so that each state-
ments position indicates its level of nesting.
For IF-THEN/ELSE conditionals, DO groups can be used as units for either the THEN or ELSE clauses
so that you can perform many statements as part of the conditional action, as shown in the following state-
if x<y then
z1 = abs(x+y);
68 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
z2 = abs(x-y);
z1 = abs(x-y);
z2 = abs(x+y);
An alternative formulation that requires less indented space is to write the DO statement on the same line as
the THEN or ELSE clause, as shown in following statements:
if x<y then do;
z1 = abs(x+y);
z2 = abs(x-y);
else do;
z1 = abs(x-y);
z2 = abs(x+y);
For some programming applications, you must use either a DO group or a module. For example, LINK and
GOTO statements must be programmed inside a DO group or a module.
Iteration Statements
The DO statement supports clauses that iterate over compound statements. With an iterative DO statement,
you can repeatedly execute a set of statements until some condition stops the execution. The following table
lists the different kinds of iteration statements in the SAS/IML language:
Clause DO Statement
DATA DO DATA statement
variable = start TO stop < BY increment > Iterative DO statement
WHILE(expression) DO WHILE statement
UNTIL(expression) DO UNTIL statement
A DO statement can have any combination of these four iteration clauses, but the clauses must be specied
in the order listed in the preceding table.
DO DATA Statements
The general form of the DO DATA statement is as follows:
The DATA keyword species that iteration stops when an end-of-le condition occurs. Other DO specica-
tions exit after tests are performed at the top or bottom of a loop.
Iteration Statements ! 69
See Chapter 7, Working with SAS Data Sets, and Chapter 8, File Access, for more information about
processing data.
You can use the DO DATA statement to read data from an external le or to process observations from a
SAS data set. In the DATA step in Base SAS software, the iteration is usually implied. The DO DATA
statement simulates this iteration until the end of a le is reached.
The following example reads data from an external le named MyData.txt that contains the following data:
Rick 2.40 3.30
Robert 3.90 4.00
Simon 3.85 4.25
The data values are read one at a time into the scalar variables Name, x, and y.
filename MyFile 'MyData.txt';
infile MyFile; /
infile statement
do data; /
begin read loop
input Name $6. x y; /
read a data value
do something with each value
closefile MyFile;
Iterative DO Statements
The general form of the iterative DO statement is as follows:
DO variable=start TO stop <BY increment > ;
The value of the variable matrix is initialized to the value of the start matrix. This value is then incremented
by the increment value (or by 1 if increment is not specied) until it is greater than or equal to the stop value.
(If increment is negative, then the iterations stop when the value is less than or equal to stop.)
For example, the following statement species a DO loop that initializes i to the value 1 and increments i
by 2 after each loop. The loop ends when the value of i is greater than 10.
y = 0;
do i = 1 to 10 by 2;
y = y + i;
DO WHILE Statements
The general form of the DO WHILE statement is as follows:
DO WHILE expression ;
With a WHILE clause, the expression is evaluated at the beginning of each loop, with iterations continuing
until the expression is false (that is, until the expression contains a zero or a missing value). Note that if the
expression is false the rst time it is evaluated, the loop is not executed.
70 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
For example, the following statements initialize count to 1 and then increment count four times:
count = 1;
do while(count<5);
count = count+1;
DO UNTIL Statements
The general form of the DO UNTIL statement is as follows:
DO UNTIL expression ;
The UNTIL clause is like the WHILE clause except that the expression is evaluated at the bottom of the
loop. This means that the loop always executes at least once.
For example, the following statements initialize count to 1 and then increment count ve times:
count = 1;
do until(count>5);
count = count+1;
Jump Statements
During normal execution, each statement in a program is executed in sequence, one after another. The
GOTO and LINK statements cause a SAS/IML program to jump from one statement in a program to another
statement without executing intervening statements. The place to which execution jumps is identied by a
label, which is a name followed by a colon placed before an executable statement. You can program a jump
by using either the GOTO statement or the LINK statement:
GOTO label ;
LINK label ;
Both the GOTO and LINK statements instruct SAS/IML software to jump immediately to a labeled state-
ment. However, if you use a LINK statement, then the program returns to the statement following the LINK
statement when the program executes a RETURN statement. The GOTO statement does not have this fea-
ture. Thus, the LINK statement provides a way of calling sections of code as if they were subroutines.
The statements that dene the subroutine begin with the label and end with a RETURN statement. LINK
statements can be nested within other LINK statements; any number of nesting levels is allowed.
NOTE: The GOTO and LINK statements must be inside a module or DO group. These statements must be
able to resolve the referenced label within the current unit of statements. Although matrix symbols can be
shared across modules, statement labels cannot. Therefore, all GOTO statement labels and LINK statement
labels must be local to the DO group or module.
Jump Statements ! 71
The GOTO and LINK statements are not often used because you can usually write more understandable
programs by using DO groups and modules. The following statements shows an example of using the
GOTO statement, followed by an equivalent set of statements that do not use the GOTO statement:
x = -2;
if x<0 then goto negative;
y = sqrt(x);
print y;
goto TheEnd;
print "Sorry, value is negative";
same logic, but without using a GOTO statement
if x<0 then print "Sorry, value is negative";
else do;
y = sqrt(x);
print y;
The output of each section of the program is identical. It is shown in Figure 6.1.
Figure 6.1 Output That Demonstrates the GOTO Statement
Sorry, value is negative
Sorry, value is negative
The following statements show an example of using the LINK statements. You can also rewrite the state-
ments in a way that avoids using the LINK statement.
x = -2;
if x<0 then link negative;
y = sqrt(x);
print y;
goto TheEnd;
print "Using absolute value of x";
x = abs(x);
The output of the program is shown in Figure 6.2.
72 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
Figure 6.2 Output That Demonstrates the LINK Statement
Using absolute value of x
Statements That Dene and Execute Modules
Modules are used for two purposes:
v to create a user-dened subroutine or function. That is, you can dene a group of statements that can
be called from anywhere in the program.
v to dene variables that are local to the module. That is, you can create a separate environment with
its own symbol table (see Understanding Symbol Tables on page 73).
A module always begins with a START statement and ends with a FINISH statement. A module is either
a function or a subroutine. When a module returns a single parameter, it is called a function. A function is
invoked by its name in an assignment statement. Otherwise, a module is a subroutine. You can execute a
subroutine by using either the RUN statement or the CALL statement.
Dening and Executing a Module
A module denition begins with a START statement, which has the following general form:
START <name> <( arguments ) > <GLOBAL( arguments ) > ;
A module denition ends with a FINISH statement, which has the following general form:
FINISH <name> ;
If no name appears in the START statement, the name of the module defaults to MAIN. If no name appears
on the FINISH statement, the name of the most recently dened module is used.
There are two ways you can execute a module: you can use either a RUN statement or a CALL statement.
The general forms of these statements are as follows:
RUN name <( arguments ) > ;
CALL name <( arguments ) > ;
The only difference between the RUN and CALL statements is the order of resolution. The RUN statement
is resolved in the following order:
Understanding Symbol Tables ! 73
1. user-dened module
2. SAS/IML built-in subroutine
In contrast, the CALL statement is resolved in the opposite order:
1. SAS/IML built-in subroutine
2. user-dened module
In other words, if you dene a module with the same name as a SAS/IML subroutine, you can use the RUN
statement to call the user-dened module and the CALL statement to call the built-in subroutine.
The RUN and CALL statements must have arguments that correspond to the ones dened in the START
statement. A module can call other modules provided that it never recursively calls itself.
After the last statement in a module is executed, control returns to the statement that initially called the
module. You can also force a return from a module by using the RETURN statement.
Understanding Symbol Tables
The scope of a variable is the set of locations in a program where a variable can be referenced. A variable
dened outside of any module is said to exist at the programs main scope. For a variable dened inside a
module, the scope of the variable is the body of the module.
A symbol is the name of a SAS/IML matrix. For example, if x and y are matrices, then the names x and
y are the symbols. Whenever a matrix is dened, its symbol is stored in a symbol table. There are two
kinds of symbol tables. When a matrix is dened at the main scope, its name is stored in the global symbol
table. In contrast, each module with arguments is given its own local symbol table that contains all symbols
used inside the module.
There can be many local symbol tables, one for each module with arguments. (Modules without arguments
are described in the next section.) You can have a symbol x in the global table and the same symbol in a
local table, but these correspond to separate matrices. By default, the value of the matrix at global scope is
independent from the value of a local matrix of the same name that is dened inside a module. Similarly,
you can have two modules that each use the matrix x, and these matrices are not related. You can force a
module to use a variable at main scope by using a GLOBAL clause as described in Using the GLOBAL
Clause on page 77.
Values of symbols in a local table are temporary; that is, they exist only while the module is executing. You
can no longer access the value of a local variable after the module exits.
74 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
Modules with No Arguments
The previous section emphasized that modules with arguments are given a local symbol table. In contrast,
a module that has no arguments shares the global symbol table. All variables in such a module are global,
which implies that if you modify the value of a matrix inside the module, that change persists when the
module exits.
The following example shows a module with no arguments:
module without arguments, all symbols are global.
proc iml;
a = 10; /
a is global
b = 20; /
b is global
c = 30; /
c is global
start Mod1; /
begin module
p = a+b; /
p is global
c = 40; /
c already global
finish; /
end module
run Mod1; /
run the module
print a b c p;
Figure 6.3 Output from Module with Global Variables
a b c p
10 20 40 30
Notice that after the module exits, the following conditions exist:
v a is still 10.
v b is still 20.
v c has been changed to 40.
v p is created, added to the global symbol table, and set to 30.
Modules with Arguments
Most modules contain one or more arguments, and therefore contain a separate local symbol table. The
following statements apply to modules with arguments:
v You can specify arguments as variable names, expressions, or literal values.
v If you specify several arguments, use commas to separate them.
Modules with Arguments ! 75
v Arguments are passed by reference, not by value. This means that a module can change the value of
an argument. An argument that is modied by a module is called an output argument.
v If you have both output arguments and input arguments, the SAS/IML convention is to list the output
arguments rst.
v When a module is run, the input arguments can be a matrix name, expression, or literal. However,
you should specify only matrix names for output arguments.
When a module is run, the value for each argument is transferred from the global symbol table to the local
symbol table. For example, consider the module Mod2 dened in the following statements:
proc iml;
a = 10;
b = 20;
c = 30;
start Mod2(x,y); /
begin module
p = x+y;
x = 100; /
change the value of an argument
c = 25;
finish Mod2; /
end module
run Mod2(a,b);
print a b c;
The rst three statements are submitted in the main scope and dene the variables a, b, and c. The values of
these variables are stored in the global symbol table. The START statement begins the denition of Mod2
and lists two variables (x and y) as arguments. This creates a local symbol table for Mod2. All symbols
used inside the module (x, y, p, and c) are in the local symbol table. There is also a correspondence between
the arguments in the RUN statement (a and b) and the arguments in the START statement (x and y). Also
note that a and b exist only in the global symbol table, whereas x, y, and p exist only in the local symbol
table. The symbol c exists in both symbol tables, but the values are completely independent.
When Mod2 is executed with the RUN statement, the local variable x becomes the owner of the data in
the global matrix a. Similarly, the local variable y becomes the owner of the data in b. Because c is not an
argument, there is no correspondence between the value of c in the global table and the value of c in the
local table. When the module nishes execution, the variables a and b at main scope regain ownership of
the data in x and y, respectively. The local symbol table that contains x and y is deleted. If the data were
modied within the module, the values of a and b reect the change, as shown in Figure 6.4.
Figure 6.4 Output from Module with Arguments
a b c
100 20 30
Notice that after the module is executed, the following are true:
v a is changed to 100 since the corresponding argument, x, was changed to 100 inside the module.
76 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
v b is still 20.
v c is still 30. Inside the module, the local symbol c was set to 25, but there is no correspondence
between the global symbol c and the local symbol c.
Also note that, inside the module, the symbols a and b do not exist. Outside the module, the symbols p, x,
and y do not exist.
Dening Function Modules
Functions are special modules that return a single value. To write a function module, include a RETURN
statement that species the value to return. The RETURN statement is necessary for a module to be a
function. You can use a function module in an assignment statement, as you would a built-in function.
The symbol-table logic described in the preceding section also applies to function modules. In the following
function module, the value of c in the local symbol table is assigned to the symbol z at main scope:
proc iml;
a = 10;
b = 20;
c = 30;
start Mod3(x,y);
c = 2#x + y;
return (c); /
return function value
finish Mod3;
z = Mod3(a,b); /
call function
print a b c z;
Figure 6.5 Output from a Function Module
a b c z
10 20 30 40
Notice the following about this example:
v a is still 10 and b is still 20.
v c is still 30. The symbol c in the global table has no connection with the symbol c in the local table.
v z assigned the value 40, which is the value returned by the module.
Again notice that, inside the module, the symbols a, b, and z do not exist. Outside the module, the symbols
x and y do not exist.
In the next example, you dene your own function module, Add, which adds its two arguments:
Modules with Arguments ! 77
proc iml;
start Add(x,y);
sum = x+y;
a = {9 2, 5 7};
b = {1 6, 8 10};
c = Add(a,b);
print c;
Figure 6.6 Output from a Function Module
10 8
13 17
Function modules can also be called as arguments to other modules or to built-in functions. For example,
in the following statements, the Add module is called twice, and the results from those calls are used as
arguments to call the Add module a third time:
d = Add(Add({1 2},{3 4}), Add({5 6}, {7 8}));
print d;
Figure 6.7 Output from a Nested Module Call
16 20
Functions are resolved in the following order:
1. SAS/IML built-in functions
2. user-dened function modules
3. SAS DATA step functions
Because of this order of resolution, it is an error to try to dene a function module that has the same name
as a SAS/IML built-in function.
Using the GLOBAL Clause
For modules with arguments, the variables used inside the module are local and have no connection with
any variables that exist outside the module in the global table. However, it is possible to specify that certain
variables not be placed in the local symbol table but rather be accessed from the global table. The GLOBAL
clause species variables that you want to share between local and global symbol tables. The following
78 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
is an example of a module that uses a GLOBAL clause to dene the symbol c as global. This denes a
one-to-one correspondence between the value of c in the global symbol table and the value of c in the local
symbol table.
proc iml;
a = 10;
b = 20;
c = 30;
start Mod4(x,y) global (c);
x = 100;
c = 40;
b = 500;
finish Mod4;
run Mod4(a,b);
print a b c;
The output is shown in Figure 6.8.
Figure 6.8 Output from a Module with a GLOBAL Clause
a b c
100 20 40
After the module is called, the following facts are true:
v a is changed to 100.
v b is still 20 and not 500, since b exists independently in the global and local symbol tables.
v c is changed to 40 because it was declared to be a global variable. The matrix c inside the module is
the same matrix as the one outside the module.
Because every module with arguments has its own local table, it is possible to have many local tables. You
can use the GLOBAL clause with many (or all) modules to share a single global variable among many local
symbol tables.
Nesting Modules
You can nest one module within another. You must make sure that each nested module is completely
contained inside the parent module. Each module is dened independently of the others. When you nest
modules, it is a good idea to indent the statements relative to the nesting level, as shown in the following
Nesting Modules ! 79
start ModA;
start ModB;
x = 1;
finish ModB;
run ModB;
finish ModA;
run ModA;
In this example, SAS/IML software starts parsing statements for a module called ModA. In the middle of
this module, it recognizes the start of a new module called ModB. It parses ModB until it encounters the
rst FINISH statement. It then nishes parsing ModA. Thus, it behaves the same as if ModB were parsed
prior to ModA, as follows:
start ModB;
x = 1;
finish ModB;
start ModA;
run ModB;
finish ModA;
run ModA;
In particular, you can call the ModB module from the programs main scope. It is not the case that ModB is
a local module known only to module ModA. There is no such thing as a local module.
Calling a Module from Another Module
Consider the following example of calling one module from another module:
proc iml;
start Mod5(a,b);
c = a+b;
d = a-b;
run Mod6(c,d);
print "In Mod5:" c d;
start Mod6(x,y);
x = x#y;
run Mod5({1 2}, {3 4});
When one module calls another, you can pass in any symbol dened in the scope of the calling module. In
the previous example, the Mod5 module calls the Mod6 module and passes in the local variables c and d.
The Mod6 module multiplies its arguments and overwrites the rst argument, as shown in Figure 6.9.
80 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
Figure 6.9 Output from Nested Modules
c d
In Mod5: -8 -12 -2 -2
The variables in the local symbol table of Mod5 are available to pass into Mod6. If Mod6 changes the values
of an argument, those values are also changed in the environment from which Mod6 was called. For the
previous example, this means that the local variable c is modied by Mod6.
If a module has no arguments, it can access variables in the environment from which it is called. For
example, consider the following modules:
x = 123;
start Mod7;
print "In Mod7:" x;
start Mod8(p);
print "In Mod8:" p;
run Mod7;
run Mod8(x);
In this example, module Mod7 is called from module Mod8. Therefore, the variables available to Mod7 are
those dened in the scope of Mod8. There is no variable named x in the environment of Mod8. Therefore
an error occurs on the PRINT statement in Mod7, as shown in Figure 6.10. An error would not occur if you
call Mod7 from the main scope, because x is dened at main scope.
Figure 6.10 Error Message When a Variable Is Not Dened in a Module
NOTE: Module MOD7 defined.
NOTE: Module MOD8 defined.
ERROR: Matrix x has not been set to a value.
statement : PRINT at line 1550 column 4
traceback : module MOD7 at line 1550 column 4
module MOD8 at line 1555 column 4
NOTE: Paused in module MOD7.
Understanding Argument Passing
You can use expressions and subscripted matrices as arguments to a module, but it is important to understand
the way the SAS/IML software passes the results to the module. Expressions are evaluated, and the evaluated
Understanding Argument Passing ! 81
values are stored in temporary variables. Similarly, submatrices are created from subscripted variables and
stored in temporary variables. The temporary variables are passed to the module. In the following example,
notice that the matrix x does not change; you might expect x to contain the squared values of y.
start Square(a,b);
a = b##2;
x = {. .}; /
initialize with missing values
y = {3 4};
reset printall; /
print all intermediate results
do i = 1 to 2; /
pass elements of matrix to modules
run Square(x[i],y[i]); /
WRONG: x[i] is not changed
print x; /
show that x is unchanged
The output is shown in Figure 6.11. The names of the temporary matrices created by the subscript operators
are _TEM1001 and _TEM1002. These are the matrices passed into the square module. The module assigns
the value 9 to the local matrix a, and this value is returned to main scope in the temporary matrix _TEM1001,
which promptly vanishes! The same sequence of operations repeats for the next call to the Square module.
Figure 6.11 Temporary and Local Matrices in a Module
i 1 row 1 col (numeric)
_TEM1002 1 row 1 col (numeric)
_TEM1001 1 row 1 col (numeric)
a 1 row 1 col (numeric)
_TEM1002 1 row 1 col (numeric)
_TEM1001 1 row 1 col (numeric)
a 1 row 1 col (numeric)
82 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
Consequently, the values of x remain unchanged by the previous calls, as shown in Figure 6.12. The lesson
to learn from this example is this: do not pass in an expression or literal as an output argument to a module.
Use only matrix names for output arguments. For example, the correct way to call the Square module is to
eliminate the loop and simply use the statement run Square(x, y);.
Figure 6.12 An Unchanged Matrix
. .
Storing and Loading Modules
You can store and reload modules by using the STORE statement. The STORE statement saves the module
in a storage library. The stored module persists even when you exit PROC IML or exit the SAS System.
After a module is stored, you can use the module in other SAS/IML programs by using the LOAD statement
prior to calling the module. The syntax of the STORE and LOAD statements are as follows:
You can view the names of the modules in storage with the SHOW statement, as follows:
show storage;
See Chapter 17, Storage Features, for details about using the library storage facilities.
Termination Statements
You can stop execution with a PAUSE, STOP, or ABORT statement. The QUIT statement is also a termi-
nation statement, but it causes the IML procedure to immediately exit. The other termination statements do
not cause PROC IML to exit until the statements are executed. The following sections describe the PAUSE,
STOP, ABORT, and QUIT statements.
PAUSE Statement
The general form of the PAUSE statement is as follows:
PAUSE <message> <* > ;
PAUSE Statement ! 83
The PAUSE statement does the following:
v stops execution of a module
v remembers where it stopped
v prints a message that you can specify
v sets the current program environment and symbol table to be that of the module that contains the
PAUSE statement. This means that you can type statements that reference local variables in the
module. For example, you might want to use a PAUSE statement while debugging a module so that
you can print the value of local variables.
A RESUME statement enables you to continue execution at the location of the most recent PAUSE state-
You can use a STOP statement as an alternative to the RESUME statement to remove the paused state
and to return to the main scope outside the module. You can specify a message in the PAUSE statement.
This message is displayed in the output window when the PAUSE statement is executed. For example, the
following PAUSE statements each display a message:
pause "Please enter an assignment for X, then enter RESUME;";
msg = "Please enter an assignment for X, then enter RESUME;";
pause msg;
The PAUSE statement also writes a note to the SAS log. To suppress the note, use the * option, as shown in
the following statement:
When you use a PAUSE, RESUME, STOP, or ABORT statement, keep in mind the following details:
v The PAUSE statement must be used from inside a module.
v It is an error to execute a RESUME statement without any outstanding pauses.
v You can dene and execute modules while paused within another module.
v If a run-time error occurs inside a module, a PAUSE statement is automatically executed. This gives
you an opportunity to correct the error and resume execution of the module with a RESUME state-
ment. Alternately, you can submit a STOP statement to exit from the module environment, or an
ABORT statement to exit PROC IML.
v You cannot reenter or redene an active (paused) module.
v When paused, you can run another module that also pauses. The paused environments are stacked.
v You can put a RESUME statement inside a module. For example, suppose you are paused in module
A and then run module B, which executes a RESUME statement. Execution is resumed in module A
and does not return to module B.
v You can use the PAUSE and RESUME statements in both subroutine and function modules.
84 ! Chapter 6: Programming Statements
v If you pause in a subroutine module that has its own symbol table, then the statements executed while
paused use this symbol table. You must use a RESUME or a STOP statement to return to the global
symbol table environment.
v You can use the PAUSE and RESUME statements, in conjunction with the PUSH, QUEUE, and
EXECUTE subroutines described in Chapter 18, Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML
Statements, to execute SAS/IML statements that you generate within a module.
STOP Statement
The general form of the STOP statement is as follows:
The STOP statement clears all pauses and returns to the main scope.
ABORT Statement
The general form of the ABORT statement is as follows:
The ABORT statement stops execution and exits from PROC IML, much like a QUIT statement. The
difference is that the ABORT statement is an executable statement that can be used in IF-THEN statements
and in modules. For example, you might want to exit PROC IML if a certain error occurs. You can check
for the error in a module and execute the ABORT statement if the error occurs.
QUIT Statement
The syntax of the QUIT statement is as follows:
The QUIT statement stops execution and exits from PROC IML. The QUIT statement is executed as soon
as the statement is parsed. Consequently, you cannot use QUIT in a module or as part of an IF-THEN/ELSE
Chapter 7
Working with SAS Data Sets
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Opening a SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Making a SAS Data Set Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Displaying SAS Data Set Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Referring to a SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Listing Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Specifying a Range of Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Selecting a Set of Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Selecting Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Reading Observations from a SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Using the READ Statement with the VAR Clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Using the READ Statement with the VAR and INTO Clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Using the READ Statement with the WHERE Clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Editing a SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Updating Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Deleting Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Creating a SAS Data Set from a Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Using the CREATE Statement with the FROM Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Using the CREATE Statement with the VAR Clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Understanding the End-of-File Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Producing Summary Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Sorting a SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Indexing a SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Data Set Maintenance Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Summary of Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Comparison with the SAS DATA Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
SAS/IML software has many statements for passing data from SAS data sets to matrices and from matrices
to SAS data sets. You can create matrices from the variables and observations of a SAS data set in several
86 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
ways. You can create a column vector for each data set variable, or you can create a matrix where columns
correspond to data set variables. You can use all the observations in a data set or use a subset of them.
You can also create a SAS data set from a matrix. The columns correspond to data set variables and the rows
correspond to observations. Data management commands enable you to edit, append, rename, or delete SAS
data sets from within the SAS/IML environment.
When reading a SAS data set, you can read any number of observations into a matrix either sequentially,
directly by record number, or conditionally according to conditions in a WHERE clause. You can also index
a SAS data set. The indexing capability facilitates retrievals by the indexed variable.
Operations on SAS data sets are performed with straightforward, consistent, and powerful statements. For
example, the LIST statement can perform the following tasks:
v list the next record
v list a specied record
v list any number of specied records
v list the whole le
v list records satisfying one or more conditions
v list specied variables or all variables
If you want to read values into a matrix, use the READ statement instead of the LIST statement with the
same operands and features as the LIST statement. You can specify operands that control which records and
variables are used indirectly, as matrices, so that you can dynamically program the records, variables, and
conditional values you want.
In this chapter, you use the SAS data set CLASS, which contains the variables NAME, SEX, AGE, HEIGHT,
and WEIGHT, to learn about the following:
v opening a SAS data set
v examining the contents of a SAS data set
v displaying data values with the LIST statement
v reading observations from a SAS data set into matrices
v editing a SAS data set
v creating a SAS data set from a matrix
v displaying matrices with row and column headings
v producing summary statistics
v sorting a SAS data set
v indexing a SAS data set
Opening a SAS Data Set ! 87
v similarities and differences between the data set and the SAS DATA step
Throughout this chapter, the right angle brackets (>) indicate statements that you submit; responses from
Interactive Matrix Language follow.
First, invoke the IML procedure by using the following statement:
> proc iml;
IML Ready
Opening a SAS Data Set
Before you can access a SAS data set, you must rst submit a command to open it. There are three ways to
open a SAS data set:
v To simply read from an existing data set, submit a USE statement to open it for Read access. The
general form of the USE statement is as follows:
USE SAS-data-set <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > ;
With Read access, you can use the FIND, INDEX, LIST, and READ statements with the data set.
v To read and write to an existing data set, use the EDIT statement. The general form of the EDIT
statement is as follows:
EDIT SAS-data-set <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > ;
This statement enables you to use both the reading statements (LIST, READ, INDEX, and FIND) and
the writing statements (REPLACE, APPEND, DELETE, and PURGE).
v To create a new data set, use the CREATE statement to open a new data set for both output and input.
The general form of the CREATE statement is as follows:
CREATE SAS-data-set <VAR operand> ;
CREATE SAS-data-set FROM from-name ;
< [COLNAME=column-name ROWNAME=row-name] > ; ;
Use the APPEND statement to place the matrix data into the newly created data set. If you do not use
the APPEND statement, the new data set has no observations.
If you want to list observations and create matrices from the data in the SAS data set named CLASS, you
must rst submit a statement to open the CLASS data set. Because CLASS already exists, specify the USE
88 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
Making a SAS Data Set Current
IML data processing commands work on the current data set. This feature makes it unnecessary for you
to specify the data set as an operand each time. There are two current data sets, one for input and one for
output. IML makes a data set the current one as it is opened. You can also make a data set current by using
two setting statements, SETIN and SETOUT:
v The USE and SETIN statements make a data set current for input.
v The SETOUT statement makes a data set current for output.
v The CREATE and EDIT statements make a data set current for both input and output.
If you issue a USE, EDIT, or CREATE statement for a data set that is already open, the data set is made the
current data set. To nd out which data sets are open and which are current input and current output data
sets, use the SHOW DATASETS statement.
The current observation is set by the last operation that performed input/output (I/O). If you want to set the
current observation without doing any I/O, use the SETIN (or SETOUT) statement with the POINT option.
After a data set is opened, the current observation is set to 0. If you attempt to list or read the current
observation, the current observation is converted to 1. You can make the CLASS data set current for input
and position the pointer at the 10th observation with the following statement:
> setin class point 10;
Displaying SAS Data Set Information
You can use SHOW statements to display information about your SAS data sets. The SHOW DATASETS
statement lists all open SAS data sets and their status. The SHOW CONTENTS statement displays the
variable names and types, the size, and the number of observations in the current input data set. For example,
to get information for the CLASS data set, issue the following statements:
> use class;
> show datasets;
------- ------- --------- ------
WORK .CLASS Input Current Input
> show contents;
Referring to a SAS Data Set ! 89
Number of Variables: 5
Number of Observations: 19
As you can see, CLASS is the only data set open. The USE statement opens it for input, and it is the current
input data set. The full name for CLASS is WORK.CLASS. The libref is the default, WORK. The next
section tells you how to change the libref to another name.
Referring to a SAS Data Set
The USE, EDIT, and CREATE statements take as their rst operand the data set name. This name can have
either one or two levels. If it is a two-level name, the rst level refers to the name of the SAS data library; the
second name is the data set name. If the libref is WORK, the data set is stored in a directory for temporary
data sets; these are automatically deleted at the end of the session. Other librefs are associated with SAS
data libraries by using the LIBNAME statement.
If you specify only a single name, then IML supplies a default libref. At the beginning of an IML session,
the default libref is SASUSER if SASUSER is dened as a libref or WORK otherwise. You can reset the
default libref by using the RESET DEFLIB statement. If you want to create a permanent SAS data set, you
must specify a two-level name by using the RESET DEFLIB statement (see the chapter on SAS les in SAS
Language Reference: Concepts for more information about permanent SAS data sets):
> reset deflib=name;
Listing Observations
You can list variables and observations in a SAS data set with the LIST statement. The general form of the
LIST statement is as follows:
LIST <range> <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > ;
range species a range of observations.
operand selects a set of variables.
expression is an expression that is evaluated as being true or false.
The next three sections discuss how to use each of these clauses with the CLASS data set.
90 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
Specifying a Range of Observations
You can specify a range of observations with a keyword or by record number by using the POINT option.
You can use the range operand with the data management statements DELETE, FIND, LIST, READ, and
You can specify range with any of the following keywords:
ALL species all observations.
CURRENT species the current observation.
NEXT < number > species the next observation or next number of observations.
AFTER species all observations after the current one.
POINT operand species observations by number, where operand can be one of the following:
Operand Example
a single record number point 5
a literal giving several record numbers point {2 5 10}
the name of a matrix that contains record numbers point p
an expression in parentheses point (p+1)
If you want to list all observations in the CLASS data set, use the keyword ALL to indicate that the range is
all observations. The following example demonstrates the use of this keyword:
> list all;
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
1 JOYCE F 11.0000 51.3000 50.5000
2 THOMAS M 11.0000 57.5000 85.0000
3 JAMES M 12.0000 57.3000 83.0000
4 JANE F 12.0000 59.8000 84.5000
5 JOHN M 12.0000 59.0000 99.5000
6 LOUISE F 12.0000 56.3000 77.0000
7 ROBERT M 12.0000 64.8000 128.0000
8 ALICE F 13.0000 56.5000 84.0000
9 BARBARA F 13.0000 65.3000 98.0000
10 JEFFREY M 13.0000 62.5000 84.0000
11 CAROL F 14.0000 62.8000 102.5000
12 HENRY M 14.0000 63.5000 102.5000
13 ALFRED M 14.0000 69.0000 112.5000
14 JUDY F 14.0000 64.3000 90.0000
15 JANET F 15.0000 62.5000 112.5000
16 MARY F 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
17 RONALD M 15.0000 67.0000 133.0000
18 WILLIAM M 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
19 PHILIP M 16.0000 72.0000 150.0000
Specifying a Range of Observations ! 91
Without a range specication, the LIST statement lists only the current observation, which in this example
is now the last observation because of the previous LIST statement. Here is the result of using the LIST
> list;
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
19 PHILIP M 16.0000 72.0000 150.0000
Use the POINT keyword with record numbers to list specic observations. You can follow the keyword
POINT with a single record number or with a literal giving several record numbers. Here are two examples:
> list point 5;
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
5 JOHN M 12.0000 59.0000 99.5000
> list point {2 4 9};
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
2 THOMAS M 11.0000 57.5000 85.0000
4 JANE F 12.0000 59.8000 84.5000
9 BARBARA F 13.0000 65.3000 98.0000
You can also indicate the range indirectly by creating a matrix that contains the records you want to list, as
in the following example:
> p={2 4 9};
> list point p;
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
2 THOMAS M 11.0000 57.5000 85.0000
4 JANE F 12.0000 59.8000 84.5000
9 BARBARA F 13.0000 65.3000 98.0000
The range operand is usually listed rst when you are using the access statements DELETE, FIND, LIST,
READ, and REPLACE. The following table shows access statements and their default ranges:
Statement Default Range
LIST current
READ current
FIND all
REPLACE current
APPEND always at end
DELETE current
92 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
Selecting a Set of Variables
You can use the VAR clause to select a set of variables. The general form of the VAR clause is as follows:
VAR operand ;
where operand can be specied by using one of the following items:
v a literal that contains variable names
v the name of a matrix that contains variable names
v an expression in parentheses yielding variable names
v one of the following keywords:
_ALL_ for all variables
_CHAR_ for all character variables
_NUM_ for all numeric variables
The following examples show all possible ways you can use the VAR clause:
var {time1 time5 time9}; /
a literal giving the variables
var time; /
a matrix that contains the names
var('time1':'time9'); /
an expression
var _all_; /
a keyword
For example, to list students names from the CLASS data set, use the VAR clause with a literal, as in the
following statement:
> list point p var{name};
------ --------
To list AGE, HEIGHT, and WEIGHT, you can use the VAR clause with a matrix giving the variables, as in
the following statements:
> v={age height weight};
> list point p var v;
------ --------- --------- ---------
2 11.0000 57.5000 85.0000
4 12.0000 59.8000 84.5000
9 13.0000 65.3000 98.0000
Selecting Observations ! 93
The VAR clause can be used with the following statements for the tasks described:
Statement VAR Clause Function
APPEND species which IML variables contain data to append to the data set
CREATE species the variables to go in the data set
EDIT limits which variables are accessed
LIST species which variables to list
READ species which variables to read
REPLACE species which data set variables data values to replace with corre-
sponding IML variable data values
USE limits which variables are accessed
Selecting Observations
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations, within the range specication, according to condi-
tions given in the expression. The general form of the WHERE clause is as follows:
WHERE variable comparison-op operand ;
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
? does not contain a given string
=: begins with a given string
=* sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds
if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
= ? < <= > >=
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the
94 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
= ? =: =*
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
The general form is as follows:
clause&clause (for an AND clause)
clause | clause (for an OR clause)
where clause can be a comparison, a parenthesized clause, or a logical expression clause that is evaluated
by using operator precedence.
For example, to list the names of all males in the data set CLASS, use the following statement:
> list all var{name} where(sex='M');
------ ----------------------
The WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. In the following cases that use the =* operator, the
comparison is made to each name to nd a string that sounds like or is spelled like the given string or strings:
> n={name sex age};
> list all var n where(name=
----- ---------------- -------- ---------
11 CAROL F 14.0000
13 ALFRED M 14.0000
14 JUDY F 14.0000
> list all var n where(name=
------ -------- -------- ---------
4 JANE F 12.0000
5 JOHN M 12.0000
To list AGE, HEIGHT, and WEIGHT for all students in their teens, use the following statement:
> list all var v where(age>12);
Reading Observations from a SAS Data Set ! 95
------ --------- --------- ---------
8 13.0000 56.5000 84.0000
9 13.0000 65.3000 98.0000
10 13.0000 62.5000 84.0000
11 14.0000 62.8000 102.5000
12 14.0000 63.5000 102.5000
13 14.0000 69.0000 112.5000
14 14.0000 64.3000 90.0000
15 15.0000 62.5000 112.5000
16 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
17 15.0000 67.0000 133.0000
18 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
19 16.0000 72.0000 150.0000
NOTE: In the WHERE clause, the expression on the left side refers to values of the data set variables, and
the expression on the right side refers to matrix values. You cannot use comparisons that involve more than
one data set variable in a single comparison; for example, you cannot use either of the following expressions:
list all where(height>weight);
list all where(weight-height>0);
You could use the rst statement if WEIGHT were a matrix name already dened rather than a variable in
the SAS data set.
Reading Observations from a SAS Data Set
Transferring data from a SAS data set to a matrix is done by using the READ statement. The SAS data
set you want to read data from must already be open. You can open a SAS data set with either the USE
or the EDIT statement. If you already have several data sets open, you can point to the one you want with
the SETIN statement, making it the current input data set. The general form of the READ statement is as
READ <range> <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > ;
<INTO name> ;
range species a range of observations.
operand selects a set of variables.
expression is an expression that is evaluated as being true or false.
name names a target matrix for the data.
96 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
Using the READ Statement with the VAR Clause
Use the READ statement with the VAR clause to read variables from the current SAS data set into column
vectors of the VAR clause. Each variable in the VAR clause becomes a column vector with the same name
as the variable in the SAS data set. The number of rows is equal to the number of observations processed,
depending on the range specication and the WHERE clause. For example, to read the numeric variables
AGE, HEIGHT, and WEIGHT for all observations in the CLASS data set, use the following statements:
> read all var {age height weight};
Now use the SHOW NAMES statement to display all the matrices you have created so far in this chapter:
> show names;
AGE 19 rows 1 col num 8
HEIGHT 19 rows 1 col num 8
N 1 row 3 cols char 4
P 1 row 3 cols num 8
V 1 row 3 cols char 6
WEIGHT 19 rows 1 col num 8
Number of symbols = 8 (includes those without values)
You see that, with the READ statement, you have created the three numeric vectors AGE, HEIGHT, and
WEIGHT. (Notice that the matrices you created earlier, N, P, and V, are also listed.) You can select the
variables that you want to access with a VAR clause in the USE statement. The two previous statements can
also be written as follows:
use class var{age height weight};
read all;
Using the READ Statement with the VAR and INTO Clauses
Sometimes you want to have all of the numeric variables in the same matrix so that you can determine
correlations. Use the READ statement with the INTO clause and the VAR clause to read the variables
listed in the VAR clause into the single matrix named in the INTO clause. Each variable in the VAR clause
becomes a column of the target matrix. If there are variables in the VAR clause and n observations are
processed, the target matrix in the INTO clause is an n matrix.
The following statement creates a matrix X that contains the numeric variables of the CLASS data set.
Notice the use of the keyword _NUM_ in the VAR clause to specify that all numeric variables be read.
Using the READ Statement with the WHERE Clause ! 97
> read all var _num_ into x;
> print x;
11 51.3 50.5
11 57.5 85
12 57.3 83
12 59.8 84.5
12 59 99.5
12 56.3 77
12 64.8 128
13 56.5 84
13 65.3 98
13 62.5 84
14 62.8 102.5
14 63.5 102.5
14 69 112.5
14 64.3 90
15 62.5 112.5
15 66.5 112
15 67 133
15 66.5 112
16 72 150
Using the READ Statement with the WHERE Clause
Use the WHERE clause as you did with the LIST statement, to conditionally select observations from within
the specied range. If you want to create a matrix FEMALE that contains the variables AGE, HEIGHT,
and WEIGHT for females only, use the following statements:
> read all var _num_ into female where(sex="F");
> print female;
11 51.3 50.5
12 59.8 84.5
12 56.3 77
13 56.5 84
13 65.3 98
14 62.8 102.5
14 64.3 90
15 62.5 112.5
15 66.5 112
Now try some special features of the WHERE clause to nd values that begin with certain characters (the
=: operator) or that contain certain strings (the ? operator). To create a matrix J that contains the students
whose names begin with the letter J, use the following statements:
> read all var{name} into j where(name=:"J");
98 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
> print j;
To create a matrix AL of children with names that contains the string AL, use the following statement:
> read all var{name} into al where(name?"AL");
> print al;
Editing a SAS Data Set
You can edit a SAS data set by using the EDIT statement. You can update values of variables, mark obser-
vations for deletion, delete the marked observations, and save the changes you make. The general form of
the EDIT statement is as follows:
EDIT SAS-data-set <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > ;
SAS-data-set names an existing SAS data set.
operand selects a set of variables.
expression is an expression that is evaluated as being true or false.
Updating Observations
Suppose you have updated data and want to change some values in the CLASS data set. For instance,
suppose the student named Henry has had a birthday since the data were added to the CLASS data set. You
can do the following:
v make the CLASS data set current for input and output
v read the data
Deleting Observations ! 99
v change the appropriate data value
v replace the changed data in the data set
First, submit an EDIT statement to make the CLASS data set current for input and output. Then use the
FIND statement, which nds observation numbers and stores them in a matrix, to nd the observation
number of the data for Henry and store it in the matrix d. Here are the statements:
> edit class;
> find all where(name={'HENRY'}) into d;
> print d;
The following statement lists the observation that contains the data for Henry:
> list point d;
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
12 HENRY M 14.0000 63.5000 102.5000
As you see, the observation number is 12. Now read the value for AGE into a matrix and update its value.
Finally, replace the value in the CLASS data set and list the observation that contains the data for Henry
again. Here are the statements:
> age=15;
> replace;
1 observations replaced.
> list point 12;
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
12 HENRY M 15.0000 63.5000 102.5000
Deleting Observations
Use the DELETE statement to mark an observation to be deleted. The general form of the DELETE state-
ment is as follows:
DELETE <range> <WHERE(expression) > ;
range species a range of observations.
100 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
expression is an expression that is evaluated as being true or false.
The following are examples of valid uses of the DELETE statement:
Statement Description
delete; deletes the current observation
delete point 10; deletes observation 10
delete all where (age>12); deletes all observations where
AGE is greater than 12
If a le accumulates a number of observations marked as deleted, you can clean out these observations and
renumber the remaining observations by using the PURGE statement.
Suppose the student named John has moved and you want to update the CLASS data set. You can remove
the observation by using the EDIT and DELETE statements. First, nd the observation number of the data
for John and store it in the matrix d by using the FIND statement. Then submit a DELETE statement to
mark the record for deletion. A deleted observation is still physically in the le and still has an observation
number, but it is excluded from processing. The deleted observations appear as gaps when you list the le
by observation number, as in the following example:
> find all where(name={'JOHN'}) into d;
> print d;
> delete point d;
1 observation deleted.
> list all;
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
1 JOYCE F 11.0000 51.3000 50.5000
2 THOMAS M 11.0000 57.5000 85.0000
3 JAMES M 12.0000 57.3000 83.0000
4 JANE F 12.0000 59.8000 84.5000
6 LOUISE F 12.0000 56.3000 77.0000
7 ROBERT M 12.0000 64.8000 128.0000
8 ALICE F 13.0000 56.5000 84.0000
9 BARBARA F 13.0000 65.3000 98.0000
10 JEFFREY M 13.0000 62.5000 84.0000
11 CAROL F 14.0000 62.8000 102.5000
12 HENRY M 15.0000 63.5000 102.5000
13 ALFRED M 14.0000 69.0000 112.5000
14 JUDY F 14.0000 64.3000 90.0000
15 JANET F 15.0000 62.5000 112.5000
16 MARY F 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
17 RONALD M 15.0000 67.0000 133.0000
18 WILLIAM M 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
19 PHILIP M 16.0000 72.0000 150.0000
Creating a SAS Data Set from a Matrix ! 101
Notice that there is a gap in the data where the deleted observation was (observation 5). To renumber the
observations and close the gaps, submit the PURGE statement. Note that the PURGE statement deletes any
indexes associated with a data set. Here is the statement:
> purge;
Creating a SAS Data Set from a Matrix
SAS/IML software provides the capability to create a new SAS data set from a matrix. You can use the
CREATE and APPEND statements to create a SAS data set from a matrix, where the columns of the matrix
become the data set variables and the rows of the matrix become the observations. Thus, an n m matrix
produces a SAS data set with m variables and n observations. The CREATE statement opens the new SAS
data set for both input and output, and the APPEND statement writes to (outputs to) the data set.
Using the CREATE Statement with the FROM Option
You can create a SAS data set from a matrix by using the CREATE statement with the FROM option. This
form of the CREATE statement is as follows:
CREATE SAS-data-set FROM matrix ;
<[COLNAME=column-name ROWNAME=row-name] > ;
SAS-data-set names the new data set.
matrix names the matrix that contains the data.
column-name names the variables in the data set.
row-name adds a variable that contains row titles to the data set.
Suppose you want to create a SAS data set named RATIO that contains a variable with the height-to-weight
ratios for each student. You rst create a matrix that contains the ratios from the matrices HEIGHT and
WEIGHT that you have already dened. Next, use the CREATE and APPEND statements to open a new
SAS data set called RATIO and append the observations, naming the data set variable HTWT instead of
create ratio from htwt[colname='htwt'];
append from htwt;
Now submit the SHOW DATASETS and SHOW CONTENTS statements:
102 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
> show datasets;
------- ------- --------- ------
WORK .RATIO Update Current Input Current Output
> show contents;
Number of Variables: 1
Number of Observations: 18
> close ratio;
As you can see, the new SAS data set RATIO has been created. It has 18 observations and 1 variable (recall
that you deleted 1 observation earlier).
Using the CREATE Statement with the VAR Clause
You can use a VAR clause with the CREATE statement to select the variables you want to include in the
new data set. In the previous example, the new data set RATIO had one variable. If you want to create a
similar data set but include the second variable NAME, you use the VAR clause. You could not do this with
the FROM option because the variable HTWT is numeric and the variable NAME is character. The following
statements create a new data set RATIO2 having the variables NAME and HTWT:
> create ratio2 var{name htwt};
> append;
> show contents;
Number of Variables: 2
Number of Observations: 18
> close ratio2;
Notice that now the variable NAME is in the data set.
Understanding the End-of-File Condition ! 103
Understanding the End-of-File Condition
If you try to read past the end of a data set or point to an observation greater than the number of observations
in the data set, you create an end-of-le condition. If an end-of-le condition occurs inside a DO DATA
iteration group, IML transfers control to the next statement outside the current DO DATA group.
The following example uses a DO DATA loop while reading the CLASS data set. It reads the variable
WEIGHT in one observation at a time and accumulates the weights of the students in the IML matrix SUM.
When the data are read, the total class weight is stored in the matrix SUM.
setin class point 0;
do data;
read next var{weight};
print sum;
Producing Summary Statistics
Summary statistics on the numeric variables of a SAS data set can be obtained with the SUMMARY state-
ment. These statistics can be based on subgroups of the data by using the CLASS clause in the SUMMARY
statement. The SAVE option in the OPT clause enables you to save the computed statistics in matrices for
later perusal. For example, consider the following statement.
> summary var {height weight} class {sex} stat{mean std} opt{save};
SEX Nobs Variable MEAN STD
F 9 HEIGHT 60.58889 5.01833
WEIGHT 90.11111 19.38391
M 9 HEIGHT 64.45556 4.90742
WEIGHT 110.00000 23.84717
All 18 HEIGHT 62.52222 5.20978
WEIGHT 100.05556 23.43382
This summary statement gives the mean and standard deviation of the variables HEIGHT and WEIGHT for
the two subgroups (male and female) of the data set CLASS. Since the SAVE option is set, the statistics of the
variables are stored in matrices under the name of the corresponding variables: each column corresponds to
a statistic and each row corresponds to a subgroup. Two other vectors, SEX and _NOBS_, are created. The
104 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
vector SEX contains the two distinct values of the CLASS variable SEX used in forming the two subgroups.
The vector _NOBS_ has the number of observations in each subgroup.
Note that the combined means and standard deviations of the two subgroups are displayed but not saved.
More than one CLASS variable can be used, in which case a subgroup is dened by the combination of the
values of the CLASS variables.
Sorting a SAS Data Set
The observations in a SAS data set can be ordered (sorted) by specic key variables. To sort a SAS data set,
close the data set if it is currently open, and issue a SORT statement for the variables by which you want the
observations to be ordered. Specify an output data set name if you want to keep the original data set. For
example, the following statement creates a new SAS data set named SORTED:
> sort class out=sorted by name;
The new data set has the observations from the data set CLASS, ordered by the variable NAME.
The following statement sorts in place the data set CLASS by the variable NAME:
> sort class by name;
However, when the SORT statement is nished executing, the original data set is replaced by the sorted data
You can specify as many key variables as needed, and, optionally, each variable can be preceded by the
keyword DESCENDING, which denotes that the variable that follows is to be sorted in descending order.
Indexing a SAS Data Set
Searching through a large data set for information about one or more specic observations can take a long
time because the procedure must read each record. You can reduce this search time by rst indexing the data
set by a variable. The INDEX statement builds a special companion le that contains the values and record
numbers of the indexed variables. Once the index is built, IML can use the index for queries with WHERE
clauses if it decides that indexed retrieval is more efcient. Any number of variables can be indexed, but
only one index is in use at a given time. Note that purging a data set with the PURGE statement results in
the loss of all associated indexes.
Once you have indexed a data set, IML can use this index whenever a search is conducted with respect
to the indexed variables. The indexes are updated automatically whenever you change values in indexed
variables. When an index is in use, observations cannot be randomly accessed by their physical location
Data Set Maintenance Functions ! 105
numbers. This means that the POINT range cannot be used when an index is in effect. However, if you
purge the observations marked for deletion, or sort the data set in place, the indexes become invalid and
IML automatically deletes them.
For example, if you want a list of all female students in the CLASS data set, you can rst index CLASS
by the variable SEX. Then use the LIST statement with a WHERE clause. Of course, the CLASS data set
is small, and indexing does little if anything to speed queries with the WHERE clause. If the data set had
thousands of students, though, indexing could save search time.
To index the data set by the variable SEX, submit the following statement:
> index sex;
NOTE: Variable SEX indexed.
NOTE: Retrieval by SEX.
Now list all students by using the following statement. Notice the ordering of the special le built by
indexing by the variable SEX. Retrievals by SEX will be quick.
> list all;
------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
1 JOYCE F 11.0000 51.3000 50.5000
4 JANE F 12.0000 59.8000 84.5000
6 LOUISE F 12.0000 56.3000 77.0000
8 ALICE F 13.0000 56.5000 84.0000
9 BARBARA F 13.0000 65.3000 98.0000
11 CAROL F 14.0000 62.8000 102.5000
14 JUDY F 14.0000 64.3000 90.0000
15 JANET F 15.0000 62.5000 112.5000
16 MARY F 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
2 THOMAS M 11.0000 57.5000 85.0000
3 JAMES M 12.0000 57.3000 83.0000
7 ROBERT M 12.0000 64.8000 128.0000
10 JEFFREY M 13.0000 62.5000 84.0000
12 HENRY M 15.0000 63.5000 102.5000
13 ALFRED M 14.0000 69.0000 112.5000
17 RONALD M 15.0000 67.0000 133.0000
18 WILLIAM M 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
19 PHILIP M 16.0000 72.0000 150.0000
Data Set Maintenance Functions
Two functions and two subroutines are provided to perform data set maintenance:
DATASETS function obtains members in a data library. This function returns a character matrix that
contains the names of the SAS data sets in a library.
106 ! Chapter 7: Working with SAS Data Sets
CONTENTS function obtains variables in a member. This function returns a character matrix that con-
tains the variable names for the SAS data set specied by libname and memname.
The variable list is returned in alphabetical order.
RENAME subroutine renames a SAS data set member in a specied library.
DELETE subroutine deletes a SAS data set member in a specied library.
See Chapter 23 for details and examples of these functions and routines.
Summary of Commands
You have seen that IML has an extensive set of commands that operate on SAS data sets. Table 7.1 sum-
marizes the data management commands you can use to perform management tasks for which you might
normally use the SAS DATA step.
Table 7.1 Data Management Commands
Command Description
APPEND adds observations to the end of a SAS data set
CLOSE closes a SAS data set
CREATE creates and opens a new SAS data set for input and output
DELETE marks observations for deletion in a SAS data set
EDIT opens an existing SAS data set for input and output
FIND nds observations
INDEX indexes variables in a SAS data set
LIST lists observations
PURGE purges all deleted observations from a SAS data set
READ reads observations into IML variables
REPLACE writes observations back into a SAS data set
RESET DEFLIB names default libname
SAVE saves changes and reopens a SAS data set
SETIN selects an open SAS data set for input
SETOUT selects an open SAS data set for output
SHOW CONTENTS shows contents of the current input SAS data set
SHOW DATASETS shows SAS data sets currently open
SORT sorts a SAS data set
SUMMARY produces summary statistics for numeric variables
USE opens an existing SAS data set for input
Comparison with the SAS DATA Step ! 107
Comparison with the SAS DATA Step
If you want to remain in the IML environment and mimic DATA step processing, you need to learn the basic
differences between IML and the SAS DATA step:
v With SAS/IML software, you start with a CREATE statement instead of a DATA statement. You
must explicitly set up all your variables with the correct attributes before you create a data set. This
means that you must dene character variables to have the desired string length beforehand. Numeric
variables are the default, so any variable not dened as character is assumed to be numeric. In the
DATA step, the variable attributes are determined from context across the whole step.
v With SAS/IML software, you must use an APPEND statement to output an observation; in the DATA
step, you either use an OUTPUT statement or let the DATA step output it automatically.
v With SAS/IML software, you iterate with a DO DATA loop. In the DATA step, the iterations are
v With SAS/IML software, you have to close the data set with a CLOSE statement unless you plan to
exit the IML environment with a QUIT statement. The DATA step closes the data set automatically
at the end of the step.
v The DATA step usually executes faster than IML.
In short, the DATA step treats the problem with greater simplicity, allowing shorter programs. However,
IML has more exibility because it is interactive and has a powerful matrix-handling capability.
In this chapter, you have learned many ways to interact with SAS data sets fromwithin the IML environment.
You learned how to open and close a SAS data set, how to make it current for input and output, how to list
observations by specifying a range of observations to process, a set of variables to use, and a condition for
subsetting observations. You also learned summary statistics. You also know how to read observations and
variables from a SAS data set into matrices as well as create a SAS data set from a matrix of values.
Chapter 8
File Access
Overview of File Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Referring to an External File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Types of External Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Reading from an External File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Using the INFILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Using the INPUT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Writing to an External File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Using the FILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Using the PUT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Listing Your External Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Closing an External File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Overview of File Access
In this chapter you learn about external les and how to refer to an external le, whether it is a text le or a
binary le. You learn how to read data from a le by using the INFILE and INPUT statements and how to
write data to an external le by using the FILE and PUT statements.
With external les, you must know the format in which the data are stored or to be written. This is in contrast
to SAS data sets, which are specialized les with a structure that is already known to the SAS System.
The SAS/IML statements used to access les are very similar to the corresponding statements in the SAS
DATA step. The following table summarizes the IML statements and their functions.
Statement Function
CLOSEFILE closes an external le
FILE opens an external le for output
INFILE opens an external le for input
INPUT reads from the current input le
PUT writes to the current output le
SHOW: FILES Shows all open les, their attributes, and their status
(current input and output les)
110 ! Chapter 8: File Access
Referring to an External File
Suppose that you have data for students in a class. You have recorded the values for the variables NAME,
SEX, AGE, HEIGHT, and WEIGHT for each student and have stored the data in an external text le named
USER.TEXT.CLASS. If you want to read these data into IML variables, you need to indicate where the data
are stored. In other words, you need to name the input le. If you want to write data from matrices to a le,
you also need to name an output le.
There are two ways to refer to an input or output le: a pathname and a lename. A pathname is the name
of the le as it is known to the operating system. A lename is an indirect SAS reference to the le made
by using the FILENAME statement. You can identify a le in either way by using the FILE and INFILE
For example, you can refer to the input le where the class data are stored by using a literal pathnamethat
is, a quoted string. The following statement opens the le USER.TEXT.CLASS for input:
infile 'user.text.class';
Similarly, if you want to output data to the le USER.TEXT.NEWCLASS, you need to reference the output
le with the following statement:
file 'user.text.newclass';
You can also refer to external les by using a lename. When using a lename as the operand, simply give
the name. The name must be one already associated with a pathname by a previously issued FILENAME
For example, suppose you want to reference the le with the class data by using a FILENAME statement.
First, you must associate the pathname with an alias (called a leref ), such as INCLASS. Then you can refer
to USER.TEXT.CLASS with the leref INCLASS.
The following statements achieve the same result as the previous INFILE statement with the quoted path-
filename inclass 'user.text.class';
infile inclass;
You can use the same technique for output les. The following statements have the same effect as the
previous FILE statement:
filename outclass 'user.text.newclass';
file outclass;
Three lenames have special meaning to IML: CARDS, LOG, and PRINT. These refer to the standard input
and output streams for all SAS sessions, as follows:
Types of External Files ! 111
CARDS is a special lename for instream input data.
LOG is a special lename for log output.
PRINT is a special lename for standard print output.
When the pathname is specied, there is a limit of 64 characters to the operand.
Types of External Files
Most les that you work with are text les, which means that they can be edited and displayed without any
special program. Text les under most host environments have special characters, called carriage-control
characters or end-of-line characters, to separate one record from the next.
If your le does not adhere to these conventions, it is called a binary le. Typically, binary les do not have
the usual record separators, and they can use any binary codes, including unprintable control characters.
If you want to read a binary le, you must specify RECFM=N in the INFILE statement and use the byte
operand (<) in the INPUT statement to specify the length of each item you want read. Treating a le as
binary enables you to have direct access to a le position by byte address by using the byte operand (>) in
the INPUT or PUT statement.
You write data to an external le by using the FILE and PUT statements. The output le can be text or
binary. If your output le is binary, you must specify RECFM=N in the FILE statement. One difference
between binary les and text les in output is that with binary les, the PUT statement does not put the
record-separator characters at the end of each record written.
Reading from an External File
After you have chosen a method to refer to the external le you want to read, you need an INFILE statement
to open it for input and an INPUT statement to tell IML how to read the data.
The next several sections cover how to use an INFILE statement and how to specify an INPUT statement so
that you can input data from an external le.
Using the INFILE Statement
An INFILE statement identies an external le that contains data that you want to read. It opens the le
for input or, if the le is already open, makes it the current input le. This means that subsequent INPUT
statements are read from this le until another le is made the current input le.
The following options can be used with the INFILE statement:
112 ! Chapter 8: File Access
enables the INPUT statement to go to the next record to obtain values for the variables.
names a variable that contains the length of the current record, where the value is set to the number of
bytes used after each INPUT statement.
prevents reading from the next input record when an INPUT statement reaches the end of the current
record without nding values for all variables. It assigns missing values to all values that are expected
but not found.
species that the le is to be read in as a pure binary le rather than as a le with record-separator
characters. You must use the byte operands (< and >) to get new records rather than separate INPUT
statements or the new line operator (/).
stops reading when an INPUT statement reaches the end of the current record without nding val-
ues for all variables in the statement. It treats going past the end of a record as an error condition,
triggering an end-of-le condition. The STOPOVER option is the default.
The FLOWOVER, MISSOVER, and STOPOVER options control how the INPUT statement works when
you try to read past the end of a record. You can specify only one of these options. Read these options
carefully so that you understand them completely.
The following example uses the INFILE statement with a FILENAME statement to read the class data le.
The MISSOVER option is used to prevent reading from the next record if values for all variables in the
INPUT statement are not found.
filename inclass 'user.text.class';
infile inclass missover;
You can specify the pathname with a quoted literal also. The preceding statements could be written as
infile 'user.text.class' missover;
Using the INPUT Statement
Once you have referenced the data le that contains your data with an INFILE statement, you need to tell
IML the following information about how the data are arranged:
v the number of variables and their names
v each variables type, either numeric or character
Using the INPUT Statement ! 113
v the format of each variables values
v the columns that correspond to each variable
In other words, you must tell IML how to read the data.
The INPUT statement describes the arrangement of values in an input record. The INPUT statement reads
records from a le specied in the previously executed INFILE statement, reading the values into IML
There are two ways to describe a records values in an IML INPUT statement:
v list (or scanning) input
v formatted input
Following are several examples of valid INPUT statements for the class data le, depending, of course, on
how the data are stored.
If the data are stored with a blank or a comma between elds, then list input can be used. For example, the
INPUT statement for the class data le might look as follows:
infile inclass;
input name $ sex $ age height weight;
These statements tell IML the following:
v There are ve variables: NAME, SEX, AGE, HEIGHT and WEIGHT.
v Data elds are separated by commas or blanks.
v NAME and SEX are character variables, as indicated by the dollar sign ($).
v AGE, HEIGHT, and WEIGHT are numeric variables, the default.
The data must be stored in the same order in which the variables are listed in the INPUT statement. Other-
wise, you can use formatted input, which is column specic. Formatted input is the most exible and can
handle any data le. Your INPUT statement for the class data le might look as follows:
infile inclass;
input @1 name $char8. @10 sex $char1. @15 age 2.0
@20 height 4.1 @25 weight 5.1;
These statements tell IML the following:
v NAME is a character variable; its value begins in column 1 (indicated by @1) and occupies eight
columns ($CHAR8.).
v SEX is a character variable; its value is found in column 10 ($CHAR1.).
114 ! Chapter 8: File Access
v AGE is a numeric variable; its value is found in columns 15 and 16 and has no decimal places (2.0).
v HEIGHT is a numeric variable found in columns 20 through 23 with one decimal place implied (4.1).
v WEIGHT is a numeric variable found in columns 25 through 29 with one decimal place implied (5.1).
The next sections discuss these two modes of input.
List Input
If your data are recorded with a comma or one or more blanks between data elds, you can use list input to
read your data. If you have missing valuesthat is, unknown valuesthey must be represented by a period
(.) rather than a blank eld.
When IML looks for a value, it skips past blanks and tab characters. Then it scans for a delimiter to the
value. The delimiter is a blank, a comma, or the end of the record. When the ampersand (&) format modier
is used, IML looks for two blanks, a comma, or the end of the record.
The general form of the INPUT statement for list input is as follows:
INPUT variable <$> <&> <. . . variable <$> > <&> > ;
variable names the variable to be read by the INPUT statement.
$ indicates that the preceding variable is character.
& indicates that a character value can have a single embedded blank. Because a blank normally
indicates the end of a data value, use the ampersand format modier to indicate the end of the
value with at least two blanks or a comma.
With list input, IML scans the input lines for values. Consider using list input in the following cases:
v when blanks or commas separate input values
v when periods rather than blanks represent missing values
List input is the default in several situations. Descriptions of these situations and the behavior of IML
v If no input format is specied for a variable, IML scans for a number.
v If a single dollar sign or ampersand format modier is specied, IML scans for a character value. The
ampersand format modier enables single embedded blanks to occur.
v If a format is given with width unspecied or zero, IML scans for the rst blank or comma.
If the end of a record is encountered before IML nds a value, then the behavior is as described by the
record overow options in the INFILE statement discussed in the section Using the INFILE Statement on
page 111.
Using the INPUT Statement ! 115
When you read with list input, the order of the variables listed in the INPUT statement must agree with the
order of the values in the data le. For example, consider the following data:
Alice f 10 61 97
Beth f 11 64 105
Bill m 12 63 110
You can use list input to read these data by specifying the following INPUT statement:
input name $ sex $ age height weight;
NOTE: This statement implies that the variables are stored in the order given. That is, each line of data
contains a students name, sex, age, height, and weight in that order and separated by at least one blank or
by a comma.
Formatted Input
The alternative to list input is formatted input. An INPUT statement reading formatted input must have
a SAS informat after each variable. An informat gives the data type and eld width of an input value.
Formatted input can be used with pointer controls and format modiers. Note, however, that neither pointer
controls nor format modiers are necessary for formatted input.
Pointer Control Features
Pointer controls reset the pointers column and line positions and tell the INPUT statement where to go to
read the data value. You use pointer controls to specify the columns and lines from which you want to read:
v Column pointer controls move the pointer to the column you specify.
v Line pointer controls move the pointer to the next line.
v Line hold controls keep the pointer on the current input line.
v Binary le indicator controls indicate that the input line is from a binary le.
Column Pointer Controls
Column pointer controls indicate in which column an input value starts. Column pointer controls begin with
either an at sign (@) or a plus sign (+). A complete list follows:
@n moves the pointer to column n.
@point-variable moves the pointer to the column given by the current value of point-variable.
@(expression) moves the pointer to the column given by the value of the expression. The expression
must evaluate to a positive integer.
n moves the pointer n columns.
116 ! Chapter 8: File Access
point-variable moves the pointer the number of columns given by the value of point-variable.
(expression) moves the pointer the number of columns given by the value of expression. The value of
expression can be positive or negative.
Here are some examples of using column pointer controls:
Example Meaning
@12 go to column 12
@N go to the column given by the value of N
@(N1) go to the column given by the value of N1
+5 skip 5 spaces
+N skip N spaces
+(N+1) skip N+1 spaces
In the earlier example that used formatted input, you used several pointer controls. Here are the statements:
infile inclass;
input @1 name $char8. @10 sex $char1. @15 age 2.0
@20 height 4.1 @25 weight 5.1;
The @1 moves the pointer to column 1, the @10 moves it to column 10, and so on. You move the pointer
to the column where the data eld begins and then supply an informat specifying how many columns the
variable occupies. The INPUT statement could also be written as follows:
input @1 name $char8. +1 sex $char1. +4 age 2. +3 height 4.1
+1 weight 5.1;
In this form, you move the pointer to column 1 (@1) and read eight columns. The pointer is now at column
9. Now, move the pointer +1 columns to column 10 to read SEX. The $char1. informat says to read a
character variable occupying one column. After you read the value for SEX, the pointer is at column 11, so
move it to column 15 with +4 and read AGE in columns 15 and 16 (the 2. informat). The pointer is now at
column 17, so move +3 columns and read HEIGHT. The same idea applies for reading WEIGHT.
Line Pointer Control
The line pointer control (/) directs IML to skip to the next line of input. You need a line pointer control
when a record of data takes more than one line. You use the new line pointer control (/) to skip to the next
line and continue reading data. In the example reading the class data, you do not need to skip a line because
each line of data contains all the variables for a student.
Line Hold Control
The trailing at sign (@), when at the end of an INPUT statement, directs IML to hold the pointer on the
current record so that you can read more data with subsequent INPUT statements. You can use it to read
several records from a single line of data. Sometimes, when a record is very shortsay, 10 columns or
soyou can save space in your external le by coding several records on the same line.
Using the INPUT Statement ! 117
Binary File Indicator Controls
When the external le you want to read is a binary le (RECFM=N is specied in the INFILE statement),
you must tell IML how to read the values by using the following binary le indicator controls:
>n start reading the next record at the byte position n in the le.
>point-variable start reading the next record at the byte position in the le given by point-variable.
>(expression) start reading the next record at the byte position in the le given by expression.
<n read the number of bytes indicated by the value of n.
<point-variable read the number of bytes indicated by the value of point-variable.
<(expression) read the number of bytes indicated by the value of expression.
Pattern Searching
You can have the input mechanism search for patterns of text by using the at sign (@) with a character
operand. IML starts searching at the current position, advances until it nds the pattern, and leaves the
pointer at the position immediately after the found pattern in the input record. For example, the following
statement searches for the pattern NAME= and then uses list input to read the value after the found pattern:
input @ 'NAME=' name $;
If the pattern is not found, then the pointer is left past the end of the record, and the rest of the INPUT state-
ment follows the conventions based on the options MISSOVER, STOPOVER, and FLOWOVER described
in the section Using the INFILE Statement on page 111. If you use pattern searching, you usually specify
the MISSOVER option so that you can control for the occurrences of the pattern not being found.
Notice that the MISSOVER feature enables you to search for a variety of items in the same record, even if
some of them are not found. For example, the following statements are able to read in the ADDR variable
even if NAME= is not found (in which case, NAME is unvalued):
infile in1 missover;
input @1 @ "NAME=" name $
@1 @ "ADDR=" addr &
@1 @ "PHONE=" phone $;
The pattern operand can use any characters except for the following:
% $ [ ] { } < > ? * # @ ` (backquote)
Record Directives
Each INPUT statement goes to a new record except in the following special cases:
v An at sign (@) at the end of an INPUT statement species that the record is to be held for future
INPUT statements.
118 ! Chapter 8: File Access
v Binary les (RECFM=N) always hold their records until the > directive.
As discussed in the syntax of the INPUT statement, the line pointer operator (/) instructs the input mecha-
nism to go immediately to the next record. For binary (RECFM=N) les, the > directive is used instead of
the /.
For character values, the informat determines the way blanks are interpreted. For example, the $CHARn.
format reads blanks as part of the whole value, while the BZn. format turns blanks into zeros. See SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary for more information about informats.
Missing Values
Missing values in formatted input are represented by blanks or a single period for a numeric value and by
blanks for a character value.
Matrix Use
Data values are either character or numeric. Input variables always result in scalar (one row by one column)
values with type (character or numeric) and length determined by the input format.
End-of-File Condition
End of le is the condition of trying to read a record when there are no more records to read from the le.
The consequences of an end-of-le condition are described as follows.
v All the variables in the INPUT statement that encountered end of le are freed of their values. You
can use the NROW or NCOL function to test if this has happened.
v If end of le occurs inside a DO DATA loop, execution is passed to the statement after the END
statement in the loop.
For text les, end of le is encountered rst as the end of the last record. The next time input is attempted,
the end-of-le condition is raised.
For binary les, end of le can result in the input mechanism returning a record that is shorter than the
requested length. In this case IML still attempts to process the record, using the rules described in the
section Using the INFILE Statement on page 111.
The DO DATA mechanism provides a convenient mechanism for handling end of le.
For example, to read the class data from the external le USER.TEXT.CLASS into a SAS data set, you need
to perform the following steps:
Using the INPUT Statement ! 119
1. Establish a leref referencing the data le.
2. Use an INFILE statement to open the le for input.
3. Initialize any character variables by setting the length.
4. Create a new SAS data set with a CREATE statement. You want to list the variables you plan to input
in a VAR clause.
5. Use a DO DATA loop to read the data one line at a time.
6. Write an INPUT statement telling IML how to read the data.
7. Use an APPEND statement to add the new data line to the end of the new SAS data set.
8. End the DO DATA loop.
9. Close the new data set.
10. Close the external le with a CLOSEFILE statement.
Your statements should look as follows:
filename inclass 'user.text.class';
infile inclass missover;
create class var{name sex age height weight};
do data;
input name $ sex $ age height weight;
close class;
closefile inclass;
Note that the APPEND statement is not executed if the INPUT statement reads past the end of le since
IML escapes the loop immediately when the condition is encountered.
Differences with the SAS DATA Step
If you are familiar with the SAS DATA step, you will notice that the following features are supported
differently or are not supported in IML:
v The pound sign (#) directive supporting multiple current records is not supported.
v Grouping parentheses are not supported.
v The colon (:) format modier is not supported.
v The byte operands (< and >) are new features supporting binary les.
120 ! Chapter 8: File Access
v The ampersand (&) format modier causes IML to stop reading data if a comma is encountered. Use
of the ampersand format modier is valid with list input only.
v The RECFM=F option is not supported.
Writing to an External File
If you have data in matrices and you want to write these data to an external le, you need to reference,
or point to, the le (as discussed in the section Referring to an External File on page 110. The FILE
statement opens the le for output so that you can write data to it. You need to specify a PUT statement to
direct how the data are output. These two statements are discussed in the following sections.
Using the FILE Statement
The FILE statement is used to refer to an external le. If you have values stored in matrices, you can write
these values to a le. Just as with the INFILE statement, you need a leref to point to the le you want to
write to. You use a FILE statement to indicate that you want to write to rather than read from a le.
For example, if you want to output to the le USER.TEXT.NEWCLASS, you can specify the le with a
quoted literal pathname. Here is the statement:
> file 'user.text.newclass';
Otherwise, you can rst establish a leref and then refer to the le by its leref, as follows:
> filename outclass 'user.text.class';
> file outclass;
There are two options you can use in the FILE statement:
RECFM=N species that the le is to be written as a pure binary le without record-separator
LRECL=operand species the size of the buffer to hold the records.
The FILE statement opens a le for output or, if the le is already open, makes it the current output le so
that subsequent PUT statements write to the le. The FILE statement is similar in syntax and operation to
the INFILE statement.
Using the PUT Statement ! 121
Using the PUT Statement
The PUT statement writes lines to the SAS log, to the SAS output le, or to any external le specied in a
FILE statement. The le associated with the most recently executed FILE statement is the current output
You can use the following arguments with the PUT statement:
variable names the IML variable with a value that is put to the current pointer position in the
record. The variable must be scalar valued. The put variable can be followed immediately
by an output format.
literal gives a literal to be put to the current pointer position in the record. The literal can be
followed immediately by an output format.
(expression) must produce a scalar-valued result. The expression can be immediately followed by an
output format.
format names the output formats for the values.
pointer-control moves the output pointer to a line or column.
Pointer Control Features
Most PUT statements need the added exibility obtained with pointer controls. IML keeps track of its
position on each output line with a pointer. With specications in the PUT statement, you can control
pointer movement from column to column and line to line. The pointer controls available are discussed in
the section Using the INPUT Statement on page 112.
Differences with the SAS DATA Step
If you are familiar with the SAS DATA step, you will notice that the following features are supported
differently or are not supported:
v The pound sign (#) directive supporting multiple current records is not supported.
v Grouping parentheses are not supported.
v The byte operands (< and >) are a new feature supporting binary les.
Writing a Matrix to an External File
If you have data stored in an n m matrix and you want to output the values to an external le, you need to
write out the matrix element by element.
122 ! Chapter 8: File Access
For example, suppose you have a matrix X that contains data that you want written to the le
USER.MATRIX. Suppose also that X contains ones and zeros so that the format for output can be one
column. You need to do the following:
1. Establish a leref, such as OUT.
2. Use a FILE statement to open the le for output.
3. Specify a DO loop for the rows of the matrix.
4. Specify a DO loop for the columns of the matrix.
5. Use a PUT statement to specify how to write the element value.
6. End the inner DO loop.
7. Skip a line.
8. End the outer DO loop.
9. Close the le.
Your statements should look as follows:
filename out 'user.matrix';
file out;
do i = 1 to nrow(x);
do j = 1 to ncol(x);
put (x[i,j]) 1.0 +2 @;
closefile out;
The output le contains a record for each row of the matrix. For example, if your matrix is 4 4, then the
le might look as follows:
1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0
0 1 0 1
Quick Printing to the PRINT File
You can use the FILE PRINT statement to route output to the standard print le. The following statements
generate data that are output to the PRINT le:
Listing Your External Files ! 123
> file print;
> do a = 0 to 6.28 by .2;
> x = sin(a);
> p = (x+1)#30;
> put @1 a 6.4 +p x 8.4;
> end;
Here is the resulting output:
0.0000 0.0000
0.2000 0.1987
0.4000 0.3894
0.6000 0.5646
0.8000 0.7174
1.0000 0.8415
1.2000 0.9320
1.4000 0.9854
1.6000 0.9996
1.8000 0.9738
2.0000 0.9093
2.2000 0.8085
2.4000 0.6755
2.6000 0.5155
2.8000 0.3350
3.0000 0.1411
3.2000 -0.0584
3.4000 -0.2555
3.6000 -0.4425
3.8000 -0.6119
4.0000 -0.7568
4.2000 -0.8716
4.4000 -0.9516
4.6000 -0.9937
4.8000 -0.9962
5.0000 -0.9589
5.2000 -0.8835
5.4000 -0.7728
5.6000 -0.6313
5.8000 -0.4646
6.0000 -0.2794
6.2000 -0.0831
Listing Your External Files
To list all open les and their current input or current output status, use the SHOW FILES statement.
124 ! Chapter 8: File Access
Closing an External File
The CLOSEFILE statement closes les opened by an INFILE or FILE statement. You specify the CLOSE-
FILE statement just as you do the INFILE or FILE statement. For example, the following statements open
the external le USER.TEXT.CLASS for input and then close it:
filename in 'user.text.class';
infile in;
closefile in;
In this chapter, you learned how to refer to, or point to, an external le by using a FILENAME statement.
You can use the FILENAME statement whether you want to read from or write to an external le. The le
can also be referenced by a quoted literal pathname. You also learned about the difference between a text
le and a binary le.
You learned how to read data from an external le with the INFILE and INPUT statements, using either list
or formatted input. You learned how to write your matrices to an external le by using the FILE and PUT
statements. Finally, you learned how to close your les.
Chapter 9
General Statistics Examples
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
General Statistics Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Example 9.1: Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Example 9.2: Newtons Method for Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations . . . . . 127
Example 9.3: Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Example 9.4: Alpha Factor Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Example 9.5: Categorical Linear Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Example 9.6: Regression of Subsets of Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Example 9.7: Response Surface Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Example 9.8: Logistic and Probit Regression for Binary Response Models . . . . . . 147
Example 9.9: Linear Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Example 9.10: Quadratic Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Example 9.11: Regression Quantiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Example 9.12: Simulations of a Univariate ARMA Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Example 9.13: Parameter Estimation for a Regression Model with ARMA Errors . . 163
Example 9.14: Iterative Proportional Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Example 9.15: Full-Screen Nonlinear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
SAS/IML software has many linear operators that perform high-level operations commonly needed in ap-
plying linear algebra techniques to data analysis. The similarity of the Interactive Matrix Language notation
and matrix algebra notation makes translation from algorithm to program a straightforward task. The exam-
ples in this chapter show a variety of matrix operators at work.
You can use these examples to gain insight into the more complex problems you might need to solve. Some
of the examples perform the same analyses as performed by procedures in SAS/STAT software and are not
meant to replace them. The examples are included as learning tools.
126 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
General Statistics Examples
Example 9.1: Correlation
The following statements show how you can dene modules to compute correlation coefcients between
numeric variables and standardized values for a set of data. For more efcient computations, use the built-in
CORR function and the STD function.
proc iml;
Module to compute correlations
start corr;
n = nrow(x); /
number of observations
sum = x[+,] ; /
compute column sums
xpx = t(x)
sum/n; /
compute sscp matrix
s = diag(1/sqrt(vecdiag(xpx))); /
scaling matrix
corr = s
s; /
correlation matrix
print "Correlation Matrix",,corr[rowname=nm colname=nm] ;
finish corr;
Module to standardize data
start std;
mean = x[+,] /n; /
means for columns
x = x-repeat(mean,n,1); /
center x to mean zero
ss = x[##,] ; /
sum of squares for columns
std = sqrt(ss/(n-1)); /
standard deviation estimate
x = x
diag(1/std); /
scaling to std dev 1
print ,"Standardized Data",,X[colname=nm] ;
finish std;
Sample run
x = { 1 2 3,
3 2 1,
4 2 1,
0 4 1,
24 1 0,
1 3 8};
nm={age weight height};
run corr;
run std;
The results are shown in Output 9.1.1.
Example 9.2: Newtons Method for Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations ! 127
Output 9.1.1 Correlation Coefcients and Standardized Values
Correlation Matrix
AGE 1 -0.717102 -0.436558
WEIGHT -0.717102 1 0.3508232
HEIGHT -0.436558 0.3508232 1
Standardized Data
-0.490116 -0.322749 0.2264554
-0.272287 -0.322749 -0.452911
-0.163372 -0.322749 -0.452911
-0.59903 1.6137431 -0.452911
2.0149206 -1.290994 -0.792594
-0.490116 0.6454972 1.924871
Example 9.2: Newtons Method for Solving Nonlinear Systems of Equations
This example solves a nonlinear system of equations by Newtons method. Let the nonlinear system be
represented by
J(x) = 0
where x is a vector and J is a vector-valued, possibly nonlinear function.
In order to nd x such that J goes to 0, an initial estimate x
is chosen, and Newtons iterative method for
converging to the solution is used:
= x
where J(x) is the Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives of J with respect to x. (For more efcient computa-
tions, use the built-in NLPNRA subroutine.)
For optimization problems, the same method is used, where J(x) is the gradient of the objective function
and J(x) becomes the Hessian (Newton-Raphson).
In this example, the system to be solved is
2 = 0
) 1 = 0
The following statements are organized into three modules: NEWTON, FUN, and DERIV.
128 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Newton's Method to Solve a Nonlinear Function
The user must supply initial values,
and the FUN and DERIV functions.
On entry: FUN evaluates the function f in terms of x
initial values are given to x
DERIV evaluates jacobian j
tuning variables: CONVERGE, MAXITER.
On exit: solution in x, function value in f close to 0
ITER has number of iterations.
proc iml;
start newton;
run fun; /
evaluate function at starting values
do iter = 1 to maxiter /
iterate until maxiter
while(max(abs(f))>converge); /
iterations or convergence
run deriv; /
evaluate derivatives in j
delta = -solve(j,f); /
solve for correction vector
x = x+delta; /
the new approximation
run fun; /
evaluate the function
finish newton;
maxiter = 15; /
default maximum iterations
converge = .000001; /
default convergence criterion
User-supplied function evaluation
start fun;
x1 = x[1] ;
x2 = x[2] ; /
extract the values
f = (x1+x2-x1
x2+2) //
exp(-x2)-1); /
evaluate the function
finish fun;
User-supplied derivatives of the function
start deriv;
evaluate jacobian
j = ((1-x2)||(1-x1) ) // (exp(-x2)||(-x1
finish deriv;
print "Solving the system: X1+X2-X1
X2+2=0, X1
EXP(-X2)-1=0" ,;
x={.1, -2}; /
starting values
run newton;
print x f;
Example 9.3: Regression ! 129
The results are shown in Output 9.2.1.
Output 9.2.1 Newtons Method: Results
Solving the system: X1+X2-X1
X2+2=0, X1
x f
0.0977731 5.3523E-9
-2.325106 6.1501E-8
Example 9.3: Regression
This example shows a regression module that calculates statistics that are associated with a linear regres-
Regression Routine
Given X and Y, this fits Y = X B + E
by least squares.
proc iml;
start reg;
n = nrow(x); /
number of observations
k = ncol(x); /
number of variables
xpx = x`
x; /
xpy = x`
xpxi = inv(xpx); /
inverse crossproducts
b = xpxi
xpy; /
parameter estimates
yhat = x
b; /
predicted values
resid = y-yhat; /
sse = resid`
resid; /
sum of squared errors
dfe = n-k; /
degrees of freedom error
mse = sse/dfe; /
mean squared error
rmse = sqrt(mse); /
root mean squared error
covb = xpxi#mse; /
covariance of estimates
stdb = sqrt(vecdiag(covb)); /
standard errors
t = b/stdb; /
ttest for estimates=0
probt = 1-probf(t#t,1,dfe); /
significance probability
print name b stdb t probt;
s = diag(1/stdb);
corrb = s
s; /
correlation of estimates
print ,"Covariance of Estimates", covb[r=name c=name] ,
"Correlation of Estimates",corrb[r=name c=name] ;
if nrow(tval)=0 then return; /
is a t value specified?
projx = x
x`; /
hat matrix
vresid = (i(n)-projx)
mse; /
covariance of residuals
vpred = projx#mse; /
covariance of predicted values
h = vecdiag(projx); /
hat leverage values
lowerm = yhat-tval#sqrt(h
mse); /
low. conf lim for mean
upperm = yhat+tval#sqrt(h
mse); /
upper lim. for mean
130 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
lower = yhat-tval#sqrt(h
mse+mse); /
lower lim. for indiv
upper = yhat+tval#sqrt(h
upper lim. for indiv
print ,,"Predicted Values, Residuals, and Limits" ,,
y yhat resid h lowerm upperm lower upper;
finish reg;
Routine to test a linear combination of the estimates
given L, this routine tests hypothesis that LB = 0.
start test;
Lb /dfn;
print ,f dfn dfe prob;
finish test;
Run it on population of U.S. for decades beginning 1790
x= { 1 1 1,
1 2 4,
1 3 9,
1 4 16,
1 5 25,
1 6 36,
1 7 49,
1 8 64 };
y= {3.929,5.308,7.239,9.638,12.866,17.069,23.191,31.443};
name={"Intercept", "Decade", "Decade
2" };
tval=2.57; /
for 5 df at 0.025 level to get 95% conf. int.
reset fw=7;
run reg;
print ,"TEST Coef for Linear";
L={0 1 0 };
run test;
print ,"TEST Coef for Linear,Quad";
L={0 1 0,0 0 1};
run test;
print ,"TEST Linear+Quad = 0";
L={0 1 1 };
run test;
The results are shown in Output 9.3.1.
Example 9.3: Regression ! 131
Output 9.3.1 Regression Results
name b stdb t probt
Intercept 5.06934 0.96559 5.24997 0.00333
Decade -1.1099 0.4923 -2.2546 0.07385
2 0.53964 0.0534 10.106 0.00016
Covariance of Estimates
Intercept Decade Decade
Intercept 0.93237 -0.4362 0.04277
Decade -0.4362 0.24236 -0.0257
2 0.04277 -0.0257 0.00285
Correlation of Estimates
Intercept Decade Decade
Intercept 1 -0.9177 0.8295
Decade -0.9177 1 -0.9762
2 0.8295 -0.9762 1
Predicted Values, Residuals, and Limits
y yhat resid h lowerm upperm lower upper
3.929 4.49904 -0.57 0.70833 3.00202 5.99606 2.17419 6.82389
5.308 5.00802 0.29998 0.27976 4.06721 5.94883 2.99581 7.02023
7.239 6.59627 0.64273 0.23214 5.73926 7.45328 4.62185 8.57069
9.638 9.26379 0.37421 0.27976 8.32298 10.2046 7.25158 11.276
12.866 13.0106 -0.1446 0.27976 12.0698 13.9514 10.9984 15.0228
17.069 17.8367 -0.7677 0.23214 16.9797 18.6937 15.8622 19.8111
23.191 23.742 -0.551 0.27976 22.8012 24.6828 21.7298 25.7542
31.443 30.7266 0.71638 0.70833 29.2296 32.2236 28.4018 33.0515
TEST Coef for Linear
f dfn dfe prob
5.08317 1 5 0.07385
TEST Coef for Linear,Quad
f dfn dfe prob
666.511 2 5 8.54E-7
TEST Linear+Quad = 0
132 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Output 9.3.1 continued
f dfn dfe prob
1.67746 1 5 0.25184
Example 9.4: Alpha Factor Analysis
This example shows how an algorithm for computing alpha factor patterns (Kaiser and Caffrey 1965) is
implemented in the SAS/IML language.
You can store the following ALPHA subroutine in a catalog and load it when needed.
Alpha Factor Analysis
Ref: Kaiser et al., 1965 Psychometrika, pp. 12-13
r correlation matrix (n.s.) already set up
p number of variables
q number of factors
h communalities
m eigenvalues
e eigenvectors
f factor pattern
(IQ,H2,HI,G,MM) temporary use. freed up
* *
proc iml;
start alpha;
p = ncol(r);
q = 0;
h = 0; /
h2 = i(p)-diag(1/vecdiag(inv(r))); /
do while(max(abs(h-h2))>.001); /
iterate until converges
h = h2;
hi = diag(sqrt(1/vecdiag(h)));
g = hi
call eigen(m,e,g); /
get eigenvalues and vecs
if q=0 then do;
q = sum(m>1); /
number of factors
iq = 1:q;
end; /
index vector
mm = diag(sqrt(m[iq,])); /
collapse eigvals
e = e[,iq] ; /
collapse eigvecs
h2 = h
mm) [,##]); /
new communalities
hi = sqrt(h);
h = vecdiag(h2);
f = hi
mm; /
resulting pattern
free iq h2 hi g mm; /
free temporaries
Correlation Matrix from Harmon, Modern Factor Analysis,
Example 9.4: Alpha Factor Analysis ! 133
Second edition, page 124, "Eight Physical Variables"
r={1.000 .846 .805 .859 .473 .398 .301 .382 ,
.846 1.000 .881 .826 .376 .326 .277 .415 ,
.805 .881 1.000 .801 .380 .319 .237 .345 ,
.859 .826 .801 1.000 .436 .329 .327 .365 ,
.473 .376 .380 .436 1.000 .762 .730 .629 ,
.398 .326 .319 .329 .762 1.000 .583 .577 ,
.301 .277 .237 .327 .730 .583 1.000 .539 ,
.382 .415 .345 .365 .629 .577 .539 1.000};
nm = {Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8};
run alpha;
print ,"EIGENVALUES" , m;
print ,"COMMUNALITIES" , h[rowname=nm];
print ,"FACTOR PATTERN", f[rowname=nm];
The results are shown in Output 9.4.1.
Output 9.4.1 Alpha Factor Analysis: Results
VAR1 0.8381205
VAR2 0.8905717
VAR3 0.81893
VAR4 0.8067292
VAR5 0.8802149
VAR6 0.6391977
VAR7 0.5821583
VAR8 0.4998126
134 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Output 9.4.1 continued
VAR1 0.813386 -0.420147
VAR2 0.8028363 -0.49601
VAR3 0.7579087 -0.494474
VAR4 0.7874461 -0.432039
VAR5 0.8051439 0.4816205
VAR6 0.6804127 0.4198051
VAR7 0.620623 0.4438303
VAR8 0.6449419 0.2895902
Example 9.5: Categorical Linear Models
This example ts a linear model to a function of the response probabilities
Klog = X e
where K is a matrix that compares each response category to the last. Data are from Kastenbaum and
Lamphiear (1959). First, the Grizzle-Starmer-Koch (1969) approach is used to obtain generalized least
squares estimates of . These form the initial values for the Newton-Raphson solution for the maximum
likelihood estimates. The CATMOD procedure can also be used to analyze these binary data (see Cox
(1970)). Here is the program.
Categorical Linear Models
by Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood
n the s by p matrix of response counts
x the s by r design matrix
proc iml ;
start catlin;
---find dimensions---
s = nrow(n); /
number of populations
r = ncol(n); /
number of responses
q = r-1; /
number of function values
d = ncol(x); /
number of design parameters
qd = q
d; /
total number of parameters
---get probability estimates---
rown = n[,+]; /
row totals
pr = n/(rown
repeat(1,1,r)); /
probability estimates
p = shape(pr[,1:q] ,0,1); /
cut and shaped to vector
estimate by the GSK method
function of probabilities
Example 9.5: Categorical Linear Models ! 135
f = log(p)-log(pr[,r])@repeat(1,q,1);
inverse covariance of f
si = (diag(p)-p
z = x@i(q); /
expanded design matrix
h = z`
z; /
crossproducts matrix
g = z`
f; /
cross with f
beta = solve(h,g); /
least squares solution
stderr = sqrt(vecdiag(inv(h))); /
standard errors
run prob;
print ,"GSK ESTIMATES" , beta stderr ,pi;
iterations for ML solution
crit = 1;
do it = 1 to 8 while(crit>.0005);/
iterate until converge
block diagonal weighting
si = (diag(pi)-pi
g = z`
(rown@repeat(1,q,1)#(p-pi)); /
h = z`
z; /
delta = solve(h,g); /
solve for correction
beta = beta+delta; /
apply the correction
run prob; /
compute prob estimates
crit = max(abs(delta)); /
convergence criterion
stderr = sqrt(vecdiag(inv(h))); /
standard errors
print , "ML Estimates", beta stderr, pi;
print , "Iterations" it "Criterion" crit;
finish catlin;
subroutine to compute new prob estimates @ parameters
start prob;
la = exp(x
pi = la/((1+la[,+] )
pi = shape(pi,0,1);
finish prob;
---prepare frequency data and design matrix---
n= { 58 11 05,
75 19 07,
49 14 10,
58 17 08,
33 18 15,
45 22 10,
15 13 15,
39 22 18,
04 12 17,
05 15 08}; /
frequency counts
x= { 1 1 1 0 0 0,
1 -1 1 0 0 0,
1 1 0 1 0 0,
1 -1 0 1 0 0,
1 1 0 0 1 0,
136 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
1 -1 0 0 1 0,
1 1 0 0 0 1,
1 -1 0 0 0 1,
1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1,
1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1}; /
design matrix
run catlin;
The maximum likelihood estimates are shown in Output 9.5.1.
Output 9.5.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimates
0.7837838 0.1486486 0.0675676
0.7425743 0.1881188 0.0693069
0.6712329 0.1917808 0.1369863
0.6987952 0.2048193 0.0963855
0.5 0.2727273 0.2272727
0.5844156 0.2857143 0.1298701
0.3488372 0.3023256 0.3488372
0.4936709 0.278481 0.2278481
0.1212121 0.3636364 0.5151515
0.1785714 0.5357143 0.2857143
beta stderr
0.9454429 0.1290925
0.4003259 0.1284867
-0.277777 0.1164699
-0.278472 0.1255916
1.4146936 0.267351
0.474136 0.294943
0.8464701 0.2362639
0.1526095 0.2633051
0.1952395 0.2214436
0.0723489 0.2366597
-0.514488 0.2171995
-0.400831 0.2285779
Example 9.5: Categorical Linear Models ! 137
Output 9.5.1 continued
ML Estimates
beta stderr
0.9533597 0.1286179
0.4069338 0.1284592
-0.279081 0.1156222
-0.280699 0.1252816
1.4423195 0.2669357
0.4993123 0.2943437
0.8411595 0.2363089
0.1485875 0.2635159
0.1883383 0.2202755
0.0667313 0.236031
-0.527163 0.216581
-0.414965 0.2299618
138 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Output 9.5.1 continued
it crit
Iterations 3 Criterion 0.0004092
Example 9.6: Regression of Subsets of Variables
This example performs regression with variable selection. Some of the methods used in this example are
also used in the REG procedure. Here is the program.
proc iml;
| c,csave the crossproducts matrix |
| n number of observations |
| k total number of variables to consider |
| l number of variables currently in model |
| in a 0-1 vector of whether variable is in |
| b print collects results (L MSE RSQ BETAS ) |
start initial;
n=nrow(x); k=ncol(x); k1=k+1; ik=1:k;
bnames={nparm mse rsquare} ||varnames;
---correct by mean, adjust out intercept parameter---
y=y-y[+,]/n; /
correct y by mean
x=x-repeat(x[+,]/n,n,1); /
correct x by mean
y; /
Example 9.6: Regression of Subsets of Variables ! 139
free x y; /
no longer need the data
csave=(xpx || xpy) //
(xpy`|| ypy); /
save copy of crossproducts
-----forward method------------------------------------------
start forward;
free bprint;
c=csave; in=repeat(0,k,1); L=0; /
no variables are in
dfe=n-1; mse=ypy/dfe;
do while(sprob<.15 & l<k);
indx=loc(^in); /
where are the variables not in?
cd=vecdiag(c)[indx,]; /
xpx diagonals
cb=c[indx,k1]; /
adjusted xpy
tsqr=cb#cb/(cd#mse); /
squares of t tests
imax=tsqr[<:>,]; /
location of maximum in indx
if sprob<.15 then do; /
if t-test significant
ii=indx[,imax]; /
pick most significant
run swp; /
routine to sweep
run bpr; /
routine to collect results
print bprint[colname=bnames] ;
-----backward method----------------------------------------
start backward;
free bprint;
c=csave; in=repeat(0,k,1);
ii=1:k; run swp; run bpr; /
start with all variables in
do while(sprob>.15 & L>0);
indx=loc(in); /
where are the variables in?
cd=vecdiag(c)[indx,]; /
xpx diagonals
cb=c[indx,k1]; /
tsqr=cb#cb/(cd#mse); /
squares of t tests
imin=tsqr[>:<,]; /
location of minimum in indx
if sprob>.15 then do; /
if t-test nonsignificant
ii=indx[,imin]; /
pick least significant
run swp; /
routine to sweep in variable
run bpr; /
routine to collect results
140 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
print bprint[colname=bnames] ;
-----stepwise method-----------------------------------------
start stepwise;
free bprint;
c=csave; in=repeat(0,k,1); L=0;
dfe=n-1; mse=ypy/dfe;
do while(sprob<.15 & L<k);
indx=loc(^in); /
where are the variables not in?
nindx=loc(in); /
where are the variables in?
cd=vecdiag(c)[indx,]; /
xpx diagonals
cb=c[indx,k1]; /
adjusted xpy
tsqr=cb#cb/cd/mse; /
squares of t tests
imax=tsqr[<:>,]; /
location of maximum in indx
if sprob<.15 then do; /
if t-test significant
ii=indx[,imax]; /
find index into c
run swp; /
routine to sweep
run backstep; /
check if remove any terms
run bpr; /
routine to collect results
print bprint[colname=bnames] ;
----routine to backwards-eliminate for stepwise--
start backstep;
if nrow(nindx)=0 then return;
do while(bprob>.15 & L<k);
cd=vecdiag(c)[nindx,]; /
xpx diagonals
cb=c[nindx,k1]; /
tsqr=cb#cb/(cd#mse); /
squares of t tests
imin=tsqr[>:<,]; /
location of minimum in nindx
if bprob>.15 then do;
run swp;
run bpr;
Example 9.6: Regression of Subsets of Variables ! 141
-----search all possible models----------------------------
start all;
---use method of schatzoff et al. for search technique--
betak=repeat(0,k,k); /
record estimates for best l-param model
record best mse per # parms
rsqk=repeat(0,k,1); /
record best rsquare
ink=repeat(0,k,k); /
record best set per # parms
limit=2##k-1; /
number of models to examine
c=csave; in=repeat(0,k,1);/
start out with no variables in model
do kk=1 to limit;
run ztrail; /
find which one to sweep
run swp; /
sweep it in
if mse<msek[L,] then do; /
was this best for L parms?
msek[L,]=mse; /
record mse
rsqk[L,]=rsq; /
record rsquare
ink[,L]=in; /
record which parms in model
record estimates
print bb[colname=bnames]; free bb;
print bprint[colname=bnames];
-subroutine to find number of trailing zeros in binary number
on entry: kk is the number to examine
on exit: ii has the result
start ztrail;
ii=1; zz=kk;
do while(mod(zz,2)=0); ii=ii+1; zz=zz/2; end;
-----subroutine to sweep in a pivot--------------------------
on entry: ii has the position(s) to pivot
on exit: in, L, dfe, mse, rsq recalculated
start swp;
if abs(c[ii,ii])<1e-9 then do; print "failure", c;stop;end;
L=sum(in); dfe=n-1-L;
142 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
-----subroutine to collect bprint results--------------------
on entry: L,mse,rsq, and c set up to collect
on exit: bprint has another row
start bpr;
--------------stepwise methods---------------------
after a call to the initial routine, which sets up
the data, four different routines can be called
to do four different model-selection methods.
start seq;
run initial; /
run all; /
all possible models
run forward; /
foreward selection method
run backward; /
backward elimination method
run stepwise; /
stepwise method
------------------------data on physical fitness--------------
| These measurements were made on men involved in a physical |
| fitness course at N.C.State Univ. The variables are age(years)|
| weight(kg), oxygen uptake rate(ml per kg body weight per |
| minute), time to run 1.5 miles(minutes), heart rate while |
| resting, heart rate while running (same time oxygen rate |
| measured), and maximum heart rate recorded while running. |
| Certain values of maxpulse were modified for consistency. |
| Data courtesy DR. A.C. Linnerud |
data =
{ 44 89.47 44.609 11.37 62 178 182 ,
40 75.07 45.313 10.07 62 185 185 ,
44 85.84 54.297 8.65 45 156 168 ,
42 68.15 59.571 8.17 40 166 172 ,
38 89.02 49.874 9.22 55 178 180 ,
47 77.45 44.811 11.63 58 176 176 ,
40 75.98 45.681 11.95 70 176 180 ,
43 81.19 49.091 10.85 64 162 170 ,
44 81.42 39.442 13.08 63 174 176 ,
38 81.87 60.055 8.63 48 170 186 ,
44 73.03 50.541 10.13 45 168 168 ,
45 87.66 37.388 14.03 56 186 192 ,
45 66.45 44.754 11.12 51 176 176 ,
47 79.15 47.273 10.60 47 162 164 ,
54 83.12 51.855 10.33 50 166 170 ,
Example 9.6: Regression of Subsets of Variables ! 143
49 81.42 49.156 8.95 44 180 185 ,
51 69.63 40.836 10.95 57 168 172 ,
51 77.91 46.672 10.00 48 162 168 ,
48 91.63 46.774 10.25 48 162 164 ,
49 73.37 50.388 10.08 67 168 168 ,
57 73.37 39.407 12.63 58 174 176 ,
54 79.38 46.080 11.17 62 156 165 ,
52 76.32 45.441 9.63 48 164 166 ,
50 70.87 54.625 8.92 48 146 155 ,
51 67.25 45.118 11.08 48 172 172 ,
54 91.63 39.203 12.88 44 168 172 ,
51 73.71 45.790 10.47 59 186 188 ,
57 59.08 50.545 9.93 49 148 155 ,
49 76.32 48.673 9.40 56 186 188 ,
48 61.24 47.920 11.50 52 170 176 ,
52 82.78 47.467 10.50 53 170 172 };
x=data[,{1 2 4 5 6 7 }];
free data;
varnames={age weight runtime rstpuls runpuls maxpuls};
reset fw=6 linesize=87;
run seq;
The results are shown in Output 9.6.1.
Output 9.6.1 Model Selection: Results
1 26.634 0.0928 -0.311 0 0 0 0 0
2 25.826 0.1506 -0.37 -0.158 0 0 0 0
1 28.58 0.0265 0 -0.104 0 0 0 0
2 7.7556 0.7449 0 -0.025 -3.289 0 0 0
3 7.2263 0.7708 -0.174 -0.054 -3.14 0 0 0
2 7.1684 0.7642 -0.15 0 -3.204 0 0 0
1 7.5338 0.7434 0 0 -3.311 0 0 0
2 7.7983 0.7435 0 0 -3.287 -0.01 0 0
3 7.3361 0.7673 -0.168 0 -3.079 -0.045 0 0
4 7.3666 0.775 -0.196 -0.059 -2.989 -0.053 0 0
3 8.0373 0.7451 0 -0.026 -3.263 -0.01 0 0
2 24.915 0.1806 0 -0.093 0 -0.275 0 0
3 20.28 0.3568 -0.447 -0.156 0 -0.322 0 0
2 21.276 0.3003 -0.389 0 0 -0.323 0 0
1 24.676 0.1595 0 0 0 -0.279 0 0
...<rows skipped>...
144 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Output 9.6.1 continued
1 7.5338 0.7434 0 0 -3.311 0 0 0
2 7.1684 0.7642 -0.15 0 -3.204 0 0 0
3 5.9567 0.8111 -0.256 0 -2.825 0 -0.131 0
4 5.3435 0.8368 -0.198 0 -2.768 0 -0.348 0.2705
5 5.1763 0.848 -0.22 -0.072 -2.683 0 -0.373 0.3049
6 5.3682 0.8487 -0.227 -0.074 -2.629 -0.022 -0.37 0.3032
1 7.5338 0.7434 0 0 -3.311 0 0 0
2 7.1684 0.7642 -0.15 0 -3.204 0 0 0
3 5.9567 0.8111 -0.256 0 -2.825 0 -0.131 0
4 5.3435 0.8368 -0.198 0 -2.768 0 -0.348 0.2705
6 5.3682 0.8487 -0.227 -0.074 -2.629 -0.022 -0.37 0.3032
5 5.1763 0.848 -0.22 -0.072 -2.683 0 -0.373 0.3049
4 5.3435 0.8368 -0.198 0 -2.768 0 -0.348 0.2705
1 7.5338 0.7434 0 0 -3.311 0 0 0
2 7.1684 0.7642 -0.15 0 -3.204 0 0 0
3 5.9567 0.8111 -0.256 0 -2.825 0 -0.131 0
4 5.3435 0.8368 -0.198 0 -2.768 0 -0.348 0.2705
Example 9.7: Response Surface Methodology
A regression model with a complete quadratic set of regressions across several factors can be processed to
yield the estimated critical values that can optimize a response. First, the regression is performed for two
variables according to the model
, = c b
Example 9.7: Response Surface Methodology ! 145
The estimates are then divided into a vector of linear coefcients (estimates) b and a matrix of quadratic
coefcients A. The solution for critical values is
x =
The following program creates a module to perform quadratic response surface regression.
Quadratic Response Surface Regression
This matrix routine reads in the factor variables and
the response, forms the quadratic regression model and
estimates the parameters, and then solves for the optimal
response, prints the optimal factors and response, and
displays the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the
matrix of quadratic parameter estimates to determine if
the solution is a maximum or minimum, or saddlepoint, and
which direction has the steepest and gentlest slopes.
* *
Given that d contains the factor variables,
and y contains the response.
* *
start rsm;
k=ncol(d); /
x=j(n,1,1)||d; /
set up design matrix
do i=1 to k;
do j=1 to i;
x=x||d[,i] #d[,j];
y); /
solve parameter estimates
print "Parameter Estimates" , beta;
c=beta[1]; /
intercept estimate
b=beta[2:(k+1)]; /
linear estimates
L=k+1; /
form quadratics into matrix
do i=1 to k;
do j=1 to i;
a[i,j]=beta [L,];
.5; /
solve(a,b); /
solve for critical value
print , "Critical Factor Values" , xx;
Compute response at critical value
yopt=c + b`
xx + xx`
print , "Response at Critical Value" yopt;
call eigen(eval,evec,a);
print , "Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors", eval, evec;
if min(eval)>0 then print , "Solution Was a Minimum";
if max(eval)<0 then print , "Solution Was a Maximum";
finish rsm;
146 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Sample Problem with Two Factors
d={-1 -1, -1 0, -1 1,
0 -1, 0 0, 0 1,
1 -1, 1 0, 1 1};
y={ 71.7, 75.2, 76.3, 79.2, 81.5, 80.2, 80.1, 79.1, 75.8};
run rsm;
Running the module with the sample data produces the results shown in Output 9.7.1:
Output 9.7.1 Response Surface Regression: Results
Parameter Estimates
Critical Factor Values
Response at Critical Value 81.495032
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
-0.351076 0.9363469
0.9363469 0.3510761
Solution Was a Maximum
Example 9.8: Logistic and Probit Regression for Binary Response Models ! 147
Example 9.8: Logistic and Probit Regression for Binary Response Models
A binary response Y is t to a linear model according to
Pr(Y = 1) = J(X)
Pr(Y = 0) = 1 J(X)
where J is some smooth probability distribution function. The normal and logistic distribution functions
are supported. The method is maximum likelihood via iteratively reweighted least squares (described by
Charnes, Frome, and Yu (1976); Jennrich and Moore (1975); and Nelder and Wedderburn (1972)). The
row scaling is done by the derivative of the distribution (density). The weighting is done by n,(1 ),
where n has the counts or other weights. The following program calculates logistic and probit regression
for binary response models.
routine for estimating binary response models
y is the binary response, x are regressors,
wgt are count weights,
model is choice of logit probit,
parm has the names of the parameters
proc iml ;
start binest;
oldb=b+1; /
starting values
do iter=1 to 20 while(max(abs(b-oldb))>1e-8);
run f;
loglik=sum(((y=1)#log(p) + (y=0)#log(1-p))#wgt);
print iter loglik btransp;
b=b + xpxi
p0=sum((y=1)#wgt)/sum(wgt); /
average response
loglik0=sum(((y=1)#log(p0) + (y=0)#log(1-p0))#wgt);
print ,
'Likelihood Ratio, Intercept-only Model' chisq df prob,;
print parm b stderr tratio,,;
148 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
---routine to yield distribution function and density---
start f;
if model='LOGIT' then
if model='PROBIT' then
Ingot data from COX (1970, pp. 67-68)
data={ 7 1.0 0 10, 14 1.0 0 31, 27 1.0 1 56, 51 1.0 3 13,
7 1.7 0 17, 14 1.7 0 43, 27 1.7 4 44, 51 1.7 0 1,
7 2.2 0 7, 14 2.2 2 33, 27 2.2 0 21, 51 2.2 0 1,
7 2.8 0 12, 14 2.8 0 31, 27 2.8 1 22,
7 4.0 0 9, 14 4.0 0 19, 27 4.0 1 16, 51 4.0 0 1};
x=repeat(1,n,1)||(data[,{1 2}]); /
intercept, heat, soak
x=x//x; /
y=repeat(1,n,1)//repeat(0,n,1); /
binary response
wgt=nready//(ntotal-nready); /
row weights
parm={intercept, heat, soak}; /
names of regressors
run binest; /
run logit model
run binest; /
run probit model
The results are shown in Output 9.8.1.
Output 9.8.1 Logistic and Probit Regression: Results
iter loglik btransp
1 -268.248 0 0 0
iter loglik btransp
2 -76.29481 -2.159406 0.0138784 0.0037327
iter loglik btransp
3 -53.38033 -3.53344 0.0363154 0.0119734
Example 9.8: Logistic and Probit Regression for Binary Response Models ! 149
Output 9.8.1 continued
iter loglik btransp
4 -48.34609 -4.748899 0.0640013 0.0299201
iter loglik btransp
5 -47.69191 -5.413817 0.0790272 0.04982
iter loglik btransp
6 -47.67283 -5.553931 0.0819276 0.0564395
iter loglik btransp
7 -47.67281 -5.55916 0.0820307 0.0567708
iter loglik btransp
8 -47.67281 -5.559166 0.0820308 0.0567713
chisq df prob
Likelihood Ratio, Intercept-only Model 11.64282 2 0.0029634
parm b stderr tratio
INTERCEPT -5.559166 1.1196947 -4.964895
HEAT 0.0820308 0.0237345 3.4561866
SOAK 0.0567713 0.3312131 0.1714042
iter loglik btransp
1 -268.248 0 0 0
iter loglik btransp
2 -71.71043 -1.353207 0.008697 0.0023391
iter loglik btransp
3 -51.64122 -2.053504 0.0202739 0.0073888
iter loglik btransp
4 -47.88947 -2.581302 0.032626 0.018503
iter loglik btransp
5 -47.48924 -2.838938 0.0387625 0.0309099
iter loglik btransp
6 -47.47997 -2.890129 0.0398894 0.0356507
150 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Output 9.8.1 continued
iter loglik btransp
7 -47.47995 -2.89327 0.0399529 0.0362166
iter loglik btransp
8 -47.47995 -2.893408 0.0399553 0.0362518
iter loglik btransp
9 -47.47995 -2.893415 0.0399554 0.0362537
iter loglik btransp
10 -47.47995 -2.893415 0.0399555 0.0362538
iter loglik btransp
11 -47.47995 -2.893415 0.0399555 0.0362538
chisq df prob
Likelihood Ratio, Intercept-only Model 12.028543 2 0.0024436
parm b stderr tratio
INTERCEPT -2.893415 0.5006009 -5.779884
HEAT 0.0399555 0.0118466 3.3727357
SOAK 0.0362538 0.1467431 0.2470561
parm b stderr tratio
INTERCEPT -2.893415 0.5006009 -5.779884
HEAT 0.0399555 0.0118466 3.3727357
SOAK 0.0362538 0.1467431 0.2470561
Example 9.9: Linear Programming
The two-phase method for linear programming can be used to solve the problem
max c
st. Ax _. =. _ b
x _ 0
A SAS/IML routine that solves this problem follows. The approach appends slack, surplus, and articial
variables to the model where needed. It then solves phase 1 to nd a primal feasible solution. If a primal
Example 9.9: Linear Programming ! 151
feasible solution exists and is found, the routine then goes on to phase 2 to nd an optimal solution, if one
exists. The routine is general enough to handle minimizations as well as maximizations.
Subroutine to solve Linear Programs
names: names of the decision variables
obj: coefficients of the objective function
maxormin: the value 'MAX' or 'MIN', upper or lowercase
coef: coefficients of the constraints
rel: character array of values: '<=' or '>=' or '='
rhs: right-hand side of constraints
activity: returns the optimal value of decision variables
* *
ods trace output;
proc iml;
start linprog( names, obj, maxormin, coef, rel, rhs, activity);
Convert to maximization
if upcase(maxormin)='MIN' then o=-1;
else o=1;
Build logical variables
rev)+^ rev;
ge =(( rel = '>=' ) & ^rev) | (( rel = '<=' ) & rev);
if max(ge)=1 then
else do;
Build coef matrix
ods trace output;
proc iml;
obj)||repeat(0,1,nl)||{ -1 0 })//
(repeat(0,1,n)||-artobj||{ 0 -1 })//
rhs, lower bounds, and basis
152 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Phase 1 - primal feasibility
call lp(rc,x,y,a,b,nv,,l,basis);
print ( { ' ',
Primal infeasible problem
' ',
Numerically unstable problem
Singular basis encountered
Solution is numerically unstable
Subroutine could not obtain enough memory
Number of iterations exceeded
if x[nv] ^=0 then
print '
Primal infeasible problem
if rc>0 then stop;
phase 2 - dual feasibility
u=repeat(.,1,nv-2)||{ . 0 };
call lp(rc,x,y,a,b,nv-1,u,l,basis);
Report the solution
print ( { '
Solution is optimal
Numerically unstable problem
Unbounded problem
Solution is numerically unstable
Singular basis encountered
Solution is numerically unstable
Subroutine could not obtain enough memory
Number of iterations exceeded
x [nv-1];
print ,'Objective Value ' value;
activity= x [1:n] ;
print ,'Decision Variables ' activity[r=names];
print ,'Constraints ' lhs rel rhs dual,
Consider the following product mix example (Hadley 1962). A shop with three machines, A, B, and C, turns
out products 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each product must be processed on each of the three machines (for example,
lathes, drills, and milling machines). The following table shows the number of hours required by each
product on each machine:
Example 9.9: Linear Programming ! 153
Machine 1 2 3 4
A 1.5 1 2.4 1
B 1 5 1 3.5
C 1.5 3 3.5 1
The weekly time available on each of the machines is 2000, 8000, and 5000 hours, respectively. The
products contribute 5.24, 7.30, 8.34, and 4.18 to prot, respectively. What mixture of products can be
manufactured that maximizes prot? You can solve the problem as follows:
names={'product 1' 'product 2' 'product 3' 'product 4'};
profit={ 5.24 7.30 8.34 4.18};
tech={ 1.5 1 2.4 1 ,
1 5 1 3.5 ,
1.5 3 3.5 1 };
time={ 2000, 8000, 5000};
rel={ '<=', '<=', '<=' };
run linprog(names,profit,'max',tech,rel,time,products);
The results from this example are shown in Output 9.9.1.
Output 9.9.1 Product Mix: Optimal Solution
Solution is optimal
Objective Value 12737.059
Decision Variables product 1 294.11765
product 2 1500
product 3 0
product 4 58.823529
lhs rel rhs dual
Constraints 2000 <= 2000 1.9535294
8000 <= 8000 0.2423529
5000 <= 5000 1.3782353
The following example shows how to nd the minimum cost ow through a network by using linear pro-
gramming. The arcs are dened by an array of tuples; each tuple names a new arc. The elements in the arc
tuples give the names of the tail and head nodes that dene the arc. The following data are needed: arcs,
cost for a unit of ow across the arcs, nodes, and supply and demand at each node.
154 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
The following program generates the node-arc incidence matrix and calls the linear program routine for
arcs={ 'ab' 'bd' 'ad' 'bc' 'ce' 'de' 'ae' };
cost={ 1 2 4 3 3 2 9 };
nodes={ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'};
supdem={ 2, 0, 0, -1, -1 };
free n_a_i n_a_o;
do i=1 to ncol(arcs);
n_a_i=n_a_i || (inode[i]=nodes);
n_a_o=n_a_o || (onode[i]=nodes);
n_a=n_a_i - n_a_o;
run linprog(arcs,cost,'min',n_a,rel,supdem,x);
The solution is shown in Output 9.9.2.
Output 9.9.2 Minimum Cost Flow: Optimal Solution
Solution is optimal
Objective Value 8
Decision Variables ab 2
bd 2
ad 0
bc 0
ce 0
de 1
ae 0
lhs rel rhs dual
Constraints 2 = 2 -2.5
0 = 0 -1.5
0 = 0 -0.5
-1 = -1 -0.5
-1 = -1 -2.5
Example 9.10: Quadratic Programming ! 155
Example 9.10: Quadratic Programming
The quadratic program
min c
x x
st. Gx _. =. _ b
x _ 0
can be solved by solving an equivalent linear complementarity problem when H is positive semidenite.
The approach is outlined in the discussion of the LCP subroutine.
The following routine solves the quadratic problem.
Routine to solve quadratic programs
names: the names of the decision variables
c: vector of linear coefficients of the objective function
H: matrix of quadratic terms in the objective function
G: matrix of constraint coefficients
rel: character array of values: '<=' or '>=' or '='
b: right-hand side of constraints
activity: returns the optimal value of decision variables
start qp( names, c, H, G, rel, b, activity);
if min(eigval(h))<0 then
'ERROR: The minimum eigenvalue of the H matrix is negative. ';
print ' Thus it is not positive semidefinite. ';
print ' QP is terminating with this error. ';
Put in canonical form
rev) + ^rev;
g=adj# G; b = adj # b;
eq=( rel = '=' );
if max(eq)=1 then
g=g // -(diag(eq)
b=b // -(diag(eq)
m=(h || -g`) //(g || j(nrow(g),nrow(g),0));
q=c // -b;
Solve the problem
call lcp(rc,w,z,M,q);
156 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Report the solution
reset noname;
print ( { '
Solution is optimal
No solution possible
' ',
' ',
' ',
Solution is numerically unstable
Not enough memory
Number of iterations exceeded
reset name;
activity + activity`
print ,'Objective Value ' objval,
'Decision Variables ' activity[r=names],
finish qp;
As an example, consider the following problem in portfolio selection. Models used in selecting investment
portfolios include assessment of the proposed portfolios expected gain and its associated risk. One such
model seeks to minimize the variance of the portfolio subject to a minimum expected gain. This can be
modeled as a quadratic program in which the decision variables are the proportions to invest in each of the
possible securities. The quadratic component of the objective function is the covariance of gain between the
securities; the rst constraint is a proportionality constraint; and the second constraint gives the minimum
acceptable expected gain.
The following data are used to illustrate the model and its solution:
c = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
h = { 1003.1 4.3 6.3 5.9 ,
4.3 2.2 2.1 3.9 ,
6.3 2.1 3.5 4.8 ,
5.9 3.9 4.8 10 };
g = { 1 1 1 1 ,
.17 .11 .10 .18 };
b = { 1 , .10 };
rel = { '=', '>='};
names = {'ibm', 'dec', 'dg', 'prime' };
run qp(names,c,h,g,rel,b,activity);
The results in Output 9.10.1 show that the minimum variance portfolio achieving the 0.10 expected gain is
composed of DEC and DG stock in proportions of 0.933 and 0.067.
Output 9.10.1 Portfolio Selection: Optimal Solution
Solution is optimal
Objective Value 1.0966667
Example 9.11: Regression Quantiles ! 157
Output 9.10.1 continued
Decision Variables ibm 0
dec 0.9333333
dg 0.0666667
prime 0
Example 9.11: Regression Quantiles
The technique of estimating parameters in linear models by using the notion of regression quantiles is a
generalization of the LAE or LAV least absolute value estimation technique. For a given quantile q, the
estimate b
of in the model
Y = X
is the value of b that minimizes


(1 q)[,
where T = {t [,
_ .
b] and S = {t [,
_ .
]. For q = 0.5, the solution b
is identical to the estimates
produced by the LAE. The following routine nds this estimate by using linear programming.
Routine to find regression quantiles
yname: name of dependent variable
y: dependent variable
xname: names of independent variables
X: independent variables
b: estimates
predict: predicted values
error: difference of y and predicted.
q: quantile
* *
notes: This subroutine finds the estimates b
that minimize
* *
(y - Xb)
e + (1-q)
(y - Xb)
* *
where e = ( Xb <= y ).
* *
This subroutine follows the approach given in:
* *
Koenker, R. and G. Bassett (1978). Regression
quantiles. Econometrica. Vol. 46. No. 1. 33-50.
* *
Basssett, G. and R. Koenker (1982). An empirical
158 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
quantile function for linear models with iid errors.
JASA. Vol. 77. No. 378. 407-415.
* *
When q = .5 this is equivalent to minimizing the sum
of the absolute deviations, which is also known as
L1 regression. Note that for L1 regression, a faster
and more accurate algorithm is available in the SAS/IML
routine LAV, which is based on the approach given in:
* *
Madsen, K. and Nielsen, H. B. (1993). A finite
smoothing algorithm for linear L1 estimation.
SIAM J. Optimization, Vol. 3. 223-235.
start rq( yname, y, xname, X, b, predict, error, q);
coef = X`;
m = nrow(coef);
n = ncol(coef);
-----------------build rhs and bounds--------------------
e = repeat(1,1,n)`;
r = {0 0} || ((1-q)
sign = repeat(1,1,m);
do i=1 to m;
if r[2+i] < 0 then do;
sign[i] = -1;
r[2+i] = -r[2+i];
coef[i,] = -coef[i,];
l = repeat(0,1,n) || repeat(0,1,m) || -bound || -bound ;
u = repeat(1,1,n) || repeat(.,1,m) || { . . } ;
-------------build coefficient matrix and basis----------
a = ( y` || repeat(0,1,m) || { -1 0 } ) //
( repeat(0,1,n) || repeat(-1,1,m) || { 0 -1 } ) //
( coef || I(m) || repeat(0,m,2)) ;
basis = n+m+2 - (0:n+m+1);
----------------find a feasible solution-----------------
call lp(rc,p,d,a,r,,u,l,basis);
----------------find the optimal solution----------------
l = repeat(0,1,n) || repeat(0,1,m) || -bound || {0} ;
u = repeat(1,1,n) || repeat(0,1,m) || { . 0 } ;
call lp(rc,p,d,a,r,n+m+1,u,l,basis);
---------------- report the solution-----------------------
variable = xname`; b=d[3:m+2];
do i=1 to m;
b[i] = b[i]
Example 9.11: Regression Quantiles ! 159
predict = X
error = y - predict;
wsum = sum ( choose(error<0 , (q-1)
error , q
error) );
print ,,'Regression Quantile Estimation' ,
'Dependent Variable: ' yname ,
'Regression Quantile: ' q ,
'Number of Observations: ' n ,
'Sum of Weighted Absolute Errors: ' wsum ,
variable b,
X y predict error;
finish rq;
The following example uses data on the United States population from 1790 to 1970:
z = { 3.929 1790 ,
5.308 1800 ,
7.239 1810 ,
9.638 1820 ,
12.866 1830 ,
17.069 1840 ,
23.191 1850 ,
31.443 1860 ,
39.818 1870 ,
50.155 1880 ,
62.947 1890 ,
75.994 1900 ,
91.972 1910 ,
105.710 1920 ,
122.775 1930 ,
131.669 1940 ,
151.325 1950 ,
179.323 1960 ,
203.211 1970 };
run rq('pop',y,{'intercpt' 'year' 'yearsq'},x,b1,pred,resid,.5);
The results are shown in Output 9.11.1.
Output 9.11.1 Regression Quantiles: Results
Regression Quantile Estimation
Dependent Variable: pop
Regression Quantile: 0.5
160 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Output 9.11.1 continued
Number of Observations: 19
Sum of Weighted Absolute Errors: 14.826429
variable b
intercpt 21132.758
year -23.52574
yearsq 0.006549
X y predict error
1 1790 3204100 3.929 5.4549176 -1.525918
1 1800 3240000 5.308 5.308 -4.54E-12
1 1810 3276100 7.239 6.4708902 0.7681098
1 1820 3312400 9.638 8.9435882 0.6944118
1 1830 3348900 12.866 12.726094 0.1399059
1 1840 3385600 17.069 17.818408 -0.749408
1 1850 3422500 23.191 24.220529 -1.029529
1 1860 3459600 31.443 31.932459 -0.489459
1 1870 3496900 39.818 40.954196 -1.136196
1 1880 3534400 50.155 51.285741 -1.130741
1 1890 3572100 62.947 62.927094 0.0199059
1 1900 3610000 75.994 75.878255 0.1157451
1 1910 3648100 91.972 90.139224 1.8327765
1 1920 3686400 105.71 105.71 8.669E-13
1 1930 3724900 122.775 122.59058 0.1844157
1 1940 3763600 131.669 140.78098 -9.111976
1 1950 3802500 151.325 160.28118 -8.956176
1 1960 3841600 179.323 181.09118 -1.768184
1 1970 3880900 203.211 203.211 -2.96E-12
The L1 norm (when q = 0.5) tends to cause the t to be better at more points at the expense of causing
some points to t worse, as shown by the following plot, which compares the L1 residuals with the least
squares residuals.
Example 9.12: Simulations of a Univariate ARMA Process ! 161
Output 9.11.2 L1 Residuals vs. Least Squares Residuals
When q = 0.5, the results of this module can be compared with the results of the LAV routine, as follows:
b0 = {1 1 1}; /
initial value
optn = j(4,1,.); /
options vector
optn[1]= .; /
gamma default
optn[2]= 5; /
print all
optn[3]= 0; /
McKean-Schradar variance
optn[4]= 1; /
convergence test
call LAV(rc, xr, x, y, b0, optn);
Example 9.12: Simulations of a Univariate ARMA Process
Simulations of time series with known ARMA structure are often needed as part of other simulations or
as learning data sets for developing time series analysis skills. The following program generates a time
162 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
series by using the IML functions NORMAL, ARMACOV, HANKEL, PRODUCT, RATIO, TOEPLITZ,
and ROOT.
proc iml;
reset noname;
start armasim(y,n,phi,theta,seed);
IML Module: armasim
Purpose: Simulate n data points from ARMA process
exact covariance method
* *
Input: n : series length
phi : AR coefficients
theta: MA coefficients
seed : integer seed for normal deviate generator
Output: y: realization of ARMA process
Pure MA or white noise
if p=0 then y=product(theta,y)[,(q+1):(n+q)];
else do; /
Pure AR or ARMA
Get the autocovariance function
call armacov(gamma,cov,ma,phi,theta,p);
if gamma[1]<0 then
print 'ARMA parameters not stable.';
print 'Execution terminating.';
Form covariance matrix
Generate covariance between initial y and
initial innovations
if q>0 then
if p>q then psi=j(p-q,q,0)//psi;
Use Cholesky root to get startup values
Example 9.13: Parameter Estimation for a Regression Model with ARMA Errors ! 163
Generate MA part
if q>0 then
Use difference equation to generate
remaining values
do ii=1 to n-p;
finish armasim; /
run armasim(y,10,{1 -0.8},{1 0.5},1234321);
print ,'Simulated Series:', y;
The results are shown in Output 9.12.1.
Output 9.12.1 Simulated Series
Simulated Series:
Example 9.13: Parameter Estimation for a Regression Model with ARMA
Nonlinear estimation algorithms are required for obtaining estimates of the parameters of a regression model
with innovations having an ARMA structure. The three estimation methods employed by the ARIMA
procedure in SAS/ETS software are written in IML in the following program. The algorithms employed
are slightly different from those used by PROC ARIMA, but the results obtained should be similar. This
example combines the IML functions ARMALIK, PRODUCT, and RATIO to perform the estimation. Note
164 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
the interactive nature of this example, illustrating how you can adjust the estimates when they venture
outside the stationary or invertible regions.
---- Grunfeld's Investment Models Fit with ARMA Errors ----
data grunfeld;
input year gei gef gec wi wf wc;
label gei='gross investment ge'
gec='capital stock lagged ge'
gef='value of outstanding shares ge lagged'
wi ='gross investment w'
wc ='capital stock lagged w'
wf ='value of outstanding shares lagged w';
1935 33.1 1170.6 97.8 12.93 191.5 1.8
1936 45.0 2015.8 104.4 25.90 516.0 .8
1937 77.2 2803.3 118.0 35.05 729.0 7.4
1938 44.6 2039.7 156.2 22.89 560.4 18.1
1939 48.1 2256.2 172.6 18.84 519.9 23.5
1940 74.4 2132.2 186.6 28.57 628.5 26.5
1941 113.0 1834.1 220.9 48.51 537.1 36.2
1942 91.9 1588.0 287.8 43.34 561.2 60.8
1943 61.3 1749.4 319.9 37.02 617.2 84.4
1944 56.8 1687.2 321.3 37.81 626.7 91.2
1945 93.6 2007.7 319.6 39.27 737.2 92.4
1946 159.9 2208.3 346.0 53.46 760.5 86.0
1947 147.2 1656.7 456.4 55.56 581.4 111.1
1948 146.3 1604.4 543.4 49.56 662.3 130.6
1949 98.3 1431.8 618.3 32.04 583.8 141.8
1950 93.5 1610.5 647.4 32.24 635.2 136.7
1951 135.2 1819.4 671.3 54.38 723.8 129.7
1952 157.3 2079.7 726.1 71.78 864.1 145.5
1953 179.5 2371.6 800.3 90.08 1193.5 174.8
1954 189.6 2759.9 888.9 68.60 1188.9 213.5
proc iml;
reset noname;
name: ARMAREG Modules
purpose: Perform Estimation for regression model with
ARMA errors
usage: Before invoking the command
* *
run armareg;
* *
define the global parameters
* *
x - matrix of predictors.
y - response vector.
iphi - defines indices of nonzero AR parameters,
Example 9.13: Parameter Estimation for a Regression Model with ARMA Errors ! 165
omit the index 0 which corresponds to the zero
order constant one.
itheta - defines indices of nonzero MA parameters,
omit the index 0 which corresponds to the zero
order constant one.
ml - estimation option: -1 if Conditional Least
Squares, 1 if Maximum Likelihood, otherwise
Unconditional Least Squares.
delta - step change in parameters (default 0.005).
par - initial values of parms. First ncol(iphi)
values correspond to AR parms, next ncol(itheta)
values correspond to MA parms, and remaining
are regression coefficients.
init - undefined or zero for first call to ARMAREG.
maxit - maximum number of iterations. No other
convergence criterion is used. You can invoke
ARMAREG without changing parameter values to
continue iterations.
nopr - undefined or zero implies no printing of
intermediate results.
* *
notes: Optimization using Gauss-Newton iterations
* *
No checking for invertibility or stationarity during
estimation process. The parameter array par can be
modified after running armareg to place estimates
in the stationary and invertible regions, and then
armareg can be run again. If a nonstationary AR operator
is employed, a PAUSE will occur after calling ARMALIK
because of a detected singularity. Using STOP will
permit termination of ARMAREG so that the AR
coefficients can be modified.
* *
T-ratios are only approximate and can be undependable,
especially for small series.
* *
The notation follows that of the IML function ARMALIK;
the autoregressive and moving average coefficients have
signs opposite those given by PROC ARIMA.
Begin ARMA estimation modules
Generate residuals
start gres;
if ml=-1 then do; /
Conditional LS
else do; /
Maximum likelihood
free l;
166 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
call armalik(l,resid,std,noise,phi,theta);
Nonstationary condition produces PAUSE
if nrow(l)=0 then do;
print ,
'In GRES: Parameter estimates outside stationary region.';
else do;
if ml=1 then resid=resid#exp(temp);
finish gres; /
finish module GRES
start getpar; /
get parameters
if np=0 then phi=1;
else do;
phi[,iphi] =temp;
if nq=0 then theta=1;
else do;
theta[,itheta] =temp;
finish getpar; /
finish module GETPAR
Get SS Matrix - First Derivatives
start getss;
run getpar;
run gres;
do k=1 to ncol(par);
run getpar;
run gres;
s=s||((resid-s[,1])/delta); /
append derivatives
if nopr^=0 then print ,'Gradient Matrix', ss;
do k=1 to 20; /
Iterate if no reduction in SSE
do ii=2 to ncol(ss);
ss=sweep(ss,2:ncol(ss)); /
Gaussian elimination
delpar=ss[1,2:ncol(ss)]; /
update parm increments
Example 9.13: Parameter Estimation for a Regression Model with ARMA Errors ! 167
run getpar;
run gres;
if sse<oldsse then do; /
reduction, no iteration
else do; /
no reduction
increase lambda and iterate
if nopr^=0 then print ,
'Lambda=' lambda 'SSE=' sse 'OLDSSE=' oldsse,
'Gradient Matrix', ss ;
if k=20 then do;
print 'In module GETSS:'
'No improvement in SSE after twenty iterations.';
print ' Possible Ridge Problem. ';
if nopr^=0 then print ,'Gradient Matrix', ss;
finish getss; /
Finish module GETSS
start armareg; /
ARMAREG main module
Initialize options and parameters
if nrow(delta)=0 then delta=0.005;
if nrow(maxiter)=0 then maxiter=5;
if nrow(nopr)=0 then nopr=0;
if nrow(ml)=0 then ml=1;
if nrow(init)=0 then init=0;
if init=0 then do;
Make indices one-based
do k=1 to np;
do k=1 to nq;
Create row labels for Parameter estimates
if p>0 then parmname = concat("AR",char(1:p,2));
if q>0 then parmname = parmname||concat("MA",char(1:q,2));
parmname = parmname||concat("B",char(1:ncol(x),2));
Create column labels for Parameter estimates
pname = {"Estimate" "Std. Error" "T-Ratio"};
168 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Generate starting values
if nrow(par)=0 then do;
if np+nq>0 then par=j(1,np+nq,0)||beta`;
else par=beta`;
print ,'Parameter Starting Values',;
print par [colname=parmname]; /
stderr tratio
lambda=1e-6; /
Controls step size
do iter=1 to maxiter; /
Do maxiter iterations
run getss;
if nopr^=0 then do;
print ,'Parameter Update',;
print par [colname=parmname]; /
stderr tratio
print ,'Lambda=' lambda,;
print ,'Innovation Standard Deviation:' sighat;
ss=sweep(ss,2:ncol(ss)); /
Gaussian elimination
estm=estm||(estm[,1] /estm[,2]);
if ml=1 then print ,'Maximum Likelihood Estimation Results',;
else if ml=-1 then print ,
'Conditional Least Squares Estimation Results',;
else print ,'Unconditional Least Squares Estimation Results',;
print estm [rowname=parmname colname=pname] ;
finish armareg;
End of ARMA Estimation modules
Begin estimation for Grunfeld's investment models
use grunfeld;
read all var {gei} into y;
read all var {gef gec} into x;
close grunfeld;
---- To prevent overflow, specify starting values ----
par={-0.5 0.5 -9.956306 0.0265512 0.1516939};
run armareg; /
---- Perform CLS estimation ----
The results are shown in Output 9.13.1.
Example 9.13: Parameter Estimation for a Regression Model with ARMA Errors ! 169
Output 9.13.1 Conditional Least Squares Results
Parameter Starting Values
AR 1 MA 1 B 1 B 2 B 3
-0.5 0.5 -9.956306 0.0265512 0.1516939
In module GETSS: No improvement in SSE after twenty iterations.
Possible Ridge Problem.
In module GETSS: No improvement in SSE after twenty iterations.
Possible Ridge Problem.
In module GETSS: No improvement in SSE after twenty iterations.
Possible Ridge Problem.
Innovation Standard Deviation: 22.653769
Conditional Least Squares Estimation Results
Estimate Std. Error T-Ratio
AR 1 -0.230905 0.3429525 -0.673287
MA 1 0.69639 0.2480617 2.8073252
B 1 -20.87774 31.241368 -0.668272
B 2 0.038706 0.0167503 2.3107588
B 3 0.1216554 0.0441722 2.7541159
---- With CLS estimates as starting values, ----
---- perform ML estimation. ----
run armareg;
The results are shown in Output 9.13.2.
Output 9.13.2 Maximum Likelihood Results
Estimate Std. Error T-Ratio
AR 1 -0.230905 0.3429525 -0.673287
MA 1 0.69639 0.2480617 2.8073252
B 1 -20.87774 31.241368 -0.668272
B 2 0.038706 0.0167503 2.3107588
B 3 0.1216554 0.0441722 2.7541159
Parameter Starting Values
170 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Output 9.13.2 continued
AR 1 MA 1 B 1 B 2 B 3
-0.230905 0.69639 -20.87774 0.038706 0.1216554
Innovation Standard Deviation: 23.039253
Maximum Likelihood Estimation Results
Estimate Std. Error T-Ratio
AR 1 -0.196224 0.3510868 -0.558904
MA 1 0.6816033 0.2712043 2.5132468
B 1 -26.47514 33.752826 -0.784383
B 2 0.0392213 0.0165545 2.3692242
B 3 0.1310306 0.0425996 3.0758622
Example 9.14: Iterative Proportional Fitting
The classical use of iterative proportional tting is to adjust frequencies to conform to new marginal totals.
Use the IPF subroutine to perform this kind of analysis. You supply a table that contains new margins and a
table that contains old frequencies. The IPF subroutine returns a table of adjusted frequencies that preserves
any higher-order interactions appearing in the initial table.
The following example is a census study that estimates a population distribution according to age and marital
status (Bishop, Fienberg, and Holland 1975). Estimates of the distribution are known for the previous year,
but only estimates of marginal totals are known for the current year. You want to adjust the distribution of
the previous year to t the estimated marginal totals of the current year. Here is the program:
proc iml;
Stopping criteria
mod={0.01 15};
Marital status has 3 levels. age has 8 levels.
dim={3 8};
New marginal totals for age by marital status
table={1412 0 0 ,
1402 0 0 ,
1174 276 0 ,
0 1541 0 ,
0 1681 0 ,
0 1532 0 ,
0 1662 0 ,
0 5010 2634};
Marginal totals are known for both
marital status and age
Example 9.14: Iterative Proportional Fitting ! 171
config={1 2};
Use known distribution for start-up values
initab={1306 83 0 ,
619 765 3 ,
263 1194 9 ,
173 1372 28 ,
171 1393 51 ,
159 1372 81 ,
208 1350 108 ,
1116 4100 2329};
call ipf(fit,status,dim,table,config,initab,mod);
r={'15 - 19' '20 - 24' '25 - 29' '30 - 34' '35 - 39' '40 - 44'
'45 - 49' '50 OR OVER'};
initab [colname=c rowname=r format=8.0] ,,
fit [colname=c rowname=r format=8.2] ;
The results are shown in Output 9.14.1.
Output 9.14.1 Iterative Proportional Fitting: Results
15 - 19 1306 83 0
20 - 24 619 765 3
25 - 29 263 1194 9
30 - 34 173 1372 28
35 - 39 171 1393 51
40 - 44 159 1372 81
45 - 49 208 1350 108
50 OR OVER 1116 4100 2329
172 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
Output 9.14.1 continued
15 - 19 1325.27 86.73 0.00
20 - 24 615.56 783.39 3.05
25 - 29 253.94 1187.18 8.88
30 - 34 165.13 1348.55 27.32
35 - 39 173.41 1454.71 52.87
40 - 44 147.21 1308.12 76.67
45 - 49 202.33 1352.28 107.40
50 OR OVER 1105.16 4181.04 2357.81
Example 9.15: Full-Screen Nonlinear Regression
This example shows how to build a menu system that enables you to perform nonlinear regression from a
menu. Six modules are stored on an IML storage disk. After you have stored them, use this example to try
out the system. First, invoke IML and set up some sample data in memory, in this case the population of the
U.S. from 1790 to 1970. Then invoke the module NLIN, as follows:
reset storage='nlin';
load module=_all_;
uspop = {3929, 5308, 7239, 9638, 12866, 17069, 23191, 31443,
39818, 50155, 62947, 75994, 91972, 105710, 122775, 131669,
151325, 179323, 203211}/1000;
print year time uspop;
run nlin;
A menu similar to the following menu appears. The entry elds are shown by underscores here, but the
underscores become blanks in the real session.
Nonlinear Regression
Response function: ______________________________________________
Predictor function: _____________________________________________
Parameter Value Derivative
: ________ ___________ __________________________________________
: ________ ___________ __________________________________________
: ________ ___________ __________________________________________
: ________ ___________ __________________________________________
: ________ ___________ __________________________________________
: ________ ___________ __________________________________________
Enter an exponential model and ll in the response and predictor expression elds. For each parameter,
enter the name, initial value, and derivative of the predictor with respect to the parameter. Here are the
populated elds:
Example 9.15: Full-Screen Nonlinear Regression ! 173
Nonlinear Regression
Response function: uspop_________________________________________
Predictor function: a0
Parameter Value Derivative
: a0______ ________3.9 exp(a1
: a1______ __________0 time
: ________ ___________ ___________________________________________
: ________ ___________ ___________________________________________
: ________ ___________ ___________________________________________
: ________ ___________ ___________________________________________
Now press the SUBMIT key. The model compiles, the iterations start blinking on the screen, and when the
model has converged, the estimates are displayed along with their standard errors, t test, and signicance
To modify and rerun the model, submit the following command:
run nlrun;
Here is the program that denes and stores the modules of the system.
Full-Screen Nonlinear Regression
Six modules are defined, which constitute a system for
nonlinear regression. The interesting feature of this
system is that the problem is entered in a menu, and both
iterations and final results are displayed on the same
* *
Run this source to get the modules stored. Examples
of use are separate.
* *
Caution: this is a demonstration system only. It does not
have all the necessary safeguards in it yet to
recover from user errors or rough models.
Gauss-Newton nonlinear regression with step-halving.
Notes: program variables all start with nd or _ to
minimize the problems that would occur if user variables
interfered with the program variables.
Gauss-Newton nonlinear regression with Hartley step-halving
---Routine to set up display values for new problem---
start nlinit;
window nlin rows=15 columns=80 color='green'
msgline=_msg cmndline=_cmnd
group=title +30 'Nonlinear Regression' color='white'
group=model / @5 'Response function:' color='white'
+1 nddep $55. color='blue'
/ @5 'Predictor function:' color='white'
174 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
+1 ndfun $55. color='blue'
group=parm0 // @5 'Parameter' color='white' @15 'Value'
@30 'Derivative'
group=parm1 // @5 'Parameter' color='white' @15 'Value'
group=parm2 // @5 'Parameter' color='white' @19 'Estimate'
@33 'Std Error'
@48 'T Ratio'
@62 'Prob>|T|'
group=parminit /@3 ':' color='white'
@5 ndparm $8. color='blue'
@15 ndbeta best12. @30 ndder $45.
group=parmiter / @5 _parm color='white'
@15 _beta best12. color='blue'
group=parmest / @5 _parm color='white'
@15 _beta best12. color='blue'
@30 _std best12.
@45 _t 10.4
@60 _prob 10.4
group=sse // @5 'Iteration =' color='white' _iter 5. color='blue'
' Stephalvings = ' color='white' _subit 3. color='blue'
/ @5 'Sum of Squares Error =' color='white' _sse best12.
nddep=cshape(' ',1,1,55,' ');
ndparm=repeat(' ',nd0,1);
ndder=cshape(' ',nd0,1,55,' ');
_msg='Enter New Nonlinear Problem';
finish nlinit; /
Finish module NLINIT
Main routine
start nlin;
run nlinit; /
initialization routine
run nlrun; /
run routine
finish nlin;
Routine to show each iteration
start nliter;
display nlin.title noinput,
nlin.model noinput,
nlin.parm1 noinput,
nlin.parmiter repeat noinput,
nlin.sse noinput;
finish nliter;
Routine for one run
start nlrun;
run nlgen; /
generate the model
run nlest; /
estimate the model
finish nlrun;
Routine to generate the model
Example 9.15: Full-Screen Nonlinear Regression ! 175
start nlgen;
Model definition menu
display nlin.title, nlin.model, nlin.parm0, nlin.parminit repeat;
Get number of parameters
t=loc(ndparm=' ');
if nrow(t)=0 then
print 'no parameters';
_k=t[1] -1;
Trim extra rows, and edit '
' to '#'
_dep=nddep; call change(_dep,'
_fun=ndfun; call change(_fun,'
_der=ndder [1:_k,];
call change(_der,'
Construct nlresid module to split up parameters and
compute model
call queue('start nlresid;');
do i=1 to _k;
call queue(_parm[i] ,"=_beta[",char(i,2),"] ;");
call queue("_y = ",_dep,";",
"_p = ",_fun,";",
"_r = _y-_p;",
"_sse = ssq(_r);",
"finish;" );
Construct nlderiv function
call queue('start nlderiv; _x = ');
do i=1 to _k;
call queue("(",_der[i] ,")#repeat(1,nobs,1)||");
call queue(" nlnothin; finish;");
Pause to compile the functions
call queue("resume;");
finish nlgen; /
Finish module NLGEN
Routine to do estimation
start nlest;
Modified Gauss-Newton Nonlinear Regression
_parm has parm names
_beta has initial values for parameters
_k is the number of parameters
176 ! Chapter 9: General Statistics Examples
after nlresid:
_y has response,
_p has predictor after call
_r has residuals
_sse has sse
after nlderiv
_x has jacobian
* *
_iter = 0;
_subit = 0;
_error = 0;
run nlresid; /
f, r, and sse for initial beta
run nliter; /
print iteration zero
nobs = nrow(_y);
_msg = 'Iterating';
Gauss-Newton iterations
do _iter=1 to 30 while(eps>1e-8);
run nlderiv; /
subroutine for derivatives
_r; /
correction vector
_old = _beta; /
save previous parameters
_beta=_beta+_delta; /
apply the correction
run nlresid; /
compute residual
run nliter; /
print iteration in window
convergence criterion
Hartley subiterations
do _subit=1 to 10 while(_sse>_lastsse);
.5; /
halve the correction vector
_beta=_old+_delta; /
apply the halved correction
run nlresid; /
find sse et al
run nliter; /
print subiteration in window
if _subit>10 then
_msg = "did not improve after 10 halvings";
eps=0; /
make it fall through iter loop
print out results
_msg = ' ';
if _iter>30 then
_msg = 'convergence failed';
References ! 177
_dfe = nobs-_k;
_mse = _sse/_dfe;
_std = sqrt(vecdiag(_xpxi)#_mse);
_t = _beta/_std;
_prob= 1-probf(_t#_t,1,_dfe);
display nlin.title noinput,
nlin.model noinput,
nlin.parm2 noinput,
nlin.parmest repeat noinput,
nlin.sse noinput;
finish nlest; /
Finish module NLEST
Store the modules to run later
reset storage='nlin';
store module=_all_;
Bishop, Y. M. M., Fienberg, S. E., and Holland, P. W. (1975), Discrete Multivariate Analysis: Theory and
Practice, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Charnes, A., Frome, E. L., and Yu, P. L. (1976), The Equivalence of Generalized Least Squares and Maxi-
mum Likelihood Estimation in the Exponential Family, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
71, 169172.
Cox, D. R. (1970), Analysis of Binary Data, London: Metheun.
Grizzle, J. E., Starmer, C. F., and Koch, G. G. (1969), Analysis of Categorical Data by Linear Models,
Biometrics, 25, 489504.
Hadley, G. (1962), Linear Programming, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Jennrich, R. I. and Moore, R. H. (1975), Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Means of Nonlinear Least
Squares, American Statistical Association.
Kaiser, H. F. and Caffrey, J. (1965), Alpha Factor Analysis, Psychometrika, 30, 114.
Kastenbaum, M. A. and Lamphiear, D. E. (1959), Calculation of Chi-Square to Test the No Three-Factor
Interaction Hypothesis, Biometrics, 15, 107122.
Nelder, J. A. and Wedderburn, R. W. M. (1972), Generalized Linear Models, Journal of the Royal Statis-
tical Society, Series A, 135, 370384.
Chapter 10
Submitting SAS Statements
Introduction to Submitting SAS Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Calling a Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Passing Parameters from SAS/IML Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Details of Parameter Substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Creating Graphics in a SUBMIT Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Handling Errors in a SUBMIT Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Differences between the SUBMIT Statement in PROC IML and in SAS/IML Studio . . . . 188
Introduction to Submitting SAS Statements
In 2002, the IML Workshop application (now known as SAS/IML Studio) introduced a mechanism for sub-
mitting SAS statements from programs written in the IMLPlus language. As of SAS/IML 9.22, this feature
is also available in PROC IML. This chapter shows you how to submit SAS statements from PROC IML by
using the SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements. By using these statements, SAS/IML programmers can
call any SAS procedure without losing the state of their PROC IML session.
The statements between the SUBMIT and the ENDSUBMIT statements are referred to as a SUBMIT block.
The SUBMIT block is processed by the SAS language processor. You can use the SUBMIT statement to
call DATA steps, macros, and SAS procedures.
This chapter covers the following topics:
v calling a SAS procedure from PROC IML
v passing parameters into the SUBMIT block
v creating ODS graphics in a SUBMIT block
v handling errors in the SUBMIT block
v differences between the SUBMIT statement in PROC IML and the IMLPlus statement of the same
name as it is implemented in SAS/IML Studio
180 ! Chapter 10: Submitting SAS Statements
Calling a Procedure
This section describes how to call a procedure from PROC IML.
Suppose you have data in a SAS/IML matrix that you want to analyze by using a statistical procedure. In
general, you can use the following steps to analyze the data:
1. Write the data to a SAS data set by using the CREATE and APPEND statements.
2. Use the SUBMIT statement to call a SAS procedure that analyzes the data.
3. Read the results of the analysis into SAS/IML matrices by using the USE and READ statements.
4. Use the results in further computations.
Of course, if the data are already in a SAS data set, you can skip the rst step. Similarly, if you are solely
interested in the printed output from a procedure, you can skip the third and fourth steps.
The following example calls the UNIVARIATE procedure in Base SAS software to compute a regression
analysis. In order to tell the SAS/IML language interpreter that you want certain statements to be sent to
the SAS System, you must enclose your SAS statements with SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements. The
ENDSUBMIT statement must appear on a line by itself.
1 The following statements create a SAS data set from data in a vector:
proc iml;
q = {3.7, 7.1, 2, 4.2, 5.3, 6.4, 8, 5.7, 3.1, 6.1, 4.4, 5.4, 9.5, 11.2};
create MyData var {q};
close MyData;
The MyData data set is used in the rest of this chapter.
2 You can call the UNIVARIATE procedure to analyze these data. The following statements use the ODS
SELECT statement to limit the output from the UNIVARIATE procedure. The output is shown in Fig-
ure 10.1.
ods select Moments;
proc univariate data=MyData;
var q;
ods output Moments=Moments;
Calling a Procedure ! 181
Figure 10.1 Output from the UNIVARIATE Procedure
The UNIVARIATE Procedure
Variable: Q
N 14 Sum Weights 14
Mean 5.86428571 Sum Observations 82.1
Std Deviation 2.49387161 Variance 6.2193956
Skewness 0.66401924 Kurtosis 0.34860956
Uncorrected SS 562.31 Corrected SS 80.8521429
Coeff Variation 42.5264343 Std Error Mean 0.66651522
3 The previous statements also used the ODS OUTPUT statement to create a data set named Moments that
contains the statistics shown in Figure 10.1. In the data set, the rst column of Figure 10.1 is contained in
a variable named Label1 and the second column is contained in a variable named nValue1. The following
statements read those variables into SAS/IML vectors of the same names and print the values:
use Moments;
read all var {"nValue1" "Label1"};
close Moments;
labl = "Statistics for " + name(q);
print nValue1[rowname=Label1 label=labl];
Figure 10.2 Statistics Read into SAS/IML Vectors
Statistics for q
N 14
Mean 5.8642857
Std Deviation 2.4938716
Skewness 0.6640192
Uncorrected SS 562.31
Coeff Variation 42.526434
4 By using this technique, you can read the value of any statistic that is created by any SAS procedure.
You can then use these values in subsequent computations in PROC IML. For example, if you want to
standardize the y vector, you can use the mean and standard deviation as computed by the UNIVARIATE
procedure, as shown in the following statements:
mean = nValue1[2];
stddev = nValue1[3];
stdQ = (q - mean)/stddev;
182 ! Chapter 10: Submitting SAS Statements
Passing Parameters from SAS/IML Matrices
The SUBMIT statement enables you to substitute the values of a SAS/IML matrix into the statements that
are submitted to the SAS System. For example, the following program calls the UNIVARIATE procedure
to analyze data in the MyData data set that was created in the section Calling a Procedure on page 180.
The program submits SAS statements that are identical to the SUBMIT block in that section:
table = "Moments";
varName = "q";
submit table varName;
ods select &table;
proc univariate data=MyData;
var &varName;
ods output &table=&table;
You can list the names of SAS/IML matrices in the SUBMIT statement and refer to the contents of those
matrices inside the SUBMIT block. The syntax is reminiscent of the syntax for macro variables: an amper-
sand (&) preceding an expression means substitute the value of the expression. However, the substitution
takes place before the SUBMIT block is sent to the SAS System; no macro variables are actually created.
You can substitute values from character or numeric matrices and vectors. If x is a vector, then &x lists the
elements of x separated by spaces. For example, the following statements compute trimmed means for three
separate values of the TRIM= option:
table = "TrimmedMeans";
varName = "q";
n = {1, 3, 5}; /
number of observations to trim
submit table varName n;
ods select &table;
proc univariate data=MyData trim=&n;
var &varName;
The output is shown in Figure 10.3. The values in the column labeled Number Trimmed in Tail corre-
spond to the values in the n matrix. These values were substituted into the TRIM= option in the PROC
UNIVARIATE statement.
Details of Parameter Substitution ! 183
Figure 10.3 Statistics Read into SAS/IML Vectors
The UNIVARIATE Procedure
Variable: Q
Trimmed Means
Percent Number Std Error
Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed Trimmed 95% Confidence
in Tail in Tail Mean Mean Limits DF
7.14 1 5.741667 0.664486 4.279142 7.204191 11
21.43 3 5.575000 0.587204 4.186483 6.963517 7
35.71 5 5.625000 0.408613 4.324612 6.925388 3
Trimmed Means
Trimmed t for H0:
in Tail Mu0=0.00 Pr > |t|
7.14 8.64076 <.0001
21.43 9.49414 <.0001
35.71 13.76609 0.0008
Details of Parameter Substitution
The SUBMIT statement supports two kinds of parameter substitution: full substitution and specic substi-
Full Substitution
If you want to substitute many values into a SUBMIT block, it can be tedious to explicitly list the name
of every SAS/IML matrix that you reference. You can use an asterisk (
) in the SUBMIT statement as a
wildcard character to indicate that all SAS/IML matrices are available for parameter substitution. This is
called full substitution and is shown in the following statements:
proc iml;
DSName = "Sashelp.Class";
NumObs = 1;
proc print data=&DSName(obs=&NumObs);
184 ! Chapter 10: Submitting SAS Statements
Figure 10.4 Full Substitution
Obs Name Sex Age Height Weight
1 Alfred M 14 69 112.5
If the SUBMIT block contains a parameter reference (that is, a token that begins with an ampersand (&) for
which there is no matching SAS/IML matrix, the parameter reference is not modied prior to being sent to
the SAS language processor. In this way, you can reference SAS macro variables in a SUBMIT block.
Specic Substitution
A SUBMIT statement that contains an explicit list of parameters is easier to understand than a SUBMIT
statement that contains only the asterisk wildcard charater (
). Specifying an explicit list of parameters
is called specic substitution. Theseand only theseparameters are used to make substitutions into the
SUBMIT block.
proc iml;
DSName = "Sashelp.Class";
NumObs = 2;
submit DSName NumObs;
proc print data=&DSName(obs=&NumObs);
Figure 10.5 Specic Substitution
Obs Name Sex Age Height Weight
1 Alfred M 14 69.0 112.5
2 Alice F 13 56.5 84.0
If the SUBMIT block contains a parameter reference (that is, a token that begins with an ampersand (&)
for which there is no matching parameter, the parameter reference is not modied prior to being sent to the
SAS language processor. In this way, you can reference SAS macro variables in a SUBMIT block.
With specic substitution, you have additional options for specifying the value of a parameter. You can use
any of the following ways to specify the value of a parameter:
v Specify the name of a SAS/IML matrix to use for the value of a parameter, as shown in the following
s = "Sashelp.Class"; n = 2;
submit DSName=s NumObs=n;
proc print data=&DSName(obs=&NumObs);
Creating Graphics in a SUBMIT Block ! 185
v Specify a literal value to use for the value of a parameter, as shown in the following statements:
submit DSName="Sashelp.Class" NumObs=2;
proc print data=&DSName(obs=&NumObs);
v Specify a matrix expression that is enclosed in parentheses, as shown in the following statements:
libref = "Sashelp";
fname = "Class";
NumObs = 2;
submit DSName=(libref+"."+fname) NumObs;
proc print data=&DSName(obs=&NumObs);
Creating Graphics in a SUBMIT Block
If you use the SUBMIT statement to call a SAS procedure that creates a graph, that graph is sent to the
current ODS destination. The following statements call the UNIVARIATE procedure, which creates a his-
togram as part of the analysis:
ods graphics on;
proc iml;
msg1 = "First PRINT Statement in PROC IML";
msg2 = "Second PRINT Statement in PROC IML";
print msg1;
ods select Moments Histogram;
proc univariate data=Sashelp.Class;
var Height;
histogram / kernel;
print msg2;
ods graphics off;
When you run the program, the PROC UNIVARIATE output is interleaved with the PROC IML output. The
output from the program is shown in Figure 10.6 through Figure 10.8.
186 ! Chapter 10: Submitting SAS Statements
Figure 10.6 Output from PROC IML and from SUBMIT Block
First PRINT Statement in PROC IML
The UNIVARIATE Procedure
Variable: Height
N 19 Sum Weights 19
Mean 62.3368421 Sum Observations 1184.4
Std Deviation 5.12707525 Variance 26.2869006
Skewness -0.2596696 Kurtosis -0.1389692
Uncorrected SS 74304.92 Corrected SS 473.164211
Coeff Variation 8.22479143 Std Error Mean 1.17623173
Figure 10.7 Graphic Created in a SUBMIT Block
Handling Errors in a SUBMIT Block ! 187
Figure 10.8 Further PROC IML Output
Second PRINT Statement in PROC IML
Handling Errors in a SUBMIT Block
After running a SUBMIT block, PROC IML continues to execute the remaining statements in the program.
However, if there is an error in the SUBMIT block, it might make sense to abort the program or to handle
the error in some other way.
The OK= option in the SUBMIT statement provides a limited form of error handling. If you specify the
OK= option, then PROC IML sets a matrix to the value 1 if the SUBMIT block executes without error.
Otherwise, the matrix is set to the value 0.
The following statements contain an error in a SUBMIT block: two letters are transposed when specifying
the name of a data set. Consequently, the isOK matrix is set to 0, and the program handles the error.
DSName = "Sashelp.calss"; /
mistyped name; data set does not exist
submit DSName / ok=isOK;
proc univariate data=&DSName;
var Height;
ods output Moments=Moments;
if isOK then do; /
handle the no-error case
use Moments;
read all var {"nValue1"} into m;
close Moments;
skewness = m[4]; /
get statistic from procedure output
skewness = .; /
handle an error
print skewness;
Figure 10.9 The Result of Handling an Error in a SUBMIT Block
188 ! Chapter 10: Submitting SAS Statements
Differences between the SUBMIT Statement in PROC IML and in
SAS/IML Studio
This section lists differences between the SUBMIT statement as implemented in IMLPlus (the programming
language used in SAS/IML Studio) and the SUBMIT statement in PROC IML:
v In PROC IML, macro variables that are created in a SUBMIT block are not accessible from outside
the SUBMIT block. In IMLPlus, the macro variables are available.
v In PROC IML, global SAS statements such as the LIBNAME, FILEREF, and OPTIONS statements
that are created in a SUBMIT block do not affect the environment outside the SUBMIT block. In
IMLPlus, librefs, lerefs, and options that are created inside the SUBMIT block continue to be dened
after the ENDSUBMIT statement.
v In PROC IML, ODS statements executed in a SUBMIT block do not affect the environment outside
the SUBMIT block. In IMLPlus, ODS statements can affect subsequent output.
v In PROC IML, a SUBMIT block clears the ODS SELECT and ODS EXCLUDE lists, even if the
SUBMIT block does not contain a DATA step or a procedure call. This does not occur in IMLPlus.
v In PROC IML, the SUBMIT statement causes a page break in some ODS destinations (such as the
LISTING destination). In IMLPlus, there is no unnecessary page break.
Chapter 11
Calling Functions in the R Language
Overview of Calling Functions in the R Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Installing the R Statistical Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
The RLANG System Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Submit R Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Transferring Data between SAS and R Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Transfer from a SAS Source to an R Destination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Transfer from an R Source to a SAS Destination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Call an R Analysis from PROC IML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Using R to Analyze Data in SAS/IML Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Using R to Analyze Data in a SAS Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Passing Parameters to R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Call R Packages from PROC IML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Call R Graphics from PROC IML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Handling Errors from R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Details of Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Numeric Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Logical Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Unsupported Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Special Numeric Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Date, Time, and Datetime Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Time Series Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Differences from SAS/IML Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Overview of Calling Functions in the R Language
R is a freely available language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. Like the SAS/IML
language, the R language has features suitable for developers of statistical algorithms: the ability to ma-
nipulate matrices and vectors, a large number of built-in functions for computing statistical quantities, and
the capability to extend the basic function library by writing user-dened functions. There are also a large
number of user-contributed packages in R that implement specialized computations.
190 ! Chapter 11: Calling Functions in the R Language
In 2009, the SAS/IML Studio application introduced a mechanism for calling R functions from programs
written in the IMLPlus language. As of SAS/IML 9.22, this feature is available in PROC IML. This chapter
shows you how to call R functions from PROC IML by using the SUBMIT and ENDSUBMIT statements.
This chapter describes how to congure the SAS system so that you can call functions in the R language.
The chapter also decribes how to do the following:
v transfer data to R
v call R functions from PROC IML
v transfer the results from R to a number of SAS data structures
Installing the R Statistical Software
SAS does not distribute R software. In order to call R software, you must rst install R on the same
computer that runs SAS software. If you access a SAS workspace server through client software such as

Enterprise Guide

, then R must be installed on the SAS server.

You can download R from The Comprehensive R Archive Network Web site: http://cran.
r-project.org. If you experience problems installing R, consult the R FAQ: http://cran.
r-project.org/doc/FAQ/R-FAQ.html. SAS Technical Support does not provide support for in-
stalling or conguring third-party software.
In SAS/IML, the interface to R is supported on computers that run a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows operating
system or Linux operating systems. If you are using SAS software in a 64-bit Linux environment, you must
download a 64-bit binary distribution of R. Otherwise, download a 32-bit binary distribution.
The document Installing R on Linux Operating Systems is available on support.sas.comand includes
pointers for installing R on Linux that it works with the SAS interface to R.
The RLANG System Option
The RLANG system option determines whether you have permission to call R from the SAS system. You
can determine the value of the RLANG option by submitting the following SAS statements:
proc options option=RLANG;
The result is one of the following statements in the SAS log:
NORLANG Do not support access to R language interfaces
If the SAS log contains this statement, you do not have permission to call R from the SAS system.
Submit R Statements ! 191
RLANG Support access to R language interfaces
If the SAS log contains this statement, you can call R from the SAS system.
The RLANG option can be changed only at SAS start-up. In order to call R, the SAS system must be
launched with the -RLANG option. (It is often convenient to insert this option in a SASV9.CFG le.) For
security reasons, some system administrators congure the SAS system to start with the -NORLANG op-
tion. The RLANG option is similar to the XCMD option in that both options enable SAS users to potentially
write or delete important data and system les.
If you attempt to submit R statements on a system that was not launched with the -RLANG option, you get
the following error message:
ERROR: The RLANG system option must be specied in the SAS conguration le or on the
SAS invocation command line to enable the submission of R language statements.
Some operating systems do not support the RLANG system option. The RLANG system option is currently
supported for the Windows and Linux operating systems. If you attempt to submit R statements on a host
that does not support the RLANG option, you get the following warning message:
WARNING: SAS option RLANG is not supported on this host.
Submit R Statements
In order to call R from the SAS system, the R statistical software must be installed on the SAS workspace
server and the RLANG system option must be enabled. (See The RLANG System Option on page 190.)
Chapter 10, Submitting SAS Statements, describes how to submit SAS statements from PROC IML.
Submitting R statements is similar. You use a SUBMIT statement, but add the R option: SUBMIT / R. All
statements in the program between the SUBMIT statement and the next ENDSUBMIT statement are sent
to R for execution. The ENDSUBMIT statement must appear on a line by itself.
The simplest program that calls R is one that does not transfer any data between the two environments. In
the following program, SAS/IML is used to compute the product of a matrix and a vector. The result is
printed. Then the SUBMIT statement with the R option is used to send an equivalent set of statements to R.
proc iml;
Comparison of matrix operations in IML and R
print "---------- SAS/IML Results -----------------";
x = 1:3; /
vector of sequence 1,2,3
m = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9}; /
3 x 3 matrix
q = m
t(x); /
matrix multiplication
print q;
192 ! Chapter 11: Calling Functions in the R Language
print "------------- R Results --------------------";
submit / R;
rx <- matrix( 1:3, nrow=1) # vector of sequence 1,2,3
rm <- matrix( 1:9, nrow=3, byrow=TRUE) # 3 x 3 matrix
rq <- rm %
% t(rx) # matrix multiplication
The printed output from R is automatically routed to the SAS/IML Studio output window, as shown in
Figure 11.1. As expected, the result of the computation is the same in R as in SAS/IML.
Figure 11.1 Output from SAS/IML and R
---------- SAS/IML Results -----------------
------------- R Results --------------------
[1,] 14
[2,] 32
[3,] 50
Transferring Data between SAS and R Software
Many research statisticians take advantage of special-purpose functions and packages written in the R lan-
guage. When you call an R function, the data must be accessible to R, either in a data frame or in an R
matrix. This section describes how you can transfer data and statistical results (for example, tted values or
parameter estimates) between SAS and R data structures.
You can transfer data to and from the following SAS data structures:
v a SAS data set in a libref
v a SAS/IML matrix
In addition, you can transfer data to and from the following R data structures:
v an R data frame
v an R matrix
Transfer from an R Source to a SAS Destination ! 193
Transfer from a SAS Source to an R Destination
Table 11.1 summarizes the subroutines that copy data from a SAS source to an R destination. For more
information, see the section Details of Data Transfer on page 200.
Table 11.1 Transferring from a SAS Source to an R Destination
Subroutine SAS Source R Destination
ExportDataSetToR SAS data set R data frame
ExportMatrixToR SAS/IML matrix R matrix
As a simple example, the following program transfers a data set from the Sashelp libref into an R data
frame named df. The program then submits an R statement that displays the names of the variables in the
data frame.
proc iml;
call ExportDataSetToR("Sashelp.Class", "df" );
submit / R;
The R names function produces the output shown in Figure 11.2.
Figure 11.2 Result of Sending Data to R
[1] "Name" "Sex" "Age" "Height" "Weight"
Transfer from an R Source to a SAS Destination
You can transfer data and results from R data frames or matrices to a SAS data set or a SAS/IML matrix.
Table 11.2 summarizes the frequently used methods that copy from an R source to a SAS destination.
Table 11.2 Transferring from an R Source to a SAS Destination
Subroutine R Source SAS Destination
ImportDataSetFromR R expression SAS data set
ImportMatrixFromR R expression SAS/IML matrix
The next section includes an example of calling an R analysis. Some of the results from the analysis are
then transferred into SAS/IML matrices.
The result of an R analysis can be a complicated structure. In order to transfer an R object via the previously
194 ! Chapter 11: Calling Functions in the R Language
mentioned methods and modules, the object must be coercible to a data frame. (The R object m can be
coerced to a data frame provided that the function as.data.frame(m) succeeds.) There are many data
structures that cannot be coerced into data frames. As the example in the next section shows, you can use R
statements to extract and transfer simpler objects.
Call an R Analysis from PROC IML
You can use the techniques in Chapter 10, Submitting SAS Statements, to perform a linear regression
by calling a regression procedure (such as REG, GLM, or MIXED) in SAS/STAT software. This section
presents examples of submitting statements to R to perform a linear regression. The rst example performs
a linear regression on data that are transferred from SAS/IML vectors. The second example performs an
identical analysis on data that are transferred from a SAS data set.
Using R to Analyze Data in SAS/IML Matrices
The program in this section consists of four parts:
1. Read the data into SAS/IML vectors.
2. Transfer the data to R.
3. Call R functions to analyze the data.
4. Transfer the results of the analysis into SAS/IML vectors.
1 Read the data. The following statements read the Weight and Height variables from the Sashelp.Class
data set into SAS/IML vectors with the same names:
proc iml;
use Sashelp.Class;
read all var {Weight Height};
close Sashelp.Class;
2 Transfer the data to R. The following statements run the ExportMatrixToR subroutine in order to transfer
data from a SAS/IML matrix into an R matrix. The names of the corresponding R vectors that contain
the data are w and h.
send matrices to R
call ExportMatrixToR(Weight, "w");
call ExportMatrixToR(Height, "h");
3 Call R functions to perform some analysis. The SUBMIT statement with the R option is used to send
statements to R. Comments in R begin with a hash mark (#, also called a number sign or a pound sign).
Using R to Analyze Data in SAS/IML Matrices ! 195
submit / R;
Model <- lm(w ~ h, na.action="na.exclude") # a
ParamEst <- coef(Model) # b
Pred <- fitted(Model)
Resid <- residuals(Model)
The R program consists of the following steps:
a. The lm function computes a linear model of w as a function of h. The na.action= option speci-
es how the model handles missing values (which in R are represented by NA). In particular, the
na.exclude option species that the lm function should not omit observations with missing values
from residual and predicted values. This option makes it easier to merge the R results with the
original data when the data contain missing values.
b. Various information is retrieved from the linear model and placed into R vectors named ParamEst,
Pred, and Resid.
4 Transfer the data from R. The ImportMatrixFromR subroutine transfers the ParamEst vector from R into
a SAS/IML vector named pe. This vector is printed by the SAS/IML PRINT statement. The predicted
values (Pred) and residual values (Resid) can be transferred similarly. The parameter estimates are used
to compute the predicted values for a series of hypothetical heights, as shown in Figure 11.3.
call ImportMatrixFromR(pe, "ParamEst");
print pe[r={"Intercept" "Height"}];
ht = T( do(55, 70, 5) );
A = j(nrow(ht),1,1) || ht;
pred_wt = A
print ht pred_wt;
Figure 11.3 Results from an R Analysis
Intercept -143.0269
Height 3.8990303
ht pred_wt
55 71.419746
60 90.914898
65 110.41005
70 129.9052
You cannot directly transfer the contents of the Model object. Instead, various R functions are used to extract
portions of the Model object, and those simpler pieces are transferred.
196 ! Chapter 11: Calling Functions in the R Language
Using R to Analyze Data in a SAS Data Set
As an alternative to the data transfer statements in the previous section, you can call the ExportDataSetToR
subroutine to transfer the entire SAS data set to an R data frame. For example, you could use the following
statements to create an R data frame named Class and to model the Weight variable:
call ExportDataSetToR("Sashelp.Class", "Class");
submit / R;
Model <- lm(Weight ~ Height, data=Class, na.action="na.exclude")
The R language is case-sensitive so you must use the correct case to refer to variables in a data frame.
You can use the CONTENTS function in the SAS/IML language to obtain the names and capitalization of
variables in a SAS data set.
Passing Parameters to R
The SUBMIT statement supports parameter substitution from SAS/IML matrices as detailed in Passing
Parameters from SAS/IML Matrices on page 182. For example, you can substitute the names of analysis
variables into a SUBMIT block by using the following statements:
YVar = "Weight";
XVar = "Height";
submit XVar YVar / R;
Model <- lm(&YVar ~ &XVar, data=Class, na.action="na.exclude")
print (Model$call)
Figure 11.4 shows the result of the print(Model$call) statement. The output shows that the values of the
YVar and XVar matrices were substituted into the SUBMIT block.
Figure 11.4 Parameter Substitutions in a SUBMIT Block
lm(formula = Weight ~ Height, data = Class, na.action = "na.exclude")
Call R Packages from PROC IML
You do not need to do anything special to call an R package. Provided that an R package is installed, you can
call library(package) from inside a SUBMIT block to load the package. You can then call the functions
in the package.
Call R Packages from PROC IML ! 197
The example in this section calls an R package and imports the results into a SAS data set. This example is
similar to the example in Creating Graphics in a SUBMIT Block on page 185, which calls the UNIVARI-
ATE procedure to create a kernel density estimate. The program in this section consists of the following
1. Dene the data and transfer the data to R.
2. Call R functions to analyze the data.
3. Transfer the results of the analysis into SAS/IML vectors.
1 Dene the data in the SAS/IML vector q and then transfer the data to R by using the ExportMatrixToR
subroutine. In R, the data are stored in a vector named rq.
proc iml;
q = {3.7, 7.1, 2, 4.2, 5.3, 6.4, 8, 5.7, 3.1, 6.1, 4.4, 5.4, 9.5, 11.2};
RVar = "rq";
call ExportMatrixToR( q, RVar );
2 Load the KernSmooth package. Because the functions in the KernSmooth package do not handle missing
values, the nonmissing values in q must be copied to a matrix p. (There are no missing values in this
example.) The Sheather-Jones plug-in bandwidth is computed by calling the dpik function in the KernS-
mooth package. This bandwidth is used in the bkde function (in the same package) to compute a kernel
density estimate.
submit RVar / R;
idx <-which(!is.na(&RVar)) # must exclude missing values (NA)
p <- &RVar[idx] # from KernSmooth functions
h = dpik(p) # Sheather-Jones plug-in bandwidth
est <- bkde(p, bandwidth=h) # est has 2 columns
3 Copy the results into a SAS data set or a SAS/IML matrix, and perform additional computations. For
example, the following statements use the trapezoidal rule to numerically estimate the density that is
contained in the tail of the density estimate of the data:
call ImportMatrixFromR( m, "est" );
estimate the density for q >= 8
x = m[,1]; /
x values for density
idx = loc( x>=8 ); /
find values x >= 8
y = m[idx, 2]; /
extract corresponding density values
Use the trapezoidal rule to estimate the area under the density curve.
The area of a trapezoid with base w and heights h1 and h2 is
w = m[2,1] - m[1,1];
h1 = y[1:nrow(y)-1];
h2 = y[2:nrow(y)];
Area = w
sum(h1+h2) / 2;
198 ! Chapter 11: Calling Functions in the R Language
print Area;
The numerical estimate for the conditional density is shown in Figure 11.5. The estimate is shown graph-
ically in Figure 11.6, where the conditional density corresponds to the shaded area in the gure. Fig-
ure 11.6 was created by using the SGPLOT procedure to display the density estimate computed by the R
Figure 11.5 Computation That Combines SAS/IML and R Computations
Figure 11.6 Estimated Density for . _ 8
Call R Graphics from PROC IML ! 199
Call R Graphics from PROC IML
R can create graphics in a separate window which, by default, appears on the same computer on which R is
running. If you are running PROC IML and R locally on your desktop or laptop computer, you can display
R graphics. However, if you are running client software that connects with a remote SAS server that is
running PROC IML and R, then R graphics might be disabled.
The following statements describe some common scenarios for running a PROC IML program:
v If you run PROC IML through a SAS Display Manager Session (DMS), you can create R graphics
from your PROC IML program. The graph appears in the standard R graphics window.
v If you run PROC IML through SAS Enterprise Guide, the display of R graphics is disabled because, in
general, the SAS server (and therefore R) is running on a different computer than the SAS Enterprise
Guide application.
v If you run PROC IML from interactive line mode or from batch mode, then R graphics are disabled.
You can determine whether R graphics are enabled by calling the interactive function in the R language.
For example, the previous section used R to compute a kernel density estimate for some data. If you are
running PROC IML through SAS DMS, you can create a histogram and overlay the kernel density estimate
by using the following statements:
submit / R;
hist(p, freq=FALSE) # histogram
lines(est) # kde overlay
The hist function creates a histogram of the data in the p matrix, and the lines function adds the kernel
density estimate contained in the est matrix. The R graphics window contains the histogram, which is
shown in Figure 11.7.
200 ! Chapter 11: Calling Functions in the R Language
Figure 11.7 R Graphics
Handling Errors from R
If you submit R code that causes an error, you can attempt to handle the error by using the OK= option in
the SUBMIT statement, as described in Handling Errors in a SUBMIT Block on page 187.
Details of Data Transfer
This section describes how data are transferred between SAS and R software. It includes a discussion of
numerical data types, missing values, and data that represent dates and times.
Numeric Data Types ! 201
Numeric Data Types
R can store numeric data in either an integer or a double-precision data type. When transferring R data to a
SAS data type, integers types are converted to double precision.
Logical Data Types
R provides a logical data type for storing the values TRUE and FALSE. When logical data are transferred to
a SAS data type, the value TRUE is converted to the number 1 and the value FALSE to the number 0.
Unsupported Data Types
R provides two data types that are not converted to a SAS data type: complex and raw. It is an error to
attempt to transfer data stored in either of these data types to a SAS data type.
Special Numeric Values
The R language has four symbols that are used to represent special numerical values.
v The symbol NA represents a missing value.
v The symbol Inf represents positive innity.
v The symbol -Inf represents positive innity.
v The symbol NaN represents a NaN, which is a oating-point value that represents an undened value
such as the result of the division 0,0.
The SAS language has 28 symbols that are used to represent special numerical values.
v The symbol . represents a generic missing value.
v The symbols .A.Z and ._ are also missing values. Some applications use .I to represent positive
innity and use .M to represent negative innity.
The following table shows how special numeric values in R are converted to SAS missing values:
202 ! Chapter 11: Calling Functions in the R Language
Value in R SAS Missing Value
Inf .I
Inf .M
NA .
NaN .
The following table shows how SAS missing values are converted when data are transferred to R:
SAS Missing Value Value in R
.I Inf
.M Inf
All others NA
Date, Time, and Datetime Values
R supports date and time data differently than does SAS software. In SAS software, variables that represent
dates or times are assigned a format such as DATE9. or TIME5. In R, classes are used to represent dates
and times.
When a variable in a SAS data set is transferred to R software, the variables format is examined and the
following occurs:
v If the format is in the family of date formats (for example, DATEw.d), the variable in R is assigned
the Date class.
v If the format is in the family of datetime formats (for example, DATETIMEw.d) or time formats (for
example, TIMEw.d), the variable in R is assigned the POSIXct and POSIXt classes.
v In all other cases, the variable in R is assigned the numeric class.
When a variable in an R data frame is transferred to SAS software, the variables class is examined and the
following occurs:
v If the variables class is Date, the corresponding SAS variable is assigned the DATE9. format.
v If the variables class is POSIXt, the corresponding SAS variable is assigned the DATETIME19.
v In all other cases, the SAS variable is not assigned a format.
Time Series Data
In SAS, the sampling times for time series data are often stored in a separate variable. In R, the sampling
times for a time series object are specied by the tsp attribute. When a time series object in R is transferred
to SAS software, the following occurs:
Data Structures ! 203
v The R time function is used to generate a vector of the times at which the time series is sampled.
v A new variable named VarName_ts is created, where VarName is the name of the time series object
in R. The variable contains sampling times for the time series.
No special processing of time series data is performed when data are transferred from SAS to R software.
Data Structures
R provides a wide range of built-in and user-dened data structures. When data are transferred from R to
SAS software, the data are coerced to a data frame prior to the transfer. If the coersion fails, the data are not
The section Using R to Analyze Data in SAS/IML Matrices on page 194 presents an example of an R
object that cannot be directly imported to SAS software and shows how to use R functions to extract simpler
data structures from the R object.
Differences from SAS/IML Studio
This section lists differences between the R option in the SUBMIT statement as implemented in SAS/IML
Studio and the same option in PROC IML:
v In PROC IML, R must be installed on the computer that runs the SAS server. In SAS/IML Studio, R
must be installed on the computer that runs the SAS/IML Studio application.
v If R is installed on a SAS workspace server and is accessed through SAS Enterprise Guide, everyone
that connects to that server uses the same version of R and the same set of installed packages. In
SAS/IML Studio, R is installed locally on the client computer, so each user can potentially have a
different version of R and different packages.
Chapter 12
Robust Regression Examples
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Using LMS and LTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Example 12.1: Substantial Leverage Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Example 12.2: Comparison of LMS, V7 LTS, and FAST-LTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Example 12.3: LMS and LTS Univariate (Location) Problem: Barnett and Lewis Data 218
Using MVE and MCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Example 12.4: Brainlog Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Example 12.5: Stackloss Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Combining Robust Residual and Robust Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Example 12.6: Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Example 12.7: Stackloss Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
SAS/IML has four subroutines that can be used for outlier detection and robust regression. The Least
Median of Squares (LMS) and Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) subroutines perform robust regression (some-
times called resistant regression). These subroutines are able to detect outliers and perform a least-squares
regression on the remaining observations. The Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Estimation (MVE) and Mini-
mum Covariance Determinant Estimation (MCD) subroutines can be used to nd a robust location and a
robust covariance matrix that can be used for constructing condence regions, detecting multivariate outliers
and leverage points, and conducting robust canonical correlation and principal component analysis.
The LMS, LTS, MVE, and MCD methods were developed by Rousseeuw (1984) and Rousseeuw and Leroy
(1987). All of these methods have the high breakdown value property. Roughly speaking, the breakdown
value is a measure of the proportion of contamination that a procedure can withstand and still maintain its
The algorithm used in the LMS subroutine is based on the PROGRESS program of Rousseeuw and Hubert
(1996), which is an updated version of Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987). In the special case of regression
through the origin with a single regressor, Barreto and Maharry (2006) show that the PROGRESS algorithm
does not, in general, nd the slope that yields the least median of squares. Starting with release 9.2, the LMS
subroutine uses the algorithm of Barreto and Maharry (2006) to obtain the correct LMS slope in the case of
206 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
regression through the origin with a single regressor. In this case, inputs to the LMS subroutine specic to
the PROGRESS algorithm are ignored and output specic to the PROGRESS algorithm is suppressed.
The algorithm used in the LTS subroutine is based on the algorithm FAST-LTS of Rousseeuw and
Van Driessen (2000). The MCD algorithm is based on the FAST-MCD algorithm given by Rousseeuw
and Van Driessen (1999), which is similar to the FAST-LTS algorithm. The MVE algorithm is based on
the algorithm used in the MINVOL program by Rousseeuw (1984). LTS estimation has higher statistical
efciency than LMS estimation. With the FAST-LTS algorithm, LTS is also faster than LMS for large data
sets. Similarly, MCD is faster than MVE for large data sets.
Besides LTS estimation and LMS estimation, there are other methods for robust regression and outlier
detection. You can refer to a comprehensive procedure, PROC ROBUSTREG, in SAS/STAT. A summary
of these robust tools in SAS can be found in Chen (2002).
The four SAS/IML subroutines are designed for the following:
v LMS: minimizing the hth ordered squared residual
v LTS: minimizing the sum of the h smallest squared residuals
v MCD: minimizing the determinant of the covariance of h points
v MVE: minimizing the volume of an ellipsoid that contains h points
where h is dened in the range
1 _ h _

n 1
In the preceding equation, N is the number of observations and n is the number of regressors.
The value
of h determines the breakdown value, which is the smallest fraction of contamination that can cause the
estimator T to take on values arbitrarily far from T(7) (Rousseeuw and Leroy 1987). Here, T denotes an
estimator and T(7) applies T to a sample 7.
For each parameter vector b = (b
. . . . . b
), the residual of observation i is r
= ,
b. You then denote
the ordered, squared residuals as
_ . . . _ (r
The objective functions for the LMS, LTS, MCD, and MVE optimization problems are dened as follows:
v LMS, the objective function for the LMS optimization problem is the hth ordered squared residual,
= (r
Note that, for h = N,2 1, the hth quantile is the median of the squared residuals. The default h in
, which yields the breakdown value (where k| denotes the integer part
of k).
The value of h can be specied, but in most applications the default value works just ne and the results seem to be quite
stable with different choices of h.
Using LMS and LTS ! 207
v LTS, the objective function for the LTS optimization problem is the sum of the h smallest ordered
squared residuals,


v MCD, the objective function for the MCD optimization problem is based on the determinant of the
covariance of the selected h points,
= det(C
) min
where C
is the covariance matrix of the selected h points.
v MVE, the objective function for the MVE optimization problem is based on the hth quantile J
the Mahalanobis-type distances d = (J
. . . . . J
det(C) min
subject to J

, where C is the scatter matrix estimate, and the Mahalanobis-type dis-
tances are computed as
d = diag(
(X T )
(X T ))
where T is the location estimate.
Because of the nonsmooth form of these objective functions, the estimates cannot be obtained with tradi-
tional optimization algorithms. For LMS and LTS, the algorithm, as in the PROGRESS program, selects a
number of subsets of n observations out of the N given observations, evaluates the objective function, and
saves the subset with the lowest objective function. As long as the problem size enables you to evaluate
all such subsets, the result is a global optimum. If computing time does not permit you to evaluate all the
different subsets, a random collection of subsets is evaluated. In such a case, you might not obtain the global
Note that the LMS, LTS, MCD, and MVE subroutines are executed only when the number N of observations
is more than twice the number n of explanatory variables .
(including the intercept)that is, if N > 2n.
Using LMS and LTS
Because of space considerations, the output of the tables that contains residuals and resistant diagnostics are
not included in this document. The SCATLMTS and LMSDIAP are used in these examples for printing and
plotting the results. The PRILMTS module can be used for printing the results. These routines are in the
robustmc.sas le that is contained in the sample library.
208 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Example 12.1: LMS and LTS with Substantial Leverage Points:
Hertzsprung-Russell Star Data
The following data are reported in Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987) and are based on Humphreys (1978) and
Vansina and De Greve, J. P. (1982). The 47 observations correspond to the 47 stars of the CYG OB1 cluster
in the direction of the constellation Cygnus. The regressor variable (column 2) . is the logarithm of the
effective temperature at the surface of the star (T
), and the response variable (column 3) , is the logarithm
of its light intensity (1,1
). The results for LS and LMS on page 28 of Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987) are
based on a more precise (ve decimal places) version of the data set. This data set is remarkable in that it
contains four substantial leverage points (which represent giant stars) that greatly affect the results of 1
and even 1
regression. The high leverage points are observations 11, 20, 30, and 34.
ab = { 1 4.37 5.23, 2 4.56 5.74, 3 4.26 4.93,
4 4.56 5.74, 5 4.30 5.19, 6 4.46 5.46,
7 3.84 4.65, 8 4.57 5.27, 9 4.26 5.57,
10 4.37 5.12, 11 3.49 5.73, 12 4.43 5.45,
13 4.48 5.42, 14 4.01 4.05, 15 4.29 4.26,
16 4.42 4.58, 17 4.23 3.94, 18 4.42 4.18,
19 4.23 4.18, 20 3.49 5.89, 21 4.29 4.38,
22 4.29 4.22, 23 4.42 4.42, 24 4.49 4.85,
25 4.38 5.02, 26 4.42 4.66, 27 4.29 4.66,
28 4.38 4.90, 29 4.22 4.39, 30 3.48 6.05,
31 4.38 4.42, 32 4.56 5.10, 33 4.45 5.22,
34 3.49 6.29, 35 4.23 4.34, 36 4.62 5.62,
37 4.53 5.10, 38 4.45 5.22, 39 4.53 5.18,
40 4.43 5.57, 41 4.38 4.62, 42 4.45 5.06,
43 4.50 5.34, 44 4.45 5.34, 45 4.55 5.54,
46 4.45 4.98, 47 4.42 4.50 } ;
a = ab[,2]; b = ab[,3];
The following statements specify that most of the output be printed:
print "
Hertzsprung-Russell Star Data: Do LMS
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[2]= 3; /
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[8]= 3; /
call lms(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b,a);
Some simple statistics for the independent and response variables are shown in Output 12.1.1.
Example 12.1: LMS and LTS with Substantial Leverage Points: Hertzsprung-Russell Star Data ! 209
Output 12.1.1 Some Simple Statistics
Median and Mean
Median Mean
VAR1 4.42 4.31
Intercep 1 1
Response 5.1 5.0121276596
Dispersion and Standard Deviation
Dispersion StdDev
VAR1 0.163086244 0.2908234187
Intercep 0 0
Response 0.6671709983 0.5712493409
Partial output for LS regression is shown in Output 12.1.2.
Output 12.1.2 Table of Unweighted LS Regression
LS Parameter Estimates
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 -0.4133039 0.28625748 -1.44 0.1557 -0.9743582 0.14775048
Intercep 6.7934673 1.23651563 5.49 <.0001 4.3699412 9.21699339
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 Intercep
VAR1 0.0819433428 -0.353175807
Intercep -0.353175807 1.5289708954
Output 12.1.3 displays the iteration history. Looking at the column Best Crit in the iteration history table,
you see that, with complete enumeration, the optimal solution is quickly found.
Output 12.1.3 History of the Iteration Process
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
271 5 0.392791 25
541 8 0.392791 50
811 27 0.392791 75
1081 45 0.392791 100
The results of the optimization for LMS estimation are displayed in Output 12.1.4.
210 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.1.4 Results of Optimization
Observations of Best Subset
2 29
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 Intercep
3.9705882353 -12.62794118
Output 12.1.5 displays the results for WLS regression. Due to the size of the scaled residuals, six observa-
tions (with numbers 7, 9, 11, 20, 30, 34) were assigned zero weights in the following WLS analysis.
The LTS regression implements the FAST-LTS algorithm, which improves the algorithm (used in SAS/IML
Version 7 and earlier versions, denoted as V7 LTS in this chapter) in Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987) by using
techniques called selective iteration and nested extensions. These techniques are used in the C-steps of
the algorithm. See Rousseeuw and Van Driessen (2000) for details. The FAST-LTS algorithm signicantly
improves the speed of computation.
Output 12.1.5 Table of Weighted LS Regression Based on LMS
RLS Parameter Estimates Based on LMS
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 3.04615694 0.43733923 6.97 <.0001 2.18898779 3.90332608
Intercep -8.5000549 1.92630783 -4.41 <.0001 -12.275549 -4.7245609
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 Intercep
VAR1 0.1912656038 -0.842128459
Intercep -0.842128459 3.7106618752
The following statements implement the LTS regression on the Hertzsprung-Russell star data:
print "
Hertzsprung-Russell Star Data: Do LTS
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[2]= 3; /
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[8]= 3; /
call lts(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b,a);
Output 12.1.6 summarizes the information for the LTS optimization.
Example 12.2: Comparison of LMS, V7 LTS, and FAST-LTS ! 211
Output 12.1.6 Summary of Optimization
2 4 6 10 13 15 17 19 21 22 25 27 28
29 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46
Output 12.1.7 displays the optimization results and Output 12.1.8 displays the weighted LS regression based
on LTS estimates.
Output 12.1.7 Results of Optimization
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 Intercep
4.219182102 -13.6239903
Output 12.1.8 Table of Weighted LS Regression Based on LTS
RLS Parameter Estimates Based on LTS
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 3.04615694 0.43733923 6.97 <.0001 2.18898779 3.90332608
Intercep -8.5000549 1.92630783 -4.41 <.0001 -12.275549 -4.7245609
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 Intercep
VAR1 0.1912656038 -0.842128459
Intercep -0.842128459 3.7106618752
Example 12.2: Comparison of LMS, V7 LTS, and FAST-LTS
The following example presents comparisons of LMS, V7 LTS, and FAST-LTS. The data analyzed are the
stackloss data of Brownlee (1965), which are also used for documenting the L1 regression module. The
three explanatory variables correspond to measurements for a plant oxidizing ammonia to nitric acid on 21
consecutive days:
v .
air ow to the plant
v .
cooling water inlet temperature
v .
acid concentration
212 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
The response variable ,
gives the permillage of ammonia lost (stackloss). The following data are also given
in Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987) and Osborne (1985):
print "Stackloss Data";
aa = { 1 80 27 89 42,
1 80 27 88 37,
1 75 25 90 37,
1 62 24 87 28,
1 62 22 87 18,
1 62 23 87 18,
1 62 24 93 19,
1 62 24 93 20,
1 58 23 87 15,
1 58 18 80 14,
1 58 18 89 14,
1 58 17 88 13,
1 58 18 82 11,
1 58 19 93 12,
1 50 18 89 8,
1 50 18 86 7,
1 50 19 72 8,
1 50 19 79 8,
1 50 20 80 9,
1 56 20 82 15,
1 70 20 91 15 };
Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987) cite a large number of papers in which the preceding data set was analyzed.
They state that most researchers concluded that observations 1, 3, 4, and 21 were outliers and that some
people also reported observation 2 as an outlier.
Consider 2,000 Random Subsets for LMS
For N = 21 and n = 4 (three explanatory variables including intercept), you obtain a total of 5,985 different
subsets of 4 observations out of 21. If you do not specify OPTN[5], the LMS algorithms draw N
= 2000
random sample subsets. Since there is a large number of subsets with singular linear systems that you do
not want to print, you can choose OPTN[2]=2 for reduced printed output, as in the following:
title2 "
Use 2000 Random Subsets for LMS
a = aa[,2:4]; b = aa[,5];
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[2]= 2; /
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[8]= 3; /
call lms(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b,a);
Summary statistics are shown in Output 12.2.1. Output 12.2.2 displays the results of LS regression. Out-
put 12.2.3 displays the LMS results for the 2000 random subsets.
Example 12.2: Comparison of LMS, V7 LTS, and FAST-LTS ! 213
Output 12.2.1 Some Simple Statistics
Use 2000 Random Subsets for LMS
Median and Mean
Median Mean
VAR1 58 60.428571429
VAR2 20 21.095238095
VAR3 87 86.285714286
Intercep 1 1
Response 15 17.523809524
Dispersion and Standard Deviation
Dispersion StdDev
VAR1 5.930408874 9.1682682584
VAR2 2.965204437 3.160771455
VAR3 4.4478066555 5.3585712381
Intercep 0 0
Response 5.930408874 10.171622524
Output 12.2.2 Table of Unweighted LS Regression
LS Parameter Estimates
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 0.7156402 0.13485819 5.31 <.0001 0.45132301 0.97995739
VAR2 1.29528612 0.36802427 3.52 0.0026 0.57397182 2.01660043
VAR3 -0.1521225 0.15629404 -0.97 0.3440 -0.4584532 0.15420818
Intercep -39.919674 11.8959969 -3.36 0.0038 -63.2354 -16.603949
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
VAR1 0.0181867302 -0.036510675 -0.007143521 0.2875871057
VAR2 -0.036510675 0.1354418598 0.0000104768 -0.651794369
VAR3 -0.007143521 0.0000104768 0.024427828 -1.676320797
Intercep 0.2875871057 -0.651794369 -1.676320797 141.51474107
214 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.2.3 Iteration History and Optimization Results
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
500 23 0.163262 25
1000 55 0.140519 50
1500 79 0.140519 75
2000 103 0.126467 100
Observations of Best Subset
15 11 19 10
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
0.75 0.5 0 -39.25
For LMS, observations 1, 3, 4, and 21 have scaled residuals larger than 2.5 (output not shown), and they are
considered outliers. Output 12.2.4 displays the corresponding WLS results.
Output 12.2.4 Table of Weighted LS Regression
RLS Parameter Estimates Based on LMS
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 0.79768556 0.06743906 11.83 <.0001 0.66550742 0.9298637
VAR2 0.57734046 0.16596894 3.48 0.0041 0.25204731 0.9026336
VAR3 -0.0670602 0.06160314 -1.09 0.2961 -0.1878001 0.05367975
Intercep -37.652459 4.73205086 -7.96 <.0001 -46.927108 -28.37781
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
VAR1 0.0045480273 -0.007921409 -0.001198689 0.0015681747
VAR2 -0.007921409 0.0275456893 -0.00046339 -0.065017508
VAR3 -0.001198689 -0.00046339 0.0037949466 -0.246102248
Intercep 0.0015681747 -0.065017508 -0.246102248 22.392305355
Consider 2,000 Random Subsets for V7 LTS
The V7 LTS algorithm is similar to the LMS algorithm. Here is the code:
title2 "
Use 2000 Random Subsets for LTS
a = aa[,2:4]; b = aa[,5];
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[2]= 2; /
Example 12.2: Comparison of LMS, V7 LTS, and FAST-LTS ! 215
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[8]= 3; /
optn[9]= 1; /
call lts(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b,a);
Output 12.2.5 Iteration History and Optimization Results
Use 2000 Random Subsets for LTS
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
500 23 0.099507 25
1000 55 0.087814 50
1500 79 0.084061 75
2000 103 0.084061 100
Observations of Best Subset
10 11 7 15
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
0.75 0.3333333333 0 -35.70512821
In addition to observations 1, 3, 4, and 21, which were considered outliers in LMS, observations 2 and 13
for LTS have absolute scaled residuals that are larger (but not as signicantly as observations 1, 3, 4, and
21) than 2.5 (output not shown). Therefore, the WLS results based on LTS are different from those based
on LMS.
Output 12.2.6 displays the results for the weighted LS regression.
Output 12.2.6 Table of Weighted LS Regression
RLS Parameter Estimates Based on LTS
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 0.75694055 0.07860766 9.63 <.0001 0.60287236 0.91100874
VAR2 0.45353029 0.13605033 3.33 0.0067 0.18687654 0.72018405
VAR3 -0.05211 0.05463722 -0.95 0.3607 -0.159197 0.054977
Intercep -34.05751 3.82881873 -8.90 <.0001 -41.561857 -26.553163
216 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.2.6 continued
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
VAR1 0.0061791648 -0.005776855 -0.002300587 -0.034290068
VAR2 -0.005776855 0.0185096933 0.0002582502 -0.069740883
VAR3 -0.002300587 0.0002582502 0.0029852254 -0.131487406
Intercep -0.034290068 -0.069740883 -0.131487406 14.659852903
Consider 500 Random Subsets for FAST-LTS
The FAST-LTS algorithm uses only 500 random subsets and gets better optimization results. Here is the
title2 "
Use 500 Random Subsets for FAST-LTS
a = aa[,2:4]; b = aa[,5];
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[2]= 2; /
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[8]= 3; /
optn[9]= 0; /
call lts(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b,a);
For this example, the two LTS algorithms identify the same outliers; however, the FAST-LTS algorithm uses
only 500 random subsets and gets a smaller objective function, as seen in Output 12.2.7. For large data sets,
the advantages of the FAST-LTS algorithm are more obvious.
Output 12.2.7 Optimization Results for FAST-LTS
Use 500 Random Subsets for FAST-LTS
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
0.7409210642 0.3915267228 0.0111345398 -37.32332647
Consider All 5,985 Subsets
You now report the results of LMS for all different subsets. Here is the code:
title2 "
Use All 5985 Subsets
a = aa[,2:4]; b = aa[,5];
optn = j(9,1,.);
Example 12.2: Comparison of LMS, V7 LTS, and FAST-LTS ! 217
optn[2]= 2; /
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[5]= -1; /
nrep: all 5985 subsets
optn[8]= 3; /
ods select IterHist0 BestSubset EstCoeff;
call lms(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b,a);
Output 12.2.8 displays the results for LMS.
Output 12.2.8 Iteration History and Optimization Results for LMS
Use All 5985 Subsets
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
1497 36 0.185899 25
2993 87 0.158268 50
4489 149 0.140519 75
5985 266 0.126467 100
Observations of Best Subset
8 10 15 19
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
0.75 0.5 1.29526E-16 -39.25
Next, report the results of LTS for all different subsets, as follows:
title2 "
Use All 5985 Subsets
a = aa[,2:4]; b = aa[,5];
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[2]= 2; /
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[5]= -1; /
nrep: all 5985 subsets
optn[8]= 3; /
optn[9]= 1; /
ods select IterHist0 BestSubset EstCoeff;
call lts(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b,a);
Output 12.2.9 displays the results for LTS.
218 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.2.9 Iteration History and Optimization Results for LTS
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
1497 36 0.135449 25
2993 87 0.107084 50
4489 149 0.081536 75
5985 266 0.081536 100
Observations of Best Subset
5 12 17 18
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
0.7291666667 0.4166666667 -8.54713E-18 -36.22115385
Example 12.3: LMS and LTS Univariate (Location) Problem: Barnett and
Lewis Data
If you do not specify matrix X of the last input argument, the regression problem is reduced to the estimation
problem of the location parameter a. The following example is described in Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987):
title2 "
Barnett and Lewis (1978)
b = { 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 949, 951 };
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[2]= 3; /
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[8]= 3; /
call lms(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b);
Output 12.3.1 shows the results of the unweighted LS regression.
Example 12.3: LMS and LTS Univariate (Location) Problem: Barnett and Lewis Data ! 219
Output 12.3.1 Table of Unweighted LS Regression
Barnett and Lewis (1978)
LS Residuals
N Observed Residual Res / S
1 3.000000 -273.000000 -0.592916
2 4.000000 -272.000000 -0.590744
3 7.000000 -269.000000 -0.584229
4 8.000000 -268.000000 -0.582057
5 10.000000 -266.000000 -0.577713
6 949.000000 673.000000 1.461658
7 951.000000 675.000000 1.466002
MinRes 1st Qu. Median
-273 -272 -268
Mean 3rd Qu. MaxRes
0 -266 675
Output 12.3.2 shows the results for LMS regression.
Output 12.3.2 Table of LMS Results
LMS Residuals
N Observed Residual Res / S
1 3.000000 -2.500000 -0.819232
2 4.000000 -1.500000 -0.491539
3 7.000000 1.500000 0.491539
4 8.000000 2.500000 0.819232
5 10.000000 4.500000 1.474617
6 949.000000 943.500000 309.178127
7 951.000000 945.500000 309.833512
MinRes 1st Qu. Median
-2.5 -1.5 2.5
Mean 3rd Qu. MaxRes
270.5 4.5 945.5
You obtain the LMS location estimate 6.5 compared with the mean 276 (which is the LS estimate of the
location parameter) and the median 8. The scale estimate in the univariate problem is a resistant (high
breakdown) estimator for the dispersion of the data (see Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987)).
220 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
For weighted LS regression, the last two observations are ignored (that is, given zero weights), as shown in
Output 12.3.3.
Output 12.3.3 Table of Weighted LS Regression
Weighted LS Residuals
N Observed Residual Res / S Weight
1 3.000000 -3.400000 -1.180157 1.000000
2 4.000000 -2.400000 -0.833052 1.000000
3 7.000000 0.600000 0.208263 1.000000
4 8.000000 1.600000 0.555368 1.000000
5 10.000000 3.600000 1.249578 1.000000
6 949.000000 942.600000 327.181236 0
7 951.000000 944.600000 327.875447 0
MinRes 1st Qu. Median
-3.4 -2.4 1.6
Mean 3rd Qu. MaxRes
269.6 3.6 944.6
Use the following code to obtain results from LTS:
title2 "
Barnett and Lewis (1978)
b = { 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 949, 951 };
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[2]= 3; /
optn[3]= 3; /
optn[8]= 3; /
call lts(sc,coef,wgt,optn,b);
The results for LTS are similar to those reported for LMS in Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987), as shown in
Output 12.3.4.
Using MVE and MCD ! 221
Output 12.3.4 Table of LTS Results
Barnett and Lewis (1978)
LTS Residuals
N Observed Residual Res / S
1 3.000000 -2.500000 -0.819232
2 4.000000 -1.500000 -0.491539
3 7.000000 1.500000 0.491539
4 8.000000 2.500000 0.819232
5 10.000000 4.500000 1.474617
6 949.000000 943.500000 309.178127
7 951.000000 945.500000 309.833512
MinRes 1st Qu. Median
-2.5 -1.5 2.5
Mean 3rd Qu. MaxRes
270.5 4.5 945.5
Since nonzero weights are chosen for the same observations as with LMS, the WLS results based on LTS
agree with those based on LMS (shown previously in Output 12.3.3).
In summary, you obtain the following estimates for the location parameter:
v LS estimate (unweighted mean) = 276
v Median = 8
v LMS estimate = 5.5
v LTS estimate = 5.5
v WLS estimate (weighted mean based on LMS or LTS) = 6.4
Using MVE and MCD
The SCATMVE and SCATMCD modules are used in these examples for plotting the results. The PRIMVE
module can be used for printing results. These routines are in the robustmc.sas le that is contained in
the sample library.
222 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Example 12.4: Brainlog Data
The following data are the body weights (in kilograms) and brain weights (in grams) of N = 28 animals
as reported by Jerison (1973) and as analyzed in Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987). Instead of the original data,
the following example uses the logarithms of the measurements of the two variables.
title "
Brainlog Data: Do MCD, MVE
aa={ 1.303338E-001 9.084851E-001 ,
2.6674530 2.6263400 ,
1.5602650 2.0773680 ,
1.4418520 2.0606980 ,
1.703332E-002 7.403627E-001 ,
4.0681860 1.6989700 ,
3.4060290 3.6630410 ,
2.2720740 2.6222140 ,
2.7168380 2.8162410 ,
1.0000000 2.0606980 ,
5.185139E-001 1.4082400 ,
2.7234560 2.8325090 ,
2.3159700 2.6085260 ,
1.7923920 3.1205740 ,
3.8230830 3.7567880 ,
3.9731280 1.8450980 ,
8.325089E-001 2.2528530 ,
1.5440680 1.7481880 ,
-9.208187E-001 .0000000 ,
-1.6382720 -3.979400E-001 ,
3.979400E-001 1.0827850 ,
1.7442930 2.2430380 ,
2.0000000 2.1959000 ,
1.7173380 2.6434530 ,
4.9395190 2.1889280 ,
-5.528420E-001 2.787536E-001 ,
-9.136401E-001 4.771213E-001 ,
2.2833010 2.2552720 };
By default, the MVE subroutine uses only 1500 randomly selected subsets rather than all subsets. The
following specication of the options vector requires that all 3276 subsets of 3 cases out of 28 cases are
generated and evaluated:
title2 "
MVE for BrainLog Data
title3 "
Use All Subsets
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[1]= 3; /
optn[2]= 1; /
pcov: print COV
optn[3]= 1; /
pcor: print CORR
optn[5]= -1; /
nrep: all subsets
call mve(sc,xmve,dist,optn,aa);
Specifying OPTN[1]=3, OPTN[2]=1, and OPTN[3]=1 requests that all output be printed. Output 12.4.1
shows the classical scatter and correlation matrix.
Example 12.4: Brainlog Data ! 223
Output 12.4.1 Some Simple Statistics
Brainlog Data: Do MCD, MVE
MVE for BrainLog Data
Use All Subsets
Classical Covariance Matrix
VAR1 2.6816512357 1.3300846932
VAR2 1.3300846932 1.0857537552
Classical Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.7794934643
VAR2 0.7794934643 1
Classical Mean
VAR1 1.6378572186
VAR2 1.9219465964
Output 12.4.2 shows the results of the combinatoric optimization (complete subset sampling).
Output 12.4.2 Iteration History for MVE
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
819 0 0.439709 25
1638 0 0.439709 50
2457 0 0.439709 75
3276 0 0.439709 100
Observations of Best Subset
1 22 28
Initial MVE Location
VAR1 1.3859759333
VAR2 1.8022650333
Initial MVE Scatter Matrix
VAR1 4.9018525125 3.2937139101
VAR2 3.2937139101 2.3400650932
224 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.4.3 shows the optimization results after local improvement.
Output 12.4.3 Table of MVE Results
Robust MVE Location
VAR1 1.29528238
VAR2 1.8733722792
Robust MVE Scatter Matrix
VAR1 2.0566592937 1.5290250167
VAR2 1.5290250167 1.2041353589
Eigenvalues of Robust
Scatter Matrix
VAR1 3.2177274012
VAR2 0.0430672514
Robust Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.9716184659
VAR2 0.9716184659 1
Output 12.4.4 presents a table that contains the classical Mahalanobis distances, the robust distances, and
the weights identifying the outlier observations.
Example 12.4: Brainlog Data ! 225
Output 12.4.4 Mahalanobis and Robust Distances
Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances
Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and
Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation
Mahalanobis Robust
N Distances Distances Weight
1 1.006591 0.897076 1.000000
2 0.695261 1.405302 1.000000
3 0.300831 0.186726 1.000000
4 0.380817 0.318701 1.000000
5 1.146485 1.135697 1.000000
6 2.644176 8.828036 0
7 1.708334 1.699233 1.000000
8 0.706522 0.686680 1.000000
9 0.858404 1.084163 1.000000
10 0.798698 1.580835 1.000000
11 0.686485 0.693346 1.000000
12 0.874349 1.071492 1.000000
13 0.677791 0.717545 1.000000
14 1.721526 3.398698 0
15 1.761947 1.762703 1.000000
16 2.369473 7.999472 0
17 1.222253 2.805954 0
18 0.203178 1.207332 1.000000
19 1.855201 1.773317 1.000000
20 2.266268 2.074971 1.000000
21 0.831416 0.785954 1.000000
22 0.416158 0.342200 1.000000
23 0.264182 0.918383 1.000000
24 1.046120 1.782334 1.000000
25 2.911101 9.565443 0
26 1.586458 1.543748 1.000000
27 1.582124 1.808423 1.000000
28 0.394664 1.523235 1.000000
Again, you can call the subroutine SCATMVE(), which is included in the sample library in the le
robustmc.sas, to plot the classical and robust condence ellipsoids, as follows:
optn = j(9,1,.); optn[5]= -1;
vnam = { "Log Body Wgt","Log Brain Wgt" };
filn = "brlmve";
titl = "BrainLog Data: MVE Use All Subsets";
%include 'robustmc.sas';
call scatmve(2,optn,.9,aa,vnam,titl,1,filn);
The plot is shown in Figure 12.4.5.
226 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.4.5 BrainLog Data: Classical and Robust Ellipsoid(MVE)
MCD is another subroutine that can be used to compute the robust location and the robust covariance of
multivariate data sets. Here is the code:
title "
Brainlog Data: Do MCD, MVE
aa={ 1.303338E-001 9.084851E-001 ,
2.6674530 2.6263400 ,
1.5602650 2.0773680 ,
1.4418520 2.0606980 ,
1.703332E-002 7.403627E-001 ,
4.0681860 1.6989700 ,
3.4060290 3.6630410 ,
2.2720740 2.6222140 ,
2.7168380 2.8162410 ,
1.0000000 2.0606980 ,
5.185139E-001 1.4082400 ,
2.7234560 2.8325090 ,
2.3159700 2.6085260 ,
1.7923920 3.1205740 ,
3.8230830 3.7567880 ,
3.9731280 1.8450980 ,
8.325089E-001 2.2528530 ,
1.5440680 1.7481880 ,
-9.208187E-001 .0000000 ,
-1.6382720 -3.979400E-001 ,
3.979400E-001 1.0827850 ,
1.7442930 2.2430380 ,
2.0000000 2.1959000 ,
1.7173380 2.6434530 ,
4.9395190 2.1889280 ,
-5.528420E-001 2.787536E-001 ,
-9.136401E-001 4.771213E-001 ,
2.2833010 2.2552720 };
title2 "
MCD for BrainLog Data
title3 "
Use 500 Random Subsets
Example 12.4: Brainlog Data ! 227
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[1]= 3; /
optn[2]= 1; /
pcov: print COV
optn[3]= 1; /
pcor: print CORR
call mcd(sc,xmve,dist,optn,aa);
Similarly, specifying OPTN[1]=3, OPTN[2]=1, and OPTN[3]=1 requests that all output be printed.
Output 12.4.6 shows the results of the optimization.
Output 12.4.6 Results of the Optimization
Brainlog Data: Do MCD, MVE
MCD for BrainLog Data
Use 500 Random Subsets
1 2 3 4 5 8 9 11 12 13 18 21 22 23 28
MCD Location Estimate
1.622226068 2.0150777867
MCD Scatter Matrix Estimate
VAR1 0.8973945995 0.6424456706
VAR2 0.6424456706 0.4793505736
Output 12.4.7 shows the reweighted results after removing outliers.
Output 12.4.7 Final Reweighted MCD Results
Reweighted Location Estimate
1.3154029661 1.8568731174
Reweighted Scatter Matrix
VAR1 2.139986054 1.6068556533
VAR2 1.6068556533 1.2520384784
3.363074897 0.0289496354
228 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.4.7 continued
Reweighted Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.9816633012
VAR2 0.9816633012 1
Output 12.4.8 presents a table that contains the classical Mahalanobis distances, the robust distances, and
the weights identifying the outlier observations.
Output 12.4.8 Mahalanobis and Robust Distances (MCD)
Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances
Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and
Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation
Mahalanobis Robust
N Distances Distances Weight
1 1.006591 0.855347 1.000000
2 0.695261 1.477050 1.000000
3 0.300831 0.239828 1.000000
4 0.380817 0.517719 1.000000
5 1.146485 1.108362 1.000000
6 2.644176 10.599341 0
7 1.708334 1.808455 1.000000
8 0.706522 0.690099 1.000000
9 0.858404 1.052423 1.000000
10 0.798698 2.077131 1.000000
11 0.686485 0.888545 1.000000
12 0.874349 1.035824 1.000000
13 0.677791 0.683978 1.000000
14 1.721526 4.257963 0
15 1.761947 1.716065 1.000000
16 2.369473 9.584992 0
17 1.222253 3.571700 0
18 0.203178 1.323783 1.000000
19 1.855201 1.741064 1.000000
20 2.266268 2.026528 1.000000
21 0.831416 0.743545 1.000000
22 0.416158 0.419923 1.000000
23 0.264182 0.944610 1.000000
24 1.046120 2.289334 1.000000
25 2.911101 11.471953 0
26 1.586458 1.518721 1.000000
27 1.582124 2.054593 1.000000
28 0.394664 1.675651 1.000000
You can call the subroutine SCATMCD(), which is included in the sample library in le robustmc.sas, to
plot the classical and robust condence ellipsoids. Here is the code:
optn = j(9,1,.); optn[5]= -1;
Example 12.5: Stackloss Data ! 229
vnam = { "Log Body Wgt","Log Brain Wgt" };
filn = "brlmcd";
titl = "BrainLog Data: MCD";
%include 'robustmc.sas';
call scatmcd(2,optn,.9,aa,vnam,titl,1,filn);
The plot is shown in Figure 12.4.9.
Output 12.4.9 BrainLog Data: Classical and Robust Ellipsoid (MCD)
Example 12.5: Stackloss Data
The following example analyzes the three regressors of Brownlee (1965) stackloss data. By default, the
MVE subroutine tries only 2000 randomly selected subsets in its search. There are, in total, 5985 subsets of
4 cases out of 21 cases. Here is the code:
title2 "
MVE for Stackloss Data
title3 "
Use All Subsets
aa = { 1 80 27 89 42,
1 80 27 88 37,
1 75 25 90 37,
1 62 24 87 28,
1 62 22 87 18,
1 62 23 87 18,
1 62 24 93 19,
1 62 24 93 20,
1 58 23 87 15,
1 58 18 80 14,
1 58 18 89 14,
1 58 17 88 13,
1 58 18 82 11,
1 58 19 93 12,
1 50 18 89 8,
1 50 18 86 7,
1 50 19 72 8,
230 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
1 50 19 79 8,
1 50 20 80 9,
1 56 20 82 15,
1 70 20 91 15 };
a = aa[,2:4];
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[1]= 2; /
optn[2]= 1; /
pcov: print COV
optn[3]= 1; /
pcor: print CORR
optn[5]= -1; /
nrep: use all subsets
call mve(sc,xmve,dist,optn,a);
Output 12.5.1 of the output shows the classical scatter and correlation matrix.
Output 12.5.1 Some Simple Statistics
Brainlog Data: Do MCD, MVE
MVE for Stackloss Data
Use All Subsets
Classical Covariance Matrix
VAR1 84.057142857 22.657142857 24.571428571
VAR2 22.657142857 9.9904761905 6.6214285714
VAR3 24.571428571 6.6214285714 28.714285714
Classical Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.781852333 0.5001428749
VAR2 0.781852333 1 0.3909395378
VAR3 0.5001428749 0.3909395378 1
Classical Mean
VAR1 60.428571429
VAR2 21.095238095
VAR3 86.285714286
Output 12.5.2 shows the results of the optimization (complete subset sampling).
Output 12.5.2 Iteration History
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
1497 22 253.312431 25
2993 46 224.084073 50
4489 77 165.830053 75
5985 156 165.634363 100
Example 12.5: Stackloss Data ! 231
Output 12.5.2 continued
Observations of Best Subset
7 10 14 20
Initial MVE Location
VAR1 58.5
VAR2 20.25
VAR3 87
Initial MVE Scatter Matrix
VAR1 34.829014749 28.413143611 62.32560534
VAR2 28.413143611 38.036950318 58.659393261
VAR3 62.32560534 58.659393261 267.63348175
Output 12.5.3 shows the optimization results after local improvement.
Output 12.5.3 Table of MVE Results
Robust MVE Location
VAR1 56.705882353
VAR2 20.235294118
VAR3 85.529411765
Robust MVE Scatter Matrix
VAR1 23.470588235 7.5735294118 16.102941176
VAR2 7.5735294118 6.3161764706 5.3676470588
VAR3 16.102941176 5.3676470588 32.389705882
Eigenvalues of Robust
Scatter Matrix
VAR1 46.597431018
VAR2 12.155938483
VAR3 3.423101087
Robust Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.6220269501 0.5840361335
VAR2 0.6220269501 1 0.375278187
VAR3 0.5840361335 0.375278187 1
232 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.5.4 presents a table that contains the classical Mahalanobis distances, the robust distances, and
the weights identifying the outlying observations (that is, the leverage points when explaining , with these
three regressor variables).
Output 12.5.4 Mahalanobis and Robust Distances
Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances
Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and
Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation
Mahalanobis Robust
N Distances Distances Weight
1 2.253603 5.528395 0
2 2.324745 5.637357 0
3 1.593712 4.197235 0
4 1.271898 1.588734 1.000000
5 0.303357 1.189335 1.000000
6 0.772895 1.308038 1.000000
7 1.852661 1.715924 1.000000
8 1.852661 1.715924 1.000000
9 1.360622 1.226680 1.000000
10 1.745997 1.936256 1.000000
11 1.465702 1.493509 1.000000
12 1.841504 1.913079 1.000000
13 1.482649 1.659943 1.000000
14 1.778785 1.689210 1.000000
15 1.690241 2.230109 1.000000
16 1.291934 1.767582 1.000000
17 2.700016 2.431021 1.000000
18 1.503155 1.523316 1.000000
19 1.593221 1.710165 1.000000
20 0.807054 0.675124 1.000000
21 2.176761 3.657281 0
The following specication generates three bivariate plots of the classical and robust tolerance ellipsoids.
They are shown in Figure 12.5.5, Figure 12.5.6, and Figure 12.5.7, one plot for each pair of variables.
optn = j(9,1,.); optn[5]= -1;
vnam = { "Rate", "Temperature", "AcidConcent" };
filn = "stlmve";
titl = "Stackloss Data: Use All Subsets";
%include 'robustmc.sas';
call scatmve(2,optn,.9,a,vnam,titl,1,filn);
Example 12.5: Stackloss Data ! 233
Output 12.5.5 Stackloss Data: Rate vs. Temperature (MVE)
Output 12.5.6 Stackloss Data: Rate vs. Acid Concentration (MVE)
234 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.5.7 Stackloss Data: Temperature vs. Acid Concentration (MVE)
You can also use the MCD method for the stackloss data as follows:
title2 "
MCD for Stackloss Data
title3 "
Use 500 Random Subsets
a = aa[,2:4];
optn = j(8,1,.);
optn[1]= 2; /
optn[2]= 1; /
pcov: print COV
optn[3]= 1; /
pcor: print CORR
optn[5]= -1 ; /
nrep: use all subsets
call mcd(sc,xmcd,dist,optn,a);
The optimization results are displayed in Output 12.5.8. The reweighted results are displayed in Out-
put 12.5.9.
Output 12.5.8 MCD Results of Optimization
Brainlog Data: Do MCD, MVE
MCD for Stackloss Data
Use 500 Random Subsets
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20
MCD Location Estimate
59.5 20.833333333 87.333333333
Example 12.5: Stackloss Data ! 235
Output 12.5.8 continued
MCD Scatter Matrix Estimate
VAR1 5.1818181818 4.8181818182 4.7272727273
VAR2 4.8181818182 7.6060606061 5.0606060606
VAR3 4.7272727273 5.0606060606 19.151515152
MCD Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.7674714142 0.4745347313
VAR2 0.7674714142 1 0.4192963398
VAR3 0.4745347313 0.4192963398 1
Consistent Scatter Matrix
VAR1 8.6578437815 8.0502757968 7.8983838007
VAR2 8.0502757968 12.708297013 8.4553211199
VAR3 7.8983838007 8.4553211199 31.998580526
Output 12.5.9 Final Reweighted MCD Results
Reweighted Location Estimate
59.5 20.833333333 87.333333333
Reweighted Scatter Matrix
VAR1 5.1818181818 4.8181818182 4.7272727273
VAR2 4.8181818182 7.6060606061 5.0606060606
VAR3 4.7272727273 5.0606060606 19.151515152
23.191069268 7.3520037086 1.3963209628
Reweighted Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.7674714142 0.4745347313
VAR2 0.7674714142 1 0.4192963398
VAR3 0.4745347313 0.4192963398 1
236 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
The MCD robust distances and outlying diagnostic are displayed in Output 12.5.10. MCD identies more
leverage points than MVE.
Output 12.5.10 MCD Robust Distances
Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances
Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and
Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation
Mahalanobis Robust
N Distances Distances Weight
1 2.253603 12.173282 0
2 2.324745 12.255677 0
3 1.593712 9.263990 0
4 1.271898 1.401368 1.000000
5 0.303357 1.420020 1.000000
6 0.772895 1.291188 1.000000
7 1.852661 1.460370 1.000000
8 1.852661 1.460370 1.000000
9 1.360622 2.120590 1.000000
10 1.745997 1.809708 1.000000
11 1.465702 1.362278 1.000000
12 1.841504 1.667437 1.000000
13 1.482649 1.416724 1.000000
14 1.778785 1.988240 1.000000
15 1.690241 5.874858 0
16 1.291934 5.606157 0
17 2.700016 6.133319 0
18 1.503155 5.760432 0
19 1.593221 6.156248 0
20 0.807054 2.172300 1.000000
21 2.176761 7.622769 0
Similarly, you can use the SCATMCD routine to generate three bivariate plots of the classical and robust
tolerance ellipsoids, one plot for each pair of variables. Here is the code:
optn = j(9,1,.); optn[5]= -1;
vnam = { "Rate", "Temperature", "AcidConcent" };
filn = "stlmcd";
titl = "Stackloss Data: Use All Subsets";
%include 'robustmc.sas';
call scatmcd(2,optn,.9,a,vnam,titl,1,filn);
Figure 12.5.11, Figure 12.5.12, and Figure 12.5.13 display these plots.
Example 12.5: Stackloss Data ! 237
Output 12.5.11 Stackloss Data: Rate vs. Temperature (MCD)
Output 12.5.12 Stackloss Data: Rate vs. Acid Concentration (MCD)
238 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.5.13 Stackloss Data: Temperature vs. Acid Concentration (MCD)
Combining Robust Residual and Robust Distance
This section is based entirely on Rousseeuw and Van Zomeren (1990). Observations x
, which are far
away from most of the other observations, are called leverage points. One classical method inspects the
Mahalanobis distances MD
to nd outliers x
where C is the classical sample covariance matrix.
Note that the MVE subroutine prints the classical Mahalanobis distances MD
together with the robust
distances 1D
. In classical linear regression, the diagonal elements h
i i
of the hat matrix
H = X(X
are used to identify leverage points. Rousseeuw and Van Zomeren (1990) report the following monotone
relationship between the h
i i
and MD
i i
N 1

They point out that neither the MD
nor the h
i i
are entirely safe for detecting leverage points reliably.
Multiple outliers do not necessarily have large MD
values because of the masking effect.
The denition of a leverage point is, therefore, based entirely on the outlyingness of x
and is not related
to the response value ,
. By including the ,
value in the denition, Rousseeuw and Van Zomeren (1990)
distinguish between the following:
v Good leverage points are points (x
. ,
) that are close to the regression plane; that is, good leverage
points improve the precision of the regression coefcients.
Example 12.6: Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data ! 239
v Bad leverage points are points (x
. ,
) that are far from the regression plane; that is, bad leverage
points reduce the precision of the regression coefcients.
Rousseeuw and Van Zomeren (1990) propose to plot the standardized residuals of robust regression (LMS or
LTS) versus the robust distances 1D
obtained from MVE. Two horizontal lines that correspond to residual
values of 2.5 and 2.5 are useful to distinguish between small and large residuals, and one vertical line
that corresponds to the

is used to distinguish between small and large distances.
Example 12.6: Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data
The rst 14 observations of the following data set (see Hawkins, Bradu, and Kass (1984)) are leverage
points; however, only observations 12, 13, and 14 have large h
i i
, and only observations 12 and 14 have
large MD
title "Hawkins, Bradu, Kass (1984) Data";
aa = { 1 10.1 19.6 28.3 9.7,
2 9.5 20.5 28.9 10.1,
3 10.7 20.2 31.0 10.3,
4 9.9 21.5 31.7 9.5,
5 10.3 21.1 31.1 10.0,
6 10.8 20.4 29.2 10.0,
7 10.5 20.9 29.1 10.8,
8 9.9 19.6 28.8 10.3,
9 9.7 20.7 31.0 9.6,
10 9.3 19.7 30.3 9.9,
11 11.0 24.0 35.0 -0.2,
12 12.0 23.0 37.0 -0.4,
13 12.0 26.0 34.0 0.7,
14 11.0 34.0 34.0 0.1,
15 3.4 2.9 2.1 -0.4,
16 3.1 2.2 0.3 0.6,
17 0.0 1.6 0.2 -0.2,
18 2.3 1.6 2.0 0.0,
19 0.8 2.9 1.6 0.1,
20 3.1 3.4 2.2 0.4,
21 2.6 2.2 1.9 0.9,
22 0.4 3.2 1.9 0.3,
23 2.0 2.3 0.8 -0.8,
24 1.3 2.3 0.5 0.7,
25 1.0 0.0 0.4 -0.3,
26 0.9 3.3 2.5 -0.8,
27 3.3 2.5 2.9 -0.7,
28 1.8 0.8 2.0 0.3,
29 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.3,
30 1.2 0.7 3.4 -0.3,
31 3.1 1.4 1.0 0.0,
32 0.5 2.4 0.3 -0.4,
33 1.5 3.1 1.5 -0.6,
34 0.4 0.0 0.7 -0.7,
240 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
35 3.1 2.4 3.0 0.3,
36 1.1 2.2 2.7 -1.0,
37 0.1 3.0 2.6 -0.6,
38 1.5 1.2 0.2 0.9,
39 2.1 0.0 1.2 -0.7,
40 0.5 2.0 1.2 -0.5,
41 3.4 1.6 2.9 -0.1,
42 0.3 1.0 2.7 -0.7,
43 0.1 3.3 0.9 0.6,
44 1.8 0.5 3.2 -0.7,
45 1.9 0.1 0.6 -0.5,
46 1.8 0.5 3.0 -0.4,
47 3.0 0.1 0.8 -0.9,
48 3.1 1.6 3.0 0.1,
49 3.1 2.5 1.9 0.9,
50 2.1 2.8 2.9 -0.4,
51 2.3 1.5 0.4 0.7,
52 3.3 0.6 1.2 -0.5,
53 0.3 0.4 3.3 0.7,
54 1.1 3.0 0.3 0.7,
55 0.5 2.4 0.9 0.0,
56 1.8 3.2 0.9 0.1,
57 1.8 0.7 0.7 0.7,
58 2.4 3.4 1.5 -0.1,
59 1.6 2.1 3.0 -0.3,
60 0.3 1.5 3.3 -0.9,
61 0.4 3.4 3.0 -0.3,
62 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.6,
63 1.1 2.7 0.2 -0.3,
64 2.8 3.0 2.9 -0.5,
65 2.0 0.7 2.7 0.6,
66 0.2 1.8 0.8 -0.9,
67 1.6 2.0 1.2 -0.7,
68 0.1 0.0 1.1 0.6,
69 2.0 0.6 0.3 0.2,
70 1.0 2.2 2.9 0.7,
71 2.2 2.5 2.3 0.2,
72 0.6 2.0 1.5 -0.2,
73 0.3 1.7 2.2 0.4,
74 0.0 2.2 1.6 -0.9,
75 0.3 0.4 2.6 0.2 };
a = aa[,2:4]; b = aa[,5];
The data are also listed in Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987).
The complete enumeration must inspect 1,215,450 subsets.
Output 12.6.1 displays the iteration history for MVE.
optn = j(9,1,.);
optn[1]= 3; /
optn[2]= 1; /
pcov: print COV
optn[3]= 1; /
pcor: print CORR
Example 12.6: Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data ! 241
optn[5]= -1; /
nrep: all subsets
call mve(sc,xmve,dist,optn,a);
Output 12.6.1 Iteration History for MVE
Hawkins, Bradu, Kass (1984) Data
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
121545 0 51.104276 10
243090 1 51.104276 20
364635 1 51.104276 30
486180 2 51.104276 40
607725 3 51.104276 50
729270 9 6.271725 60
850815 35 6.271725 70
972360 55 5.912308 80
1093905 76 5.912308 90
1215450 114 5.912308 100
Output 12.6.2 reports the robust parameter estimates for MVE.
Output 12.6.2 Robust Location Estimates
Robust MVE Location
VAR1 1.5133333333
VAR2 1.8083333333
VAR3 1.7016666667
Robust MVE Scatter Matrix
VAR1 1.1143954802 0.0939548023 0.1416723164
VAR2 0.0939548023 1.1231497175 0.1174435028
VAR3 0.1416723164 0.1174435028 1.0747429379
Output 12.6.3 reports the eigenvalues of the robust scatter matrix and the robust correlation matrix.
Output 12.6.3 MVE Scatter Matrix
Eigenvalues of Robust
Scatter Matrix
VAR1 1.3396371545
VAR2 1.0281247572
VAR3 0.9445262239
242 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.6.3 continued
Robust Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.0839808925 0.1294532696
VAR2 0.0839808925 1 0.1068951177
VAR3 0.1294532696 0.1068951177 1
Output 12.6.4 shows a portion of the classical Mahalanobis and robust distances obtained by complete
enumeration. The rst 14 observations are recognized as outliers (leverage points).
Output 12.6.4 Mahalanobis and Robust Distances
Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances
Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and
Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation
Mahalanobis Robust
N Distances Distances Weight
1 1.916821 29.541649 0
2 1.855757 30.344481 0
3 2.313658 31.985694 0
4 2.229655 33.011768 0
5 2.100114 32.404938 0
6 2.146169 30.683153 0
7 2.010511 30.794838 0
8 1.919277 29.905756 0
9 2.221249 32.092048 0
10 2.333543 31.072200 0
11 2.446542 36.808021 0
12 3.108335 38.071382 0
13 2.662380 37.094539 0
14 6.381624 41.472255 0
15 1.815487 1.994672 1.000000
16 2.151357 2.202278 1.000000
17 1.384915 1.918208 1.000000
18 0.848155 0.819163 1.000000
19 1.148941 1.288387 1.000000
20 1.591431 2.046703 1.000000
21 1.089981 1.068327 1.000000
22 1.548776 1.768905 1.000000
23 1.085421 1.166951 1.000000
24 0.971195 1.304648 1.000000
25 0.799268 2.030417 1.000000
26 1.168373 1.727131 1.000000
27 1.449625 1.983831 1.000000
28 0.867789 1.073856 1.000000
29 0.576399 1.168060 1.000000
30 1.568868 2.091386 1.000000
... ... ... ...
75 1.899178 2.042560 1.000000
Example 12.6: Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data ! 243
The graphs in Figure 12.6.5 and Figure 12.6.6 show the following:
v the plot of standardized LMS residuals vs. robust distances 1D
v the plot of standardized LS residuals vs. Mahalanobis distances MD
The graph identies the four good leverage points 11, 12, 13, and 14, which have small standardized LMS
residuals but large robust distances, and the 10 bad leverage points 1. . . . . 10, which have large standardized
LMS residuals and large robust distances.
Output 12.6.5 Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data: LMS Residuals vs. Robust Distances
244 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.6.6 Hawkins-Bradu-Kass Data: LS Residuals vs. Mahalanobis Distances
Example 12.7: Stackloss Data
The graphs in Figure 12.7.1 and Figure 12.7.2 show the following:
v the plot of standardized LMS residuals vs. robust distances 1D
v the plot of standardized LS residuals vs. Mahalanobis distances MD
In the rst plot, you see that case 4 is a regression outlier but not a leverage point, so it is a vertical outlier.
Cases 1, 3, and 21 are bad leverage points, whereas case 2 is a good leverage point. Note that case 21 lies
near the boundary line between vertical outliers and bad leverage points and that case 2 is very close to the
boundary between good and bad leverage points.
Example 12.7: Stackloss Data ! 245
Output 12.7.1 Stackloss Data: LMS Residuals vs. Robust Distances
246 ! Chapter 12: Robust Regression Examples
Output 12.7.2 Stackloss Data: LS Residuals vs. Mahalanobis Distances
A, A. A. and Azen, S. P. (1972), Statistical Analysis: A Computer-Oriented Approach, New York: Aca-
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putatitional Statistics and Data Analysis, 50, 13911397.
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Hawkins, D. M., Bradu, D., and Kass, G. V. (1984), Location of Several Outliers in Multiple Regression
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Humphreys, R. M. (1978), Studies of Luminous Stars in Nearby Galaxies. I. Supergiants and O Stars in
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References ! 247
Jerison, H. J. (1973), Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence, New York: Academic Press.
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Rousseeuw, P. J. (1984), Least Median of Squares Regression, Journal of the American Statistical Asso-
ciation, 79, 871880.
Rousseeuw, P. J. (1985), Multivariate Estimation with High Breakdown Point, in W. Grossmann, G. Pug,
I. Vincze, and W. Wertz, eds., Mathematical Statistics and Applications, 283297, Dordrecht: Reidel
Rousseeuw, P. J. and Hubert, M. (1996), Recent Development in PROGRESS, Computational Statistics
and Data Analysis, 21, 6785.
Rousseeuw, P. J. and Leroy, A. M. (1987), Robust Regression and Outlier Detection, New York: John Wiley
& Sons.
Rousseeuw, P. J. and Van Driessen, K. (1999), A Fast Algorithm for the Minimum Covariance Determinant
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Rousseeuw, P. J. and Van Driessen, K. (2000), Data Analysis: Scientic Modeling and Practical Applica-
tion, chapter An Algorithm for Positive-Breakdown Regression Based on Concentration Steps, 335346,
New York: Springer Verlag.
Rousseeuw, P. J. and Van Zomeren, B. C. (1990), Unmasking Multivariate Outliers and Leverage Points,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 85, 633639.
Vansina, F. and De Greve, J. P. (1982), Close Binary Systems Before and After Mass Transfer, Astro-
physics and Space Science, 87, 377401.
Chapter 13
Time Series Analysis and Examples
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Basic Time Series Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Time Series Analysis and Control Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Example 13.1: VAR Estimation and Variance Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Kalman Filter Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Example 13.2: Kalman Filtering: Likelihood Function Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Example 13.3: Kalman Filtering: SSM Estimation With the EM Algorithm . . . . . . 314
Example 13.4: Diffuse Kalman Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Vector Time Series Analysis Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Fractionally Integrated Time Series Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
This chapter describes SAS/IML subroutines related to univariate, multivariate, and fractional time series
analysis, and subroutines for Kalman ltering and smoothing. These subroutines can be used in analyzing
economic and nancial time series. You can develop a model of univariate time series and a model of the
relationships between vector time series. The Kalman lter subroutines provide analysis of various time
series and are presented as a tool for dealing with state space models.
The subroutines offer the following functions:
250 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
v generating univariate, multivariate, and fractional time series
v computing likelihood function of ARMA, VARMA, and ARFIMA models
v computing an autocovariance function of ARMA, VARMA, and ARFIMA models
v checking the stationarity of ARMA and VARMA models
v ltering and smoothing of time series models by using Kalman method
v tting AR, periodic AR, time-varying coefcient AR, VAR, and ARFIMA models
v handling Bayesian seasonal adjustment model
In addition, decomposition analysis, forecast of an ARMA model, and fractionally differencing of the series
are provided.
This chapter consists of ve sections. The rst section includes the ARMACOV and ARMALIK subroutines
and ARMASIM function. The second section includes the TSBAYSEA, TSDECOMP, TSMLOCAR, TSM-
third section includes the KALCVF, KALCVS, KALDFF, and KALDFS subroutines. The fourth section
includes the VARMACOV, VARMALIK, VARMASIM, VNORMAL, and VTSROOT subroutines. The last
section includes the FARMACOV, FARMAFIT, FARMALIK, FARMASIM, and FDIF subroutines.
Basic Time Series Subroutines
In classical linear regression analysis, the underlying process often can be represented simply by an intercept
and slope parameters. A time series can be modeled by a type of regression analysis.
The ARMASIM function generates various time series from the underlying AR, MA, and ARMA models.
Simulations of time series with known ARMA structure are often needed as part of other simulations or as
learning data sets for developing time series analysis skills.
The ARMACOV subroutine provides the pattern of the autocovariance function of AR, MA, and ARMA
models and helps to identify and t a proper model.
The ARMALIK subroutine provides the log likelihood of an ARMA model and helps to obtain estimates of
the parameters of a regression model with innovations having an ARMA structure.
The following subroutines and functions are supported:
ARMACOV computes an autocovariance sequence for an ARMA model.
ARMALIK computes the log likelihood and residuals for an ARMA model.
ARMASIM simulates an ARMA series.
See the examples of the use of ARMACOV and ARMALIK subroutines in Chapter 9.
Getting Started ! 251
Getting Started
Consider a time series of length 100 from the ARMA(2,1) model
= 0.5,
where the error series follows a normal distribution with mean 10 and standard deviation 2.
The following statements generate the ARMA(2,1) model, compute 10 lags of its autocovariance functions,
and calculate its log-likelihood function and residuals:
proc iml;
ARMA(2,1) model
phi = {1 -0.5 0.04};
theta = {1 0.25};
mu = 10;
sigma = 2;
nobs = 100;
seed = 3456;
lag = 10;
yt = armasim(phi, theta, mu, sigma, nobs, seed);
call armacov(autocov, cross, convol, phi, theta, lag);
autocov = autocov`;
cross = cross`;
convol = convol`;
lag = (0:lag-1)`;
print autocov cross convol;
call armalik(lnl, resid, std, yt, phi, theta);
print lnl resid std;
252 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.1 Plot of Generated ARMA(2,1) Process (ARMASIM)
The ARMASIM function generates the data shown in Figure 13.1.
Figure 13.2 Autocovariance functions of ARMA(2,1) Model (ARMACOV)
autocov cross convol
1.6972803 1.1875 1.0625
1.0563848 0.25 0.25
In Figure 13.2, the ARMACOV subroutine prints the autocovariance functions of the ARMA(2,1) model
and the covariance functions of the moving-average term with lagged values of the process and the autoco-
Syntax ! 253
variance functions of the moving-average term.
Figure 13.3 Log-Likelihood Function of ARMA(2,1) Model (ARMALIK)
lnl resid std
-154.9148 5.2779797 1.3027971
22.034073 2.3491607 1.0197
0.5705918 2.3893996 1.0011951
8.4086892 1.0000746
2.200401 1.0000047
5.4127254 1.0000003
6.2756004 1
1.1944693 1
4.9425372 1
The rst column in Figure 13.3 shows the log-likelihood function, the estimate of the innovation variance,
and the log of the determinant of the variance matrix. The next two columns are part of the results in the
standardized residuals and the scale factors used to standardize the residuals.
CALL ARMACOV (auto, cross, convol, phi, theta, num) ;
CALL ARMALIK (lnl, resid, std, x, phi, theta) ;
ARMASIM (phi, theta, mu, sigma, n, <seed>) ;
Time Series Analysis and Control Subroutines
This section describes an adaptation of parts of the Time Series Analysis and Control (TIMSAC) package
developed by the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) in Japan.
Selected routines from the TIMSAC package from ISM were converted by SAS Institute staff into SAS/IML
routines under an agreement between SAS Institute and ISM. Credit for authorship of these TIMSAC
SAS/IML routines goes to ISM, which has agreed to make them available to SAS users without charge.
There are four packages of TIMSAC programs. See the section ISM TIMSAC Packages on page 301 for
more information about the TIMSAC package produced by ISM. Since these SAS/IML time series analysis
subroutines are adapted from the corresponding FORTRAN subroutines in the TIMSAC package produced
by ISM, they are collectively referred to as the TIMSAC subroutines in this chapter.
The subroutines analyze and forecast univariate and multivariate time series data. The nonstationary time
series and seasonal adjustment models can also be analyzed by using the Interactive Matrix Language TIM-
254 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
SAC subroutines. These subroutines contain the Bayesian modeling of seasonal adjustment and changing
spectrum estimation.
Discrete time series modeling has been widely used to analyze dynamic systems in economics, engineering,
and statistics. The Box-Jenkins and Box-Tiao approaches are classical examples of unied time series
analysis through identication, estimation, and forecasting (or control). The ARIMA procedure in the
SAS/ETS product uses these approaches. Bayesian methods are being increasingly applied despite the
controversial issues involved in choosing a prior distribution.
The fundamental idea of the Bayesian method is that uncertainties can be explained by probabilities. If
there is a class model (C) that consists of sets of member models (o), you can describe the uncertainty of
C by using a prior distribution of o. The member model o is directly related to model parameters. Let the
prior probability density function be (o). When you observe the data y that is generated from the model
C, the data distribution is described as (Y [o) given the unknown o with a prior probability density (o),
where the function (Y [o) is the usual likelihood function. Then the posterior distribution is the updated
prior distribution given the sample information. The posterior probability density function is proportional
to observed likelihood function prior density function.
The TIMSAC subroutines contain various time series analysis and Bayesian models. Most of the subrou-
tines are based on the minimum Akaike information criterion (AIC) or on the minimum Akaike Bayesian
information criterion (ABIC) method to determine the best model among alternative models. The TSBAY-
SEA subroutine is a typical example of Bayesian modeling. The following subroutines are supported:
TSBAYSEA Bayesian seasonal adjustment modeling
TSDECOMP time series decomposition analysis
TSMLOCAR locally stationary univariate AR model tting
TSMLOMAR locally stationary multivariate AR model tting
TSMULMAR multivariate AR model tting
TSPERARS periodic AR model tting
TSPRED ARMA model forecasting and forecast error variance
TSROOT polynomial roots or ARMA coefcients computation
TSTVCAR time-varying coefcient AR model estimation
TSUNIMAR univariate AR model tting
For univariate and multivariate autoregressive model estimation, the least squares method is used. The least
squares estimate is an approximate maximum likelihood estimate if error disturbances are assumed to be
Gaussian. The least squares method is performed by using the Householder transformation method. See the
section Least Squares and Householder Transformation on page 295 for details.
The TSUNIMAR and TSMULMAR subroutines estimate the autoregressive models and select the appro-
priate AR order automatically by using the minimum AIC method. The TSMLOCAR and TSMLOMAR
subroutines analyze the nonstationary time series data. The Bayesian time-varying AR coefcient model
(TSTVCAR) offers another nonstationary time series analysis method. The state space and Kalman lter
method is systematically applied to the smoothness priors models (TSDECOMP and TSTVCAR), which
have stochastically perturbed difference equation constraints. The TSBAYSEA subroutine provides a way
of handling Bayesian seasonal adjustment, and it can be an alternative to the SAS/ETS X-11 procedure. The
Getting Started ! 255
TSBAYSEA subroutine employs the smoothness priors idea through constrained least squares estimation,
while the TSDECOMP and TSTVCAR subroutines estimate the smoothness tradeoff parameters by using
the state space model and Kalman lter recursive computation. The TSPRED subroutine computes the one-
step or multistep predicted values of the ARMA time series model. In addition, the TSPRED subroutine
computes forecast error variances and impulse response functions. The TSROOT subroutine computes the
AR and MA coefcients given the characteristic roots of the polynomial equation and the characteristic
roots for the AR or MA model.
Getting Started
Minimum AIC Model Selection
The time series model is automatically selected by using the AIC. The TSUNIMAR call estimates the
univariate autoregressive model and computes the AIC. You need to specify the maximum lag or order of the
AR process with the MAXLAG= option or put the maximum lag as the sixth argument of the TSUNIMAR
call. Here is an example:
proc iml;
y = { 2.430 2.506 2.767 2.940 3.169 3.450 3.594 3.774 3.695 3.411
2.718 1.991 2.265 2.446 2.612 3.359 3.429 3.533 3.261 2.612
2.179 1.653 1.832 2.328 2.737 3.014 3.328 3.404 2.981 2.557
2.576 2.352 2.556 2.864 3.214 3.435 3.458 3.326 2.835 2.476
2.373 2.389 2.742 3.210 3.520 3.828 3.628 2.837 2.406 2.675
2.554 2.894 3.202 3.224 3.352 3.154 2.878 2.476 2.303 2.360
2.671 2.867 3.310 3.449 3.646 3.400 2.590 1.863 1.581 1.690
1.771 2.274 2.576 3.111 3.605 3.543 2.769 2.021 2.185 2.588
2.880 3.115 3.540 3.845 3.800 3.579 3.264 2.538 2.582 2.907
3.142 3.433 3.580 3.490 3.475 3.579 2.829 1.909 1.903 2.033
2.360 2.601 3.054 3.386 3.553 3.468 3.187 2.723 2.686 2.821
3.000 3.201 3.424 3.531 };
call tsunimar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y opt={-1 1}
print=1 maxlag=20;
You can also invoke the TSUNIMAR subroutine as follows:
call tsunimar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic,y,20,{-1 1},,1);
The optional arguments can be omitted. In this example, the argument MISSING is omitted, and thus the
default option (MISSING=0) is used. The summary table of the minimum AIC method is displayed in
Figure 13.4 and Figure 13.5. The nal estimates are given in Figure 13.6.
256 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.4 Minimum AIC Table - I
0 0.31607294 -108.26753229
1 0.11481982 -201.45277331
2 0.04847420 -280.51201122
3 0.04828185 -278.88576251
4 0.04656506 -280.28905616
5 0.04615922 -279.11190502
6 0.04511943 -279.25356641
7 0.04312403 -281.50543541
8 0.04201118 -281.96304075
9 0.04128036 -281.61262868
10 0.03829179 -286.67686828
11 0.03318558 -298.13013264
12 0.03255171 -297.94298716
13 0.03247784 -296.15655602
14 0.03237083 -294.46677874
15 0.03234790 -292.53337704
16 0.03187416 -291.92021487
17 0.03183282 -290.04220196
18 0.03126946 -289.72064823
19 0.03087893 -288.90203735
20 0.02998019 -289.67854830
Figure 13.5 Minimum AIC Table - II
AIC(M)-AICMIN (truncated at 40.0)
0 10 20 30 40
M AIC(M)-AICMIN +---------+---------+---------+---------+
0 189.862600 | .
1 96.677359 | .
2 17.618121 |
3 19.244370 |
4 17.841076 |
5 19.018228 |
6 18.876566 |
7 16.624697 |
8 16.167092 |
9 16.517504 |
10 11.453264 |
11 0
12 0.187145
13 1.973577 |
14 3.663354 |
15 5.596756 |
16 6.209918 |
17 8.087931 |
18 8.409484 |
19 9.228095 |
20 8.451584 |
MINIMUM AIC = -298.130133 ATTAINED AT M = 11
Getting Started ! 257
The minimum AIC order is selected as 11. Then the coefcients are estimated as in Figure 13.6. Note that
the rst 20 observations are used as presample values.
Figure 13.6 Minimum AIC Estimation
..........................M A I C E.........................
. .
. .
. .
. M AR Coefficients: AR(M) .
. .
. 1 1.181322 .
. 2 -0.551571 .
. 3 0.231372 .
. 4 -0.178040 .
. 5 0.019874 .
. 6 -0.062573 .
. 7 0.028569 .
. 8 -0.050710 .
. 9 0.199896 .
. 10 0.161819 .
. 11 -0.339086 .
. .
. .
. AIC = -298.1301326 .
. Innovation Variance = 0.033186 .
. .
. .
You can estimate the AR(11) model directly by specifying OPT={1 0] and using the rst 11 observations
as presample values. The AR(11) estimates shown in Figure 13.7 are different from the minimum AIC
estimates in Figure 13.6 because the samples are slightly different. Here is the code:
call tsunimar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic,y,11,{-1 0},,1);
258 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.7 AR(11) Estimation
..........................M A I C E.........................
. .
. .
. .
. M AR Coefficients: AR(M) .
. .
. 1 1.149416 .
. 2 -0.533719 .
. 3 0.276312 .
. 4 -0.326420 .
. 5 0.169336 .
. 6 -0.164108 .
. 7 0.073123 .
. 8 -0.030428 .
. 9 0.151227 .
. 10 0.192808 .
. 11 -0.340200 .
. .
. .
. AIC = -318.7984105 .
. Innovation Variance = 0.036563 .
. .
. .
The minimum AIC procedure can also be applied to the vector autoregressive (VAR) model by using the
TSMULMAR subroutine. See the section Multivariate Time Series Analysis on page 291 for details.
Three variables are used as input. The maximum lag is specied as 10. Here is the code:
data one;
input invest income consum @@;
. . . data lines omitted . . .
proc iml;
use one;
read all into y var{invest income consum};
mdel = 1;
maice = 2;
misw = 0; /
instantaneous modeling ?
opt = mdel || maice || misw;
maxlag = 10;
miss = 0;
print = 1;
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic,y,maxlag,opt,miss,print);
The VAR(3) model minimizes the AIC and was selected as an appropriate model (see Figure 13.8). How-
ever, AICs of the VAR(4) and VAR(5) models show little difference from VAR(3). You can also choose
Getting Started ! 259
VAR(4) or VAR(5) as an appropriate model in the context of minimum AIC since this AIC difference is
much less than 1.
Figure 13.8 VAR Model Selection
M LOG(|V(M)|) AIC(M)
0 25.98001095 2136.36089828
1 15.70406486 1311.73331883
2 15.48896746 1312.09533158
3 15.18567834 1305.22562428
4 14.96865183 1305.42944974
5 14.74838535 1305.36759889
6 14.60269347 1311.42086432
7 14.54981887 1325.08514729
8 14.38596333 1329.64899297
9 14.16383772 1329.43469312
10 13.85377849 1322.00983656
AIC(M)-AICMIN (truncated at 40.0)
0 10 20 30 40
M AIC(M)-AICMIN +---------+---------+---------+---------+
0 831.135274 | .
1 6.507695 |
2 6.869707 |
3 0
4 0.203825
5 0.141975
6 6.195240 |
7 19.859523 |
8 24.423369 |
9 24.209069 |
10 16.784212 |
The TSMULMAR subroutine estimates the instantaneous response model with diagonal error variance.
See the section Multivariate Time Series Analysis on page 291 for details on the instantaneous response
model. Therefore, it is possible to select the minimum AIC model independently for each equation. The
best model is selected by specifying MAXLAG=5, as in the following code:
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y maxlag=5
opt={1 1 0} print=1;
Figure 13.9 Model Selection via Instantaneous Response Model
256.64375 29.803549 76.846777
29.803549 228.97341 119.60387
76.846777 119.60387 134.21764
260 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.9 continued
13.312109 1.5459098 15.963897
0.8257397 0.2514803 0
0.0958916 1.0057088 0
0.0320985 0.3544346 0.4698934
0.044719 -0.201035 0
0.0051931 -0.023346 0
0.1169858 -0.060196 0.0483318
0.1867829 0 0
0.0216907 0 0
-0.117786 0 0.3500366
0.1541108 0 0
0.0178966 0 0
0.0461454 0 -0.191437
-0.389644 0 0
-0.045249 0 0
-0.116671 0 0
You can print the intermediate results of the minimum AIC procedure by using the PRINT=2 option.
Note that the AIC value depends on the MAXLAG=lag option and the number of parameters estimated.
The minimum AIC VAR estimation procedure (MAICE=2) uses the following AIC formula:
(T lag) log([

[) 2( n
n intercept)
In this formula, is the order of the n-variate VAR process, and intercept=1 if the intercept is specied;
otherwise, intercept=0. When you use the MAICE=1 or MAICE=0 option, AIC is computed as the sum of
AIC for each response equation. Therefore, there is an AIC difference of n(n 1) since the instantaneous
response model contains the additional n(n 1),2 response variables as regressors.
The following code estimates the instantaneous response model. The results are shown in Figure 13.10.
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y
maxlag=3 opt={1 0 0};
print aic nar;
print arcoef;
Figure 13.10 AIC from Instantaneous Response Model
aic nar
1403.0762 3
Getting Started ! 261
Figure 13.10 continued
4.8245814 5.3559216 17.066894
0.8855926 0.3401741 -0.014398
0.1684523 1.0502619 0.107064
0.0891034 0.4591573 0.4473672
-0.059195 -0.298777 0.1629818
0.1128625 -0.044039 -0.088186
0.1684932 -0.025847 -0.025671
0.0637227 -0.196504 0.0695746
-0.226559 0.0532467 -0.099808
-0.303697 -0.139022 0.2576405
The following code estimates the VAR model. The results are shown in Figure 13.11.
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y maxlag=3
opt={1 2 0};
print aic nar;
print arcoef;
Figure 13.11 AIC from VAR Model
aic nar
1397.0762 3
4.8245814 5.3559216 17.066894
0.8855926 0.3401741 -0.014398
0.1684523 1.0502619 0.107064
0.0891034 0.4591573 0.4473672
-0.059195 -0.298777 0.1629818
0.1128625 -0.044039 -0.088186
0.1684932 -0.025847 -0.025671
0.0637227 -0.196504 0.0695746
-0.226559 0.0532467 -0.099808
-0.303697 -0.139022 0.2576405
The AIC computed from the instantaneous response model is greater than that obtained from the VAR model
estimation by 6. There is a discrepancy between Figure 13.11 and Figure 13.8 because different observations
are used for estimation.
Nonstationary Data Analysis
The following example shows how to manage nonstationary data by using TIMSAC calls. In practice, time
series are considered to be stationary when the expected values of rst and second moments of the series
262 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
do not change over time. This weak or covariance stationarity can be modeled by using the TSMLOCAR,
First, the locally stationary model is estimated. The whole series (1000 observations) is divided into three
blocks of size 300 and one block of size 90, and the minimum AIC procedure is applied to each block of the
data set. See the section Nonstationary Time Series on page 287 for more details. Here is the code:
data one;
input y @@;
. . . data lines omitted . . .
proc iml;
use one;
read all var{y};
mdel = -1;
lspan = 300; /
local span of data
maice = 1;
opt = mdel || lspan || maice;
call tsmlocar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic,first,last)
data=y maxlag=10 opt=opt print=2;
Estimation results are displayed with the graphs of power spectrum (log 10(
(g))), where
(g) is a
rational spectral density function. See the section Spectral Analysis on page 292. The estimates for the
rst block and third block are shown in Figure 13.12 and Figure 13.15, respectively. As the rst block and the
second block do not have any sizable difference, the pooled model (AIC=45.892) is selected instead of the
moving model (AIC=46.957) in Figure 13.13. However, you can notice a slight change in the shape of the
spectrum of the third block of the data (observations 611 through 910). See Figure 13.14 and Figure 13.16
for comparison. The moving model is selected since the AIC (106.830) of the moving model is smaller than
that of the pooled model (108.867).
Getting Started ! 263
Figure 13.12 Locally Stationary Model for First Block
NAR_CURR = 8 AIC = 37.583203
..........................CURRENT MODEL.........................
. .
. .
. .
. M AR Coefficients: AR(M) .
. .
. 1 1.605717 .
. 2 -1.245350 .
. 3 1.014847 .
. 4 -0.931554 .
. 5 0.394230 .
. 6 -0.004344 .
. 7 0.111608 .
. 8 -0.124992 .
. .
. .
. AIC = 37.5832030 .
. Innovation Variance = 1.067455 .
. .
. .
264 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.13 Locally Stationary Model Comparison
MOVING MODEL: (N_PREV = 300, N_CURR = 300)
NAR_CURR = 7 AIC = 46.957398
NAR_POOLED = 8 AIC = 45.892350
..........................CURRENT MODEL.........................
. .
. .
. .
. M AR Coefficients: AR(M) .
. .
. 1 1.593890 .
. 2 -1.262379 .
. 3 1.013733 .
. 4 -0.926052 .
. 5 0.314480 .
. 6 0.193973 .
. 7 -0.058043 .
. 8 -0.078508 .
. .
. .
. AIC = 45.8923501 .
. Innovation Variance = 1.047585 .
. .
. .
Getting Started ! 265
Figure 13.14 Power Spectrum for First and Second Blocks
| X
| X
| X
| X XX
| X
| X X
| X X X
0+ X
| X X X
| X
| X
| X
| X
-10.0+ X
| XX
| XX
| XX
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
266 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.15 Locally Stationary Model for Third Block
MOVING MODEL: (N_PREV = 600, N_CURR = 300)
NAR_CURR = 7 AIC = 106.829869
NAR_POOLED = 8 AIC = 108.867091
***** *****
***** *****
..........................CURRENT MODEL.........................
. .
. .
. .
. M AR Coefficients: AR(M) .
. .
. 1 1.648544 .
. 2 -1.201812 .
. 3 0.674933 .
. 4 -0.567576 .
. 5 -0.018924 .
. 6 0.516627 .
. 7 -0.283410 .
. .
. .
. AIC = 60.9375188 .
. Innovation Variance = 1.161592 .
. .
. .
Getting Started ! 267
Figure 13.16 Power Spectrum for Third Block
20.00+ X
| X
| X
| X
| XX
10.00+ X
| X
| X
| X
| X X
| X
| X X
0+ X X X
| X
| X XX X
| X
| X
| X
| X
-10.0+ X
| XX
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Finally, the moving model is selected since there is a structural change in the last block of data (observations
911 through 1000). The nal estimates are stored in variables ARCOEF, EV, NAR, AIC, FIRST, and LAST.
The nal estimates and spectrum are given in Figure 13.17 and Figure 13.18, respectively. The power
spectrum of the nal model (Figure 13.18) is signicantly different from that of the rst and second blocks
(see Figure 13.14).
268 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.17 Locally Stationary Model for Last Block
NAR_CURR = 6 AIC = 139.579012
NAR_POOLED = 9 AIC = 167.783711
***** *****
***** *****
..........................CURRENT MODEL.........................
. .
. .
. .
. M AR Coefficients: AR(M) .
. .
. 1 1.181022 .
. 2 -0.321178 .
. 3 -0.113001 .
. 4 -0.137846 .
. 5 -0.141799 .
. 6 0.260728 .
. .
. .
. AIC = 78.6414932 .
. Innovation Variance = 2.050818 .
. .
. .
. INPUT DATA START = 911 FINISH = 1000 .
Getting Started ! 269
Figure 13.18 Power Spectrum for Last Block
| X
| X
20.00+ X
| X X
| X
10.00+ X
| X
| X
| X
| X
| X
| XX
| XX
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
The multivariate analysis for locally stationary data is a straightforward extension of the univariate analysis.
The bivariate locally stationary VAR models are estimated. The selected model is the VAR(7) process
with some zero coefcients over the last block of data. There seems to be a structural difference between
observations from 11 to 610 and those from 611 to 896. Here is the code:
proc iml;
270 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
rudder = {. . . data lines omitted . . .};
yawing = {. . . data lines omitted . . .};
y = rudder` || yawing`;
c = {0.01795 0.02419};
-- calibration of data --
y = y # (c @ j(n,1,1));
mdel = -1;
lspan = 300; /
local span of data
maice = 1;
call tsmlomar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic,first,last) data=y maxlag=10
opt=(mdel || lspan || maice) print=1;
The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 13.19.
Getting Started ! 271
Figure 13.19 Locally Stationary VAR Model Analysis
MOVING MODEL: (N_PREV = 600, N_CURR = 286)
NAR_CURR = 7 AIC = -823.845234
NAR_POOLED = 10 AIC = -716.818588
***** *****
***** *****
..........................CURRENT MODEL.........................
. .
. .
. .
. M AR Coefficients .
. .
. 1 0.932904 -0.130964 .
. -0.024401 0.599483 .
. 2 0.163141 0.266876 .
. -0.135605 0.377923 .
. 3 -0.322283 0.178194 .
. 0.188603 -0.081245 .
. 4 0.166094 -0.304755 .
. -0.084626 -0.180638 .
. 5 0 0 .
. 0 -0.036958 .
. 6 0 0 .
. 0 0.034578 .
. 7 0 0 .
. 0 0.268414 .
. .
. .
. AIC = -114.6911872 .
. .
. Innovation Variance .
. .
. 1.069929 0.145558 .
. 0.145558 0.563985 .
. .
. .
Consider the time series decomposition
= T
where T
and S
are trend and seasonal components, respectively, and u
is a stationary AR() process. The
annual real GNP series is analyzed under second difference stochastic constraints on the trend component
272 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
and the stationary AR(2) process.
= 2T

The seasonal component is ignored if you specify SORDER=0. Therefore, the following state space model
is estimated:
= Hz
= Fz
H =
1 0 1 0
F =
2 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
0 0

0 0 1 0

= (T
. T
. u
. u
= (n
. 0. n
. 0)
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 o
0 0 0 0

The parameters of this state space model are o
, o
, and
. Here is the code:
proc iml;
y = { 116.8 120.1 123.2 130.2 131.4 125.6 124.5 134.3
135.2 151.8 146.4 139.0 127.8 147.0 165.9 165.5
179.4 190.0 189.8 190.9 203.6 183.5 169.3 144.2
141.5 154.3 169.5 193.0 203.2 192.9 209.4 227.2
263.7 297.8 337.1 361.3 355.2 312.6 309.9 323.7
324.1 355.3 383.4 395.1 412.8 406.0 438.0 446.1
452.5 447.3 475.9 487.7 497.2 529.8 551.0 581.1
617.8 658.1 675.2 706.6 724.7 };
y = y`; /
-- convert to column vector --
mdel = 0;
trade = 0;
tvreg = 0;
year = 0;
period= 0;
log = 0;
maxit = 100;
update = .; /
use default update method
line = .; /
use default line search method
sigmax = 0; /
no upper bound for variances
Getting Started ! 273
back = 100;
opt = mdel || trade || year || period || log || maxit ||
update || line || sigmax || back;
call tsdecomp(cmp,coef,aic) data=y order=2 sorder=0 nar=2
npred=5 opt=opt icmp={1 3} print=1;
y = y[52:61];
cmp = cmp[52:66,];
print y cmp;
The estimated parameters are printed when you specify the PRINT= option. In Figure 13.20, the estimated
variances are printed under the title of TAU2(I), showing that o
= 2.915 and o
= 113.9577. The AR
coefcient estimates are
= 1.397 and
= 0.595. These estimates are also stored in the output matrix
Figure 13.20 Nonstationary Time Series and State Space Modeling
<<< Final Estimates >>>
1.607423E-01 6.283820E+00 8.761627E-01 -5.94879E-01
--- GRADIENT ---
3.352158E-04 5.237221E-06 2.907539E-04 -1.24376E-04
LIKELIHOOD = -249.937193 SIG2 = 18.135085
AIC = 509.874385
1 2.915075 1.397374 0.876163
2 113.957607 -0.594879 -0.594879
The trend and stationary AR components are estimated by using the smoothing method, and out-of-sample
forecasts are computed by using a Kalman lter prediction algorithm. The trend and AR components are
stored in the matrix CMP since the ICMP={1 3} option is specied. The last 10 observations of the original
series Y and the last 15 observations of two components are shown in Figure 13.21. Note that the rst
column of CMP is the trend component and the second column is the ARcomponent. The last 5 observations
of the CMP matrix are out-of-sample forecasts.
274 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.21 Smoothed and Predicted Values of Two Components
y cmp
487.7 514.01141 -26.94342
497.2 532.62744 -32.48672
529.8 552.02402 -24.46593
551 571.90121 -20.15112
581.1 592.31944 -10.58646
617.8 613.21855 5.2504401
658.1 634.43665 20.799207
675.2 655.70431 22.161604
706.6 677.2125 27.927978
724.7 698.72364 25.957962
720.23478 19.6592
741.74593 12.029396
763.25707 5.1147111
784.76821 -0.008876
806.27935 -3.05504
Seasonal Adjustment
Consider the simple time series decomposition
= T
The TSBAYSEA subroutine computes seasonally adjusted series by estimating the seasonal component.
The seasonally adjusted series is computed as ,
= ,

. The details of the adjustment procedure are
given in the section Bayesian Seasonal Adjustment on page 285.
The monthly labor force series (19721978) are analyzed. You do not need to specify the options vector if
you want to use the default options. However, you should change OPT[2] when the data frequency is not
monthly (OPT[2]=12). The NPRED= option produces the multistep forecasts for the trend and seasonal
components. The stochastic constraints are specied as ORDER=2 and SORDER=1.
= 2T
= S
In Figure 13.22, the rst column shows the trend components; the second column shows the seasonal com-
ponents; the third column shows the forecasts; the fourth column shows the seasonally adjusted series; the
last column shows the value of ABIC. The last 12 rows are the forecasts. The gure is generated by using
the following statements:
proc iml;
y = { 5447 5412 5215 4697 4344 5426
5173 4857 4658 4470 4268 4116
4675 4845 4512 4174 3799 4847
4550 4208 4165 3763 4056 4058
5008 5140 4755 4301 4144 5380
Getting Started ! 275
5260 4885 5202 5044 5685 6106
8180 8309 8359 7820 7623 8569
8209 7696 7522 7244 7231 7195
8174 8033 7525 6890 6304 7655
7577 7322 7026 6833 7095 7022
7848 8109 7556 6568 6151 7453
6941 6757 6437 6221 6346 5880 };
y = y`;
call tsbaysea(trend,season,series,adj,abic)
data=y order=2 sorder=1 npred=12 print=2;
print trend season series adj abic;
Figure 13.22 Trend and Seasonal Component Estimates and Forecasts
obs trend season series adj abic
1 4843.2502 576.86675 5420.1169 4870.1332 874.04585
2 4848.6664 612.79607 5461.4624 4799.2039
3 4871.2876 324.02004 5195.3077 4890.98
4 4896.6633 -198.7601 4697.9032 4895.7601
5 4922.9458 -572.5562 4350.3896 4916.5562
. . . . .
71 6551.6017 -266.2162 6285.3855 6612.2162
72 6388.9012 -440.3472 5948.5539 6320.3472
73 6226.2006 650.7707 6876.9713
74 6063.5001 800.93733 6864.4374
75 5900.7995 396.19866 6296.9982
76 5738.099 -340.2852 5397.8137
77 5575.3984 -719.1146 4856.2838
78 5412.6979 553.19764 5965.8955
79 5249.9973 202.06582 5452.0631
80 5087.2968 -54.44768 5032.8491
81 4924.5962 -295.2747 4629.3215
82 4761.8957 -487.6621 4274.2336
83 4599.1951 -266.1917 4333.0034
84 4436.4946 -440.3354 3996.1591
The estimated spectral density function of the irregular series c
is shown in Figure 13.23 and Figure 13.24.
276 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Figure 13.23 Spectrum of Irregular Component
I Rational 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0
Spectrum +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+
0 1.366798E+00 |
1 1.571261E+00 |
2 2.414836E+00 |
3 5.151906E+00 |
4 1.634887E+01 |
5 8.085674E+01 |
6 3.805530E+02 |
7 8.082536E+02 |
8 6.366350E+02 |
9 3.479435E+02 |
10 3.872650E+02 |
11 1.264805E+03 |
12 1.726138E+04 |
13 1.559041E+03 |
14 1.276516E+03 |
15 3.861089E+03 |
16 9.593184E+03 |
17 3.662145E+03 |
18 5.499783E+03 |
19 4.443303E+03 |
20 1.238135E+03 |
21 8.392131E+02 |
22 1.258933E+03 |
23 2.932003E+03 |
24 1.857923E+03 |
25 1.171437E+03 |
26 1.611958E+03 |
27 4.822498E+03 |
28 4.464961E+03 |
29 1.951547E+03 |
30 1.653182E+03 |
31 2.308152E+03 |
32 5.475758E+03 |
33 2.349584E+04 |
34 5.266969E+03 |
35 2.058667E+03 |
36 2.215595E+03 |
37 8.181540E+03 |
38 3.077329E+03 |
39 7.577961E+02 |
40 5.057636E+02 |
41 7.312090E+02 |
42 3.131377E+03 |
43 8.173276E+03 |
44 1.958359E+03 |
45 2.216458E+03 |
46 4.215465E+03 |
47 9.659340E+02 |
48 3.758466E+02 |
49 2.849326E+02 |
50 3.617848E+02 |
51 7.659839E+02 |
52 3.191969E+03 |
Getting Started ! 277
Figure 13.24 continued
53 1.768107E+04 |
54 5.281385E+03 |
55 2.959704E+03 |
56 3.783522E+03 |
57 1.896625E+04 |
58 1.041753E+04 |
59 2.038940E+03 |
60 1.347568E+03 |
X: If peaks (troughs) appear
at these frequencies,
try lower (higher) values
of rigid and watch ABIC
T: If a peaks appears here
try trading-day adjustment
Miscellaneous Time Series Analysis Tools
The forecast values of multivariate time series are computed by using the TSPRED call. In the following
example, the multistep-ahead forecasts are produced from the VARMA(2,1) estimates. Since the VARMA
model is estimated by using the mean deleted series, you should specify the CONSTANT=1 option. You
need to provide the original series instead of the mean deleted series to get the correct predictions. The
forecast variance MSE and the impulse response function IMPULSE are also produced.
The VARMA(. q) model is written


= c


Then the COEF matrix is constructed by stacking matrices A
. . . . . A
. M
. . . . . M
. Here is the code:
proc iml;
c = { 264 235 239 239 275 277 274 334 334 306
308 309 295 271 277 221 223 227 215 223
241 250 270 303 311 307 322 335 335 334
309 262 228 191 188 215 215 249 291 296 };
f = { 690 690 688 690 694 702 702 702 700 702
702 694 708 702 702 708 700 700 702 694
698 694 700 702 700 702 708 708 710 704
704 700 700 694 702 694 710 710 710 708 };
t = { 1152 1288 1288 1288 1368 1456 1656 1496 1744 1464
1560 1376 1336 1336 1296 1296 1280 1264 1280 1272
1344 1328 1352 1480 1472 1600 1512 1456 1368 1280
1224 1112 1112 1048 1176 1064 1168 1280 1336 1248 };
p = { 254.14 253.12 251.85 250.41 249.09 249.19 249.52 250.19
248.74 248.41 249.95 250.64 250.87 250.94 250.96 251.33
251.18 251.05 251.00 250.99 250.79 250.44 250.12 250.19
249.77 250.27 250.74 250.90 252.21 253.68 254.47 254.80
254.92 254.96 254.96 254.96 254.96 254.54 253.21 252.08 };
278 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
y = c` || f` || t` || p`;
ar = { .82028 -.97167 .079386 -5.4382,
-.39983 .94448 .027938 -1.7477,
-.42278 -2.3314 1.4682 -70.996,
.031038 -.019231 -.0004904 1.3677,
-.029811 .89262 -.047579 4.7873,
.31476 .0061959 -.012221 1.4921,
.3813 2.7182 -.52993 67.711,
-.020818 .01764 .00037981 -.38154 };
ma = { .083035 -1.0509 .055898 -3.9778,
-.40452 .36876 .026369 -.81146,
.062379 -2.6506 .80784 -76.952,
.03273 -.031555 -.00019776 -.025205 };
coef = ar // ma;
ev = { 188.55 6.8082 42.385 .042942,
6.8082 32.169 37.995 -.062341,
42.385 37.995 5138.8 -.10757,
.042942 -.062341 -.10757 .34313 };
nar = 2; nma = 1;
call tspred(forecast,impulse,mse,y,coef,nar,nma,ev,
Getting Started ! 279
Figure 13.25 Multivariate ARMA Prediction
observed predicted
Y1 Y2 P1 P2
264 690 269.950 700.750
235 690 256.764 691.925
239 688 239.996 693.467
239 690 242.320 690.951
275 694 247.169 693.214
277 702 279.024 696.157
274 702 284.041 700.449
334 702 286.890 701.580
334 700 321.798 699.851
306 702 330.355 702.383
308 702 297.239 700.421
309 694 302.651 701.928
295 708 294.570 696.261
271 702 283.254 703.936
277 702 269.600 703.110
221 708 270.349 701.557
223 700 231.523 705.438
227 700 233.856 701.785
215 702 234.883 700.185
223 694 229.156 701.837
241 698 235.054 697.060
250 694 249.288 698.181
270 700 257.644 696.665
303 702 272.549 699.281
311 700 301.947 701.667
307 702 306.422 700.708
322 708 304.120 701.204
335 708 311.590 704.654
335 710 320.570 706.389
334 704 315.127 706.439
309 704 311.083 703.735
262 700 288.159 702.801
228 700 251.352 700.805
191 694 226.749 700.247
188 702 199.775 696.570
215 694 202.305 700.242
215 710 222.951 696.451
249 710 226.553 704.483
291 710 259.927 707.610
296 708 291.446 707.861
293.899 707.430
293.477 706.933
292.564 706.190
290.313 705.384
286.559 704.618
The rst 40 forecasts in Figure 13.25 are one-step predictions. The last observation is the ve-step forecast
values of variables C and F. You can construct the condence interval for these forecasts by using the mean
square error matrix, MSE. See the section Multivariate Time Series Analysis on page 291 for more details
about impulse response functions and the mean square error matrix.
280 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
The TSROOT call computes the polynomial roots of the AR and MA equations. When the AR() process
is written


you can specify the following polynomial equation:


= 0
When all roots of the preceding equation are inside the unit circle, the AR() process is stationary. The
MA(q) process is invertible if the following polynomial equation has all roots inside the unit circle:

= 0
where 0
are the MA coefcients. For example, the best AR model is selected and estimated by the TSUNI-
MAR subroutine (see Figure 13.26). You can obtain the roots of the preceding equation by calling the
TSROOT subroutine. Since the TSROOT subroutine can handle the complex AR or MA coefcients, note
that you should add zero imaginary coefcients for the second column of the MATIN matrix for real coef-
cients. Here is the code:
proc iml;
y = { 2.430 2.506 2.767 2.940 3.169 3.450 3.594 3.774 3.695 3.411
2.718 1.991 2.265 2.446 2.612 3.359 3.429 3.533 3.261 2.612
2.179 1.653 1.832 2.328 2.737 3.014 3.328 3.404 2.981 2.557
2.576 2.352 2.556 2.864 3.214 3.435 3.458 3.326 2.835 2.476
2.373 2.389 2.742 3.210 3.520 3.828 3.628 2.837 2.406 2.675
2.554 2.894 3.202 3.224 3.352 3.154 2.878 2.476 2.303 2.360
2.671 2.867 3.310 3.449 3.646 3.400 2.590 1.863 1.581 1.690
1.771 2.274 2.576 3.111 3.605 3.543 2.769 2.021 2.185 2.588
2.880 3.115 3.540 3.845 3.800 3.579 3.264 2.538 2.582 2.907
3.142 3.433 3.580 3.490 3.475 3.579 2.829 1.909 1.903 2.033
2.360 2.601 3.054 3.386 3.553 3.468 3.187 2.723 2.686 2.821
3.000 3.201 3.424 3.531 };
call tsunimar(ar,v,nar,aic) data=y maxlag=5
opt=({-1 1}) print=1;
-- set up complex coefficient matrix --
ar_cx = ar || j(nrow(ar),1,0);
call tsroot(root) matin=ar_cx nar=nar nma=0 print=1;
In Figure 13.27, the roots and their lengths from the origin are shown. The roots are also stored in the matrix
ROOT. All roots are within the unit circle, while the MOD values of the fourth and fth roots appear to be
sizable (0.9194).
Getting Started ! 281
Figure 13.26 Minimum AIC AR Estimation
lag ar_coef
1 1.3003068
2 -0.72328
3 0.2421928
4 -0.378757
5 0.1377273
aic innovation_varinace
-318.6138 0.0490554
Figure 13.27 Roots of AR Characteristic Polynomial Equation
Roots of AR Characteristic Polynomial
I Real Imaginary MOD(Z) ATAN(I/R) Degr
1 -0.29755 0.55991 0.6341 2.0593 117.98
2 -0.29755 -0.55991 0.6341 -2.0593 -117.98
3 0.40529 0 0.4053 0
4 0.74505 0.53866 0.9194 0.6260 35.86
5 0.74505 -0.53866 0.9194 -0.6260 -35.86
The TSROOT subroutine can also recover the polynomial coefcients if the roots are given as an input.
You should specify the QCOEF=1 option when you want to compute the polynomial coefcients instead of
polynomial roots. You can compare the result with the preceding output of the TSUNIMAR call. Here is
the code:
call tsroot(ar_cx) matin=root nar=nar qcoef=1
nma=0 print=1;
The results are shown in Figure 13.28.
Figure 13.28 Polynomial Coefcients
Polynomial Coefficents
I AR(real) AR(imag)
1 1.30031 0
2 -0.72328 1.11022E-16
3 0.24219 8.32667E-17
4 -0.37876 2.77556E-17
5 0.13773 0
282 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
TIMSAC routines are controlled by the following statements:
CALL TSBAYSEA (trend, season, series, adjust, abic, data <,order, sorder, rigid, npred, opt, cntl,
print >) ;
CALL TSDECOMP (comp, est, aic, data <,xdata, order, sorder, nar, npred, init, opt, icmp, print >) ;
CALL TSMLOCAR (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, start, nish, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print >) ;
CALL TSMLOMAR (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, start, nish, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print >) ;
CALL TSMULMAR (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print >) ;
CALL TSPEARS (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print >) ;
CALL TSPRED (forecast, impulse, mse, data, coef, nar, nma <,ev, npred, start, constant >) ;
CALL TSROOT (matout, matin, nar, nma <,qcoef, print >) ;
CALL TSTVCAR (arcoef, variance, est, aic, data <,nar, init, opt, outlier, print >) ;
CALL TSUNIMAR (arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <,maxlag, opt, missing, print >) ;
This section presents an introductory description of the important topics that are directly related to TIMSAC
IML subroutines. The computational details, including algorithms, are described in the section Computa-
tional Details on page 295. A detailed explanation of each subroutine is not given; instead, basic ideas and
common methodologies for all subroutines are described rst and are followed by more technical details.
Finally, missing values are discussed in the section Missing Values on page 300.
Minimum AIC Procedure
The AIC statistic is widely used to select the best model among alternative parametric models. The mini-
mum AIC model selection procedure can be interpreted as a maximization of the expected entropy (Akaike
1981). The entropy of a true probability density function (PDF) with respect to the tted PDF is written
T(. ) = 1(. )
where 1(. ) is a Kullback-Leibler information measure, which is dened as
1(. ) =
_ _
where the random variable 7 is assumed to be continuous. Therefore,
T(. ) = E
log (7) E
log (7)
Details ! 283
where T(. ) _ 0 and E
denotes the expectation concerning the random variable 7. T(. ) = 0 if
and only if = (a.s.). The larger the quantity E
log (7), the closer the function is to the true
PDF . Given the data y = (,
. . . . . ,
that has the same distribution as the random variable 7, let
the likelihood function of the parameter vector 0 be

[0). Then the average of the log-likelihood

log (,
[0) is an estimate of the expected value of log (7). Akaike (1981) derived
the alternative estimate of E
log (7) by using the Bayesian predictive likelihood. The AIC is the bias-
corrected estimate of 2T E
log (7[

0), where

0 is the maximum likelihood estimate.
AIC = 2(maximumlog likelihood) 2(numberoffreeparameters)
Let 0 = (0
. . . . . 0
be a 1 1 parameter vector that is contained in the parameter space
. Given the
data y, the log-likelihood function is
(0) =

log (,
Suppose the probability density function (,[0) has the true PDF (,) = (,[0
), where the true pa-
rameter vector 0
is contained in
. Let

be a maximum likelihood estimate. The maximum of the
log-likelihood function is denoted as (

) = max
(0). The expected log-likelihood function is
dened by

(0) = T E
log (7[0)
The Taylor series expansion of the expected log-likelihood function around the true parameter 0
gives the
following asymptotic relationship:


) T(0 0
d log (7[0

(0 0
)(0 0
where 1(0
) is the information matrix and

=stands for asymptotic equality. Note that
J log ((z[0
= 0 since
log (:[0) is maximized at 0
. By substituting

, the expected log-likelihood function can be written as





The maximum likelihood estimator is asymptotically normally distributed under the regularity conditions
T 1(0

N(0. 1


The mean expected log-likelihood function,
(1) = E


), becomes


When the Taylor series expansion of the log-likelihood function around

is used, the log-likelihood
function (0) is written

= (

) (0






284 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Since (

) is the maximum log-likelihood function,

= 0. Note that plim


) if the maximum likelihood estimator

is a consistent estimator of 0. Replacing 0 with the true
parameter 0
and taking expectations with respect to the random variable Y ,

= E

Consider the following relationship:

) = T E
log (7[0
= E

log (Y
= E
From the previous derivation,




= E

) 1
The natural estimator for E

) is (

). Using this estimator, you can write the mean expected log-
likelihood function as


= (

) 1
Consequently, the AICis dened as an asymptotically unbiased estimator of 2(meanexpectedlog likelihood)
AIC(1) = 2(

) 21
In practice, the previous asymptotic result is expected to be valid in nite samples if the number of free
parameters does not exceed 2
T and the upper bound of the number of free parameters is
. It is worth
noting that the amount of AIC is not meaningful in itself, since this value is not the Kullback-Leibler
information measure. The difference of AIC values can be used to select the model. The difference of the
two AIC values is considered insignicant if it is far less than 1. It is possible to nd a better model when
the minimum AIC model contains many free parameters.
Smoothness Priors Modeling
Consider the time series ,
= (t ) c
where (t ) is an unknown smooth function and c
is an i iJ random variable with zero mean and positive
variance o
. Whittaker (1923) provides the solution, which balances a tradeoff between closeness to the
data and the kth-order difference equation. For a xed value of z and k, the solution


(t )|
(t )|
Details ! 285
where V
denotes the kth-order difference operator. The value of z can be viewed as the smoothness
tradeoff measure. Akaike (1980a) proposed the Bayesian posterior PDF to solve this problem.
( ) = exp


(t )|


(t )|
Therefore, the solution can be obtained when the function ( ) is maximized.
Assume that time series is decomposed as follows:
= T
where T
denotes the trend component and S
is the seasonal component. The trend component follows the
kth-order stochastically perturbed difference equation.
= n
. n
~ N(0. t
For example, the polynomial trend component for k = 2 is written as
= 2T
To accommodate regular seasonal effects, the stochastic seasonal relationship is used.

= n
~ N(0. t
where 1 is the number of seasons within a period. In the context of Whittaker and Akaike, the smoothness
priors problem can be solved by the maximization of
( ) = exp







The values of hyperparameters t
and t
refer to a measure of uncertainty of prior information. For ex-
ample, the large value of t
implies a relatively smooth trend component. The ratio
(i = 1. 2) can be
considered as a signal-to-noise ratio.
Kitagawa and Gersch (1984) use the Kalman lter recursive computation for the likelihood of the tradeoff
parameters. The hyperparameters are estimated by combining the grid search and optimization method.
The state space model and Kalman lter recursive computation are discussed in the section State Space
and Kalman Filter Method on page 298.
Bayesian Seasonal Adjustment
Seasonal phenomena are frequently observed in many economic and business time series. For example,
consumption expenditure might have strong seasonal variations because of Christmas spending. The sea-
sonal phenomena are repeatedly observed after a regular period of time. The number of seasons within a
286 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
period is dened as the smallest time span for this repetitive observation. Monthly consumption expenditure
shows a strong increase during the Christmas season, with 12 seasons per period.
There are three major approaches to seasonal time series: the regression model, the moving average model,
and the seasonal ARIMA model.
Regression Model
Let the trend component be T



and the seasonal component be


. Then the additive time series can be written as the regression model





In practice, the trend component can be written as the m

th-order polynomial, such as



The seasonal component can be approximated by the seasonal dummies (D


where 1is the number of seasons within a period. The least squares method is applied to estimate parameters

The seasonally adjusted series is obtained by subtracting the estimated seasonal component fromthe original
series. Usually, the error term c
is assumed to be white noise, while sometimes the autocorrelation of the
regression residuals needs to be allowed. However, the regression method is not robust to the regression
function type, especially at the beginning and end of the series.
Moving Average Model
If you assume that the annual sum of a seasonal time series has small seasonal uctuations, the nonseasonal
component N
= T
can be estimated by using the moving average method.


where m is the positive integer and z
is the symmetric constant such that z
= z

= 1.
When the data are not available, either an asymmetric moving average is used, or the forecast data are
augmented to use the symmetric weight. The X-11 procedure is a complex modication of this moving-
average method.
Details ! 287
Seasonal ARIMA Model
The regression and moving-average approaches assume that the seasonal component is deterministic and
independent of other nonseasonal components. The time series approach is used to handle the stochastic
trend and seasonal components.
The general ARIMA model can be written



(1 T
= 0

where T is the backshift operator and

(T) = 1
(T) = 1 0
T 0
and ,
= ,
) if J
= 0; otherwise, ,
= ,
. The power of T, s
, can be considered as a seasonal
factor. Specically, the Box-Jenkins multiplicative seasonal ARIMA(. J. q)(1. D. Q)
model is written

)(1 T)
(1 T
= 0
ARIMA modeling is appropriate for particular time series and requires burdensome computation.
The TSBAYSEA subroutine combines the simple characteristics of the regression approach and time series
modeling. The TSBAYSEA and X-11 procedures use the model-based seasonal adjustment. The symmetric
weights of the standard X-11 option can be approximated by using the integrated MA form
(1 T)(1 T
= 0(T)c
With a xed value , the TSBAYSEA subroutine is approximated as
(1 T)(1 T)(1 T
= 0(T)c
The subroutine is exible enough to handle trading-day or leap-year effects, the shift of the base observation,
and missing values. The TSBAYSEA-type modeling approach has some advantages: it clearly denes the
statistical model of the time series; modication of the basic model can be an efcient method of choosing
a particular procedure for the seasonal adjustment of a given time series; and the use of the concept of the
likelihood provides a minimum AIC model selection approach.
Nonstationary Time Series
The subroutines TSMLOCAR, TSMLOMAR, and TSTVCAR are used to analyze nonstationary time series
models. The AIC statistic is extensively used to analyze the locally stationary model.
Locally Stationary AR Model
When the time series is nonstationary, the TSMLOCAR (univariate) and TSMLOMAR (multivariate) sub-
routines can be employed. The whole span of the series is divided into locally stationary blocks of data,
288 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
and then the TSMLOCAR and TSMLOMAR subroutines estimate a stationary AR model by using the least
squares method on this stationary block. The homogeneity of two different blocks of data is tested by using
the AIC.
Given a set of data {,
. . . . . ,
], the data can be divided into k blocks of sizes t
. . . . . t
, where t

= T , and k and t
are unknown. The locally stationary model is tted to the data




< t _ T

for i = 1. . . . . k
where c
is a Gaussian white noise with Ec
= 0 and E(c
= o
. Therefore, the log-likelihood function
of the locally stationary series is







, = 0. . . . .
, the maximum of the log-likelihood function is attained at





The concentrated log-likelihood function is given by

1 log(2)|

log( o
Therefore, the maximum likelihood estimates,
and o
, are obtained by minimizing the following local





The least squares estimation of the stationary model is explained in the section Least Squares and House-
holder Transformation on page 295.
The AIC for the locally stationary model over the pooled data is written as

log( o
) 2

intercept 1)
where intercept = 1 if the intercept term(
) is estimated; otherwise, intercept = 0. The number of stationary
blocks (k), the size of each block (t
), and the order of the locally stationary model is determined by the
Details ! 289
AIC. Consider the autoregressive model tted over the block of data, {,
. . . . . ,
], and let this model M
an AR(
) process. When additional data, {,
. . . . . ,
], are available, a new model M
, an AR(
process, is tted over this new data set, assuming that these data are independent of the previous data. Then
AICs for models M
and M
are dened as
= T log(o
) 2(
intercept 1)
= T
) 2(
intercept 1)
The joint model AIC for M
and M
is obtained by summation
When the two data sets are pooled and estimated over the pooled data set, {,
. . . . . ,
], the AIC of the
pooled model is

= (T T
) log( o

) 2(

intercept 1)
where o

is the pooled error variance and

is the order chosen to t the pooled data set.

v If AIC

, switch to the new model, since there is a change in the structure of the time series.
v If AIC

, pool the two data sets, since two data sets are considered to be homogeneous.
If new observations are available, repeat the preceding steps to determine the homogeneity of the data. The
basic idea of locally stationary AR modeling is that, if the structure of the time series is not changed, you
should use the additional information to improve the model tting, but you need to follow the new structure
of the time series if there is any change.
Time-Varying AR Coefcient Model
Another approach to nonstationary time series, especially those that are nonstationary in the covariance, is
time-varying AR coefcient modeling. When the time series is nonstationary in the covariance, the problem
in modeling this series is related to an efcient parameterization. It is possible for a Bayesian approach to
estimate the model with a large number of implicit parameters of the complex structure by using a relatively
small number of hyperparameters.
The TSTVCAR subroutine uses smoothness priors by imposing stochastically perturbed difference equation
constraints on each AR coefcient and frequency response function. The variance of each AR coefcient
distribution constitutes a hyperparameter included in the state space model. The likelihood of these hyper-
parameters is computed by the Kalman lter recursive algorithm.
The time-varying AR coefcient model is written


290 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
where time-varying coefcients
are assumed to change gradually with time. The following simple
stochastic difference equation constraint is imposed on each coefcient:

= n
. n
~ N(0. t
). i = 1. . . . . m
The frequency response function of the AR process is written
( ) = 1


exp(2i )
The smoothness of this function can be measured by the kth derivative smoothness constraint,

( )

J = (2)



Then the TSTVCAR call imposes zero and second derivative smoothness constraints. The time-varying AR
coefcients are the solution of the following constrained least squares:













where t
, z
, and v
are hyperparameters of the prior distribution.
Using a state space representation, the model is
= Fx
= H
= (
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
= (,
. . . . . ,
. . . . . 0. . . . . 0)
= (n
. . . . . n
k = 1 : F = I
G = I
k = 2 : F =
G =
k = 3 : F =
0 0
0 I
G =
~ N
I 0
0 o
The computation of the likelihood function is straightforward. See the section State Space and Kalman
Filter Method on page 298 for the computation method.
Details ! 291
Multivariate Time Series Analysis
The subroutines TSMULMAR, TSMLOMAR, and TSPRED analyze multivariate time series. The periodic
AR model, TSPEARS, can also be estimated by using a vector AR procedure, since the periodic AR series
can be represented as the covariance-stationary vector autoregressive model.
The stationary vector AR model is estimated and the order of the model (or each variable) is automatically
determined by the minimum AIC procedure. The stationary vector AR model is written
= A
~ N(0. )
Using the LDL
factorization method, the error covariance is decomposed as
where L is a unit lower triangular matrix and D is a diagonal matrix. Then the instantaneous response model
is dened as
= A
where C = L
, A
= L
for i = 0. 1. . . . . , and c
= L
. Each equation of the instantaneous
response model can be estimated independently, since its error covariance matrix has a diagonal covari-
ance matrix D. Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained through the least squares method when the
disturbances are normally distributed and the presample values are xed.
The TSMULMAR subroutine estimates the instantaneous response model. The VAR coefcients are com-
puted by using the relationship between the VAR and instantaneous models.
The general VARMA model can be transformed as an innite-order MA process under certain conditions.
= j c



In the context of the VAR() model, the coefcient
can be interpreted as the m-lagged response of a
unit increase in the disturbances at time t .

The lagged response on the one-unit increase in the orthogonalized disturbances c
is denoted
. ,
. . . . . X
where L
is the th column of the unit triangular matrix L and X
= y
. . . . . y
|. When you estimate
the VAR model by using the TSMULMAR call, it is easy to compute this impulse response function.
The MSE of the m-step prediction is computed as



292 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Note that c
= Lc
. Then the covariance matrix of c
is decomposed

i i
where J
i i
is the i th diagonal element of the matrix D and n is the number of variables. The MSE matrix
can be written

i i




Therefore, the contribution of the i th orthogonalized innovation to the MSE is
= J
i i




The i th forecast error variance decomposition is obtained from diagonal elements of the matrix V
The nonstationary multivariate series can be analyzed by the TSMLOMAR subroutine. The estimation and
model identication procedure is analogous to the univariate nonstationary procedure, which is explained
in the section Nonstationary Time Series on page 287.
A time series ,
is periodically correlated with period J if E,
= E,
and E,
= E,
. Let ,
be autoregressive of period J with AR orders (
. . . . .
)that is,


where c
is uncorrelated with mean zero and Ec
= o
, o
= o
, and
( =
1. . . . .
). Dene the new variable such that .
= ,
. The vector series, x
= (.
. . . . . .
, is
autoregressive of order , where = max
),J) 1. The TSPEARS subroutine estimates the
periodic autoregressive model by using minimum AIC vector AR modeling.
The TSPREDsubroutine computes the one-step or multistep forecast of the multivariate ARMAmodel if the
ARMA parameter estimates are provided. In addition, the subroutine TSPRED produces the (intermediate
and permanent) impulse response function and performs forecast error variance decomposition for the vector
AR model.
Spectral Analysis
The autocovariance function of the random variable Y
is dened as
(k) = E(Y
where EY
= 0. When the real valued process Y
is stationary and its autocovariance is absolutely
summable, the population spectral density function is obtained by using the Fourier transform of the au-
tocovariance function
(g) =

(k) exp(igk) _ g _
Details ! 293
where i =
1 and C
(k) is the autocovariance function such that

(k)[ < o.
Consider the autocovariance generating function
;(:) =

where C
(k) = C
(k) and : is a complex scalar. The spectral density function can be represented as
(g) =
The stationary ARMA(. q) process is denoted
= 0(T)c
~ (0. o
where (T) and 0(T) do not have common roots. Note that the autocovariance generating function of the
linear process ,
= [(T)c
is given by
;(T) = o
For the ARMA(. q) process, [(T) =
. Therefore, the spectral density function of the stationary
ARMA(. q) process becomes
(g) =


The spectral density function of a white noise is a constant.
(g) =
The spectral density function of the AR(1) process ((T) = 1
T) is given by
(g) =
The spectrum of the AR(1) process has its minimum at g = 0 and its maximum at g = if
< 0,
while the spectral density function attains its maximum at g = 0 and its minimum at g = , if
> 0.
When the series is positively autocorrelated, its spectral density function is dominated by low frequencies.
It is interesting to observe that the spectrum approaches
1. This relationship shows
that the series is difference-stationary if its spectral density function has a remarkable peak near 0.
The spectrum of AR(2) process ((T) = 1
) equals
(g) =



Refer to Anderson (1971) for details of the characteristics of this spectral density function of the AR(2)
294 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
In practice, the population spectral density function cannot be computed. There are many ways of computing
the sample spectral density function. The TSBAYSEA and TSMLOCAR subroutines compute the power
spectrum by using AR coefcients and the white noise variance.
The power spectral density function of Y
is derived by using the Fourier transformation of C

(g) =

_ g _
where i =
1 and g denotes frequency. The autocovariance function can also be written as
(k) =
Consider the following stationary AR() process:



= c
where c
is a white noise with mean zero and constant variance o
The autocovariance function of white noise c
(k) =
= 1 if k = 0; otherwise,
= 0. Therefore, the power spectral density of the white noise is

(g) = o
_ g _
. Note that, with
= 1,
(k) =



(k mn)
Using the following autocovariance function of Y
(k) =
the autocovariance function of the white noise is denoted as
(k) =



exp(2ig(k mn))




On the other hand, another formula of the C
(k) gives
(k) =
Details ! 295

(g) =




(g) = o
, the rational spectrum of Y

(g) =



To compute the power spectrum, estimated values of white noise variance o
and AR coefcients

used. The order of the AR process can be determined by using the minimum AIC procedure.
Computational Details
Least Squares and Householder Transformation
Consider the univariate AR() process


Dene the design matrix X.
X =
1 ,
1 ,

Let y = (,
. . . . . ,
. The least squares estimate, a = (X
y, is the approximation to the max-
imum likelihood estimate of a = (
. . . . .
) if c
is assumed to be Gaussian error disturbances.
Combining X and y as
Z = X
. y|
the Z matrix can be decomposed as
Z = QU = Q
R w
0 w
where Q is an orthogonal matrix and R is an upper triangular matrix, w
= (n
. . . . . n
, and w
. 0. . . . . 0)
y =

The least squares estimate that uses Householder transformation is computed by solving the linear system
Ra = w
296 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
The unbiased residual variance estimate is

AIC = (T ) log( o
) 2( 1)
In practice, least squares estimation does not require the orthogonal matrix Q. The TIMSAC subroutines
compute the upper triangular matrix without computing the matrix Q.
Bayesian Constrained Least Squares
Consider the additive time series model
= T
. c
~ N(0. o
Practically, it is not possible to estimate parameters a = (T
. . . . . T
. S
. . . . . S
, since the number of
parameters exceeds the number of available observations. Let V
denote the seasonal difference operator
with 1 seasons and degree of m; that is, V
= (1 T
. Suppose that T = 1 + n. Some constraints on
the trend and seasonal components need to be imposed such that the sum of squares of V
, V
, and

) is small. The constrained least squares estimates are obtained by minimizing

Using matrix notation,
(y Ma)
(y Ma) (a a
D(a a
where M = I
. I
|, y = (,
. . . . . ,
, and a
is the initial guess of a. The matrix D is a 3T 2T control
matrix in which structure varies according to the order of differencing in trend and season.
D = J
:F 0
0 sG
Details ! 297
= C
. m = 1. 2. 3
F =
1 0 0
1 1
. 0
1 1 1

1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
0 1 1
. 0
0 0 1 1

1 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0
1 2 1 0 0
0 1 2 1
. 0
0 0 1 2 1

1 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 0 0 0 0
3 3 1 0 0 0
1 3 3 1 0 0
0 1 3 3 1
. 0
0 0 1 3 3 1

The n n matrix C
has the same structure as the matrix G
, and I
is the 1 1 identity matrix. The
solution of the constrained least squares method is equivalent to that of maximizing the function
1(a) = exp

(y Ma)
(y Ma)

(a a
D(a a
Therefore, the PDF of the data y is
. a) =

(y Ma)
(y Ma)
The prior PDF of the parameter vector a is
(a[D. o
. a
) =
D[ exp

(a a
D(a a
When the constant J is known, the estimate a of a is the mean of the posterior distribution, where the
posterior PDF of the parameter a is proportional to the function 1(a). It is obvious that a is the minimizer
298 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
of [g(a[J)[
= ( y

( y

Da), where
y =

D =
The value of J is determined by the minimum ABIC procedure. The ABIC is dened as
ABIC = T log
M)| logdet(D
State Space and Kalman Filter Method
In this section, the mathematical formulas for state space modeling are introduced. The Kalman lter
algorithms are derived from the state space model. As an example, the state space model of the TSDECOMP
subroutine is formulated.
Dene the following state space model:
= Fx
= H
where c
~ N(0. o
) and w
~ N(0. Q). If the observations, (,
. . . . . ,
), and the initial conditions, x
and P
, are available, the one-step predictor (x
) of the state vector x
and its mean square error (MSE)
matrix P
are written as
= Fx
= FP
Using the current observation, the ltered value of x
and its variance P
are updated.
= x
= (I K
where e
= ,
and K
= P
. The log-likelihood function is
computed as


is the conditional variance of the one-step prediction error e
Consider the additive time series decomposition
= T

Details ! 299
where x
is a (1 1) regressor vector and
is a (1 1) time-varying coefcient vector. Each component
has the following constraints:
= n
. n
~ N(0. t
= n
. n
~ N(0. t


. n
~ N(0. t

. n
~ N(0. t
). = 1. . 1

(i ) =

(i ) TD
= ;
where V
= (1 T)
and V
= (1 T
. The AR component u
is assumed to be stationary. The
trading-day component TD
(i ) represents the number of the i th day of the week in time t . If k = 3. =
3. m = 1, and 1 = 12 (monthly data),
= 3T

= n


The state vector is dened as
= (T
. T
. T
. S
. . . . . S
. u
. u
. u
. ;
. . . . . ;
The matrix F is
F =
0 0 0
0 F
0 0
0 0 F
0 0 0 F

3 3 1
1 0 0
0 1 0



1 0 0
0 1 0
300 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
= I
= (1. 1. . . . . 1)
The matrix G can be denoted as
G =
0 0
0 g
0 0 g
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

= g
1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
Finally, the matrix H
is time-varying,
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 h
(1) D
(2) D
(3) D
(4) D
(5) D
(i ) = TD
(i ) TD
(7). i = 1. . . . . 6
Missing Values
The TIMSAC subroutines skip any missing values at the beginning of the data set. When the univariate
and multivariate AR models are estimated via least squares (TSMLOCAR, TSMLOMAR, TSUNIMAR,
TSMULMAR, and TSPEARS), there are three options available; that is, MISSING=0, MISSING=1, or
MISSING=2. When the MISSING=0 (default) option is specied, the rst contiguous observations with
no missing values are used. The MISSING=1 option species that only nonmissing observations should be
used by ignoring the observations with missing values. If the MISSING=2 option is specied, the missing
values are lled with the sample mean. The least squares estimator with the MISSING=2 option is biased
in general.
The BAYSEA subroutine assumes the same prior distribution of the trend and seasonal components that
correspond to the missing observations. A modication is made to skip the components of the vector
g(a[J) that correspond to the missing observations. The vector g(a[J) is dened in the section Bayesian
Constrained Least Squares on page 296. In addition, the TSBAYSEA subroutine considers outliers as
missing values. The TSDECOMP and TSTVCAR subroutines skip the Kalman lter updating equation
when the current observation is missing.
Details ! 301
A description of each TIMSAC package follows. Each description includes a list of the programs provided
in the TIMSAC version.
The TIMSAC-72 package analyzes and controls feedback systems (for example, a cement kiln pro-
cess). Univariate- and multivariate-AR models are employed in this original TIMSAC package. The
nal prediction error (FPE) criterion is used for model selection.
v AUSPEC estimates the power spectrum by the Blackman-Tukey procedure.
v AUTCOR computes autocovariance and autocorrelation.
v DECONV computes the impulse response function.
v FFTCOR computes autocorrelation and crosscorrelation via the fast Fourier transform.
v FPEAUT computes AR coefcients and FPE for the univariate AR model.
v FPEC computes AR coefcients and FPE for the control system or multivariate AR model.
v MULCOR computes multiple covariance and correlation.
v MULNOS computes relative power contribution.
v MULRSP estimates the rational spectrum for multivariate data.
v MULSPE estimates the cross spectrum by Blackman-Tukey procedure.
v OPTDES performs optimal controller design.
v OPTSIM performs optimal controller simulation.
v RASPEC estimates the rational spectrum for univariate data.
v SGLFRE computes the frequency response function.
v WNOISE performs white noise simulation.
The TIMSAC-74 package estimates and forecasts univariate and multivariate ARMA models by t-
ting the canonical Markovian model. A locally stationary autoregressive model is also analyzed.
Akaikes information criterion (AIC) is used for model selection.
v AUTARM performs automatic univariate ARMA model tting.
v BISPEC computes bispectrum.
v CANARM performs univariate canonical correlation analysis.
v CANOCA performs multivariate canonical correlation analysis.
v COVGEN computes the covariance from gain function.
v FRDPLY plots the frequency response function.
v MARKOV performs automatic multivariate ARMA model tting.
v NONST estimates the locally stationary AR model.
v PRDCTR performs ARMA model prediction.
v PWDPLY plots the power spectrum.
302 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
v SIMCON performs optimal controller design and simulation.
v THIRMO computes the third-order moment.
The TIMSAC-78 package uses the Householder transformation to estimate time series models. This
package also contains Bayesian modeling and the exact maximum likelihood estimation of the ARMA
model. Minimum AIC or Akaike Bayesian information criterion (ABIC) modeling is extensively
v BLOCAR estimates the locally stationary univariate AR model by using the Bayesian method.
v BLOMARestimates the locally stationary multivariate ARmodel by using the Bayesian method.
v BSUBST estimates the univariate subset regression model by using the Bayesian method.
v EXSAR estimates the univariate AR model by using the exact maximum likelihood method.
v MLOCAR estimates the locally stationary univariate AR model by using the minimum AIC
v MLOMAR estimates the locally stationary multivariate AR model by using the minimum AIC
v MULBAR estimates the multivariate AR model by using the Bayesian method.
v MULMAR estimates the multivariate AR model by using the minimum AIC method.
v NADCON performs noise adaptive control.
v PERARS estimates the periodic AR model by using the minimum AIC method.
v UNIBAR estimates the univariate AR model by using the Bayesian method.
v UNIMAR estimates the univariate AR model by using the minimum AIC method.
v XSARMA estimates the univariate ARMA model by using the exact maximum likelihood
In addition, the following test subroutines are available: TSSBST, TSWIND, TSROOT, TSTIMS, and
The TIMSAC-84 package contains the Bayesian time series modeling procedure, the point process
data analysis, and the seasonal adjustment procedure.
v ADAR estimates the amplitude dependent AR model.
v BAYSEA performs Bayesian seasonal adjustments.
v BAYTAP performs Bayesian tidal analysis.
v DECOMP performs time series decomposition analysis by using state space modeling.
v EPTREN estimates intensity rates of either the exponential polynomial or exponential Fourier
series of the nonstationary Poisson process model.
v LINLIN estimates linear intensity models of the self-exciting point process with another process
input and with cyclic and trend components.
v LINSIM performs simulation of the point process estimated by the subroutine LINLIN.
Example 13.1: VAR Estimation and Variance Decomposition ! 303
v LOCCAR estimates the locally constant AR model.
v MULCON performs simulation, control, and prediction of the multivariate AR model.
v NONSPA performs nonstationary spectrum analysis by using the minimum Bayesian AIC pro-
v PGRAPH performs graphical analysis for point process data.
v PTSPEC computes periodograms of point process data with signicant bands.
v SIMBVH performs simulation of bivariate Hawkes mutually exciting point process.
v SNDE estimates the stochastic nonlinear differential equation model.
v TVCAR estimates the time-varying AR coefcient model by using state space modeling.
Refer to Kitagawa and Akaike (1981) and Ishiguro (1987) for more information about TIMSAC pro-
Example 13.1: VAR Estimation and Variance Decomposition
In this example, a VAR model is estimated and forecast. The VAR(3) model is estimated by using invest-
ment, durable consumption, and consumption expenditures. The data are found in the appendix to Ltkepohl
(1993). The stationary VAR(3) process is specied as
= A
The matrix ARCOEF contains the AR coefcients (A
, and A
), and the matrix EV contains error
covariance estimates. An intercept vector A
is included in the rst row of the matrix ARCOEF if OPT[1]=1
is specied. Here is the code:
data one;
input invest income consum @@;
180 451 415 179 465 421 185 485 434 192 493 448
211 509 459 202 520 458 207 521 479 214 540 487
231 548 497 229 558 510 234 574 516 237 583 525
206 591 529 250 599 538 259 610 546 263 627 555
264 642 574 280 653 574 282 660 586 292 694 602
286 709 617 302 734 639 304 751 653 307 763 668
317 766 679 314 779 686 306 808 697 304 785 688
292 794 704 275 799 699 273 799 709 301 812 715
280 837 724 289 853 746 303 876 758 322 897 779
315 922 798 339 949 816 364 979 837 371 988 858
375 1025 881 432 1063 905 453 1104 934 460 1131 968
475 1137 983 496 1178 1013 494 1211 1034 498 1256 1064
526 1290 1101 519 1314 1102 516 1346 1145 531 1385 1173
573 1416 1216 551 1436 1229 538 1462 1242 532 1493 1267
558 1516 1295 524 1557 1317 525 1613 1355 519 1642 1371
526 1690 1402 510 1759 1452 519 1756 1485 538 1780 1516
549 1807 1549 570 1831 1567 559 1873 1588 584 1897 1631
304 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
611 1910 1650 597 1943 1685 603 1976 1722 619 2018 1752
635 2040 1774 658 2070 1807 675 2121 1831 700 2132 1842
692 2199 1890 759 2253 1958 782 2276 1948 816 2318 1994
844 2369 2061 830 2423 2056 853 2457 2102 852 2470 2121
833 2521 2145 860 2545 2164 870 2580 2206 830 2620 2225
801 2639 2235 824 2618 2237 831 2628 2250 830 2651 2271
proc iml;
use one;
read all into y var{invest income consum};
mdel = 1;
maice = 0;
misw = 0; /
-- instantaneous modeling ? --
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y maxlag=3
opt=(mdel || maice || misw) print=1;
arcoef = j(9,3,0);
do i=1 to 9;
do j=1 to 3;
arcoef[i,j] = arcoef_l[i+1,j];
print arcoef;
misw = 1;
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y maxlag=3
opt=(mdel || maice || misw) print=1;
print ev;
To obtain the unit triangular matrix L
and diagonal matrix D
, you need to estimate the instantaneous
response model. When you specify the OPT[3]=1 option, the rst row of the output matrix EV contains
error variances of the instantaneous response model, while the unit triangular matrix is in the second through
the fth rows. See Output 13.1.1. Here is the code:
Output 13.1.1 Error Variance and Unit Triangular Matrix
VAR Estimation and Variance Decomposition
295.21042 190.94664 59.361516
1 0 0
-0.02239 1 0
-0.256341 -0.500803 1
In Output 13.1.2 and Output 13.1.3, you can see the relationship between the instantaneous response model
and the VAR model. The VAR coefcients are computed as A
= LA
(i = 0. 1. 2. 3), where A
is a
coefcient matrix of the instantaneous model. For example, you can verify this result by using the rst lag
coefcient matrix (A
Example 13.1: VAR Estimation and Variance Decomposition ! 305
0.886 0.340 0.014
0.168 1.050 0.107
0.089 0.459 0.447
1.000 0 0
0.022 1.000 0
0.256 0.501 1.000
0.886 0.340 0.014
0.149 1.043 0.107
0.222 0.154 0.397
proc iml;
mdel = 1;
maice = 0;
misw = 0;
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y maxlag=3
opt=(mdel || maice || misw);
call tspred(forecast,impulse0,mse,y,arcoef,nar,0,ev)
npred=10 start=nrow(y) constant=mdel;
Output 13.1.2 VAR Estimates
0.8855926 0.3401741 -0.014398
0.1684523 1.0502619 0.107064
0.0891034 0.4591573 0.4473672
-0.059195 -0.298777 0.1629818
0.1128625 -0.044039 -0.088186
0.1684932 -0.025847 -0.025671
0.0637227 -0.196504 0.0695746
-0.226559 0.0532467 -0.099808
-0.303697 -0.139022 0.2576405
Output 13.1.3 Instantaneous Response Model Estimates
0.885593 0.340174 -0.014398
0.148624 1.042645 0.107386
-0.222272 -0.154018 0.39744
-0.059195 -0.298777 0.162982
0.114188 -0.037349 -0.091835
0.127145 0.072796 -0.023287
0.063723 -0.196504 0.069575
-0.227986 0.057646 -0.101366
-0.20657 -0.115316 0.28979
When the VAR estimates are available, you can forecast the future values by using the TSPRED call. As
a default, the one-step predictions are produced until the START= point is reached. The NPRED=h option
species how far you want to predict. The prediction error covariance matrix MSE contains h mean square
error matrices. The output matrix IMPULSE contains the estimate of the coefcients (
) of the innite
MA process. The following IML code estimates the VAR(3) model and performs 10-step-ahead prediction.
mdel = 1;
306 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
maice = 0;
misw = 0;
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y maxlag=3
opt=(mdel || maice || misw);
call tspred(forecast,impulse,mse,y,arcoef,nar,0,ev)
npred=10 start=nrow(y) constant=mdel;
print impulse;
The lagged effects of a unit increase in the error disturbances are included in the matrix IMPULSE. For
0.781100 0.353140 0.180211
0.448501 1.165474 0.069731
0.364611 0.692111 0.222342
Output 13.1.4 displays the rst 15 rows of the matrix IMPULSE.
Output 13.1.4 Moving-Average Coefcients: MA(0)MA(4)
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0.8855926 0.3401741 -0.014398
0.1684523 1.0502619 0.107064
0.0891034 0.4591573 0.4473672
0.7810999 0.3531397 0.1802109
0.4485013 1.1654737 0.0697311
0.3646106 0.6921108 0.2223425
0.8145483 0.243637 0.2914643
0.4997732 1.3625363 -0.018202
0.2775237 0.7555914 0.3885065
0.7960884 0.2593068 0.260239
0.5275069 1.4134792 0.0335483
0.267452 0.8659426 0.3190203
In addition, you can compute the lagged response on the one-unit increase in the orthogonalized disturbances
. ,
. . . . . X
When the error matrix EVis obtained from the instantaneous response model, you need to convert the matrix
IMPULSE. The rst 15 rows of the matrix ORTH_IMP are shown in Output 13.1.5. Note that the matrix
constructed from the last three rows of EV become the matrix L
. Here is the code:
call tsmulmar(arcoef,ev,nar,aic) data=y maxlag=3
opt={1 0 1};
lmtx = inv(ev[2:nrow(ev),]);
orth_imp = impulse
Example 13.1: VAR Estimation and Variance Decomposition ! 307
print orth_imp;
Output 13.1.5 Transformed Moving-Average Coefcients
1 0 0
0.0223902 1 0
0.267554 0.5008031 1
0.889357 0.3329638 -0.014398
0.2206132 1.1038799 0.107064
0.219079 0.6832001 0.4473672
0.8372229 0.4433899 0.1802109
0.4932533 1.2003953 0.0697311
0.4395957 0.8034606 0.2223425
0.8979858 0.3896033 0.2914643
0.5254106 1.3534206 -0.018202
0.398388 0.9501566 0.3885065
0.8715223 0.3896353 0.260239
0.5681309 1.4302804 0.0335483
0.3721958 1.025709 0.3190203
You can verify the result for the case of
. ,
. . . . . X
using the simple computation
0.781100 0.353140 0.180211
0.448501 1.165474 0.069731
0.364611 0.692111 0.222342
The contribution of the i th orthogonalized innovation to the mean square error matrix of the 10-step forecast
is computed by using the formula
i i




In Output 13.1.6, diagonal elements of each decomposed MSE matrix are displayed as the matrix CONTRIB
as well as those of the MSE matrix (VAR). Here is the code:
mse1 = j(3,3,0);
mse2 = j(3,3,0);
mse3 = j(3,3,0);
do i = 1 to 5;
psi = impulse[(i-1)
mse1 = mse1 + psi
mse2 = mse2 + psi
mse3 = mse3 + psi
308 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
mse1 = ev[1,1]#mse1;
mse2 = ev[1,2]#mse2;
mse3 = ev[1,3]#mse3;
contrib = vecdiag(mse1) || vecdiag(mse2) || vecdiag(mse3);
var = vecdiag(mse[28:30,]);
print contrib var;
Output 13.1.6 Orthogonal Innovation Contribution
contrib var
1197.9131 116.68096 11.003194 2163.7104
263.12088 1439.1551 1.0555626 4573.9809
180.09836 633.55931 89.177905 2466.506
The investment innovation contribution to its own variable is 1879.3774, and the income innovation contri-
bution to the consumption expenditure is 1916.1676. It is easy to understand the contribution of innovations
in the i th variable to MSE when you compute the innovation account. In Output 13.1.7, innovations in the
rst variable (investment) explain 20.45% of the error variance of the second variable (income), while the
innovations in the second variable explain 79.5% of its own error variance. It is straightforward to construct
the general multistep forecast error variance decomposition. Here is the code:
account = contrib
100 / (var@j(1,3,1));
print account;
Output 13.1.7 Innovation Account
55.363835 5.3926331 0.5085336
5.7525574 31.463951 0.0230775
7.3017604 25.68651 3.615556
Kalman Filter Subroutines
This section describes a collection of Kalman ltering and smoothing subroutines for time series analysis;
immediately following are three examples using Kalman ltering subroutines. The state space model is a
method for analyzing a wide range of time series models. When the time series is represented by the state
space model (SSM), the Kalman lter is used for ltering, prediction, and smoothing of the state vector.
The state space model is composed of the measurement and transition equations.
The following Kalman ltering and smoothing subroutines are supported:
KALCVF performs covariance ltering and prediction.
Getting Started ! 309
KALCVS performs xed-interval smoothing.
KALDFF performs diffuse covariance ltering and prediction.
KALDFS performs diffuse xed-interval smoothing.
Getting Started
The measurement (or observation) equation can be written
= b
where b
is an N
1 vector, H
is an N
matrix, the sequence of observation noise c
is independent,
is an N
1 state vector, and y
is an N
1 observed vector.
The transition (or state) equation is denoted as a rst-order Markov process of the state vector.
= a
where a
is an N
1 vector, F
is an N
transition matrix, and the sequence of transition noise j
is independent. This equation is often called a shifted transition equation because the state vector is shifted
forward one time period. The transition equation can also be denoted by using an alternative specication
= a
There is no real difference between the shifted transition equation and this alternative equation if the obser-
vation noise and transition equation noise are uncorrelatedthat is, 1(j
) = 0. It is assumed that
) = V

) = R

) = G


1 if t = s
0 if t = s
De Jong (1991) proposed a diffuse Kalman lter that can handle an arbitrarily large initial state covariance
matrix. The diffuse initial state assumption is reasonable if you encounter the case of parameter uncertainty
or SSM nonstationarity. The SSM of the diffuse Kalman lter is written
= X
= W
= a A
= b B
310 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
where is a random variable with a mean of j and a variance of o
. When o, the SSM is said to
be diffuse.
The KALCVF call computes the one-step prediction z
and the ltered estimate z
, together with their
covariance matrices P
and P
, using forward recursions. You can obtain the k-step prediction z
and its covariance matrix P
with the KALCVF call. The KALCVS call uses backward recursions to
compute the smoothed estimate z
and its covariance matrix P
when there are T observations in the
complete data.
The KALDFF call produces one-step prediction of the state and the unobserved random vector as well
as their covariance matrices. The KALDFS call computes the smoothed estimate z
and its covariance
matrix P
CALL KALCVF (pred, vpred, lt, vlt, data, lead, a, , b, h, var <, z0, vz0>) ;
CALL KALCVS (sm, vsm, data, a, , b, h, var, pred, vpred <,un, vun>) ;
CALL KALDFF (pred, vpred, initial, s2, data, lead, int, coef, var, intd, coefd <, n0, at, mt, qt >) ;
CALL KALDFS (sm, vsm, data, int, coef, var, bvec, bmat, initial, at, mt, s2 <, un, vun>) ;
Example 13.2: Kalman Filtering: Likelihood Function Evaluation
In the following example, the log-likelihood function of the SSM is computed by using prediction error
decomposition. The annual real GNP series, ,
, can be decomposed as
= j
where j
is a trend component and c
is a white noise error with c
~ (0. o
). Refer to Nelson and
Plosser (1982) for more details about these data. The trend component is assumed to be generated from the
following stochastic equations:
= j


where j
and j
are independent white noise disturbances with j
~ (0. o
) and j
~ (0. o
It is straightforward to construct the SSM of the real GNP series.
= Hz
= Fz
Example 13.2: Kalman Filtering: Likelihood Function Evaluation ! 311
H = (1. 0)
F =
1 1
0 1
= (j
= (j
. j
0 0
0 o
0 0 o
When the observation noise c
is normally distributed, the average log-likelihood function of the SSM is


where C
is the mean square error matrix of the prediction error c
, such that C
= HP
The LIK module computes the average log-likelihood function. First, the average log-likelihood function is
computed by using the default initial values: Z0=0 and VZ0=10
I. The second call of module LIK produces
the average log-likelihood function with the given initial conditions: Z0=0 and VZ0=10
I. You can notice
a sizable difference between the uncertain initial condition (VZ0=10
I) and the almost deterministic initial
condition (VZ0=10
I) in Output 13.2.1.
Finally, the rst 15 observations of one-step predictions, ltered values, and real GNP series are produced
under the moderate initial condition (VZ0=10I). The data are the annual real GNP for the years 1909 to
1969. Here is the code:
title 'Likelihood Evaluation of SSM';
title2 'DATA: Annual Real GNP 1909-1969';
data gnp;
input y @@;
116.8 120.1 123.2 130.2 131.4 125.6 124.5 134.3
135.2 151.8 146.4 139.0 127.8 147.0 165.9 165.5
179.4 190.0 189.8 190.9 203.6 183.5 169.3 144.2
141.5 154.3 169.5 193.0 203.2 192.9 209.4 227.2
263.7 297.8 337.1 361.3 355.2 312.6 309.9 323.7
324.1 355.3 383.4 395.1 412.8 406.0 438.0 446.1
452.5 447.3 475.9 487.7 497.2 529.8 551.0 581.1
617.8 658.1 675.2 706.6 724.7
312 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
proc iml;
start lik(y,a,b,f,h,var,z0,vz0);
nz = nrow(f);
n = nrow(y);
k = ncol(y);
const = k
if ( sum(z0 = .) | sum(vz0 = .) ) then
call kalcvf(pred,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,0,a,f,b,h,var);
call kalcvf(pred,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,0,a,f,b,h,var,z0,vz0);
et = y - pred
sum1 = 0;
sum2 = 0;
do i = 1 to n;
vpred_i = vpred[(i-1)
et_i = et[i,];
ft = h
h` + var[nz+1:nz+k,nz+1:nz+k];
sum1 = sum1 + log(det(ft));
sum2 = sum2 + et_i
use gnp;
read all var {y};
close gnp;
f = {1 1, 0 1};
h = {1 0};
a = j(nrow(f),1,0);
b = j(nrow(h),1,0);
var = diag(j(1,nrow(f)+ncol(y),1e-3));
-- initial values are computed --
z0 = j(1,nrow(f),.);
vz0 = j(nrow(f),nrow(f),.);
logl = lik(y,a,b,f,h,var,z0,vz0);
print 'No initial values are given', logl;
-- initial values are given --
z0 = j(1,nrow(f),0);
vz0 = 1e-3#i(nrow(f));
logl = lik(y,a,b,f,h,var,z0,vz0);
print 'Initial values are given', logl;
z0 = j(1,nrow(f),0);
vz0 = 10#i(nrow(f));
call kalcvf(pred0,vpred,filt0,vfilt,y,1,a,f,b,h,var,z0,vz0);
y0 = y;
free y;
y = j(16,1,0);
pred = j(16,2,0);
filt = j(16,2,0);
do i=1 to 16;
y[i] = y0[i];
Example 13.2: Kalman Filtering: Likelihood Function Evaluation ! 313
pred[i,] = pred0[i,];
filt[i,] = filt0[i,];
print y pred filt;
Output 13.2.1 Average Log Likelihood of SSM
Likelihood Evaluation of SSM
DATA: Annual Real GNP 1909-1969
No initial values are given
Initial values are given
Output 13.2.2 shows the observed data, the predicted state vectors, and the ltered state vectors for the rst
16 observations.
Output 13.2.2 Filtering and One-Step Prediction
y pred filt
116.8 0 0 116.78832 0
120.1 116.78832 0 120.09967 3.3106857
123.2 123.41035 3.3106857 123.22338 3.1938303
130.2 126.41721 3.1938303 129.59203 4.8825531
131.4 134.47459 4.8825531 131.93806 3.5758561
125.6 135.51391 3.5758561 127.36247 -0.610017
124.5 126.75246 -0.610017 124.90123 -1.560708
134.3 123.34052 -1.560708 132.34754 3.0651076
135.2 135.41265 3.0651076 135.23788 2.9753526
151.8 138.21324 2.9753526 149.37947 8.7100967
146.4 158.08957 8.7100967 148.48254 3.7761324
139 152.25867 3.7761324 141.36208 -1.82012
127.8 139.54196 -1.82012 129.89187 -6.776195
147 123.11568 -6.776195 142.74492 3.3049584
165.9 146.04988 3.3049584 162.36363 11.683345
165.5 174.04698 11.683345 167.02267 8.075817
314 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Example 13.3: Kalman Filtering: SSM Estimation With the EM Algorithm
The following example estimates the normal SSM of the mink-muskrat data by using the EM algorithm.
The mink-muskrat series are detrended. Refer to Harvey (1989) for details of this data set. Since this
EM algorithm uses ltering and smoothing, you can learn how to use the KALCVF and KALCVS calls to
analyze the data. Consider the bivariate SSM:
= Hz
= Fz
where H is a 2 2 identity matrix, the observation noise has a time-invariant covariance matrix R, and the
covariance matrix of the transition equation is also assumed to be time invariant. The initial state z
mean j and covariance . For estimation, the matrix is xed as
0.1 0.0
0.0 0.1
while the mean vector j is updated by the smoothing procedure such that j = z
. Note that this estima-
tion requires an extra smoothing step since the usual smoothing procedure does not produce z
The EM algorithm maximizes the expected log-likelihood function given the current parameter estimates.
In practice, the log-likelihood function of the normal SSM is evaluated while the parameters are updated by
using the M-step of the EM maximization
= S
(0) S

= z
where the index i represents the current iteration number, and
(0) =

(1) =

It is necessary to compute the value of P
recursively such that
= P
where P
= P
and the initial value P
is derived by using the formula
Example 13.3: Kalman Filtering: SSM Estimation With the EM Algorithm ! 315
Note that the initial value of the state vector is updated for each iteration
= Fj
= F
The objective function value is computed as 2 in the IML module LIK. The log-likelihood function is


where C
= HP
The iteration history is shown in Output 13.3.1. As shown in Output 13.3.2, the eigenvalues of F are within
the unit circle, which indicates that the SSM is stationary. However, the muskrat series (Y1) is reported to
be difference stationary. The estimated parameters are almost identical to those of the VAR(1) estimates.
Refer to Harvey (1989). Finally, multistep forecasts of y
are computed by using the KALCVF call. Here is
the code:
call kalcvf(pred,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,15,a,f,b,h,var,z0,vz0);
The predicted values of the state vector z
and their standard errors are shown in Output 13.3.3. Here is the
title 'SSM Estimation using EM Algorithm';
data one;
input y1 y2 @@;
0.10609 0.16794 -0.16852 0.06242 -0.23700 -0.13344
-0.18022 -0.50616 0.18094 -0.37943 0.65983 -0.40132
0.65235 0.08789 0.21594 0.23877 -0.11515 0.40043
-0.00067 0.37758 -0.00387 0.55735 -0.25202 0.34444
-0.65011 -0.02749 -0.53646 -0.41519 -0.08462 0.02591
-0.05640 -0.11348 0.26630 0.20544 0.03641 0.16331
-0.26030 -0.01498 -0.03995 0.09657 0.33612 0.31096
-0.11672 0.30681 -0.69775 -0.69351 -0.07569 -0.56212
0.36149 -0.36799 0.42341 -0.24725 0.26721 0.04478
-0.00363 0.21637 0.08333 0.30188 -0.22480 0.29493
-0.13728 0.35463 -0.12698 0.05490 -0.18770 -0.52573
0.34741 -0.49541 0.54947 -0.26250 0.57423 -0.21936
0.57493 -0.12012 0.28188 0.63556 -0.58438 0.27067
-0.50236 0.10386 -0.60766 0.36748 -1.04784 -0.33493
-0.68857 -0.46525 -0.11450 -0.63648 0.22005 -0.26335
0.36533 0.07017 -0.00151 -0.04977 0.03740 -0.02411
0.22438 0.30790 -0.16196 0.41050 -0.12862 0.34929
0.08448 -0.14995 0.17945 -0.03320 0.37502 0.02953
0.95727 0.24090 0.86188 0.41096 0.39464 0.24157
0.53794 0.29385 0.13054 0.39336 -0.39138 -0.00323
-1.23825 -0.56953 -0.66286 -0.72363
316 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
proc iml;
start lik(y,pred,vpred,h,rt);
n = nrow(y);
nz = ncol(h);
et = y - pred
sum1 = 0;
sum2 = 0;
do i = 1 to n;
vpred_i = vpred[(i-1)
et_i = et[i,];
ft = h
h` + rt;
sum1 = sum1 + log(det(ft));
sum2 = sum2 + et_i
use one;
read all into y var {y1 y2};
close one;
-- mean adjust series --
t = nrow(y);
ny = ncol(y);
nz = ny;
f = i(nz);
h = i(ny);
-- observation noise variance is diagonal --
rt = 1e-5#i(ny);
-- transition noise variance --
vt = .1#i(nz);
a = j(nz,1,0);
b = j(ny,1,0);
myu = j(nz,1,0);
sigma = .1#i(nz);
converge = 0;
logl0 = 0.0;
do iter = 1 to 100 while( converge = 0 );
--- construct big cov matrix --
var = ( vt || j(nz,ny,0) ) //
( j(ny,nz,0) || rt );
-- initial values are changed --
z0 = myu`
vz0 = f
f` + vt;
-- filtering to get one-step prediction and filtered value --
call kalcvf(pred,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,0,a,f,b,h,var,z0,vz0);
-- smoothing using one-step prediction values --
Example 13.3: Kalman Filtering: SSM Estimation With the EM Algorithm ! 317
call kalcvs(sm,vsm,y,a,f,b,h,var,pred,vpred);
-- compute likelihood values --
logl = lik(y,pred,vpred,h,rt);
-- store old parameters and function values --
myu0 = myu;
f0 = f;
vt0 = vt;
rt0 = rt;
diflog = logl - logl0;
logl0 = logl;
itermat = itermat // ( iter || logl0 || shape(f0,1) || myu0` );
-- obtain P
(t) to get P_T_0 and Z_T_0 --
-- these values are not usually needed --
-- See Harvey (1989 p154) or Shumway (1988, p177) --
jt1 = sigma
p_t_0 = sigma + jt1
(vsm[1:nz,] - vpred[1:nz,])
z_t_0 = myu + jt1
(sm[1,]` - pred[1,]`);
p_t1_t = vpred[(t-1)
p_t1_t1 = vfilt[(t-2)
kt = p_t1_t
-- obtain P_T_TT1. See Shumway (1988, p180) --
p_t_ii1 = (i(nz)-kt
st0 = vsm[(t-1)
nz,] + sm[t,]`
st1 = p_t_ii1 + sm[t,]`
st00 = p_t_0 + z_t_0
cov = (y[t,]` - h
(y[t,]` - h
sm[t,]`)` +
do i = t to 2 by -1;
p_i1_i1 = vfilt[(i-2)
p_i1_i = vpred[(i-1)
jt1 = p_i1_i1
p_i1_i = vpred[(i-2)
if ( i > 2 ) then
p_i2_i2 = vfilt[(i-3)
p_i2_i2 = sigma;
jt2 = p_i2_i2
p_t_i1i2 = p_i1_i1
jt2` + jt1
(p_t_ii1 - f
p_t_ii1 = p_t_i1i2;
temp = vsm[(i-2)
sm1 = sm[i-1,]`;
st0 = st0 + ( temp + sm1
sm1` );
if ( i > 2 ) then
st1 = st1 + ( p_t_ii1 + sm1
else st1 = st1 + ( p_t_ii1 + sm1
st00 = st00 + ( temp + sm1
sm1` );
cov = cov + ( h
h` +
(y[i-1,]` - h
(y[i-1,]` - h
sm1)` );
318 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
-- M-step: update the parameters --
myu = z_t_0;
f = st1
vt = (st0 - st1
rt = cov / t;
-- check convergence --
if ( max(abs((myu - myu0)/(myu0+1e-6))) < 1e-2 &
max(abs((f - f0)/(f0+1e-6))) < 1e-2 &
max(abs((vt - vt0)/(vt0+1e-6))) < 1e-2 &
max(abs((rt - rt0)/(rt0+1e-6))) < 1e-2 &
abs((diflog)/(logl0+1e-6)) < 1e-3 ) then
converge = 1;
reset noname;
colnm = {'Iter' '-2
log L' 'F11' 'F12' 'F21' 'F22'
'MYU11' 'MYU22'};
print itermat[colname=colnm format=8.4];
eval = eigval(f0);
colnm = {'Real' 'Imag' 'MOD'};
eval = eval || sqrt((eval#eval)[,+]);
print eval[colname=colnm];
var = ( vt || j(nz,ny,0) ) //
( j(ny,nz,0) || rt );
-- initial values are changed --
z0 = myu`
vz0 = f
f` + vt;
free itermat;
-- multistep prediction --
call kalcvf(pred,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,15,a,f,b,h,var,z0,vz0);
do i = 1 to 15;
itermat = itermat // ( i || pred[t+i,] ||
nz,]))` );
colnm = {'n-Step' 'Z1_T_n' 'Z2_T_n' 'SE_Z1' 'SE_Z2'};
print itermat[colname=colnm];
Example 13.4: Diffuse Kalman Filtering ! 319
Output 13.3.1 Iteration History
SSM Estimation using EM Algorithm
Iter -2
log L F11 F12 F21 F22 MYU11 MYU22
1.0000 -154.010 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000
2.0000 -237.962 0.7952 -0.6473 0.3263 0.5143 0.0530 0.0840
3.0000 -238.083 0.7967 -0.6514 0.3259 0.5142 0.1372 0.0977
4.0000 -238.126 0.7966 -0.6517 0.3259 0.5139 0.1853 0.1159
5.0000 -238.143 0.7964 -0.6519 0.3257 0.5138 0.2143 0.1304
6.0000 -238.151 0.7963 -0.6520 0.3255 0.5136 0.2324 0.1405
7.0000 -238.153 0.7962 -0.6520 0.3254 0.5135 0.2438 0.1473
8.0000 -238.155 0.7962 -0.6521 0.3253 0.5135 0.2511 0.1518
9.0000 -238.155 0.7962 -0.6521 0.3253 0.5134 0.2558 0.1546
10.0000 -238.155 0.7961 -0.6521 0.3253 0.5134 0.2588 0.1565
Output 13.3.2 Eigenvalues of F Matrix
Real Imag MOD
0.6547534 0.438317 0.7879237
0.6547534 -0.438317 0.7879237
Output 13.3.3 Multistep Prediction
n-Step Z1_T_n Z2_T_n SE_Z1 SE_Z2
1 -0.055792 -0.587049 0.2437666 0.237074
2 0.3384325 -0.319505 0.3140478 0.290662
3 0.4778022 -0.053949 0.3669731 0.3104052
4 0.4155731 0.1276996 0.4021048 0.3218256
5 0.2475671 0.2007098 0.419699 0.3319293
6 0.0661993 0.1835492 0.4268943 0.3396153
7 -0.067001 0.1157541 0.430752 0.3438409
8 -0.128831 0.0376316 0.4341532 0.3456312
9 -0.127107 -0.022581 0.4369411 0.3465325
10 -0.086466 -0.052931 0.4385978 0.3473038
11 -0.034319 -0.055293 0.4393282 0.3479612
12 0.0087379 -0.039546 0.4396666 0.3483717
13 0.0327466 -0.017459 0.439936 0.3485586
14 0.0374564 0.0016876 0.4401753 0.3486415
15 0.0287193 0.0130482 0.440335 0.3487034
Example 13.4: Diffuse Kalman Filtering
The nonstationary SSM is simulated to analyze the diffuse Kalman lter call KALDFF. The transition
equation is generated by using the following formula:
320 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
1.5 0.5
1.0 0.0
_ _

where j
~ N(0. 1). The transition equation is nonstationary since the transition matrix F has one unit
root. Here is the code:
proc iml;
z_1 = 0; z_2 = 0;
do i = 1 to 30;
z = 1.5
z_1 - .5
z_2 + rannor(1234567);
z_2 = z_1;
z_1 = z;
x = z + .8
if ( i > 10 ) then y = y // x;
The KALDFF and KALCVF calls produce one-step prediction, and the result shows that two predictions
coincide after the fth observation (Output 13.4.1). Here is the code:
t = nrow(y);
h = { 1 0 };
f = { 1.5 -.5, 1 0 };
rt = .64;
vt = diag({1 0});
ny = nrow(h);
nz = ncol(h);
nb = nz;
nd = nz;
a = j(nz,1,0);
b = j(ny,1,0);
int = j(ny+nz,nb,0);
coef = f // h;
var = ( vt || j(nz,ny,0) ) //
( j(ny,nz,0) || rt );
intd = j(nz+nb,1,0);
coefd = i(nz) // j(nb,nd,0);
at = j(t
mt = j(t
qt = j(t
n0 = -1;
call kaldff(kaldff_p,dvpred,initial,s2,y,0,int,
call kalcvf(kalcvf_p,vpred,filt,vfilt,y,0,a,f,b,h,var);
print kalcvf_p kaldff_p;
Example 13.4: Diffuse Kalman Filtering ! 321
Output 13.4.1 Diffuse Kalman Filtering
Diffuse Kalman Filtering
kalcvf_p kaldff_p
0 0 0 0
1.441911 0.961274 1.1214871 0.9612746
-0.882128 -0.267663 -0.882138 -0.267667
-0.723156 -0.527704 -0.723158 -0.527706
1.2964969 0.871659 1.2964968 0.8716585
-0.035692 0.1379633 -0.035692 0.1379633
-2.698135 -1.967344 -2.698135 -1.967344
-5.010039 -4.158022 -5.010039 -4.158022
-9.048134 -7.719107 -9.048134 -7.719107
-8.993153 -8.508513 -8.993153 -8.508513
-11.16619 -10.44119 -11.16619 -10.44119
-10.42932 -10.34166 -10.42932 -10.34166
-8.331091 -8.822777 -8.331091 -8.822777
-9.578258 -9.450848 -9.578258 -9.450848
-6.526855 -7.241927 -6.526855 -7.241927
-5.218651 -5.813854 -5.218651 -5.813854
-5.01855 -5.291777 -5.01855 -5.291777
-6.5699 -6.284522 -6.5699 -6.284522
-4.613301 -4.995434 -4.613301 -4.995434
-5.057926 -5.09007 -5.057926 -5.09007
The likelihood function for the diffuse Kalman lter under the nite initial covariance matrix

is written
z(y) =
log( o

where y
#) is the dimension of the matrix (y
. . y
. The likelihood function for the diffuse Kalman
lter under the diffuse initial covariance matrix (

o) is computed as z(y)
log([S[), where the
S matrix is the upper N

matrix of Q
. Output 13.4.2 displays the log likelihood and the diffuse log
likelihood. Here is the code:
d = 0;
do i = 1 to t;
dt = h
h` + rt;
d = d + log(det(dt));
s = qt[(t-1)
log_l = -(t
log(s2) + d)/2;
dff_logl = log_l - log(det(s))/2;
print log_l dff_logl;
322 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Output 13.4.2 Diffuse Likelihood Function
Log L -11.42547
Diffuse Log L -9.457596
Vector Time Series Analysis Subroutines
Vector time series analysis involves more than one dependent time series variable, with possible interrela-
tions or feedback between the dependent variables.
The VARMASIM subroutine generates various time series from the underlying VARMA models. Simula-
tions of time series with known VARMA structure offer learning and developing vector time series analysis
The VARMACOV subroutine provides the pattern of the autocovariance function of VARMA models and
helps to identify and t a proper model.
The VARMALIK subroutine provides the log-likelihood of a VARMA model and helps to obtain estimates
of the parameters of a regression model.
The following subroutines are supported:
VARMACOV computes the theoretical cross covariances for a multivariate ARMA model
VARMALIK evaluates the log-likelihood function for a multivariate ARMA model
VARMASIM generates a multivariate ARMA time series
VNORMAL generates a multivariate normal random series
VTSROOT computes the characteristic roots of a multivariate ARMA model
Getting Started
Stationary VAR Process
Generate the process following the rst-order stationary vector autoregressive model with zero mean
1.2 0.5
0.6 0.3

with =
1.0 0.5
0.5 1.25
Getting Started ! 323
The following statements compute the roots of characteristic function, compute the ve lags of cross-
covariance matrices, generate 100 observations simulated data, and evaluate the log-likelihood function
of the VAR(1) model:
proc iml;
Stationary VAR(1) model
sig = {1.0 0.5, 0.5 1.25};
phi = {1.2 -0.5, 0.6 0.3};
call varmasim(yt,phi) sigma=sig n=100 seed=3243;
call vtsroot(root,phi);
print root;
call varmacov(crosscov,phi) sigma=sig lag=5;
lag = {'0','','1','','2','','3','','4','','5',''};
print lag crosscov;
call varmalik(lnl,yt,phi) sigma=sig;
print lnl;
Output 13.4.3 Plot of Generated VAR(1) Process (VARMASIM)
The stationary VAR(1) processes show in Figure 13.4.3.
324 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Output 13.4.4 Roots of VAR(1) Model (VTSROOT)
0.75 0.3122499 0.8124038 0.3945069 22.603583
0.75 -0.31225 0.8124038 -0.394507 -22.60358
In Figure 13.4.4, the rst column is the real part (1) of the root of the characteristic function and the second
one is the imaginary part (1). The third column is the modulus, the squared root of 1
. The fourth
column is Tan
(1,1) and the last one is the degree. Since moduli are less than one from the third column,
the series is obviously stationary.
Output 13.4.5 Cross-covariance Matrices of VAR(1) Model (VARMACOV)
lag crosscov
0 5.3934173 3.8597124
3.8597124 5.0342051
1 4.5422445 4.3939641
2.1145523 3.826089
2 3.2537114 4.0435359
0.6244183 2.4165581
3 1.8826857 3.1652876
-0.458977 1.0996184
4 0.676579 2.0791977
-1.100582 0.0544993
5 -0.227704 1.0297067
-1.347948 -0.643999
In each matrix in Figure 13.4.5, the diagonal elements are corresponding to the autocovariance functions of
each time series. The off-diagonal elements are corresponding to the cross-covariance functions of between
two series.
Output 13.4.6 Log-Likelihood function of VAR(1) Model (VARMALIK)
In Figure 13.4.6, the rst row is the value of log-likelihood function; the second row is the sum of log
determinant of the innovation variance; the last row is the weighted sum of squares of residuals.
Getting Started ! 325
Nonstationary VAR Process
Generate the process following the error correction model with a cointegrated rank of 1:
(1 T)y
(1 2)y

100 0
0 100
and y
= 0
The following statements compute the roots of characteristic function and generate simulated data.
proc iml;
Nonstationary model
sig = 100
phi = {0.6 0.8, 0.1 0.8};
call varmasim(yt,phi) sigma=sig n=100 seed=1324;
call vtsroot(root,phi);
print root;
326 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Output 13.4.7 Plot of Generated Nonstationary Vector Process (VARMASIM)
The nonstationary processes are shown in Figure 13.4.7 and have a comovement.
Output 13.4.8 Roots of Nonstationary VAR(1) Model (VTSROOT)
1 0 1 0 0
0.4 0 0.4 0 0
In Figure 13.4.8, the rst column is the real part (1) of the root of the characteristic function and the second
one is the imaginary part (1). The third column is the modulus, the squared root of 1
. The fourth
column is Tan
(1,1) and the last one is the degree. Since the moduli are greater than equal to one from
the third column, the series is obviously nonstationary.
Syntax ! 327
CALL VARMACOV (cov, phi, theta, sigma <, p, q, lag>) ;
CALL VARMALIK (lnl, series, phi, theta, sigma <, p, q, opt >) ;
CALL VARMASIM (series, phi, theta, mu, sigma, n <, p, q, initial, seed>) ;
CALL VNORMAL (series, mu, sigma, n <, seed>) ;
CALL VTSROOT root, phi, theta <, p, q>) ;
Fractionally Integrated Time Series Analysis
This section describes subroutines related to fractionally integrated time series analysis. The phenomenon
of long memory can be observed in hydrology, nance, economics, and so on. Unlike with a stationary
process, the correlations between observations of a long memory series are slowly decaying to zero.
The following subroutines are supported:
FARMACOV computes the autocovariance function for a fractionally integrated ARMA model.
FARMAFIT estimates the parameters for a fractionally integrated ARMA model.
FARMALIK computes the log-likelihood function for a fractionally integrated ARMA model.
FARMASIM generates a fractionally integrated ARMA process.
FDIF computes a fractionally differenced process.
Getting Started
The fractional differencing enables the degree of differencing J to take any real value rather than being
restricted to integer values. The fractionally differenced processes are capable of modeling long-term per-
sistence. The process
(1 T)
= c
is known as a fractional Gaussian noise process or an ARFIMA(0. J. 0) process, where J
(1. 1)ackslash{0], c
is a white noise process with mean zero and variance o
, and T is the back-
shift operator such that T
= y
. The extension of an ARFIMA(0. J. 0) model combines fractional
differencing with an ARMA(. q) model, known as an ARFIMA(. J. q) model.
Consider an ARFIMA(0. 0.4. 0) represented as (1 T)
= c
where c
~ i iJ N(0. 2). With the
following statements you can
328 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
v generate the simulated 300 observations data
v obtain the fractionally differenced data
v compute the autocovariance function
v compute the log-likelihood function
v t a fractionally integrated time series model to the data
proc iml;
lag = (0:12)`;
call farmacov(autocov_D_IS_04, 0.4);
call farmacov(D_IS_005, 0.05);
print lag autocov_D_IS_04 D_IS_005;
d = 0.4;
call farmasim(yt, d) n=300 sigma=2 seed=5345;
call fdif(zt, yt, d);
print zt;
call farmalik(lnl, yt, d);
print lnl;
call farmafit(d, ar, ma, sigma, yt);
print d sigma;
Getting Started ! 329
Output 13.4.9 Plot of Generated ARFIMA(0,0.4,0) Process (FARMASIM)
The FARMASIM function generates the data shown in Figure 13.4.9.
330 ! Chapter 13: Time Series Analysis and Examples
Output 13.4.10 Plot of Fractionally Differenced Process (FDIF)
The FDIF function creates the fractionally differenced process. Figure 13.4.10 shows a white noise series.
Output 13.4.11 Autocovariance Functions of ARFIMA(0,0.4,0) and ARFIMA(0,0.05,0) Models
lag autocov_D_IS_04 D_IS_005
0 2.0700983 1.0044485
1 1.3800656 0.0528657
2 1.2075574 0.0284662
3 1.1146683 0.0197816
4 1.0527423 0.0152744
5 1.0069709 0.0124972
6 0.9710077 0.0106069
7 0.9415832 0.0092333
8 0.9168047 0.008188
9 0.8954836 0.0073647
10 0.8768277 0.0066985
11 0.8602838 0.006148
12 0.8454513 0.0056849
Syntax ! 331
The rst column is the autocovariance function of the ARFIMA(0,0.4,0) model, and the second column is
the autocovariance function of the ARFIMA(0,0.05,0) model. The rst column decays to zero more slowly
than the second column.
Output 13.4.12 Log-Likelihood Function of ARFIMA(0,0.4,0) Model (FARMALIK)
The rst row value is the log-likelihood function of the ARFIMA(0,0.4,0) model. Because the default
option of the estimates method is the conditional sum of squares, the last two rows of Figure 13.4.12 contain
missing values.
Output 13.4.13 Parameter Estimation of ARFIMA(0,0.4,0) Model (FARMAFIT)
d sigma
0.386507 1.9610507
The nal estimates of the parameters are J = 0.387 and o
= 1.96, while the true values of the data
generating process are J = 0.4 and o
= 2.
CALL FARMACOV (cov, d <, phi, theta, sigma, p, q, lag>) ;
CALL FARMAFIT (d, phi, theta, sigma, series <, p, q, opt >) ;
CALL FARMALIK (lnl, series, d <, phi, theta, sigma, p, q, opt >) ;
CALL FARMASIM (series, d <, phi, theta, mu, sigma, n, p, q, initial, seed>) ;
CALL FDIF (out, series, d) ;
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Chapter 14
Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Global versus Local Optima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Kuhn-Tucker Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Denition of Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Objective Function and Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Finite-Difference Approximations of Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Parameter Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Options Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Termination Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Control Parameters Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Printing the Optimization History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Nonlinear Optimization Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Example 14.1: Chemical Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Example 14.2: Network Flow and Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Example 14.3: Compartmental Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Example 14.4: MLEs for Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Example 14.5: Prole-Likelihood-Based Condence Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Example 14.6: Survival Curve for Interval Censored Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Example 14.7: A Two-Equation Maximum Likelihood Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Example 14.8: Time-Optimal Heat Conduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
The IML procedure offers a set of optimization subroutines for minimizing or maximizing a continuous
nonlinear function = (.) of n parameters, where . = (.
. . . . . .
. The parameters can be subject
to boundary constraints and linear or nonlinear equality and inequality constraints. The following set of
optimization subroutines is available:
336 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
NLPCG Conjugate Gradient Method
NLPDD Double Dogleg Method
NLPNMS Nelder-Mead Simplex Method
NLPNRA Newton-Raphson Method
NLPNRR Newton-Raphson Ridge Method
NLPQN (Dual) Quasi-Newton Method
NLPQUA Quadratic Optimization Method
NLPTR Trust-Region Method
The following subroutines are provided for solving nonlinear least squares problems:
NLPLM Levenberg-Marquardt Least Squares Method
NLPHQN Hybrid Quasi-Newton Least Squares Methods
A least squares problem is a special form of minimization problem where the objective function is dened
as a sum of squares of other (nonlinear) functions.
(.) =
Least squares problems can usually be solved more efciently by the least squares subroutines than by the
other optimization subroutines.
The following subroutines are provided for the related problems of computing nite difference approxima-
tions for rst- and second-order derivatives and of determining a feasible point subject to boundary and
linear constraints:
NLPFDD Approximate Derivatives by Finite Differences
NLPFEA Feasible Point Subject to Constraints
Each optimization subroutine works iteratively. If the parameters are subject only to linear constraints, all
optimization and least squares techniques are feasible-point methods; that is, they move from feasible point
to a better feasible point .
by a step in the search direction s
, k = 1. 2. 3. . . .. If you do not
provide a feasible starting point .
, the optimization methods call the algorithm used in the NLPFEA
subroutine, which tries to compute a starting point that is feasible with respect to the boundary and linear
The NLPNMS and NLPQN subroutines permit nonlinear constraints on parameters. For problems with
nonlinear constraints, these subroutines do not use a feasible-point method; instead, the algorithms begin
with whatever starting point you specify, whether feasible or infeasible.
Each optimization technique requires a continuous objective function = (.), and all optimization sub-
routines except the NLPNMS subroutine require continuous rst-order derivatives of the objective function
. If you do not provide the derivatives of , they are approximated by nite-difference formulas. You can
use the NLPFDD subroutine to check the correctness of analytical derivative specications.
Most of the results obtained from the IML procedure optimization and least squares subroutines can also be
obtained by using the OPTMODEL procedure or the NLP procedure in SAS/OR software.
The advantages of the IML procedure are as follows:
v You can use matrix algebra to specify the objective function, nonlinear constraints, and their deriva-
tives in IML modules.
Getting Started ! 337
v The IML procedure offers several subroutines that can be used to specify the objective function or
nonlinear constraints, many of which would be very difcult to write for the NLP procedure.
v You can formulate your own termination criteria by using the ptit module argument.
The advantages of the NLP procedure are as follows:
v Although identical optimization algorithms are used, the NLP procedure can be much faster because
of the interactive and more general nature of the IML product.
v Analytic rst- and second-order derivatives can be computed with a special compiler.
v Additional optimization methods are available in the NLP procedure that do not t into the framework
of this package.
v Data set processing is much easier than in the IML procedure. You can save results in output data sets
and use them in subsequent runs.
v The printed output contains more information.
Getting Started
Unconstrained Rosenbrock Function
The Rosenbrock function is dened as
(.) =
(1 .
(.)]. . = (.
. .
The minimum function value
= (.
) = 0 is at the point .
= (1. 1).
The following code calls the NLPTR subroutine to solve the optimization problem:
The NLPTR is a trust-region optimization method. The F_ROSEN module represents the Rosenbrock
function, and the G_ROSEN module represents its gradient. Specifying the gradient can reduce the number
of function calls by the optimization subroutine. The optimization begins at the initial point . = (1.2. 1).
For more information about the NLPTR subroutine and its arguments, see the section NLPTR Call on
page 855. For details about the options vector, which is given by the OPTN vector in the preceding code,
see the section Options Vector on page 356.
A portion of the output produced by the NLPTR subroutine is shown in Figure 14.1.
338 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Figure 14.1 NLPTR Solution to the Rosenbrock Problem
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 -1.200000 -107.800000
2 X2 1.000000 -44.000000
Value of Objective Function = 12.1
Trust Region Optimization
Without Parameter Scaling
CRP Jacobian Computed by Finite Differences
Parameter Estimates 2
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 12.1
Max Abs Gradient Element 107.8 Radius 1
Max Abs Trust
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Region
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Lambda Radius
1 0 2 0 2.36594 9.7341 2.3189 0 1.000
2 0 5 0 2.05926 0.3067 5.2875 0.385 1.526
3 0 8 0 1.74390 0.3154 5.9934 0 1.086
4 0 9 0 1.43279 0.3111 6.5134 0.918 0.372
5 0 10 0 1.13242 0.3004 4.9245 0 0.373
6 0 11 0 0.86905 0.2634 2.9302 0 0.291
7 0 12 0 0.66711 0.2019 3.6584 0 0.205
8 0 13 0 0.47959 0.1875 1.7354 0 0.208
9 0 14 0 0.36337 0.1162 1.7589 2.916 0.132
10 0 15 0 0.26903 0.0943 3.4089 0 0.270
11 0 16 0 0.16280 0.1062 0.6902 0 0.201
12 0 19 0 0.11590 0.0469 1.1456 0 0.316
13 0 20 0 0.07616 0.0397 0.8462 0.931 0.134
14 0 21 0 0.04873 0.0274 2.8063 0 0.276
15 0 22 0 0.01862 0.0301 0.2290 0 0.232
16 0 25 0 0.01005 0.00858 0.4553 0 0.256
17 0 26 0 0.00414 0.00590 0.4297 0.247 0.104
18 0 27 0 0.00100 0.00314 0.4323 0.0453 0.104
19 0 28 0 0.0000961 0.000906 0.1134 0 0.104
20 0 29 0 1.67873E-6 0.000094 0.0224 0 0.0569
21 0 30 0 6.9582E-10 1.678E-6 0.000336 0 0.0248
22 0 31 0 1.3128E-16 6.96E-10 1.977E-7 0 0.00314
Getting Started ! 339
Figure 14.1 continued
Optimization Results
Iterations 22 Function Calls 32
Hessian Calls 23 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function 1.312814E-16 Max Abs Gradient Element 1.9773384E-7
Lambda 0 Actual Over Pred Change 0
Radius 0.003140192
ABSGCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 1.000000 0.000000198
2 X2 1.000000 -0.000000105
Value of Objective Function = 1.312814E-16
Since (.) =
(.)], you can also use least squares techniques in this situation. The following
code calls the NLPLM subroutine to solve the problem. The output is shown in Figure 14.2.
Figure 14.2 NLPLM Solution Using the Least Squares Technique
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 -1.200000 -107.799999
2 X2 1.000000 -44.000000
Value of Objective Function = 12.1
Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization
Scaling Update of More (1978)
Gradient Computed by Finite Differences
CRP Jacobian Computed by Finite Differences
Parameter Estimates 2
Functions (Observations) 2
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 12.1
Max Abs Gradient Element 107.7999987 Radius 2626.5613171
340 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Figure 14.2 continued
Max Abs Over
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Pred
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Lambda Change
1 0 4 0 2.18185 9.9181 17.4704 0.00804 0.964
2 0 6 0 1.59370 0.5881 3.7015 0.0190 0.988
3 0 7 0 1.32848 0.2652 7.0843 0.00830 0.678
4 0 8 0 1.03891 0.2896 6.3092 0.00753 0.593
5 0 9 0 0.78943 0.2495 7.2617 0.00634 0.486
6 0 10 0 0.58838 0.2011 7.8837 0.00462 0.393
7 0 11 0 0.34224 0.2461 6.6815 0.00307 0.524
8 0 12 0 0.19630 0.1459 8.3857 0.00147 0.469
9 0 13 0 0.11626 0.0800 9.3086 0.00016 0.409
10 0 14 0 0.0000396 0.1162 0.1781 0 1.000
11 0 15 0 2.4652E-30 0.000040 4.44E-14 0 1.000
Optimization Results
Iterations 11 Function Calls 16
Jacobian Calls 12 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function 2.46519E-30 Max Abs Gradient Element 4.440892E-14
Lambda 0 Actual Over Pred Change 1
Radius 0.0178062912
ABSGCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 1.000000 -4.44089E-14
2 X2 1.000000 2.220446E-14
Value of Objective Function = 2.46519E-30
The Levenberg-Marquardt least squares method, which is the method used by the NLPLM subroutine,
is a modication of the trust-region method for nonlinear least squares problems. The F_ROSEN module
represents the Rosenbrock function. Note that for least squares problems, the mfunctions
(.). . . . .
are specied as elements of a vector; this is different from the manner in which (.) is specied for the
other optimization techniques. No derivatives are specied in the preceding code, so the NLPLM subroutine
computes nite-difference approximations. For more information about the NLPLM subroutine, see the
section NLPLM Call on page 836.
Getting Started ! 341
Constrained Betts Function
The linearly constrained Betts function (Hock and Schittkowski 1981) is dened as
(.) = 0.01.
The boundary constraints are
2 _ .
_ 50
50 _ .
_ 50
The linear constraint is
_ 10
The following code calls the NLPCG subroutine to solve the optimization problem. The infeasible initial
point .
= (1. 1) is specied, and a portion of the output is shown in Figure 14.3.
The NLPCG subroutine performs conjugate gradient optimization. It requires only function and gradient
calls. The F_BETTS module represents the Betts function, and since no module is dened to specify the gra-
dient, rst-order derivatives are computed by nite-difference approximations. For more information about
the NLPCG subroutine, see the section NLPCG Call on page 826. For details about the constraint matrix,
which is represented by the CON matrix in the preceding code, see the section Parameter Constraints on
page 354.
Figure 14.3 NLPCG Solution to Betts Problem
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Lower Upper
Objective Bound Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint Constraint
1 X1 6.800000 0.136000 2.000000 50.000000
2 X2 -1.000000 -2.000000 -50.000000 50.000000
Linear Constraints
1 59.00000 : 10.0000 <= + 10.0000
X1 - 1.0000
Parameter Estimates 2
Lower Bounds 2
Upper Bounds 2
Linear Constraints 1
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function -98.5376
Max Abs Gradient Element 2
342 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Figure 14.3 continued
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Step Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Size Direc
1 0 3 0 -99.54682 1.0092 0.1346 0.502 -4.018
2 1 7 1 -99.96000 0.4132 0.00272 34.985 -0.0182
3 2 9 1 -99.96000 1.851E-6 0 0.500 -74E-7
Optimization Results
Iterations 3 Function Calls 10
Gradient Calls 9 Active Constraints 1
Objective Function -99.96 Max Abs Gradient Element 0
Slope of Search Direction -7.398365E-6
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Active
Objective Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint
1 X1 2.000000 0.040000 Lower BC
2 X2 -1.24028E-10 0
Linear Constraints Evaluated at Solution
1 10.00000 = -10.0000 + 10.0000
X1 - 1.0000
Since the initial point (1. 1) is infeasible, the subroutine rst computes a feasible starting point. Con-
vergence is achieved after three iterations, and the optimal point is given to be .
= (2. 0) with an optimal
function value of
= (.
) = 99.96. For more information about the printed output, see the section
Printing the Optimization History on page 369.
Rosen-Suzuki Problem
The Rosen-Suzuki problem is a function of four variables with three nonlinear constraints on the variables.
It is taken from problem 43 of Hock and Schittkowski (1981). The objective function is
(.) = .
The nonlinear constraints are
0 _ 8 .
0 _ 10 .
0 _ 5 2.
Since this problem has nonlinear constraints, only the NLPQN and NLPNMS subroutines are available to
perform the optimization. The following code solves the problem with the NLPQN subroutine:
Getting Started ! 343
The F_HS43 module species the objective function, and the C_HS43 module species the nonlinear con-
straints. The OPTN vector is passed to the subroutine as the OPT input argument. See the section Options
Vector on page 356 for more information. The value of OPTN[10] represents the total number of nonlinear
constraints, and the value of OPTN[11] represents the number of equality constraints. In the preceding code,
OPTN[10]=3 and OPTN[11]=0, which indicate that there are three constraints, all of which are inequality
constraints. In the subroutine calls, instead of separating missing input arguments with commas, you can
specify optional arguments with keywords, as in the CALL NLPQN statement in the preceding code. For
details about the CALL NLPQN statement, see the section NLPQN Call on page 847.
The initial point for the optimization procedure is . = (1. 1. 1. 1), and the optimal point is .
(0. 1. 2. 1), with an optimal function value of (.
) = 44. Part of the output produced is shown in
Figure 14.4.
Figure 14.4 Solution to the Rosen-Suzuki Problem by the NLPQN Subroutine
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Gradient
Objective Lagrange
N Parameter Estimate Function Function
1 X1 1.000000 -3.000000 -3.000000
2 X2 1.000000 -3.000000 -3.000000
3 X3 1.000000 -17.000000 -17.000000
4 X4 1.000000 9.000000 9.000000
Parameter Estimates 4
Nonlinear Constraints 3
Optimization Start
Objective Function -19 Maximum Constraint 0
Maximum Gradient of the 17
Lagran Func
Maximum Predicted of the
Function Objective Constraint Function Step Lagrange
Iter Restarts Calls Function Violation Reduction Size Function
1 0 2 -41.88007 1.8988 13.6803 1.000 5.647
2 0 3 -48.83264 3.0280 9.5464 1.000 5.041
3 0 4 -45.33515 0.5452 2.6179 1.000 1.061
4 0 5 -44.08667 0.0427 0.1732 1.000 0.0297
5 0 6 -44.00011 0.000099 0.000218 1.000 0.00906
6 0 7 -44.00001 2.573E-6 0.000014 1.000 0.00219
7 0 8 -44.00000 9.118E-8 5.097E-7 1.000 0.00022
344 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Figure 14.4 continued
Optimization Results
Iterations 7 Function Calls 9
Gradient Calls 9 Active Constraints 2
Objective Function -44.00000026 Maximum Constraint 9.1176306E-8
Maximum Projected Gradient 0.0002265341 Value Lagrange Function -44
Maximum Gradient of the 0.00022158 Slope of Search Direction -5.097332E-7
Lagran Func
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Gradient
Objective Lagrange
N Parameter Estimate Function Function
1 X1 -0.000001248 -5.000002 -0.000012804
2 X2 1.000027 -2.999945 0.000222
3 X3 1.999993 -13.000027 -0.000054166
4 X4 -1.000003 4.999995 -0.000020681
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPQN subroutine includes the following information for
problems with nonlinear constraints:
v CONMAX is the maximum value of all constraint violations.
v PRED is the value of the predicted function reduction used with the GTOL and FTOL2 termination
v ALFA is the step size of the quasi-Newton step.
v LFGMAX is the maximum element of the gradient of the Lagrange function.
Global versus Local Optima
All the IML optimization algorithms converge toward local rather than global optima. The smallest local
minimum of an objective function is called the global minimum, and the largest local maximum of an
objective function is called the global maximum. Hence, the subroutines can occasionally fail to nd the
global optimum. Suppose you have the function (.) =
64) .
, which
has a local minimum at (1. 0) = 1 and a global minimum at the point (4. 0) = 0.
Global versus Local Optima ! 345
The following statements use two calls of the NLPTR subroutine to minimize the preceding function. The
rst call species the initial point .a = (0.5. 1.5), and the second call species the initial point .b = (3. 1).
The rst call nds the local optimum.
= (1. 0), and the second call nds the global optimum.
= (4. 0).
proc iml;
start F_GLOBAL(x);
x[1]+64)/27 + x[2]
finish F_GLOBAL;
xa = {.5 1.5};
xb = {3 -1};
optn = {0 2};
call nlptr(rca,xra,"F_GLOBAL",xa,optn);
call nlptr(rcb,xrb,"F_GLOBAL",xb,optn);
print xra xrb;
One way to nd out whether the objective function has more than one local optimum is to run various
optimizations with a pattern of different starting points.
For a more mathematical denition of optimality, refer to the Kuhn-Tucker theorem in standard optimization
literature. Using rather nonmathematical language, a local minimizer .
satises the following conditions:
v There exists a small, feasible neighborhood of .
that does not contain any point . with a smaller
function value (.) < (.
v The vector of rst derivatives (gradient) g(.
) = V(.
) of the objective function (projected
toward the feasible region) at the point .
is zero.
v The matrix of second derivatives G(.
) = V
) (Hessian matrix) of the objective function
(projected toward the feasible region) at the point .
is positive denite.
A local maximizer has the largest value in a feasible neighborhood and a negative denite Hessian.
The iterative optimization algorithm terminates at the point .
, which should be in a small neighborhood (in
terms of a user-specied termination criterion) of a local optimizer .
. If the point .
is located on one or
more active boundary or general linear constraints, the local optimization conditions are valid only for the
feasible region. That is,
v the projected gradient, 7
), must be sufciently small
v the projected Hessian, 7
)7, must be positive denite for minimization problems or negative
denite for maximization problems
If there are n active constraints at the point .
, the nullspace 7 has zero columns and the projected Hessian
has zero rows and columns. A matrix with zero rows and columns is considered positive as well as negative
346 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
The nonlinear programming (NLP) problem with one objective function and m constraint functions c
which are continuously differentiable, is dened as follows:
minimize(.). . R
. subject to
(.) = 0. i = 1. . . . . m
(.) _ 0. i = m
1. . . . . m
In the preceding notation, n is the dimension of the function (.), and m
is the number of equality con-
straints. The linear combination of objective and constraint functions
1(.. z) = (.)

is the Lagrange function, and the coefcients z
are the Lagrange multipliers.
If the functions and c
are twice differentiable, the point .
is an isolated local minimizer of the NLP
problem, if there exists a vector z
= (z
. . . . . z
) that meets the following conditions:
v Kuhn-Tucker conditions
) = 0. i = 1. . . . . m
) _ 0. z
_ 0. z
) = 0. i = m
1. . . . . m
. z
) = 0
v second-order condition
Each nonzero vector , R
) = 0i = 1. . . . . m
. and Vi m
1. . . . . m: z
> 0
. z
), > 0
In practice, you cannot expect the constraint functions c
) to vanish within machine precision, and
determining the set of active constraints at the solution .
might not be simple.
Denition of Return Codes
The return code, which is represented by the output parameter rc in the optimization subroutines, indicates
the reason for optimization termination. A positive value indicates successful termination, while a negative
value indicates unsuccessful termination. Table 14.1 gives the reason for termination associated with each
return code.
Objective Function and Derivatives ! 347
Table 14.1 Summary of Return Codes
Code Reason for Optimization Termination
1 ABSTOL criterion satised (absolute F convergence)
2 ABSFTOL criterion satised (absolute F convergence)
3 ABSGTOL criterion satised (absolute G convergence)
4 ABSXTOL criterion satised (absolute X convergence)
5 FTOL criterion satised (relative F convergence)
6 GTOL criterion satised (relative G convergence)
7 XTOL criterion satised (relative X convergence)
8 FTOL2 criterion satised (relative F convergence)
9 GTOL2 criterion satised (relative G convergence)
10 n linear independent constraints are active at xr and none of them could be
released to improve the function value
-1 objective function cannot be evaluated at starting point
-2 derivatives cannot be evaluated at starting point
-3 objective function cannot be evaluated during iteration
-4 derivatives cannot be evaluated during iteration
-5 optimization subroutine cannot improve the function value (this is a very
general formulation and is used for various circumstances)
-6 there are problems in dealing with linearly dependent active constraints
(changing the LCSING value in the par vector can be helpful)
-7 optimization process stepped outside the feasible region and the algorithm
to return inside the feasible region was not successful (changing the LCEPS
value in the par vector can be helpful)
-8 either the number of iterations or the number of function calls is larger than
the prespecied values in the tc vector (MAXIT and MAXFU)
-9 this return code is temporarily not used (it is used in PROC NLP where it
indicates that more CPU than a prespecied value was used)
-10 a feasible starting point cannot be computed
Objective Function and Derivatives
The input argument fun refers to an IML module that species a function that returns , a vector of length
m for least squares subroutines or a scalar for other optimization subroutines. The returned contains the
values of the objective function (or the least squares functions) at the point .. Note that for least squares
problems, you must specify the number of function values, m, with the rst element of the opt argument
to allocate memory for the return vector. All the modules that you can specify as input arguments (fun,
grd, hes, jac, nlc, jacnlc, and ptit) accept only a single input argument, ., which is the
parameter vector. Using the GLOBAL clause, you can provide more input arguments for these modules.
Refer to the section Numerical Considerations on page 378 for an example.
All the optimization algorithms assume that is continuous inside the feasible region. For nonlinearly
constrained optimization, this is also required for points outside the feasible region. Sometimes the objec-
tive function cannot be computed for all points of the specied feasible region; for example, the function
specication might contain the SQRT or LOG function, which cannot be evaluated for negative arguments.
348 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
You must make sure that the function and derivatives of the starting point can be evaluated. There are two
ways to prevent large steps into infeasible regions of the parameter space during the optimization process:
v The preferred way is to restrict the parameter space by introducing more boundary and linear con-
straints. For example, the boundary constraint
>= 1E10 prevents infeasible evaluations of log(.
). If the function module takes the square
root or the log of an intermediate result, you can use nonlinear constraints to try to avoid infeasible
function evaluations. However, this might not ensure feasibility.
v Sometimes the preferred way is difcult to practice, in which case the function module can return a
missing value. This can force the optimization algorithm to reduce the step length or the radius of the
feasible region.
All the optimization techniques except the NLPNMS subroutine require continuous rst-order derivatives of
the objective function . The NLPTR, NLPNRA, and NLPNRR techniques also require continuous second-
order derivatives. If you do not provide the derivatives with the IML modules grd, hes, or jac,
they are automatically approximated by nite-difference formulas. Approximating rst-order derivatives
by nite differences usually requires n additional calls of the function module. Approximating second-
order derivatives by nite differences using only function calls can be extremely computationally expensive.
Hence, if you decide to use the NLPTR, NLPNRA, or NLPNRR subroutines, you should specify at least
analytical rst-order derivatives. Then, approximating second-order derivatives by nite differences requires
only n or 2n additional calls of the function and gradient modules.
For all input and output arguments, the subroutines assume that
v the number of parameters n corresponds to the number of columns. For example, ., the input argu-
ment to the modules, and g, the output argument returned by the grd module, are row vectors with
n entries, and G, the Hessian matrix returned by the hes module, must be a symmetric nn matrix.
v the number of functions, m, corresponds to the number of rows. For example, the vector returned
by the fun module must be a column vector with m entries, and in least squares problems, the
Jacobian matrix J returned by the jac module must be an m n matrix.
You can verify your analytical derivative specications by computing nite-difference approximations of the
derivatives of with the NLPFDD subroutine. For most applications, the nite-difference approximations
of the derivatives are very precise. Occasionally, difcult objective functions and zero . coordinates cause
problems. You can use the par argument to specify the number of accurate digits in the evaluation of the
objective function; this denes the step size h of the rst- and second-order nite-difference formulas. See
the section Finite-Difference Approximations of Derivatives on page 352.
NOTE: For some difcult applications, the nite-difference approximations of derivatives that are generated
by default might not be precise enough to solve the optimization or least squares problem. In such cases,
you might be able to specify better derivative approximations by using a better approximation formula. You
can submit your own nite-difference approximations by using the IML module grd, hes, jac, or
jacnlc. See Example 14.3 for an illustration.
In many applications, calculations used in the computation of can help compute derivatives at the same
point efciently. You can save and reuse such calculations with the GLOBAL clause. As with many other
Objective Function and Derivatives ! 349
optimization packages, the subroutines call the grd, hes, or jac modules only after a call of the fun
The following statements specify modules for the function, gradient, and Hessian matrix of the Rosenbrock
proc iml;
start F_ROSEN(x);
y1 = 10.
(x[2] - x[1]
y2 = 1. - x[1];
f = .5
y1 + y2
finish F_ROSEN;
start G_ROSEN(x);
g = j(1,2,0.);
g[1] = -200.
x[1]) - (1.-x[1]);
g[2] = 100.
finish G_ROSEN;
start H_ROSEN(x);
h = j(2,2,0.);
h[1,1] = -200.
(x[2] - 3.
x[1]) + 1.;
h[2,2] = 100.;
h[1,2] = -200.
h[2,1] = h[1,2];
finish H_ROSEN;
The following statements specify a module for the Rosenbrock function when considered as a least squares
problem. They also specify the Jacobian matrix of the least squares functions.
proc iml;
start F_ROSEN(x);
y = j(1,2,0.);
y[1] = 10.
(x[2] - x[1]
y[2] = 1. - x[1];
finish F_ROSEN;
start J_ROSEN(x);
jac = j(2,2,0.);
jac[1,1] = -20.
x[1]; jac[1,2] = 10.;
jac[2,1] = -1.; jac[2,2] = 0.;
finish J_ROSEN;
350 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Diagonal or Sparse Hessian Matrices
In the unconstrained or only boundary constrained case, the NLPNRA algorithm can take advantage of
diagonal or sparse Hessian matrices submitted by the hes module. If the Hessian matrix G of the objective
function has a large proportion of zeros, you can save computer time and memory by specifying a sparse
Hessian of dimension nn 3 rather than a dense n n Hessian. Each of the nn rows (i. . g) of the matrix
returned by the sparse Hessian module denes a nonzero element g
of the Hessian matrix. The row and
column location is given by i and , and g gives the nonzero value. During the optimization process, only
the values g can be changed in each call of the Hessian module hes; the sparsity structure (i. ) must
be kept the same. That means that some of the values g can be zero for particular values of .. To allocate
sufcient memory before the rst call of the Hessian module, you must specify the number of rows, nn, by
setting the ninth element of the opt argument.
Example 22 of Mor, Garbow, and Hillstrom (1981) illustrates the sparse Hessian module input. The objec-
tive function, which is the Extended Powells Singular Function, for n = 40 is a least squares problem:
(.) =

(.) = .

(.) =

(.) = (.

(.) =
The function and gradient modules are as follows:
start f_nlp22(x);
f = 0.;
do i=1 to n-3 by 4;
f1 = x[i] + 10.
r2 = x[i+2] - x[i+3];
f2 = 5.
r3 = x[i+1] - 2.
f3 = r3
r4 = x[i] - x[i+3];
f4 = 10.
f = f + f1
f1 + r2
f2 + f3
f3 + r4
f = .5
finish f_nlp22;
start g_nlp22(x);
g = j(1,n,0.);
do i=1 to n-3 by 4;
f1 = x[i] + 10.
f2 = 5.
(x[i+2] - x[i+3]);
Objective Function and Derivatives ! 351
r3 = x[i+1] - 2.
f3 = r3
r4 = x[i] - x[i+3];
f4 = 10.
g[i] = f1 + 2.
g[i+1] = 10.
f1 + 2.
g[i+2] = f2 - 4.
g[i+3] = -f2 - 2.
finish g_nlp22;
You can specify the sparse Hessian with the following module:
start hs_nlp22(x);
nnz = 8
(n / 4);
h = j(nnz,3,0.);
j = 0;
do i=1 to n-3 by 4;
f1 = x[i] + 10.
f2 = 5.
(x[i+2] - x[i+3]);
r3 = x[i+1] - 2.
f3 = r3
r4 = x[i] - x[i+3];
f4 = 10.
j= j + 1; h[j,1] = i; h[j,2] = i;
h[j,3] = 1. + 4.
h[j,3] = h[j,3] + 2.
j= j+1; h[j,1] = i; h[j,2] = i+1;
h[j,3] = 10.;
j= j+1; h[j,1] = i; h[j,2] = i+3;
h[j,3] = -4.
h[j,3] = h[j,3] - 2.
j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+1; h[j,2] = i+1;
h[j,3] = 100. + 4.
h[j,3] = h[j,3] + 2.
j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+1; h[j,2] = i+2;
h[j,3] = -8.
h[j,3] = h[j,3] - 4.
j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+2; h[j,2] = i+2;
h[j,3] = 5. + 16.
h[j,3] = h[j,3] + 8.
j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+2; h[j,2] = i+3;
h[j,3] = -5.;
j= j+1; h[j,1] = i+3; h[j,2] = i+3;
h[j,3] = 5. + 4.
h[j,3] = h[j,3] + 2.
finish hs_nlp22;
n = 40;
352 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
x = j(1,n,0.);
do i=1 to n-3 by 4;
x[i] = 3.; x[i+1] = -1.; x[i+3] = 1.;
opt = j(1,11,.); opt[2]= 3; opt[9]= 8
(n / 4);
call nlpnra(xr,rc,"f_nlp22",x,opt) grd="g_nlp22" hes="hs_nlp22";
NOTE: If the sparse form of Hessian denes a diagonal matrix (that is, i = in all nn rows), the NLPNRA
algorithm stores and processes a diagonal matrix G. If you do not specify any general linear constraints, the
NLPNRA subroutine uses only order n memory.
Finite-Difference Approximations of Derivatives
If the optimization technique needs rst- or second-order derivatives and you do not specify the correspond-
ing IML module grd, hes, jac, or jacnlc, the derivatives are approximated by nite-difference
formulas using only calls of the module fun. If the optimization technique needs second-order derivatives
and you specify the grd module but not the hes module, the subroutine approximates the second-order
derivatives by nite differences using n or 2n calls of the grd module.
The eighth element of the opt argument species the type of nite-difference approximation used to compute
rst- or second-order derivatives and whether the nite-difference intervals, h, should be computed by an
algorithm of Gill et al. (1983). The value of opt[8] is a two-digit integer, i .
v If opt[8] is missing or = 0, the fast but not very precise forward-difference formulas are used; if
= 0, the numerically more expensive central-difference formulas are used.
v If opt[8] is missing or i = 1. 2. or 3, the nite-difference intervals h are based only on the information
of par[8] or par[9], which species the number of accurate digits to use in evaluating the objective
function and nonlinear constraints, respectively. If i = 1. 2. or 3, the intervals are computed with
an algorithm by Gill et al. (1983). For i = 1, the interval is based on the behavior of the objective
function; for i = 2, the interval is based on the behavior of the nonlinear constraint functions; and for
i = 3, the interval is based on the behavior of both the objective function and the nonlinear constraint
Forward-Difference Approximations
v First-order derivatives: n additional function calls are needed.
(. h
) (.)
v Second-order derivatives based on function calls only, when the grd module is not specied (Dennis
and Schnabel 1983): for a dense Hessian matrix, n n
,2 additional function calls are needed.

(. h
) (. h
) (. h
) (.)
Finite-Difference Approximations of Derivatives ! 353
v Second-order derivatives based on gradient calls, when the grd module is specied (Dennis and
Schnabel 1983): n additional gradient calls are needed.

(. h
) g

(. h
) g
Central-Difference Approximations
v First-order derivatives: 2n additional function calls are needed.
(. h
) (. h
v Second-order derivatives based on function calls only, when the grd module is not specied
(Abramowitz and Stegun 1972): for a dense Hessian matrix, 2n 2n
additional function calls
are needed.

(. 2h
) 16(. h
) 30(.) 16(. h
) (. 2h

(. h
) (. h
) (. h
) (. h
v Second-order derivatives based on gradient calls, when the grd module is specied: 2n additional
gradient calls are needed.

(. h
) g
(. h

(. h
) g
(. h
The step sizes h
, = 1. . . . . n, are dened as follows:
v For the forward-difference approximation of rst-order derivatives using only function calls and for
second-order derivatives using only gradient calls,
(1 [.
v For the forward-difference approximation of second-order derivatives using only function calls and
for central-difference formulas, h
(1 [.
If the algorithm of Gill et al. (1983) is not used to compute j
, a constant value j = j
is used depending
on the value of par[8].
v If the number of accurate digits is specied by par8| = k
, then j is set to 10
v If par[8] is not specied, j is set to the machine precision, c.
If central-difference formulas are not specied, the optimization algorithm switches automatically from the
forward-difference formula to a corresponding central-difference formula during the iteration process if one
of the following two criteria is satised:
354 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
v The absolute maximum gradient element is less than or equal to 100 times the ABSGTOL threshold.
v The term on the left of the GTOL criterion is less than or equal to
max(1E6, 100GTOL threshold). The 1E6 ensures that the switch is performed even if you
set the GTOL threshold to zero.
The algorithm of Gill et al. (1983) that computes the nite-difference intervals h
can be very expensive
in the number of function calls it uses. If this algorithm is required, it is performed twice, once before the
optimization process starts and once after the optimization terminates.
Many applications need considerably more time for computing second-order derivatives than for computing
rst-order derivatives. In such cases, you should use a quasi-Newton or conjugate gradient technique.
If you specify a vector, c, of nc nonlinear constraints with the nlc module but you do not specify the
jacnlc module, the rst-order formulas can be used to compute nite-difference approximations of the
nc n Jacobian matrix of the nonlinear constraints.
) =
. i = 1. . . . . nc. = 1. . . . . n
You can specify the number of accurate digits in the constraint evaluations with par[9]. This specication
also denes the step sizes h
, = 1. . . . . n.
NOTE: If you are not able to specify analytic derivatives and if the nite-difference approximations provided
by the subroutines are not good enough to solve your optimization problem, you might be able to implement
better nite-difference approximations with the grd, hes, jac, and jacnlc module arguments.
Parameter Constraints
You can specify constraints in the following ways:
v The matrix input argument blc enables you to specify boundary and general linear constraints.
v The IML module input argument nlc enables you to specify general constraints, particularly non-
linear constraints.
Specifying the BLC Matrix
The input argument blc species an n
constraint matrix, where n
is two more than the number of
linear constraints, and n
is given by
n2 =
n if 1 _ n1 _ 2
n 2 if n1 > 2
The rst two rows dene lower and upper bounds for the n parameters, and the remaining c = n
2 rows
dene general linear equality and inequality constraints. Missing values in the rst row (lower bounds)
substitute for the largest negative oating point value, and missing values in the second row (upper bounds)
Parameter Constraints ! 355
substitute for the largest positive oating point value. Columns n1 and n2 of the rst two rows are not
The following c rows of the blc argument specify c linear equality or inequality constraints:

(_ [ = [ _) b
. i = 1. . . . . c
Each of these c rows contains the coefcients a
in the rst n columns. Column n 1 species the kind of
constraint, as follows:
v blcn 1| = 0 indicates an equality constraint.
v blcn 1| = 1 indicates a _ inequality constraint.
v blcn 1| = 1 indicates a _ inequality constraint.
Column n 2 species the right-hand side, b
. A missing value in any of these rows corresponds to a value
of zero.
For example, suppose you have a problem with the following constraints on .
, .
, .
2 _ .
_ 100
_ 40
0 _ .
_ 30
_ 17
= 8
The following statements specify the matrix CON, which can be used as the blc argument to specify the
preceding constraints:
proc iml;
con = { 2 . . 0 . . ,
100 40 . . . . ,
4 3 -1 . -1 30 ,
. 1 . 6 1 17 ,
1 -1 . . 0 8 };
Specifying the NLC and JACNLC Modules
The input argument nlc species an IML module that returns a vector, c, of length nc, with the values, c
of the nc linear or nonlinear constraints
(.) = 0. i = 1. . . . . nec
(.) _ 0. i = nec 1. . . . . nc
356 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
for a given input parameter point ..
NOTE: You must specify the number of equality constraints, nec, and the total number of constraints, nc,
returned by the nlc module to allocate memory for the return vector. You can do this with the opt[11] and
opt[10] arguments, respectively.
For example, consider the problem of minimizing the objective function
. .
) = .
in the interior of the unit circle, .
_ 1. The constraint can also be written
as c
(.) = 1 .
_ 0. The following statements specify modules for the objective and constraint
functions and call the NLPNMS subroutine to solve the minimization problem:
proc iml;
start F_UC2D(x);
f = x[1]
finish F_UC2D;
start C_UC2D(x);
c = 1. - x
finish C_UC2D;
x = j(1,2,1.);
optn= j(1,10,.); optn[2]= 3; optn[10]= 1;
CALL NLPNMS(rc,xres,"F_UC2D",x,optn) nlc="C_UC2D";
To avoid typing multiple commas, you can specify the nlc input argument with a keyword, as in the
preceding code. The number of elements of the return vector is specied by OPTN10| = 1. There is a
missing value in OPTN11|, so the subroutine assumes there are zero equality constraints.
The NLPQN algorithm uses the nc n Jacobian matrix of rst-order derivatives
(.)) =
. i = 1. . . . . nc. = 1. . . . . n
of the nc equality and inequality constraints, c
, for each point passed during the iteration. You can use the
jacnlc argument to specify an IML module that returns the Jacobian matrix JC. If you specify the nlc
module without using the jacnlc argument, the subroutine uses nite-difference approximations of the
rst-order derivatives of the constraints.
NOTE: The COBYLA algorithm in the NLPNMS subroutine and the NLPQN subroutine are the only
optimization techniques that enable you to specify nonlinear constraints with the nlc input argument.
Options Vector
The options vector, represented by the opt argument, enables you to specify a variety of options, such as
the amount of printed output or particular update or line-search techniques. Table 14.2 gives a summary of
the available options.
Options Vector ! 357
Table 14.2 Summary of the Elements of the Options Vector
Index Description
1 species minimization, maximization, or the number of least squares
2 species the amount of printed output
3 NLPDD, NLPLM, NLPNRA, NLPNRR, NLPTR: species the scaling
of the Hessian matrix (HESCAL)
4 NLPCG, NLPDD, NLPHQN, NLPQN: species the update technique
5 NLPCG, NLPHQN, NLPNRA, NLPQN (with no nonlinear constraints):
species the line-search technique (LIS)
6 NLPHQN: species version of hybrid algorithm (VERSION)
NLPQN with nonlinear constraints: species version of j update
7 NLPDD, NLPHQN, NLPQN: species initial Hessian matrix (INHES-
8 Finite-Difference Derivatives: species type of differences and how to
compute the difference interval
9 NLPNRA: species the number of rows returned by the sparse Hessian
10 NLPNMS, NLPQN: species the total number of constraints returned by
the nlc module
11 NLPNMS, NLPQN: species the number of equality constraints returned
by the nlc module
The following list contains detailed explanations of the elements of the options vector:
v opt[1]
indicates whether the problem is minimization or maximization. The default, opt1| = 0, species a
minimization problem, and opt1| = 1 species a maximization problem. For least squares problems,
opt1| = m species the number of functions or observations, which is the number of values returned
by the fun module. This information is necessary to allocate memory for the return vector of the
fun module.
v opt[2]
species the amount of output printed by the subroutine. The higher the value of opt[2], the more
printed output is produced. The following table indicates the specic items printed for each value.
Value of opt[2] Printed Output
0 No printed output is produced. This is the default.
1 The summaries for optimization start and termination are
produced, as well as the iteration history.
2 The initial and nal parameter estimates are also printed.
3 The values of the termination criteria and other control pa-
rameters are also printed.
4 The parameter vector, ., is also printed after each iteration.
5 The gradient vector, g, is also printed after each iteration.
358 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
v opt[3]
selects a scaling for the Hessian matrix, G. This option is relevant only for the NLPDD, NLPLM,
NLPNRA, NLPNRR, and NLPTR subroutines. If opt3| = 0, the rst iteration and each restart
iteration set the diagonal scaling matrix D
= diag(J
), where
[. c)
and G
are the diagonal elements of the Hessian matrix, and c is the machine precision. The diagonal
scaling matrix D
= diag(J
) is updated as indicated in the following table.
Value of opt[3] Scaling Update
0 No scaling is done.
1 Mor (1978) scaling update:
= max
[. c)
2 Dennis, Gay, and Welsch (1981) scaling update:
= max
0.6 + J
[. c)
3 J
is reset in each iteration: J
[. c)
For the NLPDD, NLPNRA, NLPNRR, and NLPTR subroutines, the default is opt3| = 0; for the
NLPLM subroutine, the default is opt3| = 1.
v opt[4]
denes the update technique for (dual) quasi-Newton and conjugate gradient techniques. This option
applies to the NLPCG, NLPDD, NLPHQN, and NLPQN subroutines. For the NLPCG subroutine,
the following update techniques are available.
Value of opt[4] Update Method for NLPCG
1 automatic restart method of Powell (1977) and Beale
(1972). This is the default.
2 Fletcher-Reeves update (Fletcher 1987)
3 Polak-Ribiere update (Fletcher 1987)
4 conjugate-descent update of Fletcher (1987)
For the unconstrained or linearly constrained NLPQN subroutine, the following update techniques are
Value of opt[4] Update Method for NLPQN
1 dual Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (DBFGS)
update of the Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix. This is
the default.
2 dual Davidon, Fletcher, and Powell (DDFP) update of the
Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix
3 original Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (BFGS)
update of the inverse Hessian matrix
4 original Davidon, Fletcher, and Powell (DFP) update of the
inverse Hessian matrix
Options Vector ! 359
For the NLPQN subroutine used with the nlc module and for the NLPDD and NLPHQN subrou-
tines, only the rst two update techniques in the second table are available.
v opt[5]
denes the line-search technique for the unconstrained or linearly constrained NLPQN subroutine, as
well as the NLPCG, NLPHQN, and NLPNRA subroutines. Refer to Fletcher (1987) for an introduc-
tion to line-search techniques. The following table describes the available techniques.
Value of opt[5] Line-Search Method
1 This method needs the same number of function and gradient calls
for cubic interpolation and cubic extrapolation; it is similar to a
method used by the Harwell subroutine library.
2 This method needs more function than gradient calls for quadratic
and cubic interpolation and cubic extrapolation; it is implemented
as shown in Fletcher (1987) and can be modied to exact line
search with the par[6] argument (see the section Control Param-
eters Vector on page 367). This is the default for the NLPCG,
NLPNRA, and NLPQN subroutines.
3 This method needs the same number of function and gradient calls
for cubic interpolation and cubic extrapolation; it is implemented
as shown in Fletcher (1987) and can be modied to exact line
search with the par[6] argument.
4 This method needs the same number of function and gradient calls
for stepwise extrapolation and cubic interpolation.
5 This method is a modied version of the opt[5]=4 method.
6 This method is the golden section line search of Polak (1971),
which uses only function values for linear approximation.
7 This method is the bisection line search of Polak (1971), which
uses only function values for linear approximation.
8 This method is the Armijo line-search technique of Polak (1971),
which uses only function values for linear approximation.
For the NLPHQN least squares subroutine, the default is a special line-search method that is based
on an algorithm developed by Lindstrm and Wedin (1984). Although it needs more memory, this
method sometimes works better with large least squares problems.
v opt[6]
is used only for the NLPHQN subroutine and the NLPQN subroutine with nonlinear constraints.
In the NLPHQN subroutine, it denes the criterion for the decision of the hybrid algorithm to step
in a Gauss-Newton or a quasi-Newton search direction. You can specify one of the three criteria
that correspond to the methods of Fletcher and Xu (1987). The methods are HY1 (opt[6]=1), HY2
(opt[6]=2), and HY3 (opt[6]=2), and the default is HY2.
In the NLPQN subroutine with nonlinear constraints, it denes the version of the algorithm used to
update the vector j of the Lagrange multipliers. The default is opt[6]=2, which species the approach
of Powell (1982a) and Powell (1982b). You can specify the approach of Powell (1978a) with opt[6]=1.
v opt[7]
denes the type of start matrix, G
, used for the Hessian approximation. This option applies only to
360 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
the NLPDD, NLPHQN, and NLPQN subroutines. If opt[7]=0, which is the default, the quasi-Newton
algorithm starts with a multiple of the identity matrix where the scalar factor depends on par[10];
otherwise, it starts with the Hessian matrix computed at the starting point .
v opt[8]
denes the type of nite-difference approximation used to compute rst- or second-order derivatives
and whether the nite-difference intervals, h, should be computed by using an algorithm of Gill et al.
(1983). The value of opt[8] is a two-digit integer, i .
If opt[8] is missing or = 0, the fast but not very precise forward difference
formulas are used; if = 0, the numerically more expensive central-difference
formulas are used.
If opt[8] is missing or i = 1. 2. or 3, the nite-difference intervals h are based
only on the information of par[8] or par[9], which species the number of ac-
curate digits to use in evaluating the objective function and nonlinear constraints,
respectively. If i = 1. 2. or 3, the intervals are computed with an algorithm by
Gill et al. (1983). For i = 1, the interval is based on the behavior of the objective
function; for i = 2, the interval is based on the behavior of the nonlinear constraint
functions; and for i = 3, the interval is based on the behavior of both the objective
function and the nonlinear constraint functions.
The algorithm of Gill et al. (1983) that computes the nite-difference intervals h
can be very ex-
pensive in the number of function calls it uses. If this algorithm is required, it is performed twice,
once before the optimization process starts and once after the optimization terminates. See the section
Finite-Difference Approximations of Derivatives on page 352 for details.
v opt[9]
indicates that the Hessian module hes returns a sparse denition of the Hessian, in the form of an
nn 3 matrix instead of the default dense n n matrix. If opt[9] is zero or missing, the Hessian
module must return a dense nn matrix. If you specify opt9| = nn, the module must return a sparse
nn3 table. See the section Objective Function and Derivatives on page 347 for more details. This
option applies only to the NLPNRA algorithm. If the dense specication contains a large proportion
of analytical zero derivatives, the sparse specication can save memory and computer time.
v opt[10]
species the total number of nonlinear constraints returned by the nlc module. If you specify nc
nonlinear constraints with the nlc argument module, you must specify opt10| = nc to allocate
memory for the return vector.
v opt[11]
species the number of nonlinear equality constraints returned by the nlc module. If the rst nec
constraints are equality constraints, you must specify opt11| = nec. The default value is opt11| = 0.
Termination Criteria
The input argument tc species a vector of bounds that correspond to a set of termination criteria that are
tested in each iteration. If you do not specify an IML module with the ptit argument, these bounds
Termination Criteria ! 361
determine when the optimization process stops.
If you specify the ptit argument, the tc argument is ignored. The module specied by the ptit
argument replaces the subroutine that is used by default to test the termination criteria. The module is called
in each iteration with the current location, ., and the value, , of the objective function at .. The module
must give a return code, rc, that decides whether the optimization process is to be continued or terminated.
As long as the module returns rc = 0, the optimization process continues. When the module returns rc = 0,
the optimization process stops.
If you use the tc vector, the optimization techniques stop the iteration process when at least one of the
corresponding set of termination criteria are satised. Table 14.3 and Table 14.4 indicate the criterion
associated with each element of the tc vector. There is a default for each criterion, and if you specify a
missing value for the corresponding element of the tc vector, the default value is used. You can avoid
termination with respect to the ABSFTOL, ABSGTOL, ABSXTOL, FTOL, FTOL2, GTOL, GTOL2, and
XTOL criteria by specifying a value of zero for the corresponding element of the tc vector.
Table 14.3 Termination Criteria for the NLPNMS Subroutine
Index Description
1 maximum number of iterations (MAXIT)
2 maximum number of function calls (MAXFU)
3 absolute function criterion (ABSTOL)
4 relative function criterion (FTOL)
5 relative function criterion (FTOL2)
6 absolute function criterion (ABSFTOL)
7 FSIZE value used in FTOL criterion
8 relative parameter criterion (XTOL)
9 absolute parameter criterion (ABSXTOL)
9 size of nal trust-region radius j (COBYLA algorithm)
10 XSIZE value used in XTOL criterion
Table 14.4 Termination Criteria for Other Subroutines
Index Description
1 maximum number of iterations (MAXIT)
2 maximum number of function calls (MAXFU)
3 absolute function criterion (ABSTOL)
4 relative gradient criterion (GTOL)
5 relative gradient criterion (GTOL2)
6 absolute gradient criterion (ABSGTOL)
7 relative function criterion (FTOL)
8 predicted function reduction criterion (FTOL2)
9 absolute function criterion (ABSFTOL)
10 FSIZE value used in GTOL and FTOL criterion
11 relative parameter criterion (XTOL)
12 absolute parameter criterion (ABSXTOL)
13 XSIZE value used in XTOL criterion
362 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Criteria Used by All Techniques
The following list indicates the termination criteria that are used with all the optimization techniques:
v tc[1]
species the maximum number of iterations in the optimization process (MAXIT). The default values
Others: MAXIT=200
v tc[2]
species the maximum number of function calls in the optimization process (MAXFU). The default
values are
Others: MAXFU=500
v tc[3]
species the absolute function convergence criterion (ABSTOL). For minimization, termination re-
= (.
) _ ABSTOL, while for maximization, termination requires
= (.
) _
ABSTOL. The default values are the negative and positive square roots of the largest double precision
value, for minimization and maximization, respectively.
These criteria are useful when you want to divide a time-consuming optimization problem into a series of
smaller problems.
Termination Criteria for NLPNMS
Since the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm does not use derivatives, no termination criteria are available that
are based on the gradient of the objective function.
When the NLPNMS subroutine implements Powells COBYLA algorithm, it uses only one criterion other
than the three used by all the optimization techniques. The COBYLA algorithm is a trust-region method that
sequentially reduces the radius, j, of a spheric trust region from the start radius, j
, which is controlled
with the par[2] argument, to the nal radius, j
, which is controlled with the tc[9] argument. The default
value for tc[9] is j
=1E4. Convergence to small values of j
can take many calls of the function
and constraint modules and might result in numerical problems.
In addition to the criteria used by all techniques, the original Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm uses several
other termination criteria, which are described in the following list:
v tc[4]
species the relative function convergence criterion (FTOL). Termination requires a small relative
difference between the function values of the vertices in the simplex with the largest and smallest
function values.

)[. FSIZE)
Termination Criteria ! 363
where FSIZE is dened by tc[7]. The default value is tc4| = 10
, where FDIGITS is con-
trolled by the par[8] argument. The par[8] argument has a default value of log
(c), where c is the
machine precision. Hence, the default value for FTOL is c.
v tc[5]
species another relative function convergence criterion (FTOL2). Termination requires a small stan-
dard deviation of the function values of the n 1 simplex vertices .
. . . . . .
n 1

) (.
where (.
) =

). If there are a active boundary constraints at .
, the mean
and standard deviation are computed only for the n 1 a unconstrained vertices. The default is
tc5| =1E6.
v tc[6]
species the absolute function convergence criterion (ABSFTOL). Termination requires a small abso-
lute difference between the function values of the vertices in the simplex with the largest and smallest
function values.

The default is tc6| = 0.
v tc[7]
species the FSIZE value used in the FTOL termination criterion. The default is tc7| = 0.
v tc[8]
species the relative parameter convergence criterion (XTOL). Termination requires a small relative
parameter difference between the vertices with the largest and smallest function values.
[. [.
The default is tc8| =1E8.
v tc[9]
species the absolute parameter convergence criterion (ABSXTOL). Termination requires either a
small length,
, of the vertices of a restart simplex or a small simplex size,


is dened as the L1 distance of the simplex vertex with the smallest function value, ,
to the other n simplex points, .
= ,.


[ .
The default is tc9| =1E8.
364 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
v tc[10]
species the XSIZE value used in the XTOL termination criterion. The default is tc10| = 0.
Termination Criteria for Unconstrained and Linearly Constrained Techniques
v tc[4]
species the relative gradient convergence criterion (GTOL). For all techniques except the NLPCG
subroutine, termination requires that the normalized predicted function reduction is small.
)[. FSIZE)
where FSIZE is dened by tc[10]. For the NLPCG technique (where a reliable Hessian estimate is
not available),
[ g(.
) [
[ s(.
) [
[ g(.
) g(.
) [
)[. FSIZE)
is used. The default is tc4| =1E8.
v tc[5]
species another relative gradient convergence criterion (GTOL2). This criterion is used only by the
NLPLM subroutine.
The default is tc[5]=0.
v tc[6]
species the absolute gradient convergence criterion (ABSGTOL). Termination requires that the max-
imum absolute gradient element be small.
The default is tc6| =1E5.
v tc[7]
species the relative function convergence criterion (FTOL). Termination requires a small relative
change of the function value in consecutive iterations.
) (.
)[. JS171)
where JS171 is dened by tc[10]. The default is tc7| = 10
, where FDIGITS is controlled
by the par[8] argument. The par[8] argument has a default value of log
(c), where c is the machine
precision. Hence, the default for FTOL is c.
Termination Criteria ! 365
v tc[8]
species another function convergence criterion (FTOL2). For least squares problems, termination
requires a small predicted reduction of the objective function, J
~ (.
) (.
The predicted reduction is computed by approximating the objective function by the rst two terms
of the Taylor series and substituting the Newton step, s
= G
, as follows:
= g

The FTOL2 criterion is the unscaled version of the GTOL criterion. The default is tc[8]=0.
v tc[9]
species the absolute function convergence criterion (ABSFTOL). Termination requires a small
change of the function value in consecutive iterations.
) (.
The default is tc[9]=0.
v tc[10]
species the FSIZE value used in the GTOL and FTOL termination criteria. The default is tc[10]=0.
v tc[11]
species the relative parameter convergence criterion (XTOL). Termination requires a small relative
parameter change in consecutive iterations.
[. [.
The default is tc[11]=0.
v tc[12]
species the absolute parameter convergence criterion (ABSXTOL). Termination requires a small
Euclidean distance between parameter vectors in consecutive iterations.
[ .
The default is tc[12]=0.
v tc[13]
species the XSIZE value used in the XTOL termination criterion. The default is tc[13]=0.
366 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Termination Criteria for Nonlinearly Constrained Techniques
The only algorithm available for nonlinearly constrained optimization other than the NLPNMS subroutine
is the NLPQN subroutine, when you specify the nlc module argument. This method, unlike the other
optimization methods, does not monotonically reduce the value of the objective function or some kind of
merit function that combines objective and constraint functions. Instead, the algorithm uses the watchdog
technique with backtracking of Chamberlain et al. (1982). Therefore, no termination criteria are imple-
mented that are based on the values . or in consecutive iterations. In addition to the criteria used by all
optimization techniques, there are three other termination criteria available; these are based on the Lagrange
1(.. z) = (.)

and its gradient
1(.. z) = g(.)

where m denotes the total number of constraints, g = g(.) is the gradient of the objective function, and z
is the vector of Lagrange multipliers. The Kuhn-Tucker conditions require that the gradient of the Lagrange
function is zero at the optimal point (.
. z
), as follows:
. z
) = 0
v tc[4]
species the GTOL criterion, which requires that the normalized predicted function reduction be

)[. FSIZE)
where FSIZE is dened by the tc[10] argument. The default is tc4| =1E8.
v tc[6]
species the ABSGTOL criterion, which requires that the maximum absolute gradient element of the
Lagrange function be small.
. z
The default is tc6| =1E5.
v tc[8]
species the FTOL2 criterion, which requires that the predicted function reduction be small.

[ _ FTOL2
The default is tc8| =1E6. This is the criterion used by the programs VMCWD and VF02AD of
Powell (1982b).
Control Parameters Vector ! 367
Control Parameters Vector
For all optimization and least squares subroutines, the input argument par species a vector of parameters
that control the optimization process. For the NLPFDD and NLPFEA subroutines, the par argument is
dened differently. For each element of the par vector there exists a default value, and if you specify a
missing value, the default is used. Table 14.5 summarizes the uses of the par argument for the optimization
and least squares subroutines.
Table 14.5 Summary of the Control Parameters Vector
Index Description
1 species the singularity criterion (SINGULAR)
2 species the initial step length or trust-region radius
3 species the range for active (violated) constraints (LCEPS)
4 species the Lagrange multiplier threshold for constraints (LCDEACT)
5 species a criterion to determine linear dependence of constraints (LCS-
6 species the required accuracy of the line-search algorithms (LSPRECI-
7 reduces the line-search step size in successive iterations (DAMPSTEP)
8 species the number of accurate digits used in evaluating the objective
function (FDIGITS)
9 species the number of accurate digits used in evaluating the nonlinear
constraints (CDIGITS)
10 species a scalar factor for the diagonal of the initial Hessian (DIAHES)
v par[1]
species the singularity criterion for the decomposition of the Hessian matrix (SINGULAR). The
value must be between zero and one, and the default is par1| =1E8.
v par[2]
species different features depending on the subroutine in which it is used. In the NLPNMS sub-
routine, it denes the size of the start simplex. For the original Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm, the
default value is par2| = 1; for the COBYLA algorithm, the default is par2| = 0.5. In the NLPCG,
NLPQN, and NLPHQN subroutines, the par[2] argument species an upper bound for the initial step
length for the line search during the rst ve iterations. The default initial step length is par2| = 1. In
the NLPTR, NLPDD, and NLPLM subroutines, the par[2] argument species a factor for the initial
trust-region radius, ^. For highly nonlinear functions, the default step length or trust-region radius
can result in arithmetic overows. In that case, you can specify stepwise decreasing values of par[2],
such as par[2]=1E1, par[2]=1E2, par[2]=1E4, until the subroutine starts to iterate successfully.
v par[3]
species the range (LCEPS) for active and violated linear constraints. The i th constraint is considered
368 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
an active constraint if the point .
satises the condition


_ LCEPS([b
[ 1)
where LCEPS is the value of par[3] and a
and b
are dened as in the section Parameter Con-
straints on page 354. Otherwise, the constraint i is either an inactive inequality or a violated in-
equality or equality constraint. The default is par3| =1E8. During the optimization process, the
introduction of rounding errors can force the subroutine to increase the value of par[3] by a power of
10, but the value never becomes larger than 1E3.
v par[4]
species a threshold (LCDEACT) for the Lagrange multiplier that decides whether an active inequal-
ity constraint must remain active or can be deactivated. For maximization, par[4] must be positive,
and for minimization,
par[4] must be negative. The default is
par4| = min
0.01. max
0.1 ABSGTOL. 0.001 gmax
where the positive value is for maximization and the negative value is for minimization. ABSGTOL
is the value of the absolute gradient criterion, and gmax
is the maximum absolute element of the
gradient, g
, or the projected gradient, 7
v par[5]
species a criterion (LCSING) used in the update of the QRdecomposition that decides whether an ac-
tive constraint is linearly dependent on a set of other active constraints. The default is par5| =1E8.
As the value of par[5] increases, more active constraints are recognized as being linearly dependent.
If the value of par[5] is larger than 0.1, it is reset to 0.1, and if it is negative, it is reset to zero.
v par[6]
species the degree of accuracy (LSPRECISION) that should be obtained by the second or third line-
search algorithm. This argument can be used with the NLPCG, NLPHQN, and NLPNRA algorithms
and with the NLPQN algorithm if the nlc argument is specied. Usually, an imprecise line search
is computationally inexpensive and successful, but for more difcult optimization problems, a more
precise and time consuming line search can be necessary. Refer to Fletcher (1987) for details. If
you have numerical problems, you should decrease the value of the par[6] argument to obtain a more
precise line search. The default values are given in the following table.
Subroutine Update Method Default value
NLPCG All par[6] = 0.1
NLPHQN DBFGS par[6] = 0.1
NLPHQN DDFP par[6] = 0.06
NLPNRA No update par[6] = 0.9
Nlpqn BFGS, DBFGS par[6] = 0.4
NLPQN DFP, DDFP par[6] = 0.06
v par[7]
species a scalar factor (DAMPSTEP) that can be used to reduce the step size in each of the rst ve
iterations. In each of these iterations, the starting step size,
, can be no larger than the value of
par[7] times the step size obtained by the line-search algorithm in the previous iteration. If par[7]
Printing the Optimization History ! 369
is missing or ifpar[7]=0, which is the default, the starting step size in iteration t is computed as a
function of the function change from the former iteration,

. If the computed value is
outside the interval 0.1. 10.0|, it is moved to the next endpoint. You can further restrict the starting
step size in the rst ve iterations with the par[2] argument.
v par[8]
species the number of accurate digits (FDIGITS) used to evaluate the objective function. The default
is log
(c), where c is the machine precision, and fractional values are permitted. This value is
used to compute the step size h for nite-difference derivatives and the default value for the FTOL
termination criterion.
v par[9]
species the number of accurate digits (CDIGITS) used to evaluate the nonlinear constraint functions
of the nlc module. The default is log
(c), where c is the machine precision, and fractional
values are permitted. The value is used to compute the step size h for nite-difference derivatives. If
rst-order derivatives are specied by the jacnlc module, the par[9] argument is ignored.
v par[10]
species a scalar factor (DIAHES) for the diagonal of the initial Hessian approximation. This ar-
gument is available in the NLPDD, NLPHQN, and NLPQN subroutines. If the opt[7] argument is
not specied, the initial Hessian approximation is a multiple of the identity matrix determined by
the magnitude of the initial gradient g(.
). The value of the par[10] argument is used to specify
par10| I for the initial Hessian in the quasi-Newton algorithm.
Printing the Optimization History
Each optimization and least squares subroutine prints the optimization history, as long as opt2| _ 1 and
you do not specify the ptit module argument. You can use this output to check for possible convergence
problems. If you specify the ptit argument, you can enter a print command inside the module, which is
called at each iteration.
The amount of information printed depends on the opt[2] argument. See the section Options Vector on
page 356.
The output consists of three main parts:
v Optimization Start Output
The following information about the initial state of the optimization can be printed:
the number of constraints that are active at the starting point, or, more precisely, the number of
constraints that are currently members of the working set. If this number is followed by a plus
sign (), there are more active constraints, at least one of which is temporarily released from
the working set due to negative Lagrange multipliers.
the value of the objective function at the starting point
the value of the largest absolute (projected) gradient element
the initial trust-region radius for the NLPTR and NLPLM subroutines
370 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
v General Iteration History
In general, the iteration history consists of one line of printed output for each iteration, with the
exception of the Nelder-Mead simplex method. The NLPNMS subroutine prints a line only after
several internal iterations because some of the termination tests are time-consuming compared to the
simplex operations and because the subroutine typically uses many iterations.
The iteration history always includes the following columns:
iter is the iteration number.
nrest is the number of iteration restarts.
nfun is the number of function calls.
act is the number of active constraints.
optcrit is the value of the optimization criterion.
difcrit is the difference between adjacent function values.
maxgrad is the maximum of the absolute (projected) gradient components.
An apostrophe trailing the number of active constraints indicates that at least one of the active con-
straints was released from the active set due to a signicant Lagrange multiplier.
Some subroutines print additional information at each iteration; for details see the entry that cor-
responds to each subroutine in the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on
page 823.
v Optimization Result Output
The output ends with the following information about the optimization result:
the number of constraints that are active at the nal point, or more precisely, the number of
constraints that are currently members of the working set. When this number is followed by a
plus sign (), there are more active constraints, at least one of which is temporarily released
from the working set due to negative Lagrange multipliers.
the value of the objective function at the nal point
the value of the largest absolute (projected) gradient element
Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Example 14.1: Chemical Equilibrium
The following example is used in many test libraries for nonlinear programming. It appeared originally in
Bracken and McCormick (1968).
The problem is to determine the composition of a mixture of various chemicals that satisfy the mixtures
chemical equilibrium state. The second law of thermodynamics implies that at a constant temperature and
Example 14.1: Chemical Equilibrium ! 371
pressure, a mixture of chemicals satises its chemical equilibrium state when the free energy of the mixture
is reduced to a minimum. Therefore, the composition of the chemicals satisfying its chemical equilibrium
state can be found by minimizing the free energy of the mixture.
The following notation is used in this problem:
m number of chemical elements in the mixture
n number of compounds in the mixture
number of moles for compound , = 1. . . . . n
s total number of moles in the mixture, s =

number of atoms of element i in a molecule of compound
atomic weight of element i in the mixture i = 1. . . . . n
The constraints for the mixture are as follows. Each of the compounds must have a nonnegative number of
_ 0. = 1. . . . . n
There is a mass balance relationship for each element. Each relation is given by a linear equality constraint.

= b
. i = 1. . . . . m
The objective function is the total free energy of the mixture.
(.) =

is the model standard free energy function for the th compound. The value of
is found in existing tables. 1 is the total pressure in atmospheres.
The problem is to determine the parameters .
that minimize the objective function (.) subject to the
nonnegativity and linear balance constraints. To illustrate this, consider the following situation. Determine
the equilibrium composition of compound

at temperature T = 3500

1 and pressure 1 =
750 psi. The following table gives a summary of the information necessary to solve the problem.
i =1 i =2 i =3
Compound (J
,1T )
1 H 10.021 6.089 1
2 H
21.096 17.164 2
3 H
O 37.986 34.054 2 1
4 N 9.846 5.914 1
5 N
28.653 24.721 2
6 NH 18.918 14.986 1 1
7 NO 28.032 24.100 1 1
8 O 14.640 10.708 1
9 O
30.594 26.662 2
10 OH 26.111 22.179 1 1
372 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
The following statements solve the minimization problem:
proc iml;
c = { -6.089 -17.164 -34.054 -5.914 -24.721
-14.986 -24.100 -10.708 -26.662 -22.179 };
start F_BRACK(x) global(c);
s = x[+];
f = sum(x # (c + log(x / s)));
finish F_BRACK;
con = { . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . ,
1. 2. 2. . . 1. . . . 1. 0. 2. ,
. . . 1. 2. 1. 1. . . . 0. 1. ,
. . 1. . . . 1. 1. 2. 1. 0. 1. };
con[1,1:10] = 1.e-6;
x0 = j(1,10, .1);
optn = {0 3};
title 'NLPTR subroutine: No Derivatives';
call nlptr(xres,rc,"F_BRACK",x0,optn,con);
The F_BRACK module species the objective function, (.). The matrix CON species the constraints. The
rst row gives the lower bound for each parameter, and to prevent the evaluation of the log(.) function for
values of . that are too small, the lower bounds are set here to 1E6. The following three rows contain the
three linear equality constraints.
The starting point, which must be given to specify the number of parameters, is represented by X0. The rst
element of the OPTN vector species a minimization problem, and the second element species the amount
of printed output.
The CALL NLPTR statement runs trust-region minimization. In this case, since no analytic derivatives are
specied, the F_BRACK module is used to generate nite-difference approximations for the gradient vector
and Hessian matrix.
The output is shown in the following gures. The iteration history does not show any problems.
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 3 Objective Function -45.05516448
Max Abs Gradient 4.4710303342 Radius 1
Example 14.1: Chemical Equilibrium ! 373
Max Abs Trust
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Region
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Lambda Radius
1 0 2 3' -47.33413 2.2790 4.3611 2.456 1.000
2 0 3 3' -47.70050 0.3664 7.0045 0.909 0.418
3 0 4 3 -47.73117 0.0307 5.3051 0 0.359
4 0 5 3 -47.73426 0.00310 3.7015 0 0.118
5 0 6 3 -47.73982 0.00555 2.3054 0 0.0169
6 0 7 3 -47.74846 0.00864 1.3029 90.133 0.00476
7 0 9 3 -47.75796 0.00950 0.5073 0 0.0134
8 0 10 3 -47.76094 0.00297 0.0988 0 0.0124
9 0 11 3 -47.76109 0.000155 0.00447 0 0.0111
10 0 12 3 -47.76109 3.386E-7 9.328E-6 0 0.00332
Optimization Results
Iterations 10 Function Calls 13
Hessian Calls 11 Active Constraints 3
Objective Function -47.76109086 Max Abs Gradient 6.6122907E-6
Lambda 0 Actual Over Pred 0
Radius 0.0033211642
The output lists the optimal parameters with the gradient.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 0.040668 -9.785055
2 X2 0.147730 -19.570111
3 X3 0.783153 -34.792170
4 X4 0.001414 -12.968921
5 X5 0.485247 -25.937842
6 X6 0.000693 -22.753976
7 X7 0.027399 -28.190991
8 X8 0.017947 -15.222060
9 X9 0.037314 -30.444120
10 X10 0.096871 -25.007114
The three equality constraints are satised at the solution.
374 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Linear Constraints Evaluated at Solution
1 ACT -3.192E-16 = -2.0000 + 1.0000
X1 + 2.0000
X2 + 2.0000
X3 + 1.0000
X6 +
2 ACT 3.8164E-17 = -1.0000 + 1.0000
X4 + 2.0000
X5 + 1.0000
X6 + 1.0000
3 ACT -2.637E-16 = -1.0000 + 1.0000
X3 + 1.0000
X7 + 1.0000
X8 + 2.0000
X9 +
The Lagrange multipliers and the projected gradient are also printed. The elements of the projected gradient
must be small to satisfy a rst-order optimality condition.
First Order Lagrange Multipliers
Active Constraint Multiplier
Linear EC [1] -9.785055
Linear EC [2] -12.968922
Linear EC [3] -15.222061
Projected Gradient
Free Projected
Dimension Gradient
1 0.000000142
2 -0.000000548
3 -0.000000472
4 -0.000006612
5 -0.000004683
6 -0.000004373
7 -0.000001815
Example 14.2: Network Flow and Delay
The following example is taken from the users guide of the GINO program (Liebman et al. 1986). A simple
network of ve roads (arcs) can be illustrated by a path diagram.
The ve roads connect four intersections illustrated by numbered nodes. Each minute, J vehicles enter and
leave the network. The parameter .
refers to the ow from node i to node . The requirement that trafc
Example 14.2: Network Flow and Delay ! 375
that ows into each intersection must also ow out is described by the linear equality constraint


. = 1. . . . . n
In general, roads also have an upper limit on the number of vehicles that can be handled per minute. These
limits, denoted c
, can be enforced by boundary constraints:
0 _ .
_ c
The goal in this problem is to maximize the ow, which is equivalent to maximizing the objective function
(.), where (.) is
(.) = .
The boundary constraints are
0 _ .
. .
. .
_ 10
0 _ .
. .
_ 30
and the ow constraints are
= .
= .
= .
The three linear equality constraints are linearly dependent. One of them is deleted automatically by the
optimization subroutine. The following notation is used in this example:
X1 = .
. X2 = .
. X3 = .
. X4 = .
. X5 = .
Even though the NLPCG subroutine is used, any other optimization subroutine would also solve this small
problem. The following code nds the maximum ow:
proc iml;
title 'Maximum Flow Through a Network';
start MAXFLOW(x);
f = x[4] + x[5];
finish MAXFLOW;
con = { 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. . . ,
10. 30. 10. 30. 10. . . ,
0. 1. -1. 0. -1. 0. 0. ,
1. 0. 1. -1. 0. 0. 0. ,
1. 1. 0. -1. -1. 0. 0. };
x = j(1,5, 1.);
optn = {1 3};
call nlpcg(xres,rc,"MAXFLOW",x,optn,con);
376 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
The optimal solution is shown in the following output.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Active
Objective Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint
1 X1 10.000000 0 Upper BC
2 X2 10.000000 0
3 X3 10.000000 1.000000 Upper BC
4 X4 20.000000 1.000000
5 X5 -1.11022E-16 0 Lower BC
Finding the maximum ow through a network is equivalent to solving a simple linear optimization problem,
and for large problems, the LP procedure or the NETFLOW procedure of the SAS/OR product can be used.
On the other hand, nding a trafc pattern that minimizes the total delay to move J vehicles per minute
from node 1 to node 4 includes nonlinearities that need nonlinear optimization techniques. As trafc volume
increases, speed decreases. Let t
be the travel time on arc (i. ) and assume that the following formulas
describe the travel time as decreasing functions of the amount of trafc:
= 5 0.1.
,(1 .
= .
,(1 .
= 1 .
,(1 .
= .
,(1 .
= 5 .
,(1 .
These formulas use the road capacities (upper bounds), and you can assume that J = 5 vehicles per minute
have to be moved through the network. The objective is now to minimize
= (.) = t
The constraints are
0 _ .
. .
. .
_ 10
0 _ .
. .
_ 30
= .
= .
= J = 5
In the following code, the NLPNRR subroutine is used to solve the minimization problem:
Example 14.2: Network Flow and Delay ! 377
proc iml;
title 'Minimize Total Delay in Network';
start MINDEL(x);
t12 = 5. + .1
x[1] / (1. - x[1] / 10.);
t13 = x[2] / (1. - x[2] / 30.);
t32 = 1. + x[3] / (1. - x[3] / 10.);
t24 = x[4] / (1. - x[4] / 30.);
t34 = 5. + .1
x[5] / (1. - x[5] / 10.);
f = t12
x[1] + t13
x[2] + t32
x[3] + t24
x[4] + t34
finish MINDEL;
con = { 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. . . ,
10. 30. 10. 30. 10. . . ,
0. 1. -1. 0. -1. 0. 0. ,
1. 0. 1. -1. 0. 0. 0. ,
0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 5. };
x = j(1,5, 1.);
optn = {0 3};
call nlpnrr(xres,rc,"MINDEL",x,optn,con);
The optimal solution is shown in the following output.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Active
Objective Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint
1 X1 2.500001 5.777778
2 X2 2.499999 5.702478
3 X3 -5.55112E-17 1.000000 Lower BC
4 X4 2.500001 5.702481
5 X5 2.499999 5.777778
The active constraints and corresponding Lagrange multiplier estimates (costs) are shown in the following
Linear Constraints Evaluated at Solution
1 ACT -4.441E-16 = 0 + 1.0000
X2 - 1.0000
X3 - 1.0000
2 ACT 4.4409E-16 = 0 + 1.0000
X1 + 1.0000
X3 - 1.0000
3 ACT 4.4409E-16 = -5.0000 + 1.0000
X4 + 1.0000
378 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
First Order Lagrange Multipliers
Active Constraint Multiplier
Lower BC X3 0.924702
Linear EC [1] 5.702479
Linear EC [2] 5.777777
Linear EC [3] 11.480257
Example 14.3: Compartmental Analysis
Numerical Considerations
An important class of nonlinear models involves a dynamic description of the response rather than an explicit
description. These models arise often in chemical kinetics, pharmacokinetics, and ecological compartmental
modeling. Two examples are presented in this section. Refer to Bates and Watts (1988) for a more general
introduction to the topic.
In this class of problems, function evaluations, as well as gradient evaluations, are not done in full preci-
sion. Evaluating a function involves the numerical solution of a differential equation with some prescribed
precision. Therefore, two choices exist for evaluating rst- and second-order derivatives:
v differential equation approach
v nite-difference approach
In the differential equation approach, the components of the Hessian and the gradient are written as a so-
lution of a system of differential equations that can be solved simultaneously with the original system.
However, the size of a system of differential equations, n, would suddenly increase to n
2n. This huge
increase makes the nite difference approach an easier one.
With the nite-difference approach, a very delicate balance of all the precision requirements of every routine
must exist. In the examples that follow, notice the relative levels of precision that are imposed on different
modules. Since nite differences are used to compute the rst- and second-order derivatives, it is incorrect
to set the precision of the ODE solver at a coarse level because that would render the numerical estimation
of the nite differences worthless.
Acoarse computation of the solution of the differential equation cannot be accompanied by very ne compu-
tation of the nite-difference estimates of the gradient and the Hessian. That is, you cannot set the precision
of the differential equation solver to be 1E4 and perform the nite difference estimation with a precision of
In addition, this precision must be well-balanced with the termination criteria imposed on the optimization
Example 14.3: Compartmental Analysis ! 379
In general, if the precision of the function evaluation is O(c), the gradient should be computed by nite
differences O(
c), and the Hessian should be computed with nite differences O(c
Diffusion of Tetracycline
Consider the concentration of tetracycline hydrochloride in blood serum. The tetracycline is administered to
a subject orally, and the concentration of the tetracycline in the serum is measured. The biological system to
be modeled consists of two compartments: a gut compartment in which tetracycline is injected and a blood
compartment that absorbs the tetracycline from the gut compartment for delivery to the body. Let ;
(t ) and
(t ) be the concentrations at time t in the gut and the serum, respectively. Let 0
and 0
be the transfer
parameters. The model is depicted as follows.
Gut Compartment (Source)
Chemical is introduced
Concentration ;
(t )
Blood Compartment (Sink)
Chemical is absorbed
Concentration ;
(t ) 0
The rates of ow of the drug are described by the following pair of ordinary differential equations:
(t )
= 0
(t )
(t )
= 0
(t ) 0
(t )
The initial concentration of the tetracycline in the gut is unknown, and while the concentration in the blood
can be measured at all times, initially it is assumed to be zero. Therefore, for the differential equation, the
initial conditions are given by
(0) = 0
(0) = 0
Also, a nonnegativity constraint is imposed on the parameters 0
, 0
, and 0
, although for numerical pur-
poses, you might need to use a small value instead of zero for these bounds (such as 1E7).
In Release 6.09 and in later releases, you can specify the step size h in the nite-difference formulas.
380 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Suppose ,
is the observed serum concentration at time t
. The parameters are estimated by minimizing the
sum of squares of the differences between the observed and predicted serum concentrations:

The following IML program illustrates how to combine the NLPDD subroutine and the ODE subroutine
to estimate the parameters (0
. 0
. 0
) of this model. The input data are the measurement time and the
concentration of the tetracycline in the blood. For more information about the ODE call, see the section
ODE Call on page 857.
data tetra;
input t c @@;
1 0.7 2 1.2 3 1.4 4 1.4 6 1.1
8 0.8 10 0.6 12 0.5 16 0.3
proc iml;
use tetra;
read all into tetra;
start f(theta) global(thmtrx,t,h,tetra,eps);
thmtrx = ( -theta[1] || 0 ) //
( theta[1] || -theta[2] );
c = theta[3]//0 ;
t = 0 // tetra[,1];
call ode( r1, "der",c , t, h) j="jac" eps=eps;
f = ssq((r1[2,])`-tetra[,2]);
start der(t,x) global(thmtrx);
y = thmtrx
start jac(t,x) global(thmtrx);
y = thmtrx;
h = {1.e-14 1. 1.e-5};
opt = {0 2 0 1 };
tc = repeat(.,1,12);
tc[1] = 100;
tc[7] = 1.e-8;
par = { 1.e-13 . 1.e-10 . . . . };
con = j(1,3,0.);
itheta = { .1 .3 10};
eps = 1.e-11;
call nlpdd(rc,rx,"f",itheta) blc=con opt=opt tc=tc par=par;
Example 14.3: Compartmental Analysis ! 381
The output from the optimization process is shown in Output 14.3.1.
Output 14.3.1 Printed Output for Tetracycline Diffusion Problem
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Lower
Objective Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint
1 X1 0.100000 76.484452 0
2 X2 0.300000 -48.149258 0
3 X3 10.000000 1.675423 0
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Constraint
1 X1 .
2 X2 .
3 X3 .
Value of Objective Function = 4.1469872322
Double Dogleg Optimization
Dual Broyden - Fletcher - Goldfarb - Shanno Update (DBFGS)
Without Parameter Scaling
Gradient Computed by Finite Differences
Parameter Estimates 3
Lower Bounds 3
Upper Bounds 0
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 4.1469872322
Max Abs Gradient 76.484451645 Radius 1
382 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Output 14.3.1 continued
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Lambda Direc
1 0 5 0 3.11868 1.0283 124.2 67.146 -8.014
2 0 6 0 0.89559 2.2231 14.1614 1.885 -5.015
3 0 7 0 0.32352 0.5721 3.7162 1.187 -0.787
4 0 8 0 0.14619 0.1773 2.6684 0 -0.123
5 0 9 0 0.07462 0.0716 2.3061 0 -0.0571
6 0 10 0 0.06549 0.00913 1.5874 0 -0.0075
7 0 11 0 0.06416 0.00132 1.0928 0 -0.0010
8 0 12 0 0.06334 0.000823 0.5649 0 -0.0006
9 0 13 0 0.06288 0.000464 0.1213 1.024 -0.0004
10 0 14 0 0.06279 0.000092 0.0195 0.321 -0.0001
11 0 15 0 0.06276 0.000024 0.0240 0 -199E-7
12 0 16 0 0.06275 0.000015 0.0195 0 -875E-8
13 0 17 0 0.06269 0.000055 0.0281 0.323 -366E-7
14 0 18 0 0.06248 0.000209 0.0474 0.283 -0.0001
15 0 19 0 0.06190 0.000579 0.1213 0.704 -0.0006
16 0 20 0 0.06135 0.000552 0.1844 0.314 -0.0004
17 0 21 0 0.05956 0.00179 0.3314 0.217 -0.0012
18 0 22 0 0.05460 0.00496 0.9879 0 -0.0036
19 0 23 0 0.04999 0.00461 1.4575 0 -0.0029
20 0 24 0 0.04402 0.00597 1.8484 0 -0.0067
21 0 25 0 0.04007 0.00395 0.1421 0 -0.0053
22 0 26 0 0.03865 0.00142 0.3127 0 -0.0008
23 0 27 0 0.03755 0.00110 0.8395 0 -0.0019
24 0 28 0 0.03649 0.00106 0.2732 0 -0.0010
25 0 29 0 0.03603 0.000464 0.1380 0 -0.0003
26 0 30 0 0.03580 0.000226 0.1191 0.669 -0.0003
27 0 31 0 0.03571 0.000090 0.0103 0 -581E-7
28 0 32 0 0.03565 0.000056 0.00786 0 -334E-7
29 0 34 0 0.03565 4.888E-6 0.00967 1.752 -486E-7
30 0 35 0 0.03565 6.841E-7 0.000493 0 -244E-7
31 0 36 0 0.03565 2.417E-7 0.00270 0 -57E-9
32 0 42 0 0.03565 1.842E-9 0.00179 2.431 -13E-9
33 0 49 0 0.03565 1.08E-11 0.00212 786.7 -35E-12
Optimization Results
Iterations 33 Function Calls 50
Gradient Calls 35 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function 0.0356478102 Max Abs Gradient 0.0021167366
Slope of Search -3.52366E-11 Radius 1
GCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
NOTE: At least one element of the (projected) gradient is greater
than 1e-3.
Example 14.3: Compartmental Analysis ! 383
Output 14.3.1 continued
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 0.182491 0.002117
2 X2 0.435865 -0.000501
3 X3 6.018219 0.000046711
Value of Objective Function = 0.0356478102
The differential equation model is linear, and in fact, it can be solved by using an eigenvalue decomposition
(this is not always feasible without complex arithmetic). Alternately, the availability and the simplicity
of the closed form representation of the solution enable you to replace the solution produced by the ODE
routine with the simpler and faster analytical solution. Closed forms are not expected to be easily available
for nonlinear systems of differential equations, which is why the preceding solution was introduced.
The closed form of the solution requires a change to the function (). The functions needed as arguments
of the ODE routine, namely the der and jac modules, can be removed. Here is the revised code:
start f(th) global(theta,tetra);
theta = th;
vv = v(tetra[,1]);
error = ssq(vv-tetra[,2]);
start v(t) global(theta);
v = theta[3]
call nlpdd(rc,rx,"f",itheta) blc=con opt=opt tc=tc par=par;
The parameter estimates, which are shown in Output 14.3.2, are close to those obtained by the rst solution.
Output 14.3.2 Second Set of Parameter Estimates for Tetracycline Diffusion
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 0.183024 0.000000111
2 X2 0.434484 -0.000000115
3 X3 5.995273 9.3860868E-9
384 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Because of the nature of the closed form of the solution, you might want to add an additional constraint to
guarantee that 0
= 0
at any time during the optimization. This prevents a possible division by 0 or a value
near 0 in the execution of the () function. For example, you might add the constraint
_ 10
Chemical Kinetics of Pyrolysis of Oil Shale
Pyrolysis is a chemical change effected by the action of heat, and this example considers the pyrolysis of
oil shale described in Ziegel and Gorman (1980). Oil shale contains organic material that is bonded to the
rock. To extract oil from the rock, heat is applied, and the organic material is decomposed into oil, bitumen,
and other byproducts. The model is given by
(t )
= (0
(t )|(t. 0
(t )
= 0
(t ) (0
(t )||(t. 0
(t )
= 0
(t ) 0
(t )||(t. 0
with the initial conditions
(t ) = 100. ;
(t ) = 0. ;
(t ) = 0
A dead time is assumed to exist in the process. That is, no change occurs up to time 0
. This is controlled
by the indicator function |(t. 0
), which is given by
|(t. 0
) =
0 if t < 0
1 if t _ 0
where 0
_ 0. Only one of the cases in Ziegel and Gorman (1980) is analyzed in this report, but the others
can be handled in a similar manner. The following IML program illustrates how to combine the NLPQN
subroutine and the ODE subroutine to estimate the parameters 0
in this model:
data oil ( drop=temp);
input temp time bitumen oil;
673 5 0. 0.
673 7 2.2 0.
673 10 11.5 0.7
673 15 13.7 7.2
673 20 15.1 11.5
673 25 17.3 15.8
673 30 17.3 20.9
673 40 20.1 26.6
673 50 20.1 32.4
673 60 22.3 38.1
673 80 20.9 43.2
673 100 11.5 49.6
Example 14.3: Compartmental Analysis ! 385
673 120 6.5 51.8
673 150 3.6 54.7
proc iml;
use oil;
read all into a;
The INS function inserts a value given by FROM into a vector
given by INTO, sorts the result, and posts the global matrix
that can be used to delete the effects of the point FROM.
start ins(from,into) global(permm);
in = into // from;
x = i(nrow(in));
permm = inv(x[rank(in),]);
start der(t,x) global(thmtrx,thet);
y = thmtrx
if ( t <= thet[5] ) then y = 0
start jac(t,x) global(thmtrx,thet);
y = thmtrx;
if ( t <= thet[5] ) then y = 0
start f(theta) global(thmtrx,thet,time,h,a,eps,permm);
thet = theta;
thmtrx = (-(theta[1]+theta[4]) || 0 || 0 )//
(theta[1] || -(theta[2]+theta[3]) || 0 )//
(theta[4] || theta[2] || 0 );
t = ins( theta[5],time);
c = { 100, 0, 0};
call ode( r1, "der",c , t , h) j="jac" eps=eps;
send the intermediate value to the last column
r = (c ||r1)
m = r[2:3,(2:nrow(time))];
mm = m`- a[,2:3];
call qr(q,r,piv,lindep,mm);
v = det(r);
opt = {0 2 0 1 };
tc = repeat(.,1,12);
tc[1] = 100;
tc[7] = 1.e-7;
386 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
par = { 1.e-13 . 1.e-10 . . . .};
con = j(1,5,0.);
h = {1.e-14 1. 1.e-5};
time = (0 // a[,1]);
eps = 1.e-5;
itheta = { 1.e-3 1.e-3 1.e-3 1.e-3 1.};
call nlpqn(rc,rx,"f",itheta) blc=con opt=opt tc=tc par=par;
The parameter estimates are shown in Output 14.3.3.
Output 14.3.3 Parameter Estimates for Oil Shale Pyrolysis
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 0.023086 1282509
2 X2 0.008127 696102
3 X3 0.013701 722960
4 X4 0.011014 592104
5 X5 1.000012 -8123.799232
Again, compare the solution using the approximation produced by the ODE subroutine to the solution ob-
tained through the closed form of the given differential equation. Impose the following additional constraint
to avoid a possible division by 0 when evaluating the function:
_ 10
The closed form of the solution requires a change in the function (). The functions needed as arguments
of the ODE routine, namely the der and jac modules, can be removed. Here is the revised code:
start f(thet) global(time,a);
do i = 1 to nrow(time);
t = time[i];
v1 = 100;
if ( t >= thet[5] ) then
v1 = 100
v2 = 0;
if ( t >= thet[5] ) then
v2 = 100
v3 = 0;
if ( t >= thet[5] ) then
v3 = 100
(1. - ev(t,thet[1],thet[4],thet[5])) +
Example 14.4: MLEs for Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution ! 387
(1.-ev(t,thet[1],thet[4],thet[5]))/(thet[1]+thet[4]) -
(1.-ev(t,thet[2],thet[3],thet[5]))/(thet[2]+thet[3]) );
y = y // (v1 || v2 || v3);
mm = y[,2:3]-a[,2:3];
call qr(q,r,piv,lindep,mm);
v = det(r);
start ev(t,a,b,c);
con = { 0. 0. 0. 0. . . . ,
. . . . . . . ,
-1 1 1 -1 . 1 1.e-7 };
time = a[,1];
par = { 1.e-13 . 1.e-10 . . . .};
itheta = { 1.e-3 1.e-3 1.e-2 1.e-3 1.};
call nlpqn(rc,rx,"f",itheta) blc=con opt=opt tc=tc par=par;
The parameter estimates are shown in Output 14.3.4.
Output 14.3.4 Second Set of Parameter Estimates for Oil Shale Pyrolysis
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 0.017178 -0.030690
2 X2 0.008912 0.070424
3 X3 0.020007 -0.010621
4 X4 0.010494 0.206102
5 X5 7.771458 -0.000062272
Example 14.4: MLEs for Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution
This example considers a data set given in Lawless (1982). The data are the number of days it took rats
painted with a carcinogen to develop carcinoma. The last two observations are censored. Maximum likeli-
hood estimates (MLEs) and condence intervals for the parameters of the Weibull distribution are computed.
In the following code, the data set is given in the vector CARCIN, and the variables P and M give the total
number of observations and the number of uncensored observations. The set D represents the indices of the
388 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
proc iml;
carcin = { 143 164 188 188 190 192 206
209 213 216 220 227 230 234
246 265 304 216 244 };
p = ncol(carcin); m = p - 2;
The three-parameter Weibull distribution uses three parameters: a scale parameter, a shape parameter, and
a location parameter. This example computes MLEs and corresponding 95% condence intervals for the
scale parameter, o, and the shape parameter, c, for a constant value of the location parameter, 0 = 0. The
program can be generalized to estimate all three parameters. Note that Lawless (1982) denotes o, c, and 0
by , , and j, respectively.
The observed likelihood function of the three-parameter Weibull distribution is
1(0. o. c) =



The log likelihood, (0. o. c) = log 1(0. o. c), is
(0. o. c) = mlog c mc log o (c 1)


The log-likelihood function, (0. o. c), for 0 = 0 is the objective function to be maximized to obtain the
MLEs ( o. c). The following statements dene the function:
start f_weib2(x) global(carcin,thet);
x[1]=sigma and x[2]=c
p = ncol(carcin); m = p - 2;
sum1 = 0.; sum2 = 0.;
do i = 1 to p;
temp = carcin[i] - thet;
if i <= m then sum1 = sum1 + log(temp);
sum2 = sum2 + (temp / x[1])##x[2];
f = m
log(x[2]) - m
log(x[1]) + (x[2]-1)
sum1 - sum2;
finish f_weib2;
The derivatives of with respect to the parameters 0, o, and c are given in Lawless (1982). The following
code species a gradient module, which computes d,do and d,dc:
start g_weib2(x) global(carcin,thet);
x[1]=sigma and x[2]=c
p = ncol(carcin); m = p - 2;
g = j(1,2,0.);
sum1 = 0.; sum2 = 0.; sum3 = 0.;
do i = 1 to p;
temp = carcin[i] - thet;
if i <= m then sum1 = sum1 + log(temp);
Example 14.4: MLEs for Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution ! 389
sum2 = sum2 + (temp / x[1])##x[2];
sum3 = sum3 + ((temp / x[1])##x[2])
(log(temp / x[1]));
g[1] = -m
x[2] / x[1] + sum2
x[2] / x[1];
g[2] = m / x[2] - m
log(x[1]) + sum1 - sum3;
finish g_weib2;
The MLEs are computed by maximizing the objective function with the trust-region algorithmin the NLPTR
subroutine. The following code species starting values for the two parameters, c = o = 0.5, and to avoid
infeasible values during the optimization process, it imposes lower bounds of c. o >= 10
. The optimal
parameter values are saved in the variable XOPT, and the optimal objective function value is saved in the
variable FOPT.
n = 2; thet = 0.;
x0 = j(1,n,.5);
optn = {1 2};
con = { 1.e-6 1.e-6 ,
. . };
call nlptr(rc,xres,"f_weib2",x0,optn,con,,,,"g_weib2");
--- Save result in xopt, fopt ---
xopt = xres`; fopt = f_weib2(xopt);
The results shown in Output 14.4.1 are the same as those given in Lawless (1982).
Output 14.4.1 Parameter Estimates for Carcinogen Data
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 234.318611 1.3363926E-9
2 X2 6.083147 -7.851053E-9
The following code computes condence intervals based on the asymptotic normal distribution. These
are compared with the prole-likelihood-based condence intervals computed in the next example. The
diagonal of the inverse Hessian (as calculated by the NLPFDD subroutine) is used to calculate the standard
call nlpfdd(f,g,hes2,"f_weib2",xopt,,"g_weib2");
hin2 = inv(hes2);
quantile of normal distribution
prob = .05;
noqua = probit(1. - prob/2);
stderr = sqrt(abs(vecdiag(hin2)));
xlb = xopt - noqua
xub = xopt + noqua
390 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
print "Normal Distribution Confidence Interval";
print xlb xopt xub;
Output 14.4.2 Condence Interval Based on Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution Confidence Interval
xlb xopt xub
215.41298 234.31861 6.0831471 253.22425
3.9894574 8.1768368
Example 14.5: Prole-Likelihood-Based Condence Intervals
This example calculates condence intervals based on the prole likelihood for the parameters estimated in
the previous example. The following introduction on prole-likelihood methods is based on the paper of
Venzon and Moolgavkar (1988).

0 be the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of a parameter vector 0
and let (0) be the
log-likelihood function dened for parameter values 0 R
The prole-likelihood method reduces (0) to a function of a single parameter of interest, = 0
, where
0 = (0
. . . . . 0
. . . . . 0
, by treating the others as nuisance parameters and maximizing over them. The
prole likelihood for is dened as

() = max
() = {0 : 0
= ]. Dene the complementary parameter set
o = (0
. . . . . 0
. 0
. . . . . 0
and o() as the optimizer of

() for each value of . Of course,
the maximum of function

() is located at =

. The prole-likelihood-based condence interval for
parameter 0
is dened as
{ : (


() _
(1 )]
where q
(1 ) is the (1 )th quantile of the
distribution with one degree of freedom. The points
) are the endpoints of the prole-likelihood-based condence interval for parameter = 0
. The
can be computed as the solutions of a system of n nonlinear equations
(.) in n parame-
ters, where . = (. o):
= 0
is the constant threshold
= (

(1). The rst of these n equations denes the locations

where the function (0) cuts
, and the remaining n 1 equations dene the optimality of the
n 1 parameters in o. Jointly, the n equations dene the locations
where the function

Example 14.5: Prole-Likelihood-Based Condence Intervals ! 391
cuts the constant threshold
, which is given by the roots of

. Assuming that the two solutions
] exist (they do not if the quantile q
(1 ) is too large), this system of n nonlinear equations can
be solved by minimizing the sum of squares of the n functions
(. o):
J =


(. o)
For a solution of the system of n nonlinear equations to exist, the minimum value of the convex function J
must be zero.
The following code denes the module for the system of n = 2 nonlinear equations to be solved:
start f_plwei2(x) global(carcin,ipar,lstar);
x[1]=sigma, x[2]=c
like = f_weib2(x);
grad = g_weib2(x);
grad[ipar] = like - lstar;
finish f_plwei2;
The following code implements the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm with the NLPLM subroutine to solve
the system of two equations for the left and right endpoints of the interval. The starting point is the optimizer
( o. c), as computed in the previous example, moved toward the left or right endpoint of the interval by an
initial step (refer to Venzon and Moolgavkar (1988)). This forces the algorithm to approach the specied
quantile of chi
2 distribution
chqua = cinv(1-prob,1); lstar = fopt - .5
optn = {2 0};
do ipar = 1 to 2;
Compute initial step:
Choose (alfa,delt) to go in right direction
Venzon & Moolgavkar (1988), p.89
if ipar=1 then ind = 2; else ind = 1;
delt = - inv(hes2[ind,ind])
alfa = - (hes2[ipar,ipar] - delt`
if alfa > 0 then alfa = .5
sqrt(chqua / alfa);
else do;
print "Bad alpha";
alfa = .1
if ipar=1 then delt = 1 || delt;
else delt = delt || 1;
Get upper end of interval
x0 = xopt + (alfa
set lower bound to optimal value
con2 = con; con2[1,ipar] = xopt[ipar];
call nlplm(rc,xres,"f_plwei2",x0,optn,con2);
f = f_plwei2(xres); s = ssq(f);
if (s < 1.e-6) then xub[ipar] = xres[ipar];
392 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
else xub[ipar] = .;
Get lower end of interval
x0 = xopt - (alfa
reset lower bound and set upper bound to optimal value
con2[1,ipar] = con[1,ipar]; con2[2,ipar] = xopt[ipar];
call nlplm(rc,xres,"f_plwei2",x0,optn,con2);
f = f_plwei2(xres); s = ssq(f);
if (s < 1.e-6) then xlb[ipar] = xres[ipar];
else xlb[ipar] = .;
print "Profile-Likelihood Confidence Interval";
print xlb xopt xub;
The results, shown in Output 14.5.1, are close to the results shown in Output 14.4.2.
Output 14.5.1 Condence Interval Based on Prole Likelihood
Profile-Likelihood Confidence Interval
xlb xop2 xub
215.1963 234.31861 255.2157
4.1344126 6.0831471 8.3063797
Example 14.6: Survival Curve for Interval Censored Data
In some studies, subjects are assessed only periodically for outcomes or responses of interest. In such
situations, the occurrence times of these events are not observed directly; instead they are known to have
occurred within some time interval. The times of occurrence of these events are said to be interval censored.
A rst step in the analysis of these interval censored data is the estimation of the distribution of the event
occurrence times.
In a study with n subjects, denote the raw interval censored observations by {(1
. 1
| : 1 _ i _ n]. For
the i th subject, the event occurrence time T
lies in (1
. 1
|, where 1
is the last assessment time at which
there was no evidence of the event, and 1
is the earliest time when a positive assessment was noted (if it
was observed at all). If the event does not occur before the end of the study, 1
is given a value larger than
any assessment time recorded in the data.
A set of nonoverlapping time intervals 1
= (q
|. 1 _ _ m, is generated over which the survival
curve S(t ) = PrT > t | is estimated. Refer to Peto (1973) and Turnbull (1976) for details. Assuming the
independence of T
and (1
. 1
|, and also independence across subjects, the likelihood of the data {T

. 1
|. 1 _ i _ n] can be constructed in terms of the pseudo-parameters 0
= PrT
|. 1 _ i _ m.
The conditional likelihood of = (0
. . . . . 0
) is
1(0) =


Example 14.6: Survival Curve for Interval Censored Data ! 393
where .
is 1 or 0 according to whether 1
is a subset of (1
. 1
|. The maximum likelihood estimates,

. 1 _ _ m, yield an estimator

S(t ) of the survival function S(t ), which is given by

S(t ) =
1 t _ q



_ t _ q
. 1 _ _ m 1
0 t _

S(t ) remains undened in the intervals (q

) where the function can decrease in an arbitrary way. The
asymptotic covariance matrix of

0 is obtained by inverting the estimated matrix of second partial derivatives

of the negative log likelihood (Peto 1973), (Turnbull 1976). You can then compute the standard errors of
the survival function estimators by the delta method and approximate the condence intervals for survival
function by using normal distribution theory.
The following code estimates the survival curve for interval censored data. As an illustration, consider
an experiment to study the onset of a special kind of palpable tumor in mice. Forty mice exposed to a
carcinogen were palpated for the tumor every two weeks. The times to the onset of the tumor are interval
censored data. These data are contained in the data set CARCIN. The variable L represents the last time the
tumor was not yet detected, and the variable R represents the rst time the tumor was palpated. Three mice
died tumor free, and one mouse was tumor free by the end of the 48-week experiment. The times to tumor
for these four mice were considered right censored, and they were given an R value of 50 weeks.
data carcin;
input id l r @@;
1 20 22 11 30 32 21 22 24 31 34 36
2 22 24 12 32 34 22 22 24 32 34 36
3 26 28 13 32 34 23 28 30 33 36 38
4 26 28 14 32 34 24 28 30 34 38 40
5 26 28 15 34 36 25 32 34 35 38 40
6 26 28 16 36 38 26 32 34 36 42 44
7 28 30 17 42 44 27 32 34 37 42 44
8 28 30 18 30 50 28 32 34 38 46 48
9 30 32 19 34 50 29 32 34 39 28 50
10 30 32 20 20 22 30 32 34 40 48 50
proc iml;
use carcin;
read all var{l r};
nobs= nrow(l);
construct the nonoverlapping intervals (Q,P) and
determine the number of pseudo-parameters (NPARM)
pp= unique(r); npp= ncol(pp);
qq= unique(l); nqq= ncol(qq);
q= j(1,npp, .);
do i= 1 to npp;
do j= 1 to nqq;
394 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
if ( qq[j] < pp[i] ) then q[i]= qq[j];
if q[i] = qq[nqq] then goto lab1;
if i > npp then nq= npp;
else nq= i;
q= unique(q[1:nq]);
nparm= ncol(q);
p= j(1,nparm, .);
do i= 1 to nparm;
do j= npp to 1 by -1;
if ( pp[j] > q[i] ) then p[i]= pp[j];
generate the X-matrix for the likelihood
_x= j(nobs, nparm, 0);
do j= 1 to nparm;
_x[,j]= choose(l <= q[j] & p[j] <= r, 1, 0);
log-likelihood function (LL)
start LL(theta) global(_x,nparm);
xlt= log(_x
f= xlt[+];
finish LL;
gradient vector (GRAD)
start GRAD(theta) global(_x,nparm);
g= j(1,nparm,0);
tmp= _x # (1 / (_x
theta`) );
g= tmp[+,];
finish GRAD;
estimate the pseudo-parameters using quasi-newton technique
optn= {1 2};
con= j(3, nparm + 2, .);
con[1, 1:nparm]= 1.e-6;
Example 14.6: Survival Curve for Interval Censored Data ! 395
con[2:3, 1:nparm]= 1;
con[3,nparm + 1]=0;
con[3,nparm + 2]=1;
initial estimates
x0= j(1, nparm, 1/nparm);
call the optimization routine
call nlpqn(rc,rx,"LL",x0,optn,con,,,,"GRAD");
survival function estimate (SDF)
tmp1= cusum(rx[nparm:1]);
sdf= tmp1[nparm-1:1];
covariance matrix of the first nparm-1 pseudo-parameters (SIGMA2)
mm= nparm - 1;
_x= _x - _x[,nparm]
(j(1, mm, 1) || {0});
h= j(mm, mm, 0);
ixtheta= 1 / (_x
((rx[,1:mm]) || {1})`);
if _zfreq then
do i= 1 to nobs;
rowtmp= ixtheta[i] # _x[i,1:mm];
h= h + (_freq[i] # (rowtmp`
else do i= 1 to nobs;
rowtmp= ixtheta[i] # _x[i,1:mm];
h= h + (rowtmp`
sigma2= inv(h);
standard errors of the estimated survival curve (SIGMA3)
sigma3= j(mm, 1, 0);
tmp1= sigma3;
do i= 1 to mm;
tmp1[i]= 1;
sigma3[i]= sqrt(tmp1`
95% confidence limits for the survival curve (LCL,UCL)
confidence limits
tmp1= probit(.975);
print tmp1;
tmp1= tmp1
lcl= choose(sdf > tmp1, sdf - tmp1, 0);
ucl= sdf + tmp1;
ucl= choose( ucl > 1., 1., ucl);
396 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
print estimates of pseudo-parameters
reset center noname;
q= q`;
p= p`;
theta= rx`;
print ,"Parameter Estimates", ,q[colname={q}] p[colname={p}]
theta[colname={theta} format=12.7],;
print survival curve estimates and confidence limits
left= {0} // p;
right= q // p[nparm];
sdf= {1} // sdf // {0};
lcl= {.} // lcl //{.};
ucl= {.} // ucl //{.};
print , "Survival Curve Estimates and 95% Confidence Intervals", ,
left[colname={left}] right[colname={right}]
sdf[colname={estimate} format=12.4]
lcl[colname={lower} format=12.4]
ucl[colname={upper} format=12.4];
The iteration history produced by the NLPQN subroutine is shown in Output 14.6.1.
Output 14.6.1 Iteration History for the NLPQN Subroutine
Parameter Estimates 12
Lower Bounds 12
Upper Bounds 12
Linear Constraints 1
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 1 Objective Function -93.3278404
Max Abs Gradient 65.361558529
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Step Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Size Direc
1 0 3 1 -88.51201 4.8158 16.6594 0.0256 -305.2
2 0 4 1 -87.42665 1.0854 10.8769 1.000 -2.157
3 0 5 1 -87.27408 0.1526 5.4965 1.000 -0.366
4 0 7 1 -87.17314 0.1009 2.2856 2.000 -0.113
5 0 8 1 -87.16611 0.00703 0.3444 1.000 -0.0149
6 0 10 1 -87.16582 0.000287 0.0522 1.001 -0.0006
7 0 12 1 -87.16581 9.128E-6 0.00691 1.133 -161E-7
8 0 14 1 -87.16581 1.712E-7 0.00101 1.128 -303E-9
Example 14.6: Survival Curve for Interval Censored Data ! 397
Output 14.6.1 continued
Optimization Results
Iterations 8 Function Calls 15
Gradient Calls 11 Active Constraints 1
Objective Function -87.16581343 Max Abs Gradient 0.0010060788
Slope of Search -3.033154E-7
GCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
The estimates of the pseudo-parameter for the nonoverlapping intervals are shown in Output 14.6.2.
Output 14.6.2 Estimates for the Probability of Event Occurrence
Parameter Estimates
20 22 0.0499997
22 24 0.0749988
26 28 0.0999978
28 30 0.1033349
30 32 0.0806014
32 34 0.2418023
34 36 0.0873152
36 38 0.0582119
38 40 0.0582119
42 44 0.0873152
46 48 0.0291055
48 50 0.0291055
The survival curve estimates and condence intervals are displayed in Output 14.6.3.
Output 14.6.3 Survival Estimates and Condence Intervals
Survival Curve Estimates and 95% Confidence Intervals
398 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Output 14.6.3 continued
0 20 1.0000 . .
22 22 0.9500 0.8825 1.0000
24 26 0.8750 0.7725 0.9775
28 28 0.7750 0.6456 0.9044
30 30 0.6717 0.5252 0.8182
32 32 0.5911 0.4363 0.7458
34 34 0.3493 0.1973 0.5013
36 36 0.2619 0.1194 0.4045
38 38 0.2037 0.0720 0.3355
40 42 0.1455 0.0293 0.2617
44 46 0.0582 0.0000 0.1361
48 48 0.0291 0.0000 0.0852
50 50 0.0000 . .
In this program, the quasi-Newton technique is used to maximize the likelihood function. You can replace
the quasi-Newton routine by other optimization routines, such as the NLPNRR subroutine, which performs
Newton-Raphson ridge optimization, or the NLPCG subroutine, which performs conjugate gradient op-
timization. Depending on the number of parameters and the number of observations, these optimization
routines do not perform equally well. For survival curve estimation, the quasi-Newton technique seems to
work fairly well since the number of parameters to be estimated is usually not too large.
Example 14.7: A Two-Equation Maximum Likelihood Problem
The following example and notation are taken from Bard (1974). A two-equation model is used to t U.S.
production data for the years 19091949, where :
is capital input, :
is labor input, :
is real output, :
is time in years (with 1929 as the origin), and :
is the ratio of price of capital services to wage scale. The
data can be entered by using the following statements:
proc iml;
z={ 1.33135 0.64629 0.4026 -20 0.24447,
1.39235 0.66302 0.4084 -19 0.23454,
1.41640 0.65272 0.4223 -18 0.23206,
1.48773 0.67318 0.4389 -17 0.22291,
1.51015 0.67720 0.4605 -16 0.22487,
1.43385 0.65175 0.4445 -15 0.21879,
1.48188 0.65570 0.4387 -14 0.23203,
1.67115 0.71417 0.4999 -13 0.23828,
1.71327 0.77524 0.5264 -12 0.26571,
1.76412 0.79465 0.5793 -11 0.23410,
1.76869 0.71607 0.5492 -10 0.22181,
1.80776 0.70068 0.5052 -9 0.18157,
1.54947 0.60764 0.4679 -8 0.22931,
1.66933 0.67041 0.5283 -7 0.20595,
1.93377 0.74091 0.5994 -6 0.19472,
1.95460 0.71336 0.5964 -5 0.17981,
Example 14.7: A Two-Equation Maximum Likelihood Problem ! 399
2.11198 0.75159 0.6554 -4 0.18010,
2.26266 0.78838 0.6851 -3 0.16933,
2.33228 0.79600 0.6933 -2 0.16279,
2.43980 0.80788 0.7061 -1 0.16906,
2.58714 0.84547 0.7567 0 0.16239,
2.54865 0.77232 0.6796 1 0.16103,
2.26042 0.67880 0.6136 2 0.14456,
1.91974 0.58529 0.5145 3 0.20079,
1.80000 0.58065 0.5046 4 0.18307,
1.86020 0.62007 0.5711 5 0.18352,
1.88201 0.65575 0.6184 6 0.18847,
1.97018 0.72433 0.7113 7 0.20415,
2.08232 0.76838 0.7461 8 0.18847,
1.94062 0.69806 0.6981 9 0.17800,
1.98646 0.74679 0.7722 10 0.19979,
2.07987 0.79083 0.8557 11 0.21115,
2.28232 0.88462 0.9925 12 0.23453,
2.52779 0.95750 1.0877 13 0.20937,
2.62747 1.00285 1.1834 14 0.19843,
2.61235 0.99329 1.2565 15 0.18898,
2.52320 0.94857 1.2293 16 0.17203,
2.44632 0.97853 1.1889 17 0.18140,
2.56478 1.02591 1.2249 18 0.19431,
2.64588 1.03760 1.2669 19 0.19492,
2.69105 0.99669 1.2708 20 0.17912 };
The two-equation model in ve parameters c
. . . . . c
= c
(1 c
= 0
1 c
= 0
where the variables :
and :
are considered dependent (endogenous) and the variables :
, :
, and :
considered independent (exogenous).
Differentiation of the two equations g
and g
with respect to the endogenous variables :
and :
the Jacobian matrix dg
for i = 1. 2 and = 1. 2, where i corresponds to rows (equations) and
corresponds to endogenous variables (refer to Bard (1974)). You must consider parameter sets for which
the elements of the Jacobian and the logarithm of the determinant cannot be computed. In such cases, the
function module must return a missing value. Here is the code:
start fiml(pr) global(z);
c1 = pr[1]; c2 = pr[2]; c3 = pr[3]; c4 = pr[4]; c5 = pr[5];
1. Compute Jacobian
lndet = 0 ;
do t= 1 to 41;
j11 = (-c3/c4)
10 ##(c2
z[t,1]##(-c4) + (1-c5)
400 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
z[t,2]##(-c4))##(-c3/c4 -1);
j12 = (-c3/c4)
10 ##(c2
z[t,1]##(-c4) + (1-c5)
z[t,2]##(-c4))##(-c3/c4 -1);
j21 = (-1-c4)
z[t,1]##( -2-c4)/ (z[t,2]##(-1-c4));
j22 = (1+c4)
z[t,1]##( -1-c4)/ (z[t,2]##(-c4));
j = (j11 || j12 ) // (j21 || j22) ;
if any(j = .) then detj = 0.;
else detj = det(j);
if abs(detj) < 1.e-30 then do;
print t detj j;
lndet = lndet + log(abs(detj));
Assuming that the residuals of the two equations are normally distributed, the likelihood is then computed
as in Bard (1974). The following code computes the logarithm of the likelihood function:
2. Compute Sigma
sb = j(2,2,0.);
do t= 1 to 41;
eq_g1 = c1
+ (1-c5)
z[t,2]##(-c4))##(-c3/c4) - z[t,3];
eq_g2 = (c5/(1-c5))
(z[t,1] / z[t,2])##(-1-c4) - z[t,5];
resid = eq_g1 // eq_g2;
sb = sb + resid
sb = sb / 41;
3. Compute log L
const = 41.
3.1415) + 1.);
lnds = 0.5
logl = const - lndet + lnds;
finish fiml;
There are potential problems in computing the power and log functions for an unrestricted parameter set. As
a result, optimization algorithms that use line search fail more often than algorithms that restrict the search
area. For that reason, the NLPDD subroutine is used in the following code to maximize the log-likelihood
pr = j(1,5,0.001);
optn = {0 2};
tc = {. . . 0};
call nlpdd(rc, xr,"fiml", pr, optn,,tc);
print "Start" pr, "RC=" rc, "Opt Par" xr;
Part of the iteration history is shown in Output 14.7.1.
Example 14.7: A Two-Equation Maximum Likelihood Problem ! 401
Output 14.7.1 Iteration History for Two-Equation ML Problem
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 909.72691311
Max Abs Gradient 41115.729089 Radius 1
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Lambda Direc
1 0 2 0 85.24836 824.5 3676.4 711.8 -71032
2 0 7 0 45.14682 40.1015 3382.0 2881.2 -29.683
3 0 10 0 43.46797 1.6788 208.4 95.020 -3.348
4 0 17 0 -32.75897 76.2269 1067.1 0.487 -39.170
5 0 20 0 -56.10954 23.3506 2152.7 1.998 -44.198
6 0 24 0 -56.95094 0.8414 1210.7 32.319 -1.661
7 0 25 0 -57.62221 0.6713 1232.8 2.411 -0.676
8 0 26 0 -58.44202 0.8198 1495.4 1.988 -0.813
9 0 27 0 -59.49594 1.0539 1218.7 1.975 -1.048
10 0 28 0 -61.01458 1.5186 1471.5 1.949 -1.518
11 0 31 0 -67.84243 6.8279 1084.9 1.068 -14.681
12 0 33 0 -69.86837 2.0259 2082.9 1.676 -7.128
13 0 34 0 -72.09161 2.2232 1066.7 0.693 -2.150
14 0 35 0 -73.68548 1.5939 731.5 0 -1.253
15 0 36 0 -75.52558 1.8401 712.3 0 -1.007
16 0 38 0 -89.36440 13.8388 5158.5 0 -9.584
17 0 39 0 -100.86235 11.4979 1196.1 0.615 -11.029
18 0 40 0 -104.82074 3.9584 3196.1 0.439 -7.469
19 0 41 0 -108.52445 3.7037 615.0 0 -2.828
20 0 42 0 -110.16227 1.6378 937.6 0.279 -1.436
21 0 43 0 -110.69116 0.5289 1210.6 0.242 -0.692
22 0 44 0 -110.74189 0.0507 406.1 0 -0.0598
23 0 45 0 -110.75511 0.0132 188.3 0 -0.0087
24 0 46 0 -110.76825 0.0131 19.1583 0.425 -0.0110
25 0 47 0 -110.77808 0.00983 62.9598 0 -0.0090
26 0 48 0 -110.77855 0.000461 27.8623 0 -0.0004
27 0 49 0 -110.77858 0.000036 1.1824 0 -341E-7
28 0 50 0 -110.77858 4.357E-7 0.0298 0 -326E-9
29 0 51 0 -110.77858 2.019E-8 0.0408 0 -91E-10
30 0 52 0 -110.77858 8.25E-10 0.000315 0 -61E-12
31 0 55 0 -110.77858 1.11E-12 0.000138 1.950 -55E-15
32 0 56 0 -110.77858 1.11E-12 0.000656 1.997 -15E-14
32 0 57 0 -110.77858 0 0.000656 1.170 -2E-13
Optimization Results
Iterations 32 Function Calls 58
Gradient Calls 34 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function -110.7785811 Max Abs Gradient 0.0006560833
Slope of Search -2.03416E-13 Radius 8.4959355E-9
402 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
The results are very close to those reported by Bard (1974). Bard also reports different approaches to the
same problem that can lead to very different MLEs.
Output 14.7.2 Parameter Estimates
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 0.583884 0.000028901
2 X2 0.005882 0.000656
3 X3 1.362817 0.000008072
4 X4 0.475091 -0.000023275
5 X5 0.447072 0.000153
Example 14.8: Time-Optimal Heat Conduction
The following example illustrates a nontrivial application of the NLPQN algorithm that requires nonlinear
constraints, which are specied by the nlc module. The example is listed as problem 91 in Hock and
Schittkowski (1981). The problemdescribes a time-optimal heating process minimizing the simple objective
(.) =

subjected to a rather difcult inequality constraint:
c(.) = 10
h(.) _ 0
where h(.) is dened as
h(.) =


(.) k

(s) = j

(.) = j

2 exp


2 exp
(s) = 0.5(1 s

2 sin j
sin j
cos j
j = (j
. . . . . j
, where j
) = 1
Example 14.8: Time-Optimal Heat Conduction ! 403
The gradient of the objective function , g(.) = 2., is easily supplied to the NLPQN subroutine. However,
the analytical derivatives of the constraint are not used; instead, nite-difference derivatives are computed.
In the following code, the vector MU represents the rst 30 positive values j
that satisfy j
) = 1:
proc iml;
mu = { 8.6033358901938E-01 , 3.4256184594817E+00 ,
6.4372981791719E+00 , 9.5293344053619E+00 ,
1.2645287223856E+01 , 1.5771284874815E+01 ,
1.8902409956860E+01 , 2.2036496727938E+01 ,
2.5172446326646E+01 , 2.8309642854452E+01 ,
3.1447714637546E+01 , 3.4586424215288E+01 ,
3.7725612827776E+01 , 4.0865170330488E+01 ,
4.4005017920830E+01 , 4.7145097736761E+01 ,
5.0285366337773E+01 , 5.3425790477394E+01 ,
5.6566344279821E+01 , 5.9707007305335E+01 ,
6.2847763194454E+01 , 6.5988598698490E+01 ,
6.9129502973895E+01 , 7.2270467060309E+01 ,
7.5411483488848E+01 , 7.8552545984243E+01 ,
8.1693649235601E+01 , 8.4834788718042E+01 ,
8.7975960552493E+01 , 9.1117161394464E+01 };
The vector = (
. . . . .
depends only on j and is computed only once, before the optimization
starts, as follows:
nmu = nrow(mu);
a = j(1,nmu,0.);
do i = 1 to nmu;
a[i] = 2
sin(mu[i]) / (mu[i] + sin(mu[i])
The constraint is implemented with the QUAD subroutine, which performs numerical integration of scalar
functions in one dimension. The subroutine calls the module fquad that supplies the integrand for h(.).
For details about the QUAD call, see the section QUAD Call on page 896. Here is the code:
This is the integrand used in h(x)
start fquad(s) global(mu,rho);
z = (rho
mu) - 0.5
(1. - s##2))##2;
Obtain nonlinear constraint h(x)
start h(x) global(n,nmu,mu,a,rho);
xx = x##2;
do i= n-1 to 1 by -1;
xx[i] = xx[i+1] + xx[i];
rho = j(1,nmu,0.);
do i=1 to nmu;
mu2 = mu[i]##2;
404 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
sum = 0; t1n = -1.;
do j=2 to n;
t1n = -t1n;
sum = sum + t1n
sum = -2
sum + exp(-mu2
xx[1]) + t1n;
rho[i] = -a[i]
aint = do(0,1,.5);
call quad(z,"fquad",aint) eps=1.e-10;
v = sum(z);
The modules for the objective function, its gradient, and the constraint c(.) _ 0 are given in the following
Define modules for NLPQN call: f, g, and c
start F_HS88(x);
f = x
finish F_HS88;
start G_HS88(x);
g = 2
finish G_HS88;
start C_HS88(x);
c = 1.e-4 - h(x);
finish C_HS88;
The number of constraints returned by the nlc module is dened by opt10| = 1. The ABSGTOL
termination criterion (maximum absolute value of the gradient of the Lagrange function) is set by tc6| =
1E4. Here is the code:
print 'Hock & Schittkowski Problem #91 (1981) n=5, INSTEP=1';
opt = j(1,10,.);
tc = j(1,12,.);
x0 = {.5 .5 .5 .5 .5};
n = ncol(x0);
call nlpqn(rc,rx,"F_HS88",x0,opt,,tc) grd="G_HS88" nlc="C_HS88";
Part of the iteration history and the parameter estimates are shown in Output 14.8.1.
Example 14.8: Time-Optimal Heat Conduction ! 405
Output 14.8.1 Iteration History and Parameter Estimates
Parameter Estimates 5
Nonlinear Constraints 1
Optimization Start
Objective Function 1.25 Maximum Constraint 0.0952775105
Maximum Gradient of 1.1433393264
the Lagran Func
Maximum Grad
Con- Element
straint Predicted of the
Rest Func Objective Viola- Function Step Lagran
Iter arts Calls Function tion Reduction Size Func
1 0 3 0.81165 0.0869 1.7562 0.100 1.325
2 0 4 0.18232 0.1175 0.6220 1.000 1.207
0 5 0.34576 0.0690 0.9318 1.000 0.640
4 0 6 0.77689 0.0132 0.3496 1.000 1.328
5 0 7 0.54995 0.0239 0.3403 1.000 1.334
6 0 9 0.55322 0.0212 0.4327 0.242 0.423
7 0 10 0.75884 0.00828 0.1545 1.000 0.630
8 0 12 0.76720 0.00681 0.3810 0.300 0.248
9 0 13 0.94843 0.00237 0.2186 1.000 1.857
10 0 15 0.95661 0.00207 0.3707 0.184 0.795
11 0 16 1.11201 0.000690 0.2575 1.000 0.591
12 0 18 1.14603 0.000494 0.2810 0.370 1.483
13 0 20 1.19821 0.000311 0.1991 0.491 2.014
14 0 22 1.22804 0.000219 0.2292 0.381 1.155
15 0 23 1.31506 0.000056 0.0697 1.000 1.578
16 0 25 1.31759 0.000051 0.0876 0.100 1.006
17 0 26 1.35547 7.337E-6 0.0133 1.000 0.912
18 0 27 1.36136 1.644E-6 0.00259 1.000 1.064
19 0 28 1.36221 4.263E-7 0.000902 1.000 0.0325
20 0 29 1.36266 9.79E-10 2.063E-6 1.000 0.00273
21 0 30 1.36266 5.73E-12 1.031E-6 1.000 0.00011
22 0 31 1.36266 0 2.044E-6 1.000 0.00001
Optimization Results
Iterations 22 Function Calls 32
Gradient Calls 24 Active Constraints 1
Objective Function 1.3626578338 Maximum Constraint 0
Maximum Projected 3.2132973E-6 Value Lagrange 1.3626568149
Gradient Function
Maximum Gradient of 2.957267E-6 Slope of Search -2.043849E-6
the Lagran Func Direction
406 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
Output 14.8.1 continued
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Gradient
Objective Lagrange
N Parameter Estimate Function Function
1 X1 0.860193 1.720386 0.000001798
2 X2 6.0264249E-8 0.000000121 0.000000341
3 X3 0.643607 1.287214 -0.000000306
4 X4 -0.456614 -0.913228 0.000002957
5 X5 -7.390521E-9 -1.478104E-8 -1.478104E-8
Problems 88 to 92 of Hock and Schittkowski (1981) specify the same optimization problem for n = 2 to
n = 6. You can solve any of these problems with the preceding code by submitting a vector of length n as
the initial estimate, .
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408 ! Chapter 14: Nonlinear Optimization Examples
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References ! 409
Schittkowski, K. (1987), More Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes, volume 282 of Lecture
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Chapter 15
Graphics Examples
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
An Introductory Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Graphics Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Segment Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Windows and Viewports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Clipping Your Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Common Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Graphics Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Example 15.1: Scatter Plot Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Example 15.2: Train Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Example 15.3: Fishers Iris Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
SAS/IML software provides you with a powerful set of graphics commands, called graphics primitives,
from which to create customized displays. Basic drawing statements include the GDRAW subroutine,
which draws a line, the GPOINT subroutine, which plots points, and the GPOLY subroutine, which draws
a polygon. With each drawing statement, you can associate a set of attributes such as color or line style.
In this chapter you learn about
v plotting simple two-dimensional plots
v naming and saving a graph
v changing attributes such as color and line style
v specifying the location and scale of your graph
v adding axes and text
SAS/IML graphics commands depend on the libraries and device drivers distributed with SAS/GRAPH
software, and they do not work unless you have SAS/GRAPH software.
412 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
An Introductory Graph
Suppose that you have data for ACME Corporations stock price and you want a simple PRICE DAY
graph to see the overall trend of the stocks price. The data are as follows.
Day Price
0 43.75
5 48.00
10 59.75
15 75.5
20 59.75
25 71.50
30 70.575
35 61.125
40 79.50
45 72.375
50 67.00
55 54.125
60 58.750
65 43.625
70 47.125
75 45.50
To graph a scatter plot of these points, enter the following statements. These statements generate Figure 15.1.
proc iml; /
invoke IML
call gstart; /
start graphics
xbox={0 100 100 0};
ybox={0 0 100 100};
day=do(0,75,5); /
initialize day
price={43.75,48,59.75,75.5, /
initialize price
call gopen; /
start new graph
call gpoly(xbox,ybox); /
draw a box around plot
call gpoint(day,price); /
plot the points
call gshow; /
display the graph
Details ! 413
Figure 15.1 Scatter plot
Note that the GSTART statement initializes the graphics session. It usually needs to be called only once.
Next, you enter the data matrices. Then you open a graphics segment (that is, begin a new graph) with the
GOPEN command. The GPOINT command draws the scatter plot of points of DAY versus PRICE. The
GSHOW command displays the graph.
Notice also that, for this example, the . coordinate of the data is DAY and that 0 _ DAY _ 100. The ,
coordinate is PRICE, which ranges from 0 _ PRICE _ 100. For this example, the ranges are this way
because the IML default ranges are from 0 to 100 on both the . and , axes. Later on you learn how to
change the default ranges for the axes with the GWINDOW statement so that you can handle data with any
range of values.
Of course, this graph is quite simple. By the end of this chapter, you will know how to add axes and titles,
scale axes, and connect the points with lines.
Graphics Segments
A graph is saved in what is called a graphics segment. A graphics segment is simply a collection of primi-
tives and their associated attributes that creates a graph.
414 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
Each time you create a new segment, it is named and stored in a SAS graphics catalog called WORK.GSEG.
If you want to store your graphics segments in a permanent SAS catalog, do this with options to the GSTART
call. You can name the segments yourself in the GOPEN statement, or you can let the IML procedure
automatically generate a segment name. In this way, graphics segments that are used several times can be
included in subsequent graphs by using the GINCLUDE command with the segment name. You can also
manage and replay a segment by using the GREPLAY procedure as well as replay it in another IML session
by using the GSHOW command.
To name a segment, include the name as an argument to the GOPEN statement. For example, to begin a
new segment and name it STOCK1, use the following statement:
call gopen("stock1");
For more information about SAS catalogs and graphics, refer to the chapter on graphics in SAS/GRAPH
Software: Reference.
Segment Attributes
A set of attributes is initialized for each graphics segment. These attributes are color, line style, line thick-
ness, ll pattern, font, character height, and aspect ratio. You can change any of these attributes for a
graphics segment by using the GSET command. Some IML graphics commands take optional attribute
arguments. The values of these arguments affect only the graphics output associated with the call.
The IML graphics subsystem uses the same conventions that SAS/GRAPH software uses in setting the
default attributes. It also uses the options set in the GOPTIONS statement when applicable. The SAS/IML
default values for the GSET command are given by their corresponding GOPTIONS default values. To
change the default, you need to issue a GOPTIONS statement. The GOPTIONS statement can also be used
to set graphics options not available through the GSET command (for example, the ROTATE option).
For more information about GOPTIONS, refer to the chapter on the GOPTIONS statement in SAS/GRAPH
Software: Reference.
Coordinate Systems
Each IML graph is associated with two independent cartesian coordinate systems, a world coordinate System
and a normalized coordinate system.
Understanding World Coordinates
The world coordinate system is the coordinate system dened by your data. Because these coordinates help
dene objects in the datas two-dimensional world, these are referred to as world coordinates. For example,
suppose that you have a data set that contains heights and weights and that you are interested in plotting
height versus weight. Your data induces a world coordinate system in which each point (.. ,) represents
Coordinate Systems ! 415
a pair of data values (height,weight). The world could be dened by the observed ranges of heights and
weights, or it could be enlarged to include a range of all reasonable values for heights and weights.
Now consider a more realistic example of the stock price data for ACME Corporation. Suppose that the
stock price data were actually the year-end prices of ACME stock for the years 1971 through 1986, as
71 123.75
72 128.00
73 139.75
74 155.50
75 139.75
76 151.50
77 150.375
78 149.125
79 159.50
80 152.375
81 147.00
82 134.125
83 138.75
84 123.625
85 127.125
86 125.500
The actual range of YEAR is from 71 to 86, and the range of PRICE is from $123.625 to $159.50. These are
the ranges in world coordinate space for the stock data. Of course, you could say that the range for PRICE
could start at $0 and range upwards to, for example, $200. Or, if you were interested only in prices during
the 80s, you could say the range for PRICE is from $123.625 to $152.375. As you see, it all depends on
how you want to dene your world.
Figure 15.2 shows a graph of the stock data with the world dened as the actual data given. The corners of
the rectangle give the actual boundaries for this data.
416 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
Figure 15.2 World Coordinates
Understanding Normalized Coordinates
The normalized coordinate system is dened relative to your display device, usually a monitor or plotter.
It is always dened with points varying between (0,0) and (100,100), where (0,0) refers to the lower-left
corner and (100,100) refers to the upper-right corner.
In summary,
v the world coordinate system is dened relative to your data
v the normalized coordinate system is dened relative to the display device
Figure 15.3 shows the ACME stock data in terms of normalized coordinates. There is a natural mathematical
relationship between each point in world and normalized coordinates. The normalized device coordinate
system is mapped to the device display area so that (0,0), the lower-left corner, corresponds to (71, 123.625)
in world coordinates, and (100,100), the upper-right corner, corresponds to (86,159.5) in world coordinates.
Windows and Viewports ! 417
Figure 15.3 Normalized Coordinates
Windows and Viewports
A window denes a rectangular area in world coordinates. You dene a window with a GWINDOW state-
ment. You can dene the window to be larger than, the same size as, or smaller than the actual range of data
values, depending on whether you want to show all of the data or only part of the data.
A viewport denes in normalized coordinates a rectangular area on the display device where the image of
the data appears. You dene a viewport with the GPORT command. You can have your graph take up the
entire display device or show it in only a portion, say the upper-right part.
Mapping Windows to Viewports
A window and a viewport are related by the linear transformation that maps the window onto the viewport.
A line segment in the window is mapped to a line segment in the viewport such that the relative positions
are preserved.
You do not have to display all of your data in a graph. In Figure 15.4, the graph on the left displays all of the
ACME stock data, and the graph on the right displays only a part of the data. Suppose that you wanted to
graph only the last 10 years of the stock datasay, from 1977 to 1986. You would want to dene a window
where the YEAR axis ranges from 77 to 86, while the PRICE axis could range from 120 to 160. Figure 15.4
shows stock prices in a window dened for data from 1977 to 1986 along the horizontal direction and from
120 to 160 along the vertical direction. The window is mapped to a viewport dened by the points (20,20)
and (70,60). The appropriate GPORT and GWINDOW specications are as follows:
call gwindow({77 120, 86 160});
call gport({20 20, 70 60});
418 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
The window, in effect, denes the portion of the graph that is to be displayed in world coordinates, and the
viewport species the area on the device on which the image is to appear.
Figure 15.4 Window to Viewport Mapping
Understanding Windows
Because the default world coordinate system ranges from (0,0) to (100,100), you usually need to dene a
window in order to set the world coordinates that correspond to your data. A window species which part of
the data in world coordinate space is to be shown. Sometimes you want all of the data shown; other times,
you want to show only part of the data.
A window is dened by an array of four numbers, which dene a rectangular area. You dene this area
by specifying the world coordinates of the lower-left and upper-right corners in the GWINDOW statement,
which has the following general form:
CALL GWINDOW (minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y) ;
The argument can be either a matrix or a literal. The order of the elements is important. The array of
coordinates can be a 2 2, 1 4, or 4 1 matrix. These coordinates can be specied as matrix literals or as
the name of a numeric matrix that contains the coordinates. If you do not dene a window, the default is to
assume both . and , range between 0 and 100.
In summary, a window
v denes the portion of the graph that appears in the viewport
v is a rectangular area
v is dened by an array of four numbers
v is dened in world coordinates
v scales the data relative to world coordinates
In the previous example, the variable YEAR ranges from 1971 to 1986, while PRICE ranges from 123.625
to 159.50. Because the data do not t nicely into the default, you want to dene a window that reects the
ranges of the variables YEAR and PRICE. To draw the graph of these data to scale, you can let the YEAR
axis range from 70 to 87 and the PRICE axis range from 100 to 200. Use the following statements to draw
the graph, shown in Figure 15.5.
Windows and Viewports ! 419
call gstart;
xbox={0 100 100 0};
ybox={0 0 100 100};
call gopen("stocks1"); /
begin new graph STOCKS1
call gset("height", 2.0);
year=do(71,86,1); /
initialize YEAR
price={123.75 128.00 139.75 /
initialize PRICE
155.50 139.750 151.500
150.375 149.125 159.500
152.375 147.000 134.125
138.750 123.625 127.125
call gwindow({70 100 87 200}); /
define window
call gpoint(year,price,"diamond","green"); /
graph the points
call gdraw(year,price,1,"green"); /
connect points
call gshow; /
show the graph
Figure 15.5 Stock Data
In the following example, you perform several steps that you did not do with the previous graph:
v You associate the name STOCKS1 with this graphics segment in the GOPEN command.
v You dene a window that reects the actual ranges of the data with a GWINDOW command.
v You associate a plotting symbol, the diamond, and the color green with the GPOINT command.
v You connect the points with line segments with the GDRAW command. The GDRAW command
requests that the line segments be drawn in style 1 and be green.
420 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
Understanding Viewports
A viewport species a rectangular area on the display device where the graph appears. You dene this area
by specifying the normalized coordinates, the lower-left corner and the upper-right corner, in the GPORT
statement, which has the following general form:
CALL GPORT (minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y) ;
The argument can be either a matrix or a literal. Note that both . and , must range between 0 and 100. As
with the GWINDOW specication, you can give the coordinates either as a matrix literal enclosed in braces
or as the name of a numeric matrix that contains the coordinates. The array can be a 2 2, 1 4, or 4 1
matrix. If you do not dene a viewport, the default is to span the entire display device.
In summary, a viewport
v species where the image appears on the display
v is a rectangular area
v is specied by an array of four numbers
v is dened in normalized coordinates
v scales the data relative to the shape of the viewport
To display the stock price data in a smaller area on the display device, you must dene a viewport. While
you are at it, add some text to the graph. You can use the graph that you created and named STOCKS1 in
this new graph. The following statements create the graph shown in Figure 15.6.
module centers text strings
start gscenter(x,y,str);
call gstrlen(len,str); /
find string length
call gscript(x-len/2,y,str); /
print text
finish gscenter;
call gopen("stocks2"); /
open a new segment
call gset("font","swiss"); /
set character font
call gpoly(xbox,ybox); /
draw a border
call gwindow({70 100,87 200}); /
define a window
call gport({15 15,85 85}); /
define a viewport
call ginclude("stocks1"); /
include segment STOCKS1
call gxaxis({70 100},17,18, , /
draw x-axis
call gyaxis({70 100},100,11, , /
draw y-axis
call gset("height",2.0); /
set character height
call gtext(77,89,"Year"); /
print horizontal text
call gvtext(68,200,"Price"); /
print vertical text
call gscenter(79,210,"ACME Stock Data"); /
print title
call gshow;
Windows and Viewports ! 421
Figure 15.6 Stock Data with Axes and Labels
The following list describes the statements that generated this graph:
v GOPEN begins a new graph and names it STOCKS2.
v GPOLY draws a box around the display area.
v GWINDOW denes the world coordinate space to be larger than the actual range of stock data values.
v GPORT denes a viewport. It causes the graph to appear in the center of the display, with a bor-
der around it for text. The lower-left corner has coordinates (15,15) and the upper-right corner has
coordinates (85,85).
v GINCLUDE includes the graphics segment STOCKS1. This saves you from having to plot points
you have already created.
v GXAXIS draws the . axis. It begins at the point (70,100) and is 17 units (years) long, divided with
18 tick marks. The axis tick marks are printed with the numeric 2.0 format, and they have a height of
1.5 units.
v GYAXIS draws the , axis. It also begins at (70,100) but is 100 units (dollars) long, divided with 11
tick marks. The axis tick marks are printed with the DOLLAR5.0 format and have a height of 1.5
v GSET sets the text font to be Swiss and the height of the letters to be 2.0 units. The height of the
characters has been increased because the viewport denition scales character sizes relative to the
v GTEXT prints horizontal text. It prints the text string Year beginning at the world coordinate point
422 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
v GVTEXT prints vertical text. It prints the text string Price beginning at the world coordinate point
v GSCENTER runs the module to print centered text strings.
v GSHOW displays the graph.
Changing Windows and Viewports
Windows and viewports can be changed for the graphics segment any time that the segment is active. Using
the stock price example, you can rst dene a window for the data during the years 1971 to 1974 and map
this to the viewport dened on the upper half of the normalized device; then you can redene the window to
enclose the data for 1983 to 1986 and map this to an area in the lower half of the normalized device. Notice
how the shape of the viewport affects the shape of the curve. Changing the viewport can affect the height of
any printed characters as well. In this case, you can modify the HEIGHT parameter.
The following statements generate the graph in Figure 15.7:
figure 12.7
reset clip; /
clip outside viewport
call gopen; /
open a new segment
call gset("color","blue");
call gset("height",2.0);
call gwindow({71 120,74 175}); /
define a window
call gport({20 55,80 90}); /
define a viewport
call gpoly({71 74 74 71},{120 120 170 170}); /
draw a border
call gscript(71.5,162,"Viewport #1 1971-74",, /
print text
call gpoint(year,price,"diamond","green"); /
draw points
call gdraw(year,price,1,"green"); /
connect points
call gblkvpd;
call gwindow({83 120,86 170}); /
define new window
call gport({20 10,80 45}); /
define new viewport
call gpoly({83 86 86 83},{120 120 170 170}); /
draw border
call gpoint(year,price,"diamond","green"); /
draw points
call gdraw(year,price,1,"green"); /
connect points
call gscript(83.5,162,"Viewport #2 1983-86",, /
print text
call gshow;
Windows and Viewports ! 423
Figure 15.7 Multiple Viewports
The RESET CLIP command is necessary because you are graphing only a part of the data in the window.
You want to clip the data that falls outside of the window. See the section Clipping Your Graphs on
page 425 for more about clipping. In this graph, you
v open a new segment (GOPEN)
v dene the rst window for the rst four years data (GWINDOW)
v dene a viewport in the upper part of the display device (GPORT)
v draw a box around the viewport (GPOLY)
v add text (GSCRIPT)
v graph the points and connect them (GPOINT and GDRAW)
v dene the second window for the last four years (GWINDOW)
v dene a viewport in the lower part of the display device (GPORT)
v draw a box around the viewport (GPOLY)
v graph the points and connect them (GPOINT and GDRAW)
v add text (GSCRIPT)
v display the graph (GSHOW)
424 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
Stacking Viewports
Viewports can be stacked; that is, a viewport can be dened relative to another viewport so that you have a
viewport within a viewport.
A window or a viewport is changed globally through the IML graphics commands: the GWINDOW com-
mand for windows, and the GPORT, GPORTSTK, and GPORTPOP commands for viewports. When a win-
dow or viewport is dened, it persists across IML graphics commands until another window- or viewport-
altering command is encountered. Stacking helps you dene a viewport without losing the effect of a
previously dened viewport. When a stacked viewport is popped, you are placed into the environment of
the previous viewport.
Windows and viewports are associated with a particular segment; thus, they automatically become undened
when the segment is closed. A segment is closed whenever IML encounters a GCLOSE command or a
GOPEN command. A window or a viewport can also be changed for a single graphics command. Either
one can be passed as an argument to a graphics primitive, in which case any graphics output associated with
the call is dened in the specied window or viewport. When a viewport is passed as an argument, it is
stacked, or dened relative to the current viewport, and popped when the graphics command is complete.
For example, suppose you want to create a legend that shows the low and peak points of the data for the
ACME stock graph. Use the following statements to create a graphics segment showing this information:
call gopen("legend");
call gset('height',5); /
enlarged to accommodate viewport later
call gset('font','swiss');
call gscript(5,75,"Stock Peak: 159.5 in 1979");
call gscript(5,65,"Stock Low: 123.6 in 1984");
call gclose;
Use the following statements to create a segment that highlights and labels the low and peak points of the
Highlight and label the low and peak points of the stock
call gopen("labels");
call gwindow({70 100 87 200}); /
define window
call gpoint(84,123.625,"circle","red",4) ;
call gtext(84,120,"LOW","red");
call gpoint(79,159.5,"circle","red",4);
call gtext(79,162,"PEAK","red");
call gclose;
Next, open a new graphics segment and include the STOCK1 segment created earlier in the chapter, placing
the segment in the viewport {10 10 90 90}. Here is the code:
call gopen;
call gportstk ({10 10 90 90}); /
viewport for the plot itself
call ginclude('stocks2');
Clipping Your Graphs ! 425
To place the legend in the upper-right corner of this viewport, use the GPORTSTK command instead of the
GPORT command to dene the legends viewport relative to the one used for the plot of the stock data, as
call gportstk ({70 70 100 100}); /
viewport for the legend
call ginclude("legend");
Now pop the legends viewport to get back to the viewport of the plot itself and include the segment that
labels and highlights the low and peak stock points. Here is the code:
call gportpop; /
viewport for the legend
call ginclude ("labels");
Finally, display the graph, as follows:
call gshow;
Figure 15.8 Stacking Viewports
Clipping Your Graphs
The IML graphics subsystem does not automatically clip the output to the viewport. Thus, it is possible that
data are graphed outside the dened viewport. This happens when there are data points lying outside the
dened window. For instance, if you specify a window to be a subset of the world, then there will be data
426 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
lying outside the window and these points will be graphed outside the viewport. This is usually not what
you want. To clean up such graphs, you either delete the points you do not want to graph or clip the graph.
There are two ways to clip a graph. You can use the RESET CLIP command, which clips outside a viewport.
The CLIP option remains in effect until you submit a RESET NOCLIP command. You can also use the
GBLKVP command, which clips either inside or outside a viewport. Use the GBLKVP command to dene
a blanking area in which nothing can be drawn until the blanking area is released. Use the GBLKVPD
command to release the blanking area.
Common Arguments
IML graphics commands are available in the form of call subroutines. They generally take a set of required
arguments followed by a set of optional arguments. All graphics primitives take window and viewport
as optional arguments. Some IML graphics commands, like GPOINT or GPIE, accept implicit repetition
factors in the argument lists. The GPOINT command places as many markers as there are well-dened
(.. ,) pairs. The GPIE command draws as many slices as there are well-dened pies. In those cases, some
of the attribute matrices can have more than one element, which are used in order. If an attribute list is
exhausted before the repetition factor is completed, the last element of the list is used as the attribute for the
remaining primitives.
The arguments to the IML graphics commands are positional. Thus, to skip over an optional argument from
the middle of a list, you must specify a comma to hold its place. For example, the following command omits
the third argument from the argument list:
call gpoint(x,y, ,"red");
The following list details the arguments commonly used in IML graphics commands:
color is a character matrix or literal that names a valid color as specied in the GOPTIONS
statement. The default color is the rst color specied in the COLORS= list in the GOP-
TIONS statement. If no such list is given, IML uses the rst default color for the graphics
device. Note that color can be specied either as a quoted literal, such as RED, a color
number, such as 1, or the name of a matrix that contains a reference to a valid color. A
color number n refers to the nth color in the color list.
You can change the default color with the GSET command.
font is a character matrix or quoted literal that species a valid font name. The default font is
the hardware font, which can be changed by the GSET command unless a viewport is in
height is a numeric matrix or literal that species the character height. The unit of height is
the gunit of the GOPTIONS statement, when specied; otherwise, the unit is a character
cell. The default height is 1 gunit, which you can change by using the GSET command.
pattern is a character matrix or quoted literal that species the pattern to ll the interior of a
closed curve. You specify a pattern by a coded character string as documented in the V=
option in the PATTERN statement (refer to the chapter on the PATTERN statement in
SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference.
Graphics Examples ! 427
The default pattern set by the IML graphics subsystem is E, that is, empty. The default
pattern can be changed by using the GSET command.
segment-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that species a valid SAS name used to identify
a graphics segment. The segment-name is associated with the graphics segment opened
with a GOPEN command. If you do not specify segment-name, IML generates default
names. For example, to create a graphics segment called PLOTA, use the following
call gopen("plota");
Graphics segments are not allowed to have the same name as an existing segment. If you
try to create a second segment named PLOTA (that is, when the replace ag is turned
off), then the second segment is named PLOTA1. The replace ag is set by the GOPEN
command for the segment that is being created. To open a new segment named PLOTA
and replace an existing segment with the same name, use the following statement:
call gopen("plota",1);
If you do not specify a replace argument to the GOPEN command, the default is set
by the GSTART command for all subsequent segments that are created. By default,
the GSTART command sets the replace ag to 0, so that new segments do not replace
like-named segments.
style is a numeric matrix or literal that species an index that corresponds to the line style
documented for the SYMBOL statement in the chapter on the SYMBOL statement in
SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference. The IML graphics subsystem sets the default line
style to be 1, a solid line. The default line style can be changed by using the GSET
symbol is a character matrix or quoted literal that species either a character string that corre-
sponds to a symbol as dened for the V= option of the SYMBOL statement or species
the corresponding identifying symbol number. STAR is the default symbol used by the
IML graphics subsystem.
SAS/IML graphics commands are described in detail in Chapter 23.
Refer also to SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference for additional information.
Graphics Examples
This section provides the details and code for three examples that involve SAS/IML graphics. The rst
example shows a 2 2 matrix of scatter plots and a 3 3 matrix of scatter plots. A matrix of scatter plots
is useful when you have several variables that you want to investigate simultaneously rather than in pairs.
The second example draws a grid for representing a train schedule, with arrival and departure dates on the
horizontal axis and destinations along the vertical axis. The nal example plots Fishers iris data. The
following example shows how to plot several graphs on one page.
428 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
Example 15.1: Scatter Plot Matrix
With the viewport capability of the IML graphics subroutine, you can arrange several graphs on a page. In
this example, multiple graphs are generated from three variables and are displayed in a scatterplot matrix.
For each variable, one contour plot is generated with each of the other variables as the dependent variable.
For the graphs on the main diagonal, a box-and-whiskers plot is generated for each variable.
This example takes advantage of user-dened IML modules:
BOXWHSKR computes median and quartiles.
GBXWHSKR draws box-and-whiskers plots.
CONTOUR generates condence ellipses assuming bivariate normal data.
GCONTOUR draws the condence ellipses for each pair of variables.
GSCATMAT produces the n n scatter plot matrix, where n is the number of variables.
The code for the ve modules and a sample data set follow. The modules produce Figure 15.1.1 and
Figure 15.1.2.
This program generates a data set and uses iml graphics
subsystem to draw a scatterplot matrix.
* *
data factory;
input recno prod temp a defect mon;
1 1.82675 71.124 1.12404 1.79845 2
2 1.67179 70.9245 0.924523 1.05246 3
3 2.22397 71.507 1.50696 2.36035 4
4 2.39049 74.8912 4.89122 1.93917 5
5 2.45503 73.5338 3.53382 2.0664 6
6 1.68758 71.6764 1.67642 1.90495 7
7 1.98233 72.4222 2.42221 1.65469 8
8 1.17144 74.0884 4.08839 1.91366 9
9 1.32697 71.7609 1.76087 1.21824 10
10 1.86376 70.3978 0.397753 1.21775 11
11 1.25541 74.888 4.88795 1.87875 12
12 1.17617 73.3528 3.35277 1.15393 1
13 2.38103 77.1762 7.17619 2.26703 2
14 1.13669 73.0157 3.01566 1 3
15 1.01569 70.4645 0.464485 1 4
16 2.36641 74.1699 4.16991 1.73009 5
17 2.27131 73.1005 3.10048 1.79657 6
18 1.80597 72.6299 2.62986 1.8497 7
19 2.41142 81.1973 11.1973 2.137 8
20 1.69218 71.4521 1.45212 1.47894 9
21 1.95271 74.8427 4.8427 1.93493 10
22 1.28452 76.7901 6.79008 2.09208 11
23 1.51663 83.4782 13.4782 1.81162 12
24 1.34177 73.4237 3.42369 1.57054 1
25 1.4309 70.7504 0.750369 1.22444 2
Example 15.1: Scatter Plot Matrix ! 429
26 1.84851 72.9226 2.92256 2.04468 3
27 2.08114 78.4248 8.42476 1.78175 4
28 1.99175 71.0635 1.06346 1.25951 5
29 2.01235 72.2634 2.2634 1.36943 6
30 2.38742 74.2037 4.20372 1.82846 7
31 1.28055 71.2495 1.24953 1.8286 8
32 2.05698 76.0557 6.05571 2.03548 9
33 1.05429 77.721 7.72096 1.57831 10
34 2.15398 70.8861 0.886068 2.1353 11
35 2.46624 70.9682 0.968163 2.26856 12
36 1.4406 73.5243 3.52429 1.72608 1
37 1.71475 71.527 1.52703 1.72932 2
38 1.51423 78.5824 8.5824 1.97685 3
39 2.41538 73.7909 3.79093 2.07129 4
40 2.28402 71.131 1.13101 2.25293 5
41 1.70251 72.3616 2.36156 2.04926 6
42 1.19747 72.3894 2.3894 1 7
43 1.08089 71.1729 1.17288 1 8
44 2.21695 72.5905 2.59049 1.50915 9
45 1.52717 71.1402 1.14023 1.88717 10
46 1.5463 74.6696 4.66958 1.25725 11
47 2.34151 90 20 3.57864 12
48 1.10737 71.1989 1.19893 1.62447 1
49 2.2491 76.6415 6.64147 2.50868 2
50 1.76659 71.7038 1.70377 1.231 3
51 1.25174 76.9657 6.96572 1.99521 4
52 1.81153 73.0722 3.07225 2.15915 5
53 1.72942 71.9639 1.96392 1.86142 6
54 2.17748 78.1207 8.12068 2.54388 7
55 1.29186 77.0589 7.05886 1.82777 8
56 1.92399 72.6126 2.61256 1.32816 9
57 1.38008 70.8872 0.887228 1.37826 10
58 1.96143 73.8529 3.85289 1.87809 11
59 1.61795 74.6957 4.69565 1.65806 12
60 2.02756 75.7877 5.78773 1.72684 1
61 2.41378 75.9826 5.98255 2.76309 2
62 1.41413 71.3419 1.34194 1.75285 3
63 2.31185 72.5469 2.54685 2.27947 4
64 1.94336 71.5592 1.55922 1.96157 5
65 2.094 74.7338 4.73385 2.07885 6
66 1.19458 72.233 2.23301 1 7
67 2.13118 79.1225 9.1225 1.84193 8
68 1.48076 87.0511 17.0511 2.94927 9
69 1.98502 79.0913 9.09131 2.47104 10
70 2.25937 73.8232 3.82322 2.49798 12
71 1.18744 70.6821 0.682067 1.2848 1
72 1.20189 70.7053 0.705311 1.33293 2
73 1.69115 73.9781 3.9781 1.87517 3
74 1.0556 73.2146 3.21459 1 4
75 1.59936 71.4165 1.41653 1.29695 5
76 1.66044 70.7151 0.715145 1.22362 6
77 1.79167 74.8072 4.80722 1.86081 7
78 2.30484 71.5028 1.50285 1.60626 8
79 2.49073 71.5908 1.59084 1.80815 9
430 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
80 1.32729 70.9077 0.907698 1.12889 10
81 2.48874 83.0079 13.0079 2.59237 11
82 2.46786 84.1806 14.1806 3.35518 12
83 2.12407 73.5826 3.58261 1.98482 1
84 2.46982 76.6556 6.65559 2.48936 2
85 1.00777 70.2504 0.250364 1 3
86 1.93118 73.9276 3.92763 1.84407 4
87 1.00017 72.6359 2.63594 1.3882 5
88 1.90622 71.047 1.047 1.7595 6
89 2.43744 72.321 2.32097 1.67244 7
90 1.25712 90 20 2.63949 8
91 1.10811 71.8299 1.82987 1 9
92 2.25545 71.8849 1.8849 1.94247 10
93 2.47971 73.4697 3.4697 1.87842 11
94 1.93378 74.2952 4.2952 1.52478 12
95 2.17525 73.0547 3.05466 2.23563 1
96 2.18723 70.8299 0.829929 1.75177 2
97 1.69984 72.0026 2.00263 1.45564 3
98 1.12504 70.4229 0.422904 1.06042 4
99 2.41723 73.7324 3.73238 2.18307 5
proc iml;
-- Load graphics --
call gstart;
-- Define modules --
Module : compute contours
start contour(c,x,y,npoints,pvalues);
This routine computes contours for a scatter plot
c returns the contours as consecutive pairs of columns
x and y are the x and y coordinates of the points
npoints is the number of points in a contour
pvalues is a column vector of contour probabilities
the number of contours is controlled by the ncol(pvalue)
Correct for the mean
Find principal axes of ellipses
call eigen(v,e,xx);
Set contour levels
v[1]); b=sqrt(c
Example 15.1: Scatter Plot Matrix ! 431
Parameterize the ellipse by angle
Form contour points
Returned as ncol pairs of columns for contours
finish contour;
-- Module : draw contour curves --
start gcontour(t1, t2);
run contour(t12, t1, t2, 30, {.5 .8 .9});
window=(min(t12[,{1 3}],t1)||min(t12[,{2 4}],t2))//
(max(t12[,{1 3}],t1)||max(t12[,{2 4}],t2));
call gwindow(window);
call gdraw(t12[,1],t12[,2],,'blue');
call gdraw(t12[,3],t12[,4],,'blue');
call gdraw(t12[,5],t12[,6],,'blue');
call gpoint(t1,t2,,'red');
finish gcontour;
-- Module : find median, quartiles for box and whisker plot --
start boxwhskr(x, u, q2, m, q1, l);
-- Median --
-- Compute quartiles --
(q2-q1); /
-- step=1.5
(interquartile range) --
u=(u>s)[+,]; /
-- adjacent values -----------------
finish boxwhskr;
-- Box and Whisker plot --
start gbxwhskr(t, ht);
432 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
run boxwhskr(t, up, q2,med, q1, lo);
---Adjust screen viewport and data window
call gwindow({0, 100} || y);
mid = 50;
wlen = 20;
-- Add whiskers
-- Add box
---Add median line
---Attach whiskers to box
-- Draw box and whiskers
call gdrawl(from, to,,'red');
---Add minimum and maximum data points
call gpoint(mid, y ,3,'red');
---Label min, max, and mean
s={'med' 'min' 'max'};
call gset("font","swiss");
call gset('height',13);
call gscript(wstop+ht, y, char(y,5,2),,,,,'blue');
call gstrlen(len, s);
call gscript(wstart-len-ht,y,s,,,,,'blue');
call gset('height');
finish gbxwhskr;
-- Module : do scatter plot matrix --
start gscatmat(data, vname);
call gopen('scatter');
if (nv=1) then nv=nrow(vname);
Example 15.1: Scatter Plot Matrix ! 433
xstart=int((90 -cellwid
nv)/2) + 5;
xgrid=((0:nv)#cellwid + xstart)`;
-- Delineate cells --
cell2=j(nv+1, 1, xstart);
call gdrawl(cell1, cell2);
call gdrawl(cell1[,{2 1}], cell2[,{2 1}]);
xstart = xstart + dist; ystart = xgrid[nv] + dist;
-- Label variables ---
call gset("height", 5);
call gset("font","swiss");
call gstrlen(len, vname);
where=xgrid[1:nv] + (cellwid-len)/2;
call gscript(where, 0, vname) ;
where=xgrid[1:nv] + (cellwid-len)/2;
call gscript(4,where, vname[nv - (0:nv-1)],90);
-- First viewport --
vp=(xstart || ystart)//((xstart || ystart) + width) ;
Since the characters are scaled to the viewport
(which is inversely porportional to the
number of variables),
enlarge it proportional to the number of variables
call gset("height", ht);
do i=1 to nv;
do j=1 to i;
call gportstk(vp);
if (i=j) then run gbxwhskr(data[,i], ht);
else run gcontour(data[,j], data[,i]);
-- onto the next viewport --
vp[,1] = vp[,1] + cellwid;
call gportpop;
vp=(xstart // xstart + width) || (vp[,2] - cellwid);
call gshow;
finish gscatmat;
-- Placement of text is based on the character height.
The IML modules defined here assume percent as the unit of
character height for device independent control.
goptions gunit=pct;
use factory;
vname={prod, temp, defect};
434 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
read all var vname into xyz;
run gscatmat(xyz, vname[1:2]); /
-- 2 x 2 scatter plot matrix --
run gscatmat(xyz, vname); /
-- 3 x 3 scatter plot matrix --
goptions gunit=cell; /
-- reset back to default --
Output 15.1.1 2 2 Scatter Plot Matrix
Example 15.2: Train Schedule ! 435
Output 15.1.2 3 3 Scatter Plot Matrix
Example 15.2: Train Schedule
This example draws a grid on which the horizontal dimension gives the arrival/departure data and the vertical
dimension gives the destination. The rst section of the code denes the matrices used. The following sec-
tion generates the graph. The following example code shows some applications of the GGRID, GDRAWL,
GSTRLEN, and GSCRIPT subroutines. This code produces Figure 15.2.1.
proc iml;
Placement of text is based on the character height.
The graphics segment defined here assumes percent as the
unit of character height for device independent control.
goptions gunit=pct;
call gstart;
Define several necessary matrices
cityloc={0 27 66 110 153 180}`;
cityname={"Paris" "Montereau" "Tonnerre" "Dijon" "Macon" "Lyons"};
Define a data matrix
origin dest start end comment
{ 1 2 11.0 12.5, /
train 1
2 3 12.6 14.9,
436 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
3 4 15.5 18.1,
4 5 18.2 20.6,
5 6 20.7 22.3,
6 5 22.6 24.0,
5 4 0.1 2.3,
4 3 2.5 4.5,
3 2 4.6 6.8,
2 1 6.9 8.5,
1 2 19.2 20.5, /
train 2
2 3 20.6 22.7,
3 4 22.8 25.0,
4 5 1.0 3.3,
5 6 3.4 4.5,
6 5 6.9 8.5,
5 4 8.6 11.2,
4 3 11.6 13.9,
3 2 14.1 16.2,
2 1 16.3 18.0
call gopen;
call gwindow({-8 -35, 36 240});
call ggrid(timeloc,cityloc,1,"red");
call gdrawl(xy1,xy2,,"blue");
-- center title --
s = "Train Schedule: Paris to Lyons";
call gstrlen(m, s,5,"titalic");
call gscript(15-m/2,185,s,,,5,"titalic");
-- find max graphics text length of cityname --
call gset("height",3);
call gset("font","italic");
call gstrlen(len, cityname);
m = max(len) +1.0
call gscript(-m, cityloc,cityname);
call gscript(timeloc - .5,-12,timename,-90,90);
call gshow;
goptions gunit=cell; /
-- reset back to default --
Example 15.3: Fishers Iris Data ! 437
Output 15.2.1 Train Schedule
Example 15.3: Fishers Iris Data
This example generates four scatter plots and prints them on a single page. Scatter plots of sepal length
versus petal length, sepal width versus petal width, sepal length versus sepal width, and petal length versus
petal width are generated. The following code produces Figure 15.3.1.
data iris;
title 'Fisher (1936) Iris Data';
input sepallen sepalwid petallen petalwid spec_no @@;
if spec_no=1 then species='setosa ';
if spec_no=2 then species='versicolor';
if spec_no=3 then species='virginica ';
label sepallen='sepal length in mm.'
sepalwid='sepal width in mm.'
petallen='petal length in mm.'
petalwid='petal width in mm.';
50 33 14 02 1 64 28 56 22 3 65 28 46 15 2
67 31 56 24 3 63 28 51 15 3 46 34 14 03 1
69 31 51 23 3 62 22 45 15 2 59 32 48 18 2
46 36 10 02 1 61 30 46 14 2 60 27 51 16 2
65 30 52 20 3 56 25 39 11 2 65 30 55 18 3
58 27 51 19 3 68 32 59 23 3 51 33 17 05 1
57 28 45 13 2 62 34 54 23 3 77 38 67 22 3
438 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
63 33 47 16 2 67 33 57 25 3 76 30 66 21 3
49 25 45 17 3 55 35 13 02 1 67 30 52 23 3
70 32 47 14 2 64 32 45 15 2 61 28 40 13 2
48 31 16 02 1 59 30 51 18 3 55 24 38 11 2
63 25 50 19 3 64 32 53 23 3 52 34 14 02 1
49 36 14 01 1 54 30 45 15 2 79 38 64 20 3
44 32 13 02 1 67 33 57 21 3 50 35 16 06 1
58 26 40 12 2 44 30 13 02 1 77 28 67 20 3
63 27 49 18 3 47 32 16 02 1 55 26 44 12 2
50 23 33 10 2 72 32 60 18 3 48 30 14 03 1
51 38 16 02 1 61 30 49 18 3 48 34 19 02 1
50 30 16 02 1 50 32 12 02 1 61 26 56 14 3
64 28 56 21 3 43 30 11 01 1 58 40 12 02 1
51 38 19 04 1 67 31 44 14 2 62 28 48 18 3
49 30 14 02 1 51 35 14 02 1 56 30 45 15 2
58 27 41 10 2 50 34 16 04 1 46 32 14 02 1
60 29 45 15 2 57 26 35 10 2 57 44 15 04 1
50 36 14 02 1 77 30 61 23 3 63 34 56 24 3
58 27 51 19 3 57 29 42 13 2 72 30 58 16 3
54 34 15 04 1 52 41 15 01 1 71 30 59 21 3
64 31 55 18 3 60 30 48 18 3 63 29 56 18 3
49 24 33 10 2 56 27 42 13 2 57 30 42 12 2
55 42 14 02 1 49 31 15 02 1 77 26 69 23 3
60 22 50 15 3 54 39 17 04 1 66 29 46 13 2
52 27 39 14 2 60 34 45 16 2 50 34 15 02 1
44 29 14 02 1 50 20 35 10 2 55 24 37 10 2
58 27 39 12 2 47 32 13 02 1 46 31 15 02 1
69 32 57 23 3 62 29 43 13 2 74 28 61 19 3
59 30 42 15 2 51 34 15 02 1 50 35 13 03 1
56 28 49 20 3 60 22 40 10 2 73 29 63 18 3
67 25 58 18 3 49 31 15 01 1 67 31 47 15 2
63 23 44 13 2 54 37 15 02 1 56 30 41 13 2
63 25 49 15 2 61 28 47 12 2 64 29 43 13 2
51 25 30 11 2 57 28 41 13 2 65 30 58 22 3
69 31 54 21 3 54 39 13 04 1 51 35 14 03 1
72 36 61 25 3 65 32 51 20 3 61 29 47 14 2
56 29 36 13 2 69 31 49 15 2 64 27 53 19 3
68 30 55 21 3 55 25 40 13 2 48 34 16 02 1
48 30 14 01 1 45 23 13 03 1 57 25 50 20 3
57 38 17 03 1 51 38 15 03 1 55 23 40 13 2
66 30 44 14 2 68 28 48 14 2 54 34 17 02 1
51 37 15 04 1 52 35 15 02 1 58 28 51 24 3
67 30 50 17 2 63 33 60 25 3 53 37 15 02 1
proc iml;
use iris; read all;
Create 5 graphs, PETAL, SEPAL, SPWID, SPLEN, and ALL4
After the graphs are created, to see any one, type
CALL GSHOW("name");
where name is the name of any one of the 5 graphs
Example 15.3: Fishers Iris Data ! 439
call gstart; /
-- always start with GSTART --
-- Spec_no is used as marker index, change 3 to 4
-- 1 is + , 2 is x, 3 is
, 4 is a square -------------
do i=1 to 150;
if (spec_no[i] = 3) then spec_no[i] = 4;
-- Creates 4 x-y plots stored in 4 different segments
-- Creates a segment called petal, petallen by petalwid --
call gopen("petal");
wp = { -10 -5, 90 30};
call gwindow(wp);
call gxaxis({0 0}, 75, 6,,,'5.1');
call gyaxis({0 0}, 25, 5,,,'5.1');
call gpoint(petallen, petalwid, spec_no, 'blue');
labs = "Petallen vs Petalwid";
call gstrlen(len, labs,2, 'swiss');
call gscript(40-len/2,-4,labs,,,2,'swiss');
-- Creates a segment called sepal, sepallen by sepalwid --
call gopen("sepal");
ws = {35 15 85 55};
call gwindow(ws);
call gxaxis({40 20}, 40, 9, , ,'5.1');
call gyaxis({40 20}, 28, 7, , ,'5.1');
call gpoint(sepallen, sepalwid, spec_no, 'blue');
labs = "Sepallen vs Sepalwid";
call gstrlen(len, labs,2, 'swiss');
call gscript(60-len/2,16,labs,,,2,'swiss');
-- Creates a segment called spwid, petalwid by sepalwid --
call gopen("spwid");
wspwid = { 15 -5 55 30};
call gwindow(wspwid);
call gxaxis({20 0}, 28, 7,,,'5.1');
call gyaxis({20 0}, 25, 5,,,'5.1');
call gpoint(sepalwid, petalwid, spec_no, 'green');
labs = "Sepalwid vs Petalwid";
call gstrlen(len, labs,2,'swiss');
call gscript(35-len/2,-4,labs,,,2,'swiss');
-- Creates a segment called splen, petallen by sepallen --
call gopen("splen");
wsplen = {35 -15 85 90};
call gwindow(wsplen);
call gxaxis({40 0}, 40, 9,,,'5.1');
call gyaxis({40 0}, 75, 6,,,'5.1');
call gpoint(sepallen, petallen, spec_no, 'red');
labs = "Sepallen vs Petallen";
call gstrlen(len, labs,2,'swiss');
440 ! Chapter 15: Graphics Examples
call gscript(60-len/2,-14,labs,,,2,'swiss');
-- Create a new segment
call gopen("all4");
call gport({50 0, 100 50}); /
change viewport, lower right ----
call ginclude("sepal"); /
include sepal in this graph -----
call gport({0 50, 50 100}); /
change the viewport, upper left
call ginclude("petal"); /
include petal -------------------
call gport({0 0, 50 50}); /
change the viewport, lower left
call ginclude("spwid"); /
include spwid -------------------
call gport({50 50, 100 100});/
change the viewport, upper right
call ginclude("splen"); /
include splen -------------------
call gshow("all4");
Output 15.3.1 Petal Length versus Petal Width
Chapter 16
Window and Display Features
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Creating a Display Window for Data Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
Using the WINDOW Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Window Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Field Specications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Using the DISPLAY Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Group Specications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Group Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Details about Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Number and Position of Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Windows and the Display Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Deciding Where to Dene Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Groups of Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Field Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Display Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Field Formatting and Inputting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Display-Only Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Opening Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Closing Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Repeating Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
The dynamic nature of IML gives you the ability to create windows on your display for full-screen data
entry or menuing. By using the WINDOW statement, you can dene a window, its elds, and its attributes.
By using the DISPLAY statement, you can display a window and await data entry.
These statements are similar in form and function to the corresponding statements in the SAS DATA step.
The specication of elds in the WINDOW or DISPLAY statement is similar to the specications used in
the INPUT and PUT statements. By using these statements you can write applications that behave similarly
to other full-screen facilities in the SAS System, such as the BUILD procedure in SAS/AF software and the
FSEDIT procedure in SAS/FSP software.
442 ! Chapter 16: Window and Display Features
Creating a Display Window for Data Entry
Suppose that your application is a data entry system for a mailing list. You want to create a data set called
MAILLIST by prompting the user with a window that displays all the entry elds. You want the data entry
window to look as follows:
| Command==> |
| |
| |
| NAME: |
| PHONE: |
| |
The process for creating a display window for this application consists of
v initializing the variables
v creating a SAS data set
v dening a module for collecting data that
1. denes a window
2. denes the data elds
3. denes a loop for collecting data
4. provides an exit from the loop
v executing the data-collecting routine
The whole system can be implemented with the following code to dene modules INITIAL and MAILGET:
module to initialize the variables
* *
start initial;
name=' ';
addr=' ';
city=' ';
state=' ';
zip=' ';
phone=' ';
finish initial;
This denes a module named INITIAL that initializes the variables you want to collect. The initialization
sets the string length for the character elds. You need to do this prior to creating your data set.
Now dene a module for collecting the data, as follows:
Creating a Display Window for Data Entry ! 443
module to collect data
* *
start mailget;
define the window
window maillist cmndline=cmnd msgline=msg
#2 " NAME: " name
#3 " ADDRESS:" addr
#4 " CITY: " city +2 "STATE: " state +2 "ZIP: " zip
#5 " PHONE: " phone;
* *
collect addresses until the user enters exit
* *
do until(cmnd="EXIT");
run initial;
* *
loop until user types submit or exit
* *
do until(cmnd="SUBMIT"|cmnd="EXIT");
display maillist.addr;
if cmnd="SUBMIT" then append;
window close=maillist;
finish mailget;
initialize variables
run initial;
create the new data set
create maillist var{name addr city state zip phone};
collect data
run mailget;
close the new data set
close maillist;
In the module MAILGET, the WINDOW statement creates a window named MAILLIST with a group of
elds (the group is named ADDR) presenting data elds for data entry. The program sends messages to the
window through the MSGLINE= variable MSG. The program receives commands you enter through the
CMNDLINE= variable CMND.
You can enter data into the elds after each prompt eld. After you are nished with the entry, press a
key dened as SUBMIT, or type SUBMIT in the command eld. The data are appended to the data set
MAILLIST. When data entry is complete, type EXIT in the command eld. If you enter a command other
than SUBMIT, EXIT, or a valid SAS windowing environment command in the command eld, you get the
following message on the message line:
444 ! Chapter 16: Window and Display Features
Using the WINDOW Statement
You use the WINDOW statement to dene a window, its elds, and its attributes. The general form of the
WINDOW statement is as follows:
WINDOW <CLOSE=> window-name <window-options ><GROUP=group-name-1 eld-specs<. . . GROUP=group-
name-n eld-specs >> ;
The following options can be used with the WINDOW statement:
is used only when you want to close the window.
is a valid SAS name for the window. This name is displayed in the upper-left border of the window.
control the size, position, and other attributes of the window. You can change the attributes interac-
tively with window commands such as WGROW, WDEF, WSHRINK, and COLOR. These options
are described in the next section.
starts a repeating sequence of groups of elds dened for the window. The group-name is a valid
SAS variable name used to identify a group of elds in a DISPLAY statement that occurs later in the
is a sequence of eld specications made up of positionals, eld operands, formats, and options.
These are described in the section Field Specications on page 445.
Window Options
Window options control the attributes of the window. The following options are valid in the WINDOW
names a character variable in which the command line entered by the user is stored.
species the background color for the window. The operand can be either a quoted character literal
or the name of a character variable that contains the color. The valid values are BLACK, GREEN,
MAGENTA, RED, CYAN, GRAY, and BLUE. The default is BLACK.
species the starting number of columns of the window. The operand can be either a literal number,
a variable name, or an expression in parentheses. The default is 78.
Field Specications ! 445
species the initial column position of the window on the display screen. The operand can be either
a literal number or a variable name. The default is column 1.
species the initial row position of the window on the display screen. The operand can be either a
literal number or a variable name. The default is row 1.
species the message to be displayed on the standard message line when the window is made active.
The operand is a quoted character literal or the name of a character variable that contains the message.
determines the starting number of rows of the window. The operand is either a literal number, the
name of a variable that contains the number, or an expression in parentheses yielding the number. The
default is 23 rows.
Field Specications
Both the WINDOW and DISPLAY statements accept eld specications. Field specications have the
following general form:
<positionals > eld-operand <format > <eld-options > ;
The positionals are directives specifying the position on the screen in which to begin the eld. There are
four kinds of positionals, any number of which are accepted for each eld operand. Positionals are the
# operand species the row position; that is, it moves the current position to column 1 of the speci-
ed line. The operand is either a number, a variable name, or an expression in parenthe-
ses. The expression must evaluate to a positive number.
/ instructs IML to go to column 1 of the next row.
@ operand species the column position. The operand is either a number, a variable name, or an ex-
pression in parentheses. The @ directive should come after the pound sign (#) positional,
if it is specied.
+ operand instructs IML to skip columns. The operand is either a number, a variable name, or an
expression in parentheses.
Field Operands
The eld-operand species what goes in the eld. It is either a character literal in quotes or the name of a
character variable.
446 ! Chapter 16: Window and Display Features
The format is the format used for display, for the value, and also as the informat applied to entered values.
If no format is specied, the standard numeric or character format is used.
Field Options
The eld-options specify the attributes of the eld as follows:
species that the eld is protected; that is, you cannot enter values in the eld. If the eld operand is
a literal, it is already protected.
species the color of the eld. The operand can be either a literal character value in quotes, a vari-
able name, or an expression in parentheses. The colors available are WHITE, BLACK, GREEN,
MAGENTA, RED, YELLOW, CYAN, GRAY, and BLUE. The default is BLUE. Note that the color
specication is different from that of the corresponding DATA step value because it is an operand
rather than a name without quotes.
Using the DISPLAY Statement
After you have opened a window with the WINDOW statement, you can use the DISPLAY statement to
display the elds in the window.
The DISPLAY statement species a list of groups to be displayed. Each group is separated from the next
by a comma.
The general form of the DISPLAY statement is as follows:
DISPLAY <group-spec-1 group-options,<. . . , group-spec-n group-options >> ;
Group Specications
The group specication names a group, either a compound name of the form windowname.groupname or
a windowname followed by a group dened by elds and enclosed in parentheses. For example, you can
specify windowname.groupname or windowname(eld-specs), where eld-specs are as dened earlier for
the WINDOW statement.
In the example, you used the following statement to display the window MAILLIST and the group ADDR:
Group Options ! 447
display maillist.addr;
Group Options
The group-options can be any of the following:
rings the bell, sounds the alarm, or causes the speaker at your workstation to beep when the window
is displayed.
requests that the group be displayed with all the elds protected so that no data entry can be done.
species that the group be repeated for each element of the matrices specied as eld-operands. See
the section Repeating Fields on page 450.
Details about Windows
The following sections discuss some of the ideas behind windows.
Number and Position of Windows
You can have any number of windows. They can overlap each other or be disjoint. Each window behaves
independently from the others. You can specify the starting size, position, and color of the window when
you create it. Each window responds to SAS windowing environment commands so that it can be moved,
sized, or changed in color dynamically by the user.
You can list all active windows in a session by using the SHOW WINDOWS command. This makes it easy
to keep track of multiple windows.
Windows and the Display Surface
A window is really a viewport into a display. The display can be larger or smaller than the window. If the
display is larger than the window, you can use scrolling commands to move the surface under the window
(or equivalently, move the window over the display surface). The scrolling commands are as follows:
RIGHT < n > scrolls right.
448 ! Chapter 16: Window and Display Features
LEFT < n > scrolls left.
FORWARD < n > scrolls forward (down).
BACKWARD < n > scrolls backward (up).
TOP scrolls to the top of the display surface.
BOTTOM scrolls to the bottom of the display surface.
The argument n is an optional numeric argument that indicates the number of positions to scroll. The default
is 5.
Only one window is active at a time. You can move, zoom, enlarge, shrink, or recolor inactive windows, but
you cannot scroll or enter data.
Each display starts with the same standard lines: rst a command line for entering commands, then a
message line for displaying messages (such as error messages).
The remainder of the display is up to you to design. You can put elds in any positive row and column
position of the display surface, even if it is off the displayed viewport.
Deciding Where to Dene Fields
You have a choice of whether to dene your elds in the WINDOW statement, the DISPLAY statement, or
both. Dening eld groups in the WINDOW statement saves work if you access the window from many
different DISPLAY statements. Specifying eld groups in the DISPLAYstatement provides more exibility.
Groups of Fields
All elds must be part of eld groups. The group is just a mechanism to treat multiple elds together as a
unit in the DISPLAY statement. There is only one rule about the eld positions of different groups: active
elds must not overlap. Overlapping is acceptable among elds as long as they are not simultaneously
active. Active elds are the ones that are specied together in the current DISPLAY statement.
You name groups specied in the WINDOW statement. You specify groups in the DISPLAY statement just
by putting them in parentheses; they are not named.
Field Attributes
There are two types of elds you can dene:
v Protected elds are for constants on the screen.
v Unprotected elds accept data entry.
Display Execution ! 449
If the eld consists of a character string in quotes, it is protected. If the eld is a variable name, it is not
protected unless you specify PROTECT=YES as a eld option. If you want all elds protected, specify the
NOINPUT group option in the DISPLAY statement.
Display Execution
When you execute a DISPLAY statement, the SAS System displays the window with all current values
of the variables. You can then enter data into the unprotected elds. All the basic editing keys (cursor
controls, delete, end, insert, and so forth) work, as well as SAS windowing environment commands to scroll
or otherwise manage the window. Control does not return to the IML code until you enter a command on
the command line that is not recognized as a SAS windowing environment command. Typically, a SUBMIT
command is used since most users dene a function key for this command. Before control is returned to
you, IML moves all modied eld values from the screen back into IML variables by using standard or
specied informat routines. If you have specied the CMNDLINE= option in the WINDOW statement, the
current command line is passed back to the specied variable.
The window remains visible with the last values entered until the next DISPLAY statement or until the
window is closed by a WINDOW statement with the CLOSE= option.
Only one window is active at a time. Every window can be subject to SAS windowing environment com-
mands, but only the window specied in the current DISPLAY statement transfers data to IML.
Each window is composed dynamically every time it is displayed. If you position elds by variables, you
can make them move to different parts of the screen simply by programming the values of the variables.
The DISPLAY statement even accepts general expressions in parentheses as positional or eld operands.
The WINDOW statement only accepts literal constants or variable names as operands. If a eld operand is
an expression in parentheses, then it is always a protected eld. You cannot use the following statement and
expect it to return the log function of the data entered:
display w(log(X));
Instead you would need the following code:
display w(lx);
Field Formatting and Inputting
The length of a eld on the screen is specied in the format after the eld operand, if you give one. If
a format is not given, IML uses standard character or numeric formats and informats. Numeric informats
allow scientic notation and missing values (represented with periods). The default length for character
variables is the size of the variable element. The default size for numeric elds is given with the FW=
option (see the discussion of the RESET statement in Chapter 23).
450 ! Chapter 16: Window and Display Features
If you specify a named format (such as DATE7.), IML attempts to use it for both the output format and the
input informat. If IML cannot nd an input informat of that name, it uses the standard informats.
Display-Only Windows
If a window consists only of protected elds, it is merely displayed; that is, it does not wait for user input.
These display-only windows can be displayed rapidly.
Opening Windows
The WINDOW statement is executable. When a WINDOW statement is executed, IML checks to see if the
specic window has already been opened. If it has not been opened, then the WINDOW statement opens it;
otherwise, the WINDOW statement does nothing.
Closing Windows
To close a window, use the CLOSE= option in the WINDOW statement. In the example given earlier, you
closed MAILLIST with the following statement:
window close=maillist;
Repeating Fields
If you specify an operand for a eld that is a multi-element matrix, the routines deal with the rst value
of the matrix. However, there is a special group option, REPEAT, that enables you to display and retrieve
values from all the elements of a matrix. If the REPEAT option is specied, IML determines the maximum
number of elements of any eld-operand matrix, and then it repeats the group that number of times. If any
eld operand has fewer elements, the last element is repeated the required number of times (the last one
becomes the data entered). Be sure to write your specications so that the elds do not overlap. If the elds
overlap, an error message results. Although the elds must be matrices, the positional operands are never
treated as matrices.
The repeat feature can come in very handy in situations where you want to create a menu for a list of items.
For example, suppose you want to build a restaurant billing system and you have stored the menu items
and prices in the matrices ITEM and PRICE. You want to obtain the quantity ordered in a matrix called
AMOUNT. Enter the following code:
item={ "Hamburger", "Hot Dog", "Salad Bar", "Milk" };
Example ! 451
price={1.10 .90 1.95 .45};
amount= repeat(0,nrow(item),1);
window menu
#1 @2 "Item" @44 "Price" @54 "Amount"
/ @2 item $10. @44 price 6.2 @54 amount 4.
display menu.top, menu.list repeat;
This creates the following window:
+ Command ---> +
+ +
+ Item Price Amount +
+ +
+ Hamburger 1.10 0 +
+ Hot Dog 0.90 0 +
+ Salad Bar 1.95 0 +
+ Milk 0.45 0 +
+ +
+------------------------------------------------- +
This example illustrates the following features:
v multiple windows
v the repeat feature
v command- and message-line usage
v a large display surface needing scrolling
v windows linked to data set transactions
This example uses two windows, FIND and ED. The FIND window instructs you to enter a name. Then
a data set is searched for all the names starting with the entered value. If no observations are found, you
receive the following message:
Not found, enter request
If any observations are found, they are displayed in the ED window. You can then edit all the elds. If
several observations are found, you need to use the scrolling commands to view the entire display surface.
If you enter the SUBMIT command, the data are updated in place in the data set. Otherwise, you receive
the following message:
452 ! Chapter 16: Window and Display Features
Not replaced, enter request
If you enter a blank eld for the request, you are advised that EXIT is the keyword needed to exit the system.
Here is the code:
start findedit;
window ed rows=10 columns=40 icolumn=40 cmndline=c;
window find rows=5 columns=35 icolumn=1 msgline=msg;
edit user.class;
display ed ( "Enter a name in the FIND window, and this"
/ "window will display the observations "
/ "starting with that name. Then you can"
/ "edit them and enter the submit command"
/ "to replace them in the data set. Enter cancel"
/ "to not replace the values in the data set."
/ "Enter exit as a name to exit the program." );
do while(1);
msg=' ';
name=" ";
display find ("Search for name: " name);
if name=" " then
msg='Enter exit to end';
goto again;
if name="exit" then goto x;
if name="PAUSE" then
msg='Enter again';
goto again;
find all where(name=:name) into p;
if nrow(p)=0 then
msg='Not found, enter request';
goto again;
read point p;
display ed (//" name: " name
" sex: " sex
" age: " age
/" height: " height
" weight: " weight ) repeat;
if c='submit' then
msg="replaced, enter request";
replace point p;
Example ! 453
msg='Not replaced, enter request';
display find ("Closing Data Set and Exiting");
close user.class;
window close=ed;
window close=find;
finish findedit;
run findedit;
Chapter 17
Storage Features
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Storage Catalogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Catalog Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Restoring Matrices and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Removing Matrices and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Specifying the Storage Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Listing Storage Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Storing Matrices and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
SAS/IML software can store user-dened modules and the values of matrices in special library storage on
disk for later retrieval. The library storage feature enables you to perform the following tasks:
v store and reload IML modules and matrices
v save work for a later session
v keep records of work
v conserve space by saving large, intermediate results for later use
v communicate data to other applications through the library
v store and retrieve data in general
Storage Catalogs
SAS/IML storage catalogs are specially structured SAS les that are located in a SAS data library. A
SAS/IML catalog contains entries that are either matrices or modules. Like other SAS les, SAS/IML
456 ! Chapter 17: Storage Features
catalogs have two-level names in the form libref.catalog. The rst-level name, libref, is a name assigned
to the SAS data library to which the catalog belongs. The second-level name, catalog, is the name of the
catalog le.
The default libref is initially SASUSER, and the default catalog is IMLSTOR. Thus, the default storage
catalog is called SASUSER.IMLSTOR. You can change the storage catalog with the RESET STORAGE
command (see the discussion of the RESET statement in Chapter 23).
By using this command, you can change either the catalog or the libref.
When you store a matrix, IML automatically stores the matrix name, its type, its dimension, and its current
values. Modules are stored in the form of their compiled code. Once modules are loaded, they do not need
to be parsed again, making their use very efcient.
Catalog Management
IML provides you with all the commands necessary to reference a particular storage catalog, to list the
modules and matrices in that catalog, to store and remove modules and matrices, and to load modules and
matrices back to IML. The following commands enable you to perform all necessary catalog management
LOAD recalls entries from storage.
REMOVE removes entries from storage.
RESET STORAGE species the library name.
SHOW STORAGE lists all entries currently in storage.
STORE saves modules or matrices to storage.
Restoring Matrices and Modules
You can restore matrices and modules from storage back into the IML active workspace by using the LOAD
command. The LOAD command has the general form
LOAD matrices ;
LOAD MODULE= module ;
LOAD MODULE= (modules) ;
LOAD MODULE= (modules) matrices ;
Some examples of valid LOAD commands are as follows:
Removing Matrices and Modules ! 457
load a b c; /
load matrices A, B, and C
load module=mymod1; /
load module MYMOD1
load module=(mymod1 mymod2) a b; /
load modules and matrices
The special operand _ALL_ can be used to load all matrices or modules, or both. For example, if you want
to load all modules, use the following statement:
load module=_all_;
If you want to load all matrices and modules in storage, use the LOAD command by itself, as follows:
load; /
loads all matrices and modules
The LOAD command can be used with the STORE statement to save and restore an IML environment
between sessions.
Removing Matrices and Modules
You can remove modules or matrices from the catalog by using the REMOVE command. The REMOVE
command has the same form as the LOAD command. Some examples of valid REMOVE statements are as
remove a b c; /
remove matrices A, B, and C
remove module=mymod1; /
remove module MYMOD1
remove module=(mymod1 mymod2) a; /
remove modules and matrices
The special operand _ALL_ can be used to remove all matrices or modules, or both. For example, if you
want to remove all matrices, use the following statement:
remove _all_;
If you want to remove everything from storage, use the REMOVE command by itself, as follows:
Specifying the Storage Catalog
To specify the name of the storage catalog, use one of the following general forms of the STORAGE= option
in the RESET statement:
RESET STORAGE= catalog ;
458 ! Chapter 17: Storage Features
RESET STORAGE= libref.catalog ;
Each time you specify the STORAGE= option, the previously opened catalog is closed before the new one
is opened.
You can have any number of catalogs, but you can have only one open at a time. A SAS data library can
contain many IML storage catalogs, and an IML storage catalog can contain many entries (that is, many
matrices and modules).
For example, you can change the name of the storage catalog without changing the libref by using the
following statement:
reset storage=mystor;
To change the libref as well, use the following statement:
reset storage=mylib.mystor;
Listing Storage Entries
You can list all modules and matrices in the current storage catalog by using the SHOW STORAGE com-
mand, which has the general form
Storing Matrices and Modules
You can save modules or matrices in the storage catalog by using the STORE command. The STORE
command has the same general form as the LOAD command. Several examples of valid STORE statements
are as follows:
store a b c; /
store matrices A, B, and C
store module=mymod1; /
store module MYMOD1
store module=(mymod1 mymod2) a; /
storing modules and matrices
The special operand _ALL_ can be used to store all matrices or modules. For example, if you want to store
everything, use the following statement:
store _all_ module=_all_;
Alternatively, to store everything, you can also enter the STORE command by itself, as follows:
Storing Matrices and Modules ! 459
This can help you to save your complete IML environment before exiting an IML session. Then you can
use the LOAD statement in a subsequent session to restore the environment and resume your work.
Chapter 18
Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Generating and Executing Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
Executing a String Immediately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Feeding an Interactive Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Calling the Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Calling the SAS Windowing Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Executing Any Command in an EXECUTE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
Making Operands More Flexible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Interrupt Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Specic Error Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
General Error Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
Macro Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
IML Line Pushing Contrasted with Using the Macro Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Example 18.1: Full-Screen Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
This chapter describes ways of using SAS/IML software to generate and execute statements from within
the Interactive Matrix Language. You can execute statements generated at run time, execute global SAS
commands under program control, or create statements dynamically to get more exibility.
Generating and Executing Statements
You can push generated statements into the input command stream (queue) with the PUSH, QUEUE, and
EXECUTE subroutines. This can be very useful in situations that require added exibility, such as menu-
driven applications or interrupt handling.
462 ! Chapter 18: Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML Statements
The PUSH command inserts program statements at the front of the input command stream, whereas the
QUEUE command inserts program statements at the back. In either case, if they are not input to an interac-
tive application, the statements remain in the queue until IML enters a pause state, at which point they are
executed. The pause state is usually induced by a program error or an interrupt control sequence. Any sub-
sequent RESUME statement resumes execution of the module from the point where the PAUSE command
was issued. For this reason, the last statement put into the command stream for PUSH or QUEUE is usually
a RESUME command.
The EXECUTE statement also pushes program statements like PUSH and QUEUE, but it executes them im-
mediately and returns. It is not necessary to push a RESUME statement when you use the CALL EXECUTE
Executing a String Immediately
The PUSH, QUEUE, and EXECUTE commands are especially useful when used in conjunction with the
pause and resume features because they enable you to generate a pause-interrupt command to execute the
code you push and return from it via a pushed RESUME statement. In fact, this is precisely how the
EXECUTE subroutine is implemented generally.
CAUTION: Note that the push and resume features work this way only in the context of being inside mod-
ules. You cannot resume an interrupted sequence of statements in immediate modethat is, not inside a
For example, suppose that you collect program statements in a matrix called CODE. You push the code to
the command input stream along with a RESUME statement and then execute a PAUSE statement. The
PAUSE statement interrupts the execution, parses and executes the pushed code, and returns to the original
execution via the RESUME statement. Here is the code:
proc iml;
start testpush;
print '
print '
I should be 1,2,3: ';
constructed code
code = ' do i = 1 to 3; print i; end; ';
push code+resume
call push (code, 'resume;');
pause interrupt
print '
When the PAUSE statement interrupts the program, the IML procedure then parses and executes the follow-
ing line:
do i=1 to 3; print i; end; resume;
The RESUME command then causes the IML procedure to resume the module that issued the PAUSE.
Feeding an Interactive Program ! 463
NOTE: The EXECUTE routine is equivalent to a PUSH command, but it also adds the push of a RESUME
command, then issues a pause automatically.
ACALL EXECUTE command should be used only frominside a module because pause and resume features
do not support returning to a sequence of statements in immediate mode.
Feeding an Interactive Program
Suppose that an interactive program gets responses from the statement INFILE CARDS. If you want to feed
it under program control, you can push lines to the command stream that is read.
For example, suppose that a subroutine prompts a user to respond YES before performing some action. If
you want to run the subroutine and feed the YES response without the user being bothered, you push the
response as follows:
the function that prompts the user
start delall;
file log;
put 'Do you really want to delete all records? (yes/no)';
infile cards;
input answer $;
if upcase(answer)='YES' then
delete all;
print "
should see End of File (no records to list)";
list all;
The latter DOgroup is necessary so that the pushed YES is not read before the RUNstatement. The following
example illustrates the use of the preceding module DELALL:
Create a dummy data set for delall to delete records
xnum = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 0};
create dsnum1 from xnum;
append from xnum;
call push ('yes');
run delall;
464 ! Chapter 18: Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML Statements
Calling the Operating System
Suppose that you want to construct and execute an operating system command. Just push it to the token
stream in the form of an X statement and have it executed under a pause interrupt.
The following module executes any system command given as an argument:
start system(command);
call push(" x '",command,"'; resume;");
run system('listc');
The call generates and executes a LISTC command under MVS as follows:
x 'listc'; resume;
Calling the SAS Windowing Environment
The same strategy used for calling the operating system works for SAS global statements as well, including
calling the SAS windowing environment by generating DM statements.
The following subroutine executes a SAS windowing environment command:
start dm(command);
call push(" dm '",command,"'; resume;");
run dm('log; color source red');
The call generates and executes the following statements:
dm 'log; color source red'; resume;
These statements take you to the Log window, where all source code is written in red.
Executing Any Command in an EXECUTE Call
The EXECUTE command executes the statements contained in the arguments by using the same facilities
as a sequence of CALL PUSH, PAUSE, and RESUME statements. The statements use the same symbol
environment as that of the subroutine that calls them. For example, consider the following subroutine:
Making Operands More Flexible ! 465
proc iml;
start exectest;
call execute ("xnum = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 0};");
call execute ("create dsnum1 from xnum;");
call execute ("append from xnum;");
call execute ("print 'DSNUM should have 3 obs and 3 var:';");
call execute ("list all;");
global (options) statement
call execute ("options linesize=68;");
call execute ("print 'Linesize should be 68';");
run exectest;
The following output generated from EXECTEST is exactly the same as if you had entered the statements
one at a time:
DSNUM should have 3 obs and 3 var:
------ --------- --------- ---------
1 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
2 4.0000 5.0000 6.0000
3 7.0000 8.0000 0
Linesize should be 68
CALL EXECUTE could almost be programmed in IML as shown here; the difference between this and the
built-in command is that the following subroutine would not necessarily have access to the same symbols
as the calling environment:
start execute(command1,...);
call push(command1,...," resume;");
Making Operands More Flexible
Suppose that you want to write a program that prompts a user for the name of a data set. Unfortunately
the USE, EDIT, and CREATE commands expect the data set name as a hardcoded operand rather than an
indirect one. However, you can construct and execute a function that prompts the user for the data set name
for a USE statement. Here is the code:
prompt the user to give dsname for use statement
start flexible;
file log;
put 'What data set shall I use?';
466 ! Chapter 18: Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML Statements
infile cards;
input dsname $;
call execute('use', dsname, ';');
run flexible;
If you enter USER.A, the program generates and executes the following line:
use user.a;
Interrupt Control
Whenever a program error or interrupt occurs, IML automatically issues a pause, which places the module
in a paused state. At this time, any statements pushed to the input command queue get executed. Any
subsequent RESUME statement (including pushed RESUME statements) resume executing the module
from the point where the error or interrupt occurred.
If you have a long application such as reading a large data set and you want to be able to nd out where
the data processing is just by entering a break-interrupt (sometimes called an attention signal), you push the
interrupt text. The pushed text can, in turn, push its own text on each interrupt, followed by a RESUME
statement to continue execution.
For example, suppose you have a data set called TESTDATA that has 4096 observations. You want to print
the current observation number if an attention signal is given. The following code does this:
start obsnum;
use testdata;
brkcode={"print 'now on observation number',i;"
"if (i<4096) then do;"
"call push(brkcode);"
call push(brkcode);
do i=1 to 4096;
read point i;
run obsnum;
After the module has been run, enter the interrupt control sequence for your operating system. Type S
to suspend execution. The IML procedure prints a message telling which observation is being processed.
Because the pushed code is executed at the completion of the module, the message is also printed when
OBSNUM ends.
Each time the attention signal is given, OBSNUM executes the code contained in the variable BRKCODE.
This code prints the current iteration number and pushes commands for the next interrupt. Note that the
Specic Error Control ! 467
PUSH and RESUME commands are inside a DO group, making them conditional and ensuring that they
are parsed before the effect of the PUSH command is realized.
Specic Error Control
A PAUSE command is automatically issued whenever an execution error occurs, putting the module in a
holding state. If you have some way of checking for specic errors, you can write an interrupt routine to
correct them during the pause state.
In the following example, if a singular matrix is passed to the INV function, the IML procedure pauses
and executes the pushed code to set the result for the inverse to missing values. The code uses the variable
SINGULAR to detect if the interrupt occurred during the INV operation. This is particularly necessary
because the pushed code is executed on completion of the routine, as well as on interrupts.
proc iml;
a = {3 3, 3 3}; /
singular matrix
If a singular matrix is sent to the INV function,
IML normally sets the resulting matrix to be empty
and prints an error message.
b = inv(a);
print "
A should be non-singular", a;
start singtest;
msg=" Matrix is singular - result set to missing ";
"if singular then do; b=a#.; print msg; print b;
resume; end;";
call push(onerror);
singular = 1;
b = inv(a);
singular = 0;
finish ;
call singtest;
The resulting output is as follows:
ERROR: (execution) Matrix should be non-singular.
Error occurred in module SINGTEST at line 67 column 9
operation : INV at line 67 column 16
operands : A
A 2 rows 2 cols (numeric)
3 3
3 3
stmt: ASSIGN at line 67 column 9
468 ! Chapter 18: Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML Statements
Paused in module SINGTEST.
Matrix is singular - result set to missing
. .
. .
Resuming execution in module SINGTEST.
General Error Control
Sometimes, you might want to process or step over errors. To do this, put all the code into modules and
push a code to abort if the error count exceeds some maximum. Often, you might submit a batch job and
get a trivial mistake that causes an error, but you do not want to cause the whole run to fail because of it. On
the other hand, if you have many errors, you do not want to let the routine run.
In the following example, up to three errors are tolerated. A singular matrix A is passed to the INV function,
which would, by itself, generate an error message and issue a pause in the module. This module pushes
three RESUME statements, so that the rst three errors are tolerated. Messages are printed and execution is
resumed. The DO loop in the module OOPS is executed four times, and on the fourth iteration, an ABORT
statement is issued and you exit IML.
proc iml;
a={3 3, 3 3}; /
singular matrix
* *
GENERAL ERROR CONTROL -- exit iml for 3 or more errors
* *
start; /
module will be named MAIN
errcode = {" if errors >= 0 then do;",
" errors = errors + 1;",
" if errors > 2 then abort;",
" else do; call push(errcode); resume; end;",
" end;" } ;
call push (errcode);
errors = 0;
start oops; /
start module OOPS
do i = 1 to 4;
b = inv(a);
finish; /
finish OOPS
run oops;
finish; /
finish MAIN
errors=-1; /
The output generated from this example is as follows:
ERROR: (execution) Matrix should be non-singular.
General Error Control ! 469
Error occurred in module OOPS at line 41 column 17
called from module MAIN at line 44 column 10
operation : INV at line 41 column 24
operands : A
A 2 rows 2 cols (numeric)
3 3
3 3
stmt: ASSIGN at line 41 column 17
Paused in module OOPS.
Resuming execution in module OOPS.
ERROR: (execution) Matrix should be non-singular.
Error occurred in module OOPS at line 41 column 17
called from module MAIN at line 44 column 10
operation : INV at line 41 column 24
operands : A
A 2 rows 2 cols (numeric)
3 3
3 3
stmt: ASSIGN at line 41 column 17
Paused in module OOPS.
Resuming execution in module OOPS.
ERROR: (execution) Matrix should be non-singular.
Error occurred in module OOPS at line 41 column 17
called from module MAIN at line 44 column 10
operation : INV at line 41 column 24
operands : A
A 2 rows 2 cols (numeric)
3 3
3 3
stmt: ASSIGN at line 41 column 17
Paused in module OOPS.
Exiting IML.
Actually, in this particular case it would probably be simpler to put three RESUME statements after the
RUN statement to resume execution after each of the rst three errors.
470 ! Chapter 18: Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML Statements
Macro Interface
The pushed text is scanned by the macro processor; therefore, the text can contain macro instructions. For
example, here is an all-purpose routine that shows what the expansion of any macro is, assuming that it does
not have embedded double quotes:
function: y = macxpand(x);
macro-processes the text in x
and returns the expanded text in the result.
Do not use double quotes in the argument.
* *
start macxpand(x);
call execute('Y="',x,'";');
Consider the following statements:
%macro verify(index);
data _null_;
infile junk&index;
file print;
put _infile_;
y = macxpand('%verify(1)');
print y;
The output produced is as follows:
IML Line Pushing Contrasted with Using the Macro Facility
The SAS macro language is a language embedded in and running on top of another language; it generates
text to feed the other language. Sometimes it is more convenient to generate the text by using the primary
language directly rather than embedding the text generation in macros. The preceding examples show that
this can even be done at execution time, whereas pure macro processing is done only at parse time. The
advantage of the macro language is its embedded, yet independent, nature: it needs little quoting, and it
works for all parts of the SAS language, not just IML. The disadvantage is that it is a separate language that
has its own learning burden, and it uses extra reserved characters to mark its programming constructs and
Example 18.1: Full-Screen Editing ! 471
variables. Consider the quoting of IML versus the embedding characters of the macro facility: IML makes
you quote every text constant, whereas the macro facility makes you use the special characters percent sign
(%) and ampersand (&) on every macro item. There are some languages, such as REXX, that give you the
benets of both (no macro characters and no required quotes), but the cost is that the language forces you to
discipline your naming so that names are not expanded inadvertently.
Example 18.1: Full-Screen Editing
The ability to form and submit statements dynamically provides a very powerful mechanism for making
systems exible. For example, consider the building of a data entry system for a le. It is straightforward
to write a system by using WINDOW and DISPLAY statements for the data entry and data processing
statements for the I/O, but once you get the system built, it is good only for that one le. With the ability
to push statements dynamically, however, it is possible to make a system that dynamically generates the
components that are customized for each le. For example, you can change your systems fromstatic systems
to dynamic systems.
To illustrate this point, consider an IML system to edit an arbitrary le, a system like the FSEDIT procedure
in SAS/FSP software but programmed in IML. You cannot just write it with open code because the I/O
statements hardcode the lenames and the WINDOW and DISPLAY statements must hardcode the elds.
However, if you generate just these components dynamically, the problem is solved for any le, not just one.
Here is the code:
proc iml;
This program defines and stores the modules FSEINIT,
FSEDT, FSEDIT, and FSETERM in a storage catalog called
FSED. To use it, load the modules and issue the command
RUN FSEDIT; The system prompts or menus the files and
variables to edit, then runs a full screen editing
routine that behaves similar to PROC FSEDIT
* *
These commands are currently supported:
* *
END gets out of the system. The user is prompted
as to whether or not to close the files and
SUBMIT forces current values to be written out,
either to append a new record or replace
existing ones
ADD displays a screen variable with blank values
for appending to the end of a file
DUP takes the current values and appends them to
the end of the file
number goes to that line number
DELETE deletes the current record after confirmation
by a Y response
FORWARD1 moves to the next record, unless at eof
BACKWARD1 moves to the previous record, unless at eof
472 ! Chapter 18: Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML Statements
EXEC executes any IML statement
FIND finds records and displays them
* *
Use: proc iml;
reset storage='fsed';
load module=_all_;
run fsedit;
* *
---routine to set up display values for new problem---
start fseinit;
window fsed0 rows=15 columns=60 icolumn=18 color='GRAY'
cmndline=cmnd group=title +30 'Editing a data set' color='BLUE';
---get file name---
_file=" ";
msg =
'Please Enter Data Set Name or Nothing For Selection List';
display fsed0.title,
fsed0 ( / @5 'Enter Data Set:'
+1 _file
+4 '(or nothing to get selection list)' );
if _file=' ' then
_f=datasets(); _nf=nrow(_f); _sel=repeat("_",_nf,1);
display fsed0.title,
fsed0 (/ "Select? File Name"/) ,
fsed0 (/ @5 _sel +1 _f protect=yes ) repeat ;
_l = loc(_sel^='_');
if nrow(_l)^=1 then
msg='Enter one S somewhere';
goto loop;
_file = _f[_l];
---open file, get number of records---
call queue(" edit ",_file,";
setin ",_file," NOBS _nobs; resume;"); pause
---get variables---
_var = contents();
_nv = nrow(_var);
_sel = repeat("_",_nv,1);
display fsed0.title,
fsed0 (/ "File:" _file) noinput,
fsed0 (/ @10 'Enter S to select each var, or select none
to get all.'
// @3 'select? Variable ' ),
fsed0 ( / @5 _sel +5 _var protect=yes ) repeat;
---reopen if subset of variables---
if any(_sel^='_') then
_var = _var[loc(_sel^='_')];
_nv = nrow(_var);
call push('close ',_file,'; edit ',_file,' var
Example 18.1: Full-Screen Editing ! 473
---close old window---
window close=fsed0;
---make the window---
call queue('window fsed columns=55 icolumn=25 cmndline=cmnd
msgline=msg ', 'group=var/@20 "Record " _obs
call queue( concat('/"',_var,': " color="YELLOW" ',
_var,' color="WHITE"'));
call queue(';');
---make a missing routine---
call queue('start vmiss; ');
do i=1 to _nv;
val = value(_var[i]);
if type(val)='N' then call queue(_var[i],'=.;');
else call queue(_var[i],'="',
cshape(' ',1,1,nleng(val)),'";');
call queue('finish; resume;');
---initialize current observation---
_obs = 1;
msg = Concat('Now Editing File ',_file);
* *
---The Editor Runtime Controller---
start fsedt;
_old = 0; go=1;
do while(go);
--get any needed data--
if any(_obs^=_old) then do; read point _obs; _old = _obs;
---display the record---
display fsed.var repeat;
cmnd = upcase(left(cmnd));
msg=' ';
if cmnd='END' then go=0;
else if cmnd='SUBMIT' then
if _obs<=_nobs then
replace point _obs; msg='replaced';
else do;
else if cmnd="ADD" then
run vmiss;
_obs = _nobs+1;
474 ! Chapter 18: Using SAS/IML Software to Generate SAS/IML Statements
msg='New Record';
else if cmnd='DUP' then
msg='As Duplicated';
else if cmnd>'0' & cmnd<'999999' then
_obs = num(cmnd);
msg=concat('record number ',cmnd);
else if cmnd='FORWARD1' then _obs=min(_obs+1,_nobs);
else if cmnd='BACKWARD1' then _obs=max(_obs-1,1);
else if cmnd='DELETE' then
msg=concat('Enter command Y to Confirm delete of'
display fsed.var repeat;
if (upcase(cmnd)='Y') then
delete point _obs;
msg=concat('Deleted Records',records);
else msg='Not Confirmed, Not Deleted';
else if substr(cmnd,1,4)='FIND' then
call execute("find all where(",
") into _obs;" );
if _nfound=0 then
msg='Not Found';
msg=concat("Found ",char(_nfound,5)," records");
else if substr(cmnd,1,4)='EXEC' then
call execute(msg);
else msg='Unrecognized Command; Use END to exit.';
Summary ! 475
---routine to close files and windows, clean up---
start fseterm;
window close=fsed;
call execute('close ',_file,';');
free _q;
---main routine for FSEDIT---
start fsedit;
if (nrow(_q)=0) then
run fseinit;
else msg = concat('Returning to Edit File ',_file);
run fsedt;
display fsed ( "Enter 'q' if you want to close files and windows"
_q " (anything else if you want to return later"
pause 'paused before termination';
run fseterm;
reset storage='fsed';
store module=_all_;
In this chapter you learned how to use SAS/IML software to generate IML statements. You learned how
to use the PUSH, QUEUE, EXECUTE, and RESUME commands to interact with the operating system or
with the SAS windowing environment. You also saw how to add exibility to programs by adding interrupt
control features and by modifying error control. Finally, you learned how IML compares to the SAS macro
Chapter 19
Wavelet Analysis
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Some Brief Mathematical Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Creating the Wavelet Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
Wavelet Coefcient Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Multiresolution Approximation Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Multiresolution Decomposition Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Wavelet Scalograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
Reconstructing the Signal from the Wavelet Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Using Symbolic Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Obtaining Help for the Wavelet Macros and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
Wavelets are a versatile tool for understanding and analyzing data, with important applications in nonpara-
metric modeling, pattern recognition, feature identication, data compression, and image analysis. Wavelets
provide a description of your data that localizes information at a range of scales and positions. Moreover,
they can be computed very efciently, and there is an intuitive and elegant mathematical theory to guide you
in applying them.
Some Brief Mathematical Preliminaries
The discrete wavelet transform decomposes a function as a sum of basis functions called wavelets. These
basis functions have the property that they can be obtained by dilating and translating two basic types of
wavelets known as the scaling function, or father wavelet , and The mother wavelet [. These translations
478 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
and dilations are dened as follows:

(.) = 2
. k)
(.) = 2
. k)
The index denes the dilation or level while the index k denes the translate. Loosely speaking, sums of
(.) capture low frequencies and sums of the [
(.) represent high frequencies in the data. More
precisely, for any suitable function (.) and for any
(.) =




where the c
and J
are known as the scaling coefcients and the detail coefcients, respectively. For
orthonormal wavelet families these coefcients can be computed by
(.) J.
(.) J.
The key to obtaining fast numerical algorithms for computing the detail and scaling coefcients for a given
function (.) is that there are simple recurrence relationships that enable you to compute the coefcients at
level 1 from the values of the scaling coefcients at level . These formulas are


The coefcients h
and g
that appear in these formulas are called lter coefcients. The h
are determined
by the father wavelet and they form a low-pass lter; g
= (1)
and form a high-pass lter. The
preceding sums are formally over the entire (innite) range of integers. However, for wavelets that are zero
except on a nite interval, only nitely many of the lter coefcients are nonzero, and so in this case the
sums in the recurrence relationships for the detail and scaling coefcients are nite.
Conversely, if you know the detail and scaling coefcients at level 1, then you can obtain the scaling
coefcients at level by using the relationship


Suppose that you have data values
= (.
). k = 0. 1. 2. . N 1
at N = 2
equally spaced points .
. It turns out that the values 2
are good approximations of
the scaling coefcients c
. Then, by using the recurrence formula, you can nd c
and J
, k =
Getting Started ! 479
0. 1. 2. . N,2 1. The discrete wavelet transform of the ,
at level J 1 consists of the N,2 scaling
and N,2 detail coefcients at level J 1. A technical point that arises is that in applying the recurrence
relationships to nite data, a few values of the c
for k < 0 or k _ N might be needed. One way to
cope with this difculty is to extend the sequence c
to the left and right by using some specied boundary
Continuing by replacing the scaling coefcients at any level by the scaling and detail coefcients at level
1 yields a sequence of N coefcients
. J
. J
. J
. J
. J
. J
. J
. J
. . . . . J
. . . . . J
. . . . . J
This sequence is the nite discrete wavelet transform of the input data {,
]. At any level
the nite
dimensional approximation of the function (.) is
(.) ~




Getting Started
Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is an important tool in analytic chemistry. The following
example demonstrates wavelet analysis applied to an FT-IR spectrum of quartz (Sullivan 2000). The fol-
lowing DATA step creates a data set that contains the spectrum, expressed as an absorbance value for each
of 850 wave numbers.
data quartzInfraredSpectrum;
WaveNumber=4000.6167786 - _N_
input Absorbance @@;
4783 4426 4419 4652 4764 4764 4621 4475 4430 4618
4735 4735 4655 4538 4431 4714 4738 4707 4627 4523
4512 4708 4802 4811 4769 4506 4642 4799 4811 4732
4583 4676 4856 4868 4796 4849 4829 4677 4962 4994
4924 4673 4737 5078 5094 4987 4632 4636 5010 5166
5166 4864 4547 4682 5161 5291 5143 4684 4662 5221
5640 5640 5244 4791 4832 5629 5766 5723 5121 4690
5513 6023 6023 5503 4675 5031 6071 6426 6426 5723
5198 5943 6961 7135 6729 5828 6511 7500 7960 7960
7299 6484 7257 8180 8542 8537 7154 7255 8262 8898
8898 8263 7319 7638 8645 8991 8991 8292 7309 8005
9024 9024 8565 7520 7858 8652 8966 8966 8323 7513
8130 8744 8879 8516 7722 8099 8602 8729 8726 8238
7885 8350 8600 8603 8487 7995 8194 8613 8613 8408
7953 8236 8696 8696 8552 8102 7852 8570 8818 8818
8339 7682 8535 9038 9038 8503 7669 7794 8864 9163
9115 8221 7275 8012 9317 9317 8512 7295 7623 9021
9409 9338 8116 6860 7873 9282 9490 9191 7012 7392
9001 9483 9457 8107 6642 7695 9269 9532 9246 7641
6547 8886 9457 9457 8089 6535 7537 9092 9406 9178
480 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
7591 6470 7838 9156 9222 7974 6506 7360 8746 9057
8877 7455 6504 7605 8698 8794 8439 7057 7202 8240
8505 8392 7287 6634 7418 8186 8229 7944 6920 6829
7499 7949 7831 7057 6866 7262 7626 7626 7403 6791
7062 7289 7397 7397 7063 6985 7221 7221 7199 6977
7088 7380 7380 7195 6957 6847 7426 7570 7508 6952
6833 7489 7721 7718 7254 6855 7132 7914 8040 7880
7198 6864 7575 8270 8229 7545 7036 7637 8470 8570
8364 7591 7413 8195 8878 8878 8115 7681 8313 9102
9185 8981 8283 8197 8932 9511 9511 9101 8510 8670
9686 9709 9504 8944 8926 9504 9964 9964 9627 9212
9366 9889 10100 9939 9540 9512 9860 10121 10121 9828
9567 9513 9782 9890 9851 9510 9385 9339 9451 9451
9181 9076 9015 8960 9014 8957 8760 8760 8602 8584
8584 8459 8469 8373 8279 8327 8282 8341 8341 8155
8260 8260 8250 8350 8245 8358 8403 8355 8490 8490
8439 8689 8689 8621 8680 8661 8897 9028 8900 8873
8873 9187 9377 9377 9078 9002 9147 9635 9687 9535
9127 9242 9824 9928 9775 9200 9047 9572 10102 10102
9631 9024 9209 10020 10271 9830 9062 9234 10154 10483
10453 9582 9011 9713 10643 10701 10372 9368 9857 10865
10936 10572 9574 9691 10820 11452 11452 10623 9903 10787
11931 12094 11302 10604 11458 12608 12808 12589 11629 11795
12863 13575 13575 12968 12498 13268 14469 14469 13971 13727
14441 15334 15515 15410 14986 15458 16208 16722 16722 16618
17061 17661 18089 18089 18184 18617 19015 19467 19633 19830
20334 20655 20947 21347 21756 22350 22584 22736 22986 23412
24126 24498 24501 24598 24986 25729 26356 26356 26271 26754
27624 28162 28162 28028 28305 29223 30073 30219 30185 30308
31831 32699 32819 32793 33320 34466 35600 36038 36086 36518
37517 38765 39462 39681 40209 41243 42274 42772 42876 43172
43929 44842 45351 45395 45551 46035 46774 47353 47353 47362
47908 48539 48936 48978 49057 49497 50101 50670 50914 51134
51603 52276 53007 53399 53769 54281 54815 54914 55365 55874
56180 56272 56669 57076 57422 57458 57525 57681 57679 57318
57318 57181 57417 57409 57144 57047 56377 56551 56483 56098
56034 55598 55364 55364 55146 54904 54990 55501 55533 55362
54387 55340 55240 54748 53710 55346 55795 55795 55060 55945
55945 55753 56759 56859 57509 56741 56273 56961 58566 58566
58104 59275 59275 59051 59090 59461 60362 60560 61103 61272
61380 61878 62067 62237 62214 61182 61532 62173 62253 60473
61346 63143 63378 61519 61753 63078 63841 63841 62115 61227
63237 63237 61338 63951 63951 63604 63633 64625 65135 64976
63630 63494 63834 63338 63218 62324 64131 64234 65122 64551
64127 64415 64621 64621 63142 65344 65585 65476 65074 64714
63803 65085 65085 65646 65646 64851 65390 65390 64997 65541
65587 65682 65952 65952 65390 65702 65846 65734 65734 65628
65509 65571 65636 65636 65620 65487 65544 65547 65738 65758
65711 65360 65362 65362 65231 65333 65453 65473 65435 65302
65412 65412 65351 65242 65242 65170 65221 65297 65297 65202
65177 65183 65184 65179 65209 65209 65144 65134 65113 65009
64919 64945 64988 64988 64856 64686 64529 64370 64282 64233
64169 63869 63685 63480 63373 63349 63307 63131 63017 62885
62736 62736 62706 62666 62622 62671 62781 62853 62950 63106
Getting Started ! 481
63135 63141 63220 63263 63489 63807 63966 64132 64294 64612
64841 64985 65159 65204 65259 65540 65707 65749 65732 65719
65820 65895 65925 65925 65888 65937 66059 66109 66109 66078
66007 65897 65897 65747 65490 64947 64598 64363 64140 63801
63571 63395 63333 63442 63442 63339 63196 62911 62118 61795
61454 61456 61607 62025 62190 62190 62023 61780 61502 61482
61458 61320 61015 60852 60708 60684 60522 60488 60506 60640
60797 60995 61141 61141 61036 60664 60522 60017 59681 59129
58605 58035 57192 56137 54995 53586 52037 50283 48565 45419
43341 41111 36131 35377 34431 31679 29237 26898 24655 22417
19876 17244 15176 12575 10532 8180 6040 4059 2210 575
The following statements produce the line plot of these data displayed in Figure 19.1.
symbol1 c=black i=join v=none;
proc gplot data=quartzInfraredSpectrum;
plot Absorbance
hminor = 0 vminor = 0
vaxis = axis1
hreverse frame;
axis1 label = ( r=0 a=90 );
Figure 19.1 FT-IR Spectrum of Quartz
These data contain information at two distinct scales, namely a low-frequency curve superimposed with a
high-frequency oscillation. Notice that the oscillation is not uniform but occurs in several distinct bands.
Wavelet analysis is an appropriate tool for providing insight into this type of data, as it enables you to
identify the frequencies present in the absorbance data as the wave number changes. This property of
wavelets is known as time frequency localization; in this case the role of time is played by WaveNumber.
482 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
Also note that the dependent variable Absorbance is measured at equally spaced values of the independent
variable WaveNumber. This condition is necessary for the direct use of the discrete wavelet transform that
is implemented in the SAS/IML wavelet functions.
Creating the Wavelet Decomposition
The following SAS code starts the wavelet analysis:
proc iml;
Notice that the previous code segment includes two SAS macro calls. You can use the IML wavelet functions
without using the WAVGINIT and WAVINIT macros. The macros are called to initialize and load IML
modules that you can use to produce several standard wavelet diagnostic plots. These macros have been
provided as autocall macros that you can invoke directly in your SAS code.
The WAVGINIT macro must be called prior to invoking PROC IML. This macro denes several macro
variables that are used to adjust the size, aspect ratio, and font size for the plots produced by the wavelet
plot modules. This macro can also take several optional arguments that control the positioning and size of
the wavelet diagnostic plots. See the section Obtaining Help for the Wavelet Macros and Modules on
page 497 for details about getting help about this macro call.
The WAVINIT macro must be called from within PROC IML. It loads the IML modules that you can use
to produce wavelet diagnostic plots. This macro also denes symbolic macro variables that you can use to
improve the readability of your code.
The following statements read the absorbance variable into an IML vector:
use quartzInfraredSpectrum;
read all var{Absorbance} into absorbance;
You are now in a position to begin the wavelet analysis. The rst step is to set up the options vector that
species which wavelet and what boundary handling you want to use. You do this as follows:
optn = &waveSpec; /
optn[&family] = &daubechies; /
optn[3] = 1;
optn[&member] = 3; /
optn[4] = 3;
optn[&boundary] = &polynomial; /
optn[1] = 2;
optn[&degree] = &linear; /
optn[2] = 1;
These statements use macro variables that are dened in the WAVINIT macro. The equivalent code without
using these macro variables is given in the adjacent comments. As indicated by the suggestive macro vari-
able names, this options vector species that the wavelet to be used is the third member of the Daubechies
Creating the Wavelet Decomposition ! 483
wavelet family and that boundaries are to be handled by extending the signal as a linear polynomial at each
The next step is to create the wavelet decomposition with the following call:
call wavft(decomp,absorbance,optn);
This call computes the wavelet transform specied by the vector optn of the input vector absorbance. The
specied transform is encapsulated in the vector decomp. This vector is not intended to be used directly.
Rather you use this vector as an argument to other IML wavelet subroutines and plot modules. For example,
you use the WAVPRINT subroutine to print the information encapsulated in a wavelet decomposition. The
following code produces the output in Figure 19.2.
call wavprint(decomp,&summary);
call wavprint(decomp,&detailCoeffs,1,4);
Figure 19.2 Output of WAVPRINT CALLS
Decomposition Summary
Decomposition Name decomp
Wavelet Family Daubechies Extremal Phase
Family Member 3
Boundary Treatment Recursive Linear Extension
Number of Data Points 850
Start Level 0
Wavelet Detail Coefficients for decomp
Translate Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
0 -1.70985E-9 1.31649E-10 -8.6402E-12 5.10454E-11
1 1340085.30 -128245.70 191.084707 4501.36
2 62636.70 6160.27 -1358.23
3 -238445.36 -54836.56 -797.724143
4 39866.95 676.034389
5 -28836.85 -5166.59
6 223421.00 -6088.99
7 -5794.67
8 30144.74
9 -3903.53
10 638.063264
11 -10803.45
12 33616.35
13 -50790.30
Usually such displayed output is of limited use. More frequently you want to represent the transformed data
graphically or use the results in further computational routines. As an example, you can estimate the noise
level of the data by using a robust measure of the standard deviation of the highest-level detail coefcients,
as demonstrated in the following statements:
484 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
call wavget(tLevel,decomp,&topLevel);
call wavget(noiseCoeffs,decomp,&detailCoeffs,tLevel-1);
print "Noise scale = " noiseScale;
The result is shown in Figure 19.3.
Figure 19.3 Scale of Noise in the Absorbance Data
Noise scale = 169.18717
The rst WAVGET call is used to obtain the top level number in the wavelet decomposition decomp. The
highest level of detail coefcients is dened at one level below the top level in the decomposition. The sec-
ond WAVGET call returns these coefcients in the vector noiseCoeffs. Finally, the MAD function computes
a robust estimate of the standard deviation of these coefcients.
Wavelet Coefcient Plots
Diagnostic plots greatly facilitate the interpretation of a wavelet decomposition. One standard plot is the
detail coefcients arranged by level. By using a module included by the WAVINIT macro call, you can
produce the plot shown in Figure 19.5 as follows:
call coefficientPlot(decomp, , , , ,"Quartz Spectrum");
The rst argument species the wavelet decomposition and is required. All other arguments are optional
and need not be specied. You can use the WAVHELP macro to obtain a description of the arguments of
this and other wavelet plot modules. The WAVHELP macro is dened in the autocall WAVINIT macro. For
example, invoking the WAVHELP macro as follows writes the calling information shown in Figure 19.4 to
the SAS log.
Wavelet Coefcient Plots ! 485
Figure 19.4 Log Output Produced by %wavhelp(coefcientPlot) Call
coefficientPlot Module
Function: Plots wavelet detail coefficients
Usage: call coefficientPlot(decomposition,
decomposition - (required) valid wavelet decomposition produced
by the IML subroutine WAVFT
threshopt - (optional) numeric vector of 4 elements
specifying thresholding to be used
Default: no thresholding
startLevel - (optional) numeric scalar specifying the lowest
level to be displayed in the plot
Default: start level of decomposition
endLevel - (optional) numeric scalar specifying the highest
level to be displayed in the plot
Default: end level of decomposition
howScaled - (optional) character: 'absolute' or 'uniform'
specifies coefficients are scaled uniformly
Default: independent level scaling
header - (optional) character string specifying a header
Default: no header
Figure 19.5 Detail Coefcients Scaled by Level
486 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
In this plot the detail coefcients at each level are scaled independently. The oscillations present in the
absorbance data are captured in the detail coefcients at levels 7, 8, and 9. The following statement produces
a coefcient plot of just these higher-level detail coefcients and shows them scaled uniformly.
call coefficientPlot(decomp, ,7, ,
'uniform',"Quartz Spectrum");
The plot is shown in Figure 19.6.
Figure 19.6 Uniformly Scaled Detail Coefcients
As noted earlier, noise in the data is captured in the detail coefcients, particularly in the small coefcients
at higher levels in the decomposition. By zeroing or shrinking these coefcients, you can get smoother
reconstructions of the input data. This is done by specifying a threshold value for each level of detail
coefcients and then zeroing or shrinking all the detail coefcients below this threshold value. The IML
wavelet functions and modules support several policies for how this thresholding is performed as well as for
selecting the thresholding value at each level. See the section WAVIFT Call on page 1036 for details.
An options vector is used to specify the desired thresholding; several standard choices are predened as
macro variables in the WAVINIT module. The following statements produce the detail coefcient plot with
the SureShrink thresholding algorithm of Donoho and Johnstone (1995).
call coefficientPlot(decomp,&SureShrink,6,, ,
"Quartz Spectrum");
The plot is shown in Figure 19.7.
Multiresolution Approximation Plots ! 487
Figure 19.7 Thresholded Detail Coefcients
You can see that SureShrink thresholding has zeroed some of the detail coefcients at the higher levels but
the larger coefcients that capture the oscillation in the data are still present. Consequently, reconstructions
of the input signal using the thresholded detail coefcients still capture the essential features of the data, but
are smoother because much of the very ne scale detail has been eliminated.
Multiresolution Approximation Plots
One way of presenting reconstructions is in a multiresolution approximation plot. In this plot reconstructions
of the input data are shown by level. At any level the reconstruction at that level uses only the detail and
scaling coefcients dened below that level.
The following statement produces such a plot, starting at level 3:
call mraApprox(decomp, ,3, ,"Quartz Spectrum");
The results are shown in Figure 19.8.
488 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
Figure 19.8 Multiresolution Approximation
You can see that even at level 3, the basic form of the input signal has been captured. As noted earlier, the
oscillation present in the absorbance data is captured in the detail coefcients higher than level 7. Thus, the
reconstructions at level 7 and lower are largely free of oscillation since they do not use any of the higher
detail coefcients. You can conrm this observation by plotting just this level in the multiresolution analysis
as follows:
call mraApprox(decomp, ,7,7,"Quartz Spectrum");
The results are shown in Figure 19.9.
Figure 19.9 Level 7 of the Multiresolution Approximation
Multiresolution Decomposition Plots ! 489
You can also plot the multiresolution approximations obtained with thresholded detail coefcients. For
example, the following statement plots the top-level reconstruction obtained by using the SureShrink
call mraApprox(decomp,&SureShrink,10,10,
"Quartz Spectrum");
The results are shown in Figure 19.10.
Figure 19.10 Top Level of Multiresolution Approximation with SureShrink Thresholding Applied
Note that the high-frequency oscillation is still present in the reconstruction even with SureShrink thresh-
olding applied.
Multiresolution Decomposition Plots
A related plot is the multiresolution decomposition plot, which shows the detail coefcients at each level.
For convenience, the starting-level reconstruction at the lowest level of the plot and the reconstruction at
the highest level of the plot are also included. Adding suitably scaled versions of all the detail levels to
the starting-level reconstruction recovers the nal reconstruction. The following statement produces such a
plot, yielding the results shown in Figure 19.11.
call mraDecomp(decomp, ,5, , ,"Quartz Spectrum");
490 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
Figure 19.11 Multiresolution Decomposition
Wavelet Scalograms
Wavelet scalograms communicate the time frequency localization property of the discrete wavelet transform.
In this plot each detail coefcient is plotted as a lled rectangle whose color corresponds to the magnitude
of the coefcient. The location and size of the rectangle are related to the time interval and the frequency
range for this coefcient. Coefcients at low levels are plotted as wide and short rectangles to indicate that
they localize a wide time interval but a narrow range of frequencies in the data. In contrast, rectangles for
coefcients at high levels are plotted thin and tall to indicate that they localize small time ranges but large
frequency ranges in the data. The heights of the rectangles grow as a power of 2 as the level increases. If
you include all levels of coefcients in such a plot, the heights of the rectangles at the lowest levels are so
small that they are not visible. You can use an option to plot the heights of the rectangles on a logarithmic
scale. This results in rectangles of uniform height but requires that you interpret the frequency localization
of the coefcients with care.
The following statement produces a scalogram plot of all levels with SureShrink thresholding applied:
call scalogram(decomp,&SureShrink, , ,0.25,
'log',"Quartz Spectrum");
The sixth argument species that the rectangle heights are to be plotted on a logarithmic scale. The role of
the fth argument (0.25) is to amplify the magnitude of the small detail coefcients. This is necessary since
the detail coefcients at the lower levels are orders of magnitude larger than those at the higher levels. The
amplication is done by rst scaling the magnitudes of all detail coefcients to lie in the interval 0. 1| and
then raising these scaled magnitudes to the power 0.25. Note that smaller powers yield larger amplication
of the small detail coefcient magnitudes. The default amplication is 1,3.
The results are shown in Figure 19.12.
Wavelet Scalograms ! 491
Figure 19.12 Scalogram Showing All Levels
The bar on the left-hand side of the scalogram plot indicates the overall energy of each level. This energy is
dened as the sum of the squares of the detail coefcients for each level. These energies are amplied by
using the same algorithm for amplifying the detail coefcient magnitudes. The energy bar in Figure 19.12
shows that higher energies occur at the lower levels whose coefcients capture the gross features of the data.
In order to interpret the ner-scale details of the data it is helpful to focus on just the higher levels. The
following statement produces a scalogram for levels 6 and higher without using a logarithmic scale for the
rectangle heights, and using the default coefcient amplication.
call scalogram(decomp,&SureShrink,6, , , ,
"Quartz Spectrum");
The result is shown in Figure 19.13.
492 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
Figure 19.13 Scalogram of Levels 6 and Higher Using SureShrink Thresholding
The scalogram in Figure 19.13 reveals that most of the energy of the oscillation in the data is captured in
the detail coefcients at level 8. Also note that many of the coefcients at the higher levels are set to zero
by SureShrink thresholding. You can verify this by comparing Figure 19.13 with Figure 19.14, which
shows the corresponding scalogram except that no thresholding is done. The following statement produces
Figure 19.14:
call scalogram(decomp, ,6, , , ,"Quartz Spectrum");
Figure 19.14 Scalogram of Levels 6 and Higher Using No Thresholding
Reconstructing the Signal from the Wavelet Decomposition ! 493
Reconstructing the Signal from the Wavelet Decomposition
You can use the WAVIFT subroutine to invert a wavelet transformation computed with the WAVFT sub-
routine. If no thresholding is specied, then up to numerical rounding error this inversion is exact. The
following statements provide an illustration of this:
call wavift(reconstructedAbsorbance,decomp);
print "The reconstruction error sum of squares = " errorSS;
The output is shown in Figure 19.15.
Figure 19.15 Exact Reconstruction Property of WAVIFT
The reconstruction error sum of squares = 1.288E-16
Usually you use the WAVIFT subroutine with thresholding specied. This yields a smoothed reconstruction
of the input data. You can use the following statements to create a smoothed reconstruction of absorbance
and add this variable to the QuartzInfraredSpectrum data set.
call wavift(smoothedAbsorbance,decomp,&SureShrink);
create temp from smoothedAbsorbance[colname='smoothedAbsorbance'];
append from smoothedAbsorbance;
close temp;
data quartzInfraredSpectrum;
set quartzInfraredSpectrum;
set temp;
The following statements produce the line plot of the smoothed absorbance data shown in Figure 19.16:
symbol1 c=black i=join v=none;
proc gplot data=quartzInfraredSpectrum;
plot smoothedAbsorbance
hminor = 0 vminor = 0
vaxis = axis1
hreverse frame;
axis1 label = ( r=0 a=90 );
494 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
Figure 19.16 Smoothed FT-IR Spectrum of Quartz
You can see by comparing Figure 19.1 with Figure 19.16 that the wavelet smooth of the absorbance data
has preserved all the essential features of these data.
Using Symbolic Names
Several of the wavelet subroutines take arguments that are options vectors that specify user input. For
example, the third argument in a WAVFT subroutine call is an options vector that species which wavelet
and which boundary treatment are used in computing the wavelet transform. Typical code that denes this
options vector is as follows:
optn = j(1, 4, .);
optn[1] = 0;
optn[3] = 1;
optn[4] = 3;
A problem with such code is that it is not easily readable. By using symbolic names readability is greatly
enhanced. SAS macro variables provide a convenient mechanism for creating such symbolic names. For
example, the previous code could be replaced by the following code:
optn = &waveSpec;
Using Symbolic Names ! 495
optn[&family] = &daubechies;
optn[&member] = 3;
optn[&boundary] = &zeroExtension;
where the symbolic macro variables (names with a preceding ampersand) resolve to the relevant quantities.
Symbolic names also improve code readability when substituted for integer arguments that control what
actions a multipurpose subroutine performs. Consider the following code:
call wavget(n,decomposition,1);
call wavget(fWavelet,decompostion,8);
This code can be replaced by the following statements:
call wavget(n,decomposition,&numPoints);
call wavget(fWavelet,decompostion,&fatherWavelet);
A set of symbolic names is dened in the autocall WAVINIT macro. The following tables list the symbolic
names that are dened in this macro.
Table 19.1 Macro Variables for Wavelet Specication
Position Admissible Values
Name Value Name Value
&boundary 1 &zeroExtension 0
&periodic 1
&polynomial 2
&reection 3
&antisymmetricReection 4
&degree 2 &constant 0
&linear 1
&quadratic 2
&family 3 &daubechies 1
&symmlet 2
&member 4 1 - 10
Table 19.2 Macro Variables for Threshold Specication
Position Admissible Values
Name Value Name Value
&policy 1 &none 0
&hard 1
&soft 2
&garrote 3
&method 2 &absolute 0
&minimax 1
&universal 2
&sure 3
&sureHybrid 4
496 ! Chapter 19: Wavelet Analysis
&nhoodCoeffs 5
&value 3 positive real
&levels 4 &all -1
positive integer
Table 19.3 Symbolic Names for the Third Argument of WAVGET
Name Value
&numPoints 1
&detailCoeffs 2
&scalingCoeffs 3
&thresholdingStatus 4
&specication 5
&topLevel 6
&startLevel 7
&fatherWavelet 8
Table 19.4 Macro Variables for the Second Argument of WAVPRINT
Name Value
&summary 1
&detailCoeffs 2
&scalingCoeffs 3
&thresholdedDetailCoeffs 4
Table 19.5 Macro Variables for Predened Wavelet Specications
Name &boundary &degree &family &member
&waveSpec { . . . . }
&haar { &periodic . &daubechies 1 }
&daubechies3 { &periodic . &daubechies 3 }
&daubechies5 { &periodic . &daubechies 5 }
&symmlet5 { &periodic . &symmlet 5 }
&symmlet8 { &periodic . &symmlet 8 }
Table 19.6 Macro Variables for Predened Threshold Specications
Name &policy &method &value &levels
&threshSpec { . . . . }
&RiskShrink { &hard &minimax . &all }
&VisuShrink { &soft &universal . &all }
&SureShrink { &soft &sureHybrid . &all }
Obtaining Help for the Wavelet Macros and Modules ! 497
Obtaining Help for the Wavelet Macros and Modules
The WAVINIT macro that you call to dene symbolic macro variables and wavelet plot modules also denes
a macro WAVHELP that you can call to obtain help for the wavelet macros and plot modules. The syntax
for calling the WAVHELP macro is as follows:
%WAVHELP <( name ) > ;
In the macro call, name is either wavginit, wavinit, coefcientPlot, mraApprox, mraDecomp, or scalogram.
This macro displays usage and argument information for the specied macro or module. If you call the
WAVHELP macro with no arguments, it lists the names of the macros and modules for which help is
available. Note that you can obtain help for the built-in IML wavelet subroutines by using the SAS Online
Daubechies, I. (1992), Ten Lectures on Wavelets, Volume 61, CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in
Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Donoho, D. L. and Johnstone, I. M. (1994), Ideal Spatial Adaptation via Wavelet Shrinkage, Biometrika,
81, 425455.
Donoho, D. L. and Johnstone, I. M. (1995), Adapting to Unknown Smoothness via Wavelet Shrinkage,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, 12001224.
Mallat, S. (1989), Multiresolution Approximation and Wavelets, Transactions of the American Mathemat-
ical Society, 315, 6988.
Ogden, R. T. (1997), Essential Wavelets for Statistical Applications and Data Analysis, Boston: Birkhuser.
Chapter 20
Genetic Algorithms
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Formulating a Genetic Algorithm Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Choosing the Problem Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
Setting the Objective Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Controlling the Selection Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
Using Crossover and Mutation Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Executing a Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Setting Up the IML Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Incorporating Local Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
Handling Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
Example 20.1: Genetic Algorithm with Local Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Example 20.2: Real-Valued Objective Optimization with Constant Bounds . . . . . . 517
Example 20.3: Integer Programming Knapsack Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
Example 20.4: Optimization with Linear Constraints Using Repair Strategy . . . . . 523
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Genetic algorithms (referred to hereafter as GAs) are a family of search algorithms that seek optimal solu-
tions to problems using the principles of natural selection and evolution. GAs can be applied to almost any
optimization problem and are especially useful for problems where other calculus-based techniques do not
work, such as when the objective function has many local optimums, it is not differentiable or continuous, or
solution elements are constrained to be integers or sequences. In most cases GAs require more computation
than specialized techniques that take advantage of specic problem structure or characteristics. However,
for optimization problems with no such techniques available, GAs provide a robust general method of so-
lution. The current GA implementation in IML is experimental, and will be further developed and tested in
later SAS releases.
In general, GAs use the following procedure to search for an optimum solution:
initialization: An initial population of solutions is randomly generated, and an objective function value
is evaluated for each member of the solution population.
500 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
regeneration: A new solution population is generated from the current solution population. First, indi-
vidual members are chosen stochastically to parent the next generation such that those who
are the ttest (have the best objective function values) are more likely to be picked. This
process is called selection. Those chosen solutions are either copied directly to the next
generation or passed to a crossover operator, with a user-specied crossover probabilty.
The crossover operator combines two or more parents to produce new offspring solutions
for the next generation. A fraction of the next generation solutions, selected according
to a user-specied mutation probability, is passed to a mutation operator that introduces
random variations in the solutions.
The crossover and mutation operators are commonly called genetic operators. The
crossover operator passes characteristics from each parent to the offspring, especially those
characteristics shared in common. It is selection and crossover that distinguish GAs from
a purely random search, and direct the algorithm toward nding an optimum. Mutation
is designed to ensure diversity in the search to prevent premature convergence to a local
As the nal step in regeneration, the current population is replaced by the new solutions
generated by selection, crossover, and mutation. The objective function values are eval-
uated for the new generation. A common variation on this approach that is supported in
IML is to pass one or more of the best solutions from the current population on to the next
population unchanged. This often leads to faster convergence, and assures that the best
solution generated at any time during the optimization is never lost.
repeat: After regeneration, the process checks some stopping criteria, such as the number of it-
erations or some other convergence criteria. If the stopping criteria is not met, then the
algorithm loops back to the regeneration step.
Although GAs have been demonstrated to work well for a variety of problems, there is no guarantee of
convergence to a global optimum. Also, the convergence of GAs can be sensitive to the choice of genetic
operators, mutation probability, and selection criteria, so that some initial experimentation and ne-tuning
of these parameters is often required.
In the traditional formulation of GAs, the parameter set to be searched is mapped into nite-length bit
strings, and the genetic operators applied to these strings, or chromosomes, are based on biological pro-
cesses. While there is a theoretical basis for the effectiveness of GAs formulated in this way (Goldberg
1989), in practice most problems dont t naturally into this paradigm. Modern research has shown that op-
timizations can be set up using the natural solution domain (for example, a real vector or integer sequence)
and applying crossover and mutation operators analogous to the traditional genetic operators, but more ap-
propriate to the natural formulation of the problem (Michalewicz 1996). This latter approach is sometimes
called evolutionary computing. IML implements the evolutionary computing approach because it makes it
much easier to formulate practical problems with realistic constraints. Throughout this documentation, the
term genetic algorithm is to be interpreted as evolutionary computing.
IML provides a exible framework for implementing GAs, enabling you to write your own modules for
the genetic operators and objective function, as well as providing some standard genetic operators that
you can specify. This framework also enables you to introduce some variations to the usual GA, such as
adapting the optimization parameters during the optimization, or incorporating some problem-specic local
optimizations into the process to enhance convergence.
An IML program to do GA optimization is structured differently from a program doing nonlinear optimiza-
Formulating a Genetic Algorithm Optimization ! 501
tion with the nlp routines. With the nlp routines, generally a single call is made in which the user species
the objective and optimization parameters, and that call runs the optimization process to completion. In
contrast, to perform a GA optimization you use separate calls to the GA routines to specify the problem en-
coding (GASETUP), genetic operators (GASETMUT and GASETCRO), objective function (GASETOBJ),
and selection criteria (GASETSEL). You then call the GAINIT routine to initialize the problem population.
After that, you advance the optimization process by calling GAREGEN (for the regeneration step) within
an IML loop. Within the loop you can use GAGETMEM and GAGETVAL calls to retrieve population
members and objective function values for examination. This strategy allows you to monitor the conver-
gence of the GA, adjust optimization parameters with GA routine calls within the loop, and exit the loop
when the GA is not producing furthur improvement in the objective function. The next section explains the
optimization parameters in more detail and gives guidance on how they should be set.
Formulating a Genetic Algorithm Optimization
To formulate a GA in IML you must decide on ve basic optimization parameters:
1. Encoding: The general structure and form of the solution.
2. Objective: The function to be optimized. IML also enables you to specify whether the function is to be
minimized or maximized.
3. Selection: How members of the current solution population will be chosen to be parents to propagate
the next generation.
4. Crossover: How the attributes of parent solutions will be combined to produce new offspring solutions.
5. Mutation: How random variation will be introduced into the new offspring solutions to maintain ge-
netic diversity.
The following section discusses each of these items in more detail.
Choosing the Problem Encoding
Problem encoding refers to the structure or type of solution space that is to be optimized, such as real-
valued xed-length vectors or integer sequences. IML offers encoding options appropriate to several types
of optimization problems.
General Numeric Matrix: With this encoding, solutions can take the form of a numeric matrix of any shape.
Also, different solutions can have different dimensions. This is the most exible option. If you use this
encoding, IML makes no assumptions about the form of the solution, so you are required to specify user
modules for crossover and mutation operators, and a user module for creating the initial solution population.
Fixed-Length Real-Valued Row Vector: If you use this encoding, you must also specify the number of com-
ponents in the solution vector. Using this option, you can use some IML-supplied crossover and mutation
operators later, or you can supply custom modules. You can also specify upper and lower bounds for each
502 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
component in the vector, and IML will generate an initial population for the GA randomly distributed be-
tween the bounds. If you dont explicitly set crossover and mutation operators, IML will provide default
operators to be used in the optimization. This type of encoding is often used for general nonlinear optimiza-
tion problems.
Fixed-Length Integer-Valued Row Vector: This option is similar to the xed-length real-valued encoding
already described, except that the IML-supplied genetic operators and initialization process will preserve
and generate integer solutions. This type of encoding might be applicable, for example, in an assignment
problem where the positions within the vector represent different tasks, and the integer values represent
different machines or other resources that might be applied to each task.
Fixed-Length Integer Sequence: In this encoding, each solution is composed of a sequence of integers
ranging from 1 to the length of the sequence, with different solutions distinguished by different ordering of
the elements. For example, s1 and s2 are two integer sequences of length 6:
s1 = {1 2 3 4 5 6};
s2 = {2 6 5 3 4 1};
This type of encoding is often used for routing problems like the traveling salesman problem, where each
element represents a city in a circular route, or scheduling problems.
Setting the Objective Function
Before executing a GA, you must specify the objective function to be optimized. There are currently two
options available: a user function module and an IML-supplied traveling salesman problem (TSP) objective
User Function Module: The module must take exactly one parameter, which will be one solution, and return
a numeric scalar objective function value. The module can also have a global clause, which may be used to
pass in any other information required to determine the objective function value. If global parameters are
used, you must be careful about changing them after the optimization has been initialized. If a change in
a global parameter affects the objective function values, you must reevaluate the entire solution population
(see GAREEVAL call) to ensure that the values are consistent with the changed global parameter.
The solution parameter passed into the routine is also written back out to the solution population when the
module exits, so you should take care not to modify the parameter and therefore the solution population
unintentionally. However, it is permissible and may prove very effective to add logic to the module to
improve the solution through some heuristic technique or local optimization, and deliberately pass that
improved solution back to the solution population by updating the parameter before returning. Using this
hybrid approach may signicantly improve the convergence of the GA, especially in later stages when
solutions may be near an optimum.
TSP Objective Function: An objective function for the traveling salesman problem can be specied with
integer sequence encoding. For the TSP, a solution sequence represents a circular route. For example, a
solution s with the value
s = {2 4 3 1 5};
Controlling the Selection Process ! 503
represents a route going from location 2 to location 4 to 3 to 1 to 5 and back to 2. You must also specify a
cost matrix c, where c[i,j] is the cost of going from location i to location j. The objective function is just the
cost of traversing the route determined by s, and is equivalent to the IML code:
start TSPObjectiveFunction(s) global(c);
nc = ncol(s);
cost = c[s[nc],s[1]];
do i = 1 to nc-1;
cost = cost + c[s[i],s[i+1]];
return (cost);
The IML-supplied order crossover operator and invert mutation operator are especially appropriate for the
TSP and other routing problems.
Controlling the Selection Process
There are two competing factors that need to be balanced in the selection process, the selective pressure and
genetic diversity. Selective pressure, the tendency to select only the best members of the current generation
to propagate to the next, is required to direct the GA to an optimum. Genetic diversity, the maintenance
of a diverse solution population, is also required to ensure that the solution space is adequately searched,
especially in the earlier stages of the optimization process. Too much selective pressure can lower the
genetic diversity so that the global optimum is overlooked and the GA converges to a local optimum. Yet,
with too little selective pressure the GA may not converge to an optimum in a reasonable time. A proper
balance between the selective pressure and genetic diversity must be maintained for the GA to converge in
a reasonable time to a global optimum.
IML offers two variants of a standard technique for the selection process commonly known as tournament
selection (Miller and Goldberg 1995). In general, the tournament selection process randomly chooses a
group of members from the current population, compares their objective values, and picks the one with
the best objective value to be a parent for the next generation. Tournament selection was chosen for IML
because it is one of the fastest selection methods, and offers you good control over the selection pressure.
Other selection methods such as roulette and rank selection may be offered as options in the future.
In the rst variant of tournament selection, you can control the selective pressure by specifying the tour-
nament size, the number of members chosen to compete for parenthood in each tournament. This number
should be two or greater, with two implying the weakest selection pressure. Tournament sizes from two to
ten have been successfully applied to various GA optimizations, with sizes over four to ve considered to
represent strong selective pressure.
The second variant of tournament selection provides weaker selective pressure than the rst variant just
described. The tournament size is set at two, and the member with the best objective value is chosen
with a probability that you specify. This best-player-wins probability can range from 0.5 to 1.0, with 1.0
implying that the best member is always chosen (equivalent to a conventional tournament of size two)
and 0.5 implying an equal chance of either member being chosen (equivalent to pure random selection).
Using this option, you could set the best-player-wins probability close to 0.5 in the initial stages of the
504 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
optimization, and gradually increase it to strengthen the selective pressure as the optimization progresses,
in a similar manner to the simulated annealing optimization technique.
Another important selection option supported in IML is the elite parameter. If an elite value of n is specied,
then the best n solutions will be carried over to the next generation unchanged, with the rest of the new
population lled in by tournament selection, crossover, and mutation. Setting the elite parameter to one or
greater will therefore guarantee that the best solution is never lost through selection and propagation, which
often improves the convergence of the algorithm.
Using Crossover and Mutation Operators
IML enables you to employ user modules for crossover and mutation operators, or you may choose from
the operators provided by IML. The IML operators are tied to the problem encoding options, and IML
will check to make sure a specied operator is appropriate to the problem encoding. You can also turn off
crossover, in which case the current population will pass on to the next generation subject only to mutation.
Mutation can be turned off by setting the mutation probability to 0.
The IML-supplied genetic operators are described below, beginning with the crossover operators:
simple: This operator is dened for xed-length integer and real vector encoding. To apply this
operator, a position k within a vector of length n is chosen at random, such that 1 _ k < n.
Then for parents p1 and p2 the offspring are
c1= p1[1,1:k] || p2[1,k+1:n];
c2= p2[1,1:k] || p1[1,k+1:n];
For real xed-length vector encoding, you can specify an additional parameter, a, where a is
a scalar and 0 < a _ 1. It modies the offspring as follows:
x2 = a
p2 + (1-a)
c1 = p1[1,1:k] || x2[1,k+1:n];
x1 = a
p1 + (1-a)
c2 = p2[1,1:k] || x1[1,k+1:n];
Note that for a = 1, which is the default value, x2 and x1 are the same as p2 and p1. Small
values of a reduce the difference between the offspring and parents. For integer encoding a
is always 1.
two-point: This operator is dened for xed-length integer and real vector encoding with length n _ 3.
To apply this operator, two positions k1 and k2 within the vector are chosen at random, such
that 1 _ k1 < k2 < n. Element values between those positions are swapped between
parents. For parents p1 and p2 the offspring are
c1 = p1[1,1:k1] || p2[1,k1+1:k2] || p1[1,k2+1:n];
c2 = p2[1,1:k1] || p1[1,k1+1:k2] || p2[1,k2+1:n];
Using Crossover and Mutation Operators ! 505
For real vector encoding you can specify an additional parameter, a, where 0 < a _ 1. It
modies the offspring as follows:
x2 = a
p2 + (1-a)
c1 = p1[1,1:k1] || x2[1,k1+1:k2] || p1[1,k2+1:n];
x1 = a
p1 + (1-a)
c2 = p2[1,1:k1] || x1[1,k1+1:k2] || p2[1,k2+1:n];
Note that for a = 1, which is the default value, x2 and x1 are the same as p2 and p1. Small
values of a reduce the difference between the offspring and parents. For integer encoding a
is always 1.
arithmetic: This operator is dened for real and integer xed-length vector encoding. This operator
computes offspring of parents p1 and p2 as
c1 = a
p1 + (1-a)
c2 = a
p2 + (1-a)
where a is a random number between 0 and 1. For integer encoding, each component is
rounded off to the nearest integer. It has the advantage that it will always produce feasible
offspring for a convex solution space. A disadvantage of this operator is that it will tend to
produce offspring toward the interior of the search region, so that it may be less effective if
the optimum lies on or near the search region boundary.
heuristic: This operator is dened for real xed-length vector encoding. It computes the rst offspring
from the two parents p1 and p2 as
c1 = a
(p2 - p1) + p2;
where p2 is the parent with the better objective value, and a is a random number between 0
and 1. The second offspring is computed as in the arithmetic operator:
c2 = (1 - a)
p1 + a
This operator is unusual in that it uses the objective value. It has the advantage of directing
the search in a promising direction, and automatically ne-tuning the search in an area where
solutions are clustered. If the solution space has upper and lower bound constraints the
offspring will be checked against the bounds, and any component outside its bound will
be set equal to that bound. The heuristic operator will perform best when the objective
function is smooth, and may not work well if the objective function or its rst derivative is
pmatch: The partial match operator is dened for sequence encoding. It produces offspring by trans-
ferring a subsequence from one parent, and lling the remaining positions in a way consistent
with the position and ordering in the other parent. Start with two parents and randomly cho-
sen cutpoints as indicated:
p1 = {1 2|3 4 5 6|7 8 9};
p2 = {8 7|9 3 4 1|2 5 6};
506 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
The rst step is to cross the selected segments ( . indicates positions yet to be determined):
c1 = {. . 9 3 4 1 . . .};
c2 = {. . 3 4 5 6 . . .};
Next, dene a mapping according to the two selected segments:
9-3, 3-4, 4-5, 1-6
Next, ll in the positions where there is no conict from the corresponding parent:
c1 = {. 2 9 3 4 1 7 8 .};
c2 = {8 7 3 4 5 6 2 . .};
Last, ll in the remaining positions from the subsequence mapping. In this case, for the rst
child 1 6 and 9 3, and for the second child 5 4, 4 3, 3 9 and 6 1.
c1 = {6 2 9 3 4 1 7 8 5};
c2 = {8 7 3 4 5 6 2 9 1};
This operator will tend to maintain similarity of both the absolute position and relative order-
ing of the sequence elements, and is useful for a wide range of sequencing problems.
order: This operator is dened for sequence encoding. It produces offspring by transferring a sub-
sequence of random length and position from one parent, and lling the remaining positions
according to the order from the other parent. For parents p1 and p2, rst choose a subse-
p1 = {1 2|3 4 5 6|7 8 9};
p2 = {8 7|9 3 4 1|2 5 6};
c1 = {. . 3 4 5 6 . . .};
c2 = {. . 9 3 4 1 . . .};
Starting at the second cutpoint, the elements of p2 in order are (cycling back to the beginning)
2 5 6 8 7 9 3 4 1
After removing 3, 4, 5 and 6, which have already been placed in c1, we have
2 8 7 9 1
Placing these back in order starting at the second cutpoint yields
c1 = {9 1 3 4 5 6 2 8 7};
Applying this logic to c2 yields
c2 = {5 6 9 3 4 1 7 8 2};
Using Crossover and Mutation Operators ! 507
This operator maintains the similarity of the relative order, or adjacency, of the sequence
elements of the parents. It is especially effective for circular path-oriented optimizations,
such as the traveling salesman problem.
cycle: This operator is dened for sequence encoding. It produces offspring such that the position of
each element value in the offspring comes from one of the parents. For example, for parents
p1 and p2,
p1 = {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9};
p2 = {8 7 9 3 4 1 2 5 6};
For the rst child, pick the rst element from the rst parent:
c1 = {1 . . . . . . . .};
To maintain the condition that the position of each element value must come from one of the
parents, the position of the 8 value must come from p1, because the 8 position in p2 is
already taken by the 1 in c1:
c1 = {1 . . . . . . 8 .};
Now the position of 5 must come from p1, and so on until the process returns to the rst
c1 = {1 . 3 4 5 6 . 8 9};
At this point, choose the remaining element positions from p2:
c1 = {1 7 3 4 5 6 2 8 9};
For the second child, starting with the rst element from the second parent, similar logic
c2 = {8 2 9 3 4 1 7 5 6};
This operator is most useful when the absolute position of the elements is of most importance
to the objective value.
The mutation operators supported by IML are as follows:
uniform: This operator is dened for xed-length real or integer encoding with specied upper and
lower bounds. To apply this operator, a position k is randomly chosen within the solution
vector v, and v[k] is modied to a random value between the upper and lower bounds for
element k. This operator may prove especially useful in early stages of the optimization,
since it will tend to distribute solutions widely across the search space, and avoid premature
convergence to a local optimum. However, in later stages of an optimization with real vector
encoding, when the search needs to be ne-tuned to home in on an optimum, the uniform
operator may hinder the optimization.
508 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
delta: This operator is dened for integer and real xed-length vector encoding. It rst chooses an
element of the solution at random, and then perturbs that element by a xed amount, set by
a delta input parameter. delta has the same dimension as the solution vectors. To apply the
mutation, a randomly chosen element k of the solution vector v is modied such that
v[k] = v[k] + delta[k]; /
with probability 0.5
v[k] = v[k] - delta[k];
If upper and lower bounds are specied for the problem, then v[k] is adjusted as necessary to
t within the bounds. This operator gives you the ability to control the scope of the search
with the delta vector. One possible strategy is to start with a larger delta value, and then
reduce it as the search progresses and begins to converge to an optimum. This operator is
also useful if the optimum is known to be on or near a boundary, in which case delta can be
set large enough to always perturb the solution element to a boundary.
swap: This operator is dened for sequence problem encoding. It picks two random locations in the
solution vector, and swaps their value. You can also specify that multiple swaps be made for
each mutation.
invert: This operator is dened for sequence encoding. It picks two locations at random, and then
reverses the order of elements between them. This operator is most often applied to the
traveling salesman problem.
The IML-supplied crossover and mutation operators that are allowed for each problem encoding are sum-
marized in the following table.
Table 20.1 Valid Genetic Operators for Each Encoding
Encoding Crossover Mutation
general user module user module
xed-length real vector user module user module
simple uniform
two-point delta
xed-length integer vector user module user module
simple uniform
two-point delta
xed-length integer sequence user module user module
pmatch swap
order invert
A user module specied as a crossover operator must be a subroutine with four parameters. The module
should compute and return two new offspring solutions in the rst two parameters, based on the two parent
solutions, which will be passed into the module in the last two parameters. The module should not modify
the parent solutions passed into it. A global clause can be used to pass in any additional information that the
module might use.
Executing a Genetic Algorithm ! 509
A user module specied as a mutation operator must be a subroutine with exactly one parameter. When the
module is called, the parameter will contain the solution that is to be mutated. The module will be expected
to update the parameter with the new mutated value for the solution. As with crossover, a global clause can
be used to pass in any additional information that the module might use.
Executing a Genetic Algorithm
Setting Up the IML Program
After you formulate the GA optimization problem as described in the previous section, executing the ge-
netic algorithm in IML is simple and straightforward. Remember that the current GA implementation in
IML is experimental, and will be furthur developed and tested in later SAS releases. The following table
summarizes the IML GA modules used to set each of the optimization parameters. IML will use reasonable
default values for some of the parameters if they are not specied by the GA calls, and these default values
are also listed. Parameters shown in italics are not required in all cases.
Table 20.2 Establishing Optimization Parameters
Type Set By Parameter Value
encoding GASETUP encoding 0 general
1 xed-length real
2 xed-length integer
3 xed-length sequence
size xed-length size
seed initial random seed
objective GASETOBJ id returned from GASETUP
objtype 0 minimize user module
1 maximize user module
2 traveling salesman problem
parm if objtype=0 or 1, user module
if objtype=2, cost coefcients
selection GASETSEL id returned from GASETUP
elite integer in [0, population size]
type 0 conventional tournament
1 dual tournament with BPW prob
parm if type = 0, tournament size
if type = 1, real number in [0.5,1]
default if elite 1
not set type conventional tournament
parm 2
crossover GASETCRO id returned from GASETUP
crossprob crossover probability
type 0 user module
1 simple
510 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
Table 20.2 (continued)
Type Set By Parameter Value
2 two-point
3 arithmetic
4 heuristic
5 pmatch
6 cycle
7 order
parm module name for type = 0
0 <val_ 1 if encoding=1, 0<type<3
default if crossprob 1.0
not set type heuristic if encoding=1
simple if encoding=2
pmatch if encoding=3, objtype 0
order if objtype=2 (TSP)
mutation GASETMUT id returned from GASETUP
mutprob mutation probability
type 0 user module
1 uniform
2 delta
3 swap
4 invert
parm delta value if type=2
number of swaps if type=3
default if mutprob 0.05
not set type uniform if encoding=1 or 2, bounded
delta if encoding=1 or 2, no bounds
swap if encoding=3, not TSP
invert if objtype=1 (TSP)
After setting the optimization parameters, you are ready to execute the GA. First, an initial solution pop-
ulation must be generated with a GAINIT call. GAINIT implements the initialization phase of the GA,
generating an initial population of solutions and evaluating the objective value of each member solution.
In the GAINIT call you specify the population size and any constant bounds on the solution domain. Next
comes an IML loop that contains a GAREGEN call. GAREGEN implements the regeneration phase of the
GA, which generates a new solution population based on selection, crossover, and mutation of the current
solution population, then replaces the current population with the new population and computes the new
objective function values.
After the GAREGEN call, you can monitor the convergence of the GA by retrieving the objective function
values for the current population with the GAGETVAL call. You might check the average value of the
objective population, or check only the best value. If the elite parameter is 1 or more, then it is easy to check
the best member of the population, since it will always be the rst member retrieved.
After your stopping criteria have been reached, you can retrieve the members of the solution population
with the GAGETMEM call. To end the optimization, you should always use the GAEND call to free up
memory resources allocated to the GA.
Setting Up the IML Program ! 511
Below are some example programs to illustrate setting up and executing a genetic algorithm. The rst
example illustrates a simple program, a 10-city TSP using all IML defaults. The cost coefcients correspond
to the cities being laid out on a two-by-ve grid. The optimal route has a total distance of 10.
proc iml;
cost coefficients for TSP problem
coeffs = { 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1,
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2,
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3,
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4,
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5,
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4,
4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3,
3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2,
2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1,
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 };
problem setup
id = gasetup(3, /
3 -> integer sequence encoding
10, /
number of locations
1234 /
initial seed
set objective function
call gasetobj(id,
2, /
2 -> Traveling Salesman Problem
coeffs /
cost coefficient matrix
initialization phase
call gainit(id,
100 /
initial population size
execute regeneration loop
niter = 20; /
number of iterations
bestValue = j(niter,1); /
to store results
call gagetval(value, id, 1); /
gets first value
bestValue[1] = value;
do i = 2 to niter;
call garegen(id);
call gagetval(value, id, 1);
bestValue[i] = value;
print solution history
print (t(1:niter))[l = "iteration"] bestValue;
print final solution
call gagetmem(bestMember, value, id, 1);
512 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
print "best member " bestMember [f = 3.0 l = ""],,
"final best value " value [l = ""];
call gaend(id);
For this test case, there is no call to GASETSEL. Therefore IML will use default selection parameters: an
elite value of 1 and a conventional tournament of size 2. Also, since there is no GASETCROor GASETMUT
call, IML will use default genetic operators: the order operator for crossover and the invert operator for
mutation, and a default mutation probability of 0.05. The output results are
iteration BESTVALUE
1 18
2 18
3 16
4 14
5 14
6 14
7 12
8 12
9 12
10 12
11 12
12 12
13 12
14 12
15 12
16 12
17 12
18 12
19 10
20 10
best member 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
final best value 10
The optimal value was reached after 19 iterations. Because the elite value was 1, the best solution was
retained and passed on to each successive generation, and therefore never lost. Note that out of 3,628,800
possible solutions (representing 362,800 unique paths), the GA found the optimum after only 1,900 function
evaluations, without using any problem-specic information to assist the optimization. You could also do
some experimentation, and specify different genetic operators with a GASETCRO and GASETMUT call,
and different selection parameters with a GASETSEL call:
alternate problem setup
id = gasetup(3, /
3 -> integer sequence encoding
10, /
number of locations
1234 /
initial seed
Setting Up the IML Program ! 513
set objective function
call gasetobj(id,
2, /
2 -> Traveling Salesman Problem
coeffs /
cost coefficient matrix
call gasetcro(id,
1.0, /
crossover probabilty 1
5 /
5 -> pmatch operator
call gasetmut(id,
0.05, /
mutation probability
3 /
3 -> swap operator
call gasetsel(id,
3, /
set elite to 3
1, /
dual tournament
0.95 /
best-player-wins probability 0.95
initialization phase
call gainit(id,
100 /
initial population size
execute regeneration loop
niter = 15; /
number of iterations
bestValue = j(niter,1); /
to store results
call gagetval(value, id, 1); /
gets first value
bestValue[1] = value;
do i = 2 to niter;
call garegen(id);
call gagetval(value, id, 1);
bestValue[i] = value;
print solution history
print (t(1:niter))[l = "iteration"] bestValue;
print final solution
call gagetmem(bestMember, value, id, 1);
print "best member " bestMember [f = 3.0 l = ""],,
"final best value " value [l = ""];
call gaend(id);
The output of this test case is
iteration BESTVALUE
1 24
514 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
2 18
3 18
4 16
5 16
6 14
7 14
8 14
9 14
10 12
11 12
12 12
13 10
14 10
15 10
best member 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2
final best value 10
Note that convergence was faster than for the previous case, reaching an optimum after 13 iterations. This
illustrates that the convergence of a GAmay be very sensitive to the choice of genetic operators and selection
parameters, and for practical problems some experimental ne-tuning of optimization parameters may be
required to obtain acceptable convergence.
Incorporating Local Optimization
One commonly used technique is to combine the GA with a local optimization technique specic to the
problem being solved. This can be done within the IML GA framework by incorporating a local optimiza-
tion into the objective function evaluation: return a locally optimized objective value, and optionally replace
the original solution passed into the module with the optimized solution.
Always replacing the original solution with the locally optimized one will cause faster convergence, but it
is also more likely to converge prematurely to a local optimum. One way to reduce this possibility is to not
replace the original solution in every case, but replace it with some probability p. For some problems, values
of p from 5 to 15 percent have been shown to signicantly improve convergence, while avoiding premature
convergence to a local optimum (Michalewicz 1996) .
Handling Constraints
Practical optimization problems often come with constraints, which may make the problem difcult to solve.
Constraints are handled in GAs in a variety of ways.
If it is possible, the most straightforward approach is to set the problem encoding, genetic operators, and
initialization such that the constraints are automatically met. For example, a nonlinear optimization problem
over n real variables with constant upper and lower bounds is easily formulated in IML using real xed-
Example 20.1: Genetic Algorithm with Local Optimization ! 515
length encoding, arithmetic crossover, and uniform mutation. The arithmetic crossover operator can be used
without modication in any optimization over a convex solution space, when the optimum is expected to be
an interior point of the domain.
Another approach to satisfying constraints is to repair solutions after genetic operators have been applied.
This is what IML does when using the heuristic crossover operator or delta mutation operator with xed
bounds: it adjusts any individual component that violates an upper or lower bound. You can repair a solution
inside a user crossover or mutation module, or repairs can be made by modifying the solution in a user
objective function module, as was described in the previous section.
Another technique is to allow solutions to violate constraints, but to impose a penalty in the objective
function for unsatised constraints. If the penalty is severe enough, the algorithm should converge to an
optimum point within the constraints. This approach should be used carefully. If most of the points in the
solution space violate the constraints, then this technique may converge prematurely to the rst feasible
solution found. Also, convergence may be poor to a solution that lies on or near a constraint boundary.
Example 20.1: Genetic Algorithm with Local Optimization
For the symmetric traveling salesman problem, there is a simple local optimization that can be incorporated
into a user objective function module, which is to check each pair of adjacent locations in the solution and
swap their positions if that would improve the objective function value. Here is the previous TSP example,
modied to use an objective function module that implements this strategy. In this initial example, the
optimized solution is not written back out to the solution population (except to get the nal solution at the
proc iml;
cost coefficients for TSP problem
coeffs = { 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1,
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2,
2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3,
3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4,
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5,
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4,
4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3,
3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2,
2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 1,
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 };
start TSPObjectiveFunction(r) global(coeffs, p);
s = r;
nc = ncol(s);
local optimization, assumes symmetric cost
do i = 1 to nc;
city1 = s[i];
inext = 1 + mod(i,nc);
city2 = s[inext];
if i=1 then
516 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
before = s[nc];
before = s[i-1];
after = s[1 + mod(inext,nc)];
if (coeffs[before,city1] + coeffs[city2, after]) >
(coeffs[before,city2] + coeffs[city1, after])
then do;
s[i] = city2;
s[inext] = city1;
compute objective function
cost = coeffs[s[nc],s[1]];
do i = 1 to nc-1;
cost = cost + coeffs[s[i],s[i+1]];
if uniform(1234)<=p then
r = s;
return (cost);
problem setup
id = gasetup(3, /
3 -> integer sequence encoding
10, /
number of locations
123 /
initial random seed
set objective function
call gasetobj(id,
0, /
0 -> minimize a user-defined module
call gasetcro(id, 1.0, 6);
call gasetmut(id, 0.05, 4);
call gasetsel(id, 1, 1, 0.95);
p = 0; /
probability of writing locally optimized
solution back out to population
initialization phase
call gainit(id,
100 /
initial population size
execute regeneration loop
niter = 10; /
number of iterations
bestValue = j(niter,1); /
to store results
call gagetval(value, id, 1); /
gets first (and best) value
bestValue[1] = value;
do i = 2 to niter;
call garegen(id);
call gagetval(value, id, 1);
bestValue[i] = value;
Example 20.2: Real-Valued Objective Optimization with Constant Bounds ! 517
print solution history
print (t(1:niter))[l = "iteration"] bestValue;
make sure local optimization is
written back to all solutions
p = 1.; /
set global probability to 1
call gareeval(id);
print final solution
call gagetmem(bestMember, value, id, 1);
print "best member " bestMember [f = 3.0 l = ""],,
"final best value " value [l = ""];
call gaend(id);
The results of running this program are
iteration BESTVALUE
1 12
2 12
3 12
4 12
5 10
6 10
7 10
8 10
9 10
10 10
best member 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 9 8
final best value 10
Convergence is much improved by the local optimization, reaching the optimum in just 5 iterations com-
pared to 13 with no local optimization. Writing some of the optimized solutions back to the solution popu-
lation, by setting the global probability p to 0.05 or 0.15, will improve convergence even more.
Example 20.2: Real-Valued Objective Optimization with Constant Bounds
The next example illustrates some of the strengths and weaknesses of the arithmetic and heuristic crossover
operators. The objective function to be minimized is
start sin_obj(x) global(xopt);
r = abs(sin(sum(abs(x-xopt))));
518 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
This function obviously has a minimum at x=xopt, and is not differentiable at all points. The following
program sets xopt= 0 and species constant boundary constraints such that the optimum is in the interior of
the search space, and species the heuristic crossover operator:
proc iml;
objective function, has minimum of 0 at x = xopt
start sin_obj(x) global(xopt);
r = abs(sin(sum(abs(x-xopt))));
xopt = { 0 0 0 };
optimum = xopt;
optval = sin_obj(optimum);
id = gasetup(1, /
1-> fixed-length floating point vector encoding
3, /
3-> length of solution vectors
1234 /
0-> initial random seed
call gasetobj(id,0,"sin_obj"); /
0->minimize a user module,
"sin_obj" is name of module
call gasetcro(id, 0.9, 4); /
crossover probabilty 0.9,
4-> heuristic crossover operator
call gasetmut(id,0.05,2,0.01); /
mutation probability 0.05,
2-> delta mutation operator
0.01 is delta value
call gasetsel(id, 5, 1, 0.95); /
carry best 5 solutions over
to the next generation, dual
tournment with 0.95 best-player
wins probability
bounds = {-1 -1 -1, 1 1 1};
call gainit(id,200,bounds); /
initialize population with
200 members, "bounds" gives
upper and lower bounds for
components of randomly
randomly generated vectors
summary = j(20,2);
mattrib summary [c = {"bestValue", "avgValue"}];
call gagetval(value, id);
summary[1,1] = value[1];
summary[1,2] = value[:];
do i = 2 to 20;
call garegen(id);
call gagetval(value, id); /
get all objective values of
the population
summary[i,1] = value[1];
Example 20.2: Real-Valued Objective Optimization with Constant Bounds ! 519
summary[i,2] = value[:];
iteration = t(1:20);
print iteration summary;
call gaend(id);
The output results are
ITERATION bestValue avgValue
1 0.894517 0.8926763
2 0.894517 0.752227
3 0.1840732 0.6087493
4 0.14112 0.4848342
5 0.14112 0.3991614
6 0.14112 0.3539561
7 0.0481937 0.3680798
8 0.0481937 0.3243406
9 0.0481937 0.3027395
10 0.0481937 0.2679123
11 0.0481937 0.2550643
12 0.0481937 0.2582514
13 0.0481937 0.2652337
14 0.0481937 0.2799655
15 0.0383933 0.237546
16 0.0383933 0.3008743
17 0.0383933 0.2341022
18 0.0383933 0.1966969
19 0.0383933 0.2778152
20 0.0383933 0.2690036
To show the convergence of the overall population, the average value of the objective function for the
whole population is printed out as well as the best value. The optimum value for this formulation is 0,
and the optimum solution is (0 0 0). The output shows the convergence of the GA to be slow, especially
as the solutions get near the optimum. This is the result of applying the heuristic crossover operator to
an ill-behaved objective function. If you change the crossover to the arithmetic operator by changing the
GASETCRO call to
call gasetcro(id, 0.9, 3); /
3-> arithmetic crossover operator
you get the following output:
ITERATION bestValue avgValue
1 0.894517 0.8926763
2 0.894517 0.8014329
520 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
3 0.1840732 0.6496871
4 0.1705931 0.4703868
5 0.0984926 0.2892114
6 0.076859 0.1832358
7 0.0287965 0.1123732
8 0.0273074 0.0720792
9 0.018713 0.0456323
10 0.0129708 0.0309648
11 0.0087931 0.0240822
12 0.0087931 0.0172102
13 0.0050753 0.0128258
14 0.0019603 0.0092872
15 0.0016225 0.0070575
16 0.0016225 0.0051149
17 0.0012465 0.0036445
18 0.0011895 0.002712
19 0.0007646 0.0023329
20 0.0007646 0.0020842
For this case, the arithmetic operator shows improved convergence. Suppose you change the problem char-
acteristics again by changing the constraints so that the optimumlies on a boundary. The following statement
moves the optimum to a boundary:
bounds = {0 0 0, 1 1 1};
The output using the arithmetic operator is
ITERATION bestValue avgValue
1 0.8813497 0.8749132
2 0.8813497 0.860011
3 0.3721446 0.8339357
4 0.3721446 0.79106
5 0.3721446 0.743336
6 0.3721446 0.7061592
7 0.3721446 0.6797346
8 0.3721446 0.6302206
9 0.3721446 0.5818008
10 0.3721446 0.5327339
11 0.3721446 0.5149562
12 0.3721446 0.48525
13 0.3721446 0.4708617
14 0.3721446 0.4582203
15 0.3721446 0.433538
16 0.3721446 0.4256162
17 0.3721446 0.4236062
18 0.3721446 0.4149336
19 0.3721446 0.4135214
20 0.3721446 0.4078068
Example 20.3: Integer Programming Knapsack Problem ! 521
In this case, the algorithm fails to converge to the true optimum, given the characteristic of the arithmetic
operator to converge on interior points. However, if you switch back to the heuristic crossover operator the
results are
ITERATION bestValue avgValue
1 0.8813497 0.8749132
2 0.8813497 0.7360591
3 0.3721446 0.5465098
4 0 0.3427185
5 0 0.2006271
6 0 0.0826017
7 0 0.0158228
8 0 0.0002602
9 0 0.00005
10 0 0.00065
11 0 0.0003
12 0 0.0002
13 0 0.0002
14 0 0.000285
15 0 0.0005
16 0 0.0002952
17 0 0.0002
18 0 0.0001761
19 0 0.00035
20 0 0.00035
These results show a rapid convergence to the optimum. This example illustrates how the results of a GA
are very operator-dependent. For complicated problems with unknown solution, you might need to try a
number of different combinations of parameters in order to have condence that you have converged to a
true global optimum.
Example 20.3: Integer Programming Knapsack Problem
The next example uses the integer encoding, along with user modules for crossover and mutation. It for-
mulates the knapsack problem using xed-length integer encoding. The integer vector solution s is a vector
of ones and zeros, where s[i]=1 implies that item i is packed in the knapsack. The weight constraints of
the problem are not handled explicitly, but are accounted for by including a penalty for overweight in the
objective function. The crossover operator randomly chooses a value for each element of the solution vector
from each parent. The mutation operator randomly changes the values of a user-set number of elements in
the solution vector. For this problem the value of the global optimum is 18.
proc iml;
weight = {2 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1};
limit = 9; /
weight limit
reward = {6 6 6 5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.6};
522 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
start knapsack( x ) global( weight, reward, limit);
wsum = sum(weight # x);
rew = sum(reward # x);
subtract penalty for exceeding weight
if wsum>limit then
rew = rew - 5
(wsum - limit);
start switch_mut(s) global(nswitches);
n = ncol(s);
do i = 1 to nswitches;
k = int(uniform(1234)
n) + 1;
if s[k]=0 then
s[k] = 1;
s[k] = 0;
start uniform_cross(child1, child2, parent1, parent2);
child1 = parent1;
child2 = parent2;
do i = 1 to ncol(parent1);
r = uniform(1234);
if r<=0.5 then do;
child1[i] = parent2[i];
child2[i] = parent1[i];
id = gasetup(2,15, 123);
call gasetobj(id, 1, "knapsack"); /
maximize objective module
call gasetcro(id, 1.0, 0,"uniform_cross"); /
user crossover module
call gasetmut(id,
0.20, /
mutation probabilty
0, "switch_mut" /
user mutation module
nswitches = 3;
call gasetsel(id, 3, /
carry 3 over to next generation
1, /
dual tournament
0.95 /
best-player-wins probabilty
call gainit(id,100,{0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1});
niter = 20;
summary = j(niter,2);
mattrib summary [c = {"bestValue", "avgValue"}];
call gagetval(value, id);
summary[1,1] = value[1];
summary[1,2] = value[:];
do i = 1 to niter;
Example 20.4: Optimization with Linear Constraints Using Repair Strategy ! 523
call garegen(id);
call gagetval(value, id);
summary[i,1] = value[1];
summary[i,2] = value[:];
call gagetmem(mem, value, id, 1);
print "best member " mem[f = 1.0 l = ""],
"best value " value[l = ""];
iteration = t(1:niter);
print iteration summary;
call gaend(id);
The output of the program is
best member 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
best value 18
ITERATION bestValue avgValue
1 16 2.44
2 16 6.257
3 16 6.501
4 16.7 7.964
5 16.7 8.812
6 16.7 9.254
7 16.7 10.021
8 16.8 11.216
9 16.9 12.279
10 16.9 12.094
11 16.9 11.633
12 16.9 11.431
13 18 11.502
14 18 13.2
15 18 13.128
16 18 13.282
17 18 12.876
18 18 13.715
19 18 12.889
20 18 13.15
Note that for this problem, the mutation parameters are set higher than is often seen for GAs. For this
example, this is necessary to prevent premature convergence.
Example 20.4: Optimization with Linear Constraints Using Repair Strategy
This problem seeks a minimum within a convex domain specied by a convex hull, a set of points such
that all points in the search space are normalized linear combinations of those points. Each solution is
represented by a set of weights n such that there is one n
for each point in the convex hull, 0 _ n
_ 1,
524 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
and n
= 1. In this example the feasible region is the convex hull dened by the set of points (-3 -2), (3
-2), (-3 2), and (3 2). The objective function is a six-hump camel-back function (see Michalewicz (1996),
Appendix B), with a known global minimum value of -1.0316 at two different points, (-0.0898,0.7126) and
(0.0898,-0.7126). A user mutation module is specied, and the simple crossover operator is used. Both the
mutation operator and the crossover operator will produce solutions that violate the constraints, so in the
objective function each solution will be checked and renormalized to bring it back within the convex hull.
proc iml;
Test case using user modules for the mutation operator and
for initialization
start sixhump(w) global(cvxhull);
Function has global minimum value of -1.0316
at x = {-0.0898 0.7126} and
x = { 0.0898 -0.7126}
sum = w[1,+];
guard against the remote possibility of all-0 weights
if sum=0 then do;
nc = ncol(w);
w = j(1, nc, 1/nc );
sum = 1;
re-normalize weights
w = w/sum;
convert to x-coordinate form
x = (w
x1 = x[1];
x2 = x[2];
compute objective value
r = (4 - 2.1
x1##2 + x1##4/3)
x1##2 + x1
x2 +
(-4 + 4
each row is one point on the boundary of
the convex hull
cvxhull = {-3 -2,
3 -2,
-3 2,
3 2};
initialization module
start cvxinit( w ) global(cvxhull);
sum = 0;
a = j(1, nrow(cvxhull), 1234);
do while(sum = 0);
Example 20.4: Optimization with Linear Constraints Using Repair Strategy ! 525
r = uniform(a);
sum = r[1,+];
w = r / sum;
mutation module
start cvxmut(w)global(cvxhull);
row = int(uniform(1234)
nrow(cvxhull)) + 1;
r = uniform(1234);
w[1,row] = r;
id = gasetup(1, /
real fixed-length vector encoding
nrow(cvxhull), /
vector size = number of points
specifying convex hull
call gasetobj(id,
0, /
minimize a user-specified objective function
call gasetsel( id,
5, /
carry over the best 5 from each generation
1, /
dual tournament
0.95 /
best-player-wins probability
call gasetcro(id,
0.8, /
crossover probability
1 /
simple crossover operator
call gasetmut(id,0.05,0,"cvxmut");
call gainit( id,
100, /
population size
, /
not using constant bounds
"cvxinit" /
initialization module
niter = 35; /
number of iterations
summary = j(niter,2);
mattrib summary [c = {"bestValue", "avgValue"}];
call gagetval(value, id);
summary[1,1] = value[1];
summary[1,2] = value[:];
do i = 1 to niter;
call garegen(id);
call gagetval(value, id);
summary[i,1] = value[1];
summary[i,2] = value[:];
call gagetmem(mem, value, id, 1);
bestX = (mem
526 ! Chapter 20: Genetic Algorithms
print "best X " bestX[l = ""],
"best value " value[l = ""];
iteration = t(1:niter);
print iteration summary;
call gaend(id);
The output results are
best X 0.089842 -0.712658
best value -1.031628
ITERATION bestValue avgValue
1 -0.082301 0.9235856
2 -0.948434 0.1262678
3 -0.956136 0.2745601
4 -1.017636 0.1367912
5 -1.028457 -0.241069
6 -1.028457 -0.353218
7 -1.028457 -0.56789
8 -1.028457 -0.73044
9 -1.028457 -0.854496
10 -1.028509 -0.941693
11 -1.031334 -0.936541
12 -1.031334 -0.90363
13 -1.031373 -0.774917
14 -1.031614 -0.873418
15 -1.031614 -0.886818
16 -1.031618 -0.95678
17 -1.031619 -0.933061
18 -1.031626 -0.885132
19 -1.031628 -0.936944
20 -1.031628 -0.906637
21 -1.031628 -0.925809
22 -1.031628 -0.860156
23 -1.031628 -0.946146
24 -1.031628 -0.817196
25 -1.031628 -0.883284
26 -1.031628 -0.904361
27 -1.031628 -0.974893
28 -1.031628 -0.975647
29 -1.031628 -0.872004
30 -1.031628 -1.031628
31 -1.031628 -0.897558
32 -1.031628 -0.922121
33 -1.031628 -0.855045
34 -1.031628 -0.922061
35 -1.031628 -0.958257
Any problem with linear constraints could be formulated in this way, by determining the convex hull that
corresponds to the constraints. The genetic operators and the repair strategy are straightforward to apply,
and as this case shows, can give reasonable convergence to a global optimum.
References ! 527
Goldberg, D. E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Reading, MA:
Michalewicz, Z. (1996), Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, New York: Springer-
Miller, B. L. and Goldberg, D. E. (1995), Genetic Algorithms, Tournament Selecton, and the Effects of Noise,
Technical Report 95006, Illinois Genetic Algorithm Laboratory, University of Urbana-Champaign.
Chapter 21
Sparse Matrix Algorithms
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Iterative Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Input Data Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
Example: Conjugate Gradient Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
Example: Minimum Residual Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Example: Biconjugate Gradient Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
Symbolic LDL and Cholesky Factorizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
This chapter documents direct and iterative algorithms for large sparse systems of linear equations:
. = b. 1
. .. b 1
where is a nonsingular square matrix.
The ITSOLVER call supports the following classes of iterative solvers:
v conjugate gradient for symmetric positive-denite systems
v conjugate gradient squared for general nonsingular systems
v minimum residual for symmetric indenite systems
v biconjugate gradient for general nonsingular systems
Iterative algorithms incur zero or controlled amounts of ll-in, have relatively small working memory re-
quirements, and can converge as fast as O(n) or O(n
) versus direct dense methods that are typically O(n
Each iteration of an iterative algorithm is very inexpensive and typically involves a single matrix-vector mul-
tiplication and a pair of forward/backward substitutions.
Convergence of an iterative method depends upon the distribution of eigenvalues for the matrix , and can
be rather slow for badly conditioned matrices. For such cases SAS/IML offers hybrid algorithms, which
combine an incomplete factorization (a modied direct method) used in the preconditioning phase with an
iterative renement procedure. The following preconditioners are supported:
530 ! Chapter 21: Sparse Matrix Algorithms
v incomplete Cholesky factorization ( IC)
v diagonal Jacobi preconditioner (DIAG)
v modied incomplete LU factorization (MILU)
For more information, see the description of the precond parameter in the section Input Data Description
on page 530.
The SOLVELIN call supports the following direct sparse solvers for symmetric positive-denite systems:
v symbolic LDL
v Cholesky
Classical factorization-based algorithms share one common complication: the matrix usually suffers ll-
in, which means additional operations and computer memory are required to complete the algorithm. A
symmetric permutation of matrix rows and columns can lead to a dramatic reduction of ll-in. To compute
such a permutation, SAS/IML implements a minimum degree ordering algorithm, which is an automatic
step in the SOLVELIN function.
Iterative Methods
The conjugate gradient algorithm can be interpreted as the following optimization problem: minimize (.)
dened by
(.) = 1,2.
. .
where b 1
and 1
are symmetric and positive denite.
At each iteration (.) is minimized along an -conjugate direction, constructing orthogonal residuals:
(: r
). r
= .
where K
is a Krylov subspace:
(: r) = span{r. r.
r. . . . .
Minimumresidual algorithms work by minimizing the Euclidean norm[.b[
over K
. At each iteration,
is the vector in K
that gives the smallest residual.
The biconjugate gradient algorithm belongs to a more general class of Petrov-Galerkin methods, where
orthogonality is enforced in a different i -dimensional subspace (.
remains in K
J {n.
n. (
n. . . . . (
Input Data Description
The ITSOLVER call has the following syntax and arguments:
Example: Conjugate Gradient Algorithm ! 531
call ITSOLVER (x, error, iter, method, A, b,
precond, tol, maxiter, start, history);
The conjugate gradient and minimum residual algorithms (method = CG or method = MINRES) require
to be symmetric; hence you must specify only the lower triangular part of , while the remaining algo-
rithms require all nonzero coefcients to be listed. The following table lists valid values for the precond
parameter for each class of algorithm.
Table 21.1 Subroutine Denitions and Valid Preconditioners
Method Value Algorithm Preconditioners
CG conjugate gradient NONE IC DIAG
MINRES minimum residual NONE IC DIAG
BICG biconjugate gradient NONE MILU
CGS conjugate gradient squared NONE
x solution vector
error nal solution error (optional)
iter resultant number of iterations (optional)
A three-column matrix of triplets, where the rst column contains the value, the next column
contains the row indices, and the third column contains the column indices of the nonzero
matrix coefcients. The order in which triplets are listed is insignicant. For symmetric
matrices specify only the lower triangular part, including the main diagonal (row indices must
be greater than or equal to the corresponding column indices). Zero coefcients should not be
included. No missing values or duplicate entries are allowed.
b the right-hand-side vector
precond preconditioner, default value NONE
tol desired tolerance, default value 10
maxiter maximum number of iterations, default value 10
start initial guess
history the history of errors for each iteration
Example: Conjugate Gradient Algorithm
Consider the following small example: . = b. where
3 1 0 0
1 4 1 3
0 1 10 0
0 3 0 3
and the vector of right-hand sides b = (1 1 1 1)
. Since the matrix is positive denite and symmetric, you
can apply the conjugate gradient algorithm to solve the system. Remember that you must specify only the
532 ! Chapter 21: Sparse Matrix Algorithms
lower-triangular part of the matrix (so row indices must be greater than or equal to the corresponding column
The code for this example is as follows:
value row col
A = { 3 1 1,
1 2 1,
4 2 2,
1 3 2,
3 4 2,
10 3 3,
3 4 4 };
right-hand sides
b = {1, 1, 1, 1};
desired solution tolerance (optional)
tol = 1e-7;
maximum number of iterations (optional)
maxit = 200;
allocate iteration progress (optional)
hist = j(50, 1);
provide an initial guess (optional)
start = {2, 3, 4, 5};
invoke conjugate gradient method
call itsolver (
x, st, it, /
output parameters
'cg', A, b, 'ic', /
input parameters
tol, /
optional control parameters
print x; /
print solution
print st; /
print solution tolerance
print it; /
print resultant number of iterations
Notice that the example used an incomplete Cholesky preconditioner (which is recommended). Here is the
program output:
Example: Minimum Residual Algorithm ! 533
The conjugate gradient method converged successfully within three iterations. You can also print out the
hist (iteration progress) array. Different starting points result in different iterative histories.
Example: Minimum Residual Algorithm
For symmetric indenite matrices it is best to use the minimum residual algorithm. The following example
is slightly modied from the previous example by negating the rst matrix element:
minimum residual algorithm
value row col
A = { -3 1 1,
1 2 1,
4 2 2,
1 3 2,
3 4 2,
10 3 3,
3 4 4 };
right-hand sides b = (1 1 1 1)
b = {1, 1, 1, 1};
desired solution tolerance (optional)
tol = 1e-7;
maximum number of iterations (optional)
maxit = 200;
allocate iteration progress (optional)
hist = j(50, 1);
initial guess (optional)
start = {2, 3, 4, 5};
invoke minimum residual method
call itsolver (
x, st, it, /
output parameters
'minres', a, b, 'ic', /
input parameters
tol, /
optional control parameters
534 ! Chapter 21: Sparse Matrix Algorithms
print x; /
print solution
print st; /
print solution tolerance
print it; /
print resultant number of iterations
Example: Biconjugate Gradient Algorithm
The biconjugate gradient algorithm is meant for general sparse linear systems. Matrix symmetry is no longer
assumed, and a complete list of nonzero coefcients must be provided. Consider the following matrix:
10 0 0.2
0.1 3 0
0 0 4
with b = (1 1 1)
The code for this example is as follows:
biconjugate gradient algorithm
value row column
A = { 10 1 1,
3 2 2,
4 3 3,
0.1 2 1,
0.2 1 3 };
vector of right-hand sides
b = {1, 1, 1};
desired solution tolerance
tol = 1e-9;
maximum number of iterations
maxit = 10000;
Symbolic LDL and Cholesky Factorizations ! 535
allocate history/progress
hist = j(50, 1);
initial guess (optional)
start = {2, 3, 4};
call biconjugate gradient subroutine
call itsolver (
x, st, it, /
output parameters
'bicg', a, b, 'milu', /
input parameters
tol, /
optional control parameters
Print results
print x;
print st;
print it;
Here is the output:
It is important to observe the resultant tolerance in order to know how effective the solution is.
Symbolic LDL and Cholesky Factorizations
Symbolic LDL and Cholesky factorization algorithms are meant for symmetric positive denite systems;
hence, again, only the lower-triangular part of the matrix must be provided. The PROC IML function
SOLVELIN provides an interface to both algorithms; the minimum degree ordering heuristic is invoked
automatically as follows:
SOLVELIN (x, status, A, b, method)
x solution vector
status status indicator 0 success, 1 matrix is not positive-denite, 2 out of memory
536 ! Chapter 21: Sparse Matrix Algorithms
A sparse matrix (lower-triangular part)
b vector of right-hand sides
method a character string, which species factorization type, possible values: LDL for LDL factor-
ization, and CHOL for Cholesky.
The code for this example is as follows:
value row col
A = { 3 1 1,
1 2 1,
4 2 2,
1 3 2,
3 4 2,
10 3 3,
3 4 4 };
right-hand side
b = {1, 1, 1, 1};
invoke LDL factorization
call solvelin (x, status, a, b, "LDL");
print x; /
print solution
Here is the program output:
Golub, G. H. and Van Loan, C. F. (1996), Matrix Computations, 3 Edition, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Greenbaum, A. (1997), Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems, Philadelphia: Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics.
Hestenes, M. R. and Stiefel, E. (1952), Methods of Conjugate Gradients for Solving Linear Systems,
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 46, 409436.
Paige, C. C. and Saunders, M. A. (1975), Solution of Sparse Indenite Systems of Linear Equations, SIAM
Journal on Numerical Analysis, 12, 617629.
Chapter 22
Further Notes
Memory and Workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
Error Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
Efciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
Missing Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
Principles of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
Operation-Level Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
Memory and Workspace
You do not need to be concerned about the details of memory usage in IML, because memory allocation is
done automatically. However, if you are interested, the following sections explain how it works.
There are two logical areas of memory, symbol space and workspace. Symbol space contains symbol table
information and compiled statements. Workspace contains matrix data values. Workspace itself is divided
into one or more extents.
At the start of a session, the symbol space and the rst extent of workspace are allocated automatically. More
workspace is allocated as the need to store data values grows. The SYMSIZE= and WORKSIZE= options
in the PROC IML statement give you control over the size of symbol space and the size of each extent of
workspace. If you do not specify these options, PROC IML uses host-dependent defaults. For example, you
can begin an IML session and set the SYMSIZE= and WORKSIZE= options with the statement
proc iml symsize=n1 worksize=n2;
where n1 and n2 are specied in kilobytes.
If the symbol space memory becomes exhausted, more memory is automatically acquired. The symbol space
is stable memory and is not compressible like workspace. Symbol space is recycled whenever possible for
reuse as the same type of object. For example, temporary symbols can be deleted after they are used in
evaluating an expression. The symbol space formerly used by these temporaries is added to a list of free
symbol-table nodes. When allocating temporary variables to evaluate another expression, IML looks for
symbol-table nodes in this list rst before consuming unused symbol space.
538 ! Chapter 22: Further Notes
Workspace is compressible memory. Workspace lls up as more matrices are dened by operations. Holes
in extents appear as you free matrices or as IML frees temporary intermediate results. When an extent lls
up, compression reclaims the holes that have appeared in the extent. If compression does not reclaim enough
memory for the current allocation, IML allocates a new extent. This procedure results in the existence of a
list of extents, each of which contains a mixture of active memory and holes of unused memory. There is
always a current extent, the one in which the last allocation was made.
For a new allocation, the search for free space begins in the current extent and proceeds around the extent list
until nding enough memory or returning to the current extent. If the search returns to the current extent,
IML begins a second transversal of the extent list, compressing each extent until either nding sufcient
memory or returning to the current extent. If the second search returns to the current extent, IML opens a
new extent and makes it the current one.
If the SAS System cannot provide enough memory to open a new extent with the full extent size, IML
repeatedly reduces its request by 2K. In this case, the successfully opened extent is smaller than the standard
If a single allocation is larger than the standard extent size, IML requests an allocation large enough to hold
the matrix.
The WORKSIZE= and SYMSIZE= options offer tools for tuning memory usage. For data-intensive appli-
cations that involve a few large matrices, use a high WORKSIZE= value and a low SYMSIZE= value. For
symbol-intensive applications that involve many matrices, perhaps through the use of many IML modules,
use a high SYMSIZE= value.
You can use the SHOW SPACE command to display the current status of IML memory usage. This com-
mand also lists the total number of compressions done on all extents.
Setting the DETAILS option in the RESET command prints messages in the output le when IML com-
presses an extent, opens a new extent, allocates a large object, or acquires more symbol space. These
messages can be useful because these actions normally occur without the users knowledge. The informa-
tion can be used to tune WORKSIZE= and SYMSIZE= values for an application. However, the default
WORKSIZE= and SYMSIZE= values should be appropriate in most applications.
Do not specify a very large value in the WORKSIZE= and SYMSIZE= options unless absolutely necessary.
Many of the native functions and all of the DATA step functions used are dynamically loaded at execution
time. If you use a large amount of the memory for symbol space and workspace, there might not be enough
remaining to load these functions, resulting in the error message
Unable to load module module-name.
Should you run into this problem, issue a SHOW SPACE command to examine current usage. You might
be able to adjust the SYMSIZE= or WORKSIZE= values.
The amount of memory your system can provide depends on the capacity of your computer and on the
products installed. The following techniques for efcient memory use are recommended when memory is
at a premium:
v Free matrices as they are no longer needed by using the FREE command.
v Store matrices you will need later in external library storage by using the STORE command, and then
FREE their values. You can restore the matrices later by using the LOAD command. See Chapter 17.
Accuracy ! 539
v Plan your work to use smaller matrices.
All numbers are stored and all arithmetic is done in double precision. The algorithms used are generally
very accurate numerically. However, when many operations are performed or when the matrices are ill-
conditioned, matrix operations should be used in a numerically responsible way because numerical errors
add up.
Error Diagnostics
When an error occurs, several lines of messages are printed. The error description, the operation being
performed, and the line and column of the source for that operation are printed. The names of the operations
arguments are also printed. Matrix names beginning with a pound sign (#) or an asterisk (*) can appear;
these are temporary names assigned by the IML procedure.
If an error occurs while you are in immediate mode, the operation is not completed and nothing is assigned
to the result. If an error occurs while executing statements inside a module, a PAUSE command is auto-
matically issued. You can correct the error and resume execution of module statements with a RESUME
The most common errors are described in the following list:
v referencing a matrix that has not been set to a valuethat is, referencing a matrix that has no value
associated with the matrix name
v making a subscripting errorthat is, trying to refer to a row or column not present in the matrix
v performing an operation with nonconformable matrix argumentsfor example, multiplying two ma-
trices together that do not conform, or using a function that requires a special scalar or vector argument
v referencing a matrix that is not square for operations that require a square matrix (for example, INV,
v referencing a matrix that is not symmetric for operations that require a symmetric matrix (for example,
v referencing a matrix that is singular for operations that require a nonsingular matrix (for example,
v referencing a matrix that is not positive denite or positive semidenite for operations that require
such matrices (for example, ROOT and SWEEP)
540 ! Chapter 22: Further Notes
v not enough memory (see the section Memory and Workspace on page 537) to perform the compu-
tations and produce the resulting matrices.
These errors result from the actual dimensions or values of matrices and are caught only after a statement
has begun to execute. Other errors, such as incorrect number of arguments or unbalanced parentheses, are
syntax errors and resolution errors and are detected before the statement is executed.
The Interactive Matrix Language is an interpretive language executor that can be characterized as follows:
v efcient and inexpensive to compile
v inefcient and expensive for the number of operations executed
v efcient and inexpensive within each operation
Therefore, you should try to substitute matrix operations for iterative loops. There is a high overhead
involved in executing each instruction; however, within the instruction IML runs very efciently.
Consider the following four methods of summing the elements of a matrix:
s = 0; /
method 1
do i = 1 to m;
do j = 1 to n;
s = s + x[i,j];
s = j[1,m]
j[n,1]; /
method 2
s = x[+,+]; /
method 3
s = sum(x); /
method 4
Method 1 is the least efcient, method 2 is more efcient, method 3 is more efcient yet, and method 4 is
the most efcient. The greatest advantage of using IML is reducing human programming labor.
Missing Values
An IML numeric element can have a special value called a missing value that indicates that the value is
unknown or unspecied. (A matrix with missing values should not be confused with an empty or unvalued
matrixthat is, a matrix with 0 rows and 0 columns.) A numeric matrix can have any mixture of missing
and nonmissing values.
Principles of Operation ! 541
SAS/IML software supports missing values in a limited way. The operators in the following list recognize
missing values and propagate them. For example, matrix multiplication of a matrix with missing values
is not supported. Most matrix operators and functions do not support missing values. Furthermore, many
linear algebraic operations are not mathematically dened for a matrix with missing values. For example,
the inverse of a matrix with missing values is meaningless.
Missing values are coded in the bit pattern of very large negative numbers, as an IEEE NAN code, or as a
special string, depending on the host system.
In literals, a numeric missing value is specied as a single period. In data processing operations, you can
add or delete missing values. All operations that move values around move missing values properly. The
following arithmetic operators propagate missing values.
addition () subtraction ()
multiplication (#) division (/)
maximum (<>) minimum (><)
modulo (MOD) exponentiation (##)
The comparison operators treat missing values as large negative numbers. The logical operators treat miss-
ing values as zeros. The operators SUM, SSQ, MAX, and MIN check for and exclude missing values.
The subscript reduction operators exclude missing values from calculations. If all of a row or column that
is being reduced is missing, then the operator returns the result indicated in the following table.
Operator Result If All Missing
addition () 0
multiplication (#) 1
maximum (<>) large negative value
minimum (><) large positive value
sum squares (##) 0
index maximum (<:>) 1
index minimum (>:<) 1
mean (:) missing value
Also note that, unlike the SAS DATA step, IML does not distinguish between special and generic missing
values; it treats all missing values alike.
Principles of Operation
This section presents various technical details about the operation of SAS/IML software. Statements in IML
go through three phases:
v The parsing phase includes text acquisition, word scanning, recognition, syntactical analysis, and
enqueuing on the statement queue. This is performed immediately as IML reads the statements.
542 ! Chapter 22: Further Notes
v The resolution phase includes symbol resolution, label and transfer resolution, and function and call
resolution. Symbol resolution connects the symbolic names in the statement with their descriptors in
the symbol table. New symbols can be added or old ones recognized. Label and transfer resolution
connects statements and references affecting the ow of control. This connects LINK and GOTO
statements with labels; it connects IF with THEN and ELSE clauses; it connects DO with END.
Function-call resolution identies functions and call routines and loads them if necessary. Each refer-
ence is checked with respect to the number of arguments allowed. The resolution phase begins after
a module denition is nished or a DO group is ended. For all other statements outside any module
or DO group, resolution begins immediately after parsing.
v The execution phase occurs when the statements are interpreted and executed. There are two levels of
execution: statement and operation. Operation-level execution involves the evaluation of expressions
within a statement.
Operation-Level Execution
Operations are executed from a chain of operation elements created at parse time and resolved later. For
each operation, the interpreter performs the following steps:
1. Prints a record of the operation if the FLOW option is on.
2. Looks at the operands to make sure they have values. Only certain special operators are allowed to
tolerate operands that have not been set to a value. The interpreter checks whether any argument has
character values.
3. Inspects the operator and gives control to the appropriate execution routine. A separate set of routines
is invoked for character values.
4. Checks the operands to make sure they are valid for the operation. Then the routine allocates the result
matrix and any extra workspace needed for intermediate calculations. Then the work is performed.
Extra workspace is freed. A return code noties IML if the operation was successful. If unsuccessful,
it identies the problem. Control is passed back to the interpreter.
5. Checks the return code. If the return code is nonzero, diagnostic routines are called to explain the
problem to the user.
6. Associates the results with the result arguments in the symbol table. By keeping results out of the
symbol table until this time, the operation does not destroy the previous value of the symbol if an
error has occurred.
7. Prints the result if RESET PRINT or RESET PRINTALL is specied. The PRINTALL option prints
intermediate results as well as end results.
8. Moves to the next operation.
Chapter 23
Language Reference
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines by Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
Addition Operator: + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
Comparison Operators: <, <=, >, >=, =, ^= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
Concatenation Operator, Horizontal: || . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
Concatenation Operator, Vertical: // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
Direct Product Operator: @ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Division Operator: / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
Element Maximum Operator: <> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Element Minimum Operator: >< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
Index Creation Operator: : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
Logical Operators: &, |, ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Multiplication Operator, Elementwise: # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
Multiplication Operator, Matrix: * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Power Operator, Elementwise: ## . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
Power Operator, Matrix: ** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
Sign Reversal Operator: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
Subscripts: [ ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
Subtraction Operator: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
Transpose Operator: ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
ABORT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
ABS Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
ALL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
ALLCOMB Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
ALLPERM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
ANY Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
APPCORT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
APPEND Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
APPLY Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
ARMACOV Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
ARMALIK Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
ARMASIM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
544 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
BIN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
BLOCK Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
BRANKS Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
BSPLINE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
BTRAN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
BYTE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
CALL Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
CHANGE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
CHAR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607
CHOOSE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
CLOSE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
CLOSEFILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
COMPORT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
CONCAT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
CONTENTS Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
CONVEXIT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
CORR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
COUNTMISS Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
COUNTN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
COUNTUNIQUE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
COV Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
COVLAG Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
CREATE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623
CSHAPE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
CUSUM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
CUPROD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
CVEXHULL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
DATASETS Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
DELETE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
DELETE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
DESIGN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
DESIGNF Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
DET Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
DIAG Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
DIF Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
DISPLAY Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
DO Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
DO Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
DO Statement, Iterative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
DO DATA Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
DO Statement with an UNTIL Clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
DO Statement with a WHILE Clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
DURATION Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
ECHELON Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Language Reference ! 545
EDIT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
EIGEN Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
EIGVAL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
EIGVEC Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
ELEMENT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
END Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
ENDSUBMIT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
EXECUTE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
EXP Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
EXPORTDATASETTOR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
EXPORTMATRIXTOR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
FARMACOV Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
FARMAFIT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
FARMALIK Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
FARMASIM Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
FDIF Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663
FFT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
FILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
FIND Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
FINISH Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
FORCE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
FORWARD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
FREE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
FULL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
GAEND Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
GAGETMEM Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
GAGETVAL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
GAINIT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
GAREEVAL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
GAREGEN Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
GASETCRO Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
GASETMUT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
GASETOBJ Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
GASETSEL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682
GASETUP Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
GBLKVP Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
GBLKVPD Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
GCLOSE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
GDELETE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
GDRAW Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
GDRAWL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
GENEIG Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
GEOMEAN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
GGRID Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
546 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
GINCLUDE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
GINV Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
GOPEN Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
GOTO Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
GPIE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
GPIEXY Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
GPOINT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
GPOLY Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
GPORT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
GPORTPOP Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
GPORTSTK Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
GSCALE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701
GSCRIPT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
GSET Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
GSHOW Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
GSORTH Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
GSTART Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
GSTOP Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
GSTRLEN Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
GTEXT and GVTEXT Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
GWINDOW Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
GXAXIS and GYAXIS Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
HADAMARD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711
HALF Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
HANKEL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712
HARMEAN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
HDIR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714
HERMITE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
HOMOGEN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
I Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
IF-THEN/ELSE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
IFFT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
IMPORTDATASETFROMR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
IMPORTMATRIXFROMR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722
INDEX Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
INFILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
INPUT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
INSERT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
INT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
INV Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
INVUPDT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
IPF Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
ITSOLVER Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
J Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
Language Reference ! 547
JROOT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
KALCVF Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
KALCVS Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752
KALDFF Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
KALDFS Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
LAG Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760
LAV Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760
LCP Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765
LENGTH Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
LINK Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
LIST Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 769
LMS Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772
LOAD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783
LOC Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784
LOG Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785
LP Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785
LTS Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787
LUPDT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795
MAD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796
MARG Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798
MATTRIB Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
MAX Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802
MAXQFORM Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803
MCD Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
MEAN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
MIN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812
MOD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
MODULEI Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
MODULEIC Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
MODULEIN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
MVE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
NAME Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
NCOL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
NLENG Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
NLPCG Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
NLPDD Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
NLPFDD Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
NLPFEA Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
NLPHQN Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
NLPLM Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
NLPNMS Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
NLPNRA Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
NLPNRR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 844
548 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
NLPQN Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
NLPQUA Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
NLPTR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855
NORMAL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856
NROW Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856
NUM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
ODE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
ODSGRAPH Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 864
OPSCAL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867
ORPOL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
ORTVEC Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875
PAUSE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879
PGRAF Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880
POLYROOT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
PRINT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
PROD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883
PRODUCT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 884
PURGE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885
PUSH Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 886
PUT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
PV Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888
QNTL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890
QR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 891
QUAD Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896
QUEUE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 902
QUIT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903
RANCOMB Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904
RANDGEN Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
RANPERM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912
RANDSEED Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913
RANGE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914
RANK Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914
RANKTIE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 917
RATES Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 919
RATIO Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920
RDODT and RUPDT Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921
READ Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925
REMOVE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928
REMOVE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929
RENAME Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929
REPEAT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930
REPLACE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930
RESET Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933
RESUME Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935
Language Reference ! 549
RETURN Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936
ROOT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936
ROWCAT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937
ROWCATC Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 938
RUN Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939
RUPDT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940
RZLIND Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940
SAVE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948
SEQ, SEQSCALE, and SEQSHIFT Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948
SEQSCALE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 960
SEQSHIFT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 960
SETDIF Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961
SETIN Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961
SETOUT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 962
SHAPE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 962
SHAPECOL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 964
SHOW Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965
SOLVE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965
SOLVELIN Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966
SORT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967
SORT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 968
SORTNDX Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 969
SOUND Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970
SPARSE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971
SPLINE and SPLINEC Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972
SPLINEV Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979
SPOT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979
SQRSYM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980
SQRT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980
SQRVECH Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981
SSQ Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981
START Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 982
STD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
STOP Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 983
STORAGE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
STORE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
SUBMIT Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
SUBSTR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
SUM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987
SUMMARY Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988
SVD Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991
SWEEP Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 992
SYMSQR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995
T Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995
550 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
TABULATE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 996
TOEPLITZ Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 997
TPSPLINE Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998
TPSPLNEV Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000
TRACE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003
TRISOLV Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1004
TSBAYSEA Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
TSDECOMP Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007
TSMLOCAR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1010
TSMLOMAR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011
TSMULMAR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1012
TSPEARS Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1013
TSPRED Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1014
TSROOT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
TSTVCAR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1015
TSUNIMAR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1016
TYPE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
UNIFORM Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1018
UNION Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019
UNIQUE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019
UNIQUEBY Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1019
USE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
VALSET Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023
VALUE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1024
VAR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1024
VARMACOV Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025
VARMALIK Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026
VARMASIM Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028
VECDIAG Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1029
VECH Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1029
VNORMAL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030
VTSROOT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1031
WAVFT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032
WAVGET Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035
WAVIFT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036
WAVPRINT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1038
WAVTHRSH Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
WINDOW Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040
XMULT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1042
XSECT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043
YIELD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043
Base SAS Functions Accessible from SAS/IML Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044
Bitwise Logical Operation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045
Character and Formatting Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1045
Overview ! 551
Character String Matching Functions and Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
Date and Time Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
Descriptive Statistics Functions and Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050
Double-Byte Character String Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051
External Files Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051
File I/O Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1052
Financial Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053
Macro Functions and Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1054
Mathematical Functions and Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1054
Probability Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
Quantile Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
Random Number Functions and Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056
State and Zip Code Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056
Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1056
Truncation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
Web Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058
This chapter describes all operators, statements, functions, and subroutines that can be used in SAS/IML
software. This chapter is divided into the following sections:
v The rst section list all statements, functions, and subroutines available in SAS/IML software,
grouped by functionality.
v The second section contains operator descriptions, ordered alphabetically by the name of the operator.
v The third section contains descriptions of statements, functions, and subroutines ordered alphabeti-
cally by name.
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines by Category
Mathematical Functions
ALLCOMB generates all combinations of n elements taken k at a time
ALLPERM generates all permutations of n elements
ABS function computes the absolute value
552 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
EXP function applies the exponential function
INT function truncates a value
LOG function computes the natural logarithm
MOD function computes the modulo (remainder)
SQRT function computes the square root
RANCOMB returns random combinations of n elements taken k at a time
RANPERM returns random permutations of n elements
You can also call any function in Base SAS software, such as those documented in the following sections:
v Mathematical Functions and Subroutines on page 1054
v Probability Functions on page 1055
v Quantile Functions on page 1055
v Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions on page 1056
v Truncation Functions on page 1057
Reduction Functions
MAX function nds the maximum value of a matrix
MIN function nds the smallest element of a matrix
PROD function multiplies all elements
SSQ function computes the sum of squares of all elements
SUM function sums all elements
Matrix Inquiry Functions
ALL function checks for all nonzero elements
ANY function checks for any nonzero elements
COUNTMISS function returns the number of missing values
COUNTN function returns the number of nonmissing values
COUNTUNIQUE function returns the number of unique values
CHOOSE function conditionally chooses and changes elements
LOC function nds indices for the nonzero elements of a matrix
NCOL function nds the number of columns of a matrix
NLENG function nds the size of an element
NROW function nds the number of rows of a matrix
TYPE function determines the type of a matrix
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines by Category ! 553
Matrix Sorting and BY-Group Processing Functions
SORT call sorts a matrix by specied columns
SORTNDX call creates a sorted index for a matrix
UNIQUEBY function nds locations of unique BY groups in a sorted or indexed matrix
Matrix Reshaping Functions
BLOCK function forms block-diagonal matrices
BTRAN function computes a block transpose
DIAG function creates a diagonal matrix
DO function produces an arithmetic series
FULL function converts a matrix stored in a sparse format into a full (dense) matrix
I function creates an identity matrix
INSERT function inserts one matrix inside another
J function creates a matrix of identical values
REMOVE function discards elements from a matrix
REPEAT function creates a new matrix of repeated values
SHAPE function reshapes and repeats values
SHAPECOL function reshapes and repeats values by columns
SPARSE function converts a matrix that contains many zeros into a matrix stored in a sparse format
SQRSYM function converts a symmetric matrix to a square matrix
SQRVECH function converts a symmetric matrix which is stored columnwise to a square matrix
SYMSQR function converts a square matrix to a symmetric matrix
T function transposes a matrix
VECH function creates a vector from the columns of the lower triangular elements of a matrix
VECDIAG function creates a vector from a diagonal
Character Manipulation Functions
BYTE function translates numbers to ordinal characters
CHANGE call replaces text
CHAR function produces a character representation of a matrix
CONCAT function concatenates elementwise strings
CSHAPE function reshapes and repeats character values
LENGTH function nds the lengths of character matrix elements
NAME function lists the names of arguments
554 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
NUM function produces a numeric representation of a character matrix
ROWCAT function concatenates rows without using blank compression
ROWCATC function concatenates rows by using blank compression
SUBSTR function takes substrings of matrix elements
You can also call functions in Base SAS software such as those documented in Character and Formatting
Functions on page 1045 and Character String Matching Functions and Subroutines on page 1049.
Functions for Random Number Generation
NORMAL function generates a pseudorandom normal deviate
RANDGEN call generates random numbers from specied distributions
RANDSEED call initializes seed for subsequent RANDGEN calls
UNIFORM function generates pseudorandom uniform deviates
You can also call functions in Base SAS software such as those documented in Random Number Functions
and Subroutines on page 1056.
Statistical Functions
BIN function divides numeric values into a set of disjoint intervals
BRANKS function computes bivariate ranks
CORR function computes correlation statistics
COUNTMISS function counts the number of missing values
COUNTN function counts the number of nonmissing values
COUNTUNIQUE function returns the number of unique values
COV function computes a sample variance-covariance matrix
CUSUM function computes cumulative sums
CUPROD function computes cumulative products
DESIGN function creates a design matrix
DESIGNF function creates a full-rank design matrix
GEOMEAN function computes geometric means
HADAMARD function creates a Hadamard matrix
HARMEAN function computes harmonic means
IPF call performs an iterative proportional t of a contingency table
LAV call performs linear least absolute value regression by solving the 1
norm mini-
mization problem
LMS call performs robust least median of squares (LMS) regression
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines by Category ! 555
LTS call performs robust least trimmed squares (LTS) regression
MAD function nds the univariate (scaled) median absolute deviation
MARG call evaluates marginal totals in a multiway contingency table
MAXQFORM call computes the subsets of a matrix system that maximize the quadratic form
MCD call nds the minimum covariance determinant estimator
MEAN function computes sample means
MVE call nds the minimum volume ellipsoid estimator
OPSCAL function rescales qualitative data to be a least squared t to qualitative data
QNTL call computes sample quantiles (percentiles)
RANGE function returns the range of values for a set of matrices.
RANK function ranks elements of a matrix, breaking ties arbitrarily
RANKTIE function ranks elements of a matrix
SEQ call performs discrete sequential tests
SEQSCALE call performs estimates of scales associated with discrete sequential tests
SEQSHIFT call performs estimates of means associated with discrete sequential tests
STD function computes a sample standard deviation
TABULATE call counts the number of unique values in a vector
SWEEP function sweeps a matrix
VAR function computes a sample variance
You can also call functions in Base SAS software such as those documented in Descriptive Statistics
Functions and Subroutines on page 1050.
Time Series Functions
ARMACOV call computes an autocovariance sequence for an autoregressive moving average
(ARMA) model
ARMALIK call computes the log likelihood and residuals for an ARMA model
ARMASIM function simulates an ARMA series
CONVEXIT function computes convexity of a noncontingent cash ow
COVLAG function computes autocovariance estimates for a vector time series
DIF function computes the difference between a value and a lagged value
DURATION function computes modied duration of a noncontingent cash ow
FARMACOV call computes the autocovariance function for an autoregressive fractionally inte-
grated moving average (ARFIMA) model of the form ARFIMA(. J. q)
FARMAFIT call estimates the parameters of an ARFIMA(. J. q) model
556 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
FARMALIK call computes the log-likelihood function of an ARFIMA(. J. q) model
FARMASIM call generates an ARFIMA(. J. q) process
FDIF call computes a fractionally differenced process
FORWARD function computes forward rates
KALCVF call computes the one-step prediction :
and the ltered estimate :
, in addition
to their covariance matrices. The call uses forward recursions, and you can also
use it to obtain k-step estimates.
KALCVS call uses backward recursions to compute the smoothed estimate :
and its covari-
ance matrix, 1
, where T is the number of observations in the complete data
KALDFF call computes the one-step forecast of state vectors in a state space model (SSM) by
using the diffuse Kalman lter. The call estimates the conditional expectation of
, and it also estimates the initial random vector, , and its covariance matrix.
KALDFS call computes the smoothed state vector and its mean squares error matrix from the
one-step forecast and mean squares error matrix computed by the KALDFF sub-
LAG function computes lagged values
PV function computes the present value
RATES function converts interest rates from one base to another
SPOT function computes spot rates
TSBAYSEA call performs Bayesian seasonal adjustment modeling
TSDECOMP call analyzes nonstationary time series by using smoothness priors modeling
TSMLOCAR call analyzes nonstationary or locally stationary time series by using a method that
minimizes Akaikes information criterion (AIC)
TSMLOMAR call analyzes nonstationary or locally stationary multivariate time series by using a
method that minimizes Akaikes information criterion (AIC)
TSMULMAR call estimates vector autoregressive (VAR) processes by minimizing the AIC
TSPEARS call analyzes periodic autoregressive (AR) models by minimizing the AIC
TSPRED call provides predicted values of univariate and multivariate ARMA processes when
the ARMA coefcients are given
TSROOT call computes AR and moving average (MA) coefcients from the characteristic
roots of the model, or computes the characteristic roots of the model from the
AR and MA coefcients
TSTVCAR call analyzes time series that are nonstationary in the covariance function
TSUNIMAR call determines the order of an AR process by minimizing the AIC, and estimates the
AR coefcients
VARMACOV call computes the theoretical cross-covariance matrices for a stationary vector au-
toregressive moving average (VARMA(. q)) model
VARMALIK call computes the log-likelihood function for a VARMA(. q) model
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines by Category ! 557
VARMASIM call generates VARMA(. q) time series
VNORMAL call generates multivariate normal random series
VTSROOT call computes the characteristic roots for a VARMA(. q) model
YIELD function computes yield-to-maturity of a cash-ow stream
You can also call functions in Base SAS software such as those documented in Financial Functions on
page 1053.
Numerical Analysis Functions
BSPLINE function computes a B-spline basis
FFT function performs the nite Fourier transform
IFFT function computes the inverse nite Fourier transform
JROOT function computes the rst nonzero roots of a Bessel function of the rst kind and the
derivative of the Bessel function at each root
ODE call performs numerical integration of rst-order vector differential equations with
initial boundary conditions
ORPOL function generates orthogonal polynomials on a discrete set of data
ORTVEC call provides columnwise orthogonalization by the Gram-Schmidt process and step-
wise QR decomposition by the Gram-Schmidt process
POLYROOT function nds zeros of a real polynomial
PRODUCT function multiplies matrices of polynomials
QUAD call performs numerical integration of scalar functions in one dimension over in-
nite, connected semi-innite, and connected nite intervals
RATIO function divides matrix polynomials
SPLINE call ts a cubic spline to data
SPLINEC call ts a cubic spline to data and returns the spline coefcients
SPLINEV function evaluates a cubic spline at new data points
TPSPLINE call computes thin-plate smoothing splines
TPSPLNEV call evaluates the thin-plate smoothing spline at new data points
Linear Algebra functions
APPCORT call computes a complete orthogonal decomposition
COMPORT call computes a complete orthogonal decomposition by Householder transformations
CVEXHULL function nds a convex hull of a set of planar points
DET function computes the determinant of a square matrix
ECHELON function reduces a matrix to row-echelon normal form
558 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
EIGEN call computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors
EIGVAL function computes eigenvalues
EIGVEC function computes eigenvectors
GENEIG call computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a generalized eigenproblem
GINV function computes a generalized inverse
GSORTH call computes the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization
HALF function computes the Cholesky decomposition
HANKEL function generates a Hankel matrix
HDIR function performs a horizontal direct product
HERMITE function reduces a matrix to Hermite normal form
HOMOGEN function solves homogeneous linear systems
INV function computes the inverse
INVUPDT function updates a matrix inverse
ITSOLVER call solves a sparse general linear system by iteration
LUPDT call provides updating and downdating for rank-decient linear least squares solu-
tions, complete orthogonal factorization, and Moore-Penrose inverses
QR call computes the QR decomposition of a matrix by Householder transformations
RDODT call downdates and updates QR and Cholesky decompositions
ROOT function performs the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix
RUPDT call updates QR and Cholesky decompositions
RZLIND call updates QR and Cholesky decompositions
SOLVE function solves a system of linear equations
SOLVELIN call solves a sparse symmetric system of linear equations by direct decomposition
SVD call computes the singular value decomposition
TOEPLITZ function generates a Toeplitz or block-Toeplitz matrix
TRACE function sums diagonal elements
TRISOLV function solves linear systems with triangular matrices
XMULT function performs extended-precision matrix multiplication
Optimization Subroutines
LCP call solves the linear complementarity problem
LP call solves the linear programming problem
NLPCG call performs nonlinear optimization by conjugate gradient method
NLPDD call performs nonlinear optimization by double-dogleg method
NLPFDD call approximates derivatives by nite-differences method
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines by Category ! 559
NLPFEA call computes feasible points subject to constraints
NLPHQN call computes hybrid quasi-Newton least squares
NLPLM call computes Levenberg-Marquardt least squares
NLPNMS call performs nonlinear optimization by Nelder-Mead simplex method
NLPNRA call performs nonlinear optimization by Newton-Raphson method
NLPNRR call performs nonlinear optimization by Newton-Raphson ridge method
NLPQN call performs nonlinear optimization by quasi-Newton method
NLPQUA call performs nonlinear optimization by quadratic method
NLPTR call performs nonlinear optimization by trust-region method
Nonlinear optimization and related subroutines lists the nonlinear optimization and related subroutines in
SAS/IML software
Set functions
ELEMENT function nds elements that are contained in a set
SETDIF function compares elements of two matrices
UNION function performs unions of sets
UNIQUE function sorts and removes duplicates
XSECT function intersects sets
Control Statements
ABORT statement ends PROC IML
APPLY function applies a module to arguments
CALL statement calls a subroutine or function
DO statement groups statements as a unit
DO, iterative statement iteratively executes a DO group
DO UNTIL statement iteratively executes statements until a condition is satised
DO WHILE statement iteratively executes statements while a condition is satised
END statement ends a DO loop or DO statement
EXECUTE call executes statements at run time
FINISH statement denotes the end of a module
FREE statement frees matrix storage space
GOTO statement jumps to a new statement
IF-THEN/ELSE statement conditionally executes statement
LINK statement jumps to another statement
560 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
MATTRIB statement associates printing attributes with matrices
PAUSE statement interrupts module execution
PRINT statement prints matrix values
PURGE statement removes observations marked for deletion and renumbers records
PUSH call pushes statements to the beginning of the command input stream
QUEUE call queues statements at the end of the command input stream
QUIT statement exits from PROC IML
REMOVE statement removes matrices from storage
RESET statement sets processing options
RESUME statement resumes execution
RETURN statement returns to caller
RUN statement executes statements in a module
SHOW statement prints system information
SOUND call produces a tone
START statement denes a module
STOP statement stops execution of statements
STORAGE function lists names of matrices and modules in storage
STORE statement stores matrices and modules in library storage
VALSET call performs indirect assignment
VALUE function assigns values by indirect reference
Data Set and File Functions
APPEND statement adds observations to SAS data set
CLOSE statement closes a SAS data set
CLOSEFILE statement closes a le
CONTENTS function returns the variables in a SAS data set
CREATE statement creates a new SAS data set
DATASETS function obtains the names of SAS data sets
DELETE call deletes a SAS data set
DELETE statement marks observations in a data set for deletion
DO DATA statement repeats a loop until an end of le occurs
EDIT statement opens a SAS data set for editing
FILE statement opens or points to an external le
FIND statement nds observations
FORCE statement is an alias for the SAVE statement
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines by Category ! 561
INDEX statement indexes a variable in a SAS data set
INFILE statement opens a le for input
INPUT statement inputs data
LIST statement displays observations of a data set
LOAD statement loads modules and matrices from library storage
PUT statement writes data to an external le
READ statement reads observations from a data set
RENAME call renames a SAS data set
REPLACE statement replaces values in observations and updates observations
SAVE statement saves data
SETIN statement makes a data set current for input
SETOUT statement makes a data set current for output
SORT statement sorts a SAS data set
SUMMARY statement computes summary statistics for SAS data sets
USE statement opens a SAS data set for reading
Graphics and Window functions
DISPLAY statement displays elds in a display window
GBLKVP call denes a blanking viewport
GBLKVPD call deletes the blanking viewport
GCLOSE call closes the graphics segment
GDELETE call deletes a graphics segment
GDRAW call draws a polyline
GDRAWL call draws individual lines
GGRID call draws a grid
GINCLUDE call includes a graphics segment
GOPEN call opens a graphics segment
GPIE call draws pie slices
GPIEXY call converts from polar to world coordinates
GPOINT call plots points
GPOLY call draws and lls a polygon
GPORT call denes a viewport
GPORTPOP call pops the viewport
GPORTSTK call stacks the viewport
GSCALE call computes round numbers for labeling axes
562 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
GSCRIPT call writes multiple text strings with special fonts
GSET call sets attributes for a graphics segment
GSHOW call shows a graph
GSTART call initializes the graphics system
GSTOP call deactivates the graphics system
GSTRLEN call nds the string length
GTEXT call places text horizontally on a graph
GVTEXT call places text vertically on a graph
GWINDOW call denes the data window
GXAXIS call draws a horizontal axis
GYAXIS call draws a vertical axis
PGRAF call produces scatter plots
ODSGRAPH call renders a graph by using ODS Statistical Graphics
WINDOW statement opens a display window
Wavelet Analysis functions
WAVFT call computes a wavelet transform of one dimensional data
WAVGET call returns requested information about a wavelet transform
WAVIFT call inverts a wavelet transform after applying thresholding to the detail coefcients
WAVPRINT call displays information about a wavelet transform
WAVTHRSH call applies specied thresholding to the detail coefcients of a wavelet transform
Genetic Algorithm functions
GAEND call terminates a genetic algorithm and frees memory resources
GAGETMEM call gets requested members and objective values from the current solution popula-
GAGETVAL call gets objective function values for a requested member of current solution popu-
GAINIT call initializes the initial solution population
GAREEVAL call reevaluates the objective function for all solutions in the current population
GASETCRO call species a current crossover operator
GASETMUT call species a current mutation operator
GASETOBJ call species a current objective function
GASETSEL call species a current selection parameters
GASETUP function sets up a specic genetic algorithm optimization problem
Operators ! 563
Calling External Modules
MODULEI call calls an external routine that has no return code
MODULEIC call calls an external routine that returns a character
MODULEIN call calls an external routine that returns a numeric value
Calling SAS statements or R Functions
SUBMIT statement calls SAS procedures, DATA steps, or macros. You can also use the R
option to call functions in the R language.
ENDSUBMIT statement denes a block of submitted statements. All statements between the SUB-
MIT and ENDSUBMIT statements are sent to the SAS System or R for
EXPORTDATASETTOR call transfers data from a SAS data set into an R data frame
EXPORTMATRIXTOR call transfers data from a SAS/IML matrix into an R matrix
IMPORTDATASETFROMR call transfers data from a matrix or data frame into a SAS data set
IMPORTMATRIXFROMR call transfers data from a matrix or data frame into a SAS/IML matrix
This section describes all operators that are available in SAS/IML software. Each section shows how the
operator is used, followed by a description of the operator.
Addition Operator: +
matrix1 + matrix2 ;
matrix + scalar ;
matrix + vector ;
The addition operator (+) computes a new matrix that contains elements that are the sums of the corre-
sponding elements of matrix1 and matrix2. If matrix1 and matrix2 are both n matrices, then the addition
operator adds the element in the i th row and th column of the rst matrix to the element in the i th row and
th column of the second matrix, for i = 1 . . . n. = 1 . . . .
For example, the following statements add two matrices and store the result in the matrix c, shown in
Figure 23.1:
a = {1 2,
564 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
3 4};
b = {1 1,
1 1};
c = a+b;
print c;
Figure 23.1 Sum of Two Matrices
2 3
4 5
You can also use the addition operator to conveniently add a value to each element of a matrix, to each
column of a matrix, or to each row of a matrix.
v When you use the matrix + scalar form, the scalar value is added to each element of the matrix.
v When you use the matrix + vector form, the vector is added to each row or column of the n matrix.
If you add an n 1 column vector, each row of the vector is added to each row of the matrix.
If you add a 1 row vector, each column of the vector is added to each column of the matrix.
For example, you can obtain the same result as the previous example with any of the following statements:
c = a+1;
c = a+{1 1};
c = a+{1,1};
When an element of a matrix contains a missing value, the corresponding element of the sum is also a
missing value.
You can also use the addition operator on character operands. In this case, the operator implements elemen-
twise concatenation exactly as the CONCAT function.
Comparison Operators: <, <=, >, >=, =, ^=
matrix1 < matrix2 ;
matrix1 <= matrix2 ;
matrix1 > matrix2 ;
matrix1 >= matrix2 ;
matrix1 = matrix2 ;
matrix1 ^= matrix2 ;
Comparison Operators: <, <=, >, >=, =, ^= ! 565
Comparison operators compare two matrices element by element and compute a new matrix that contains
only zeros and ones. If an element comparison is true, the corresponding element of the new matrix is 1.
If the comparison is not true, the corresponding element is 0. Unlike in the SAS DATA step, the SAS/IML
language does not accept the English equivalents GT and LT for the greater than and less than operators.
For example, the following statements assign the matrix c, shown in Figure 23.2:
a = {1 7 3,
6 2 4};
b = {0 8 2,
4 1 3};
c = a>b;
print c;
Figure 23.2 Results of a Matrix Comparison
1 0 1
1 1 1
You can also use the comparison operators to conveniently compare all elements of a matrix with a scalar.
v If either argument is a scalar, then an elementwise comparison is performed between each element of
the matrix and the scalar.
v You can also compare an n matrix with a row or column vector.
If the comparison is with an n 1 column vector, each row of the vector is compared to each
row of the matrix.
If the comparison is with a 1 row vector, each column of the vector is compared to each
column of the matrix.
For example, the following statements assign the matrix d, shown in Figure 23.3:
d = (a>=4); /
the parentheses are not necessary
print d;
Figure 23.3 Results of a Comparison with a Scalar
0 1 0
1 0 1
When you are making conditional comparisons, all values of the result must be nonzero for the condition to
be evaluated as true, as shown in the following statements:
if a>=b then do;
more statements
566 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The previous DO block is executed only if every element of a is greater than or equal to the corresponding
element in b. For the a and b matrices dened in this section, the DO block is not executed. See the
descriptions of the ALL and ANY functions.
If a numeric missing value occurs in a matrix, the inequality comparison operators treat it as a value that is
less than any valid nonmissing value.
You can compare elements of a character matrix. Character values are compared in ASCII order. In ASCII
order, numerals precede uppercase letters, which precede lowercase letters. If the element lengths of two
character matrices are different, the shorter elements are padded on the right with blanks for the comparison.
Concatenation Operator, Horizontal: ||
matrix1 [ matrix2 ;
The horizontal concatenation operator (||) produces a new matrix by horizontally joining matrix1 and ma-
trix2. The matrices must have the same number of rows, which is also the number of rows in the new matrix.
The number of columns in the new matrix is the number of columns in matrix1 plus the number of columns
in matrix2.
For example, the following statements produce the matrix c, shown in Figure 23.4:
a = {1 1 1,
7 7 7};
b = {0 0 0,
8 8 8};
c = a||b;
print c;
Figure 23.4 Result of Horizontal Concatenation
1 1 1 0 0 0
7 7 7 8 8 8
For character operands, the element size in the result matrix is the larger of the two operands. For example,
the following statements produce a matrix f which has elements of size 2, which are shown in Figure 23.5:
d = {A B C,
D E F};
e = {"GH" "IJ",
"KL" "MN"};
f = d||e;
print f;
Concatenation Operator, Vertical: // ! 567
Figure 23.5 Result of Horizontal Concatenation of Character Matrices
You can use the horizontal concatenation operator when one of the arguments has no value. For example, if
X has not been dened and Y is a matrix, X||Y results in a new matrix equal to Y.
Concatenation Operator, Vertical: //
matrix1 // matrix2 ;
The vertical concatenation operator (//) produces a new matrix by vertically joining matrix1 and matrix2.
The matrices must have the same number of columns, which is also the number of columns in the new
matrix. The number of rows in the new matrix is the number of rows in matrix1 plus the number of rows in
For example, the following statements produce the matrix c, shown in Figure 23.6:
a = {1 1 1,
7 7 7};
b = {0 0 0,
8 8 8};
c = a//b;
print c;
Figure 23.6 Result of Vertical Concatenation
1 1 1
7 7 7
0 0 0
8 8 8
For character matrices, the element size of the result matrix is the larger of the element sizes of the two
operands, as shown in Figure 23.7:
d = {"AB" "CD",
"EF" "GH"};
e = {"I" "J",
"K" "L",
"M" "N"};
f = d//e;
print f;
568 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.7 Result of Vertical Concatenation
You can use the vertical concatenation operator when one of the arguments has not been assigned a value.
For example, if X has not been dened and Y is a matrix, X//Y results in a new matrix equal to Y.
Direct Product Operator: @
matrix1 @ matrix2 ;
The direct product operator (@) computes a new matrix that is the direct product (also called the Kronecker
product) of matrix1 and matrix2. For matrices A and B, the direct product is denoted by AB. The number
of rows in the new matrix equals the product of the number of rows in matrix1 and the number of rows in
matrix2; the number of columns in the new matrix equals the product of the number of columns in matrix1
and the number of columns in matrix2.
Specically, if A is an n matrix and B is a m q matrix, then the Kronecker product A B is the
following nm q block matrix:
A B =



For example, the following statements compute the matrices c and d, which are shown in Figure 23.8:
a = {1 2,
3 4};
b = {0 2};
c = a@b;
d = b@a;
print c, d;
Figure 23.8 Results of Direct Product Computation
0 2 0 4
0 6 0 8
Division Operator: / ! 569
Figure 23.8 continued
0 0 2 4
0 0 6 8
Notice that the direct product of two matrices is not commutative.
The direct product is used in several areas of statistics. For example, in complete balanced designs the sums
of squares and the covariance matrices can be expressed in terms of direct products (Hocking 1985).
Division Operator: /
matrix1 / matrix2 ;
matrix / scalar ;
matrix / vector ;
The division operator (/) divides each element of matrix1 by the corresponding element of matrix2, produc-
ing a matrix of quotients.
You can also use the division operator to conveniently divide all elements of a matrix, each column of a
matrix, or each row of a matrix.
v When you use the matrix / scalar form, each element of the matrix is divided by the scalar value.
v When you use the matrix / vector form, each row or column of the n matrix is divided by a
corresponding element of the vector.
If you divide by an n 1 column vector, each row of the matrix is divided by the corresponding
row of the vector.
If you divide by a 1 row vector, each column of the matrix is divided by the corresponding
column of the vector.
When an element of a matrix contains a missing value, the corresponding element of the quotient is also a
missing value.
If a divisor is zero, the operation displays a warning and assigns a missing value for the corresponding
element in the result.
The following statements compute the matrices c and d, shown in Figure 23.9:
a = {1 2,
3 4};
b = {5 6,
7 8};
570 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
c = a/b;
d = a/4;
print c, d;
Figure 23.9 Results of Division
0.2 0.3333333
0.4285714 0.5
0.25 0.5
0.75 1
Element Maximum Operator: <>
matrix1 <> matrix2 ;
matrix <> scalar ;
matrix <> vector ;
The element maximum operator (<>) compares each element of matrix1 to the corresponding element of
matrix2. The two matrices must be conformable. The operator computes a new matrix that contains the
larger of the two values that are being compared.
v If either argument is a scalar, then an elementwise comparison is performed between each element of
the matrix and the scalar.
v You can also compare a matrix with a row or column vector, in which case the comparison is per-
formed between the vector and each row or column of the n matrix.
If you compare with an n 1 column vector, each row of the matrix is compared with the
corresponding row of the vector.
If you compare with a 1 row vector, each column of the matrix is compared with the corre-
sponding column of the vector.
If a numeric missing value occurs in a matrix, the operator treats it as a value that is less than any valid
nonmissing value.
The element maximum operator can take as operands two character matrices or a character matrix and a
character string. Character values are compared in ASCII order. In ASCII order, numerals precede upper-
case letters, which precede lowercase letters. If the element lengths of character operands are different, the
shorter elements are padded on the right with blanks. The element length of the result is the longer of the
two operand element lengths.
For example, the following statements compute the matrix c, shown in Figure 23.10:
Element Minimum Operator: >< ! 571
a = { 2 4 6,
10 11 12};
b = { 1 9 2,
20 10 40};
c = a<>b;
print c;
Figure 23.10 Maximum Elements
2 9 6
20 11 40
Element Minimum Operator: ><
matrix1 >< matrix2 ;
matrix1 >< scalar ;
matrix1 >< vector ;
The element minimum operator (><) compares each element of matrix1 with the corresponding element of
matrix2. The two matrices must be conformable. The operator computes a new matrix that contains the
smaller of the two values that are being compared.
v If either argument is a scalar, then an elementwise comparison is performed between each element of
the matrix and the scalar.
v You can also compare a matrix with a row or column vector, in which case the comparison is per-
formed between the vector and each row or column of the n matrix.
If you compare with an n 1 column vector, each row of the matrix is compared with the
corresponding row of the vector.
If you compare with a 1 row vector, each column of the matrix is compared with the corre-
sponding column of the vector.
If a numeric missing value occurs in a matrix, the operator treats it as a value that is less than any valid
nonmissing value.
The element minimum operator can take as operands two character matrices or a character matrix and a
character string. Character values are compared in ASCII order. In ASCII order, numerals precede upper-
case letters, which precede lowercase letters. If the element lengths of character operands are different, the
shorter elements are padded on the right with blanks. The element length of the result is the longer of the
two operand element lengths.
For example, the following statements compute the matrix c, shown in Figure 23.10:
572 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
a = { 2 4 6,
10 11 12};
b = { 1 9 2,
20 10 40};
c = a><b;
print c;
Figure 23.11 Minimum Elements
1 4 2
10 10 12
Index Creation Operator: :
value1 : value2 ;
The index creation operator (:) creates a row vector with a rst element that is value1. The second element
is value1+1, and so on, until the last element which is less than or equal to value2.
For example, the following statement creates the vector s which contains consecutive integers, shown in
Figure 23.12:
s = 7:10;
print s;
Figure 23.12 Increasing Sequence
7 8 9 10
If value1 is greater than value2, a reverse-order index is created. For example, the following statement
creates the vector r which contains a decreasing sequence of integers, shown in Figure 23.13:
r = 10:6;
print r;
Figure 23.13 Decreasing Sequence
10 9 8 7 6
Neither value1 nor value2 is required to be an integer. Use the DO function if you want an increment other
than 1 or 1.
Logical Operators: &, |, ^ ! 573
The index creation operator also works on character arguments with a numeric sufx. For example, the
following statements create a sequence of values that begin with the prex var, shown in Figure 23.14:
varList = "var1":"var5";
print varList;
Figure 23.14 Sequence of Character Values
var1 var2 var3 var4 var5
Sequences of character values are often used to assign names to variables. You can use the string concate-
nation operator to dynamically determine the length of a sequence, as shown in the following statements:
x = {1 2 3 4,
5 6 7 8,
7 6 5 4};
numVar = ncol(x); /
4 columns
varNames = "X1":"X"+strip(char(numVar)); /
print x[colname=varNames];
Figure 23.15 Sequence of Variable Names
X1 X2 X3 X4
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
7 6 5 4
Logical Operators: &, |, ^
matrix1 & matrix2 ;
matrix & scalar ;
matrix & vector ;
matrix1 | matrix2 ;
matrix | scalar ;
matrix | vector ;
^matrix ;
The logical operators compare two matrices element by element and create a new matrix. For logical
comparisons, a missing value is handled as if it is a zero value. That is, in the text that follows in this
section, nonzero really means nonzero and nonmissing.
574 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
An element of the new matrix computed by the OR operator (|) is 1 if either of the corresponding elements
of matrix1 and matrix2 is nonzero. If both are zero (or missing), the new element is zero.
An element of the new matrix computed by the AND logical operator (&) is 1 if the corresponding elements
of matrix1 and matrix2 are both nonzero; otherwise, it is zero.
If either operand is a scalar, the OR and AND operators perform a logical comparison between each element
and the scalar value. If either operand is a row or column vector, then the operation is performed by using
that vector on each of the rows or columns of the matrix.
The NOT prex operator (^) examines each element of a matrix and computes a new matrix that contains
elements that are ones and zeros. If an element of matrix is zero or missing, the corresponding element in
the new matrix is 1. If an element of matrix is nonzero, the corresponding element in the new matrix is 0.
The following statements illustrate the use of these logical operators. The results are shown in Figure 23.16:
x = {0 1 0 1 . .};
y = {1 1 0 0 1 0};
u = x|y;
v = x&y;
w = ^x;
print u, v, w;
Figure 23.16 Results of Logical Comparisons
1 1 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 1
Multiplication Operator, Elementwise: #
matrix1 # matrix2 ;
matrix # scalar ;
matrix # vector ;
The elementwise multiplication operator (#) computes a new matrix with elements that are the products of
the corresponding elements of matrix1 and matrix2.
For example, the following statements compute the matrix ab, shown in Figure 23.17:
Multiplication Operator, Elementwise: # ! 575
a = {1 2,
3 4};
b = {4 8,
0 5};
ab = a#b;
print ab;
Figure 23.17 Results of Elementwise Multiplication
4 16
0 20
In addition to multiplying matrices that have the same dimensions, you can use the elementwise multiplica-
tion operator to multiply a matrix and a scalar.
v When either argument is a scalar, each element in matrix is multiplied by the scalar value.
v When you use the matrix # vector form, each row or column of the n matrix is multiplied by a
corresponding element of the vector.
If you multiply by an n 1 column vector, each row of the matrix is multiplied by the corre-
sponding row of the vector.
If you multiply by a 1 row vector, each column of the matrix is multiplied by the corre-
sponding column of the vector.
For example, a 2 3 matrix can be multiplied on either side by a 2 3, 1 3, 2 1, or 1 1 matrix. The
following statements multiply the 22 matrix a by a column vector and a row vector. The results are shown
in Figure 23.18.
c = {10, 100}; /
column vector
r = {10 100}; /
row vector
ac = a#c;
ar = a#r;
print ac, ar;
Figure 23.18 Elementwise Multiplication with Vectors
10 20
300 400
10 200
30 400
576 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Elementwise multiplication is also known as the Schur or Hadamard product. Elementwise multiplication
(which uses the # operator) should not be confused with matrix multiplication (which uses the * operator).
When an element of a matrix contains a missing value, the corresponding element of the product is also a
missing value.
Multiplication Operator, Matrix: *
matrix1 * matrix2 ;
The matrix multiplication operator (*) computes a new matrix by performing matrix multiplication. The
rst matrix must have the same number of columns as the second matrix has rows. The new matrix has the
same number of rows as the rst matrix and the same number of columns as the second matrix. That is, if
A is an n matrix and B is a m matrix, then the product + T is an n m matrix. The i th element
of the product is the sum


The matrix multiplication operator does not support missing values.
The following statements multiply matrices. The results are shown in Figure 23.19.
a = {1 2,
3 4};
b = {1 2};
c = b
d = a
print c, d;
Figure 23.19 Result of Matrix Multiplication
7 10
Power Operator, Elementwise: ##
matrix1 ## matrix2 ;
matrix ## scalar ;
matrix ## vector ;
The elementwise power operator (##) creates a new matrix with elements that are the elements of matrix1
Power Operator, Matrix: ** ! 577
raised to the power of the corresponding element of matrix2. If any value in matrix1 is negative, the corre-
sponding element in matrix2 must be an integer.
The elementwise power operator enables either operand to be a scalar or a row or column vector.
v If either operand is scalar, the operation applies the power operator to each element and the scalar
v When you use the matrix / vector form, each row or column of the n matrix is raised to a power
given by a corresponding element of the vector.
When an element of either matrix contains a missing value, the corresponding element of the result is also
a missing value.
For example, the following statements raise each element of a matrix to a power, as shown in Figure 23.20:
a = {1 2 3};
b = a##3;
c = a##0.5;
print b, c;
Figure 23.20 Result of Raising Each Element to a Power
1 8 27
1 1.4142136 1.7320508
Power Operator, Matrix: **
matrix ** scalar ;
The matrix power operator (**) creates a new matrix that is matrix multiplied by itself scalar times. The
matrix argument must be square; scalar must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. If the scalar is not
an integer, it is truncated to an integer.
For example, the following statements compute a matrix that is the result of multiplying a matrix by itself.
The result is shown in Figure 23.21.
a = {1 2,
1 1};
c = a
print c;
578 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.21 Result of Raising a Matrix to a Power
3 4
2 3
Note that the expression a
(-1) is shorthand for matrix inversion, as shown by the following statements:
inv = a
(-1); /
shorthand for matrix inversion
ident = inv
print inv, ident;
Figure 23.22 Matrix Inversion by Using the Power Operator
-1 2
1 -1
1 0
0 1
The matrix power operator does not support missing values.
Raising a matrix to a large power can cause numerical precision problems. If the matrix is symmetric, it is
preferable to operate on its eigenvalues (see the EIGEN call) rather than to use the matrix power operator
directly on the matrix, as shown in the following example:
b = {2 1,
1 1};
call eigen(lambda, E, b); /
recall that b = E
power = 20;
d = lambda##power;
a20 = E
E`; /
20 since E`
E = Identity
print a20;
Figure 23.23 Matrix Powers by Using Eigenvalues
165580141 102334155
102334155 63245986
Subscripts: [ ] ! 579
Sign Reversal Operator:
matrix ;
The sign reversal operator () computes a new matrix that contains elements that are formed by reversing
the sign of each element in matrix. The sign reversal operator is also called the unary minus operator.
When an element of the matrix contains a missing value, the corresponding element of the result also
contains a missing value.
The following statements reverse the signs of each element of a matrix, as shown in Figure 23.24:
a = {-1 7 6,
2 0 -8};
b = -a;
print b;
Figure 23.24 The Result of a Sign Reversal Operator
1 -7 -6
-2 0 8
Subscripts: [ ]
matrix[rows, columns] ;
matrix[elements] ;
Subscripts are used with matrices to select submatrices, where rows and columns are expressions that eval-
uate to scalars or vectors. If these expressions are numeric, they must contain valid subscript values of rows
and columns in the argument matrix.
For example, the following statements select elements from the second row of the matrix x:
x = {1 2 3,
4 5 6,
7 8 9};
a = 3;
y = x[2, a];
b = 1:3;
z = x[2, b];
w = x[{4 6}];
print y, z, w;
580 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.25 Submatrices Formed by Specifying Indices
4 5 6
The output is shown in Figure 23.25. The matrix y contains the element of x from the second row and the
third column. The matrix z contains the entire second row of x. The matrix w contains the fourth and sixth
elements of x. Because SAS/IML software store matrices in row-major order, w contains the rst and third
elements from the second row of x.
If a row or column expression is a character matrix, then it refers to columns or rows in the argument matrix
that are assigned corresponding labels by a MATTRIB statement or READ statement. For example, the
following statements select elements from the second row of x, and from the rst and third columns:
x = {1 2 3,
4 5 6,
7 8 9};
c = "col1":"col3";
r = "row1":"row3";
mattrib x colname=c rowname=r;
a = {"col1" "col3"};
m = x["row2", a];
print m;
Figure 23.26 Submatrices Formed by Specifying Column Names
4 6
A subscripted matrix can appear on the left side of the equal sign. The dimensions of the target submatrix
must conform to the dimensions of the source matrix, as shown in the following statements:
x[1, {1 3}] = .;
x[{1 2}, 2] = {0, 1};
x[7] = -1;
print x;
Subtraction Operator: ! 581
Figure 23.27 Result of Assigning Submatrices of an Existing Matrix
col1 col2 col3
row1 . 0 .
row2 4 1 6
row3 -1 8 9
See the section Using Matrix Expressions on page 50 for further information about matrix subscripts.
Subtraction Operator:
matrix1 matrix2 ;
matrix scalar ;
matrix vector ;
The subtraction operator () computes a new matrix that contains elements that are formed by subtracting
the corresponding elements of matrix2 from those of matrix1.
In addition to subtracting conformable matrices, you can also use the subtraction operator to subtract a scalar
from a matrix or subtract a vector from a matrix.
v When either argument is a scalar, the subtraction is performed between the scalar and each element
of the matrix argument. For example, when you use the matrix scalar form, the scalar value is
subtracted from each element of the matrix.
v When you use the matrix vector form, the vector is subtracted from each row or column of the n
If you subtract an n 1 column vector, each row of the vector is subtracted from each row of
the matrix.
If you subtract a 1 row vector, each column of the vector is subtracted from each column of
the matrix.
When an element of the matrix contains a missing value, the corresponding element of the result also
contains a missing value.
For example, the following statements subtract two matrices and store the result in the matrix c, shown in
Figure 23.28:
a = {1 2,
3 4};
b = {1 1,
1 1};
c = a-b;
582 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
print c;
Figure 23.28 Difference of Two Matrices
0 1
2 3
Transpose Operator: `
matrix ` ;
The transpose operator, denoted by the backquote character (`), exchanges the rows and columns of matrix,
producing the transpose of matrix. If is the value in the i th row and th column of matrix, then the
transpose of matrix contains in the th row and i th column. If matrix contains n rows and columns, the
transpose has rows and n columns.
For example, the following statements transpose the matrix a, shown in Figure 23.29:
a = {1 2,
3 4,
5 6};
b = a`;
print b;
Figure 23.29 Transpose of a Matrix
1 3 5
2 4 6
You can also transpose a matrix with the T function.
Statements, Functions, and Subroutines
This section presents descriptions of all statements, functions, and subroutines that are available in SAS/IML
ABS Function ! 583
ABORT Statement
The ABORT statement instructs PROC IML to stop executing statements. It also stops PROC IML from
parsing any further statements, causing PROC IML to close its les and exit. See also the description of the
STOP statement.
The ABORT statement is the run-time equivalent of the QUIT statement. That is, you can use the ABORT
statement as part of logical statements such as IF-THEN/ELSE statements, as shown in the following state-
proc iml;
do i = 1 to 10;
if i>2 then
print i;
SAS/IML statements after this line are never executed.
Figure 23.30 Result of Aborting a Computation
ABS Function
The ABS function returns the absolute value of every element of the argument matrix, as shown in the
following statements:
x = -2:2;
a = abs(x);
print a;
Figure 23.31 Absolute Values
2 1 0 1 2
584 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
ALL Function
The ALL function returns a value of 1 if all elements in matrix are nonzero. If any element of matrix is zero
or missing, the ALL function returns a value of 0.
You can use the ALL function to express the results of a comparison operator as a single 1 or 0. For example,
the following statement compares elements in two matrices:
a = { 1 2, 3 4};
b = {-1 0, 0 1};
if all(a>b) then
msg = "a[i,j] > b[i,j] for all i,j";
msg = "for some element, a[i,j] is not greater than b[i,j]";
print msg;
Figure 23.32 Result of Comparing All Elements
a[i,j] > b[i,j] for all i,j
In the preceding statements, the comparison operation a>b creates a matrix of zeros and ones. The ALL
function returns a value of 1 because every element of a is greater than the corresponding element of b.
The ALL function is implicitly applied to the evaluation of all conditional expressions, so in fact the previous
IF-THEN statement is equivalent to the following:
if a>b then /
implicit ALL
msg = "a[i,j] > b[i,j] for all i,j";
ALLCOMB Function
ALLCOMB(n, k);
ALLCOMB(n, comb, <, idx > );
The ALLCOMB function generates all combinations of k elements taken from a set of n numerical indices.
The combinations are produced in the same order and using the same algorithm (Nijenhuis and Wilf 1978)
as the ALLCOMBI function in Base SAS software. In particular, the function returns indices in the range
1n, and each combination is in sorted order.
By default, the ALLCOMB function returns a matrix with
rows and k columns. Each row of the returned
matrix represents a single combination. The following statements generate all combinations of two elements
from the set {1. 2. 3. 4]:
ALLCOMB Function ! 585
n = 4; /
used throughout this example
k = 2; /
used throughout this example
c = allcomb(n, k);
print c;
Figure 23.33 All Pairwise Combinations of Four Items
1 2
2 3
1 3
3 4
2 4
1 4
The second argument can be a scalar or a vector. If it is a vector, it must contain a valid combination of the set
{1. 2. . . . . n]. (To be valid, the comb elements must be in increasing order.) The number of elements in the
vector determines the value of k. For example, the following statements generate all combinations of length
two from a set with four elements, beginning with the third combination that is shown in Figure 23.33:
d = allcomb(4, {1 3});
To obtain all combinations in order, initialize the comb argument to 1:k or to the zero vector with k ele-
The optional third argument, idx, controls the number of rows in the output of the function. If you specify idx,
then the sequence is initialized with the comb argument and the rst rowof the output is the combination that
occurs after the comb argument. For example, the following statements generate ve pairwise combinations,
beginning after the third combination shown in Figure 23.33:
e = allcomb(n, {1 3}, 1:5);
The idx argument must consist of consecutive integers; you cannot use it to randomly access combinations
that are out of sequence. The idx argument is often used to generate one or more combinations in a loop so
that you do not need to allocate a huge matrix that contains all of the combinations at once. The following
statements illustrate this usage. Notice that you should initialize the comb argument to the zero vector if
you want the rst result to be the combination 1:k.
ncomb = comb(n, k);
comb = j(1, k, 0);
do i=1 to ncomb;
comb = allcomb(n, comb, i);
do something with the i_th combination
If you want the combinations in lexicographic order, generate the combinations and then use the SORT
subroutine, as follows:
c = allcomb(n, k);
call sort(c, 1:k);
586 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
ALLPERM Function
ALLPERM(set, <, idx > );
The ALLPERMfunction generates all permutations of a set with n elements. The permutations are produced
in the same order and using the same algorithm (Trotter 1962) as the ALLPERM function in Base SAS
By default, the ALLPERM function returns a matrix with n rows and n columns. Each row of the re-
turned matrix represents a single permutation. The following statements generate all permutations of the set
{1. 2. 3]:
n = 3;
p = allperm(n);
print p;
Figure 23.34 All Permutations of Three Items
1 2 3
1 3 2
3 1 2
3 2 1
2 3 1
2 1 3
The rst argument can be a scalar or a vector. If it is a vector, the number of elements in the vector
determines the value of n. The ALLPERM function can compute permutations of arbitrary numeric or
character matrices. For example, the following statements compute permutations of an unsorted character
a = allperm({C B A});
print a;
Figure 23.35 All Permutations of a Character Vector
The optional second argument, idx, can be used to control the number of rows in the output of the function.
The argument must consist of consecutive integers; you cannot use it to randomly access permutations that
APPCORT Call ! 587
are out of sequence. The second argument is often used to generate one or more permutations in a loop so
that you do not need to allocate a huge matrix that contains all of the permutations at once. The following
statements illustrate this usage:
perm = 1:n;
do i=1 to fact(n);
perm = allperm(perm, i);
do something with the i_th permutation
If you want the permutations in lexicographic order, generate the permutations and then use the SORT
subroutine, as follows:
p = allperm(n);
call sort(p, 1:n);
ANY Function
The ANY function returns a value of 1 if any of the elements in matrix are nonzero. If all the elements of
matrix are zero or missing, the ANY function returns a value of 0.
You can use the ANY function to compare elements in two matrices, as shown in the following statements:
a = {1 2, 3 4};
b = {3 2, 1 0};
if any(a=b) then
msg = "for some element, a[i,j] equals b[i,j]";
msg = "a ^= b";
print msg;
Figure 23.36 Result of Comparing Elements
for some element, a[i,j] equals b[i,j]
In the preceding statements, the IF-THEN expression is true if at least one element in a is the same as the
corresponding element in b. You can use the ALL function to compare all of the elements in two matrices.
CALL APPCORT(prqb, lindep, a, b, <, sing> );
588 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
If A is rank-decient, then the least squares problem min
[Ax b[
has innitely many solutions (Golub
and Van Loan 1989, p. 241). However, there is a unique solution which has the smallest Euclidean norm.
The APPCORT subroutine computes the minimum Euclidean-norm solution of the (rank-decient) least
squares problem by applyng a complete orthogonal decomposition by Householder transformations to the
vector b.
The input arguments to the APPCORT subroutine are as follows:
a is an mn matrix A, with m _ n, which is to be decomposed into the product of the mm
orthogonal matrix Q, the nn upper triangular matrix R, and the nn orthogonal matrix P,
A = Q


b is a m matrix, B.
sing is an optional scalar that species a singularity criterion.
The APPCORT subroutine returns the following values:
prqb is an n matrix product
0 0
which is the minimum Euclidean-norm solution of the rank-decient least squares problem
[Ax b[
lindep is the number of linearly dependent columns in the matrix A that are detected by applying
the r Householder transformations. That is, lindep is n r, where r is the numerical rank of
See the section COMPORT Call on page 611 for information about complete orthogonal decomposition.
The following example uses the APPCORT call to solve a rank-decient least squares problem:
compute solution for rank-deficient least squares problem:
min |Ax-b|^2
The range of A is a line; b is a point not on the line.
A = {1 2,
2 4,
-1 -2};
b = {1, 3, -2};
call appcort(x,lindep,A,b);
print x;
Figure 23.37 Solution to a Rank-Decient Least Squares Problem
APPEND Statement ! 589
The argument b can also be a matrix. If b is an identity matrix, then you can use the APPCORT subroutine
to form a generalized inverse, as shown in the following example:
A has only four linearly independent columns
A = {1 0 1 0 0,
1 0 0 1 0,
1 0 0 0 1,
0 1 1 0 0,
0 1 0 1 0,
0 1 0 0 1 };
compute Moore-Penrose generalized inverse
b = i(nrow(A)); /
identity matrix
call appcort(Ainv, lindep, A, b);
print Ainv;
verify generalized inverse conditions (Golub & Van Loan, p. 243)
eps = 1e-12;
if any(A
A-A > eps) |
Ainv-Ainv > eps) |
Ainv > eps) |
A > eps) then
msg = "Pseudoinverse conditions not satisfied";
msg = "Pseudoinverse conditions satisfied";
print msg;
Figure 23.38 Generalized Inverse
0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2666667 -0.066667 -0.066667 -0.066667
-0.066667 -0.066667 -0.066667 0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2666667
0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1
-0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1
-0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4
Pseudoinverse conditions satisfied
APPEND Statement
APPEND <VAR operand> ;
APPEND <FROM matrix > <[ ROWNAME=row-name] > ;
The APPEND statement adds observations to the end of a SAS data set.
The arguments to the APPEND statement are as follows:
590 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
operand is specied as one of the following:
v a literal matrix that contains variable names
v a character matrix that contains variable names
v an expression in parentheses that yields variable names
v one of the following keywords:
_ALL_ for all variables
_CHAR_ for all character variables
_NUM_ for all numeric variables
matrix is the name of a matrix that contains data to append.
row-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains descriptive row names.
You can use the APPEND statement to add data to the end of the current output data set. The appended
observations are from either the variables specied in the VAR clause or variables created from the columns
of matrix. The FROM clause and the VAR clause cannot be specied together.
The APPEND statement is usually used without any arguments. A common practice is to specify the data
in the CREATE statement, as shown in the following example:
proc iml;
x = {1,2,3,4}; /
4 x 1 vector
y = {4 3,2 1}; /
2 x 2 matrix
z = {2,3,4}; /
3 x 1 vector
c = {A,B,C,D}; /
4 x 1 character vector
create Temp1 var {x y}; /
Temp1 contains two variables
append; /
appends data from x and y
close Temp1;
proc print data=Temp1 noobs;
The values in the Temp1 data set are shown in Figure 23.39. Notice that the 2 2 matrix y is written to the
data set in row-major order.
Figure 23.39 Data Set That Contains One Variable for Each Specied Matrix
1 4
2 3
3 2
4 1
If you omit the VAR (and FROM) clause in the CREATE statement, then the new data set contains a
variable for each SAS/IML matrix that is in scope. You can use the VAR clause in the APPEND statement
to write specic variables. Variables that are not explicitly specied receive missing values, as shown in the
APPEND Statement ! 591
following statements:
proc iml;
x = {1,2,3,4}; /
4 x 1 vector
y = {4 3,2 1}; /
2 x 2 matrix
z = {2,3,4}; /
3 x 1 vector
c = {A,B,C,D}; /
4 x 1 character vector
create Temp2; /
Temp2 contains a variable for each matrix
append var {c x z}; /
y gets missing values
close Temp2;
proc print data=Temp2 noobs;
The values in the Temp2 data set are shown in Figure 23.40. The data set contains four observations because
that is the number of elements in the matrix with the greatest number of elements. Elements are appended
in row-major order. Notice that the variable z contains a missing value at the end because the variable was
created from a SAS/IML matrix that contained fewer than four elements.
Figure 23.40 Data Set That Contains One Variable for Each Matrix
c x y z
A 1 . 2
B 2 . 3
C 3 . 4
D 4 . .
As shown in the previous example, the default variables for the APPEND statement are all matrices that
match variables in the current data set with respect to name and type.
The ROWNAME= option in the FROM clause species the name of a character matrix to contain row titles.
Use this option in conjunction with the identical option in the FROM clause of the CREATE statement, as
shown in the following statements:
proc iml;
VarName = {"x" "y"};
w = {3 96,
4 90,
2 100,
4 92}; /
data matrix
cov = cov(w); /
sample covariance matrix of data
create Temp3 from cov[rowname=VarName colname=VarName];
append from cov[rowname=VarName];
close Temp3;
proc print data=Temp3 noobs;
The values in the Temp3 data set are shown in Figure 23.41. The matrix cov contains the data that is saved
592 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
to the Temp3 data set. The character vector VarName contains the names of the variables for the Temp3
data set. (If you use the FROM clause in the CREATE statement, but do not specify the COLNAME=
option, then the variables are named COL1, COL2, and so on.) The ROWNAME= option enables you to
specify a single character variable when you are creating a data set from a numerical matrix. This is useful
for specifying variable names in a correlation or covariance matrix, but can also be used more generally to
specify a row label for each observation.
Figure 23.41 Data Set That Contains Row Labels
Name x y
x 0.91667 -4.1667
y -4.16667 19.6667
If you do not specify the ROWNAME= option in the CREATE statement, then you do not need to specify
the ROWNAME= option in the APPEND statement, as shown in the following example:
create Temp3 from cov[colname=VarName];
append from cov;
close Temp3;
You can also use the APPEND statement with the EDIT statement. See the documentation for the EDIT
statement for examples.
APPLY Function
APPLY(modname, argument1 <, argument2, . . . , argument14> );
The APPLY function applies a user-dened module to each element of the argument matrix or matrices and
returns a matrix of results.
The arguments to the APPLY statement are as follows:
modname species the name of an existing function module. You can specify the module name as a
literal string or as matrix that contains the module name.
argument species an argument passed to the module. You must have at least one argument. You can
specify up to 15 arguments.
The rst argument to APPLY is the name of a function module. The module must take scalar arguments and
must already be dened before the APPLY function is executed. The subsequent arguments to the APPLY
function are the arguments passed to the module. They all must have the same dimension.
If the function module takes n scalar arguments, argument1 through argumentn should be passed to APPLY
where 1 _ n _ 14. The APPLY function calls the module one time for each element in its input arguments.
The result has the same dimension as the input arguments, and each element of the result corresponds to the
module applied to the corresponding elements of the argument matrices. The APPLY function can work on
APPLY Function ! 593
numeric in addition to character arguments. For example, the following statements dene module ABC and
then call the APPLY function, with matrix a as an argument:
start abc(x);
r = x + 100;
return (r);
finish abc;
a = {6 7 8,
9 10 11};
s = apply("ABC", a);
print s;
The result is shown in Figure 23.42.
Figure 23.42 Result of a Module Applied to Each Argument in a Matrix
106 107 108
109 110 111
The module can also alter the contents of the arguments. In the following example, the statements dene
the module ABSDIFF and call the APPLY function:
compute abs(x-y); permute elements of x and y so that x[i] >= y[i]
start AbsDiff(x, y);
if x<y then do; /
swap x and y
t = x;
x = y;
y = t;
return( x-y );
a = {-1 0 1};
b = {-2 0 2};
mod = "AbsDiff";
r = apply(mod, a, b);
print a, b, r;
Notice that the third element of the a and b arguments are exchanged, as shown in Figure 23.43.
Figure 23.43 Result of a Module Applied to Each Argument in a Matrix
-1 0 2
-2 0 1
594 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.43 continued
1 0 1
CALL ARMACOV(auto, cross, convol, phi, theta, num);
The ARMACOV subroutine computes an autocovariance sequence for an autoregressive moving average
(ARMA) model. The input arguments to the ARMACOV subroutine are as follows:
phi refers to a 1 ( 1) matrix that contains the autoregressive parameters. The rst
element is assumed to have the value 1.
theta refers to a 1 (q 1) matrix that contains the moving average parameters. The rst
element is assumed to have the value 1.
num refers to a scalar that contains n, the number of autocovariances to be computed, which
must be a positive number.
The ARMACOV subroutine returns the following values:
auto species a variable to contain the returned 1n matrix that contains the autocovariances
of the specied ARMA model, assuming unit variance for the innovation sequence.
cross species a variable to contain the returned 1(q1) matrix that contains the covariances
of the moving-average term with lagged values of the process.
convol species a variable to contain the returned 1 (q 1) matrix that contains the autoco-
variance sequence of the moving-average term.
The ARMACOV subroutine computes the autocovariance sequence that corresponds to a given autoregres-
sive moving-average (ARMA) time series model. An arbitrary number of terms in the sequence can be
requested. Two related covariance sequences are also returned.
The model notation for the ARMACOV and ARMALIK subroutines is the same. The ARMA(. q) model
is denoted



with 0
= 1. The notation is the same as that of Box and Jenkins (1976) except that the model
parameters are opposite in sign. The innovations {c
] satisfy 1(c
) = 0 and 1(c
) = 1 if k = 0, and
are zero otherwise. The formula for the kth element of the convol argument is

ARMALIK Call ! 595
for k = 1. 2. . . . . q 1. The formula for the kth element of the cross argument is

for k = 1. 2. . . . . q 1, where [
is the i th impulse response value. The [
sequence, if desired, can be
computed with the RATIO function. It can be shown that [
is the same as 1(Y
),o, which is used
by Box and Jenkins (1976) in their formulation of the autocovariances. The kth autocovariance, denoted ;
and returned as the k 1 element of the auto argument (k = 0. 1. . . . . n1), is dened implicitly for k > 0


= j
where j
is the kth element of the cross argument. See Box and Jenkins (1976) or McLeod (1975) for more
Consider the model
= 0.5,
To compute the autocovariance function at lags zero through four for this model, use the following state-
an ARMA(1,1) model
phi = {1 -0.5};
theta = {1 0.8};
call armacov(auto, cross, convol, phi, theta, 5);
print auto, cross convol;
The result is show in Figure 23.44.
Figure 23.44 Result of the ARMACOV Subroutine
3.2533333 2.4266667 1.2133333 0.6066667 0.3033333
cross convol
2.04 0.8 1.64 0.8
CALL ARMALIK(lnl, resid, std, x, phi, theta);
The ARMALIK subroutine computes the log likelihood and residuals for an autoregressive moving average
596 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
(ARMA) model. The input arguments to the ARMALIK subroutine are as follows:
x is an n 1 or 1 n matrix that contains values of the time series (assuming mean zero).
phi is a 1(1) matrix that contains the autoregressive parameter values. The rst element
is assumed to have the value 1.
theta is a 1 (q 1) matrix that contains the moving average parameter values. The rst
element is assumed to have the value 1.
The ARMALIK subroutine returns the following values:
lnl species a 3 1 matrix that contains the log likelihood concentrated with respect to the
innovation variance; the estimate of the innovation variance (the unconditional sum of
squares divided by n); and the log of the determinant of the variance matrix, which is
standardized to unit variance for the innovations.
resid species an n 1 matrix that contains the standardized residuals. These values are
uncorrelated with a constant variance if the specied ARMA model is the correct one.
std species an n 1 matrix that contains the scale factors used to standardize the residuals.
The actual residuals from the one-step-ahead predictions that use the past values can be
computed as std # resid.
The ARMALIK subroutine computes the concentrated log-likelihood function for an ARMA model. The
unconditional sum of squares is readily available, as are the one-step-ahead prediction residuals. Factors
that can be used to generate condence limits associated with prediction from a nite past sample are also
The notational conventions for the ARMALIK subroutine are the same as those used by the ARMACOV
subroutine. See the description of the ARMACOV call for the model employed. In addition, the condition

= 0 for [:[ < 1 should be satised to guard against oating-point overow.
If the column vector x contains n values of a time series and the variance matrix is denoted = o
where o
is the variance of the innovations, then, up to additive constants, the log likelihood, concentrated
with respect to o
, is


log [V[
The matrix V is a function of the specied ARMA model parameters. If L is the lower Cholesky root of
V (that is, V = LL
), then the standardized residuals are computed as resid= L
x. The elements of std
are the diagonal elements of L. The variance estimate is x
x,n, and the log determinant is log [V[. See
Ansley (1979) for further details. Consider the following model:
1 0.25,
= e
To compute the log likelihood for this model, use the following statements:
phi = {1 -1 0.25} ;
theta = {1 0.5} ;
x = {1 2 3 4 5} ;
call armalik(lnl, resid, std, x, phi, theta);
print lnl resid std;
ARMASIM Function ! 597
Figure 23.45 Results from an ARMALIK Call
lnl resid std
-0.822608 0.4057513 2.4645637
0.8721154 0.9198158 1.2330147
2.3293833 0.8417343 1.0419028
1.0854175 1.0098042
1.2096421 1.0024125
ARMASIM Function
ARMASIM(phi, theta, mu, sigma, n <, seed> );
The ARMASIM function simulates a univariate series from a autoregressive moving average (ARMA)
The arguments to the ARMASIM function are as follows:
phi is a 1 ( 1) matrix that contains the autoregressive parameters. The rst element is
assumed to have the value 1.
theta is a 1 (q 1) matrix that contains the moving average parameters. The rst element is
assumed to have the value 1.
mu is a scalar that contains the overall mean of the series.
sigma is a scalar that contains the standard deviation of the innovation series.
n is a scalar that contains n, the length of the series. The value of n must be greater than 0.
seed is a scalar that contains the random number seed. At the rst execution of the function,
the seed variable is used as follows:
v If seed > 0, the input seed is used for generating the series.
v If seed = 0, the system clock is used to generate the seed.
v If seed < 0, the value seed is used for generating the series.
If the seed is not supplied, the system clock is used to generate the seed.
On subsequent calls to the function, the seed variable is used as follows:
v If seed > 0, the seed remains unchanged.
v In other cases, after each execution of the function, the current seed is updated
The ARMASIM function generates a series of length n from a given autoregressive moving average
(ARMA) time series model and returns the series in an n 1 matrix. The notational conventions for the
ARMASIM function are the same as those used by the ARMACOV subroutine. See the description of the
ARMACOV call for the model employed. The ARMASIM function uses an exact simulation algorithm as
described in Woodeld (1988). A sequence Y
. Y
. . . . . Y
of starting values is produced by using an
598 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
expanded covariance matrix, and then the remaining values are generated by using the following recursion
form of the model:




t = q. q 1. . . . . n 1
The random number generator RANNOR is used to generate the noise component of the model. Note that
the following statement returns n standard normal pseudorandom deviates:
y = armasim(1, 1, 0, 1, n, seed);
For example, consider the following model:
= 0.5,
To generate a time series of length 10 from this model, use the following statements to produce the result
shown in Figure 23.46:
phi = {1 -0.5};
theta = {1 0.8};
y = armasim(phi, theta, 0, 1, 10, -1234321);
print y;
Figure 23.46 Simulated Time Series
BIN Function
BIN(x, cutpoints <, closed> );
The BIN function divides numeric values into a set of disjoint intervals called bins. The BIN function
returns a matrix that is the same shape as x and that indicates which elements of x are contained in each bin.
The arguments are as follows:
x species a numerical vector or matrix.
BIN Function ! 599
cutpoints species the intervals into which to bin the data. This argument can have a vector or a
scalar value. A vector denes the endpoints of the intervals; a scalar value species the
number of evenly spaced intervals into which the range of the data is divided.
closed is an optional argument that species whether the bins are open on the right or left sides.
The following values are valid:
Left species that the bins are closed on the left and open on the right. The
last interval is closed on both sides. This is the default value.
Right species that the intervals are open on the left and closed on the right.
The rst interval is closed on both sides.
If cutpoints is a vector, then it must be ordered so that the rst element is the smallest and the last element
is the largest. The ordered values dene the intervals that are used to bin the values. For example, the
following statements bin x into the intervals 1
= 0. 1), 1
= 1. 1.8), 1
= 1.8. 2), and 1
= 2. 4|, and
return the bin numbers for each element of x:
x = {0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 1};
cutpoints = {0 1 1.8 2 4};
b = bin(x, cutpoints);
print x b;
Figure 23.47 Bins for Each Observation
x b
0 1
0.5 1
1 2
1.5 2
2 4
2.5 4
3 4
0.5 1
1.5 2
3 4
3 4
1 2
You can use the special missing values .M and .I to specify unbounded intervals. A missing value of .M in
the rst element is interpreted as o, and a missing value of .I in the last element is interpreted as o.
For example, the following statements are all valid specications of the cutpoints argument:
c = {.M -2 -1 0 1 2};
c = {.M -2 -1 0 1 2 .I};
c = {-2 -1 0 1 2 .I};
If cutpoints is a positive integer, n, then the interval min(.). max(.) is divided into n intervals of width ^ =
(max(.) min(.)),n and the data are binned into these intervals. For example, the following statements
bin the elements of x into one of three intervals 0. 1), 1. 2), or 2. 3|:
bin = bin(x, 3);
600 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
print x bin;
Figure 23.48 Bins That Are Associated with Each Value
x bin
0 1
0.5 1
1 2
1.5 2
2 3
2.5 3
3 3
0.5 1
1.5 2
3 3
3 3
1 2
Notice in Figure 23.48 that the value 3 is placed into the third interval because the last interval is closed on
the right.
The BIN function returns missing values for data values that are not contained in any bin. Missing values
are also returned for missing values in the data.
You can use the BIN function in conjunction with the TABULATE function to count the number of obser-
vations in each interval. The following statements sample from the standard normal distribution and count
the number of observations in a set of evenly spaced intervals:
z = rannor(j(1000, 1, 1));
set = do(-3.5, 3.5, 1);
b = bin(z, set);
call tabulate(levels, count, b);
label counts by the center of each interval
intervals = char(do(-3, 3, 1), 2);
print count[colname=intervals];
Figure 23.49 Bins Counts for Evenly Spaced Intervals
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
6 65 241 385 235 59 9
BLOCK Function
BLOCK(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The BLOCK function forms a block-diagonal matrix. The blocks are dened by the arguments to the
BRANKS Function ! 601
function. Up to 15 matrices can be specied. The matrices are combined diagonally to form a new matrix.
For example, if A, B, and C are any matrices, then the block matrix formed from these matrices has the
following form:
0 0
0 T 0
0 0 C
The following statements produce a block-diagonal matrix composed of three blocks, shown in Fig-
ure 23.50:
a = 1;
b = {2 2,
3 3};
c = {4 4 4,
5 5 5};
d = block(a, b, c);
print d;
Figure 23.50 Block Matrix
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 2 0 0 0
0 3 3 0 0 0
0 0 0 4 4 4
0 0 0 5 5 5
BRANKS Function
The BRANKS function computes the tied ranks and the bivariate ranks for an n 2 matrix and returns an
n 3 matrix of these ranks. The tied ranks of the rst column of matrix are contained in the rst column of
the result matrix; the tied ranks of the second column of matrix are contained in the second column of the
result matrix; and the bivariate ranks of matrix are contained in the third column of the result matrix.
The tied rank of an element .
of a vector is dened as

u(t ) =
1 if t > 0
if t = 0
0 if t < 0
602 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The bivariate rank of a pair (.
. ,
) is dened as

) u(,
The results of the BRANKS function can be used to compute rank-based correlation coefcients such as the
Spearman rank-order correlation and Hoeffdings D statistic.
The following statements compute the bivariate ranks of two columns of data:
z = { 1 2,
2 1,
3 3,
3 5,
4 4,
5 4,
5 4,
4 5 };
b = branks(z);
print b;
Figure 23.51 Tied Ranks and Bivariate Ranks
1 2 1
2 1 1
3.5 3 3
3.5 7.5 3.5
5.5 5 4
7.5 5 4.75
7.5 5 4.75
5.5 7.5 5
BSPLINE Function
BSPLINE(x, d, k <, i > );
The BSPLINE function computes a B-spline basis. The arguments to the BSPLINE function are as follows:
x is an m 1 or 1 m numeric vector.
d is a nonnegative numeric scalar value that species the degree of the B-spline. The order of a
B-spline is one greater than the degree.
k is a numeric vector of size n that contains the B-spline knots or a scalar that denotes the number
of interior knots. When n > 1, the elements of the knot vector must be nondecreasing, k
_ k
for = 2. . . . . n.
BSPLINE Function ! 603
i is an optional argument that species the number of interior knots when n = 1 and k contains a
missing value. In this case the BSPLINE function constructs a vector of knots as follows: If .
and .
are the smallest and largest value in the . vector, then interior knots are placed at
),(k 1). = 1. . . . . k
In addition, J exterior knots are placed under .
and max(J,1) exterior knots are placed over
. The exterior knots are evenly spaced and start at .
1E12 and .
1E12. In this
case the BSPLINE function returns a matrix with m rows and i J 1 columns.
The BSPLINE function computes B-splines of degree J. Suppose that T
(.) denotes the th B-spline
of degree J in the knot sequence k
. . . . . k
. DeBoor (1981) denes the splines based on the following
(.) =
1 k
_ . < k
0 otherwise
and for J > 0
(.) = n
(.) (1 n
(.) =
. k
Note that DeBoor (1981) expresses B-splines in terms of order rather than degree; in his notation T
. B-splines have many interesting properties, including the following:

= 1
v The sequence T
is positive on J 1 knots and zero elsewhere.
v The B-spline T
is a piecewise polynomial of at most J 1 pieces.
v If k
= k
, then T
= 0.
See DeBoor (1981) for more details. The BSPLINE function denes B-splines of degree 0 as nonzero if
< . _ k
A typical knot vector for calculating B-splines consists of J exterior knots smaller than the smallest data
value, and max{J. 1] exterior knots larger than the largest data value. The remaining knots are the interior
For example, the following statements creates a B-spline basis with three interior knots. The BSPLINE
function returns a matrix with 3 J 1 = 7 columns, shown in Figure 23.53.
x = {2.5 3 4.5 5.1}; /
data range is [2.5, 5.1]
knots = {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8}; /
three interior knots at x=3, 4, 5
bsp = bspline(x, 3, knots);
print bsp[format=best7.];
604 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.52 B-Spline Basis
0.02083 0.47917 0.47917 0.02083 0 0 0
0 0.16667 0.66667 0.16667 0 0 0
0 0 0.02083 0.47917 0.47917 0.02083 0
0 0 0 0.1215 0.65717 0.22117 0.00017
If you pass an . vector of data values, you can also rely on the BSPLINE function to compute a knot vector
for you. For example, the following statements compute B-splines of degree 2 based on four equally spaced
interior knots:
n = 15;
x = ranuni(J(n, 1, 45));
bsp2 = bspline(x, 2, ., 4);
print bsp2[format=8.3];
The resulting matrix is shown in Figure 23.53.
Figure 23.53 B-Spline Basis with Four Interior Knots
0.000 0.104 0.748 0.147 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.286 0.684 0.030 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.517 0.483
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.217 0.725 0.058 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.239 0.713 0.048 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.446 0.553 0.002 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.394 0.600 0.006 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.064 0.729 0.207
0.000 0.389 0.604 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.500
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.210 0.728 0.062
0.000 0.000 0.014 0.639 0.347 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.001 0.546 0.453 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.500 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.304 0.672 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
BTRAN Function
BTRAN(x, n, m);
The BTRAN function computes the block transpose of a partitioned matrix. The arguments to the BTRAN
function are as follows:
x is an (i n) (m) numeric matrix.
n is a scalar with a value that species the row dimension of the submatrix blocks.
BYTE Function ! 605
m is a scalar with a value that species the column dimension of the submatrix blocks.
The argument x is a partitioned matrix formed fromsubmatrices of dimension nn. If the i th, th submatrix
of the argument x is denoted A
, then the i th, th submatrix of the result is A
The value returned by the BTRAN function is a (n) (i m) matrix, the block transpose of x, where the
blocks are n m.
For example, the following statements compute the block transpose of a matrix:
a11 = {1 1, /
a 3 x 2 matrix
1 1,
1 1};
a12 = 1 + a11;
a13 = 2 + a11;
a21 = 3 + a11;
a22 = 4 + a11;
a23 = 5 + a11;
x = (a11 || a12 || a13) // /
a partitioned matrix
(a21 || a22 || a23); /
each submatrix is a 3 x 2 block
z = btran(x, 3, 2); /
transpose the blocks
print z;
Figure 23.54 Block Transpose of a Partitioned Matrix
1 1 4 4
1 1 4 4
1 1 4 4
2 2 5 5
2 2 5 5
2 2 5 5
3 3 6 6
3 3 6 6
3 3 6 6
BYTE Function
The BYTE function returns values in a computers character set. The input to the function is a numeric
matrix, each element of which species the position of a character in the computers character set. These
numeric elements should generally be in the range 0 to 255. The BYTE function returns a character matrix
with the same shape as the numeric argument.
For example, in the ASCII character set, the following two statements are equivalent:
a1 = byte(47);
606 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
a2 = "/"; /
the slash character
print a1 a2;
Figure 23.55 Specifying the Slash Character
a1 a2
/ /
The lowercase English letters can be generated with the following statement, shown in Figure 23.56:
y = byte(97:122);
print y;
Figure 23.56 Lowercase English Letters
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
The BYTE function simplies the use of special characters and control sequences that cannot be entered
directly into SAS/IML programs by using the keyboard. Consult the character set tables for your computer
to determine the printable and control characters that are available and their ordinal positions.
CALL Statement
CALL name <(arguments) > ;
The CALL statement enables you to call a built-in or user-dened subroutine.
The arguments to the CALL statement are as follows:
name is the name of a built-in subroutine or a user-dened module.
arguments are arguments to the module or subroutine.
The CALL statement executes a subroutine. The order of resolution for the CALL statement is as follows:
1. built-in SAS/IML subroutine
2. user-dened module
This resolution order is important only if you have dened a module with the same name as a built-in
See also the section on the RUN statement.
CHAR Function ! 607
CALL CHANGE(matrix, old, new <, numchange> );
The CHANGE subroutine searches for and replaces text in a character matrix. The arguments to the
CHANGE call are as follows:
matrix is a character matrix.
old is the string to be changed.
new is the string to replace the old string.
numchange is the number of times to make the change.
The CHANGE subroutine changes the rst numchange occurrences of the substring old in each element
of the character array matrix to the form new. If numchange is not specied, the routine defaults to 1. If
numchange is 0, the routine changes all occurrences of old. If no occurrences are found, the matrix is not
For example, consider the following statements:
a = "It was a dark and stormy night.";
call change(a, "night", "day");
print a;
The result of these statements is shown in Figure 23.57.
Figure 23.57 New String
It was a dark and stormy day.
In the old operand, the following characters are reserved:
% $ [ ] { } < > ? * # @ (backquote)
CHAR Function
CHAR(matrix <, w> <, d> );
The CHAR function produces a character representation of a numeric matrix. Essentially, the CHAR func-
tion is equivalent to applying a w.d format to each element of a numeric matrix.
The arguments to the CHAR function are as follows:
matrix is a numeric matrix or literal.
608 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
w is the eld width.
d is the number of decimal positions.
The CHAR function takes a numeric matrix as an argument and, optionally, a eld width n and a number
of decimal positions J. The CHAR function produces a character matrix with the same dimensions as
the argument matrix, and with elements that are character representations of the corresponding numeric
If the w argument is not supplied, the system default eld width is used. If the d argument is not supplied,
the best representation is used. See also the description of the NUM function, which converts a character
matrix into a numeric matrix.
For example, the following statements produce the output shown in Figure 23.58:
a = {-1.1 0 3.1415 4};
reset print; /
display values and type of matrices
m = char(a, 4, 1);
Figure 23.58 Character Matrix
m 1 row 4 cols (character, size 4)
-1.1 0.0 3.1 4.0
CHOOSE Function
CHOOSE(condition, result-for-true, result-for-false);
The CHOOSE function examines each element of the rst argument for being true (nonzero and not miss-
ing) or false (zero or missing). For each true element, it returns the corresponding element in the second
argument. For each false element, it returns the corresponding element in the third argument.
The arguments to the CHOOSE function are as follows:
condition is checked for being true or false for each element.
result-for-true is returned when condition is true.
result-for-false is returned when condition is false.
Each argument must be conformable with the others (or be a scalar value).
For example, suppose that you want to choose between . and , according to whether .#, is odd or even,
respectively. You can use the following statements to execute this task, as shown in Figure 23.59:
x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
y = {101, 205, 133, 806, 500};
r = choose(mod(x#y,2)=1, x, y);
print x y r;
CLOSE Statement ! 609
Figure 23.59 Result of the CHOOSE Function
x y r
1 101 1
2 205 205
3 133 3
4 806 806
5 500 500
As another example, the following statements replace all missing values in the matrix z with zeros, as shown
in Figure 23.60:
z = {1 2 ., 100 . -90, . 5 8};
newZ = choose(z=., 0, z);
print z, newZ;
Figure 23.60 Replacement of Missing Values
1 2 .
100 . -90
. 5 8
1 2 0
100 0 -90
0 5 8
CLOSE Statement
CLOSE <SAS-data-set > ;
The CLOSE statement is used to close one or more SAS data sets opened with the USE, EDIT, or CREATE
The optional argument species the name of one or more SAS data sets. The data sets can be specied with
a one-level name (for example, A) or a two-level name (for example, Sasuser.A). For more information
about specifying SAS data sets, refer to Chapter 7, Working with SAS Data Sets.
You can use the SHOW DATASETS statement to nd the names of open data sets.
SAS/IML software automatically closes all open data sets when a QUIT statement is executed.
The following statements provide examples of using the CLOSE statement:
use Sashelp.Class;
read all var _NUM_ into x[colname=VarName];
610 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
corr = corr(x);
create ClassCorr from corr[rowname=VarName colname=VarName];
append from corr[rowname=VarName];
show datasets;
close Sashelp.Class ClassCorr;
Figure 23.61 Open Data Sets
-------- -------------------------------- --------- --------
WORK CLASSCORR Update Current Input/Output
It is good programming practice to close data sets when you are nished using them.
The CLOSEFILE statement is used to close les opened by the INFILE or FILE statement.
The statement arguments specify the name of one or more le specications. You can specify names (for
dened lenames), literals, or expressions in parentheses (for pathnames). Each le specication should be
the same as when the le was opened.
To nd out what les are open, use the SHOW FILES statement. For further information, see Chapter 8.
See also the description of the SAVE statement.
SAS/IML software automatically closes all les when a QUIT statement is executed.
The following example opens and closes an external le named MyData.txt that resides in the current direc-
tory. (If you run PROC IML through a SAS Display Manager Session (DMS), you can change the current
directory by selecting Tools IOptions IChange Current Folder from the main menu.)
filename MyFile 'MyData.txt';
infile MyFile;
show files;
closefile MyFile;
Figure 23.62 Open External File
--------- ------ ----- --------
FILENAME:MYFILE Current Input , no eof, lrecl=512 STOPOVER
COMPORT Call ! 611
Alternatively, you can specify the full path of the le, as shown in the following statements:
src = "C:\My Data\MyData.txt";
infile (src);
show files;
closefile (src);
Figure 23.63 Open File Specied by a Full Path
--------- ------ ----- --------
C:\My Data\MyData.txt Current Input , no eof, lrecl=512 STOPOVER
CALL COMPORT(q, r, p, piv, lindep, a <, b> <, sing> );
The COMPORT subroutine provides the complete orthogonal decomposition by Householder transforma-
tions of a matrix A.
The subroutine returns the following values:
q is a matrix. If b is not specied, q is the m m orthogonal matrix Q that is the product of
the min(m. n) separate Householder transformations. If b is specied, q is the m matrix
B that has the transposed Householder transformations Q
applied to the columns of the
argument matrix B.
r is the n n upper triangular matrix R that contains the r r nonsingular upper triangular
matrix L
of the complete orthogonal decomposition, where r _ n is the rank of A. The full
mn upper triangular matrix Rof the orthogonal decomposition of matrix Acan be obtained
by vertical concatenation of the (m n) n zero matrix to the result r.
p is an n n matrix that is the product P of a permutation matrix with an orthogonal
matrix P. The permutation matrix is determined by the vector piv.
piv is an n 1 vector of permutations of the columns of A. That is, the QR decomposition is
computed, not of A, but of the matrix with columns A
. . . A
|. The vector piv
corresponds to an n n permutation matrix, , of the pivoted QR decomposition in the rst
step of orthogonal decomposition.
lindep species the number of linearly dependent columns in the matrix A detected by applying the
r Householder transformation in the order specied by the argument piv. That is, lindep is
n r.
The input arguments to the COMPORT subroutine are as follows:
a species the mn matrix A, with m _ n, which is to be decomposed into the product of the
m m orthogonal matrix Q, the n n upper triangular matrix R, and the n n orthogonal
612 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
matrix P,
A = Q


b species an optional m matrix B that is to be left-multiplied by the transposed m m

matrix Q
sing is an optional scalar that species a singularity criterion.
The complete orthogonal decomposition of the singular matrix Acan be used to compute the Moore-Penrose
inverse A
, r = rank(A) < n, or to compute the minimum Euclidean-norm solution of the rank-decient
least squares problem [Ax b[
1. Use the QR decomposition of A with column pivoting,
A = Q

0 0

where R = R
| R
is upper trapezoidal, R
is upper triangular and invertible,
, Q = Y Z | is orthogonal, Y R
, Z R
, and permutes the columns of A.
2. Use the transpose L
of the upper trapezoidal matrix R =
= R
with rank(L
) = rank(L
) = r, L
lower triangular, L
. The lower trapezoidal
matrix L
is premultiplied with r Householder transformations P
. . . . . P
. . . P
each zeroing out one of the r columns of L
and producing the nonsingular lower triangular matrix
. Therefore, you obtain
A = Q
0 0

= Y

with P = P
. . . P
and upper triangular L
. This second step is described in Golub and
Van Loan (1989).
3. Compute the Moore-Penrose inverse A
= P
0 0
= P
(a) Obtain Y in Q =
explicitly by applying the r Householder transformations obtained
in the rst step to
(b) Solve the r r lower triangular system (L
with t right-hand sides by using backward
substitution, which yields an r t intermediate matrix.
COMPORT Call ! 613
(c) Left-apply the r Householder transformations in P on the r t intermediate matrix
, which results in the symmetric matrix A
The GINV function computes the Moore-Penrose inverse A
by using the singular value decomposition
of A. Using complete orthogonal decomposition to compute A
usually requires far fewer oating-point
operations. However, it can be slightly more sensitive to rounding errors, which can disturb the detection of
the true rank of A, than the singular value decomposition.
The following example demonstrates some uses of the COMPORT subroutine:
Only four linearly independent columns
A = {1 0 1 0 0,
1 0 0 1 0,
1 0 0 0 1,
0 1 1 0 0,
0 1 0 1 0,
0 1 0 0 1 };
m = nrow(A);
n = ncol(A);
call comport(q,r,p,piv,lindep,A);
fullR = r // j(m-n, n, 0);
perm = i(n);
perm[piv,] = i(n);
recover A from factorization
A2 = q
reset fuzz;
print A2;
compute Moore-Penrose generalized inverse
rankA = n - lindep;
subR = R[1:rankA, 1:rankA];
fullRinv = j(n, n, 0);
fullRinv[1:rankA, 1:rankA] = inv(subR);
Ainv = perm
print Ainv;
verify generalized inverse
eps = 1e-12;
if any(A
A-A > eps) |
Ainv-Ainv > eps) |
Ainv > eps) |
A > eps) then
msg = "Pseudoinverse conditions not satisfied";
msg = "Pseudoinverse conditions satisfied";
print msg;
614 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.64 Results from a Complete Orthogonal Factorization
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1
0 1 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 1
0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2666667 -0.066667 -0.066667 -0.066667
-0.066667 -0.066667 -0.066667 0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2666667
0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1
-0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1
-0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4
Pseudoinverse conditions satisfied
CONCAT Function
CONCAT(argument1, argument2 <, . . . , argument15> );
The CONCAT function produces a character matrix that contains elements that are the concatenations of
corresponding elements from each argument. The CONCAT function accepts up to 15 arguments, where
each argument is a character matrix or a scalar.
All nonscalar arguments must have the same dimensions. Any scalar arguments are used repeatedly to
concatenate to all elements of the other arguments. The element length of the result equals the sum of the
element lengths of the arguments. Trailing blanks of one matrix argument appear before elements of the
next matrix argument in the result matrix.
For example, suppose you specify the following matrices:
b = {"AB" "C ",
"DE" "FG"};
c = {"H " "IJ",
" K" "LM"};
The following statement produces a new 2 2 character matrix, a:
a = concat(b, c);
print a;
CONTENTS Function ! 615
Figure 23.65 Elementwise Concatenation of Strings
Quotation marks (") are needed only if you want to embed blanks or maintain uppercase and lowercase
characters. You can also use the ADD operator to concatenate character operands.
CONTENTS(<libref > <, SAS-data-set > );
The CONTENTS function returns a column vector that contains the variable names for a SAS data set. The
vector contains n rows, where n is the number of variables in the data set. The variable list is returned in the
order in which the variables occur in the data set.
You can specify the SAS data set with a one-level name (for example, A) or with a libref and a SAS
data set name (for example, Sashelp.Class). If you specify a one-level name, SAS/IML software uses the
default SAS data library (as specied in the DEFLIB= option in the RESET statement.) If no arguments are
specied, the current open input data set is used.
The following statements use the CONTENTS function to obtain the names of variables in SAS data sets:
x = 1:5;
create temp from x;
append from x;
tempVars = contents(); /
use current open input data set
close temp;
classVars = contents("sashelp", "class"); /
contents of data set in
SASHELP library
print tempVars classVars;
Figure 23.66 Names of Variables in SAS Data Sets
tempVars classVars
COL1 Name
COL2 Sex
COL3 Age
COL4 Height
COL5 Weight
See also the description of the SHOW CONTENTS statement.
616 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
CONVEXIT(times, ows, ytm);
The CONVEXIT function computes and returns a scalar that contains the convexity of a noncontingent cash
ow. The arguments to the CONVEXIT function are as follows:
times is an n-dimensional column vector of times. Elements should be nonnegative.
ows is an n-dimensional column vector of cash ows.
ytm is the per-period yield-to-maturity of the cash-ow stream. This is a scalar and should be
Convexity is essentially a measure of how duration, the sensitivity of price to yield, changes as interest rates
C =
Under certain assumptions, the convexity of cash ows that are not yield-sensitive is given by
C =

1(1 ,)
where 1 is the present value, , is the effective per-period yield-to-maturity, 1 is the number of cash ows,
and the kth cash ow is c(k) t
periods from the present.
The following statements compute the convexity of a noncontingent cash ow.
timesn = T(do(1, 100, 1));
flows = repeat(10, 100);
ytm = 0.1;
convexit = convexit(timesn, flows, ytm);
print convexit;
Figure 23.67 Convexity of a Noncontingent Cash Flow
CORR Function
CORR(x <, method> <, excludemiss > );
The CORR function computes a sample correlation matrix for data. The arguments are as follows:
CORR Function ! 617
x species an n numerical matrix of data. The CORR function computes a
correlation matrix of the data.
method species the method used to compute the correlation matrix. The following strings are
Pearson species the computation of Pearson product-moment correlations.
The correlations range from 1 to 1. This is the default value.
Hoeffding species the computation of Hoeffdings D statistics, scaled to range
between 0.5 and 1.
Kendall species the computation of Kendalls tau-b coefcients based on the
number of concordant and discordant pairs of observations. Kendalls
tau-b ranges from 1 to 1.
Spearman species the computation of Spearman correlation coefcients based
on the ranks of the variables. The correlations range from 1 to 1.
excludemiss species how missing values are handled. The following values are valid:
listwise species that observations with missing values are excluded from the
analysis. This is the default value.
pairwise species that all nonmissing pairs of values for each pair of variables
are included in the statistical computations.
The method and excludemiss arguments are not case-sensitive. The rst four characters are used to deter-
mine the value. For example, LIST and listwise specify the same option.
The CORR function computes a sample correlation matrix for data, as shown in the following example:
x = {5 1 10,
6 2 3,
6 8 5,
6 7 9,
7 2 13};
corr = corr(x);
spearman = corr(x, "spearman");
print corr, spearman;
Figure 23.68 Correlation Matrices
1 0.1091089 0.265165
0.1091089 1 -0.289319
0.265165 -0.289319 1
1 0.3441236 0.2236068
0.3441236 1 -0.410391
0.2236068 -0.410391 1
618 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The CORR function behaves similarly to the CORR procedure. In particular, the documentation for the
CORR procedure in the Base SAS Procedures Guide: Statistical Procedures includes details about the
various correlation statistics.
The CORR function also handles missing values in the same way as the CORR procedure. In particular, be
aware that specifying excludemiss=pairwise might result in a correlation matrix that is not nonnegative
You can use the ROWNAME= and COLNAME= options in the MATTRIB statement or the PRINT state-
ment to associate names of variables to rows and columns of the correlation matrix. For example, if the
names of the variables in the previous example are X1, X2, and X3, then the following statements associate
those names with the matrix returned by the CORR function:
varnames = {"X1" "X2" "X3"};
mattrib corr rowname=varnames colname=varnames
spearman rowname=varnames colname=varnames;
print corr, spearman;
Figure 23.69 Correlation Matrices with Named Rows and Columns
X1 X2 X3
X1 1 0.1091089 0.265165
X2 0.1091089 1 -0.289319
X3 0.265165 -0.289319 1
X1 X2 X3
X1 1 0.3441236 0.2236068
X2 0.3441236 1 -0.410391
X3 0.2236068 -0.410391 1
Prior to SAS/IML 9.22, there was a module named CORR in the IMLMLIB library. This module has been
COUNTMISS(x <, method> );
The COUNTMISS function counts the number of missing values in a matrix. The arguments are as follows:
x species an n numerical or character matrix. The COUNTMISS function counts the
number of missing values in this matrix.
method species the method used to count the missing values. This argument is optional. The
following are valid values:
COUNTN Function ! 619
all species that all missing values are counted. This is the default value.
The function returns a 1 1 matrix.
row species that the function return an n1 matrix whose i th element is
the number of missing values in the i th row of x.
col species that the function return a 1 matrix whose th element is
the number of missing values in the th row of x.
The method argument is not case-sensitive. The rst three characters are used to determine the value.
For example, the following statements count missing values for the matrix x:
x = {1 2 3,
. 0 2,
1 . .,
1 0 . };
totalMiss = countmiss(x);
rowMiss = countmiss(x, "ROW");
colMiss = countmiss(x, "COL");
print totalMiss, rowMiss, colMiss;
Figure 23.70 Counts of Missing Values
1 1 2
COUNTN Function
COUNTN(x <, method> );
The COUNTN function counts the number of nonmissing values in a matrix. The arguments are as follows:
x species an n numerical or character matrix. The COUNTN function counts the
number of nonmissing values in this matrix.
method species the method used to count the nonmissing values. This argument is optional.
The following are valid values:
620 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
all species that all nonmissing values are counted. This is the default
value. The function returns a 1 1 matrix.
row species that the function return an n1 matrix whose i th element is
the number of nonmissing values in the i th row of x.
col species that the function return a 1 matrix whose th element is
the number of nonmissing values in the th row of x.
The method argument is not case-sensitive. The rst three characters are used to determine the value.
For example, the following statements count nonmissing values for a matrix x:
x = {1 2 3,
. 0 2,
1 . .,
1 0 . };
totalN = countn(x);
rowN = countn(x, "ROW");
colN = countn(x, "COL");
print totalN, rowN, colN;
Figure 23.71 Counts of Nonmissing Values
3 3 2
COUNTUNIQUE(x <, method> );
The COUNTUNIQUE function counts the number of unique values in a matrix. The arguments are as
x species an n numerical or character matrix. The COUNTUNIQUE function counts
the number of unique values in this matrix.
method species the method used to count the missing values. This argument is optional. The
following are valid values:
COV Function ! 621
all species that the function counts all unique values in the matrix. This
is the default value. The function returns a 1 1 matrix.
row species that the function counts the unique values in each row. The
function returns an n 1 matrix whose i th element is the number of
unique values in the i th row of x.
col species that the function counts the unique values in each column.
The function returns a 1 matrix whose th element is the number
of unique values in the th column of x.
The method argument is not case-sensitive. The rst three characters are used to determine the value.
For example, the following statements count unique values for the matrix x:
x={1 2 3,
1 1 2,
1 1 1,
1 0 0};
allUnique = countunique(x);
rowUnique = countunique(x, "ROW");
colUnique = countunique(x, "COL");
print allUnique, rowUnique, colUnique;
Figure 23.72 Counts of Unique Values
1 3 4
COV Function
COV(x <, excludemiss > );
The COV function computes a sample variance-covariance matrix for data. The arguments are as follows:
x species an n numerical matrix of data. The COV function computes a
variance-covariance matrix of the data.
excludemiss species how missing values are handled. The following values are valid:
622 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
listwise species that observations with missing values are excluded from the
analysis. This is the default value.
pairwise species that all nonmissing pairs of values for each pair of variables
are included in the statistical computations.
The excludemiss argument is not case-sensitive. The rst four characters are used to determine the value.
For example, LIST and listwise specify the same option.
The COVfunction computes a sample variance-covariance matrix for data, as the following example shows:
x = {5 1 10,
6 2 3,
6 8 5,
6 7 9,
7 2 13};
cov = cov(x);
print cov;
Figure 23.73 Variance-Covariance Matrix
0.5 0.25 0.75
0.25 10.5 -3.75
0.75 -3.75 16
The COV function handles missing values in the same way as the CORR procedure. For additional details,
see the documentation for the CORRprocedure (especially the NOMISS option) in the Base SAS Procedures
Guide: Statistical Procedures.
It might be useful to use the ROWNAME= and COLNAME= options in the MATTRIB statement or the
PRINT statement to associate names of variables to rows and columns of the correlation matrix, as shown
in the example for the CORR function.
COVLAG Function
COVLAG(x, k);
The COVLAG function computes a sequence of lagged crossproduct matrices. This function is useful for
computing sample autocovariance sequences for scalar or vector time series.
The arguments to the COVLAG function are as follows:
x is an n n matrix of time series values; n is the number of observations, and n is the dimension of
the random vector.
k is a scalar, the absolute value of which species the number of lags desired. If k is positive, a mean
correction is made. If k is negative, no mean correction is made.
CREATE Statement ! 623
The value returned by the COVLAG function is an n (k + n) matrix. The i th n n block of the
matrix is the sum

if k < 0
where .
is the th row of .. If k > 0, then the i th n n block of the matrix is

where . is a row vector of the column means of ..
For example, the following statements produce a lagged crossproduct matrix:
x = T(do(-9, 9, 2));
cov = covlag(x, 4);
print cov;
Figure 23.74 Lagged Crossproduct Matrix
33 23.1 13.6 4.9
CREATE Statement
CREATE SAS-data-set <VAR operand> ;
CREATE SAS-data-set FROM matrix-name <[COLNAME=column-name
ROWNAME=row-name] > ;
The CREATE statement creates a new SAS data set and makes it both the current input and output data sets.
The variables in the new SAS data set are either the variables listed in the VAR clause or variables created
from the columns of the FROM matrix. The FROM clause and the VAR clause should not be specied
The arguments to the CREATE statement are as follows:
SAS-data-set is the name of a SAS data set. It can be specied with a one-level name (for example, A)
or a two-level name (for example, Sasuser.A).
operand species a set of existing SAS/IML matrices that contain data. The names of the matrices
become the names of the data set variables.
matrix-name species a matrix that contains the data. Each column of the matrix produces a variable
in the data set.
column-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains names of the data set variables.
624 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
row-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains text to associate with each observation
in the data set.
You can specify a set of variables to use with the VAR clause. The operand argument can be specied in
one of the following ways:
v a literal that contains variable names
v the name of a matrix that contains variable names
v an expression in parentheses that yields variable names
v one of the keywords in the following list:
_ALL_ species that all variables in scope should be written to the data set.
_CHAR_ species that all character variables in scope should be written to the data set.
_NUM_ species that all numeric variables in scope should be written to the data set.
The following example demonstrates ways that you can use the VAR clause:
x1 = T(1:5);
x2 = T(5:1);
y = {-1,0,1,0,1};
z = {a,b,c,d,e};
create temp var {x1 y z}; /
a literal matrix of names
close temp;
varNames = {"x1" "y" "z"};
create temp var varNames; /
a matrix that contains names
close temp;
free varNames;
create temp var ("x1":"x2"); /
an expression
close temp;
create temp var _all_; /
all variables in scope
close temp;
You can specify a COLNAME= and a ROWNAME= matrix in the FROM clause. The COLNAME= matrix
gives names to variables in the SAS data set being created. The COLNAME= operand species the name
of a character matrix. The rst ncol values from this matrix provide the variable names in the data set being
created, where ncol is the number of columns in the FROM matrix. The CREATE statement uses the rst
ncol elements of the COLNAME= matrix in row-major order.
The ROWNAME= operand adds a variable to the data set that contains labels. The operand must be a
character matrix. The length of the resulting data set variable is the length of a matrix element of the
operand. The same ROWNAME= matrix should be used in any subsequent APPEND statements for this
data set.
CREATE Statement ! 625
The variable types and lengths correspond to the attributes of the matrices specied in the VAR clause or the
matrix in the FROM clause. The default type is numeric when the name is undened. If you do not specify
the name of a variable, then all variables in scope are used.
To add observations to your data set, you must use the APPEND statement.
For example, the following statements create a new SAS data named Population that contains two numeric
and two character variables:
State = {"NC", "NC", "FL", "FL"};
County = {"Chatham", "Wake", "Orange", "Seminole"};
Pop2000 = {49329, 627846, 896344, 365196};
Pop2009 = {64772, 897214, 1086480, 413204};
create Population var {"State" "County" "Pop2000" "Pop2009"};
close Population;
The data come from vectors with the same names. You must initialize the character variables (State and
County) prior to calling the CREATE statement. The State variable has length 2 and the County variable
has length 8. The Pop2000 and Pop2009 variables are numeric.
In the next example, you use the FROM clause with the COLNAME= option to create a SAS data set named
MyData. The new data set has variables named with the COLNAME= operand. The data are in the FROM
matrix x, and there are two observations because x has two rows of data. The COLNAME= operand gives
descriptive names to the data set variables, as shown in the following statements:
x = {1 2 3, 4 5 6};
varNames = "x1":"x3";
create data set MYDATA with variables X1, X2, X3
create MyData from x [colname=varNames];
append from x;
close MyData;
If you associate a format with a matrix by using the MATTRIB statement, then the CREATE statement
assigns that format to the corresponding variable in the data set, as shown in the following example:
proc iml;
date = { '20MAR2010'd, '20MAR2011'd, '20MAR2012'd,
'20MAR2013'd, '20MAR2014'd, '20MAR2015'd };
mattrib date format=WORDDATE.;
time of equinox, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
time = { '17:32't, '23:21't, '05:14't,
'11:02't, '16:57't, '22:45't };
mattrib time format=TIMEAMPM.;
create MarchEquinox var {"Date" "Time"};
close MarchEquinox;
proc print data=MarchEquinox;
626 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.75 Data Set That Contains Formats
Obs Date Time
1 March 20, 2010 5:32:00 PM
2 March 20, 2011 11:21:00 PM
3 March 20, 2012 5:14:00 AM
4 March 20, 2013 11:02:00 AM
5 March 20, 2014 4:57:00 PM
6 March 20, 2015 10:45:00 PM
CSHAPE Function
CSHAPE(matrix, nrow, ncol, size <, padchar > );
The CSHAPE function changes the shape of a character matrix by redening the matrix dimensions.
The arguments to the CSHAPE function are as follows:
matrix is a character matrix or quoted literal.
nrow is the number of rows.
ncol is the number of columns.
size is the element length.
padchar is an optional padding character.
The dimension of the matrix created by the CSHAPE function is specied by nrow (the number of rows),
ncol (the number of columns), and size (the element length). A padding character is specied by padchar.
The CSHAPE function works by looking at the source matrix as if the characters of the source elements had
been concatenated in row-major order. The source characters are then regrouped into elements of length
size. These elements are assigned to the result matrix, once again in row-major order.
If there are not enough characters for the result matrix, the source of the remaining characters depends on
whether padding was specied with padchar. If no padding was specied, the characters in the source
matrix are cycled through again. If a padding character was specied, the remaining characters are all the
padding character.
If one of the size arguments (nrow, ncol, or size) is zero, the CSHAPE function computes the dimension
of the output matrix by dividing the number of elements of the input matrix by the product of the nonzero
For example, the following statement produces a 2 2 matrix:
a = cshape("abcd", 2, 2, 1);
print a;
CSHAPE Function ! 627
Figure 23.76 Reshaped Character Matrix
a b
c d
The following statement rearranges the 12 characters in the input matrix into a 2 2 matrix with three
characters in each element:
m = {"ab" "cd",
"ef" "gh",
"ij" "kl"};
b = cshape(m, 2, 2, 3);
print b;
Figure 23.77 Reshaped Character Matrix
abc def
ghi jkl
The following statement uses the size argument to specify the length of the result matrix. Notice that the
characters in the matrix argument are reused in order to form a 2 2 matrix with three characters in each
c = cshape("abcde", 2, 2, 3);
print c;
Figure 23.78 Reusing Characters
abc dea
bcd eab
The next example is similar, except that the optional padchar argument is used to specify what character to
use after the characters in the matrix argument are each used once:
d = cshape("abcde", 2, 2, 3, "
print d;
Figure 23.79 Using a Pad Character
abc de
*** ***
628 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
See also the description of the SHAPE function, which is used with numeric data.
CUSUM Function
The CUSUM function computes cumulative sums. The argument to this function is a numeric matrix or
The CUSUM function returns a matrix of the same dimension as the argument matrix. The result contains
the cumulative sums obtained by adding the nonmissing elements of the argument in row-major order.
For example, the following statements compute cumulative sums:
a = cusum({1 2 4 5});
b = cusum({5 6, 3 4});
print a, b;
Figure 23.80 Cumulative Sums
1 3 7 12
5 11
14 18
CUPROD Function
The CUPROD function computes cumulative products. The argument to this function is a numeric matrix
or literal.
The CUPROD function returns a matrix of the same dimension as the argument matrix. The result contains
the cumulative products obtained by multiplying the nonmissing elements of the argument in row-major
For example, the following statements compute cumulative products:
a = cuprod({1 2 4 5});
b = cuprod({5 6, . 4});
print a, b;
CVEXHULL Function ! 629
Figure 23.81 Output from the CUPROD Function
1 2 8 40
5 30
30 120
The CVEXHULL function nds a convex hull of a set of planar points.
The matrix argument is an n 2 matrix of (.. ,) points.
The CVEXHULL function returns an n 1 matrix of indices. The indices of points in the convex hull in
counterclockwise order are returned as the rst part of the result matrix, and the negative of the indices of
the internal points are returned as the remaining elements of the result matrix. Any points that lie on the
convex hull but lie on a line segment joining two other points on the convex hull are not included as part of
the convex hull.
The result matrix can be split into positive and negative parts by using the LOC function. For example, the
following statements nd the index vector for the convex hull and print the associated points:
points = {0 2, 0.5 2, 1 2, 0.5 1, 0 0, 0.5 0, 1 0,
2 -1, 2 0, 2 1, 3 0, 4 1, 4 0, 4 -1,
5 2, 5 1, 5 0, 6 0 };
indices = cvexhull( points );
hullIndices = indices[loc(indices>0)];
convexHull = points[hullIndices, ];
print convexHull;
Figure 23.82 Convex Hull of a Planar Set of Points
0 2
0 0
2 -1
4 -1
6 0
5 2
630 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
DATASETS(<libref >);
The DATASETS function returns a character matrix that contains the names of the SAS data sets in the
specied SAS data library. The result is a character matrix with n rows and one column, where n is the
number of data sets in the library. If no argument is specied, SAS/IML software uses the default libname.
(See the DEFLIB= option in the description of the RESET statement.)
For more information about specifying a SAS data library, see Chapter 7.
Recall that SAS distributes sample data sets in the Sashelp library. The following statements list the names
of the rst few data sets in the library:
lib = "sashelp";
a = datasets(lib);
First5 = a[1:5];
print First5;
Figure 23.83 Several Data Sets in the Sashelp Library
CALL DELETE(<libname, > member-name);
The DELETE call deletes one or more SAS data sets. The arguments to the DELETE subroutine are as
libname is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains the name of one or more SAS data
member-names is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains the names of one or more data sets.
The DELETE subroutine deletes SAS data sets in a specied library. If you omit the libname argument, the
default SAS data library is used. (See the DEFLIB= option in the description of the RESET statement.)
The following statements use the DATA step to create several data sets and then delete them by using the
DELETE subroutine in SAS/IML software:
data a b c d e; /
create data sets in WORK
DELETE Statement ! 631
proc iml;
call delete(work,a); /
deletes WORK.A
reset deflib=work; /
sets default libname to WORK
call delete(b); /
deletes WORK.B
members = {"c" "d"};
call delete(members); /
deletes WORK.C and WORK.D
ds = datasets("work"); /
returns all data sets in WORK
call delete("work",ds[1]); /
deletes first data set
DELETE Statement
DELETE <range> <WHERE(expression) > ;
The DELETE statement marks observations (also called records) in the current output data set for deletion.
To actually delete the records and renumber the remaining observations, use the PURGE statement.
The arguments to the DELETE statement are as follows:
range species a range of observations.
expression is an expression that is evaluated for being true or false.
You can specify range by using a keyword or by using the POINT operand to specify an observation number.
The following keywords are valid values for range:
ALL species all observations.
CURRENT species the current observation.
NEXT <number > species the next observation or the next number of observations.
AFTER species all observations after the current one.
POINT value species observations by number, where value is one of the following:
Value Example
a single record number delete point 5
a literal that contains several delete point {2 5 10}
record numbers
the name of a matrix that p=5; delete point p;
contains record numbers
an expression in parentheses delete point (p+1);
The default value for range is CURRENT. If the current data set has an index in use (see the INDEX
statement, the POINT keyword is invalid.
632 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations that are contained within the range specication.
The general form of the WHERE clause is
WHERE variable comparison-op operand ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
? does not contain a given string
= : begins with a given string
= * sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
The operand argument in a WHERE comparison can be a matrix. For the following operators, the WHERE
clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
=, ?, = :, = *
For the remaining operators, the WHERE clause succeeds provided that all the elements in the matrix satisfy
the condition.
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
If clause is a valid WHERE expression, then you can combine expressions as follows:
Both conditions satised clause1 & clause2
Either condition satised clause1 | clause2
The following statements show examples of using the DELETE statement:
proc iml;
create sample data set
sex = { M, M, M, F, F, F};
age = {34, 28, 38, 32, 24, 18};
create MyData var {"Sex" "Age"};
close MyData;
delete observations in data set
edit MyData;
delete; /
marks the current obs
DESIGN Function ! 633
delete point 3; /
marks obs 3
delete all where(age<21); /
marks obs where age<21
purge; /
deletes all marked obs
close MyData;
proc print data=MyData;
Figure 23.84 Observations That Remain after Deletion
Obs Sex Age
1 M 28
2 F 32
3 F 24
Notice that observations marked for deletion by using the DELETE statement are not physically removed
from the data set until a PURGE statement is executed.
DESIGN Function
DESIGN(column-vector );
The DESIGN function creates a design matrix of zeros and ones from the column vector specied by
column-vector. Each unique value of the column vector generates a column of the design matrix. The
columns are arranged in the sort order of the original values. If .
is the i th sorted value in the column
vector, x, then the i th column of the design matrix contains ones in rows for which x has the value .
, and
contains zeros elsewhere.
For example, the following statements produce a design matrix for a column vector that contains three
unique values. The rst column corresponds to the A level, the second column corresponds to the B
level, and the third column corresponds to the C level.
x = {C, A, B, B, A, A};
m = design(x);
cols = unique(x);
print m[colname=cols];
634 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.85 Design Matrix for a Vector with Three Unique Values
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
The design matrix that is returned by the DESIGN function corresponds to the GLM parameterization of
classication variables as documented in the section Parameterization of Model Effects in the SAS/STAT
Users Guide. See also the documentation for the DESIGNF function.
DESIGNF Function
DESIGNF(column-vector );
The DESIGNF function creates a design matrix of zeros and ones from the column vector specied by
column-vector. The DESIGNF function is similar to the DESIGN function. The difference is that the
matrix returned by the DESIGNF function is one column smaller than the matrix returned by the DESIGN
function. The result of the DESIGNF function is obtained by subtracting the last column of the DESIGN
function matrix from the other columns.
For example, the following statements produce a design matrix for a column vector that contains three
unique values:
x = {C, A, B, B, A, A};
m = designf(x);
cols = unique(x);
print m[colname=cols];
Figure 23.86 Design Matrix for Vector with Three Unique Values
-1 -1
1 0
0 1
0 1
1 0
1 0
The matrix that is returned by the DESIGNF function can be used to produce full-rank designs. The ma-
DIAG Function ! 635
trix corresponds to the EFFECT parameterization of classication variables as documented in the section
Parameterization of Model Effects in the SAS/STAT Users Guide.
DET Function
The DET function computes the determinant of a square matrix. The determinant, the product of the eigen-
values, is a scalar numeric value. If the determinant of a matrix is zero, then the matrix is singular. A
singular matrix does not have an inverse.
The DET function performs an LU decomposition and collects the product of the diagonals (Forsythe,
Malcom, and Moler 1967). For a matrix with n rows, the DET function allocates a temporary n
array in
order to compute the determinant.
The following statements compute the determinant of a matrix:
a = {1 1 1,
1 2 4,
1 3 9};
d = det(a);
print d;
Figure 23.87 Determinant of a Matrix
The DET function uses a criterion to determine whether the input matrix is singular. See the INV function
for details.
DIAG Function
The DIAG function creates a diagonal matrix. The matrix argument can be either a numeric square matrix
or a vector.
If matrix is a square matrix, the DIAG function creates a matrix with diagonal elements equal to the corre-
sponding diagonal elements. All off-diagonal elements in the new matrix are zeros.
If matrix is a vector, the DIAG function creates a matrix with diagonal elements that are the values in the
vector. All off-diagonal elements are zeros.
636 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
For example, the following statements produce a diagonal matrix by extracting the diagonal elements of a
square matrix:
a = {4 3,
2 1};
c = diag(a);
print c;
Figure 23.88 Diagonal Matrix Obtained from a Full Matrix
4 0
0 1
The following statements produce a diagonal matrix by using the elements of a vector:
b = {1 2 3};
d = diag(b);
print d;
Figure 23.89 Diagonal Matrix Obtained from a Vector
1 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 3
DIF Function
DIF(x <, lags > );
The DIF function computes the differences between data values and one or more lagged (shifted) values for
time series data. The arguments are as follows:
x species a n 1 numerical matrix of time series data.
lags species integer lags. The lags argument can be an integer matrix with J elements. If so,
the DIF function returns an n J matrix where the i th column represents the difference
between the time series and the lagged data for the i th lag.
The values of the lags argument are usually positive integers. A positive lag shifts the time series data
backwards in time. A lag of 0 represents the original time series. A negative value for the lags argument
shifts the time series data forward in time; this is sometimes called a lead effect.
For example, the following statements compute the difference between the time series and the lagged data:
DISPLAY Statement ! 637
x = {1,3,4,7,9};
dif = dif(x, {0 1 3});
print dif;
Figure 23.90 Differences between Data and Lagged Data
0 . .
0 2 .
0 1 .
0 3 6
0 2 6
DISPLAY Statement
DISPLAY <group-spec group-options <, . . . , group-spec group-options >> ;
The DISPLAY statement displays elds in windows. The arguments to the DISPLAY statement are as
group-spec species a group. It can be specied as either a compound name of the form window-
name.groupname or a window name followed by a group of the form window-name
(eld-specs), where eld-specs is as dened for the WINDOW statement.
group-options can be any of the following:
NOINPUT displays the group with all elds protected so that no data can be
entered in the elds.
REPEAT repeats the group for each element of the matrices specied as eld
BELL rings the bell, sounds the alarm, or causes the speaker in your work-
station to beep when the window is displayed.
The DISPLAY statement directs PROC IML to gather data into elds dened in the window for purposes
of display, data entry, or menu selection. The DISPLAY statement always refers to a window that has been
previously opened by a WINDOW statement. The statement is described completely in Chapter 16.
The DISPLAY statement is described in detail in Chapter 16, Window and Display Features. Following
are several examples that demonstrate the use of the DISPLAY statement:
display w(i);
display w ("BELL") bell;
display w.g1 noinput;
display w (i protect=yes
j color="yellow");
638 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
DO Function
DO(start, stop, increment );
The DO function creates a row vector that contains a sequence of evenly spaced numbers.
The arguments to the DO function are as follows:
start is the starting value for the sequence.
stop is the stopping value for the sequence.
increment is an increment value.
The DO function creates a row vector that contains a sequence of numbers starting with start and incre-
menting by increment as long as the elements are less than or equal to stop (greater than or equal to stop
for a negative increment). This function is a generalization of the index creation operator (:).
The following statements show examples of using the DO function:
i = do(3, 18, 3);
k = do(3, 0, -1);
print i, k;
Figure 23.91 Aritmetic Sequences
3 6 9 12 15 18
3 2 1 0
DO Statement
DO ;
statements ;
The DO statement species that the statements that follow the DO statement be executed as a group until a
matching END statement appears. DO statements often appear in IF-THEN/ELSE statements, where they
designate groups of statements to be performed when the IF condition is true or false.
For example, consider the following statements:
DO Statement, Iterative ! 639
if x<y then
z1 = abs(x+y);
z2 = abs(x-y);
The statements between the DO and END statements (called the DO group) are executed only if x < y.
That is, they are executed only if all elements of x are less than the corresponding elements of y. If any
element of x is not less than the corresponding element of y, the statements in the DO group are skipped
and the statement that follows the END statement is executed.
It is good practice to indent the statements in a DO group as shown in the preceding example. However, the
DO and END statements do not need to be on separate lines. A popular indenting style is to write the DO
statement on the same line as the THEN or ELSE clause, as shown in following statements:
if x<y then do;
z1 = abs(x+y);
z2 = abs(x-y);
else do;
z1 = abs(x-y);
z2 = abs(x+y);
DO groups can be nested. There is no limit imposed on the number of nested DO groups. The following
statements show an example of nested DO groups:
if x<y then do;
if z1>2 then do;
z = z1 - z2;
w = x # y;
DO Statement, Iterative
DO variable = start TO stop <BY increment > ;
The iterative DO statement executes a group of statements several times.
The arguments to the DO statement are as follows:
variable is the name of a variable that indexes the loop. This variable is sometimes called an index
variable or a looping variable.
start is the starting value for variable.
stop is the stopping value for variable.
increment is an increment value.
640 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The start, stop, and increment values should be scalars or expressions that yield scalars.
When the DO group has this form, the statements between the DO and END statements are executed itera-
tively. The number of times the statements are executed depends on the evaluation of the expressions given
in the DO statement.
The index variable starts with the start value and is incremented by the increment value after each iteration.
The iterations continue provided that the index variable is less than or equal to the stop value. If a negative
increment is used, then iterations continue provided that the index variable is greater than or equal to the
stop value. The start, stop, and increment expressions are evaluated only once before the looping starts.
For example, the following statements print the value of i three times, as shown in Figure 23.92:
do i = 1 to 5 by 2;
print "The value of i is:" i;
Figure 23.92 Aritmetic Sequences
The value of i is: 1
The value of i is: 3
The value of i is: 5
DO DATA Statement
DO DATA <variable = start TO stop> ;
The DO DATA statement repeats a loop until an end-of-le condition occurs.
The arguments to the DO DATA statement are as follows:
variable is the name of a variable that indexes the loop.
start is the starting value for the looping variable.
stop is the stopping value for the looping variable.
The DO DATA statement is used for repetitive DO loops that need to be exited upon the occurrence of an
end of le for an INPUT, READ, or other I/O statement. This form is common for loops that read data from
either a sequential le or a SAS data set.
When an end of le is reached inside the DO DATA group, the program immediately jumps from the group
and starts executing the statement that follows the END statement. DO DATA groups can be nested, where
DO Statement with an UNTIL Clause ! 641
each end of le causes a jump from the most local DO DATA group. The DO DATA loop simulates the
end-of-le behavior of the SAS DATA step. You should avoid using GOTO and LINK statements to jump
out of a DO DATA group.
The following statements read data from an external le. The example reads the rst 100 lines or until the
end of le, whichever occurs rst.
do data i = 1 to 100;
input name $8.;
If you are reading data from a SAS data set, then you can use the following statements:
do data; /
read next obs until eof is reached
read next var{x}; /
read only variable X
DO Statement with an UNTIL Clause
DO UNTIL (expression) ;
DO variable = start TO stop <BY increment > UNTIL(expression) ;
The DO UNTIL statement conditionally executes statements iteratively.
The arguments to the DO UNTIL statement are as follows:
expression is an expression that is evaluated at the bottom of the loop for being true or false.
variable is the name of a variable that indexes the loop.
start is the starting value for the looping variable.
stop is the stopping value for the looping variable.
increment is an increment value.
Using an UNTIL expression enables you to conditionally execute a set of statements iteratively. The UNTIL
expression is evaluated at the bottom of the loop, and the statements inside the loop are executed repeatedly
as long as the expression yields a zero or missing value. In the following example, the body of the loop
executes until the value of X exceeds 100:
x = 1;
do until (x>100);
x = x + 1;
print x;
Figure 23.93 Result of a DO-UNTIL Statement
642 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
DO Statement with a WHILE Clause
DO WHILE (expression) ;
DO variable = start TO stop <BY increment > WHILE(expression) ;
The DO WHILE statement executes statements iteratively while a condition is true.
The arguments to the DO WHILE statement are as follows:
expression is an expression that is evaluated at the top of the loop for being true or false.
variable is the name of a variable that indexes the loop.
start is the starting value for the looping variable.
stop is the stopping value for the looping variable.
increment is an increment value.
Using a WHILE expression enables you to conditionally execute a set of statements iteratively. The WHILE
expression is evaluated at the top of the loop, and the statements inside the loop are executed repeatedly as
long as the expression yields a nonzero or nonmissing value.
Note that the incrementing is done before the WHILE expression is tested. The following example demon-
strates the incrementing:
x = 1;
do while (x<100);
x = x + 1;
print x;
Figure 23.94 Result of a DO-WHILE Statement
The next example increments the starting value by 2:
y = 1;
do i = 1 to 100 by 2 while(y<200);
y = y # i;
print i y;
Figure 23.95 Result of an Iterative DO-WHILE Statement
i y
11 945
DURATION Function ! 643
DURATION(times, ows, ytm);
The DURATION function returns a scalar value that represents the modied duration of a noncontingent
cash ow. The arguments are as follows:
times is an n-dimensional column vector of times. The i th time corresponds to the time (often in
years) until the i th cash ow occurs. Elements should be nonnegative.
ows is an n-dimensional column vector of cash ows.
ytm is the per-period yield-to-maturity of the cash-ow stream. This is a scalar and should be
Duration of a security is generally dened as
D =
In other words, it is the relative change in price for a unit change in yield. Since prices move in the opposite
direction to yields, the sign change preserves positivity for convenience. With cash ows that are not yield-
sensitive and the assumption of parallel shifts to a at term structure, duration is given by

1(1 ,)
where 1 is the present value, , is the per-period effective yield-to-maturity, 1 is the number of cash ows,
and the kth cash ow is c(k), t
periods from the present. This measure is referred to as modied duration
to differentiate it from the Macaulay duration:

This expression also reveals the reason for the name duration, since it is a present-value-weighted average
of the duration (that is, timing) of all the cash ows and is hence an average time-to-maturity of the bond.
For example, consider the following statements:
times = 1;
flow = 10;
ytm = 0.1;
duration = duration(times, flow, ytm);
print duration;
Figure 23.96 Duration of a Cash Flow
644 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
ECHELON Function
The ECHELON function uses elementary row operations to reduce a matrix to row-echelon normal form,
as in the following example (Graybill 1969):
a = {3 6 9,
1 2 5,
2 4 10 };
e = echelon(a);
print e;
Figure 23.97 Result of the ECHELON Function
1 2 0
0 0 1
0 0 0
If the argument is a square matrix, then the row-echelon normal form can be obtained from the Hermite
normal form by rearranging rows that are all zeros. See the HERMITE function for details about the Hermite
normal form.
EDIT Statement
EDIT SAS-data-set <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > <NOBS name> ;
The EDIT statement opens a SAS data set for reading and updating. If the data set has already been opened,
the EDIT statement makes it the current input and output data sets.
The arguments to the EDIT statement are as follows:
SAS-data-set can be specied with a one-level name (for example, A) or a two-level name (for exam-
ple, Sasuser.A). For more information about specifying SAS data sets, see the chapter on
SAS data sets in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
operand selects a set of variables.
expression selects observations conditionally.
name names a variable to contain the number of observations.
You can specify a set of variables to use with the VAR clause, where operand can be specied as one of the
v a literal that contains variable names
EDIT Statement ! 645
v the name of a matrix that contains variable names
v an expression in parentheses that yields variable names
v one of the keywords described in the following list:
_ALL_ for all variables
_CHAR_ for all character variables
_NUM_ for all numeric variables
The following examples demonstrate each possible way you can use the VAR clause:
var {x1 x5 x9}; /
a literal matrix of names
var x; /
a matrix that contains the names
var("x1":"x9"); /
an expression
var _all_; /
a keyword
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations within the range specication, according to condi-
tions given in the clause.
The general form of the WHERE clause is
WHERE (variable comparison-op operand) ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is any one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
? does not contain a given string
= : begins with a given string
= * sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds
if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
= ? < <= > >=
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the
646 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
= ? = : = *
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
The general form is
clause & clause (for an AND clause)
clause | clause (for an OR clause)
where clause can be a comparison, a parenthesized clause, or a logical expression clause that is evaluated
by using operator precedence.
NOTE: The expression on the left-hand side refers to values of the data set variables, and the expression on
the right-hand side refers to matrix values.
The EDIT statement can dene a set of variables and the selection criteria that are used to control access
to data set observations. The NOBS clause returns the total number of observations in the data set in the
variable name.
The VAR and WHERE clauses are optional and can be specied in any order. The NOBS clause is also
See Chapter 7 for more information about editing SAS data sets.
To control the variables you want to edit and conditionally select observations for editing, use the VAR and
WHERE clauses. For example, to read and update observations for which the Age variable is greater than
30, use the following statements:
proc iml;
create sample data set
sex = { M, M, M, F, F, F};
age = {34, 28, 38, 32, 24, 18};
create MyData var {"Sex" "Age"};
close MyData;
edit MyData where (Age>30);
list all;
close MyData;
Figure 23.98 Result of the LIST Statement
OBS Sex Age
------ --- ---------
1 M 34.0000
3 M 38.0000
4 F 32.0000
To edit the data set Work.MyData and obtain the number of observations in the data set, use the following
edit Work.MyData nobs NumObs;
close Work.MyData;
EIGEN Call ! 647
print NumObs;
Figure 23.99 Number of Observations in a Data Set
Another example of using the EDIT statement is presented in the documentation for the DELETE statement.
CALL EIGEN(evals, evecs, A) <VECL=vl >;
The EIGEN subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors an arbitrary square numeric matrix.
The A argument is the input argument to the EIGEN subroutine. The EIGEN call returns the following
evals names a matrix to contain the eigenvalues of A.
evecs names a matrix to contain the right eigenvectors of A.
vl is an optional n n matrix that contains the left eigenvectors of A in the same manner that
evecs contains the right eigenvectors.
The EIGEN subroutine computes evals, a matrix that contains the eigenvalues of A. If A is symmetric, evals
is the n 1 vector that contains the n real eigenvalues of A. If A is not symmetric (as determined by the
criteria in the symmetry test described later), evals is an n 2 matrix. The rst column of evals contains
the real parts, Re(z), and the second column contains the imaginary parts, Im(z). Each row represents one
eigenvalue, Re(z) i Im(z).
If A is symmetric, the eigenvalues are arranged in descending order. Otherwise, the eigenvalues are sorted
rst by their real parts, then by the magnitude of their imaginary parts. Complex conjugate eigenvalues,
Re(z) i Im(z), are stored in standard order; that is, the eigenvalue of the pair with a positive imaginary
part is followed by the eigenvalue of the pair with the negative imaginary part.
The EIGEN subroutine also computes evecs, a matrix that contains the orthonormal column eigenvectors
that correspond to evals. If A is symmetric, then the rst column of evecs is the eigenvector that corresponds
to the largest eigenvalue, and so forth. If A is not symmetric, then evecs is an n n matrix that contains
the right eigenvectors of A. If the eigenvalue in row i of evals is real, then column i of evecs contains
the corresponding real eigenvector. If rows i and i 1 of evals contain complex conjugate eigenvalues
Re(z) i Im(z), then columns i and i 1 of evecs contain the real part, u, and imaginary part, v, of the
two corresponding eigenvectors u i v.
The following paragraphs present some properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Let A be a general
n n matrix. The eigenvalues of A are the roots of the characteristic polynomial, which is dened as
(:) = det(:I A). The spectrum, denoted by z(), is the set of eigenvalues of the matrix . If z(A) =
. . . . . z
], then det(A) = z
648 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The trace of A is dened by
tr(A) =

i i
and tr(A) = z
. . . z
An eigenvector is a nonzero vector, x, that satises Ax = zx for z z(A). Right eigenvectors satisfy
Ax = zx, and left eigenvectors satisfy x
A = zx
, where x
is the complex conjugate transpose of x.
Taking the conjugate transpose of both sides shows that left eigenvectors also satisfy A
x =

The following are properties of the unsymmetric real eigenvalue problem, in which the real matrix A is
square but not necessarily symmetric:
v The eigenvalues of an unsymmetric matrix Acan be complex. If Ahas a complex eigenvalue, Re(z)
i Im(z), then the conjugate complex value Re(z) i Im(z) is also an eigenvalue of A.
v The right and left eigenvectors that correspond to a real eigenvalue of A are real. The right and left
eigenvectors that correspond to conjugate complex eigenvalues of A are also conjugate complex.
v The left eigenvectors of A are the same as the complex conjugate right eigenvectors of A
The three routines, EIGEN, EIGVAL, and EIGVEC, use the following test of symmetry for a square argu-
ment matrix A:
1. Select the entry of A with the largest magnitude:
= max
2. Multiply the value of a
by the square root of the machine precision, c. The value of c is the largest
value stored in double precision that, when added to 1 in double precision, still results in 1.
3. The matrix A is considered unsymmetric if there exists at least one pair of symmetric entries that
differs in more than a
[ > a
If A is a symmetric matrix and M and E are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, respectively, of A, then the
matrices have the following properties:
A + E = E + diag(M)
+ E = I
These properties imply the following:
= inv(E)
A = E + diag(M) + E
EIGEN Call ! 649
The QL method is used to compute the eigenvalues (Wilkinson and Reinsch 1971).
In statistical applications, nonsymmetric matrices for which eigenvalues are desired are usually of the form
H, where E and H are symmetric. The eigenvalues L and eigenvectors V of E
H can be obtained by
using the GENEIG subroutine, or by using the following statements:
F = root(einv);
A = F
call eigen(L, W, A);
V = F`
The computation can be checked by forming the residuals, r, as shown in the following statement:
r = einv
V - V
The values in r should be of the order of rounding error.
The following statements compute the eigenvalues and left and right eigenvectors of a nonsymmetric matrix
with four real and four complex eigenvalues:
A = {-1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0,
-2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0,
0 0 0.2379 0.5145 0.1201 0.1275 0 0,
0 0 0.1943 0.4954 0.1230 0.1873 0 0,
0 0 0.1827 0.4955 0.1350 0.1868 0 0,
0 0 0.1084 0.4218 0.1045 0.3653 0 0,
0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2,
0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 };
call eigen(val, rvec, A) vecl="lvec";
print val;
The sorted eigenvalues of the A matrix are shown in Figure 23.100.
Figure 23.100 Complex Eigenvalues of a Nonsymmetric Matrix
1 1.7320508
1 -1.732051
1 0
0.2087788 0
0.0222025 0
0.0026187 0
-1 2
-1 -2
You can verify the correctness of the left and right eigenvector computation by using the following state-
verify that the right eigenvectors are correct
vec = rvec;
do j = 1 to ncol(vec);
if eigenvalue is real
if val[j,2] = 0. then do;
650 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
v = A
vec[,j] - val[j,1]
if any( abs(v) > 1e-12 ) then
badVectors = badVectors || j;
if eigenvalue is complex with positive imaginary part
else if val[j,2] > 0. then do;
the real part
rp = val[j,1]
vec[,j] - val[j,2]
v = A
vec[,j] - rp;
the imaginary part
ip = val[j,1]
vec[,j+1] + val[j,2]
u = A
vec[,j+1] - ip;
if any( abs(u) > 1e-12 ) | any( abs(v) > 1e-12 ) then
badVectors = badVectors || j || j+1;
if ncol( badVectors ) > 0 then
print "Incorrect right eigenvectors:" badVectors;
else print "All right eigenvectors are correct";
Similar statements can be written to verify the left eigenvectors. The statements use the fact that the left
eigenvectors of A are the same as the complex conjugate right eigenvectors of A
verify that the left eigenvectors are correct
vec = lvec;
do j = 1 to ncol(vec);
if eigenvalue is real
if val[j,2] = 0. then do;
v = A`
vec[,j] - val[j,1]
if any( abs(v) > 1e-12 ) then
badVectors = badVectors || j;
if eigenvalue is complex with positive imaginary part
else if val[j,2] > 0. then do;
Note the use of complex conjugation
the real part
rp = val[j,1]
vec[,j] + val[j,2]
v = A`
vec[,j] - rp;
the imaginary part
ip = val[j,1]
vec[,j+1] - val[j,2]
u = A`
vec[,j+1] - ip;
if any( abs(u) > 1e-12 ) | any( abs(v) > 1e-12 ) then
badVectors = badVectors || j || j+1;
if ncol( badVectors ) > 0 then
print "Incorrect left eigenvectors:" badVectors;
else print "All left eigenvectors are correct";
The EIGEN call performs most of its computations in the memory allocated for returning the eigenvectors.
EIGVEC Function ! 651
EIGVAL Function
The EIGVAL function computes the eigenvalues of a square numeric matrix, A. The EIGVAL function
returns a column vector that contains the eigenvalues of A. See the description of the EIGEN subroutine for
more details.
The following statements compute Example 7.1.1 from Golub and Van Loan (1989):
A = { 67.00 177.60 -63.20 ,
-20.40 95.88 -87.16 ,
22.80 67.84 12.12 };
val = eigval(A);
print val;
Figure 23.101 Eigenvalues
75 100
75 -100
25 0
Notice that the matrix a is not symmetric and that the eigenvalues are complex. The rst column of the val
matrix is the real part of the three eigenvalues, and the second column is the complex part.
If a matrix is symmetric, it has real eigenvalues and real eigenvectors. The following statements produce
the eigenvalues of a crossproducts matrix:
x = {1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4};
xpx = t(x)
x; /
xpx is a symmetric matrix
rval = eigval(xpx);
print rval;
Figure 23.102 Real Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Matrix
EIGVEC Function
652 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The EIGVEC function computes the (right) eigenvectors of a square numeric matrix, A. You can obtain the
left eigenvectors by rst transposing A. See the description of the EIGEN subroutine for more details.
The following example calculates the eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix:
x = {1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4};
xpx = t(x)
x; /
xpx is a symmetric matrix
eval = eigvec(xpx);
print eval;
Figure 23.103 Eigenvectors of a Symmetric Matrix
0.3220062 0.9467376
0.9467376 -0.322006
ELEMENT Function
ELEMENT(x, y);
The ELEMENT function returns a matrix that is the same shape as x. The return value indicates which
elements of x are elements of y. In particular, if A = element(x, y), then

1 if .
0 otherwise
The arguments are as follows:
x species a matrix of elements to test for membership.
y species a set.
If the intersection between x and y is empty, then the ELEMENT function returns a zero matrix. If x is
a proper subset of y, then the ELEMENT function returns a matrix of ones. In general, the ELEMENT
function returns 1 for elements in the intersection of x and y, as shown in the following statements:
x = {0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 0.5, 1.5, 3, 3, 1};
set = {0 1 3}`;
b = element(x, set);
n = sum(b); /
number of elements of X that are in SET
idx = t(loc(b)); /
indices of elements of X that are in SET
values = x[idx]; /
values of elements of X that are in SET
print n idx values;
END Statement ! 653
Figure 23.104 Elements That Belong to a Set
n idx values
6 1 0
3 1
7 3
10 3
11 3
12 1
END Statement
The END statement ends a DO loop or DO statement. See the DO statement for details.
You can use the ENDSUBMIT statement in conjunction with the SUBMIT statement to submit SAS state-
ments for processing from within a SAS/IML program. All statements between the SUBMIT and the END-
SUBMIT statements are referred to as a SUBMIT block. The SUBMIT block is processed by the SAS
language processor.
If you use the R option in the SUBMIT statement, you can submit statements to the R statistical software
for processing.
The ENDSUBMIT statement must appear on a line by itself.
See Chapter 11, Calling Functions in the R Language, and the documentation for the SUBMIT statement
for details and examples.
CALL EXECUTE(statements);
The EXECUTE subroutine immediately executes SAS statements. These can be SAS/IML statements or
global SAS statements such as the TITLE statement. The arguments to the EXECUTE subroutine are
character matrices or quoted literals that contains valid SAS statements. You can specify up to 15 arguments.
The EXECUTE subroutine pushes character arguments to the input command stream, executes them, and
then returns to the calling module. The subroutine should be called from a module rather than from the
654 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
immediate environment because it uses the RESUME statement that works only from modules). The strings
you push do not appear in the log.
Following are examples of valid EXECUTE subroutines:
define a module that writes data to a specified data set
start WriteData(DSName, x);
CreateStmt = "create " + DSName + " from x;"; /
build CREATE stmt
call execute(CreateStmt); /
run CREATE stmt
append from x;
CloseStmt = "close " + DSName + ";"; /
build CLOSE stmt
call execute(CloseStmt); /
run CLOSE stmt
y = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 0};
run WriteData("MyData", y); /
call the module
use MyData; list all; close MyData; /
verify contents
Figure 23.105 Results of Executing SAS/IML Statements
------ --------- --------- ---------
1 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
2 4.0000 5.0000 6.0000
3 7.0000 8.0000 0
For more details about the EXECUTE subroutine, see Chapter 18, Using SAS/IML Software to Generate
SAS/IML Statements.
EXP Function
The EXP function applies the exponential function to every element of the argument matrix. The exponential
is the natural number e raised to the indicated power. For example, the following statements compute the
exponentials of several numbers:
b = {1 2 3 4};
a = exp(b);
print a;
Figure 23.106 Exponential of Several Numbers
2.7182818 7.3890561 20.085537 54.59815
If you want to compute the exponential of a matrix, you can call the EXPMATRIX module in IMLMLIB.
You can use the EXPORTDATASETTOR subroutine to transfer data from a SAS data set to an R data frame.
It is easier to read the subroutine name when it is written in mixed case: ExportDataSetToR.
The arguments to the subroutine are as follows:
SAS-data-set is a literal string or a character matrix that species the two-level name of a SAS data set
(for example, Sashelp.Class).
RDataFrame is a literal string or a character matrix that species the name of an R data frame.
You can call the subroutine provided that the following statements are true:
1. The R statistical software is installed on the SAS workspace server.
2. The SAS system administrator at your site has enabled the RLANG SAS system option. (See The
RLANG System Option on page 190.)
The following statements copy data from the Sashelp.Class data set into an R data frame called class:
proc iml;
call ExportDataSetToR("Sashelp.Class", "class");
submit / R;
names( class )
To demonstrate that the data were successfully transferred, the names function in the R language is used to
print the names of the variables in the R data frame. The output is shown in Figure 23.107.
Figure 23.107 Output from R
[1] "Name" "Sex" "Age" "Height" "Weight"
You can transfer data from an R data frame into a SAS data set by using the IMPORTDATASETFROMR
call. See Chapter 11, Calling Functions in the R Language, for details about transferring data between R
and SAS software.
656 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
You can use the EXPORTMATRIXTOR subroutine to transfer data from a SAS data set to an R data frame.
It is easier to read the subroutine name when it is written in mixed case: ExportMatrixToR.
The arguments to the subroutine are as follows:
IMLMatrix is a SAS/IML matrix that contains the data you want to transfer.
RMatrix is a literal string or a character matrix that species the name of an R matrix to contain a
copy of the data.
You can call the subroutine provided that the following statements are true:
1. The R statistical software is installed on the SAS workspace server.
2. The SAS system administrator at your site has enabled the RLANG SAS system option. (See The
RLANG System Option on page 190.)
The following statements dene a SAS/IML matrix and copy the data from the matrix to an R matrix called
proc iml;
a = {1 2 3, 4 . 6};
call ExportMatrixToR(a, "m");
submit / R;
To demonstrate that the data were successfully transferred, the print function in the R language is used to
print the values of the m matrix. The output is shown in Figure 23.108. Note that the SAS missing value in
the SAS/IML matrix was automatically converted to the R missing value (NA).
Figure 23.108 Output from R
A1 A2 A3
[1,] 1 2 3
[2,] 4 NA 6
You can transfer data from an R matrix frame into a SAS/IML matrix by using the IMPORTMATRIX-
FROMR call. See Chapter 11, Calling Functions in the R Language, for details about transferring data
between R and SAS software.
The names of the variables in the R data frame are the same as in the SAS data set.
FARMACOV Call ! 657
CALL FARMACOV(cov, d <, phi > <, theta> <, sigma> <, p> <, q> <, lag> );
The FARMACOV subroutine computes the autocovariance function for an autoregressive fractionally inte-
grated moving average (ARFIMA) model of the form ARFIMA(. J. q).
The input arguments to the FARMACOV subroutine are as follows:
d species a fractional differencing order. The value of J must be in the open interval (0.5. 0.5)
excluding zero. This input is required.
phi species an m
-dimensional vector that contains the autoregressive coefcients, where m
the number of the elements in the subset of the AR order. The default is zero. All the roots of
(T) = 0 should be greater than one in absolute value, where (T) is the nite-order matrix
polynomial in the backshift operator T, such that T
= ,
theta species an m
-dimensional vector that contains the moving average coefcients, where m
the number of the elements in the subset of the MA order. The default is zero.
p species the subset of the AR order. The quantity m
is dened as the number of elements of
If you do not specify p, the default subset is p= {1. 2. . . . . m
For example, consider phi=0.5.
If you specify p=1 (the default), the FARMACOV subroutine computes the theoretical autoco-
variance function of an ARFIMA(1. J. 0) process as ,
= 0.5 ,
If you specify p=2, the FARMACOV subroutine computes the autocovariance function of an
ARFIMA(2. J. 0) process as ,
= 0.5 ,
q species the subset of the MA order. The quantity m
is dened as the number of elements of
If you do not specify q, The default subset is q= {1. 2. . . . . m
The usage of q is the same as that of p.
lag species the length of lags, which must be a positive number. The default is lag= 12.
The FARMACOV subroutine returns the following value:
cov is a lag1 vector that contains the autocovariance function of an ARFIMA(. J. q) process.
As an example, consider the following ARFIMA(1. 0.3. 1) process:
(1 0.5T)(1 T)
= (1 0.1T)c
In this process, c
~ N1D(0. 1.2). The following statements compute the autocovariance of this process:
d = 0.3;
phi = 0.5;
theta = -0.1;
sigma = 1.2;
658 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
call farmacov(cov, d, phi, theta, sigma) lag=5;
print cov;
Figure 23.109 Autocovariance of an ARFIMA Process
For J (0.5. 0.5)\{0], the series ,
represented as (1 T)
= c
is a stationary and invertible
ARFIMA(0. J. 0) process with the autocovariance function
= E(,
) =
I(2J 1)
I(k J 1)I(k J 1)
and the autocorrelation function
I(J 1)I(k J)
I(J)I(k J 1)
I(J 1)
. k o
Notice that j
decays hyperbolically as the lag increases, rather than showing the exponential decay of the
autocorrelation function of a stationary ARMA(. q) process.
For J (0.5. 0.5)\{0], the series ,
is a stationary and invertible ARFIMA(. J. q) process represented as
(T)(1 T)
= 0(T)c
where (T) = 1
. . .
and 0(T) = 10
T 0
. . . 0
and c
is a white
noise process; all the roots of the characteristic AR and MA polynomial lie outside the unit circle.
Let .
= 0(T)
, so that .
follows an ARFIMA(0. J. 0) process; let :
= (1 T)
, so that :
follows an ARMA(. q) process; let ;
be the autocovariance function of {.
] and ;
be the autocovariance
function of {:
Then the autocovariance function of {,
] is as follows:

The explicit form of the autocovariance function of {,
] is given by Sowell (1992).
CALL FARMAFIT(d, phi, theta, sigma, series <, p> <, q> <, opt > );
FARMAFIT Call ! 659
The FARMAFIT subroutine estimates the parameters of an ARFIMA(. J. q) model.
The input arguments to the FARMAFIT subroutine are as follows:
series species a time series (assuming mean zero).
p species the set or subset of the AR order. If you do not specify p, the default is p= 0.
If you specify p=3, the FARMAFIT subroutine estimates the coefcient of the lagged variable
If you specify p={1. 2. 3], the FARMAFIT subroutine estimates the coefcients of lagged vari-
ables ,
, ,
, and ,
q species the subset of the MA order. If you do not specify q, the default value is 0.
If you specify q=2, the FARMAFIT subroutine estimates the coefcient of the lagged variable
If you specify q={1. 2], the FARMAFIT subroutine estimates the coefcients of lagged variables
and c
opt species the method of computing the log-likelihood function.
0 requests the conditional sum of squares function. This is the default.
1 requests the exact log-likelihood function. This option requires that the time series be
stationary and invertible.
The FARMAFIT subroutine returns the following values:
d is a scalar that contains a fractional differencing order.
phi is a vector that contains the autoregressive coefcients.
theta is a vector that contains the moving average coefcients.
sigma is a scalar that contains a variance of the innovation series.
As an example, consider the following ARFIMA(1. 0.3. 1) model:
(1 0.5T)(1 T)
= (1 0.1T)c
In this model, c
~ N1D(0. 1). The following statements estimate the parameters of this model:
d = 0.3;
phi = 0.5;
theta = -0.1;
call farmasim(yt, d, phi, theta) seed=1234;
call farmafit(d, ar, ma, sigma, yt) p=1 q=1;
print d ar ma sigma;
Figure 23.110 Parameter Estimates for a ARFIMA Model
d ar ma sigma
0.3950157 0.5676217 -0.012339 1.2992989
660 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The FARMAFIT subroutine estimates the parameters J, (T), 0(T), and o
of an ARFIMA(. J. q)
model. The log-likelihood function is solved by iterative numerical procedures such as the quasi-Newton
optimization. The starting value J is obtained by the approach of Geweke and Porter-Hudak (1983); the
starting values of the AR and MA parameters are obtained from the least squares estimates.
CALL FARMALIK(lnl, series, d <, phi > <, theta> <, sigma> <, p> <, q> <, opt > );
The FARMALIK subroutine evaluates the log-likelihood function of an ARFIMA(. J. q) model for a given
time series.
The input arguments to the FARMALIK subroutine are as follows:
series species a time series (assuming mean zero).
d species a fractional differencing order. This argument is required; the value of J should be in
the open interval (1. 1) excluding zero.
phi species an m
-dimensional vector that contains the autoregressive coefcients, where m
is the
number of the elements in the subset of the AR order. The default is zero.
theta species an m
-dimensional vector that contains the moving average coefcients, where m
the number of the elements in the subset of the MA order. The default is zero.
sigma species a variance of the innovation series. The default is one.
p species the subset of the AR order. See the FARMACOV subroutine for additional details.
q species the subset of the MA order. See the FARMACOV subroutine for additional details.
opt species the method of computing the log-likelihood function. The following are valid values:
0 requests the conditional sum of squares function. This is the default.
1 requests the exact log-likelihood function. This option requires that the time series be
stationary and invertible.
The FARMALIK subroutine returns the following value:
lnl is a three-dimensional vector. If opt = 0 is specied, the conditional sum of squares function
is evaluated and the result returns in lnl[1]. Otherwise, lnl[1] contains the log-likelihood
function of the model; lnl[2] contains the sumof the log determinant of the innovation variance;
and lnl[3] contains the weighted sum of squares of residuals. The log-likelihood function is
computed as 0.5 (lnl[2]+lnl[3]).
As an example, consider the following ARFIMA(1. 0.3. 1) model:
(1 0.5T)(1 T)
= (1 0.1T)c
In this model, c
~ N1D(0. 1.2). The following statements compute the log-likelihood function of this
FARMASIM Call ! 661
d = 0.3;
phi = 0.5;
theta = -0.1;
sigma = 1.2;
call farmasim(yt, d, phi, theta, sigma) seed=1234;
call farmalik(lnl, yt, d, phi, theta, sigma);
print (lnl[1])[label="Conditional Sum of Squares"];
Figure 23.111 Log-Likelihood for an ARFIMA Model
Conditional Sum of Squares
The FARMALIK subroutine computes a log-likelihood function of the ARFIMA(. J. q) model. The ex-
act log-likelihood function was proposed by Sowell (1992); the conditional sum of squares function was
proposed by Chung (1996).
The exact log-likelihood function only considers a stationary and invertible ARFIMA(. J. q) process with
J (0.5. 0.5)\{0] represented as
(T)(1 T)
= 0(T)c
where c
~ N1D(0. o
Let Y
= ,
. ,
. . . . . ,
and the log-likelihood function is as follows without a constant term:
(log [[ Y

where =
for i. = 1. 2. . . . . T .
The conditional sum of squares function does not require the normality assumption. The initial observations
, ,
. . . . and c
, c
. . . . are set to zero.
Let ,
be an ARFIMA(. J. q) process represented as
(T)(1 T)
= 0(T)c
Then the conditional sum of squares function is

CALL FARMASIM(series, d <, phi > <, theta> <, mu> <, sigma> <, n> <, p> <, q> <, initial > <,
seed> );
The FARMASIM subroutine generates an ARFIMA(. J. q) process. The input arguments to the FAR-
MASIM subroutine are as follows:
662 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
d species a fractional differencing order. This argument is required; the value of J should be in
the open interval (1. 1) excluding zero.
phi species an m
-dimensional vector that contains the autoregressive coefcients, where m
is the
number of the elements in the subset of the AR order. The default is zero.
theta species an m
-dimensional vector that contains the moving average coefcients, where m
the number of the elements in the subset of the MA order. The default is zero.
mu species a mean value. The default is zero.
sigma species a variance of the innovation series. The default is one.
n species the length of the series. The value of n should be greater than or equal to the AR order.
The default is n = 100 is used.
p species the subset of the AR order. See the FARMACOV subroutine for additional details.
q species the subset of the MA order. See the FARMACOV subroutine for additional details.
initial species the initial values of random variables. The initial value is used for the nonstationary
process. If initial = a
, then ,
. . . . . ,
take the same value a
. If the initial option is not
specied, the initial values are set to zero.
seed is a scalar that contains the random number seed. At the rst execution of the subroutine, the
seed variable is used as follows:
If seed > 0, the input seed is used for generating the series.
If seed = 0, the system clock is used to generate the seed.
If seed < 0, the value (1)(seed) is used for generating the series.
If the seed is not supplied, the system clock is used to generate the seed.
On subsequent calls of the subroutine in the DO-loop-like environment, the seed variable is used
as follows: If seed > 0, the seed remains unchanged. In other cases, after each execution of the
subroutine, the current seed is updated internally.
The FARMASIM subroutine returns the following value:
series is an n vector that contains the generated ARFIMA(. J. q) process.
As an example, consider the following ARFIMA(1. 0.3. 1) process:
(1 0.5T)(1 T)
10) = (1 0.1T)c
In this process, c
~ N1D(0. 1.2). The following statements generate this process:
d = 0.3;
phi = 0.5;
theta = -0.1;
mu = 10;
sigma = 1.2;
call farmasim(yt, d, phi, theta, mu, sigma, 10) seed=1234;
print yt;
FDIF Call ! 663
Figure 23.112 Data Simulated from a ARFIMA Process
The FARMASIM subroutine generates a time series of length n from an ARFIMA(. J. q) model. If the
process is stationary and invertible, the initial values ,
. . . . . ,
are produced by using covariance
matrices obtained from FARMACOV. If the process is nonstationary, the time series is recursively generated
by using the user-dened initial value or the zero initial value.
To generate an ARFIMA(. J. q) process with J 0.5. 1), .
is rst generated for J
(0.5. 0), where
= J 1 and then ,
is generated by ,
= ,
To generate an ARFIMA(. J. q) process with J (1. 0.5|, a two-step approximation based on a trun-
cation of the expansion (1 T)
is used; the rst step is to generate an ARFIMA(0. J. 0) process .
(1 T)
, with truncated moving average weights; the second step is to generate ,
= (T)
CALL FDIF(out, series, d);
The FDIF subroutine computes a fractionally differenced process. The input arguments to the FDIF subrou-
tine are as follows:
series species a time series with n length.
d species a fractional differencing order. This argument is required; the value of J should be in
the open interval (1. 1) excluding zero.
The FDIF subroutine returns the following value:
out is an n vector that contains the fractionally differenced process.
As an example, consider an ARFIMA(1. 0.3. 1) process
(1 0.5T)(1 T)
= (1 0.1T)c
Let :
= (1 T)
; that is, :
follows an ARMA(1,1). The following statements compute the ltered
series :
664 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
d = 0.3;
phi = 0.5;
theta = -0.1;
call farmasim(yt, d, phi, theta) n=10 seed=1234;
call fdif(zt, yt, d);
print zt;
Figure 23.113 A Fractionally Differenced Process
FFT Function
The FFT function computes the nite Fourier transform. The argument x is a 1 n or n 1 numeric vector.
The FFT function returns the cosine and sine coefcients for the expansion of a vector into a sum of cosine
and sine functions. This is an n 2 matrix, where
n = oor
The elements of the rst column of the returned matrix are the cosine coefcients; that is, the i th element of
the rst column is

(i 1)( 1)
for i = 1. . . . . n, where the elements of . are denoted as .
. The elements of the second column of the
returned matrix are the sine coefcients; that is, the i th element of the second column is

(i 1)( 1)
for i = 1. . . . . n.
NOTE: For most efcient use of the FFT function, n should be a power of 2. If n is a power of 2, a fast
Fourier transform is used (Singleton 1969); otherwise, a Chirp-Z algorithm is used (Monro and Branch
FFT Function ! 665
The FFT function can be used to compute the periodogram of a time series. In conjunction with the inverse
nite Fourier transform routine IFFT, the FFT function can be used to efciently compute convolutions of
large vectors (Gentleman and Sande 1966; Nussbaumer 1982).
As an example, suppose you measure a signal at constant time intervals. You believe the signal consists
of a small number of Fourier components (that is, sines and cosines) corrupted by noise. The following
examples uses the FFT function to transform the signal into the frequency domain. The example then prints
the frequencies with the largest amplitudes in the signal. According to this analysis, the signal is primarily
composed of a constant signal, a signal with frequency 4 (for example, cos(4t )T sin(4t )), a signal with
frequency 1, and a signal with frequency 3. The amplitudes of the remaining Fourier components, are all
substantially smaller.
Signal = {
1.96 1.45 0.86 0.46 0.39 0.54 -1.65 0.60 0.43 0.20
-1.15 1.10 0.42 3.22 2.02 3.41 3.46 3.51 4.33 4.38
3.92 4.35 2.60 3.95 4.72 4.84 1.62 0.97 0.96 1.10
2.53 1.09 2.84 2.51 2.38 2.40 2.76 3.42 3.78 4.08
3.84 5.62 4.33 6.66 5.27 3.14 3.82 5.74 3.45 1.07
0.31 2.07 0.49 -1.85 0.61 0.35 -0.89 -0.92 0.33 2.31
1.13 2.28 3.73 3.78 2.63 4.15 5.27 3.62 5.99 3.79
4.00 3.18 3.03 3.52 2.08 1.70 -1.50 -1.35 -0.34 -1.52
-2.37 -2.84 -1.68 -2.22 -2.49 -3.28 -2.12 -0.81 0.84 1.91
2.10 2.24 1.24 3.24 2.89 3.14 4.21 2.65 4.67 3.87
z = fft(Signal);
Amplitude = z[,1]##2 + z[,2]##2;
find index into Amplitude so that idx[1] is the largest
value, idx[2] is the second largest value, etc.
call sortndx(idx,Amplitude,1,1);
print the 10 most dominant frequencies
Amplitude = Amplitude[idx[1:10],];
print (idx[1:10]-1)[label="Freqs"] Amplitude[format=10.2];
Figure 23.114 Frequencies and Amplitudes of a Signal
Freqs Amplitude
0 38757.80
4 13678.28
1 4077.99
3 2726.76
26 324.23
44 269.48
12 224.09
20 217.35
11 202.30
23 201.05
Based on these results, you might choose to lter the signal to keep only the most dominant Fourier com-
666 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
ponents. One way to accomplish this is to eliminate any frequencies with small amplitudes. When the
truncated frequencies are transformed back by using IFFT, you obtain a ltered version of the original
signal. The following statements perform these tasks:
based on amplitudes, keep only first few dominant frequencies
NumFreqs = 4;
FreqsToDrop = idx[(NumFreqs+1):nrow(idx)];
z[FreqsToDrop,] = 0;
FilteredSignal = ifft(z) / nrow(Signal);
FILE Statement
FILE lename <RECFM=N> <LRECL=operand> ;
The FILE statement opens an external le for output.
The arguments to the FILE statement are as follows:
lename is a name (for dened lenames), a quoted literal, or an expression in parentheses
(for pathnames).
RECFM=N species that the le be written as a pure binary le without record-separator char-
LRECL=operand species the record length of the output le. The default record length is 512.
You can use the FILE statement to open a le for output, or if the le is already open, to make it the current
output le so that subsequent PUT statements write to it. The FILE statement is similar in syntax and
operation to the INFILE statement. The FILE statement is described in detail in Chapter 8.
The lename argument is either a predened lename or a quoted string or character expression in paren-
theses referring to the pathname. You can refer to an input or output le two ways: by a pathname or by a
lename. The pathname is the name as known to the operating system. The lename is a SAS reference
to the le established directly through a connection made with the FILENAME statement. You can specify
a le in either way in the FILE and INFILE statements. To specify a lename as the operand, just give
the name. The name must be one already connected to a pathname by a previously issued FILENAME
statement. However, two special lenames are recognized by the SAS/IML language: LOG and PRINT.
These refer to the standard output streams for all SAS sessions. To specify a pathname, enclose it in quotes
or specify an expression in parentheses that yields the pathname.
When the pathname is specied, the operand is limited to 64 characters.
Note that RECFM=U is equivalent to RECFM=N. If an output le is subsequently read by a SAS DATA
step, RECFM=N must be specied in the DATA step to guarantee that the le is read properly.
Following are several valid uses of FILE statement:
file "student.dat"; /
by literal pathname
filename out "student.dat"; /
specify filename OUT
FIND Statement ! 667
file out; /
refer to by filename
file print; /
standard print output
file log; /
output to log
file "student.dat" recfm=n; /
for a binary file
FIND Statement
FIND <range> <WHERE(expression) > INTO matrix-name ;
The FIND statement nds the observation numbers in range that satisfy the conditions of the WHERE
clause. The FIND statement places these observation numbers in the numeric matrix whose name follows
the INTO keyword.
The arguments to the FIND statement are as follows:
range species a range of observations.
expression is an expression that is evaluated for being true or false.
matrix-name names a matrix to contain the observation numbers.
You can use any of the following keywords to specify the range of observations:
ALL all observations
CURRENT the current observation
NEXT <number > the next observation or the next number of observations
AFTER all observations after the current one
POINT value observations specied by number, where value is one of the following:
Value Example
A single record number point 5
A literal that contains several point {2 5 10}
record numbers
The name of a matrix point p
that contains record numbers
An expression in parentheses point (p+1)
If the current data set has an index in use (see the INDEX statement), the POINT option is invalid.
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations, within the range specication, according to condi-
tions given in the clause. The general form of the WHERE clause is
WHERE (variable comparison-op operand) ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
668 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
? does not contain a given string
= : begins with a given string
= * sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds
if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
= ? < <= > >=
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the
= ? = : = *
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
The general form is
clause & clause (for an AND clause)
clause | clause (for an OR clause)
where clause can be a comparison, a parenthesized clause, or a logical expression clause that is evaluated
by using operator precedence.
NOTE: The expression on the left-hand side refers to values of the data set variables, and the expression on
the right-hand side refers to matrix values.
Following are some valid examples of the FIND statement:
find all where(name=:"Smith") into p;
find next where(age>30) into p2;
The column vectors p and p2 contain the observation numbers that satisfy the WHERE clause in the given
range. The default range is all observations.
FORCE Statement ! 669
FINISH Statement
FINISH <module-name> ;
The FINISH statement signals the end of a module and the end of module denition mode. Optionally, the
FINISH statement can take the module name as its argument. See the description of the START statement
and consult Chapter 6 for further information about dening modules.
Some examples follow:
start myAdd(a,b);
return (a+b);
start mySubtract(a,b);
return (a-b);
finish mySubtract;
r = myAdd(5, 3);
s = mySubtract(5, 3);
print r s;
Figure 23.115 Results of Calling Modules
r s
8 2
FORCE Statement
The FORCE statement is an alias for the SAVE statement.
FORWARD Function
FORWARD(times, spot_rates);
The FORWARD function computes a column vector of (per-period) forward rates, given vectors of spot
rates and times. The arguments to the function are as follows:
times is an n 1 column vector of times in consistent units. Elements should be nonnegative.
spot_rates is an n 1 column vector of corresponding (per-period) spot rates. Elements should be
670 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The FORWARD function transforms the given spot rates as

= s

(1 s
(1 s
1: i = 2. . . . . n
For example, the following statements compute forward rates:
time = T(do(1, 5, 1));
spot = T(do(0.05, 0.09, 0.01));
forward = forward(time, spot);
print forward;
Figure 23.116 Forward Rates
FREE Statement
FREE matrices ;
FREE / <keep-matrices > ;
The FREE statement releases memory associated with matrices. The matrices specied in the FREE state-
ment lose their values; the memory bececomes available for other uses. After the FREE statement executes,
the matrix does not have a value and the NROW and NCOL functions return 0. Any printing attributes
(assigned by the MATTRIB statement) are not released.
The FREE statement is used mostly in large applications or under tight memory constraints to make room
for more data (matrices) in the workspace.
For example, the following statement frees the matrices a, b, and c:
free a b c;
If you want to free all matrices, specify a slash (/) after the keyword FREE. If you want to free all matrices
except a few, then list the ones you do not want to free after the slash. For example, the following statement
frees all matrices except d and e:
free / d e;
FULL Function ! 671
For more information, see the discussion of workspace storage in Chapter 22.
FULL Function
FULL(x <, nrow> <, ncol > );
The FULL function converts a matrix stored in a sparse format into a matrix stored in a dense format. See
the SPARSE function for a description of how sparse matrices are stored.
The arguments are as follows:
x species a k3 numerical matrix that contains a sparse representation of an n matrix.
nrow species the number of rows in the dense matrix. If this argument is not specied, then
the number of rows is determined by the maximum value of the second column of x.
ncol species the number of columns in the dense matrix. If this argument is not specied,
then the number of columns is determined by the maximum value of the third column of
The matrix returned by the FULL function is an n matrix with k nonzero values determined by the x
matrix, as shown in the following example:
s = {3 1 1,
1.1 2 1,
4 2 2,
1 3 2,
10 3 3,
3.2 4 2,
3 4 4 };
x = full(s);
print x;
Figure 23.117 Matrix Converted from Sparse to Dense Storage
3 0 0 0
1.1 4 0 0
0 1 10 0
0 3.2 0 3
In the previous example, the s matrix species a lower triangular matrix. However, the s matrix might
represent a symmetric matrix rather than a lower triangular matrix, but only the lower triangular entries
were stored. (For example, the s matrix might have been created by the SPARSE function by using the
SYM option; see the SPARSE function documentation.) If that is the case, you can use the following
statement to recover the symmetric matrix representation of s:
xSym = (x+x`)- diag(x);
print xSym;
672 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.118 Symmetric Matrix Converted from Sparse Symmetric Storage
3 1.1 0 0
1.1 4 1 3.2
0 1 10 0
0 3.2 0 3
By default, the size of the matrix returned by the FULL function is determined by the maximum row and
column entry in the rst argument. You can override this behavior by specifying values for the number of
rows and columns returned by the FULL function, as shown in the following statements:
z = full(s, 5, 6);
print z;
Figure 23.119 Matrix with Zeros in Last Row or Column
3 0 0 0 0 0
1.1 4 0 0 0 0
0 1 10 0 0 0
0 3.2 0 3 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
The GAEND subroutine ends a genetic algorithm optimization and frees memory resources. The arguments
to the GAEND call are as follows:
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
The GAEND call ends the genetic algorithm calculations associated with id and frees up all associated
See the GASETUP function for an example.
CALL GAGETMEM(members, values, id<, index >);
GAGETVAL Call ! 673
The GAGETMEM subroutine gets members of the current solution population for a genetic algorithm opti-
The GAGETMEM call returns the following values as output arguments:
members names a matrix that contains the members of the current solution population specied by the
index parameter.
values names a matrix that contains objective function values, with a value at each row that corre-
sponds to the solution in members.
The input arguments to the GAGETMEM call are as follows:
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
index is a matrix of indices of the requested solution population members. If index is not specied,
the entire population is returned.
The GAGETMEM call is used to retrieve members of the solution population and their objective function
values. If the elite parameter of the GASETSEL call is nonzero, then the rst elite members of the popula-
tion have the most optimal objective function values of the population, and those elite members are sorted
in ascending order of objective function value for a minimization problem and in descending order for a
maximization problem.
If a single member is requested, that member is returned as-is in members. If more than one member is
requested in a GAGETMEM call, each row of members has one solution, shaped into a row vector. If
solutions are not of xed length, then the number of columns of members equals the number of elements of
the largest solution and rows that represent solutions with fewer elements have the extra elements lled in
with missing values.
See the GASETUP function for an example.
CALL GAGETVAL(values, id<, index >);
The GAGETVAL subroutine gets objective function values for members of the population in a genetic
algorithm optimization. The GAGETVAL call returns the following output argument:
values names a matrix that contains objective function values for solutions in the current popula-
tion that are specied by index. If index is not present, then values for all solutions in the
population are returned. Each row in values corresponds to one solution.
The input arguments to the GAGETVAL call are as follows:
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
674 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
index is a matrix of indices of the requested objective function values. If index is not specied,
then all objective function values are returned.
The GAGETVAL call is used to retrieve objective function values of the current solution population. If the
elite parameter of the GASETSEL call is nonzero, then the rst elite members of the population have the
most optimal objective function values of the population, and those elite members are sorted in ascending
order of objective function value for a minimization problem or in descending order for a maximization
See the GASETUP function for an example.
CALL GAINIT(id, popsize <, bounds > <, modname> );
The GAINIT subroutine creates and initializes a solution population for a genetic algorithm optimization.
The input arguments to the GAINIT call are as follows:
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
popsize is the number of solution matrices to create and initialize.
bounds is an optional parameter matrix that species the lower and upper bounds for each element of
a solution matrix. It is used only for integer and real xed-length vector problem encoding.
modname is the name of a user-written module to be called from GAINIT when it generates the initial
members of the solution population.
The GAINIT call creates the members and computes the objective values for an initial solution population
for a genetic algorithm optimization. If the problem encoding is specied as a sequence in the corresponding
GASETUP function call and no modname parameter is specied, then GAINIT creates an initial popula-
tion of vectors of randomly ordered integer values ranging from 1 to the size parameter of the GASETUP
function call. Otherwise, you control how the population is created and initialized with the bounds and
modname parameters.
If real or integer xed-length vector encoding is specied in the corresponding GASETUP function call, then
the bounds parameter can be supplied as a 2n matrix, where the dimension n equals the size parameter of
the GASETUP function call: the rst row gives the lower bounds of the corresponding vector elements and
the second row gives the upper bounds. The solutions that result from all crossover and mutation operators
are checked to ensure they are within the upper and lower bounds, and any solution components that violate
the bounds are reset to the bound. However, if user-written modules are provided for these operators, the
modules are expected to do the bounds checking internally. If no modname parameter is specied, the
initial population is generated by random variation of the solution components between the lower and upper
For all problem encodings, if the modname parameter is specied, it is expected to be the name of a
user-written subroutine module with one parameter. The module should generate and return an individual
solution in that parameter. The GAINIT call invokes that module popsize times, once for each member
GAREEVAL Call ! 675
of the initial solution population. The modname parameter is required if the encoding parameter of the
corresponding GASETUP function call was 0 or if the bounds parameter is not specied for real or integer
xed-length vector encoding.
See the GASETUP function for an example.
The GAREEVAL subroutine reevaluates the objective function values for a solution population of a genetic
algorithm optimization. The input arguments to the GAREEVAL call are as follows:
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
The GAREEVAL call computes the objective values for a solution population of a genetic algorithm op-
timization. Since the GAINIT call and the GAREGEN call also evaluate the objective function values,
it is usually not necessary to call GAREEVAL. It is provided to handle the situation of a user modifying
an objective function independentlyfor example, adjusting a global variable to relax or tighten a penalty
constraint. In such a case, GAREEVAL should be called before the next GAREGEN call.
The GAREGEN subroutine replaces the current solution population by applying selection, crossover, and
mutation for a genetic algorithm optimization problem. The input arguments to the GAREGEN call are as
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
The GAREGEN call applies the genetic algorithm to create a new solution population from the current
population. As the rst step, if the elite parameter of the corresponding GASETSEL call is nonzero, the
best elite members of the current population are copied into the new population, sorted by objective value
with the best objective value rst. If a crossover operator has been specied in a corresponding GASETCRO
call or a default crossover operator is in effect, the remaining members of the population are determined by
selecting members of the current population, applying the crossover operator to generate offspring, and
mutating the offspring according to the mutation probability and mutation operator. Either the mutation
probability and operator are specied in the corresponding GASETMUT call or, if no such call is made,
a default value of 0.05 is assigned to the mutation probability and a default mutation operator is assigned
based on the problem encoding (see the GASETMUT call). The offspring are then transferred to the new
population. If the no-crossover option is specied in the GASETCRO call, then only mutation is applied to
676 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
the non-elite members of the current population to form the new population. After the new population is
formed, it becomes the current solution population, and the objective function specied in the GASETOBJ
call is evaluated for each member.
See the GASETUP function for an example.
CALL GASETCRO(id, crossprob, type <, parm> );
The GASETCRO subroutine sets the crossover operator for a genetic algorithm optimization. The input
arguments to the GASETCRO call are as follows:
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
crossprob is the crossover probability, which has a range from zero to one. It species the probability
that selected members of the current generation undergo crossover to produce new offspring
for the next generation.
type species the kind of crossover operator to be used. type is used in conjunction with parm
to specify either a user-written module for the crossover operator or one of several other
operators, as explained in the following list.
parm is a matrix whose interpretation depends on the value of type, as described in the following
The following list species the valid values of the type parameter and the corresponding crossover operators:
1 species that no crossover operator be applied and the new population be generated by applying the
mutation operator to the old population, according to the mutation probability.
0 species that a user-written module, whose name is passed in the parm parameter, be used as the
crossover operator. This module should be a subroutine with four parameters. The module should
return the new offspring solutions in the rst two parameters based on the input parent solutions,
which are selected by the genetic algorithm and passed into the module in the last two parameters.
The module is called once for each crossover operation within the GAREGEN call to create a new
generation of solutions.
1 species the simple operator, dened for xed-length integer and real vector encoding. To apply this
operator, a position k within the vector of length n is chosen at random, such that 1 _ k < n. Then
for parents p1 and p2 the offspring are as follows:
c1= p1[1,1:k] || p2[1,k+1:n];
c2= p2[1,1:k] || p1[1,k+1:n];
For real xed-length vector encoding, you can specify an additional parameter, a, with the parm
parameter, where a is a scalar and 0 < a _ 1. It modies the offspring as follows:
x2 = a
p2 + (1-a)
GASETCRO Call ! 677
c1 = p1[1,1:k] || x2[1,k+1:n];
x1 = a
p1 + (1-a)
c2 = p2[1,1:k] || x1[1,k+1:n];
Note that for a = 1, which is the default value, x2 and x1 are the same as p2 and p1. Small values of
a reduce the difference between the offspring and parents. For integer encoding, the parm parameter
is ignored and a is always 1.
2 species the two-point operator, dened for xed-length integer and real vector encoding with length
n _ 3. To apply this operator, two positions k
and k
within the vector are chosen at random, such
that 1 _ k
< k
< n. Element values between those positions are swapped between parents. For
parents p1 and p2 the offspring are as follows:
c1 = p1[1,1:k1] || p2[1,k1+1:k2] || p1[1,k2+1:n];
c2 = p2[1,1:k1] || p1[1,k1+1:k2] || p2[1,k2+1:n];
For real vector encoding, you can specify an additional parameter, a, in the parm eld, where 0 <
a _ 1. It modies the offspring as follows:
x2 = a
p2 + (1-a)
c1 = p1[1,1:k1] || x2[1,k1+1:k2] || p1[1,k2+1:n];
x1 = a
p1 + (1-a)
c2 = p2[1,1:k1] || x1[1,k1+1:k2] || p2[1,k2+1:n];
Note that for a = 1, which is the default value, x2 and x1 are the same as p2 and p1. Small values of
a reduce the difference between the offspring and parents. For integer encoding, the parm parameter
is ignored if present and a is always 1.
3 species the arithmetic operator, dened for real and integer xed-length vector encoding. This
operator computes offspring of parents p1 and p2 as follows:
c1 = a
p1 + (1-a)
c2 = a
p2 + (1-a)
where a is a random number between 0 and 1. For integer encoding, each component is rounded
off to the nearest integer. An advantage of this operator is that it always produces feasible offspring
for a convex solution space. A disadvantage is that it tends to produce offspring toward the interior
of the search region, so that it can be less effective if the optimum lies on or near the search region
4 species the heuristic operator, dened for real xed-length vector encoding. This operator computes
the rst offspring from the two parents p1 and p2 as follows:
c1 = a
(p2 - p1) + p2;
where p2 is the parent with the better objective value and a is a random number between 0 and 1.
The second offspring is computed as in the arithmetic operator, as follows:
c2 = (1 - a)
p1 + a
678 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
This operator is unusual in that it uses the objective value. It has the advantage of directing the
search in a promising direction and automatically ne-tuning the search in an area where solutions
are clustered. If upper and lower bound constraints are specied in the GAINIT call, the offspring
are checked against the bounds and any component outside its bound is set equal to that bound.
5 species the partial match operator, dened for sequence encoding. This operator produces offspring
by transferring a subsequence from one parent and lling the remaining positions in a way consistent
with the position and ordering in the other parent. Start with two parents and randomly chosen cut-
points as follows:
p1 = {1 2|3 4 5 6|7 8 9};
p2 = {8 7|9 3 4 1|2 5 6};
The rst step is to cross the selected segments; a missing value (.) indicates a position that is not
c1 = {. . 9 3 4 1 . . .};
c2 = {. . 3 4 5 6 . . .};
Next, dene a mapping according to the two selected segments, as follows:
9 - 3. 3 - 4. 4 - 5. 1 - 6
Next, ll in the positions where there is no conict from the corresponding parent:
c1 = {. 2 9 3 4 1 7 8 .};
c2 = {8 7 3 4 5 6 2 . .};
Last, ll in the remaining positions from the subsequence mapping. In this case, for the rst child
1 6 and 9 3, and for the second child 5 4, 3 9, and 6 1:
c1 = {6 2 9 3 4 1 7 8 5};
c2 = {8 7 3 4 5 6 2 9 1};
This operator tends to maintain similarity of both the absolute position and relative ordering of the
sequence elements, and is useful for a wide range of sequencing problems.
6 species the order operator, dened for sequence encoding. This operator produces offspring by
transferring a subsequence of random length and position from one parent and lling the remain-
ing positions according to the order from the other parent. For parents p1 and p2, rst choose a
subsequence, as follows:
p1 = {1 2|3 4 5 6|7 8 9};
p2 = {8 7|9 3 4 1|2 5 6};
c1 = {. . 3 4 5 6 . . .};
c2 = {. . 9 3 4 1 . . .};
Starting at the second cut-point, the elements of p2 are in the following order (cycling back to the
2 5 6 8 7 9 3 4 1
After removing 3, 4, 5, and 6, which have already been placed in c1, you have the following:
GASETCRO Call ! 679
2 8 7 9 1
Placing these back in order, starting at the second cut-point, yields the following:
c1 = {9 1 3 4 5 6 2 8 7};
Applying this logic to c2 yields the following:
c2 = {5 6 9 3 4 1 7 8 2};
This operator maintains the similarity of the relative order (also called the adjacency) of the sequence
elements of the parents. It is especially effective for circular path-oriented optimizations, such as the
traveling salesman problem.
7 species the cycle operator, dened for sequence encoding. This operator produces offspring such
that the position of each element value in the offspring comes from one of the parents. For example,
consider the following parents p1 and p2:
p1 = {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9};
p2 = {8 7 9 3 4 1 2 5 6};
For the rst child, pick the rst element from the rst parent, as follows:
c1 = {1 . . . . . . . .};
To maintain the condition that the position of each element value must come from one of the parents,
the position of the 8 value must come from p1, because the 8 position in p2 is already taken by
the 1 in c1:
c1 = {1 . . . . . . 8 .};
Now the position of 5 must come from p1 and so on until the process returns to the rst position:
c1 = {1 . 3 4 5 6 . 8 9};
At this point, choose the remaining element positions from p2:
c1 = {1 7 3 4 5 6 2 8 9};
For the second child, starting with the rst element from the second parent, similar logic produces
the following:
c2 = {8 2 9 3 4 1 7 5 6};
This operator is most useful when the absolute position of the elements is of most importance to the
objective value.
A GASETCRO call is required when 0 is specied for the encoding parameter in the GASETUP function.
But for xed-length vector and sequence encoding, a default crossover operator is used in the GAREGEN
call when no GASETCRO call is made. For sequence encoding, the default is the partial match operator,
unless the traveling salesman option was specied in the GASETOBJ call, in which case the order operator
680 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
is the default. For integer xed-length vector encoding, the default is the simple operator. For real xed-
length vector encoding, the default is the heuristic operator.
See the GASETUP function for an example.
CALL GASETMUT(id, mutprob <, type> <, parm> );
The GASETMUT subroutine sets the mutation operator for a genetic algorithm optimization. The input
arguments to the GASETMUT call are as follows:
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
mutprob is the probability for a given solution to undergo mutation, a number between 0 and 1.
type species the kind of mutation operator to be used. type is used in conjunction with parm
to specify either a user-written module for the mutation operator or one of several other
operators, as explained in the following list.
parm is a matrix whose interpretation depends on the value of type, as described in the following
The GASETMUT call enables you to specify the frequency of mutation and the mutation operator to be used
in the genetic algorithm optimization problem. If the type parameter is not specied, then the GASETMUT
call only alters the mutation probability, without resetting the mutation operator, and any operator set by
a previous GASETMUT call remains in effect. You can specify the following mutation operators with the
type parameter:
0 species that a user-written module, whose name is passed in the parm parameter, be used as the mu-
tation operator. This module should be a subroutine with one parameter, which receives the solution
to be mutated. The module is called once for each mutation operation and is expected to modify the
input solution according to the desired mutation operation. Any checking of bounds specied in the
GAINIT call should be done inside the module; in this case they are not checked by the SAS/IML
1 species the uniform mutation operator, dened for xed-length real or integer encoding, with upper
and lower bounds specied in the GAINIT call. The parm parameter is not used with this option. To
apply this operator, a position k is randomly chosen within the solution vector v and v[k] is modied
to a random value between the upper and lower bounds for element k. This operator can prove
especially useful in early stages of the optimization, since it tends to distribute solutions widely across
the search space and avoid premature convergence to a local optimum. However, in later stages of
an optimization with real vector encoding when the search needs to be ne-tuned to home in on an
optimum, the uniform operator can hinder the optimization.
2 species the delta mutation operator, dened for integer and real xed-length vector encoding. This
operator rst chooses an element of the solution at random, and then perturbs that element by a
xed amount, delta, which is set with the parm parameter. delta has the same dimension as the
solution vectors, and each element delta[k] is set to parm[k], unless parm is a scalar, in which case
GASETOBJ Call ! 681
all elements are set equal to parm. For integer encoding, all delta[k] are truncated to integers if they
are not integers in parm. To apply the mutation, a randomly chosen element k of the solution vector
v is modied such that one of the following statements is true:
v[k] = v[k] + delta[k]; /
with probability 0.5
v[k] = v[k] - delta[k];
If bounds are specied for the problem in the GAINIT call, then v[k] is adjusted as necessary to
t within the bounds. This operator enables you to control the scope of the search with the parm
matrix. One possible strategy is to start with a larger delta value and then reduce it with subsequent
GASETMUT calls as the search progresses and begins to converge to an optimum. This operator is
also useful if the optimum is known to be on or near a boundary, in which case delta can be set large
enough to always perturb the solution element to a boundary.
3 species the swap operator, which is dened for sequence problem encoding. This operator picks
two random locations in the solution vector and swaps their values. It is the default mutation operator
for sequence encoding, except for when the traveling salesman option is specied in the GASETOBJ
call. You can also specify that multiple swaps be made for each mutation with the parm parameter.
The number of swaps defaults to 1 if parm is not specied, and is equal to parm otherwise.
4 species the invert operator, dened for sequence encoding. This operator picks two locations at
random and then reverses the order of elements between them. This operator is most often applied to
the traveling salesman problem. The parm parameter is not used with this operator.
Mutation is generally useful in the application of the genetic algorithm to ensure that a diverse population of
solutions is sampled to avoid premature convergence to a local optimum. More than one GASETMUT call
can be made at any time in the progress of the algorithm. This enables exible adaptation of the mutation
process, either changing the mutation probability or changing the operator itself. You can do this to ensure
a wide search at the beginning of the optimization, and then reduce the variation later to narrow the search
close to an optimum.
A GASETMUT call is required when an encoding parameter of 0 is specied in the GASETUP function.
But when no GASETMUT call is made for xed-length vector and sequence encoding, a default value of
0.05 is set for mutprob and a default mutation operator is used in the GAREGEN call. The mutation operator
defaults to the uniform operator for xed-length vector encoding with bounds specied in the GAINIT call,
the delta operator with a parm value of 1 for xed-length vector encoding with no bounds specied, the
invert operator for sequence encoding when the traveling salesman option is chosen in the GASETOBJ call,
and the swap operator for all other sequence encoded problems.
See the GASETUP function for an example.
CALL GASETOBJ(id, type <, parm> );
The GASETOBJ subroutine sets the objective function for a genetic algorithm optimization. The input
arguments to the GASETOBJ call are as follows:
682 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
type species the type of objective function to be used.
parm is a matrix whose interpretation depends on the value of type, as described in the following
You can specify that a user-written module be used to compute the value of the objective function, or you
can specify a standard preset function. This is specied with the type and parm parameters. The following
list species the valid values of the type parameter:
0 species that a user-written function module is to be minimized. The name of the module is supplied
in the parm parameter. The specied module should take a single parameter that represents a given
solution, and return a scalar numeric value for the objective function.
1 species that a user-written function module be maximized. The name of the module is supplied
in the parm parameter. The specied module should take a single parameter that represents a given
solution, and return a scalar numeric value for the objective function.
2 species an objective function from the traveling salesman problem, which is minimized. This option
is valid only if three conditions are met: sequence encoding was specied in the GASETUP function
call, the solution vector is to be interpreted as a circular route, and each element represents a location.
The parm parameter should be a square cost matrix, such that parm[i, j] is the cost of going from
location i to location j. The dimension of the matrix should be the same as the size parameter of the
corresponding GASETUP function call.
The specied objective function is called once for each solution to evaluate the objective values for the
GAREGEN call, GAINIT call, and GAREEVAL call. Also, the objective values for the current solution
population are reevaluated if GASETOBJ is called after a GAINIT call.
See the GASETUP function for an example.
CALL GASETSEL(id, elite, type, parm );
The GASETSEL subroutine sets the selection parameters for a genetic algorithm optimization.
The input arguments to the GASETSEL call are as follows:
id is the identier for the genetic algorithm optimization problem, which was returned by the
GASETUP function.
elite species the number of solution population members to carry over unaltered to the next
generation in the GAREGEN call. If nonzero, then elite members with the best objective
function values are carried over without crossover or mutation.
type species the selection method to use.
parm is a parameter used to control the selection pressure.
GASETUP Function ! 683
This module sets the selection parameters that are used in the GAREGEN call to select solutions for the
crossover operation. You can choose between two variants of the tournament selection method in which a
group of different solutions is picked at random from the current solution population and the solution from
that group with the best objective value is selected. In the rst variation, chosen by setting type to 0, the most
optimal solution is always selected, and the parm parameter is used to specify the size of the group, always
two or greater. The larger the group size, the greater the selective pressure. In the second variation, chosen
by setting type to 1, the group size is set to 2 and the best solution is chosen with probability specied by
parm. If parm is 1, the best solution is always picked; a parm value of 0.5 is equivalent to pure random
selection. The parm value must be between 0.5 and 1. When type is 0, the selective pressure is greater than
when type is 1. Higher selective pressure leads to faster convergence of the genetic algorithm, but is more
likely to give premature convergence to a local optimum.
In order to ensure that the best solution of the current solution population is always carried over to the next
generation, an elite value of 1 should be specied. Higher values of elite generally lead to faster convergence
of the algorithm, but they increase the chances of premature convergence to a local optimum. If GASETSEL
is not called, the optimization uses the default values of 1 for elite, 1 for type, and 2 for parm.
See the GASETUP function for an example.
GASETUP Function
GASETUP(encoding, size <, seed> );
The GASETUP function sets up the problem encoding for a genetic algorithm optimization problem. The
GASETUP function returns a scalar number that identies the genetic algorithm optimization problem. This
number is used in subsequent calls to carry out the optimization.
The arguments to the GASETUP function are as follows:
encoding is a scalar number used to specify the form or structure of the problem solutions to be op-
timized. A value of 0 indicates a numeric matrix of arbitrary dimensions, 1 indicates a
xed-length oating-point row vector, 2 indicates a xed-length integer row vector, and 3 in-
dicates a xed-length sequence of integers, with alternate solutions distinguished by different
sequence ordering.
size is a numeric scalar, whose value is the vector or sequence length, if a xed-length encoding
is specied. For arbitrary matrix encoding (encoding value of 0), size is not used.
seed is an optional initial random number seed to be used for the initialization and the selection
process. If seed is not specied or its value is 0, an initial seed is derived from the current
system time.
GASETUP is the rst call that must be made to set up a genetic algorithm optimization problem. It species
the problem encoding, the size of a population member, and an optional seed that initializes the random
number generator used in the selection process. GASETUP returns an identifying number that must be
passed to the other modules that specify genetic operators and control the execution of the genetic algo-
rithm. More than one optimization can be active concurrently, and optimization problems with different
problem identiers are completely independent. When a satisfactory solution has been determined, the op-
684 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
timization problem should be terminated with a call to GAEND to free up resources associated with the
genetic algorithm.
The following example demonstrates the use of several genetic algorithm subroutines:
Use a genetic algorithm to explore the solution space for the
"traveling salesman" problem. First, define the objective
function to minimize:
Compute the sum of distances between sequence of cities
start EvalFitness( pop ) global ( dist );
fitness = j( nrow(pop),1 );
do i = 1 to nrow(pop);
city1 = pop[i,1];
city2 = pop[i,ncol(pop)];
fitness[i] = dist[ city1, city2 ];
do j = 1 to ncol(pop)-1;
city1 = pop[i,j];
city2 = pop[i,j+1];
fitness[i] = fitness[i] + dist[city1,city2];
return ( fitness );
Set up parameters for the genetic algorithm
mutationProb = 0.15; /
prob that a child will be mutated
numElite = 2; /
copy this many to next generation
numCities = 15; /
number of cities to visit
numGenerations = 100; /
number of generations to evolve
seed = 54321; /
random number seed
fix population size; generate random locations for cities
popSize = max(30,2
locations = uniform( j(numCities,2,seed) );
compute distances between cities one time
dist = j( numCities, numCities, 0 );
do i = 1 to numCities;
do j = 1 to i-1;
v = locations[i,]-locations[j,];
dist[i,j] = sqrt( v[##] );
dist[j,i] = dist[i,j];
run the genetic algorithm
id = gasetup( 3, numCities, seed);
call gasetobj(id, 0, "EvalFitness" );
call gasetcro(id, 1.0, 6);
call gasetmut(id, mutationProb, 3);
call gasetsel(id, numElite, 1, 0.95);
call gainit(id, popSize );
GASETUP Function ! 685
do i = 1 to numGenerations;
if mod(i,20)=0 then do;
call gagetval( value, id, 1 );
print "Iteration:" i "Top value:" value;
call garegen(id);
report final sequence for cities
call gagetmem(mem, value, id, 1);
print mem, value;
call gaend(id);
Figure 23.120 Result of a Genetic Algorithm Optimization
i value
Iteration: 20 Top value: 3.6836569
i value
Iteration: 40 Top value: 3.5567152
i value
Iteration: 60 Top value: 3.4562136
i value
Iteration: 80 Top value: 3.4562136
i value
Iteration: 100 Top value: 3.437183
ROW1 6 4 12 7 13
ROW1 15 8 9 11 5
ROW1 2 14 10 3 1
686 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
CALL GBLKVP(viewport <, inside> );
The GBLKVP subroutine is a graphical call that denes a blanking viewport.
The arguments to the GBLKVP subroutine are as follows:
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that denes a viewport. This rectangular areas boundary is
specied in normalized coordinates, where you specify the coordinates of the lower left
corner and the upper right corner of the rectangular area in the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
inside is a numeric argument that species whether the graphics output is to be clipped inside
or outside the blanking area. The default is to clip outside the blanking area.
The GBLKVP subroutine denes an area, called the blanking area, in which nothing is drawn until the area
is released. This routine is useful for clipping areas outside the graph or for blanking out inner portions of
the graph. If inside is set to 0 (the default), no graphics output appears outside the blanking area. Setting
inside to 1 clips inside the blanking areas.
The blanking area (as specied by the viewport argument) is dened on the current viewport, and it is
released when the viewport is changed or popped. At most one blanking area is in effect at any time. The
blanking area can also be released by the GBLKVPD subroutine or another GBLKVP call. The coordinates
in use for this graphics command are given in normalized coordinates because they are dened relative to
the current viewport.
For example, to blank out a rectangular area with corners at the coordinates (20,20) and (80,80) relative to
the currently dened viewport, use the following statement:
call gblkvp({20 20 80 80});
No graphics or text can be written outside this area until the blanking viewport is ended.
Alternatively, if you want to clip inside the rectangular area, use the inside parameter, as follows:
call gblkvp({20 20 80 80}, 1);
See also the description of the CLIP option in the RESET statement.
The GBLKVPD subroutine is a graphical call that deletes and releases the current blanking area. It enables
graphics output to be drawn in the area previously blanked out by a call to the GBLKVP subroutine.
To release an area previously blanked out, as in the example for the GBLKVP subroutine, use the following
GCLOSE Call ! 687
define blanking viewport
call gblkvp({20 20, 80 80});
more graphics statements...
now release the blanked out area
call gblkvpd;
graphics or text can now be written to the area
continue graphics statements...
See also the description of the CLIP option in the RESET statement.
The GCLOSE subroutine is a graphical call that closes the current graphics segment. Once a segment is
closed, no other primitives can be added to it. The next call to a graph-generating function begins building a
new graphics segment. However, the GCLOSE subroutine does not have to be called explicitly to terminate
a segment; the GOPEN subroutine causes GCLOSE to be called.
CALL GDELETE(segment-name);
The GDELETE subroutine is a graphical call that searches the current catalog and deletes the rst segment
found with the name segment-name.
An example of a valid statement follows:
SEG_A is defined as a character matrix
that contains the name of the segment to delete
call gdelete(seg_a);
The segment can also be specied as a quoted literal, as follows:
call delete("plot_13");
CALL GDRAW(x, y <, style> <, color > <, window> <, viewport > );
The GDRAW subroutine is a graphical call that draws a polyline.
The required arguments to the GDRAW subroutine are as follows:
688 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
x is a vector that contains the horizontal coordinates of points used to draw a sequence of
y is a vector that contains the vertical coordinates of points used to draw a sequence of
The optional arguments to the GDRAW subroutine are as follows:
style is a numeric matrix or literal that species an index that corresponds to a valid line style.
color is a valid SAS color, where color can be specied as a quoted text string (such as RED),
the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a color number
(such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GDRAW subroutine draws a sequence of connected lines from points represented by values in x and y,
which must be vectors of the same length. If x and y have n points, there are n 1 lines. The rst line is
from the point (.
. ,
) to (.
. ,
). The lines are drawn in the same color and line style. The coordinates
in use for this graphics command are world coordinates. An example that uses the GDRAW subroutine
call gstart;
line from (50,50) to (75,75)
call gdraw({50 75},{50 75});
call gshow;
CALL GDRAWL(xy1, xy2 <, style> <, color > <, window> <, viewport > );
The GDRAWL subroutine is a graphical call that draws individual lines.
The required arguments to the GDRAWL subroutine are as follows:
xy1 is a matrix of points used to draw a sequence of lines.
xy2 is a matrix of points used to draw a sequence of lines.
The optional arguments to the GDRAWL subroutine are as follows:
style is a numeric matrix or literal that species an index that corresponds to a valid line style.
color is a valid SAS color, where color can be specied as a quoted text string (such as RED),
the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a color number
(such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
GENEIG Call ! 689
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GDRAWL subroutine draws a sequence of lines specied by their beginning and ending points. The
matrices xy1 and xy2 must have the same number of rows and columns. The rst two columns (other
columns are ignored) of xy1 give the coordinates of the beginning points of the line segment, and the rst
two columns of xy2 have coordinates of the corresponding endpoints. If xy1 and xy2 have n rows, n lines
are drawn.
The lines are drawn in the same color and line style. The coordinates in use for this graphics command are
world coordinates. An example that uses the GDRAWL call follows:
proc iml;
call gstart;
three line segments
xy1 = { 0 0, 25 50, 50 75};
xy2 = {25 25, 50 50, 75 50};
call gdrawl(xy1, xy2);
call gshow;
CALL GENEIG(eval, evecs, sym-matrix1, sym-matrix2);
The GENEIG subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a generalized eigenproblem.
The input arguments to the GENEIG subroutine are as follows:
sym-matrix1 is a symmetric numeric matrix.
sym-matrix2 is a positive denite symmetric matrix.
The subroutine returns the following output arguments:
evals names a vector in which the eigenvalues are returned.
evecs names a matrix in which the corresponding eigenvectors are returned.
The GENEIG subroutine computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized eigenproblem. If A
and B are symmetric and B is positive denite, then the vector M and the matrix E solve the generalized
eigenproblem provided that
A + E = B + E + diag(M)
The vector M contains the eigenvalues arranged in descending order, and the matrix E contains the corre-
sponding eigenvectors in the columns.
690 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The following example is from Wilkinson and Reinsch (1971):
A = {10 2 3 1 1,
2 12 1 2 1,
3 1 11 1 -1,
1 2 1 9 1,
1 1 -1 1 15};
B = {12 1 -1 2 1,
1 14 1 -1 1,
-1 1 16 -1 1,
2 -1 -1 12 -1,
1 1 1 -1 11};
call geneig(M, E, A, B);
print M, E;
Figure 23.121 Solution of a Generalized Eigenproblem
-0.076387 0.142012 0.19171 -0.08292 -0.134591
0.017098 0.14242 -0.158991 -0.153148 0.0612947
-0.066665 0.1209976 0.0748391 0.1186037 0.1579026
0.086048 0.125531 -0.137469 0.182813 -0.109466
0.2894334 0.0076922 0.0889779 -0.003562 0.041473
GEOMEAN Function
The GEOMEAN function returns a scalar that contains the geometric mean of the elements of the input
matrix. The geometric mean of a set of nonnegative numbers a
. a
. . . . . a
is the nth root of the product
The geometric mean is zero if any of the a
are zero. The geometric mean is not dened for negative
numbers. If any of the a
are missing, they are excluded from the computation.
The geometric mean can be used to compute the average return on an investment. For example, the following
data gives the annual returns on U.S. Treasury bonds from 1994 to 2004. The following statements compute
the average rate of return during this time. The output, shown in Figure 23.122, shows that the average rate
of return was 6.43%.
GGRID Call ! 691
year return%
TBonds = { 1994 -8.04,
1995 23.48,
1996 1.43,
1997 9.94,
1998 14.92,
1999 -8.25,
2000 16.66,
2001 5.57,
2002 15.12,
2003 0.38,
2004 4.49 };
proportion = 1 + TBonds[,2]/100; /
convert to proportion
aveReturn = geomean( proportion );
print aveReturn;
Figure 23.122 Average Rate of Return for an Investment
CALL GGRID(x, y <, style> <, color > <, window> <, viewport > );
The GGRID subroutine is a graphical call that draws a grid on a graphical window. The required arguments
to the GGRID subroutine are as follows:
x is a vector of points that contains the horizontal coordinates of the grid lines.
y is a vector of points that contains the vertical coordinates of the grid lines.
The optional arguments to the GGRID subroutine are as follows:
style is a numeric matrix or literal that species an index that corresponds to a valid line style.
color is a valid SAS color, where color can be specied as a quoted text string (such as RED),
the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a color number
(such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
692 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The GGRID subroutine draws a sequence of vertical and horizontal lines specied by the x and y vectors,
respectively. The start and end of the vertical lines are implicitly dened by the minimum and maximum of
the y vector. Likewise, the start and end of the horizontal lines are dened by the minimum and maximum
of the x vector. The grid lines are drawn in the same color and line style. The coordinates in use for this
graphics command are world coordinates.
For example, use the following statements to place a grid in the lower left corner of the screen:
call gstart;
x={10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
Places a grid in the lower left corner of the screen,
assuming the default window and viewport
call ggrid(x,y);
call gshow;
CALL GINCLUDE(segment-name);
The GINCLUDE subroutine is a graphical call that includes a previously dened graph in the current graph.
The segment that is included is named segment-name and is in the same catalog as the current graph. The
included segment is dened in the current viewport but not in the current window.
The implementation of the GINCLUDE subroutine makes it possible to include other segments in the current
segment and reposition them in different viewports. Furthermore, a segment can be included by different
graphs, thus effectively reducing storage space. Examples of valid statements follow:
segment1 is a character variable
that contains the segment name
call ginclude(segment1);
specify the segment with quoted literal
call ginclude("myseg");
GINV Function
The GINV function computes the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of matrix. This inverse, known as the
four-condition inverse, has these properties:
If G = GINV(A) then
AGA = A GAG = G (AG)
= AG (GA)
= GA
GINV Function ! 693
The generalized inverse is also known as the pseudoinverse, usually denoted by A
. It is computed by using
the singular value decomposition (Wilkinson and Reinsch 1971).
See Rao and Mitra (1971) for a discussion of properties of this function.
As an example, consider the following model:
Y = X
Least squares regression for this model can be performed by using the quantity ginv(x)
y as the estimate
of . This solution has minimum b
b among all solutions that minimize
, where = Y Xb.
Projection matrices can be formed by specifying GINV(X)+X(row space) or X+GINV(X) (column space).
The following program demonstrates some common uses of the GINV function:
A = {1 0 1 0 0,
1 0 0 1 0,
1 0 0 0 1,
0 1 1 0 0,
0 1 0 1 0,
0 1 0 0 1 };
find generalized inverse
Ainv = ginv(A);
find LS solution: min |Ax-b|^2
b = { 3, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3 };
x = Ainv
form projection matrix onto row space.
Note P = P` and P
P = P
P = Ainv
find numerical rank of A
rankA = round(trace(P));
reset fuzz;
print Ainv, rankA, x, P;
Figure 23.123 Common Uses of the Generized Inverse
0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2666667 -0.066667 -0.066667 -0.066667
-0.066667 -0.066667 -0.066667 0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2666667
0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1
-0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1
-0.1 -0.1 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 0.4
694 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.123 continued
0.8 -0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
-0.2 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.2 0.2 0.8 -0.2 -0.2
0.2 0.2 -0.2 0.8 -0.2
0.2 0.2 -0.2 -0.2 0.8
If A is an n m matrix, then, in addition to the memory allocated for the return matrix, the GINV function
temporarily allocates an n
nm array for performing its computation.
CALL GOPEN( <segment-name> <, replace> <, description> );
The GOPEN subroutine is a graphical call that starts a new graphics segment.
The arguments to the GOPEN subroutine are as follows:
segment-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that species the name of a graphics segment.
replace is a numeric argument.
description is a character matrix or quoted text string with a maximum length of 40 characters.
The GOPEN subroutine starts a new graphics segment. The window and viewport are reset to the default
values ({0 0 100 100]) in both cases. Any attribute modied by using a GSET call is reset to its default
value, which is set by the attributes corresponding GOPTIONS value.
A nonzero value for replace indicates that the new segment should replace the rst found segment with the
same name, and zero indicates otherwise. If you do not specify the replace ag, the ag set by a previous
GSTART call is used. By default, the GSTART subroutine sets the ag to NOREPLACE.
The description is a text string of up to 40 characters that you want to store with the segment to describe the
Two graphs cannot have the same name. If you try to create a named segment twice, the second segment is
given an automatically generated name.
The following statement opens a new segment named cosine, replaces the existing segment of the same
name, and attaches a description to the segment:
GOTO Statement ! 695
call gopen("cosine", 1, "Graph of Cosine Curve");
GOTO Statement
GOTO label ;
The GOTO statement causes a program to jump to a new statement in the program. When the GOTO
statement is executed, the program jumps immediately to the statement with the given label and begin
executing statements from that point. A label is a name followed by a colon that precedes an executable
GOTO statements are often clauses of IF-THEN statements. For example, the following statements use a
GOTO statement to iterate until a condition is satised:
start Iterate;
x = 1;
if x > 10 then
goto TheEnd;
x = x + 1;
goto TheStart;
TheEnd: print x;
run Iterate;
Figure 23.124 Iteration by Using the GOTO Statement
The function of GOTO statements is usually better performed by DO groups. For example, the preceding
statements could be better written as follows:
x = 1;
do until(x > 10);
x = x + 1;
print x;
Figure 23.125 Avoiding the GOTO Statement
696 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
As good programming practice, you should avoid using a GOTOstatement that refers to a label that precedes
the GOTO statement; otherwise, an innite loop is possible. You cannot use a GOTO statement to jump out
of a module; use the RETURN statement instead.
CALL GPIE(x, y, r <, angle1 > <, angle2 > <, color > <, outline> <, pattern > <, window> <, viewport >
The GPIE subroutine is a graphical call that draws pie slices.
The required arguments to the GPIE subroutine are as follows:
x is a scalar value that contains the horizontal coordinates of the center of the pie slices.
This argument can also be a vector, in which case it denes centers for multiple pie slices.
y is a scalar value that contains the vertical coordinates of the center of the pie slices. This
argument can also be a vector, in which case it denes centers for multiple pie slices.
r is a scalar or vector that contains the radii of the pie slices.
The optional arguments to the GPIE subroutine are as follows:
angle1 is a scalar or vector that contains the start angles. It defaults to 0.
angle2 is a scalar or vector that contains the terminal angles. It defaults to 360.
color is a valid SAS color, where color can be specied as a quoted text string (such as RED),
the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a color number
(such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
outline is an index that indicates the side of the slice to draw. The default is 3.
pattern is a character matrix or quoted literal that species the pattern with which to ll the
interior of a closed curve.
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GPIE subroutine draws one or more pie slices. The number of pie slices is the maximum dimension of
the rst ve vectors. The angle arguments are specied in degrees. The start angle (angle1) defaults to 0,
and the terminal angle (angle2) defaults to 360. The outline argument is an index that indicates the side of
the slice to draw; it can have the following values:
< 0 uses absolute value as the line style and draws no line segment from center to arc.
0 draws no line segment from center to arc.
1 draws an arc and line segment from the center to the starting angle point.
GPIEXY Call ! 697
2 draws an arc and line segment from the center to the ending angle point.
3 draws all sides of the slice. This is the default.
The color, outline, and pattern arguments can have more than one element. The coordinates in use for this
graphics command are world coordinates. An example that uses the GPIE subroutine follows:
call gstart;
center = {50 50};
r = 30;
angle1 = {0 90 180 270};
angle2 = {90 180 270 360};
draw a pie with 4 slices of equal size
call gpie(center[1], center[2], r, angle1, angle2);
CALL GPIEXY(x, y, fract-radii, angles <, center > <, radius > <, window> );
The GPIEXY subroutine is a graphical call that converts from polar to world coordinates.
The GPIEXY subroutine returns the following output arguments:
x names a vector to contain the horizontal coordinates returned by GPIEXY.
y names a vector to contain the vertical coordinates returned by GPIEXY.
The required input arguments to the GPIEXY subroutine are as follows:
fract-radii is a vector of fractions of the radius of the reference circle.
angles is the vector of angle coordinates in degrees.
The optional input arguments to the GPIEXY subroutine are as follows:
center denes the reference circle.
radius denes the reference circle.
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
The GPIEXY subroutine computes the world coordinates of a sequence of points relative to a circle. The x
and y arguments are vectors of new coordinates returned by the GPIEXY subroutine. Together, the vectors
fract-radii and angles dene the points in polar coordinates. Each pair fromthe fract-radii and angles vectors
yields a corresponding pair in the x and y vectors. For example, suppose fract-radii has two elements, 0.5
and 0.33 and the corresponding two elements of angles are 90 and 30. The GPIEXY subroutine returns two
elements in the x vector and two elements in the y vector. The rst (.. ,) pair locates a point halfway from
the center to the reference circle on the vertical line through the center, and the second (.. ,) pair locates a
point one-third of the way on the line segment from the center to the reference circle, where the line segment
698 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
slants 30 degrees from the horizontal. The reference circle can be dened by an earlier GPIE call or another
GPIEXY call, or it can be dened by specifying center and radius.
Graphics devices can have diverse aspect ratios; thus, a circle can appear distorted when drawn on some
devices. The PROC IML graphics subsystem adjusts computations to compensate for this distortion. Thus,
for any given point, the transformation from polar coordinates to world coordinates might need an equivalent
adjustment. The GPIEXY subroutine ensures that the same adjustment applied in the GPIE subroutine is
applied to the conversion. An example that uses the GPIEXY call follows:
call gstart;
center = {50 50};
r = 30;
angle1 = {0 90 180 270};
angle2 = {90 180 270 360};
call gpie(center[1], center[2], r, angle1, angle2);
add labels to a pie with 4 slices of equal size
angle = (angle1+angle2)/2; /
middle of slice
call gpiexy(x, y, 1.2, angle, center, r);
adjust for label size:
x [1,] = x[1,] - 4;
x [2,] = x[2,] + 1;
x [4,] = x[4,] - 3;
call gscript(x, y, {"QTR1" "QTR2" "QTR3" "QTR4"});
call gshow;
CALL GPOINT(x, y <, symbol > <, color > <, height > <, window> <, viewport > );
The GPOINT subroutine is a graphical call that draws symbols at specied locations.
The required arguments to the GPOINT subroutine are as follows:
x is a vector that contains the horizontal coordinates of points.
y is a vector that contains the vertical coordinates of points.
The optional arguments to the GPOINT subroutine are as follows:
symbol is a character vector or quoted literal that species a valid plotting symbol or symbols.
color is a valid SAS color, where color can be specied as a quoted text string (such as RED),
the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a color number
(such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
height is a numeric matrix or literal that species the character height.
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
GPOLY Call ! 699
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GPOINT subroutine marks one or more points with symbols. The x and y vectors dene the locations
of the markers. The symbol and color arguments can have from one to as many elements as there are
well-dened points. The coordinates in use for this graphics command are world coordinates.
The following example plots the curve , = 50 25 sin(.,10) for 0 _ . _ 100:
call gstart;
x = 0:100;
y = 50 + 25
call gpoint(x, y);
call gshow;
The following example uses the GPOINT subroutine to plot symbols at specic locations on the screen:
marker = {a b c d e '@' '#' '$' '%' '^' '&' '
' '-' '+' '='};
x = 5
y = x;
call gpoint(x, y, marker);
call gshow;
See Chapter 15 for further examples that use the GPOINT subroutine.
CALL GPOLY(x, y <, style> <, ocolor > <, pattern> <, color > <, window> <, viewport > );
The GPOLY subroutine is a graphical call that draws and lls a polygon.
The required arguments to the GPOLY subroutine are as follows:
x is a vector that denes the horizontal coordinates of the corners of the polygon.
y is a vector that denes the vertical coordinates of the corners of the polygon.
The optional inputs to the GPOLY subroutine are as follows:
style is a numeric matrix or literal that species an index that corresponds to a valid line style.
ocolor is a matrix or literal that species a valid outline color. The ocolor argument can be
specied as a quoted text string (such as RED), the name of a character matrix that
contains a valid color as an element, or a color number (such as 1) that refers to a color
in the color list.
pattern is a character matrix or quoted literal that species the pattern to ll the interior of a
closed curve.
color is a valid SAS color used in lling the polygon. The color argument can be specied as
a quoted text string (such as RED), the name of a character matrix that contains a valid
color as an element, or a color number (such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
700 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GPOLY subroutine lls an area enclosed by a polygon. The polygon is dened by the set of points
given in the vectors . and ,. The color argument is the color used in shading the polygon, and ocolor is
the outline color. By default, the shading color and the outline color are the same, and the interior pattern is
empty. The coordinates in use for this graphics command are world coordinates. An example that uses the
GPOLY subroutine follows:
call gstart;
xd = {20 20 80 80};
yd = {35 85 85 35};
call gpoly (xd, yd, , ,"X", 'red');
call gshow;
CALL GPORT(viewport );
The GPORT subroutine is a graphical call that denes a viewport. The rectangular areas boundary is
specied in normalized coordinates, where you specify the coordinates of the lower left corner and the
upper right corner of the rectangular area in the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
The GPORT subroutine changes the current viewport. The viewport argument denes the new viewport by
using device coordinates (always 0 to 100). Changing the viewport can affect the height of the character
fonts; if so, you might want to modify the HEIGHT parameter. An example of a valid statement follows:
call gport({20 20 80 80});
The default values for viewport are 0 0 100 100.
The GPORTPOP subroutine is a graphical call that deletes the top viewport from the stack.
GPORTSTK Call ! 701
CALL GPORTSTK(viewport );
The GPORTSTK subroutine is a graphical call that stacks the viewport dened by the matrix viewport onto
the current viewport; that is, the new viewport is dened relative to the current viewport. The viewport
argument is a numeric matrix or literal dened in normalized coordinates of the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
This graphics command uses world coordinates. An example of a valid statement follows:
call gportstk({5 5 95 95});
CALL GSCALE(scale, x, nincr <, nicenum> <, xed-end> );
The GSCALE subroutine computes a suitable scale and tick values for labeling axes.
The required arguments to the GSCALE subroutine are as follows:
scale is a returned vector that contains the scaled minimum data value, the scaled maximum
data value, and a grid increment.
x is a numeric matrix or literal.
nincr is the number of intervals desired.
The optional arguments to the GSCALE subroutine are as follows:
nicenum is numeric and provides up to 10 numbers to use for scaling. By default, nicenum is the
vector {1,2,2.5,5}.
xed-end is a character argument that species which end of the scale is held xed. The default is
The GSCALE subroutine obtains simple (round) numbers with uniform grid interval sizes to use in scaling a
linear axis. The GSCALE subroutine implements Algorithm 463 (Lewart 1973) of the Collected Algorithms
fromthe Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The scale values are integer multiples of the interval
size. They are returned in the rst argument, a vector with three elements. The rst element is the scaled
minimum data value. The second element is the scaled maximum data value. The third element is the grid
The required input parameters are x, a matrix of data values, and nincr, the number of intervals desired. If
nincr is positive, the scaled range includes approximately nincr intervals. If nincr is negative, the scaled
range includes exactly ABS(nincr ) intervals. The nincr parameter cannot be zero.
The nicenum and xed-end arguments are optional. The nicenum argument provides up to 10 numbers, all
between 1 and 10 (inclusive of the endpoints), to be used for scaling. The default for nicenum is 1, 2, 2.5,
702 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
and 5. The linear scale with this set of numbers is a scale with an interval size that is the product of an
integer power of 10 and 1, 2, 2.5, or 5. Changing these numbers alters the rounding of the scaled values.
For xed-end, U xes the upper end; L xes the lower end; X allows both ends to vary from the data
values. The default is X. An example that uses the GSCALE subroutine follows:
x = normal( j(100,1) ); /
generate standard normal data
call gscale(scale, x, 5); /
ask for about 5 intervals
ticks = do(scale[1], scale[2], scale[3]);
print scale, ticks;
Figure 23.126 Tick Marks for Standard Normal Data
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
CALL GSCRIPT(x, y, text <, angle> <, rotate> <, height > <, font > <, color > <, window> <, view-
port > );
The GSCRIPT subroutine is a graphical call that writes multiple text strings.
The required arguments to the GSCRIPT subroutine are as follows:
x is a scalar or vector that contains the horizontal coordinates of the lower left starting
position of the text strings rst character.
y is a scalar or vector that contains the vertical coordinates of the lower left starting position
of the text strings rst character.
text is a character vector of text strings.
The optional arguments to the GSCRIPT subroutine are as follows:
angle is the slant of each text string.
rotate is the rotation of individual characters.
height is a real number that species the character height.
font is a character matrix or quoted literal that species a valid font name.
color is a valid SAS color. The color argument can be specied as a quoted text string (such
as RED), the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a
color number (such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
GSET Call ! 703
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GSCRIPT subroutine writes multiple text strings with special character fonts. The x and y vectors
describe the coordinates of the lower left starting position of the text strings rst character. The color
argument can have more than one element.
NOTE: Hardware characters cannot always be obtained if you change the HEIGHT or ASPECT parameters
or if you use a viewport.
The coordinates in use for this graphics command are world coordinates. Examples of valid statements
call gscript(7, y, names);
call gscript(50, 50, "plot of height vs weight");
call gscript(10, 90, "yaxis", -90, 90);
CALL GSET(attribute <, value> );
The GSET subroutine is a graphical call that sets attributes for a graphics segment.
The arguments to the GSET subroutine are as follows:
attribute is a graphics attribute. This argument can be a character matrix or quoted literal.
value is the value to which the attribute is set. This argument is specied as a matrix or quoted
The GSET subroutine enables you to change the following attributes for the current graphics segment:
aspect a numeric matrix or literal that species the aspect ratio (width relative to height) for
color a valid SAS color. The color argument can be specied as a quoted text string (such as
RED), the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a
color number (such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
font a character matrix or quoted literal that species a valid font name.
height a numeric matrix or literal that species the character height.
pattern a character matrix or quoted literal that species the pattern to use to ll the interior of a
closed curve.
style a numeric matrix or literal that species an index that corresponds to a valid line style.
thick an integer that species line thickness.
704 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
To reset the PROC IML default value for any one of the attributes, omit the second argument. Attributes are
reset back to the default with a call to the GOPEN or GSTART subroutine. Single or double quotes can be
used around this argument. For more information about the attributes, see Chapter 15.
Examples of valid statements follow:
call gset("pattern", "m1n45");
call gset("font", "simplex");
f = "font";
s = "simplex";
call gset(f, s);
For example, the following statement resets color to its default:
call gset("color");
CALL GSHOW( <segment-name> );
The GSHOW subroutine is a graphical call that displays a window. If you do not specify segment-name,
the GSHOW subroutine displays the current graph.
If the current graph is active at the time that the GSHOW subroutine is called, it remains active after the call;
that is, graphics primitives can still be added to the segment. On the other hand, if you specify segment-
name, the GSHOW subroutine closes any active graphics segment, searches the current catalog for a seg-
ment with the given name, and then displays that graph. Examples of valid statements follow:
call gshow;
call gshow("plot_a5");
seg = {myplot};
call gshow(seg);
See Chapter 15 for examples that use the GSHOW subroutine.
CALL GSORTH(P, T, lindep, A);
The GSORTH subroutine computes the Gram-Schmidt orthonormal factorization of the m n matrix A,
where m is greater than or equal to n. The GSORTH subroutine implements an algorithm described by
Golub (1969).
The GSORTH subroutine has a single input argument:
A is an input m n matrix.
GSORTH Call ! 705
The output arguments to the GSORTH subroutine are as follows:
P is an m n column-orthonormal output matrix.
T is an upper triangular n n output matrix.
lindep is a ag with a value of 0 if columns of A are independent and a value of 1 if they are
dependent. The lindep argument is an output scalar.
Specically, the GSORTH subroutine computes the column-orthonormal m n matrix P and the upper
triangular n n matrix T such that
A = P + T
If the columns of Aare linearly independent (that is, rank(A) = n), then P is full-rank column-orthonormal:
P = I
, T is nonsingular, and the value of lindep (a scalar) is set to 0. If the columns of A are linearly
dependent (say, rank(A) = k < n) then n k columns of P are set to 0, the corresponding rows of T are
set to 0 (T is singular), and lindep is set to 1. The pattern of zero columns in P corresponds to the pattern of
linear dependencies of the columns of A when columns are considered in left-to-right order.
The following statements call the GSORTH subroutine and print the output parameters to the call:
x = {1 1 3 1 2,
1 0 1 2 3,
1 1 3 3 4,
1 0 1 4 5,
1 1 3 5 6,
1 0 1 6 7};
call gsorth(P, T, lindep, x);
reset fuzz;
print P, T, lindep;
Figure 23.127 Results of a Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization
0.4082483 0.4082483 0 -0.5 0
0.4082483 -0.408248 0 -0.5 0
0.4082483 0.4082483 0 0 0
0.4082483 -0.408248 0 0 0
0.4082483 0.4082483 0 0.5 0
0.4082483 -0.408248 0 0.5 0
2.4494897 1.2247449 4.8989795 8.5732141 11.022704
0 1.2247449 2.4494897 -1.224745 -1.224745
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4 4
0 0 0 0 0
706 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
If lindep is 1, you can permute the columns of P and rows of T so that the zero columns of P are rightmost
that is, P = (P
. . . . . P
k. 0. . . . . 0), where k is the column rank of Aand the equality A = P+Tis preserved.
The following statements show a permutation of columns:
d = loc(vecdiag(T)^=0) || loc(vecdiag(T)=0);
temp = P;
P[,d] = temp;
temp = T;
T[,d] = temp;
print d, P, T;
Figure 23.128 Rearranging Columns
1 2 4 3 5
0.4082483 0.4082483 -0.5 0 0
0.4082483 -0.408248 -0.5 0 0
0.4082483 0.4082483 0 0 0
0.4082483 -0.408248 0 0 0
0.4082483 0.4082483 0.5 0 0
0.4082483 -0.408248 0.5 0 0
2.4494897 1.2247449 8.5732141 4.8989795 11.022704
0 1.2247449 -1.224745 2.4494897 -1.224745
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4 0 4
0 0 0 0 0
The GSORTH subroutine is not recommended for the construction of matrices of values of orthogonal
polynomials; the ORPOL function should be used for that purpose.
CALL GSTART( <catalog> <, replace> );
The GSTART subroutine initializes the graphics system the rst time it is called. A catalog is opened to
capture any graphics segments generated in the session. If you do not specify a catalog, PROC IML uses
the temporary catalog Work.Gseg.
The arguments to the GSTART subroutine are as follows:
catalog is a character matrix or quoted literal that species the SAS catalog for saving the graph-
ics segments.
replace is a numeric argument.
GSTOP Call ! 707
The replace argument is a ag; a nonzero value indicates that the new segment should replace the rst found
segment with the same name. The replace ag set by the GSTART subroutine is a global ag, as opposed to
the replace ag set by the GOPEN subroutine. When set by GSTART, this ag is applied to all subsequent
segments created for this catalog, whereas with GOPEN, the replace ag is applied only to the segment that
is being created. The GSTART subroutine sets the replace ag to 0 when the replace argument is omitted.
The replace option can be very inefcient for a catalog with many segments. In this case, it is better to
create segments with different names (if necessary) than to use the replace option.
The GSTART subroutine must be called at least once to load the graphics subsystem. Any subsequent
GSTART calls are generally to change graphics catalogs or reset the global replace ag.
The GSTART subroutine resets the defaults for all graphics attributes that can be changed by the GSET
subroutine. It does not reset GOPTIONS to their defaults unless the GOPTION corresponds to a GSET
parameter. The GOPEN subroutine also resets GSET parameters.
An example of using the GSTART subroutine is provided in the documentation for the GPOINT subroutine.
The GSTOP subroutine deactivates the graphics system. The graphics subsystem is disabled until the
GSTART subroutine is called again.
CALL GSTRLEN(length, text <, height > <, font > <, window> );
The GSTRLEN subroutine returns the lengths of text strings represented in a given font and for a given
character height. The lengths are given in world coordinates. The required arguments to the GSTRLEN
subroutine are as follows:
length is a matrix of lengths specied in world coordinates.
text is a matrix of text strings.
The optional arguments to the GSTRLEN subroutine are as follows:
height is a numeric matrix or literal that species the character height.
font is a character matrix or quoted literal that species a valid font name.
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
708 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The length argument is the returned matrix. It has the same shape as the matrix text. Thus, if text is an nm
matrix of text strings, then length is an n m matrix of lengths in world coordinates. If you do not specify
font, the default font is assumed. If you do not specify height, the default height is assumed. An example
that uses the GSTRLEN subroutine follows:
call gstart;
centers text at coordinates
ht = 2;
x = 30;
y = 90;
str = "Nonparametric Cluster Analysis";
call gstrlen(len, str, ht, "simplex");
call gscript(x-(len/2), y, str, , , ht, "simplex");
call gshow;
CALL GTEXT(x, y, text <, color > <, window> <, viewport > );
CALL GVTEXT(x, y, text <, color > <, window> <, viewport > );
The GTEXT subroutine places text horizontally on a graph; the GVTEXT subroutine places text vertically
on a graph.
The required arguments to the GTEXT and GVTEXT subroutines are as follows:
x is a scalar or vector that contains the horizontal coordinates of the lower left starting
position of the text strings rst character.
y is a scalar or vector that contains the vertical coordinates of the lower left starting position
of the text strings rst character.
text is a vector of text strings.
The optional arguments to the GTEXT and GVTEXT subroutines are as follows:
color is a valid SAS color. The color argument can be specied as a quoted text string (such
as RED), the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a
color number (such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GTEXT subroutine places text horizontally on a graph; the GVTEXT subroutine places text vertically
on a graph. Both subroutines use hardware characters when possible. The number of text strings drawn is
the maximum dimension of the rst three vectors. The color argument can have more than one element.
Hardware characters cannot always be obtained if you use a viewport or if you change the HEIGHT or
GWINDOW Call ! 709
ASPECT parameters by using the GSET subroutine or the GOPTIONS statement. The coordinates in use
for this graphics command are world coordinates.
Examples of the GTEXT and GVTEXT subroutines follow:
call gstart;
call gopen;
call gport({0 0 50 50});
call gset("height", 3); /
set character height
msg = "GTEXT: This will start in the center of the viewport";
call gtext(50, 50, msg);
msg = "GVTEXT: Vertical string";
call gvtext(0.35, 10, msg, 'red', {0.2 -1, 1.5 6.5}, {0 0, 100 100});
call gshow;
The GWINDOW subroutine sets up the window for scaling data values in subsequent graphics primitives.
The argument window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. The rectangular areas boundary
is given in world coordinates, where you specify the lower left and upper right corners in the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
The window remains until the next GWINDOW call or until the segment is closed. The coordinates in
use for this graphics command are world coordinates. An example that uses the GWINDOW subroutine
x = rannor( j(20,1) );
y = 3 + x + 0.5
rannor( j(20,1) );
call gstart;
define window to contain the data range plus 5% margins
xMargin = 0.05
(max(x) - min(x));
yMargin = 0.05
(max(y) - min(y));
wd = (min(x)-xMargin) || (min(y)-yMargin) ||
(max(x)+xMargin) || (max(y)+yMargin);
call gwindow(wd);
call gpoint(x, y);
call gshow;
CALL GXAXIS(starting-point, length, nincr <, nminor > <, noticklab > <, format > <, height > <, font >
<, color > <, xed-end> <, window> <, viewport > );
710 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
CALL GYAXIS(starting-point, length, nincr <, nminor > <, noticklab> <, format > <, height > <, font >
<, color > <, xed-end> <, window> <, viewport > );
The GXAXIS subroutine is a graphical call that draws a horizontal axis. The GYAXIS subroutine draws a
vertical axis.
The required arguments to the GXAXIS and GYAXIS subroutines are as follows:
starting-point is the (.. ,) starting point of the axis, specied in world coordinates.
length is a numeric scalar that contains the length of the axis, specied in world coordinates.
nincr is a numeric scalar that contains the number of major tick marks on the axis. The rst
tick mark corresponds to starting-point.
The optional arguments to the GXAXIS and GYAXIS subroutines are as follows:
nminor is an integer that species the number of minor tick marks between major tick marks.
noticklab is a ag that is nonzero if the tick marks are not labeled. The default is to label tick
format is a character scalar that gives a valid SAS numeric format used in formatting the tick-
mark labels. The default format is 8.2.
height is a numeric matrix or literal that species the character height. This is used for the
tick-mark labels.
font is a character matrix or quoted literal that species a valid font name. This is used for
the tick-mark labels.
color is a valid color. The color argument can be specied as a quoted text string (such as
RED), the name of a character matrix that contains a valid color as an element, or a
color number (such as 1) that refers to a color in the color list.
xed-end holds one end of the scale xed. U xes the upper end; L xes the lower end; X
allows both ends to vary from the data values. In addition, you can specify N, which
causes the axis routines to bypass the scaling routine. The interval between tick marks is
length divided by (nincr 1). The default is X.
window is a numeric matrix or literal that species a window. This is given in world coordinates
and has the form
{minimum-x minimum-y maximum-x maximum-y}
viewport is a numeric matrix or literal that species a viewport. This is given in normalized coor-
dinates and has the same form as the window argument.
The GXAXIS and GYAXIS subroutines use the same scaling algorithm as the GSCALE subroutine. For
example, if the . starting point is 10 and the length of the axis is 44, and if you call the GSCALE subroutine
with the . vector that contains the two elements, 10 and 44, the scale obtained should be the same as
that obtained by the GXAXIS subroutine. Sometimes, it can be helpful to use the GSCALE subroutine in
conjunction with the axis subroutines to get more precise scaling and labeling.
For example, suppose you want to draw the axis for 2 _ X _ 2 and 2 _ Y _ 2. The following
statements draw these axes. Each axis is four units long. The . axis begins at the point (2. 0), and the ,
HADAMARD Function ! 711
axis begins at the point (0. 2). The tick marks can be set at each integer value, with minor tick marks in
between the major tick marks. The tick marks are labeled because the noticklab option has the value 0.
call gstart;
call gport({20 20 80 80});
call gwindow({-2 -2 2 2});
call gxaxis({-2,0}, 4, 5, 2, 0);
call gyaxis({0,-2}, 4, 5, 2, 0);
call gshow;
HADAMARD(n, <, i > );
The HADAMARD function returns a Hadamard matrix. The arguments to the HADAMARD function are
as follows:
n species the order of the Hadamard matrix. You can specify that n is 1, 2, or a multiple
of 4. Furthermore, n must satisfy at least one of the following conditions:
v n _ 256
v n 1 is prime
v (n,2) 1 is prime and n,2 = 2 mod 4
v n= 2
h for some positives integers and h, and h satises one of the preceding
When any other n is specied, the HADAMARD function returns a zero.
i species the row number to return. When i is not specied or i is negative, the full
Hadamard matrix is returned.
The HADAMARD function returns a Hadamard matrix, which is an n n matrix that consists entirely
of the values 1 and 1. The columns of a Hadamard matrix are all orthogonal. Hadamard matrices are
frequently used to make orthogonal array experimental designs for two-level factors. For example, the
following statements create a 12 12 Hadamard matrix:
h = hadamard(12);
print h[format=2.];
The output is shown in Figure 23.129. The rst column is an intercept and the next 11 columns form an
orthogonal array experimental design for 11 two-level factors in 12 runs, 2
712 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.129 A Hadamard Matrix
1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1
1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1
1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1
1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1
1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1
1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1
1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1
1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1
1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1
1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1
1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1
To request the seventeenth row of a Hadamard matrix of order 448, use the following statement:
h17 = hadamard(448, 17);
HALF Function
The HALF function is an alias for the ROOT function, which computes the Cholesky decomposition of a
symmetric positive denite matrix.
HANKEL Function
The HANKEL function generates a Hankel matrix from a vector or a block Hankel matrix from a matrix. A
block Hankel matrix has the property that all matrices on the reverse diagonals are the same. The argument
matrix is an (n) or (n) matrix; the value returned is the (n) (n) result.
The Hankel function uses the rst submatrix A
of the argument matrix as the blocks of the rst reverse
diagonal. The second submatrix A
of the argument matrix forms the second reverse diagonal. The
remaining reverse diagonals are formed accordingly. After the values in the argument matrix have all been
placed, the rest of the matrix is lled in with 0. If A is (n) , then the rst columns of the returned
matrix, R, are the same as A. If A is (n), then the rst rows of R are the same as A.
The HANKEL function is especially useful in time series applications that involve a set of variables that
represent the present and past and a set of variables that represent the present and future. In this situation,
the covariance matrix between the sets of variables is often assumed to be a block Hankel matrix. If
A = A
[ [A
HANKEL Function ! 713
and if R is the matrix formed by the HANKEL function, then
R =
[ A
[ A
[ [ A
[ A
[ A
[ [ 0
[ A
[ A
[ [ 0
[ 0 [ 0 [ [ 0

A =

and if R is the matrix formed by the HANKEL function, then
R =
[ A
[ A
[ [ A
[ A
[ A
[ [ 0
[ 0 [ 0 [ [ 0

For example, the following statements produce Hankel matrices, as shown in Figure 23.130:
r1 = hankel({1 2 3 4 5});
r2 = hankel({1 2 ,
3 4 ,
5 6 ,
7 8});
r3 = hankel({1 2 3 4 ,
5 6 7 8});
print r1, r2, r3;
Figure 23.130 Hankel Matrices
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 0
3 4 5 0 0
4 5 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0
1 2 5 6
3 4 7 8
5 6 0 0
7 8 0 0
714 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.130 continued
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
3 4 0 0
7 8 0 0
HARMEAN Function
The HARMEAN function returns a scalar that contains the harmonic mean of the elements of the input
matrix. The input matrix must contain only nonnegative numbers. The harmonic mean of a set of positive
numbers a
. a
. . . . . a
is n divided by the sum of the reciprocals of a
. That is, n,

The harmonic mean is zero if any of the a
are zero. The harmonic mean is not dened for negative numbers.
If any of the a
are missing, they are excluded from the computation.
The harmonic mean is sometimes used to compute an average sample size in an unbalanced experimental
design. For example, the following statements compute an average sample size for ve samples:
sizes = { 8, 12, 23, 10, 8 }; /
sample sizes
aveSize = harmean( sizes );
print aveSize;
Figure 23.131 Harmonic Mean
HDIR Function
HDIR(matrix1, matrix2);
The HDIR function computes the horizontal direct product of two numeric matrices. This operation is useful
in constructing design matrices of interaction effects.
Specically, the HDIR function performs a direct product on all rows of matrix1 and matrix2 and creates a
new matrix by stacking these row vectors into a matrix. The matrix1 and matrix2 arguments must have the
same number of rows, which is also the same number of rows in the result matrix. The number of columns
in the result matrix is equal to the product of the number of columns in matrix1 and matrix2.
For example, the following statements produce the matrix c, shown in Figure 23.132:
HERMITE Function ! 715
a = {1 2,
2 4,
3 6};
b = {0 2,
1 1,
0 -1};
c = hdir(a, b);
print c;
Figure 23.132 Horizontal Direct Product
0 2 0 4
2 2 4 4
0 -3 0 -6
The HDIR function is useful for constructing crossed and nested effects from main-effect design matrices
in ANOVA models.
HERMITE Function
The HERMITE function uses elementary row operations to compute the Hermite normal form of a matrix.
For square matrices this normal form is upper triangular and idempotent.
If the argument is square and nonsingular, the result is the identity matrix. In general the result satises the
following four conditions (Graybill 1969):
v It is upper triangular.
v It has only values of 0 and 1 on the diagonal.
v If a row has a 0 on the diagonal, then every element in that row is 0.
v If a row has a 1 on the diagonal, then every off-diagonal element is 0 in the column in which the 1
The following statements compute an example from Graybill (1969):
a = {3 6 9,
1 2 5,
2 4 10};
h = hermite(a);
print h;
716 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.133 Hermite Matrix
1 2 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
If the argument is a square matrix, then the Hermite normal form can be transformed into the row-echelon
form by rearranging rows in which all values are 0.
HOMOGEN Function
The HOMOGEN function solves the homogeneous system of linear equations A+X = 0 for X. For at least
one solution vector X to exist, the m n matrix A, m _ n, has to be of rank r < n. The HOMOGEN
function computes an n (n r) column orthonormal matrix X with the properties that A + X = 0 and
X = I. In other words, the columns of X form an orthonormal basis for the nullspace of .
If A
A is ill-conditioned, rounding-error problems can occur in determining the correct rank of A and in
determining the correct number of solutions X.
The following statements compute an example from Wilkinson and Reinsch (1971):
a = {22 10 2 3 7,
14 7 10 0 8,
-1 13 -1 -11 3,
-3 -2 13 -2 4,
9 8 1 -2 4,
9 1 -7 5 -1,
2 -6 6 5 1,
4 5 0 -2 2};
x = homogen(a);
print x;
Figure 23.134 Solutions to a Homogeneous System
-0.419095 0
0.4405091 0.4185481
-0.052005 0.3487901
0.6760591 0.244153
0.4129773 -0.802217
In addition, you can use the HOMOGEN function to determine the rank of an mn matrix A where m _ n
by counting the number of columns in the matrix X.
IF-THEN/ELSE Statement ! 717
If is an n m matrix, then, in addition to the memory allocated for the return matrix, the HOMOGEN
function temporarily allocates an n
nm array for performing its computation.
I Function
The I function creates an identity matrix with dim rows and columns. The diagonal elements of an identity
matrix are ones; all other elements are zeros. The value of dim must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.
Noninteger operands are truncated to their integer part.
For example, the following statements compute a 3 3 identity matrix:
a = I(3);
print a;
Figure 23.135 An Identity Matrix
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
IF-THEN/ELSE Statement
IF expression THEN statement1 ;
ELSE statement2 ;
The IF-THEN/ELSE statement conditionally executes statements. The ELSE statement is optional.
The arguments to the IF-THEN/ELSE statement are as follows:
expression is an expression that is evaluated for being true or false.
statement1 is a statement executed when expression is true.
statement2 Is a statement executed when expression is false.
The IF statement contains an expression to be evaluated, the keyword THEN, and an action to be taken
when the result of the evaluation is true.
The ELSE statement optionally follows the IF statement and gives an action to be taken when the IF expres-
sion is false. The expression to be evaluated is often a comparison. For example:
a = {0, 5, 1, 10};
if max(a)<20 then
718 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
p = 0;
p = 1;
The IF statement results in the evaluation of the condition max(a)<20. If the largest value found in the
matrix a is less than 20, the scalar value p is set to 0. Otherwise, p is set to 1. See the description of the
MAX function for details.
When the condition to be evaluated is a matrix expression, the result of the evaluation is another matrix. If
all values of the result matrix are nonzero and nonmissing, the condition is true; if any element in the result
matrix is 0 or missing, the condition is false. This evaluation is equivalent to using the ALL function.
For example, consider the following statements:
a = { 1 2, 3 4};
b = {-1 0, 0 1};
if a>b then do;
This code produces the same result as the following statements:
if all(a>b) then do;
IF statements can be nested within the clauses of other IF or ELSE statements. There is no limit on the
number of nesting levels. Consider the following example:
if a>b then
if a>abs(b) then do;
Consider the following statements:
if a^=b then do;
if ^(a=b) then do;
The two IF statements are equivalent. In each case, the THEN clause is executed only when all correspond-
ing elements of a and b are unequal.
Evaluation of the following statement requires only one element of a and b to be unequal in order for the
expression to be true:
if any(a^=b) then do;
IFFT Function ! 719
IFFT Function
IFFT(f );
The IFFT function computes the inverse nite Fourier transform of a matrix f, where f is an n 2 numeric
The IFFT function expands a set of sine and cosine coefcients into a sequence equal to the sum of the
coefcients times the sine and cosine functions. The argument f is an n 2 matrix; the value returned is
an n 1 vector.
If the element in the last row and second column of f is exactly 0, then n is 2n2; otherwise, n is 2n1.
The inverse nite Fourier transform of a two column matrix F, denoted by the vector x, is
= J

( 1)(i 1)
( 1)(i 1)
for i = 1. . . . . n, where q
= (1)
if n is even, or q = 0 if n is odd.
For the most efcient use of the IFFT function, n should be a power of 2. If n is a power of 2, a fast Fourier
transform is used (Singleton 1969); otherwise, a Chirp-Z algorithm is used (Monro and Branch 1976).
The expression IFFT(FFT(X)) returns n times x, where n is the dimension of x. If is not the Fourier
transform of a real sequence, then the vector generated by the IFFT function is not a true inverse Fourier
transform. However, applications exist in which the FFT and IFFT functions can be used for operations on
multidimensional or complex data (Gentleman and Sande 1966; Nussbaumer 1982).
As an example, the convolution of two vectors x (n 1) and y (m 1) can be accomplished by using the
following module:
start conv(u,v);
w = conv(u,v) convolves vectors u and v.
Algebraically, convolution is the same operation as
multiplying the polynomials whose coefficients are the
elements of u and v. Straight convolution is too slow,
so use the FFT.
Both of u and v are column vectors.
m = nrow(u);
n = nrow(v);
wn = m + n - 1;
find p so that 2##(p-1) < wn <= 2##p
p = ceil( log(wn)/ log(2) );
nice = 2##p;
a = fft( u // j(nice-m,1,0) );
b = fft( v // j(nice-n,1,0) );
complex multiplication of a and b
wReal = a[,1]#b[,1] - a[,2]#b[,2];
720 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
wImag = a[,1]#b[,2] + a[,2]#b[,1];
w = wReal || wImag;
z = z[1:wn,1] / nice; /
take real part and first wn elements
return (z);
example of convolution of two waveforms
TimeStep = 0.01;
t = T( do(0,8,TimeStep) );
Signal = j(nrow(t),1,5);
Signal[ loc(t>4) ] = -5;
ImpulseResponse = j(nrow(t),1,0);
ImpulseResponse[ loc(t<=2) ] = 3;
The time domain for this convolution is [0,16]
with the same time step.
For waveforms, rescale amplitude by the time step.
y = conv(Signal,ImpulseResponse)
Other applications of the FFT and IFFT functions include windowed spectral estimates and the inverse
autocorrelation function.
You can use the IMPORTDATASETFROMR subroutine to transfer data from an R data frame to a SAS data
set. It is easier to read the subroutine name when it is written in mixed case: ImportDataSetFromR.
The arguments to the subroutine are as follows:
SAS-data-set is a literal string or a character matrix that species the two-level name of a SAS data set
(for example, Work.MyData).
RExpr is a literal string or a character matrix that species the name of an R data frame or, in
general, an R expression that can be coerced to an R data frame.
You can call the subroutine provided that the following statements are true:
1. The R statistical software is installed on the SAS workspace server.
2. The SAS system administrator at your site has enabled the RLANG SAS system option. (See The
RLANG System Option on page 190.)
The following statements create a data frame in R named RData and copy the data into Work.MyData. The
SHOW CONTENTS statement is then used to display attributes of the Work.MyData data, which demon-
strates that the data were successfully transferred.
proc iml;
submit / R;
z = c('a','b','c','d','e')
RData <- data.frame(x=1:5, y=(1:5)^2, z=z)
call ImportDataSetFromR("Work.MyData", "RData");
use Work.MyData;
show contents;
close Work.MyData;
Figure 23.136 Contents of a SAS Data Set Created from R Data
-------------------------------- ---- ----
A num 8
Y num 8
Z char 1
Number of Variables : 3
Number of Observations: 5
You can transfer data from a SAS data set into an R data frame by using the EXPORTDATASETTOR call.
See Chapter 11, Calling Functions in the R Language, for details about transferring data between R and
SAS software.
The names of the variables in the SAS data set are derived from the names of the variables in the R data
frame. The following rules are used to convert an R variable name to a valid SAS variable name:
1. If the name is longer than 32 characters, it is truncated to 32 characters.
2. A SAS variable name must begin with one of the following characters: AZ, az, or the un-
derscore (_). Therefore, if the rst character is not a valid beginning character, it is replaced by an
underscore (_).
3. A SAS variable name can contain only the following characters: AZ, az, 09, or the
underscore (_). Therefore, if any of the remaining characters is not valid in a SAS variable name, it is
replaced by an underscore.
4. If the resulting name duplicates an existing name in the data set, a number is appended to the name to
make it unique. If appending the number causes the length of the name to exceed 32 characters, the
name is truncated to make room for the number.
722 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
You can use the IMPORTMATRIXFROMR subroutine to transfer data from an R data frame to a SAS data
set. It is easier to read the subroutine name when it is written in mixed case: ImportMatrixFromR.
The arguments to the subroutine are as follows:
IMLMatrix is a SAS/IML matrix to contain the data you want to transfer.
RExpr is a literal string or a character matrix that species the name of an R matrix, data frame,
or an R expression that can be coerced to an R data frame.
If the RExpr argument is a data frame, then the resulting SAS/IML matrix has columns that correspond to
variables from the data frame. If the rst variable in the data frame is a numeric variable, a numeric matrix
is created from all numeric variables in the data frame. If the rst variable in the data frame is a character
variable, a character matrix is created from all character variables in the data frame.
You can call the subroutine provided that the following statements are true:
1. The R statistical software is installed on the SAS workspace server.
2. The SAS system administrator at your site has enabled the RLANG SAS system option. (See The
RLANG System Option on page 190.)
The following statements dene an R matrix and copy the data from the matrix to a SAS/IML matrix:
proc iml;
submit / R;
m <- matrix( c(1,2,3,4,NA,6), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
call ImportMatrixFromR(a, "m");
print a;
To demonstrate that the data were successfully transferred, the PRINT statement is used to print the values
of the a matrix. The output is shown in Figure 23.137. Note that the R missing value (NA) in the R matrix m
was automatically converted to the SAS missing value in the SAS/IML matrix, a.
Figure 23.137 Data from R
1 2 3
4 . 6
You can transfer data from a SAS/IML matrix into an R matrix frame by using the EXPORTMATRIXTOR
call. See Chapter 11, Calling Functions in the R Language, for details about transferring data between R
and SAS software.
INDEX Statement ! 723
INDEX Statement
INDEX variables [ NONE ;
The INDEX statement creates an index for the named variables in the current input SAS data set. An index
is created for each variable listed, provided that the variable does not already have an index. Current retrieval
is set to the last variable indexed. Subsequent I/O operations such as LIST, READ, FIND, and DELETE
can use this index to retrieve observations from the data. The indices are automatically updated when a data
set is edited with the APPEND, DELETE, or REPLACE statements. Only one index is in effect at any given
time. The SHOW CONTENTS command indicates which index is in use.
For example, the following statements copy the Sasuser.Class data set and create indexes for the Name and
Sex variables. Current retrieval is set to use the Sex variable, as shown in Figure 23.138.
data class;
set sashelp.class;
proc iml;
use class;
index name sex;
list all;
close class;
Figure 23.138 Result of Listing Observations of an Indexed Data Set
OBS Name Sex Age Height Weight
------ -------- --- --------- --------- ---------
2 Alice F 13.0000 56.5000 84.0000
3 Barbara F 13.0000 65.3000 98.0000
4 Carol F 14.0000 62.8000 102.5000
7 Jane F 12.0000 59.8000 84.5000
8 Janet F 15.0000 62.5000 112.5000
11 Joyce F 11.0000 51.3000 50.5000
12 Judy F 14.0000 64.3000 90.0000
13 Louise F 12.0000 56.3000 77.0000
14 Mary F 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
1 Alfred M 14.0000 69.0000 112.5000
5 Henry M 14.0000 63.5000 102.5000
6 James M 12.0000 57.3000 83.0000
9 Jeffrey M 13.0000 62.5000 84.0000
10 John M 12.0000 59.0000 99.5000
15 Philip M 16.0000 72.0000 150.0000
16 Robert M 12.0000 64.8000 128.0000
17 Ronald M 15.0000 67.0000 133.0000
18 Thomas M 11.0000 57.5000 85.0000
19 William M 15.0000 66.5000 112.0000
The INDEX NONE statement can be used to set retrieval back to physical order.
When a WHERE clause is being processed, the SAS/IML language automatically determines which index
724 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
to use, if any. The decision is based on the variables and operators involved in the WHERE clause, and the
decision criterion is based on the efciency of retrieval.
INFILE Statement
INFILE operand <options > ;
The INFILE statement opens an external le for input or, if the le is already open, makes it the current
input le. Subsequent INPUT statements read from the specied le.
The arguments to the INFILE statement are as follows:
operand is either a predened lename or a quoted string that contains in parentheses the lename
or character expression that refers to the pathname.
options are explained in the following list.
The valid values for the options argument are as follows:
species a variable into which the length of a record is stored.
species that the le be read in as a pure binary le rather than as a le with record separator charac-
ters. To do this, you must use the byte operand (<) in the INPUT statement to get new records rather
than use separate input statements or the new line (/) operator.
The following keywords control how a program behaves when an INPUT statement tries to read past the
end of a record. The default behavior is STOPOVER.
enables the INPUT statement to go to the next record to obtain values for the variables.
tolerates attempted reading past the end of the record by assigning missing values to variables read
past the end of the record.
treats going past the end of a record as an error condition, which triggers an end-of-le condition.
Several examples of INFILE statements follow:
filename in1 "student.dat"; /
specify filename IN1
infile in1; /
infile pathname
infile "student.dat"; /
path by quoted literal
infile "student.dat" missover; /
use missover option
See Chapter 8 for further information.
INPUT Statement ! 725
INPUT Statement
INPUT <variables > <informats > <record-directives > <positionals > ;
The INPUT statement reads records fromthe current input le, placing the values into matrices. The INFILE
statement sets up the current input le. See Chapter 8 for details.
The INPUT statement supports the following arguments:
variables specify the variable or variables you want to read from the current position in the
record. Each variable can be followed immediately by an input format specication.
informats specify an input format. These are of the form n.J or $n. for standard numeric and
character informats, respectively, where n is the width of the eld and J is the deci-
mal parameter, if any. You can also use a named SAS format such as BESTw.d. Also,
you can use a single $ or & for list input applications. If the width is unspecied,
the informat uses list-input rules to determine the length by searching for a blank (or
comma) delimiter. The special format $RECORD. is used for reading the rest of the
record into one variable. For more information about formats, see SAS Language
Reference: Dictionary.
Record holding is always implied for RECFM=N binary les, as if the INPUT state-
ment has a trailing @ sign. For more information, see Chapter 8.
Examples of valid INPUT statements follow:
input x y;
input @1 name $ @20 sex $ @(20+2) age 3.;
input >9 <eight number2 ib8.;
The following example uses binary input:
file "out2.dat" recfm=n ;
number=499; at=1;
do i = 1 to 5;
put >at number ib8.; at=at+8;
closefile "out2.dat";
infile "out2.dat" recfm=n;
size=8; /
8 bytes
do pos=1 to 33 by size;
input >pos number ib8.;
print number;
record-directives are used to advance to a new record. Record-directives are the following:
726 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
holding @ sign is used at the end of an INPUT statement to hold the current
record so that you can continue to read from the record with later
INPUT statements. Otherwise, the next record is used for the next
INPUT statement.
/ advances to the next record.
> operand species that the next record to be read start at the indicated byte
position in the le (for RECFM= N les only). The operand is a
literal number, a variable name, or an expression in parentheses.
< operand species that the indicated number of bytes are read as the next
record. The record directive must be specied for binary les
(RECFM=N). The operand is a literal number, a variable name,
or an expression in parentheses.
positionals species a specic column on the record. The positionals are the following:
@ operand species a column, where operand is a literal number, a vari-
able name, or an expression in parentheses. For example, @30
means to go to column 30. The operand can also be a character
operand when pattern searching is needed. For more information,
see Chapter 8.
+ operand skips the indicated number of columns. The operand is a literal
number, a variable name, or an expression in parentheses.
INSERT Function
INSERT(x, y, row<, column>);
The INSERT function inserts one matrix inside another.
The arguments to the INSERT function are as follows:
x is the target matrix. It can be either numeric or character.
y is the matrix to be inserted into the target. It can be either numeric or character, depending
on the type of the target matrix.
row is the row where the insertion is to be made.
column is the column where the insertion is to be made.
The INSERT function returns the result of inserting the matrix y inside the matrix x at the place specied
by the row and column arguments. This is done by splitting x either horizontally or vertically before the
row or column specied and concatenating y between the two pieces. Thus, if x has m rows and n columns,
row can range from 0 to m1 and column can range from 0 to n 1.
It is not possible to insert in both dimensions simultaneously, so either row or column must be 0, but not
both. The column argument is optional and defaults to 0. Also, the matrices must conform in the dimension
in which they are joined.
INT Function ! 727
The following statements show two examples of the INSERT function. Figure 23.139 shows that the matrix
c is the result of inserting matrix b prior to the second row of matrix a. The matrix d is the result of inserting
matrix b after the second column of matrix a.
a = {1 2, 3 4};
b = {5 6, 7 8};
c = insert(a, b, 2, 0);
d = insert(a, b, 0, 3);
print c, d;
Figure 23.139 Inserted Matrices
1 2
5 6
7 8
3 4
1 2 5 6
3 4 7 8
INT Function
The INT function truncates the decimal portion of the value of the argument. The integer portion of the
value of the argument remains. The INT function takes the integer value of each element of the argument
matrix, as shown in the following statements:
y = 2.8;
b = int(y);
x={12.95 10.9999999999999,
-30.5 1e-6};
c = int(x);
print b, c;
Figure 23.140 Truncated Values
12 11
-30 0
728 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
In Figure 23.140, notice that the value 11 is returned as the second element of c. If a value is within 10
of an integer, the INT function rounds up.
INV Function
The INV function computes the inverse of a square and nonsingular matrix.
For G = INV(A) the inverse has the properties
GA = AG = identity
To solve a system of linear equations AX = B for X, you can use the expression x = inv(a)
b. However,
the SOLVE function is more accurate and efcient for this task.
The following statements compute a matrix inverse and solve a linear system:
A = {0 0 1 0 1,
1 0 0 1 0,
0 1 1 0 1,
1 0 0 0 1,
0 1 0 1 0};
b = {9, 4, 10, 8, 2};
find inverse and solve linear system
Ainv = inv(A);
x1 = Ainv
solve by using a more efficient algorithm
x2 = solve(A,b);
print x1 x2;
Figure 23.141 Solving a Linear System
x1 x2
3 3
1 1
4 4
1 1
5 5
The INV function uses an LU decomposition followed by back substitution to solve for the inverse, as
described in Forsythe, Malcom, and Moler (1967).
The INV function (in addition to the DET and SOLVE functions) uses the following criterion to decide
INVUPDT Function ! 729
whether the input matrix, A = a
, is singular:
sing = 100 MACHEPS max
where MACHEPS is the relative machine precision.
All matrix elements less than or equal to sing are considered rounding errors of the largest matrix elements,
so they are taken to be zero in subsequent computations. For example, if a diagonal or triangular coefcient
matrix has a diagonal value that is less than or equal to sing, the matrix is considered singular by the DET,
INV, and SOLVE functions.
The criterion is used by some functions to detect a singular matrix and to abort a computation that cannot
be performed on a singular matrix. The typical error message is as follows:
ERROR: (execution) Matrix should be non-singular.
If you are getting this error message but believe that your matrix is actually nonsingular, you can try one of
the following:
v Center and scale the data.
v Use the GINV function to compute the generalized inverse.
v Examine the size of the singular values returned by the SVD call. The SVD call can be used to
compute a generalized inverse with a user-specied singularity criterion.
If A is an n n matrix, the INV function allocates an n n matrix in order to return the inverse. It also
temporarily allocates an n
array in order to compute the inverse.
INVUPDT Function
INVUPDT(matrix, vector<, scalar >);
The INVUPDT function updates a matrix inverse.
The arguments to the INVUPDT function are as follows:
matrix is an nn nonsingular matrix. In most applications matrix is symmetric positive denite.
vector is an n 1 or 1 n vector.
scalar is a numeric scalar.
The Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula is
= A
where A is an n n nonsingular matrix and U and V are n k. The formula shows that a rank k update to
A corresponds to a rank k update of A
730 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The INVUPDT function implements the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula for rank-one updates with
U = nX and V = X, where X is an n 1 vector and n is a scalar.
If M = A
, then you can call the INVUPDT function as follows:
R = invupdt(M, X, w);
This statement computes the following matrix:
R = M nMX(I nX
The matrix R is equivalent to (A nXX
. If A is symmetric positive denite, then so is R.
If n is not specied, then it is given a default value of 1.
Acommon use of the INVUPDT function is in linear regression. If Zis a design matrix, M = (Z
is the
associated inverse crossproduct matrix, and v is a new observation to be used in estimating the parameters
of a linear model, then the inverse crossproducts matrix that includes the new observation can be updated
from M by using the following statement:
M2 = invupdt(M, v);
If n is 1, the function adds an observation to the inverse; if n is 1, the function removes an observation
from the inverse. If weighting is used, n is the weight.
To perform the computation, the INVUPDT function uses about 2n
multiplications and additions, where n
is the row dimension of the positive denite argument matrix.
The following program demonstrates adding or removing observations from a linear t and updating the
inverse crossproduct matrix:
X = {0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4};
Y = {1, 1, 2, 6, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4};
find linear fit
Z = j(nrow(X), 1, 1) || X; /
design matrix
M = inv(Z`
b = M
Y; /
LS estimate
resid = Y - Z
b; /
print "Original Fit", b resid;
residual for observation (1,6) seems too large.
Take obs number 4 out of data set and refit.
v = z[4,];
M = invupdt(M, v, -1); /
update inverse crossprod
keepObs = (1:3) || (5:nrow(X));
Z = Z[keepObs, ];
Y = Y[keepObs, ];
b = M
Y; /
new LS estimate
print "After deleting observation 4", b;
Add a new obs (x,y) = (0,2) and refit.
obs = {0 2};
v = 1 || obs[1]; /
new row in design matrix
IPF Call ! 731
M = invupdt(M, v);
Z = Z // v;
Y = Y // obs[2];
b = M
Y; /
new LS estimate
print "After adding observation (0,2)", b;
Figure 23.142 Retting Linear Regression Models
Original Fit
b resid
2.0277778 -1.027778
0.375 -1.402778
After deleting observation 4
After adding observation (0,2)
IPF Call
CALL IPF(t, status, dim, table, cong <, initab> <, mod> );
The IPF subroutine performs an iterative proportional t of a contingency table. This is a standard statistical
technique to obtain maximum likelihood estimates for cells under any hierarchical log-linear model. The
algorithm is described in Bishop, Fienberg, and Holland (1975).
The arguments to the IPF subroutine are as follows:
t is a returned matrix. The matrix t contains an array of the estimates of the expected number
in each cell under the model specied in cong. This matrix conforms to table, meaning that
it has the same dimensions and order of variables.
732 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
status is a returned matrix. The status argument is a row vector of length 3. status[1] is 0 if there
is convergence to the desired accuracy, otherwise it is nonzero. status[2] is the maximum
difference between estimates of the last two iterations of the IPF algorithm. status[3] is the
number of iterations performed.
dim is an input matrix. If the problem contains variables, then dim is 1 row vector. The
value dim[i] is the number of possible levels for variable i in a contingency table.
table is an input matrix that species an array of the number of observations at each level of each
variable. Variables are nested across columns and then across rows.
cong is an input matrix that species which marginal totals to t. Each column of cong species
a distinct marginal in the model under consideration. Because the model is hierarchical, all
subsets of specied marginals are included in tting.
initab is an input matrix that species initial values for the iterative procedure. If you do not specify
values, ones are used. For incomplete tables, initab is set to 1 if the cell is included in the
design, and 0 if it is not.
mod is a two-element vector that species the stopping criteria. If mod= {MaxDev, MaxIter },
then the procedure iterates either until the maximum difference between estimates of the last
two iterations is less than MaxDev or until MaxIter iterations are completed. Default values
are MaxDev=0.25 and MaxIter =15.
The matrix table must conform in size to the contingency table as specied in dim. In particular, if table is
n m, the product of the entries in dim must equal nm. Furthermore, there must be some integer k such
that the product of the rst k entries in dim equals m. If you specify initab, then it must be the same size as
Adjusting a Table from Marginals
A common use of the IPF subroutine is to adjust the entries of a table in order to t a new set of marginals
while retaining the interaction between cell entries.
Example 1: Adjusting Marital Status by Age Bishop, Fienberg, and Holland (1975) present data from
D. Friedlander that shows the distribution of women in England and Wales according to their marital status
in 1957. One year later, new ofcial marginal estimates were announced. The problem is to adjust the
entries in the 1957 table so as to t the new marginals while retaining the interaction between cells. This
problem can arise when you have internal cells that are known from sampling a population and then get
margins based on a complete census.
When you want to adjust an observed table of cell frequencies to a new set of margins, you must set the initab
parameter to be the table of observed values. The new marginals are specied through the table argument.
The particular cell values for table are not important, since only the marginals are used (the proportionality
between cells is determined by initab).
There are two easy ways to create a table that contains given margins. Recall that a table of independent
variables has an expected cell value
= (sum of row i)(sum of col j),(sum of all cells). Thus you could
form a table with these cell entries. Another possibility is to use a greedy algorithm to assign as many
of the marginals as possible to the rst cell, then assign as many of the remaining marginals as possible to
IPF Call ! 733
the second cell, and so on until all of the marginals have been distributed. Both of these approaches are
encapsulated into modules in the following program:
Return a table such that cell (i,j) has value
(sum of row i)(sum of col j)/(sum of all cells)
start GetIndepTableFromMargins( bottom, side );
if bottom[+] ^= side[+] then do;
print "Marginal totals are not equal";
table = side
return (table);
Use a "greedy" algorithm to create a table whose
marginal totals match given marginal totals.
Margin1 is the vector of frequencies totaled down
each column. Margin1 means that
Variable 1 has NOT been summed over.
Margin2 is the vector of frequencies totaled across
each row. Margin2 means that Variable 2
has NOT been summed over.
After calling, use SHAPE to change the shape of
the returned argument.
start GetGreedyTableFromMargins( Margin1, Margin2 );
copy arguments so they are not corrupted
m1 = colvec(Margin1); /
colvec is in IMLMLIB
m2 = colvec(Margin2);
if m1[+] ^= m2[+] then do;
print "Marginal totals are not equal";
dim1 = nrow(m1);
dim2 = nrow(m2);
table = j(1,dim1
give as much to cell (1,1) as possible,
then as much as remains to cell (1,2), etc,
until all the margins have been distributed
idx = 1;
do i2 = 1 to dim2;
do i1 = 1 to dim1;
t = min(m1[i1],m2[i2]);
table[idx] = t;
idx = idx + 1;
m1[i1] = m1[i1]-t;
m2[i2] = m2[i2]-t;
return (table);
Mod = {0.01 15}; /
tighten stopping criterion
Columns = {" Single" " Married" "Widow/Divorced"};
734 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Rows = {"15 - 19" "20 - 24" "25 - 29" "30 - 34"
"35 - 39" "40 - 44" "45 - 49" "50 Or Over"};
Marital status has 3 levels. Age has 8 levels
Dim = {3 8};
Use known distribution for start-up values
IniTab = { 1306 83 0 ,
619 765 3 ,
263 1194 9 ,
173 1372 28 ,
171 1393 51 ,
159 1372 81 ,
208 1350 108 ,
1116 4100 2329 };
New marginal totals for age by marital status
NewMarital = { 3988 11702 2634 };
NewAge = {1412,1402,1450,1541,1681,1532,1662,7644};
Create any table with these marginals
Table = GetGreedyTableFromMargins(NewMarital, NewAge);
Table = shape(Table, nrow(IniTab), ncol(IniTab));
Consider all main effects
Config = {1 2};
call ipf(Fit, Status, Dim, Table, Config, IniTab, Mod);
if Status[1] = 0 then
print "Known Distribution (1957)",
IniTab [colname=Columns rowname=Rows format=8.0],,
"Adjusted Estimates of Distribution (1958)",
Fit [colname=Columns rowname=Rows format=8.2];
print "IPF did not converge in "
(Status[3]) " iterations";
The results of this program are shown in Figure 23.143. The same results are obtained if the table parameter
is formed by using the independent algorithm.
IPF Call ! 735
Figure 23.143 Iterative Proportional Fitting
Known Distribution (1957)
Single Married Widow/Divorced
15 - 19 1306 83 0
20 - 24 619 765 3
25 - 29 263 1194 9
30 - 34 173 1372 28
35 - 39 171 1393 51
40 - 44 159 1372 81
45 - 49 208 1350 108
50 Or Over 1116 4100 2329
Adjusted Estimates of Distribution (1958)
Single Married Widow/Divorced
15 - 19 1325.27 86.73 0.00
20 - 24 615.56 783.39 3.05
25 - 29 253.94 1187.18 8.88
30 - 34 165.13 1348.55 27.32
35 - 39 173.41 1454.71 52.87
40 - 44 147.21 1308.12 76.67
45 - 49 202.33 1352.28 107.40
50 Or Over 1105.16 4181.04 2357.81
Example 2: Adjusting Votes by Region A similar technique can be used to standardize data from raw
counts into percentages. For example, consider data from a 1836 vote in the U.S. House of Representatives
on a resolution that the House should adopt a policy of tabling all petitions for the abolition of slavery.
Attitudes toward abolition were different among slaveholding states that would later secede from the Union
(the South), slaveholding states that refused to secede (the Border States), and nonslaveholding states
(the North).
The raw votes for the resolution are dened in the following statements. The data are hard to interpret
because the margins are not homogeneous.
Yea Abstain Nay
IniTab = { 61 12 60, /
17 6 1, /
39 22 7 }; /
Standardizing the data by specifying homogeneous margins reveals interactions and symmetry that were not
apparent in the raw data. Suppose the margins are specied as follows:
NewVotes = {100 100 100};
NewSection = {100,100,100};
In this case, the program for marital status by age can be easily rewritten to adjust the votes into a standard-
ized form. The resulting output is shown in Figure 23.144:
736 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.144 Standardizing Counts into Percentages
Yea Abstain Nay
North 20.1 10.2 69.7
Border 47.4 42.8 9.8
South 32.5 47.0 20.5
Generating a Table with Given Marginals The greedy algorithm presented in the Marital-Status-By-
Age example can be extended in a natural way to the case where you have n one-way marginals and want
to form an n-dimensional table. For example, a three-dimensional greedy algorithm would allocate the
vector table as table=j(dim1
dim3,1,0); and have three nested loops as indicated in the following
statements. Afterwards, the table parameter can be reshaped by using the SHAPE function.
do i3 = 1 to dim3;
do i2 = 1 to dim2;
do i1 = 1 to dim1;
t = min(m1[i1],m2[i2],m3[i3]);
table[idx] = t;
idx = idx + 1;
m1[i1] = m1[i1]-t;
m2[i2] = m2[i2]-t;
m3[i3] = m3[i3]-t;
The idea of the greedy algorithm can be extended to marginals that are not one-way. For example, the
following three-dimensional table is similar to one that appears in Christensen (1997) based on data from
M. Rosenberg. The table presents data on a persons self-esteem for people classied according to their
religion and their fathers educational level.
Fathers Educational Level
Self- Not HS HS Some Coll Post
Religion Esteem Grad Grad Coll Grad Coll
High 575 388 100 77 51
Low 267 153 40 37 19
High 117 102 67 87 62
Low 48 35 18 12 13
High 359 233 109 197 90
Low 159 173 47 82 32
Since the fathers education level is nested across columns, it is Variable 1 with levels that correspond to
not nishing high school, graduating from high school, attending college, graduating from college, and
IPF Call ! 737
attending graduate courses. The variable that varies the quickest across rows is Self-Esteem, so Self-Esteem
is Variable 2 with values High and Low. The Religion variable is Variable 3 with values Catholic,
Jewish, and Protestant.
The following program encodes this table by using the MARG call to compute a two-way marginal table
by summing over the third variable, and a one-way marginal by summing over the rst two variables. Then
a new table (NewTable) is created by applying the greedy algorithm to the two marginals. Finally, the
marginals of NewTable are computed and compared with those of table.
dim={5 2 3};
Father's Education:
NotHSGrad HSGrad Col ColGrad PostCol
Relig Esteem
Cath- Hi
/ 575 388 100 77 51,
olic Lo
/ 267 153 40 37 19,
Jew- Hi
/ 117 102 67 87 62,
ish Lo
/ 48 35 18 12 13,
Prot- Hi
/ 359 233 109 197 90,
estant Lo
/ 159 173 47 82 32
config = { 1 3,
2 0 };
call marg(locmar, marginal, dim, table, config);
print locmar, marginal, table;
Examine marginals: The name indicates the
variable(s) that are NOT summed over.
The locmar variable tells where to index
into the marginal variable.
Var12_Marg = marginal[1:(locmar[2]-1)];
Var12_Marg = shape(Var12_Marg,dim[2],dim[1]);
Var3_Marg = marginal[locMar[2]:ncol(marginal)];
NewTable = j(nrow(table),ncol(table),0);
give as much to cell (1,1,1) as possible,
then as much as remains to cell (1,1,2), etc,
until all the margins have been distributed.
idx = 1;
do i3 = 1 to dim[3]; /
over Var3
do i2 = 1 to dim[2]; /
over Var2
do i1 = 1 to dim[1]; /
over Var1
Note Var12_Marg has Var1 varying across
the columns
t = min(Var12_Marg[i2,i1],Var3_Marg[i3]);
NewTable[idx] = t;
idx = idx + 1;
Var12_Marg[i2,i1] = Var12_Marg[i2,i1]-t;
738 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Var3_Marg[i3] = Var3_Marg[i3]-t;
call marg(locmar, NewMarginal, dim, table, config);
maxDiff = abs(marginal-NewMarginal)[<>];
if maxDiff=0 then
print "Marginals are unchanged";
print NewTable;
Figure 23.145 Table with Given Marginals
1 11
ROW1 1051 723 276 361 203 474 361
ROW1 105 131 64 1707 561 1481
575 388 100 77 51
267 153 40 37 19
117 102 67 87 62
48 35 18 12 13
359 233 109 197 90
159 173 47 82 32
Marginals are unchanged
1051 656 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 67 276 218 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 143 203
474 361 105 131 64
Fitting a Log-Linear Model to a Table
A second common usage of the IPF algorithm is to hypothesize that the table of observations can be tted
by a model with known effects and to ask whether the observed values indicate that the model hypothesis
can be accepted or should be rejected. In this usage, you normally do not specify the initab argument to the
IPF subroutine (but see the comment on structural zeros in the section Additional Details on page 741).
IPF Call ! 739
Example 3: Food Illness Korff, Taback, and Beard (1952) reported statistics related to the outbreak of
food poisoning at a company picnic. A total of 304 people at the picnic were surveyed to determine who
had eaten either of two suspect foods: potato salad and crabmeat. The predictor variables are whether the
individual ate potato salad (Variable 1: Yes or No) and whether the person ate crabmeat (Variable 2:
Yes or No). The response variable is whether the person was ill (Variable 3: Ill or Not Ill). The
order of the variables is determined by the dim and table arguments to the IPF subroutine. The variables are
nested across columns, then across rows.
Crabmeat: Y E S N O
Potato salad: Yes No Yes No
Ill 120 4 22 0
Not Ill 80 31 24 23
The following program denes the variables and observations, and then ts three separate models. How well
each model ts the data is determined by computing a Pearson chi-square statistic

(O 1)
where the sum is over all cells, O stands for the observed cell count, and 1 stands for the tted estimate.
Other statistics, such as the likelihood-ratio chi-square statistic G
= 2

O log(1,O), could also be

The program rst ts a model that excludes the three-way interaction. The model ts well, so you can
conclude that an association between illness and potato salad does not depend on whether an individual ate
crabmeat. The next model excludes the interaction between potato salad and illness. This model is rejected
with a large chi-square value, so the data support an association between potato salad and illness. The last
model excludes the interaction between the crabmeat and the illness. This model ts moderately well.
Compute a chi-square score for a table of observed
values, given a table of expected values. Compare
this score to a chi-square value with given degrees
of freedom at 95% confidence level.
start ChiSqTest( obs, model, degFreedom );
diff = (obs - model)##2 / model;
chiSq = diff[+];
chiSqCutoff = cinv(0.95, degFreedom);
print chiSq chiSqCutoff;
if chiSq > chiSqCutoff then
print "Reject hypothesis";
print "No evidence to reject hypothesis";
dim={2 2 2};
Crab meat: Y E S N O
Potato: Yes No Yes No
table={ 120 4 22 0, /
80 31 24 23 }; /
Not Ill
crabmeat = " C R A B N O C R A B";
potato = {"YesPot" "NoPot" "YesPot" "NoPot"};
illness = {"Ill", "Not Ill"};
740 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
hypoth = "Hypothesis: no three-factor interaction";
config={1 1 2,
2 3 3};
call ipf(fit,status,dim,table,config);
print hypoth, "Fitted Model:",
fit[label=crabmeat colname=potato
rowname=illness format=6.2];
run ChiSqTest(table, fit, 1); /
1 deg of freedom
Test for interaction between Var 3 (Illness) and
Var 1 (Potato Salad)
hypoth = "Hypothesis: no Illness-Potato Interaction";
config={1 2,
2 3};
call ipf(fit,status,dim,table,config);
print hypoth, "Fitted Model:",
fit[label=crabmeat colname=potato
rowname=illness format=6.2];
run ChiSqTest(table, fit, 2); /
2 deg of freedom
Test for interaction between Var 3 (Illness) and
Var 2 (Crab meat)
hypoth = "Hypothesis: no Illness-Crab Interaction";
config={1 1,
2 3};
call ipf(fit,status,dim,table,config);
print hypoth, "Fitted Model:",
fit[label=crabmeat colname=potato
rowname=illness format=6.2];
run ChiSqTest(table, fit, 2); /
2 deg of freedom
Figure 23.146 Fitting Log-Linear Models
Hypothesis: no three-factor interaction
Fitted Model:
YesPot NoPot YesPot NoPot
Ill 121.08 2.92 20.92 1.08
Not Ill 78.92 32.08 25.07 21.93
chiSq chiSqCutoff
1.7021335 3.8414588
No evidence to reject hypothesis
IPF Call ! 741
Figure 23.146 continued
Hypothesis: no Illness-Potato Interaction
Fitted Model:
YesPot NoPot YesPot NoPot
Ill 105.53 18.47 14.67 7.33
Not Ill 94.47 16.53 31.33 15.67
chiSq chiSqCutoff
44.344643 5.9914645
Reject hypothesis
Hypothesis: no Illness-Crab Interaction
Fitted Model:
YesPot NoPot YesPot NoPot
Ill 115.45 2.41 26.55 1.59
Not Ill 84.55 32.59 19.45 21.41
chiSq chiSqCutoff
5.0945132 5.9914645
No evidence to reject hypothesis
Additional Details
Structural versus Random Zeros In the Marital-Status-By-Age example, the initab argument contained a
zero for the 1519 and Widowed/Divorced category. Because the initab parameter determines the
proportionality between cells, the tted model retains a zero in that category. By contrast, in the Food-
Illness example, the table parameter contained a zero for number of illnesses observed among those
who did not eat either crabmeat or potato salad. This is a sampling (random) zero. Some models
preserve that zero; others do not. If your table has a structural zero (for example, the number of
ovarian cancers observed among male patients), then you can use the initab parameter to preserve that
zero. see Bishop, Fienberg, and Holland (1975) or the documentation for the CATMOD procedure in
the SAS/STAT Users Guide for more information about structural zeros and incomplete tables.
The cong Parameter The columns of this matrix specify which interaction effects should be included
in the model. The following table gives the model and the conguration parameter for common
742 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
interactions for an 1 J 1 table in three dimensions. The so-called noncomprehensive models
that do not include all variables (for example, cong = {1}) are not listed in the table, but can be
used. You can also specify combinations of main and interaction effects. For example, cong = {1
3, 2 0}) species all main effects and the 1-2 interaction. Bishop, Fienberg, and Holland (1975) and
Christensen (1997) explain how to compute the degrees of freedom associated with any model. For
models with structural zeros, computing the degrees of freedom is complicated.
Model cong Degrees of Freedom
No three-factor {1 1 2, (1 1)(J 1)(1 1)
{2 3 3}
One two-factor absent {1 2,
{3 3} (1 1)(J 1)1
{1 2,
2 3} (1 1)J(1 1)
{1 1,
{2 3} 1(J 1)(1 1)
Two two-factor absent {2, 3} (1 1)(J1 1)
{1, 3} (J 1)(11 1)
{1, 2} (1 1)(1J 1)
No two-factor {1 2 3} 1J1 (1 J 1) 2
Saturated {1,2,3} 1J1
The Shape of the table Parameter Since variables are nested across columns and then across rows, any
shape that conforms to the dim parameter is equivalent.
For example, the section Generating a Table with Given Marginals on page 736 presents data on
a persons self-esteem for people classied according to their religion and their fathers educational
level. To save space, the educational levels are subsequently denoted by labels that indicate the typical
number of years spent in school: <12, 12, <16, 16, and >16.
The table would be encoded as follows:
dim={5 2 3};
Father's Education:
<12 12 <16 16 >16
Relig Esteem
Cath- Hi
/ 575 388 100 77 51,
olic Lo
/ 267 153 40 37 19,
Jew- Hi
/ 117 102 67 87 62,
ish Lo
/ 48 35 18 12 13,
Prot- Hi
/ 359 233 109 197 90,
estant Lo
/ 159 173 47 82 32
The same information for the same variables in the same order could also be encoded into an n m
table in two other ways. Recall that the product of entries in dim is nm and that m must equal the
product of the rst k entries of dim for some k. For this example, the product of the entries in dim is
ITSOLVER Call ! 743
30, and so the table must be 6 5, 3 10, or 1 30. The 3 10 table is encoded as concatenating
rows 12, 34, and 56 to produce the following:
Esteem: H I G H L O W
<12 ... >16 <12 ... >16
575 ... 51 267 ... 19, /
117 ... 62 48 ... 13, /
359 ... 90 159 ... 32 /
The 1 30 table is encoded by concatenating all rows, as follows:
High Low ... High Low
<12 ... >16 <12 ... >16 ... <12 ... >16 <12 ... >16
575 ... 51 267 ... 19 ... 359 ... 90 159 ... 32
CALL ITSOLVER(x, error, iter, method, A, b <, precon> <, tol > <, maxiter > <, start > <, history > );
The ITSOLVER subroutine solves a sparse linear system by using iterative methods.
The ITSOLVER call returns the following values:
x is the solution to Ax=b.
error is the nal relative error of the solution.
iter is the number of iterations executed.
The input arguments to the ITSOLVER call are as follows:
method is the type of iterative method to use. The following values are valid:
CG species a conjugate gradient algorithm. The matrix A must be symmetric
and positive denite.
CGS species a conjugate gradient squared algorithm, for general A.
MINRES species a minimum residual algorithm, when A is symmetric indenite.
BICG species a biconjugate gradient algorithm, for general A.
A is the sparse coefcient matrix in the equation Ax=b. You can use SPARSE function to
convert a matrix from dense to sparse storage.
744 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
b is a column vector, the right side of the equation Ax=b.
precon is the name of a preconditioning technique to use. The following values are valid:
NONE species no preconditioning. This is the default behavior if the argument
is not specied.
IC species an incomplete Cholesky factorization. Specify this value when
you specify CG or MINRES for the method argument.
DIAG species a diagonal Jacobi preconditioner. Specify this value when you
specify CG or MINRES for the method argument.
MILU species a modied incomplete LU factorization. Specify this value when
you specify BICG for the method argument.
tol is the relative error tolerance.
maxiter is the iteration limit.
start is a starting point column vector.
history is a matrix to store the relative error at each iteration.
The ITSOLVER call solves a sparse linear system by iterative methods, which involve updating a trial
solution over successive iterations to minimize the error. The ITSOLVER call uses the technique specied
in the method parameter to update the solution.
The input matrix represents the coefcient matrix in sparse format; it is an n 3 matrix, where n is
the number of nonzero elements. The rst column contains the nonzero values, and the second and third
columns contain the row and column locations for the nonzero elements, respectively. For the algorithms
that assume symmetric , only the lower triangular elements should be specied. The algorithm continues
iterating to improve the solution until either the relative error tolerance specied in tol is satised or the
maximum number of iterations specied in maxiter is reached. The relative error is dened as
error = [. b[
where the [ [
operator is the Euclidean norm and c is a machine-dependent epsilon value to prevent any
division by zero. If tol or maxiter is not specied in the call, then a default value of 10
is used for tol and
100,000 for maxiter.
The convergence of an iterative algorithm can often be enhanced by preconditioning the input coefcient
matrix. The preconditioning option is specied with the precon parameter.
A starting trial solution can be specied with the start parameter; otherwise the ITSOLVER call generates
a zero starting point. You can supply a matrix to store the relative error at each iteration with the history
parameter. The history matrix should be dimensioned with enough elements to store the maximum number
of iterations you expect.
You should always check the returned error and iter parameters to verify that the desired relative error
tolerance is reached. If the tolerance is not reached, the program might continue the solution process with
another ITSOLVER call, with start set to the latest result. You might also try a different precon option to
enhance convergence.
ITSOLVER Call ! 745
For example, the following linear system has a coefcient matrix that contains several zeros:
3 2 0 0
1.1 4 1 3.2
0 1 10 0
0 3.2 0 3

. =

You can represent the matrix in sparse form and use the biconjugate gradient algorithm to solve the linear
system, as shown in the following statements:
value row column
A = { 3 1 1,
2 1 2,
1.1 2 1,
4 2 2,
1 3 2,
3.2 4 2,
-10 3 3,
3 4 4};
right hand side
b = {1, 1, 1, 1};
maxiter = 10;
hist = j(maxiter,1,.);
start = {1,1,1,1};
tol = 1e-10;
call itsolver(x, error, iter, "bicg", A, b, "milu", tol,
maxiter, start, hist);
print x;
print iter error;
print hist;
Figure 23.147 Solution of a Linear System
iter error
3 5.011E-16
746 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.147 continued
The following linear system also has a coefcient matrix with several zeros:
3 1.1 0 0
1.1 4 1 3.2
0 1 10 0
0 3.2 0 3

. =

The following statements represent the matrix in sparse form and use the conjugate gradient algorithm solve
the symmetric positive denite system:
value row column
A = { 3 1 1,
1.1 2 1,
4 2 2,
1 3 2,
3.2 4 2,
10 3 3,
3 4 4};
right hand side
b = {1, 1, 1, 1};
call itsolver(x, error, iter, "CG", A, b);
print x, iter, error;
Figure 23.148 Solution to Sparse System
JROOT Function ! 747
Figure 23.148 continued
J Function
J(nrow <, ncol > <, value> );
The J function creates a matrix with nrow rows and ncol columns with all elements equal to value.
The arguments to the J function are as follows:
nrow is a numeric matrix or literal that contains the number of rows.
ncol is a numeric matrix or literal that contains the number of columns.
value is a numeric or character matrix or literal for lling the rows and columns of the matrix.
If ncol is not specied, it defaults to nrow. If value is not specied, it defaults to 1. The REPEAT and
SHAPE functions can also perform this operation, and they are more general.
Examples of the J function are as follows:
b = j(3, 4);
c = j(5, 2, "xyz");
print b, c;
Figure 23.149 Constant Matrices
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
xyz xyz
xyz xyz
xyz xyz
xyz xyz
xyz xyz
JROOT Function
JROOT(order, n);
748 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The JROOT function computes the rst nonzero roots of a Bessel function of the rst kind and the derivative
of the Bessel function at each root. The function returns an n 2 matrix with the computed roots in the rst
column and the derivatives in the second column. You can evaluate the Bessel function itself by calling the
JBESSEL function.
The arguments to the JROOT function are as follows:
order is a scalar that denotes the order of the Bessel function, with order > 1. The order of a
Bessel function is often indicated with the Greek subscript v, so that J

indicates the Bessel

function of order v.
n is a positive integer that denotes the number of roots.
The JROOT function returns a matrix in which the rst column contains the rst n roots of the Bessel
function; these roots are the solutions to the equation

) = 0. i = 1. . . . . n
The second column of this matrix contains the derivatives J

) of the Bessel function at each of the roots
. The expression J

(.) is a solution to the differential equation




= 0
One of the expressions for such a function is given by the series

(.) =


kI(v k 1)
where I() is the gamma function. See Abramowitz and Stegun (1972) for more details concerning the
Bessel and gamma functions.
The root-nding algorithm is a Newton method coupled with a reasonable initial guess. For large values of
n or v, the algorithm could fail due to machine limitations. In this case, JROOT returns a matrix with zero
rows and zero columns. The values that cause the algorithm to fail are machine-dependent.
The following statements compute the rst few roots for the Bessel function of the rst kind:
x = jroot(1, 4);
print x;
Figure 23.150 Roots of a Bessel Function
3.831706 -0.402759
7.0155867 0.3001158
10.173468 -0.249705
13.323692 0.2183594
To obtain only the roots, you can use the following statement, which extracts the rst column of the returned
KALCVF Call ! 749
r = x[,1];
CALL KALCVF(pred, vpred, lt, vlt, data, lead, a, f, b, h, var <, z0> <, vz0> );
The KALCVF subroutine computes the one-step prediction :
and the ltered estimate :
, in addition
to their covariance matrices. The call uses forward recursions, and you can also use it to obtain k-step
The input arguments to the KALCVF subroutine are as follows:
data is a T N
matrix that contains data (,
. . . . . ,
lead is the number of steps to forecast after the end of the data.
a is an N
1 vector for a time-invariant input vector in the transition equation, or a
(T lead)N
1 vector that contains input vectors in the transition equation.
f is an N
matrix for a time-invariant transition matrix in the transition equation, or
a (T lead)N
matrix that contains transition matrices in the transition equation.
b is an N
1 vector for a time-invariant input vector in the measurement equation, or a
(T lead)N
1 vector that contains input vectors in the measurement equation.
h is an N
matrix for a time-invariant measurement matrix in the measurement equa-
tion, or a (T lead)N
matrix that contains measurement matrices in the measure-
ment equation.
var is an (N
) (N
) matrix for a time-invariant variance matrix for the error in
the transition equation and the error in the measurement equation, or a (T lead)(N

) (N
) matrix that contains variance matrices for the error in the transition
equation and the error in the measurement equationthat is, (j
. c
z0 is an optional 1 N
initial state vector :
vz0 is an optional N
covariance matrix of an initial state vector 1
The KALCVF call returns the following values:
pred is a (T lead) N
matrix that contains one-step predicted state vectors
. . . . . :
. :
. . . . . :
vpred is a (T lead)N
matrix that contains mean square errors of predicted state vectors
. . . . . 1
. 1
. . . . . 1
lt is a T N
matrix that contains ltered state vectors (:
. . . . . :
vlt is a TN
matrix that contains mean square errors of ltered state vectors
. . . . . 1
The KALCVF call computes the conditional expectation of the state vector :
given the observations, assum-
ing that the mean and the variance of the initial state vector are known. The ltered value is the conditional
750 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
expectation of the state vector :
given the observations up to time t . For k-step forecasting where k > 0,
the conditional expectation at time t k is computed given observations up to t . For notation, V
and 1
variances of j
and c
, respectively, and G
is a covariance of j
and c
, and
stands for the generalized
inverse of . The ltered value and its covariance matrix are denoted :
and 1
, respectively. For k > 0,
and 1
stand for the k-step forecast of :
and its mean square error. The Kalman ltering
algorithm for one-step prediction and ltering is given as follows:
= ,
= H
= :
= 1
= (J
= a
= J
And for k-step forecasting for k > 1,
= a
= J
When you use the alternative transition equation
= a
the forward recursion algorithm is written
= ,
= H
= :
= 1
= (J
= a
= J
And for k-step forecasting (k > 1),
= a
= J
You can use the KALCVF call when you specify the alternative transition equation and G
= 0.
KALCVF Call ! 751
The initial state vector and its covariance matrix of the time-invariant Kalman lters are computed under the
stationarity condition
= (1 J)
= (1 J J)
vec(V )
where J and V are the time-invariant transition matrix and the covariance matrix of transition equation
noise, and vec(V ) is an N
1 column vector that is constructed by the stacking N
columns of matrix
V . Note that all eigenvalues of the matrix J are inside the unit circle when the SSM is stationary. When
the preceding formula cannot be applied, the initial state vector estimate :
is set to a
and its covariance
matrix 1
is given by 10
I. Optionally, you can specify initial values.
The KALCVF call accepts missing values in observations. If there is a missing observation, the ltered state
vector for the missing observation is given by the one-step forecast.
The following program gives an example of the KALCVF call:
q = 2;
p = 2;
n = 10;
lead = 3;
total = n + lead;
seed = 25735;
x = round(10
normal(j(n, p, seed)))/10;
f = round(10
total, q, seed)))/10;
a = round(10
q, 1, seed)))/10;
h = round(10
total, q, seed)))/10;
b = round(10
total, 1, seed)))/10;
do i = 1 to total;
temp = round(10
normal(j(p+q, p+q, seed)))/10;
var = var//(temp
call kalcvf(pred, vpred, filt, vfilt, x, lead, a, f, b, h, var);
default initial state and covariance
call kalcvs(sm, vsm, x, a, f, b, h, var, pred, vpred);
print sm[format=9.4] vsm[format=9.4];
752 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.151 Smoothed Estimate and Covariance
sm vsm
-1.5236 -0.1000 1.5813 -0.4779
0.3058 -0.1131 -0.4779 0.3963
-0.2593 0.2496 2.4629 0.2426
-0.5533 0.0332 0.2426 0.0944
-0.5813 0.1251 0.2023 -0.0228
-0.3017 0.7480 -0.0228 0.5799
1.1333 -0.2144 0.8615 -0.7653
1.5193 -0.6237 -0.7653 1.2334
-0.6641 -0.7770 1.0836 0.8706
0.5994 2.3333 0.8706 1.5252
0.3677 0.2510
0.2510 0.2051
0.3243 -0.4093
-0.4093 1.2287
0.1736 -0.0712
-0.0712 0.9048
1.3153 0.8748
0.8748 1.6575
8.6650 0.1841
0.1841 4.4770
CALL KALCVS(sm, vsm, data, a, f, b, h, var, pred, vpred <, un> <, vun> );
The KALCVS subroutine uses backward recursions to compute the smoothed estimate :
and its covari-
ance matrix, 1
, where T is the number of observations in the complete data set.
The input arguments to the KALCVS subroutine are as follows.
data is a T N
matrix that contains data (,
. . . . . ,
a is an N
1 vector for a time-invariant input vector in the transition equation, or a TN
vector that contains input vectors in the transition equation.
f is an N
matrix for a time-invariant transition matrix in the transition equation, or
a TN
matrix that contains T transition matrices.
b is an N
1 vector for a time-invariant input vector in the measurement equation, or a
1 vector that contains input vectors in the measurement equation.
h is an N
matrix for a time-invariant measurement matrix in the measurement equa-
tion, or a TN
matrix that contains T time-variant H
matrices in the measurement
var is an (N
) (N
) covariance matrix for the errors in the transition and the
measurement equations, or a T(N
) (N
) matrix that contains covariance
matrices in the transition equation and measurement equation noisesthat is, (j
. c
pred is a T N
matrix that contains one-step forecasts (:
. . . . . :
KALCVS Call ! 753
vpred is a TN
matrix that contains mean square error matrices of predicted state vectors
. . . . . 1
un is an optional 1 N
vector that contains u
. The returned value is u
vun is an optional N
matrix that contains U
. The returned value is U
The KALCVS call returns the following values:
sm is a T N
matrix that contains smoothed state vectors (:
. . . . . :
vsm is a TN
matrix that contains covariance matrices of smoothed state vectors
. . . . . 1
When the Kalman ltering is performed in the KALCVF call, the KALCVS call computes smoothed state
vectors and their covariance matrices. The xed-interval smoothing state vector at time t is obtained by the
conditional expectation given all observations.
The smoothing algorithm uses one-step forecasts and their covariance matrices, which are given in the
KALCVF call. For notation, :
is the smoothed value of the state vector :
, and the mean square error
matrix is denoted 1
. For smoothing,
= ,
= H
= (J
= J
= H
= H
= :
= 1
where t = T. T 1. . . . . 1. The initial values are u
= 0 and U
= 0.
When the SSM is specied by using the alternative transition equation
= a
754 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
the xed-interval smoothing is performed by using the following backward recursions:
= ,
= H
= J
= J
= H
= H
= :
= 1
where it is assumed that G
= 0.
You can use the KALCVS call regardless of the specication of the transition equation when G
= 0.
Harvey (1989) gives the following xed-interval smoothing formula, which produces the same smoothed
= :
= 1
= 1
under the shifted transition equation, but
= 1
under the alternative transition equation.
The KALCVS call is accompanied by the KALCVF call, as shown in the following statements. Note that
you do not need to specify UN and VUN.
call kalcvf(pred, vpred, filt, vfilt, y, 0, a, f, b, h, var);
call kalcvs(sm, vsm, y, a, f, b, h, var, pred, vpred);
You can also compute the smoothed estimate and its covariance matrix on an observation-by-observation
basis. When the SSM is time invariant, the following example performs smoothing. In this situation, you
should initialize UN and VUN as matrices of value 0, as shown in the following statements:
call kalcvf(pred, vpred, filt, vfilt, y, 0, a, f, b, h, var);
n = nrow(y);
nz = ncol(f);
un = j(1, nz, 0);
vun = j(nz, nz, 0);
do i = 1 to n;
KALDFF Call ! 755
y_i = y[n-i+1,];
pred_i = pred[n-i+1,];
vpred_i = vpred[(n-i)
call kalcvs(sm_i, vsm_i, y_i, a, f, b, h, var,
pred_i, vpred_i, un, vun);
sm = sm_i // sm;
vsm = vsm_i // vsm;
The KALCVF call has an example program that includes the KALCVS call.
CALL KALDFF(pred, vpred, initial, s2, data, lead, int, coef, var, intd, coefd <, n0> <, at > <, mt > <,
qt > );
The KALDFF subroutine computes the one-step forecast of state vectors in an SSM by using the diffuse
Kalman lter. The call estimates the conditional expectation of :
, and also estimates the initial random
vector, , and its covariance matrix.
The input arguments to the KALDFF subroutine are as follows:
data is a T N
matrix that contains data (,
. . . . . ,
lead is the number of steps to forecast after the end of the data set.
int is an (N
) N

matrix for a time-invariant xed matrix, or a (T lead)(N


) N

matrix that contains xed matrices for the time-variant model in the transition
equation and the measurement equationthat is, (W
. X
coef is an (N
) N
matrix for a time-invariant coefcient, or a (T lead)(N

) N
matrix that contains coefcients at each time in the transition equation and the
measurement equationthat is, (J
. H
var is an (N
) (N
) matrix for a time-invariant variance matrix for the error in
the transition equation and the error in the measurement equation, or a (T lead)(N

) (N
) matrix that contains covariance matrices for the error in the transition
equation and the error in the measurement equationthat is, (j
. c
intd is an (N

) 1 vector that contains the intercept term in the equation for the initial
state vector :
and the mean effect that is, (a
. b
coefd is an (N


matrix that contains coefcients for the initial state in the equation
for the initial state vector :
and the mean effect that is, (
. T
n0 is an optional scalar including an initial denominator. If n0> 0, the denominator for o
is n0 plus the number n
of elements of (,
. . . . . ,
. If n0_ 0 or n0 is not specied, the
denominator for o
is n
. With n0_ 0, the initial values,
. M
, and Q
, are assumed
to be known and, hence, at, mt, and qt are used for input that contains the initial values.
If the value of n0 is negative or n0 is not specied, the initial values for at, mt, and qt are
computed. The value of n0 is updated as max(n0. 0) n
after the KALDFF call.
756 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
at is an optional kN

1) matrix. If n0_ 0, at contains (

. . . . .
. However,
only the rst matrix A
is used as input. When you specify the KALDFF call, at returns
. . . . .
. If n0 is negative or the matrix A
contains missing
values, A
is automatically computed.
mt is an optional kN
matrix. If n0_ 0, mt contains (M
. . . . . M
. However, only
the rst matrix M
is used as input. If n0 is negative or the matrix M
contains missing
values, mt is used for output, and it contains (M
. . . . . M
. Note that
the matrix M
can be used as an input matrix if either of the off-diagonal elements is not
missing. The missing element M
(i. ) is replaced by the nonmissing element M
(. i ).
qt is an optional k(N

1) (N

1) matrix. If n0_ 0, qt contains (Q

. . . . . Q
. How-
ever, only the rst matrix Q
is used as input. If n0 is negative or the matrix Q
missing values, qt is used for output and contains (Q
. . . . . Q
. The
matrix Q
can also be used as an input matrix if either of the off-diagonal elements is
not missing since the missing element Q
(i. ) is replaced by the nonmissing element
(. i ).
The KALDFF call returns the following values:
pred is a (T lead) N
matrix that contains estimated predicted state vectors
( :
. . . . . :
. :
. . . . . :
vpred is a (T lead)N
matrix that contains estimated mean square errors of predicted
state vectors (1
. . . . . 1
. 1
. . . . . 1
initial is an N
1) matrix that contains an estimate and its variance for initial state ,
that is, (


s2 is a scalar that contains the estimated variance o
The KALDFF call computes the one-step forecast of state vectors in an SSM by using the diffuse Kalman
lter. The SSM for the diffuse Kalman lter is written
= X
= W
= a
= b T
where :
is an N
1 state vector, ,
is an N
1 observed vector, and
~ N
0. o
~ N(j. o
It is assumed that the noise vector (j
. c
is independent and is independent of the vector (j
. c
. The
matrices, W
, J
, X
, H
, a, , b, T, V
, G
, and 1
, are assumed to be known. The KALDFF call
KALDFF Call ! 757
estimates the conditional expectation of the state vector :
given the observations. The KALDFF subroutine
also produces the estimates of the initial random vector and its covariance matrix. For k-step forecasting
where k > 0, the estimated conditional expectation at time t k is computed with observations given up
to time t . The estimated k-step forecast and its estimated MSE are denoted :
and 1
(for k > 0).

and 1
are last-column-deleted submatrices of
and 1
, respectively. The algorithm for
one-step prediction is given as follows:
= (X
T. ,
b) H

= H
= Q
= (q

= S

= o
= (J

= W
(T. b) J

= (J

. 1)
= o



where n
is the number of elements of (,
. . . . . ,
plus max(n0. 0). Unless initial values are given and
n0_ 0, initial values are set as follows:

= W
(T. b) J
(. a)
= V
= 0
For k-step forecasting where k > 1,

= W
(T. b) J

= J
= H

. 1)
= o



If there is a missing observation, the KALDFF call computes the one-step forecast for the observation that
follows the missing observation as the two-step forecast from the previous observation.
758 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
An example that uses the KALDFF call is in the documentation for the KALDFS call.
CALL KALDFS(sm, vsm, data, int, coef, var, bvec, bmat, initial, at, mt, s2 <, un, vun> );
The KALDFS subroutine computes the smoothed state vector and its mean square error matrix from the
one-step forecast and mean square error matrix computed by KALDFF.
The input arguments to the KALDFS subroutine are as follows:
data is a T N
matrix that contains data (,
. . . . . ,
int is an (N

vector for a time-invariant intercept, or a (T lead)(N


vector that contains xed matrices for the time-variant model in the transition equation
and the measurement equationthat is, (W
. X
coef is an (N
) N
matrix for a time-invariant coefcient, or a (T lead)(N

) N
matrix that contains coefcients at each time in the transition equation and the
measurement equationthat is, (J
. H
var is an (N
) (N
) matrix for a time-invariant variance matrix for transition
equation noise and the measurement equation noise, or a (T lead)(N
) (N

) matrix that contains covariance matrices for the transition equation and measure-
ment equation errorsthat is, (j
. c
bvec is an N

1 constant vector for the intercept for the mean effect .

bmat is an N

matrix for the coefcient for the mean effect .

initial is an N


1) matrix that contains an initial random vector estimate and its covari-
ance matrixthat is, (


at is a TN

1) matrix that contains (

. . . . .
mt is a (TN
) N
matrix that contains (M
. . . . . M
s2 is the estimated variance in the end of the data set, o
un is an optional N

1) matrix that contains u

. The returned value is u
vun is an optional N
matrix that contains U
. The returned value is U
The KALDFS call returns the following values:
sm is a T N
matrix that contains smoothed state vectors (:
. . . . . :
vsm is a TN
matrix that contains mean square error matrices of smoothed state vectors
. . . . . 1
Given the one-step forecast and mean square error matrix in the KALDFF call, the KALDFS call computes a
smoothed state vector and its mean square error matrix. Then the KALDFS subroutine produces an estimate
of the smoothed state vector at time t that is, the conditional expectation of the state vector :
given all
KALDFS Call ! 759
observations. Using the notations and results from the KALDFF section, the backward recursion algorithm
for smoothing is denoted for t = T. T 1. . . . . 1.
= (X
T. ,
b) H

= H
= J
= H
= H
= (

. 1)
= o
) C

where the initial values are u
= b0 and U
= 0, and C
is the last-column-deleted submatrix of C
See De Jong, P. (1991) for details about smoothing in the diffuse Kalman lter.
The KALDFS call is accompanied by the KALDFF call as shown in the following statements:
ny = ncol(y);
nz = ncol(coef);
nb = ncol(int);
nd = ncol(coefd);
at = j(nz, nd+1, .);
mt = j(nz, nz, .);
qt = j(nd+1, nd+1, .);
n0 = -1;
call kaldff(pred, vpred, initial, s2, y, 0, int, coef, var, intd,
coefd, n0, at, mt, qt);
bvec = intd[nz+1:nz+nb,];
bmat = coefd[nz+1:nz+nb,];
call kaldfs(sm, vsm, x, int, coef, var, bvec, bmat,
initial, at, mt, s2);
You can also compute the smoothed estimate and its covariance matrix observation by observation. When
the SSM is time invariant, the following statements perform smoothing. You should initialize UN and VUN
as matrices in which all elements are zero.
n = nrow(y);
ny = ncol(y);
nz = ncol(coef);
nb = ncol(int);
nd = ncol(coefd);
at = j(nz, nd+1, .);
mt = j(nz, nz, .);
qt = j(nd+1, nd+1, .);
n0 = -1;
call kaldff(pred, vpred, initial, s2, y, 0, int, coef, var, intd,
coefd, n0, at, mt, qt);
bvec = intd[nz+1:nz+nb,];
760 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
bmat = coefd[nz+1:nz+nb,];
un = j(nz, nd+1, 0);
vun = j(nz, nz, 0);
do i = 1 to n;
call kaldfs(sm_i, vsm_i, y[n-i+1], int, coef, var, bvec, bmat,
initial, at, mt, s2, un, vun);
sm = sm_i // sm;
vsm = vsm_i // vsm;
LAG Function
LAG(x <, lags > );
The LAG function computes one or more lagged (shifted) values for time series data. The arguments are as
x species an n 1 numerical matrix of time series data.
lags species integer lags. The lags argument can be an integer matrix with J elements. If
so, the LAG function returns an nJ matrix where the i th column represents the i th lag
applied to the time series.
The values of the lags argument are usually positive integers. A positive lag shifts the time series data
backwards in time. A lag of 0 represents the original time series. A negative value for the lags argument
shifts the time series data forward in time; this is sometimes called a lead effect.
For example, the following statements compute several lags:
x = {1,3,4,7,9};
lag = lag(x, {0 1 3});
print lag;
Figure 23.152 Lagged Data
1 . .
3 1 .
4 3 .
7 4 1
9 7 3
LAV Call
CALL LAV(rc, xr, a, b <, x0> <, opt > );
LAV Call ! 761
The LAV subroutine performs linear least absolute value regression by solving the 1
norm minimization
The LAV subroutine returns the following values:
rc is a scalar return code that indicates the reason for optimization termination.
rc Termination
0 Successful
1 Successful, but approximate covariance matrix and standard
errors cannot be computed
1 or 3 Unsuccessful: error in the input arguments
2 Unsuccessful: matrix is rank-decient (rank() < n)
4 Unsuccessful: maximum iteration limit exceeded
5 Unsuccessful: no solution found for ill-conditioned prob-
xr species a vector or matrix with n columns. If the optimization process is not successfully
completed, xr is a row vector with n missing values. If termination is successful and the
opt[3] option is not set, xr is the vector with the optimal estimate, .
. If termination is
successful and the opt[3] option is specied, xr is an (n 2) n matrix that contains the
optimal estimate, .
, in the rst row, the asymptotic standard errors in the second row, and
the n n covariance matrix of parameter estimates in the remaining rows.
The input arguments to the LAV subroutine are as follows:
a species an m n matrix with m _ n and full column rank, rank() = n. If you want to
include an intercept in the model, you must include a column of ones in the matrix .
b species the m 1 vector b.
x0 species an optional n 1 vector that species the starting point of the optimization.
opt is an optional vector used to specify options. If an element of the opt vector is missing, the
default value is used.
v opt[1] species the maximum number maxi of outer iterations (this corresponds to the
number of changes of the Huber parameter ;). The default is maxi = min(100. 10n).
(The number of inner iterations is restricted by an internal threshold. If the number of
inner iterations exceeds this threshold, a new outer iteration is started with an increased
value of ;.)
v opt[2] species the amount of printed output. Higher values request additional output
and include the output of lower values.
762 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
opt[2] Termination
0 No output is printed.
1 Error and warning messages are printed.
2 The iteration history is printed (this is the default).
3 The n least squares (1
norm) estimates are printed if no
starting point is specied, the 1
norm estimates are always
printed, and if opt[3] is set, the estimates are printed together
with the asymptotic standard errors.
4 The n n approximate covariance matrix of parameter esti-
mates is printed if opt[3] is set.
5 The residual and predicted values for all m rows (equations)
of are printed.
v opt[3] species which estimate of the variance of the median of nonzero residuals be
used as a factor for the approximate covariance matrix of parameter estimates and for
the approximate standard errors (ASE). If opt[3] = 0, the McKean-Schrader (1987)
estimate is used, and if opt[3] > 0, the Cox-Hinkley (1974) estimate, with =opt[3], is
used. The default behavior is that the covariance matrix is not computed.
v opt[4] species whether a computationally expensive test for necessary and sufcient
optimality of the solution . is executed. The default behavior (opt[4] = 0) is that the
convergence test is not performed.
Missing values are not permitted in the a or b argument. The .0 argument is ignored if it contains any
missing values. Missing values in the opt argument cause the default value to be used.
The LAV subroutine is designed for solving the unconstrained linear 1
norm minimization problem,
(.) where 1
(.) = [. b[



for m equations with n (unknown) parameters . = (.

. . . . . .
). This is equivalent to estimating the
unknown parameter vector, ., by least absolute value regression in the model
b = . c
where b is the vector of n observations, is the design matrix, and c is a random error term.
An algorithm by Madsen and Nielsen (1993) is used, which can be faster for large values of m and n than
the Barrodale and Roberts (1974) algorithm. The current version of the algorithm assumes that has full
column rank. Also, constraints cannot be imposed on the parameters in this version.
The 1
norm minimization problem is more difcult to solve than the least squares (1
norm) minimization
problem because the objective function of the 1
norm problem is not continuously differentiable (the rst
derivative has jumps). A function that is continuous but not continuously differentiable is called nonsmooth.
By using PROC NLP and the nonlinear optimization subroutines, you can obtain the estimates in linear
and nonlinear 1
norm estimation (even subject to linear or nonlinear constraints) as long as the number
of parameters, n, is small. Using the nonlinear optimization subroutines, there are two ways to solve the
nonlinear 1
norm, _ 1, problem:
LAV Call ! 763
v For small values of n, you can implement the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm with the NLPNMS
subroutine to solve the minimization problem in its original specication. The Nelder-Mead simplex
algorithm does not assume a smooth objective function, does not take advantage of any derivatives,
and therefore does not require continuous differentiability of the objective function. See the section
NLPNMS Call on page 837 for details.
v Gonin and Money (1989) describe how an original 1
norm estimation problem can be modied
to an equivalent optimization problem with nonlinear constraints which has a simple differentiable
objective function. You can invoke the NLPQN subroutine, which implements a quasi-Newton algo-
rithm, to solve the nonlinearly constrained 1
norm optimization problem. See the section NLPQN
Call on page 847 for details about the NLPQN subroutine.
Both approaches are successful only for a small number of parameters and good initial estimates. If you
cannot supply good initial estimates, the optimal results of the corresponding nonlinear least squares (1
norm) estimation can provide fairly good initial estimates.
Gonin and Money (1989) show that the nonlinear 1
norm estimation problem

can be reformulated as a linear optimization problem with nonlinear constraints in the following ways.
v as a linear optimization problem with 2m nonlinear inequality constraints in mn variables u

subject to

(.) u
_ 0

(.) u
_ 0
_ 0
i = 1. . . . . m
v as a linear optimization problem with 2m nonlinear equality constraints in 2m n variables ,
, :
and .

) subject to

(.) ,
= 0
_ 0
_ 0
i = 1. . . . . m
For linear functions
(.) =

), i = 1. . . . . m, you obtain linearly constrained linear
optimization problems, for which the number of variables and constraints is on the order of the number of
observations, m. The advantage that the algorithm by Madsen and Nielsen (1993) has over the Barrodale
and Roberts (1974) algorithm is that its computational cost increases only linearly with m, and it can be
faster for large values of m.
In addition to computing an optimal solution .
that minimizes 1
(.), you can also compute approximate
standard errors and the approximate covariance matrix of .
. The standard errors can be used to compute
condence limits.
764 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The following example is the same one used for illustrating the LAV subroutine by Lee and Gentle (1986).
and b are as follows:
1 0
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 2
1 2

b =

The following statements specify the matrix , the vector b, and the options vector opt. The options vector
species that all output is printed (opt[2] = 5), that the asymptotic standard errors and covariance matrix are
computed based on the McKean-Schrader (1987) estimate z of the variance of the median (opt[3] = 0), and
that the convergence test be performed (opt[4] = 1).
a = { 0, 1, -1, -1, 2, 2 };
m = nrow(a);
a = j(m, 1, 1.) || a;
b = { 1, 2, 1, -1, 2, 4 };
opt= { . 5 0 1 };
call lav(rc, xr, a, b, , opt);
The rst part of the output is shown in Figure 23.153. This output displays the least squares solution, which
is used as the starting point. The estimates of the largest and smallest nonzero eigenvalues of
give only
an idea of the magnitude of these values, and they can be very crude approximations.
Figure 23.153 Least Squares Solution
LS Solution
Est 1 1
The second part of the printed output shows the iteration history. It is shown in Figure 23.154.
Figure 23.154 Iteration History
LAV (L1) Estimation
Start with LS Solution
Start Iter: gamma=1 ActEqn=6
Iter N Huber Act Eqn Rank Gamma L1(x) F(Gamma)
1 1 2 2 0.9000 4.000000 2.200000
1 1 2 2 0.0000 4.000000 2.200000
The third part of the output is shown in Figure 23.155. This output displays the 1
norm solution (rst row)
together with asymptotic standard errors (second row) and the asymptotic covariance matrix of parameter
estimates. The ASEs are the square roots of the diagonal elements of this covariance matrix.
LCP Call ! 765
Figure 23.155 Parameter and Covariance Estimates
L1 Solution with ASE
Est 1 1
ASE 0.4482711811 0.3310702082
Cov Matrix: McKean-Schrader
0.2009470518 -0.054803741
-0.054803741 0.1096074828
The last part of the printed output shows the predicted values and residuals, as in Lee and Gentle (1986). It
is shown in Figure 23.156.
Figure 23.156 Predicted and Residual Values
Predicted Values and Residuals
N Observed Predicted Residual
1 1.0000 1.0000 0
2 2.0000 2.0000 0
3 1.0000 0.0000 1.000000
4 -1.0000 0.0000 -1.000000
5 2.0000 3.0000 -1.000000
6 4.0000 3.0000 1.000000
LCP Call
CALL LCP(rc, w, z, m, q <, epsilon> );
The LCP subroutine solves the linear complementarity problem:
w = Mz q
z = 0
w. z _ 0
That is, given a matrix M and a vector q, the LCP subroutine computes orthogonal, nonnegative vectors w
and z which satisfy the previous equations.
The input arguments to the LCP subroutine are as follows:
m is an m m matrix.
q is an m 1 matrix.
epsilon is a scalar that denes virtual zero. The default value of epsilon is 1E8.
766 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The LCP subroutine returns the following matrices:
rc returns one of the following scalar return codes:
rc Termination
0 A solution is found.
1 No solution is possible.
5 The solution is numerically unstable.
6 The subroutine could not obtain enough memory.
w returns an m-element column vector
z returns an m-element column vector
The following statements give a simple example:
q = {1, 1};
m = {1 0,
0 1};
call lcp(rc, w, z, m, q);
print rc, w, z;
Figure 23.157 Solution to a Linear Complementarity Problem
The next example shows the relationship between quadratic programming and the linear complementarity
problem. Consider the linearly constrained quadratic program:
min c
st. Gx _ b (QP)
x _ 0
If H is positive semidenite, then a solution to the Kuhn-Tucker conditions solves QP. The Kuhn-Tucker
LCP Call ! 767
conditions for QP are
c Hx = j G
(Gx b) = 0
x = 0
Gx _ b
.. j. z _ 0
In the linear complementarity problem, let
M =
G 0
= (j
= (x
= (c
Then the Kuhn-Tucker conditions are expressed as nding w and z that satisfy
w = Mz q
z = 0
w. z _ 0
From the solution w and z to this linear complementarity problem, the solution to QP is obtained; namely,
x is the primal structural variable, s = Gx b the surpluses, and and are the dual variables. Consider
a quadratic program with the following data:
= (1245) B
= (11)
H =
100 10 1 0
10 100 10 1
1 10 100 10
0 1 10 100

G =
1 2 3 4
10 20 30 40
This problem is solved by using the LCP subroutine as follows:
---- Data for the Quadratic Program -----
c = {1, 2, 3, 4};
h = {100 10 1 0, 10 100 10 1, 1 10 100 10, 0 1 10 100};
g = {1 2 3 4, 10 20 30 40};
b = {1, 1};
768 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
----- Express the Kuhn-Tucker Conditions as an LCP ----
m = h || -g`;
m = m // (g || j(nrow(g),nrow(g),0));
q = c // -b;
----- Solve for a Kuhn-Tucker Point --------
call lcp(rc, w, z, m, q);
------ Extract the Solution to the Quadratic Program ----
x = z[1:nrow(h)];
print rc x;
Figure 23.158 Solution to a Quadratic Programming Problem
rc x
0 0.0307522
LENGTH Function
The LENGTH function takes a character matrix as an argument and produces a numeric matrix as a result.
The result matrix has the same dimensions as the argument and contains the lengths of the corresponding
string elements in matrix. The length of a string is equal to the position of the rightmost nonblank character
in the string. If a string is entirely blank, its length value is set to 1. An example of the LENGTH function
c = {"Hello" "My name is Jenny"};
b = length(c);
print b;
Figure 23.159 Length of Elements of a Character Matrix
5 16
See also the description of the NLENG function.
LIST Statement ! 769
LINK Statement
LINK(label );
statements ;
label:statements ;
The LINK statement provides a way of calling a group of statements as if they were dened as a subroutine.
When the LINK statement is executed, the program jumps immediately to the statement with the given label
and begins executing statements from that point as it does for the GOTO statement. However, when the
program executes a RETURN statement, the program returns to the statement that immediately follows the
LINK statement, which is different behavior than the GOTO statement.
The LINK statement can be used only inside modules and DO groups. LINK statements can be nested
within other LINK statements to any level. A RETURN statement without a LINK statement is executed
the same as the STOP statement.
Instead of using a LINK statement, you can dene a module and call the module by using a RUN statement.
An example that uses the LINK statement follows:
start a;
link sum1; /
go to label; execute until return stmt
print z;
finish a;
run a;
Figure 23.160 Result of Linking to a Group of Statements
LIST Statement
LIST <range> <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > ;
The LIST statement displays observations of a data set.
770 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The arguments to the LIST statement are as follows:
range species a range of observations.
operand species a set of variables.
expression is an expression that selects certain observations.
The LIST statement prints selected observations of a data set. If all data values for variables in the VAR
clause t on a single line, values are displayed in columns headed by the variable names. Each record
occupies a separate line. If the data values do not t on a single line, values from each record are grouped
into paragraphs. Each element in the paragraph has the form name=value.
Options for Specifying the Observations
You can use any of the following keywords for range:
ALL species all observations.
CURRENT species the current observation (this is the default for the LIST statement).
NEXT <number > species the next observation or the next number of observations.
AFTER species all observations after the current one.
POINT value species observations specied by number, where value can be one of the following:
Value Example
A single record number point 5
A literal that contains several point {2 5 10}
record numbers
The name of a matrix point p
that contains record numbers
An expression in parentheses point (p+1)
If the current data set has an index in use (see the INDEX statement), the POINT option is invalid.
Options for Specifying the Variables
You can specify a set of variables to use with the VAR clause. The operand can be specied as one of the
v a literal that contains variable names
v the name of a matrix that contains variable names
v an expression in parentheses that yields variable names
v one of the keywords described in the following list:
_ALL_ for all variables
LIST Statement ! 771
_CHAR_ for all character variables
_NUM_ for all numeric variables
The following examples show each possible way you can use the VAR clause:
var {x1 x5 x9}; /
a literal matrix of names
var x; /
a matrix that contains the names
var("x1":"x9"); /
an expression
var _all_; /
a keyword
Options for Filtering the Observations
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations, within the range specication, according to condi-
tions given in the clause. The general form of the WHERE clause is
WHERE (variable comparison-op operand) ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is any one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
? does not contain a given string
=: begins with a given string
=* sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds
if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
= ? < <= > >=
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the
= ? =: =*
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
The general form is as follows:
772 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
clause & clause (for an AND clause)
clause | clause (for an OR clause)
where clause can be a comparison, a parenthesized clause, or a logical expression clause that is evaluated
by using operator precedence.
NOTE: The expression on the left-hand side refers to values of the data set variables and the expression on
the right-hand side refers to matrix values.
The following examples demonstrate the use of the LIST statement. The output is not shown.
data class;
set sashelp.class;
proc iml;
use class;
list all; /
lists whole data set
list; /
lists current observation
list var{name age}; /
lists NAME and AGE in current obs
list all where(age<=13); /
lists all obs where condition holds
list next; /
lists next observation
list point 18; /
lists observation 18
list point (10:15); /
lists observations 10 through 15
close class;
LMS Call
CALL LMS(sc, coef, wgt, opt, y <, x > <, sorb> );
The LMS subroutine performs least median of squares (LMS) robust regression (sometimes called resistant
regression) by minimizing the hth-ordered squared residual. The subroutine is able to detect outliers and
perform a least squares regression on the remaining observations.
The algorithm used in the LMS subroutine is based on the PROGRESS program of Rousseeuw and Hubert
(1996), which is an updated version of Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987). In the special case of regression
through the origin with a single regressor, Barreto and Maharry (2006) show that the PROGRESS algorithm
does not, in general, nd the slope that yields the least median of squares. Starting with SAS/IML 9.2, the
LMS subroutine uses the algorithm of Barreto and Maharry (2006) to obtain the correct LMS slope in the
case of regression through the origin with a single regressor. In this case, input arguments that are specic
to the PROGRESS algorithm are ignored and output specic to the PROGRESS algorithm is suppressed.
The value of h can be specied, but in most applications the default value works well and the results seem
to be quite stable toward different choices of h.
In the following discussion, N is the number of observations and n is the number of regressors. The input
arguments to the LMS subroutine are as follows:
LMS Call ! 773
opt refers to an options vector with the following components (missing values are treated as default
values). The options vector can be a null vector.
opt[1] species whether an intercept is used in the model (opt[1] =0) or not (opt[1] = 0). If
opt[1] =0, then a column of ones is added as the last column to the input matrix X; that is,
you do not need to add this column of ones yourself. The default is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species the amount of printed output. Higher values request additional output and in-
clude the output of lower values.
0 prints no output except error messages.
1 prints all output except (1) arrays of O(N), such as weights, residuals, and diag-
nostics; (2) the history of the optimization process; and (3) subsets that result in
singular linear systems.
2 additionally prints arrays of O(N), such as weights, residuals, and diagnostics; also
prints the case numbers of the observations in the best subset and some basic history
of the optimization process.
3 additionally prints subsets that result in singular linear systems.
The default is opt[2] =0.
opt[3] species whether only LMS is computed or whether, additionally, least squares (LS) and
weighted least squares (WLS) regression are computed.
0 computes only LMS.
1 computes, in addition to LMS, weighted least squares regression on the observations
with small LMS residuals (where small is dened by opt[8]).
2 computes, in addition to LMS, unweighted least squares regression.
3 adds both unweighted and weighted least squares regression to LMS regression.
The default is opt[3] =0.
opt[4] species the quantile h to be minimized. This is used in the objective function. The
default is opt[4] = h =
, which corresponds to the highest possible breakdown
value. This is also the default of the PROGRESS program. The value of h should be in
the range
1 _ h _

opt[5] species the number N
of generated subsets. Each subset consists of n observations
. . . . . k
), where 1 _ k
_ N. The total number of subsets that contain n observations
out of N observations is

(N 1)


where n is the number of parameters including the intercept.

Due to computer time restrictions, not all subset combinations of n observations out of N
can be inspected for larger values of N and n. Specifying a value of N
< N
you to save computer time at the expense of computing a suboptimal solution.
If opt[5] is zero or missing, the default number of subsets is taken from the following
774 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
500 50 22 17 15 14 0 0 0 0
1414 182 71 43 32 27 24 23 22
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
n 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0
22 22 22 23 23
3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
If the number of cases (observations) N is smaller than N
, then all possible subsets
are used; otherwise, N
subsets are chosen randomly. This means that an exhaustive
search is performed for opt[5] =1. If N is larger than N
, a note is printed in the log
le that indicates how many subsets exist.
opt[6] is not used.
opt[7] species whether the last argument sorb contains a given parameter vector b or a given
subset for which the objective function should be evaluated.
0 sorb contains a given subset index.
1 sorb contains a given parameter vector b.
The default is opt[7] =0.
opt[8] is relevant only for LS and WLS regression (opt[3] > 0). It species whether the covari-
ance matrix of parameter estimates and approximate standard errors (ASEs) are computed
and printed.
0 does not compute covariance matrix and ASEs.
1 computes covariance matrix and ASEs but prints neither of them.
2 computes the covariance matrix and ASEs but prints only the ASEs.
3 computes and prints both the covariance matrix and the ASEs.
The default is opt[8] =0.
y refers to an N response vector.
x refers to an N n matrix X of regressors. If opt[1] is zero or missing, an intercept x
is added by default as the last column of X. If the matrix X is not specied, y is analyzed as a
univariate data set.
sorb refers to an n vector that contains either of the following:
v n observation numbers of a subset for which the objective function should be evaluated; this
subset can be the start for a pairwise exchange algorithm if opt[7] is specied.
v n given parameters b = (b
. . . . . b
) (including the intercept, if necessary) for which the
objective function should be evaluated.
Missing values are not permitted in . or ,. Missing values in opt cause the default value to be used.
The LMS subroutine returns the following values:
LMS Call ! 775
sc is a column vector that contains the following scalar information, where rows 19 correspond to
LMS regression and rows 1114 correspond to either LS or WLS:
sc[1] the quantile h used in the objective function
sc[2] number of subsets generated
sc[3] number of subsets with singular linear systems
sc[4] number of nonzero weights n
sc[5] lowest value of the objective function J
sc[6] preliminary LMS scale estimate S
sc[7] nal LMS scale estimate S
sc[8] robust R square (coefcient of determination)
sc[9] asymptotic consistency factor
If opt[3] > 0, then the following are also set:
sc[11] LS or WLS objective function (sum of squared residuals)
sc[12] LS or WLS scale estimate
sc[13] R square value for LS or WLS
sc[14] J value for LS or WLS
For opt[3] =1 or opt[3] =3, these rows correspond to WLS estimates; for opt[3] =2, these rows corre-
spond to LS estimates.
coef is a matrix with n columns that contains the following results in its rows:
coef[1,] LMS parameter estimates
coef[2,] indices of observations in the best subset
If opt[3] > 0, then the following are also set:
coef[3,] LS or WLS parameter estimates
coef[4,] approximate standard errors of LS or WLS estimates
coef[5,] t values
coef[6,] -values
coef[7,] lower boundary of Wald condence intervals
coef[8,] upper boundary of Wald condence intervals
For opt[3] =1 or opt[3] =3, these rows correspond to WLS estimates; for opt[3] =2, these rows corre-
spond to LS estimates.
wgt is a matrix with N columns that contains the following results in its rows:
wgt[1,] weights (1 for small residuals; 0 for large residuals)
wgt[2,] residuals r
= ,
wgt[3,] resistant diagnostic u
(the resistant diagnostic cannot be computed for a perfect t when
the objective function is zero or nearly zero)
776 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Consider results for Brownlee (1965) stackloss data. The three explanatory variables correspond to mea-
surements for a plant that oxidizes ammonia to nitric acid on 21 consecutive days.
v .
air ow to the plant
v .
cooling water inlet temperature
v .
acid concentration
The response variable ,
gives the permillage of ammonia lost (stackloss). The data are also given by
Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987) and Osborne (1985). Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987) cite a large number of
papers where this data set was analyzed and state that most researchers concluded that observations 1, 3,
4, and 21 were outliers, and that some people also reported observation 2 as an outlier.
For N = 21 and n = 4 (three explanatory variables including intercept), you obtain a total of 5,985
different subsets of 4 observations out of 21. If you decide not to specify opt[5], the LMS subroutine
chooses N
=2,000 random sample subsets. Since there is a large number of subsets with singular linear
systems, which you do not want to print, choose opt[2]=2 for reduced printed output.
X1 X2 X3 Y Stackloss data
aa = { 1 80 27 89 42,
1 80 27 88 37,
1 75 25 90 37,
1 62 24 87 28,
1 62 22 87 18,
1 62 23 87 18,
1 62 24 93 19,
1 62 24 93 20,
1 58 23 87 15,
1 58 18 80 14,
1 58 18 89 14,
1 58 17 88 13,
1 58 18 82 11,
1 58 19 93 12,
1 50 18 89 8,
1 50 18 86 7,
1 50 19 72 8,
1 50 19 79 8,
1 50 20 80 9,
1 56 20 82 15,
1 70 20 91 15 };
a = aa[, 2:4]; b = aa[, 5];
opt = j(8, 1, .);
opt[2]= 2; /
opt[3]= 3; /
opt[8]= 3; /
call lms(sc, coef, wgt, opt, b, a);
LMS Call ! 777
The rst portion of the output displays descriptive statistics, as shown in Figure 23.161:
Figure 23.161 Descriptive Statistics
LMS: The 13th ordered squared residual will be minimized.
Median and Mean
Median Mean
VAR1 58 60.428571429
VAR2 20 21.095238095
VAR3 87 86.285714286
Intercep 1 1
Response 15 17.523809524
There are 5985 subsets of 4 cases out of 21 cases.
The algorithm will draw 2000 random subsets of 4 cases.
Random Subsampling for LMS
Minimum Criterion= 0.1264668282
Least Median of Squares (LMS) Method
Minimizing 13th Ordered Squared Residual.
Highest Possible Breakdown Value = 42.86 %
Random Selection of 2103 Subsets
Among 2103 subsets 103 is/are singular.
LMS Objective Function = 0.75
Dispersion and Standard Deviation
Dispersion StdDev
VAR1 5.930408874 9.1682682584
VAR2 2.965204437 3.160771455
VAR3 4.4478066555 5.3585712381
Intercep 0 0
Response 5.930408874 10.171622524
The next portion of the output shows the least squares estimates and the covariance of the estimates. Infor-
mation about the residuals are also displayed, but are not shown in Figure 23.162.
778 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.162 Least Squares Estimates
Dispersion and Standard Deviation
Dispersion StdDev
VAR1 5.930408874 9.1682682584
VAR2 2.965204437 3.160771455
VAR3 4.4478066555 5.3585712381
Intercep 0 0
Response 5.930408874 10.171622524
Unweighted Least-Squares Estimation
LS Parameter Estimates
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 0.7156402 0.13485819 5.31 <.0001 0.45132301 0.97995739
VAR2 1.29528612 0.36802427 3.52 0.0026 0.57397182 2.01660043
VAR3 -0.1521225 0.15629404 -0.97 0.3440 -0.4584532 0.15420818
Intercep -39.919674 11.8959969 -3.36 0.0038 -63.2354 -16.603949
Preliminary LMS Scale = 1.0478510755
Robust R Squared = 0.96484375
Final LMS Scale = 1.2076147288
Distribution of Residuals
Median(U)= 4.5864208797
Weighted Least-Squares Estimation
Weighted Sum of Squares = 20.400800254
Degrees of Freedom = 13
RLS Scale Estimate = 1.2527139846
Weighted R-squared = 0.9750062263
LMS Call ! 779
Figure 23.162 continued
Sum of Squares = 178.8299616
Degrees of Freedom = 17
LS Scale Estimate = 3.2433639182
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
VAR1 0.0181867302 -0.036510675 -0.007143521 0.2875871057
VAR2 -0.036510675 0.1354418598 0.0000104768 -0.651794369
VAR3 -0.007143521 0.0000104768 0.024427828 -1.676320797
Intercep 0.2875871057 -0.651794369 -1.676320797 141.51474107
F(3,13) Statistic = 169.04317954
Probability = 1.158521E-10
There are 17 points with nonzero weight.
Average Weight = 0.8095238095
Distribution of Residuals
The run has been executed successfully.
R-squared = 0.9135769045
F(3,17) Statistic = 59.9022259
Probability = 3.0163272E-9
The LMS subroutine prints results for the 2,000 random subsets. Figure 23.163 shows the iteration history,
the best subset of observations that are used to form estimates, and the estimated parameters. The subroutine
also displays residual information (not shown).
Figure 23.163 Least Median Squares Estimates
MinRes 1st Qu. Median
-7.237712859 -1.814569436 -0.455092955
Mean 3rd Qu. MaxRes
3.383537E-16 1.8867828182 5.6977741706
780 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.163 continued
There are 5985 subsets of 4 cases out of 21 cases.
The algorithm will draw 2000 random subsets of 4 cases.
Random Subsampling for LMS
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
500 23 0.163262 25
1000 55 0.140519 50
1500 79 0.140519 75
2000 103 0.126467 100
Minimum Criterion= 0.1264668282
Least Median of Squares (LMS) Method
Minimizing 13th Ordered Squared Residual.
Highest Possible Breakdown Value = 42.86 %
Random Selection of 2103 Subsets
Among 2103 subsets 103 is/are singular.
Observations of Best Subset
15 11 19 10
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
0.75 0.5 0 -39.25
Observations 1, 3, 4, and 21 have scaled residuals larger than 2.0 (table not shown) and are considered
outliers. The corresponding WLS estimates are shown in Figure 23.164:
Figure 23.164 Weighted Least Squares Estimates
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
0.75 0.5 0 -39.25
LMS Call ! 781
Figure 23.164 continued
LMS Objective Function = 0.75
Preliminary LMS Scale = 1.0478510755
Robust R Squared = 0.96484375
Final LMS Scale = 1.2076147288
LMS Residuals
N Observed Estimated Residual Res / S
1 42.000000 34.250000 7.750000 6.417610
2 37.000000 34.250000 2.750000 2.277216
3 37.000000 29.500000 7.500000 6.210590
4 28.000000 19.250000 8.750000 7.245688
5 18.000000 18.250000 -0.250000 -0.207020
6 18.000000 18.750000 -0.750000 -0.621059
7 19.000000 19.250000 -0.250000 -0.207020
8 20.000000 19.250000 0.750000 0.621059
9 15.000000 15.750000 -0.750000 -0.621059
10 14.000000 13.250000 0.750000 0.621059
11 14.000000 13.250000 0.750000 0.621059
12 13.000000 12.750000 0.250000 0.207020
13 11.000000 13.250000 -2.250000 -1.863177
14 12.000000 13.750000 -1.750000 -1.449138
15 8.000000 7.250000 0.750000 0.621059
16 7.000000 7.250000 -0.250000 -0.207020
17 8.000000 7.750000 0.250000 0.207020
18 8.000000 7.750000 0.250000 0.207020
19 9.000000 8.250000 0.750000 0.621059
20 15.000000 12.750000 2.250000 1.863177
21 15.000000 23.250000 -8.250000 -6.831649
Distribution of Residuals
MinRes 1st Qu. Median
-8.25 -0.5 0.25
Mean 3rd Qu. MaxRes
0.9047619048 0.75 8.75
782 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.164 continued
Resistant Diagnostic
N U Diagnostic
1 10.448052 2.278040
2 7.931751 1.729399
3 10.000000 2.180349
4 11.666667 2.543741
5 2.729730 0.595176
6 3.486486 0.760176
7 4.729730 1.031246
8 4.243243 0.925175
9 3.648649 0.795533
10 3.759835 0.819775
11 4.605767 1.004218
12 4.925169 1.073859
13 3.888889 0.847914
14 4.586421 1.000000
15 5.297030 1.154938
16 4.009901 0.874299
17 6.679576 1.456381
18 4.305340 0.938715
19 4.019976 0.876495
20 3.000000 0.654105
21 11.000000 2.398384
Median(U)= 4.5864208797
Weighted Least-Squares Estimation
RLS Parameter Estimates Based on LMS
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 0.79768556 0.06743906 11.83 <.0001 0.66550742 0.9298637
VAR2 0.57734046 0.16596894 3.48 0.0041 0.25204731 0.9026336
VAR3 -0.0670602 0.06160314 -1.09 0.2961 -0.1878001 0.05367975
Intercep -37.652459 4.73205086 -7.96 <.0001 -46.927108 -28.37781
LOAD Statement ! 783
Figure 23.164 continued
Weighted Sum of Squares = 20.400800254
Degrees of Freedom = 13
RLS Scale Estimate = 1.2527139846
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
VAR1 0.0045480273 -0.007921409 -0.001198689 0.0015681747
VAR2 -0.007921409 0.0275456893 -0.00046339 -0.065017508
VAR3 -0.001198689 -0.00046339 0.0037949466 -0.246102248
Intercep 0.0015681747 -0.065017508 -0.246102248 22.392305355
Weighted R-squared = 0.9750062263
F(3,13) Statistic = 169.04317954
Probability = 1.158521E-10
There are 17 points with nonzero weight.
Average Weight = 0.8095238095
LOAD Statement
LOAD <MODULE=(module-list) > <matrix-list > ;
The LOAD statement loads modules and matrix values from the current library storage into the current
The arguments to the LOAD statement are as follows:
module-list is a list of modules.
matrix-list is a list of matrices.
For example, to load three modules A, B, and C and one matrix X, use the following statement:
load module=(A B C) X;
The special operand _ALL_ can be used to load all matrices or all modules. For example, if you want to
load all matrices, use the following statement:
load _all_;
If you want to load all modules, use the following statement:
load module=_all_;
To load all matrices and modules stored in the library storage, you can enter the LOAD command without
any arguments, as follows:
784 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The storage library can be specied by using a RESET STORAGE command. The default library is
Work.Imlstor. For more information, see Chapter 17 and the descriptions of the STORE, REMOVE, RE-
SET, and SHOW statements.
LOC Function
The LOC function nds nonzero elements of a matrix. It creates a 1 n row vector, where n is the number
of nonzero elements in the argument matrix. Missing values are treated as zeros. The values in the resulting
row vector are the locations of the nonzero elements in the argument (in row-major order).
For example, consider the following statements:
a = {1 0 2 3 0};
b = loc(a);
print b;
Because the rst, third, and fourth elements of A are nonzero, these statements result in the row vector
shown in Figure 23.165:
Figure 23.165 Location of Nonzero Elements
1 3 4
If every element of the argument vector is 0, the result is empty; that is, B has zero rows and zero columns.
The LOC function is useful for subscripting parts of a matrix that satisfy some condition. For example,
the following statements create a matrix Y that contains the rows of X that have a positive element in the
diagonal of X:
x = {1 1 0,
0 -2 2,
0 0 3};
y = x[loc(vecdiag(x)>0), ];
print y;
Figure 23.166 Rows with Positive Diagonal Elements
1 1 0
0 0 3
LP Call ! 785
LOG Function
The LOG function is the scalar function that takes the natural logarithm of each element of the argument
matrix. An example of a valid statement follows:
c = {1 2 3};
b = log(c);
print b;
Figure 23.167 Natural Logarithms
0 0.6931472 1.0986123
LP Call
CALL LP(rc, x, dual, a, b <, cntl > <, u> <, l > <, basis > );
The LP subroutine solves the linear programming problem.
The input arguments to the LP subroutine are as follows:
a is an mn vector that species the technological coefcients, where m is less than or equal to n.
b is an m 1 vector that species the right-side vector.
cntl is an optional rowvector with one to ve elements. If cntl =(indx, nprimal, ndual, epsilon, innity),
indx is the subscript of nonzero objective coefcient.
nprimal is the maximum number of primal iterations.
ndual is the maximum number of dual iterations.
epsilon is the value of virtual zero.
innity is the value of virtual innity.
The default values are as follows: indx equals n, nprimal equals 999,999, ndual equals 999,999,
epsilon equals 1.0E8, and innity is machine-dependent. If you specify ndual or nprimal or
both, then on return they contain the number of iterations actually performed.
u is an optional array of dimension n that species upper bounds on the decision variables. If you
do not specify u, the upper bounds are assumed to be innity.
l is an optional array of dimension n that species lower bounds on the decision variables. If l is
not given, then the lower bounds are assumed to be 0 for all the decision variables. This includes
the decision variable associated with the objective value, which is specied by the value of indx.
786 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
basis is an optional array of dimension n that species the current basis. This is given by identifying
which columns are explicitly in the basis and which columns are at their upper bound, as given in
u. The absolute value of the elements in this vector is a permutation of the column indices. The
columns specied in the rst m elements of basis are considered the explicit basis. The absolute
value of the last n m elements of basis are the indices of the nonbasic variables. Any of the
last n m elements of basis that are negative indicate that the corresponding nonbasic variable
is at its upper bound. On return from the LP subroutine, the basis vector contains the nal basis
encountered. If you do not specify basis, then the subroutine assumes that an initial basis is in
the last m columns of A and that no nonbasic variables are at their upper bound.
rc returns one of the following scalar return codes:
rc Termination
0 The solution is optimal.
1 The solution is primal infeasible and dual feasible.
2 The solution is dual infeasible and primal feasible.
3 The solution is neither primal nor dual feasible.
4 A singular basis was encountered.
5 The solution is numerically unstable.
6 The subroutine could not obtain enough memory.
7 The number of iterations was exceeded.
x returns the current primal solution in a column vector of length n.
dual returns the current dual solution in a row vector of length m.
The LP subroutine solves the linear program:
max(0. . . . . 0. 1. 0. . . . . 0)x
st. Ax = b
l _ x _ u
The subroutine rst inverts the initial basis. If the basis vector is given, then the initial basis is the m m
submatrix identied by the rst m elements in basis; otherwise, the initial basis is dened by the last m
columns of A. If the initial basis is singular, the subroutine returns with RC=4. If the basis is nonsingular,
then the current dual and primal solutions are evaluated. If neither is feasible, then the subroutine returns
with RC=3. If the primal solution is feasible, then the primal algorithm iterates until either a dual feasible
solution is encountered or the number of NPRIMAL iterations is exceeded. If the dual solution is feasible,
then the dual algorithm iterates until either a primal feasible solution is encountered or the number of
NDUAL iterations is exceeded. When a basis is identied that is both primal and dual feasible, then the
subroutine returns with RC=0.
Care must be taken when solving a sequence of linear programs that use the NPRIMAL or NDUAL control
parameters. Because the LP subroutine resets the NPRIMAL and NDUAL parameters to reect the number
of iterations executed, subsequent invocations of the LP subroutine will have the number of iterations limited
to the number used by the last LP subroutine executed. In these cases you should consider resetting these
parameters prior to each LP call.
Consider the following example to maximize X
subject to the constraints X
_ 10, and X
_ 0, and
_ 0. The problem is solved by using the following statements:
LTS Call ! 787
the problem data
obj = {1 0};
coef = {1 1};
b = {0, 10};
embed the objective function in the coefficient matrix
a = obj // coef;
a = a || {-1, 0};
solve the problem
call lp(rc, x, dual, a, b);
print rc, x, dual;
Figure 23.168 Solution to a Constrained Linear Problem
-1 1
LTS Call
CALL LTS(sc, coef, wgt, opt, y <, x > <, sorb> );
The LTS subroutine performs least trimmed squares (LTS) robust regression by minimizing the sum of the h
smallest squared residuals. The subroutine also detects outliers and perform a least squares regression on the
remaining observations. The LTS subroutine implements the FAST-LTS algorithm described by Rousseeuw
and Van Driessen (1998).
The value of h can be specied, but for many applications the default value works well and the results seem
to be quite stable toward different choices of h.
In the following discussion, N is the number of observations and n is the number of regressors. The input
arguments to the LTS subroutine are as follows:
opt refers to an options vector with the following components (missing values are treated as default
values). The options vector can be a null vector.
opt[1] species whether an intercept is used in the model (opt[1] =0) or not (opt[1] = 0). If
opt[1] =0, then a column of ones is added as the last column to the input matrix X; that is,
788 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
you do not need to add this column of ones yourself. The default is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species the amount of printed output. Higher values request additional output and in-
clude the output of lower values.
0 prints no output except error messages.
1 prints all output except (1) arrays of O(N), such as weights, residuals, and diag-
nostics; (2) the history of the optimization process; and (3) subsets that result in
singular linear systems.
2 additionally prints arrays of O(N), such as weights, residuals, and diagnostics; it
also prints the case numbers of the observations in the best subset and some basic
history of the optimization process.
3 additionally prints subsets that result in singular linear systems.
The default is opt[2] =0.
opt[3] species whether only LTS is computed or whether, additionally, least squares (LS) and
weighted least squares (WLS) regression are computed:
0 computes only LTS.
1 computes, in addition to LTS, weighted least squares regression on the obser-
vations with small LTS residuals (where small is dened by opt[8]).
2 computes, in addition to LTS, unweighted least squares regression.
3 adds both unweighted and weighted least squares regression to LTS regression.
The default is opt[3] =0.
opt[4] species the quantile h to be minimized. This is used in the objective function. The
default is opt[4] = h =
, which corresponds to the highest possible breakdown
value. This is also the default of the PROGRESS program. The value of h should be in
the range
1 _ h _

opt[5] species the number N
of generated subsets. Each subset consists of n observations
. . . . . k
), where 1 _ k
_ N. The total number of subsets that contain n observations
out of N observations is

(N 1)


where n is the number of parameters including the intercept.

Due to computer time restrictions, not all subset combinations of n observations out of N
can be inspected for larger values of N and n. Specifying a value of N
< N
you to save computer time at the expense of computing a suboptimal solution.
When opt[5] is zero or missing:
v If N > 600, the default FAST-LTS algorithm constructs up to ve disjoint random
subsets with sizes as equal as possible, but not to exceed 300. Inside each subset, the
algorithm chooses 500,5 = 100 subset combinations of n observations.
The number of subsets is taken from the following table:
LTS Call ! 789
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
500 50 22 17 15 14 0 0 0 0
1414 182 71 43 32 27 24 23 22
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
n 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0
22 22 22 23 23
3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
v If the number of cases (observations) N is smaller than N
, then all possible
subsets are used; otherwise, xed 500 subsets for FAST-LTS or N
subsets for
algorithm before SAS/IML 8.1 are chosen randomly. This means that an exhaustive
search is performed for opt[5] =1. If N is larger than N
, a note is printed in the
log le that indicates how many subsets exist.
opt[6] is not used.
opt[7] species whether the last argument sorb contains a given parameter vector b or a given
subset for which the objective function should be evaluated.
0 sorb contains a given subset index.
1 sorb contains a given parameter vector b.
The default is opt[7] =0.
opt[8] is relevant only for LS and WLS regression (opt[3] > 0). It species whether the covari-
ance matrix of parameter estimates and approximate standard errors (ASEs) are computed
and printed.
0 does not compute covariance matrix and ASEs.
1 computes covariance matrix and ASEs but prints neither of them.
2 computes the covariance matrix and ASEs but prints only the ASEs.
3 computes and prints both the covariance matrix and the ASEs.
The default is opt[8] =0.
opt[9] is relevant only for LTS. If opt[9] =0, the algorithm FAST-LTS of Rousseeuw and
Van Driessen (1998) is used. If opt[9] = 1, the algorithm of Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987)
is used. The default is opt[9] =0.
y a response vector with N observations.
x an N n matrix X of regressors. If opt[1] is zero or missing, an intercept x
1 is added by
default as the last column of X. If the matrix X is not specied, y is analyzed as a univariate data
sorb refers to an n vector that contains either of the following:
v n observation numbers of a subset for which the objective function should be evaluated; this
subset can be the start for a pairwise exchange algorithm if opt[7] is specied.
v n given parameters b = (b
. . . . . b
) (including the intercept, if necessary) for which the
objective function should be evaluated.
790 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Missing values are not permitted in . or ,. Missing values in opt cause the default value to be used.
The LTS subroutine returns the following values:
sc is a column vector that contains the following scalar information, where rows 19 correspond to
LTS regression and rows 1114 correspond to either LS or WLS:
sc[1] the quantile h used in the objective function
sc[2] number of subsets generated
sc[3] number of subsets with singular linear systems
sc[4] number of nonzero weights n
sc[5] lowest value of the objective function J
sc[6] preliminary LTS scale estimate S
sc[7] nal LTS scale estimate S
sc[8] robust R square (coefcient of determination)
sc[9] asymptotic consistency factor
If opt[3] > 0, then the following are also set:
sc[11] LS or WLS objective function (sum of squared residuals)
sc[12] LS or WLS scale estimate
sc[13] R square value for LS or WLS
sc[14] J value for LS or WLS
For opt[3] =1 or opt[3] =3, these rows correspond to WLS estimates; for opt[3] =2, these rows corre-
spond to LS estimates.
coef is a matrix with n columns that contains the following results in its rows:
coef[1,] LTS parameter estimates
coef[2,] indices of observations in the best subset
If opt[3] > 0, then the following are also set:
coef[3,] LS or WLS parameter estimates
coef[4,] approximate standard errors of LS or WLS estimates
coef[5,] t values
coef[6,] -values
coef[7,] lower boundary of Wald condence intervals
coef[8,] upper boundary of Wald condence intervals
For opt[3] =1 or opt[3] =3, these rows correspond to WLS estimates; for opt[3] =2, these rows corre-
spond to LS estimates.
wgt is a matrix with N columns that contains the following results in its rows:
LTS Call ! 791
wgt[1,] weights (1 for small residuals; 0 for large residuals)
wgt[2,] residuals r
= ,
wgt[3,] resistant diagnostic u
(the resistant diagnostic cannot be computed for a perfect t when
the objective function is zero or nearly zero)
Consider Brownlee (1965) stackloss data used in the example for the LMS subroutine.
For N = 21 and n = 4 (three explanatory variables including intercept), you obtain a total of 5,985 different
subsets of 4 observations out of 21. If you decide not to specify opt[5], the FAST-LTS algorithm chooses
500 random sample subsets, as in the following statements:
X1 X2 X3 Y Stackloss data
aa = { 1 80 27 89 42,
1 80 27 88 37,
1 75 25 90 37,
1 62 24 87 28,
1 62 22 87 18,
1 62 23 87 18,
1 62 24 93 19,
1 62 24 93 20,
1 58 23 87 15,
1 58 18 80 14,
1 58 18 89 14,
1 58 17 88 13,
1 58 18 82 11,
1 58 19 93 12,
1 50 18 89 8,
1 50 18 86 7,
1 50 19 72 8,
1 50 19 79 8,
1 50 20 80 9,
1 56 20 82 15,
1 70 20 91 15 };
a = aa[, 2:4]; b = aa[, 5];
opt = j(8, 1, .);
opt[2]= 1; /
opt[3]= 3; /
opt[8]= 3; /
call lts(sc, coef, wgt, opt, b, a);
792 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.169 Least Trimmed Squares
LTS: The sum of the 13 smallest squared residuals will be minimized.
Median and Mean
Median Mean
VAR1 58 60.428571429
VAR2 20 21.095238095
VAR3 87 86.285714286
Intercep 1 1
Response 15 17.523809524
Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) Method
Minimizing Sum of 13 Smallest Squared Residuals.
Highest Possible Breakdown Value = 42.86 %
Random Selection of 517 Subsets
Among 517 subsets 17 is/are singular.
The best half of the entire data set obtained after full iteration consists of
the cases:
LTS Objective Function = 0.474940583
Preliminary LTS Scale = 0.9888435617
Robust R Squared = 0.9745520119
Final LTS Scale = 1.0360272594
Dispersion and Standard Deviation
Dispersion StdDev
VAR1 5.930408874 9.1682682584
VAR2 2.965204437 3.160771455
VAR3 4.4478066555 5.3585712381
Intercep 0 0
Response 5.930408874 10.171622524
LTS Call ! 793
Figure 23.169 continued
Unweighted Least-Squares Estimation
LS Parameter Estimates
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 0.7156402 0.13485819 5.31 <.0001 0.45132301 0.97995739
VAR2 1.29528612 0.36802427 3.52 0.0026 0.57397182 2.01660043
VAR3 -0.1521225 0.15629404 -0.97 0.3440 -0.4584532 0.15420818
Intercep -39.919674 11.8959969 -3.36 0.0038 -63.2354 -16.603949
Weighted Least-Squares Estimation
Weighted Sum of Squares = 10.273044977
Degrees of Freedom = 11
RLS Scale Estimate = 0.9663918355
Weighted R-squared = 0.9622869127
F(3,11) Statistic = 93.558645037
Probability = 4.1136826E-8
There are 15 points with nonzero weight.
Average Weight = 0.7142857143
The run has been executed successfully.
Sum of Squares = 178.8299616
Degrees of Freedom = 17
LS Scale Estimate = 3.2433639182
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
VAR1 0.0181867302 -0.036510675 -0.007143521 0.2875871057
VAR2 -0.036510675 0.1354418598 0.0000104768 -0.651794369
VAR3 -0.007143521 0.0000104768 0.024427828 -1.676320797
Intercep 0.2875871057 -0.651794369 -1.676320797 141.51474107
794 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.169 continued
R-squared = 0.9135769045
F(3,17) Statistic = 59.9022259
Probability = 3.0163272E-9
Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) Method
Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) Method
Minimizing Sum of 13 Smallest Squared Residuals.
Highest Possible Breakdown Value = 42.86 %
Random Selection of 517 Subsets
Among 517 subsets 17 is/are singular.
The best half of the entire data set obtained after full iteration consists of
the cases:
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19
Estimated Coefficients
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
0.7409210642 0.3915267228 0.0111345398 -37.32332647
LTS Objective Function = 0.474940583
Preliminary LTS Scale = 0.9888435617
Robust R Squared = 0.9745520119
Final LTS Scale = 1.0360272594
Weighted Least-Squares Estimation
RLS Parameter Estimates Based on LTS
Approx Pr >
Variable Estimate Std Err t Value |t| Lower WCI Upper WCI
VAR1 0.75694055 0.07860766 9.63 <.0001 0.60287236 0.91100874
VAR2 0.45353029 0.13605033 3.33 0.0067 0.18687654 0.72018405
VAR3 -0.05211 0.05463722 -0.95 0.3607 -0.159197 0.054977
Intercep -34.05751 3.82881873 -8.90 <.0001 -41.561857 -26.553163
LUPDT Call ! 795
Figure 23.169 continued
Weighted Sum of Squares = 10.273044977
Degrees of Freedom = 11
RLS Scale Estimate = 0.9663918355
Cov Matrix of Parameter Estimates
VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 Intercep
VAR1 0.0061791648 -0.005776855 -0.002300587 -0.034290068
VAR2 -0.005776855 0.0185096933 0.0002582502 -0.069740883
VAR3 -0.002300587 0.0002582502 0.0029852254 -0.131487406
Intercep -0.034290068 -0.069740883 -0.131487406 14.659852903
Weighted R-squared = 0.9622869127
F(3,11) Statistic = 93.558645037
Probability = 4.1136826E-8
There are 15 points with nonzero weight.
Average Weight = 0.7142857143
The run has been executed successfully.
The preceding program produces the following output associated with the LTS analysis. In this analysis,
observations, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, and 21 have scaled residuals larger than 2.5 (table not shown) and are considered
See the documentation for the LMS subroutine for additional details.
CALL LUPDT(lup, bup, sup, L, z <, b> <, y > <, ssq> );
The LUPDT subroutine provides updating and downdating for rank decient linear least squares solutions,
complete orthogonal factorization, and Moore-Penrose inverses.
The LUPDT subroutine returns the following values:
lup is an n n lower triangular matrix 1 that is updated or downdated by using the q rows in 7.
bup is an n matrix T of right-hand sides that is updated or downdated by using the q rows in
Y . If b is not specied, bup is not accessible.
sup is a vector of square roots of residual sum of squares that is updated or downdated by using
the q rows in Y . If ssq is not specied, sup is not accessible.
The input arguments to the LUPDT subroutine are as follows:
796 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
L species an n n lower triangular matrix L to be updated or downdated by q row vectors
: stored in the q n matrix 7. Only the lower triangle of L is used; the upper triangle can
contain any information.
z is a q n matrix 7 used rowwise to update or downdate the matrix 1.
b species an optional n matrix B of right-hand sides that have to be updated or downdated
simultaneously with L. If b is specied, the argument y must be specied.
y species an optional q matrix Y used rowwise to update or downdate the right-hand-side
matrix b.
ssq species an optional 1 vector that, if b is specied, species the square root of the error
sum of squares that should be updated or downdated simultaneously with L and b.
The relevant formula for the LUPDT call is


= LL
. See the example in the documentation for
the RZLIND call.
MAD Function
MAD(x <, method> );
The MAD function computes the univariate (scaled) median absolute deviation of each column of the input
The arguments to the MAD function are as follows:
x is an n input data matrix.
method is an optional string argument with the following values:
MAD for computing the median absolute deviation (MAD); this is the default.
NMAD for computing the normalized version of MAD
SN for computing S
QN for computing Q
For simplicity, the following descriptions assume that the input argument x is a column vector. The notation
means the i th element of the column vector x.
The MAD function can be used for computing one of the following three robust scale estimates:
v median absolute deviation (MAD) or normalized form of MAD,
= b + meJ
where b = 1 is the unscaled default and b = 1.4826 is used for the scaled version (consistency with
the Gaussian distribution).
MAD Function ! 797
v S
, which is a more efcient alternative to MAD,
= c
+ meJ
where the outer median is a low median (order statistic of rank
) and the inner median is a high
median (order statistic of rank
), and where c
is a scalar that depends on sample size n.
v Q
is another efcient alternative to MAD. It is based on the kth-order statistic of the
= J
+ {[.
[: i < ]
with k ~
where J
is a scalar similar to but different from c
. See Rousseeuw and Croux (1993) for more
The scalars c
and J
are dened as follows:
= 1.1926+

0.743 for n=2
1.851 for n=3
0.954 for n=4
1.351 for n=5
0.993 for n=6
1.198 for n=7
1.005 for n=8
1.131 for n=9
n,(n 0.9) for other odd n
1.0 otherwise
= 2.2219+

0.399 for n=2
0.994 for n=3
0.512 for n=4
0.844 for n=5
0.611 for n=6
0.857 for n=7
0.669 for n=8
0.872 for n=9
n,(n 1.4) for other odd n
n,(n 3.8) otherwise
The following example uses the univariate data set of Barnett and Lewis (1978). The data set is used in
Chapter 12 to illustrate the univariate LMS and LTS estimates.
b = {3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 949, 951};
rmad1 = mad(b);
rmad2 = mad(b,"mad");
rmad3 = mad(b,"nmad");
rmad4 = mad(b,"sn");
rmad5 = mad(b,"qn");
print "Default MAD=" rmad1,
"Common MAD =" rmad2,
1.4826 =" rmad3,
"Robust S_n =" rmad4,
"Robust Q_n =" rmad5;
798 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.170 Median Absolute Deviations
Default MAD= 4
Common MAD = 4
1.4826 = 5.9304089
Robust S_n = 7.143674
Robust Q_n = 5.7125049
CALL MARG(locmar, marginal, dim, table, cong);
The MARG subroutine evaluates marginal totals in a multiway contingency table.
The input arguments to the MARG subroutine are as follows:
locmar is a returned matrix that contains a vector of indices to each new set of marginal totals
under the model specied by cong. A marginal total is exhibited for each level of the
specied marginal. These indices help locate particular totals.
marginal is a return vector of marginal totals.
dim is an input matrix. If the problem contains variables, then dim is 1 row vector. The
value dim[i ] is the number of possible levels for variable i in a contingency table.
table is an input matrix. The table argument species an array of the number of observations
at each level of each variable. Variables are nested across columns and then across rows.
cong is an input matrix. The cong argument species which marginal totals to evaluate. Each
column of cong species a distinct marginal in the model under consideration.
The matrix table must conform in size to the contingency table specied in dim. In particular, if table is
nm, the product of the entries in the dim vector must equal nm. In addition, there must be some integer k
such that the product of the rst k entries in dim equals m. See the description of the IPF function for more
information about specifying table.
MARG Call ! 799
For example, consider the three-dimensional table discussed in the IPF call, based on data that appear in
Christensen (1997). The table presents data on a persons self-esteem for people classied according to their
religion and their fathers educational level.
Fathers Educational Level
Self- Not HS HS Some Coll Post
Religion Esteem Grad Grad Coll Grad Coll
High 575 388 100 77 51
Low 267 153 40 37 19
High 117 102 67 87 62
Low 48 35 18 12 13
High 359 233 109 197 90
Low 159 173 47 82 32
As explained in the IPF documentation, the fathers education level is Variable 1, self-esteem is Variable 2,
and religion is Variable 3.
The following program encodes this table, uses the MARG call to compute a two-way marginal table by
summing over the third variable and a one-way marginal by summing over the rst two variables.
dim={5 2 3};
Father's Education:
NotHSGrad HSGrad Col ColGrad PostCol
Relig Esteem
Cath- Hi
/ 575 388 100 77 51,
olic Lo
/ 267 153 40 37 19,
Jew- Hi
/ 117 102 67 87 62,
ish Lo
/ 48 35 18 12 13,
Prot- Hi
/ 359 233 109 197 90,
estant Lo
/ 159 173 47 82 32
config = { 1 3,
2 0 };
call marg(locmar, marginal, dim, table, config);
print locmar, marginal;
Figure 23.171 Marginal Totals in a Three-Way Table
1 11
800 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.171 continued
ROW1 1051 723 276 361 203 474 361
ROW1 105 131 64 1707 561 1481
The rst marginal total is contained in locations 1 through 10 of the marginal vector, which is shown in
Figure 23.171. It represents the results of summing table over the religion variable. The rst entry of
marginal is the number of subjects with high self-esteem whose fathers did not graduate from high school
(1051 = 575117359). The second entry is the number of subjects with high self-esteem whose fathers
were high school graduates (723 = 388 102 233). The tenth entry is the number of subjects with low
self-esteem whose fathers had some post-collegiate education (64 = 19 13 32).
The second marginal is contained in locations 11 through 13 of the marginal vector. It represents the results
of summing table over the education and self-esteem variables. The eleventh entry of the marginal vector
is the number of Catholics in the study. The thirteenth entry is the number of Protestants.
You can also extract the marginal totals into separate vectors, as shown in the following statements:
Examine marginals: The name indicates the
variable(s) that are NOT summed over.
The locmar variable tells where to index
into the marginal variable.
Var12_Marg = marginal[1:(locmar[2]-1)];
Var12_Marg = shape(Var12_Marg, dim[2], dim[1]);
Var3_Marg = marginal[locMar[2]:ncol(marginal)];
print Var12_Marg, Var3_Marg;
Figure 23.172 Marginal Totals
1051 723 276 361 203
474 361 105 131 64
MATTRIB Statement ! 801
MATTRIB Statement
MATTRIB name <ROWNAME=row-name> <COLNAME=column-name> <LABEL=label >
<FORMAT=format > ;
The MATTRIB subroutine associates printing attributes with matrices.
The input arguments to the MATTRIB subroutine are as follows:
name is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains the name of a matrix.
row-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that species row names.
column-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that species column names.
label is a character matrix or quoted literal that associates a label with the matrix. The label
argument has a maximum length of 256 characters.
format is a valid SAS format.
The MATTRIB statement associates printing attributes with matrices. Each matrix can be associated with
a ROWNAME= matrix and a COLNAME= matrix, which are used whenever the matrix is printed to label
the rows and columns, respectively. The statement is written as the keyword MATTRIB followed by a list
of one or more names and attribute associations. It is not necessary to specify all attributes. The attribute
associations are applied to the previous name. Thus, the following statement associates a row name RA and
a column name CA to a, and a column name CB to b:
a = {1 2 3, 4 5 6};
ra = {"Row 1", "Row 2"};
ca = 'C1':'C3';
b = 1:4;
cb = {"A" "B" "C" "D"};
mattrib a rowname=ra colname=ca b colname=cb;
print a, b;
Figure 23.173 Matrix Attributes
C1 C2 C3
Row 1 1 2 3
Row 2 4 5 6
1 2 3 4
You cannot group names. The following statement does not associate anything with a. In fact, it clears any
attributes that were previously associated with a.
mattrib a b colname=cb;
802 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
print a, b;
Figure 23.174 Modied Matrix Attributes
C1 C2 C3
Row 1 1 2 3
Row 2 4 5 6
1 2 3 4
The values of the associated matrices are not looked up until they are needed. Thus, they need not have
values at the time the MATTRIB statement is specied. They can be specied later when the object matrix
is printed. The attributes continue to bind with the matrix until reassigned with another MATTRIB state-
ment. To eliminate an attribute, specify EMPTY as the name (for example, ROWNAME=EMPTY). Use the
SHOW NAMES statement to view current matrix attributes.
The following example uses all options in the MATTRIB statement:
rows = "xr1":"xr3";
cols = "cl1":"cl4";
x = {1 1 1 1,
2 2 2 2,
3 3 3 3};
mattrib x rowname=rows
label={"My Matrix, x"}
print x;
Figure 23.175 Matrix Attributes
My Matrix, x
cl1 cl2 cl3 cl4
xr1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
xr2 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
xr3 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
MAX Function
MAX(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The MAX function returns the maximum value of a matrix or set of matrices. The matrices can be numeric
or character.
MAXQFORM Call ! 803
For numeric arguments, the MAX function returns a single numeric value that is the largest element among
all arguments. For character arguments, the MAX function returns the character string that is largest in the
ASCII order. For character arguments, the size of the result is the maximum number of characters among
the arguments.
There can be as many as 15 argument matrices. The function checks for missing numeric values and does
not include them in the result. If all arguments are missing, then the machines most negative representable
number is the result.
If you want to nd the elementwise maximums of the corresponding elements of two matrices, use the
maximum operator (<>).
An example that uses the MAX function follows:
c = {1 -123 13 56 128 -81 12};
b = max(c);
print b;
Figure 23.176 Maximum Value of a Matrix
CALL MAXQFORM(rc, maxq, V, b <, best > );
The MAXQFORM subroutine computes the subsets of a matrix system that maximize the quadratic form.
If V and b are an n n matrix and an n 1 vector, respectively, then the MAXQFORM function computes
the subsets of components s such that b
s. s|bs| is maximized.
The MAXQFORM subroutine returns the following values:
rc is one of the following scalar return codes:
0 normal return
1 error: the number of elements of b is too large to process
2 error: V is not positive semidenite
maxq is an m (n 2) matrix, where m is the total number of subsets computed and n is the number
of elements of b. The value of m depends on the value of best and is equal to 2
1 if best is
not specied. Each row of maxq contains information for a selected subset of V and b. The rst
element of the row is the number of components in the subset. The second element is the value
of the quadratic form. The following elements of the row are either 0 or 1, to indicate whether
the corresponding components of V and b are included in the subset.
804 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The input arguments to the MAXQFORM subroutine are as follows:
V species an n n positive semidenite matrix. Often this is generated as a crossproduct
matrix, X
X, where X is a k n matrix.
b species an n1 vector. Often this arises as X
,, where X is a k n matrix, and , is a k 1
best species an optional scalar. If best is specied with the value , then the subsets with the
largest value for the quadratic form are returned for each subset size.
The leaps and bounds algorithm by Furnival and Wilson (1974) computes the maximum value of quadratic
forms for subsets of components. Many statistics computed as a quadratic form can then be used as the
criterion for the method of subset selection. These include the regression sum of squares, Wald statistics,
and score statistics.
Consider the following tness data, which consists of observations with values for age measured in years,
weight measured in kilograms, time to run 1.5 miles measured in minutes, heart rate while resting, heart rate
while running, maximum heart rate recorded while running, and oxygen intake rate while running measured
in milliliters per kilogram of body weight per minute.
fit = {
44 89.47 11.37 62 178 182 44.609,
40 75.07 10.07 62 185 185 45.313,
44 85.84 8.65 45 156 168 54.297,
42 68.15 8.17 40 166 172 59.571,
38 89.02 9.22 55 178 180 49.874,
47 77.45 11.63 58 176 176 44.811,
40 75.98 11.95 70 176 180 45.681,
43 81.19 10.85 64 162 170 49.091,
44 81.42 13.08 63 174 176 39.442,
38 81.87 8.63 48 170 186 60.055,
44 73.03 10.13 45 168 168 50.541,
45 87.66 14.03 56 186 192 37.388,
45 66.45 11.12 51 176 176 44.754,
47 79.15 10.60 47 162 164 47.273,
54 83.12 10.33 50 166 170 51.855,
49 81.42 8.95 44 180 185 49.156,
51 69.63 10.95 57 168 172 40.836,
51 77.91 10.00 48 162 168 46.672,
48 91.63 10.25 48 162 164 46.774,
49 73.37 10.08 67 168 168 50.388,
57 73.37 12.63 58 174 176 39.407,
54 79.38 11.17 62 156 165 46.080,
52 76.32 9.63 48 164 166 45.441,
50 70.87 8.92 48 146 155 54.625,
51 67.25 11.08 48 172 172 45.118,
54 91.63 12.88 44 168 172 39.203,
51 73.71 10.47 59 186 188 45.790,
57 59.08 9.93 49 148 155 50.545,
49 76.32 9.40 56 186 188 48.673,
48 61.24 11.50 52 170 176 47.920,
52 82.78 10.50 53 170 172 47.467 };
MCD Call ! 805
Use the following statement to center the data:
fitc = fit - fit[:,];
Now compute the crossproduct matrices, as follows:
x = fitc[, 1:6];
y = fitc[, 7];
xpx = x`
xpy = x`
The following statements compute the best three regression sums of squares for each size of regressor set:
call maxqform(rc, maxq, xpx, xpy, 3);
print maxq;
Figure 23.177 Best Three Regression Sums of Squares
1 632.9001 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 135.78285 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 134.84474 0 0 0 0 1 0
2 650.66573 1 0 1 0 0 0
2 648.26218 0 0 1 0 1 0
2 634.46746 0 0 1 0 0 1
3 690.55086 1 0 1 0 1 0
3 689.60921 0 0 1 0 1 1
3 665.55064 1 0 1 0 0 1
4 712.45153 1 0 1 0 1 1
4 695.14669 1 1 1 0 1 0
4 694.5988 0 1 1 0 1 1
5 721.97309 1 1 1 0 1 1
5 712.63302 1 0 1 1 1 1
5 696.05218 1 1 1 1 1 0
6 722.54361 1 1 1 1 1 1
MCD Call
CALL MCD(sc, coef, dist, opt, .);
The MCD subroutine computes the minimum covariance determinant estimator. The MCD call is the robust
estimation of multivariate location and scatter, dened by minimizing the determinant of the covariance ma-
trix computed from h points. The algorithm for the MCD subroutine is based on the FAST-MCD algorithm
given by Rousseeuw and Van Driessen (1999).
These robust locations and covariance matrices can be used to detect multivariate outliers and leverage
points. For this purpose, the MCD subroutine provides a table of robust distances.
In the following discussion, N is the number of observations and n is the number of regressors. The input
arguments to the MCD subroutine are as follows:
806 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
opt refers to an options vector with the following components (missing values are treated as default
opt[1] species the amount of printed output. Higher option values request additional output
and include the output of lower values.
0 prints no output except error messages.
1 prints most of the output.
2 additionally prints case numbers of the observations in the best subset and some
basic history of the optimization process.
3 additionally prints how many subsets result in singular linear systems.
The default is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species whether the classical, initial, and nal robust covariance matrices are printed.
The default is opt[2] =0. The nal robust covariance matrix is always returned in coef.
opt[3] species whether the classical, initial, and nal robust correlation matrices are printed
or returned. The default is opt[3] =0.
0 does not return or print.
1 prints the robust correlation matrix.
2 returns the nal robust correlation matrix in coef.
3 prints and returns the nal robust correlation matrix.
opt[4] species the quantile h used in the objective function. The default is opt[4] = h =

|. If the value of h is specied outside the range
1 _ h _

it is reset to the closest boundary of this region.
opt[5] species the number N
of subset generations. This option is the same as described
for the LMS and LTS subroutines. Due to computer time restrictions, not all subset
combinations can be inspected for larger values of N and n.
When opt[5] is zero or missing:
v If N > 600, up to ve disjoint random subsets are constructed with sizes as equal
as possible, but not to exceed 300. Inside each subset, N
= 500,5 = 100
subset combinations of n observations are chosen.
v If N _ 600, the number of subsets is taken from the following table.
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more
500 50 22 17 15 14 0
v If the number of observations N is smaller than N
, as given in the table,
then all possible subsets are used; otherwise, N
= 500 subsets are chosen
randomly. This means that an exhaustive search is performed for opt[5] =1.
x refers to an N n matrix X of regressors.
Missing values are not permitted in .. Missing values in opt cause default values to be used for each option.
MCD Call ! 807
The MCD subroutine returns the following values:
sc is a column vector that contains the following scalar information:
sc[1] the quantile h used in the objective function
sc[2] number of subsets generated
sc[3] number of subsets with singular linear systems
sc[4] number of nonzero weights n
sc[5] lowest value of the objective function J
attained (smallest determinant)
sc[6] Mahalanobis-like distance used in the computation of the lowest value of the objective
function J
sc[7] the cutoff value used for the outlier decision
coef is a matrix with n columns that contains the following results in its rows:
coef[1,] location of ellipsoid center
coef[2,] eigenvalues of nal robust scatter matrix
coef[3:2+n,] the nal robust scatter matrix for opt[2] =1 or opt[2] =3
coef[2+n+1:2+2n,] the nal robust correlation matrix for opt[3] =1 or opt[3] =3
dist is a matrix with N columns that contains the following results in its rows:
dist[1,] Mahalanobis distances
dist[2,] robust distances based on the nal estimates
dist[3,] weights (1 for small robust distances; 0 for large robust distances)
Consider the Brownlee (1965) stackloss data used in the example for the MVE subroutine.
For N = 21 and n = 4 (three explanatory variables including intercept), you obtain a total of 5,985 different
subsets of 4 observations out of 21. If you decide not to specify opt[5], the MCD algorithm chooses 500
random sample subsets, as in the following statements:
X1 X2 X3 Y Stackloss data
aa = { 1 80 27 89 42,
1 80 27 88 37,
1 75 25 90 37,
1 62 24 87 28,
1 62 22 87 18,
1 62 23 87 18,
1 62 24 93 19,
1 62 24 93 20,
1 58 23 87 15,
1 58 18 80 14,
1 58 18 89 14,
808 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
1 58 17 88 13,
1 58 18 82 11,
1 58 19 93 12,
1 50 18 89 8,
1 50 18 86 7,
1 50 19 72 8,
1 50 19 79 8,
1 50 20 80 9,
1 56 20 82 15,
1 70 20 91 15 };
a = aa[,2:4];
opt = j(8, 1, .);
opt[1] = 2; /
opt[2] = 1; /
pcov: print COV
opt[3] = 1; /
pcor: print CORR
call mcd(sc, xmcd, dist, opt, a);
A portion of the output is shown in the following gures. Figure 23.178 shows a summary of the MCD
algorithm and the nal h points selected.
Figure 23.178 Summary of MCD
Fast MCD by Rousseeuw and Van Driessen
Number of Variables 3
Number of Observations 21
Default Value for h 12
Specified Value for h 12
Breakdown Value 42.86
- Highest Possible Breakdown Value -
Figure 23.179 shows the observations that were chosen that are used to form the robust estimates.
Figure 23.179 Selected Observations
MCD Estimates (Obtained by Subsampling and Iteration)
The best half of the entire data set obtained after full iteration consists of
the cases:
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 20
Figure 23.180 shows the MCD estimators of the location, scatter matrix, and correlation matrix. The MCD
scatter matrix is multiplied by a factor to make it consistent with the data that come from a single Gaussian
MCD Call ! 809
Figure 23.180 MCD Estimators
MCD Location Estimate
59.5 20.833333333 87.333333333
MCD Scatter Matrix Estimate
VAR1 5.1818181818 4.8181818182 4.7272727273
VAR2 4.8181818182 7.6060606061 5.0606060606
VAR3 4.7272727273 5.0606060606 19.151515152
Consistent Scatter Matrix
VAR1 8.6578437815 8.0502757968 7.8983838007
VAR2 8.0502757968 12.708297013 8.4553211199
VAR3 7.8983838007 8.4553211199 31.998580526
Figure 23.181 shows the classical Mahalanobis distances, the robust distances, and the weights that identify
the outlying observations (that is, leverage points when explaining , with these three regressor variables).
810 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.181 Robust Distances
Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances
Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and
Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation
Mahalanobis Robust
N Distances Distances Weight
1 2.253603 12.173282 0
2 2.324745 12.255677 0
3 1.593712 9.263990 0
4 1.271898 1.401368 1.000000
5 0.303357 1.420020 1.000000
6 0.772895 1.291188 1.000000
7 1.852661 1.460370 1.000000
8 1.852661 1.460370 1.000000
9 1.360622 2.120590 1.000000
10 1.745997 1.809708 1.000000
11 1.465702 1.362278 1.000000
12 1.841504 1.667437 1.000000
13 1.482649 1.416724 1.000000
14 1.778785 1.988240 1.000000
15 1.690241 5.874858 0
16 1.291934 5.606157 0
17 2.700016 6.133319 0
18 1.503155 5.760432 0
19 1.593221 6.156248 0
20 0.807054 2.172300 1.000000
21 2.176761 7.622769 0
Robust distances are based on reweighted estimates.
The cutoff value is the square root of the 0.975 quantile of the chi square
distribution with 3 degrees of freedom.
Points whose robust distance exceeds 3.0575159206 have received a zero weight
in the last column above.
There were 9 such points in the data.
These may include boundary cases.
Only points whose robust distance is substantially larger than the cutoff
should be considered outliers.
MEAN Function
MEAN(x <, method> <, param> );
The MEAN function computes a sample mean of data. The arguments are as follows:
x species an n numerical matrix. The MEAN function computes means of the
columns of this matrix.
MEAN Function ! 811
method species the method used to compute the mean. This argument is optional. The following
are valid values:
arithmetic species that arithmetic means be computed. This is the default value.
trimmed species that trimmed means be computed. The number of observa-
tions that are trimmed is determined by the param option.
winsorized species that Winsorized means be computed. The number of obser-
vations that are Winsorized is determined by the param option.
param species the number of observations trimmed or Winsorized. (This argument is ignored
when arithmetic is specied for the method argument.) The default value for param
is 0.1, which corresponds to trimming or Winsorizing 10% of the observations with the
lowest values and 10% of the observations with the largest values.
The method argument is not case-sensitive. The rst four characters are used to determine the value. For
example, WINS, Winsor, and winsorized specify the same option.
The MEAN function uses the same algorithms as the UNIVARIATE procedure for computing the means,
trimmed means, and Winsorized means. For additional details and formulas, see the UNIVARIATE proce-
dure documentation (especially the TRIMMED= and WINSORIZED= options) in the Base SAS Procedures
Guide: Statistical Procedures.
The param argument determines how many observations are trimmed (or Winsorized). The value for this
argument can be an integer or a proportion. If the value is an integer k, then k observations are trimmed,
provided that k is between 0 and half the number of nonmissing observations. If value is a proportion in
the interval 0. 0.5), then the number of observations trimmed is equal to the smallest integer that is greater
than or equal to n, where n is the number of nonmissing observations.
The following example demonstrates basic usage:
x = {5,6,6,6,7,7,7,8,8,15};
mean = mean(x);
trim = mean(x, "trimmed", 0.2); /
20% of obs
winsor = mean(x, "winsorized", 1); /
one obs
print mean trim winsor;
Figure 23.182 Arithmetic, Trimmed, and Winsorized Means
mean trim winsor
7.5 6.8333333 6.9
The MEAN function operates on columns of matrices. If x is an n matrix, the function returns a 1
row vector. The value of the th element is the mean for the th column of the matrix, as the following
example demonstrates:
x = {5 1 10,
6 2 3,
6 8 5,
6 7 9,
812 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
7 2 13};
mean = mean(x);
print mean;
Figure 23.183 Arithmetic Mean of Columns
6 4 8
Missing values in a column are excluded from the computation. The default behavior of the MEAN function
is identical to the subscript reduction operator that computes the mean. That is, mean(x) and x[:,] both
compute the means of the columns of x. See the section Subscript Reduction Operators on page 59 for
more information about subscript reduction operators.
MIN Function
MIN(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The MIN function returns the minimum value of a matrix or set of matrices. The matrices can be numeric
or character.
The MIN function produces a single numeric value (or a character string value) that is the smallest element
(lowest character string value) in all arguments. There can be as many as 15 argument matrices. The
function checks for missing numeric values and excludes them from the result. If all arguments are missing,
then the machines largest representable number is the result.
If you want to nd the elementwise minimums of the corresponding elements of two matrices, use the
element minimum operator (><).
For character arguments, the size of the result is the size of the largest of all arguments.
The following statements use the MIN function to compute the minimum value of a vector:
c = {1 -123 13 56 128 -81 12};
b = min(c);
print b;
Figure 23.184 Minimum Value
MODULEI Call ! 813
MOD Function
MOD(value, divisor );
The MOD function returns the remainder of the division of elements of the rst argument by elements of
the second argument.
The arguments to the MOD function are as follows:
value is a numeric matrix or literal that contains the dividend.
divisor is a numeric matrix or literal that contains the divisor.
If either operand is a scalar, the MOD function performs the operation for each element of the matrix with
the scalar value. If either operand is a row or column vector, then the operation is performed by using that
vector on each of the rows or columns of the matrix.
Unlike the MOD function in Base SAS software, the MOD function in SAS/IML software does not perform
any numerical fuzzing to return an exact zero when the result would otherwise be very small. Thus the
results of the SAS/IML MOD function is more similar to the MODZ function in Base SAS software.
An example of a valid statement follows:
c = {-7 14 20 -81 23};
b = mod(c, 4);
print b;
Figure 23.185 Remainders after Division
-3 2 0 -1 3
CALL MODULEI(control, modname, <matrix1, . . . , matrix13> );
The MODULEI subroutine calls an external routine that does not return a value.
The input arguments to the MODULEI subroutine are as follows:
control is a character matrix that contains a control string.
modname is a character matrix that contains the name of the external routine to be called.
matrix species matrix parameters to be passed to the external routine.
The CALL MODULEI routine executes a routine modname that resides in an external shared library with
the specied arguments.
814 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The MODULEI call routine is similar to the MODULE call routine that is available in the SAS DATA
step. It is also closely related to the MODULEIN function, which returns a scalar numeric value, and the
MODULEIC function, which returns a character value. CALL MODULEI builds a parameter list by using
the information in the arguments and a routine description and argument attribute table that you dene in a
separate le. The attribute table is a sequential text le that contains descriptions of the routines that you can
invoke with the CALL MODULEI routine and MODULEINand MODULEICfunctions. The purpose of the
table is to dene how CALL MODULEI should interpret its supplied arguments when it builds a parameter
list to pass to the external routine. The attribute table should contain a description for each external routine
that you intend to call, and descriptions of each argument associated with that routine. This enables you to
call external routines that have been compiled in different programming languages that use different calling
and matrix representation conventions.
Before you invoke CALL MODULEI, you must dene the leref of SASCBTBL to point to the external le
that contains the attribute table. You can name the le whatever you want when you create it. You can then
use matrices as arguments to CALL MODULEI and ensure that these arguments are properly converted
before being passed to the external routine. The exact syntax for the attribute table is system-dependent, and
can be found in the SAS Companion for your operating system. Attempting to use CALL MODULEI for a
module without a correct attribute table entry can cause the SAS System to fail.
MODULEIC(control, modname, <matrix1, . . . , matrix13> );
The MODULEIC subroutine calls an external routine that returns a character value.
The arguments to the MODULEIC function are as follows:
control is a character matrix that contains a control string.
modname is a character matrix that contains the name of the external routine to be called.
matrix species matrix parameters to be passed to the external routine.
The MODULEIC routine executes a routine modname that resides in an external shared library with the
specied arguments and that returns a character value.
The description of this function is identical to the description of the MODULEI call, except that the MOD-
ULEIC function returns a character value from the external routine. See the MODULEI call for a full
description of the function and its arguments.
MODULEIN(control, modname, <matrix1, . . . , matrix13> );
The MODULEIN subroutine calls an external routine that returns a numerical value.
MVE Call ! 815
The arguments to the MODULEIN function are as follows:
control is a character matrix that contains a control string.
modname is a character matrix that contains the name of the external routine to be called.
matrix species matrix parameters to be passed to the external routine.
The MODULEIN routine executes a routine modname that resides in an external shared library with the
specied arguments and that returns a numeric value.
The description of this function is identical to the description of the MODULEI call, except that the MOD-
ULEIN function returns a scalar numeric value from the external routine. See the MODULEI call for a full
description of the function and its arguments.
This example invokes the CHANGI routine from the TRYMOD.DLL module on a Windows platform. Use
the following attribute table.
routine changi module=trymod returns=long;
arg 1 input num format=ib4. byvalue;
arg 2 update num format=ib4.;
The following statements call the CHANGI function:
proc iml;
ones = J(4,5,1);
i = do(10, 40, 10);
j = 4:8;
x1 = i` # ones + j;
MVE Call
CALL MVE(sc, coef, dist, opt, x <, s > );
The MVE subroutine computes the robust estimation of multivariate location and scatter, dened by mini-
mizing the volume of an ellipsoid that contains h points.
The MVE subroutine computes the minimum volume ellipsoid estimator. These robust locations and co-
variance matrices can be used to detect multivariate outliers and leverage points. For this purpose, the MVE
subroutine provides a table of robust distances.
In the following discussion, N is the number of observations and n is the number of regressors. The input
arguments to the MVE subroutine are as follows:
opt refers to an options vector with the following components (missing values are treated as default
816 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
opt[1] species the amount of printed output. Higher option values request additional output
and include the output of lower values.
0 prints no output except error messages.
1 prints most of the output.
2 additionally prints case numbers of the observations in the best subset and some
basic history of the optimization process.
3 additionally prints how many subsets result in singular linear systems.
The default is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species whether the classical, initial, and nal robust covariance matrices are printed.
The default is opt[2] =0. The nal robust covariance matrix is always returned in coef.
opt[3] species whether the classical, initial, and nal robust correlation matrices are printed
or returned. The default is opt[3] =0.
0 does not return or print.
1 prints the robust correlation matrix.
2 returns the nal robust correlation matrix in coef.
3 prints and returns the nal robust correlation matrix.
opt[4] species the quantile h used in the objective function. The default is opt[5] = h =
. If the value of h is specied outside the range
1 _ h _

it is reset to the closest boundary of this region.
opt[5] species the number N
of subset generations. This option is the same as described
previously for the LMS and LTS subroutines. Due to computer time restrictions, not
all subset combinations can be inspected for larger values of N and n. If opt[5] is zero
or missing, the default number of subsets is taken from the following table.
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
500 50 22 17 15 14 0 0 0 0
1414 182 71 43 32 27 24 23 22
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
n 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0
22 22 22 23 23
3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
If the number of cases (observations) N is smaller than N
, as given in the table,
then all possible subsets are used; otherwise, N
subsets are chosen randomly. This
means that an exhaustive search is performed for opt[5] = 1. If N is larger than
, a note is printed in the log le that indicates how many subsets exist.
x refers to an N n matrix X of regressors. Missing values are not permitted in ..
MVE Call ! 817
s refers to an n 1 vector that contains n 1 observation numbers of a subset for which the
objective function should be evaluated, where n is the number of parameters. In other words,
the MVE algorithm computes the minimum volume of the ellipsoid that contains the observation
numbers contained in s.
The MVE subroutine returns the following values:
sc is a column vector that contains the following scalar information:
sc[1] the quantile h used in the objective function
sc[2] number of subsets generated
sc[3] number of subsets with singular linear systems
sc[4] number of nonzero weights n
sc[5] lowest value of the objective function J
attained (volume of smallest ellipsoid
sc[6] Mahalanobis-like distance used in the computation of the lowest value of the objective
function J
sc[7] the cutoff value used for the outlier decision
coef is a matrix with n columns that contains the following results in its rows:
coef[1,] location of ellipsoid center
coef[2,] eigenvalues of nal robust scatter matrix
coef[3:2+n,] the nal robust scatter matrix for opt[2] =1 or opt[2] =3
coef[2+n+1:2+2n,] the nal robust correlation matrix for opt[3] =1 or opt[3] =3
dist is a matrix with N columns that contains the following results in its rows:
dist[1,] Mahalanobis distances
dist[2,] robust distances based on the nal estimates
dist[3,] weights (1 for small robust distances; 0 for large robust distances)
Consider results for Brownlee (1965) stackloss data. The three explanatory variables correspond to mea-
surements for a plant that oxidizes ammonia to nitric acid on 21 consecutive days:
v .
air ow to the plant
v .
cooling water inlet temperature
v .
acid concentration
The response variable ,
gives the permillage of ammonia lost (stackloss). These data are also given by
Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987).
818 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
X1 X2 X3 Y Stackloss data
aa = { 1 80 27 89 42,
1 80 27 88 37,
1 75 25 90 37,
1 62 24 87 28,
1 62 22 87 18,
1 62 23 87 18,
1 62 24 93 19,
1 62 24 93 20,
1 58 23 87 15,
1 58 18 80 14,
1 58 18 89 14,
1 58 17 88 13,
1 58 18 82 11,
1 58 19 93 12,
1 50 18 89 8,
1 50 18 86 7,
1 50 19 72 8,
1 50 19 79 8,
1 50 20 80 9,
1 56 20 82 15,
1 70 20 91 15 };
Rousseeuw and Leroy (1987) cite a large number of papers where this data set was analyzed and state that
most researchers concluded that observations 1, 3, 4, and 21 were outliers; some people also reported
observation 2 as an outlier.
By default, subroutine MVE chooses only 2,000 randomly selected subsets in its search. There are in total
5,985 subsets of 4 cases out of 21 cases, as shown in Figure 23.186, which is produced by the following
a = aa[, 2:4];
opt = j(8, 1, .);
opt[1] = 2; /
opt[2] = 1; /
pcov: print COV
opt[3] = 1; /
pcor: print CORR
opt[5] = -1; /
nrep: use all subsets
call mve(sc, xmve, dist, opt, a);
The rst part of the output (Figure 23.186) shows the classical scatter and correlation matrix, along with the
means of each variable.
Figure 23.186 Classical Estimates of Scatter and Location
Classical Covariance Matrix
VAR1 84.057142857 22.657142857 24.571428571
VAR2 22.657142857 9.9904761905 6.6214285714
VAR3 24.571428571 6.6214285714 28.714285714
MVE Call ! 819
Figure 23.186 continued
Classical Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.781852333 0.5001428749
VAR2 0.781852333 1 0.3909395378
VAR3 0.5001428749 0.3909395378 1
Classical Mean
VAR1 60.428571429
VAR2 21.095238095
VAR3 86.285714286
The second part of the output (Figure 23.187) shows the results of the optimization (complete subset sam-
Figure 23.187 Subset Sampling and Optimal Subset
Subset Singular Criterion Percent
1497 22 253.312431 25
2993 46 224.084073 50
4489 77 165.830053 75
5985 156 165.634363 100
Observations of Best Subset
7 10 14 20
Initial MVE Location
VAR1 58.5
VAR2 20.25
VAR3 87
Initial MVE Scatter Matrix
VAR1 34.829014749 28.413143611 62.32560534
VAR2 28.413143611 38.036950318 58.659393261
VAR3 62.32560534 58.659393261 267.63348175
The third part of the output (Figure 23.188) shows the optimization results after local improvement:
820 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.188 Robust Estimates of Scatter and Location
Robust MVE Location
VAR1 56.705882353
VAR2 20.235294118
VAR3 85.529411765
Robust MVE Scatter Matrix
VAR1 23.470588235 7.5735294118 16.102941176
VAR2 7.5735294118 6.3161764706 5.3676470588
VAR3 16.102941176 5.3676470588 32.389705882
Eigenvalues of Robust
Scatter Matrix
VAR1 46.597431018
VAR2 12.155938483
VAR3 3.423101087
Robust Correlation Matrix
VAR1 1 0.6220269501 0.5840361335
VAR2 0.6220269501 1 0.375278187
VAR3 0.5840361335 0.375278187 1
The nal output (Figure 23.189) presents a table that contains the classical Mahalanobis distances, the robust
distances, and the weights that identify the outlying observations (that is leverage points when explaining ,
with these three regressor variables):
NAME Function ! 821
Figure 23.189 Distances and Weights
Classical Distances and Robust (Rousseeuw) Distances
Unsquared Mahalanobis Distance and
Unsquared Rousseeuw Distance of Each Observation
Mahalanobis Robust
N Distances Distances Weight
1 2.253603 5.528395 0
2 2.324745 5.637357 0
3 1.593712 4.197235 0
4 1.271898 1.588734 1.000000
5 0.303357 1.189335 1.000000
6 0.772895 1.308038 1.000000
7 1.852661 1.715924 1.000000
8 1.852661 1.715924 1.000000
9 1.360622 1.226680 1.000000
10 1.745997 1.936256 1.000000
11 1.465702 1.493509 1.000000
12 1.841504 1.913079 1.000000
13 1.482649 1.659943 1.000000
14 1.778785 1.689210 1.000000
15 1.690241 2.230109 1.000000
16 1.291934 1.767582 1.000000
17 2.700016 2.431021 1.000000
18 1.503155 1.523316 1.000000
19 1.593221 1.710165 1.000000
20 0.807054 0.675124 1.000000
21 2.176761 3.657281 0
MinRes 1st Qu. Median
0.6751244996 1.5084120761 1.7159242054
Mean 3rd Qu. MaxRes
2.2282960174 2.0831826658 5.6373573538
NAME Function
The NAME function returns the names of the arguments in a column vector. The arguments parameter
species the names of existing matrices.
In the following example, N is a 3 1 character matrix that contains the character values A, B, and C:
Seq = 1:3;
Const = -1;
N = name(Seq, Const);
do i = 1 to nrow(N);
msg = "Values of Matrix " + N[i];
x = value(N[i]);
822 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
print x[label=msg];
Figure 23.190 Matrix Names
Values of Matrix Seq
1 2 3
Values of Matrix Const
A primary use of the NAME function is in writing macros in which you want to use an argument for both
its name and its value.
NCOL Function
The NCOl function returns the number of columns in its matrix argument. If the matrix has not been given
a value, the NCOL function returns a value of 0.
For example, following statements display the number of columns of the matrix m:
m = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 3 2 1, 4 3 2, 5 4 3};
p = ncol(m);
print p;
Figure 23.191 Number of Columns in a Matrix
NLENG Function
The NLENG function returns a single numeric value that is the size in bytes of each element in matrix. All
matrix elements have the same size. For English text, this size is also the number of characters that can be
stored in a matrix element.
If the matrix does not have a value, then the NLENG function returns a value of 0. This function is different
from the LENGTH function, which returns the size of each element of a character matrix, omitting the
trailing blanks.
Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines ! 823
The following statements demonstrate the NLENG function:
m = {"ab " "ijklm ",
"x" " " };
len = nleng(m);
print len;
Figure 23.192 Number of Bytes in Each Matrix Element
Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines
The following list shows the syntax for nonlinear optimization subroutines. Subsequent sections describe
each subroutine in detail.
v conjugate gradient optimization method:
CALL NLPCG(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > );
v double-dogleg optimization method:
CALL NLPDD(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > );
v Nelder-Mead simplex optimization method:
CALL NLPNMS(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, nlc > );
v Newton-Raphson optimization method:
CALL NLPNRA(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit >, <, grd > <, hes >
v Newton-Raphson ridge optimization method:
CALL NLPNRR(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > <, hes > );
v (dual) quasi-Newton optimization method:
CALL NLPQN(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > <, nlc > <,
jacnlc > );
v quadratic optimization method:
CALL NLPQUA(rc, xr, quad, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, lin> );
v trust-region optimization method:
CALL NLPTR(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > <, hes > );
The following list shows the syntax for optimization subroutines that use least squares methods. Subsequent
sections describe each subroutine in detail.
824 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
v hybrid quasi-Newton least squares methods:
CALL NLPHQN(rc, xr, fun, x0, opt <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, jac > );
v Levenberg-Marquardt least squares method:
CALL NLPLM(rc, xr, fun, x0, opt <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, jac > );
The following list shows the syntax for supplementary subroutines that are often used in conjunction with
optimization subroutines. Subsequent sections describe each subroutine in detail.
v approximate derivatives by nite differences:
CALL NLPFDD(f, g, h, fun, x0 <, par > <, grd > );
v feasible point subject to constraints:
CALL NLPFEA(xr, x0, blc <, par > );
NOTE: The names of the optional arguments can be used as keywords. For example, the following state-
ments are equivalent:
call nlpnrr(rc,xr,"fun",x0,,,ter,,,"grad");
call nlpnrr(rc,xr,"fun",x0) tc=ter grd="grad";
All the optimization subroutines require at least two input arguments:
v The NLPQUA subroutine requires the quad matrix argument, which species the symmetric matrix
G of the quadratic problem. The input can be dense or sparse.
v Other optimization subroutines require the fun argument, which species a module that denes the
objective function or functions. For least squares subroutines, the FUN module must return a column
vector of length mthat corresponds to the values of the mfunctions
(.). . . . .
(.), each evaluated
at the point . = (.
. . . . . .
). For other subroutines, the FUN module must return the value of the
objective function = (.) evaluated at the point ..
v The argument x0 species a row vector that denes the number of parameters n. If x0 is a feasible
point, it represents a starting point for the iterative optimization process. Otherwise, a linear pro-
gramming algorithm is called at the start of each optimization subroutine to replace the input x0 by a
feasible starting point.
The other arguments that can be used as input are described in the following list. As indicated in the previous
lists, not all input arguments apply to each subroutine.
Note that you can specify optional arguments with the keyword=argument syntax.
The following list describes each argument:
opt indicates an options vector that species details of the optimization process, such as particular
updating techniques and whether the objective function is to be maximized instead of minimized.
See the section Options Vector on page 356 for details.
Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines ! 825
blc species a constraint matrix that denes lower and upper bounds for the n parameters in addi-
tion to general linear equality and inequality constraints. For details, see the section Parameter
Constraints on page 354.
tc species a vector of thresholds that correspond to the termination criteria tested in each iteration.
See the section Termination Criteria on page 360 for details.
par species a vector of control parameters that can be used to modify the algorithms if the default
settings do not complete the optimization process successfully. For details, see the section Con-
trol Parameters Vector on page 367.
ptit species a module that replaces the subroutine used to print the iteration history and test the
termination criteria. If the ptit module is specied, the matrix specied by the tc argument has
no effect. See the section Termination Criteria on page 360 for details.
grd species a module that computes the gradient vector, g = V , at a given input point .. See the
section Objective Function and Derivatives on page 347 for details.
hes species a module that computes the n n Hessian matrix, G = V
, at a given input point ..
See the section Objective Function and Derivatives on page 347 for details.
jac species a module that computes the m n Jacobian matrix, J = (V
), of the m least squares
functions at a given input point .. See the section Objective Function and Derivatives on
page 347 for details.
nlc species a module that computes general equality and inequality constraints. This is the method
by which nonlinear constraints must be specied. For details, see the section Parameter Con-
straints on page 354.
jacnlc species a module that computes the Jacobian matrix of rst-order derivatives of the equality
and inequality constraints specied by the NLC module. For details, see the section Parameter
Constraints on page 354.
lin species the linear part of the quadratic optimization problem. See the section NLPQUA Call
on page 851 for details.
The modules that can be used as input arguments for the subroutines (fun, grd, hes, jac, ptit, nlc, and
jacnlc ) accept only a single input parameter . = (.
. . . . . .
). You can provide more input parameters for
these modules by using the GLOBAL clause. See the section Using the GLOBAL Clause on page 77 for
an example.
All the optimization subroutines return the following results:
v The scalar return code rc indicates the reason for the termination of the optimization process. A return
code rc > 0 indicates a successful termination that corresponds to one of the specied termination cri-
teria. A return code rc < 0 indicates unsuccessful terminationthat is, that the result xr is unreliable.
See the section Denition of Return Codes on page 346 for more details.
v The row vector xr, which has length n, contains the optimal point when rc > 0.
826 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
CALL NLPCG(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > );
The NLPCG subroutine uses the conjugate gradient method to solve a nonlinear optimization problem.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPCG subroutine requires function and gradient calls; it does not need second-order derivatives.
The gradient vector contains the rst derivatives of the objective function with respect to the parameters
. . . . . .
, as follows:
g(.) = V(.) =
If you do not specify a module with the grd argument, the rst-order derivatives are approximated by nite
difference formulas by using only function calls. The NLPCG algorithm can require many function and
gradient calls, but it requires less memory than other subroutines for unconstrained optimization. In general,
many iterations are needed to obtain a precise solution, but each iteration is computationally inexpensive.
You can specify one of four update formulas for generating the conjugate directions with the fourth element
of the opt input argument.
Value of opt[4] Update Method
1 Automatic restart method of Powell (1977) and Beale (1972).
This is the default.
2 Fletcher-Reeves update (Fletcher 1987)
3 Polak-Ribiere update (Fletcher 1987)
4 Conjugate-descent update of Fletcher (1987)
The NLPCGsubroutine is useful for optimization problems with large n. For the unconstrained or boundary-
constrained case, the NLPCG method requires less memory than other optimization methods. (The NLPCG
method allocates memory proportional to n, whereas other methods allocate memory proportional to n
During n successive iterations, uninterrupted by restarts or changes in the working set, the conjugate gradient
algorithm computes a cycle of n conjugate search directions. In each iteration, a line search is done along
the search direction to nd an approximate optimum of the objective function. The default line-search
method uses quadratic interpolation and cubic extrapolation to obtain a step size that satises the Goldstein
conditions. One of the Goldstein conditions can be violated if the feasible region denes an upper limit for
the step size. You can specify other line-search algorithms with the fth element of the opt argument.
For an example of the NLPCG subroutine, see the section Constrained Betts Function on page 341.
CALL NLPDD(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > );
The NLPDD subroutine uses the double-dogleg method to solve a nonlinear optimization problem.
NLPDD Call ! 827
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The double-dogleg optimization method combines the ideas of the quasi-Newton and trust-region methods.
In each iteration, the algorithm computes the step, s
, as a linear combination of the steepest descent or
ascent search direction, s
, and a quasi-Newton search direction, s
, as follows:

The step s
must remain within a specied trust-region radius (Fletcher 1987). Hence, the NLPDD sub-
routine uses the dual quasi-Newton update but does not perform a line search. You can specify one of two
update formulas with the fourth element of the opt input argument.
Value of opt[4] Update Method
1 Dual BFGS update of the Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix.
This is the default.
2 Dual DFP update of the Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix.
The double-dogleg optimization technique works well for medium to moderately large optimization prob-
lems, in which the objective function and the gradient are much faster to compute than the Hessian. The
implementation is based on Dennis and Mei (1979) and Gay (1983), but it is extended for boundary and
linear constraints. The NLPDD subroutine generally needs more iterations than the techniques that require
second-order derivatives (NLPTR, NLPNRA, and NLPNRR), but each of the NLPDD iterations is computa-
tionally inexpensive. Furthermore, the NLPDD subroutine needs only gradient calls to update the Cholesky
factor of an approximate Hessian.
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPDD routine prints the following information:
v The heading lambda refers to the parameter z of the double-dogleg step. A value of 0 corresponds to
the full (quasi-) Newton step.
v The heading slope refers to g
s, the slope of the search direction at the current parameter iterate .
For minimization, this value should be signicantly smaller than zero.
The following statements invoke the NLPDD subroutine to solve the constrained Betts optimization problem
(see the section Constrained Betts Function on page 341):
start F_BETTS(x);
f = .01
x[1] + x[2]
x[2] - 100;
finish F_BETTS;
con = { 2 -50 . .,
50 50 . .,
10 -1 1 10};
x = {-1 -1};
opt = {0 1};
call nlpdd(rc, xres, "F_BETTS", x, opt, con);
Figure 23.193 shows the iteration history. The optimization converged after six iterations.
828 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.193 Constrained Optimization
NOTE: Initial point was changed to be feasible for boundary and linear
Double Dogleg Optimization
Dual Broyden - Fletcher - Goldfarb - Shanno Update (DBFGS)
Without Parameter Scaling
Gradient Computed by Finite Differences
Parameter Estimates 2
Lower Bounds 2
Upper Bounds 2
Linear Constraints 1
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function -98.5376
Max Abs Gradient Element 2 Radius 1
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Lambda Direc
1 0 2 0 -99.54678 1.0092 0.1346 6.012 -1.805
2 0 3 0 -99.59120 0.0444 0.1279 0 -0.0228
3 0 5 0 -99.90252 0.3113 0.0624 0 -0.209
4 0 6 1 -99.96000 0.0575 0.00432 0 -0.0975
5 0 7 1 -99.96000 4.66E-6 0.000079 0 -458E-8
6 0 8 1 -99.96000 1.559E-9 0 0 -16E-10
Optimization Results
Iterations 6 Function Calls 9
Gradient Calls 8 Active Constraints 1
Objective Function -99.96 Max Abs Gradient Element 0
Slope of Search Direction -1.56621E-9 Radius 1
GCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
The optimal value for the function is returned in the xres vector, which is displayed in Figure 23.194.
Figure 23.194 The Optimal Value
2 -9.612E-8
NLPFDD Call ! 829
CALL NLPFDD(f, g, h, fun, x0, <, par > <, grd > );
The NLPFDD subroutine uses the nite-differences method to approximate derivatives.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPFDD subroutine can be used for the following tasks:
v If the module fun returns a scalar, the NLPFDD subroutine computes the function value f, the gra-
dient vector g, and the Hessian matrix h, all evaluated at the point x0.
v If the module fun returns a column vector of m function values, the subroutine assumes that a least
squares function is specied, and it computes the function vector , the Jacobian matrix J, and the
crossproduct of the Jacobian matrix J
J at the point x0. In this case, you must set the rst element of
the par argument to m.
If any of the results cannot be computed, the subroutine returns a missing value for that result.
You can specify the following input arguments with the NLPFDD subroutine:
v The fun argument refers to a module that returns either a scalar value or a column vector of length
m. This module returns the value of the objective function or, for least squares problems, the values
of the m functions that the objective function comprises.
v The x0 argument is a vector of length n that denes the point at which the functions and derivatives
should be computed.
v The par argument is a vector that denes options and control parameters. The par argument in the
NLPFDD call is different from the one used in the optimization subroutines.
v The grd argument is optional and refers to a module that returns a vector that denes the gradient
of the function at x0. If the fun argument returns a vector of values instead of a scalar, the grd
argument is ignored.
If the fun module returns a scalar, the subroutine returns the following values:
v f is the value of the function at the point x0.
v g is a vector that contains the value of the gradient at the point x0. If you specify the grd argument,
the gradient is computed from that module. Otherwise, the approximate gradient is computed by a
nite difference approximation by using calls of the function module in a neighborhood of x0.
v h is a matrix that contains a nite difference approximation of the value of the Hessian at the point x0.
If you specify the grd argument, the Hessian is computed by calls of that module in a neighborhood
of x0. Otherwise, it is computed by calls of the function module in a neighborhood of x0.
830 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
If the fun module returns a vector, the subroutine returns the following values:
v f is a vector that contains the values of the m functions that comprise objective function at the point
v g is the m n Jacobian matrix J, which contains the rst-order derivatives of the functions with
respect to the parameters, evaluated at x0. It is computed by nite difference approximations in a
neighborhood of x0.
v h is the n n crossproduct of the Jacobian matrix, J
J. It is computed by nite difference approxi-
mations in a neighborhood of x0.
The par argument is a vector of length 3.
v par[1] corresponds to the opt[1] argument in the optimization subroutines. This argument is relevant
only to least squares optimization methods, in which case it species the number of functions returned
by the module fun. If par[1] is missing or is smaller than 1, it is set to 1.
v par[2] corresponds to the opt[8] argument in the optimization subroutines. It determines what type
of approximation is to be used and how the nite difference interval, h, is to be computed. See the
section Finite-Difference Approximations of Derivatives on page 352 for details.
v par[3] corresponds to the par[8] argument in the optimization subroutines. It species the number of
accurate digits in evaluating the objective function. The default is log
(c), where c is the machine
If you specify a missing value in the par argument, the default value is used.
The NLPFDD subroutine is particularly useful for checking your analytical derivative specications of the
grd, hes, and jac modules. You can compare the results of the modules with the nite difference
approximations of the derivatives of f at the point x0 to verify your specications.
In the unconstrained Rosenbrock problem (see the section Unconstrained Rosenbrock Function on
page 337), the objective function is
(.) = 50(.

(1 .
The gradient and the Hessian are
(.. ,) =
H(.. ,) =

1 200.
NLPFDD Call ! 831
At the point . = (2. 7), these matrices evaluate to
(2. 7) =
H(2. 7) =
1001 400
400 100
The following statements dene the Rosenbrock function and use the NLPFDD call to compute the gradient
and the Hessian:
start F_ROSEN(x);
y1 = 10
(x[2] - x[1]
y2 = 1 - x[1];
f = 0.5
y1 + y2
finish F_ROSEN;
x = {2 7};
call nlpfdd(crit, grad, hess, "F_ROSEN", x);
print grad;
print hess;
Figure 23.195 Gradient and Hessian at a Point
-1199 300.00001
1000.9998 -400.0018
-400.0018 99.999993
If the Rosenbrock problem is considered from a least squares perspective, the two functions are

(.) = 10(.

(.) = 1 .
The Jacobian and the crossproduct of the Jacobian are
J =
1 0
J =
1 200.
832 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
At the point . = (2. 7), these matrices evaluate to
J(2. 7) =
40 10
1 0
1601 400
400 100
The following statements dene the Rosenbrock problem in a least squares framework and use the NLPFDD
call to compute the Jacobian and the crossproduct matrix. Since the value of the PARMS variable, which is
used for the par argument, is 2, the NLPFDD subroutine allocates memory for a least squares problem with
two functions,
(.) and
start F_ROSEN(x);
y = j(2, 1, 0);
y[1] = 10
(x[2] - x[1]
y[2] = 1 - x[1];
finish F_ROSEN;
x = {2 7};
parms = 2;
call nlpfdd(fun, jac, crpj, "F_ROSEN", x, parms);
print jac;
print crpj;
Figure 23.196 Jacobian and Crossproduct Matrix at a Point
-40 10
-1 0
1601 -400
-400 100
CALL NLPFEA(xr, x0, blc <, par > );
The NLPFEA subroutine computes feasible points subject to constraints.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPFEA subroutine tries to compute a point that is feasible subject to a set of boundary and linear
constraints. You can specify boundary and linear constraints that dene an empty feasible region, in which
NLPHQN Call ! 833
case the subroutine returns missing values.
You can specify the following input arguments with the NLPFEA subroutine:
v x0 is a row vector that denes the coordinates of a point that is not necessarily feasible for a set of
linear and boundary constraints.
v blc is an m n matrix that denes a set of m boundary and linear constraints. See the section
Parameter Constraints on page 354 for details.
v par is a vector of length two. The argument is different from the one used in the optimization subrou-
tines. The rst element sets the LCEPS parameter, which controls how precisely the returned point
must satisfy the constraints. The second element sets the LCSING parameter, which species the
criterion for deciding when constraints are considered linearly dependent. For details, see the section
Control Parameters Vector on page 367.
The NLPFEA subroutine returns the xr argument. The result is a vector that contains either the n coordinates
of a feasible point, which indicates that the subroutine was successful, or missing values, which indicates
that the subroutine could not nd a feasible point.
The following statements call the NLPFEA subroutine with the constraints from the Betts problem (see the
section Constrained Betts Function on page 341) and an initial infeasible point .
= (17. 61). The
subroutine returns the feasible point (2. 50) as the vector XFEAS.
con = { 2 -50 . .,
50 50 . .,
10 -1 1 10};
x = {-17. -61};
call nlpfea(xfeas, x, con);
print xfeas;
Figure 23.197 Feasible Point
6.8 -40
CALL NLPHQN(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, jac > );
The NLPHQN subroutine uses a hybrid quasi-Newton least squares method to compute an optimum value
of a function.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPHQN subroutine uses one of the Fletcher and Xu (1987) hybrid quasi-Newton methods. Refer also
834 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
to Al-Baali and Fletcher (1985) and Al-Baali and Fletcher (1986). In each iteration, the subroutine uses a
criterion to decide whether a Gauss-Newton or a dual quasi-Newton search direction is appropriate. You
can choose one of three criteria (HY1, HY2, or HY3) proposed by Fletcher and Xu (1987) with the sixth
element of the opt vector. The default is HY2. The subroutine computes the crossproduct Jacobian (for the
Gauss-Newton step), updates the Cholesky factor of an approximate Hessian (for the quasi-Newton step),
and performs a line search to compute an approximate minimum along the search direction. The default
line-search technique used by the NLPHQN method is designed for least squares problems ((Lindstrm and
Wedin 1984) and (Al-Baali and Fletcher 1986)), but you can specify a different line-search algorithm with
the fth element of the opt argument. See the section Options Vector on page 356 for details.
You can specify two update formulas with the fourth element of the opt argument as indicated in the fol-
lowing table.
Value of opt[4] Update Method
1 Dual Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (DBFGS) update
of the Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix. This is the default.
2 Dual Davidon, Fletcher, and Powell (DDFP) update of the
Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix.
The NLPHQNsubroutine needs approximately the same amount of working memory as the NLPLMsubrou-
tine, and in most applications, the latter seems to be superior. Hence, the NLPHQN method is recommended
only when the NLPLM method encounters problems.
NOTE: In least squares subroutines, you must set the rst element of the opt vector to m, the number of
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPHQN subroutine prints the following information:
v Under the heading Iter, an asterisk (*) printed after the iteration number indicates that, on the basis of
the Fletcher and Xu (1987) criterion, the subroutine used a Gauss-Newton search direction instead of
a quasi-Newton search direction.
v The heading alpha is the step size, , computed with the line-search algorithm.
v The heading slope refers to g
s, the slope of the search direction at the current parameter iterate
. For minimization, this value should be signicantly smaller than zero. Otherwise, the line-
search algorithm has difculty reducing the function value sufciently.
The following statements use the NLPHQN call to solve the unconstrained Rosenbrock problem (see the
section Unconstrained Rosenbrock Function on page 337).
title "Test of NLPHQN subroutine: No Derivatives";
start F_ROSEN(x);
y = j(1, 2, 0);
y[1] = 10
(x[2] - x[1]
y[2] = 1 - x[1];
finish F_ROSEN;
x = {-1.2 1};
opt = {2 2};
call nlphqn(rc, xr, "F_ROSEN", x, opt);
NLPHQN Call ! 835
Figure 23.198 Optimization Results
Test of NLPHQN subroutine: No Derivatives
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 -1.200000 -107.799999
2 X2 1.000000 -44.000000
Value of Objective Function = 12.1
Test of NLPHQN subroutine: No Derivatives
Hybrid Quasi-Newton LS Minimization
Dual Broyden - Fletcher - Goldfarb - Shanno Update (DBFGS)
Version HY2 of Fletcher & Xu (1987)
Gradient Computed by Finite Differences
CRP Jacobian Computed by Finite Differences
Parameter Estimates 2
Functions (Observations) 2
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 12.1
Max Abs Gradient Element 107.7999987
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Step Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Size Direc
1 0 3 0 7.22423 4.8758 56.9322 0.0616 -628.8
0 5 0 0.97090 6.2533 2.3017 0.266 -14.448
0 7 0 0.81911 0.1518 3.7839 0.119 -1.942
4 0 9 0 0.69103 0.1281 5.5103 2.000 -0.144
5 0 19 0 0.47345 0.2176 8.8638 11.854 -0.194
0 21 0 0.35906 0.1144 9.8734 0.253 -0.947
0 22 0 0.23342 0.1256 10.1490 0.398 -0.718
0 24 0 0.14799 0.0854 11.6248 1.346 -0.467
0 26 0 0.00948 0.1385 2.6275 1.443 -0.296
0 28 0 1.98834E-6 0.00947 0.00609 0.938 -0.0190
0 30 0 7.0768E-10 1.988E-6 0.000748 1.003 -398E-8
0 32 0 2.0246E-21 7.08E-10 1.82E-10 1.000 -14E-10
Optimization Results
Iterations 12 Function Calls 33
Jacobian Calls 13 Gradient Calls 19
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 2.024647E-21
Max Abs Gradient Element 1.816858E-10 Slope of Search Direction -1.415366E-9
836 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.198 continued
ABSGCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
Test of NLPHQN subroutine: No Derivatives
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 1.000000 1.816858E-10
2 X2 1.000000 -1.22069E-10
Value of Objective Function = 2.024647E-21
CALL NLPLM(rc, xr, fun, x0, opt <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, jac > );
The NLPLM subroutine uses the Levenberg-Marquardt least squares method to compute an optimum value
of a function.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPLM subroutine uses the Levenberg-Marquardt method, which is an efcient modication of the
trust-region method for nonlinear least squares problems and is implemented as in Mor (1978). This is
the recommended algorithm for small to medium least squares problems. Large least squares problems can
often be processed more efciently with other subroutines, such as the NLPCG and NLPQN methods. In
each iteration, the NLPLM subroutine solves a quadratically constrained quadratic minimization problem
that restricts the step to the boundary or interior of an n-dimensional elliptical trust region.
The m functions
(.). . . . .
(.) are computed by the module specied with the fun module argument.
The m n Jacobian matrix, J, contains the rst-order derivatives of the m functions with respect to the n
parameters, as follows:
J(.) = (V
. . . . . V
) =
You can specify J with the jac module argument; otherwise, the subroutine computes it with nite differ-
ence approximations. In each iteration, the subroutine computes the crossproduct of the Jacobian matrix,
J, to be used as an approximate Hessian.
NOTE: In least squares subroutines, you must set the rst element of the opt vector to m, the number of
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPLM subroutine also prints the following information:
NLPNMS Call ! 837
v Under the heading Iter, an asterisk (*) printed after the iteration number indicates that the computed
Hessian approximation was singular and had to be ridged with a positive value.
v The heading lambda represents the Lagrange multiplier, z. This has a value of zero when the optimum
of the quadratic function approximation is inside the trust region, in which case a trust-region-scaled
Newton step is performed. It is greater than zero when the optimum is at the boundary of the trust
region, in which case the scaled Newton step is too long to t in the trust region and a quadratically
constrained optimization is done. Large values indicate optimization difculties, and as in Gay (1983),
a negative value indicates the special case of an indenite Hessian matrix.
v The heading rho refers to j, the ratio between the achieved and predicted difference in function values.
Values that are much smaller than 1 indicate optimization difculties. Values close to or larger than 1
indicate that the trust region radius can be increased.
See the section Unconstrained Rosenbrock Function on page 337 for an example that uses the NLPLM
subroutine to solve the unconstrained Rosenbrock problem.
CALL NLPNMS(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, nlc > );
The NLPNMS subroutine use the Nelder-Mead simplex method to compute an optimum value of a function.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The Nelder-Mead simplex method is one of the subroutines that can solve optimization problems with
nonlinear constraints. It does not use any derivatives, and it does not assume that the objective function has
continuous derivatives. However, the objective function must be continuous. The NLPNMS technique uses
a large number of function calls, and it can be unable to generate precise results when n > 40.
The NLPNMS subroutine uses the following simplex algorithms:
v For unconstrained or only boundary-constrained problems, the original Nelder-Mead simplex algo-
rithm is implemented and extended to boundary constraints. This algorithm does not compute the
objective for infeasible points, and it is invoked if the nlc module argument is not specied and the
blc argument contains at most two rows (corresponding to lower and upper bounds).
v For linearly or nonlinearly constrained problems, a slightly modied version of Powells (1992) con-
strained optimization by linear approximations (COBYLA) implementation is used. This algorithm
is invoked if the nlc module argument is specied or if at least one linear constraint is specied with
the blc argument.
The original Nelder-Mead algorithm cannot be used for general linear or nonlinear constraints, but in the un-
constrained or boundary-constrained cases, it can be faster. It changes the shape of the simplex by adapting
the nonlinearities of the objective function; this contributes to an increased speed of convergence.
838 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Powells COBYLA Algorithm
Powells COBYLA algorithm is a sequential trust-region algorithm that tries to maintain a regularly shaped
simplex throughout the iterations. The algorithm uses a monotone-decreasing radius, j, of a spheric trust
region. The modication implemented in the NLPNMS call permits an increase of the trust-region radius
j in special situations. A sequence of iterations is performed with a constant trust-region radius j until the
computed function reduction is much less than the predicted reduction. Then, the trust-region radius j is
reduced. The trust-region radius is increased only if the computed function reduction is relatively close to
the predicted reduction and if the simplex is well-shaped. The start radius, j
, can be specied with the
second element of the par argument, and the nal radius, j
, can be specied with the ninth element of
the tc argument. Convergence to small values of j
, or high-precision convergence, can require many
calls of the function and constraint modules and can result in numerical problems. The main reasons for the
slow convergence of the COBYLA algorithm are as follows:
v Linear approximations of the objective and constraint functions are used locally.
v Maintaining the regularly shaped simplex and not adapting its shape to nonlinearities yields very
small simplexes for highly nonlinear functions, such as fourth-order polynomials.
To allocate memory for the vector returned by the nlc module argument, you must specify the total number
of nonlinear constraints with the tenth element of the opt argument. If any of the constraints are equality
constraints, the number of equality constraints must be specied by the eleventh element of the opt argu-
ment. See the section Parameter Constraints on page 354 for details.
For more information about the special sets of termination criteria used by the NLPNMS algorithms, see
the section Termination Criteria on page 360.
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPNMS subroutine prints the following information. For
unconstrained or boundary-constrained problems, the subroutine also prints the following:
v difcrit, which, in this subroutine, refers to the difference between the largest and smallest function
values of the n 1 simplex vertices
v std, which is the standard deviation of the function values of the simplex vertices
v deltax, which is the vertex length of a restarted simplex. If there are convergence problems, the
algorithm restarts the iteration process with a simplex of smaller vertex length.
v size, which is the average 1
distance of the simplex vertex with the smallest function value to the
other simplex vertices
For linearly and nonlinearly constrained problems, the subroutine prints the following:
v conmax is the maximum constraint violation.
v meritf is the value of the merit function, .
v difmerit is the difference between adjacent values of the merit function.
v j is the trust-region radius.
NLPNMS Call ! 839
The following statements uses the NLPNMS call to solve the Rosen-Suzuki problem (see the section
Rosen-Suzuki Problem on page 342), which has three nonlinear constraints. Figure 23.199 is a partial
listing of the output:
start F_HS43(x);
f = x
x` + x[3]
x[3] - 5
(x[1] + x[2]) - 21
x[3] + 7
finish F_HS43;
start C_HS43(x);
c = j(3,1,0.);
c[1] = 8 - x
x` - x[1] + x[2] - x[3] + x[4];
c[2] = 10 - x
x` - x[2]
x[2] - x[4]
x[4] + x[1] + x[4];
c[3] = 5 - 2.
x[1] - x[2]
x[2] - x[3]
- 2.
x[1] + x[2] + x[4];
finish C_HS43;
x = j(1, 4, 1);
opt = j(1, 11, .);
opt[2] = 3; opt[10] = 3; opt[11] = 0;
call nlpnms(rc, xres, "F_HS43", x, opt, , , , , "C_HS43");
Figure 23.199 Nelder-Mead Simplex Optimization
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate
1 X1 1.000000
2 X2 1.000000
3 X3 1.000000
4 X4 1.000000
Value of Objective Function = -19
Values of Nonlinear Constraints
Constraint Residual
[ 1 ] 4.0000
[ 2 ] 6.0000
[ 3 ] 1.0000
840 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.199 continued
Nelder-Mead Simplex Optimization
COBYLA Algorithm by M.J.D. Powell (1992)
Minimum Iterations 0
Maximum Iterations 1000
Maximum Function Calls 3000
Iterations Reducing Constraint Violation 0
ABSFCONV Function Criterion 0
FCONV Function Criterion 2.220446E-16
FCONV2 Function Criterion 1E-6
FSIZE Parameter 0
ABSXCONV Parameter Change Criterion 0.0001
XCONV Parameter Change Criterion 0
XSIZE Parameter 0
ABSCONV Function Criterion -1.34078E154
Initial Simplex Size (INSTEP) 0.5
Singularity Tolerance (SINGULAR) 1E-8
Nelder-Mead Simplex Optimization
COBYLA Algorithm by M.J.D. Powell (1992)
Parameter Estimates 4
Nonlinear Constraints 3
Optimization Start
Objective Function -29.5 Maximum Constraint 4.5
Maximum Merit and
Function Objective Constraint Merit Function Predicted
Iter Restarts Calls Function Violation Function Change Change
1 0 12 -52.80342 4.3411 -42.3031 12.803 1.000
2 0 17 -39.51475 0.0227 -39.3797 -2.923 0.250
3 0 53 -44.02098 0.00949 -43.9727 4.593 0.0625
4 0 62 -44.00214 0.000833 -43.9977 0.0249 0.0156
5 0 72 -44.00009 0.000033 -43.9999 0.00226 0.0039
6 0 79 -44.00000 1.783E-6 -44.0000 0.00007 0.0010
7 0 90 -44.00000 1.363E-7 -44.0000 1.74E-6 0.0002
8 0 94 -44.00000 1.543E-8 -44.0000 5.33E-7 0.0001
Optimization Results
Iterations 8 Function Calls 95
Restarts 0 Objective Function -44.00000003
Maximum Constraint 1.543059E-8 Merit Function -43.99999999
Actual Over Pred Change 0.0001
NLPNRA Call ! 841
Figure 23.199 continued
ABSXCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
WARNING: The point x is feasible only at the LCEPSILON= 1E-7 range.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate
1 X1 -0.000034167
2 X2 1.000004
3 X3 2.000023
4 X4 -0.999971
Value of Objective Function = -44.00000003
Values of Nonlinear Constraints
Constraint Residual
[ 1 ] -1.54E-8
[ 2 ] 1.0000
[ 3 ] -1.5E-8
The 2 nonlinear constraints which are marked with
are not satisfied at the
accuracy specified by the LCEPSILON= option. However, the default value of this
option seems to be too strong to be applied to nonlinear constraints.
CALL NLPNRA(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > <, hes > );
The NLPNRA subroutine uses the Newton-Raphson method to compute an optimum value of a function.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPNRA algorithm uses a pure Newton step at each iteration when both the Hessian is positive denite
and the Newton step successfully reduces the value of the objective function. Otherwise, it performs a
combination of ridging and line-search to compute successful steps. If the Hessian is not positive denite,
a multiple of the identity matrix is added to the Hessian matrix to make it positive denite ((Eskow and
Schnabel 1991)).
The subroutine uses the gradient g
= V(.
) and the Hessian matrix G
= V
). It requires
continuous rst- and second-order derivatives of the objective function inside the feasible region. If second-
842 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
order derivatives are computed efciently and precisely, the NLPNRA method does not need many function,
gradient, and Hessian calls, and it can perform well for medium to large problems.
Using only function calls to compute nite difference approximations for second-order derivatives can be
computationally very expensive and can contain signicant rounding errors. If you use the grd input ar-
gument to specify a module that computes rst-order derivatives analytically, you can reduce drastically the
computation time for numerical second-order derivatives. The computation of the nite difference approxi-
mation for the Hessian matrix generally uses only n calls of the module that species the gradient.
In each iteration, a line search is done along the search direction to nd an approximate optimum of the
objective function. The default line-search method uses quadratic interpolation and cubic extrapolation.
You can specify other line-search algorithms with the fth element of the opt argument. See the section
Options Vector on page 356 for details.
In unconstrained and boundary constrained cases, the NLPNRA algorithm can take advantage of diagonal
or sparse Hessian matrices that are specied by the input argument hes. To use sparse Hessian storage,
the value of the ninth element of the opt argument must specify the number of nonzero Hessian elements
returned by the Hessian module. See the section Objective Function and Derivatives on page 347 for more
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPNRA subroutine prints the following information:
v The heading alpha is the step size, , computed with the line-search algorithm.
v The heading slope refers to g
s, the slope of the search direction at the current parameter iterate
. For minimization, this value should be signicantly smaller than zero. Otherwise, the line-
search algorithm has difculty reducing the function value sufciently.
The following statements invoke the NLPNRA subroutine to solve the constrained Betts optimization prob-
lem (see the section Constrained Betts Function on page 341). The iteration history follows.
start F_BETTS(x);
f = .01
x[1] + x[2]
x[2] - 100;
finish F_BETTS;
con = { 2 -50 . .,
50 50 . .,
10 -1 1 10};
x = {-1 -1};
opt = {0 2};
call nlpnra(rc, xres, "F_BETTS", x, opt, con);
Figure 23.200 Newton-Raphson Optimization
NOTE: Initial point was changed to be feasible for boundary and linear
NLPNRA Call ! 843
Figure 23.200 continued
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Lower Upper
Objective Bound Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint Constraint
1 X1 6.800000 0.136000 2.000000 50.000000
2 X2 -1.000000 -2.000000 -50.000000 50.000000
Value of Objective Function = -98.5376
Linear Constraints
1 59.00000 : 10.0000 <= + 10.0000
X1 - 1.0000
Newton-Raphson Optimization with Line Search
Without Parameter Scaling
Gradient Computed by Finite Differences
CRP Jacobian Computed by Finite Differences
Parameter Estimates 2
Lower Bounds 2
Upper Bounds 2
Linear Constraints 1
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function -98.5376
Max Abs Gradient Element 2
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Step Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Size Direc
1 0 2 0 -98.81551 0.2779 1.8000 0.100 -2.925
0 3 0 -99.40840 0.5929 1.2713 0.294 -2.365
0 4 1 -99.87460 0.4662 0.5845 0.540 -1.182
4 0 5 1 -99.96000 0.0854 0.000025 1.000 -0.171
5 0 6 1 -99.96000 1.54E-10 0 1.000 -31E-11
Optimization Results
Iterations 5 Function Calls 7
Hessian Calls 6 Active Constraints 1
Objective Function -99.96 Max Abs Gradient Element 0
Slope of Search Direction -3.07388E-10 Ridge 0
GCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
844 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.200 continued
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Active
Objective Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint
1 X1 2.000000 0.040000 Lower BC
2 X2 -4.860653E-9 0
Value of Objective Function = -99.96
Linear Constraints Evaluated at Solution
1 10.00000 = -10.0000 + 10.0000
X1 - 1.0000
CALL NLPNRR(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > <, hes > );
The NLPNRR subroutine uses a Newton-Raphson ridge method to compute an optimum value of a function.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPNRR algorithm uses a pure Newton step when both the Hessian is positive denite and the Newton
step successfully reduces the value of the objective function. Otherwise, a multiple of the identity matrix is
added to the Hessian matrix.
The subroutine uses the gradient g
= V(.
) and the Hessian matrix G
= V
). It requires
continuous rst- and second-order derivatives of the objective function inside the feasible region.
Note that using only function calls to compute nite difference approximations for second-order derivatives
can be computationally very expensive and can contain signicant rounding errors. If you use the grd
input argument to specify a module that computes rst-order derivatives analytically, you can reduce drasti-
cally the computation time for numerical second-order derivatives. The computation of the nite difference
approximation for the Hessian matrix generally uses only n calls of the module that species the gradient.
The NLPNRR method performs well for small- to medium-sized problems, and it does not need many
function, gradient, and Hessian calls. However, if the gradient is not specied analytically by using the
grd module argument, or if the computation of the Hessian module specied with the hes argument is
computationally expensive, one of the (dual) quasi-Newton or conjugate gradient algorithms might be more
NLPNRR Call ! 845
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPNRR subroutine prints the following information:
v The heading ridge refers to the value of the nonnegative ridge parameter. Avalue of zero indicates that
a Newton step is performed. A value greater than zero indicates either that the Hessian approximation
is zero or that the Newton step fails to reduce the optimization criterion. A large value can indicate
optimization difculties.
v The heading rho refers to j, the ratio of the achieved difference in function values and the predicted
difference, based on the quadratic function approximation. A value that is much smaller than 1
indicates possible optimization difculties.
The following statements invoke the NLPNRR subroutine to solve the constrained Betts optimization prob-
lem (see the section Constrained Betts Function on page 341). The iteration history follows.
start F_BETTS(x);
f = .01
x[1] + x[2]
x[2] - 100;
finish F_BETTS;
con = { 2 -50 . .,
50 50 . .,
10 -1 1 10};
x = {-1 -1};
opt = {0 2};
call nlpnrr(rc, xres, "F_BETTS", x, opt, con);
Figure 23.201 Newton-Raphson Optimization
NOTE: Initial point was changed to be feasible for boundary and linear
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Lower Upper
Objective Bound Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint Constraint
1 X1 6.800000 0.136000 2.000000 50.000000
2 X2 -1.000000 -2.000000 -50.000000 50.000000
Value of Objective Function = -98.5376
Linear Constraints
1 59.00000 : 10.0000 <= + 10.0000
X1 - 1.0000
846 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.201 continued
Newton-Raphson Ridge Optimization
Without Parameter Scaling
Gradient Computed by Finite Differences
CRP Jacobian Computed by Finite Differences
Parameter Estimates 2
Lower Bounds 2
Upper Bounds 2
Linear Constraints 1
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function -98.5376
Max Abs Gradient Element 2
Max Abs Over
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Pred
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Ridge Change
1 0 2 1 -99.87337 1.3358 0.5887 0 0.706
2 0 3 1 -99.96000 0.0866 0.000040 0 1.000
3 0 4 1 -99.96000 4.07E-10 0 0 1.014
Optimization Results
Iterations 3 Function Calls 5
Hessian Calls 4 Active Constraints 1
Objective Function -99.96 Max Abs Gradient Element 0
Ridge 0 Actual Over Pred Change 1.0135158294
GCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Active
Objective Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint
1 X1 2.000000 0.040000 Lower BC
2 X2 0.000000134 0
Value of Objective Function = -99.96
Linear Constraints Evaluated at Solution
1 10.00000 = -10.0000 + 10.0000
X1 - 1.0000
NLPQN Call ! 847
CALL NLPQN(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > <, nlc > <,
jacnlc > );
The NLPQN subroutine uses a quasi-Newton method to compute an optimum value of a function.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPQN subroutine uses (dual) quasi-Newton optimization techniques, and it is one of the two available
subroutines that can solve problems with nonlinear constraints. These techniques work well for medium to
moderately large optimization problems where the objective function and the gradient are much faster to
compute than the Hessian matrix. The NLPQN subroutine does not need to compute second-order deriva-
tives, but it generally requires more iterations than the techniques that compute second-order derivatives.
The two categories of problems solved by the NLPQN subroutine are unconstrained or linearly constrained
problems and nonlinearly constrained problems. Unconstrained or linearly constrained problems do not
use the nlc or jacnlc module arguments, whereas nonlinearly constrained problems use the arguments to
specify the nonlinear constraints and the Jacobian matrix of their rst-order derivatives, respectively.
The type of optimization problem specied determines the algorithm that the subroutine invokes. The
algorithms are very different, and they use different sets of termination criteria. For more details, see the
section Termination Criteria on page 360.
Unconstrained or Linearly Constrained Quasi-Newton Optimization
The NLPQN subroutine invokes this algorithm if you do not specify the nlc argument. Using the fourth
element of the opt argument, you can specify two update formulas for either the original quasi-Newton
algorithm or the dual quasi-Newton algorithm, as indicated in the following table:
Value of opt[4] Update Method
1 Dual Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (DBFGS) update
of the Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix. This is the default.
2 Dual Davidon, Fletcher, and Powell (DDFP) update of the
Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix.
3 Original Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (BFGS) up-
date of the inverse Hessian matrix.
4 Original Davidon, Fletcher, and Powell (DFP) update of the in-
verse Hessian matrix.
In each iteration, a line search is performed along the search direction to nd an approximate optimum of
the objective function. The default line-search method uses quadratic interpolation and cubic extrapolation
to obtain a step size that satises the Goldstein conditions. One of the Goldstein conditions can be violated
if the feasible region denes an upper limit of the step size. Violating the left-side Goldstein condition can
affect the positive deniteness of the quasi-Newton update. In these cases, either the update is skipped or the
iterations are restarted with an identity matrix that results in the steepest descent or ascent search direction.
You can specify line-search algorithms different from the default method with the fth element of the opt
848 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The following statements invoke the NLPQN subroutine to solve the Rosenbrock problem (see the section
Unconstrained Rosenbrock Function on page 337):
start F_ROSEN(x);
y1 = 10
(x[2] - x[1]
y2 = 1 - x[1];
f = 0.5
y1 + y2
finish F_ROSEN;
x = {-1.2 1};
opt = {0 2 . 2};
call nlpqn(rc, xr, "F_ROSEN", x, opt);
Since opt[4] =2, the DDFP update is performed. The gradient is approximated by nite differences since no
module is specied that computes the rst-order derivatives. Part of the iteration history follows. In addition
to the standard iteration history, the NLPQN subroutine prints the following information for unconstrained
or linearly constrained problems:
v The heading alpha is the step size, , computed with the line-search algorithm.
v The heading slope refers to g
s, the slope of the search direction at the current parameter iterate
. For minimization, this value should be signicantly smaller than zero. Otherwise, the line-
search algorithm has difculty reducing the function value sufciently.
Figure 23.202 Quasi-Newton Optimization
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 -1.200000 -107.799989
2 X2 1.000000 -43.999999
Value of Objective Function = 12.1
Dual Quasi-Newton Optimization
Dual Davidon - Fletcher - Powell Update (DDFP)
Gradient Computed by Finite Differences
Parameter Estimates 2
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function 12.1
Max Abs Gradient Element 107.79998927
NLPQN Call ! 849
Figure 23.202 continued
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Step Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Size Direc
1 0 4 0 2.06405 10.0359 0.7917 0.0340 -628.8
2 0 7 0 1.92035 0.1437 8.6301 6.557 -0.0363
3 0 10 0 1.78089 0.1395 11.0943 8.193 -0.0288
4 0 13 0 1.33331 0.4476 7.6069 33.376 -0.0269
5 0 17 0 1.13400 0.1993 0.9386 15.438 -0.0260
6 0 22 0 0.93915 0.1948 3.5290 11.537 -0.0233
7 0 24 0 0.84821 0.0909 4.8308 8.124 -0.0193
8 0 30 0 0.54334 0.3049 4.1770 35.143 -0.0186
9 0 32 0 0.46593 0.0774 0.9479 8.708 -0.0178
10 0 37 0 0.35322 0.1127 2.5981 10.964 -0.0147
11 0 40 0 0.26381 0.0894 3.3028 13.590 -0.0121
12 0 41 0 0.20282 0.0610 0.6451 10.000 -0.0116
13 0 46 0 0.11714 0.0857 1.6603 11.395 -0.0102
14 0 51 0 0.07149 0.0456 2.4050 11.559 -0.0074
15 0 53 0 0.04746 0.0240 0.5628 6.868 -0.0071
16 0 58 0 0.02759 0.0199 1.3282 5.365 -0.0055
17 0 60 0 0.01625 0.0113 1.9246 5.882 -0.0035
18 0 62 0 0.00475 0.0115 0.6357 8.068 -0.0032
19 0 66 0 0.00167 0.00307 0.4810 2.336 -0.0022
20 0 70 0 0.0005952 0.00108 0.6043 3.287 -0.0006
21 0 72 0 0.0000771 0.000518 0.0289 2.329 -0.0004
22 0 76 0 1.92121E-6 0.000075 0.0365 1.772 -0.0001
23 0 78 0 2.39914E-8 1.897E-6 0.00158 1.159 -331E-8
24 0 80 0 5.0936E-11 2.394E-8 0.000016 0.967 -46E-9
25 0 119 0 3.9538E-11 1.14E-11 7.962E-7 1.061 -19E-13
Optimization Results
Iterations 25 Function Calls 120
Gradient Calls 107 Active Constraints 0
Objective Function 3.953804E-11 Max Abs Gradient Element 7.9622469E-7
Slope of Search Direction -1.88032E-12
ABSGCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 0.999991 -0.000000796
2 X2 0.999982 0.000000430
Value of Objective Function = 3.953804E-11
850 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Nonlinearly Constrained Quasi-Newton Optimization
The algorithm used for nonlinearly constrained quasi-Newton optimization is an efcient modication of
Powells (1978a, 1982b) variable metric constrained watchdog (VMCWD) algorithm. Asimilar but older al-
gorithm (VF02AD) is part of the Harwell library. Both the VMCWDand VF02ADalgorithms use Fletchers
VE02AD algorithm, which is also part of the Harwell library, for positive denite quadratic programming.
This NLPQN implementation uses a quadratic programming subroutine that updates and downdates the
Cholesky factor when the active set changes (Gill et al. 1984). The nonlinear NLPQN algorithm is not a
feasible point algorithm, and the value of the objective function is not required to decrease monotonically.
Instead, the algorithm tries to reduce a linear combination of objective function and constraint violations.
The following are similarities and differences between this algorithm and Powells VMCWD algorithm:
v You can use the sixth element of the opt argument to modify the algorithm used by the NLPQN
subroutine. If you specify opt[6] = 2, which is the default, the evaluation of the Lagrange vector j
is performed the same way as described in Powell (1982). However, the VMCWD program seems to
have a bug in the implementation of formula (4.4) in Powell (1982). If you specify opt[6] = 1, the
original update of j used in the VF02AD algorithm in Powell (1978) is performed.
v Instead of updating an approximate Hessian matrix, this algorithm uses the dual BFGS or dual DFP
update that updates the Cholesky factor of an approximate Hessian. If the condition of the updated
matrix gets too bad, the algorithm restarts with a positive diagonal matrix. At the end of the rst
iteration after each restart, the Cholesky factor is scaled.
v The Cholesky factor is loaded into the quadratic programming subroutine, which ensures positive
deniteness of the problem. During the quadratic programming step, the Cholesky factor of the
projected Hessian matrix 7
is updated simultaneously with QT decomposition when the active
set changes. See Gill et al. (1984) for more information.
v The line-search strategy is very similar to that of Powells algorithm, but this algorithm does not call
for derivatives during the line search. Therefore, this algorithm generally needs fewer derivative calls
than function calls, whereas the VMCWD algorithm always requires the same number of derivative
calls as function calls. Also, Powells line-search method sometimes uses steps that are too long
during the early iterations. In those cases, you can use the second element of the par argument to
restrict the step length in the rst ve iterations. See the section Control Parameters Vector on
page 367 for more details.
v The watchdog strategy is also similar to that of Powells algorithm. However, this algorithm does not
return automatically after a xed number of iterations to a previous, more optimal point. A return
to such a point is further delayed if the observed function reduction is close to the expected function
reduction of the quadratic model.
v Although Powells termination criterion, the FTOL2 criterion, can still be used, the NLPQN imple-
mentation uses, by default, two other termination criteria (GTOL and ABSGTOL).
This algorithm is automatically invoked if the nlc argument is specied. The module specied with the
nlc argument must return a vector of length n
, where n
is the total number of constraints. Letting n
the number of equality constraints, the constraints must be of the following form:
(.) = 0. i = 1. . . . . n
(.) _ 0. i = n
1. . . . . n
NLPQUA Call ! 851
The rst n
elements of the returned vector contain the c
for the equality constraints, and the remaining
elements contain the c
for the inequality constraints.
NOTE: You must specify the total number of constraints with the tenth element of the opt argument, and if
there are any equality constraints, you must specify their number, n
, with the eleventh element of the opt
The nonlinear NLPQN algorithm requires the Jacobian matrix of the rst-order derivatives of the n
straints returned by the module specied by the nlc argument. You can provide these derivatives by spec-
ifying a module with the jacnlc argument. This module must return the Jacobian matrix J of rst-order
partial derivatives. That is, J is an n
n matrix such that the entry in the i th row and th column is given
J(i. ) =
If you specify an nlc module without specifying a jacnlc argument, nite difference approximations of
the rst-order derivatives of the constraints are used. You can use the ninth element of the par argument to
specify the number of accurate digits used in evaluating the constraints.
You can specify two update formulas with the fourth element of the opt argument as indicated in the fol-
lowing table:
Value of opt[4] Update Method
1 Dual Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (DBFGS) update
of the Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix. This is the default.
2 Dual Davidon, Fletcher, and Powell (DDFP) update of the
Cholesky factor of the Hessian matrix.
This algorithm uses its own line-search technique. None of the options and parameters that control the line
search in the other algorithms apply in the nonlinear NLPQN algorithm, with the exception of the second
element of the par vector, which can be used to restrict the length of the step size in the rst ve iterations.
See Example 14.8 for an example where you need to specify a value for the second element of the par
argument. The values of the fourth, fth, and sixth elements of the par vector, which control the processing
of linear and boundary constraints, are valid only for the quadratic programming subroutine used in each
iteration of the NLPQNcall. For a simple example of the NLPQNsubroutine, see the section Rosen-Suzuki
Problem on page 342.
CALL NLPQUA(rc, xr, quad, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, lin> );
The NLPQUA subroutine computes an optimum value of a quadratic objective function.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPQUA subroutine uses a fast algorithm for maximizing or minimizing the quadratic objective func-
852 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
G. g
. con
subject to boundary constraints and general linear equality and inequality constraints. The algorithm is
memory-consuming for problems with general linear constraints.
The matrix G must be symmetric but not necessarily positive denite (or negative denite for maximization
problems). The constant term con affects only the value of the objective function, not its derivatives or the
optimal point .
The algorithm is an active-set method in which the update of active boundary and linear constraints is
done separately. The QT decomposition of the matrix
of active linear constraints is updated iteratively
(Gill et al. 1984). If n
is the number of free parameters (that is, n minus the number of active boundary
constraints) and n
is the number of active linear constraints, then Q is an n
orthogonal matrix that
contains null space 7 in its rst n
columns and range space Y in its last n
columns. The matrix T is
an n
triangular matrix of the formt
= 0 for i < n . The Cholesky factor of the projected Hessian
matrix 7
is updated simultaneously with the QT decomposition when the active set changes.
The objective function is specied by the input arguments quad and lin, as follows:
v The quad argument species the symmetric nn Hessian matrix, G, of the quadratic term. The input
can be in dense or sparse form. In dense form, all n
entries of the quad matrix must be specied.
If n _ 3, the dense specication must be used. The sparse specication can be useful when G has
many zero elements. You can specify an nn 3 matrix in which each row represents one of the nn
nonzero elements of G. The rst column species the row location in G, the second column species
the column location, and the third column species the value of the nonzero element.
v The lin argument species the linear part of the quadratic optimization problem. It must be a vector
of length n or n 1. If lin is a vector of length n, it species the vector g of the linear term, and the
constant term con is considered zero. If lin is a vector of length n 1, then the rst n elements of the
argument specify the vector g and the last element species the constant term con of the objective
As in the other optimization subroutines, you can use the blc argument to specify boundary and general
linear constraints, and you must provide a starting point x0 to determine the number of parameters. If x0
is not feasible, a feasible initial point is computed by linear programming, and the elements of x0 can be
missing values.
Assuming nonnegativity constraints . _ 0, the quadratic optimization problem is solved with the LCP call,
which solves the linear complementarity problem.
Choosing a sparse (or dense) input form of the quad argument does not mean that the algorithm used in the
NLPQUA subroutine is necessarily sparse (or dense). If the following conditions are satised, the NLPQUA
algorithm stores and processes the matrix G as sparse:
v No general linear constraints are specied.
v The memory needed for the sparse storage of G is less than 80% of the memory needed for dense
NLPQUA Call ! 853
v G is not a diagonal matrix. If G is diagonal, it is stored and processed as a diagonal matrix.
The sparse NLPQUA algorithm uses a modied form of minimum degree Cholesky factorization (George
and Liu 1981).
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPNRA subroutine prints the following information:
v The heading alpha is the step size, , computed with the line-search algorithm.
v The heading slope refers to g
s, the slope of the search direction at the current parameter iterate
. For minimization, this value should be signicantly smaller than zero. Otherwise, the line-
search algorithm has difculty reducing the function value sufciently.
The Betts problem (see the section Constrained Betts Function on page 341) can be expressed as a
quadratic problem in the following way:
. =
. G =
0.02 0
0 2
. g =
. con = 100
G. g
. con = 0.50.02.
| 100 = 0.01.
The following statements use the NLPQUA subroutine to solve the Betts problem:
lin = { 0. 0. -100};
quad = { 0.02 0.0 ,
0.0 2.0 };
c = { 2. -50. . .,
50. 50. . .,
10. -1. 1. 10.};
x = { -1. -1.};
opt = {0 2};
call nlpqua(rc, xres, quad, x, opt, c, , , , lin);
The quad argument species the G matrix, and the lin argument species the g vector with the value of
con appended as the last element. The matrix c species the boundary constraints and the general linear
The iteration history follows.
Figure 23.203 Quadratic Optimization
NOTE: Initial point was changed to be feasible for boundary and linear
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Lower Upper
Objective Bound Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint Constraint
1 X1 6.800000 0.136000 2.000000 50.000000
2 X2 -1.000000 -2.000000 -50.000000 50.000000
854 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.203 continued
Value of Objective Function = -98.5376
Linear Constraints
1 59.00000 : 10.0000 <= + 10.0000
X1 - 1.0000
Null Space Method of Quadratic Problem
Parameter Estimates 2
Lower Bounds 2
Upper Bounds 2
Linear Constraints 1
Using Sparse Hessian _
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Objective Function -98.5376
Max Abs Gradient Element 2
Max Abs Slope
Rest Func Act Objective Obj Fun Gradient Step Search
Iter arts Calls Con Function Change Element Size Direc
1 0 2 1 -99.87349 1.3359 0.5882 0.706 -2.925
2 0 3 1 -99.96000 0.0865 0 1.000 -0.173
Optimization Results
Iterations 2 Function Calls 4
Gradient Calls 3 Active Constraints 1
Objective Function -99.96 Max Abs Gradient Element 0
Slope of Search Direction -0.173010381
ABSGCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
Gradient Active
Objective Bound
N Parameter Estimate Function Constraint
1 X1 2.000000 0.040000 Lower BC
2 X2 0 0
Value of Objective Function = -99.96
Linear Constraints Evaluated at Solution
1 10.00000 = -10.0000 + 10.0000
X1 - 1.0000
NLPTR Call ! 855
CALL NLPTR(rc, xr, fun, x0 <, opt > <, blc > <, tc > <, par > <, ptit > <, grd > <, hes > );
The NLPTR subroutine uses a trust-region method to compute an optimum value of a function.
See the section Nonlinear Optimization and Related Subroutines on page 823 for a listing of all NLP
subroutines. See Chapter 14 for a description of the arguments of NLP subroutines.
The NLPTR subroutine is a trust-region method. The algorithm uses the gradient g
= V(.
) and
Hessian matrix G
= V
) and requires that the objective function = (.) has continuous rst-
and second-order derivatives inside the feasible region.
The n n Hessian matrix G contains the second derivatives of the objective function with respect to the
parameters .
. . . . . .
. as follows:
G(.) = V
(.) =

The trust-region method works by optimizing a quadratic approximation to the nonlinear objective function
within a hyperelliptic trust region. This trust region has a radius, ^, that constrains the step size that
corresponds to the quality of the quadratic approximation. The method is implemented by using Dennis,
Gay, and Welsch (1981), Gay (1983), and Mor and Sorensen (1983).
Finite difference approximations for second-order derivatives that use only function calls are computation-
ally very expensive. If you specify rst-order derivatives analytically with the grd module argument, you
can drastically reduce the computation time for numerical second-order derivatives. Computing the nite
difference approximation for the Hessian matrix G generally uses only n calls of the module that computes
the gradient analytically.
The NLPTR method performs well for small- to medium-sized problems and does not need many function,
gradient, and Hessian calls. However, if the gradient is not specied by using the grd argument or if
the computation of the Hessian module, as specied by the hes module argument, is computationally
expensive, one of the (dual) quasi-Newton or conjugate gradient algorithms might be more efcient.
In addition to the standard iteration history, the NLPTR subroutine prints the following information:
v Under the heading Iter, an asterisk (*) printed after the iteration number indicates that the computed
Hessian approximation was singular and had to be ridged with a positive value.
v The heading lambda represents the Lagrange multiplier, z. This has a value of zero when the optimum
of the quadratic function approximation is inside the trust region, in which case a trust-region-scaled
Newton step is performed. It is greater than zero when the optimum is at the boundary of the trust
region, in which case the scaled Newton step is too long to t in the trust region and a quadratically
constrained optimization is done. Large values indicate optimization difculties, and as in Gay (1983),
a negative value indicates the special case of an indenite Hessian matrix.
v The heading radius refers to ^, the radius of the trust region. Small values of the radius combined
with large values of z in subsequent iterations indicate optimization problems.
856 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
For an example of the use of the NLPTR subroutine, see the section Unconstrained Rosenbrock Function
on page 337.
NORMAL Function
The NORMAL function generates pseudorandom numbers from the standard normal distribution. The seed
argument is a numeric matrix or literal. The elements of the seed argument can be any integer value up to
The NORMAL function returns pseudorandom numbers from a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a
standard deviation of 1. The NORMAL function returns a matrix with the same dimensions as the argument.
The rst argument on the rst call is used for the seed; if that value is 0, the system time is used for the seed.
This function is equivalent to the DATA step function RANNOR.
The Box-Muller transformation of the UNIFORM function deviates is used to generate the numbers. The
following statements produce the output shown in Figure 23.204:
seed = 123456;
c = j(5, 1, seed); /
generate 5 number from the same seed
b = normal(c);
print b;
Figure 23.204 Random Values Generated from a Normal Distribution
For generating millions of pseudorandom numbers, use the RANDGEN subroutine.
NROW Function
The NROW function returns the number of rows in its matrix argument. If the matrix has not been given a
value, the NROW function returns a value of 0.
For example, following statements display the number of rows of the matrix m:
m = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 3 2 1, 4 3 2, 5 4 3};
ODE Call ! 857
n = nrow(m);
print n;
Figure 23.205 Number of Rows in a Matrix
NUM Function
The NUM function produces a numeric representation of elements in a character matrix. If you have a
character matrix for which each element is a string representation of a number, the NUM function produces
a numeric matrix with dimensions that are the same as the dimensions of the argument and with elements
that are the numeric representations (double-precision oating-point) of the corresponding elements of the
For example, following statements display the result of converting a character matrix to a numeric matrix:
c = {"1" "2" "3"};
reset print; /
display values and type of matrices
m = num(c);
Figure 23.206 Numeric Matrix
m 1 row 3 cols (numeric)
1 2 3
You can also use the PUTN function in Base SAS software to apply a SAS format to each element of a
numeric matrix. The resulting matrix is character-valued.
See also the description of the CHAR function, which converts numeric matrices into character matrices.
ODE Call
CALL ODE(r, dername, c, t, h <, J=jacobian > <, EPS=eps > <, SAS-data-set > );
The ODE subroutine performs numerical integration of rst-order vector differential equations of the form
= (t. y(t )) with y(0) = c
858 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The ODE subroutine returns the following values:
r is a numeric matrix that contains the results of the integration over connected subintervals.
The number of columns in r is equal to the number of subintervals of integration as dened
by the argument t. In case of any error in the integration on any subinterval, partial results
are not reported in r.
The input arguments to the ODE subroutine are as follows:
dername species the name of a module used to evaluate the integrand.
c species an initial value vector for the variable ,.
t species a sorted vector that describes the limits of integration over connected subintervals.
The simplest form of the vector t contains only the limits of the integration on one interval.
The rst component of t should contain the initial value, and the second component should be
the nal value of the independent variable. For more advanced usage of the ODE subroutine,
the vector t can contain more than two components. The components of the vector must be
sorted in ascending order. Two consecutive components of the vector t are interpreted as a
subinterval. The ODE subroutine reports the nal result of integration at the right endpoint
of each subinterval. This information is vital if () has internal points of discontinuity. To
produce accurate solutions, it is essential that you provide the location of these points in the
variable t. The continuity of the forcing function is vital to the internal control of error.
h species a numeric vector that contains three components: the minimum allowable step size,
hmin; the maximum allowable step size, hmax; and the initial step size to start the integration
process, hinit.
jacobian optionally species the name of a module that is used to evaluate the Jacobian analytically.
The Jacobian is the matrix J, with
If the jacobian module is not specied, the ODE subroutine uses a nite-difference method
to approximate the Jacobian. The keyword for this option is J.
eps species a scalar that indicates the required accuracy. It has a default value of 1E4. The
keyword for this option is EPS.
SAS-data-set is an optional argument that species the name of a valid predened SAS data set name. The
data set is used to save the successful independent and dependent variables of the integration
at each step. The keyword for this option is DATA.
The ODE subroutine is an adaptive, variable-order, variable-step-size, stiff integrator based on implicit
backward-difference methods. See Aiken (1985), Bickart and Picel (1973), Donelson and Hansen (1971),
Gaffney (1984), and Shampine (1978). The integrator is an implicit predictor-corrector method that locally
attempts to maintain the prescribed precision eps relative to
J = max
([,(t )[
. 1)
As you can see from the expression, this quantity is dynamically updated during the integration process and
can help you to understand the validity of the results reported by the subroutine.
ODE Call ! 859
A Linear Differential Equation
Consider the differential equation
= t, with , = 0.5 at t = 0
The following statements attempt to nd the solution at t = 1:
Define the integrand
start fun(t,y);
v = -t
Call ODE
c = 0.5;
t = {0 1};
h = {1E-12 1 1E-5};
call ode(r1, "FUN", c, t, h);
print r1[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.207 Solution to a Differential Equation at t = 1
In this case, the integration is carried out over (0. 1) to give the value of , at t = 1. The optional parameter
eps has not been specied, so it is internally set to 1E4. Also, the optional parameter jacobian has not
been specied, so nite-difference methods are used to estimate the Jacobian. The accuracy of the answer
can be increased by specifying eps. For example, set EPS=1E7, as follows:
call ode(r2, "FUN", c, t, h) eps=1E-7;
print r2[format =E21.14];
Figure 23.208 A Solution with Increased Accuracy
Compare this value to 0.5e
= 3.03265329856310E01 and observe that the result is correct through
the sixth decimal digit and has an error relative to 1 that is O(1E7).
If the solution was desired at 1 and 2 with an accuracy of 1E7, you would use the following statements:
t = {0 1 2};
h = {1E-12 1 1E-5};
call ode(r3, "FUN", c, t, h) eps=1E-7;
print r3[format=E21.14];
860 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.209 A Solution at Two Times
3.03265687354960E-01 6.76677185425360E-02
Note that r3 contains the solution at t = 1 in the rst column and at t = 2 in the second column.
A Discontinuous Forcing Function
Now consider the smoothness of the forcing function (). For the purpose of estimating errors, adaptive
methods require some degree of smoothness in the function (). If this smoothness is not present in
() over the interior and including the left endpoint of the subinterval, the reported result does not have
the desired accuracy. The function () must be at least continuous. If the function does not meet this
requirement, you should specify the discontinuity as an intermediate point. For example, consider the
differential equation
t if t < 1
if t _ 1
To nd the solution at t = 2, use the following statements:
Define the integrand
start fun(t,y);
if t < 1 then v = t;
else v = .5
c = 0;
t = {0 2};
h = {1E-12 1. 1E-5};
call ode(r1, "FUN", c, t, h) eps=1E-12;
print r1[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.210 Numerical Solution Across a Discontinuity
In the preceding case, the integration is carried out over a single interval, (0. 2). The optional parameter eps
is specied to be 1E12. The optional parameter jacobian is not specied, so nite-difference methods
are used to estimate the Jacobian.
Note that the value of r1 does not have the required accuracy (it should contain a 12 decimal-place repre-
sentation of 5/3), although no error message is produced. The reason is that the function is not continuous at
ODE Call ! 861
the point t = 1. Even the lowest-order method cannot produce a local reliable error estimate near the point
of discontinuity. To avoid this problem, you can create subintervals so that the integration is carried out rst
over (0. 1) and then over (1. 2). The following statements implement this method:
c = 0;
t = {0 1 2};
h = {1E-12 1 1E-5};
call ode(r2, "FUN", c, t, h) eps=1E-12;
print r2[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.211 Numerical Solution on Subintervals
5.00000000003280E-01 1.66666666667280E+00
The variable r2 contains the solutions at both t = 1 and t = 2, and the errors are of the specied order.
Although there is no interest in the solution at the point t = 1, the advantage of specifying subintervals with
no discontinuities is that the function () is innitely differentiable in each subinterval.
A Piecewise Continuous Forcing Function
When () is continuous, the ODE subroutine can compute the integration to the specied precision, even
if the function is dened piecewise. Consider the differential equation
t if t < 1
if t _ 1
The following statements nds the solution at t = 2. Since the function () is continuous, the requirements
for error control are satised.
Define the integrand
start fun(t,y);
if t < 1 then v = t;
else v = t
c = 0.5;
t = {0 2};
h = {1E-12 1 1E-5};
call ode(r, "FUN", c, t, h) eps=1E-12;
print r[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.212 Numerical Solution Across a Discontinuity
862 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.212 continued
1.85787839378720E-06 6.58580950202810E-06
-1.76251639451200E-03 -6.35540294085790E-03
-1.56685625917120E-03 -5.72429205508220E-03
1.01207878768800E-03 3.73655890904620E-03
Comparing Numerical Integration with an Eigenvalue Decomposition
This example compares the ODE subroutine to an eigenvalue decomposition for stiff-linear systems. In the
= , with ,(0) = c
where is a symmetric constant matrix, the solution can be written in terms of the eigenvalue decomposition
,(t ) = Ue
where U is the matrix of eigenvectors and D is a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues on its diagonal.
The following statements produce two solutions, one by using the ODE subroutine and the other by using
the eigenvalue decomposition:
Define the integrand
start fun(t,x) global(a,count);
count = count+1;
v = a
Define the Jacobian
start jac(t,x) global(a);
a = {-1000 -1 -2 -3,
-1 -2 3 -1,
-2 3 -4 -3,
-3 -1 -3 -5 };
count = 0;
t = {0 1 2};
h = {1E-12 1 1E-5};
eps = 1E-9;
ODE Call ! 863
c = {1, 0, 0, 0 };
call ode(z, "FUN", c, t, h) eps=eps j="JAC";
print z[format=E21.14];
print count;
Figure 23.213 Numerical Integration of a Linear System
1.85787365492010E-06 6.58581431443360E-06
-1.76251618648210E-03 -6.35540480231360E-03
-1.56685608329260E-03 -5.72429355490000E-03
1.01207978491490E-03 3.73655984699120E-03
1.85787839378720E-06 6.58580950202810E-06
-1.76251639451200E-03 -6.35540294085790E-03
-1.56685625917120E-03 -5.72429205508220E-03
1.01207878768800E-03 3.73655890904620E-03
Do the eigenvalue decomposition
start eval(t) global(d,u,c);
v = u
call eigen(d,u,a);
free z1;
do i = 1 to nrow(t)
z1 = z1 || (eval(t[i+1]));
print z1[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.214 Analytic Solution of a Linear System
1.85787365492010E-06 6.58581431443360E-06
-1.76251618648210E-03 -6.35540480231360E-03
-1.56685608329260E-03 -5.72429355490000E-03
1.01207978491490E-03 3.73655984699120E-03
864 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.214 continued
1.85787839378720E-06 6.58580950202810E-06
-1.76251639451200E-03 -6.35540294085790E-03
-1.56685625917120E-03 -5.72429205508220E-03
1.01207878768800E-03 3.73655890904620E-03
Is this an O(1E9) result? Note that for the problem
J = max
([,(t )[
. 1) = 1
with the 1E6 result, the ODE subroutine should attempt to maintain an accuracy of 1E9 relative to 1.
Therefore, the 1E6 result should have almost three correct decimal places. At t = 2, the rst component
of z is 6.58597048842310E06, while its more accurate value is 6.58580950203220E06, showing an
O(1E10) error.
The ODE subroutine can fail for problems with unusual qualitative properties, such as nite escape time
in the interval of integration (that is, the solution goes towards innity at some nite time). In such cases,
try testing with different subintervals and different levels of accuracy to gain some qualitative information
about the behavior of the solution of the differential equation.
CALL ODSGRAPH(name, template, matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix13> );
The ODSGRAPH subroutine renders an ODS statistical graph that is dened by a template.
The input arguments to the ODSGRAPH subroutine are as follows:
name is a character matrix or quoted literal that assigns a name to the graph. The name is used to
identify the output graph in the SAS Results window.
template is a character matrix or quoted literal that names the template used to render the graph.
matrix is a matrix whose columns are supplied to the template. You can specify up to 13 argu-
ments. The name of each column must be specied by using the MATTRIB statement or the
COLNAME= option in a READ statement.
The ODSGRAPH subroutine (which requires a SAS/GRAPH license) renders a graph dened by the input
template. Data for the graph are in the columns of the matrix arguments. Column names are assigned to the
matrices by using the MATTRIB statement or by using the COLNAME= option in a READ statement. This
is illustrated in the following example, which produces a three-dimensional surface plot:
ODSGRAPH Call ! 865
proc template;
define statgraph SurfacePlot;
layout overlay3d;
surfaceplotparm x=x y=y z=z / surfacetype=fill;
ods graphics on;
title "Surface Plot";
proc iml;
XDiv = do( -5, 5, 0.25 );
YDiv = do( -5, 5, 0.25 );
nX = ncol(XDiv);
nY = ncol(YDiv);
x = shape(repeat(XDiv, nY, 1), 0, 1);
y = shape(repeat(YDiv`, 1, nX), 0, 1);
z = sin( sqrt( x##2 + y##2 ) );
matrix = x || y || z;
mattrib matrix colname={"x" "y" "z"};
call odsgraph("surface", "SurfacePlot", matrix);
ods graphics off;
866 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.215 ODS Graphic
In the example, the TEMPLATE procedure denes a template for a surface plot. The ODSGRAPH subrou-
tine calls ODS to render the graph by using the layout in the template. (You can render the graph in any
ODS destination.) The data for the graph are contained in a matrix. The MATTRIB statement associates the
columns of the matrix with the variable names required by the template.
You can also create graphs from data that are read from a data set. If x, y, and z are variables in a data set,
then the following statements plot these variables:
use myData;
read all into matrix[colname = c];
call odsgraph("surface", "SurfacePlot", matrix);
Since column names created via a READ statement are permanently associated with the INTO matrix, you
do not need to use a MATTRIB statement for this example.
The sample programs distributed with SAS/IML software include other examples of plots that are available
by using ODS Statistical Graphics.
OPSCAL Function ! 867
OPSCAL Function
OPSCAL(mlevel, quanti <, qualit > );
The OPSCAL function rescales qualitative data to be a least squares t to quantitative data.
The arguments to the OPSCAL function are as follows:
mlevel species a scalar that has one of two values. When mlevel is 1, the qualit matrix is at the
nominal measurement level; when mlevel is 2, it is at the ordinal measurement level.
quanti species an m n matrix of quantitative information assumed to be at the interval level
of measurement.
qualit species an mn matrix of qualitative information whose level of measurement is spec-
ied by mlevel. When qualit is omitted, mlevel must be 2 and a temporary qualit is
constructed that contains the integers from 1 to n in the rst row, from n 1 to 2n in the
second row, from 2n 1 to 3n in the third row, and so forth, up to the integers (m1)n
to mn in the last(mth) row. You cannot specify qualit as a character matrix.
The result of the OPSCAL function is the optimal scaling transformation of the qualitative (nominal or
ordinal) data in qualit. The optimal scaling transformation that results has the following properties:
v It is a least squares t to the quantitative data in quanti.
v It preserves the qualitative measurement level of qualit.
When qualit is at the nominal level of measurement, the optimal scaling transformation result is a least
squares t to quanti, given the restriction that the category structure of qualit must be preserved. If element
i of qualit is in category c, then element i of the optimum scaling transformation result is the mean of all
those elements of quanti that correspond to elements of qualit that are in category c.
For example, the following statements create the vector shown in Figure 23.216:
quanti = {5 4 6 7 4 6 2 4 8 6};
qualit = {6 6 2 12 4 10 4 10 8 6};
os = opscal(1, quanti, qualit);
print os;
Figure 23.216 Optimal Scaling Transformation of Nominal Data
ROW1 5 5 6 7 3
ROW1 5 3 5 8 5
868 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The optimal scaling transformation result is said to preserve the nominal measurement level of qualit be-
cause wherever there was a qualit category c, there is now a result category label . The transformation is
least squares because the result element is the mean of appropriate elements of quanti. This is Youngs
(1981) discrete-nominal transformation.
When qualit is at the ordinal level of measurement, the optimal scaling transformation result is a least
squares t to quanti, given the restriction that the ordinal structure of qualit must be preserved. This is done
by determining blocks of elements of qualit so that if element i of qualit is in block b, then element i of
the result is the mean of all those quanti elements that correspond to block b elements of qualit so that the
means are (weakly) in the same order as the elements of qualit.
For example, consider these statements, which produce the transformation shown in Figure 23.217:
os2 = opscal(2, quanti, qualit);
print os2;
Figure 23.217 Optimal Scaling Transformation of Ordinal Data
ROW1 5 5 4 7 4
ROW1 6 4 6 6 5
This transformation preserves the ordinal measurement level of qualit because the elements of qualit and
the result are (weakly) in the same order. It is least squares because the result elements are the means of
appropriate elements of quanti. By comparing this result to the nominal one, you see that categories whose
means are incorrectly ordered have been merged together to form correctly ordered blocks. This is known
as Kruskals (1964) least squares monotonic transformation.
You can omit the qualit argument, as shown in the following statements:
quanti = {5 3 6 7 5 7 8 6 7 8};
os3 = opscal(2, quanti);
print os3;
These statements are equivalent to specifying
qualit = 1:10;
The result is shown in Figure 23.218.
ORPOL Function ! 869
Figure 23.218 Optimal Scaling Transformation
ROW1 4 4 6 6 6
ROW1 7 7 7 7 8
ORPOL Function
ORPOL(x <, maxdegree> <, weights > );
The ORPOL function generates orthogonal polynomials on a discrete set of points.
The arguments to the ORPOL function are as follows:
x is an n 1 vector of values on which the polynomials are to be dened.
maxdegree species the maximum degree polynomial to be computed. If maxdegree is omitted, the
default value is min(n. 19). If weights is specied, you must also specify maxdegree.
weights species an n 1 vector of nonnegative weights associated with the points in x. If you
specify weights, you must also specify maxdegree. If maxdegree is not specied or is
specied incorrectly, the default weights (all weights are 1) are used.
The ORPOL matrix function generates orthogonal polynomials evaluated at the n points contained in x by
using the algorithm of Emerson (1968). The result is a column-orthonormal matrix P with n rows and
maxdegree1 columns such that P
diag(weights)P = I. The result of evaluating the polynomial of degree
1 at the i th element of x is stored in Pi. |.
The maximum number of nonzero orthogonal polynomials (r) that can be computed from the vector and the
weights is the number of distinct values in the vector, ignoring any value associated with a zero weight.
The polynomial of maximum degree has degree of r 1. If the value of maxdegree exceeds r 1, then
columns r 1, r 2,. . . , maxdegree1 of the result are set to 0. In this case,
diag(weights)P =
1(r) 0
0 0
The following statements create a matrix with three orthogonal columns, as shown in Figure 23.219:
x = T(1:5);
P = orpol(x,2);
print P;
870 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.219 Orthogonal Polynomials
0.4472136 -0.632456 0.5345225
0.4472136 -0.316228 -0.267261
0.4472136 1.755E-17 -0.534522
0.4472136 0.3162278 -0.267261
0.4472136 0.6324555 0.5345225
The rst column is a polynomial of degree 0 (a constant polynomial) evaluated at each point of .. The
second column is a polynomial of degree 1 evaluated at each point of .. The third column is a polynomial
of degree 2 evaluated at each point of ..
Normalization of the Polynomials
The columns of P are orthonormal with respect to the inner product
(. g) =

as shown by the following statements:
reset fuzz; /
print tiny numbers as zero
w = j(ncol(x),1,1); /
default weight is all ones
Verify orthonormal
L = P`
print L;
Some reference books on orthogonal polynomials do not normalize the columns of the matrix that represents
the orthogonal polynomials. For example, a textbook might give the following as a fourth-degree polynomial
evaluated on evenly spaced data:
textbookPoly = { 1 -2 2 -1 1,
1 -1 -1 2 -4,
1 0 -2 0 6,
1 1 -1 -2 -4,
1 2 2 1 1 };
To compare this representation to the normalized representation that the ORPOL function produces, use the
following program:
Normalize the columns of textbook representation
normalPoly = textbookPoly;
do i = 1 to ncol( normalPoly );
v = normalPoly[,i];
norm = sqrt(v[##]);
normalPoly[,i] = v / norm;
Compare the normalized matrix with ORPOL
x = T(1:5); /
Any evenly spaced data gives the same answer
ORPOL Function ! 871
imlPoly = orpol( x, 4 );
diff = imlPoly - normalPoly;
maxDiff = abs(diff)[<>];
reset fuzz; /
print tiny numbers as zero
print maxDiff;
Figure 23.220 Normalizing a Matrix
Polynomial Regression
A typical use for orthogonal polynomials is to t a polynomial to a set of data. Given a set of points (.
. ,
i = 1. . . . . m, the classical theory of orthogonal polynomials says that the best approximating polynomial
of degree J is given by


where c
= (,. 1
. 1
) and where 1
is the i th column of the matrix P returned by ORPOL. But the
matrix is orthonormal with respect to the inner product, so (1
. 1
) = 1 for all i . Thus you can easily
compute a regression onto the span of polynomials.
In the following program, the weight vector is used to overweight or underweight particular data points.
The researcher has reasons to doubt the accuracy of the rst measurement. The last data point is also
underweighted because it is a leverage point and is believed to be an outlier. The second data point was
measured twice and is overweighted. (Rerunning the programwith a weight vector of all ones and examining
the new values of the fit variable is a good way to understand the effect of the weight vector.)
x = {0.1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 20};
y = {0.5, 1, 0.1, -1, -0.5, -0.8, 0.1};
The second measurement was taken twice.
The first and last data points are underweighted
because of uncertainty in the measurements.
w = {0.5, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.2};
maxDegree = 4;
P = orpol(x,maxDegree,w);
The best fit by a polynomial of degree k is
Sum c_i P_i where c_i = <f,P_i>
start InnerProduct(f,g,w);
h = f#g#w;
return (h[+]);
c = j(1,maxDegree+1);
do i = 1 to maxDegree+1;
872 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
c[i] = InnerProduct(y, P[,i], w);
FitResults = j(maxDegree+1,2);
do k = 1 to maxDegree+1;
fit = P[,1:k]
resid = y - fit;
FitResults[k,1] = k-1; /
degree of polynomial
FitResults[k,2] = resid[##]; /
sum of square errors
print FitResults[colname={"Degree" "SSE"}];
Figure 23.221 Statistics for an Orthogonal Polynomial Regression
Degree SSE
0 3.1733014
1 4.6716722
2 1.3345326
3 1.3758639
4 0.8644558
Testing Linear Hypotheses
The ORPOL function can also be used to test linear hypotheses. Suppose you have an experimental design
with k factor levels. (The factor levels can be equally or unequally spaced.) At the i th level, you record n
observations, i = 1 . . . k. If n
= n
= . . . = n
, then the design is said to be balanced; otherwise it is
unbalanced. You want to t a polynomial model to the data and then ask how much variation in the data is
explained by the linear component, how much variation is explained by the quadratic component after the
linear component is taken into account, and so on for the cubic, quartic, and higher-level components.
To be completely concrete, suppose you have four factor levels (1, 4, 6, and 10) and that you record seven
measurements at rst level, two measurements at the second level, three measurements at the third level, and
four measurements at the fourth level. This is an example of an unbalanced and unequally spaced factor-
level design. The following program uses orthogonal polynomials to compute the Type I sum of squares for
the linear hypothesis. (The program works equally well for balanced designs and for equally spaced factor
The following program calls the ORPOL function to generate the orthogonal polynomial matrix P, and uses
it to form the Type I hypothesis matrix L. The program then uses the DESIGN function to generate X, the
design matrix associated with the experiment. The program then computes b, the estimated parameters of
the linear model. Since L was expressed in terms of the orthogonal polynomial matrix P, the computations
involved in forming the Type I sum of squares are considerably simplied.
unequally spaced and unbalanced factor levels
levels = { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
ORPOL Function ! 873
data for y. Make sure the data are sorted
according to the factor levels
y = {2.804823, 0.920085, 1.396577, -0.083318,
3.238294, 0.375768, 1.513658, /
level 1
3.913391, 3.405821, /
level 4
6.031891, 5.262201, 5.749861, /
level 6
10.685005, 9.195842, 9.255719, 9.204497 /
level 10
a = {1,4,6,10}; /
trials = {7,2,3,4}; /
sample sizes
maxDegree = 3; /
model with Intercept,a,a##2,a##3
P = orpol(a,maxDegree,trials);
Test linear hypotheses:
How much variation is explained by the
i_th polynomial component after components
0..(i-1) have been taken into account?
the columns of L are the coefficients of the
orthogonal polynomial contrasts
L = diag(trials)
form design matrix
x = design(levels);
compute b, the estimated parameters of the
linear model. b is the mean of the y values
at each level.
b = ginv(x'
but since x is the output from DESIGN, then
x = diag(trials) and so
x) = diag(1/trials)
b = diag(1/trials)
b)[i] is the best linear unbiased estimated
(BLUE) of the corresponding orthogonal polynomial
blue = L`
The variance of (L`
b) is
b) = L`
= P`
= Identity (by definition of P)
Therefore the standardized square of
b) is computed as
SS1[i] = (blue[i]
= (blue[i])##2
SS1 = blue # blue;
rowNames = {"Intercept" "Linear" "Quadratic" "Cubic"};
874 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
print SS1[rowname=rowNames format=11.7 label="Type I SS"];
Figure 23.222 indicates that most of the variation in the data can be explained by a rst-degree polynomial.
Figure 23.222 Statistics for an Orthogonal Polynomial Regression
Type I SS
Intercept 331.8783538
Linear 173.4756050
Quadratic 0.4612604
Cubic 0.0752106
Generating Families of Orthogonal Polynomials
There are classical families of orthogonal polynomials (for example, Legendre, Laguerre, Hermite, and
Chebyshev) that arise in the study of differential equations and mathematical physics. These named
families are orthogonal on particular intervals (a. b) with respect to the inner product
(.)g(.)n(.) J..
The functions returned by the ORPOL function are different from these named families because the ORPOL
function uses a different inner product. There are no built-in functions that can automatically generate these
families; however, you can write a program to generate them.
Each named polynomial family {
], _ 0 satises a three-term recurrence relation of the form

= (

where the constants
, T
, and C
are relatively simple functions of . To generate these named fami-
lies, use the three-term recurrence relation for the family. The recurrence relations are found in references
such as Abramowitz and Stegun (1972) or Thisted (1988).
For example, the so-called Legendre polynomials (represented 1
for the polynomial of degree ) are
dened on (1. 1) with the weight function n(.) = 1. They are standardized by requiring that 1
(1) = 1
for all _ 0. Thus 1
(.) = 1. The linear polynomial 1
(.) = a b. is orthogonal to 1
so that
(.) J. =
a b. J. = 0
which implies a = 0. The standardization 1
(1) = 1 implies that 1
(.) = .. The remaining Legendre
polynomials can be computed by looking up the three-term recurrence relation:
= 0, T
= (2 1), ,
and C
= ( 1) . The following program computes Legendre polynomials evaluated at a set of points:
maxDegree = 6;
evaluate polynomials at these points
x = T( do(-1,1,0.05) );
define the standard Legendre Polynomials
Using the 3-term recurrence with
A[j]=0, B[j]=(2j-1)/j, and C[j]=(j-1)/j
and the standardization P_j(1)=1
which implies P_0(x)=1, P_1(x)=x.
legendre = j(nrow(x), maxDegree+1);
legendre[,1] = 1; /
ORTVEC Call ! 875
legendre[,2] = x; /
do j = 2 to maxDegree;
legendre[,j+1] = (2
j-1)/j # x # legendre[,j] -
(j-1)/j # legendre[,j-1];
CALL ORTVEC(w, r, rho, lindep, v <, q> );
The ORVEC subroutine provides columnwise orthogonalization and stepwise QR decomposition by using
the Gram-Schmidt process.
The ORTVEC subroutine returns the following values:
w is an m 1 vector. If the Gram-Schmidt process converges (lindep=0), w is orthonormal to
the columns of Q, which is assumed to have n _ m (nearly) orthonormal columns. If the
Gram-Schmidt process does not converge (lindep=1), w is a vector of missing values. For
stepwise QR decomposition, w is the (n 1)th orthogonal column of the matrix Q. If the q
argument is not specied, w is the normalized value of the vector v,
n =


r is a n 1 vector. If the Gram-Schmidt process converges (lindep=0), r contains Fourier

coefcients. If the Gram-Schmidt process does not converge (lindep=1), r is a vector of
missing values. If the q argument is not specied, r is a vector with zero dimension. For
stepwise QR decomposition, r contains the n upper triangular elements of the (n 1)th
column of 1.
rho is a scalar value. If the Gram-Schmidt process converges (lindep=0), rho species the dis-
tance from w to the range of Q. Even if the Gram-Schmidt process converges, if rho is
sufciently small, the vector v can be linearly dependent on the columns of Q. If the Gram-
Schmidt process does not converge (lindep=1), rho is set to 0. For stepwise QR decomposi-
tion, rho contains the diagonal element of the (n 1)th column of 1. In formulas, the value
rho is denoted by j.
lindep returns a value of 1 if the Gram-Schmidt process does not converge in 10 iterations. A value
of 1 often indicates that the input vector v is linearly dependent on the n columns of the
input matrix Q. In that case, rho is set to 0, and the results w and r contain missing values. If
lindep=0, the Gram-Schmidt process did converge, and the results w, r, and rho are computed.
The input arguments to the ORTVEC subroutine are as follows:
v species an m 1 vector v that is to be orthogonalized to the n columns of Q. For stepwise
QR decomposition of a matrix, v is the (n1)th matrix column before its orthogonalization.
876 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
q species an optional m n matrix Q that is assumed to have n _ m (nearly) orthonormal
columns. Thus, the n n matrix Q
Q should approximate the identity matrix. The column
orthonormality assumption is not tested in the ORTVEC call. If it is violated, the results
are not predictable. The argument q can be omitted or can have zero rows and columns. For
stepwise QR decomposition of a matrix, q contains the rst n matrix columns that are already
The relevant formula for the ORTVEC subroutine is
= Qr jn
In the formula, if the mn matrix Q has n (nearly) orthonormal columns, the vector v is orthogonal to the
columns of Q and j is the distance from w to the range of Q.
There are two special cases:
v If m > n, ORTVEC normalizes the result w, so that w/ w= 1.
v If m = n, the output vector w is the null vector.
The case m < n is not possible since Q is assumed to have n (nearly) orthonormal columns.
To initialize a stepwise QR decomposition, the ORTVEC subroutine can be called to normalize v only (that
is, to compute n = ,

and j =

). There are two ways of using the ORTVEC subroutine for this
v Omit the last argument q, as in call ortvec(w,r,rho,lindep,v);.
v Provide a matrix q with zero rows and columns (for example, by using the free q; command).
In both cases, r is a column vector with zero rows.
The ORTVEC subroutine is useful for the following applications:
v performing stepwise QR decomposition. Compute Q and 1, so that = Q1, where Q is column
orthonormal, Q
Q = 1, and 1 is upper triangular. The th step is applied to the th column, v, of
, and it computes the th column w of Q and the th column, (r j 0)
, of 1.
v computing the m (m n) null space matrix, Q
, that corresponds to an m n range space matrix,
(m > n), by the following stepwise process:
1. Set = e
(where e
is the i th unit vector) and try to make it orthogonal to all column vectors
of Q
and the already generated Q
2. If the subroutine is successful, append w to Q
; otherwise, try = e
The 4 3 matrix Q contains the unit vectors e
. e
, and e
. The column vector v is pairwise linearly
independent with the three columns of Q. As expected, the ORTVEC subroutine computes the vector w as
the unit vector e
with u = (1. 1. 1) and j = 1.
ORTVEC Call ! 877
q = { 1 0 0,
0 0 0,
0 1 0,
0 0 1 };
v = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
call ortvec(w,u,rho,lindep,v,q);
print rho u w;
Figure 23.223 Matrix Orthogonalization
rho u w
1 1 0
1 1
1 0
Stepwise QR Decomposition Example
You can perform the QR decomposition of the linearly independent columns of an mn matrix A with the
following statements:
a = {1 2 1,
2 4 2,
1 4 -1,
1 0 3}; /
use any matrix A
nind = 0; ndep = 0; dmax = 0.;
n = ncol(a); m = nrow(a); ind = j(1,n,0);
free q;
do j = 1 to n;
v = a[ ,j];
call ortvec(w,u,rho,lindep,v,q);
aro = abs(rho);
if aro > dmax then dmax = aro;
if aro <= 1.e-10
dmax then lindep = 1;
if lindep = 0 then do;
nind = nind + 1;
q = q || w;
if nind = n then r = r || (u // rho);
else r = r || (u // rho // j(n-nind,1,0.));
else do;
print "Column " j " is linearly dependent.";
ndep = ndep + 1; ind[ndep] = j;
print q r;
878 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.224 QR Decomposition of Independent Columns
q r
0.3779645 0 2.6457513 5.2915026
0.7559289 0 0 2.8284271
0.3779645 0.7071068 0 0
0.3779645 -0.707107
Next, process the remaining (dependent) columns of A:
do j = 1 to ndep;
k = ind[ndep-j+1];
v = a[ ,k];
call ortvec(w,u,rho,lindep,v,q);
if lindep = 0 then do;
nind = nind + 1;
q = q || w;
if nind = n then r = r || (u // rho);
else r = r || (u // rho // j(n-nind,1,0.));
print q r;
Figure 23.225 QR Decomposition of Dependent Columns
q r
0.3779645 0 -0.239046 2.6457513 5.2915026 2.6457513
0.7559289 0 -0.478091 0 2.8284271 -2.828427
0.3779645 0.7071068 0.5976143 0 0 1.327E-16
0.3779645 -0.707107 0.5976143
You can also use the ORTVEC subroutine to compute the null space in the last columns of Q:
do i = 1 to m;
if nind < m then do;
v = j(m,1,0.); v[i] = 1.;
call ortvec(w,u,rho,lindep,v,q);
aro = abs(rho);
if aro > dmax then dmax = aro;
if aro <= 1.e-10
dmax then lindep = 1;
if lindep = 0 then do;
nind = nind + 1;
q = q || w;
else print "Unit vector" i "linearly dependent.";
if nind < m then do;
print "This is theoretically not possible.";
PAUSE Statement ! 879
print q;
Figure 23.226 Final Orthogonal Matrix
0.3779645 0 -0.239046 0.8944272
0.7559289 0 -0.478091 -0.447214
0.3779645 0.7071068 0.5976143 0
0.3779645 -0.707107 0.5976143 -3.1E-17
In the example, if you dene Q
to be the last two columns of Q, then Q
= 0.
PAUSE Statement
PAUSE <expression> <* > ;
The PAUSE statement interrupts the execution of a module.
The arguments to the PAUSE statement are as follows:
expression is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains a message to print.
* suppresses any messages.
The PAUSE statement stops execution of a module, saves the calling chain so that execution can resume
later (by a RESUME statement), prints a pause message that you can specify, and puts you in immediate
mode so you can enter more statements.
You can specify an operand in the PAUSE statement to supply a message to be printed for the pause prompt.
If no operand is specied, the following default message is printed:
Paused in module XXX.
In this case, XXX is the name of the module that contains the pause. If you want to suppress all messages in
a PAUSE statement, use an asterisk as the operand, as follows:
The PAUSE statement should be specied only in modules. It generates a warning if executed in immediate
When an error occurs while executing inside a module, PROC IML automatically behaves as though a
PAUSE statement was issued. The following note is displayed in the SAS Log:
Paused in module XXX.
880 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
PROC IML also enters immediate mode within the module environment. You can correct the error and
then resume execution by issuing a RESUME command.
PROC IML supports pause processing of both subroutine and function modules. See also the description of
the SHOW statement which uses the PAUSE option.
CALL PGRAF(xy <, id> <, xlabel > <, ylabel > <, title> );
The PGRAF subroutine displays a low-resolution scatter plot, sometimes called a line-printer plot.
The arguments to the PGRAF subroutine are as follows:
xy is an n 2 matrix of (.. ,) points.
id is an n 1 character matrix of labels for each point. The PGRAF subroutine uses up to
8 characters per point. If id is a scalar (1 1), then the same label is used for all of the
points. The label is centered over the actual point location. If you do not specify id, x
is the default character for labeling the points.
xlabel is a character scalar or quoted literal that labels the . axis (centered beneath the . axis).
ylabel is a character scalar or quoted literal that labels the , axis (printed vertically to the left
of the , axis).
title is a character scalar or quoted literal printed above the graph.
The PGRAF subroutine produces a scatter plot suitable for display on a line printer or similar device.
The following statements specify a plotting symbol, axis labels, and a title to produce the plot shown.
xy={1 2, 3 3, 5 4, 6 2};
call pgraf(xy,"
","X","Y","Plot of X vs Y");
Plot of X vs Y
4 +
Y |
3 +
2 +
* *
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
PRINT Statement ! 881
POLYROOT(vector );
The POLYROOT function computes the zeros of a real polynomial. The vector argument is an n 1 (or
1 n) vector that contains the coefcients of an (n 1) degree polynomial with the coefcients arranged in
order of decreasing powers.
The POLYROOT function returns the array r, which is an (n 1) 2 matrix that contains the roots of
the polynomial. The rst column of r contains the real part of the complex roots, and the second column
contains the imaginary part. If a root is real, the imaginary part is 0.
The POLYROOT function nds the real and complex roots of a polynomial with real coefcients.
The POLYROOT function uses an algorithm proposed by Jenkins and Traub (1970) to nd the roots of the
polynomial. The algorithm is not guaranteed to nd all roots of the polynomial. An appropriate warning
message is issued when one or more roots cannot be found. If r is given as a root of the polynomial 1(.),
then 1 1(1) = 1, based on the rounding error of the computer that is employed.
For example, you can use the following statements to nd the roots of the polynomial
1(.) = 0.2567.
0.3357. 1
p = {0.2567 0.1570 0.0821 -0.3357 1};
r = polyroot(p);
print r;
Figure 23.227 Roots of a Quartic Polynomial
0.8383029 0.8514519
0.8383029 -0.851452
-1.144107 1.1914525
-1.144107 -1.191452
The polynomial has two conjugate pairs of roots that, within machine precision, are given by r =
0.8383029 0.8514519i and r = 1.144107 1.1914525i .
PRINT Statement
PRINT <matrices > <(expression) > <message > <pointer-controls > <[options] > ;
882 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The PRINT statement displays the values of matrices or literals.
The arguments to the PRINT statement are as follows:
matrices are the names of matrices.
(expression) is an expression in parentheses that is evaluated. The result of the evaluation is printed.
The evaluation of a subscripted matrix used as an expression results in printing the sub-
message is a message in quotes.
pointer-controls control the pointer for printing. For example, a comma (,) skips a single line and a slash
(/) skips to a new page.
options are described in the following list.
The following options can appear in the PRINT statement. They are specied in brackets after the matrix
name to which they apply.
species the name of a character matrix whose rst ncol elements are to be used for the column labels
of the matrix to be printed, where ncol is the number of columns in the matrix. You can also use the
RESET AUTONAME statement to automatically label columns as COL1, COL2, and so on.
species a valid SAS or user-dened format to use in printing the values of the matrix. For example:
print x[format=5.3];
species the name of a scalar character matrix or literal to use as a label when printing the matrix. For
print x[label="Net Pay"];
species the name of a character matrix whose rst nrow elements are to be used for the row labels of
the matrix to be printed, where nrow is the number of rows in the matrix and where the scan to nd
the rst nrow elements goes across row 1, then across row 2, and so forth through row n. You can also
use the following RESET AUTONAME statement to automatically label rows as ROW1, ROW2, and
so on:
reset autoname;
For example, the following statements print a matrix in the 12.2 format with column and row labels:
x = {45.125 50.500,
75.375 90.825};
r = {"Div A" "Div B"};
c = {"Amount" "Net Pay"};
print x[rowname=r colname=c format=12.2];
PROD Function ! 883
Figure 23.228 Matrix with Row and Column Labels
Amount Net Pay
Div A 45.13 50.50
Div B 75.38 90.83
To permanently associate the preceding options with a matrix name, see the description of the MATTRIB
If there is not enough room to print all the matrices across the page, then one or more matrices are printed
out in the next group. If there is not enough room to print all the columns of a matrix across the page, then
the columns are continued on a subsequent line.
The spacing between adjacent matrices can be controlled by the SPACES= option of the RESET statement.
The FW= option of the RESET statement can be used to control the number of print positions used to print
each numeric element. For more print-related options, including the PRINTADV option, see the description
of the RESET statement.
To print part of a matrix or a temporary expression, enclose the expression in parentheses:
print (y[1:3])[format=5.1]; /
prints first few elements
print (sum(y))[label="sum"];
Figure 23.229 Printing Temporary Matrices
Amount Net Pay
Div A 45.13 50.50
Div B 75.38 90.83
PROD Function
PROD(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The PROD function returns as a single numeric value the product of all nonmissing elements in all argu-
ments. You can pass in as many as 15 numeric matrices as arguments. The PROD function checks for
missing values and does not include them in the product. It returns missing if all values are missing.
884 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
For example, consider the following statements:
a = {2 1, . 3};
b = prod(a);
print b;
Figure 23.230 Output from the PROD Function
For a single argument with at least one nonmissing value, the PROD function is identical to the subscript
reduction operator that computes the product. That is, prod(x) and x[#] both compute the product of the
elements of x. See the section Subscript Reduction Operators on page 59 for more information about
subscript reduction operators.
PRODUCT Function
PRODUCT(a, b <, dim> );
The PRODUCT function multiplies matrices of polynomials.
The arguments to the PRODUCT function are as follows:
a is an m (ns) numeric matrix. The rst m n submatrix contains the constant terms of the
polynomials, the second m n submatrix contains the rst-order terms, and so on.
b is an n (t ) matrix. The rst n submatrix contains the constant terms of the polynomials,
the second n submatrix contains the rst-order terms, and so on.
dim is a 1 1 matrix, with value > 0. The value of this matrix is used to set the dimension of the
matrix b. If omitted, the value of is set to 1.
The PRODUCT function multiplies matrices of polynomials. The value returned is the m ((s t 1))
matrix of the polynomial products. The rst m submatrix contains the constant terms, the second m
submatrix contains the rst-order terms, and so on.
The PRODUCT function can be used to multiply the matrix operators employed in a multivariate time series
model of the form

(T), and
(T) are matrix polynomial operators whose rst matrix coefcients
are identity matrices. Often
(T) and
(T) represent seasonal components that are isolated in the
modeling process but multiplied with the other operators when forming predictors or estimating parameters.
The RATIO function is often employed in a time series context as well.
For example, the following statements demonstrate the PRODUCT function:
PURGE Statement ! 885
m1 = {1 2 3 4,
5 6 7 8};
m2 = {1 2 3,
4 5 6};
r = product(m1, m2, 1);
print r;
Figure 23.231 A Product of Matrices of Polynomials
9 31 41 33
29 79 105 69
PURGE Statement
The PURGE data processing statement is used to remove observations marked for deletion and to renumber
the remaining observations. This closes the gaps created by deleted records. Execution of this statement can
be time-consuming because it involves rewriting the entire data set.
CAUTION: Any indexes associated with the data set are lost after a purge.
When you quit PROC IML, observations marked for deletion are not automatically purged.
The following example creates a data set named A. The EDIT statement opens the data set for editing. The
DELETE statement marks several observations for deletion. As shown in Figure 23.232, the observations
are not removed and renumbered until the PURGE statement executes.
data a;
do i=1 to 10;
proc iml;
edit a;
pts = 3:8;
delete point pts;
list all;
list all;
886 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.232 Deleting and Purging Observations
------ ---------
1 1.0000
2 2.0000
9 9.0000
10 10.0000
------ ---------
1 1.0000
2 2.0000
3 9.0000
4 10.0000
CALL PUSH(argument1 <, argument2, . . . , argument15> );
The PUSH subroutine pushes character arguments that contain valid SAS statements (usually SAS/IML
statements or global statements) to the input command stream. You can specify up to 15 arguments. Any
statements in the input command queue are executed when the module is paused (see the PAUSE statement),
which happens when one of the following occurs:
v An execution error occurs within a module.
v An interrupt is issued.
v A PAUSE statement executes.
The pushed string is read before any other lines of input. If you call the PUSH subroutine several times, the
strings pushed each time are ahead of the less recently pushed strings. If you would rather place the lines
after others in the input stream, then use the QUEUE command instead.
The strings you push do not appear on the log.
CAUTION: Do not push too many statements at one time. Pushing too many statements causes problems
that can result in exiting the SAS System.
For more information about the input command stream, see Chapter 18.
An example that uses the PUSH subroutine follows:
code='reset pagesize=25;';
call push(code,'resume;');
PUT Statement ! 887
show that pagesize was set to 25 during
a PAUSE state of a module
show options;
run main;
Figure 23.233 Result of a PUSH Statement
Options: noautoname center noclip
deflib=WORK (system-specific-pathname)
nodetails noflow nofuzz fw=9
imlmlib=SASHELP.IMLMLIB linesize=80 nolog
name pagesize=25 noprint noprintall spaces=1
userlib=WORK.IMLSTOR(not open)
PUT Statement
PUT <operand> <record-directives > <positionals > <format > ;
The PUT statement writes data to an external le.
The arguments to the PUT statement are as follows:
operand species the value you want to output to the current position in the record. The
operand can be either a variable name, a literal value, or an expression in parenthe-
ses. The operand can be followed immediately by an output format specication.
record-directives start new records. There are three types:
holding @ is used at the end of a PUT statement to hold the current record so
that you can continue to write more data to the record with later
PUT statements. Otherwise, the next record is used for the next
PUT statement.
/ writes out the current record and begins forming a new record.
> operand species that the next record written start at the indicated byte
position in the le (for RECFM=N les only). The operand is a
literal number, a variable name, or an expression in parentheses.
For example:
put >3 x 3.2;
positionals specify the column on the record to which the PUT statement should go. There are
two types of positionals:
@ operand species to go to the indicated column, where operand is a literal
number, a variable name, or an expression in parentheses. For
example, @30 means to go to column 30.
888 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
+ operand species that the indicated number of columns are to be skipped,
where operand is a literal number, a variable name, or an expres-
sion in parentheses.
format species a valid SAS or user-dened output format. These are of the form n.J or
$n. for standard numeric and character formats, respectively, where n is the width
of the eld and J is the decimal parameter, if any. They can also be a named format
of the form NAMEn.J, where NAME is the name of the format. If the width is
unspecied, then a default width is used; this is 9 for numeric variables.
The PUT statement writes to the le specied in the previously executed FILE statement, putting the values
from matrices. The statement is described in detail in Chapter 8.
The PUT statement is a sequence of positionals and record directives, variables, and formats. An example
that uses the PUT statement follows:
output variable A in column 1 using a 6.4 format
Skip 3 columns and output X using an 8.4 format
put @1 a 6.4 +3 x 8.4;
PV Function
The PV function returns a scalar that contains the present value of the cash ows based on the specied
frequency and rates.
The arguments to the function are as follows:
times is an n 1 column vector of times. Elements should be nonnegative.
ows is an n 1 column vector of cash ows.
freq is a scalar that represents the base of the rates to be used for discounting the cash ows. If
positive, it represents discrete compounding as the reciprocal of the number of compoundings
per period. If zero, it represents continuous compounding. If 1, the rates represent per-
period discount factors. No other negative values are accepted.
rates is an n1 column vector of rates to be used for discounting the cash ows. Elements should
be positive.
A general present value relationship can be written as
1 =

where 1 is the present value of the asset, {c(k)]. k = 1. . . . . 1, is the sequence of cash ows from the
asset, t
is the time to the kth cash ow in periods from the present, and D(t ) is the discount function for
time t . The discount factors are as follows:
PV Function ! 889
v with per-unit-time-period discount factors J
D(t ) = J
v with continuous compounding:
D(t ) = e
v with discrete compounding:
D(t ) = (1 r)
where > 0 is the frequency, the reciprocal of the number of compoundings per unit time period.
The following statements present an example of using the PV function in the DATA step:
data a;
pv = mort(., 438.79, 0.10/12, 30
proc print data=a; run;
Figure 23.234 Present Value Computation (DATA Step)
OBS pv
1 50000.48
You can do the same computation by using the PV function in SAS/IML software. The rst example uses a
monthly rate; the second example uses an annual rate.
proc iml;
If rate is specified as annual rate divided by 12 and FREQ=1,
then results are equal to those computed by the MORT function.
timesn = t(1:360);
flows = repeat(438.79, 360);
rate = repeat(0.10/12, 360);
freq = 1;
pv = pv(timesn, flows, freq, rate);
print pv;
If rate is specified as annual rate, then the cash flow TIMES
need to be specified in 1/12 increments and the FREQ=1/12.
This produces the same result as the previous PV call.
timesn = t(do(1/12, 30, 1/12));
flows = repeat(438.79, 360);
rate = repeat(0.10, 360); /
specify annual rate
freq = 1/12; /
12 compoundings annually
pv = pv(timesn, flows, freq, rate);
print pv;
890 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.235 Present Value Computation (PROC IML)
CALL QNTL(q, x, <, probs > <, method> );
The QNTL subroutine computes sample quantiles for data. The arguments are as follows:
q species a matrix to contain the quantiles of the x matrix.
x species an n numerical matrix of data. The QNTL subroutine computes quantiles
for each column of the matrix.
probs species a numeric vector of probabilities used to compute the quantiles. If this option
is not specied, the vector {0.25. 0.5. 0.75] is used, resulting in the quartiles of the data.
method species the method used to compute the quantiles. These methods correspond to those
dened by using the PCTLDEF= option in the UNIVARIATE procedure. For details, see
the section Calculating Percentiles of the documentation for the CORR procedure in
the Base SAS Procedures Guide: Statistical Procedures.
The following values are valid:
1 species that quantiles are computed according to a weighted average.
2 species that quantiles are computed by choosing an observation clos-
est to some quantity.
3 species that quantiles are computed by using the empirical distribu-
tion function.
4 species that quantiles are computed according to a different
weighted average.
5 species that quantiles are computed by using average values of the
empirical distribution function. This is the default value.
If x is an n matrix, the QNTL subroutine computes a k matrix where k is the dimension of the
PROBS= option. The quantiles are returned in the q matrix, as shown in the following example:
x = {5 1 10,
6 2 3,
6 8 5,
6 7 9,
7 2 13};
QR Call ! 891
call qntl(q, x);
print q[rowname={"P25", "P50", "P75"}];
Figure 23.236 Quantiles
P25 6 2 5
P50 6 2 9
P75 6 7 10
You can use the MATTRIB statement to permanently assign row names to the matrix that contains the
quantiles, as shown in the following statements:
p = {0.25 0.50 0.75};
labels = "P" + strip(putn(100
p, "best5."));
mattrib q rowname=labels;
print q;
Figure 23.237 Rownames for Quantiles
P25 6 2 5
P50 6 2 9
P75 6 7 10
You can specify the optional arguments in either of two ways: by specifying an argument positionally or by
specifying a keyword/value pair, as shown in the following statements.
x = T(1:100);
p = do(0.1, 0.9, 0.1);
call qntl(q1, x, p);
call qntl(q2, x) probs=p; /
QR Call
CALL QR(q, r, piv, lindep, a <, ord> <, b> );
The QR subroutine produces the QR decomposition of a matrix by using Householder transformations.
The QR subroutine returns the following values:
q species an orthogonal matrix Q that is the product of the Householder transformations ap-
plied to the m n matrix A, if the b argument is not specied. In this case, the min(m. n)
Householder transformations are applied, and q is an m m matrix. If the b argument is
specied, q is the m matrix Q
B that has the transposed Householder transformations Q
applied on the columns of the argument matrix B.
892 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
r species a min(m. n) n upper triangular matrix R that is the upper part of the mn upper
triangular matrix

R of the QR decomposition of the matrix A. The matrix

R of the QR
decomposition can be obtained by vertical concatenation (by using the operator //) of the
(m min(m. n)) n zero matrix to the result matrix R.
piv species an n 1 vector of permutations of the columns of A; that is, on return, the
QR decomposition is computed, not of A, but of the permuted matrix whose columns are
. . . A
|. The vector piv corresponds to an n n permutation matrix .
lindep is the number of linearly dependent columns in matrix A detected by applying the min(m. n)
Householder transformations in the order specied by the argument vector piv.
The input arguments to the QR subroutine are as follows:
a species an m n matrix A that is to be decomposed into the product of the orthogonal
matrix Q and the upper triangular matrix

ord species an optional n 1 vector that species the order of Householder transformations
applied to matrix A. When you specify the ord argument, the columns of A can be divided
into the following groups:
ord[j] >0 Column of A is an initial column, meaning it has to be processed at the
start in increasing order of ord[j]. This specication denes the rst n
columns of A that are to be processed.
ord[j] =0 Column of A is a pivot column, meaning it is to be processed in or-
der of decreasing residual Euclidean norms. The pivot columns of A are
processed after the n
initial columns and before the n
nal columns.
ord[j] <0 Column of A is a nal column, meaning it has to be processed at the
end in decreasing order of ord[j]. This specication denes the last n
columns of A that are to be processed. If n > m, some of these columns
are not processed.
The default is ord[j] =j, in which case the Householder transformations are processed in the
same order in which the columns are stored in matrix A (without pivoting).
b species an optional m matrix B that is to be multiplied by the transposed mm matrix
. If b is specied, the result q contains the m matrix Q
B. If b is not specied, the
result q contains the m m matrix Q.
The QR subroutine decomposes an m n matrix A into the product of an m m orthogonal matrix Q and
an m n upper triangular matrix

R, so that
A = Q

R. Q
Q = QQ
= I
by means of min(m. n) Householder transformations.
The mm orthogonal matrix Q is computed only if the last argument b is not specied, as in the following
call qr(q, r, piv, lindep, a, ord);
QR Call ! 893
In many applications, the number of rows, m, is very large. In these cases, the explicit computation of the
m m matrix Q might require too much memory or time.
In the usual case where m > n,
A =
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +

Q =
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +

R =
+ + +
0 + +
0 0 +
0 0 0
0 0 0

R =
+ + +
0 + +
0 0 +
Q = Q
| .

R =
where R is the result returned by the QR subroutine.
The n columns of matrix Q
provide an orthonormal basis for the n columns of A and are called the range
space of A. Since the m n columns of Q
are orthogonal to the n columns of A, Q
A = 0, they provide
an orthonormal basis for the orthogonal complement of the columns of A and are called the null space of A.
In the case where m < n,
A =
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
Q =
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +

R = R =
+ + + + +
0 + + + +
0 0 + + +
Specifying the argument ord as an n vector lets you specify a special order of the columns in matrix A on
which the Householder transformations are applied. There are two special cases:
v If you do not specify the ord argument, the default values ord | = are used. In this case, House-
holder transformations are done in the same order in which the columns are stored in A (without
v If you set all components of ord to zero, the Householder transformations are done in order of de-
creasing Euclidean norms of the columns of A.
To check the QR decomposition, use the following statements to compute the three residual sum of squares
(represented by the variables SS0, SS1, and SS2), which should be close to zero:
894 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
a = shape(1:20, 5);
m = nrow(a); n = ncol(a);
ord = j(1, n, 0);
call qr(q, r, piv, lindep, a);
ss0 = ssq(a[ ,piv] - q[,1:n]
ss1 = ssq(q
q` - i(m));
ss2 = ssq(q`
q - i(m));
print ss0 ss1 ss2;
Figure 23.238 Result of a QR Decomposition
ss0 ss1 ss2
6.231E-28 2.948E-31 2.862E-31
If the QR subroutine detects linearly dependent columns while processing matrix A, the column order given
in the result vector piv can differ from an explicitly specied order in the argument vector ord. If a column
of A is found to be linearly dependent on columns already processed, this column is swapped to the end of
matrix A. The order of columns in the result matrix R corresponds to the order of columns processed in A.
The swapping of a linearly dependent column of A to the end of the matrix corresponds to the swapping of
the same column in R and leads to a zero row at the end of the upper triangular matrix R.
The scalar result lindep counts the number of linearly dependent columns that are detected in constructing
the rst min(m. n) Householder transformations in the order specied by the argument vector ord. The test
of linear dependence depends on the singularity criterion, which is 1E8 by default.
Solving the linear system 1. = Q
b with an upper triangular matrix R whose columns are permuted
corresponding to the result vector piv leads to a solution . with permuted components. You can reorder the
components of . by using the index vector piv at the left-hand side of an expression, as follows:
a = {3 0 0 -1,
0 1 2 0,
4 -4 -1 1,
-1 2 3 4};
b = {-1, 8, -3, 28};
n = ncol(a); p = ncol(b);
ord = j(1, n, 0);
call qr(qtb, r, piv, lindep, a, ord, b);
print piv;
x = j(n,1);
x[piv] = inv(r)
qtb[1:n, 1:p];
print x;
Figure 23.239 Solution to a Linear System
1 4 2 3
QR Call ! 895
Figure 23.239 continued
The Full-Rank Linear Least Squares Problem
This example solves the full-rank linear least squares problem. Specify the argument b as an m matrix
B, as follows:
call qr(q, r, piv, lindep, a, ord, b);
When you specify the b argument, the QR subroutine computes the matrix Q
T (instead of Q) as the result
q. Now you can compute the least squares solutions .
of an overdetermined linear system with an
m n. m > n coefcient matrix , rank() = n, and right-hand sides b
stored as the columns of the
m matrix T:
. k = 1. . . . .
where [ [ is the Euclidean vector norm. This is accomplished by solving the upper triangular systems
with back substitution:
= 1i
. k = 1. . . . .
For most applications, the number of rows of A, m, is much larger than n, the number of columns of A, or
, the number of right-hand sides. In these cases, you are advised not to compute the large m m matrix
Q (which can consume too much memory and time) if you can solve your problem by computing only the
smaller m matrix Q
B implicitly.
For example, use the rst ve columns of the 6 6 Hilbert matrix A, as follows:
a= { 36 -630 3360 -7560 7560 -2772,
-630 14700 -88200 211680 -220500 83160,
3360 -88200 564480 -1411200 1512000 -582120,
-7560 211680 -1411200 3628800 -3969000 1552320,
7560 -220500 1512000 -3969000 4410000 -1746360,
-2772 83160 -582120 1552320 -1746360 698544 };
aa = a[, 1:5];
b= { 463, -13860, 97020, -258720, 291060, -116424};
m = nrow(aa); n = ncol(aa); p = ncol(b);
call qr(qtb, r, piv, lindep, aa, , b);
if lindep=0 then do;
896 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
print x; /
x solves aa
else /
handle linear dependence
Figure 23.240 Solution to Least Squares Problem
Note that you are using only the rst n rows, Q
B, of the qtb matrix. The IF-THEN statement of the
preceding example can be replaced by the more efcient TRISOLV function:
if lindep=0 then
x = trisolv(1, r, qtb[1:n], piv);
For information about solving rank-decient linear least squares problems, see the RZLIND call.
CALL QUAD(r, "fun", points <, eps > <, peak > <, scale> <, msg> <, cycles > );
The QUAD subroutine performs numerical integration of scalar functions in one dimension over innite,
connected semi-innite, and connected nite intervals.
The QUAD subroutine returns the following value:
r is a numeric vector that contains the results of the integration. The size of r is equal to the
number of subintervals dened by the argument points. If the numerical integration fails on
a particular subinterval, the corresponding element of r is set to missing.
The input arguments to the QUAD subroutine are as follows:
fun species the name of a module used to evaluate the integrand.
points species a sorted vector that provides the limits of integration over connected subintervals.
The simplest form of the vector provides the limits of the integration on one interval. The
rst element of points should contain the left limit. The second element should be the right
limit. A missing value of .M in the left limit is interpreted as o, and a missing value of
.P is interpreted as o. For more advanced usage of the QUAD call, points can contain
more than two elements. The elements of the vector must be sorted in an ascending order.
Each two consecutive elements in points denes a subinterval, and the subroutine reports the
integration over each specied subinterval. The use of subintervals is important because the
presence of internal points of discontinuity in the integrand hinders the algorithm.
QUAD Call ! 897
eps is an optional scalar that species the desired relative accuracy. It has a default value of
1E7. You can specify eps by using the EPS= keyword.
peak is an optional scalar that is the approximate location of a maximum of the integrand. By
default, it has a location of 0 for innite intervals, a location that is one unit away from the
nite boundary for semi-innite intervals, and a centered location for bounded intervals. You
can specify peak by using the PEAK= keyword.
scale is an optional scalar that is the approximate estimate of any scale in the integrand along the
independent variable (see the examples). It has a default value of 1. You can specify scale
by using the SCALE= keyword.
msg is an optional character scalar that restricts the number of messages produced by the QUAD
subroutine. If msg = NO then it does not produce any warning messages. You can specify
msg by using the MSG= keyword.
cycles is an optional integer that indicates the maximum number of renements the QUAD subrou-
tine can make in order to achieve the required accuracy. It has a default value of 8. You can
specify cycles by using the CYCLES= keyword.
If the dimensions of any optional argument are 0 0, the QUAD subroutine uses its default value.
The QUAD subroutine is a numerical integrator based on adaptive Romberg-type integration techniques.
See Rice (1973), Sikorsky (1982), Sikorsky and Stenger (1984), Stenger (1973a), Stenger (1973b), and
Stenger (1978). Many adaptive numerical integration methods (Ralston and Rabinowitz 1978) start at one
end of the interval and proceed towards the other end, working on subintervals while locally maintaining
a certain prescribed precision. This is not the case with the QUAD call. The QUAD subroutine is an
adaptive global-type integrator that produces a quick, rough estimate of the integration result and then
renes the estimate until it achieves the prescribed accuracy. This gives the subroutine an advantage over
Gauss-Hermite and Gauss-Laguerre quadratures (Ralston and Rabinowitz 1978; Squire 1987), particularly
for innite and semi-innite intervals, because those methods perform only a single evaluation.
A Simple Example
Consider the integral
The following statements evaluate this integral:
Define the integrand
start fun(t);
v = exp(-t);
a = {0 .P};
call quad(z, "fun", a);
print z[format=E21.14];
898 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.241 Result of Numerical Integration on a Semi-Innite Domain
The integration is carried out over the interval (0. o), as specied by the a variable. The missing value in the
second element of a is interpreted as o. The values of EPS=1E7, PEAK=1, SCALE=1, and CYCLES=8
are used by default.
The following statements integrate the same exponential function over two subintervals:
a = {0 3 .P };
call quad(z2, "fun", a);
print z2[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.242 Result of Numerical Integration on Two Intervals
Notice that the elements of a are in ascending order. The integration is carried out over (0. 3) and (3. o),
and the corresponding results are shown in the output. The values of EPS=1E7, PEAK=1, SCALE=1, and
CYCLES=8 are used by default. To obtain the results of integration over (0. o), use the SUM function on
the elements of the z2 vector, as follows:
b = sum(z2);
print b[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.243 Result of Numerical Integration on Two Intervals
Using the PEAK= Option
The peak and scale options enable you to avoid analytically changing the variable of the integration in order
to produce a well-conditioned integrand that permits the numerical evaluation of the integration.
Consider the integration
The following statements evaluate this integral:
QUAD Call ! 899
start fun2(t);
v = exp(-10000
a = {0 .P};
Either syntax can be used
call quad(z, "fun2", a, 1E-10, 0.0001); or
call quad(z3, "fun2", a) eps=1E-10 peak=0.0001;
print z3[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.244 Result of Specifying PEAK= Option
The integration is performed over the semi-innite interval (0. o). The default values of SCALE=1 and
CYCLES=8 are used. However, the default value of peak is 1 for this semi-innite interval, which is not a
good estimate of the location of the functions maximum. If you do not specify a peak value, the integration
cannot be evaluated to the desired accuracy, a message is printed to the LOG, and a missing value is returned.
Note that peak can still be set to 1E7 and the integration will be successful.
The evaluation of the integrand at peak must be nonzero for the computation to continue. You should
adjust the value of peak to get a nonzero evaluation at peak before trying to adjust scale. Reducing scale
decreases the initial step size and can lead to an increase in the number of function evaluations per step at a
linear rate.
Using the SCALE= Option
Consider the integration
The integrand is essentially zero except on a small interval close to t = 3. The following statements evaluate
this integral:
Define the integrand
start fun3(t);
v = exp(-100000
a = { .M .P };
call quad(z4, "fun", a) eps=1E-10 peak=3 scale=0.001;
print z4[format=E21.14];
The integration is carried out over the innite interval (o. o). The default value of CYCLES=8 has been
used. The integrand has its maximum value at t = 3, so the PEAK=3 option is specied.
900 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
If you use the default value of scale, the integral cannot be evaluated to the desired accuracy, and a missing
value is returned. The variables scale and cycles can be used to increase the number of possible function
evaluations; the number of possible function evaluations increases linearly with the reciprocal of scale, but it
potentially increases in an exponential manner when cycles is increased. Increasing the number of function
evaluations increases execution time.
Two-Dimensional Integration
When you perform double integration, you must separate the variables between the iterated integrals. There
should be a clear distinction between the variable of the one-dimensional integration and the parameters that
are passed to the integrand. Another important consideration is specifying the correct limits of integration.
For example, suppose you want to compute probabilities for the standard bivariate normal distribution with
correlation j. In particular, if an observation (.. ,) is drawn from the distribution, what is probability that
. _ a and , _ b for given values of a and b?
The bivariate normal probability is given by the following double integral:
probbnrm(a. b. j) =
1 j

2j., ,
2(1 j
J, J.
The inner integral is
g(.. b. j) =
1 j

2j., ,
2(1 j
with parameters . and j, and the limits of integration are from oto b. The outer integral is then
probbnrm(a. b. j) =
g(.. b. j) J.
with the limits from oto a.
You can write a function module with parameters a. b. j that computes the bivariate normal probability.
In the following statements, the function module is called NORCDF2 because it compute the CDF of the
bivariate normal distribution. The NORCDF2 module calls the QUAD subroutine on the MARGINAL
module, which computes the outer integral. The MARGINAL module, in turn, uses the QUAD function to
evaluate inner integral. The integrand of the inner integral is dened in the NORPDF2 module.
This function is the density function and requires
the variable T (passed in the argument)
and a list of global parameters, YV, RHO, COUNT
start norpdf2(t) global(yv,rho,count);
count = count+1;
QUAD Call ! 901
The outer integral
The limits of integration are .M to YY
YV is passed as a parameter to the inner integral
start marginal(v) global(yy,yv,eps);
interval = .M || yy;
if ( v < -12 ) then return(0);
yv = v;
call quad(pm, "NORPDF2", interval) eps=eps;
Global parameters: YY, RHO, EPS
EPS is set from IML
start norcdf2(a, b, rrho) global(yy,rho,eps);
rho = rrho; /
copy arguments (local variables) to global list
yy = b;
interval= .M || a; /
upper/lower limits for outer integral
call quad(p,"MARGINAL",interval) eps=eps;
pi = constant("Pi");
per = p /(2#pi#sqrt(1-rho#rho)); /
scale the value from QUAD
Main Program: set up global constants and call QUAD
count = 0;
eps = 1E-11;
p = norcdf2(2, 1, 0.1);
print p[format=E21.14], count;
Figure 23.245 Result of Numerical Integration of a Double Iterated Integral
The variable COUNT contains the number of times the NORPDF2 module is called. Note that the value
computed by the NORCDF2 module is very close to that returned by the PROBBNRM function, which
computes probabilites for the bivariate normal model, as shown by the following statements:
902 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Compute the value with the PROBBNRM function
pp = probbnrm(2,1,0.1);
print pp[format=E21.14];
Figure 23.246 Result of Numerical Integration of a Double Iterated Integral
Note the following:
v The iterated inner integral cannot have a left endpoint of o. For large values of , the inner integral
does not contribute to the answer but still needs to be computed to the required relative accuracy.
Therefore, either cut off the function (when _ 12), as in the MARGINAL module in the preceding
example, or have the intervals start from a reasonable cutoff value. In addition, the QUAD subroutine
stops if the integrands appear to be identically 0 (probably caused by underow) over the interval of
v This method of integration (iterated, one-dimensional integrals) is extremely conservative and re-
quires unnecessary function evaluations. In this example, the QUAD subroutine for the inner inte-
gration lacks information about the nal value that the QUAD subroutine for the outer integration
is trying to rene. The lack of communication between the two QUAD routines can cause useless
computations to be performed in the inner integration.
To illustrate this idea, let the relative error be 1E11 and let the answer delivered by the outer integral
be close to 0.8, as in this example. Any computation of the inner execution of the QUAD call that
yields 0.8E11 or less does not contribute to the nal answer of the QUAD subroutine for the outer
integral. However, the inner integral lacks this information, and for a given value of the parameter
,, it attempts to compute an answer with much more precision than is necessary. The lack of com-
munication between the two QUAD subroutines prevents the introduction of better cutoffs. Although
this method can be inefcient, the nal calculations are accurate.
CALL QUEUE(argument1 <, argument2, . . . , argument15> );
The QUEUE subroutine places character arguments that contain valid SAS statements (usually SAS/IML
statements or global statements) at the end of the input command stream. You can specify up to 15 argu-
ments. Each argument to the QUEUE subroutine is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains valid
SAS statements.
The queued string is read after other lines of input already in the queue. If you want to push the lines in
front of other lines already in the queue, use the PUSH subroutine instead. Any statements queued to the
input command queue get executed when the module is paused (see the PAUSE statement), which happens
when one of the following occurs:
QUIT Statement ! 903
v An execution error occurs within a module.
v An interrupt is issued.
v A PAUSE statement executes.
The strings you queue do not appear on the log.
CAUTION: Do not queue too many statements at one time. Queuing too many statements can cause prob-
lems that can result in exiting the SAS System.
For more examples, see Chapter 18.
An example that uses the QUEUE subroutine follows:
start mod(x);
call queue (code,"resume;");
run mod(x);
print x;
Figure 23.247 Result of Evaluating Queued Statements
QUIT Statement
Use the QUIT statement to exit PROC IML. If a DATA or PROC statement is encountered, QUIT is implied.
The QUIT statement is executed immediately; therefore, you cannot use QUIT as an executable statement
(that is, as part of a module or conditional clause). However, you can use the ABORT statement as an
executable statement.
PROC IML closes all open data sets and les when a QUIT statement is encountered. Workspace and
symbol spaces are freed up. If you need to use any matrix values or any module denitions in a later
session, you must store them in a storage library before you quit.
904 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
RANCOMB Function
RANCOMB(n, k <, numcomb> );
RANCOMB(set, k <, numcomb> );
The RANCOMB function generates random combinations of k elements taken from a set of n elements.
The random number seed is set by the RANDSEED subroutine.
The rst argument, set, can be a scalar or a vector. If set is a scalar, the function returns indices in the range
1n. If set is a vector, the number of elements of the vector determines n and the RANCOMB function
returns elements of set.
By default, the RANCOMB function returns a single random combination with one row and k columns.
If the numcomb argument is specied, the function returns a matrix with numcomb rows and k columns.
Each row of the returned matrix represents a single combination.
The following statements generate ve random combinations of two elements from the set {1. 2. 3. 4]:
n = 4;
k = 2;
call randseed(1234);
c = rancomb(n, k, 5);
print c;
Figure 23.248 Random Pairwise Combinations of Four Items
1 4
1 2
2 4
2 3
1 3
The function can return combinations for arbitrary numerical or character matrices. For example, the fol-
lowing statements generate ve random pairwise combinations of four elements:
d = rancomb({A B C D}, 2, 5);
print d;
Figure 23.249 Random Pairwise Combinations of Four Characters
RANDGEN Call ! 905
CALL RANDGEN(result, distname <, parm1> <, parm2> <, parm3> );
The RANDGEN subroutine generates random numbers from a specied distribution.
The input arguments to the RANDGEN subroutine are as follows:
result is a matrix that is to be lled with random samples from the specied distribution.
distname is the name of the distribution that is to be sampled.
parm1 is a distribution shape parameter.
parm2 is a distribution shape parameter.
parm3 is a distribution shape parameter.
The RANDGEN subroutine generates random numbers by using the same numerical method as the RAND
function in Base SAS software, with the efciency optimized for matrices. You can initialize the random
number stream that is used by RANDGEN by calling the RANDSEED subroutine. The result parameter
should be preallocated to a size equal to the number of samples you want to generate. If result is not
initialized, then it receives a single random sample.
The following distributions can be sampled.
Bernoulli Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
1 for = 0. . = 0

(1 )
for 0 < < 1. . = 0. 1
1 for = 1. . = 1
. is in the range: . = 0. 1
is the success probability, with range: 0 _ _ 1
Beta Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
I(a b)
(1 .)
. is in the range: 0 < . < 1
a and b are shape parameters, with range: a > 0 and b > 0
906 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Binomial Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
1 for = 0. . = 0
(1 )
for 0 < < 1. . = 0. . . . . n
1 for = 1. . = 1
. is in the range: . = 0. 1. . . . . n
is the success probability, with range: 0 _ _ 1
n species the number of independent trials, with range: n = 1. 2. . . .
Cauchy Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
(1 .
. is in the range: o < . < o
Chi-Square Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
. is in the range: . > 0
J is degrees of freedom, with range: J > 0
Erlang Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
. is in the range: . > 0
a is an integer shape parameter, with range: a = 1. 2. . . .
RANDGEN Call ! 907
Exponential Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) = e
. is in the range: . > 0
J Distribution (J
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
)(J n.)
. is in the range: . > 0
n and J are degrees of freedom, with range: n > 0 and J > 0
Gamma Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
. is in the range: . > 0
a is a shape parameter: a > 0
Geometric Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
(1 )
for 0 < < 1. . = 1. 2. . . .
1 for = 1. . = 1
. is in the range: . = 1. 2. . . .
is the success probability, with range: 0 < _ 1
908 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Hypergeometric Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
1.N 1n .
. is in the range: . = max(0. (n (N 1))). . . . . min(n. 1)
N is the population size, with range: N = 1. 2. . . .
1 is the size of the category of interest, with range: 1 = 0. 1. . . . . N
n is the sample size, with range: n = 0. 1. . . . . N
Lognormal Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
. is in the range: . _ 0
Negative Binomial Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
. k 1k 1(1 )

for 0 < < 1. . = 0. 1. . . .
1 for = 1. . = 0
. is in the range: . = 0. 1. . . .
is the success probability with range: 0 < _ 1
k is an integer number that counts the number of successes, with range: k = 1. 2. . . .
Normal Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =

(. 0)
RANDGEN Call ! 909
. is in the range: o < . < o
0 is the mean, with range: o < 0 < o. This parameter is optional and defaults to 0.
z is the standard deviation, with range: z > 0. This parameter is optional and defaults to 1.
Poisson Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
. is in the range: . = 0. 1. . . .
m is the mean, with range m > 0
t Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
d( 1
df C1
. is in the range: o < . < o
J is the degrees of freedom, with the range: J > 0
Table Distribution
The random sample i is from the probability density function:
(i ) =

for i = 1. 2. . . . . n


for i = n 1
where is a vector of probabilities, such that 0 _ _ 1, and n is the largest integer such that n _ size of p


_ 1
910 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Triangle Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
for 0 _ . _ h
for h < . _ 1
. is in the range: 0 _ . _ 1
h is the horizontal location of the peak of the triangle, with range: 0 _ h _ 1
Uniform Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) = 1
. is in the range: 0 < . < 1
Weibull Distribution
The random sample . is from the probability density function:
(.) =
. is in the range: . _ 0
a and b are shape parameters, with range a > 0 and b > 0
The following table describes how parameters of the RANDGEN call correspond to the distribution param-
Table 23.1 Parameter Assignments for Distributions
Distribution distname parm1 parm2 parm3
Beta BETA a b
Binomial BINOMIAL n
Erlang ERLANG a
F n J
RANDGEN Call ! 911
Gamma GAMMA a
Hypergeometric HYPERGEOMETRIC N 1 n
Negative Binomial NEGBINOMIAL k
Normal NORMAL or GAUS-
0 z
Poisson POISSON m
t T J
Triangle TRIANGLE or TRI-
Weibull WEIBULL a b
The distname argument can be in lowercase or uppercase, and you need to specify only enough letters to
distinguish one distribution from the others, as shown by the following statements:
generate 10 samples from a Bernoulli distribution
r = j(10, 1, .); /
allocate room for samples
call randgen(r, "ber", 0.5);
Except for the normal distribution, you must specify the parameters listed for each of the preceding distri-
butions. For the normal distribution, default values of 0 = 0 and z = 1 are used if no values are supplied.
The following example illustrates the use of the RANDGEN call:
call randseed(12345);
get four random observations from each distribution
x = j(1, 4, .);
each row of m comes from a different distribution
m = j(20, 4, .);
call randgen(x, 'BERN', 0.75); m[ 1, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'BETA', 3, 0.1); m[ 2, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'BINOM', 0.75, 10); m[ 3, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'CAUCHY'); m[ 4, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'CHISQ', 22); m[ 5, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'ERLANG', 7); m[ 6, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'EXPO'); m[ 7, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'F', 12, 322); m[ 8, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'GAMMA', 7.25); m[ 9, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'GEOM', 0.02); m[10, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'HYPER', 10, 3, 5); m[11, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'LOGN'); m[12, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'NEGB', 0.8, 5); m[13, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'NORMAL'); m[14, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'POISSON', 6.1); m[15, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'T', 4); m[16, ] = x;
p = {0.1 0.2 0.25 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.1};
call randgen(x, 'TABLE', p); m[17, ] = x;
912 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
call randgen(x, 'TRIANGLE', 0.7); m[18, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'UNIFORM'); m[19, ] = x;
call randgen(x, 'WEIB', 0.25, 2.1); m[20, ] = x;
print m[rowname=dist];
Figure 23.250 Random Numbers from Various Distributions
BERN 1 0 1 0
BETA 1 0.9999234 0.9842784 0.9997739
BINOM 7 8 5 10
CAUCHY -1.209834 3.9732282 -0.048339 -1.337284
CHISQ 30.300691 20.653151 27.301922 26.878221
ERLANG 10.636299 4.6455449 7.5284821 2.5558646
EXPO 0.2449632 2.7656037 4.2254588 0.2866158
F 0.7035829 1.2676112 0.9806787 1.4811389
GAMMA 8.475216 8.8723256 8.2993617 8.0409742
GEOM 109 4 33 30
HYPER 1 1 2 1
LOGN 0.7784513 0.9792472 0.6018993 0.3643607
NEGB 3 2 0 2
NORMAL 0.0053637 1.4026784 -0.271338 -0.416685
POISSON 5 11 8 4
T 1.3237918 0.0505162 -0.660845 -0.634447
TABLE 2 3 2 3
TRIANGLE 0.5270875 0.6909336 0.8607548 0.5450831
UNIFORM 0.4064393 0.7464901 0.3463207 0.2615394
WEIB 0.4183405 0.9981923 16.812803 0.0001131
RANPERM Function
RANPERM(set, <, numperm> );
The RANPERM function generates random permutations of a set with n elements. The random number
seed is set by the RANDSEED subroutine.
The rst argument, set, can be a scalar or a vector. If set is a scalar, the function returns indices in the range
1n. If set is a vector, the number of elements of the vector determines n and the RANPERM function
returns elements of set, which can be numeric or character.
By default, the RANPERM function returns a single random combination with one row and n columns. If
the numperm argument is specied, the function returns a matrix with numperm rows and n columns. Each
row of the returned matrix represents a single permutation.
The following statements generate ve random permutations of the set {1. 2. 3]:
RANDSEED Call ! 913
call randseed(1234);
n = 3;
p = ranperm(n, 5);
print p;
Figure 23.251 Random Permutations of Three Items
1 2 3
3 2 1
3 2 1
3 1 2
3 1 2
Alternatively, the following statements compute ve random permutations of an unsorted character vector:
a = ranperm({C B A}, 5);
print a;
Figure 23.252 Random Permutations of a Character Vector
CALL RANDSEED(seed <, reinit > );
The RANDSEED subroutine sets the initial random seed for the RANDGEN subroutine.
The input arguments to the RANDSEED call are as follows:
seed is a number to be used to initialize the RANDGEN random number generator.
reinit species whether the random number stream can be reinitialized after the rst initialization,
within the same PROC IML session.
The RANDSEED subroutine creates an initial random seed for subsequent RANDGEN calls. If RAND-
SEED is not called, an initial seed is generated from the system clock. This subroutine is normally used
when it is desirable to reproduce the same random number stream in different PROC IML sessions. The
optional reinit parameter controls whether the seed is reinitialized within the same PROC IML session. If it
is set to one, identical seeds produce the same random number sequence; otherwise a second call to RAND-
914 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
SEED within the same PROC IML session is ignored. Normally you should not specify reinit, or you should
set it to zero to ensure that you are working with an independent random number stream within your PROC
IML session.
RANGE Function
RANGE(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The RANGE function returns the range of values of a numerical matrix or set of matrices.
Missing values are excluded in the computation. When the arguments contain at least one nonmissing
value, the range is dened as the maximum value minus the minimum value. If all arguments are missing,
the RANGE function returns a missing value.
The following example uses the RANGE function:
c = {1 -123 13 56 128 -81 12};
r = range(c);
print r;
Figure 23.253 Range of Values
RANK Function
The RANK function creates a new matrix that contains elements that are the ranks of the corresponding
elements of the numerical argument, matrix. The rank of a missing value is a missing value. The ranks of
tied values are assigned arbitrarily. (See the description of the RANKTIE function for alternate approaches.)
For example, the following statements produce the ranks of a vector:
x = {2 2 1 0 5};
r = rank(x);
print r;
Figure 23.254 Ranks of a Vector
3 4 2 1 5
RANK Function ! 915
Provided that a vector, x, does not contain missing values, the RANK function can be used to sort the vector,
as shown in the following statements:
b = x;
x[,rank(x)] = b;
print x;
Figure 23.255 Sorted Vector
0 1 2 2 5
You can also sort a matrix by using the SORT subroutine. The SORT subroutine handles missing values in
the data.
The RANK function can also be used to nd anti-ranks of x, as follows:
x = {2 2 1 0 5};
r = rank(x);
a = r;
a[,r] = 1:ncol(x);
print a;
Figure 23.256 Anti-Ranks of a Vector
4 3 1 2 5
Although the RANK function ranks only the elements of numerical matrices, you can rank the elements of
a character matrix by using the UNIQUE function, as demonstrated by the following statements:
Create RANK-like functionality for character matrices
start rankc(x);
s = unique(x); /
the unique function returns a sorted list
idx = j(nrow(x), ncol(x));
ctr = 1; /
there can be duplicate values in x
do i = 1 to ncol(s); /
for each unique value
t = loc(x = s[i]);
nDups = ncol(t);
idx[t] = ctr : ctr+nDups-1;
ctr = ctr + nDups;
return (idx);
call the RANKC module
x = {every good boy does fine and good and well every day};
rc = rankc(x);
print rc[colnam=x];
916 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Notice that ranking is in ASCII order, in which capital
letters precede lower case letters. To get case-insensitive
behavior, transform the matrix before comparison
x = {"a" "b" "X" "Y" };
asciiOrder = rankc(x);
alphaOrder = rankc(upcase(x));
print x, asciiOrder, alphaOrder;
Figure 23.257 Ranks of Character Matrices
ROW1 6 9 3 5 8 1
ROW1 10 2 11 7 4
a b X Y
3 4 1 2
1 2 3 4
There is no SAS/IML function that directly computes the linear algebraic rank of a matrix. In linear algebra,
the rank of a matrix is the maximal number of linearly independent columns (or rows). You can use the
following technique to compute the numerical rank of matrix a:
Only four linearly independent columns
A = {1 0 1 0 0,
1 0 0 1 0,
1 0 0 0 1,
0 1 1 0 0,
0 1 0 1 0,
0 1 0 0 1 };
rank = round(trace(ginv(a)
print rank;
Figure 23.258 Numerical Rank of a Matrix
RANKTIE Function ! 917
Another common technique used to examine the rank of a matrix is to look at the number of nonzero
singular values in the singular value decomposition of a matrix (see the SVD call). However, keep in mind
that numerical computations might result in singular values for a rank-decient matrix that are small but
RANKTIE Function
RANKTIE(matrix <, method> );
The RANKTIE function creates a new matrix that contains elements that are the ranks of the corresponding
elements of matrix. The rank of a missing value is a missing value. The ranks of tied values are computed
by using one of several methods.
The arguments to the function are as follows:
matrix species the data.
method species the method used to compute the ranking of tied values. These methods corre-
spond to those dened by using the TIES= option in the RANK procedure. For details,
see the Concepts section of the documentation for the RANK procedure in the Base
SAS Procedures Guide.
The following values are valid:
Mean species that tied elements are assigned rankings equal to the mean of
the tied elements. This is the default method. This method is known
as a fractional competition ranking.
Low species that tied elements are assigned rankings equal to the min-
imum order rank of the tied elements. This method is known as a
standard competition ranking.
High species that tied elements are assigned rankings equal to the maxi-
mum rank of the tied elements. This method is known as a modied
competition ranking.
Dense species that ranks are consecutive integers that begin with 1 and end
with the number of unique, nonmissing values. Tied values are as-
signed the same rank. This method is known as a dense ranking.
The RANKTIE function differs from the RANK function in that the RANK function breaks ties arbitrarily.
For example, the following statements produce ranks of a vector by using several different methods of
breaking ties:
x = {4 4 0 6};
rMean = ranktie(x); /
default is "Mean"
rLow = ranktie(x, "Low");
rHigh = ranktie(x, "High");
rDense = ranktie(x, "Dense");
print rMean, rLow, rHigh, rDense;
918 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.259 Numerical Ranks of a Vector
2.5 2.5 1 4
2 2 1 4
3 3 1 4
2 2 1 3
Although the RANKTIE function ranks only the elements of numerical matrices, you can rank the elements
of a character matrix by using the UNIQUE function, as demonstrated by the following statements:
Create RANKTIE-like functionality for character matrices
start ranktiec(x);
s = unique(x);
idx = j(nrow(x), ncol(x));
ctr = 1; /
there can be duplicate values in x
do i = 1 to ncol(s); /
for each unique value
t = loc(x = s[i]);
nDups = ncol(t);
idx[t] = ctr+(nDups-1)/2; /
ctr = ctr + nDups;
return (idx);
call the RANKTIEC module
x = {every good boy does fine and good and well every day};
rtc = ranktiec(x);
print rtc[colname=x];
Figure 23.260 Numerical Ranks of a Character Vector
ROW1 6.5 9.5 3 5 8 1.5
ROW1 9.5 1.5 11 6.5 4
RATES Function ! 919
RATES Function
RATES(rates, oldfreq, newfreq);
The RATES function computes a column vector of (per-period, such as per-year) interest rates converted
from one base to another. The arguments to the RATES function are as follows:
rates is an n1 column vector of rates that correspond to the old base. Elements should be positive.
oldfreq is a scalar that represents the old base. If positive, it represents discrete compounding as the
reciprocal of the number of compoundings per period. If zero, it represents continuous com-
pounding. If 1, the rates represent discount factors. No other negative values are accepted.
newfreq is a scalar that represents the new base. If positive, it represents discrete compounding as
the reciprocal of the number of compoundings per period. If zero, it represents continu-
ous compounding. If 1, the rates represent discount factors. No other negative values are
Let D(t ) be the discount function, which is the present value of a unit amount to be received t periods from
now. The discount function can be expressed in the following ways:
v with per-unit-time-period discount factors J
D(t ) = J
v with continuous compounding:
D(t ) = e
v with discrete compounding:
D(t ) = (1 r)
where 0 < < 1 is the frequency, the reciprocal of the number of compoundings per unit time
period. The RATES function converts between these three representations.
For example, the following example produces the output shown in Figure 23.261:
rates = T(do(0.1, 0.3, 0.1));
oldfreq = 0;
newfreq = 0;
rates = rates(rates, oldfreq, newfreq);
print rates;
920 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.261 Interest Rates
RATIO Function
RATIO(ar, ma, terms <, dim> );
The RATIO function divides matrix polynomials.
The arguments to the RATIO function are as follows:
ar is an n(ns) matrix that represents a matrix polynomial generating function, (T), in the variable
T. The rst nn submatrix represents the constant term and must be nonsingular, the second nn
submatrix represents the rst-order coefcients, and so on.
ma is an n(mt ) matrix that represents a matrix polynomial generating function, (T), in the variable
T. The rst n m submatrix represents the constant term, the second n m submatrix represents
the rst-order term, and so on.
terms is a scalar that contains the number of terms to be computed, denoted by r in the following discus-
sion. This value must be positive.
dim is a scalar that contains the value of m, a dimension of the matrix ma. The default value is 1.
The RATIO function multiplies a matrix of polynomials by the inverse of another matrix of polynomials. It
is useful for expressing univariate and multivariate ARMA models in pure moving average or pure autore-
gressive forms.
The value returned is an n (mr) matrix that contains the terms of (T)
(T) considered as a matrix of
rational functions in T that have been expanded as power series.
The RATIO function can be used to consolidate the matrix operators that are used in a multivariate time
series model of the form
= (T)c
where (T) and (T) are matrix polynomial operators whose rst matrix coefcients are identity matrices.
The RATIO function can be used to compute a truncated form of (T) = (T)
(T) for the equivalent
innite-order model
= (T)c
The RATIO function can also be used for simple scalar polynomial division, giving a truncated form of
0(.),(.) for two scalar polynomials 0(.) and (.).
The cumulative sum of the elements of a column vector x can be obtained by using the following statement:
RDODT and RUPDT Calls ! 921
ratio({ 1 -1}, x, ncol(x));
The following example denes polynomial coefcients that are used in a multivariate ARMA(1,1) model
and computes the ratio of the polynomials:
ar = {1 0 -0.5 2,
0 1 3 -0.8};
ma = {1 0 0.9 0.7,
0 1 2 -0.4};
psi = ratio(ar, ma, 4, 2);
print psi;
Figure 23.262 The Ratio of Polynomials
1 0 1.4 -1.3 2.7 -1.45 11.35 -9.165
0 1 -1 0.4 -5 4.22 -12.1 7.726
CALL RDODT(def, rup, bup, sup, r, z <, b> <, y > <, ssq> );
CALL RUPDT(rup, bup, sup, r, z <, b> <, y > <, ssq> );
If A = QR is the QR decomposition of the matrix A, the RUPDT subroutine enables you to efciently
recompute the R matrix when a new row is added to . This is called an update. Similarly, the RDODT
subroutine enables you to efciently recompute the Rmatrix when an existing row is deleted from. This is
called a downdate. You can also use the RDODT and RUPDT subroutines to downdate and update Cholesky
The RDODT and RUPDT subroutines return the values:
def is only used for downdating, and it species whether the downdating of matrix R by using
the q rows in argument z has been successful. The result def =2 means that the downdating
of R by at least one row of Z leads to a singular matrix and cannot be completed successfully
(since the result of downdating is not unique). In that case, the results rup, bup, and sup
contain missing values only. The result def =1 means that the residual sum of squares, ssq,
could not be downdated successfully and the result sup contains missing values only. The
result def =0 means that the downdating of R by Z was completed successfully.
rup is the n n upper triangular matrix R that has been updated or downdated by using the q
rows in Z.
bup is the n matrix B of right-hand sides that has been updated or downdated by using the q
rows in argument y. If the argument b is not specied, bup is not computed.
sup is a vector of square roots of residual sum of squares that is updated or downdated by using
the q rows of argument y. If ssq is not specied, sup is not computed.
922 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The input arguments to the RDODT and RUPDT subroutines are as follows:
r species an n n upper triangular matrix R to be updated or downdated by the q rows in Z.
Only the upper triangle of R is used; the lower triangle can contain any information.
z species a q n matrix Z used rowwise to update or downdate the matrix R.
b species an optional n matrix B of right-hand sides that have to be updated or downdated
simultaneously with R. If b is specied, the argument y must also be specied.
y species an optional q matrix Y used rowwise to update or downdate the right-hand side
matrix B. If b is specied, the argument y must also be specied.
ssq is an optional vector that, if b is specied, species the square root of the error sum of
squares that should be updated or downdated simultaneously with R and B.
The upper triangular matrix R of the QR decomposition of an m n matrix A,
A = QR. where Q
Q = QQ
= I
is recomputed efciently in two cases:
v update: An n vector z is added to matrix A.
v downdate: An n vector z is deleted from matrix A.
Computing the whole QR decomposition of matrix A by Householder transformations requires 4mn

,3 oating-point operations, whereas updating or downdating the QR decomposition (by Givens rota-
tions) of one row vector z requires only 2n
oating-point operations.
If the QR decomposition is used to solve the full-rank linear least squares problem
[A. b[
= ssq
by solving the nonsingular upper triangular system
. = R
then the RUPDT and RDODT subroutines can be used to update or downdate the -transformed right-hand
sides Q
B and the residual sum-of-squares vector ssq provided that for each n vector z added to or deleted
from A there is also a vector y added to or deleted from the m right-hand-side matrix B.
If the arguments z and y of the subroutines RUPDT and RDODT contain q > 1 row vectors for which
R (and Q
B, and eventually ssq) is to be updated or downdated, the process is performed stepwise by
processing the rows z
(and y
), k = 1. . . . . q, in the order in which they are stored.
The QR decomposition of an m n matrix A, m _ n, rank(A) = n,
A = QR. where Q
Q = QQ
= I
corresponds to the Cholesky factorization
C = R
R. where C = A
RDODT and RUPDT Calls ! 923
of the positive denite n n crossproduct matrix C = A
A. In the case where m _ n and rank(A) = n,
the upper triangular matrix R computed by the QR decomposition (with positive diagonal elements) is the
same as the one computed by Cholesky factorization except for numerical error,
A = (QR)
(QR) = R
Adding a row vector : to matrix A corresponds to the rank-1 modication of the crossproduct matrix C

C = C :
:. where

C =


and the (m1) n matrix

contains all rows of A with the row z added.

Deleting a row vector z from matrix A corresponds to the rank-1 modication
= C :
:. where C
= A
and the (m 1) n matrix A
contains all rows of A with the row z deleted. Thus, you can also use
the subroutines RUPDT and RDODT to update or downdate the Cholesky factor R of a positive denite
crossproduct matrix C of A.
The process of downdating an upper triangular matrix R (and eventually a residual sum-of-squares vector
ssq) is not always successful. First of all, the downdated matrix R could be rank-decient. Even if the
downdated matrix R is of full rank, the process of downdating can be ill-conditioned and does not work well
if the downdated matrix is close (by rounding errors) to a rank-decient one. In these cases, the downdated
matrix Ris not unique and cannot be computed by subroutine RDODT. If Rcannot be computed, def returns
2, and the results rup, bup, and sup return missing values.
The downdating of the residual sum-of-squares vector ssq can be a problem, too. In practice, the downdate
cannot always be computed because, due to rounding errors, the radicand can be negative. In this case, the
result vector sup returns missing values, and def returns 1.
You can use various methods to compute the columns .
of the n matrix X that minimize the linear
least squares problems with an m n coefcient matrix A, m _ n, rank(A) = n, and right-hand-side
vectors b
(stored columnwise in the m matrix B).
The methods in this section use the following simple example:
a = { 1 3 ,
2 2 ,
3 1 };
b = { 1, 1, 1};
m = nrow(a);
n = ncol(a);
p = ncol(b);
924 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
v Cholesky decomposition of crossproduct matrix:
form and solve the normal equations
aa = a`
a; ab = a`
r = root(aa);
x = trisolv(2,r,ab);
x = trisolv(1,r,x);
print x;
v QR decomposition by Householder transformations:
call qr(qtb, r, piv, lindep, a, , b);
x = trisolv(1, r[,piv], qtb[1:n,]);
v Stepwise update by Givens rotations:
r = j(n,n,0); qtb = j(n,p,0); ssq = j(1,p,0);
do i = 1 to m;
z = a[i,];
y = b[i,];
call rupdt(rup,bup,sup,r,z,qtb,y,ssq);
r = rup;
qtb = bup;
ssq = sup;
x = trisolv(1,r,qtb);
Or, equivalently:
r = j(n,n,0); qtb = j(n,p,0); ssq = j(1,p,0);
call rupdt(rup,bup,sup,r,a,qtb,b,ssq);
x = trisolv(1,rup,bup);
v Singular value decomposition:
call svd(u, d, v, a);
d = diag(1 / d);
x = v
For the preceding 3 2 example matrix a, each method obtains the unique LS estimator:
ss = ssq(a
x - b);
print ss x;
Figure 23.263 Least Squares Solution and Sum of Squared Residuals
ss x
2.465E-31 0.25
READ Statement ! 925
To compute the (transposed) matrix Q, you can use the following technique:
r = repeat(0,n,n);
y = i(m);
qt = repeat(0,n,m);
call rupdt(rup, qtup, sup, r, a, qt, y);
print qtup;
Figure 23.264 Transposed Matrix
0.2672612 0.5345225 0.8017837
-0.872872 -0.218218 0.4364358
READ Statement
READ <range> <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > <INTO name <[ ROWNAME=row-name
COLNAME=column-name] >> ;
The READ statement reads observations from the current SAS data set.
The arguments to the READ statement are as follows:
range species a range of observations.
operand selects a set of variables.
expression is evaluated for being true or false.
name is the name of the target matrix.
row-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains descriptive row labels.
column-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains descriptive column labels.
The clauses and options are explained in the following lists.
Use the READ statement to read variables or records from the current SAS data set into column matrices of
the VAR clause or into the single matrix of the INTO clause. When the INTO clause is used, each variable
in the VAR clause becomes a column of the target matrix, and all variables in the VAR clause must be of
the same type. If you specify no VAR clause, the default variables for the INTO clause are all numeric
variables. Read all character variables into a target matrix by using VAR _CHAR_.
You can use any of the following keywords to specify a range of observations:
ALL all observations
CURRENT the current observation
NEXT <number > the next observation or the next number of observations
AFTER all observations after the current one
926 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
POINT value observations specied by number, where value can be one of the following.
Value Example
a single record number point 5
a literal that contains several point {2 5 10}
record numbers
the name of a matrix point p
that contains record numbers
an expression in parentheses point (p+1)
If the current data set has an index in use (see the INDEX statement, the POINT option is invalid.
You can specify a set of variables to use with the VAR clause. The operand in the VAR clause can be one
of the following:
v a literal that contains variable names
v the name of a matrix that contains variable names
v an expression in parentheses that yields variable names
v one of keywords described in the following list:
_ALL_ for all variables
_CHAR_ for all character variables
_NUM_ for all numeric variables.
The following examples demonstrate each possible way you can use the VAR clause.
var {x1 x5 x9}; /
a literal matrix of names
var x; /
a matrix that contains the names
var("x1":"x9"); /
an expression
var _all_; /
a keyword
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations, within the range specication, according to condi-
tions given in the clause. The general form of the WHERE clause is as follows:
WHERE (variable comparison-op operand) ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
READ Statement ! 927
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
? does not contain a given string
=: begins with a given string
=* sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds
if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
= ? < <= > >=
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the
= ? =: =*
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
The general form is
clause & clause (for an AND clause)
clause | clause (for an OR clause)
where clause can be a comparison, a parenthesized clause, or a logical expression clause that is evaluated
by using operator precedence.
NOTE: The expression on the left-hand side refers to values of the data set variables, and the expression on
the right-hand side refers to matrix values.
You can specify ROWNAME= and COLNAME= matrices as part of the INTO clause. The COLNAME=
matrix species the name of a new character matrix to be created. This COLNAME= matrix is created
in addition to the target matrix of the INTO clause and contains variable names from the input data set
corresponding to columns of the target matrix. The COLNAME= matrix has dimension 1nvar, where
nvar is the number of variables contributing to the target matrix.
The ROWNAME= option species the name of a character variable in the input data set. The values of this
variable are put in a character matrix with the same name as the variable. This matrix has the dimension
nobs1, where nobs is the number of observations in the range of the READ statement.
The range, VAR, WHERE, and INTO clauses are all optional and can be specied in any order.
Row and column names created via a READ statement are permanently associated with the INTO matrix.
You do not need to use a MATTRIB statement to get this association.
For example, to read all observations from the data set variables NAME and AGE, use a READ statement
with the VAR clause and the keyword ALL for the range operand. This creates two vectors with the same
names as the data set variables. Here is the statement:
928 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
read all var{name age};
To read all variables for the 23rd observation only, use the following statement:
read point 23;
To read the data set variables NAME and ADDR for all observations with a STATE value of NJ, use the
following statement:
read all var{name addr} where(state="NJ");
See Chapter 7 for further information.
REMOVE Function
REMOVE(matrix, indices);
The REMOVE function discards elements from a matrix. The arguments to the REMOVE function are as
matrix is a numeric or character matrix or literal.
indices species the indices of elements of matrix to remove.
The REMOVE function returns (as a row vector) a subset of the elements of the rst argument. Elements
that correspond to indices in the second argument are removed. The elements of the rst argument are
enumerated in row-major order, and the indices must be in the range 1 to n, where matrix is an n
matrix. Nonintegral indices are truncated to their integer part. You can repeat the indices and give them in
any order. If all elements are removed, the result is a null matrix (zero rows and zero columns).
The following statement removes the third element, which creates a row vector with three elements:
x = {5 6, 7 8};
a = remove(x, 3); /
remove element 3
print a;
Figure 23.265 Result of Removing an Element
5 6 8
The following statement causes all but the fourth element to be removed:
r = {3 2 3 1};
b = remove(x, r); /
equivalent to removing elements 1:3
print b;
REMOVE Statement ! 929
Figure 23.266 Result of Removing Several Elements
The output shown in Figure 23.266 shows that repeated indices are ignored.
REMOVE Statement
REMOVE <MODULE=(module-list) > <matrix-list > ;
The REMOVE statement removes modules and matrices from storage.
The arguments to the REMOVE statement are as follows:
module-list species a module or modules to remove from storage.
matrix-list species a matrix or matrices to remove from storage.
The REMOVE statement removes matrices or modules or both from the current library storage. For exam-
ple, the following statement removes the three modules A, B, and C and the matrix X:
remove module=(A B C) X;
The special operand _ALL_ can be used to remove all matrices or all modules or both. For example, the
following statement removes everything:
remove _all_ module=_all_;
See Chapter 17, Storage Features, and also the descriptions of the LOAD, STORE, RESET, and SHOW
statements for related information.
CALL RENAME(<libname, > member-name, new-name);
The RENAME subroutine renames a SAS data set.
The arguments to the RENAME subroutine are as follows:
libname is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains the name of the SAS data library.
member-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains the current name of the data set.
930 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
new-name is a character matrix or quoted literal that contains the new data set name.
The RENAME subroutine renames a SAS data set in the specied library. All of the arguments can directly
be specied in quotes, although quotes are not required. If a one-level data set name is specied, the libname
specied by the RESET DEFLIB statement is used. Examples of valid statements follow:
call rename("a","b");
call rename(a,b);
call rename(work,a,b);
REPEAT Function
REPEAT(matrix, nrow, ncol );
The REPEAT function creates a matrix of repeated values.
The arguments to the REPEAT function are as follows:
matrix is a numeric matrix or literal.
nrow gives the number of times matrix is repeated down rows.
ncol gives the number of times matrix is repeated across columns.
The REPEAT function creates a new matrix by repeating the values of the argument matrix nrow*ncol
times, ncol times across the rows, and nrow times down the columns. The matrix argument can be numeric
or character. For example, the following statements result in the matrix Y, repeating the X matrix twice
down and three times across:
x={ 1 2 ,
3 4} ;
1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4
1 2 1 2 1 2
3 4 3 4 3 4
REPLACE Statement
REPLACE <range> <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > ;
The REPLACE statement replaces values of observations in a SAS data set.
REPLACE Statement ! 931
The arguments to the REPLACE statement are as follows:
range species a range of observations.
operand selects a set of variables.
expression is evaluated for being true or false.
The REPLACE statement replaces the values of observations in a SAS data set with current values of
matrices with the same name. Use the range, VAR, and WHERE arguments to limit replacement to specic
variables and observations. Replacement matrices should be the same type as the data set variables. The
REPLACE statement uses matrix elements in row order replacing the value in the i th observation with the
i th matrix element. If there are more observations in range than matrix elements, the REPLACE statement
continues to use the last matrix element.
For example, the following statements cause all occurrences of ILL to be replaced by IL for the variable
replace all var{state} where(state="ILL");
You can use any of the following keywords to specify a range of observations:
ALL all observations
CURRENT the current observation
NEXT <number > the next observation or the next number of observations
AFTER all observations after the current one
POINT value observations by number, where value can be one of the following:
Value Example
a single record number point 5
a literal that contains several point {2 5 10}
record numbers
the name of a matrix point p
that contains record numbers
an expression in parentheses point (p+1)
If the current data set has an index in use (see the INDEX statement, the POINT option is invalid.
You can specify a set of variables to use with the VARclause. The variables argument can have the following
v a literal that contains variable names
v the name of a matrix that contains variable names
v an expression in parentheses that yields variable names
932 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
v one of the keywords described in the following list:
_ALL_ for all variables
_CHAR_ for all character variables
_NUM_ for all numeric variables
The following examples demonstrate each possible way you can use the VAR clause.
var {x1 x5 x9}; /
a literal matrix of names
var x; /
a matrix that contains the names
var("x1":"x9"); /
an expression
var _all_; /
a keyword
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations, within the range specication, according to condi-
tions given in the clause. The general form of the WHERE clause is
WHERE (variable comparison-op operand) ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is any one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
? does not contain a given string
=: begins with a given string
=* sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds
if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
= ? < <= > >=
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the
= ? =: =*
RESET Statement ! 933
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
The general form is
clause & clause (for an AND clause)
clause | clause (for an OR clause)
where clause can be a comparison, a parenthesized clause, or a logical expression clause that is evaluated
by using operator precedence.
NOTE: The expression on the left-hand side refers to values of the data set variables, and the expression on
the right-hand side refers to matrix values.
The following statement replaces all variables in the current observation:
RESET Statement
RESET <options > ;
The RESET statement sets processing options. The options are described in the following list. Note that
the prex NO turns off the feature where indicated. For options that take operands, the operand should be a
literal, a name of a matrix that contains the value, or an expression in parentheses. The SHOW OPTIONS
statement displays the current settings of options.
species whether rows are automatically labeled ROW1, ROW2, and so on, and columns are labeled
COL1, COL2, and so on, when a matrix is printed. Row-name and column-name attributes specied
in the PRINT statement or associated via the MATTRIB statement override the default labels. The
AUTONAME option causes the SPACES option to be reset to 4. The default is NOAUTONAME.
species whether output from the PRINT statement is centered on the page. The default is CENTER.
This resets the global CENTER/NOCENTER option for the SAS session.
species whether SAS/IML graphs are automatically clipped outside the viewport; that is, any data
falling outside the current viewport is not displayed. NOCLIP is the default.
934 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
species the default libname for SAS data sets when no other libname is given. This defaults to USER
if a USER libname is set up, or WORK if not. The libname operand can be specied with or without
species whether additional information is printed from a variety of operations, such as when les are
opened and closed. The default is NODETAILS.
species whether operations are shown as executed. It is used for debugging only. The default is
FUZZ <=number >
species whether very small numbers are printed as zero rather than in scientic notation. If the
absolute value of the number is less than the value specied in number, it is printed as 0. The number
argument is optional, and the default value varies across hosts but is typically around 1E12. The
default is NOFUZZ.
sets the eld width for printing numeric values. The default eld width is 9.
species the linesize for printing. The default value is usually 78. This resets the global LINESIZE
option for the SAS session.
species whether output is routed to the log le rather than to the print le. On the log, the results
are interleaved with the statements and messages. The NOLOG option routes output to the OUTPUT
window in the SAS windowing environment and to the listing le in batch mode. The default is
species whether the matrix name or label is printed with the value for the PRINT statement. The
default is NAME.
RESUME Statement ! 935
species the pagesize for printing. The default value is inherited from the SAS environment. Chang-
ing the
option also changes the global PAGESIZE option.
species whether the nal results from assignment statements are printed automatically. NOPRINT
is the default.
inserts blank lines into the log before printing out the value of a matrix. The default, PRINTADV=2,
causes two blank lines to be inserted.
species whether the intermediate and nal results are printed automatically. The default is NO-
species the number of spaces between adjacent matrices printed across the page. The default value
is 1, except when AUTONAME is on. Then, the default value is 4.
STORAGE=<libname. >memname;
species the le to be the current library storage for STORE and LOAD statements. The default
library storage is WORK.IMLSTOR. The libname argument is optional and defaults to Sasuser. It
can be specied with or without quotes.
RESUME Statement
The RESUME statement enables you to continue execution from the line in a module where the most recent
PAUSE statement was executed. PROC IML issues an automatic pause when an error occurs inside a
module. If a module was paused due to an error, the RESUME statement resumes execution immediately
after the statement that caused the error. The SHOW PAUSE statement displays the current state of all
paused modules.
936 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
RETURN Statement
RETURN <(operand) > ;
The RETURN statement causes a program to return to a previous calling point.
The RETURN statement with an operand is used in function modules that return a value. The operand
can be a variable name or an expression. It is evaluated and the value is returned. The RETURN statement
without an argument is used to return from a user-dened subroutine.
You can also use the RETURN statement in conjunction with a LINK statement. If a LINK statement has
been issued, the RETURN statement returns control to the statement that follows the LINK statement. See
the description of the LINK statement. Also, see Chapter 6 for details.
If a RETURN statement is encountered outside of a module, execution is stopped as with a STOP statement.
The following examples use the RETURN statement to exit from modules:
start sum1(a, b);
sum = a+b;
start sum2(s, a, b);
s = a+b;
x = sum1(2, 3);
run sum2(y, 4, 5);
print x y;
Figure 23.267 Return from Module Calls
x y
5 9
ROOT Function
The ROOT function performs the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric and positive denite matrix, A.
The Cholesky decomposition factors A into the product
A = U
where U is upper triangular.
For example, the following statements compute the upper-triangular matrix, U, in the Cholesky decomposi-
tion of a matrix:
ROWCAT Function ! 937
A = {25 0 5,
0 4 6,
5 6 59};
U = root(A);
print U;
Figure 23.268 Cholesky Decomposition
5 0 1
0 2 3
0 0 7
If you need to solve a linear system and you already have a Cholesky decomposition of your matrix, then
use the TRISOLV function as illustrated by the following statements:
b = {5, 2, 53};
Want to solve A
v = b.
First solve U` z = b,
then solve U v = z
z = trisolv(2, U, b);
v = trisolv(1, U, z);
print v;
Figure 23.269 Solution to a Linear System
The ROOT function performs most of its computations in the memory allocated for returning the Cholesky
ROWCAT Function
ROWCAT(matrix <, rows > <, columns > );
The ROWCAT function concatenates rows of a character matrix without using blank compression. In par-
ticular, the function takes a character matrix or submatrix as its argument and creates a new matrix with one
column whose elements are the concatenation of all row elements into a single string.
The arguments to the ROWCAT function are as follows:
matrix is a character matrix or quoted literal.
938 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
rows select the rows of matrix.
columns select the columns of matrix.
If the input matrix has n rows and m columns, the result will have n rows and 1 column. The element length
of the result is m times the element length of the argument. The optional rows and columns arguments can
be used to select which rows and columns are concatenated.
For example, the following statements produce the 2 1 matrix shown:
b = {"ABC" "D " "EF ",
" GH" " I " " JK"};
a = rowcat(b);
A 2 rows 1 col (character, size 9)
Quotes (") are needed only if you want to embed blanks or special characters or to maintain uppercase and
lowercase distinctions.
The syntax
ROWCAT(matrix, rows, columns);
returns the same result as
ROWCAT(matrix[rows, columns] );
The syntax
ROWCAT(matrix, rows);
returns the same result as
ROWCAT(matrix[rows,] );
ROWCATC Function
ROWCATC(matrix <, rows > <, columns > );
The ROWCATC function concatenates rows of a character matrix by using blank compression.
The arguments the ROWCATC function are as follows:
matrix is a character matrix or quoted literal.
rows select the rows of matrix.
columns select the columns of matrix.
RUN Statement ! 939
The ROWCATC function works the same way as the ROWCAT function except that blanks in element
strings are moved to the end of the concatenation. For example, the following statements produce the
matrix A as shown:
b={"ABC" "D " "EF ",
" GH" " I " " JK"};
A 2 rows 1 col (character, size 9)
Quotes (") are needed only if you want to embed blanks or special characters or to maintain uppercase and
lowercase distinctions.
RUN Statement
RUN <name> <(arguments) > ;
The RUN statement executes a user-dened module or invokes PROC IMLs built-in subroutines.
The arguments to the RUN statement are as follows:
name is the name of a user-dened module or a built-in subroutine.
arguments are arguments to the subroutine. Arguments can be both local and global.
The resolution order for the RUN statement is
1. A user-dened module
2. A built-in function or subroutine
This resolution order need only be considered if you have dened a module that has the same name as a
built-in subroutine. If a RUN statement cannot be resolved at resolution time, a warning is produced. If
the RUN statement is still unresolved when executed and a storage library is open at the time, an attempt
is made to load a module from that storage. If no module is found, then the program is interrupted and an
error message is generated. By default, the RUN statement tries to run the module named MAIN.
You will usually want to supply both a name and arguments, as follows:
run myf1(a,b,c);
See Chapter 6 for further details.
940 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
CALL RUPDT(rup, bup, sup, r, z <, b> <, y > <, ssq> );
See the entry for the RDODT subroutine for details.
CALL RZLIND(lindep, rup, bup, r <, sing> <, b> );
The RZLIND subroutine computes rank-decient linear least squares solutions, complete orthogonal fac-
torizations, and Moore-Penrose inverses.
The RZLIND subroutine returns the following values:
lindep is a scalar that contains the number of linear dependencies that are recognized in R (number
of zeroed rows in rup[n,n]).
rup is the updated n n upper triangular matrix R that contains zero rows corresponding to zero
recognized diagonal elements in the original R.
bup is the n matrix B of right-hand sides that is updated simultaneously with R. If b is not
specied, bup is not accessible.
The input arguments to the RZLIND subroutine are as follows:
r species the n n upper triangular matrix R. Only the upper triangle of r is used; the lower
triangle can contain any information.
sing is an optional scalar that species a relative singularity criterion for the diagonal elements of
R. The diagonal element r
i i
is considered zero if
i i
_ si ng[r
[, where [r
[ is the Euclidean norm of column r
of R. If the value pro-
vided for sing is not positive, the default value sing= 1000c is used, where c is the relative
machine precision.
b species the optional n matrix B of right-hand sides that have to be updated or downdated
simultaneously with R.
The singularity test used in the RZLIND subroutine is a relative test that uses the Euclidean norms of the
columns r
of R. The diagonal element r
i i
is considered as nearly zero (and the i th row is zeroed out) if the
following test is true:
i i
_ sing[r
[. where [r
[ =
Providing an argument sing_ 0 is the same as omitting the argument sing in the RZLIND call. In this
case, the default is sing= 1000c, where c is the relative machine precision. If R is computed by the QR
decomposition A = QR, then the Euclidean norm of column i of R is the same (except for rounding errors)
as the Euclidean norm of column i of A.
RZLIND Call ! 941
Consider the following possible application of the RZLIND subroutine. Assume that you want to compute
the upper triangular Cholesky factor R of the n n positive semidenite matrix A

= 1
1 where R
. rank() = r. r _ n _ m
The Cholesky factor Rof a positive denite matrix A
Ais unique (with the exception of the sign of its rows).
However, the Cholesky factor of a positive semidenite (singular) matrix A
A can have many different
In the following example, A is a 12 8 matrix with linearly dependent columns a
= a
= a
with r = 6, n = 8, and m = 12.
a = {1 1 0 0 1 0 0,
1 1 0 0 1 0 0,
1 1 0 0 0 1 0,
1 1 0 0 0 0 1,
1 0 1 0 1 0 0,
1 0 1 0 0 1 0,
1 0 1 0 0 1 0,
1 0 1 0 0 0 1,
1 0 0 1 1 0 0,
1 0 0 1 0 1 0,
1 0 0 1 0 0 1,
1 0 0 1 0 0 1};
a = a || uniform(j(12,1,1));
aa = a`
m = nrow(a); n = ncol(a);
Applying the ROOT function to the coefcient matrix A
A of the normal equations generates an upper
triangular matrix R
where linearly dependent rows are zeroed out. You can verify that A
A = R
. Here
is the code:
r1 = root(aa);
ss1 = ssq(aa - r1`
print ss1 r1 [format=best6.];
Applying the QR subroutine with column pivoting on the original matrix A yields a different result, but you
can also verify A
A = R
after pivoting the rows and columns of A
A. Here is the code:
ord = j(n,1,0);
call qr(q,r2,pivqr,lindqr,a,ord);
ss2 = ssq(aa[pivqr,pivqr] - r2`
print ss2 r2 [format=best6.];
Using the RUPDT subroutine for stepwise updating of R by the m rows of A nally results in an upper
triangular matrix R
with nr nearly zero diagonal elements. However, other elements in rows with nearly
zero diagonal elements can have signicant values. The following statements verify that A
A = R
942 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
r3 = shape(0,n,n);
call rupdt(rup,bup,sup,r3,a);
r3 = rup;
ss3 = ssq(aa - r3`
print ss3 r3 [format=best6.];
The result R
of the RUPDT subroutine can be transformed into the result R
of the ROOT function by left
applications of Givens rotations to zero out the remaining signicant elements of rows with small diagonal
elements. Applying the RZLIND subroutine on the upper triangular result R
of the RUPDT subroutine
generates a Cholesky factor R
with zero rows corresponding to diagonal elements that are small, giving
the same result as the ROOT function (except for the sign of rows) if its singularity criterion recognizes the
same linear dependencies. Here is the code:
call rzlind(lind,r4,bup,r3);
ss4 = ssq(aa - r4`
print ss4 r4 [format=best6.];
Consider the rank-decient linear least squares problem:
[. b[
where A R
. rank(A) = r. r _ n _ m
For r = n, the optimal solution, ., is unique; however, for r < n, the rank-decient linear least squares
problem has many optimal solutions, each of which has the same least squares residual sum of squares:
ss = (A . b)
(A . b)
The solution of the full-rank problem, r = n, is illustrated in the QR call. The following list shows several
solutions to the singular problem. The following example uses the 12 8 matrix from the preceding section
and generates a new column vector b. The vector b and the matrix A are shown in the output.
b = uniform(j(12,1,1));
ab = a`
print b a [format=best6.];
Each entry in the following list solves the rank-decient linear least squares problem. Note that while each
method minimizes the residual sum of squares, not all of the given solutions are of minimum Euclidean
v Use the singular value decomposition of A, given by A = UDV
. Take the reciprocals of signicant
singular values and set the small values of D to zero.
call svd(u,d,v,a);
t = 1e-12
do i=1 to n;
if d[i] < t then d[i] = 0.;
else d[i] = 1. / d[i];
x1 = v
len1 = x1`
RZLIND Call ! 943
ss1 = ssq(a
x1 - b);
x1 = x1`;
print ss1 len1, x1 [format=best6.];
The solution .
obtained by singular value decomposition, .
= VD
b,4, is of minimum Eu-
clidean length.
v Use QR decomposition with column pivoting:
A = QR =
0 0
= Y
Set the right part R
to zero and invert the upper triangular matrix R
to obtain a generalized inverse
and an optimal solution .
= R
ord = j(n,1,0);
call qr(qtb,r2,pivqr,lindqr,a,ord,b);
nr = n - lindqr;
r = r2[1:nr,1:nr];
x2 = shape(0,n,1);
x2[pivqr] = trisolv(1,r,qtb[1:nr]) // j(lindqr,1,0.);
len2 = x2`
ss2 = ssq(a
x2 - b);
x2 = x2`;
print ss2 len2, x2 [format=best6.];
Note that the residual sum of squares is minimal, but the solution .
is not of minimum Euclidean
v Use the result R
of the ROOT function on page 936 to obtain the vector piv which indicates the zero
rows in the upper triangular matrix R
r1 = root(aa);
nr = n - lind;
piv = shape(0,n,1);
j1 = 1; j2 = nr + 1;
do i=1 to n;
if r1[i,i] ^= 0 then do;
piv[j1] = i; j1 = j1 + 1;
else do;
piv[j2] = i; j2 = j2 + 1;
Now compute .
by solving the equation .
= R
944 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
r = r1[piv[1:nr],piv[:nr]];
x = trisolv(2,r,ab[piv[1:nr]]);
x = trisolv(1,r,x);
x3 = shape(0,n,1);
x3[piv] = x // j(lind,1,0.);
len3 = x3`
ss3 = ssq(a
x3 - b);
x3 = x3`;
print ss3 len3, x3 [format=best6.];
Note that the residual sum of squares is minimal, but the solution .
is not of minimum Euclidean
v Use the result R
of the RUPDT call on page 940 and the vector piv (obtained in the previous solu-
tion), which indicates the zero rows of upper triangular matrices R
and R
. After zeroing out the
rows of R
belonging to small diagonal pivots, solve the system .
= R
r3 = shape(0,n,n);
qtb = shape(0,n,1);
call rupdt(rup,bup,sup,r3,a,qtb,b);
r3 = rup; qtb = bup;
call rzlind(lind,r4,bup,r3,,qtb);
qtb = bup[piv[1:nr]];
x = trisolv(1,r4[piv[1:nr],piv[1:nr]],qtb);
x4 = shape(0,n,1);
x4[piv] = x // j(lind,1,0.);
len4 = x4`
ss4 = ssq(a
x4 - b);
x4 = x4`;
print ss4 len4, x4 [format=best6.];
Since the matrices R
and R
are the same (except for the signs of rows), the solution .
is the same
as .
v Use the result R
of the RZLIND subroutine in the previous solution, which is the result of the rst
step of complete QR decomposition, and perform the second step of complete QR decomposition.
The rows of matrix R
can be permuted to the upper trapezoidal form

0 0

R is nonsingular and upper triangular and T is rectangular. Next, perform the second step of
complete QR decomposition with the lower triangular matrix



which leads to the upper triangular matrix

RZLIND Call ! 945
r = r4[piv[1:nr],]`;
call qr(q,r5,piv2,lin2,r);
y = trisolv(2,r5,qtb);
x5 = q
(y // j(lind,1,0.));
len5 = x5`
ss5 = ssq(a
x5 - b);
x5 = x5`;
print ss5 len5, x5 [format=best6.];
The solution .
obtained by complete QR decomposition has minimum Euclidean length.
v Perform both steps of complete QR decomposition. The rst step performs the pivoted QR decompo-
sition of A,
A = QR = Y
= Y


R is nonsingular and upper triangular and T is rectangular. The second step performs a QR
decomposition as described in the previous method. This results in
A = Y

0 0


is lower triangular.
ord = j(n,1,0);
call qr(qtb,r2,pivqr,lindqr,a,ord,b);
nr = n - lindqr;
r = r2[1:nr,]`;
call qr(q,r5,piv2,lin2,r);
y = trisolv(2,r5,qtb[1:nr]);
x6 = shape(0,n,1);
x6[pivqr] = q
(y // j(lindqr,1,0.));
len6 = x6`
ss6 = ssq(a
x6 - b);
x6 = x6`;
print ss6 len6, x6 [format=best6.];
The solution .
obtained by complete QR decomposition has minimum Euclidean length.
v Perform complete QR decomposition with the QR and LUPDT calls:
ord = j(n,1,0);
call qr(qtb,r2,pivqr,lindqr,a,ord,b);
nr = n - lindqr;
r = r2[1:nr,1:nr]`; z = r2[1:nr,nr+1:n]`;
call lupdt(lup,bup,sup,r,z);
rd = trisolv(3,lup,r2[1:nr,]);
rd = trisolv(4,lup,rd);
x7 = shape(0,n,1);
x7[pivqr] = rd`
946 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
len7 = x7`
ss7 = ssq(a
x7 - b);
x7 = x7`;
print ss7 len7, x7 [format=best6.];
The solution .
obtained by complete QR decomposition has minimum Euclidean length.
v Perform complete QR decomposition with the RUPDT, RZLIND, and LUPDT calls:
r3 = shape(0,n,n);
qtb = shape(0,n,1);
call rupdt(rup,bup,sup,r3,a,qtb,b);
r3 = rup; qtb = bup;
call rzlind(lind,r4,bup,r3,,qtb);
nr = n - lind; qtb = bup;
r = r4[piv[1:nr],piv[1:nr]]`;
z = r4[piv[1:nr],piv[nr+1:n]]`;
call lupdt(lup,bup,sup,r,z);
rd = trisolv(3,lup,r4[piv[1:nr],]);
rd = trisolv(4,lup,rd);
x8 = shape(0,n,1);
x8 = rd`
len8 = x8`
ss8 = ssq(a
x8 - b);
x8 = x8`;
print ss8 len8, x8 [format=best6.];
The solution .
obtained by complete QR decomposition has minimum Euclidean length. The same
result can be obtained with the APPCORT or COMPORT call.
You can use various orthogonal methods to compute the Moore-Penrose inverse A
of a rectangular matrix
A. The entries in the following list nd the Moore-Penrose inverse of the matrix A shown on page 942.
v Use the GINV operator. The GINV operator uses the singular decomposition A = UDV
. The result
= VD
should be identical to the result given by the next solution.
ga = ginv(a);
t1 = a
ga; t2 = t1`;
t3 = ga
a; t4 = t3`;
ss1 = ssq(t1 - t2) + ssq(t3 - t4) +
a - a) + ssq(t3
ga - ga);
print ss1, ga [format=best6.];
v Use singular value decomposition. The singular decomposition A = UDV
with U
U = I
, D =
), and V
V = VV
= I
, can be used to compute A
= VD
, with D
= diag(J
) and
0 where J
_ c
RZLIND Call ! 947
The result A
should be the same as that given by the GINV operator if the singularity criterion c is
selected correspondingly. Since you cannot specify the criterion c for the GINV operator, the singular
value decomposition approach can be important for applications where the GINV operator uses an
unsuitable c criterion. The slight discrepancy between the values of SS1 and SS2 is due to rounding
that occurs in the statement that computes the matrix GA.
call svd(u,d,v,a);
do i=1 to n;
if d[i] <= 1e-10
d[1] then d[i] = 0.;
else d[i] = 1. / d[i];
ga = v
t1 = a
ga; t2 = t1`;
t3 = ga
a; t4 = t3`;
ss2 = ssq(t1 - t2) + ssq(t3 - t4) +
a - a) + ssq(t3
ga - ga);
print ss2;
v Use complete QR decomposition. The complete QR decomposition
A = Y

0 0



is lower triangular, yields the Moore-Penrose inverse


0 0
ord = j(n,1,0);
call qr(q1,r2,pivqr,lindqr,a,ord);
nr = n - lindqr;
q1 = q1[,1:nr]; r = r2[1:nr,]`;
call qr(q2,r5,piv2,lin2,r);
tt = trisolv(4,r5`,q1`);
ga = shape(0,n,m);
ga[pivqr,] = q2
(tt // shape(0,n-nr,m));
t1 = a
ga; t2 = t1`;
t3 = ga
a; t4 = t3`;
ss3 = ssq(t1 - t2) + ssq(t3 - t4) +
a - a) + ssq(t3
ga - ga);
print ss3;
v Use complete QR decomposition with QR and LUPDT:
ord = j(n,1,0);
call qr(q,r2,pivqr,lindqr,a,ord);
nr = n - lindqr;
r = r2[1:nr,1:nr]`; z = r2[1:nr,nr+1:n]`;
call lupdt(lup,bup,sup,r,z);
rd = trisolv(3,lup,r2[1:nr,]);
948 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
rd = trisolv(4,lup,rd);
ga = shape(0,n,m);
ga[pivqr,] = rd`
t1 = a
ga; t2 = t1`;
t3 = ga
a; t4 = t3`;
ss4 = ssq(t1 - t2) + ssq(t3 - t4) +
a - a) + ssq(t3
ga - ga);
print ss4;
v Use complete QR decomposition with RUPDT and LUPDT:
r3 = shape(0,n,n);
y = i(m); qtb = shape(0,n,m);
call rupdt(rup,bup,sup,r3,a,qtb,y);
r3 = rup; qtb = bup;
call rzlind(lind,r4,bup,r3,,qtb);
nr = n - lind; qtb = bup;
r = r4[piv[1:nr],piv[1:nr]]`;
z = r4[piv[1:nr],piv[nr+1:n]]`;
call lupdt(lup,bup,sup,r,z);
rd = trisolv(3,lup,r4[piv[1:nr],]);
rd = trisolv(4,lup,rd);
ga = shape(0,n,m);
ga = rd`
t1 = a
ga; t2 = t1`;
t3 = ga
a; t4 = t3`;
ss5 = ssq(t1 - t2) + ssq(t3 - t4) +
a - a) + ssq(t3
ga - ga);
print ss5;
SAVE Statement
The SAVE statement saves data to a SAS data set.
The SAVE statement ushes any data residing in output buffers for all active output data sets and les to
ensure that the data are written to disk. This is equivalent to closing and then reopening the les.
CALL SEQ(prob, domain <, TSCALE=tscale> <, EPS=eps > <, DEN=den> );
CALL SEQSCALE(prob, gscale, domain, level <, IGUESS=iguess > <, TSCALE=tscale> <,
EPS=eps > <, DEN=den> );
CALL SEQSHIFT(prob, shift, domain, plevel <, IGUESS=iguess > <, TSCALE=tscale> <, EPS=eps >
<, DEN=den> );
The SEQ, SEQSCALE, and SEQSHIFT subroutines perform discrete sequential tests.
The SEQSHIFT subroutine returns the following values:
prob is an (m 1) n matrix. The i. | entry in the array contains the probability at the i. |
entry of the argument domain. Also, the probability at innity at every level is returned in
the last entry (m 1. |) of column . Upon a successful completion of any routine, this
variable is always returned.
gscale is a numeric variable that returns from the routine SEQSCALE and contains the scaling of
the current geometry dened by domain that would yield a given signicance level level.
shift is a numeric variable that returns fromthe routine SEQSHIFT and contains the shift of current
geometry dened by domain that would yield a given power level plevel.
The input arguments to the SEQSHIFT subroutine are as follows:
domain species an mn matrix that contains the boundary points separating the intervals of contin-
uation/stopping of the sequential test. Each column k contains the boundary points at level
k sorted in an ascending order. The values .M and .P represent o and o, respectively.
They must start on the rst row, and any remaining entries must be lled with a missing value.
Elements that follow the missing value in any column are ignored. The number of columns n
is equal to the number of stages present in the sequential test. The row dimension m must be
even, and it is equal to the maximum number of boundary points in a level. In fact, domain
is the tabular form of the nite boundary points. Entries in domain with absolute values that
exceed a standardized value of 8 at any level are internally reset to a standardized value of
8 or 8, depending on the sign of the entry. This is reected in the results returned for the
probabilities and the densities.
tscale species an optional n 1 vector that describes the time intervals between two consecutive
stages. In the absence of tscale, these time intervals are internally set to 1. The keyword for
tscale is TSCALE.
eps species an optional numeric parameter for controlling the absolute precision of the compu-
tation. In the absence of eps, the precision is internally set to 1E7. The keyword for eps is
den species an optional character string to describe the name of an mn matrix. The i. | entry
in the matrix returns the density of the distribution at the i. | entry of the matrix specied
by the domain argument. The keyword for den is DEN.
iguess species an optional numeric parameter that contains an initial guess for the variable gscale
in the SEQSCALE subroutine or for the variable mean in the SEQSHIFT subroutine. In
general, very good estimates for these initial guesses can be provided by an iterative process,
and these estimates become extremely valuable near convergence. The keyword for iguess
level species a numeric parameter in the SEQSCALE subroutine that contains the required signif-
icance level to be achieved through scaling the domain (see the description of SEQSCALE).
plevel species a numeric parameter in the SEQSHIFT subroutine that provides the required power
level to be achieved through shifting the domain (see the description of SEQSHIFT).
950 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
SEQ Call
To compute the probability from a sequential test, you must specify a matrix that contains the boundaries.
With the optional additional information concerning the time intervals and the target accuracy, or their
default values, the SEQ subroutine returns the matrix that contains the probability and optionally returns the
density from a sequential test evaluated at each given point of the boundary. Let C
denote the continuation
set at each level . C
is dened to be the union at the th level of all the intervals bounded from below by
the points with even indices 0. 2. 4. . . . and from above by the points with odd indices 1. 3. . . ..
The SEQ subroutine computes, with j = 0, the densities

(s. j) =
(s ,. j. t
(,. j) J,, for = 2. 3. . . .

(s. j) =

(s j)
(s. j. t ) =

(s j)
with the associated probability at any point a at level to be
(a. j) =
(a ,. j. t
(,. j) J,, for = 2. 3. . . .
(b. j. t ) =
(s. j. t ) Js
The notation t denotes the vector of time intervals t
. . . . . t
, and 1
(g. j. t) denotes the probability of
continuation at the th level for a given domain g, a given mean j, and a given time vector t. The variance
at the t h level can be computed from t.
= 1
= o
, for = 1. 2. . . .
It is important to understand the limitations that are imposed internally on the domain by the numerical
method. Any element g
will always be limited within a symmetric interval with standardized values not
to exceed 8. That is,
= maxmin(g
. 8o
). 8o
Given a domain g, an optional time vector t, and a probability level
, the SEQSCALE subroutine nds
the amount of scaling s that would solve the problem
(gs. 0) =
The result for the amount of scaling s is returned as the second argument of the SEQSCALE subroutine,
scale. Note that because of the complexity of the problem, the SEQSCALE subroutine will not attempt to
scale a domain with multiple intervals of continuation.
For a signicance level of , set
= 1 .
Given a geometry g, an optional time vector t, and a power level 1, the SEQSHIFT subroutine nds the
mean j that solves j _ 0 such that 1
(g. j) = .
Actually, a simple transformation of the variables in the sequential problem yields the following result:

. 0) = 1
(g. j), for = 1. 2. . . . . n
where g

is given by g

= g
j .
Many options are available with the NLP family of optimization routines, which are described in Chapter 4,
Nonlinear Optimization Subroutines.
Consider the following continuation intervals:
= {6. 2]
= {6. 3]
= {6. 4. 5. 6]
= {6. 4]
The following statements computes the probability from the sequential test at each boundary point specied
in the geometry.
function to insert in m the geometry column a at level k
start table(m,a,k);
if ncol(m) = 0 & nrow(m) = 0 then m = j(nrow(a),k,.);
if nrow(m) < nrow(a) then m = m// j(nrow(a)-nrow(m),ncol(m),.);
if ncol(m) < k then m = m || j(nrow(m),k-ncol(m),.);
m[1:nrow(a),k] = a;
call table(m,{-6,2},1);
call table(m,{-6,3},2);
call table(m,{-6,4,5,6},3);
call table(m,{-6,4},4);
call seq(prob,m) eps = 1.e-8 den="density";
print m;
print prob;
print density;
The following output displays the values returned for m, prob and den, respectively.
The probability at the level k = 3 at the point . = 6 is prob4. 3| = 0.96651, while the density at the same
point is density4. 3| = 0.0000524.
952 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Consider the continuation intervals
= {20. 2]
= {20. 20]
= {3. 3]
Note that the continuation at level 2 can be effectively considered innite, and it does not numerically affect
the results of the computation at level 3. The following statements verify this by using the tscale parameter
to compute this problem.
reset nocenter;
function to insert in m the geometry column a at level k
start table(m,a,k);
if ncol(m) = 0 & nrow(m) = 0 then m = j(nrow(a),k,.);
if nrow(m) < nrow(a) then m = m// j(nrow(a)-nrow(m),ncol(m),.);
if ncol(m) < k then m = m || j(nrow(m),k-ncol(m),.);
m[1:nrow(a),k] = a;
call table(m,{-20,2},1);
call table(m,{-20,20},2);
call table(m,{-3,3},3);
TSCALE has the default value of 1
call seq(prob1,m) eps = 1.e-8 den="density";
print m[format=f5.] prob1[format=e12.5];
call table(mm,{-20,2},1);
call table(mm,{-3,3},2);
You can show a 2-step separation between the levels
while dropping the intermediate level at 2
tscale = { 2 };
call seq(prob2,mm) eps = 1.e-8 den="density" TSCALE=tscale;
print mm[format=f5.] prob2[format=e12.5];
The output shows the values returned for the variables m, prob1, mm and prob2.
Some internal limitations are imposed on the geometry. Consider the three-level case with geometry m in
the preceding statements. Since the tscale variable is not specied, it is set to its default value, (1. 1). The
variance at the th level is o
= for = 1. 2. 3. The rst level has a lower boundary point of 20,
as represented by the value of m1. 1|. Since the absolute standardized value is larger than 8, this point is
replaced internally by the value 8. Hence, the densities and the probabilities reported for the rst level
at this point are not for the given value 20; instead, they are for the internal value of 8. For practical
purposes, this limitation is not severe since the absolute error introduced is of the order of 10
The computations performed by the rst call of the SEQ subroutine can be simplied since the second level
is large enough to be considered innite. The matrix MM contains the rst and third columns of the matrix
M. However, in order to specify the two-step separation between the levels, you must specify tscale=2.
This example veries some of the results published in Table 3 of Pocock (1982). That is, the following
statements verify for the given domain that the signicance level is 0.05 and that the power is 1 under
the alternative hypothesis:
first check whether the numbers yield
0.95 for the alpha level
bm ={-3.663 -2.884 -2.573 -2.375 -2.037,
-2.988 -2.537 -2.407 -2.346 -2.156,
-2.598 -2.390 -2.390 -2.390 -2.310,
-2.446 -2.404 -2.404 -2.404 -2.396};
bplevel = { 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.05};
level = 0.95; /
this the required alpha value
sigma = diag(sqrt(1:5)); /
global sigma matrix
do i = 1 to 4;
m = bm[i,];
plevel = bplevel[i];
geom = (m//(-m))
Try the null hypothesis
call seq(prob,geom) eps = 1.e-10;
palpha = (prob[2,]-prob[1,])[5];
Try the alternative hypothesis
call seqshift(prob,mean,geom,plevel);
beta = (prob[2,] -prob[1,])[5];
p = prob[3,]-prob[2,]+prob[1,];
Number of patients per group
tn = 4
maxn = 5
compute the average sample number
asn = tn
( 5 - (4:0)
summary = summary // ( palpha || level || beta ||
plevel || tn || maxn ||asn);
954 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
print summary[format=10.5];
Note that the variables eps and tscale have been internally set to their default values. The following values
are returned for the matrix SUMMARY:
These values compare well with the values shown in Table 3 of Pocock (1982). Differences are of the order
of 10
This example shows how to verify the results in Table 1 of Wang and Tsiatis (1987). For a given , the
following program nds I that yields a symmetric continuation interval given by

_ C
_ I

with a given signicance level of :

start func(delta,k) global(level);
m = ((1:k))##delta;
mm = (-m//m);
meet the significance level
by scaling
call seqscale(prob,scale,mm,level);
alpha levels of 0.05 and 0.01
blevel = {0.95 0.99};
do i = 1 to 2;
level = blevel[i];
free summary;
do delta = 0 to .7 by .1;
free row;
do k=2 to 5;
x = func(delta,k);
row = row || x;
summary = summary //row;
print summary[format=10.5];
The value of SUMMARY for the 0.95 level is as follows.
The value for SUMMARY for the 0.99 level is as follows.
Note that since eps and tscale are not specied, they are internally set to their default values.
This example veries the results in Table 2 of Pocock (1977). The following program nds I that yields a
symmetric continuation interval given by
_ C
_ I

for ve groups. The overall signicance level is (the probability alha = 1), and the power is 1.
%let nl = 5;
start func(plevel) global(level,scale,mean,palpha,beta,tn,asn);
m = sqrt((1: &nl));
mm = -m //m;
meet the significance level
by scaling
call seqscale(prob,scale,mm,level);
palpha = (prob[2,]-prob[1,])[&nl];
mm = mm
meet the power condition
call seqshift(prob,mean,mm,plevel);
alpha = 0.95
level = 9.50000E-01;
bplevel = { 0.5 .25 .1 0.05 0.01};
free summary;
do i = 1 to 5;
summary = summary || func(bplevel[i]);
print summary[format=10.5];
The value returned for SUMMARY are shown in the following table, and the entries agree with Table 2 of
Pocock (1977).
0.99359 1.31083 1.59229 1.75953 2.07153
This example illustrates how to nd the optimal boundary of the -class of Wang and Tsiatis (1987). The
-class boundary has the form

_ C
_ I

956 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference

The -class boundary is optimal if it minimizes the average sample number while satisfying the required
signicance level and the required power 1 . You can use the following program to verify some of the
results published in Tables 2 and 3 of Wang and Tsiatis (1987):
%let nl=5;
start func(delta) global(level,plevel,mean,
m = ((1: &nl))##delta;
mm = (-m//m);
meet the significance level
call seqscale(prob,scale,mm,level);
alpha = (prob[2,]-prob[1,])[&nl];
mm = mm
meet the power condition
call seqshift(prob,mean,mm,plevel);
beta = (prob[2,]-prob[1,])[&nl];
compute the average sample number
p = prob[3,]-prob[2,]+prob[1];
tn = 4
mean##2; /
number per group
asn = tn
( &nl - p
set up the global variables needed by func
level = 0.95;
plevel = 0.01;
set up the controlling options of the
optimization routine
opt = {0 2 0 1 6};
tc = repeat(.,1,12);
tc[1] = 100;
tc[7] = 1.e-4;
par = { 1.e-13 . 1.e-10 . . .} || . || epsd;
provide the initial guess
and let nlpdd do the work
delta = 0.5;
call nlpdd(rc,rx,"func",delta) opt=opt tc=tc par=par;
The following output displays the results.
Optimization Start
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Function
1 X1 -1.500000 -8.09752
Value of Objective Function = 35.232023082
Double Dogleg Optimization
Dual Broyden - Fletcher - Goldfarb - Shanno Update (DBFGS)
Without Parameter Scaling
Gradient Computed by Finite Differences
Number of Parameter Estimates 1
Parameter Estimates 2
Functions (Observations) 2
Optimization Start
Active Constraints 0 Criterion = 35.232
Max Abs Gradient Element 8.098 Radius = 1.000
Function Active Objective
Iter Restart Calls Constraints Function
1 0 3 0 34.8914
0 4 0 34.8774
0 5 0 34.8774
Iter difcrit maxgrad lambda slope
1 0.3406 1.644 49.273 -0.830
0.0140 0.0440 0 -0.0144
0.00001 0.00013 0 -1E-5
Optimization Results
Iterations 3 Function Calls 6
958 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Gradient Calls 5 Active Constraints 0
Criterion 34.877417 Max Grad Element 0.000126832
Slope -0.0000100034 Radius 1
NOTE: FCONV convergence criterion satisfied.
Optimization Results
Parameter Estimates
N Parameter Estimate Gradient
1 X1 0.586554 -0.0001268
Value of Objective Function = 34.877416815
The optimal function value of 34.88 agrees with the entry in Table 2 of Wang and Tsiatis (1987) for ve
groups, = 0.05, and 1 = 0.99. Note that the variables eps and tscale are internally set to their default
values. For more information about the NLPDD subroutine, see the section NLPDD Call on page 826.
For details about the opt, tc, and par arguments in the NLPDD call, see the section Options Vector on
page 356, the section Termination Criteria on page 360, and the section Control Parameters Vector on
page 367, respectively.
You can replicate other values in Table 2 of Wang and Tsiatis (1987) by changing the values of the variables
NL and PLEVEL. You can obtain values from Table 3 by changing the value of the variable LEVEL to 0.99
and specifying NL and PLEVEL accordingly.
This example illustrates how to nd the boundaries that minimize ASN given the required signicance level
and the required power. It replicates some of the results published in Table 3 of Pocock (1982). The program
computes the domain that
v minimizes the ASN
v yields a given signicance level of 0.05
v yields a given power 1 under the alternative hypothesis
The last two nonlinear conditions on the optimization process can be incorporated as a penalty applied on
the error in these nonlinear conditions. The following program does the computations for a power of 0.9.
%let nl=5;
start func(m) global(level,plevel,sigma,epss,
m = abs(m);
mm = ( -m // m)
meet the significance level
call seqscale(prob,gscale,mm,level) iguess=gscale eps=epss;
stgeom = gscale
geometry= mm
alpha = (prob[2,]-prob[1,])[&nl];
meet the power condition
call seqshift(prob,mean,geometry,plevel) iguess=mean eps=epss;
beta = (prob[2,]-prob[1,])[&nl];
p = prob[3,] - prob[2,]+prob[1,];
compute the average sample number
tn = 4
mean##2; /
number per group
asn = tn
( &nl - p
set up the global variables needed by func
epss = 1.e-8;
epso = 1.e-5;
level = 9.50000E-01;
plevel = 0.05;
sigma = diag(sqrt(1:5));
set up the controlling options of the
optimization routine
opt = {0 2 0 1 6};
tc = repeat(.,1,12);
tc[1] = 100;
tc[7] = 1.e-4;
par = { 1.e-13 . 1.e-10 . . .} || . || epso;
provide the constraint matrix
you need monotonically increasing
significance levels
con = { . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . ,
1 -1 . . . 1 0 ,
. 1 -1 . . 1 0 ,
. . 1 -1 . 1 0 ,
960 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
. . . 1 -1 1 0 };
provide the initial guess
and let nlp do the work
m = { 1 1 1 1 1 };
call nlpdd(rc,rx,"func",m) opt=opt blc = con tc=tc par=par;
print stgeom;
Note that while eps has been set to eps=10
, tscale has been internally set to its default value. You can
choose to run the program with and without the specication of the keyword IGUESS to see the effect on
the execution time.
Note the following about the optimization process:
v Different levels of precision are imposed on different modules. In this example, epss, which is used
as the precision for the sequential tests, is 1E8. The absolute and relative function criteria for the
objective function are set to par [7]=1E5 and tc[7]=1E4, respectively. Since nite differences are
used to compute the rst and second derivatives, the sequential test should be more precise than the
optimization routine. Otherwise, the nite difference estimation is worthless. Optimally, if the pre-
cision of the function evaluation is O(c), the rst- and second-order derivatives should be estimated
with perturbations O(c
) and O(c
), respectively. For example, if all three precision levels are set to
1E5, the optimization process does not work properly.
v Line search techniques that do not depend on the computation of the derivative are preferable.
v The amount of printed information from the optimization routines is controlled by opt[2] and can be
set to any value between 0 and 3. Larger numbers produce more output.
CALL SEQSCALE(prob, gscale, domain, level <, IGUESS=iguess > <, TSCALE=tscale> <,
EPS=eps > <, DEN=den> );
The SEQSCALE subroutine computes estimates of scales associated with discrete sequential tests.
See the entry for the SEQ subroutine for details.
CALL SEQSHIFT(prob, shift, domain, plevel <, IGUESS=iguess > <, TSCALE=tscale> <, EPS=eps >
<, DEN=den> );
SETDIF Function ! 961
The SEQSHIFT subroutine computes estimates of means associated with discrete sequential tests.
See the entry for the SEQ subroutine for details.
SETDIF Function
SETDIF(matrix1, matrix2);
The SETDIF function returns as a row vector the sorted set (without duplicates) of all element values present
in matrix1 but not in matrix2. If the resulting set is empty, the SETDIF function returns a null matrix (with
zero rows and zero columns).
The arguments to the SETDIF function are as follows:
matrix1 is a reference matrix. Elements of matrix1 not found in matrix2 are returned in a vector.
It can be either numeric or character.
matrix2 is the comparison matrix. Elements of matrix1 not found in matrix2 are returned in a
vector. It can be either numeric or character, depending on the type of matrix1.
The argument matrices and result can be either both character or both numeric. For character matrices, the
element length of the result is the same as the element length of the matrix1. Shorter elements in the second
argument are padded on the right with blanks for comparison purposes.
For example, the following statements produce the matrix C, as shown:
a = {1 2 4 5};
b = {3 4};
c = setdif(a,b);
C 1 row 3 cols (numeric)
1 2 5
SETIN Statement
SETIN SAS-data-set <NOBS name> <POINT value> ;
The SETIN data set makes a data set the current input data set.
The arguments to the SETIN statement are as follows:
SAS-data-set can be specied with a one-level name (for example, A) or a two-level name (for exam-
ple, Sasuser.A). For more information about specifying SAS data sets, see the chapter on
data sets in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
name is the name of a variable to contain the number of observations in the data set.
962 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
value species the current observation.
The SETIN statement chooses the specied data set from among the data sets already opened for input by
the EDIT or USE statement. This data set becomes the current input data set for subsequent data manage-
ment statements. The NOBS option is not required. If specied, the NOBS option returns the number of
observations in the data set in the scalar variable name. The POINT option makes the specied observation
the current one. It positions the data set to a particular observation. The SHOW DATASETS command lists
data sets already opened for input.
In the example that follows, if the data set WORK.A has 20 observations, the variable SIZE is set to 20.
Also, the current observation is set to 10.
setin work.a nobs size point 10;
list; /
lists observation 10
SETOUT Statement
SETOUT SAS-data-set <NOBS name> <POINT value> ;
The SETOUT data set makes a data set the current output data set.
The arguments to the SETOUT statement are as follows:
SAS-data-set can be specied with a one-level name (for example, A) or a two-level name (for exam-
ple, Sasuser.A). For more information about specifying SAS data sets, see the chapter on
SAS data sets in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
name is the name of a variable to contain the number of observations in the data set.
value species the observation to be made the current observation.
The SETOUT statement chooses the specied data set from among those data sets already opened for output
by the EDIT or CREATE statement. This data set becomes the current output data set for subsequent data
management statements. If specied, the NOBS option returns the number of observations currently in the
data set in the scalar variable name. The POINT option makes the specied observation the current one.
In the example that follows, the data set WORK.A is made the current output data set and the fth obser-
vation is made the current observation. The number of observations in WORK.A is returned in the variable
setout work.a nobs size point 5;
SHAPE Function
SHAPE(matrix, nrow <, ncol > <, pad-value> );
The SHAPE function reshapes and repeats values in a matrix. The arguments are as follows:
SHAPE Function ! 963
matrix is a numeric or character matrix or literal.
nrow species the number of rows fo the new matrix.
ncol species the number of columns for the new matrix.
pad-value species a value to use for elements of the new matrix if the quantity nrowncol is
greater than the number of elements in matrix.
The SHAPE function creates a new matrix from data in matrix. The values nrow and ncol specify the
number of rows and columns, respectively, in the new matrix. The function can reshape both numeric and
character matrices.
There are three ways of using the function:
v If only nrow is specied, the number of columns is determined as the number of elements in the
object matrix divided by nrow. The number of elements must be exactly divisible; otherwise, a
conformability error is diagnosed.
v If both nrow and ncol are specied, but not pad-value, the result is obtained moving along the rows
until the desired number of elements is obtained. The operation cycles back to the beginning of the
object matrix to get more elements, if needed.
v If pad-value is specied, the operation moves the elements of the object matrix rst and then lls in
any extra positions in the result with the pad-value.
If nrow or ncol is specied as 0, the number of rows or columns, respectively, becomes the number of values
divided by ncol or nrow.
For example, the following statements create constant matrices of a given size:
r = shape(12, 3, 4); /
3 x 4 matrix with constant value 12
s = shape({99 31}, 3, 3); /
3 x 3 matrix with alternating values
print r, s;
Figure 23.270 Constant and Repeated Matrices
12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12
99 31 99
31 99 31
99 31 99
Notice that the SHAPE function produces the result matrix by traversing the argument matrix in row-major
order until the specied number of elements is reached. If necessary, the SHAPE function reuses elements.
You can also use the SHAPE function to reshape an existing matrix, as shown in the following statements:
964 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
t = shape(1:6, 2);
print t;
Figure 23.271 Reshaped Matrix
1 2 3
4 5 6
SHAPECOL(matrix, nrow <, ncol > <, pad-value> );
The SHAPECOL function reshapes and repeats values in a matrix. It is similar to the SHAPE function ex-
cept that the SHAPECOL function produces the result matrix by traversing the argument matrix in column-
major order.
A = {1 2 3, 4 5 6};
c = shapecol(A, 3);
v = shapecol(A, 0, 1);
print c v;
Figure 23.272 Reshaped Matrices
c v
1 5 1
4 3 4
2 6 2
The vector v in the example is called the vec of A and is written vec(A). Uses of the vec operator in
matrix algebra are described in Harville (1997). One important property is the relationship between the vec
operator and the Kronecker product. If A, B, and X have the appropriate dimensions, then
vec(AXB) = (B
There is also a relationship between the SHAPECOL function and the SHAPE function. If A is a matrix,
then the following two computations are equivalent:
b = shapecol(A, m, n, padVal);
c = T(shape(A`, n, m, padVal));
See the VECH function for a similar function that is useful for computing with symmetric matrices.
SHOW Statement ! 965
SHOW Statement
SHOW operands ;
The SHOW statement prints system information. The following operands are available:
ALL shows all the information included by OPTIONS, SPACE, DATASETS, FILES, and
ALLNAMES behaves like NAMES, but also shows names without values.
CONTENTS shows the names and attributes of the variables in the current SAS data set.
DATASETS shows all open SAS data sets.
FILES shows all open les.
MEMORY returns the size of the largest chunk of main memory available.
MODULES shows all modules that exist in the current PROC IML environment. A module already
referenced but not yet dened is listed as undened.
name shows attributes of the specied matrix. If the name of a matrix is one of the SHOW
keywords, then both the information for the keyword and the matrix are shown.
NAMES shows attributes of all matrices having values. Attributes include number of rows, num-
ber of columns, data type, and size.
OPTIONS shows current settings of all PROC IML options (see the RESET statement).
PAUSE shows the status of all paused modules that are pending resume.
SPACE shows the workspace and symbolspace size and their current usage.
STORAGE shows the modules and matrices in the current PROC IML library storage.
WINDOWS shows all active windows opened by WINDOW statements.
An example of a valid statement follows:
show all;
SOLVE Function
The SOLVE function solves a system of linear equations.
The arguments to the SOLVE function are as follows:
A is an n n nonsingular matrix.
B is an n matrix.
966 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The SOLVE function solves the set of linear equations AX = B for X. The matrix A must be square and
The expression X = SOLVE(A,B) is mathematically equivalent to using the INV function in the expression
X = INV(A)
B. However, the SOLVE function is recommended over the INV function because it is more
efcient and more accurate. An example follows:
x = solve(a,b);
The solution method used is discussed in Forsythe, Malcom, and Moler (1967).
The SOLVE function uses a criterion to determine whether the input matrix is singular. See the INV function
for details.
If A is an n n matrix, the SOLVE function temporarily allocates an n
array in addition to the memory
allocated for the return matrix.
CALL SOLVELIN(x, status, A, b, method);
The SOLVELIN subroutine uses direct decomposition to solve sparse symmetric linear systems.
The SOLVELIN subroutine returns the following values:
x is the solution to . = b.
status is the nal status of the solution.
The input arguments to the SOLVELIN subroutine are as follows:
A is the sparse coefcient matrix in the equation . = b. You can use SPARSE function to
convert a matrix from dense to sparse storage.
b is the right side of the equation . = b.
method is the name of the decomposition to be used.
The input matrix represents the coefcient matrix in sparse format; it is an n by 3 matrix, where n is
the number of nonzero elements. The rst column contains the nonzero values, while the second and third
columns contain the row and column locations for the nonzero elements, respectively. Since is assumed to
be symmetric, only the elements on and below the diagonal should be specied, and it is an error to specify
elements above the diagonal.
The solution to the system is returned in .. Your program should also check the returned st at us to make
sure that a solution was found.
status = 0 indicates success.
status = 1 indicates the matrix A is not positive-denite.
SORT Call ! 967
status = 2 indicates the system ran out of memory.
If the SOLVELIN subroutine is unable to solve your system, you can try the iterative method subroutine
Two different factorization methods are available from the call, Cholesky and Symbolic LDL, specied as
CHOL or LDL with the met hoJ parameter. Both these factorizations are applicable only to positive-
denite symmetric systems; if your system is not positive-denite or not symmetric, you can use an IT-
SOLVER call.
The following example uses SOLVELIN to solve the system:
3 1.1 0 0
1.1 4 1 3.2
0 1 10 0
0 3.2 0 3

. =

value row column
A = { 3 1 1,
1.1 2 1,
4 2 2,
1 3 2,
3.2 4 2,
10 3 3,
3 4 4};
right hand side
b = {1, 1, 1, 1};
call solvelin(x, status, A, b, 'LDL');
print status x;
The results are as follows:
0 2.68
CALL SORT(matrix <, by > <, descend> );
The SORT subroutine sorts a matrix by the values of one or more columns. The arguments to the SORT
subroutine are as follows:
968 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
matrix is the input matrix. It is sorted in place by the call. If you want to preserve the original order
of the data, make a copy of matrix.
by species the columns used to sort the matrix. The argument by is either a numeric matrix that
contains column numbers, or a character matrix that contains the names of columns assigned
to matrix by a MATTRIB statement or READ statement. If by is not specied, then the rst
column is used.
descend species which columns, if any, should be sorted in descending order. Any by columns not
specied as descending will be ascending. If descend = by, then all by columns will be
descending; if descend is skipped or is a null matrix, then all by columns will be ascending.
The SORT subroutine is used to sort a matrix according to the values in the columns specied by the by
and descend arguments. Because the sort is done in place, very little additional memory space is required.
The SORT subroutine is not as fast as the SORTNDX call for matrices with a large number of rows. After
a matrix has been sorted, the unique combinations of values in the by columns can be obtained from the
UNIQUEBY function.
For example, the following statements sort a matrix:
m = { 1 1 0,
2 2 0,
1 1 1,
2 2 2};
call sort(m, {1 3}, 3); /
ascending by col 1; descending by col 3
print m;
Figure 23.273 Sorted Matrix
1 1 1
1 1 0
2 2 2
2 2 0
SORT Statement
SORT <DATA=SAS-data-set > <OUT=SAS-data-set > BY <DESCENDING variables > ;
The SORT statement sorts a SAS data set. You can use the following clauses with the SORT statement:
DATA=SAS-data-set names the SAS data set to be sorted. It can be specied with a one-level name
(for example, A) or a two-level name (for example, Sasuser.A). For more infor-
mation about specifying SAS data sets, see the chapter on SAS data sets in SAS
Language Reference: Concepts. Note that the DATA= portion of the specica-
tion is optional.
OUT=SAS-data-set species a name for the output data set. If this clause is omitted, the DATA= data
set is sorted and the sorted version replaces the original data set.
SORTNDX Call ! 969
BY variables species the variables to be sorted. A BY clause must be used with the SORT
DESCENDING species the variables are to be sorted in descending order.
The SORT statement sorts the observations in a SAS data set by one or more variables, stores the resulting
sorted observations in a new SAS data set, or replaces the original. In contrast with other data processing
statements, it is mandatory that the data set to be sorted be closed prior to the execution of the SORT
The SORT statement rst arranges the observations in the order of the rst variable in the BY clause; then
it sorts the observations with a given value of the rst variable by the second variable, and so forth. Every
variable in the BY clause can be preceded by the keyword DESCENDING to denote that the variable that
follows is to be sorted in descending order. Note that the SORT statement always retains the same relative
positions of the observations with identical BY variable values.
For example, the following statement sorts the SAS data set CLASS by the variables AGE and HEIGHT,
where AGE is sorted in descending order, and all observations with the same AGE value are sorted by
HEIGHT in ascending order:
sort class out=sclass by descending age height;
The output data set SCLASS contains the sorted observations. When a data set is sorted in place (without
the OUT= clause) any indexes associated with the data set become invalid and are automatically deleted.
Note that all the clauses of the SORT statement must be specied in the order given in the preceding list.
CALL SORTNDX(index, matrix <, by > <, descend> );
The SORTNDX subroutine creates an index to reorder a matrix by specied columns.
The SORTNDX subroutine returns the following value:
index is a vector such that index[i ] is the row index of the i th element of matrix when sorted
according to by and descend. Consequently, matrix[index, ] is the sorted matrix.
The arguments to the SORTNDX subroutine are as follows:
matrix is the input matrix, which is not modied by the call.
by species the columns used to sort the matrix. The argument by is either a numeric matrix that
contains column numbers, or a character matrix that contains the names of columns assigned
to matrix by a MATTRIB statement or READ statement. If by is not specied, then the rst
column is used.
descend species which columns, if any, should be sorted in descending order. Any by columns not
specied as descending will be ascending. If descend = by, then all by columns will be
descending; if descend is skipped or is a null matrix, then all by columns will be ascending.
970 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The SORTNDX subroutine can be used to process the rows of a matrix in a sorted order, without having to
actually modify the matrix.
For example, the following statements return a vector that gives the order of the rows in a matrix:
m = { 1 1 0,
2 0 0,
1 3 1,
2 2 2 };
call sortndx(ndx, m, {1 3}, 3);
print ndx;
Figure 23.274 Sort Index
The output is shown in Figure 23.274. The SORTNDX subroutine returns the vector ndx that indicates how
rows of m will appear if you sort m in ascending order by column 1 and in descending order by column 3.
The values of the vector ndx indicate that row 3 of m will be the rst row in the sorted matrix. Row 1 of m
will become the second row. Row 4 will become the third row, and row 2 will become the last row.
The matrix can be physically sorted with the SORT call), as follows:
sorted = m[ndx,];
The SORTNDX subroutine can be used with the UNIQUEBY function to extract the unique combinations
of values in the by columns.
CALL SOUND(freq <, dur > );
The SOUND subroutine generates a tone with a frequency (in hertz) given by the freq parameter and a
duration (in seconds) given by the dur parameter.
The arguments to the SOUND subroutine are as follows:
freq is a numeric matrix or literal that contains the frequency in hertz.
dur is a numeric matrix or literal that contains the duration in seconds. Note that the dur argument
differs from that in the DATA step.
Matrices can be specied for frequency and duration to produce multiple tones, but if both arguments are
nonscalar, then the number of elements must match. The duration argument is optional and defaults to 0.25
(one quarter second).
SPARSE Function ! 971
For example, the following statements produce tones from an ascending musical scale, all with a duration
of 0.2 seconds:
notes = 400#(2##do(0, 1, 1/12));
call sound(notes, 0.2);
SPARSE Function
SPARSE(x <, type> );
The SPARSE function converts an n matrix that contains many zeros into a matrix stored in a sparse
format which suitable for use with the ITSOLVER call or the SOLVELIN call.
The arguments are as follows:
x species an n numerical matrix. Typically, x contains many zeros and only k nonze-
ros, where k is much smaller than n.
type species whether the x matrix is symmetric. The following values are valid:
symmetric species that only the lower triangular nonzero values of the x matrix
are used.
unsymmetric species that all nonzero values of the x matrix are used. This is the
default value.
The type argument is not case-sensitive. The rst three characters are used to determine the value. For
example, SYM and symmetric specify the same option.
The matrix returned by the SPARSE function is a k 3 matrix that contains the folling values:
v The rst column contains the nonzero values of the x matrix.
v The second column contains the row numbers for each value.
v The third column contains the column numbers for each value.
For example, the following statements compute a sparse representation of a dense matrix with many zeros:
x = {3 1.1 0 0 ,
1.1 4 0 3.2,
0 1 10 0 ,
0 3.2 0 3 };
a = sparse(x, "sym");
print a[colname={"Value" "Row" "Col"}];
972 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Figure 23.275 Sparse Data Representation
Value Row Col
3 1 1
1.1 2 1
4 2 2
1 3 2
10 3 3
3.2 4 2
3 4 4
CALL SPLINE(tted, data <, smooth> <, delta> <, nout > <, type> <, slope> );
CALL SPLINEC(tted, coeff, endSlopes, data <, smooth> <, delta> <, nout > <, type> <, slope> );
The SPLINE and SPLINEC subroutines t cubic splines to data. The SPLINE subroutine is the same as
SPLINEC but does not return the matrix of spline coefcients needed to call SPLINEV, nor does it return
the slopes at the endpoints of the curve.
The SPLINEC subroutine returns the following values:
tted is an n 2 matrix of tted values.
coeff is an n 5 (or n 9) matrix of spline coefcients. The matrix contains the cubic polynomial
coefcients for the spline for each interval. Column 1 is the left endpoint of the .-interval
for the regular (nonparametric) spline or the left endpoint of the parameter for the parametric
spline. Columns 2 5 are the constant, linear, quadratic, and cubic coefcients, respectively,
for the .-component. If a parametric spline is used, then columns 6 9 are the constant,
linear, quadratic, and cubic coefcients, respectively, for the ,-component. The coefcients
for each interval are with respect to the variable . .
where .
is the left endpoint of the
interval and . is the point of interest. The matrix coeff can be processed to yield the integral
or the derivative of the spline. This, in turn, can be used with the SPLINEV function to
evaluate the resulting curves. The SPLINEC subroutine returns coeff.
endSlopes is a 1 2 matrix that contains the slopes of the two ends of the curve expressed as angles in
degrees. The SPLINEC subroutine returns the endSlopes argument.
The input arguments to the SPLINEC subroutine are as follows:
data species a n 2 (or n 3) matrix of (.. ,) points on which the spline is to be t. The
optional third column is used to specify a weight for each data point. If smooth > 0, the
weight column is used in calculations. A weight _ 0 causes the data point to be ignored in
SPLINE and SPLINEC Calls ! 973
smooth is an optional scalar that species the degree of smoothing to be used. If smooth is omitted
or set equal to 0, then a cubic interpolating spline is t to the data. If smooth > 0, then a
cubic spline is used. Larger values of smooth generate more smoothing.
delta is an optional scalar that species the resolution constant. If delta is specied, the tted
points are spaced by the amount delta on the scale of the rst column of data if a regular
spline is used or on the scale of the curve length if a parametric spline is used. If both nout
and delta are specied, nout is used and delta is ignored.
nout is an optional scalar that species the number of tted points to be computed. The default
is nout =200. If nout is specied, then nout equally spaced points are returned. The nout
argument overrides the delta argument.
type is an optional 11 (or 12) character matrix or quoted literal that contains the type of spline
to be used. The rst element of type should be one of the following:
v periodic, which requests periodic endpoints
v zero, which sets second derivatives at endpoints to 0
The type argument controls the endpoint constraints unless the slope argument is specied.
If periodic is specied, the response values at the beginning and end of column 2 of data
must be the same unless the smoothing spline is being used. If the values are not the same, an
error message is printed and no spline is t. The default value is zero. The second element
of type should be one of the following.
v nonparametric, which requests a nonparametric spline
v parametric, which requests a parametric spline
If parametric is specied, a parameter sequence {t
] is formed as follows: t
= 0 and
= t

Splines are then t to both the rst and second columns of data. The resulting splined values
are paired to form the output. Changing the relative scaling of the rst two columns of data
changes the output because the sequence {t
] assumes Euclidean distance.
Note that if the points are not arranged in strictly ascending order by the rst columns of
data, then a parametric method must be used. An error message results if the nonparametric
spline is requested.
slope is an optional 1 2 matrix of endpoint slopes given as angles in degrees. If a parametric
spline is used, the angle values are used modulo 360. If a nonparametric spline is used, the
tangent of the angles is used to set the slopes (that is, the effective angles range from 90 to
90 degrees).
see Stoer and Bulirsch (1980), Reinsch (1967), and Pizer (1975) for descriptions of the methods used to
t the spline. For simplicity, the following explanation assumes that the data matrix does not contain a
weighting column.
Nonparametric splines can be used to t data for which you believe there is a functional relationship between
the X and Y variables. The unique values of X (stored in the rst column of data) form a partition {a =
< .
< . . . < .
= b] of the interval a. b|. You can use a spline to interpolate the data (produce a
974 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
curve that passes through each data point) provided that there is a single Y value for each X value. The
spline is created by constructing cubic polynomials on each subinterval .
. .
| so that the value of the
cubic polynomials and their rst two derivatives coincide at each .
An interpolating spline is not uniquely determined by the set of Y values. To achieve a unique interpolant,
S, you must specify two constraints on the endpoints of the interval a. b|. You can achieve uniqueness by
specifying one of the following conditions:
v S
(a) = 0. S
(b) = 0. The second derivative at both endpoints is zero. This is the default condition,
but can be explicitly set by using type=zero.
v Periodic conditions. If your data are periodic so that .
can be identied with .
, and if ,
= ,
, then
the interpolating spline already satises S(a) = S(b). Setting type=periodic further requires
that S
(a) = S
(b) and S
(a) = S
v Fixed slopes at endpoints. Setting slope={,
. ,
] requires that S
(a) = ,
and S
(b) = ,
The following codeu give three examples of computing an interpolating spline for data. Note that the rst
and last Y values are the same, so you can ask for a periodic spline.
data = { 0 5, 1 3, 2 5, 3 4, 4 6, 5 7, 6 6, 7 5 };
Compute three spline interpolants of the data
(1) a cubic spline with type=zero (the default)
call spline(fitted,data);
(2) A periodic spline
call spline(periodicFitted,data) type='periodic';
(3) A spline with specific slopes at endpoints
call spline(slopeFitted,data) slope={45 30};
You can also use a spline to smooth data. In general, a smoothing spline will not pass through any data
pair exactly. A very small value of the smooth smoothing parameter will approximate an interpolating
polynomial for data in which each unique X value is assigned the mean of the Y values that correspond to
that X value. As the smooth parameter gets very large, the spline will approximate a linear regression.
The following statements compute two smoothing splines for the same data as in the previous example. The
spline coefcients are passed to the SPLINEV function which evaluates the smoothing spline at the original
X values. Note that the smoothing spline does not pass through the original Y values. Note also that the
smoothing parameter for the periodic spline is smaller, so the periodic spline has more wiggles than the
corresponding spline with the larger smoothing parameter.
data = { 0 5, 1 3, 2 5, 3 4, 4 6, 5 7, 6 6, 7 5 };
Compute spline smoothers of the data.
call splinec(fitted,coeff,endSlopes,data) smooth=1;
Evaluate the smoother at the original X positions
smoothFit = splinev(coeff, data[,1]);
SPLINE and SPLINEC Calls ! 975
Compute periodic spline smoother of the data.
call splinec(fitted,coeff,endSlopesP,data)
smooth=0.1 type="periodic";
Evaluate the smoother at the original X positions
smoothPeriodicFit = splinev(coeff, data[,1]);
Compare the two fits. Verify that the periodic
spline has identical slopes at the end points.
print smoothFit smoothPeriodicFit, endSlopesP;
0 4.4761214 0 4.7536432
1 4.002489 1 3.5603915
2 4.2424509 2 4.3820561
3 4.8254655 3 4.47148
4 5.7817386 4 5.8811872
5 6.3661254 5 6.8331581
6 6.0606327 6 6.1180839
7 5.2449764 7 4.7536432
-58.37255 -58.37255
A parametric spline can be used to interpolate or smooth data for which there does not seem to be a func-
tional relationship between the X and Y variables. A partition {t
] is formed as explained in the documen-
tation for the type parameter. Splines are then used to t the X and Y values independently.
The following program ts a parametric curve to data that is shaped like an S. The variable tted is
returned as a numParam 2 matrix that contains the ordered pairs that correspond to the parametric spline.
These ordered pairs correspond to numParam evenly spaced points in the domain of the parameter t .
The purpose of the SPLINEV function is to evaluate (score) an interpolating or smoothing spline at an
arbitrary set of points. The following program shows how to construct the parameters that correspond to the
original data by using the formula specied in the documentation for the type argument. These parameters
are used to construct the evenly spaced parameters that correspond to the data in the tted matrix.
data = {3 7, 2 7, 1 6, 1 5, 2 4, 3 3, 3 2, 2 1, 1 1};
Compute parametric spline interpolant
numParam = 20;
call splinec(fitted,coeff,endSlopes,data)
nout=numParam type={"zero" "parametric"};
Form the parameters mapped onto the data
Evaluating the splines at t would return data
t = j(nrow(data),1,0); /
first parameter is zero
976 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
do i = 2 to nrow(t);
t[i] = t[i-1] + sqrt( (data[i,1]-data[i-1,1])##2 +
(data[i,2]-data[i-1,2])##2 );
construct numParam evenly-spaced parameters
between 0 and t[nrow(t)]
params = do(0, t[nrow(t)], t[nrow(t)]/(numParam-1))`;
evaluate the parametric spline at these points
xy = splinev(coeff, params);
print params fitted xy;
The output from this program is as follows:
0 3 7 3 7
0.6897753 2.3002449 7.0492667 2.3002449 7.0492667
1.3795506 1.6566257 6.8416091 1.6566257 6.8416091
2.0693259 1.1581077 6.3289203 1.1581077 6.3289203
2.7591012 0.9203935 5.6475064 0.9203935 5.6475064
3.4488765 1.0128845 4.9690782 1.0128845 4.9690782
4.1386518 1.4207621 4.4372889 1.4207621 4.4372889
4.8284271 2 4 2 4
5.5182024 2.5792379 3.5627111 2.5792379 3.5627111
6.2079777 2.9871155 3.0309218 2.9871155 3.0309218
6.897753 3.0796065 2.3524936 3.0796065 2.3524936
7.5875283 2.8418923 1.6710797 2.8418923 1.6710797
8.2773036 2.3433743 1.1583909 2.3433743 1.1583909
8.9670789 1.6997551 0.9507333 1.6997551 0.9507333
9.6568542 1 1 1 1
Attempting to evaluate a spline outside of its domain of denition will result in a missing value. For example,
the following statements dene a spline on the interval 0. 7|. Attempting to evaluate the spline at points
outside of this interval (1 or 20) results in missing values.
data = { 0 5, 1 3, 2 5, 3 4, 4 6, 5 7, 6 6, 7 5 };
call splinec(fitted,coeff,endSlopes,data) slope={45 45};
v = splinev(coeff,{-1 1 2 3 3.5 4 20});
print v;
-1 .
1 3
2 5
3 4
3.5 4.7073171
4 6
20 .
SPLINE and SPLINEC Calls ! 977
One use of splines is to estimate the integral of a function that is known only by its value at a discrete set
of points. Many people are familiar with elementary methods of numerical integration such as the Left-
Hand Rule, the Trapezoid Rule, and Simpsons Rule. In the Left-Hand Rule, the integral of discrete data is
estimated by the exact integral of a piecewise constant function between the data. In the Trapezoid Rule, the
integral is estimated by the exact integral of a piecewise linear function connecting the data. In Simpsons
Rule, the integral is estimated as the exact integral of a piecewise quadratic function between the data points.
Since a cubic spline is a sequence of cubic polynomials, it is possible to compute the exact integral of the
cubic spline and use this as an estimate for the integral of the discrete data. The next example takes a
function dened by discrete data and nds the integral and the rst moment of the function.
The implementation of the integrand function (fcheck) uses a useful trick to evaluate a spline at a single
point. Note that if you pass in a scalar argument to the SPLINEV function, you get back a vector that rep-
resents the evaluation of the spline along evenly spaced points. To get around this, the following statements
evaluate the spline at the vector x // x and then extract the entry in the rst row, second column. This
number is the value of the spline evaluated at ..
x = { 0, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10 };
y = x + 0.1
a = x || y;
call splinec(fit,coeff,endSlopes,a);
start fcheck(x) global(coeff,pow);
The first column of v contains the points of evaluation
while the second column contains the evaluation.
v = x##pow # splinev(coeff,x //x)[1,2];
use QUAD to integrate
start moment(po) global(coeff,pow);
pow = po;
call quad(z,"fcheck",coeff[,1]) eps = 1.e-10;
v1 = sum(z);
mass = moment(0); /
to compute the mass
mass = mass //
(moment(1)/mass) // /
to compute the mean
(moment(2)/mass) ; /
to compute the meansquare
print mass;
Check the computation by using Gauss-Legendre integration: this
is good for moments up to maxng.
gauss = {
978 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
1.713244923791707e-01 };
ngauss = ncol(gauss);
maxng = 2
start moment1(pow) global(coeff,gauss,ngauss,maxng);
if pow < maxng then do;
nrow = nrow(coeff);
ncol = ncol(coeff);
left = coeff[1:nrow-1,1];
right = coeff[2:nrow,1];
mid = 0.5
interv = 0.5
(right - left);
scale the weights on each interval
wgts = shape(interv
scale the points on each interval
pts = shape(interv
gauss[1,] + mid
repeat(1,1,ngauss),1) ;
evaluate the function
eval = splinev(coeff,pts)[,2]`;
mat = sum (wgts#pts##pow#eval);
mass = moment1(0); /
to compute the mass
mass = mass // (moment1(1)/mass) // (moment1(2)/mass) ;
print mass; /
should agree with earlier result
The program prints the following results:
SPLINEV Function ! 979
SPLINEV Function
SPLINEV(coeff <, delta> <, nout > );
The SPLINEV function evaluates a cubic spline at a set of points. The function returns a two-column matrix
that contains the points of evaluation in the rst column and the corresponding tted values of the spline in
the second column.
The arguments to the SPLINEV function are as follows:
coeff is an n 5 (or n 9) matrix of spline coefcients, as returned by the SPLINEC Call. The
coeff argument should not contain missing values.
delta is an optional vector that species evaluation points. If delta is a scalar, the spline is evaluated
at equally spaced points delta apart. If delta is a vector arranged in ascending order, the spline
is evaluated at each of these values. Evaluation at a point outside the support of the spline
results in a missing value in the output. If you specify the delta argument, you cannot specify
the nout argument.
nout is an optional scalar that species the number of tted points desired. The default is
nout =200. If you specify the nout argument, you cannot specify the delta argument.
See the section SPLINE and SPLINEC Calls on page 972 for details and examples.
SPOT Function
SPOT(times, forward_rates);
The SPOT function returns an n 1 vector of (per-period) spot rates, given vectors of forward rates and
times. The function takes the following arguments:
times is an n 1 column vector of times in consistent units. Elements should be nonnegative.
forward_rates is an n 1 column vector of corresponding (per-period) forward rates. Elements should be
The SPOT function transforms the given spot rates as

_ 1
1: i = 2. . . . . n
where, by convention, t
= 0.
For example, the following statements produce the output shown in Figure 23.276:
time = T(do(1, 5, 1));
forward = T(do(0.05, 0.09, 0.01));
980 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
spot = spot(time, forward);
print spot;
Figure 23.276 Spot Rates
SQRSYM Function
where matrix is a symmetric numeric matrix.
The SQRSYM function takes a packed-symmetric matrix (such as generated by the SYMSQR function) and
transforms it back into a dense square matrix. The elements of the argument are unpacked (rowwise) into
the lower triangle of the result and reected across the diagonal into the upper triangle.
For example, the following statements return a symmetric matrix:
v = T(1:6);
sqr = sqrsym(v);
print sqr;
Figure 23.277 Symmetric Matrix
1 2 4
2 3 5
4 5 6
The SQRSYM function and the SYMSQR function are inverse operations on the set of symmetric matrices.
SQRT Function
The SQRT function returns the positive square roots of each element of the argument matrix. An example
of a valid statement follows.
SSQ Function ! 981
a = {1 2 3 4};
c = sqrt(a);
print c;
Figure 23.278 Square Roots
1 1.4142136 1.7320508 2
SQRVECH Function
The SQRVECH function transforms a packed-symmetric matrix into a dense square matrix. The elements
of the argument are unpacked (columnwise) into the lower triangle of the result and reected across the
diagonal into the upper triangle. The argument matrix should be a column-stacked, packed-symmetric
matrix, such as generated by the VECH function.
For example, the following statements return a symmetric matrix:
v = T(1:6);
sqr = sqrvech(v);
print sqr;
Figure 23.279 Symmetric Matrix
1 2 3
2 4 5
3 5 6
The SQRVECH function and the VECH function are inverse operations on the set of symmetric matrices.
SSQ Function
SSQ(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The SSQ function returns as a single numeric value the (uncorrected) sum of squares for all the elements of
all arguments. You can specify as many as 15 numeric argument matrices.
The SSQ function checks for missing arguments and does not include them in the accumulation. If all
arguments are missing, the result is 0.
982 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
An example of a valid statement follows:
a = {1 2 3, 4 5 6};
x = ssq(a);
print x;
Figure 23.280 Sums of Squares
START Statement
START <name> <(arguments) > <GLOBAL(arguments) > ;
language statements
FINISH <name> ;
The START statement denes the start of a module denition. Subsequent statements are not executed
immediately, but are instead collected for later execution. The FINISH statement signals the end of a
module denition.
The arguments to the START statement are as follows:
name is the name of a user-dened module.
arguments are names of variable arguments to the module. Arguments can be either input vari-
ables or output (returned) variables. Arguments listed in the GLOBAL clause are
treated as global variables. Otherwise, the arguments are local.
language statements are statements making up the body of the module.
When no name argument is given in the START statement, the module name MAIN is used by default. If
an error occurs during module compilation, the module is not dened. See Chapter 6 for details.
The following example denes a module named MYMOD that has two local variables (A and B) and two
global variables (X and Y). The module creates the variable Y from the arguments A, B, and X.
start mymod(a,b) global(x,y);
x = 1:4;
call mymod(2, 1);
print y;
STOP Statement ! 983
Figure 23.281 Results of Calling a Module
3 5 7 9
STD Function
The STD function computes a sample standard deviation of data. The sample standard deviation of a column
vector is computed as the square root of the sample variance. See the VAR function for details.
When x is a matrix, the sample variance is computed for each column, as the following example shows:
x = {5 1 10,
6 2 3,
6 8 .,
6 7 9,
7 2 13};
std = std(x);
print std;
Figure 23.282 Standard Deviation of Columns
0.7071068 3.2403703 4.1932485
The STD function returns a missing value for columns with fewer than two nonmissing observations.
STOP Statement
The STOP statement stops the program, and no further matrix statements are executed. However, PROC
IML does not exit, and continues to execute if more statements are submitted. See also the descriptions of
the RETURN and ABORT statements.
If execution was interrupted by a PAUSE statement or by a break, the STOP statement clears all the paused
states and returns to immediate mode.
984 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
STORAGE Function
The STORAGE function returns a matrix of the names of all of the matrices and modules in the current
storage library. The result is a character vector with each matrix or module name occupying a row. Matrices
are listed before modules. The SHOW STORAGE command separately lists all of the modules and matrices
in storage.
For example, the following statements reset the current library storage to MYLIB and then print a list of the
modules and matrices in storage:
reset storage="MYLIB";
Issue the following command to get the resulting matrix:
a = storage();
print a;
STORE Statement
STORE <MODULE=(module-list) > <matrix-list > ;
The STORE statement stores matrices and modules in a storage library.
The arguments to the STORE statement are as follows.
module-list is a list of module names.
matrix-list is a list of matrix names.
The following statement stores the modules A, B, and C and the matrix X:
store module=(A B C) X;
The special operand _ALL_ can be used to store all matrices or all modules. For example, the following
statement stores all matrices and modules:
store _all_ module=_all_;
The storage library can be specied by using the RESET STORAGE statement and defaults to
WORK.IMLSTOR. The SHOW STORAGE statement lists the current contents of the storage library.
The following statement stores all matrices:
SUBMIT Statement ! 985
See Chapter 17, Storage Features, and also the descriptions of the LOAD, REMOVE, RESET, and SHOW
statements for related information.
SUBMIT Statement
SUBMIT <parameters > </ options > ;
language statements
The SUBMIT statement enables you to submit SAS statements for processing from within a SAS/IML
program. You can use the SUBMIT statement to call SAS procedures, DATA steps, and macros. All
statements between the SUBMIT and the ENDSUBMIT statements are referred to as a SUBMIT block. The
SUBMIT block is processed by the SAS language processor.
If you use the R option, the SUBMIT statement enables you to submit statements to the R language for
The SUBMIT statement must appear on a line by itself. All SAS/IML matrices that are dened prior to the
SUBMIT statement remain dened after the ENDSUBMIT statement.
parameters species one or more optional SAS/IML matrices whose values are substituted into the
language statements in the SUBMIT block. To reference a parameter in the SUBMIT
block, prex the name of the parameter with an ampersand (&). If you do not specify the
parameters argument, the SUBMIT block is sent without modication to the SAS (or R)
language processor.
The following options are available in the SUBMIT statement after a slash (/).
OK=ok-matrix species the name of a matrix. The matrix is set to 1 if the SUBMIT block executes
without error, and to 0 otherwise.
R species that statements in the SUBMIT block are processed by the Rstatistical software.
You can use the R option to call functions in the R language, provided that the following
statements are true:
1. the R statistical software is installed on the SAS workspace server.
2. The SAS system administrator at your site has enabled the RLANG SAS system
option. (See The RLANG System Option on page 190.)
The following example calls a SAS procedure from a PROC IML program. The example passes in a param-
eter which is used by the FREQ procedure:
proc iml;
VarName = "Sex";
submit VarName;
proc freq data=Sashelp.Class;
table &VarName / out=OutFreq;
986 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Prior to the SUBMIT statement, the program denes the VarName matrix. The matrix contains the name of a
variable in the Sashelp.Class data set. The VarName matrix is listed in the SUBMIT statement, which means
that the contents of the matrix is available for substitution into the SUBMIT block. The SUBMIT block
references the contents of the matrix by preceding the matrix name by an ampersand (&). Consequently,
the FREQ procedure carries out a one-way frequency analysis for the Sex variable. The output from PROC
FREQ is shown in Figure 23.283.
Figure 23.283 Result of Calling a SAS Procedure
The FREQ Procedure
Cumulative Cumulative
Sex Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
F 9 47.37 9 47.37
M 10 52.63 19 100.00
The preceding statements also create output data set, OutFreq. The following statements read the data into
SAS/IML matrices:
use OutFreq;
read all var VarName into Levels;
read all var {Count};
close OutFreq;
print Count[rowname=Levels];
Notice that the VarName matrix is still dened, even after the FREQ procedure has nished execution. The
statements read portions of the PROC FREQ output data set into two SAS/IML vectors. The output from
the program is shown in Figure 23.284.
Figure 23.284 Result of Calling a SAS Procedure
F 9
M 10
Chapter 10, Submitting SAS Statements, provides details and further examples of submitting SAS state-
ments. Chapter 11, Calling Functions in the R Language, describes how to submit R statements and
provides examples.
You cannot use the SUBMIT statement in code that is pushed to the input command queue with the EXE-
CUTE, PUSH, or QUEUE subroutines.
SUBSTR Function ! 987
SUBSTR Function
SUBSTR(matrix, position <, length> );
The SUBSTR function takes a character matrix as an argument (along with starting positions and lengths)
and produces a character matrix with the same dimensions as the argument. Elements of the result matrix
are substrings of the corresponding argument elements.
The arguments to the SUBSTR function are as follows:
matrix is a character matrix or quoted literal.
position is a numeric matrix or scalar that contains the starting position.
length is a numeric matrix or scalar that contains the length of the substring.
Each substring is constructed by using the starting position supplied. If a length is supplied, this length is
the length of the substring. If no length is supplied, the remainder of the argument string is the substring.
The position and length arguments can be scalars or numeric matrices. If position or length is a matrix,
its dimensions must be the same as the dimensions of the argument matrix or submatrix. If either one is a
matrix, its values are applied to the substringing of the corresponding elements of the matrix. If length is
supplied, the element length of the result is MAX(length); otherwise, the element length of the result is
NLENG(matrix) MIN(position) 1
The following statements return the output shown:
B = {abc def ghi, jkl mno pqr};
a = substr(b, 3, 2);
A 2 rows 3 cols (character, size 2)
The element size of the result is 2; the elements are padded with blanks.
SUM Function
SUM(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The SUM function returns as a single numeric value the sum of all the elements in all arguments. There can
be as many as 15 argument matrices. The SUM function checks for missing values and does not include
them in the accumulation. It returns 0 if all values are missing.
For example, consider the following statements:
988 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
a={2 1, 0 -1};
These statements return the following scalar:
B 1 row 1 col (numeric)
SUMMARY Statement
SUMMARY <CLASS operand> <VAR operand> <WEIGHT operand> <STAT operand> <OPT
operand> <WHERE(expression) > ;
The SUMMARY statement computes statistics for numeric variables for an entire data set or a subset of
observations in the data set. The statistics can be stratied by the use of CLASS variables. The com-
puted statistics are displayed in tabular form and optionally can be saved in matrices. Like most other data
processing statements, the SUMMARY statement works on the current data set.
The following options are available with the SUMMARY statement:
CLASS operand
species the variables in the current input SAS data set to be used to group the summaries. The
operand is a character matrix that contains the names of the variables, for example:
summary class { age sex} ;
Both numeric and character variables can be used as CLASS variables.
VAR operand
computes statistics for a set of numeric variables from the current input data set. The operand is a
character matrix that contains the names of the variables. Also, the special keyword _NUM_ can be
used as a VAR operand to specify all numeric variables. If the VAR clause is missing, the SUMMARY
statement produces only the number of observations in each class group.
WEIGHT operand
species a character value that contains the name of a numeric variable in the current data set whose
values are to be used to weight each observation. Only one variable can be specied.
STAT operand
computes the statistics specied. The operand is a character matrix that contains the names of statis-
tics. For example, to get the mean and standard deviation, specify the following:
summary stat{mean std};
SUMMARY Statement ! 989
The following list describes the keywords that can be specied as the STAT operand:
CSS computes the corrected sum of squares.
MAX computes the maximum value.
MEAN computes the mean.
MIN computes the minimum value.
N computes the number of observations in the subgroup used in the computation of
the various statistics for the corresponding analysis variable.
NMISS computes the number of observations in the subgroup having missing values for
the analysis variable.
STD computes the standard deviation.
SUM computes the sum.
SUMWGT computes the sum of the WEIGHT variable values if WEIGHT is specied; other-
wise, computes the number of observations used in the computation of statistics.
USS computes the uncorrected sum of squares.
VAR computes the variance.
When the STAT clause is omitted, the SUMMARY statement computes these statistics for each vari-
able in the VAR clause:
Note that NOBS, the number of observations in each CLASS group, is always given.
OPT operand
sets the PRINT or NOPRINT and SAVE or NOSAVE options. The NOPRINT option suppresses the
printing of the results from the SUMMARY statement. The SAVE option requests that the SUM-
MARY statement save the resultant statistics in matrices. The operand is a character matrix that
contains one or more of the options.
When the SAVE option is set, the SUMMARY statement creates a CLASS vector for each CLASS
variable, a statistic matrix for each analysis variable, and a column vector named _NOBS_. The
CLASS vectors are named by the corresponding CLASS variable and have an equal number of rows.
There are as many rows as there are subgroups dened by the interaction of all CLASS variables.
The statistic matrices are named by the corresponding analysis variable. Each column of the statistic
matrix corresponds to a statistic requested, and each row corresponds to the statistics of the subgroup
dened by the CLASS variables. If no CLASS variable has been specied, each statistic matrix has
one row, that contains the statistics of the entire population. The _NOBS_ vector contains the number
of observations for each subgroup.
The default is PRINT NOSAVE.
990 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
WHERE expression
conditionally selects observations, within the range specication, according to conditions given in
expression. The general form of the WHERE clause is
WHERE (variable comparison-op operand) ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
? does not contain a given string
=: begins with a given string
=* sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds
if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
= ? < <= > >=
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the
= ? =: =*
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause, by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
The general form is
clause & clause (for an AND clause)
clause | clause (for an OR clause)
where clause can be a comparison, a parenthesized clause, or a logical expression clause that is evaluated
by using operator precedence. Notice that the expression on the left-hand side refers to values of the data
set variables, and the expression on the right-hand side refers to matrix values.
See Chapter 7 for an example that uses the SUMMARY statement.
SVD Call ! 991
SVD Call
CALL SVD(u, q, v, a);
The SVD subroutine computes the singular value decomposition for a numerical matrix. The input to the
SVD subroutine is as follows:
a is the m n input matrix that is factored as described in the following discussion.
The SVD subroutine returns the following output arguments:
u is an m n orthonormal matrix
q is an n 1 vector that contains the singular values
v is an n n orthonormal matrix
If m _ n, the SVD subroutine factors a real m n matrix A into the form
A = Udiag(Q)V
U = V
V = VV
= I
and Q contains the singular values of A. The columns of U contains of the orthonormal eigenvectors of
, and V contains the orthonormal eigenvectors of A
A. Q contains the square roots of the eigenvalues
of A
A and AA
, except for some zeros.
If m < n, a corresponding decomposition is done where U and V switch roles:
A = Udiag(Q)V
U = UU
= V
V = I
The singular values are sorted in descending order.
For information about the method used in the SVD subroutine, see Wilkinson and Reinsch (1971).
The following example is taken from Wilkinson and Reinsch (1971):
a = {22 10 2 3 7,
14 7 10 0 8,
-1 13 -1 -11 3,
-3 -2 13 -2 4,
9 8 1 -2 4,
9 1 -7 5 -1,
2 -6 6 5 1,
4 5 0 -2 2};
call svd(u, q, v, a);
print u, q, v;
992 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
check correctness of factors
zero = ssq(a - u
reset fuzz; /
print small numbers as zero
print zero;
The matrix is rank-3 with exact singular values
1248, 20,
384, 0, and 0. Because of the repeated
singular values, the last two columns of the U matrix are not uniquely determined. A valid result is shown
in Figure 23.285:
Figure 23.285 Singular Value Decomposition
0.7071068 0.1581139 -0.176777 -0.328209 -0.328056
0.5303301 0.1581139 0.3535534 0.5309976 0.0489362
0.1767767 -0.790569 0.1767767 -0.413567 0.1307398
0 0.1581139 0.7071068 -0.266418 0.0321656
0.3535534 -0.158114 0 0.0253566 -0.041441
0.1767767 0.1581139 -0.53033 -0.19666 0.3666144
0 0.4743416 0.1767767 -0.500944 0.4145131
0.1767767 -0.158114 0 0.2793571 0.7509412
0.8006408 0.3162278 -0.288675 -0.419095 0
0.4803845 -0.632456 0 0.4405091 0.4185481
0.1601282 0.3162278 0.8660254 -0.052005 0.3487901
0 0.6324555 -0.288675 0.6760591 0.244153
0.3202563 0 0.2886751 0.4129773 -0.802217
The SVD routine performs most of its computations in the memory allocated for returning the singular value
SWEEP Function
SWEEP(matrix, index-vector );
The SWEEP function sweeps matrix on the pivots indicated in index-vector to produce a new matrix.
The arguments the SWEEP function are as follows:
SWEEP Function ! 993
matrix is a numeric matrix or literal.
index-vector is a numeric vector that indicates the pivots.
The values of the index vector must be less than or equal to the number of rows or the number of columns
in matrix, whichever is smaller.
For example, suppose that A is partitioned into
such that R is q q and U is (m q) (n q). Let
I = [1 2 3 . . . q]
Then, the statement
The index vector can be omitted. In this case, the function sweeps the matrix on all pivots on the main
diagonal 1:MIN(nrow,ncol).
The SWEEP function has sequential and reversibility properties when the submatrix swept is positive de-
v SWEEP(SWEEP(A,1),2)=SWEEP(A,{ 1 2 })
See Beaton (1964) for more information about these properties.
To use the SWEEP function for regression, suppose the matrix A contains
where X
X is k k.
Then B = SWEEP(A. 1 . . . k) contains
(I X(X
The partitions of B form the beta values, SSE, and a matrix proportional to the covariance of the beta values
for the least squares estimates of B in the linear model
Y = XB c
994 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
If any pivot becomes very close to zero (less than or equal to 1E12), the row and column for that pivot are
zeroed. See Goodnight (1979) for more information.
An example that uses the SWEEP function for regression follows:
x = { 1 1 1,
1 2 4,
1 3 9,
1 4 16,
1 5 25,
1 6 36,
1 7 49,
1 8 64 };
y = { 3.929,
31.443 };
n = nrow(x); /
number of observations
k = ncol(x); /
number of variables
xy = x||y; /
augment design matrix
A = xy`
xy; /
form cross products
S = sweep( A, 1:k );
beta = S[1:k,4]; /
parameter estimates
sse = S[4,4]; /
sum of squared errors
mse = sse / (n-k); /
mean squared error
cov = S[1:k, 1:k] # mse; /
covariance of estimates
print cov, beta, sse;
0.9323716 -0.436247 0.0427693
-0.436247 0.2423596 -0.025662
0.0427693 -0.025662 0.0028513
The SWEEP function performs most of its computations in the memory allocated for the result matrix.
SYMSQR Function ! 995
SYMSQR Function
The SYMSQR function takes a square numeric matrix (size n n) and compacts the elements from the
lower triangle into a column vector (n(n1),2 rows). The matrix is not checked for symmetry, but usually
matrix is a symmetric matrix.
The following statement produces the output shown:
sym=symsqr({1 2, 3 4});
SYM 3 rows 1 col (numeric)
Note that the 2 is lost since it is only present in the upper triangle.
T Function
The T (transpose) function returns the transpose of its argument. It is equivalent to the transpose operator
as written with a transpose postx operator (), but since some keyboards do not support the backquote
character, this function is provided as an alternate.
For example, the following statements produce the matrix Y, as shown:
x={1 2, 3 4};
Y 2 rows 2 cols (numeric)
1 3
2 4
996 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
CALL TABULATE(levels, freq, x <, method> );
The TABULATE subroutine counts the number of elements in each of the unique categories of the x argu-
The output arguments are as follows:
levels contains the unique sorted elements of the x argument. See also the UNIQUE function.
freq contains the number of elements of x that match each element of levels.
The input arguments are as follows:
x species a vector of values.
method species whether missing values are included in the analysis. The following values are
nomissing species that missing values are excluded from the analysis. This is
the default value for the option.
missing species that missing values are counted as a valid separate level.
The method argument is not case-sensitive. The rst two characters are used to determine the value. For
example, MISS and missing specify the same option.
The following statements demonstrate the TABULATE subroutine:
x = {C, A, B, A, C, A};
call tabulate(labels, freq, x);
print freq[colname=labels];
x = {C, A, B, " ", A, C, A, " "};
call tabulate(labels, freq, x, "Missing");
labels = "Missing" || remove(labels, 1);
print freq[colname=labels];
Figure 23.286 Frequencies of Levels
3 1 2
Missing A B C
2 3 1 2
TOEPLITZ Function ! 997
The TOEPLITZ function generates a Toeplitz matrix from a vector, or a block Toeplitz matrix from a matrix.
A block Toeplitz matrix has the property that all matrices on the diagonals are the same. The argument a is
an (n) or (n) matrix; the value returned is the (n) (n) result.
The TOEPLITZ function uses the rst submatrix, A
, of the argument matrix as the blocks of the
main diagonal. The second submatrix, A
, of the argument matrix forms one secondary diagonal,
with the transpose A
forming the other. The remaining diagonals are formed accordingly. If the rst
submatrix of the argument matrix is symmetric, the result is also symmetric. If A is (n) , the rst
columns of the returned matrix, R, are the same as A. If A is (n), the rst rows of R are the same as
The TOEPLITZ function is especially useful in time series applications, where the covariance matrix of a
set of variables with its lagged set of variables is often assumed to be a block Toeplitz matrix.
A = A
[ [A
and if R is the matrix formed by the TOEPLITZ function, then
R =
[ A
[ A
[ [ A
[ A
[ A
[ [ A
[ A
[ A
[ [ A
[ A
[ A
[ [ A

A =

and if R is the matrix formed by the TOEPLITZ function, then
R =
[ A
[ A
[ [ A
[ A
[ A
[ [ A
[ A
[ A
[ [ A

Three examples follow.
998 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
R 5 rows 5 cols (numeric)
1 2 3 4 5
2 1 2 3 4
3 2 1 2 3
4 3 2 1 2
5 4 3 2 1
r=toeplitz({1 2 ,
3 4 ,
5 6 ,
7 8});
R 4 rows 4 cols (numeric)
1 2 5 7
3 4 6 8
5 6 1 2
7 8 3 4
r=toeplitz({1 2 3 4 ,
5 6 7 8});
R 4 rows 4 cols (numeric)
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
3 7 1 2
4 8 5 6
CALL TPSPLINE(tted, coeff, adiag, gcv, x, y <, lambda> );
The TSPLINE subroutine ts a thin-plate smoothing spline (TPSS) to data. The generalized cross validation
(GCV) function is used to select the smoothing parameter.
The TPSPLINE subroutine returns the following values:
tted is an n 1 vector of tted values of the TPSS t evaluated at the design points .. The n
is the number of observations. The nal TPSS t depends on the optional lambda.
coeff is a vector of spline coefcients. The vector contains the coefcients for basis functions
in the null space and the representer of evaluation functions at unique design points.
(see Wahba (1990) for more detail on reproducing kernel Hilbert space and representer
of evaluation functions.) The length of coeff vector depends on the number of unique
design points and the number of variables in the spline model. In general, let nuobs and
k be the number of unique rows and the number of columns of . respectively. The length
of coeff equals to knuobs1. The coeff vector can be used as an input of TPSPLNEV
to evaluate the resulting TPSS t at new data points.
TPSPLINE Call ! 999
adiag is an n 1 vector of diagonal elements of the hat matrix. See the Details section.
gcv If lambda is not specied, then gcv is the minimumvalue of the GCVfunction. If lambda
is specied, then gcv is a vector (or scalar if lambda is a scalar) of GCV values evaluated
at the lambda points. It provides you with both the ability to study the GCV curves by
plotting gcv against lambda and the chance to identify a possible local minimum.
The input arguments to the TPSPLINE subroutine are as follows:
x is an n k matrix of design points on which the TPSS is to be t. The k is the number
of variables in the spline model. The columns of . need to be linearly independent and
contain no constant column.
y is the n 1 vector of observations.
lambda is a optional q 1 vector that contains z values in log
(nz) scale. This option gives
you the power to control how you want the TPSPLINE subroutine to function. If lambda
is not specied (or lambda is specied and q > 1) the GCV function is used to choose
the best z and the returning tted values are based on the z that minimizes the GCV
function. If lambda is specied and q = 1, no minimization of the GCV function is
involved and the tted, coeff and adiag values are all based on the TPSS t that uses this
particular lambda. This gives you the freedom to choose the z that you deem appropriate.
Aside from the values returned, the TPSPLINE subroutine also prints other useful information such as the
number of unique observations, the dimensions of the null space, the number of parameters in the model, a
GCV estimate of z, the smoothing penalty, the residual sum of square, the trace of (1 (z)), an estimate
of o
, and the sum of squares for replication.
No missing values are accepted within the input arguments. Also, you should use caution if you want to
specify small lambda values. Since the true z = (10
),n, a very small value for lambda can
cause z to be smaller than the magnitude of machine error and usually the returned gcv values from such
a z cannot be trusted. Finally, when using TPSPLINE be aware that TPSS is a computationally intensive
method. Therefore a large data set (that is, a large number of unique design points) will take a lot of
computer memory and time.
For convenience, the TPSS method is illustrated with a two-dimensional independent variable X = (.
. .
More details can be found in Wahba (1990), or in Bates et al. (1987).
Assume that the data are from the model
= (.
) c
where (.
. ,
). i = 1. . . . . n are the observations. The function is unknown and you assume that it is
reasonably smooth. The error terms c
. i = 1. . . . . n are independent zero-mean random variables.
You measure the smoothness of by the integral over the entire plane of the square of the partial derivatives
of of total order 2, that is
( ) =




Using this as a smoothness penalty, the thin-plate smoothing spline estimate
of is the minimizer of
( ) =

( ).
1000 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Duchon (1976) derived that the minimizer
can be represented as

(.) =




(. .
where (
(.)) = (1. .
. .
) and 1
(s) =
Let matrix K have entries (K)
= 1
) and matrix T have entries (T)
). Then the
minimization problem can be rewritten as nding coefcients and to minimize
(. ) =
[, T K[
The nal TPSS ts can be viewed as a type of generalized ridge regression estimator. The z is called the
smoothing parameter, which controls the balance between the goodness of t and the smoothness of the nal
estimate. The smoothing parameter can be chosen by minimizing the generalized cross validation function
(GCV). If you write
, = A(z),
and call the A(z) as the hat matrix, the GCV function V(z) is dened as
V(z) =
(1,n)[(I A(z),[
(1,n)tr(I A(z))|
The returned values from this function call provide the , as tted, the (. ) as coeff, and Ji ag((z)) as
To evaluate the TPSS t
(.) at new data points, you can use the TPSPLNEV call.
Suppose X
, a m k matrix, contains the m new data points at which you want to evaluate
. Let
) =
) and (K
) = 1
) be the i th elements of T
and K
The prediction at new data points X
= T

Therefore, the ,
can be easily evaluated by using the coefcient (. ) obtained from the TPSPLINE
An example is given in the documentation for the TPSPLNEV call.
CALL TPSPLNEV(pred, xpred, x, coeff );
The TPSPLNEV subroutine evaluates the thin-plate smoothing spline (TPSS) at new data points. It is used
after the TPSPLINE subroutine ts a thin-plate spline model to data.
The TPSPLNEV subroutine returns the following value:
TPSPLNEV Call ! 1001
pred is an m1 vector of the predicated values of the TPSS t evaluated at mnew data points.
The input arguments to the TPSPLNEV subroutine are as follows:
xpred is an mk matrix of data points at which the
is evaluated, where m is the number of
new data points and k is the number of variables in the spline model.
x is an n k matrix of design points that is used as an input of TPSPLINE call.
coeff is the coefcient vector returned from the TPSPLINE call.
See the previous section on the TPSPLINE call for details about the TSPLNEV subroutine.
As an example, consider the following data set, which consists of two independent variables. The plot of
the raw data can be found in the rst panel of Figure 23.287.
x={ -1.0 -1.0, -1.0 -1.0, -0.5 -1.0, -0.5 -1.0,
0.0 -1.0, 0.0 -1.0, 0.5 -1.0, 0.5 -1.0,
1.0 -1.0, 1.0 -1.0, -1.0 -0.5, -1.0 -0.5,
-0.5 -0.5, -0.5 -0.5, 0.0 -0.5, 0.0 -0.5,
0.5 -0.5, 0.5 -0.5, 1.0 -0.5, 1.0 -0.5,
-1.0 0.0, -1.0 0.0, -0.5 0.0, -0.5 0.0,
0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0, 0.5 0.0, 0.5 0.0,
1.0 0.0, 1.0 0.0, -1.0 0.5, -1.0 0.5,
-0.5 0.5, -0.5 0.5, 0.0 0.5, 0.0 0.5,
0.5 0.5, 0.5 0.5, 1.0 0.5, 1.0 0.5,
-1.0 1.0, -1.0 1.0, -0.5 1.0, -0.5 1.0,
0.0 1.0, 0.0 1.0, 0.5 1.0, 0.5 1.0,
1.0 1.0, 1.0 1.0 };
y = {15.54, 15.76, 18.67, 18.50, 19.66, 19.80, 18.60, 18.52,
15.87, 16.04, 10.92, 11.14, 14.81, 14.83, 16.56, 16.44,
14.91, 15.06, 10.92, 10.94, 9.61, 9.65, 14.03, 14.03,
15.77, 16.00, 14.00, 14.03, 9.56, 9.58, 11.21, 11.09,
14.84, 14.99, 16.55, 16.51, 14.98, 14.72, 11.15, 11.17,
15.83, 15.96, 18.64, 18.56, 19.54, 19.81, 18.57, 18.61,
15.87, 15.90 };
Now generate a sequence of z from 3.8 to 3.3 so that you can study the GCV function within this range.
Use the following statement:
lambda = T( do(-3.8, -3.3, 0.1) );
Use the following statement to do the thin-plate smoothing spline t and returning the tted values on those
design points.
call tpspline(fit, coef, adiag, gcv, x, y, lambda);
The output from this subroutine follows.
1002 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Number of observations 50
Number of unique design points 25
Dimension of polynomial Space 3
Number of Parameters 28
GCV Estimate of Lambda 0.00000668
Smoothing Penalty 2558.14323
Residual Sum of Squares 0.24611
Trace of (I-A) 25.40680
Sigma^2 estimate 0.00969
Sum of Squares for Replication 0.24223
After this TPSPLINE call, you obtained the tted value. The tted surface is plotted in the second panel
of Figure 23.287. Also in Figure 23.287, panel 4, you plot the GCV function values against lambda. From
panel 2, you see that because of the spare design points, the tted surface is a little bit rough. In order to
study the TPSS t
(.) more closely, you can use the following statements to generate a more dense grid
on 1. 1| 1. 1|.
xGrid = T( do(-1, 1, 0.1) );
yGrid = T( do(-1, 1, 0.1) );
do i = 1 to nrow(xGrid);
x1 = x1 // repeat(xGrid[i], nrow(yGrid));
x2 = x2 // yGrid;
xpred = x1 || x2;
Now you can use the function TPSPLNEV to evaluate
(.) on this dense grid. Here is the statement:
call tpsplnev(pred, xpred, x, coef);
The nal tted surface is plotted in Figure 23.287, panel 3.
TRACE Function ! 1003
Figure 23.287 Plots of Fitted Surface
TRACE Function
The TRACE function produces a single numeric value that is the sum of the diagonal elements of matrix.
For example, the following statement produces the output shown:
a = trace({5 2, 1 3});
A 1 row 1 col (numeric)
1004 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
TRISOLV Function
TRISOLV(form, R, b <, piv > );
The TRISOLV function efciently solves linear systems that involve a triangular matrix.
The TRISOLV function returns the n matrix Xthat contains solutions of the linear systems specied
by form, R, and b.
The arguments to the TRISOLV function are as follows:
form species which of the following form of a triangular linear system is to be solved:
form=1 solve R. = b, R upper triangular
form=2 solve R
. = b, R upper triangular
form=3 solve R
. = b, R lower triangular
form=4 solve R. = b, R lower triangular
R species the n n nonsingular upper (form=1,2) or lower (form=3,4) triangular coefcient
matrix R. Only the upper or lower triangle of argument matrix R is used; the other triangle
can contain any information.
b species the n matrix, B, of right-hand sides b
. k = 1 . . . .
piv species an optional n vector that relates the order of the columns of matrix R to the order of
the columns of an original coefcient matrix A for which matrix R has been computed as a
factor. For example, the vector piv can be the result of the QR decomposition of a matrix A
whose columns were permuted in the order A
. . . . . A
For form=1 and form=3, the solution is obtained by backward elimination. For form=2 and form=4, the
solution is obtained by forward substitution.
If TRISOLV recognizes the upper or lower triangular matrix Ras a singular matrix (that is, one that contains
at least one zero diagonal element), it exits with an error message.
Consider the following example:
R = { 1 0 0 0,
3 2 0 0,
1 -3 5 0,
2 7 9 -1 };
b = {1, 1, 4, -6 };
x = trisolv(4, R, b);
print x;
TSBAYSEA Call ! 1005
Figure 23.288 Solution of a Triangular System
Also see the example in the QR call section.
CALL TSBAYSEA(trend, season, series, adjust, abic, data <,order > <, sorder > <, rigid > <, npred >
<, opt > <, cntl > <, print > );
The TSBAYSEA subroutine performs Bayesian seasonal adjustment modeling.
The input arguments to the TSBAYSEA subroutine are as follows:
data species a T 1 (or 1 T ) data vector.
order species the order of trend differencing. The default is order =2.
sorder species the order of seasonal differencing. The default is sorder =1.
rigid species the rigidity of the seasonal pattern. The default is rigid=1.
npred species the length of the forecast beyond the available observations. The default is npred=0.
opt species the options vector.
opt[1] species the number of seasonal periods (speriod). By default, opt[1] =12.
opt[2] species the year when the series starts (year ). If opt[2] =0, there will be no trading
day adjustment. By default, opt[2] =0.
opt[3] species the month when the series starts (month). If opt[2] =0, this option is ignored.
By default, opt[3] =1.
opt[4] species the upper limit value for outlier determination (rlim). Outliers are considered
as missing values. If this value is less than or equal to 0, TSBAYSEA assumes that the
input data does not contain outliers. The default is rlim=0. See the section Missing
Values on page 300.
opt[5] refers to the number of time periods processed at one time (span). The default is
opt[5] =4.
opt[6] species the number of time periods to be shifted (shift ). By default, opt[6] =1.
opt[7] controls the transformation of the original series (logt ). If opt[7] =1, log transformation
is requested. No transformation (opt[7] =0) is the default.
1006 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
cntl species control values for the TSBAYSEA subroutine. These values are automatically set. Be
careful if you change these values.
cntl[1] controls the adaptivity of the trading day adjustment component (wtrd). The default is
cntl [1]=1.0.
cntl[2] controls the sum of seasonal components within a period (zersum). The larger the
value of cntl [2], the closer to zero this sum is. By default, cntl [2]=1.0.
cntl[3] controls the leap year effect (delta). The default is cntl [3]=7.0.
cntl[4] species the prior variance of the initial trend (alpha). The default is cntl [4]=0.01.
cntl[5] species the prior variance of the initial seasonal component (beta). The default is
cntl [5]=0.01.
cntl[6] species the prior variance of the initial sum of seasonal components (gamma). The
default is cntl [6]=0.01.
print requests the power spectrum and the estimated and forecast values of time series components. If
print =2, the spectra of irregular, differenced trend and seasonal series are printed, together with
estimates and forecast values. If print =1, only the estimates and forecast values of time series
components are printed.
If print =0, printed output is suppressed. The default is print =0.
The TSBAYSEA subroutine returns the following values:
trend refers to the estimate and forecast of the trend component.
season refers to the estimate and forecast of the seasonal component.
series refers to the smoothed and forecast values of the time series.
adjust refers to the seasonally adjusted series.
abic refers to the value of ABIC from the nal estimates.
The TSBAYSEA subroutine performs Bayesian seasonal adjustments. The smoothness of the trend and
seasonal components is controlled by the prior distribution. The Akaike Bayesian information criterion
(ABIC) is dened to compare with alternative models. The basic TSBAYSEA procedure processes the block
of data in which the length is SPAN*SPERIOD, while the rst block of data consists of length (2*SPAN-
1)*SPERIOD. The block of data is shifted successively by SHIFT*SPERIOD.
The TSBAYSEA subroutine decomposes the series ,
into the following form:
= T
where T
is a trend component, S
denotes a seasonal component, and c
is an irregular component. To
estimate the seasonal and trend components, some constraints are imposed such that the sum of squares of
, V
, and

is small, where V and V
are difference operators. Then the solution can be
obtained by minimizing

. . . S
TSDECOMP Call ! 1007
where J measures the smoothness of the trend and seasonality, s measures the smoothness of the trend, and
: is a smoothness constant for the sum of the seasonal variability. The value of J is estimated while the
constants, s and :, are chosen a priori. The value of s is equal to
, and the constant : is determined
. The larger the constant RIGID, the more rigid the seasonal pattern is.
See the section Bayesian Constrained Least Squares on page 296 for more information.
To analyze the monthly data with rigidity 0.5, you can specify either of the following two statements:
call tsbaysea(trend,season,series,adj,abic) data=z order=2
sorder=1 rigid=0.5 npred=10 print=2;
call tsbaysea(trend,season,series,adj,abic,z,2,1,0.5,10,,,2);
The TREND, SEASON, and SERIES components contain 10-period-ahead forecast values in addition to
the smoothed estimates. The detailed result is also printed since the PRINT=2 option is specied.
CALL TSDECOMP(comp, est, aic, data, <, xdata> <, order > <, sorder > <, nar > <, npred> <, init >
<, opt > <, icmp> <, print > );
The TSDECOMP subroutine analyzes nonstationary time series by using smoothness priors modeling.
The input arguments to the TSDECOMP subroutine are as follows:
data species a T 1 (or 1 T ) data vector.
xdata species a T 1 explanatory data matrix.
order species the order of trend differencing (0, 1, 2, or 3). The default is 2.
sorder species the order of seasonal differencing (0, 1, or 2). The default is 1.
nar species the order of the AR process. The default is 0.
npred species the length of the forecast beyond the available observations. The default is 0.
init species the initial values of parameters. The initial values are specied as variances for trend
difference equation, AR process, seasonal difference equation, regression equation, and partial
AR coefcients. The corresponding default variance values are 0.005, 0.8, 1E5, and 1E5. The
default partial AR coefcient values are determined as
= 0.88 (0.6)
i = 1. 2. . . . . nar
opt species the options vector.
opt[1] species the mean deletion option. The mean of the original series is subtracted from
the series if opt[1] =1. By default, the original series is processed (opt[1] =0). When
regressors are specied, only the opt[1] =0 option is accepted.
opt[2] species the trading day adjustment. The default is opt[2] =0.
1008 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
opt[3] species the year (_ 1900) when the series starts. If opt[3] =0, there is no trading day
adjustment. By default, opt[3] =0.
opt[4] species the number of seasons within a period (speriod). By default, opt[4] =12.
opt[5] controls the transformation of the original series. If opt[5] =1, log transformation is
requested. By default, there is no transformation (opt[5] =0).
opt[6] species the maximum number of iterations allowed. The default is opt[6] = 200.
opt[7] species the update technique for the quasi-Newton optimization technique. If
opt[7] =1 is specied, the dual Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (BFGS) up-
date method is used. If opt[7] =2 is specied, the dual Davidon, Fletcher, and Powell
(DFP) update method is used. The default is opt[7] =1.
opt[8] species the line search technique for the quasi-Newton optimization method. The
default is opt[8] = 2.
1 species a line search method that requires the same number of objective func-
tion and gradient calls for cubic interpolation and extrapolation.
2 species a line search method that requires more objective function calls than
gradient calls for cubic interpolation and extrapolation.
3 species a line search method that requires the same number of objective func-
tion and gradient calls for cubic interpolation and extrapolation.
4 species a line search method that requires the same number of objective func-
tion and gradient calls for cubic interpolation and stepwise extrapolation.
5 species a line search method that is a modied version of opt[8] =4.
6 species the golden section line search method that uses only function values for
linear approximation.
7 species the bisection line search method that uses only function values for lin-
ear approximation.
8 species the Armijo line search method that uses only function values for linear
opt[9] species the upper bound of the variance estimates. If you specify opt[9] =value, the
variances are estimated with the constraint that o _ value. When you specify the
opt[9] =0 option, the upper bound is not imposed. The default is opt[9] =0.
opt[10] species the length of data used in backward ltering for the Kalman lter initializa-
tion. The default value of opt[10] is 100 if the number of observations is greater than
100; otherwise, the default value is the number of observations.
icmp species which component is computed.
1 requests the estimate and forecast of trend component.
2 requests the estimate and forecast of seasonal component.
3 requests the estimate and forecast of AR component.
4 requests the trading day adjustment component.
5 requests the regression component.
TSDECOMP Call ! 1009
6 requests the time-varying regression coefcients.
You can compute multiple components by specifying a vector. For example, you can specify
icmp={1 2 3 5}.
print species the print option. By default, printed output is suppressed (print =0). If you specify
print =1, the subroutine prints the nal estimates. The iteration history is printed if you specify
print =2.
The TSDECOMP subroutine returns the following values:
comp refers to the estimate and forecast of the trend component.
est refers to the parameter estimates including coefcients of the AR process.
aic refers to the AIC statistic obtained from the nal estimates.
The TSDECOMP subroutine analyzes nonstationary time series by using smoothness priors modeling (see
the section Smoothness Priors Modeling on page 284 for more details). The likelihood function is max-
imized with respect to hyperparameters. The Kalman lter algorithm is used for ltering, smoothing, and
forecasting. The TSDECOMP subroutine decomposes the time series ,
as follows:
= T
where T
represents the trend component, S
denotes the seasonal component, TD
represents the trading
day adjustment component, u
denotes the autoregressive process component, 1
denotes regression effect
components, and c
represents the irregular term with zero mean and constant variance.
The trend components are constrained as follows:
= n
. n
~ N(0. t
When you specify the ORDER=0 option, the trend component is not estimated. The maximum order of
differencing is 3 (k = 0. . . . . 3).
The seasonal components are denoted as a stochastically perturbed equation:

= n
. n
~ N(0. t
When you specify SORDER=0, the seasonal component is not estimated. The maximum value of l is 2
(l = 0. 1. or 2).
The stationary autoregressive (AR) process is denoted as a stochastically perturbed equation:


. n
~ N(0. t
where is the order of AR process. When NAR=0 is specied, the AR process component is not estimated.
The time-varying regression coefcients are estimated if you include exogenous variables:
= X

1010 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
where X
contains m regressors except the constant term and
= (
. . . . .
). The time-varying
follow the random walk process:


~ N(0. o
is an element of the coefcient vector
The trading day adjustment component TD
is deterministically restricted. See the section State Space and
Kalman Filter Method on page 298, for more information.
You can estimate the time-varying coefcient model as follows:
call tsdecomp COMP=beta ORDER=0 SORDER=0 NAR=0
The output matrix BETA contains time-varying regression coefcients.
CALL TSMLOCAR(arcoef, ev, nar, aic, start, nish, data <, maxlag> <, opt > <, missing> <, print >
The TSMLOCAR subroutine analyzes nonstationary or locally stationary time series by using the minimum
AIC procedure.
The input arguments to the TSMLOCAR subroutine are as follows:
data species a T 1 (or 1 T ) data vector.
maxlag species the maximum lag of the AR process. This value should be less than half the length of
locally stationary spans. The default is maxlag=10.
opt species an options vector.
opt[1] species the mean deletion option. The mean of the original data is deleted if
opt[1] =1. An intercept coefcient is estimated if opt[1] =1. If opt[1] =0, the origi-
nal input data are processed assuming that the mean value of the input series is 0. The
default is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species the span length to be used when breaking up the time series into separate
blocks. By default, ot 2| = 0, which forces all of the time series values into a single
opt[3] species the minimum AIC option. If opt[3] =0, the maximum lag AR process is esti-
mated. If opt[3] =1, the minimumAICprocedure is performed. The default is opt[3] =1.
missing species the missing value option. By default, only the rst contiguous observations with no
missing values are used (missing=0). The missing=1 option ignores observations with missing
values. If you specify the missing=2 option, the missing values are replaced with the sample
mean. print ] species the print option. By default, printed output is suppressed (print =0). The
print =1 option prints the AR estimation result, while the print =2 option plots the power spectral
density in addition to the AR estimates.
TSMLOMAR Call ! 1011
The TSMLOCAR subroutine returns the following values:
arcoef refers to an nar1 ARcoefcient vector of the nal model if the intercept estimate is not included.
If opt[1] =1, the rst element of the arcoef vector is an intercept estimate.
ev refers to the error variance.
nar is the selected AR order of the nal model. If opt[3] =0, nar =maxlag.
aic refers to the minimum AIC value of the nal model.
start refers to the starting position of the input series, which corresponds to the rst observation of the
nal model.
nish refers to the ending position of the input series, which corresponds to the last observation of the
nal model.
The TSMLOCAR subroutine analyzes nonstationary (or locally stationary) time series by using the mini-
mum AIC procedure. The data of length T is divided into J locally stationary subseries, which consist of
observations. See the section Nonstationary Time Series on page 287 for details.
CALL TSMLOMAR(arcoef, ev, nar, aic, start, nish, data <, maxlag > <, opt > <, missing > <, print >
The TSMLOMAR subroutine analyzes nonstationary or locally stationary multivariate time series by using
the minimum AIC procedure.
The input arguments to the TSMLOMAR subroutine are as follows:
data species a T M data matrix, where T is the number of observations and M is the number of
variables to be analyzed.
maxlag species the maximum lag of the vector AR (VAR) process. This value should be less than
of the length of locally stationary spans. The default is maxlag=10.
opt species an options vector.
opt[1] species the mean deletion option. The mean of the original data is deleted if
opt[1] =1. An intercept coefcient is estimated if opt[1] =1. If opt[1] =0, the origi-
nal input data are processed assuming that the mean values of input series are zeros.
The default is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species the span length to be used when breaking up the time series into separate
blocks. By default, ot 2| = 0, which forces all of the time series values into a single
opt[3] species the minimum AIC option. If opt[3] =0, the maximum lag VAR process is
estimated. If opt[3] =1, a minimum AIC procedure is used. The default is opt[3] =1.
missing species the missing value option. By default, only the rst contiguous observations with no
missing values are used (missing=0). The missing=1 option ignores observations with missing
1012 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
values. If you specify the missing=2 option, the missing values are replaced with the sample
print species the print option. By default, printed output is suppressed (print =0). The print =1 option
prints the AR estimates, minimum AIC, minimum AIC order, and innovation variance matrix.
The TSMLOMAR subroutine returns the following values.
arcoef refers to an M (M +nar) VAR coefcient vector of the nal model if the intercept vector is not
included. If opt[1] =1, the rst column of the arcoef matrix is an intercept estimate vector.
ev refers to the error variance matrix.
nar is the selected VAR order of the nal model. If opt[3] =0, nar =maxlag.
aic refers to the minimum AIC value of the nal model.
start refers to the starting position of the input series data, which corresponds to the rst observation
of the nal model.
nish refers to the ending position of the input series data, which corresponds to the last observation of
the nal model.
The TSMLOMARsubroutine analyzes nonstationary (or locally stationary) multivariate time series by using
the minimum AIC procedure. The data of length T is divided into J locally stationary subseries. See
Nonstationary Time Series in the section Nonstationary Time Series on page 287 for details.
CALL TSMULMAR(arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <, maxlag> <, opt > <, missing> <, print > );
The TSMULMAR subroutine estimates VAR processes by using the minimum AIC procedure.
The input arguments to the TSMULMAR subroutine are as follows:
data species a T M data matrix, where T is the number of observations and M is the number of
variables to be analyzed.
maxlag species the maximum lag of the VAR process. This value should be less than
of the length
of input data. The default is maxlag=10.
opt species an options vector.
opt[1] species the mean deletion option. The mean of the original data is deleted if
opt[1] =1. An M 1 intercept vector is estimated if opt[1] =1. If opt[1] =0, the orig-
inal input data are processed assuming that the mean value of the input data is 0. The
default is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species the minimum AIC option. If opt[2] =0, the maximum lag AR process is es-
timated. If opt[2] =1, the minimum AIC procedure is used, while the opt[2] =2 option
species the VAR order selection method based on the AIC. The default is opt[2] =1.
opt[3] species instantaneous response modeling if opt[3] =1. The default is opt[3] =0. See
the section Multivariate Time Series Analysis on page 291 for more information.
TSPEARS Call ! 1013
missing species the missing value option. By default, only the rst contiguous observations with no
missing values are used (missing=0). The missing=1 option ignores observations with missing
values. If you specify the missing=2 option, the missing values are replaced with the sample
print species the print option. By default, printed output is suppressed (print =0). The print =1 option
prints the nal estimation result, while the print =2 option prints intermediate and nal results.
The TSMULMAR subroutine returns the following values:
arcoef refers to an M (M + nar) AR coefcient matrix if the intercept is not included. If opt[1] =1, the
rst column of the arcoef matrix is an intercept vector estimate.
ev refers to the error variance matrix.
nar is the selected VAR order of the minimum AIC procedure. If opt[2] =0, nar =maxlag.
aic refers to the minimum AIC value.
The TSMULMAR subroutine estimates the VAR process by using the minimum AIC method. The widely
used VAR order selection method is added to the original TIMSAC program, which considers only the
possibilities of zero coefcients at the beginning and end of the model. The TSMULMAR subroutine can
also estimate the instantaneous response model. See the section Multivariate Time Series Analysis on
page 291 for details.
CALL TSPEARS(arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <, maxlag> <, opt > <, missing> <, print > );
The TSPEARS subroutine analyzes periodic AR models with the minimum AIC procedure.
The input arguments to the TSPEARS subroutine are as follows:
data species a T 1 (or 1 T ) data matrix.
maxlag species the maximum lag of the periodic AR process. This value should be less than
of the
input series. The default is maxlag=10.
opt species an options vector.
opt[1] species the mean deletion option. The mean of the original data is deleted if
opt[1] =1. An intercept coefcient is estimated if opt[1] =1. If opt[1] =0, the origi-
nal input data are processed assuming that the mean values of input series are zeros.
The default is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species the number of instants per period. By default, opt[2] =1.
opt[3] species the minimum AIC option. If opt[3] =0, the maximum lag AR process is esti-
mated. If opt[3] =1, the minimum AIC procedure is used. The default is opt[3] =1.
missing species the missing value option. By default, only the rst contiguous observations with no
missing values are used (missing=0). The missing=1 option ignores observations with missing
1014 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
values. If you specify the missing=2 option, the missing values are replaced with the sample
print species the print option. By default, printed output is suppressed (print =0). The print =1 option
prints the periodic AR estimates and intermediate process.
The TSPEARS subroutine returns the following values:
arcoef refers to a periodic AR coefcient matrix of the periodic AR model. If opt[1] =1, the rst column
of the arcoef matrix is an intercept estimate vector.
ev refers to the error variance.
nar refers to the selected AR order vector of the periodic AR model.
aic refers to the minimum AIC values of the periodic AR model.
The TSPEARS subroutine analyzes the periodic AR model by using the minimum AIC procedure. The data
of length T are divided into J periods. There are J instants in one period. See the section Multivariate
Time Series Analysis on page 291 for details.
CALL TSPRED(forecast, impulse, mse, data, coef, nar, nma <, ev > <, npred> <, start > <, constant >
The TSPRED subroutine provides predicted values of univariate and multivariate ARMA processes when
the ARMA coefcients are input.
The input arguments to the TSPRED subroutine are as follows:
data species a T M data matrix if the intercept is not included, where T denotes the length of
the time series and M is the number of variables to be analyzed. If the univariate time series is
analyzed, the input data should be a column vector.
coef refers to the M(1 Q) M ARMA coefcient matrix, where 1 is an AR order and Q is an
MA order. If the intercept term is included (constant =1), the rst row of the coefcient matrix is
considered as the intercept term and the coefcient matrix is an M(1 Q1) M matrix. If
there are missing values in the coef matrix, these are converted to zero.
nar species the order of the AR process. If the subset AR process is requested, nar should be a row
or column vector. The default is nar =0.
nma species the order of the MA process. If the subset MA process is requested, nma should be a
vector. The default is nma=0.
ev species the error variance matrix. If the ev matrix is not provided, the prediction error covari-
ance will not be computed.
npred species the maximum length of multistep forecasting. The default is npred=0.
start species the position where the multistep forecast starts. The default is start =T .
TSROOT Call ! 1015
constant species the intercept option. No intercept estimate is included if constant =0; otherwise, the
intercept estimate is included in the rst row of the coefcient matrix. If constant =1, the
coefcient matrix is estimated by using mean deleted series. By default, constant =0.
The TSPRED subroutine returns the following values:
forecast refers to predicted values.
impulse refers to the impulse response function.
mse refers to the mean square error of s-step-ahead forecast. A scalar missing value is returned if the
error variance (ev) is not provided.
CALL TSROOT(matout, matin, nar, nma, <, qcoef > <, print > );
The TSROOT subroutine computes AR and MA coefcients from the characteristic roots of the model or
computes the characteristic roots of the model from the AR and MA coefcients.
The input arguments to the TSROOT subroutine are as follows:
matin refers to the (nar nma) 2 characteristic root matrix if the polynomial (ARMA) coefcients
are requested (qcoef =1), where the rst column of the matin matrix contains the real part of the
root and the second column of the matin matrix contains the imaginary part of the root. When
the characteristic roots are requested (qcoef =0), the rst nar rows are complex AR coefcients
and the last nma rows are complex MA coefcients. The default is qcoef =0.
nar species the order of the AR process. If you specify the subset AR model, the input nar should
be a row or column vector.
nma species the order of the MA process. If you specify the subset MA model, the input nma should
be a row or column vector.
qcoef requests the ARMAcoefcients when the characteristic roots are provided (qcoef =1). By default,
the characteristic roots of the polynomial are computed (qcoef =0).
print species the print option if print =1. By default, printed output is suppressed (print =0).
The TSROOT subroutine returns the following values
matout refers to the characteristic root matrix if qcoef =0; otherwise, the matout matrix contains the AR
and MA coefcients.
CALL TSTVCAR(arcoef, variance, est, aic, data <, nar > <, init > <, opt > <, outlier > <, print > );
The TSTVCAR subroutine analyzes time series that are nonstationary in the covariance function.
1016 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
The input arguments to the TSTVCAR subroutine are as follows:
data species a T 1 (or 1 T ) data vector.
nar species the order of the AR process. The default is nar =8.
init species the initial values of the parameter estimates. The default is (1E4, 0.3, 1E5, 0).
opt species an options vector.
opt[1] species the mean deletion option. The mean of the original series is subtracted from
the series if opt[1] =1. By default, the original series is processed (opt[1] =0).
opt[2] species the ltering period (nlter ). The number of state vectors is determined by
. The default is opt[2] =10.
opt[3] species the numerical differentiation method. If opt[3] =1, the one-sided (forward)
differencing method is used. The two-sided (or central) differencing method is used if
opt[3] =2. The default is opt[3] =1.
outlier species the vector of outlier observations. The value should be less than or equal to the maxi-
mum number of observations. The default is outlier =0.
print species the print option. By default, printed output is suppressed (print =0). The print =1 option
prints the nal estimates. The iteration history is printed if print =2.
The TSTVCAR subroutine returns the following values:
arcoef refers to the time-varying AR coefcients.
variance refers to the time-varying error variances. See the section Smoothness Priors Modeling on
page 284 for details.
est refers to the parameter estimates.
aic refers to the value of AIC from the nal estimates.
Nonstationary time series modeling usually deals with nonstationarity in the mean. The TSTVCAR sub-
routine analyzes the model that is nonstationary in the covariance. Smoothness priors are imposed on each
time-varying AR coefcient and frequency response function. See the section Nonstationary Time Series
on page 287 for details.
CALL TSUNIMAR(arcoef, ev, nar, aic, data <, maxlag> <, opt > <, missing> <, print > );
The TSUNIMAR subroutine determines the order of an AR process with the minimum AIC procedure and
estimates the AR coefcients.
The input arguments to the TSUNIMAR subroutine are as follows:
data species a T 1 (or 1 T ) data vector, where T is the number of observations.
TYPE Function ! 1017
maxlag species the maximum lag of the AR process. This value should be less than half the number of
observations. The default is maxlag=10.
opt species an options vector.
opt[1] species the mean deletion option. The mean of the original data is deleted if
opt[1] =1. An intercept term is estimated if opt[1] =1. If opt[1] =0, the original in-
put data are processed assuming that the mean value of the input data is 0. The default
is opt[1] =0.
opt[2] species the minimum AIC option. If opt[2] =0, the maximum lag AR process is esti-
mated. The minimum AIC option, opt[2] =1, is the default.
missing species the missing value option. By default, only the rst contiguous observations with no
missing values are used (missing=0). The missing=1 option ignores observations with missing
values. If you specify the missing=2 option, the missing values are replaced with the sample
print species the print option. By default, printed output is suppressed (print =0). The print =1 option
prints the nal estimation result, while the print =2 option prints intermediate and nal results.
The TSUNIMAR subroutine returns the following values.
arcoef refers to an nar 1 AR coefcient vector if the intercept is not included. If opt[1] =1, the rst
element of the arcoef vector is an intercept estimate.
ev refers to the error variance.
nar refers to the selected AR order by minimum AIC procedure. If
opt[2] =0, then nar = maximum lag.
aic refers to the minimum AIC value.
The TSUNIMAR subroutine determines the order of the AR process by using the minimum AIC procedure
and estimates the AR coefcients. All AR coefcient estimates up to maximum lag are printed if you specify
the print option. See the section Least Squares and Householder Transformation on page 295 for more
TYPE Function
The TYPE function returns a single character value that represents the type of a matrix. The value is N if
the type of the matrix is numeric; it is C if the type of the matrix is character; it is U if the matrix does
not have a value.
The following statements determine the type for three different matrices:
cMat = {"Rick" "Nancy"};
t1 = type(cMat);
nMat = {3.14159 2.71828};
t2 = type(nMat);
1018 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
free uMat;
t3 = type(uMat);
print t1 t2 t3;
Figure 23.289 The Types of Matrices
t1 t2 t3
UNIFORM Function
The UNIFORM function generates a pseudorandom numbers from the uniform distribution on 0. 1|. The
seed argument is a numeric matrix or literal. The elements of the seed argument can be any integer value
up to 2
The UNIFORM function returns one or more pseudorandom numbers with a uniform distribution over the
interval 0 to 1. The UNIFORM function returns a matrix with the same dimensions as the argument. The
rst argument on the rst call is used for the seed, or if that argument is 0, the system clock is used for the
seed. The function is equivalent to the DATA step function RANUNI.
The following statements produce the output shown in Figure 23.204:
seed = 123456;
c = j(10, 1, seed); /
generate 10 number from the same seed
b = uniform(c);
print b;
Figure 23.290 Random Values Generated from a Uniform Distribution
For generating millions of pseudorandom numbers, use the RANDGEN subroutine.
UNION Function ! 1019
UNION Function
UNION(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The UNION function returns as a row vector the sorted set (without duplicates) which is the union of the
element values present in its arguments. There can be up to 15 arguments, which can be either all character
or all numeric. For character arguments, the element length of the result is the longest element length of the
arguments. Shorter character elements are padded on the right with blanks.
This function is identical to the UNIQUE function.
The following statements produce the output shown:
a={1 2 4 5};
b={3 4};
C 1 row 5 cols (numeric)
1 2 3 4 5
The UNION function can be used to sort elements of a matrix when there are no duplicates by calling
UNION with a single argument.
UNIQUE Function
UNIQUE(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The UNIQUE function returns as a row vector the sorted set (without duplicates) of all the element values
present in its arguments. The arguments can be either all numeric or all character, and there can be up to 15
arguments specied. This function is identical to the UNION function, the description of which includes an
UNIQUEBY(matrix <, by > <, index > );
The UNIQUEBYfunction returns the locations of the unique BY-group combinations for a sorted or indexed
matrix. The arguments to the UNIQUEBY function are as follows:
matrix is the input matrix, which must be sorted or indexed according to the by columns.
1020 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
by is either a numeric matrix of column numbers, or a character matrix that contains the names
of columns that correspond to column labels assigned to matrix by a MATTRIB statement or
READ statement. If by is not specied, then the rst column is used.
index is a vector such that index[i ] is the row index of the i th element of matrix when sorted
according to by. Consequently, matrix[index, ] is the sorted matrix. index can be computed
for a matrix and a given set of by columns with the SORTNDX call. If the matrix is known
to be sorted according to the by columns already, then index should be 1:nrow(matrix). In
this case, you can also omit the index argument.
The UNIQUEBY function returns a column vector whose i th row gives the row in index whose value is the
row in matrix of the i th unique combination of values in the by columns.
For example, the following statements use the SORTNDX subroutine to create a sort index for a matrix.
The UNIQUEBY function is then used to determine the unique combinations of the columns of the matrix:
m = { 1 0,
2 0,
2 2,
2 0,
1 0,
2 0,
1 1 };
cols = 1:2;
call sortndx(ndx, m, cols);
sorted = m[ndx,];
unique_rows = uniqueby(m, cols, ndx);
unique_vals = m[ndx[unique_rows], cols ];
print sorted, unique_rows unique_vals;
Figure 23.291 Unique Values of the Sort Variables
1 0
1 0
1 1
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 2
unique_rows unique_vals
1 1 0
3 1 1
4 2 0
7 2 2
In addition, the following statements gives the number of unique values and the number of elements in each
USE Statement ! 1021
n = nrow(unique_rows);
size = j(n,1);
do i = 1 to n-1;
size[i] = unique_rows[i+1] - unique_rows[i];
size[n] = nrow(m) - unique_rows[n] + 1;
print n, size;
Figure 23.292 Number of BY Groups and Number of Elements in Each Group
If matrix is already sorted according to the by columns (see the SORT call), then UNIQUEBY can be called
with 1:nrow(matrix) for the index argument, or the last argument can be omitted as shown in the following
unique_loc = uniqueby(sorted, cols);
print unique_loc;
Figure 23.293 Position of Unique Rows for a Sorted Matrix
USE Statement
USE SAS-data-set <VAR operand> <WHERE(expression) > <NOBS name> ;
The USE statement opens a SAS data set for reading.
The arguments to the USE statement are as follows:
SAS-data-set can be specied with a one-level name (for example, A) or a two-level name (for exam-
ple, Sasuser.A). For more information about specifying SAS data sets, see the chapter on
SAS data sets in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
1022 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
operand selects a set of variables.
expression is evaluated for being true or false.
name is the name of a variable to contain the number of observations.
If the data set has not already been opened, the USE statement opens the data set for read access. The USE
statement also makes the data set the current input data set so that subsequent statements act on it. The USE
statement optionally can dene selection criteria that are used to control access.
The VAR clause species a set of variables to use, where operand can be any of the following:
v a literal that contains variable names
v the name of a matrix that contains variable names
v an expression in parentheses that yields variable names
v one of the following keywords:
_ALL_ for all variables
_CHAR_ for all character variables
_NUM_ for all numeric variables
The following examples demonstrate each possible way you can use the VAR clause:
var {x1 x5 x9}; /
a literal matrix of names
var x; /
a matrix that contains the names
var("x1":"x9"); /
an expression
var _all_; /
a keyword
The WHERE clause conditionally selects observations, within the range specication, according to condi-
tions given in the clause. The general form of the WHERE clause is as follows:
WHERE (variable comparison-op operand) ;
The arguments to the WHERE clause are as follows:
variable is a variable in the SAS data set.
comparison-op is one of the following comparison operators:
< less than
<= less than or equal to
= equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
= not equal to
? contains a given string
VALSET Call ! 1023
? does not contain a given string
=: begins with a given string
=* sounds like or is spelled like a given string
operand is a literal value, a matrix name, or an expression in parentheses.
WHERE comparison arguments can be matrices. For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds
if all the elements in the matrix satisfy the condition:
= ? < <= > >=
For the following operators, the WHERE clause succeeds if any of the elements in the matrix satisfy the
= ? =: =*
Logical expressions can be specied within the WHERE clause by using the AND (&) and OR (|) operators.
The general form is
clause & clause (for an AND clause)
clause | clause (for an OR clause)
where clause can be a comparison, a parenthesized clause, or a logical expression clause that is evaluated
by using operator precedence.
NOTE: The expression on the left-hand side refers to values of the data set variables, and the expression on
the right-hand side refers to matrix values.
The VAR and WHERE clauses are optional, and you can specify them in any order. If a data set is already
open, all the options that the data set was rst opened with are still in effect. To override any old options,
the new USE statement must explicitly specify the new options. Examples of valid statements follow.
use class;
use class var{name sex age};
use class var{name sex age} where(age>10);
CALL VALSET(matrix-name, new-value);
The VALSET subroutine performs indirect assignment. The subroutine takes the name of a matrix and
assigns a new value to that matrix.
The arguments to the VALSET subroutine are as follows:
matrix-name is a character matrix or literal that species the name of a matrix.
new-value is a value to which the matrix is set.
For example, the following statements assign the string A to the value of the B matrix. The VALSET
subroutine assigns the value 99 to the matrix A.
1024 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
B = "A";
call valset(B, 99);
print A;
The previous value of the indirect result is freed. The following statement sets B to 99, but the value of A is
unaffected by this statement:
VALUE Function
The VALUE function assigns values by indirect reference. The function takes the name of a matrix and
returns the value of that matrix.
For example, the following statements nd that the value of the argument B is A, then look up A and copy
the value 1 2 3 to C:
a={1 2 3};
Here is the resulting output:
C 1 row 3 cols (numeric)
1 2 3
VAR Function
The VAR function computes a sample variance of data. The arguments are as follows:
x species an n numerical matrix. The VAR function computes the variance of the
columns of this matrix.
The VAR function computes the sample variance of a column vector x as
,(n 1) where n
is the number of nonmissing values of x and any missing values have been excluded. When x is a matrix,
the sample variance is computed for each column, as the following example shows:
VARMACOV Call ! 1025
x = {5 1 10,
6 2 3,
6 8 5,
6 7 9,
7 2 13};
var = var(x);
print var;
Figure 23.294 Variance of Columns
0.5 10.5 16
The following statemen computes the standard deviation of each column:
sd = sqrt(var(x));
The VAR function returns a missing value for columns with fewer than two nonmissing observations.
CALL VARMACOV(cov, phi, theta, sigma <, p> <, q> <, lag> );
The VARMACOV subroutine computes the theoretical cross-covariance matrices for a stationary
VARMA(. q) model.
The input arguments to the VARMACOV subroutine are as follows:
phi species a km
k matrix, , that contains the autoregressive coefcient matrices, where m
the number of elements in the subset of the AR order and k _ 2 is the number of variables. All
the roots of [(T)[ = 0 should be greater than one in absolute value, where (T) is the nite
order matrix polynomial in the backshift operator T, such that T
= y
. You must specify
either phi or theta.
theta species a km
k matrix that contains the moving average coefcient matrices, where m
the number of the elements in the subset of the MA order. You must specify either phi or theta.
sigma species a k k symmetric positive-denite covariance matrix of the innovation series. If sigma
is not specied, then an identity matrix is used.
p species the subset of the AR order. The quantity m
is dened as
= nron(hi ),ncol(hi )
where nrow(phi) is the number of rows of the matrix phi and ncol(phi) is the number of columns
of the matrix phi.
If you do not specify p, the default subset is p= {1. 2. . . . . m
1026 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
For example, consider a 4-dimensional vector time series, and phi is a 44 matrix. If you specify
p=1 (the default, since m
= 4,4 = 1), the VARMACOV subroutine computes the theoretical
cross-covariance matrices of VAR(1) as y
= y

If you specify p=2, the VARMACOV subroutine computes the cross-covariance matrices of
VAR(2) as y
= y

Let phi =
be an 8 4 matrix. If you specify p= {1. 3], the VARMACOV subroutine
computes the cross-covariance matrices of VAR(3) as y


. If you do
not specify p, the VARMACOV subroutine computes the cross-covariance matrices of VAR(2)
as y


q species the subset of the MA order. The quantity m
is dened as
= nron(t het a),ncol(t het a)
where nrow(theta) is the number of rows of matrix theta and ncol(theta) is the number of columns
of matrix theta.
If you do not specify q, the default subset is q= {1. 2. . . . . m
The usage of q is the same as that of p.
lag species the length of lags, which must be a positive number. If lag = h, the VARMACOV
computes the cross-covariance matrices from lag zero to lag h. By default, lag = 12.
The VARMACOV subroutine returns the following value:
cov is a k(lag 1) k matrix that contains the theoretical cross-covariance matrices of the
VARMA(. q) model.
Consider the following bivariate (k = 2) VARMA(1,1) model:
= y


1.2 0.5
0.6 0.3
0.6 0.3
0.3 0.6
1.0 0.5
0.5 1.25
To compute the cross-covariance matrices of this model, you can use the following statements:
phi = { 1.2 -0.5, 0.6 0.3 };
theta= {-0.6 0.3, 0.3 0.6 };
sigma= { 1.0 0.5, 0.5 1.25};
call varmacov(cov, phi, theta, sigma) lag=5;
CALL VARMALIK(lnl, series, phi, theta, sigma <, p> <, q> <, opt > );
The VARMALIK subroutine computes the log-likelihood function for a VARMA(. q) model.
The input arguments to the VARMALIK subroutine are as follows:
VARMALIK Call ! 1027
series species an n k matrix that contains the vector time series (assuming mean zero), where n is
the number of observations and k _ 2 is the number of variables.
phi species a km
k matrix that contains the autoregressive coefcient matrices, where m
is the
number of the elements in the subset of the AR order. You must specify either phi or theta.
theta species a km
k matrix that contains the moving average coefcient matrices, where m
the number of the elements in the subset of the MA order. You must specify either phi or theta.
sigma species a k k covariance matrix of the innovation series. If you do not specify sigma, an
identity matrix is used.
p species the subset of the AR order. See the VARMACOV subroutine.
q species the subset of the MA order. See the VARMACOV subroutine.
opt species the method of computing the log-likelihood function:
opt=0 requests the multivariate innovations algorithm. This algorithm requires that the time
series is stationary and does not contain missing observations.
opt=1 requests the conditional log-likelihood function. This algorithm requires that the num-
ber of the observations in the time series must be greater than pq and that the series
does not contain missing observations.
opt=2 requests the Kalman ltering algorithm. This is the default and is used if the required
conditions in opt=0 and opt=1 are not satised.
The VARMALIK subroutine returns the following value:
lnl is a 3 1 matrix that contains the log-likelihood function, the sum of log determinant of the
innovation variance, and the weighted sum of squares of residuals. The log-likelihood function
is computed as 0.5 (the sum of last two terms).
The options opt=0 and opt=2 are equivalent for stationary time series without missing values. Setting opt=0
is useful for a small number of the observations and a high order of p and q; opt=1 is useful for a high order
of P and q; opt=2 is useful for a low order of p and q, or for missing values in the observations.
Consider the following bivariate (k = 2) VARMA(1,1) model:
= y


1.2 0.5
0.6 0.3
0.6 0.3
0.3 0.6
1.0 0.5
0.5 1.25
To compute the log-likelihood function of this model, you can use the following statements:
phi = { 1.2 -0.5, 0.6 0.3 };
theta= {-0.6 0.3, 0.3 0.6 };
sigma= { 1.0 0.5, 0.5 1.25};
call varmasim(yt, phi, theta) sigma=sigma;
call varmalik(lnl, yt, phi, theta, sigma);
1028 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
CALL VARMASIM(series, phi, theta, mu, sigma, n <, p> <, q> <, initial > <, seed> );
The VARMASIM subroutine generates a VARMA(,q) time series.
The input arguments to the VARMASIM subroutine are as follows:
phi species a km
k matrix that contains the autoregressive coefcient matrices, where m
is the
number of the elements in the subset of the AR order and k _ 2 is the number of variables. You
must specify either phi or theta.
theta species a km
k matrix that contains the moving average coefcient matrices, where m
the number of the elements in the subset of the MA order. You must specify either phi or theta.
mu species a k 1 (or 1 k) mean vector of the series. If mu is not specied, a zero vector is used.
sigma species a k k covariance matrix of the innovation series. If sigma is not specied, an identity
matrix is used.
n species the length of the series. If n is not specied, n = 100 is used.
p species the subset of the AR order. See the VARMACOV subroutine.
q species the subset of the MA order. See the VARMACOV subroutine.
initial species the initial values of random variables. If i ni t i al = a
, then y
. . . . . y

. . . . .
all take the same value a
. If the initial option is not specied, the initial val-
ues are estimated for the stationary vector time series; the initial values are assumed as zero for
the nonstationary vector time series.
seed is a scalar that contains the random number seed. At the rst execution of the subroutine, the
seed variable is used as follows:
If seed > 0, the input seed is used for generating the series.
If seed = 0, the system clock is used to generate the seed.
If seed < 0, the value (1)(seed) is used for generating the series.
If the seed is not supplied, the system clock is used to generate the seed.
On subsequent calls of the subroutine in the DO loop like environment the seed variable is used
as follows: If seed > 0, the seed remains unchanged. In other cases, after each execution of the
subroutine, the current seed is updated internally.
The VARMASIM subroutine returns the following value:
series is an n k matrix that contains the generated VARMA(. q) time series. When either the initial
option is specied or zero initial values are used, these initial values are not included in series.
Consider the following bivariate (k = 2) stationary VARMA(1,1) time series:
= (y

1.2 0.5
0.6 0.3
0.6 0.3
0.3 0.6
1.0 0.5
0.5 1.25
VECH Function ! 1029
To generate this series, you can use the following statements:
phi = { 1.2 -0.5, 0.6 0.3 };
theta= {-0.6 0.3, 0.3 0.6 };
mu = { 10, 20 };
sigma= { 1.0 0.5, 0.5 1.25};
call varmasim(yt, phi, theta, mu, sigma, 100);
Consider a bivariate (k = 2) nonstationary VARMA(1,1) time series with the same , , and in the
previous example and the following AR coefcient:
1.0 0
0 0.3
To generate this series, you can use the following statements:
phi = { 1.0 0.0, 0.0 0.3 };
call varmasim(yt, phi, theta, mu, sigma, 100) initial=3;
VECDIAG Function
The VECDIAG function creates a column vector whose elements are the elements on the main diagonal of
matrix. For example, the following statements produce the column vector shown in Figure 23.295:
a = {2 1, 0 -1};
d = vecdiag(a);
print d;
Figure 23.295 Diagonal of a Matrix
VECH Function
The VECH function creates a column vector whose elements are the stacked columns of the lower triangular
elements of matrix. Often, the argument is a symmetric matrix, in which case the VECH function has the
effect of discarding the duplicate elements that are above the matrix diagonal.
1030 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Uses of the VECH function in matrix algebra are described in Harville (1997). Vech is an abbreviation
for vector-half.
The following statements produce the column vector shown in Figure 23.296:
a = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9};
v = vech(a);
print v;
Figure 23.296 Stacked Columns of Lower Triangular Matrix
The SQRVECH function and the VECH function are inverse operations on the set of symmetric matrices.
CALL VNORMAL(series, mu, sigma, n <, seed> );
The VNORMAL subroutine generates a multivariate normal random series.
The input arguments to the VNORMAL subroutine are as follows:
mu species a k 1 (or 1 k) mean vector, where k _ 2 is the number of variables. You must
specify either mu or sigma. If mu is not specied, a zero vector is used.
sigma species a k k symmetric positive-denite covariance matrix. By default, sigma is an identity
matrix with dimension k. You must specify either mu or sigma. If sigma is not specied, an
identity matrix is used.
n species the length of the series. If n is not specied, n = 100 is used.
seed is a scalar that contains the random number seed. At the rst execution of the subroutine, the
seed variable is used as follows:
If seed > 0, the input seed is used for generating the series.
If seed = 0, the system clock is used to generate the seed.
If seed < 0, the value (1)(seed) is used for generating the series.
If the seed is not supplied, the system clock is used to generate the seed.
On subsequent calls of the subroutine in the DO loop like environment the seed variable is used
as follows: If seed > 0, the seed remains unchanged. In other cases, after each execution of the
subroutine, the current seed is updated internally.
VTSROOT Call ! 1031
The VNORMAL subroutine returns the following value:
series is an n k matrix that contains the generated normal random series.
Consider a bivariate (k = 2) normal random series with mean and covariance matrix , where
and =
1.0 0.5
0.5 1.25
To generate this series, you can use the following statements:
mu = { 10, 20 };
sigma= { 1.0 0.5, 0.5 1.25};
call vnormal(et, mu, sigma, 100);
CALL VTSROOT(root, phi, theta <, p> <, q> );
The VTSROOT subroutine computes the characteristic roots of the model from AR and MA characteristic
The input arguments to the VTSROOT subroutine are as follows:
phi species a km
k matrix that contains the autoregressive coefcient matrices, where m
is the
number of the elements in the subset of the AR order and k _ 2 is the number of variables. You
must specify either phi or theta.
theta species a km
k matrix that contains the moving average coefcient matrices, where m
the number of the elements in the subset of the MA order. You must specify either phi or theta.
p species the subset of the AR order. See the VARMACOV subroutine.
q species the subset of the MA order. See the VARMACOV subroutine.
The VTSROOT subroutine returns the following value:
root is a k(
) 5 matrix, where
is the maximum order of the AR characteristic
function and q
is the maximum order of the MA characteristic function. The rst k
rows refer to the results of the AR characteristic function; the last kq
rows refer to the results
of the MA characteristic function.
The rst column contains the real parts, ., of eigenvalues of companion matrix associated with
the AR(
) or MA(q
) characteristic function; the second column contains the imaginary
parts, ,, of the eigenvalues; the third column contains the moduli of the eigenvalues,
the fourth column contains the arguments (arctan(,,.)) of the eigenvalues, measured in radians
from the positive real axis. The fth column contains the arguments expressed in degrees rather
than radians.
1032 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Consider the roots of the characteristic functions, (T) = 1 T and (T) = 1 T, where 1 is an
identity matrix with dimension 2 and
1.2 0.5
0.6 0.3
0.6 0.3
0.3 0.6
To compute these roots, you can use the following statements:
phi = { 1.2 -0.5, 0.6 0.3 };
theta= {-0.6 0.3, 0.3 0.6 };
call vtsroot(root, phi, theta);
CALL WAVFT(decomp, data, opt <, levels > );
The fast wavelet transform (WAVFT) subroutine computes a specied discrete wavelet transform of the
input data by using the algorithm of Mallat (1989). This transform decomposes the input data into sets of
detail and scaling coefcients dened at a number of scales or levels.
The input data are used as scaling coefcients at the top level in the decomposition. The fast wavelet
transform then recursively computes a set of detail and a set of scaling coefcients at the next lower level
by respectively applying low pass and high pass conjugate mirror lters to the scaling coefcients at
the current level. The number of coefcients in each of these new sets is approximately half the number
of scaling coefcients at the level above them. Depending on the lters being used, a number of additional
scaling coefcients, known as boundary coefcients, can be involved. These boundary coefcients are
obtained by using a specied method to extend the sequence of interior scaling coefcients
Details of the discrete wavelet transform and the fast wavelet transformation algorithm are available in many
references, including Mallat (1989), Daubechies (1992), and Ogden (1997).
The input arguments to the WAVFT subroutine are as follows:
data species the data to transform. These data must be in either a row or column vector.
opt refers to an options vector with the following components:
opt[1] species the boundary handling used in computing the wavelet transform. At each
level of the wavelet decomposition, necessary boundary scaling coefcients are ob-
tained by extending the interior scaling coefcients at that level as follows:
0 species extension by zero.
1 species periodic extension.
2 species polynomial extension.
3 species extension by reection.
4 species extension by anti-symmetric reection.
opt[2] species the polynomial degree that is used for polynomial extension. (The value of
opt[2] is ignored if opt[1] = 2.)
WAVFT Call ! 1033
0 species constant extension.
1 species linear extension.
2 species quadratic extension.
opt[3] species the wavelet family.
1 species the Daubechies Extremal phase family (Daubechies 1992).
2 species the Daubechies Least Asymmetric family (also known as the Symmlet
family) (Daubechies 1992).
opt[4] species the wavelet family member. Valid values are
1 through 10, if opt[3] =1
4 through 10, if opt[3] =2
Some examples of wavelet specications are
opt ={1 . 1 1}; species the rst member (more commonly known as the Haar system) of the
Daubechies extremal phase family with periodic boundary handling.
opt ={2 1 2 5}; species the fth member of the Symmlet family with linear extension bound-
ary handling.
levels is an optional scalar argument that species the number of levels from the top level to be com-
puted in the decomposition. If you do not specify this argument, then the decomposition termi-
nates at level 0. Usually, you do not need to specify this optional argument. You use this option
to avoid unneeded computations in situations where you are interested in only the higher level
detail and scaling coefcients.
The WAVFT subroutine returns
decomp a row vector that encapsulates the specied wavelet transform. The information that is encoded
in this vector includes:
v the options specied for computing the transform
v the number of detail coefcients at each level of the decomposition
v all detail coefcients
v the scaling coefcients at the bottom level of the decomposition
v boundary scaling coefcients at all levels of the decomposition
NOTE: decomp is a private representation of the specied wavelet transform and is not intended to be inter-
preted in its raw form. Rather, you should use this vector as an input argument to the WAVIFT, WAVPRINT,
WAVGET, and WAVTHRSH subroutines
The following program shows an example that uses wavelet calls to estimate and reconstruct a piecewise
constant function:
1034 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
define a piecewise constant step function
start blocky(t);
positions (p) and magnitudes (h) of jumps
p = {0.1 0.13 0.15 0.23 0.25 0.4 0.44 0.65 0.76 0.78 0.81};
h = {4 -5 3 -4 5 -4.2 2.1 4.3 -3.1 2.1 -4.2};
y=j(1, ncol(t), 0);
do i=1 to ncol(p);
diff=( (t-p[i])>=0 );
return (y);
finish blocky;
opt = { 2, /
polynomial extension at boundary
1, /
using linear polynominal
1, /
Daubechies Extremal phase
3 /
family member 3
call wavft(decomp, y, opt);
call wavprint(decomp,1); /
print summary information
perform permanent thresholding
threshOpt = { 2, /
soft thresholding
2, /
global threshold
., /
-1 /
apply to all levels
call wavthrsh(decomp, threshOpt );
request detail coefficients at level 4
call wavget(detail4,decomp,2,4);
reconstruct function by using wavelets
call wavift(estimate,decomp);
print errorSS;
Decomposition Summary
Decomposition Name DECOMP
Wavelet Family Daubechies Extremal Phase
Family Member 3
Boundary Treatment Recursive Linear Extension
Number of Data Points 256
Start Level 0
WAVGET Call ! 1035
CALL WAVGET(result, decomp, request <, options > );
The WAVGET subroutine is used to return information that is encoded in a wavelet decomposition.
The required input arguments are
decomp species a wavelet decomposition that has been computed by using a call to the WAVFT subrou-
request species a scalar that indicates what information is to be returned.
You can specify different optional arguments depending on the value of request :
request =1 requests the number of points in the input data vector.
result returns as a scalar that contains this number.
request =2 requests the detail coefcients at a specied level. Valid syntax is
CALL WAVGET(result, decomp, 2, level <, opt > );
The arguments are as follows:
level is the level at which the detail coefcients are requested.
opt is an optional vector which species the thresholding to be applied to the
returned detail coefcients. See the WAVIFT subroutine for details. If
you omit this argument, no thresholding is applied.
result returns as a column vector that contains the specied detail coefcients.
request =3 requests the scaling coefcients at a specied level. Valid syntax is
CALL WAVGET(result, decomp, 3, level <, opt > );
The arguments are as follows:
level is the level at which the scaling coefcients are requested.
opt is an optional vector that species the thresholding to be applied. See
the WAVIFT subroutine for a description of this vector. The scaling co-
efcients at the requested level are obtained by using the inverse wavelet
transform, after applying the specied thresholding. If you omit this ar-
gument, no thresholding is applied.
result returns as a column vector that contains the specied scaling coefcients.
request =4 requests the thresholding status of the detail coefcients in decomp.
1036 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
result returns as a scalar whose value is
0, if the detail coefcients have not been thresholded
1, otherwise
request =5 requests the wavelet options vector that you specied in the WAVFT subroutine to
compute decomp.
result returns as a column vector with 4 elements that contains the specied
options vector. See the WAVFT subroutine for the interpretation of the
vector entries.
request =6 requests the index of the top level in decomp.
result returns as a scalar that contains this number.
request =7 requests the index of the lowest level in decomp.
result returns as a scalar that contains this number.
request =8 requests a vector evaluating the father wavelet used in decomp, at an equally spaced
grid spanning the support of the father wavelet. The number of points in the grid is
specied as a power of 2 times the support width of the father wavelet. For wavelets
in the Daubechies extremal phase and least asymmetric families, the support width
of the father wavelet is 2m 1, where m is the family member. Valid syntax is
CALL WAVGET(result, decomp, 8 <, power > );
The optional argument has the following meaning:
power is the exponent of 2 that determines the number of grid points used. power
defaults to 8 if you do not specify this argument.
result returns as a column vector that contains the specied evaluation of the
father wavelet.
An example is available in the documentation for the WAVFT subroutine.
CALL WAVIFT(result, decomp <, opt > <, level > );
The Inverse Fast Wavelet Transform (WAVIFT) subroutine computes the inverse wavelet transform of a
wavelet decomposition computed by using the WAVFT subroutine. Details of this algorithm are available
in many references, including Mallat (1989), Daubechies (1992), and Ogden (1997).
The inverse transform yields an exact reconstruction of the original input data, provided that no smoothing is
specied. Alternatively, a smooth reconstruction of the input data can be obtained by thresholding the detail
coefcients in the decomposition prior to applying the inverse transformation. Thresholding, also known as
shrinkage, replaces the detail coefcient J
at level i by
), where the
(.) is a shrinkage function
WAVIFT Call ! 1037
and T
is the threshold value used at level i . The wavelet subroutines support hard and soft shrinkage
functions (Donoho and Johnstone 1994) and the nonnegative garrote shrinkage function (Breiman 1995).
These functions are dened as follows:

(.) =
0 [.[ _ T
. [.[ > T

(.) =
0 [.[ _ T
. T . > T
. T . < T

(.) =
0 [.[ _ T
. T
,. [.[ > T
You can specify several methods for choosing the threshold values. Methods in which the threshold T
varies with the level i are called adaptive. Methods where the same threshold is used at all levels are called
The input arguments to the WAVIFT subroutine are as follows:
decomp species a wavelet decomposition that has been computed by using a call to the WAVFT subrou-
opt refers to an options vector that species the thresholding algorithm. If this optional argument is
not specied, then no thresholding is applied.
The options vector has the following components:
opt[1] species the thresholding policy.
0 species that no thresholding be done. If opt[1] =0 then all other entries in the
options vector are ignored.
1 species hard thresholding.
2 species soft thresholding.
3 species garrote thresholding.
opt[2] species the method for selecting the threshold.
0 species a global user-supplied threshold.
1 species a global threshold chosen by using the minimax criterion of Donoho and
Johnstone (1994).
2 species a global threshold dened by using the universal criterion of Donoho and
Johnstone (1994).
3 species an adaptive method where the thresholds at each level i are chosen to
minimize an approximation of the 1
risk in estimating the true data values by us-
ing the reconstruction with thresholded coefcients (Donoho and Johnstone 1995).
1038 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
4 species a hybrid method of Donoho and Johnstone (1995). The universal thresh-
old as specied by opt[2] =2 is used at levels where most of the detail coefcients
are essentially zero. The risk minimization method as specied by opt[2] =4 is
used at all other levels.
opt[3] species the value of the global user-supplied threshold if opt[2] =1. It is ignored if
opt[2] = 1.
opt[4] species the number of levels starting at the highest detail coefcient level at which
thresholding is to be applied. If this value is negative or missing, thresholding is applied
at all levels in decomp.
Some common examples of threshold options specications are:
opt ={1 3 . -1}; species hard thresholding with a minimax threshold applied at all levels in
the decomposition. This threshold is named RiskShrink in Donoho and
Johnstone (1994).
opt ={2 2 . -1}; species soft thresholding with a universal threshold applied at all levels in
the decomposition. This threshold is named VisuShrink in Donoho and
Johnstone (1994).
opt ={2 4 . -1}; species soft thresholding with level dependent thresholds which minimize
the Stein Unbiased Estimate of Risk (SURE). This threshold is named
SureShrink in Donoho and Johnstone (1995).
level is an optional scalar argument that species the level at which the reconstructed data are to be
returned. If this argument is not specied then the reconstructed data are returned at the top level
dened in decomp.
The WAVIFT subroutine returns
result a vector obtained by inverting, after thresholding the detail coefcients, the discrete wavelet trans-
form encoded in decomp. The row or column orientation of result is the same as that of the input
data specied in the corresponding WAVFT subroutine. If you specify the optional level argument,
result contains the reconstruction at the specied level, otherwise the reconstruction corresponds
to the top level in the decomposition.
An example is available in the documentation for the WAVFT subroutine.
CALL WAVPRINT(decomp, request <, options > );
The WAVPRINT subroutine is used to display the information that is encoded in a wavelet decomposition.
The required input arguments are
decomp species a wavelet decomposition that has been computed by using a call to the WAVFT subrou-
WAVTHRSH Call ! 1039
request species a scalar that indicates what information is to be displayed.
You can specify different optional arguments depending on the value of request :
request =1 displays information about the wavelet family used to perform the wavelet trans-
form. No additional arguments need to be specied.
request =2 displays the detail coefcients by level. Valid syntax is
CALL WAVPRINT(decomp, 2 <, lower > <, upper > );
The optional arguments are as follows:
lower species the lowest level to be displayed. The default value of lower is
the lowest level in decomp.
upper species the upper level to be displayed. The default value of upper is the
highest detail level in decomp.
request =3 displays the scaling coefcients by level. Valid syntax is
CALL WAVPRINT(decomp,3 <, lower > <, upper > );
The optional arguments are as follows:
lower and species the lowest level to be displayed. The default value of lower
is the lowest level in decomp.
upper species the upper level to be displayed. The default value of upper is the
top level in decomp.
request =4 displays thresholded detail coefcients by level. Valid syntax is
CALL WAVPRINT(decomp, 4 <, opt > <, lower > <, upper > );
The optional arguments are as follows:
opt species the thresholding to be applied to the displayed detail coefcients.
See the WAVIFT subroutine for details. If you omit this argument, no
thresholding is applied.
lower species the lowest level to be displayed. The default value of lower is
the lowest level in decomp.
upper species the upper level to be displayed. The default value of upper is the
highest detail level in decomp.
An example is available in the documentation for the WAVFT subroutine.
CALL WAVTHRSH(decomp, opt );
The wavelet threshold (WAVTHRSH) subroutine thresholds the detail coefcients in a wavelet decomposi-
The required input arguments are
1040 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
decomp species a wavelet decomposition that has been computed by using a call to the WAVFT subrou-
opt refers to an options vector that species the thresholding algorithm used. See the WAVIFT sub-
routine for a description of this options vector.
On return, the detail coefcients encoded in decomp are replaced by their thresholded values. Note that
this action is not reversible. If you want to retain the original detail coefcients, you should not use the
WAVTHRSH subroutine to do thresholding. Rather, you should supply the thresholding argument where
appropriate in the WAVIFT, WAVGET, and WAVPRINT subroutines.
An example is available in the documentation for the WAVFT subroutine.
WINDOW Statement
WINDOW <CLOSE=window-name> <window-options > <GROUP=group-name eld-specs >
<. . . GROUP=group-name eld-specs > ;
The WINDOW statement denes and opens a window on the display and can include a number of elds.
The DISPLAY statement actually writes values to the window. The following elds can be specied in the
WINDOW statement:
species a name 1 to 8 characters long for the window. This name is displayed in the upper left border
of the window.
closes the window.
control the size, position, and other attributes of the window. The attributes can also be changed inter-
actively with window commands such as WGROW, WDEF, WSHRINK, and COLOR. A description
of the window options follows.
starts a repeating sequence of groups of elds dened for the window. The group-name specication
is a name 1 to 8 characters long used to identify a group of elds in a later DISPLAY statement.
are a sequence of eld specications made up of positionals, eld operands, formats, and options.
These are described in the next section.
The following window options can be specied in the WINDOW statement:
species the name of a variable in which the command line entered by the user will be stored.
species the background color for the window. The operand is either a quoted character literal, a
WINDOW Statement ! 1041
name, or an operand. The valid values are WHITE, BLACK, GREEN, MAGENTA, RED,
YELLOW, CYAN, GRAY, and BLUE. The default value is BLACK.
species the starting number of columns for the window. The operand is either a literal number, a
variable name, or an expression in parentheses. The default value is 78 columns.
species the initial starting column position of the window on the display. The operand is either a
literal number or a variable name. The default value is column 1.
species the initial starting row position of the window on the display. The operand is either a literal
number or a variable name. The default value is row 1.
species the message to be displayed on the standard message line when the window is made active.
The operand is almost always the name of a variable, but a character literal can be used.
determines the starting number of rows of the window. The operand is either a literal number, the
name of a variable that contains the number, or an expression in parentheses that yields the number.
The default value is 23 rows.
Both the WINDOW and DISPLAY statements accept eld specications, which have the following general
<positionals > eld-operand <format > <eld-options > ;
The arguments to these statements are as follows:
positionals are directives determining the position on the screen to begin the eld. There are four
kinds of positionals; any number of positionals are accepted for each eld operand.
# operand species the row position; that is, it moves the current position to column 1 of the speci-
ed line. The operand is either a number, a name, or an expression in parentheses.
/ species that the current position move to column 1 of the next row.
@ operand species the column position. The operand is either a number, a name, or an expression
in parentheses. The @ directive should come after the # position if # is specied.
+ operand species a skip of columns. The operand is either a number, a name, or an expression in
eld-operand is a character literal in quotes or the name of a variable that species what is to go in the
format is the format used for display, the value, and the informat applied to entered values. If no
format is specied, then the standard numeric or character format is used.
eld-options specify the attributes of the eld as follows:
1042 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
species that the eld is protected; that is, you cannot enter values in the eld. If
the eld operand is a literal, it is already protected.
species the color of the eld. The operand is a literal character value in quotes, a
variable name, or an expression in parentheses. The colors available are WHITE,
and BLUE. Note that the color specication is different from that of the corre-
sponding DATA step value because it is an operand rather than a name without
quotes. The default value is BLUE.
XMULT Function
XMULT(matrix1, matrix2);
The XMULT function computes the matrix product like the matrix multiplication operator (*) except
XMULT uses extended precision to accumulate sums of products. You should use the XMULT function
only when you need great accuracy.
The following program uses the XMULT function:
x=c || a || b || c;
y=c || a || (-b) || (-c);
z=xmult(x,y`); /
correct answer
print z [format=16.0];
wrong = x
y`; /
loss of precision
print wrong [format=16.0];
XSECT Function ! 1043
XSECT Function
XSECT(matrix1 <, matrix2, . . . , matrix15> );
The XSECT function returns as a row vector the sorted set (without duplicates) of the element values that
are present in all of its arguments. This set is the intersection of the sets of values in its argument matrices.
When the intersection is empty, the XSECT function returns a null matrix (zero rows and zero columns).
There can be up to 15 arguments, which must all be either character or numeric.
For characters, the element length of the result is the same as the shortest of the element lengths of the
arguments. For comparison purposes, shorter elements are padded on the right with blanks.
For example, the following statements return the result shown:
a={1 2 4 5};
b={3 4};
C 1 row 1 col (numeric)
YIELD Function
YIELD(times, ows, freq, value);
The YIELD function returns a scalar that contains yield-to-maturity of a cash-ow stream based on fre-
quency and value specied.
times is an n-dimensional column vector of times. Elements should be nonnegative.
ows is an n-dimensional column vector of cash ows.
freq is a scalar that represents the base of the rates to be used for discounting the cash ows. If
positive, it represents discrete compounding as the reciprocal of the number of compound-
ings. If zero, it represents continuous compounding. No negative values are accepted.
value is a scalar that is the discounted present value of the cash ows.
The present value relationship can be written as
1 =

where 1 is the present value of the asset, {c(k)]k = 1. ..1 is the sequence of cash ows from the asset, t
is the time to the kth cash ow in periods from the present, and D(t ) is the discount function for time t .
1044 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
With continuous compounding:
D(t ) = e
With discrete compounding:
D(t ) = (1 ,)
where > 0 is the frequency, the reciprocal of the number of compoundings per unit time period, and , is
the yield-to-maturity. The YIELD function solves for ,.
For example, the following statements produce the output shown in Figure 23.297:
timesn = T(do(1, 100, 1));
flows = repeat(10, 100);
freq = 50;
value = 682.31027;
yield = yield(timesn, flows, freq, value);
print yield;
Figure 23.297 Yield to Maturity
Base SAS Functions Accessible from SAS/IML Software
You can call most functions available in Base SAS software from SAS/IML programs. If you call a Base
SAS function with a matrix argument, the function will usually act elementwise on each element of teh
The following Base SAS functions are either not available from SAS/IML software, or behave differently
from the Base SAS function of the same name.
Function Comment
CALL CATS return variable must be preinitialized
DIFn not supported; use the SAS/IML DIF function in-
DIM not supported
HBOUND not supported
LAGn not supported; use the SAS/IML LAG function in-
LBOUND not supported
MOD base function performs fuzzing; the SAS/IML
function does not
Character and Formatting Functions ! 1045
PUT Use the PRINT statement instead
CALL PRXNEXT return variables must be preinitialized
CALL PRXPOSN return variables must be preinitialized
CALL PRXSUBSTR return variables must be preinitialized
CALL RXCHANGE return variables must be preinitialized
CALL RXMATCH return variables must be preinitialized
CALL RXSUBSTR return variables must be preinitialized
CALL SCAN return variables must be preinitialized
CALL SCANQ return variable must be preinitialized
VVALUE not applicable: interrogates DATA step variables
VVALUEX not applicable: interrogates DATA step variables
VNEXT not applicable: interrogates DATA step variables
There are also some Base SAS features that are not supported by the SAS/IML language. For example, the
DATA step permits N-literals (strings that end with N) to be interpreted as the name of a variable, but the
SAS/IML language does not.
The following Base SAS functions can be called from SAS/IML. The functions are documented in the SAS
Language Reference: Dictionary. In some cases, SAS/IML does not accept all variations in the syntax. For
example, SAS/IML does not accept the OF keyword as a way to generate an argument list in a function.
The functions displayed in italics are documented elsewhere in this users guide. These functions operate
on matrices in addition to scalar values, as do many of the mathematical and statistical functions.
Bitwise Logical Operation Functions
BAND returns the bitwise logical AND of two arguments
BLSHIFT performs a bitwise logical left shift of an argument by a specied
BNOT returns the bitwise logical NOT of an argument
BOR returns the bitwise logical OR of two arguments
BRSHIFT performs a bitwise logical right shift of an argument by a specied
BXOR returns the bitwise logical EXCLUSIVE OR of two arguments
Character and Formatting Functions
ANYALNUM searches a character string for an alphanumeric character and re-
turns the rst position at which it is found
ANYALPHA searches a character string for an alphabetic character and returns
the rst position at which it is found
1046 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
ANYCNTRL searches a character string for a control character and returns the
rst position at which it is found
ANYDIGIT searches a character string for a digit and returns the rst position
at which it is found
ANYFIRST searches a character string for a character that is valid as the rst
character in a SAS variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7,
and returns the rst position at which that character is found
ANYGRAPH searches a character string for a graphical character and returns the
rst position at which it is found
ANYLOWER searches a character string for a lowercase letter and returns the
rst position at which it is found
ANYNAME searches a character string for a character that is valid in a SAS
variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the rst
position at which that character is found
ANYPRINT searches a character string for a printable character and returns the
rst position at which it is found
ANYPUNCT searches a character string for a punctuation character and returns
the rst position at which it is found
ANYSPACE searches a character string for a white-space character (blank, hor-
izontal and vertical tab, carriage return, line feed, form feed) and
returns the rst position at which it is found
ANYUPPER searches a character string for an uppercase letter and returns the
rst position at which it is found
ANYXDIGIT searches a character string for a hexadecimal character that repre-
sents a digit and returns the rst position at which that character is
BYTE returns one character in the ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence
CAT concatenates character strings without removing leading or trailing
CATS concatenates character strings and removes leading and trailing
CALL CATS concatenates character strings and removes leading and trailing
CATT concatenates character strings and removes trailing blanks
CALL CATT concatenates character strings and removes trailing blanks
CATX concatenates character strings, removes leading and trailing
blanks, and inserts separators
CALL CATX concatenates character strings, removes leading and trailing
blanks, and inserts separators
CHOOSEC returns a character value that represents the results of choosing
from a list of arguments
CHOOSEN returns a numeric value that represents the results of choosing from
a list of arguments
COLLATE returns an ASCII or EBCDIC collating sequence character string
COMPARE returns the position of the left-most character by which two strings
differ, or returns 0 if there is no difference
COMPBL removes multiple blanks from a character string
Character and Formatting Functions ! 1047
CALL COMPCOST sets the costs of operations for later use by the COMPGED func-
COMPGED compares two strings by computing the generalized edit distance
COMPLEV compares two strings by computing the Levenshtein edit distance
COMPRESS removes specic characters from a character string
COUNT counts the number of times that a specic substring of characters
appears within a character string that you specify
COUNTC counts the number of specic characters that either appear or do
not appear within a character string that you specify
COUNTQ counts the number of words and quoted strings in a character
COUNTW counts the number of words in a character expression
FIND searches for a specic substring of characters within a character
string that you specify
FINDC searches for specic characters that either appear or do not appear
within a character string that you specify
IFC returns a character value that matches an expression
IFN returns a numeric value that matches an expression
INDEX searches a character expression for a string of characters
INDEXC searches a character expression for specic characters
INDEXW searches a character expression for a specied string as a word
INPUTC applies a character informat at run time
INPUTN applies a numeric informat at run time
LEFT left aligns a character expression
LENGTH returns the length of a character string
LENGTHC returns the length of a character string, including trailing blanks
LENGTHM returns the amount of memory (in bytes) that is allocated for a
character string
LENGTHN returns the length of a nonblank character string, excluding trailing
blanks, and returns 0 for a blank character string
LOWCASE converts all letters in an argument to lowercase
CALL MISSING assigns a missing value to the specied character or numeric vari-
NLITERAL converts a character string that you specify to a SAS name literal
NOTALNUM searches a character string for a nonalphanumeric character and
returns the rst position at which it is found
NOTALPHA searches a character string for a nonalphabetic character and re-
turns the rst position at which it is found
NOTCNTRL searches a character string for a character that is not a control char-
acter and returns the rst position at which it is found
NOTDIGIT searches a character string for any character that is not a digit and
returns the rst position at which that character is found
NOTFIRST searches a character string for an invalid rst character in a SAS
variable name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the rst
position at which that character is found
NOTGRAPH searches a character string for a nongraphical character and returns
the rst position at which it is found
1048 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
NOTLOWER searches a character string for a character that is not a lowercase
letter and returns the rst position at which that character is found
NOTNAME searches a character string for an invalid character in a SAS vari-
able name under VALIDVARNAME=V7, and returns the rst po-
sition at which that character is found
NOTPRINT searches a character string for a nonprintable character and returns
the rst position at which it is found
NOTPUNCT searches a character string for a character that is not a punctuation
character and returns the rst position at which it is found
NOTSPACE searches a character string for a character that is not a white-space
character (blank, horizontal and vertical tab, carriage return, line
feed, form feed) and returns the rst position at which it is found
NOTUPPER searches a character string for a character that is not an uppercase
letter and returns the rst position at which that character is found
NOTXDIGIT searches a character string for a character that is not a hexadecimal
digit and returns the rst position at which that character is found
NVALID checks a character string for validity for use as a SAS variable
name in a SAS statement
PROPCASE converts all words in an argument to proper case
PUTC applies a character format at run time
PUTN applies a numeric format at run time
REPEAT repeats a character expression
REVERSE reverses a character expression
RIGHT right aligns a character expression
SCAN selects a given word from a character expression
CALL SCAN returns the position and length of a given word from a character
CALL SCANQ returns the position and length of a given word from a character
expression, and ignores delimiters that are inside quotation marks
ROUNDEX encodes a string to facilitate searching
SPEDIS determines the likelihood of two words matching, expressed as the
asymmetric spelling distance between the two words
STRIP returns a character string with all leading and trailing blanks re-
SUBPAD returns a substring that has specied length and is padded with
blanks, if necessary
SUBSTRN returns a substring, allowing a result with a length of zero
SUBSTR extracts substrings of character expressions
TRANSLATE replaces specic characters in a character expression
TRANWRD replaces or removes all occurrences of a word in a character string
TRIM removes trailing blanks from character expressions and returns one
blank if the expression is missing
TRIMN removes trailing blanks from character expressions and returns a
null string (zero blanks) if the expression is missing
UPCASE converts all letters in an argument to uppercase
UUIDGEN returns the short or binary form of a Universal Unique Identier
Date and Time Functions ! 1049
VERIFY returns the position of the rst character that is unique to an
Character String Matching Functions and Subroutines
CALL RXCHANGE changes one or more substrings that match a pattern
CALL RXFREE frees memory allocated by other regular expression (RX) functions
and CALL routines
RXMATCH nds the beginning of a substring that matches a pattern
RXPARSE parses a pattern
CALL RXSUBSTR nds the position, length, and score of a substring that matches a
CALL PRXCHANGE performs a pattern matching substitution
CALL PRXDEBUG enables Perl regular expressions in a DATA step to send debug
output to the SAS log
CALL PRXFREE frees unneeded memory that was allocated for a Perl regular ex-
PRXMATCH searches for a pattern match and returns the position at which the
pattern is found
CALL PRXNEXT returns the position and length of a substring that matches a pattern
and iterates over multiple matches within one string
PRXPAREN returns the last bracket match for which there is a match in a pattern
PRXPARSE compiles a Perl regular expression that can be used for pattern
matching of a character value
CALL PRXPOSN returns the start position and length for a capture buffer
CALL PRXSUBSTR returns the position and length of a substring that matches a pattern
Date and Time Functions
DATDIF returns the number of days between two dates
DATE returns the current date as a SAS date value
DATEJUL converts a Julian date to a SAS date value
DATEPART extracts the date from a SAS datetime value
DATETIME returns the current date and time of day as a SAS datetime value
DAY returns the day of the month from a SAS date value
DHMS returns a SAS datetime value from date, hour, minute, and seconds
HMS returns a SAS time value from hour, minute, and seconds
HOUR returns the hour from a SAS time or datetime value
INTCK returns the integer number of time intervals in a given time span
INTNX advances a date, time, or datetime value by a given interval, and
returns a date, time, or datetime value
JULDATE returns the Julian date from a SAS date value
JULDATE7 returns a seven-digit Julian date from a SAS date value
1050 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
MDY returns a SAS date value from month, day, and year values
MINUTE returns the minute from a SAS time or datetime value
MONTH returns the month from a SAS date value
QTR returns the quarter of the year from a SAS date value
SECOND returns the second from a SAS time or datetime value
TIME returns the current time of day
TIMEPART extracts a time value from a SAS datetime value
TODAY returns the current date as a SAS date value
WEEKDAY returns the day of the week from a SAS date value
YEAR returns the year from a SAS date value
YRDIF returns the difference in years between two dates
YYQ returns a SAS date value from the year and quarter
Descriptive Statistics Functions and Subroutines
CMISS returns the number of nonmissing values
CSS returns the corrected sum of squares
CV returns the coefcient of variation
GEOMEAN returns the geometric mean
EUCLID returns the Euclidean norm of the nonmissing arguments
GEOMEANZ returns the geometric mean without fuzzing the values of the argu-
ments that are approximately 0
HARMEAN returns the harmonic mean
HARMEANZ returns the harmonic mean without fuzzing the values of the argu-
ments that are approximately 0
IQR returns the interquartile range
KURTOSIS returns the kurtosis
LARGEST returns the kth largest nonmissing value
LPNORM returns the 1
norm of the nonmissing arguments
MAX returns the largest value
MAD returns the median absolute deviation from the median
MEDIAN computes median values
MEAN returns the arithmetic mean (average)
MIN returns the smallest value
N returns the number of nonmissing values
ORDINAL returns any specied order statistic
PCTL computes percentiles
RANGE returns the range of values
RMS returns the root mean square
SKEWNESS returns the skewness
SMALLEST returns the kth smallest nonmissing value
SUM returns the sum of the nonmissing arguments
STD returns the standard deviation
CALL STDIZE standardizes the values of one or more variables
STDERR returns the standard error of the mean
Double-Byte Character String Functions ! 1051
SUMABS returns the sum of the absolute values of the nonmissing arguments
USS returns the uncorrected sum of squares
VAR returns the variance
Double-Byte Character String Functions
Many of the Base SAS character functions have analogous companion functions that take double-byte char-
acter strings (DBCS) as arguments. These functions (for example, KCOMPARE, KCVT, KINDEX, and
KSUBSTR) are accessible from SAS/IML. See the SAS Language Reference: Dictionary for a complete list
of DBCS functions.
External Files Functions
DROPNOTE deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external le and
returns a value
EXIST veries the existence of a SAS data library member
FAPPEND appends the current record to the end of an external le and returns
a value
FCLOSE closes an external le, directory, or directory member, and returns
a value
FCOL returns the current column position in the File Data Buffer (FDB)
FDELETE deletes an external le or an empty directory
FEXIST veries the existence of an external le associated with a leref
and returns a value
FGET copies data from the File Data Buffer (FDB) into a variable and
returns a value
FILEEXIST veries the existence of an external le by its physical name and
returns a value
FILENAME assigns or deassigns a leref for an external le, directory, or out-
put device and returns a value
FILEREF veries that a leref has been assigned for the current SAS session
and returns a value
FINFO returns the value of a le information item
FNOTE identies the last record that was read and returns a value that
FPOINT can use
FOPEN opens an external le and returns a le identier value
FOPTNAME returns the name of an item of information about a le
FOPTNUM returns the number of information items that are available for an
external le
FPOINT positions the read pointer on the next record to be read and returns
a value
FPOS sets the position of the column pointer in the File Data Buffer
(FDB) and returns a value
1052 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
FPUT moves data to the File Data Buffer (FDB) of an external le, start-
ing at the FDBs current column position, and returns a value
FREAD reads a record from an external le into the File Data Buffer (FDB)
and returns a value
FREWIND positions the le pointer to the start of the le and returns a value
FRLEN returns the size of the last record read, or, if the le is opened for
output, returns the current record size
FSEP sets the token delimiters for the FGET function and returns a value
FWRITE writes a record to an external le and returns a value
MOPEN opens a le by directory identier and member name, and returns
the le identier or a 0
PATHNAME returns the physical name of a SAS data library or of an external
le, or returns a blank
SYSMSG returns the text of error messages or warning messages from the
last data set or external le function execution
SYSRC returns a system error number
File I/O Functions
ATTRC returns the value of a character attribute for a SAS data set
ATTRN returns the value of a numeric attribute for the specied SAS data
CEXIST veries the existence of a SAS catalog or SAS catalog entry and
returns a value
CLOSE closes a SAS data set and returns a value
CUROBS returns the observation number of the current observation
DROPNOTE deletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external le and
returns a value
DSNAME returns the SAS data set name that is associated with a data set
EXIST veries the existence of a SAS data library member
FETCH reads the next nondeleted observation from a SAS data set into the
Data Set Data Vector (DDV) and returns a value
FETCHOBS reads a specied observation from a SAS data set into the Data Set
Data Vector (DDV) and returns a value
GETVARC returns the value of a SAS data set character variable
GETVARN returns the value of a SAS data set numeric variable
LIBNAME assigns or deassigns a libref for a SAS data library and returns a
LIBREF veries that a libref has been assigned and returns a value
NOTE returns an observation ID for the current observation of a SAS data
OPEN opens a SAS data set and returns a value
PATHNAME returns the physical name of a SAS data library or of an external
le, or returns a blank
Financial Functions ! 1053
POINT locates an observation identied by the NOTE function and returns
a value
REWIND positions the data set pointer at the beginning of a SAS data set
and returns a value
SYSMSG returns the text of error messages or warning messages from the
last data set or external le function execution
SYSRC returns a system error number
VARFMT returns the format assigned to a SAS data set variable
VARINFMT returns the informat assigned to a SAS data set variable
VARLABEL returns the label assigned to a SAS data set variable
VARLEN returns the length of a SAS data set variable
VARNAME returns the name of a SAS data set variable
VARNUM returns the number of a variables position in a SAS data set
VARTYPE returns the data type of a SAS data set variable
Financial Functions
COMPOUND returns compound interest parameters
CONVX returns the convexity for an enumerated cash ow
CONVXP returns the convexity for a periodic cash ow stream
DACCDB returns the accumulated declining balance depreciation
DACCDBSL returns the accumulated declining balance with conversion to a
straight-line depreciation
DACCSL returns the accumulated straight-line depreciation
DACCSYD returns the accumulated sum-of-years-digits depreciation
DACCTAB returns the accumulated depreciation from specied tables
DEPDB returns the declining balance depreciation
DEPDBSL returns the declining balance with conversion to a straight-line
DEPSL returns the straight-line depreciation
DEPSYD returns the sum-of-years-digits depreciation
DEPTAB returns the depreciation from specied tables
DUR returns the modied duration for an enumerated cash ow
INTRR returns the internal rate of return as a decimal
IRR returns the internal rate of return as a percentage
MORT returns amortization parameters
NETPV returns the net present value as a decimal
NPV returns the net present value as a percentage
PVP returns the present value for a periodic cash ow stream
SAVING returns the future value of a periodic saving
YIELDP returns the yield-to-maturity for a periodic cash ow stream
1054 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Macro Functions and Subroutines
CALL RESOLVE resolves the value of a text expression at execution time
SYMGET returns the character value of a macro variable
SYMGETN returns the numeric value of a macro variable
SYMEXIST indicates the existence of a macro variable
CALL SYMPUT sets the character value of a macro variable
CALL SYMPUTX assigns a value to a macro variable and removes both leading and
trailing blanks
Mathematical Functions and Subroutines
ALLCOMB generates all combinations of n elements taken k at a time
ALLPERM generates all permutations of n elements
ABS returns the absolute value
AIRY returns the Airy function
BETA returns the value of the beta function.
COALESCE returns the rst non-missing value from a list of numeric argu-
COALESCEC returns the rst non-missing value from a list of character argu-
COMB returns the number of combinations of n items taken r at a time
COMPFUZZ returns the result of a fuzzy comparison of numeric values
CONSTANT returns some machine and mathematical constants
CNONCT returns the noncentrality parameter from a chi-squared distribution
DAIRY returns the derivative of the Airy function
DEVIANCE returns the deviance from a specied distribution
DIGAMMA returns the DIGAMMA function
ERF returns the normal error function
ERFC returns the complementary normal error function
EXP returns the exponential function
FACT returns the factorial of an integer
FNONCT returns the noncentrality parameter of an F distribution
GAMMA returns the gamma function
IBESSEL returns a modied Bessel function
JBESSEL returns a Bessel function
LOGBETA returns the logarithm of the beta function
LGAMMA returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function
LOG returns the natural (base e) logarithm
LOG2 returns the logarithm base 2
LOG10 returns the logarithm base 10
CALL LOGISTIC returns the logistic value of each argument
MOD returns the remainder value
RANCOMB returns random combinations of n elements taken k at a time
Quantile Functions ! 1055
CALL RANPERK randomly permutes the values of the arguments, and returns a per-
mutation of k out of n values
RANPERM returns random permutations of n elements
PERM returns the number of permutations of n items taken r at a time
SIGN returns the sign of a value
CALL SOFTMAX returns the softmax value for each argument
SQRT returns the square root of a value
TNONCT returns the value of the noncentrality parameter from the
students t distribution
TRIGAMMA returns the value of the TRIGAMMA function
Probability Functions
CDF computes cumulative distribution functions
LOGCDF returns the logarithm of a left cumulative distribution function
LOGPDF computes the logarithm of a probability function
LOGSDF computes the logarithm of a survival function
PDF computes probability density functions
POISSON returns the probability from a Poisson distribution
PROBBETA returns the probability from a beta distribution
PROBBNML returns the probability from a binomial distribution
PROBBNRM returns the probability from the bivariate normal distribution
PROBCHI returns the probability from a chi-squared distribution
PROBF returns the probability from an F distribution
PROBGAM returns the probability from a gamma distribution
PROBHYPR returns the probability from a hypergeometric distribution
PROBMC returns a probability or a quantile from various distributions for
multiple comparisons of means
PROBNEGB returns the probability from a negative binomial distribution
PROBNORM returns the probability from the standard normal distribution
PROBT returns the probability from a t distribution
SDF computes a survival function
Quantile Functions
BETAINV returns a quantile from the beta distribution
CINV returns a quantile from the chi-squared distribution
FINV returns a quantile from the F distribution
GAMINV returns a quantile from the gamma distribution
PROBIT returns a quantile from the standard normal distribution
QUANTILE returns the quantile from the specied distribution
TINV returns a quantile from the t distribution
1056 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Random Number Functions and Subroutines
NORMAL returns a random variate from a normal distribution
RANBIN returns a random variate from a binomial distribution
RANCAU returns a random variate from a Cauchy distribution
RAND returns a random variate from a specied distribution. (See the
RANDGEN subroutine.)
RANEXP returns a random variate from an exponential distribution
RANGAM returns a random variate from a gamma distribution
RANNOR returns a random variate from a normal distribution
RANPOI returns a random variate from a Poisson distribution
RANTBL returns a random variate from a tabled probability
RANTRI returns a random variate from a triangular distribution
RANUNI returns a random variate from a uniform distribution
CALL STREAMINIT species a seed value to use for subsequent random number gener-
ation by the RAND function. (See the RANDSEED subroutine.)
UNIFORM returns a random variate from a uniform distribution
State and Zip Code Functions
FIPNAME converts FIPS codes to uppercase state names
FIPNAMEL converts FIPS codes to mixed-case state names
FIPSTATE converts FIPS codes to two-character postal codes
STFIPS converts state postal codes to FIPS state codes
STNAME converts state postal codes to uppercase state names
STNAMEL converts state postal codes to mixed-case state names
ZIPCITY returns a city name and the two-character postal code that corre-
sponds to a zip code
ZIPCITYDISTANCE returns the geodetic distance between two zip code locations
ZIPFIPS converts zip codes to FIPS state codes
ZIPNAME converts zip codes to uppercase state names
ZIPNAMEL converts zip codes to mixed-case state names
ZIPSTATE converts zip codes to state postal codes
Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions
ARCOS returns the arccosine
ARSIN returns the arcsine
ATAN returns the arctangent
ATAN2 returns the arc tangent of two numeric variables
COS returns the cosine
Web Tools ! 1057
COSH returns the hyperbolic cosine
SIN returns the sine
SINH returns the hyperbolic sine
TAN returns the tangent
CALL TANH returns the hyperbolic tangent of each argument
TANH returns the hyperbolic tangent
Truncation Functions
CEIL returns the smallest integer _ the argument
CEILZ returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the ar-
gument, using zero fuzzing
FLOOR returns the largest integer _ the argument
FLOORZ returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument,
using zero fuzzing
FUZZ returns the nearest integer if the argument is within 1E-12
INT returns the integer portion of a value
INTZ returns the integer portion of the argument, using zero fuzzing
MODZ returns the remainder from the division of the rst argument by the
second argument, using zero fuzzing
ROUND rounds a value to the nearest round-off unit
ROUNDE rounds the rst argument to the nearest multiple of the second ar-
gument, and returns an even multiple when the rst argument is
halfway between the two nearest multiples
ROUNDZ rounds the rst argument to the nearest multiple of the second ar-
gument, with zero fuzzing
TRUNC returns a truncated numeric value of a specied length
Web Tools
HTMLDECODE decodes a string that contains HTML numeric character ref-
erences or HTML character entity references and returns the
decoded string
HTMLENCODE encodes characters by using HTML character entity references
and returns the encoded string
URLDECODE returns a string that was decoded by using the URL escape syn-
URLENCODE returns a string that was encoded by using the URL escape syn-
1058 ! Chapter 23: Language Reference
Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (1972), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, New York: Dover Publi-
Aiken, R. C. (1985), Stiff Computation, New York: Oxford University Press.
Al-Baali, M. and Fletcher, R. (1985), Variational Methods for Nonlinear Least Squares, Journal of the
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Ansley, C. (1979), An Algorithm for the Exact Likelihood of a Mixed Autoregressive-Moving Average
Process, Biometrika, 66, 5965.
Ansley, C. F. (1980), Computation of the Theoretical Autocovariance Function for a Vector ARMA Pro-
cess, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 12, 1524.
Ansley, C. F. and Kohn, R. (1986), A Note on Reparameterizing a Vector Autoregressive Moving Average
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Barnett, V. and Lewis, T. (1978), Outliers in Statistical Data, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
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Chapter 24
Module Library
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065
Contents of IMLMLIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066
IMLMLIB and the STORAGE library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066
Accessing the IML Source Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
Order of Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
Error Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068
Modules for Multivariate Random Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068
Modules Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
COLVEC Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
EXPMATRIX Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070
GBXWHSKR Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1070
GPROBCNT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
GXYPLOT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
MEDIAN Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072
QUADREG Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072
QUARTILE Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1072
RANDDIRICHLET Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073
RANDMULTINOMIAL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1074
RANDMVT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076
RANDNORMAL Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
RANDWISHART Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
REGRESS Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079
ROWVEC Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
RSUBSTR Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
STANDARD Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
TABPRT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
IMLMLIB is a library of modules written in the IML language. These modules can be used as though they
were built-in functions of IML.
1066 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
The library contains both functions and subroutines. You can invoke functions in assignment statements
or expressions. You can invoke subroutines by using CALL or RUN statements. IML automatically loads,
resolves, and executes a module when you use it.
Contents of IMLMLIB
The library contains the following modules. Many of them are derived from the examples in the IML sample
library. Each module is described in detail at the end of this chapter.
COLVEC converts a matrix into a column vector
CORR computes correlation coefcients
EXPMATRIX computes the exponential of a matrix
GBXWHSKR draws a box-and-whiskers plot
GPROBCNT draws probability contours for .-, data
GXYPLOT draws scatter plots of .-, data
MEDIAN returns the median of numeric data
QUADREG performs quadratic regression
QUARTILE computes quartiles
RANDDIRICHLET generates a random sample from a Dirichlet distribution
RANDMULTINOMIAL generates a random sample from a multinomial distribution
RANDMVT generates a random sample from a multivariate Students t distribution
RANDNORMAL generates a random sample from a multivariate normal distribution
RANDWISHART generates a random sample from a Wishart distribution
REGRESS performs regression analysis
ROWVEC converts a matrix into a row vector
RSUBSTR replaces substrings
STANDARD standardizes numeric data
TABPRT prints matrices in tabular format
IMLMLIB and the STORAGE library
IML enables you to store and load matrices and modules in your own STORAGE library (refer to the
chapter on storage features in SAS/IML Software: Usage and Reference, Version 6). The IMLMLIB library
is different from this STORAGE library. IMLMLIB contains predened modules that can be loaded only
by IML.
Accessing the IML Source Code ! 1067
The STORAGE library, on the other hand, is under the control of the user. You can store and load both
matrices and modules. The STORE, LOAD, REMOVE, and RESET STORAGE commands apply only to
the STORAGE library. You cannot store additional modules in IMLMLIB.
You can use the SHOW command to obtain information about the IMLMLIB and STORAGE libraries.
v SHOW OPTIONS displays the current settings of both STORAGE and IMLMLIB libraries and their
open status.
v SHOW STORAGE displays the contents of the STORAGE library.
v SHOW IMLMLIB displays the contents of the IMLMLIB library.
v SHOW MODULES displays the names of the modules existing in the current environment. These
include modules loaded from the STORAGE library or the IMLMLIB library and modules dened in
the current session.
Accessing the IML Source Code
The IMLMLIB library is a catalog residing in the SASHELP directory. The catalog contains one entry of
type IMOD for each module. Each entry is a module stored in its compiled form.
The SAS/IML source code that denes the modules is available in the catalog SASHELP.IML. There is an
entry of type SOURCE for each module. You can view the source code in the program editor window under
DMS by using the COPY command and specifying the four-level name:
The source code is generally followed by examples of its use.
The source code can be edited for customization or enhancements, and can be included in other IML ap-
plications. The modules also illustrate a variety of IML features that can be used to solve more complex
Order of Resolution
SAS/IML resolves functions and subroutines in the following order:
v Functions
1. IMLs built-in functions
2. User-dened IML modules existing in the current environment
3. STORAGE library, if open
4. SAS DATA step functions
1068 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
5. IMLMLIB library
v CALL statement
1. IMLs built-in calls
2. User-dened IML modules existing in the current environment
3. STORAGE library, if open
4. SAS DATA step call
5. IMLMLIB library
v RUN statement
1. User-dened IML modules existing in the current environment
2. STORAGE library, if open
3. IMLs built-in calls
4. SAS DATA step call
5. IMLMLIB library
Error Diagnostics
When an error occurs in any IML module, IML pauses in the module and prints error diagnostics with a
full traceback that can help in locating the problem. In the case of loaded modules, however, the traceback
includes line offsets instead of the absolute SAS LOG line numbers. The offsets can be used to track
the problem into the actual source code that originally dened the module. The START statement at the
beginning of the module denition is always at offset=1.
Note that offsets apply only to loaded modules. For modules explicitly dened in any given session, absolute
line numbers are printed in the traceback.
Modules for Multivariate Random Sampling
For certain kinds of statistical simulations and Bayesian analyses, it is necessary to generate random samples
of N observations from multivariate distributions in variables. SAS/IML software provides the RAND-
GEN function for generating random samples from univariate distributions. However, the only subroutine
for sampling from multivariate distributions is the VNORMAL call, which samples from multivariate nor-
mal distributions.
The typical method of generating a multivariate sample is to transform a sample from a related univariate
distribution. Thus SAS/IML is a natural choice for generating samples from common multivariate distribu-
The SAS/IML function modules and associated multivariate distributions are as follows:
Modules Reference ! 1069
generates a random sample from a Dirichlet distribution (a multivariate generalization of
the beta distribution).
generates a random sample from a multinomial distribution (a multivariate generalization
of the binomial distribution).
generates a random sample from a multivariate Students t distribution.
generates a random sample from a multivariate normal distribution.
generates a random sample from a Wishart distribution (a multivariate generalization of
the gamma distribution).
All of the modules compute their results by using transformations of univariate random samples generated
by the RANDGEN function. Thus you can use the RANDSEED subroutine to set the seed for the modules.
While you can currently sample from a multivariate normal distribution by using the built-in SAS/IML
subroutine VNORMAL, VNORMAL does not use the random number seed set in RANDSEED. Thus,
to ensure independence and reproducibility of random number streams, the RANDNORMAL function is
provided in this package.
For an overview of multivariate sampling, see Gentle (2003).
Modules Reference
COLVEC Function
converts a matrix into a column vector
COLVEC( matrix) ;
where matrix is any n m matrix.
The COLVEC function returns an nm 1 vector. It converts a matrix into a column vector in row-major
order. The returned vector has 1 column and nm rows. The rst m elements in the vector correspond to the
rst row of the input matrix, the next m elements correspond to the second row, and so on.
1070 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
computes the exponential of a matrix
EXPMATRIX( matrix) ;
where matrix is any n n matrix.
Given a matrix , the EXPMATRIX function returns an n n matrix approximating e


. The
function uses a Pad approximation algorithm as presented in Golub and Van Loan (1989).
Note that this module does not exponentiate each entry of a matrix; for that, use the EXP function.
The following example demonstrates the EXPMATRIX function. For the matrix used in the example, e
is the matrix
t e
0 e
. Here is the code:
A = { 1 1, 0 1 };
t = 3;
X = ExpMatrix( t
A );
ExactAnswer = ( exp(t) || t
exp(t) ) //
( 0 || exp(t) );
print X, ExactAnswer;
The output from this code is
20.085537 60.256611
0 20.085537
20.085537 60.256611
0 20.085537
draws box-and-whiskers plots
RUN GBXWHSKR( matrix) ;
where matrix is any n m matrix.
The GBXWHSKR module draws a box-and-whiskers plot for univariate numeric data contained in the
specied matrix. The box outlines the quartile range, and the minimum, median, and maximum points are
labeled on the plot. You cannot produce graphics until you invoke the CALL GSTART statement. The
plot created by the GBXWHSKR module remains open for further additions until you specify the CALL
GPROBCNT Call ! 1071
GCLOSE statement, which terminates the current graphics segment. The module source code can be edited
for changes, such as adding viewports, text, or colors.
draws probability contours
RUN GPROBCNT( x, y<,p>) ;
The inputs to the GPROBCNT subroutine are as follows:
. is any n m matrix of . values.
, is a corresponding n m matrix of , values.
is an optional probability value matrix.
The GPROBCNT module draws one contour curve for each value in the matrix , which must contain
entries between zero and one. If you do not specify the matrix , contours for the probability values of
0.5, 0.8, and 0.9 are drawn. You cannot produce graphics until you specify the CALL GSTART statement.
The contour plot remains open for further additions until you specify the CALL GCLOSE statement, which
terminates the current graphics segment. Note that this module cannot be used for general contour plots of
three-dimensional data.
draws a scatter plot of any .-, data
RUN GXYPLOT( ., ,) ;
The inputs to the GXYPLOT subroutine are as follows:
. is any n m matrix of . values.
, is a corresponding n m matrix of , values.
The GXYPLOT module draws a simple scatter plot of any numeric .-, data. Axes with labeled tickmarks
are drawn as well. You cannot produce graphics until you specify the CALL GSTART statement. The plot
remains open for further additions (such as a title and axis labels) until you specify the CALL GCLOSE
statement, which terminates the current graphics segment. The module uses the GPOINT, GXAXIS, and
GYAXIS calls to plot the points. The module source code can be edited to specify many of the options
available for these calls.
1072 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
MEDIAN Function
returns the median of numeric data
MEDIAN( matrix) ;
where matrix is any n m matrix.
The MEDIAN function returns the median value for each column in the matrix. It computes the median of
univariate numeric data contained in the specied matrix. When the number of data points is odd, it returns
the middle element from the sorted order. When the number of data points is even, it returns the mean of
the middle two elements. Missing values are ignored. If all values in a column are missing, the return value
for that column is missing.
performs quadratic response surface regression
RUN QUADREG( xopt, yopt, type, parms, ., ,) ;
The inputs to the GPROBCNT subroutine are as follows:
xopt Is a returned value that contains m 1 critical factor values.
yopt is a returned value that contains the critical response value.
type is a returned character string that contains the solution type (maximum or minimum).
parms is a returned value that contains the parameter estimates for the quadratic model.
. is an n m factor matrix, where m is the number of factor variables and n is the number of
data points.
, is an n 1 response vector.
The QUADREG module ts a regression model with a complete quadratic set of regressions across several
factors. The estimated model parameters are divided into a vector of linear coefcients and a matrix of
quadratic coefcients to obtain critical factor values that optimize the response. It further determines the
type of the optima (maximum, minimum, or saddle point) by computing the eigenvalues of the estimated
computes quartiles for any univariate numeric data
QUARTILE( matrix) ;
where matrix is any n m matrix.
RANDDIRICHLET Function ! 1073
The QUARTILE function returns a 5 1 column vector for each column in the matrix. The column vector
contains the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum values for the numeric data in
the specied matrix. Missing values are ignored. If all values in a column are missing, the return values for
that column are missing.
generates a random sample from a Dirichlet distribution
The inputs are as follows:
N is the number of desired observations sampled from the distribution.
Shape is a 1 ( 1) vector of shape parameters for the distribution, Shapei | > 0.
The Dirichlet distribution is a multivariate generalization of the beta distribution. The RANDDIRICHLET
function returns an N matrix that contains N random draws from the Dirichlet distribution.
If X = {X
. . . X
] with

< 1 and X
> 0 follows a Dirichlet distribution with shape
parameter = {

. . .
], then
v the probability density function for . is
(.: ) =





(1 .
. . . .

v if = 1, the probability distribution is a beta distribution.
v if

, then
the expected value of X
the variance of X

the covariance of X
and X

The following example generates 1000 samples from a two-dimensional Dirichlet distribution. Each row of
the returned matrix x is a row vector sampled from the Dirichlet distribution. The example then computes
the sample mean and covariance and compares them with the expected values. Here are the code and the
call randseed(1);
n = 1000;
Shape = {2, 1, 1};
Shape0 = sum(Shape);
d = nrow(Shape)-1;
s = Shape[1:d];
1074 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
Mean = s`/Shape0;
Cov = -s
s` / (Shape0##2
replace diagonal elements with variance
Variance = s#(Shape0-s) / (Shape0##2
do i = 1 to d;
Cov[i,i] = Variance[i];
SampleMean = x[:,];
n = nrow(x);
y = x - repeat( SampleMean, n );
SampleCov = y`
y / (n-1);
print SampleMean Mean, SampleCov Cov;
SampleMean Mean
0.4992449 0.2485677 0.5 0.25
SampleCov Cov
0.0502652 -0.026085 0.05 -0.025
-0.026085 0.0393922 -0.025 0.0375
For further details about sampling from the Dirichlet distribution, see Kotz, Balakrishnan, and Johnson
(2000); Gentle (2003); or Devroye (1986).
generates a random sample from a multinomial distribution
RANDMULTINOMIAL( N, NumTrials, Prob ) ;
The inputs are as follows:
N is the number of desired observations sampled from the distribution.
NumT ri als is the number of trials for each observation. NumT ri als | _ 0, for = 1 . . . .
Prob is a 1 vector of probabilities with 0 < Prob | _ 1 and
Prob | = 1.
The multinomial distribution is a multivariate generalization of the binomial distribution. For each trial,
Prob | is the probability of event 1
, where the 1
are mutually exclusive and
Prob | = 1.
The RANDMULTINOMIAL function returns an N matrix that contains N observations of NumTrials
random draws from the multinomial distribution. Each row of the resulting matrix is an integer vector
. . . X
] with X
= NumTrials. That is, for each row, X
indicates how many times event 1
occurred in NumTrials trials.
If X = {X
. . . X
] follows a multinomial distribution with n trials and probabilities j =
. . . j
], then
v the probability density function for . is
(.: n. j) =


v the expected value of X
is nj
v the variance of X
is nj
(1 j
v the covariance of X
with X
is nj
v if = 1 then X is constant.
v if = 2 then X
is Binomial(n. j
) and X
is Binomial(n. j
The following example generates 1000 samples from a multinomial distribution with three mutually exclu-
sive events. For each sample, 10 events are generated. Each row of the returned matrix x represents the
number of times each event was observed. The example then computes the sample mean and covariance
and compares them with the expected values. Here are the code and the output:
call randseed(1);
prob = {0.3,0.6,0.1};
NumTrials = 10;
N = 1000;
x = RANDMULTINOMIAL(N,NumTrials,prob);
population mean and covariance
Mean = NumTrials
Cov = -NumTrials
replace diagonal elements of Cov with Variance
Variance = NumTrials
do i = 1 to nrow(prob);
Cov[i,i] = Variance[i];
SampleMean = mean(x);
SampleCov = cov(x);
print SampleMean Mean, SampleCov Cov;
SampleMean Mean
2.971 5.972 1.057 3 6 1
SampleCov Cov
2.0622212 -1.746559 -0.315663 2.1 -1.8 -0.3
-1.746559 2.3775936 -0.631035 -1.8 2.4 -0.6
-0.315663 -0.631035 0.9466977 -0.3 -0.6 0.9
For further details about sampling from the multinomial distribution, see Gentle (2003), or Fishman (1996).
1076 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
RANDMVT Function
generates a random sample from a multivariate Students t distribution
RANDMVT( N, DF, Mean, Cov ) ;
The inputs are as follows:
N is the number of desired observations sampled from the multivariate Students t distribution.
DF is a scalar value that represents the degrees of freedom for the t distribution.
Mean is a 1 vector of means.
Cov is a symmetric positive denite variance-covariance matrix.
The RANDMVT function returns an N matrix that contains N random draws from the Students t
distribution with DF degrees of freedom, mean vector Mean, and covariance matrix Cov.
If X follows a multivariate t distribution with v degrees of freedom, mean vector j, and variance-covariance
matrix , then
v the probability density function for . is
(.: v. j. ) =
I((v ),2)
(. j)
(. j)
v if = 1, the probability density function reduces to a univariate Students t distribution.
v the expected value of X
is j
v the covariance of X
and X


when v > 2.
The following example generates 1000 samples from a two-dimensional t distribution with 7 degrees of
freedom, mean vector (1 2), and covariance matrix S. Each row of the returned matrix x is a row vector
sampled from the t distribution. The example then computes the sample mean and covariance and compares
them with the expected values. Here are the code and the output:
call randseed(1);
N = 1000;
DF = 4;
Mean = {1 2};
S = {1 1, 1 5};
x = RandMVT( N, DF, Mean, S );
SampleMean = x[:,];
y = x - SampleMean;
SampleCov = y`
y / (n-1);
Cov = (DF/(DF-2))
print SampleMean Mean, SampleCov Cov;
SampleMean Mean
RANDNORMAL Function ! 1077
1.0768636 2.0893911 1 2
SampleCov Cov
1.8067811 1.8413406 2 2
1.8413406 9.7900638 2 10
In the preceding example, the columns (marginals) of x do not follow univariate t distributions. If you want
a sample whose marginals are univariate t , then you need to scale each column of the output matrix:
x = RandMVT( N, DF, Mean, S );
StdX = x / sqrt(diag(S)); /
StdX columns are univariate t
Equivalently, you can generate samples whose marginals are univariate t by passing in a correlation matrix
instead of a general covariance matrix.
For further details about sampling from the multivariate t distribution, see Kotz and Nadarajah (2004).
generates a random sample from a multivariate normal distribution
RANDNORMAL( N, Mean, Cov ) ;
The inputs are as follows:
N is the number of desired observations sampled from the multivariate normal distribution.
Mean is a 1 vector of means.
Cov is a symmetric positive denite variance-covariance matrix.
The RANDNORMAL function returns an N matrix that contains N random draws from the multivariate
normal distribution with mean vector Mean and covariance matrix Cov.
If X follows a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector j and variance-covariance matrix , then
v the probability density function for . is
(.: j. ) =

(. j)
(. j)
v if = 1, the probability density function reduces to a univariate normal distribution.
v the expected value of X
is j
v the covariance of X
and X
1078 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
The following example generates 1000 samples from a two-dimensional multivariate normal distribution
with mean vector (1 2) and a given covariance matrix. Each row of the returned matrix x is a row vec-
tor sampled from the multivariate normal distribution. The example then computes the sample mean and
covariance and compares them with the expected values. Here are the code and the output:
call randseed(1);
N = 1000;
Mean = {1 2};
Cov = {2.4 3, 3 8.1};
x = RANDNORMAL( N, Mean, Cov );
SampleMean = x[:,];
y = x - SampleMean;
SampleCov = y`
y / (N-1);
print SampleMean Mean, SampleCov Cov;
SampleMean Mean
1.0619604 2.1156084 1 2
SampleCov Cov
2.5513518 3.2729559 2.4 3
3.2729559 8.7099585 3 8.1
For further details about sampling from the multivariate normal distribution, see Gentle (2003).
generates a random sample from a Wishart distribution
The inputs are as follows:
N is the number of desired observations sampled from the distribution.
DF is a scalar value that represents the degrees of freedom, DF _ .
Sigma is a symmetric positive denite matrix.
The RANDWISHART function returns an N ( ) matrix that contains N random draws from the
Wishart distribution with DF degrees of freedom. Each row of the returned matrix represents a
The Wishart distribution is a multivariate generalization of the gamma distribution. (Note, however, that
Kotz, Balakrishnan, and Johnson (2000) suggest that the term multivariate gamma distribution should
be restricted to those distributions for which the marginal distributions are univariate gamma. This is not
REGRESS Call ! 1079
the case with the Wishart distribution.) A Wishart distribution is a probability distribution for nonnegative
denite matrix-valued random variables. These distributions are often used to estimate covariance matrices.
If a nonnegative denite matrix X follows a Wishart distribution with parameters v degrees of freedom
and a symmetric positive denite matrix , then
v the probability density function for . is
(.: v. ) =


v if = 1 and = 1, then the Wishart distribution reduces to a chi-square distribution with v degrees
of freedom.
v the expected value of X is v.
The following example generates 1000 samples from a Wishart distribution with 7 degrees of freedom and
2 2 matrix parameter S. Each row of the returned matrix x represents a 2 2 nonnegative denite matrix.
(You can reshape the i th row of x with the SHAPE function.) The example then computes the sample mean
and compares them with the expected value. Here are the code and the output:
call randseed(1);
DF = 7;
S = {1 1, 1 5};
x = RandWishart( N, DF, S );
Mean = DF
SampleMean = shape( x[:,], 2, 2);
print SampleMean Mean;
SampleMean Mean
7.0518633 7.2402925 7 7
7.2402925 36.056848 7 35
For further details about sampling from the Wishart distribution, see Johnson (1987).
performs regression analysis
RUN REGRESS( ., ,, name, <tval >, <l1>, <l2>, <l3>) ;
The inputs to the REGRESS subroutine are as follows:
. is an n m numeric matrix, where m is the number of variables and n is the number of data
1080 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
, is an n 1 response vector.
name is an m 1 matrix of variable names.
tval is an optional t -value.
l1, l2, l3 are optional 1 m vectors that specify linear combinations of coefcients for hypothesis
The REGRESS module does regression analysis and prints results. The design matrix is given by ., and ,
is the response vector. The name vector identies each of the variables. If you specify a t -value, the module
prints a table of observed and predicted values, residuals, hat diagonal, and condence limits for the mean
and predicted values. If you also specify linear combinations with l1, l2, and l3, the module performs the
hypothesis test H : l
b = 0, where b is the vector of parameter estimates.
ROWVEC Function
converts a matrix into a row vector
ROWVEC( matrix) ;
where matrix is any n m matrix.
The ROWVEC function returns a 1nm vector. The specied matrix is converted into a row vector in row-
major order. The returned vector has 1 row and nm columns. The rst n elements in the vector correspond
to the rst row of the input matrix, the next n elements correspond to the second row, and so on.
RSUBSTR Function
replaces substrings in each entry of a given matrix
RSUBSTR( ., , l, r) ;
The inputs to the RSUBSTR subroutine are as follows:
. is any m n character matrix.
is an m n matrix or a scalar that determines the starting positions for substrings to be
l is an m n matrix or a scalar that determines the lengths of substrings to be replaced.
r is an m n matrix or a scalar that species the replacement strings.
The RSUBSTR function returns an m n matrix with substrings replaced. It replaces or substitutes sub-
strings of the input matrix with new strings. If l is zero, the replacement string in r is simply inserted into
the input matrix . at the position indicated by .
For example, the following statements replace the rst two characters of each entry in the matrix X with the
corresponding entry in the matrix R:
STANDARD Function ! 1081
proc iml;
x = {abc def ghi,jkl mno pqr};
r = {z y x, w v u};
p = 1;
l = 2;
print x;
print c;
standardizes numeric data
STANDARD( matrix) ;
where matrix is any n m matrix, n is the number of data points, and m is the number of variables.
The STANDARD function returns a standardized n m matrix. It standardizes each column of the input
matrix, so that the mean of each column is zero and the standard deviation for each column is one.
prints matrices in tabular format
RUN TABPRT( matrix) ;
where matrix is any n m matrix.
The TABPRT module prints any numeric or character matrix in table format. The regular PRINT command
output is often difcult to read, especially for large matrices, where individual rows can wrap around. The
module source code can be edited for further cosmetic changes, such as alternative format or eld width, or
for assigning specic row and column labels.
Devroye, L. (1986), Nonuniform Random Variate Generation, New York: Springer-Verlag.
Fishman, G. S. (1996), Monte Carlo: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications, New York: John Wiley &
Gentle, J. E. (2003), Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods, Second Edition, Berlin:
Golub, G. H. and Van Loan, C. F. (1989), Matrix Computations, Second Edition, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press.
1082 ! Chapter 24: Module Library
Johnson, M. (1987), Multivariate Statistical Simulation, New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Kotz, S., Balakrishnan, N., and Johnson, N. L. (2000), Continuous Multivariate Distributions, Second Edi-
tion, Wiley-Interscience.
Kotz, S. and Nadarajah, S. (2004), Multivariate t Distributions and Their Applications, Cambridge Univer-
sity Press.
Subject Index
ABORT statement
exiting PROC IML, 583
ABS function
absolute value, 583
ADDITION operator
adds corresponding matrix elements, 563
ALL function
checking for nonzero elements, 584
ALLCOMB function
generate combinations, 584
ALLPERM function
generate permutations, 586
ANY function
checking for nonzero elements, 587
APPEND statement
SAS data sets, 589
APPLY function, 592
autocovariance sequence, 594
log likelihood and residuals, 595
ARMASIM function
simulating univariate ARMA series, 597
Basic time series analysis
autocovarince function of ARMA model, 253
example, 251
generating an ARMA process, 253
log-likelihood function of ARMA model, 253
overview, 250
Bessel function
nding nonzero roots and derivatives of, 747,
Biconjugate Gradient Algorithm, 529, 534
BIN function
dividing numeric values into bins, 598
BLOCK function
forming block-diagonal matrices, 600
Box-and-whiskers plots, 1070
BRANKS function
computing bivariate ranks, 601
BSPLINE function
computing B-spline basis, 602
BTRAN function
computing the block transpose, 604
BYTE function
returning values in a computers character set,
CALL statement
calling a subroutine or function, 606
Calling External Modules, 563
Calling R, 563
Calling SAS, 563
replacing text in an array, 607
CHAR function
character representation of a numeric matrix, 607
Character Manipulation Functions, 553
CHOOSE function
choosing and changing elements, 608
CLOSE statement
closing SAS data sets, 609
CLOSEFILE statement
closing a le, 610
compare matrix elements, 564
CONCAT function
performing elementwise string concatenation,
CONCATENATION operator, horizontal
concatenates matrices horizontally, 566
CONCATENATION operator, vertical
concatenates matrices vertically, 567
Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, 529, 531
CONTENTS function
obtaining the variables in SAS data sets, 615
Control Statements, 559
CONVEXIT function
calculating convexity of noncontingent cash
ows, 616
CORR function
computing sample correlations, 616
COUNTMISS function
counting missing values, 618
COUNTN function
counting nonmissing values, 619
counting unique values, 620
COV function
1084 ! Subject Index
computing sample covariances, 621
COVLAG function
computing autocovariance estimates, 622
CREATE statement
creating new SAS data sets, 623
CSHAPE function
reshaping and repeating character values, 626
CUPROD function
calculating cumulative products, 628
CUSUM function
calculating cumulative sums, 628
CVEXHULL function
nding a convex hull, 629
Dataset and File Functions, 560
DATASETS function
obtaining names of SAS data sets, 630
deleting SAS data sets, 630
DELETE statement
marking observations for deletion, 631
DESIGN function
creating a design matrix, 633
DESIGNF function
creating a full-rank design matrix, 634
DET function
computing determinants of a square matrix, 635
DIAG function
creating a diagonal matrix, 635
DIF function
computing difference of lagged values, 636
takes the direct product of two matrices, 568
DISPLAY statement
displaying elds in display windows, 637
DIVISION operator
performs elementwise division, 569
DO DATA statement
repeating a loop until, 640
DO function
producing an arithmetic sequence, 638
DO statement
DATA clause, 640
grouping statements as a unit, 638
UNTIL clause, 641
WHILE clause, 642
DO statement, iterative
iteratively executing a DO group, 639
DO UNTIL statement
conditionally executing statements iteratively,
DO WHILE statement
conditionally executing statements iteratively,
DURATION function
calculating modied duration of noncontingent
cash ows, 643
ECHELON function
reducing a matrix to row-echelon normal form,
EDIT statement
opening a SAS data set for editing, 644
EIGEN call
computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 647
Eigenvalue Decomposition
compared with ODE call, 862
EIGVAL function
computing eigenvalues, 651
EIGVEC function
computing right eigenvectors, 651
ELEMENT function
nding elements that are contained in a set, 652
selects the larger of two elements, 570
selects the smaller of two elements, 571
END statement
ending a DO loop or DO statement, 653
ENDSUBMIT statement, 180
executing statements immediately, 653
EXP function
calculating the exponential, 654
Exponential of a matrix, 1070
ExportDataSetToR subroutine, 193
ExportMatrixToR subroutine, 193
generating an ARFIMA(. J. q) process, 657
estimation of an ARFIMA(. J. q) model, 658
computing the log-likelihood for an
ARFIMA(. J. q) model, 660
generating an ARFIMA(. J. q) process, 661
FDIF call
computing a fractionally differenced process,
FFT function
computing the nite Fourier transform, 664
Subject Index ! 1085
FILE statement
opening or pointing to an external le, 666
FIND statement
nding observations, 667
FINISH statement
denoting the end of a module, 669
Forward rates, 669
Fractionally integrated time series analysis
ARFIMA modeling, 331
autocovariance function, 331
example, 328
fractional differencing, 331
generating a fractional time series, 331
log-likelihood function, 331
overview, 327
FREE statement
freeing matrix storage space, 670
FULL function
converting sparse to dense storage, 671
GAEND call
ending a genetic algorithm optimization, 672
getting current members of the solution
population for a genetic algorithm
optimization, 672
getting current solution objective function values
for a genetic algorithm optimization, 673
creating an initial solution population for a
genetic algorithm optimization, 674
reevaluating the objective function values for a
solution population of a genetic algorithm
optimization, 675
regenerating a solution population by application
of selection and genetic operators, 675
setting the crossover operator for a genetic
algorithm optimization, 676
setting the mutation operator for a genetic
algorithm optimization, 680
setting the objective function for a genetic
algorithm optimization, 681
setting the selection parameters for a genetic
algorithm optimization, 682
GASETUP function
setting up a genetic algorithm optimization
problem, 683
dening a blanking viewport, 686
deleting the blanking viewport, 686
closing the graphics segment, 687
deleting a graphics segment, 687
GDRAW call
drawing a polyline, 687
drawing individual lines, 688
generalized eigenproblems, 689
Genetic Algorithm Functions, 562
GEOMEAN function
computes geometric means , 690
GGRID call
drawing a grid, 691
including graphics segments, 692
GINV function
computing generalized inverses, 692
GOPEN call
opening graphics segments, 694
GOTO statement
jumping to a new statement, 695
GPIE call
drawing pie slices, 696
converting coordinates, 697
plotting points, 698
GPOLY call
drawing and lling a polygon, 699
GPORT call
dening a viewport, 700
popping viewports, 700
stacking viewports, 701
Graphics and Window Functions, 561
calculating round numbers for labeling axes, 701
writing multiple text strings, 702
GSET call
setting attributes for graphics segments, 703
GSHOW call
showing a graph, 704
1086 ! Subject Index
computing the Gram-Schmidt
orthonormalization, 704
initializing the graphics system, 706
GSTOP call
deactivating the graphics system, 707
nding the string length, 707
GTEXT and GVTEXT calls
placing text on a graph, 708
dening the data window, 709
drawing an axis, 709
HADAMARD function, 711
HALF function
computing Cholesky decomposition, 712
HANKEL function
generating a Hankel matrix, 712
HARMEAN function
computes harmonic means , 714
HDIR function
performing a horizontal direct product, 714
HERMITE function
reducing a matrix to Hermite normal form, 715
HOMOGEN function
solving homogeneous linear systems, 716
I function
creating an identity matrix, 717
IF-THEN/ELSE statement
conditionally executing statements, 717
IFFT function
computing the inverse nite Fourier transform,
IMLMLIB Module Library
modules reference, 1069, 10711075, 1077,
1078, 1080, 1081
overview, 10651067
ImportDataSetFromR subroutine, 193
ImportMatrixFromR subroutine, 193
creates an index vector, 572
INDEX statement
indexing a variable in a SAS data set, 723
INFILE statement
opening a le for input, 724
INPUT statement
inputting data, 725
INSERT function
inserting one matrix inside another, 726
INT function
truncating a value, 727
INV function
computing a matrix inverse, 728
Moore-Penrose inverse, 612, 940, 946948
INVUPDT function
updating a matrix inverse, 729
IPF call
performing an iterative proportional t, 731
ISM TIMSAC packages, 301, 302
Iterative Algorithm, 743
solving a sparse linear system by using iterative
methods, 743
J function
creating a matrix of identical values, 747
Kalman lter subroutines
covariance ltering and prediction, 310
diffuse covariance ltering and prediction, 310
diffuse xed-interval smoothing, 310
examples, 310
xed-interval smoothing, 310
one-step forecast for SSM, 755
one-step predictions, 749, 752
overview, 308
smoothed estimate, 752
smoothed state vectors, 758
syntax, 749
takes the direct product of two matrices, 568
quadratic form maximization, 803
LAG function
computing lagged values, 760
LCP call
solving the linear complementarity problem, 765
Least absolute value regression, 760, 762, 763
LENGTH function
nding the lengths of character matrix elements,
Linear Algebra Functions, 557
Linear least squares
Subject Index ! 1087
full-rank example, 895, 896
QR decomposition, 922
rank-decient solutions, 940, 942945
LINK statement
jumping to another statement, 769
LIST statement
displaying observations of a data set, 769
LMS call
performing robust regression, 772
LOAD statement
loading modules and matrices, 783
LOC function
nding nonzero elements of a matrix, 784
LOG function
taking the natural logarithm, 785
LOGICAL operator
perform elementwise logical comparisons, 573
LP call
solving the linear programming problem, 785
LTS call
performs robust regression, 787
LUPDT call, 795
MAD function
univariate median absolute deviation, 796
MARG call
evaluating marginal totals, 798
Matrix decomposition
Cholesky decomposition, 940942
complete orthogonal decomposition, 587, 611
downdating and updating, 921923, 940
QR decomposition, 875, 876, 879, 891896
Matrix Inquiry Functions, 552
Matrix Reshaping Functions, 553
Matrix Sorting And By-Group Processing Functions,
MATTRIB statement
associating printing attributes with matrices, 801
MAX function
nding the maximum value of matrix, 802
MCD call, 805
MEAN function
computing sample means, 810
Median computation, 1072
MIN function
nding the smallest element of a matrix, 812
Minimum Residual Algorithm, 529, 533
MOD function
computing the modulo (remainder), 813
MODULEI call, 813
MODULEIC function
calling an external function, 814
MODULEIN function
calling an external function, 814
MULTIPLICATION operator, elementwise
performs elementwise multiplication, 574
MULTIPLICATION operator, matrix
performs matrix multiplication, 576
Multivariate sampling, 1073, 1074, 10761078
MVE call, 815
NAME function
listing the names of arguments, 821
NCOL function
nding the number of columns of a matrix, 822
NLENG function
nding the size of an element, 822
Nonlinear optimization subroutines
advanced examples, 370
conjugate gradient optimization, 826
control parameters vector, 367369
double-dogleg optimization, 826828
feasible point computation, 832
nite difference approximations, 829, 830, 832
nite-difference approximations, 352, 353
global vs. local optima, 344, 345
hybrid quasi-Newton optimization, 833, 834, 836
Kuhn-Tucker conditions, 346
least squares methods, 833, 834, 836, 837
Levenberg-Marquardt optimization, 836, 837
Nelder-Mead simplex optimization, 837, 838,
Newton-Raphson optimization, 841, 842, 844
Newton-Raphson ridge optimization, 844, 846
objective function and derivatives, 347352
options vector, 356360
parameter constraints, 354356
printing optimization history, 369, 370
quadratic optimization, 851, 852, 855
quasi-Newton optimization, 847, 848, 850, 851
return codes, 346
termination criteria, 360, 362, 364366
trust-region optimization, 855, 856
NORMAL function
generating a pseudorandom normal deviate, 856
NROW function
nding the number of rows of a matrix, 856
NUM function
producing a numeric representation of a
character matrix, 857
Numerical Analysis Functions, 557
Numerical integration, 896900, 902
adaptive Romberg method, 897
1088 ! Subject Index
of differential equations, 857, 858, 860, 861,
863, 864
specifying subintervals, 896
two-dimensional integration, 900
ODSGRAPH call, 864
OPSCAL Function, 867
Optimization Subroutines, 558
ORPOL function
generating orthogonal polynomials, 869
Orthogonal factorization, 940942
by ORTVEC call, 875, 876, 879
PAUSE statement
interrupting module execution, 879
percentiles, 890
PGRAF call
producing scatter plots, 880
POLYROOT function
nding zeros of a real polynomial, 881
POWER operator, elementwise
raises each element to a power, 576
POWER operator, matrix
raises a matrix to a power, 577
PRINT statement
printing matrix values, 881
Printing matrices, 1081
Probability contour plot, 1071
PROD function
multiplying all elements, 883
PRODUCT function
multiplying matrices of polynomials, 884
PURGE statement
removing observations marked for deletion, 885
PUSH call, 886
PUT statement
writing data to an external le, 887
PV function
calculating present value, 888
QNTL call
computing sample quantiles, 890
Quadratic form maximization, 804, 805
quantiles, 890
Quartile computation, 1072
QUEUE call
queuing SAS statements, 902
QUIT statement
exiting from PROC IML, 903
R language, 189
RANCOMB function
generate random combinations, 904
generating random numbers, 905
Random multivariate sampling, 1073, 1074,
Random Number Generation, 554
generating random numbers, 913
RANGE function
nding the range of values, 914
RANK function
ranking elements of a matrix, 914
RANKTIE function
ranking elements of a matrix, 917
RANPERM function
generate permutations, 912
RATES function
converting interest rates, 919
RATIO function
dividing matrix polynomials, 920
READ statement
reading observations from a data set, 925
Reduction Functions, 552
Regression, 1079
best subsets, 805
least absolute value, 760, 762, 763
response surface, 1072
REMOVE function
discarding elements from a matrix, 928
REMOVE statement
removing matrices from storage, 929
renaming SAS data sets, 929
REPEAT function
creating a new matrix of repeated values, 930
REPLACE statement
replacing values, 930
RESET statement
setting processing options, 933
Reshaping matrices, 1069, 1080
Response surface regression, 1072
RESUME statement
resuming execution, 935
RETURN statement
returning to caller, 936
ROOT function
Subject Index ! 1089
performing the Cholesky decomposition of a
matrix, 936
ROWCAT function
concatenating rows without blank compression,
ROWCATC function
concatenating rows with blank compression, 938
RUN statement
executing statements in a module, 939
SAVE statement
saving data, 948
Scalar Functions, 551
Scatter plots, 1071
Sequential tests, 948, 950952, 954958, 960
group sequential methods, 954, 955
minimizing average sample number (ASN), 958,
randomized clinical trials, 958, 960
scaling, 950
shifting, 951
Set Functions, 559
SETDIF function
comparing elements of two matrices, 961
SETIN statement
making a data set current for input, 961
SETOUT statement
making a data set current for output, 962
SHAPE function
reshaping and repeating values, 962
SHAPECOL function
reshaping and repeating values, 964
SHOW statement
printing system information, 965
reverses the signs of elements, 579
SOLVE function
solving a system of linear equations, 965
solving a sparse symmetric linear system by
direct decomposition, 966
SORT call
sorting a matrix, 967
SORT statement
sorting a SAS data set, 968
creating a sorted index for a matrix, 969
SOUND call
producing a tone, 970
SPARSE function
converting dense to sparse storage, 971
Sparse Matrix Algorithms, 529, 743
preconditioners, 529, 966
Splines, 972, 973, 977979
integration of splines, 977
SPOT function
calculating spot rates, 979
SQRSYM function
converting to a square matrix, 980
SQRT function
calculating the square root, 980
SQRVECH function
converting to a square matrix, 981
SSQ function
calculating the sum of squares, 981
Standardizing numeric data, 1081
START statement
dening a module, 982
Statistical Functions, 554
STD function
computing sample standard deviation, 983
STOP statement
stopping execution of statements, 983
STORAGE function
listing names of matrices and modules, 984
STORE statement
storing matrices and modules, 984
SUBMIT statement, 180
parameter substitution, 182, 196
R statements, 191
submit R statements, 985
submit SAS statements, 985
select submatrices, 579
SUBSTR function
taking substrings of matrix elements, 987
Substring replacement, 1080
subtracts corresponding matrix elements, 581
SUM function
summing all elements, 987
SUMMARY statement
computing summary statistics, 988
SVD call
computing the singular value decomposition, 991
SWEEP function
sweeping a matrix, 992
SYMSQR function
converting to a symmetric matrix, 995
T function
transposing a matrix, 995
1090 ! Subject Index
counting the number of elements in each
category, 996
Time series analysis and control
AR model selection, 255, 1016
ARMA model prediction, 277, 278, 1014
Bayesian constrained least squares, 296298
Bayesian seasonal adjustment, 274, 285, 287,
1005, 1006
instantaneous response model, 259, 260,
ISM TIMSAC packages, 301, 302
least squares and Householder transformation,
295, 296
locally stationary multivariate time series, 1011,
locally stationary time series, 1010, 1011
minimum AIC method, 255, 258260, 282284
missing values, 300
multivariate time series, 277, 278, 291, 292,
nonstationary covariance function analysis, 1015
nonstationary data analysis, 261, 263, 265268,
270, 272274
nonstationary time series, 287290, 1007, 1009,
overview, 253
periodic AR model, 1013, 1014
roots of AR and MA equations, 280, 281, 1015
smoothness priors modeling, 284, 285, 1007,
1009, 1010
spectral analysis, 292295
state space and Kalman lter method, 298300
VAR model, 258260, 304, 305, 1012, 1013
Time Series Functions, 555
TOEPLITZ function
generating a Toeplitz matrix, 997
computing thin-plate smoothing splines, 998
evaluating thin-plate smoothing splines, 1000
TRACE function
summing diagonal elements, 1003
TRANSPOSE operator
transposes a matrix, 582
Triangular linear systems, 1004
TYPE function
determining matrix types, 1017
UNIFORM function
generating pseudorandom uniform deviates,
UNION function
performing unions of sets, 1019
UNIQUE function
sorting and removing duplicates, 1019
UNIQUEBY function
processing BY groups in a matrix, 1019
USE statement
opening SAS data sets, 1021
performing indirect assignments, 1023
VALUE function
assigning values, 1024
VAR Function
computing a sample variance, 1024
computing cross-covariance matrices, 1025
computing log-likelihood function, 1026
generating VARMA(,q) time series, 1028
VEC operator, 964
VECDIAG function
creating vector from diagonal, 1029
VECH function, 1029
Vector time series analysis
cross-covariance matrix, 327
example, 322, 325
generating a multivariate normal, 327
generating a multivariate time series, 327
log-likelihood function, 327
overview, 322
roots of VARMA characteristic function, 327
generating multivariate normal random series,
calculating characteristic roots, 1031
Wavelet Analysis Functions, 562
WAVFT call
computing fast wavelet transform, 1032
extracting wavelet information, 1035
computing inverse fast wavelet transform, 1036
printing wavelet information, 1038
thresholding wavelet detail coefcients, 1039
WINDOW statement
Subject Index ! 1091
opening a display window, 1040
XMULT function
performing extended-precision matrix
multiplication, 1042
XSECT function
intersecting sets, 1043
YIELD function
calculating yield-to-maturity of a cash-ow
stream, 1043
Syntax Index
ABORT statement, 583
ABS function, 583
ADDITION operator, 563
ALL function, 584
ALLCOMB function, 584
ALLPERM function, 586
ANY function, 587
APPCORT call, 587
APPEND statement, 589
APPLY function, 592
ARMACOV call, 594
ARMALIK call, 595
ARMASIM function, 597
Basic time series subroutines
ARMACOV subroutine, 253
ARMALIK subroutine, 253
ARMASIM function, 253
example, 251
overview, 250
syntax, 253
BIN function, 598
BLOCK function, 600
BRANKS function, 601
BSPLINE function, 602
BTRAN function, 604
BYTE function, 605
CALL statement, 606
CHANGE call, 607
CHAR function, 607
CHOOSE function, 608
CLOSE statement, 609
CLOSEFILE statement, 610
COLVEC function, 1069
COMPARISON operator, 564
COMPORT call, 611
CONCAT function, 614
CONCATENATION operator, horizontal, 566
CONCATENATION operator, vertical, 567
CONTENTS function, 615
CONVEXIT function, 616
CORR function, 616
COUNTMISS function, 618
COUNTN function, 619
COUNTUNIQUE function, 620
COV function, 621
COVLAG function, 622
CREATE statement, 623
CSHAPE function, 626
CUPROD function, 628
CUSUM function, 628
CVEXHULL function, 629
DATASETS function, 630
DELETE call, 630
DELETE statement, 631
DESIGN function, 633
DESIGNF function, 634
DET function, 635
DIAG function, 635
DIF function, 636
DIRECT PRODUCT operator, 568
DISPLAY statement, 637
DIVISION operator, 569
DO DATA statement, 640
DO function, 638
DO statement, 638
DO statement, iterative, 639
DO UNTIL statement, 641
DO WHILE statement, 642
DURATION function, 643
ECHELON function, 644
EDIT statement, 644
EIGEN call, 647
EIGVAL function, 651
EIGVEC function, 651
ELEMENT function, 652
ELEMENT MAXIMUM operator, 570
ELEMENT MINIMUM operator, 571
END statement, 653
ENDSUBMIT statement, 653
EXECUTE call, 653
EXP function, 654
EXPMATRIX function, 1070
1094 ! Syntax Index
FARMACOV call, 657
FARMAFIT call, 658
FARMALIK call, 660
FARMASIM call, 661
FDIF call, 663
FFT function, 664
FILE statement, 666
FIND statement, 667
FINISH statement, 669
FORWARD function, 669
Fractional time series subroutines
syntax, 331
Fractionally integrated time series subroutines
example, 328
FARMACOV subroutine, 331
FARMAFIT subroutine, 331
FARMALIK subroutine, 331
FARMASIM subroutine, 331
FDIF subroutine, 331
overview, 327
FREE statement, 670
FULL function, 671
GAEND call, 672
GAGETMEM call, 672
GAGETVAL call, 673
GAINIT call, 674
GAREEVAL call, 675
GAREGEN call, 675
GASETCRO call, 676
GASETMUT call, 680
GASETOBJ call, 681
GASETSEL call, 682
GASETUP function, 683
GBLKVP call, 686
GBLKVPD call, 686
GBXWHSKR call, 1070
GCLOSE call, 687
GDELETE call, 687
GDRAW call, 687
GDRAWL call, 688
GENEIG call, 689
GEOMEAN function, 690
GGRID call, 691
GINCLUDE call, 692
GINV function, 692
GOPEN call, 694
GOTO statement, 695
GPIE call, 696
GPIEXY call, 697
GPOINT call, 698
GPOLY call, 699
GPORT call, 700
GPORTPOP call, 700
GPORTSTK call, 701
GPROBCNT call, 1071
GSCALE call, 701
GSCRIPT call, 702
GSET call, 703
GSHOW call, 704
GSORTH call, 704
GSTART call, 706
GSTOP call, 707
GSTRLEN call, 707
GTEXT and GVTEXT calls, 708
GWINDOW call, 709
GXAXIS and GYAXIS calls, 709
GXYPLOT call, 1071
HADAMARD function, 711
HALF function, 712
HANKEL function, 712
HARMEAN function, 714
HDIR function, 714
HERMITE function, 715
HOMOGEN function, 716
I function, 717
IF-THEN/ELSE statement, 717
IFFT function, 719
IMLMLIB Module Library
modules reference, 1069, 10711075, 1077,
1078, 1080, 1081
overview, 10651067
INDEX CREATION operator, 572
INDEX statement, 723
INFILE statement, 724
INPUT statement, 725
INSERT function, 726
INT function, 727
INV function, 728
INVUPDT function, 729
IPF call, 731
ITSOLVER call, 743
Syntax Index ! 1095
J function, 747
JROOT function, 747, 748
KALCVF call, 311, 318, 320, 749, 752
KALCVS call, 752
KALDFF call, 320, 755
KALDFS call, 758
Kalman lter subroutines
examples, 310
KALCVF subroutine, 310
KALCVS subroutine, 310
KALDFF subroutine, 310
KALDFS subroutine, 310
overview, 308
syntax, 310, 749
KRONECKER product, 568
LAG function, 760
LAV call, 760, 762, 763
LCP call, 765
LENGTH function, 768
LINK statement, 769
LIST statement, 769
LMS call, 772
LOAD statement, 783
LOC function, 784
LOG function, 785
LOGICAL operator, 573
LP call, 785
LTS call, 787
LUPDT call, 795
MAD function, 796
MARG call, 798
MATTRIB statement, 801
MAX function, 802
MAXQFORM call, 803805
MCD call, 805
MEAN function, 810
MEDIAN function, 1072
MIN function, 812
MOD function, 813
MODULEI call, 813
MODULEIC function, 814
MODULEIN function, 814
MULTIPLICATION operator, elementwise, 574
MULTIPLICATION operator, matrix, 576
MVE call, 815
NAME function, 821
NCOL function, 822
NLENG function, 822
Nonlinear optimization subroutines
advanced examples, 370
details, 344
introductory examples, 337
NLPCG Call, 376
NLPCG call, 826
NLPDD Call, 380, 383, 400, 827, 828
NLPDD call, 826
NLPFDD Call, 390, 829, 832
NLPFDD call, 829, 830
NLPFEA call, 832
NLPHQN Call, 834, 836
NLPHQN call, 833
NLPLM Call, 392, 836, 837
NLPLM call, 836
NLPNMS Call, 838, 841
NLPNMS call, 837, 838
NLPNRA Call, 842, 844
NLPNRA call, 841
NLPNRR Call, 377, 846
NLPNRR call, 844
NLPQN Call, 386, 387, 404, 848, 850, 851
NLPQN call, 847
NLPQUA Call, 852, 855
NLPQUA call, 851
NLPTR Call, 372, 389, 856
NLPTR call, 855
overview, 335
syntax, 823
NORMAL function, 856
NROW function, 856
NUM function, 857
ODE call, 857, 858, 860, 861, 863, 864
ODSGRAPH call, 864
OK= option
SUBMIT statement, 985
OPSCAL function, 867
ORPOL function, 869
ORTVEC call, 875, 876, 879
PAUSE statement, 879
PGRAF call, 880
POLYROOT function, 881
POWER operator, elementwise, 576
1096 ! Syntax Index
POWER operator, matrix, 577
PRINT statement, 881
PROC IML Statement, 12, 537
PROD function, 883
PRODUCT function, 884
PURGE statement, 885
PUSH call, 886
PUT statement, 887
PV function, 888
QNTL call, 890
QR call, 891896
QUAD call, 896900, 902
QUADREG call, 1072
QUARTILE function, 1072
QUEUE call, 902
QUIT statement, 903
R option
SUBMIT statement, 985
RANCOMB function, 904
RANDDIRICHLET function, 1073
RANDGEN call, 905
RANDMULTINOMIAL function, 1074
RANDMVT function, 1076
RANDNORMAL function, 1077
RANDSEED call, 913
RANDWISHART function, 1078
RANGE function, 914
RANK function, 914
RANKTIE function, 917
RANPERM function, 912
RATES function, 919
RATIO function, 920
RDODT call, 921923
READ statement, 925
REGRESS call, 1079
REMOVE function, 928
REMOVE statement, 929
RENAME call, 929
REPEAT function, 930
REPLACE statement, 930
RESET statement, 933
RESUME statement, 935
RETURN statement, 936
ROOT function, 936
ROWCAT function, 937
ROWCATC function, 938
ROWVEC function, 1080
RSUBSTR function, 1080
RUN statement, 939
RUPDT call, 921923, 940
RZLIND call, 940948
SAVE statement, 948
SEQ call, 948, 950952, 954958, 960
SEQSCALE call, 948, 950952, 954958, 960
SEQSHIFT call, 948, 950952, 954958, 960
SETDIF function, 961
SETIN statement, 961
SETOUT statement, 962
SHAPE function, 962
SHAPECOL function, 964
SHOW statement, 965
SIGN REVERSE operator, 579
SOLVE function, 965
SOLVELIN call, 966
SORT call, 967
SORT statement, 968
SORTNDX call, 969
SOUND call, 970
SPARSE function, 971
SPLINE call, 972, 973, 977, 978
SPLINEC call, 972, 973, 977, 978
SPLINEV function, 973, 977979
SPOT function, 979
SQRSYM function, 980
SQRT function, 980
SQRVECH function, 981
SSQ function, 981
STANDARD function, 1081
START statement, 982
STD function, 983
STOP statement, 983
STORAGE function, 984
STORE statement, 984
SUBMIT statement, 985
OK= option, 985
R option, 985
SUBSTR function, 987
SUBTRACTION operator, 581
SUM function, 987
SUMMARY statement, 988
SVD call, 991
SWEEP function, 992
SYMSIZE= option, 12, 537
PROC IML statement, 12
SYMSQR function, 995
Syntax Index ! 1097
T function, 995
TABPRT call, 1081
TABULATE call, 996
TIMSAC subroutines
advanced examples, 303
details, 282
introductory examples, 255
overview, 253
syntax, 282
TSBAYSEA subroutine, 274, 1005, 1006
TSDECOMP subroutine, 273, 1007, 1009, 1010
TSMLOCAR subroutine, 261, 1010, 1011
TSMLOMAR subroutine, 270, 1011, 1012
TSMULMAR subroutine, 258260, 304306,
1012, 1013
TSPEARS subroutine, 1013, 1014
TSPRED subroutine, 277, 278, 305, 1014
TSROOT subroutine, 280, 281, 1015
TSTVCAR subroutine, 1015
TSUNIMAR subroutine, 1016
TOEPLITZ function, 997
TPSPLINE call, 998
TPSPLNEV call, 1000
TRACE function, 1003
TRANSPOSE operator, 582
TRISOLV function, 1004
TYPE function, 1017
UNIFORM function, 1018
UNION function, 1019
UNIQUE function, 1019
UNIQUEBY function, 1019
USE statement, 1021
VALSET call, 1023
VALUE function, 1024
VAR Function, 1024
VARMACOV Call, 1025
VARMALIK Call, 1026
VARMASIM Call, 1028
VECDIAG function, 1029
VECH function, 1029
Vector time series subroutines
example, 322, 325
overview, 322
syntax, 327
VARMACOV subroutine, 327
VARMALIK subroutine, 327
VARMASIM subroutine, 327
VNORMAL subroutine, 327
VTSROOT subroutine, 327
VNORMAL Call, 1030
VTSROOT Call, 1031
WAVFT call, 1032
WAVGET call, 1035
WAVIFT call, 1036
WAVPRINT call, 1038
WAVTHRSH call, 1039
WINDOW statement, 1040
WORKSIZE= option, 12, 537
PROC IML statement, 12
XMULT function, 1042
XSECT function, 1043
YIELD function, 1043
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