Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage: History
Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage: History
Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage: History
Sr. Core Areas No. 1. 2. Delhi 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Muslim Struggle for Independence (1858-1947) Government and Politics in Pakistan (1947-1999) Modern Europe (1915-2001) History of England (1760-1919) United States after Second World War. Role of Military in Pakistan. Decline of Muslim Rule in India; (1707-1857) Umayyads and Abbasides. Muslim Rule in Spain. 711-1492. The Ottoman Empire. Historiography Total 15% 15% 5% 2% 2% 8% 5% 5% 2% 7% 5% 100% History of Islam; Prophetic period and the pious Caliphate. State and Society in Muslim India (1206-1707)Sultans of 15% 14% Percentage
History (Detailed)
Sr. No. Core Areas HISTORY OF ISLAM; PROPHETIC PERIOD AND THE PIOUS CALIPHATE: State and society at the down of Islam; early life of Holly Prophet; Hijrat and city state of Madina and Holy Prophet as a statesman; battles BADR, UHUD and the DITCH; truce of Hudaibyya; conquest of Makkah; last sermon of Prophet; early life and services of four khulfa- Hazrat Abu BakarHazrat Umar HazratUsman and Hazrat Ali; the menace of Apostasy; the contribution of Khilafat-i-Rashida towards the promotion of Islamic State & Society. STATE AND SOCIETY IN MUSLIM INDIA (12061707)SULTANS OF DELHI: 2. The slave Dynsty; TughlaqDynstyKhiljiDynsty, Lodhis; character and building of the state; Great Mughals- Babar. Akbar and Aurangzeb; reorganization and construction of the great empire; administrative structure; role of Sufis and Ulema in the reformation of society; Muslim contribution to Arts and Literature. MUSLIM STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE (18581947): War of independence 1857, Sir Syed Ahmad khan and two Nation theory; Politics of all India Muslim league and Indian National Congress; Minto Morley reforms of 1909 and Lucknow pact of 1916; Khilafat Movement and its impact; AllamaIqbals address of 1930; Congress Ministries 1937-39; the Lahore Resolution 1940; 1945-46 Elections; Pakistan Nationalism and Composite Nationalism with regard to the leadership of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS IN PAKISTAN (19471999): Quaids address of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11th August 1947; Objective Resolution 1949; parliamentary democracy and the 15% Percentage
Constitution of 1956; elected democracy and first military regime 1958-1969; 1970 elections and Pakistans disintegration; Bhuttos perception of new Pakistan; parliamentary system and the Constitution of 1973; motives behind the imposition of Martial law of Gen. Zia ulHaq in 1977; collapse of Zia ulHaq and restoration of parliamentary democracy (1988-1989); political developments between 1988-1999 and establishment of parliamentary democracy (1988-1999); Coup of Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf. MODERN EUROPE (1915-2001): First World War; causes and inter war diplomacy and peace settlement; League of Nation, its structure and working; Colonial Expansion: Russia in Asia, Anglo French rivalry in Africa, British policy towards colonial empire; rise of Hitler, Mussolini and Mustafa Kamal Ataturk; second world war and peace settlement; Division of Europe and emergence of Polar System; fall of USSR and Europe; the new world war order; Europe and Globalization. HISTORY OF ENGLAND(1760-1919): Introduction to England and Historic background; the Government of George II; the disruption of 1st British Empire, Burke Fox and the Vonger Pitt. Napoleonics war Pitt and Neslon; early stage of industrial revolution, population canal machinery and movement of industry; repression and Reforms, peel and Hokinsons and canning; Whigs and Palmerstone civil service Queen Victoria; character of the second British empire and its relations with Australia, United States and South Africa; Europe drifts to war 1914; The first world war 1914 and its results. UNITED STATES AFTER SECOND WORLD WAR: 7. Introduction-Post war America Movements and civil rights in 1950s; cold war; economics condition and policies during 1945-1980; emergence of Uni-Polar world. USA in the 21st century; American role in the war of terrorism. 2%
ROLE OF MILITARY IN PAKISTAN: Gen Ayubs agenda and collapse of parliamentary democracy: an analysis. basic democracies system; presidential form of government and the Constitution of 1962. 1965 India Pakistan war; its causes and impact; the fall of Ayub Khan; Army and National disintegration in 1971; the political objectives of Gen. Zias coup of 1977; the policies of local bodies nominated Majliseshura and Islamisation of society; the Afghan policy of Zia; the 3rd coup of military under Gen. Musharraf; the policies of district Government system and association with the secular perception of western world; the fall of Musharraf. DECLINE OF MUSLIM RULE IN INDIA; (1707-1857): Successors of Aurangzeb Alamghir-Shah Alam I, Muhammad Shah Rangila, Bahadur Shah Zafar; the foreign invasion and acceleration of decline process; the third Battle of Panipat and its impct on antifederation stance of Jats, Sikh and Marhatas. Advent of British in India; British East India Company; French East India Company; Karnatic wars. Muslim Reformist Movements; Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah Waliullah. UMAYYADS AND ABBASIDES: Origin of Umayyads and their socio-political status; the transformation of the institutions of Khalifat into dynasty; the political empowerment of Muavia and tragedy of Karbala; the military dimension of Umayyads state; the collapse of Umayyads dynasty; the Abbasids movement and their elevation to power; the centralization of political power in functions of offices; society and culture and promotion of learning during Abbasids rule; causes of disintegration of Abbasids.
MUSLIM RULE IN SPAIN. 711-1492: Spain at the advent of Muslim conquest and causes of Muslim success; Umayyads Spain an independent state 756-1031; the glory of Muslims in Spain 912-1002; political disintegration and emergence of petty dynasties; the Nasird dynasty their struggle against Christians; the causes of Muslims downfall in Spain; Muslims contribution in the fields of sciences; transfer of Muslim culture to Europe. THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: History of Ottoman empire; Turks in history: origin of Turkish languages; rise of Ottomans 1280-1413; collapse of the first Ottomans Empire 1389-1402; the climax of Ottoman Empire Sulaiman, the Magnificent 1520-1566; the dynamics of Ottoman society and administration; the political and military decline 1566-1683; Modern era: the Young Turks 1908-1918; the Turkish war of independence and end of Ottoman empire. HISTORIOGRAPHY: 13. What is history; its aims and objectives; its nature scope and relation with social sciences and natural sciences. Kinds of sources of history- Autobiographies, Biographies, Official records; definition of documents; internal and external criticism of historical accounts; survey of literature. Total 5%