A Project Report in Eep
A Project Report in Eep
A Project Report in Eep
PROJECT TITLE: Impact of Eurozone crisis on the Global economy and India, How did India respond to the crisis?
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The European sovereign debt crisis has its genesis in a series of policies followed by countries in response to economic challenges. These policies can be traced to the period 2002-2008 when access to easy credit paved the way for high-risk lending and borrowings. Subsequently, the period 2007-2012 saw the emergence of a global financial crisis, starting with the 2007 subprime crisis in the US and soon turning into a global recession and now has become a sovereign debt crisis in Europe. This crisis has not just challenged the European vision of economic unification, but it also has serious implications for its other global dreams and ambitions.
Given The situation, the Eurozone crisis and its impact on world economic scenario is definitely a cause for concern. Even the Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has said that the situation in Europe is of particular concern as Europe accounts for a significant share of the global economy and is also Indias major trade and investment partner.Continuing problems there will further dampen global markets and adversely impact our own economic growth. It is our hope that European facing them, he said, It is also important therefore, to analyse the impact that this will have on the Indian economy in general and its exports and FDI in particular.
The Eurozone experiment of different countries coming together to form a common Monetary Union is under a grave threat of disintegrating in the face of severe debt crisis facing several member countries. The welfare-oriented states in Europe have run up huge deficits that are fast becoming unsustainable. In the absence of readily visible solutions to the crisis, management of the issue is going to test European leadership to the limit. India would also not be unaffected from the global contagion that a European crisis might unleash. Eurozone is an Economic and Monetary Union comprised of seventeen member states of the European Union. Members of the Euro zone have adopted the Euros as their common currency and the monetary policy of the Euro zone is laid out by the European Central Bank . Fiscal Policy, however, is the domain of individual member countries.
In addition, adoption of austerity measures through steps such as spending cuts (by governments), tax increases etc., that is a standard practice to deal with high public debt, may work for individual countries or even a few countries at a time. But if most of Europe embraces austerity, it would lead to slowdown of economic growth and possible recession. Lower economic growth translates into lower tax revenues which in turn makes it harder for countries to service their debts. This leads to further worsening of the financial crisis, creating a vicious circle. Countries find it difficult to raise further debt, and have to pay higher interest, again worsening the debt situation. This is the precisely the situation Europe faces at present. Rates on sovereign bonds of the crisis-ridden countries are steadily increasing with stagnant and even decreasing growth. Under the vaunted "European model" European citizens have become accustomed to one of the most generous welfare packages in the world, one that is now threatening the very vitals of European economy. However, as recent events in France, Greece and other European countries show, there is widespread public opposition to any attempt at cutting the welfare entitlements. This makes crisis management even more difficult. With a common currency and monetary policy, the weaker countries have been trying to shift costs to others, and this is straining the very idea of Eurozone to the limits, with many sceptics now
like a distant dream. In addition, past experience also shows that while India may not have fared as badly as parts of the world in time of a slowdown, growth was negatively and not positively affected by these developments.
Possible solutions to the crisis A number of suggestions have been put forth to tackle the crisis: 1. Common European bond: Creation of a common Euro bond that would allow the
weaker countries to share Germany's credit rating and hence borrow at lower rates. However, for this, Germany would have to guarantee other countries' debts. This is highly unlikely.
2. ECB buys bonds of weak countries: It has been proposed that the ECB buys bonds of
the heavily indebted Eurozone members. The ECB has earlier bought Greek, Irish and Portuguese bonds and is now buying Italian and Spanish bonds. But this is not a bottomless pit and purchases would have to stop at some point. The ECB can theoretically keep on printing new currency and buy bonds, but this would lead to an inflationary flood of money, creating another crisis.
3. IMF rescue: Another suggestion is for the International Monetary Fund to organize a
global rescue package worth trillions of euros. Europe's debtor nations could borrow at low rates with long maturities. Once debt pressures were relieved, Europe could follow more pro-growth economic policies. However, such a large package would need financing from countries with huge foreign exchange reserves the oil producing countries and/or China (which has reserves of $3.2 trillion). Whether China would bailout Europe remains to be seen, and entails complicated issues of geopolitics other than finance.
4. Partial write-off of debts or outright default: It has also been suggested that some
European nations could negotiate write-downs on their debts or default on them. Superficially, this seems a solution. But it would create other problems. Defaults would inflict huge losses on banks, insurance companies and pensions. Many European banks might collapse unless rescued. Who would rescue them? Confidence would plunge. A recession would seem unavoidable. Defaulting countries would also have trouble borrowing in the future. As we have seen, there are no easy solutions to the crisis confronting Eurozone. However, the urgency for solid steps to confront the issue is also increasing by the day, as otherwise, not only could the situation in effected countries worsen, it could also spread to other countries, and lead to a full-blown global economic crisis. It remains to be seen what action the European leadership finally takes to tackle this situation.