Indian River Broiler Manual
Indian River Broiler Manual
Indian River Broiler Manual
Technical Services
For further information on the management of Indian River stock, please contact your local Technical Service Manager or the Technical Department.
Cummings Research Park 5015 Bradford Drive Huntsville, Alabama 35805 USA Tel: +1 256 890 3800 Fax: +1 256 890 3919
Tel: + 44 (0) 131 333 1056 Fax: + 44 (0) 131 333 3296
Introduction Section one - CHICK MANAGEMENT Principles Chick Quality and Broiler Performance Chick Arrival Environmental Control Brooder Management Section two - PROVISION OF FEED AND WATER Principles Supply of Nutrients Feeding Programme Feed Form and Physical Feed Quality Whole-wheat Feeding Feed and Heat Stress Environment Litter Quality Water Quality Drinking Systems Feeding Systems Section three - HEALTH AND BIOSECURITY Principles Biosecurity Vaccination Disease Investigation Disease Recognition Section four - HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT Principles Housing and Ventilation Systems Minimum Ventilation Systems Transitional Ventilation Systems Tunnel Ventilation Systems Evaporative Cooling Systems Lighting for Broilers Litter Management Stocking Density 5 9 11 12 13 16 18 23 25 25 26 28 28 29 29 30 30 32 37 39 41 41 43 44 47 49 51 54 56 57 58 59 61 64 66
Section five - MONITORING LIVE WEIGHT AND UNIFORMITY OF PERFORMANCE Principles Predictability of Live Weight Flock Uniformity (CV%) Separate-sex Growing Section six - PRE-PROCESSING MANAGEMENT Principles Preparation for Catching Catching Processing 69 71 71 72 74 75 77 77 78 81
APPENDICES Appendix 1. Production Records Appendix 2. Conversion Tables Appendix 3. Efficiency Calculations Appendix 4. Feather Sexing Appendix 5. Classification of Months Appendix 6. Problem Solving Appendix 7. Ventilation Rates and Calculations Key Word Index
83 85 87 90 91 92 93 95 98
Aviagen produces a range of genotypes suitable for different sectors of the broiler market. All Aviagen products are selected for a balanced range of characteristics in both parent stock and broiler birds. This approach ensures that the products are capable of performing to the highest standards in a wide variety of environments. Aviagen applies a balanced approach to genetic progress. Characteristics of commercial importance such as growth rate, feed conversion ratio (FCR), liveability and meat yield are consistently improved together with genetic advances made in bird welfare traits such as, leg health, cardiovascular fitness and robustness. Achievement of the genetic potential inherent in the birds depends upon: An environment that is managed to provide birds with all their requirements for ventilation, air quality, temperature and space The prevention, detection and treatment of ill health The provision of nutrient requirements through the compounding of appropriate feed ingredients and the proper management of the provision of feed and water Attention to bird welfare throughout, especially prior to processing All of these are interdependent. If any one element is sub-optimal, then broiler performance overall will suffer. Figure 1: Limits to Broiler Growth and Quality Health Lighting Feed Supply Stocking Density Ventilation Water Supply Nutrition Temperature Vaccinal Status
Economic and commercial issues continue to influence the way broilers are managed: An increasing consumer demand for product quality and food safety The need for flocks of broilers which can be grown to ever more predictable and pre-defined specifications A requirement to minimise variability within flocks and hence variability of the final product The demand for bird welfare enhancement Full utilisation of the genetic potential available in the bird for FCR, growth rate and meat yield Minimisation of avoidable diseases such as ascites and leg weaknesses As broiler production systems become more sophisticated, their management requires ever higher levels of responsiveness and the availability of ever better information. The broiler growing phase is only one part of the integrated total meat production process. This encompasses parent stock farms, hatcheries, broiler growing units, processors, retailers and consumers. Figure 2: Producing Quality Broiler Meat - The Total Process
To produce high quality chicks To maintain chick quality To develop appetite To develop immune function To allow optimum development of skeleton and cardiovascular system To optimise carcase quality
The objective of the broiler manager should be to achieve the required flock performance in terms of live weight, feed conversion, uniformity and meat yield. The first two weeks of life in a broiler flock are critical and require particular attention. Chick handling, brooding and early growth management are all of major importance. Broiler production is a sequential process, with ultimate performance being dependent on each step being completed successfully. For maximum performance to be attained each stage must be assessed critically and improvements made wherever required. The complexity of broiler production means that livestock managers should have a clear understanding of the factors affecting the whole production process as well as of those directly influencing bird management on the farm. Changes may be necessary in the hatchery, on the broiler farm, during transport or in the processing plant. Within broiler production, there are several stages of development of the bird. The hatchery deals with hatching eggs and chicks.The broiler farm deals with chicks and growing broilers. The processing plant deals with broilers and carcases. Between each of these stages is a transition phase.Transitions must be managed with minimum bird stress.The key transitions for the broiler producer are: Chick emergence Take off, storage and transportation of the chick Development of good appetite in the young chick Change over from supplementary feeding and drinking systems to the main system Catching and transport of the broiler at depletion
Aviagens Technical Transfer Team has designed this manual with the following principles in mind: Consideration of bird welfare at all times Understanding of the production chain and transition phases Attention to quality of the end product throughout the entire process The need for observation of changes in the birds and their environment Appropriate management in response to the constantly changing requirements of the bird
No two broiler houses are the same, and every flock of broilers will differ in its requirements. The broiler farm manager should understand the birds requirements and, through application of responsive management as described in this manual, supply the individual requirements to ensure optimum performance in every flock.
Section one
To promote early development of feeding and drinking behaviour, which will allow the target bodyweight profile to be achieved with maximum uniformity and good welfare.
Principles Chick Quality and Broiler Performance Chick Arrival Environmental Control Brooder Management
11 12 13 16 18
7 9
Table 1: Summary of Optimum Conditions Chick Holding and Transport Chick holding conditions 22-24oC Ambient Temperature* Minimum 50% Relative Humidity (RH) 0.71 m3/min per 1,000 chicks air exchange 22-24oC Ambient Temperature* Minimum 50% Relative Humidity (RH) for long haul** 0.71 m3/min per 1,000 chicks air exchange
Transport conditions
These conditions in the holding area or transport vehicle should give temperatures of 30-35oC and RH of 70-80% amongst the chicks. It is more important to obtain these temperatures rather than just following the advised temperature setting for the transport truck, as settings may vary depending on the manufacturers recommendations. * Temperatures should be adjusted according to actual chick temperature. Vent temperatures should be between 39-40oC. ** Humidity should be provided during long haul transport in cold weather, when the heaters are operational for long periods or where the air is dry.
Key Points Plan placements to minimise physiological and immune differences between chicks. Use single donor flocks if possible Hold and transport chicks in conditions which prevent dehydration and other types of stress in chicks Provide feed and water to the chicks as soon as possible after take-off from the hatcher Maintain high standards of hygiene and biosecurity in the hatchery and during transport
Chick Arrival
Farm preparation for the next cycle Individual sites should manage birds of a single age (that is they should be managed on the principles of all-in, all-out). Vaccination and cleaning programmes are more difficult and less effective on multi-age sites and it is far more likely that health problems will occur and sub-optimal performance will be achieved. Houses, the areas surrounding the houses, and all equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before the arrival of the bedding material and chicks (see Section 3, Health and Biosecurity). Subsequently, management systems should be in place to prevent pathogens entering the building. Before entry, vehicles, equipment and people should be disinfected. Litter material should be spread evenly to a depth of 8-10 cm. Where floor temperatures are adequate (28-30oC) the litter depth can be reduced when litter disposal costs are an issue. Uneven bedding material can restrict access to feed and water and may lead to a loss in flock uniformity. Key Points Provide chicks with biosecure, clean housing Control spread of disease by using single-age, (i.e. all-in, all-out) housing Spread litter evenly
Chick placement Chicks cannot regulate their own body temperature until they are around 12-14 days of age. Optimal body temperature must be attained through provision of optimal environmental temperature. Floor temperature at chick placement is as important as air temperature, so preheating of the house is essential. Temperature and relative humidity should be stabilised for at least 24 hours prior to chick arrival. Recommended values are: Air temperature of 30oC (measured at chick height in the area where feed and water are positioned) Litter temperature of 28-30oC Relative humidity of 60-70% These should be monitored regularly to ensure a uniform environment throughout the whole brooding area, but by far the best indicator of temperature is chick behaviour. Prior to delivery of chicks, a final check must be made of feed and water availability and distribution within the house. All chicks must be able to eat and drink immediately on placement in the house. The longer the chicks remain in the boxes, the greater the degree of potential dehydration. This may result in early mortality and reduced growth as indicated by seven-day and final live weight. Chicks must be placed quickly, gently and evenly onto paper within the brooding area. Feed and water should be freely and immediately available. The empty boxes should be removed from the house without delay. Chicks should be left to settle for one to two hours to become accustomed to their new environment. After this time, a check must be made to see that all chicks have easy access to feed and water. Adjustments should be made to equipment and temperatures where necessary. For the first seven days, provide 23 hours light with 30-40 lux intensity to help the chick adapt to the new environment and encourage feed and water intake. Adequate fresh, clean water must be available at all times to all birds with access points at an appropriate height (see Section 2, Provision of Feed and Water). Nipple lines should be installed at 12 birds per nipple and bell drinkers at a minimum of six drinkers per 1,000 chicks. In addition, six supplementary mini-drinkers or trays per 1,000 chicks should also be provided. Initially, textured feed should be provided as a dust-free crumble or mini-pellet on feeder trays (1 per 100 chicks) and on paper to give a feeding area occupying at least 25% of the brooding area. Chicks should be placed directly onto paper so that feed is immediately found. Automated feeding and drinking systems should be placed in the vicinity of the paper.
If the mixing of chicks from different parent flocks is unavoidable, chicks from different parent sources should be brooded in separate areas within the house. Chicks from a young donor flock of less than 30 weeks will require a warmer start temperature (+1oC warmer than the given temperature profile) compared to an older flock of more than 50 weeks. Key Points Pre-heat the house and stabilise temperature and humidity prior to arrival of chicks Unload chicks and place them quickly Make feed and water available to the chicks immediately Arrange equipment to enable the chicks to reach feed and water easily Position supplementary feeders and drinkers near the main feeding and drinking systems Leave chicks to settle for one to two hours with access to feed and water Check feed, water, temperature and humidity after one to two hours and adjust where necessary Chick start assessment In the period immediately after the chicks are introduced to feed for the first time they are hungry, which means that they should eat well and fill their crops. Check a sample of birds eight and 24 hours after arrival on the farm to make sure that all the chicks have found feed and water. To do this, samples of 30-40 chicks should be collected at three or four different places in the house. Each chicks crop should be felt gently. In chicks that have found food and water, the crop will be full, soft and rounded (see Figure 3). If the crop is full, but the original texture of the crumb is still apparent, the bird has not yet consumed enough water. Target crop fill at eight hours after delivery is 80% and at 24 hours after delivery 95-100%. Figure 3: Crop Fill after 24 Hours.
The chick on the left has a full, rounded crop while the chick on the right has an empty crop.
Environmental Control
Introduction Optimal temperature and humidity are essential for health and appetite development. Temperature and relative humidity should be monitored frequently and regularly; at least twice-daily in the first five days and daily thereafter. Temperature and humidity measurements and sensors for automatic systems should be sited at chick level. Conventional thermometers should be used to cross-check the accuracy of electronic sensors controlling automatic systems. Ventilation without draughts is required during the brooding period to: Maintain temperatures and relative humidity (RH) at the correct level Allow sufficient air exchange to prevent the accumulation of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide (from oil/gas heaters placed inside the poultry house), carbon dioxide and ammonia It is good practice to establish a minimum ventilation rate from day one, which will ensure that fresh air is supplied to the chicks at frequent, regular intervals (see Section 4, Housing and Environment). Internal circulation fans can be used to maintain evenness of air quality and temperature at chick level. If a choice has to be made, maintenance of brooding temperatures should take priority over ventilation and air exchange. Young chicks are prone to wind-chill effects, therefore actual floor/air speed should be less than 0.15 metres per second or as low as possible. Key Points Monitor temperature and relative humidity regularly Ventilate to provide fresh air and remove waste gases Avoid draughts Humidity Relative Humidity (RH) in the hatcher at the end of the incubation process will be high (approx. 80%). Houses with whole-house heating, especially where nipple drinkers are used, can have RH levels lower than 25%. Houses with more conventional equipment (such as spot brooders, which produce moisture as a by-product of combustion, and bell drinkers, which have open water surfaces) have a much higher RH, usually over 50%. To limit the shock to the chicks when transferring from the incubator, RH levels in the first three days should be 60-70%. RH within the broiler house should be monitored daily. If it falls below 50% in the first week, the environment will be dry and dusty. The chicks will begin to dehydrate and be predisposed to respiratory problems. Performance will be adversely affected. Action should be taken to increase RH. If the house is fitted with high-pressure spray nozzles (foggers or misters) for cooling in high temperatures, then these can be used to increase RH during brooding. Alternatively, RH can be increased by using a backpack portable sprayer to spray the walls with a fine mist.
As the chick grows, the ideal RH falls. High RH (above 70%) from 18 days onwards can cause wet litter and its associated problems. As the broilers increase in live weight, RH levels can be controlled using ventilation and heating systems. Interaction between temperature and humidity All animals lose heat to the environment by evaporation of moisture from the respiratory tract and through the skin. At higher RH, less evaporative loss occurs, increasing the animals apparent temperature. The temperature experienced by the animal is dependent on the dry bulb temperature and RH. High RH increases the apparent temperature at a particular dry bulb temperature, whereas low RH decreases apparent temperature. The target temperature profile in Table 2 assumes RH in the range of 60-70%. The right hand side of Table 2 shows the dry bulb temperature required to achieve the target temperature profile in situations where RH is not within the target range of 60-70%. Table 2: Dry Bulb Temperatures Required to Achieve Target Apparent Equivalent Temperatures at Varying Relative Humidities
Target Age (days) Day Old 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 Temp oC 30.0 28.0 27.0 26.0 25.0 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 RH% range 60-70 60-70 60-70 60-70 60-70 60-70 60-70 60-70 60-70 60-70 40 36.0 33.7 32.5 31.3 30.2 29.0 27.7 26.9 25.7 24.8 Dry Bulb Temperature at RH% Ideal 50 33.2 31.2 29.9 28.6 27.8 26.8 25.5 24.7 23.5 22.7 60 30.8 28.9 27.7 26.7 25.7 24.8 23.6 22.7 21.7 20.7 70 29.2 27.3 26.0 25.0 24.0 23.0 21.9 21.3 20.2 19.3 80 27.0 26.0 24.0 23.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 19.0 18.0
Source: Dr Malcolm Mitchell (Scottish Agricultural College) Table 2 illustrates the relationship between RH and effective temperature. If RH is outside the target range, the temperature of the house at chick level should be adjusted in line with the figures given in Table 2. For example, if RH is lower than 60% the dry bulb temperature may need to be increased. At all stages, chick behaviour should be monitored to ensure that the chick is experiencing an adequate temperature (see Brooder Management). If subsequent behaviour indicates that the chicks are too cold or too hot, the temperature of the house should be adjusted accordingly. Key Points Achieve target seven-day live weight by managing the brooding environment correctly Use chick behaviour to determine if temperature is correct Use temperature to stimulate activity and appetite Maintain RH between 60-70% for the first three days and above 50% for the remainder of the brooding period Adjust temperature settings if RH increases above 70% or falls below 60%, whilst responding to changes in chick behaviour
Brooder Management
Two basic systems of temperature control are used for brooding broiler chicks: Spot brooding (canopy or radiant heaters). The heat source is local so chicks can move away to cooler areas and thus select for themselves a preferred temperature Whole-house brooding. The heat source is larger and more widely spread so chicks are less able to move to select a preferred temperature. Whole-house brooding refers to situations where the whole house or a defined part of the house is heated by forced air heaters only and the aim is to achieve one temperature in the house or air space In both spot and whole-house brooding systems, the objective is to stimulate both appetite and activity as early as possible. Achieving the optimum temperature is critical. Brooding temperatures, for RH 60-70%, are given in Table 3. Table 3: Brooding Temperatures
Whole-house Brooding Spot Brooding Temp oC Edge of Brooder (A) 2m from Edge of Brooder (B)
Age (days)
Temp oC
Day Old 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
30 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
32 30 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 20
29 27 25 25 25 24 24 23 22 20
Spot brooding The layout for a spot brooding set up is shown in Figure 4, which would be typical for 1,000 chicks on day one. Chicks are placed in a 5x5 metre square (25 m2), which gives an initial stocking density of 40 chicks per square metre. If stocking density is increased, the number of feeders and drinkers, and the heating capacity of the brooder, should also be increased accordingly. Figure 4: Typical Spot Brooding Layout (1,000 chicks)
Within the context of the set up in Figure 4, Figure 5 shows the areas of temperature gradients surrounding the spot brooder. These are marked A (Edge of Brooder) and B (2m from Edge of Brooder). Respective optimum temperatures are shown in Table 3. Figure 5: Spot Brooding - Areas of Temperature Gradients
Spot brooding behaviour Chick behaviour is the best indicator of correct brooder temperature. With spot brooding, correct temperature is indicated by chicks being evenly spread throughout the brooding area as shown in Figure 6. In the diagram, the brooder (area A, as shown in Figure 5) is shown as the orange centre circle. Figure 6: Bird Distribution Under Brooders
A picture of contented spot-brooded birds at the right temperature is shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Chicks in Correct Spot Brooding Conditions
Whole-house brooding In whole-house brooding, there is no temperature gradient within the house, although supplementary brooders might also be provided. The main whole-house heat source can be direct or indirect (using hot air). A layout for whole-house brooding is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8: Typical Layout of a Whole-house Brooding System
Within the context of the set up in Figure 8, optimum temperatures are as shown in the left-hand side of Table 3. Whole-house brooding behaviour Chick behaviour is the best indicator of correct temperature. Figure 9 shows the different distribution of chicks in whole-house brooding at different temperatures. With wholehouse brooding, correct temperature is indicated by chicks forming groups of 20-30, with movement occurring between groups. There should be continuous feeding and drinking within the flock. Figure 9: Typical Behaviour of Chicks in Whole-house Brooding at Different Temperatures
When whole-house brooding is practiced, particular attention must be paid to monitoring and controlling house temperature and humidity (see section on Interaction between Temperature and Humidity).
A picture of contented whole-house brooded birds is shown in Figure 10. Figure 10: Chicks in Correct Whole-house Brooder Conditions
Key Points Temperature is critical and should be maintained as recommended Temperatures should be checked manually at chick level Chick behaviour should be closely and frequently observed
Section two
To provide a defined feeding programme to supply a range of balanced diets which satisfy the nutrient requirements of broilers at all stages of their development and which optimise efficiency and profitability without compromising bird welfare or the environment. The drinking and feeding systems employed, together with the management of those systems, will impact upon feed and water intake, and thereby on bird performance and efficiency.
Principles Supply of Nutrients Feeding Programme Feed Form and Physical Feed Quality Whole-wheat Feeding Feed and Heat Stress Environment Litter Quality Water Quality Drinking Systems Feeding Systems
25 25 26 28 28 29 29 30 30 32 37
Supply of Nutrients
Energy Broilers require energy for growth of tissue, maintenance and activity. Carbohydrate sources, such as corn and wheat, and various fats or oils are the major source of energy in poultry feeds. Energy levels in diets are expressed in Megajoules (MJ/kg) or kilocalories (kcal/kg) of Metabolisable Energy (ME), as this represents the energy available to the broiler. Protein Feed proteins, such as those in cereals and soybean meal, are complex compounds which are broken down by digestion into amino acids. These amino acids are absorbed and assembled into body proteins which are used in the construction of body tissue, e.g. muscles, nerves, skin and feathers. Dietary crude protein levels do not indicate the quality of the proteins in feed ingredients. Diet protein quality is based on the level, balance and digestibility of essential amino acids in the final mixed feed. The L.I.R. broiler is particularly responsive to dietary digestible amino acid levels and will respond well, in terms of growth, feed efficiency and profitability, to diets properly balanced as recommended. Higher levels of digestible amino acids have been shown to improve profitability by increasing broiler performance and processing yield. This becomes particularly important when broilers are grown for portioning or de-boning. Macro minerals The provision of the correct levels of the major minerals in the appropriate balance is important for high-performing broilers. The macro minerals involved are calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and chloride. Calcium and phosphorus: Calcium in the diet of broilers influences growth, feed efficiency, bone development, leg health, nerve function and the immune system. It is vital that calcium is supplied in adequate quantities and on a consistent basis. Phosphorus, like calcium, is required in the correct form and quantity to optimise skeletal structure and growth.
Sodium, potassium and chloride: These minerals are needed for general metabolic functions. Shortages can affect feed intake, growth and blood pH. Excess levels of these minerals result in increased water intake and subsequent poor litter quality. Trace minerals and vitamins Trace minerals and vitamins are needed for all metabolic functions. Appropriate vitamin and trace mineral supplementation depends on the feed ingredients used, the feed manufacture and on local circumstances. Due to differences in vitamin levels of various cereals, the level of supplementation of some vitamins must be modified. Accordingly, separate recommendations are usually proposed for some vitamins, depending on the cereals (e.g. wheat versus maize) upon which the diets are based. Enzymes Enzymes are now being routinely used in poultry feeds to improve digestibility of feed ingredients. In general, feed enzymes are available that act on carbohydrates, proteins and plant-bound minerals. Key Points Use recommended digestible amino acid levels for optimum broiler performance Ensure high-quality protein sources are used Provide the correct levels of the major minerals in the appropriate balance Vitamin and mineral supplementation depends on feed ingredients used, feed manufacturing practices and local circumstances
Feeding Programme
Starter feeds The objective of the brooding period (0-10 days of age) is to establish good appetite and maximum early growth in order to meet the Indian River seven-day body-weight objective. It is recommended that Broiler Starter feed be fed for ten days. The Starter represents a small proportion of the total feed cost and decisions on Starter formulation should be based primarily on performance and profitability rather than purely on diet cost. The benefit of maximising nutrient intake on early broiler growth and subsequent performance is well established. Feeding broilers the recommended nutrient density will ensure optimal growth is established during this critical period of life. Grower feeds Broiler Grower feed is generally fed for 14-16 days following the Starter. Starter to Grower transition will involve a change of texture from crumbs/mini-pellets to pellets. Depending on the pellet size produced, it may be necessary to feed the first delivery of Grower as crumbs or mini-pellets.
During this time broiler growth continues to be dynamic. It therefore needs to be supported by adequate nutrient intake. For optimum feed intake, growth and FCR, provision of the correct diet nutrient density (especially energy and amino acids), is critical. Finisher feeds Broiler Finisher feeds account for the major volume and cost of feeding a broiler. It is therefore important that feeds are designed to maximise financial return for the type of products being produced. Finisher feeds should be given from 25 days until processing. Birds slaughtered later than 42/43 days may need a second Finisher feed specification from 42 days onwards. The use of either one or more broiler Finisher feeds will depend on: Desired slaughter weight Length of the production period Design of the feeding programme Withdrawal periods for drugs will dictate the use of a special Withdrawal Finisher feed. A Withdrawal feed should be fed for sufficient time prior to slaughter to eliminate the risk of pharmaceutical product residues in the meat. Statutory withdrawal periods for prescribed medicines that are specified in product data sheets must be followed. It is not recommended that extreme dietary nutrient reductions be made during the withdrawal period. Key Points It is recommended to feed the Starter diet for 10 days. Decisions on Starter feed formulation should be based on performance and profitability The Grower feed must ensure that nutrient intake supports the dynamic growth during this period Broiler Finisher feeds should be formulated to maximise financial return and be adjusted for bird age, but extreme nutrient withdrawal is not recommended
Good quality crumbled and pelleted feeds are preferred to mash feed; however, if feeding a mash feed, feed particles should be sufficently coarse and uniform in size. Mash feeds may benefit from the inclusion of some fat in the formulation to reduce dustiness and improve homogenicity of feed components. Key Points Poor physical feed quality will have a negative impact on broiler performance Use good quality crumbled or pelleted feeds for optimum performance When feeding mash, ensure a coarse uniform particle size is achieved. Minimise fine particle (<1 mm) levels to less than 10%
Whole-wheat Feeding
Feeding of compound feed with whole wheat may reduce feed costs per tonne. However, this must be offset against loss of eviscerated and breast meat yield. The level of inclusion of whole wheat must be precisely accounted for in formulating the compound or balancer feed. If an appropriate adjustment is not made, live bird performance will be compromised, as the diet will now have an inappropriate nutrient balance. Safe inclusion guides are given in Table 5. Table 5: Safe Inclusion of Whole Wheat in Broiler Rations
Ration Starter Grower Finisher Inclusion rate of wheat Zero gradual increase to 10%* gradual increase to 15%*
*Higher inclusions of wheat are possible if fed in combination with higher concentration compound or balancer feeds. Whole wheat must be removed from the feed two days before catching to avoid problems of contamination during evisceration at the processing plant. Key Point Dilution of diets with whole wheat may reduce performance if the compound feed is not properly adjusted
Nitrogen and ammonia emissions can be reduced by minimising excess crude protein levels in the feed. This is achieved through formulating diets to balanced recommended levels of digestible essential amino acids, rather than to minimum crude protein levels. Phosphorus excretion rates can be reduced by feeding closely to the birds requirement and utilising phytase enzymes. Key Points Formulating feeds to balanced levels of digestible essential amino acids will minimise nitrogen excretion Phosphorus excretion can be minimised by feeding closely to the birds requirement
Litter Quality
Litter quality directly affects the health of the bird. Lower moisture levels in the litter reduce the amount of ammonia in the atmosphere, which helps reduce respiratory stress. Foot Pad Dermatitis incidence is also reduced if the litter is of good quality. Provided suitable management, health and environmental practices are followed, the following nutritional strategies will help to maintain good litter quality: Avoid excessive levels of crude protein in diets Avoid high salt/sodium levels, as this will increase bird water intake and cause wet litter Avoid using poorly digestible or high-fibre feed ingredients in the diets Provide good-quality feed fats/oils in the diet, as this helps avoid enteric disorders which produce wet litter
Water Quality
Water is an essential ingredient for life. Any reductions in water intake or increased water loss can have a significant effect on the lifetime performance of the chick. More detailed information can be found in the Indian River Information Water Quality, February 2008. Water supplied to broilers should not contain excessive amounts of minerals. Water should not be contaminated with bacteria. Although water supplied as fit for human consumption will also be suitable for broilers, water from bore holes, open water reservoirs or poor quality public supplies can cause problems. The water supply should be tested to check the level of calcium salts (water hardness), salinity and nitrates. After house cleaning and prior to chick delivery, water should be sampled for bacterial contamination at the source, the storage tanks and the drinker points. Table 6 shows the maximum acceptable concentration of minerals and organic matter in the water supply.
Table 6: Maximum Acceptable Concentrations of Minerals and Organic Matter in the Water Supply
Acceptable Concentration (ppm or mg per litre) 0-1,000 0 250 50 70 6.5-8.5 trace 200-250 300 50-125 0.3 0.05 5 0.05 0.05 Higher levels will exacerbate influence of sulphates Maximum desirable level. Higher levels will increase wetness of droppings Acid water will corrode equipment and disrupt health interventions
Material Total dissolved solids (TDS) Faecal coliforms Chloride Sodium Calcium salts (hardness) pH Nitrates Sulphates Potassium Magnesium Iron Lead Zinc Manganese Copper
Comment Higher levels will cause wet droppings and reduce performance Higher levels indicate contaminated water If sodium is higher than 50, acceptable chloride concentrations are much lower (less than 20)
The levels presented in Table 6 are unlikely to be exceeded if water is taken from a mains supply. Water from wells or bore holes however, may have excessive nitrate levels and high bacterial counts. Where bacterial counts are high, the cause should be established and rectified. Bacterial contamination can often reduce biological production performances both on the farm and at the processing factory. Water that is clean at the point of entry to the broiler house can become contaminated by exposure to bacteria within the house environment (Figure 11). Chlorination of 3-5 ppm at drinker level will reduce the bacterial count, especially where drinker systems with open water surfaces are in use. Ultra Violet (UV) irradiation is also effective in controlling bacterial contamination. If the water contains high levels of iron or calcium salts and is hard, drinker valves and pipes may become blocked. Sediment will also block water pipes and, where this is a problem, it is advisable to filter the supply with a mesh of 40-50 microns.
Figure 11: Increase in Bacterial Count in Drinkers Where Water is Exposed to the Broiler House Atmosphere
40,000 35,000 Bacterial Count 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 0 0 after clean-out 0 0 0 day old 0 5 days old 15,000 10,000 40,000 Total Count S.aureus E.coli
Key Points Provide unrestricted access to fresh, good-quality clean water Test the water supply regularly for bacteriological and mineral contaminants and take any necessary corrective action
Drinking Systems
Water must be available to broilers 24 hours per day. Inadequate water supply, either in volume or in the number of drinking points, will result in reduced growth rate. To ensure that the flock is receiving sufficient water, the ratio of water to feed consumed each day should be monitored. Water consumption measurement can be used to monitor system failures (feed & water), to monitor health and to assess performance. At 21C, the birds are consuming sufficient water when the ratio of water volume (litres) to feed weight (kg) remains close to: 1.8:1 for bell drinkers 1.6:1 for nipple drinkers without cups 1.7:1 for nipple drinkers with cups Water requirement will vary with feed consumption. Birds will drink more water at higher ambient temperatures. Water requirement increases by approximately 6.5% per degree centigrade over 21C. In tropical areas prolonged high temperatures will double daily water consumption. Very cold or very warm water will reduce water intake. In hot weather, it is good practice to flush the drinker lines at regular intervals to ensure that the water is as cool as possible. Adequate water storage must be provided on the farm, in case of failure of the mains supply. Ideally, sufficient storage to provide 24 hours water at maximum consumption is required. The measurement of water consumption by metering is a vital daily management practice. Typical water consumption at 21C is given in Table 7.
A reduction of water consumption gives an advanced warning of potential health and production issues. Water meters must match flow rates with pressure. A minimum of one meter is required per house, but preferably more to allow within-house zoning. Table 7: Typical Water Consumption by Broilers at 21C in Litres per 1,000 Birds per Day (M=Males, F = Females, AH = As-Hatched (mixed males and females))
Age of birds (days) M 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 51 106 178 251 310 352 374 381 Nipple drinkers without cups F 48 96 158 226 282 323 349 358 A H 50 101 168 238 296 338 362 370 M 54 112 189 267 330 374 398 405 Nipple drinkers with cups F 51 102 168 240 299 343 371 381 A H 53 107 179 253 315 359 384 393 M 58 119 200 283 349 396 421 428
Bell drinkers F 54 108 178 254 317 364 392 403 A H 56 113 189 268 333 380 407 416
Nipple drinkers Nipple drinkers should be installed at 12 birds per nipple; additional supplementary drinkers should be supplied (six per 1,000 chicks) for the first 3-4 days. The actual number of birds per nipple will depend on flow rates, depletion age, climate and design. Water lines need to be managed daily during the flock to obtain optimum performance. A high drinker line water pressure can result in more water wastage and wet litter. A low drinker line water pressure can result in reduced water intake and a subsequent reduction in feed intake. Drinker line height should be started low at the beginning of the flock and increased as the birds get older. Drinker lines that are too high can restrict bird water consumption while water lines that are too low can result in wet litter. In the initial stages of brooding, the nipple lines should be placed at a height at which the bird is able to drink. The back of the chick should form an angle of 35-45 with the floor whilst drinking is in progress. As the bird grows, the nipples should be raised so that the back of the bird forms an angle of approximately 75-85 with the floor and so that the birds are stretching slightly for the water (Figure 12). Figure 12: Nipple Drinker Height Adjustment
Bell drinkers At day old, a minimum of six bell drinkers (40 cm diameter) should be provided per 1,000 chicks; additional sources of water in the form of six mini-drinkers or plastic trays per 1,000 chicks should also be available. As the broilers become older and the area of the house in use is expanded, a minimum of eight bell drinkers (40 cm diameter) must be provided per 1,000 chicks. These should be placed evenly throughout the house so that no broiler is more than two meters from water. As a guide, water level should be 0.6 cm below the top of the drinker until approximately 7-10 days. After 10 days there should be 0.6 cm of water in the base of the drinker. Additional mini-drinkers and trays used at day-old should be removed gradually so that by 3-4 days all chicks are drinking from the automatic drinkers. Minimum drinker requirements per 1,000 birds post-brooding are given in Table 8. Table 8: Minimum Drinker Requirements per 1,000 Birds Post-Brooding
Drinker type Bell drinkers Nipples Drinker requirements 8 drinkers (40 cm diameter) per 1,000 birds 83 nipples per 1,000 birds (12 birds per nipple, or for broilers >3kg 9-10 birds per nipple)
Drinkers should be checked for height on a daily basis and adjusted so that the base of each drinker is level with the broilers back from day 18 onwards (Figure 14). Figure 14: Height of Bell Drinker
Key Points Drinking water should be available to the birds 24 hours a day Provide supplementary drinkers for the first four days of a flocks life The feed to water ratio should be monitored daily to check that water intake is sufficient Make allowances for increased water consumption at high temperatures Flush drinker lines in hot weather to ensure that the water is as cool as possible Adjust drinker heights daily Provide adequate drinker space and ensure that drinkers are easily accessible to all birds
Feeding Systems
Feed should be provided in the form of sieved crumbs or mini-pellets for the first 10 days of life. Feed should be placed in flat trays or on paper sheeting so that it is readily accessible to the chicks. At least 25% of the floor should be covered with paper. The change to the main feeding system should be made gradually over the first 2-3 days as chicks begin to show interest in the main system. Where photoperiod duration and pattern are used to modify growth, particular attention should be paid to feeding space, to allow for the extra competition created. Actual diets provided to the birds will depend on live weight, depletion age, climate and type of house and equipment construction. Insufficient feeding space will reduce growth rates and cause poor uniformity. The number of birds per feeding system will ultimately depend on the live weight at slaughter and design of system. The main automated feeding systems available for broilers are: Pan feeders: 45-80 birds per pan (the lower ratio for bigger birds) Flat chain/auger: 2.5 cm per bird (40 birds per metre of track) Tube feeders: 38 cm diameter (70 birds per tube) All types of feeder should be adjusted to ensure minimum spillage and optimum access for the birds. The base of the trough or pans should be level with the birds backs (Figure 15). The height of pan and tube feeders may have to be adjusted individually. The height of chain feeders is adjustable by winch. Figure 15: Height of Feeders
Incorrect feeder adjustment can increase feed spillage. When this happens, estimates of feed conversion will become inaccurate and the spilled feed, when eaten, is likely to carry a higher risk of bacterial contamination. With all feeding systems it is good practice to allow the birds to clear the feeders, by consuming all the feed available in the tracks or pans, once daily. This will reduce feed wastage which results in improved efficiency of feed use.
Adjustment of feed depth is easier with chain feeder systems, as a single adjustment to the hopper only is required. Careful maintenance of chain feeders will minimise incidence of leg damage. Pan and tube feeder systems require adjustments to be made to each individual feeder. Pan and tube feeders (if filled automatically) have the advantage that all are filled simultaneously, making feed available to the birds immediately. When chain feeders are used however, feed distribution takes longer to accomplish and feed is not immediately available to all the birds. Uneven distribution of feed can result in lowered performance and increased scratching damage associated with competition at feeders. Key Points Supplement the main feeding system using paper and/or trays over the first three days Supply sufficient feeders for the number of birds in the house Increase feeder space per bird if photoperiod duration and pattern are modified to allow for increased competition at the feeder Adjust feeder height daily so that the birds backs are level with the base of the feeder
Section three
To maximise flock performance by minimising or preventing poultry diseases and infections of public health concern through good husbandry, biosecurity and welfare practices.
41 41 43 44 47
A robust biosecurity programme is critical to maintain flock health. Understanding and following agreed biosecurity practices must be part of everyones job. Regular education and staff training is essential to ensure this. Biosecurity will prevent flock exposure to disease-causing organisms. When developing a biosecurity programme, three components should be considered: Location: Farms should be located so that they are isolated from other poultry and livestock. Single-age sites are preferable so that recycling of pathogens and live vaccine strains is limited Farm design: A barrier (fence) is necessary to prevent unauthorised access. Housing should be designed to minimise traffic flow, to facilitate cleaning and disinfection, and constructed to be bird and rodent proof Operational procedures: Procedures must control the movement of people, feed, equipment and animals on the farm to prevent the introduction and spread of disease. Routine procedures may have to be modified in the event of a change in disease status
Figure 16 presents many of the potential routes of disease exposure. Figure 16: Elements of Disease Exposure Chicks Feed Housing Rodents Water Wild Birds Other Poultry, Livestock & Pets People Litter Insects Hatchery Equipment & Vehicles
Key Points Restrict visitors Establish visitation requirements for any visitor, which includes a risk assessment protocol for that individual, which must be completed prior to entry Stipulate farm entry protocols, including a change of clothing and footwear for staff and visitors Provide a change of footwear or disposable boots at the entrance to every house No equipment should be brought onto the farm unless it has been cleaned and disinfected All vehicles must be cleaned prior to farm entry Establish clear and implemented procedures for house cleaning and disinfection Establish clear and implemented procedures for litter management and disposal Reduce pathogen carryover by allowing adequate down-time for farm cleaning Establish clear and implemented procedures for feed hygiene, transport and delivery Establish clear and implemented procedures for water management and sanitation Establish an integrated pest control programme Establish procedures for dead bird disposal
Table 9 lays out some essential factors for successful vaccination of broilers. Table 9: Factors for a Successful Vaccination Programme
Vaccination programme(s) design Programmes must be based on veterinary advice tailored to specific local and regional challenges based on health surveys and laboratory analysis Single or combined vaccines must be carefully selected according to age and health status of flocks Vaccine administration Follow manufacturer recommendations for product handling and method of administration Properly train vaccine administrators to handle and administer vaccines Vaccine effectiveness Seek veterinary advice prior to vaccinating sick or stressed birds
Periodic and efficient house cleaning followed by placement of new litter material reduces the concentration of pathogens in the environment Adequate down-time between flocks helps to reduce the buildup of normal house pathogens that can affect flock performance when re-using litter Regular audits of vaccine handling, administration techniques and post-vaccinal responses are critical to control challenges and improve performance
Vaccination must result in the development of consistent levels of immunity while minimising potential adverse effects Breeder programmes should provide adequate and uniform levels of maternal antibodies to protect chicks against several viral diseases during the first weeks of life
When live vaccines are given in chlorinated water, use a vaccine stabiliser (such as non-fat powdered or liquid milk) added to the water prior to the vaccine to neutralise the chlorine. Chlorine can reduce vaccine titre or cause inactivation
Maternal antibodies may interfere with the chicks response to some vaccine strains. Levels of maternal antibodies in broilers will decline as the breeder source flock ages
Ventilation and management should be optimised postvaccination, especially during times of vaccine-induced reaction
Key Points Vaccination alone cannot protect flocks against overwhelming disease challenges and poor management practices Vaccination programmes for broilers should be developed in consultation with trained poultry veterinarians Vaccination is more effective when disease challenges are minimised through well-designed and implemented biosecurity and management programmes Vaccination programmes must be based on local disease challenges and vaccine availability Every bird must receive the intended dose of vaccine Breeder flock vaccination programmes must be factored into the design of an appropriate vaccination programme for broiler progeny
Disease Investigation
Disease investigation requires knowledge of what to expect at what age and how to detect what is abnormal for the flock. When health problems are seen or suspected in broiler flocks, veterinary advice should be sought at the earliest possible opportunity. When investigating the cause of disease, care must be taken in associating a bacterium or virus isolated from the infected flock as the cause of the disease. Ill health arises from a wide variety of causes and interactions. Many non-pathogenic bacteria or viruses may also be isolated from healthy broilers. Continuous improvement of broiler health within a broiler operation requires good record keeping and sample collection throughout the lives of the flocks and across the whole production process. It is helpful to keep up-to-date with local and regional health concerns in order to prepare for the unexpected. A systematic approach is helpful when troubleshooting health issues on the farm. These are the things to look at: Feed: availability, consumption, distribution, palatability, nutritional content, contaminants and toxins and withdrawal Light: adequate for efficient growth and development, uniform exposure and intensity Litter: moisture level, ammonia level, pathogen load, toxins and contaminants, depth, material used, distribution Air: speed, contaminants and toxins, humidity, temperature, availability, barriers Water: source, contaminants and toxins, additives, availability, pathogen load, consumption Space: bird density, feed availability, water availability, limiting obstacles, limiting equipment Sanitation: hygiene of premises (inside and outside of house), pest control, maintenance, cleaning and disinfection practices Security: biosecurity risks
Tables 10 and 11 highlight examples of mortality parameters possibly related to bird quality and bird health. The tables also suggest potential investigative actions using the systematic approach for troubleshooting health issues outlined on the previous page. Table 10: Troubleshooting Common Issues in the 0-7 Day Brooding Phase
Observe Poor chick quality Increased dead on arrivals (D.O.A.) Sluggish chick behaviour General chick appearance Unhealed navels Red hocks/beaks Dark wrinkled legs Discoloured or malodorous yolks or navels Investigate Feed, Sanitation, Air and Water Source flock health and hygiene status Egg handling, storage and transport Hatchery sanitation, incubation and management Chick processing, handling and transport Inadequate diet of source flock Health and hygiene status of source flock, hatchery and equipment Incorrect parameters for egg storage, relative humidity, temperatures and equipment management Inadequate moisture loss during incubation Dehydration caused by excessive spread of hatch time or late removal of chicks from the hatchers Likely causes
Feed, Light, Air, Water and Space Crop fill at 24 hours post chick placement Availability and accessibility to feed and water Bird comfort and welfare Less than 95% of chicks with adequate crop fill by 24 hours post placement Weak chicks Inadequate feeders and drinkers Inadequate feed and water levels Equipment location and maintenance issues Inappropriate brooding temperature and environment
Feed, Light, Litter, Air, Water, Space, Sanitation and Security Flock source Hydration status of chicks Brooding conditions Feed quality and accessibility Down-time between flocks Disease challenge Flock source variation Dehydration of the chicks Poor quality feed Poor quality brooding conditions Short down-times between flocks Inadequate cleaning and disinfection Disease Poor biosecurity and hygiene practices
Flock records and data Health status of flock History of flock during the grow-out period (such as feed, water or power outages) Potential equipment hazards on the farm Bird handling by the catchers, handlers and hauliers Experience and training level of individuals handling and hauling birds Conditions during catching and hauling (such as weather and equipment)
Health issues during grow-out Management of relevant historical events affecting bird health and welfare Improper bird handling and hauling by crews Harsh conditions (weather or equipment related) during handling, catching or transport to the processing plant
Key Points Know what to expect and be alert to deviations from the expected Observe.Investigate.Identify.Act Use a systematic approach
Disease Recognition
The recognition of health problems involves several steps. In diagnosing a disease problem, and planning and implementing a control strategy, it is important to remember that the more thorough the investigation, the more thorough the diagnosis and the more effective the controlling actions. Early disease recognition is critical. Table 12 highlights some of the ways in which signs of disease can be recognised. Table 12: Recognising Signs of Disease
Observations by Farm Personnel Daily assessment of bird behaviour Bird appearance (such as feathering, size, uniformity, colouring) Farm and Laboratory Monitoring Regular farm visitation Routine post-mortem examinations of normal and diseased birds Data and Trend Analysis Daily and weekly mortality Water and feed consumption
Environmental changes (such Proper sample collection size and type as litter quality, heat or cold Proper choice of subsequent stress, ventilation issues) analysis and actions following postmortem examination Clinical signs of illness (such as respiratory noise or distress, depression, faecal droppings, vocalisation) Flock uniformity Routine microbiological testing of farms, feed, litter, birds and other appropriate material
Temperature trends
D.O.A. after placement on the farm, or after arrival at the processing plant
Condemnation at slaughter
Section four
To provide an environment that permits the bird to achieve optimum performance in growth rate, uniformity, feed efficiency and yield, while ensuring that the health and welfare of the bird are not compromised.
Principles Housing and Ventilation Systems Minimum Ventilation Systems Transitional Ventilation Systems Tunnel Ventilation Systems Evaporative Cooling Systems Lighting for Broilers Litter Management Stocking Density
51 54 56 57 58 59 61 64 66
For more detailed environmental control information, please refer to the Indian River publication Environmental Management in the Broiler House, 2009
Water Birds produce a substantial volume of water, which passes into the environment and must be removed by ventilation (whilst maintaining required air temperatures). A 2.5 kg bird will consume some 7.5 kg of water in its lifetime and emit into the house atmosphere some 5.7 kg of water. This indicates that for 10,000 birds some 57 tons of water is lost into the environment as expired moisture into the air or excreted in droppings. This water load must be removed by the house ventilation system during the life of the flock. If water consumption is elevated for any reason, the requirement for moisture removal will be even greater than this. Heat stress The normal body temperature of a broiler chicken is approximately 41C. When the environmental temperature exceeds 35C, the broiler is likely to experience heat stress. The longer the broiler is exposed to high temperatures, the greater the stress and its effects. Figure 17 refers to the relationship between environmental temperature and exposure. Figure 17: Relationship between Environmental Temperature, Exposure Time and Body Temperature
45.0 44.4 43.9 43.3 42.8 42.2 41.7 41.1 0 1 2 3 Hours Exposure 4 43.3 40.6
Broilers regulate their body temperature by two methods; sensible and insensible heat loss. Between 13-25C, sensible heat loss occurs as physical radiation and convection to the cooler environment. When the temperature rises above 30C insensible heat loss occurs through evaporative cooling and panting and increased respiration rate. The relationship between the two types of heat loss and environmental temperature is illustrated in Table 14.
Body Temperature (
25oC 30 C
o o
35 C
Panting allows the bird to control its body temperature by evaporation of water from the respiratory surfaces and air sacs. This process uses energy. In conditions of high humidity panting is less effective. Where high temperatures are maintained for long periods, or humidity is high, panting may be insufficient to control body temperature and the bird may then experience heat stress. As the bird passes into a condition of heat stress, vent temperature increases, heart rate and metabolic rate increase and oxygenation of the blood decreases. The physiological stress induced by these reactions can be fatal. If the birds are observed to be panting then general house temperature may be too high, or local house temperature may be elevated due to a problem with uniformity of the air distribution. To reduce heat stress: Reduce stocking density Ensure cool, fresh, low-salt drinking water is available at all times Feed during the coolest part of the day Increase airflow over the bird to 2-3 m/sec Minimise the effects of radiant heat from the sun Reduce effects of excessive temperatures by placing sexes separately at lower stocking densities
Curtain ventilation requires continuous 24-hour management if house environment is to be satisfactorily controlled. The constant monitoring of conditions and adjustment of curtains is required to compensate for changes in temperature, humidity, wind velocity and wind direction. Open-sided, naturally-ventilated housing is now less popular on account of its high management demand and controlled environment housing is seen as delivering better liveability, growth rate, feed conversion efficiency and bird comfort. When open, house curtains allow a large volume of outside air through the house, equalising inside and outside conditions. Curtain ventilation is ideal only when outside temperature is close to the target house temperature. The air exchange rate depends on outside winds, and fan assistance improves the efficacy of air circulation. On warm to hot days with little wind, fans provide a wind chill cooling effect. Foggers or misters should be used with circulation fans to add a second level of cooling. In cold weather, when curtain openings are small, heavy outside air enters at low speed and drops immediately to the floor, which can chill the birds and create wet litter.
At the same time, warmer air escapes from the house, which results in large temperature swings. In cold weather, circulation fans help to mix incoming cold air with in-house warm air. In cool climates, automatic curtain operation is recommended, with sidewall fans also operated by timers with thermostat overrides. Power ventilation systems: controlled environment housing Power or negative pressure ventilation is the most popular ventilation method used to control house environment. Better control over air exchange rates and airflow patterns provides more uniform conditions throughout the house. Power ventilated systems use electric exhaust fans to draw air out of the house and so create a lower pressure within the house than that outside the house (Figure 19). This creates a partial vacuum (negative or static pressure) inside the house so that outside air can pass in through controlled openings in the sidewalls. The speed at which air enters a house is determined by the amount of vacuum within the house. This, in turn, is a function of fan capacity and air inlet area. Figure 19: An Example of Power Ventilation
The key to achieving correct negative (or static) pressure is the matching of the amount of sidewall openings to the number of exhaust fans in operation. Mechanical controls will automatically adjust inlet openings to the number of fans running. The amount of negative pressure generated can be monitored by a hand-held or wall-mounted static pressure gauge. As broilers grow, ventilation rates must be increased. Additional automatically-controlled fans should be set to begin operating as needed. This is achieved by equipping the house with temperature sensors or thermostats placed in the centre of the house or (preferably) at multiple points at bird level. Negative pressure ventilation can be operated in three different modes according to the ventilation needs of the birds: Minimum ventilation Transitional ventilation Tunnel ventilation With any powered system, a standby emergency generator is required.
The key to successful minimum ventilation is creating a partial vacuum (negative pressure) so air comes through all inlets at sufficient speed. This will ensure that incoming air is mixed with warm in-house air above the birds rather than dropping directly onto the birds and chilling them. The speed of incoming air should be the same through all inlets to ensure uniform airflow. This type of ventilation is preferably timer-driven, calculated as shown overleaf. As birds grow or as outside air temperatures increase, the timer should be overridden to provide adequate ventilation according to bird needs. The override should be operated by thermostats set to operate for each 1C rise in temperature.
Calculation for minimum ventilation fan timer settings To determine the interval fan timer settings for achieving minimum ventilation the following steps are employed (all these steps are laid out with example calculations in Appendix 7): Obtain the appropriate minimum ventilation rate as recommended in Appendix 7. The exact rates will vary with breed, sex and for each individual poultry house. Check with the company of manufacture and local Aviagen Technical Services Representative for more specific information. The rates given in Appendix 7 are for temperatures between -1 and 16C; for lower temperatures a slightly lower rate may be required and for higher temperatures a slightly higher rate. Calculate the total ventilation rate required for the house (total cubic metres per hour (cmh)) as: Total minimum ventilation = minimum ventilation x the number of birds rate per bird in the house Calculate the percentage time for running the fans as: Percentage of time = total ventilation needed total capacity of the fans used
Multiply the percentage of time needed by the total fan timer cycle to give the time that the fans require to be on in each cycle Key Points Minimum ventilation is used for young chicks, night time or winter ventilation It is essential to provide some ventilation to the house no matter what the outside temperature to provide fresh air and remove waste gases and excess moisture Minimum ventilation should be timer-driven
If outside temperature is more than 6C above the target house temperature, then the fans used for transitional ventilation will not provide adequate cooling and tunnel ventilation will need to be employed. If outside temperature is more than 6C below the target house temperature, then the fans used for transitional ventilation will risk chilling the birds. Key Points Transitional ventilation is temperature-driven based on the outside temperature and the age of the birds Transitional ventilation is used when a higher than minimum air exchange is required In general, transitional ventilation may be used when outside temperature is not greater than +/- 6C of target house temperature
Fogging/Misting Fogging systems cool incoming air by evaporation of water created by pumping water through fogger nozzles. Fogging lines must be placed near the air inlets to maximise the speed of evaporation and additional lines should be added throughout the house. Figure 21: Example Fogging System
There are three types of fogging system: Low pressure, 7-14 bar, droplet size up to 30 microns High pressure, 28-41 bar, droplet size 10-15 microns Ultra high pressure (misting), 48-69 bar, droplet size 5 microns With low pressure systems larger particle sizes can cause wet litter if house humidity is high. High pressure systems minimise residual moisture giving an extended humidity range. Fine droplet size will help avoid wet litter, which is especially important during the brooding period. Key Points Keep fans, foggers, evaporators and inlets clean Evaporative cooling is used to enhance tunnel ventilation in hot weather There are two types of system; pad cooling and fogging/misting Pad cooling draws air through wetted cellulose pads and allows control of the environment when house temperatures are above 29C Fogging systems cool incoming air by evaporation of water pumped through foggers. High pressure systems minimise residual moisture
Photoperiod length and distribution have interactive effects. The lighting programme used by many broiler growers has been to provide what is essentially continuous lighting. This system consists of a long continuous light period, followed by a short dark period of 30-60 minutes. This short period of dark is to allow birds to become accustomed to darkness should a power failure occur. Continuous lighting has, in the past, been assumed to help maximise daily live-weight gain; but this assumption is not correct. Exposure to darkness influences bird productivity, health, hormonal profiles, metabolic rate, heat production, metabolism, physiology and behaviour. Recent information indicates that darkness exposure: Reduces early growth (however there may be later compensatory growth that can enable birds to catch up to equal target market weights; but only if the duration of darkness is not excessive. For broilers processed at low body weights (e.g. <1.6 kg) compensatory growth may not be achieved due to insufficient grow-out time) Improves feed efficiency due to reduced metabolism during darkness and/or a change in the growth curve (i.e. a more concave growth curve) Improves bird health by reducing sudden death syndrome (SDS), ascites and skeletal disorders Affects carcase yield with: A decrease in the proportion of breast meat An increase in the proportion of leg portions An unpredictable change (more, or less, or none) in abdominal fat All lighting programmes should provide for a long day length such as 23 hours light and one hour dark in the early stages of growth to seven days of age. This is in order to ensure chicks have good feed intake. Reducing day length too soon will reduce feeding activity and depress seven-day body weight. When comparing various wavelengths of monochromatic light at the same light intensity, broiler growth rate appears to be better when exposed to wavelengths of 415560 nm (violet to green) than in those exposed to >635 nm (red) or broad spectrum (white) light.
A light intensity of 3040 lux from 0-7 days of age and 5-10 lux thereafter will improve feeding activity and growth. The intensity of light should be uniformly distributed throughout the house (reflectors placed on top of lights can improve the distribution of light). Within the European Union, lighting requirements are based on Council Directive 2007/43/ EC. These stipulate that a light intensity of at least 20 lux during the lighting period must be provided at all ages. To attain a state of darkness, a light intensity of less than 0.4 lux should be achieved during the dark period. During darkness exposure, care should be taken to avoid light through air inlets, fan housings and door frames. Regular tests should be conducted to check the effectiveness of light proofing. All birds should have equal, free and ad libitum access to nutritionally adequate feed and water as soon as the lights are switched on (see Section 2, Provision of Feed and Water). Broilers will adapt their feeding behaviour in response to reduced day length. For example, a change in day length from 24 to 12 hours of light will initially cause chicks to reduce feed intake by 30-40% during the first three days. However, as soon as eight days later, the reduction in feed intake can be less than 10%. Broilers change their pattern of feeding in the light period by filling their crops in anticipation of the dark period. When the lights come back on they will do the same again. Birds sent for slaughter at younger ages have less time to adapt their eating and drinking behaviours in response to darkness exposure than do those slaughtered at correspondingly older ages. Thus the effects of darkness exposure on live performance are more pronounced in broilers slaughtered at younger ages. Table 16 provides lighting programme guidance based on slaughter weight target. Table 16: Basic Light Intensity and Photoperiod Recommendations to Optimise Live Performance
Live weight at slaughter Less than 2.5 kg Age (days) 0-7 8-3 days before slaughter* More than 2.5 kg 0-7 8-3 days before slaughter* Intensity (lux) 30-40 5-10 30-40 5-10 Day length (hours) 23 light 1 dark 20 light 4 dark** 23 light 1 dark 18 light 6 dark
*For at least the last three days before slaughter, 23 hours light: one hour darkness should be provided. **The EU Broiler Welfare Directive requires a total of six hours darkness, with at least one uninterrupted period of darkness at least four hours.
Aviagen does not recommend continuous lighting for the life of the broiler flock. A minimum four hours of darkness should be provided after seven days of age. Failure to provide at least four hours of darkness will result in: Abnormal feeding and drinking behaviours due to sleep deprivation Sub-optimal biological performance Reduced bird welfare In hot weather conditions, and where environmental control capability is not available, the period without artificial light should be timed to maximise bird comfort. For example, when birds are reared in open-sided housing with no environmental control capability, feed is often removed for a time period during the heat of the day and continuous lighting is provided at night to allow birds to feed during this cooler period. Broilers benefit from a defined pattern of light and dark (day and night) by having distinct time periods for rest and for activity. A number of important physiological processes, such as bone mineralisation and digestion, normally exhibit diurnal rhythms. Therefore, defined cycles of light and dark allow broilers to experience natural patterns of growth and development. Subsequent to feeding, normal gut passage time in the broiler is approximately four hours. Thus, exposure to darkness for more than six consecutive hours may encourage overlyaggressive feeding behaviour when the lights come back on. This may result in an increase in skin scratches, an increase in condemnations and a reduction in carcase grade at the meat processing plant. Additionally, darkness exposure beyond four hours will: Reduce breast meat yield Increase leg meat yield This phenomenon is important to farmers who produce broilers for de-boning. Photoperiod distribution can also be modified and this is referred to as an intermittent programme. An intermittent programme consists of blocks of time containing both light and dark periods, which are repeated throughout the 24 hours. The benefits of such a programme are that in giving broilers discrete meals (i.e. short feeding periods) followed by periods for digestion (i.e. dark periods), the efficiency of feed utilisation (i.e. FCR) is improved. The extra activity caused by the regular pattern of light and dark is thought to be beneficial in improving leg health and carcase quality e.g. lower incidence of hockburn and breast blisters. If intermittent lighting programmes are used, the protocol should be designed as simply as possible to allow for practical implementation. The extent of the effect of the lighting programme upon broiler production is influenced by: The time of programme application (early application being most effective in benefiting bird health) Age at marketing (older birds being likely to benefit more from darkness exposure) Environment (the effects of increased stocking density will be exacerbated by longer darkness exposure) Nutrition (the effects of limited feeder space will be made worse by longer darkness exposure) Rate of bird growth (the impact of lighting on health will be greater in rapidly growing birds than in birds fed nutritionally limiting diets)
Several types of light source can be used for broilers and the most common types are incandescent and fluorescent. Incandescent lights provide a good spectral range, but are not energy efficient. However, incandescent lights with higher lumen output per watt will help reduce operating costs. Fluorescent lights produce three to five times the amount of light per watt compared to incandescent lights. However, fluorescent lights lose intensity over time and must be replaced before actually failing. Fluorescent lighting provides significant savings in electricity costs after the additional installation costs have been recovered. There are no differences between these light sources as far as broiler performance is concerned. Bulbs and reflectors must be cleaned regularly for maximum effectiveness. Key Points Keep it simple Continuous, or near continuous, lighting is not optimal Up to seven days of age chicks should have 23 hrs light (3040 lux) and one hour dark After seven days of age a period of darkness of four hours or more (but never more than six hours) is likely to be beneficial The hours of darkness chosen will depend upon circumstances and market requirement Many aspects of production management interact with the lighting programme and modify the effects of lighting pattern on bird performance
Litter Management
Local economics and raw material availability will dictate the choice of litter material used. Litter should provide: Good moisture absorption Biodegradability Bird comfort Low dust level Freedom from contaminants Consistent availability from a biosecure source
Soft wood shaving material should be evenly distributed to a depth of 8-10 cm. Where floor temperatures are correct (28-30C) the litter depth can be reduced when litter disposal is an issue. Concrete floors are preferable to earth floors since they are washable and allow more effective litter management. The characteristics of some common litter materials are given in Table 17.
Chopped straw
Peat moss
It is important that the litter is kept loose and dry throughout the life of the flock. If the litter becomes caked or too wet, the incidence of carcase downgrades can increase substantially. The main causes of poor litter quality are given in Figure 22. Figure 22: Reasons for Poor Quality Litter
Poor quality litter material or insufficient depth High humidity Enteritis due to disease Poor quality fats
Key Points Protect broilers from damage and provide a dry warm covering to the floor by using adequate quantities of a good quality litter material Avoid nutritional causes of wet litter Ensure adequate ventilation and avoid excess moisture Choose a litter material that is absorbent, non-dusty and clean Litter should be readily available at a low cost from a reliable source Use fresh litter for each crop to prevent re-infection by pathogens Litter storage facilities should be protected from the weather and secure from access by vermin and wild birds
Stocking Density
Stocking density is ultimately a decision based on economics and local welfare legislation. Stocking density influences bird welfare, broiler performance, uniformity and product quality. Overstocking increases the environmental pressures on the broiler, compromises bird welfare and will ultimately reduce profitability. Quality of housing and the environmental control system determine the best stocking density. If stocking density is increased, ventilation, feeding space and drinker availability must be adjusted. The floor area needed for each broiler will depend on: Target live weight and age at slaughter Climate and season Type and system of housing and equipment, particularly ventilation Local legislation Quality assurance certification requirements
In certain regions of the world the legislation of stocking density is based simply on kg/m. An example of this would be based on European Union recommendations. Within the European Union stocking densities are based on the EU Broiler Welfare Directive: 33 kg/m or 39 kg/m if stricter welfare standards are met or 42 kg/m if exceptionally high welfare standards are met over a prolonged period Welfare standards refer to adequate provision of feed and water, sustainable good indoor climatic conditions and minimal incidence of Foot Pad Dermatitis. An alternative best practice recommendation, based on bird husbandry, takes account of bird number and bird mass in the floor area. An example of this would be based on USA recommendations. This recommendation is shown in Table 18.
Table 18: Guide to Stocking Densities According to Bird Numbers and Live Weight (USA Recommendations)
Bird live weight (kg) 1.36 1.82 2.27 2.73 3.18 3.63 Birds per square metre 21.5 15.4 12.7 12.0 10.8 9.4 Bird weight (kg) per square metre 29.2 28.0 28.8 32.7 34.3 34.1
Stocking density in hot climates In hot conditions, the stocking density used will depend on ambient temperature and humidity. Appropriate changes should be made in accordance with house type and equipment capabilities. Example stocking densities used in hot conditions are as follows: In houses with controlled environment: a maximum of 30 kg per square metre at slaughter In open-sided houses, with poor environmental control: a maximum of 20-25 kg per square metre at slaughter at the hottest times of the year a maximum of 16-18 kg per square metre In open-sided houses, with no environmental control: it is not recommended to grow birds to live weights above 3 kg Key Points Adjust stocking density to allow for age and weight at which the flock is to be slaughtered Match stocking density to climate and housing system Reduce stocking density if target house temperatures cannot be achieved due to hot climate or season Adjust ventilation and feeder and drinker space if stocking density is increased Follow local legislation and requirements of quality assurance standards set by product purchasers
Section five
To assess live flock performance against targets and to ensure that defined end product specifications are as closely met as possible.
71 71 72 74
*As measured by coefficient of variation (CV%; i.e. standard deviation/average body weight*100); the higher the number the more variable the flock body weight is. **Estimate of live weight will be within +/- 2% of actual live weight and will be correct 95% of the time.
Birds can be weighed using manual or automatic weighing scales. Unexpected changes in live weight may be indicative of scale error or malfunction. Scales should be regularly checked for accuracy and repeatability. When using manual scales the birds should be weighed at least three times per week. On each occasion, equal sized samples of birds should be taken from at least two locations in each house.
Automatic weighing systems should be located where large numbers of birds congregate and where individual birds will remain long enough for weights to be recorded. Older and heavier males tend to use auto-weighers less frequently, which biases the flock mean downwards. Readings from any auto-weigher should be regularly checked for usage rate (number of completed weights per day) and the mean live weights achieved should be cross-checked by manual weighing at least once per week. Inaccurate live weight estimation will result from small sample sizes. Key Points Bird numbers weighed must be sufficiently large Birds weighed must be representative of the whole flock The scales used must be accurate Birds should be weighed frequently and accurately to ensure effective prediction of live weight at slaughter
Figure 24 shows weight distributions at different levels of uniformity (CV%) for three singlesexed flocks, all achieving a target live weight of 1900 g. It can be seen that the weight distributions within each flock are quite different. The lower the CV%, and therefore the less variable the flock, the more birds achieve the target.
Figure 24: Effect of CV% on Live Weight Bands in a Flock of Sexed Broilers
14 12 % of Flock in Live Weight Band 10 8 6 4 2 0 1300
CV%= 8 CV%=10 CV%=12
Flock Details: - Sexed Flock (males or females) - Mean live weight 1900 g
The proportion of birds achieving the target relates to the width of the band allowed for the target and the variability of the flock. Thus, if a live weight band of 1800-2000 g is required, even at a CV% of 8, only 58% of the birds achieve required live weight (see Figure 25). An understanding of these principles of biological variability forms the basis of effective planning in processing plants. Figure 25: Effect of CV% on Proportion of Birds in Target Live Weight Band
100 % of Flock in Live Weight Band 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1800-2000 g 1700-2100 g Target Live Weight Band 1600-2200 g
58 49 41 97 91 84 76 67
Key Points Birds in more uniform flocks will be more likely to meet the required target live weight Variability in performance increases the flock CV%, which influences both flock profitability and processing plant efficiency Minimise flock variability by monitoring and managing flock uniformity Uniform flocks (low CV%) are more predictable in performance than uneven flocks
Separate-sex Growing
The number of birds which achieve live weight at, or close to, the flock mean can be predicted from the CV% of that flock. It follows that improvements in uniformity can be attained by growing flocks in single-sex populations from placement. Flocks can be sexed through the technique of feather sexing, which is described in Appendix 4. The advantages of separate-sex growing can be best exploited when males and females are housed separately. Both sexes can be managed more efficiently with regard to feeding, lighting and stocking density. Males grow faster, are more feed efficient and have less carcase fat than females. A different feeding programme can be employed for the different sexes. The most practical method is to use the same feeds for both sexes, but to introduce the Finisher feed earlier for females (i.e. before 25 days of age). It is recommended that the amount or duration of Starter feed be kept the same to ensure proper early development. For more information on seperate-sex feeding please consult your local Aviagen Nutrition Services Representative. Males may benefit from a modified lighting programme if being killed at heavier weights compared to females. So where sexed flocks are placed in a divided single house, with a common environment and feed supply, careful thought will be needed to optimise the growth management for each sex without limiting the other. Key Points Minimise flock variability by monitoring and managing flock uniformity Grow sexes separately to reduce variability
Section six
To manage the final phase of the production process so that broilers are transferred to the processor in optimum condition, ensuring that the processing requirements are met and high standards of welfare are maintained.
77 77 78 81
The presence of watery droppings from broilers awaiting processing is an indication of the birds being without feed for an excessive time. Other indicators include watery yellow fluid in the small intestine and litter in the crop and gizzard. Whole wheat, if included in the diet, should be removed two days before slaughter, to avoid the presence of whole grain in the gut. Water Unlimited access to water should be provided for as long as possible and water should be removed only when absolutely necessary. Access to water will be prolonged by: Use of multiple drinker lines Separation of birds into pens Progressive removal of individual drinkers Key Points Use a Withdrawal feed (i.e. without coccidiostat) to avoid residues in meat Allow three days on full light (23 hours light and one hour dark) to avoid problems during catching Appropriate feed removal from the birds will ensure that the digestive systems are empty before processing commences, limiting faecal contamination during transport Remove whole wheat from the ration two days before slaughter Delay the removal of drinkers for as long as possible
Catching and handling will cause stress to broilers. Most causes of downgrading observed at slaughter will have occurred during the period when the birds were being caught and handled. Catching should be planned carefully in advance and supervised closely at all stages. The handling of birds and operation of machinery, such as harvesters and forklifts, must be carried out by appropriately trained, competent personnel. Bird activity should be minimised to avoid bruising, scratching and other injuries. Mortality during the catching and transport process should not be more than 0.1%. Pre-catch Calculate the time it will take to catch and to transport, and start the catch according to when the birds are scheduled to be slaughtered. Calculate the number of crates and trailers needed to transport the birds before the process commences. Ensure all equipment used (including vehicles, crates, fencing and nets) is clean, disinfected and in good condition. Broken or damaged crates may injure birds. Repair, compact and level the ground at the entrance to the poultry house (and any secondary roads leading to the house) to ensure a smooth exit for the loaded trucks. This will prevent bruising and wing damage.
Remove any wet litter from the broiler house that may hinder the efforts of the catching crew and replace with dry litter. Raise all feeding equipment above head height (two metres), remove it from the house or re-position it to avoid obstruction to the birds or personnel. Separate birds into pens within larger houses to avoid unnecessary crowding and allow access to water for birds not immediately due for catching. Whenever possible, decrease the light intensity during catching to reduce stress. For night time catching, which is preferred, light intensity within the house should be reduced to a minimum. For day-time catching light intensity should be reduced as much as possible. In all cases light intensity must be sufficient to allow safe and careful catching. Blue light has been found to be satisfactory for this purpose. The best results are achieved when birds are allowed to settle after lights have been dimmed and when there is minimum disturbance. The use of curtains over the main doors of the house is helpful when catching during daylight hours. The opening of doors and removal of birds will affect the ventilation of thermostatically controlled environments.The ventilation system should be monitored and adjusted carefully throughout the catching procedure to reduce stress on the broilers and to prevent heat build up within the house. Catch Broilers should be caught and held by both shanks (never the thighs) to minimise the distress, damage and injury, which might otherwise result if they were able to struggle and flap. The birds should be placed carefully into the crates or modules, loading from the top down. Modules have been shown to result in less distress and damage than conventional crates. Crates or modules should never be overfilled. Overheating, stress and increased mortality can result from the overfilling of crates/modules. The number of broilers per crate or module must be reduced in high temperatures. Improperly operated catching equipment can cause stress and damage to the broiler. Mechanical equipment (for example, see Figure 26) used to catch birds must be operated at moderate speeds to prevent damage and stress to broilers. Never crowd or force the birds into the catching equipment. Properly align the opening chute of the catching equipment with the opening of the crate or module to prevent damage to the broiler.
Transport Transport time should be within the local current guidelines or legislation. At all times up to the arrival at the slaughter house, adequate protection from the elements is essential. Ventilation, extra heating and/or cooling should be used when necessary. Vehicles should be designed to protect the bird from the elements. Stress on the birds will be minimised in trailers designed to provide adequate ventilation. In hot weather, consider using fans while loading the birds to keep the air circulating through the crates or modules on the truck.Allow at least ten centimetres between every two tiers of crates. While waiting to be processed, use fans and foggers to help keep birds cool. Heat stress will develop rapidly when the transport vehicle is stationary, particularly in hot weather or if on-board ventilation is not available. The journey plan should allow the vehicle to leave the farm as soon as loading is completed and driver breaks should be short. Unloading at the holding area at the slaughter house must be completed without delay. Supplementary ventilation will be required if delay is unavoidable. In cold weather, the load should be covered to minimise wind chill during transport. Check bird comfort frequently. Delivery At the slaughter house, the trucks should be parked under cover and any canvas that may restrict ventilation removed. Good holding facilities at the slaughter house, providing the required ventilation and temperature control, are essential for good bird welfare. Holding areas should be equipped with lights, fans and foggers. Foggers should be used during periods of high temperatures if relative humidity is below 70%. In very hot weather water can be sprayed into the fans to assist evaporation. In summer conditions make sure all fans and foggers are functional in the holding areas.
Key Points Operate harvesting equipment properly Maintain adequate ventilation during mechanical catching to reduce stress Supervise catching and handling methods carefully to minimise trauma injuries to the birds Remove or raise obstructions such as feeders or drinkers before beginning the catching operation and use partitions in large houses to avoid injuries caused by crowding Reduce light intensity prior to catching to keep the birds calm and minimise damage and subsequent stress Adjust bird numbers in crates and modules to allow for bird weight and ambient temperature Plan journey and bird reception Monitor welfare continuously
Successful production of the maximum number of high quality carcases with good yield depends on effective integration of the growing, catching and processing operations. Careful planning and communication between the farm and processing plant will allow processing to proceed effectively. Management on the farm can influence the efficient operation of the killing, plucking and evisceration processes. To minimise faecal contamination, carcase damage and downgrading, close attention should be given to: Litter quality Stocking density Feed removal times Catching methods Transport time Holding time Key Points Present clean birds to the processor Maintain good litter quality, depth and condition to minimise hockburn and other carcase quality problems Scratching damage may be increased under high stocking densities, or when feeder or drinker spaces are inadequate, especially when lighting or feed control is used Process under conditions that maintain best welfare of the birds Minimise transport and holding times to reduce stress and dehydration
Appendix 1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4. Appendix 5. Appendix 6. Appendix 7.
Production Records Conversion Tables Efficiency Calculations Feather Sexing Classification of Months Problem Solving Ventilation Rates and Calculations
85 87 90 91 92 93 95
Record by sex if possible Record culls and reason for culling separately Post mortem records of excessive mortality Scoring of coccidial lesions will indicate level of coccidial challenge As per veterinary instruction
Live weight
Date Amount Batch number Date of vaccination Vaccine type Batch number Expiry date Weekly average live weight Weekly uniformity (CV%)
More frequent measurement is required when predicting slaughter weight or where growth is modified through lighting Accurate measurement of feed consumed is essential to measure FCR and to determine cost effectiveness of broiler operation
Table 20: Records Required in Broiler Production (contd) Water Daily consumption Water to feed ratio Water quality Level of chlorination Environment Temperature: Daily minimum Daily maximum During brooding, 4 to 5 times per day Litter during brooding External temperature daily Relative humidity daily Air quality Litter quality Depletion Information from slaughter house Cleaning out Number of birds removed Time and date of removal Carcase quality Health inspection Carcase composition Type and % condemnations Total bacterial counts After disinfection, salmonella, staphylococcus or E. coli may be monitored if required Plot daily consumption in graph form, preferably per house Sudden fluctuation in water consumption is an early indicator of problems Mineral and/or bacteriological especially where bore holes or open water reservoirs are used Multiple locations should be monitored, especially in chick litter area Automatic systems should be crosschecked manually each day
Ideally record dust, CO2, NH3 or as a minimum observe levels of dust and NH3
House inspection
= 0.22 gallon (gal) or 0.264 US gallons (gal US) = 4.54 litres (l) = 3.79 litres (l) = 1.2 US gallons (gal US) = 35.31 cubic feet (ft3) = 0.028 cubic metre (m3)
= 2.205 pounds (lb) = 0.454 kilogramme (kg) = 0.035 ounce (oz) = 28.35 grammes (g)
= 4.184 Joules (J) = 0.239 calories (cal) = 4.184 Megajoules per kilogramme (MJ/kg) = 108 calories per pound (cal/lb) = 0.735 foot-pound (ft-lb) = 1.36 Joules (J) = 0.00095 British Thermal Unit (BTU) = 1055 Joules (J) = 3412.1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) = 0.00029 kilowatt hour (kW-h)
= 6895 Newtons per square metre (N/m2) or Pascals (Pa) = 0.06895 bar = 14.504 pounds per square inch (psi) = 105 Newtons per square metre (N/m2) or Pascals (Pa) = 100 kilopascals (kPa) = 0.000145 pound per square inch (lb/in2)
Stocking Density 1 square foot per bird (ft2/bird) 10 birds per square metre (bird/m2) 15 birds per square metre (bird/m2) 20 birds per square metre (bird/m2) 1 kilogramme per square metre (kg/m2) 15 kilogrammes per square metre (kg/m2) 34.2 kilogrammes per square metre (kg/m2) 40 kilogrammes per square metre (kg/m2) Temperature Temperature (C) Temperature (F)
= 10.76 birds per square metre (bird/m2) = 1.08 square feet per bird (ft2/bird) = 0.72 square foot per bird (ft2/bird) = 0.54 square foot per bird (ft2/bird) = 0.205 pound per square foot (lb/ft2) = 3.08 pounds per square foot (lb/ft2) = 7.01 pounds per square foot (lb/ft2) = 8.20 pounds per square foot (lb/ft2)
= 5/9 (Temperature F - 32) = 32 + 9/5 (Temperature C) Table 21: Temperature Conversion Chart
C 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 F 32.0 35.6 39.2 42.8 46.4 50.0 53.6 57.2 60.8 64.4 68.0 C 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 F 71.6 75.2 78.8 82.4 86.0 89.6 93.2 96.8 100.4 104.0
Operating Temperature Operating temperature is defined as the minimum house temperature plus 2/3 of the difference between minimum and maximum house temperatures. It is important where there are significant diurnal temperature fluctuations. e.g. Minimum house temperature 16C Maximum house temperature 28C Operating Temperature = [(28-16) x 2/3] + 16 = 24C Ventilation 1 cubic foot per minute (ft3/min) = 1.699 cubic metres per hour (m3/hour) 1 cubic metre per hour (m3/hour) = 0.589 cubic foot per minute (ft3/min)
Insulation U value describes how well a building material conducts heat and is measured in Watts per square kilometre per degree Centigrade (W/km2/C) R value rates the isolative properties of building materials, the higher the R value the better the insulation. It is measured in km2/W (or ft2/oF/BTU). 1 square foot per degree Fahrenheit per British Thermal Unit (ft2/oF/BTU) = 0.176 square kilometres per watt (km2/W) 1 square kilometre per Watt (km2/W) = 5.674 square feet per degree Fahrenheit per British Thermal Unit (ft2/oF/BTU) Light 1 foot candle 1 lux
A simple formula to calculate the number of lamps required for a broiler house is as follows: Floor area (m2) x max. lux required *Number of Lamps = wattage of lamp x K factor * This formula is for tungsten bulbs at a height of two metres above bird level. Fluorescent lights provide 3-5 times the number of lux per Watt as tungsten bulbs. K factor depends on lamp wattage as shown in Table 22. Table 22: Lamp Wattage and K Factors
Power of Lamp (Watts) 15 25 40 60 100 K Factor 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.0 6.0
e.g Age 42 days, live weight 2652 g Mortality 2.80%, FCR 1.75 97.20 x 2.652 x 100 = 351 42 x 1.75
e.g Age 46 days, live weight 3006 g Mortality 3.10%, FCR 1.83 96.90 x 3.006 x 100 = 346 46 x 1.83
It is important to note that this calculation is heavily biased by daily gain. When comparing across different environments comparisons should be made at similar ages at slaughter. *Also referred to as European Efficiency Factor (EEF)
Shorter primaries
In the fast-feathering female chick the primaries are longer than the coverts. Indian River Female Broiler Chick Wing Feathers
Longer primaries
Infectious diseases
Leg problems
Chick quality
Environmental conditions
Table 24: Problem Solving (Contd) Poor Litter Quality Nutrition Poor quality fats in diet Excess salts in diet Excess protein in diet Insufficient litter depth at start Inappropriate litter material Drinker design and adjustment (spillage problems) Humidity too high Stocking density too high Insufficient ventilation Causing enteritis, take veterinary advice See Poor Early Growth, Poor Late Growth See High Mortality Check settings/adjustments of feeders Allow birds to clear feeders twice daily Check house temperature is not too low See High Mortality Check feed formulation and quality Check house temperature is not too high Check ration for methionine and cystine content and balance See High Mortality Check stocking density Check litter quality Increase bird activity (e.g. feeding or lighting programmes) Check handling procedures at weighing and catching Excessive light stimulation Check handling procedures at weighing and catching Check access to feed and water Birds excessively disturbed during growth e.g. at partial depletion (thinning), weighing etc Poor feed distribution Check nutritional balance of diet Check house temperature not too high
Infectious disease Poor Feed Conversion Poor growth High mortality (esp. late mortality) Feed wastage Environment Infectious disease Nutrition Poor Feather Cover Factory Downgrading Environment Nutrition Ascites Blisters and burns (e.g. Hockburn)
Oregon Disease (also known as Deep Muscular Myopathy or Green Muscle Disease) Excessive fatness
For further explanation see Section 4, Housing and Environment. Minimum ventilation rate is the quantity of air required per hour to supply sufficient oxygen to the birds and maintain air quality. Maximum ventilation rate in controlled environment houses in temperate climates is the quantity of air required per hour to remove heat produced by the birds such that the temperature within the building is maintained at not greater than 3oC above external temperature. Maximum ventilation rates will be exceeded when cooling birds using convective heat loss e.g. tunnel ventilation. Source: UK Agricultural Development and Advisory Service
Calculate the percentage time for running the fans as: Percentage of time = total ventilation needed total capacity of the fans used
Multiply the percentage of time needed by the total fan timer cycle to give the time that the fans require to be on in each cycle. Fan Timer Setting Calculation Step 1: Calculate the total ventilation rate required for the house (total cubic metres per hour (cmh)) Total minimum ventilation = Example: minimum ventilation the number of birds x rate per bird in the house
One house of 30, 000 broilers weighing 800 g at 20 days of age. Minimum ventilation rate is 0.594 cmh per bird (see Table 25) Total ventilation required is 0.594 cmh x 30,000 birds = 17,820 cmh
Step 2: Calculate the percentage time for running the fans Assuming fan combinations commonly used for minimum ventilation e.g. three 91 cm fans each with a capacity of 16,978 cmh, the percentage of time fans need to run in order to achieve the total ventilation rate required needs to be calculated. Percentage of time = total ventilation needed total capacity of the fans used
Assuming the use of three 91 cm fans each with a capacity of 16,978 cmh; Total fan capacity = 16,978 cmh x 3 = 50,934 cmh Percentage time = 17,820 cmh by 50,934 cmh =0.35 = 35% Therefore, the three 91 cm fans will have to be run for 35% of the time.
Step 3: Assuming that a five minute timer is used, the run time setting is calculated by multiplying the percentage of time needed by the total fan timer cycle of five minutes (300 seconds). Example: Using three 91 cm fans, 35% of five minutes (300 seconds) = 1.75 minutes or 105 seconds The fans will be on for 105 seconds in every five minutes
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information presented. However, Aviagen accepts no liability for the consequences of using the information for the management of chickens. For further information, please contact your local Aviagen Technical Service Manager or the Technical Department.