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2007 Itest

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2007 iTest Rules 1. The iTest is a free math competition for US high school students.

Middle school students are allowed to participate. International students are allowed to participate on a case-by-case basis. 2. Graphing calculators or four-function calculators are allowed. Writing programs on graphing calculators, or using computer programs such as Matlab or Mathematica, is not allowed. 3. The iTest, above all, is designed to encourage mathematical exploration, and we encourage educators to embrace iTest questions and use them throughout the year to supplement the standard school curriculum. 4. All answers to the Short Answer and Ultimate Question are nonnegative integers. 5. In order to receive credit for a problem on the Ultimate Question, you must correctly answer that problem and all previous problems in the Ultimate Question. 6. If you believe there is more than one valid interpretation for a problem or answer, please answer the problem according to your best interpretation. Obscure intrepretations will not be grounds to change the answer to any problem. 7. Teams of up to 5 students work together (with schools being allowed to eld as many teams as they want) during the competition period and do not have to be supervised. The test covers all typical competitive math subjects (algebra, algebra ii, trig, geometry, pre-cal, probability, logic, etc.) but not calculus. Faculty sponsors for each team are encouraged, but not required. Students are allowed to work on the iTest at school or away from school throughout the competition period. Students are allowed to ask faculty, parents, etc. regarding mathematical concepts that may arise on the iTest, but not about how to work specic problems. 8. Use of internet search engines and/or textbooks is allowed. For instance, a student may consult the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences or a table of primes. 9. The 2007 iTest will begin at 7 PM Central Standard Time on Wednesday, September 12, when the problems will be made available to all registered students via our website, www.theitest.com. The deadline for exam submission is 7 PM Central Standard Time on Sunday, September 16. Each team of students will designate a Team Captain, who will be repsonsible for exam submission. iTest teams are encouraged to use the online tools made available on the iTest website to enhance team productivity throughout the competition period. 10. Teams are not required to show any work for the Multiple Choice, Short Answer, or Ultimate Question sections of this test. However, rigorous proofs are required for credit on the Tiebreakers. Proofs will be graded similarly to, but more strictly than, the USAMTS. 11. Tiebreakers will only be scored and used if a tie exists after grading all other sections. If a tie still remains after inclusion of Tiebreakers, it will be broken by comparing submission times of the completed test for grading. The team with an earlier submission time among teams tied after comparing all other tiebreakers will win the tie. 12. All submitted tests for grading become iTest property. All decisions made by the iTest organization are nal. 1

13. Each of the following is grounds for disqualication without notication from the 2007 iTest exam: multiple exams submitted for grading from the same student team, failure to adhere to the test submission deadline, oensive team names, scanning in handwritten work or answers for inclusion in your test document, failure to provide student and faculty sponsor information within this test document, failure to submit a test document in one of the two specied le formats, or evidence of cheating or receiving unauthorized assistance in completing this exam. 14. A list of state winners and top national teams is released to the top 50 colleges in the US on an annual basis, and to other schools if they request a copy. This list will be published on our website at a later date as well. 15. Participating students will be required to have a valid, working email address that we will use to contact them during the competition period if necessary. Additionally, participating students will be required to provide their name and school name for internal iTest purposes. The iTest may ask for other information from students as necessary to assist in compiling the iTest National Rankings, a list of the top math students in the United States. This Ranking System will be computed based on 2007 iTest score and 2008 AMC 10/12 score. More details will be provided on this years Ranking System after the 2007 iTest concludes. 16. Students or educators attempting to hack the iTest website or utilize hostile code in iTest educational activities will be prosecuted.

2007 iTest Scoring The rst 50 problems on the 2007 iTest will be worth 1.6 points each. Each part of the 10 part Ultimate Question will be worth 2 points each. Those 60 problems are worth a total of 100 points, representing the maximum score on the 2007 iTest. The Tiebreakers will be scored similarly to problems on many Olympiads, with each problem being worth 7 points. These extra points will not be added to the 100 point exam they will only be used to rank teams tied with the highest scores on the 2007 iTest.

Multiple Choice This Multiple Choice section includes 25 problems. The answer to each problem is the capital letter of the alphabet to the left of the correct answer choice, listed below the problem.

1. A twin prime pair is a pair of primes (p, q ) such that q = p + 2. The Twin Prime Conjecture states that there are innitely many twin prime pairs. What is the arithmetic mean of the two primes in the smallest twin prime pair? (1 is not a prime.) (A) 4

2. Find the value of a + b given that (a, b) is a solution to the system 3a + 7b = 1977, 5a + b = 2007. (A) 488 (B) 498

3. An abundant number is a natural number, the sum of whose proper divisors is greater than the number itself. For instance, 12 is an abundant number: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16 > 12. However, 8 is not an abundant number: 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 < 8. Which one of the following natural numbers is an abundant number? (A) 14 (B) 28 (C) 56

4. Star ips a quarter four times. Find the probability that the quarter lands heads exactly twice. (A) (D) 1 8 1 2 (B) 3 16 (C) 3 8

5. Compute the sum of all twenty-one terms of the geometric series 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + + 1048576. (A) (D) 2097149 2097157 (B) (E) 2097151 2097161 (C) 2097153

6. Find the units digit of the sum (1!)2 + (2!)2 + (3!)2 + (4!)2 + + (2007!)2 . (A) (D) 0 5 (B) (E) 1 7 (C) (F) 3 9

7. An equilateral triangle with side length 1 has the same area as a square with side length s. Find s. 4 4 3 3 (C) 1 (A) (B) 2 2 (D) 3 4 (E) 4 3 (F) 3


6 2

8. Joe is right at the middle of a train tunnel and he realizes that a train is coming. The train travels at a speed of 50 miles per hour, and Joe can run at a speed of 10 miles per hour. Joe hears the train whistle when the train is a half mile from the point where it will enter the tunnel. At that point in time, Joe can run in the same direction as the train and just exit the tunnel as the train travels past him. Instead, Joe runs toward the train when he hears the whistle. How many seconds does he have to spare (before the train is upon him) when he gets to the tunnel entrance? (A) (D) (G) 7.2 10 25.2 (B) (E) (H) 14.4 12 123456789 (C) (F) 36 2.4

9. Suppose that m and n are positive integers such that m < n, the geometric mean of m and n is greater than 2007, and the arithmetic mean of m and n is less than 2007. How many pairs (m, n) satisfy these conditions? (A) (D) (G) 0 3 6 (B) (E) (H) 1 4 7 (C) (F) (I) 2 5 2007

10. My grandparents are Arthur, Bertha, Christoph, and Dolores. My oldest grandparent is only 4 years older than my youngest grandparent. Each grandfather is two years older than his wife. If Bertha is younger than Dolores, what is the dierence between Berthas age and the mean of my grandparents ages? (A) (D) (G) (J) 0 3 6 2007 (B) (E) (H) 1 4 7 (C) (F) (I) 2 5 8

11. Consider the tower of power 22 , where there are 2007 twos including the base. What is the last (units) digit of this number? (A) (D) (G) (J) 0 3 6 9 (B) (E) (H) (K) 1 4 7 2007 (C) (F) (I) 2 5 8

.2 2.

12. My frisbee group often calls best of ve to nish our games when its getting dark, since we dont keep score. The game ends after one of the two teams scores three points (total, not necessarily consecutive). If every possible sequence of scores is equally likely, what is the expected score of the losing team? (A) (D) (G) (J) 2/3 8/5 0 3/4 (B) (E) (H) (K) 1 5/8 5/2 4/3 5 (C) (F) (I) (L) 3/2 2 2/5 2007

13. What is the smallest positive integer k such that the number (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) 3 6 9 12 2007 (B) (E) (H) (K) 4 7 10 13 (C) (F) (I) (L)

2k k

ends in two zeros?

5 8 11 14

14. Let (n) be the number of positive integers k < n which are relatively prime to n. For how many distinct values of n is (n) equal to 12? (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) 0 3 6 9 12 (B) (E) (H) (K) (N) 1 4 7 10 13 (C) (F) (I) (L) 2 5 8 11

15. Form a pentagon by taking a square of side length 1 and an equilateral triangle of side length 1 and placing the triangle so that one of its sides coincides with a side of the square. Then circumscribe a circle around the pentagon. What is the radius of the circle? (A) 2 3 5 4 (B) 3 4 4 3 2 (C) 1 (F) 2 2 3




3 2





1+ 3 2 2+ 6 4


2+ 6 2 4 5


7 6 2007



16. How many lattice points lie within or on the border of the circle dened in the xy -plane by the equation x2 + y 2 = 100? (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) (P) 1 5 69 133 317 2007 (B) (E) (H) (K) (N) 2 41 76 233 420 (C) (F) (I) (L) (O) 4 42 130 311 520

17. If x and y are acute angles such that x + y = /4 and tan y = 1/6, nd the 37 2 18 35 2 6 (A) (B) (C) 71 71 37 3 + 24 (E) 1 (F) (D) 33 (G) (J) 3 7 1 2 3 (H) (K) 6 6 7 (I) (L)

value of tan x. 35 3 + 12 33 5 7 1 6 4 7 5 6

(M) (P)

(N) (Q)

3 3


2 3

1 2007

18. Suppose that x3 + px2 + qx + r is a cubic with a double root at a and another root at b, where a and b are real numbers. If p = 6 and q = 9, what is r? (A) (C) (E) (G) (I) (K) (M) (O) (Q) 0 108 It could be 0 or 108. 4 It could be 0 or 4. It could be 4 or 4. 1 It could be 2 or 4. It could be 2007 or a yippy dog. (B) (D) (F) (H) (J) (L) (N) (P) (R) 4 It could be 0 or 4. 18 108 It could be 0 or 108. There is no such value of r. 2 It could be 0 or 2. 2007

19. One day Jason nishes his math homework early, and decides to take a jog through his neighborhood. While jogging, Jason trips over a leprechaun. After dusting himself o and apologizing to the odd little magical creature, Jason, thinking there is nothing unusual about the situation, starts jogging again. Immediately the leprechaun calls out, hey, stupid, this is your only chance to win gold from a leprechaun! Jason, while not particularly greedy, recognizes the value of gold. Thinking about his limited college savings, Jason approaches the leprechaun and asks about the opportunity. The leprechaun hands Jason a fair coin and tells him to ip it as many times as it takes to ip a head. For each tail Jason ips, the leprechaun promises one gold coin. If Jason ips a head right away, he wins nothing. If he rst ips a tail, then a head, he wins one gold coin. If hes lucky and ips ten tails before the rst head, he wins ten gold coins. What is the expected number of gold coins Jason wins at this game? (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) (P) (S) 0 1 5 2 5 2 3 5 4 2 2007 (B) (E) (H) (K) (N) (Q) 1 10 1 4 1 2 4 5 4 3 3 (C) (F) (I) (L) (O) (R) 1 8 1 3 3 5 1 3 2 4

20. Find the largest integer n such that 20071024 1 is divisible by 2n . (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) (P) (S) 1 4 7 10 13 16 64 (B) (E) (H) (K) (N) (Q) (T) 2 5 8 11 14 55 2007 (C) (F) (I) (L) (O) (R) 3 6 9 12 15 63

21. James writes down fteen 1s in a row and randomly writes + or between each pair of consecutive 1s. One such example is 1 + 1 + 1 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 1. What is the probability that the value of the expression James wrote down is 7? (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) (P) (S) 0 429 212 1 15 1 29 1001 213 1 215 2007 22007 (B) (E) (H) (K) (N) (Q) (T) 6435 214 429 211 1 31 1001 215 1 27 2007 214 1 2007 (C) (F) (I) (L) (O) (R) (U) 6435 213 429 210 1 30 1001 214 1 214 2007 215 2007 214


22. Find the value of c such that the system of equations, |x + y | = 2007, |x y | = c, has exactly two solutions (x, y ) in real numbers. (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) (P) (S) (V) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 2007 (B) (E) (H) (K) (N) (Q) (T) 1 4 7 10 13 16 223 (C) (F) (I) (L) (O) (R) (U) 2 5 8 11 14 17 678

23. Find the product of the nonreal roots of the equation (x2 3x)2 + 5(x2 3x) + 6 = 0. (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) (P) (S) (V) 0 2 3 5 6
3+i 3 2

(B) (E) (H) (K) (N) (Q) (T) (W)

1 2 4 5 3 + 2i 8 12 2007

(C) (F) (I) (L) (O) (R) (U)

1 3 4 6 3 2i 8 42

12 Ying


24. Let N be the smallest positive integer such that 2008N is a perfect square and 2007N is a perfect cube. Find the remainder when N is divided by 25. (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) (P) (S) (V) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 (B) (E) (H) (K) (N) (Q) (T) (W) 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 (C) (F) (I) (L) (O) (R) (U) (X) 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23

25. Teds favorite number is equal to 1 2007 2007 2007 2007 +2 +3 + + 2007 . 1 2 3 2007

Find the remainder when Teds favorite number is divided by 25. (A) (D) (G) (J) (M) (P) (S) (V) (Y) 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 (B) (E) (H) (K) (N) (Q) (T) (W) 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 (C) (F) (I) (L) (O) (R) (U) (X) 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23


Short Answer This Short Answer section includes 25 problems. The answer to each problem is a nonnegative integer.

26. Julie runs a website where she sells university themed clothing. On Monday, she sells thirteen Stanford sweatshirts and nine Harvard sweatshirts for a total of $370. On Tuesday, she sells nine Stanford sweatshirts and two Harvard sweatshirts for a total of $180. On Wednesday, she sells twelve Stanford sweatshirts and six Harvard sweatshirts. If Julie didnt change the prices of any items all week, how much money did she take in (total number of dollars) from the sale of Stanford and Harvard sweatshirts on Wednesday? 27. The face diagonal of a cube has length 4. Find the value of n given that n 2 is the volume of the cube. 28. The space diagonal (interior diagonal) of a cube has length 6. Find the surface area of the cube. 29. Let S be equal to the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + + 2007. Find the remainder when S is divided by 1000. 30. While working with some data for the Iowa City Hospital, James got up to get a drink of water. When he returned, his computer displayed the blue screen of death (it had crashed). While rebooting his computer, James remembered that he was nearly done with his calculations since the last time he saved his data. He also kicked himself for not saving before he got up from his desk. He had computed three positive integers a, b, and c, and recalled that their product is 24, but he didnt remember the values of the three integers themselves. What he really needed was their sum. He knows that the sum is an even two-digit integer less than 25 with fewer than 6 divisors. Help James by computing a + b + c. 31. Let x be the length of one side of a triangle and let y be the height to that side. If x + y = 418, nd the maximum possible integral value of the area of the triangle.


Box II area(I) = Region I

2 3


32. When a rectangle frames a parabola such that a side of the rectangle is parallel to the parabolas axis of symmetry, the parabola divides the rectangle into regions whose areas are in the ratio 2 to 1. How many integer values of k are there such that 0 < k 2007 and the area between the parabola y = k x2 and the x-axis is an integer? 33. How many odd four-digit integers have the property that their digits, read left to right, are in strictly decreasing order? 34. Let a/b be the probability that a randomly selected divisor of 2007 is a multiple of 3. If a and b are relatively prime positive integers, nd a + b. 35. Find the greatest natural number possessing the property that each of its digits except the rst and last one is less than the arithmetic mean of the two neighboring digits. 36. Let b be a real number randomly selected from the interval [17, 17]. Then, m and n are two relatively prime positive integers such that m/n is the probability that the equation x4 + 25b2 = (4b2 10b)x2 has at least two distinct real solutions. Find the value of m + n. 37. Rob is helping to build the set for a school play. For one scene, he needs to build a multicolored tetrahedron out of cloth and bamboo. He begins by tting three lengths of bamboo together, such that they meet at the same point, and each pair of bamboo rods meet at a right angle. Three more lengths of bamboo are then cut to connect the other ends of the rst three rods. Rob then cuts out four triangular pieces of fabric: a blue piece, a red piece, a green piece, and a yellow piece. These triangular pieces of fabric just ll in the triangular spaces between the bamboo, making up the four faces of the tetrahedron. The areas in square feet of the red, yellow, and green pieces are 60, 20, and 15 respectively. If the blue piece is the largest of the four sides, nd the number of square feet in its area. 38. Find the largest positive integer that is equal to the cube of the sum of its digits.


39. Let a and b be relatively prime positive integers such that a/b is the sum of the real solutions to the equation 3 3x 4 + 3 5x 6 = 3 x 2 + 3 7x 8. Find a + b. 40. Let S be the sum of all x such that 1 x 99 and {x2 } = {x}2 . Compute S . 41. The sequence of digits 123456789101112131415161718192021 . . . is obtained by writing the positive integers in order. If the 10n th digit in this sequence occurs in the part of the sequence in which the m-digit numbers are placed, dene f (n) to be m. For example, f (2) = 2 because the 100th digit enters the sequence in the placement of the two-digit integer 55. Find the value of f (2007). 42. During a movie shoot, a stuntman jumps out of a plane and parachutes to safety within a 100 foot by 100 foot square eld, which is entirely surrounded by a wooden fence. There is a ag pole in the middle of the square eld. Assuming the stuntman is equally likely to land on any point in the eld, the probability that he lands closer to the fence than to the ag pole can be written in simplest terms as ab c , d where all four variables are positive integers, c is a multiple of no perfect square greater than 1, a is coprime with d, and b is coprime with d. Find the value of a + b + c + d. 43. Bored of working on her computational linguistics thesis, Erin enters some three-digit integers into a spreadsheet, then manipulates the cells a bit until her spreadsheet calculates each of the following 100 9-digit integers: 700 712 718 + 320, 701 713 719 + 320, 702 714 720 + 320, . . . 798 810 816 + 320, 799 811 817 + 320. She notes that two of them have exactly 8 positive divisors each. Find the common prime divisor of those two integers.


44. A positive integer n between 1 and N = 20072007 inclusive is selected at random. If a and b are natural numbers such that a/b is the probability that N and n3 36n are relatively prime, nd the value of a + b. 45. Find the sum of all positive integers B such that (111)B = (aabbcc)6 , where a, b, c represent distinct base 6 digits, a = 0. 46. Let (x, y, z ) be an ordered triplet of real numbers that satises the following system of equations: x + y 2 + z 4 = 0, y + z 2 + x4 = 0, z + x2 + y 4 = 0. If m is the minimum possible value of x3 + y 3 + z 3 , nd the modulo 2007 residue of m. 47. Let {Xn } and {Yn } be sequences dened as follows: X0 = Y0 = X1 = Y1 = 1, Xn+1 = Xn + 2Xn1 Yn+1 = 3Yn + 4Yn1 (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .), (n = 1, 2, 3, . . .),

Let k be the largest integer that satises all of the following conditions: (i) |Xi k | 2007, for some positive integer i; (ii) |Yj k | 2007, for some positive integer j ; and (iii) k < 102007 . Find the remainder when k is divided by 2007. 48. Let a and b be relatively prime positive integers such that a/b is the maximum possible value of sin2 x1 + sin2 x2 + sin2 x3 + + sin2 x2007 , where, for 1 i 2007, xi is a nonnegative real number, and x1 + x2 + x3 + + x2007 = . Find the value of a + b. 49. How many 7-element subsets of {1, 2, 3, . . . , 14} are there, the sum of whose elements is divisible by 14? 50. A block Z is formed by gluing one face of a solid cube with side length 6 onto one of the circular faces of a right circular cylinder with radius 10 and height 3 so that the centers of the square and circle coincide. If V is the smallest convex region that contains Z, calculate vol V (the greatest integer less than or equal to the volume of V ).


Ultimate Question The Ultimate Question is a 10-part problem in which each question after the rst depends on the answer to the previous problem. As in the Short Answer section, the answer to each (of the 10) problems is a nonnegative integer. You should submit an answer for each of the 10 problems you solve (unlike in previous years). In order to receive credit for the correct answer to a problem, you must also correctly answer every one of the previous parts of the Ultimate Question.

51. Find the highest point (largest possible y -coordinate) on the parabola y = 2x2 + 28x + 418.

52. Let T = TNFTPP. Let R be the region consisting of the points (x, y ) of the cartesian plane satisfying both |x| |y | T 500 and |y | T 500. Find the area of region R. 53. Let T = TNFTPP. Three distinct positive Fibonacci numbers, all greater than T , are in arithmetic progression. Let N be the smallest possible value of their sum. Find the remainder when N is divided by 2007. 54. Let T = TNFTPP. Consider the sequence (1, 2007). Inserting the dierence between 1 and 2007 between them, we get the sequence (1, 2006, 2007). Repeating the process of inserting dierences between numbers, we get the sequence (1, 2005, 2006, 1, 2007). A third iteration of this process results in (1, 2004, 2005, 1, 2006, 2005, 1, 2006, 2007). A total of 2007 iterations produces a sequence with 22007 + 1 terms. If the integer 4T (that is, 4 times the integer T ) appears a total of N times among these 22007 + 1 terms, nd the remainder when N gets divided by 2007. 55. Let T = TNFTPP, and let R = T 412. Let x be the smallest real solution of 3x2 + Rx + R = 90x x + 1. Find the value of x . 56. Let T = TNFTPP. In the binary expansion of 22007 1 , 2T 1 how many of the rst 10,000 digits to the right of the radix point are 0s?


57. Let T = TNFTPP. How many positive integers are within T of exactly (Note: 02 = 0 is considered a perfect square.)

T perfect squares?

58. Let T = TNFTPP. For natural numbers k, n 2, we dene S (k, n) such that S (k, n) = 2n+1 + 1 3n+1 + 1 k n+1 + 1 + + + . 2n1 + 1 3n1 + 1 k n1 + 1

Compute the value of S (10, T + 55) S (10, 55) + S (10, T 55). 59. Let T = TNFTPP. Fermi and Feynman play the game Probabicloneme in which Fermi wins with probability a/b, where a and b are relatively prime positive integers such that a/b < 1/2. The rest of the time Feynman wins (there are no ties or incomplete games). It takes a negligible amount of time for the two geniuses to play Probabicloneme, so they play many many times. Assuming they can play innitely many games (eh, theyre in Physicist Heaven, we can bend the rules), the probability that they are ever tied in total wins after they start (they have the same positive win totals) is (T 322)/(2T 601). Find the value of a. 60. Let T = TNFTPP. Triangle ABC has AB = 6T 3 and AC = 7T + 1. Point D is on BC so that AD bisects angle BAC . The circle through A, B , and D has center O1 and intersects line AC again at B , and likewise the circle through A, C , and D has center O2 and intersects line AB again at C . If the four points B , C , O1 , and O2 lie on a circle, nd the length of BC .


Tiebreakers This Tiebreaker section does not factor into your teams score unless there is a tie to break at the top of the standings between your team and one or more other teams. Proof is required as your solutions to the problems below. Grading for this portion of the exam will be very strict.

TB1. The sum of the digits of an integer is equal to the sum of the digits of three times that integer. Prove that the integer is a multiple of 9. TB2. Factor completely over integer coecients the polynomial p(x) = x8 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x + 1. Demonstrate that your factorization is complete. TB3. 4014 boys and 4014 girls stand in a line holding hands, such that only the two people at the ends are not holding hands with exactly two people (an ordinary line of people). One of the two people at the ends gets tired of the hand-holding fest and leaves. Then, from the remaining line, one of the two people at the ends leaves. Then another from an end, and then another, and another. This continues until exactly half of the people from the original line remain. Prove that no matter what order the original 8028 people were standing in, that it is possible that exactly 2007 of the remaining people are girls. TB4. Circle O is the circumcircle of non-isosceles triangle ABC . The tangent lines to circle O at points B and C intersect at La , and the tangents at A and C intersect at Lb . The external angle bisectors of triangle ABC at B and C intersect at Ia , and the external bisectors at A and C intersect at Ib . Prove that lines La Ia , Lb Ib , and AB are concurrent.


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