Imquestion Paper
Imquestion Paper
Imquestion Paper
2.815, 3.50,2.130
If the R.L of A is 100.0000, determine the R.L of B. also determine the horizontal distance of A from C. Take k=50.0 and C=0.50 ] 1.870, 0.990, 0.110 7. (a) What is meant by degree of curve. Derive its relationship with radius of curve. (b) If the tangents to a circular curve having 500m radius intersect at an angle of 1200 and the chainage of point of intersection is 1520.5m, calculate the different elements of a simple circular curve. [6+10] 8. (a) How the Geographic Information System is different from traditional cartography? (b) What is the difference between Raster Data & Vector Data in the context of GIS? How do you convert raster data into vector data? [8+8] .....
(b) Two roads meet an angle of 127030 . Calculate the necessary data for setting out a curve of 15 chains radius to connect two straight portions of the road if it is intended to set out the curve by chain and offsets only. Take length of chain as 30m [7+9] 8. Explain about the segments of Global Positioning system? [16] .....
All Questions carry equal marks ..... 1. (a) Explain clearly the points of difference between the prismatic compass and Surveyors compass. (b) What are the sources of errors in compass Surveying and what precautions are to be taken to eliminate them. [8+8] 2. (a) Explain the terms : Check Line, Base Line, Tie Line, and oblique offset. (b) Find the maximum length of offset so that the displacement on paper from both sources of error does not exceed 0.2 mm given that the offset is measured with an accuracy of 1 in 25 and the scale is 1cm = 50m. [8+8] 3. (a) What do you understand by leveling? What are its objects? [8] (b) With the help of a neat sketch explain the following terms: i. Level surface ii. Level line iii. Horizontal plane iv. Horizontal line [24=8] 4. The perimeter of a figure is traversed clock wise with the anchor point inside and with the tracing area so set that one revolution of the roller measured 100 on the paper. The initial and final readings are 2.828 and 9.836 respectively. The zero mark of the disc passed the fixed index mark twice in the reverse direction. The area of the zero circle is found to be 2352 find the area of the figure. [16] 5. (a) Differentiate between i. Transiting and swinging of the telescope. ii. Face left and face right readings. iii. Clamp screw and tangent screw. iv. Telescope normal and telescope inverted. (b) In a theodolite traversing, the distances are to be measured to a precision of 1 in 15,000. Determine the accuracy measurements. [12+4] 6. A tacheometer is used to obtain the difference of levels between two points A and B. The instrument is set up at another station C, and the following observations were taken. Staff Vertical angle Stadia readings A B-6030' -8030' 3.50, 2.815, 2.130 1.870, 0.990, 0.110
If the R.L of A is 100.0000, determine the R.L of B. also determine the horizontal distance of A from C. Take k=50.0 and C=0.50 [16] 7. (a) Why are the curves provided. Explain different types of curves with neat sketches. (b) Two straights intersect at a chainage of 3500.5m with an angle of intersection of 1560. These two straights are to be connected by a simple circular curve of 200m radius. Calculate the data necessary by the method of offsets from the chords produced with a peg interval of 20m. Explain the procedure to set out the curve. [7+9] 8. (a) What is Geodetic Surveying? How it is different from Plane surveying. (b) Explain the importance of electronic surveying in the field of surveying.[8+8] .....
Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ..... 1. (a) Define Surveying. Explain its importance for civil Engineers. (b) What is meant by Reconnaissance Survey. (c) A Chain was tested before starting a survey and was found to be exactly 30m. At the end of the Survey, it was tested again and found to measure 30.10m. The area of the plan of the field drawn to a sale of 1cm = 20m was 160 squarecentimeters. Find the true area of the field in square metres. [5+3+8] 2. (a) Define Dip, Magnetic Declination, Azimuth, Isogonic Lines. (b) The following bearings are observed with a compass. Where do you suspect local attraction. Find the correct bearings. Line F.B B.B [8+8] AB 74o00' 254o00' BC 91o00 ' 271o00' o ' CD 166 00 343o00' DE 177o00' 0o00' o EA 189 00' 9o00' 3. Name the different types of levels. Describe the Dumpy level with the help of a neat sketch. [16] 4. Calculate the area of a figure from the following readings recorded by the planimeter with the anchor point outside the figure Initial reading = 9.918 Final reading = 4.254 Multiplying constant M = Constant of the instrument: C = 23.521 It was observed that the zero mark on the dial passed the index once in the anticlock wise direction. [16] 5. (a) Differentiate between i. Transiting and swinging of the telescope. ii. Face left and face right readings. iii. Clamp screw and tangent screw. iv. Telescope normal and telescope inverted. (b) In a theodolite traversing, the distances are to be measured to a precision of 1 in 15,000. Determine the accuracy measurements. [12+4] 6. (a) Explain different systems of tacheometry and discuss their relative merits. (b) The vertical angles to vanes fixed at 1.525 m and 2.925 m above the foot of the staff held vertically at a station A, were +4015 and +5030, respectively, Determine the horizontal distance and reduced level of A if the height of the instrument axis is 140 m above datum. [8+8] 7. (a) What is a compound curve. If in a compound curve, the direction of the two straights and one radius are known, deduce the formula for other radius. (b) Tabulate the necessary data to set out a right handed simple circular curve of 600m radius to connect two straights intersecting at a chainage of 3605m by Rankines method of deflection angles. The angle of deflection of the curve is 250 and the peg interval is 30m. [7+9] 8. (a) Define geographic information system and describe the relationship between traditional analog map and Geographic Information System. (b) Suggest possible users of a GIS and how it might benefit them. [8+8] .....