Key Stage 2: Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain: Support Notes For Teachers
Key Stage 2: Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain: Support Notes For Teachers
Key Stage 2: Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain: Support Notes For Teachers
Curriculum links
KS2 History: Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in Britain An overview study of how British society was shaped by the movement and settlement of different peoples in the period before the Norman Conquest and an in-depth study of how British society was affected by Roman or Anglo-Saxon or Viking settlement.
Object clue cards You will use clue cards to investigate objects in the gallery and gather information about different sorts of Roman food. Roman recipe You will look for utensils in the gallery which the Romans would have used to help them when they were following a recipe. Roman pottery You will handle some pieces of Roman pottery and learn some words used by archaeologists to describe pottery. You will look in the gallery for examples of Roman pottery like the pieces you have handled and find out about the different types of pottery used by the Romans. Roman tombstone You will look at a Roman tombstone to find out about eating and drinking at a Roman banquet.